#with a special helping for jgy and jgs and also nmj
mxtxfanatic · 2 months
Mxtx, creating a beautiful and well-rounded female character that appears only briefly: Hey, isn’t it fucked up that this character who is so important in the world of this story and to the people that knew her can only be known to you, reader, through flashback memories because the people in power were willing and able to sacrifice her in their never-ending quest for ultimate dominance? Do you feel the constant grief over what could have been had her potential not been killed in its infancy? Do you understand that you as a reader are mourning in the same way that her loved ones she’s left behind are, knowing that the world has been changed for the worse by her premature death? Doesn’t it suck?
(English-speaking) Mdzs fandom the bane of her existence (probably): Killing women in stories can have no other meaning than that you hate women, so this was a misogynistic choice, actually.
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mostlikelytofangirl · 1 month
Basically what's in my head
Jins and Nies as earthbenders; Jins as Ba Sing Se and Nies as Omashu
Lans as airbenders
Jiangs as waterbenders
Wens as firebenders
And avatar JGY
The avatar is known to be born into the Jins, but they don't know which one, and when JGS kicks JGy down the stairs, it's too late to check
JGY learned waterbending from Meng Shi; he learns earthbending from NMJ and then NHS (I picture NHS as a very weak bender that knows earthbending the same way Toph does, as an extension of himself rather than a weapon. He also bends metal). He learns the basics of airbending from LXC and teaches himself the rest, and then firebending from WRH (the most powerful firebender ever). He is also a bloodbender
JGY in this, I think, woukd be more resentful than in canon because as the avatar he's supposed ro bring peace and harmony to a world that's done nothing but chew him up and spit him out. Resentful enough to actually stay by WRH's side
When WRH captures everyone (like he did NMJ in canon), they stand no chance because JGY forces them all to theirs knees via bloodbending
It would be neat if all his chakras are blocked to such a degree that the previous avatars can't even reach him
The earth chakra is blocked by his fear of death
The water chakra is blocked by his guilt about never making it into the Jin (guilt about forgoing MS's dream)
The fire chakra blocked by the shame of not feeling truly guilty about his actions anymore
The air chakra that has been blocked since MS's death; a blockage that only got worse as he mourned his expulsion from the Nies and then his betrayal to LXC
The sound chakra that is blocked by the fact he is a spy, and then, by hiding his treason from LXC until they are captured
The light chakra blocked by the illusion of happiness that being WRH's son/lover/both brings (he can't be truly happy. Because LXC and NHS are jailed in the dungeons, and though they aren't at true risk because JGY as WRH to spare them, they are suffering)
The thought chakra blocked by JGY's attatchment to MS and to the people that are good to him
AAAAHHHHH you have some sort of dark Avatar going on here!!
It's fascinating how you manage to make it all fit, and how it would be to have an Avatar, the one supposed to bring balance and peace, siding with the "bad guys" and helping them in getting their nation on top of the others.
It makes sense in the context of this AU tho, JGY has been mistreated almost all his life despite his Avatar nature, so why should he help the ppl that dismissed him? Just bc it's the right thing to do wouldn't really do it for him. Maybe a bit more of what he is meant to do, but I can totally see how the prospect of being finally respected and treated well would be too big a temptation. He IS the Avatar, he IS special! He has seen how his past lives were treated with reverance and respect, why isn't he???
I can see WRH forcing everyone to show the Avatar the proper deference, he's a smart man that would figure that having the Avatar on his side would be better than trying to get rid of him. And of course, that would work wonders on the boy's poor traumatized hea :'D
I can also see how JGY could eventually unblock his chakras if he really wanted to bc he is made of determination tho... but why should he want it XD.
But there's a big chance for a sort of redemption for him! He had the best of intentions at first and he tried! But it's also interesting to explore how much of a different person he would be if he is in a similar position as canon, yet also being the most powerful being. Still, that wasn't enough to get him treated right by most ppl around him, it's very interesting tbh
Also the fact that technically JGY is stronger that WRH, so there's also that change in dynamics going on there since they are on more equal grounds, so to speak.
Fascinating indeed :D
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thatswhatsushesaid · 2 years
exploring various different "what if...?" scenarios for jgy in mdzs remains, as always, both my favourite and least favourite activity in this fandom, because a few things invariably end up happening:
I learn new things both about jgy and about other characters, which is always my favourite part of being part of any fandom, this is an unambiguously good thing, no complaints; but,
jgy also ends up skewered again in the unending game of mdzs disc horse because "see, if he'd just done this one thing differently, everything would've been fine!!" even though the textual support for "everything" being "fine" is pretty shaky at best. like the extent of narrative reverse-engineering we'd have to engage in to actually prove that is grounds for another close reading of the whole novel (and my inner huaisang is just like ugh, bestie that is so much work), and/or,
the disc horse eventually circles back to the proposals just not jiving with the reality of what jgy is given to work with in the canon.
ftr I am obviously fine with taking canon and adjusting it just a bit to make engaging with it in fic/RP more fun and enjoyable for me as someone who loves playing in the canon-divergent mdzs trash can of our hearts. but that's a separate matter from taking some of the scenarios I see proposed in these discussions and applying them as potential solutions to the real problems encountered by jgy, or wwx, or jc, or nmj in the novel. because to make some of these 'what if' scenarios in canon work:
either the fundamental building blocks of the mdzs cultivation world have to shift dramatically (e.g., jgy is able to marry lxc, or nhs, or jc, without anyone addressing the issue of marital unions where there is no possibility of producing heirs in a society so fixated on dynasties built on family hierarchies and bloodlines; or, jgy doesn't go along with jgs's demands and faces zero consequences for his filial impiety/secular disloyalty), and/or,
the core priorities/values of individual characters would have to change and result in different actions and outcomes than what we see presented in the text or on screen (e.g., nmj decides to trust jgy enough to intercede in his fucked up engagement to qin su specifically to help jgy, which means jgy has to trust nmj enough to reveal this information to him in the first place; or, jin zixuan and/or jiang yanli decide to take enough of an interest in jgy's situation to step in between him and jin guangshan and madam jin and provide him with material or emotional support during his first year and a half as a legitimized member of the lanling jin sect, which presumes that either of these characters would pursue a deeper emotional attachment to jgy than exists in the source material)
and ultimately I feel most of the fandom-proposed solutions to jgy's legion of canon problems fall into at least one of those two categories. which sucks for jgy, obviously! our special little guy is as doomed by the narrative as you can get! /sad violin music goes here
at the same time I also think it's useful to subject all of these proposed solutions to the test of "does this break the world? does this break the character?" because for every "yes, it breaks the world/character" answer we encounter, we're forced as as readers to confront how limited jgy's options are in canon.
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lhaewiel · 3 years
So for this one I am going to thank @the-nonchalance-blogs for the inspiration and for the amazing WZC photos she has been sending me.
Welcome to my brainrot.
Canon divergent AU where the Yunmeng Trio (WWX, JC and JYL) are found whilst on the run by the Wens before they can even get to safety.
Wen Chao orders Wen Zhuliu to melt their cores and because WC is that extra, he decides to toss all three of them in the Burial Mounds.
So there is a Situation: all three of them are very weak, very exposed and ofc the resentful spirits are all over the place asking them, pushing them to join their legion of resentfulness and take bloody sweet revenge on all the people who wronged them regardless.
And well.
WWX and JC are immediately okay with revenge murder, in different shapes, like, WWX is like:
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JC is like:
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And sweet poor Yanli just. Yeah, she caves in bc her sweet brothers have turned like that and it's the world's fault and also she is not going to leave them to themselves. She is still their sister and they have promised to stick together no matter what.
And so the three of them survive in the Burial Mounds and invent demonic cultivation.
The piece of Yin Iron gets eqully split between the three and ofc WWX forges the flute.
Yanli forges a lute.
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And JC... Well, he still has Zidian, it was thrown with him bc 1) it cannot work without a core and 2) Zidian refused to acknowledge anyone but JC as master.
And JC uses his piece of Yin Iron to modify Zidian - and he will activate it by SINGING. Cos in my headcanon JC has the voice of an angel and considering that in canon WWX summoned the resentful spirits by whistling I would consider that they can also be summoned by singing.
And then the three siblings manage to come out alive and with the demonic cultivation upgrade from the Burial Mounds.
They of course start their revenge.
JC saves WQ and WN, he spares them on the account of them being the Best Wens - he will have no qualms then in accepting the Wen remnants, when WWX proposes it.
WWX goes after WC and WZL and it ends up pretty much like canon, LWJ finds him, they "argue", you know.
JYL goes back to Lotus Pier to scare the hell out of whatever Wen is present and possibly poison them. Bc in this AU JYL embraced fully her mother's blood and became also a poisons master.
Needless to say the Sunshot campaign is very short and very successful.
The Yunmeng Trio returns to Lotus Pier with the collaterals that they acquired and establish themselves as the Sect specialized in Demonic cultivation.
With a more stable home and help from the Best Wens, they manage to control their temper and demonic powers better.
JGS of course is not happy about that, so he tries to push for a marriage between JZX and JYL to get his hands over the Yin Iron, but the plan backfires. This because JZX has become a little more politically sensible and has granted JGY's loyalty to him.
JZX appears quite chill on the fact that JYL uses demonic cultivation, but only because he understands that this was the only choice available.
Yes, the fact that WZL melted their cores was pretty big news, it came out as a necessity to explain why the Jiangs have established themselves as demonic cultivators.
WWX and LWJ eventually make peace and get together, just like in canon.
WQ and WN and the Wen remnants establish themselves in the Yiling, that has become a sort of protectorate of Yunmeng.
JYL and JZX get married and when JGS tries to get his hands over JYL's lute, he gets killed. JGY helps cover the tracks.
In this AU NMJ lives.
This is how far I have thought. Comments and suggestions are more than welcome.
I will add stuff as it comes to my mind.
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theuntamedaus · 3 years
So, in the meantime it is time to proceed with the Pokèmon AU! And this time I am going to talk about the Jin clan :D
They are the easiest to assign, but also there is a real horde of them, so.
Under cut for more.
The Jin clan is specialized in Electric/Flying Pokèmon. They are also loaded with money and they like to show off, so you may see a lot of gold around - overcompensating for skills, surely, although there are the exceptions, most notably Jin Zixuan, Jin Ling and Jin Guangyao.
Eventually JGS "retires", as a way to try and direct everything from behind the scenes, but unluckily for him JGY's loyalty is with JZX and his wife JYL.
Jin Guangshan too, but he is the usual womanizer and would rather spend his energies definitely NOT running the gym.
He also does ask JGY to make sure NMJ catches Pokèmonitis, to take out the only true obstacle to power.
Also, unluckily for JGS, in the moment that JZX, with the help of JGY and Madam Yu and JYL, is seizing the power over the Jin gym all of the illegitimate children come forward.
Mo Xuanyu comes forth and JZX is like "A-YU, CALL ME GEGE LIKE A-YAO DOES" and MXY gladly accepts. Granted, Madam Yu is not thrilled, but it is a fuck you to JGS, so she deals.
Same when Qin Su comes forward, that is the drop that makes the vase spill.
And so the gym becomes officially JZX's.
To battle him you first have to battle JZXun and JGY. JGY does have some exceptions to the Electric/Flying types, because of where he's come from.
MXY does not fight but he has an Oricorio (Sensu style) as companion, which is Flying (because he is a Jin) and Ghost (because he is a big WWX fan).
Equally QS does not fight, but she is best friends with JYL and has a Pachirisu as companion.
Jin Ling in this AU is a baby, but he has a puppy Yamper called Fairy constantly trotting after him.
The teams are as follows, then.
Jin Zixuan
Zapdos (his father's formerly, Zapdos decided that JZX was a better master)
Togepi (JYL's gift, evolving then into Togekiss)
Jin Guangyao
Emolga (first catch with the Jin)
Leafeon (evolved from his mother's Eevee, the Most Spoiled And Cared For Pokèmon ever)
Pikachu (JZX's gift)
Aron (from when he was with the Nie)
Cyndaquil (from when he was with the Wen)
Hypno (the one he caught to make NMJ catch Pokèmonitis)
Jin Zixun
Sometimes Luo Qingyang (MianMian), JZX's best friend, drops by and she might defy you. Her team is:
Jigglypuff (evolving in Wigglytuff)
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xiyao-feels · 3 years
the anti-NMJ mustache anon here!
I do love the xiyao dynamic a lot. As a person who first read 3zun fics, I ended up liking xiyao a lot more and went out of my way looking for fics centering around them. I can’t pinpoint exactly what I like so much about them, but it’s absolutely fascinating.
And yeah, the donghua versions have no right to look that fine. Literally every character looks perfect?! Even WRH and JGS?? I feel so betrayed. And don’t get me started on the chibi characters. I think that’s what essentially got me into the fandom in the first place.
Sadly, most people post stuff from the drama, so it makes me sad.
Ahahahaha, fair cop, anon!
It might interest you to know that hot WRH and JGS have some canon support XD
A voice laughed madly, “Let it be!”
It was a youthful voice. Wei WuXian wasn’t the least surprised. Wen RuoHan’s level of cultivation was extremely high, so of course his corporal body was also perfectly maintained in its prime.
(ER trans, ch. 49)
Suddenly, a row of cultivators wearing white, gold-lined robes rushed out, dressed in light armor and riding on broad stallions. The frontmost person had handsome features, protected by the same armor. It was the sect leader, Jin GuangShan.
(ER trans, ch. 69—and thanks to mercyandmagic's excellent thread of common novel misconceptions on twitter, I couldn't remember where the source for this was)
Not at all saying this is what you like about xiyao, but taking the opportunity to ramble some because I really do love them—
They're so good!!!! They click really immediately and they come together—not necessarily as lovers, but definitely as partners, also pretty immediately. That's really one thing I love about them: they work together, and for the same goals, whether that's saving LXC, or spying on the Wen during Sunshot, or the watchtowers and JGY's grand project. Which they're working on before JGY becomes xiandu!!! I always get emotional at that bit at the stairs, that they're working on the watchtower projects. Their values are different but in a lot of ways more similar to each other's then like anyone else's. A friend of mine from twitter said that they were very similar in many ways, and then also different in compatible ways, which I think is very good. JGY has more—ambition, initiative, vision?—than LXC does, and something I think people miss is that that's something LXC really admires about him!!!! They both admire the other so so much; they just think each other is really cool.
God, they're always spending time together, and considering their schedule!!! You can see that they /like/ each other, they just enjoy being together. They support each other. Obviously JGY does more, and I don't mean to minimize that, but LXC absolutely does stuff too—even aside from repeatedly saving JGY's life, I mean, there's the teaching him the SoC, there's the watchtowers, there's his support at Hejian with the other cultivators, and then telling him about the opportunity at Langya and volunteering to speak to NMJ about it if needed, there's his giving him a handkerchief when Zixun throws wine on him, helping him expand the grounds at the Phoenix Mountain Hunt automatically, without even being asked, he must have supported his bid for xiandu and of course the watchtowers after too, and—it /is/ support, that's the thing, like—he doesn't prioritize his own distress at seeing JGY mistreated, or his anger at people mistreating JGY, over actually helping JGY and helping him achieve his goals. It's—they're friends and partners and allies!!! Really and truly!!!!!
And then both of them are also just profoundly special to each other. I think sometimes people try and make LXC the /only/ person JGY cares about, which is definitely not so—he cares about QS, he cares about JL, he cares about NHS, etc—but LXC is absolutely nevertheless unique, a tier on his very own. I think JGY would kill most people if he had to to survive, but never ever LXC. And meanwhile LXC is—he has a personal connection with very few people, I think, and the two people he cares about the most are LWJ and JGY. He—well, he really is a romantic Lan about him. His preference for JGY's company is really really marked. Actually I don't think I've posted here about how the last scene LXC appears in in the novel—in terms of chapter order not chronology, it's set pre-Sunshot—also has a lot of JGY in it /even though at this point in MDZS they haven't met yet/, but—it does.
And in both MDZS and CQL of course he breaks when JGY dies.
I just. This isn't a grand essay about everything I love about xiyao but I just. They're so good!!! They love each other and support each other and admire each other and just like each other, so much???? They enjoy spending time together???? They work together on common projects????? They understand each other a lot better than most people do, they can just be human with each other, they were friends and partners for almost twenty years!!!!!! Like!!!!!!! They had a really solid and really good relationship!!!! I love them so much and their ending kills me every time.
And they're both kind!!!! And skillfully so!!!! And extraordinarily skilled and competent!!!! And the projects they do undertake—the watchtower program is /huge/ (twelve! hundred! watchtowers! rumours of a planned expansion to three thousand!), it's the kind of thing that will save thousands of lives. Like—/what/ they work on—this maybe isn't flashy but it's going to save so so many people. And it's an ongoing project! It's not one-and-done, JGY is still working at it at the time of the WWX's return and LXC must be working with him on it!!!! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH, OKAY, GOD.
...returning to your actual ask—unfortunately I don't know any blogs that mostly post manhua/donghua visuals, but I do wish you good luck!!!
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