#with a shit ton of creative liberties
fafayayarhen · 11 days
wip #564785
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wedding series : battle royale
for the cuntiest bride
and yes hungary will be included in this
just in a different piece so stay tuned for a very manly hungary bursting through the doors to greet her bride
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terminalmemes · 8 months
Sometimes I’ll see some art that I really like a lot, like beautiful character art with a unique style. And then I see the tags and it’s that sentient number show or it’s cookie run fanart
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martinsorbit · 1 year
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Oh hey, it's that sun guy.
After two arduous weeks (Aug 1st - Aug 15th) the Sun cold porcelain figure is COMPLETE! DONE! FINISHED! HE IS HERE IN ALL HIS GLORY
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Its been a long (and at times painful) process considering the time it took for all the stuff to dry and for me to have free time to finish this project, but now the silly little jester is in my hands and he looks SO CUTE AND COOL!! HE EVEN HAS A HOOK
Thanks everyone for hyping me up and keeping me motivated during this <3 It literally meant a ton and helped me keep working on this bonkus shit
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under the read more, there will be some more details about the figure itself and some more pictures ( Like materials, how much time it took, the process stuff etc)
feel free to ask me questions! thanks everyone!
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Q: What materials did you use for this?
A: White Cold Porcelain, Hot Glue, super glue, pencils, pliers, paper clips, scissors, paint, all purpose varnish, paintbrushes, metalic pens
Q: How long did it take to make him?
A: Roughly two weeks
Q: Are you going to make moon too?
A: yes but it will take a while
Q: [X element of suns character design] is missing.
A: trust me, I know. Ive been staring at his model for roughly a whole week and mentally rotating him in my brain , so if something is missing its cuz i was either having a hard time making it or cuz I took creative liberties lmao
Q: How long did it take for the stuff to dry?
A: The cold porcelain abt 3 ish days; Paint took 1 day and the varnish also a day (as it states in the bottle)
Yes, you can use colored cold porcelain instead of painting it! It's just easier for me to paint it over
- For the love of god, be careful when applying the varnish, that shit is bad for your health! read the instructions, do it in a ventilated area, and NEVER put it too close to your face, or u might get some not so good side effects ( like yer eyes burning)
No, i dont intend on selling him anytime soon sorry ( this was asked before regarding some other cold porcelain thing I did, so I just thought i would add it here)
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- If u dont wanna spend too much money on the colors u can just buy some Yellow, Cyan, Magenta, Black and White (CMYK) along with some skin tones; u can basically make any color from those
- I used two of Sun's main poses in the game as inspo for making this
- His faceplate is supposed to spin but since it keeps falling off I decided to glue it
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queenimmadolla · 1 year
I need a part in the penny verse where the whole Eddie telling baby bump penny that her mom is going to be a MILF comes into play.
Like one we day the reader is picking up penny from school and maybe another kids dad flirts with her or like a new neighbor of theirs does and maybe Eddie’s reaction to that
Not even gonna front with you, I've been sitting on this for a min because I wrote it and then freaking forgot about it. I did take some creative liberties, but I think you'll like what I got for ya. Ps, ‘baby bump penny’ had my heart throwing up, I always forget that we get her in different phases of her existence and she was once in reader’s belly 🥹💘
to everyone else, sorry, I can't link shit but this is a follow up to a ton of other pennyverse entries so you can search that on my tumblr until the links work again. and i'm trying the keep reading cut again, let me know if it fucks up the post.
(dad!eddie munson x mom!reader)
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Summary: Something's been bothering you these last couple of weeks and you won't tell Eddie what it is. Like that'll stop him, he's determined to figure it out.
warnings: a creepy (and freaking terrible) dad hits on reader, implied unwelcome advances, crude comments about reader and the female body (eddie sets this fucker straight), protective!eddie :)
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Eddie knew you. He knew every fiber of your being, every marker in your past, all the ways you liked to style your hair, how you decided on what makeup to put on that day—if you even wore any—,the different types of silence you’d sink into and what they meant, your body (god, he was intimately in tune with it), and every different smile you wore. Eddie knew you.
  He just didn’t know exactly what went on in that beautiful head of yours. Eddie was positive he had a sixth sense catered only to you, it’d let him know whenever there was something wrong, something bothering you. It prompted him to approach you, watch you even more than he already did. Putting himself metaphorically in your shoes usually helped him figure it out the rest of the way, but for this particular occurrence, he had nothing to go on.
  For the past couple of weeks, since Penny had started preschool, you’d moved your work schedule around to go in earlier so you’d be out in time to pick Penny up from school and snag the baby from Maude and Wayne, who watched him while you and Eddie were at work.
  Eddie noticed a change in you. It was minor at first, a little frazzled when he’d get home, but you hid it well. Now, you looked bothered. Always zoned out, with a frown on your face. You never left the house like that, always gave him and the kids kisses before you went on your merry way (well, as happy as you could be going to a desk job), so it had to be something that happened after you left home that bothered you.
  It wasn’t work, you’d rant to Eddie about it if you had a bad day but you liked to leave work problems at your desk when you left it, something about not being paid to worry or think about work after hours.
  It bugged the fuck out of him. He’d tried to approach the subject before, leaving you openings to tell him what was going on but you always shrugged it off and went on about your day as if you hadn’t been upset over something. You couldn’t hide it completely, though. Not from Eddie, he could still see those split seconds where your mind wandered off and the corners of your lips twitched down.
  Given how stubborn you were, Eddie decided he’d need to take a more hands on approach. Since he suspected something was happening after you left home in the mornings and before he got home from work, he’d have to be present for that timeframe. 
  He’d left work around lunchtime, Norm was understanding about it and didn't really care all that much since it was a relatively slow day for business.
  His son had been delighted when he picked him up from his Grandpa and (grandma) Maude’s, squirming and wiggling in her hold until Eddie got a hold of him. Baby Wayne had immediately placed his hands on Eddie’s jaw, urging his dad to bend his head so he could rest his forehead against his own, those big eyes of his fluttering shut the moment they connected and soft coos of dada mumbled in between them, unlike Penny had, Wayne caught onto the baby babble of mama and dada. Penny hadn’t because one of you was always helicoptering around her so Princess Penny hadn’t felt the need.
Eddie would never get over how much his baby seemed to love cuddling with his parents, everytime baby Wayne was affectionate, he turned into goo, melting in his chubby hands. They lingered in the trailer for a couple of minutes while Eddie and big Wayne discussed how things were going in the apartment, though it had been more than a year since they’d moved in. Naturally, Wayne had asked why he was stopping by so early to pick up the baby so your change in demeanor came up in conversation.
  “Mmm, I been noticin’ ‘er actin’ odd whenever she comes to pick up little man. Seems fine when she gets ‘ere. ‘S when she leaves, she seems a little…”
  “Hesitant?” Eddie supplied and Wayne nodded, mouth pressed in a firm line.
  It was then that Maude Maple spoke up, something the widow rarely did in the presence of anyone other than Wayne, and it was with great hesitance.
  “She—she mentioned something once, about the pick up at Penny’s preschool. She didn’t go into too much detail, I think she’s bothered by it.”
  “Looks like I’m on pick-up duty today.” 
  After leaving Wayne and Maude’s and asking the latter to give you a call at work to let you know he picked the baby up, Eddie spent the rest of the afternoon with baby Wayne. It involved a food fight—yes, Eddie flung some back at him, he had it coming, when Wayne had decided he was done being fed and done with food that wasn’t coming from your boob so he’d thrown the macaroni at his dad’s face—a shared shower to rid evidence of said food fight, jamming out (terribly) on toy musical instruments before Eddie gave him a bottle and some cuddles while he put Wayne down for his nap. . . And fell asleep with him. 
  You came home to a suspiciously quiet apartment, a little too clean, save for a couple of toys in the living room. You found your boys in Wayne’s nursery, both of them in the crib. 
  It was a heartwarming and comical sight, Eddie’s legs were dangling outside of the crib and the baby was curled up on his chest, though he stirred at the sound of the door opening, pushing himself up off his dad as he blinked lazily at you, mouth parting to reveal a couple of little white nubs in his gummy smile, teeth coming in.
  He cooed softly, once. When you didn’t immediately go pick him up, he let out a stream of coos, loud and demanding but still loving as he tried to entice you over. When you still stood there giggling, he got mad, seemingly joining you in your laughter with his fake and very forced sounding baby laugh which quickly morphed into fake cries as he pushed himself to his feet and stood on Eddie’s chest, clinging to the bars of his crib as though he were a locked up criminal.
  Eddie groaned, hands moving to grab your son and you finally made your way over, picking Wayne up—much to his utter delight—to relieve Eddie of his weight.
  “Ouch, dude. You can’t just stand on people like that, it’s rude.” He croaked out, as his son’s weight was lifted off of his chest.
  Eddie couldn’t even be annoyed, not when he could see Wayne scrambling eagerly in your arms, face rubbing into your neck, chest, cheek, anywhere the little guy could reach in his desperation and excitement to be as close as he could to his mama.
  After giving Wayne’s tummy some tickles, amplifying his excited wiggles with a few ‘so excited, so excited’s, you leaned over so the both of you could stare down at Eddie, amusement cloaking your pretty features.
  “I think it might be time to get you a big boy bed.”
  Eddie huffed out a laugh and then groaned once more as he tried to sit up as much as he could, which wasn’t a whole lot given the fact half of him was hanging out of the crib.
  “This is gonna be fun,” he mumbled, but eventually he was able to maneuver himself out of it without breaking it. He placed his hands on his lower back, arching until it gave away to a satisfying pop.
  “Oh, yeah. That’s good.”
  “Daddy’s so silly, huh?” You asked your son, bouncing him in your arms as you placed a kiss on his curly head before directing your next question to Eddie, “Is everything okay, baby?”
  “Just peachy, honey.” He was definitely gonna have to ask you to rub his back tonight. “Wanted to have some one-on-one time with him, even if he regularly abandons me the moment you’re in sight.” 
  Eddie reached a finger out to tickle Wayne’s stomach, smirking when he laughed and tried to hide further in your hold.
  You smiled at their interaction, though the joy quickly flitted from your expression, “Do you want to watch him? While I go pick up Penny?”
  Another obvious tell something was wrong: you’d chosen to come home, put an intentional stop between getting off of work and picking up Penny. It was almost as though you needed time to prepare yourself, which was a giant freaking red flag to Eddie considering you used to drive straight over to her school and wait for her. 
  “Why don’t you stay with him? I can go pick her up.”
  The light returned to your eyes.
  “Really? I mean—I don’t mind, I don’t want to get in the way of your bonding time.” 
  “He’s clearly over me,” The sentence was whispered at his son with fake aggression, which left Wayne a giggling mess once more, Eddie chuckled and gave his son’s chin an affectionate squeeze and wiggle, “I’ll pick up Princess Penelope, she loves the disapproving looks people give me.”
“Shut up!” You laughed, leaning up to give him a kiss before he snatched his keys off the counter.
“I’ll see you soon, beautiful.”
“Say bye-bye to daddy!” You encouraged your baby, bouncing him a little against your hip. “Buh-buh.” He waved his chunky little hand, smiling wide for his dad. 
When Eddie collapsed into the door, hand clenched over his heart, you added, “Blow daddy a kiss!” Baby Wayne lifted his palm to his mouth briefly before extending his arm out in Eddie’s direction, “Mah!” Eddie pretended to catch it, smacked the invisible kiss over his mouth and blew one right back at his baby before he forced himself out the door.
   His kid was so cute, it was a federal offense. The drive to Penny’s preschool was short, thanks to living close by. Eddie hopped out of the van–he and a couple of the guys from the shop installed a backseat prior to Penny’s birth–and made his way to the waiting area. Eddie had never gone to a preschool as a kid so he couldn’t exactly judge the pick up and drop off routine, but Penny’s preschool rarely allowed anyone in. They simply walked  up to one of the entrance doors, rang a special doorbell attached to the building, and one of the teachers or aides or whatever would verify the adult picking them up if they didn’t recognize them and then bring the kid out.
  Which meant Eddie had to stand around with other adults. There’d been a couple of them already waiting when he’d arrived, so he’d made himself comfortable on a nearby column as he waited, mind once more preoccupied with reasons as to why you didn’t seem to enjoy picking Penny up anymore. You liked Penny’s teacher, could it be one of the aides giving you a hard time? No. That’s something you would have told him.
Eddie was so distracted, he hadn’t noticed another body settle against the wall across from him.
“You a new dad? Haven’t seen you around before.”
  “What?” Eddie blinked, roused from his thoughts. The guy across from him looked like he was in his mid thirties, dressed in a skeezy suit that looked like it belonged on a car lot rather than an office, and had really big, overly white teeth he couldn’t seem to put away.
“Not a new dad, a new dad to this school. Although, you do look a little young.” The stranger clarified with a shrug.
There was something about him that Eddie immediately disliked. He could tell this was not only their first interaction, it would also be their last.
“No, I usually do the drop off.” Eddie stuffed his hands into the pockets of his jacket, eyes flashing back to the entrance door just in time to make eye contact with one of the aides, he saw the recognition in her eyes before she closed the door again and felt less annoyed with the situation knowing she’d be retrieving Penny. 
  He hadn’t really left room for conversation, but the guy still continued.
  “Gotcha, gotcha.” His head bobbed around, Eddie thought if he listened carefully enough, he could hear his brain rattling in there, “I used to be on drop off duty myself, but I hated getting the kids ready. I’ve got four of those little monsters, every little task takes goddamn near twenty minutes.” Oh, no. This guy didn’t say it with annoyance, no, he seemed contemptuous when he talked about his kids. Eddie didn’t like that.
“Wouldn’t be so bad if my wife could just get a grip on them,” Maybe she could if she had help, you’re clearly useless, “Name’s Neil, by the way.” Eddie just raised his chin in acknowledgement. One would think ol’ Neil would catch on to Eddie not wanting to talk to him, but one would be wrong. “Yup. ‘S why I’m not on drop off duty. Sure, the pick up has its faults, kids always smell like a stale fart from all that running around and they’re babbling non-stop the whole ride, but I think you’ll find you’ll like being on pick-up duty,” Then he leaned in, like he was telling a secret and whispered out, “Most of the hot moms do the pick-ups.”
  That sixth sense Eddie had for you? Yeah, it was on freaking fire, hot red and jumping around. He was positive he now knew the reason behind your discomfort with picking Penny up. 
  Some fucking creep wouldn’t leave you alone. Eddie’s jaw ticked, hands clenched into fists from the insides of his pockets. He didn’t say anything, but that wasn’t necessary with this guy.
“Man, you should see some of them. You gotta wonder why they only have one kid, I’d be all over that.” He gave a low whistle before he let out the most unflattering of cackles.
  “You missed most of the show, but there’s this one mom–god, the body on this one. . .and she’s always done up, think she works in an office or something, but she’s a sight for sore eyes. A real MILF. She’s only got one kid, too. Little girl she picks up, so you know she’s tight.”
Eddie would be committing a crime, because he knew he was talking about you. He was going to murder this asshole. He was gonna strangle Neil with his own intestines and get rid of the body in the town dump where he belonged.
  He must have not noticed the crazed glint in Eddie’s eyes because the idiot kept going, “I know what you’re thinking, I’m not actively planning on doing anything. Haven’t seen her in a couple of days, pretty sure she’s working late or something because she’s gotta be snatching this kid up late. Heard she’s married to some greasy mechanic and a pretty little thing like that coming to pick up her kid with these dads around? Shit, I wouldn’t be letting her out of the house. He’s signing her up for this. You gotta wonder if she likes the attention. She’s got this shy thing going on, though. Always so meek when I’m chatting her up. Not like my wife.” Neil’s face contorted in disdain, “Four fucking kids, man.” Okay, Eddie would be murdering him on behalf of you, and his wife. And the rest of the human population. He’d had enough, it was time to make sure this shit wouldn’t be continuing. “You got any pictures?” Eddie asked, feigning interest for the first time since he’d come up to him. Neil scoffed and dug around in his pocket, “Wife won’t let me go anywhere without them, you know how it is. Constant reminders and all that, like she doesn’t trust me to not forget.”
Eddie tried not to snatch the photo out of his slimy hands, frown deepening when he realized Neil’s story about having a wife and kids was not in fact made up. Four beaming little faces stared back up at Eddie, with a pretty fifth smile in the picture. She was severely out of her husband’s league, seemingly juggling all the responsibilities on her own, all of them underappreciated and unfortunately stuck with him.
“Beautiful family,” He commented, eyes flashing to the door just as it opened to reveal Penny and the aide. He returned the photo and pulled out his wallet from his pocket by its chain. Eddie flashed the photo inside to Neil, who immediately looked like he was going to shit himself. The photo was of you sitting on the couch, Wayne sitting between your legs and Penny standing on the cushion next to you, clutching your shoulder as you all smiled for him.
  Eddie slipped the wallet back into his pocket, and just as Penny began to run over, he leaned in to whisper like Neil had earlier, “Here’s what’s gonna happen: you're not ever gonna talk to my wife again or I’ll fuck you up. If you so much as look in her direction, I’ll kill you. If you think about her, I’ll beat you 'til the bones of my knuckles break through the skin. I’ll make sure you experience pain like you’ve never felt before. Bones can heal, but I promise you they don’t grow back, you pathetic fucking worm. You don’t deserve your wife, who gave you four fucking beautiful children, and you don’t deserve your kids, either. If I ever see her in public, I’m gonna tell her that so you’d better start appreciating her now. I’ve got a friend who wants a ton of kids and I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me sending him their way. Got it?” Neil, good ol’ clammy, pale faced Neil swallowed hard and silently nodded as Penny finally reached him, arms already outstretched. Eddie swooped her up before she ran into him, relishing in the way her arms wrapped tightly around him in a hug. And this fucker was annoyed to have four little people who gave him these.
“Hi, sweet pea! Daddy’s just gonna finish up this conversation with Neil here and we’ll head home to mama, okay?”
Penny nodded eagerly, turning her head to stare inquisitively at the man she knew was her friend Izzy’s dad.
  Eddie took Penny’s backpack off of her with her help and slid it over his free arm, “I’m glad we understand each other, Neil. And if we don’t, my buddy Steve’s on speed dial.”
  He smirked as he walked away, leaving Neil both dumbstruck and terror stricken. Eddie didn’t even stop when he recalled a small inaccuracy Neil had mentioned, calling over his shoulder, “And we have two kids!”
What a jerk.
“Tell me about your day?” Eddie asked as he slid open the backseat door and leaned forward so Penny could climb into her booster seat. “Oh, boy, daddy! It was long! First, teacher said we were gonna draw with crayons but she change-ed her mind and we got to paint with our fingers instead!” She displayed her clean, paint free fingers for him as Eddie buckled her in, “Oh, yeah? Did you paint me a picture?” “Yeah, ‘s in my pack pack. But we only gotted to paint for a little while ‘cause Stanley tried to eat it.” “Not again, Stanley.” “I know!” Penny filled him in the rest of the drive home, while he got her out of her seat, the entire walk into the apartment building, only stopping when he opened the door for her and she caught sight of you. “MOMMY!” She let go of Eddie’s hand to run into your waiting arms. “Hi, baby! Did you have a good day at school?” You asked after you’d gotten in a good cuddle squeeze. “Uh huh! I painted with my fingers!” Penny ran back to Eddie and dug around in the backpack now dangling at his side until she retrieved a very poorly folded piece of thick paper. “I gotta show Waynie, first!” She bypassed you and ran straight for her baby brother, who was clutching the seat cushion of the couch and bobbing up and down. He’d be walking any day now. Eddie set Penny’s yellow backpack down on the counter as he closed the distance between you, arms wrapping around your middle to pull you flush up against him. “I don’t know how you do it, they make you wait forever.” He groaned, pressing his forehead to yours as you laughed. “It’s not that bad!”
“Yeah, well, regardless, you should be having a much easier time picking her up.”
It was easy for you to read between the lines and pick up his real meaning. Your eyes widened in surprise for a moment before they softened, and you leaned further into him, hands resting on Eddie’s shoulders. “Thank you.” You’d been afraid to mention the invasive and unwelcome attention you’d gained from one of the dads. Ashamed. He’d been vulgar, blatant and creepy. Even on the days he wouldn't approach you, you could still feel his eyes on you, on your body. It made you feel gross and cheap, even though you hadn’t done anything wrong. You’d politely tried to get away from him when you’d find yourself in that situation, but where you went, he followed. Soon, you’d begun waiting in your parked car until Neil left, and when that wasn’t good enough, you’d either go home and wait until just before they closed–which you hated because you didn’t like to keep Penny waiting there when she could be at home–or wait in the parking lot at work until you’d make it when all the other kids were mostly gone. It was draining, and made you dread the end of the work day. 
“You never have to thank me,” Eddie leaned down just as you leaned up to kiss him, mouths mingling a little more on the wet side since you knew neither of your kids’ attention was on you. When you finally broke away, Eddie licked his lips and sighed. “Seriously, though. I don’t know how you do it. Men are gross and creepy, I wanted to deck him before he even really said anything. And what he did say–ugh. Let me know if you see his head turn in your direction, honey, ‘cause I made a promise I’m eager to not break.” You hummed appreciatively as you leaned up for more kisses, “My hero.”
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iikisa · 6 months
from the au im manifesting/creating,, choi han and red dragon!krs are traveling together 😆
KRS basically escapes from the white radish hence the mana restricting collar, and shit ton of scars,,, dont ask me for the plot as to why the red dragon lives longer in this au, ✨creative liberties were taken ✨ hence: ✨au✨😚
annnd ofc we have our lil choi han whos just happens to find KRS crashed im the middle of the forest of darkness and is just happy to be there now 🥰
maaybe ill post some of what ive got for this au later 👾
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xx-j4nu5-c4t5-xx · 6 months
tw: mild description of blood (it's not that bad I swear)
Large info dump about Sims aliens and their biology and stuff (it's well past midnight and I got bored)
So I have my own ocs that I've been working on for a while but I've moved them into the brain basement for a while to fixate on these stupid little pixel guys from 2004. Anyway one of them has blue blood because I thought it would be funny, and now I'm a firm believer that the Sims 2 aliens have blue blood.
My only reasoning for this is that having red blood in a green character feels... weird? Like, your skin is not one solid thing. It's like a million translucent layers stacked on top of each other with stuff between them. Like a lasagna. That's why, when you put your hand over a flashlight, it glows red; the light is passing through your skin and all the stuff in it (notably, blood vessels).
Human skin, by default, is a yellow-ish white, like dandruff. It gets color from the blood vessels and pigmentations in the layers of the skin. This is why tattoos work, why melanin alters your skin color, and why your face can blush red, among other things. If alien skin is the same white, you'd need a shit ton of green pigment to balance the red from the blood, which would make them look kinda weird and muddy color-wise. If the blood is blue, though, everything runs smoothly. Yellow/white-ish skin + blue blood = mint green.
Though it only exists in weird animals like horseshoe crabs and some spiders (I think), there is a kind of blood that naturally comes in a sky blue color. This is because it contains hemocyanin instead of hemoglobin, using copper instead of iron. Hemoglobin uses iron to bond with oxygen and move it somewhere, and turns red in the process (like rust). When copper is oxidized, though, it turns that bright, Statue of Liberty ass turquoise color. This makes the hemocyanin blood into this blue raspberry looking concoction.
(Hemocyanin also completely messes with the biology of a creature; it is not interchangeable with hemoglobin but let's suspend disbelief for a second. For the vine.)
Anyway, enough rambling. I think the aliens are blue blooded. This makes them look more natural when I draw them, and it makes the hybrid Sim-aliens more unique and less "normal guy but green". This also affects everything that your normal blood would affect though, so I have to keep in mind that their everything is blue. Veins in the eyes, eye bags, injuries and scars, body tissues (like the mouth), blushes, sunburns, bruises, basically anything that would normally be purple/red/pink in a normal human is teal/blue.
Hope y'all enjoyed the autism thought slop I just dumped on you. Most of this info is stuff I read on Wikipedia or just a surface level understanding of human anatomy. Don't quote me on it + feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
Also, all of this is headcanon nonsense, there's no objectively right or wrong answer. I'm just a nerd and love having really excessive lore explanations for the creative liberties I take. If you like your aliens red-blooded, I dig it. I just find it personally less of a headache on my end to go this route.
I really need to go to bed have a great night folks
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lumilasi · 9 days
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Since I've been updating one of my bleach fics more recently, I felt the once-in-a-blue-moon urge to draw something from it.....decision I VERY MUCH regretted lmao, because what I picked was SUPER difficult to draw, and I had to take some creative liberty with these designs, lessening the detail in them (Didn't even have a proper ref for Oni-Ichigo to begin with...).
Still, I managed to finish this at least. Fanart isn't really my thing anymore that much so these will be rare, even if I am writing semi-regularly.
The scene this bases on from Jack of All Hollows:
(Context, this is a memory viewed by "main" Ichigo of the story, Oni-Ichigo is a separate person)
Grimmjow eventually shifts, now just sitting on the bridge ledge properly, dangling his bare feet over the water. His companion follows his example, though chooses to keep his legs towards the bridge instead, sitting the other way around. He was still glancing at Grimmjow, and Ichigo could tell that color on his demon doppleganger’s face wasn’t just alcohol. He looked like there was something he was trying to say, but was hesitating.
Ichigo knew what it was.
Clearly, Grimmjow was aware of his companion mulling over something, as the blunet eventually snorts and turns to look at Oni Ichigo annoyed.
"What? Spill it, I can literally hear yer overthinkin’ shit again.”
"You can share memories, not read minds.”
"The gears in your brain are so rusty they make shit ton of noise, Kurosaki. Hard not to hear all that.”
The ginger demon laughs at that, his reaction seemingly confusing his companion a little, the point he now grabs Oni Ichigo’s arm and threatens to throw him into the river if he didn’t explain what was so damn funny now. His companion eventually manages to stop laughing with a wheeze, now looking back at the pouty looking blunet, who was clearly still confused about his behavior.
"Yer way too drunk huh; never knew your stubborn ass was this lightweight.”
"Yeah, guess I am.”
Watching the pair, Ichigo felt uneasy now, suddenly having a feeling this wouldn’t end well for his twin. Obviously, this Ichigo had died, but beyond that…
Suddenly, his twin leans closer, clearly catching Grimmjow off-guard. The kiss doesn’t last long, and once his twin pulls back he had gone completely red, now averting his gaze and rubbing his neck sheepishly. Grimmjow had gone completely stiff, just like he’d done that night at that other bridge.
"S-sorry. I….uh.”
He seems to struggle for a moment to decide what to say, still avoiding the blue eyes staring at him. Grimmjow still hadn’t moved an inch, as if his brain had short circuited and he was struggling to process what just happened.
"….You know. You’re not as bad as I thought when we first met. And lately, I don’t know. I just….I like hanging out with you, when you’re not trying to kill me.”
Oni Ichigo chuckles sheepishly, still avoiding his gaze. Grimmjow now turns his head away, his face still unreadable, though the shock seemed to have faded. The atmosphere around the pair had shifted from the easygoing drunkedness to something much more tense and awkward, though Ichigo wasn’t sure if he was reading it that way, or if the emotion was attached to the memory itself.
"I’ve been thinking about that a lot. And….I-I don’t think its…”
Oni Ichigo swallows down hard now, finally daring to look up at Grimmjow. Seeing that uneasy look in his eyes, oh fuck he was scared too. It had clearly taken his twin a lot to bring this up, and so far, neither could tell what Grimmjow was thinking.
"I don’t think it’s friendly affection I’m feeling.”
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bed-of-ashes · 4 months
I love E!False because when you take a step back and look at everyone's series, everybody else has gotten used to that type of roleplay from season 1. They're leaning full into it now with lots of creative liberties, and all of them are using magic as much as they please. Joel is a god, Lizzie's town is full of animals, Shelby is getting kicked out of witch school, Katherine's got her curse, Sausage is restoring magic, etc. And False, well, she's not huge on role-playing stuff—mostly she does hermitcraft. She doesn't have tons of experience, her emotional support Ren isn't here, she's just sorta floating through. Her early lore is about a pumpkin guy just sorta moving about her empire and these dreams she has about builds. She has no memory and she stole a dead guy's clothes, but mostly her videos are kinda like "hey guys today we're building a bridge because I sorta feel like there should be a bridge here :)" She has no scope of how insane she can actually be until the rift happens and she's like "oh shit I've been sorta tame actually" and then she makes a whole plot line about trying to kill her twin sister and getting tortured and imprisoned because of it. Iconic
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fan-fantasies · 2 years
Lady in Waiting
A/N: first off I’d like to offer a disclaimer- there are some time jumps and I altered the storyline a bit just to save myself time. We’ve all watched the series and know what really happened so this is just me taking creative liberties. This is one of the longest fics I’ve written and I’m so happy it’s for our sweet boy, Osferth ❤️
Summary: you are Aethelflaed’s lady-in-waiting and are offered protection by Uhtred and his men, specifically Osferth. You’ve fallen for the man but you cannot give yourself to him fully until marriage. However, marrying the man you love is not going to be as easy as you hoped.
Warnings: a shit ton- dry humping, fingering, oral (f receiving, m receiving mentioned), unprotected p in v, violence, swearing
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“Thyra!! Thyra!!”
“Lady Aethelflaed!! Find her!”
The screams of the men were what drew you from the safety of the woods. Finan was the first to spot you as you stumbled your way back into camp.
“Lord, it is y/n,” Finan said. Osferth’s head snapped in your direction and his feet were immediately moving. Before he could reach you, however, Aethelred had his hands on you.
“Where is she? Where is the princess?” He didn’t give you a moment to answer before he was shaking you, asking you again.
Behind you, Thrya was in Beocca’s arms sobbing. She explained that you had all split up in the woods and that Aethelflaed was gone.
“She saved me,” you whispered. All eyes turned to you. “She hid me while the Danes, they…they took her.”
“She gave herself up for the likes of you? It should have been the other way around, should it not?” Aethelred was angry as his grip on your tightened.
“You will unhand her, lord,” Osferth snapped at him.
“I would listen to him,” Finan growled. Though you had not known the men all that well, you were Aethelflaed’s lady-in-waiting so you were familiar with them. You enjoyed their company and how respectful they were. The same could not be said for your lady’s new husband who had already made passes at you.
Aethelred let you go and you fell back against Osferth. He steadied you on your feet while staring down the lord of Mercia.
“We must head back to Wessex,” Uhtred said, looking around the destroyed camp. He watched as Aldhelm whispered to Aethelred who glared at you. “Osferth, you will bring lady y/n back to Winchester and keep an eye on things there for me. We will return to Cookham where Alfred wishes me to stay until we have news to share.”
“I will not be returning to Mercia, lord?” You asked softly.
“No, lady. I do not trust that turd to treat you kindly. Osferth here will protect you,” he said with a kind smile.
“I will take care of you,” Osferth said confidently.
“I know you will.” Finan and Sihtric exchanged a knowing glance when the young monk’s face tinged pink.
Once the camp was salvaged as much as possible, everyone hit the road. Uhtred made sure to keep you close to him and his men.
“I do not understand why I am being protected as if I am treasure,” you chuckled sadly.
“You are as good as gold, lady,” Finan told you.
“Better than,” Osferth added. You ducked your head to hide your smile at their flattery.
You could see Aldhelm and Aethelred scheming ahead of you but Uhtred assured you that all would be fine.
Once Uhtred and his men split off from the group, your nerves began to build. You trusted Osferth but you knew he was no match for the conniving lord of Mercia.
Osferth escorted you to the inn where you were informed that there was only one room available. Osferth paid for it and you brought your things to the room.
“I can find somewhere else to stay, lady,” he offered.
“Nonsense. You paid for the room, you should at least use it,” you told him. “We will be fine and now I know I will be safe.”
Osferth nodded and unpacked his bag. He allowed you to freshen up first before escorting you to dinner. The conversation flowed easily and you found yourself at ease for the first time since the camp was raided. You still worried about Aethelflaed but you knew Uhtred would do everything in his power to retrieve her safely.
“I wonder if they have made it to Cookham already. I am sure Lady Gisela will be happy her husband has returned. They are truly blessed,” you said.
“Gisela is a wonderful lady and they are both happy. That is all any could wish for,” he smiled in agreement.
“Yes that is true. It breaks my heart that not all get to marry for love. Should I ever be lucky enough to secure a husband, I hope he is kind.”
Osferth paused for a moment and looked deep in thought, conflicted almost.
“Any man would be lucky to have you and if anyone treats you with anything less than kindness, I will be sure to handle it myself,” he said. His words surprised you but also made your stomach flip.
You were fond of Osferth and knew he was a good man. But he was a warrior and you were not sure where he stood on the matter of taking a wife.
You finished your supper in silence before returning to your room. The two of you stood awkwardly, looking at the one bed.
“I will sleep on the floor.”
“No, we can share. It is big enough for two,” you said quietly.
“Lady, I’m not sure if that is a good idea,” he said. You feared you had offended him in some manner but waited for him to explain. “It’s just… you are… beautiful. And- it would not be appropriate for me to lie with you- sleep with you- sleep next to you!” He stuttered. You tried your best to hold back a laugh.
“So you cannot sleep in the bed because I’m…beautiful?” You tried your best to stay composed as the reddening monk but a small smile slipped through.
“For my own sanity, lady, I think it is best if I sleep on the floor,” he said rather embarrassed.
“As you wish,” you said. The two of you turned around so you could undress. He made a small spot on the floor for himself while you crawled into the bed.
Every time you would fall asleep, you were startled awake by Osferth tossing and turning, groaning in discomfort.
“Please, for my sanity and my sleep, get in the bed!”
“Now!” You shrieked. You tended to get cranky when you were tired and you were exhausted.
“Yes, lady,” he mumbled. He laid as far as possible away from you, stiff as a board.
“I will not try and steal your virtue, Osferth. You may relax.”
“It is not you I am worried about stealing virtue, but myself,” he whispered. You turned toward him with wide eyes. He turned toward you as well and you just stared at one another for a moment.
“I must admit, since I met you my thoughts have been at war in my head. I wish my thoughts to remain pure, but- I do enjoy the impure ones as well.”
“And what is the subject of these impure thoughts?” You asked, filled with hope.
“You- Naked usually,” he admitted.
“Just usually?”
“Sometimes there’s not enough time and I just have to lift your skirt and take you right then and there.”
Your breathing was as heavy as the heart beating out of your chest.
“And which do you prefer?” You asked.
“I prefer when I get to have you completely bare before me and I get to take my time worshipping your body.”
Without another word you closed the distance between the two of you and kissed him with such passion you didn’t know you were capable of. He wasted no time allowing his hands to roam your body and claiming your mouth with his tongue. You moved closer to him to allow him on top of you. He was already grinding against your clothed core and you could feel how hard he was.
He began to press kisses down the column of your throat, making you moan in response.
“Osferth, fuck. We can’t,” you whined. As much as you wanted to, and shit did you want to, you couldn’t.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, scrambling off of you.
“No you have nothing to be sorry for! It’s just, I’ve taken a vow of chastity until marriage, which I’m much regretting right now,” you sighed.
“I understand, lady,” he said.
“Please, just call me y/n. And just because we can’t do everything doesn’t mean we can’t do some things,” you hinted. His eyes were as big as saucers when he realized what you meant.
“Are you sure? Because we can stop and that’s completely fine.”
“Always a gentleman,” you chuckled. “Yes, I’m sure. If it is a means to not break my vow completely then I am sure God will overlook.”
He needed no further compelling to resume his position and the heated make out session from before. His hand slid between your legs and cupped your center, making you jolt against him. He continued to rut into your leg as he slipped beneath your night dress and undergarments.
He moaned when he felt how wet you were and all for him. He slid his fingers between your folds and you were already trembling beneath him. He circled your clit slowly, building up the speed until you were moaning loudly.
“Where did you learn to be so good at this?” You asked breathlessly.
“Hanging around Uhtred and the others has its perks,” he smirked. “I hope this will please you without having to even enter you.”
“Oh it is pleasurable, but one finger might not hurt,” you whimpered pathetically. You wanted him so badly you were a hairs-width away from breaking your vow.
“No, y/n, this will have to do for now,” he chuckled.
“Will you make me beg, Osferth?”
“I would, lady, yes. Perhaps another time though.”
He sped up his ministrations on your clit and you threw your head back into the pillow. He took the opportunity to nip at your exposed neck. You encouraged him further and he began to leave love bites along your soft skin.
You felt a knot begin to form in your stomach and you began to thrust your hips to meet his fingers where you needed them most. He could tell you were close so he became focused on pushing you over the edge.
He was still humping your thigh and his moans were becoming louder which was enough to ignite the spark that sent your body ablaze. You screaming out his name triggered his own orgasm, which surprised you both but you found it incredibly attractive.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he groaned.
“Don’t be,” you said before pulling him into a searing kiss.
“Let’s clean up and then we can sleep,” he said softly. You nodded in agreement and made your way to the water basin.
You slept wonderfully that night and that is how the evenings continued for the next week or so.
The first time he used his mouth on you you swore you saw heaven. You returned the favor of course and Osferth decided if it was going to send him to hell then it was worth it.
It wasn’t just sex though, there were feelings there. He was gentle and loving all while making sure to protect you from any angry Mercians.
Aethelred already word that the princess sacrificed herself to save you and that did not sit well with many. Osferth comforted you and told you that not only were you worth saving but that everyone else could be damned for thinking otherwise.
Uhtred and his warriors arrived in Winchester with news of the princess. He went straight to the palace while Finan and Sihtric went to find Osferth.
“Baby monk!!” Finan shouted as soon as he laid eyes on him at the ale house. Osferth immediately stood and welcomed both men with a hug.
“Lady,” Sihtric said, bowing his head.
“Oh come here!” Finan yelled as he pulled you into his arms. “Thank ya for keeping my baby monk safe in our absence.”
“It was no trouble at all,” you laughed. “I will go get you both some ale.”
“So is she your wife yet?” Finan asked. Osferth choked on his spit at his friends words.
“No! Why would you ask that?”
“We know how ya feel for her,” he chuckled.
“It does look like he has some repenting to do though.” Sihtric smirked as he pulled down the collar of his robe, exposing the marks you had left on him the night previous.
Sihtric and Finan howled as Osferth glowed red. You came back over with a jug of ale and two cups, a smile gracing your face.
“What’s so funny?” You asked.
“I see it’ll be a confessional for two,” Finan added, pointing to your neck. Instead of hiding from the teasing, you placed a kiss on Osferth’s cheek.
“We will confess when we’re done doing all that needs repenting,” you told them. Their eyes all went wide and it was your turn to smirk. You sauntered off to your room and left the men to catch up.
“Good thing ya left her in one piece- I don’t think that’s what Uhtred had in mind when he said protect her,” Finan chuckled.
“It’s not what you think,” Osferth rolled his eyes.
“So make her your wife and make it what we think,” Sihtric told him.
“Uhtred would not permit me to marry.��
“Why not? She is a nice girl and we like her. She’s good for ya,” Finan replied.
Osferth considered his friends’ words. He cared for you, loved you even, but would you feel the same?
Uhtred eventually joined and filled them in on the plan. They were to travel north to negotiate for Aethelflaed’s safe return.
“How is your lady holding up?” Uhtred asked Osferth.
“M-my lady, lord?” Uhtred and the others chuckled.
“He wants permission to marry her, lord,” Finan said. Osferth could not believe the audacity of his friend, well, maybe he could.
“So she is well then?” Uhtred laughed.
“She is, lord. And I would like permission for when the time comes.”
“Permission granted, Osferth.”
He couldn’t help the giddy feeling that bubbled up inside of him, but also the nerves.
“Come, let us drink our fill. The ale in the north isn’t nearly as good,” Sihtric said.
The men were fairly drunk by the time Osferth found his way to your room. You had fallen asleep but woke up when you heard him stumble into the room. You watched in amusement as he stumbled around trying to undress himself.
“Well hello there,” he said when he finally laid eyes on you.
“Hello, Osferth,” you replied. You pulled back the sheets for him so he could come to bed.
“Don’t mind if I do.”
He flopped onto the bed and it took some adjusting to try and get him comfortable.
“You will not have a good day tomorrow,” you said.
“Yes I will, because I get to marry you,” he said before drifting off into a heavy slumber. You, however, could not find sleep over the words he just said.
What did he mean he gets to marry you? You never agreed to such a union, although you would not protest. You would also both need your lord and lady’s permission before anything moved forward and your lady was a bit preoccupied at the moment.
The next morning, you waited to see if he would say anything. However, the only sounds emitted from him were groans when the light seeped through the window.
“Good morning, love,” you laughed.
“Is it?” He grumbled.
“Yes, I believe it is.”
“Go on ahead to breakfast, I’ll catch up,” he groaned. You pressed a kiss to his forehead before going to find food.
“Lady! Join us!” Finan smiled as soon as he saw you. You sat at the table happily and picked at some food.
“We leave tomorrow morning for the north,” Uhtred informed you.
“All of you?”
“Yes, all of us,” he said with a sad smile.
“We will all return to you in one piece,” Finan joked.
“You better,” you tried your best to smile.
“You will be going to stay with Thyra until we return. You will be safe with her,” Sihtric said.
“Perhaps you should go spend the day with your man; remind him what he’s fighting to come back to,” Finan said with a smirk.
“I think I’ll do just that,” you sighed, filling a plate to bring back with you.
You spent the day with Osferth, nursing him until the hangover passed.
You wanted to give him all of you, but you simply could not. You wanted to ask what he meant by what he said last night, but could not find the words in case he would regret what he said.
The next morning, you saw him out to the stables where the men were readying their horses.
“Promise you will return to me,” you said softly.
“I swear, my love, if you will make a promise in return.”
“Anything, Osferth.”
“Marry me.”
Your heart was racing as you processed his words.
“I- yes I will marry you,” you said, jumping into his arms. His friends all watched on in amusement and happiness.
“We will discuss it further when I return,” he said, unable to contain his smile. Thyra came and found you to bring you back to her house. You waved the men off and you couldn’t contain your excitement for their return.
All you had to do was get the Lady Aethelflaed’s permission. She was always so kind to you and you cared for her deeply, you were sure she would grant you permission once she was recovered.
The time passed slowly, but you found that Thyra was great company to keep. You waited for word of your lady’s recovery but you could tell there was unrest in the city.
Uhtred had sent a messenger back to the city to explain to Alfred the cost to buy back his daughter.
All of Wessex and Mercia was to help pay the ransom but what they did not know was that the princess had no plans to return south.
Osferth had sent a message of his own, alerting you to your lady’s plan and reassuring you that he was safe. You burned the letter as soon as you read it.
You wanted Aethelflaed to be happy and if this Northman was capable of doing that then blessings to her.
More time passed and men marched from the city. You became anxious and prayed every night that everyone you cared for would be safe.
You found yourself at the secluded lake one day, washing and enjoying the nice weather. You were lost in your thoughts and didn’t hear the person walking along the banking.
“What a sight for sore eyes.”
You whipped around in the water, clutching your chest.
You swam to the shore as quick as possible and ran into his arms, not caring you were wet and naked.
“If I’m welcomed back this way every time, perhaps I should leave more often,” he smirked.
“You should not,” you laughed, pulling him in for a kiss.
“As much as I’m enjoying this, perhaps we should get you dressed and back to town.”
“Yes- wait! What of Lady Aethelflaed?”
“She is back safe. The Northman did not make it. I will tell you everything later, I swear.”
He helped you get dressed and you made your way back to town. You greeted your friends who were already drinking the ale house owner out of house and home.
“I’m so glad to see all of you!”
“As we are to see you, lady,” Uhtred smiled.
“Aethelflaed is spending time with her family I’m guessing?”
“She is. I would give her a few days to settle in before going to the palace. Her husband is not in the best mood despite having his wife back,” Uhtred grunted. You rolled your eyes and sighed.
“Yes, he is a bit of an arse,” you mumbled.
“Just a bit?” Sihtric scoffed.
“Perhaps more than,” you laughed.
“Well luckily for you, your husband will be a kind man,” Osferth smiled. You pressed a sweet kiss to his lips while the other men pretended to vomit.
You gave the princess a week to recover with her loved ones before approaching her. She pulled you into a tight embrace and apologized for any terrible things her husband may have said.
“I am used to your husbands sharp tongue, lady. And I’d rather it be directed at me than you,” you said softly.
“You are too kind, y/n,” she replied.
“Speaking of husbands…I wanted to ask you something, lady.”
“Of course. You may ask me anything,” she said.
“I have had a marriage proposal and wanted to seek your permission.”
She grabbed your hand in hers with a huge smile on her face.
“Oh that is wonderful news! Who is it?” She asked.
“Osferth. Uhtred has already given his permission.”
Aethelflaed’s smile slowly fell as she considered your words.
“I am afraid I cannot allow that.” She said sternly. Your heart fell into your stomach.
“May I ask why not?”
“He is my father’s bastard and any children you may bare could lay claim to the throne in the future. I cannot permit such a thing to happen,” she said coolly.
“So you would deny me happiness due to the risk to your family? A risk that would not even occur!”
“You could not ensure that,” she snapped.
“But I could! He will have children of his own some day whether it be with me or another. Wouldn’t you rather it be with someone you are close to and would be on your side in the matter?” You tried reasoning.
“I have given my answer. Besides, I need you now more than ever,” she said in hushed tones, cradling her stomach.
“I did not put that babe in you so why should I have to care for it? And I’m guessing it wasn’t your husband who did either,” you said.
You knew your words would cut deep but you did not care. She had just robbed you of your happiness for her own selfish reasons.
“You will go to my chambers and pack my things. We leave first thing tomorrow. I order you to stay away from Osferth and any of Uhtred’s men.”
You said nothing as you turned on your heel and left the room. You could not believe her. You wanted to run to Osferth but you knew she could have you seized for disobeying her.
You rounded the final corner to the chambers and ran into Father Beocca.
“Child, what’s wrong?” He asked, noticing the tears on your cheeks.
“Lady Aethelflaed will not allow Osferth and I to marry for fear of our children trying to stake a claim to the throne,” you sobbed.
“That is absurd! I will speak to Uhtred and she will be reasoned with,” he reassured you.
You packed the princess’s belongings rather quickly in hopes of sneaking out to find Osferth. As if reading your mind, you heard a knock on the chamber door.
“Osferth?” You asked quietly. You met him in the hall and found an empty room where you could speak in private.
“You have heard the news?” You asked sadly.
“I have and I have more,” he sighed. “Uhtred went to speak with your lady but she is not having it. I gave her my word that any children we have would not be a threat to the crown but it was not enough.”
“I am so sorry, my love,” you cried. He pulled you into his arms and held you as you cried. He kissed you like it was his dying wish to feel your lips on his one last time.
“Time to retire,” you heard Aethelflaed call from outside the door. “Say your goodbyes.”
“I will see you again, my love,” he whispered.
You could do nothing but nod sadly, parting from him with one last kiss.
The next day you journeyed back to Mercia with the Lady Aethelflaed and her men. You did not speak to her and she did not speak to you other than what was necessary.
That is how it continued for weeks on end. You were miserable and as much as she tried to reason with you, you refused to listen. The weeks turned into months and slowly life returned to as close to normal as it would.
Your lady swelled with the child and when she was born, you were torn between joy and pain. You were happy for her, for her healthy baby made from love, but you resented her from tearing the same opportunity from you.
4 years later…
“Men! There are men in the kitchen!” One of the nuns shrieked.
“Bar the door!” Aethelflaed yelled.
You hid yourself in a corner while everyone was quiet.
“Is it Danes?” Someone asked.
“What if I am Saxon by birth but Dane by heart?” Uhtred called from above.
“Uhtred? You came!” Aethelflaed sighed in relief. “Open the door.”
The nuns opened the door and the rest of Uhtred’s men, including your beloved Osferth. Your heart nearly stopped in your chest when you laid eyes on him for the first time in years. He hadn’t noticed you yet and you let yourself drink him in.
He looked like your same, sweet Osferth, but more of a man. His jaw was sharper and he looked more muscular than you remembered.
As much as you enjoyed admiring him, you couldn’t help but wonder if he had found another to marry. He was handsome and a fierce warrior, you were sure he caught the attention of many ladies.
“Would you please helps the nuns in the kitchen please, y/n?” Aethelflaed asked you. Osferth’s eyes darted to yours and it looked like he had seen a ghost.
“Yes, lady,” you mumbled as you joined the other women in the kitchen.
Osferth wanted to follow, but he knew he shouldn’t. He had missed you greatly but he knew if he held you in his arms once more that he wouldn’t be able to let go.
Aethelflaed kept you busy while the men were there to keep you distracted from Osferth. It wasn’t an easy task but you managed to avoid him other than at meal times.
One morning, you were all eating breakfast when you heard a scream outside and nuns came running into the hall.
“Danes! Outside and they have hostages!” The abbess shrieked. “They’ve asked for the Lady Aethelflaed.”
“You must go and speak to them, tell them she is not here,” Uhtred told her.
“I cannot!”
“You must, even if it is only to buy us time to make a plan.”
“I will do it,” you offered.
“No!” Osferth argued.
“I will go,” the abbess said, taking your hand in hers. “It is my responsibility.”
The door was barred shut behind her as Uhtred and Aethelflaed watched from the window. You found yourself mindlessly gravitating toward Osferth until your side was pressed to his.
Finan and Uhtred discussed a plan forward when you heard the abbess scream outside. She was dead. And you feared that you were all next.
“Ladies, to the back. We will handle this,” Finan said, ushering you and the nuns to the back of the hall. Osferth gave you a small nod before readying himself with the other men behind the door.
The action broke out before you could even register it. You did your best to remain calm while you watched the battle in the hall before you. Uhtred seemed to have the advantage but a few Danes managed to slip by them.
“Hello, ladies!” They laughed menacingly.
“Leave them!” You yelled, standing in front of the nuns with your sword drawn.
“I like them feisty,” one chuckled. The other easily knocked your sword from your hand and grabbed you. You thrashed against him but it was no use as he overpowered you.
“Come men! Outside!” Haesten yelled. You were dragged toward the door but before the men could get any further, the one that was holding you suddenly released his grip.
He fell to the floor in pain while the other tried to fight his attacker. You watched Osferth fight the larger man but he eventually bested him and drove his sword through the Dane’s heart.
He swept you into his arms and held you tight.
“No one will take you from me again,” he sighed.
Uhtred drove the remaining Danes from the nunnery but you knew that was not the last you’d be seeing of them.
“We must travel to Aegelesburg, to tell my husband and father of what has happened here,” Aethelflaed informed everyone.
“We will accompany you,” Uhtred said. You glanced at Osferth who offered you a shy smile.
The journey was not too long and it was no surprise you were met with resistance at the gates.
“You are welcome, lady. But the outlaws must remain outside the hall,” Steapa told you all.
“Y/N, please secure food and ale for these men in my absence,” she told you. So off you went in search of provisions for the warriors.
“Lady, wait for me!” Osferth called after you.
“I thought I told you not to call me that,” you joked.
“Well those were different times,” he sighed.
“Yes, I suppose they were. Perhaps you should call me lady out of respect for whoever you’ve chosen to take as your wife.”
You entered a storage shed where you knew they always kept an extra supply of food and ale.
“I have no wife, lady. I could never,” he said quietly. You turned to face him and you could see the sadness in his eyes.
“Surely there have been others?”
“I could never,” he repeated.
Against all reason, you flung yourself into his arms and pulled him into a kiss. You tried to pour every ounce of emotion you had been feeling for the last few years into the kiss so he would understand how much you had missed him.
He had you pinned against the counter as he allowed his hands to re-familiarize themselves with your body. His tongue fought for dominance with yours and you could not control the moans of contentment that were spilling from you. Your body was on fire and you wanted nothing more than for him to take you right there.
“Osferth, my love, please. Please, I need more,” you whined.
“We cannot, not here.”
“Then take me elsewhere, anywhere,” you begged.
“As much as I would love to ravage you right now, you know it would not be right.”
His words caused frustration to bubble up inside of you and for a damn to break.
“I am sick and tired of people telling me what is wrong and what is right! I am tired of people telling me no and controlling my life, denying me happiness and what I want!” You snapped.
Osferth was surprised by your outburst but he understood. He often felt anger whenever he thought on the situation and of how it was unfair.
“It was your wish to remain chaste until marriage and you know we cannot,” he said.
“Well then I take back my oath. I will never marry if it is not to you and therefore give you permission to ravage me,” you said defiantly.
“Are you certain, my love?” He asked.
“Please do not make me beg,” you whined.
“I did tell you perhaps another time,” he chuckled. “Tonight then. Because our first time will not be in a storage shed in the open.”
“Tonight it is.”
You couldn’t help the smile that enveloped your face. The two of you sorted yourselves out and grabbed some food and ale to bring to your friends.
“Jesus! We thought we were gonna starve!” Finan yelled when he finally laid eyes on the two of you.
“Yes, you look as though you’re withering away,” you joked.
“We are!” Sihtric argued.
You set the food down before them and joined them, sitting next to Osferth. He kept a hand on your leg at all times which did not help the growing fire in your belly. Tonight could not come soon enough.
Uhtred was eventually allowed into the hall to speak with Edward and Alfred. The men were finally full and content, allowing you and Osferth time to sneak away.
“You are still certain you wish to do this?” He asked.
“Do you not wish to bed me, Osferth?”
“I do! I do, I just wanted to make sure.”
“Well I am sure, and I thank you for asking,” you said.
You silently led him to your chambers and closed the door securely behind you. Neither of you moved for a moment and all of a sudden you both burst into a fit of giggles.
“It is not like we have not done anything before,” you laughed, finally breaking the tension.
“I know but it has been so long and I get to have all of you now,” he said, stalking toward you.
His nimble fingers unbuttoned your dress, and you allowed him to pull it from your figure. You helped him with your undergarments while he rid himself of his own clothes. You took a moment to drink each other in before your hands were grabbing at anything they could touch, tongues entwined once more.
He guided you to your bed where you landed softly on the furs. Your legs fell open naturally, welcoming him between them. His nose grazed your inner thigh while you waited for him to act.
“I have missed this,” he sighed before diving into your cunt.
He licked a fat strip between your folds before settling on your clit. You had been untouched for so long that every ministration sent shockwaves through your body.
“Fingers, I need your fingers, Osferth,” you moaned.
“No, nothing shall enter you before my cock. After that, my love, I shall give you whatever you want,” he said.
He licked and sucked until you were mere moments away from the edge. You did your best to be quiet but it was difficult with the gorgeous man with his head between your thighs.
“Osferth, I am close!”
He focused on the spot he knew was sure to send you into your bliss. You thought about what was to come next, having him inside of you, and that was enough to throw you over the edge.
Your body writhed on the bed but he held your hips down while he lapped at your soaking cunt.
“I need you, please,” you begged.
He crawled his way up your body and kissed you, allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. You could feel his cock poking your entrance and it caused your heart to race.
He slid it through your slick folds a few times before slowly sinking into you. He went slowly, trying to allow you time to adjust. He knew he would not last long either so he wanted to savor the feeling for as long as he could.
“You feel amazing,” he grunted, finally fully sheathed inside you.
“I must have died and gone to heaven,” you sighed happily.
He began to pull out gently before rocking back into you. The more you grew accustomed to his size, the faster he began to thrust.
He hid his face in the crook of your neck, trying to hold on as long as possible. Your walls fluttering around him were torture as he didn’t want it to end.
“I am afraid you feel too good wrapped around my cock,” he groaned.
“Cum, Osferth. Let me feel you,” you told him.
A few more thrusts of his hips and he was emptying inside of you. Your name fell from his lips like it was the only prayer he knew.
His hand slid between the two of you and found your clit. He rubbed you slowly, still fully seated within you.
He felt you clench around him and he knew you were close. He sang sweet praises in your ear until your back was arching off the bed and you were cumming for the second time. If he was not already so spent from the first time, he would have begun fucking you again. But to feel your sweet cunt swallowing him up as you came was satisfaction enough for now.
He cleaned you off as best he could before joining you in bed. You pulled the furs over the two of you and laid on his chest.
“What are we to do, Osferth?” You asked sadly.
“No, silly. I cannot go years without seeing you again- without touching you.”
“Do you think your lady may be persuaded now that time has passed?”
“I doubt it. Perhaps I could just run off with you…but she would know who to find me with,” you sighed.
“We will find a way. I swear it,” he told you.
Days had passed and the leaders prepared their armies for battle. You did not want to let Osferth go but you knew he would be returned to you safely. Victory always favored Uhtred and his men.
A year or so later…
“Beg me, my love. Beg me to fill you with my seed and you will have it,” Osferth whispered into your ear. He pounded into you as you could barely register what he was saying.
“Please! Please, fill me. I need you, my love,” you cried.
Your vision went white as your orgasm crashed over you, his hips still slamming into you. Your nails dragged down his back, causing him to lose his rhythm and spill into you.
The two of you had spent the better part of the last year speaking behind Aethelflaed’s back. You considered getting married in secret but Osferth said you deserved better than that.
Change was coming, you could feel it. So you tried to enjoy your lover for as long as you could.
“Aye! If you two are done in there, we need to get going!” Finan yelled.
“Be there in a minute!” Osferth yelled, rolling his eyes. “My apologies, my love.”
“I understand you must go. Battle awaits,” you sighed.
The Danes had sacked Mercia while Aethelred played king in East Anglia. The hope was to best them in Tettenhall, luring C’nut there through his sons, who he thought to be slaughtered.
“I will return to you, as I always do,” he smiled.
Waiting to hear word of either victory or defeat was always a challenge. Losing Osferth before you even really had the chance to live a life with him would surely be your undoing.
A weeks time had passed while you busied yourself around Aegelsburg. Your heart dropped into your stomach when you heard the call for the gate to be opened. Men rushed in with a body on a cart. It was not your Osferth, but Aethelred.
The lord had been injured in battle and you wished you could say you felt sorry for him. His treatment of his wife, and any other woman really, did not allow for such kindness.
Aethelflaed and Edward began preparation for a new lord to be chosen should her husband perish.
Aelfywnn was an obvious path but that was not suitable for she was just a child. Many of the young men of prominence in Mercia had been slaughtered by the Danes.
Unbeknownst to Aethelflaed, Edward went behind her back and sought out Uhtred. Uhtred was popular with the people and Edward felt he could be inclined to follow Wessex.
Aethelflaed objected, of course. Her love for Uhtred did not outweigh her duty to her country. He was not the right choice, she felt, but then men could not be dissuaded. Uhtred’s men were over the moon, thankful to finally have some wealth and power.
“Uhtred, do you swear to lead Mercia on a path that is righteous and beneficial to all Mercians?” Ludeca asked.
“I swear.”
“Does the wittan agree to appoint Uhtred the next Lord of Mercia?”
“Aye! Aye! Aye!”
Aethelflaed watched on in discontent.
“Then Uhtred, we hereby proclaim you Lord of Mercia! You may take your throne!”
Uhtred stood before the Wittan with a sly smile on his face.
“I am grateful for this opportunity to rule over Mercia. However, I do not feel like I am the best choice. There is someone who will put this land above all else and that is the leader Mercia deserves! So my first act as Lord of Mercia is to relinquish the throne in favor of the Lady Aethelflaed.”
Gasps erupted around the room and Edward was furious. The princess was as shocked as anyone else.
“A woman cannot sit on the throne! What if she chooses to remarry? That man would be the new lord therefore bypassing the Wittan,” someone argued.
“If it pleases the Wittan, I will swear an oath to remain chaste so long as I sit on the Mercian throne.” Aethelflaed offered.
“You will also swear one thing to me,” Uhtred said.
“What is it?” She asked.
“I will relinquish the throne to you if you swear to allow y/n to marry Osferth. End their suffering and allow them to be wed. There will be no threat,” he whispered.
“That is what you require? Not land nor silver?”
“Everyone deserves happiness and they have been denied long enough. Plus I am tired of them sneaking around,” he chuckled.
“Fine. I swear to you, Uhtred, I shall allow them to marry. And I swear before the Wittan that I will remain chaste as Lady of Mercia!”
“Then it is settled. Lady Aethelflaed, take your throne!”
Meanwhile, the men were celebrating in the ale house unaware of what was occurring. You took the time enjoy everyone’s company, certain you would have to leave with the princess some time soon. You doubted she would stay in Aegelesburg and were certain she would take you with her.
“Men, lady,” Uhtred said as he walked through the door.
“The Lord of Mercia visiting an ale house? How scandalous!” Finan laughed.
“I was lord for all of five minutes,” he chuckled. “I gave up the throne in favor of Lady Aethelflaed.”
“You did?” You gasped.
“I did- but not before some oaths were made.” The smile on his face was cunning, that of a cat who swallowed a canary.
“Care to share those oaths, lord?” Osferth asked.
“Firstly, the Lady of Mercia will remain chaste as long as she sits on the throne,” he said.
You knew how upset that must have made him; his love for your lady was no secret.
“Secondly, a marriage has been arranged.”
“Who is it, lord?” Sihtric asked.
“We have a wedding to plan, boys,” Uhtred chuckled.
“If y/n still wishes to be married to the baby monk, that is.”
“That is not a funny joke, Lord Uhtred,” you said, the nerves evident in your voice.
For so long you wished to hear those words but now that you had, you couldn’t allow yourself to believe them to be true.
“It is no joke, Lady. I told Aethelflaed that if she wanted the throne, she needed to let the two of you wed. So you have our permissions.”
“This is true, lord?” Osferth asked, standing in excitement.
“Is it true? How many times do I have to repeat myself? It is true!”
“Let us find Father Pyrlig! We shall marry at once!” Osferth pulled you into his arms as you cried in happiness.
“Father Pyrlig may need a few minutes,” you heard someone groan from behind you.
You all turned to see Father Pyrlig laying on the table surrounded by empty cups of ale.
“We shall marry tomorrow then!” Osferth laughed. Your friends cheered for you as you clung to the man you loved most.
God had blessed you at last and you hoped for that favor to continue in your marriage as you hoped to one day have a family with Osferth- in a small home with the safety of your already made family surrounding you.
The Last Kingdom Taglist: @cornervase @camillabrady @mdawgs01 @moldy-khunt @stray-bi-kids @emilyhufflepufftlk @solinarimoon @chainsawsangel
Taglist: @cornervase @camillabrady @moldy-khunt @stray-bi-kids @emilyhufflepufftlk @solinarimoon @chainsawsangel
Taglist: @cornervase @camillabrady @moldy-khunt @stray-bi-kids @emilyhufflepufftlk @solinarimoon @chainsawsangel
Taglist: @cornervase @camillabrady  @moldy-khunt @stray-bi-kids @emilyhufflepufftlk @solinarimoon @chainsawsangel
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cerine0357 · 2 months
As yandere Il-Seong Shimizu, Izumi Shimizu, Sebastian, Xinyue Shimizu, Raemous, and Asmodeus Morningstar are soulmates destined for a female S/O. However, they are cursed by a tragic destiny, in which the S/O always faces death, only to be reborn, condemned to an eternal existence in an infinite cycle of deaths. Determined to avoid this fate, they are willing to do anything to prevent the reader's death.
oc: Shimizu family, Elentia Acurion, MorningStar Court:-
Il-seong & Izumi & Xinyue Shimizu, Sebastian/Hyunwoo Kang, Raemous and Asmodeus Morningstar X Reader
☁ Summary: Life and death worked together to keep you away from them for as long as possible, now they won't allow even time to separate you...
☁ Angst, fluff, horror?? || Somewhat established relationship?||Warnings: murder, noncon, manipulation, horror, death, depression, suicide, usual yandere horror.|| Yandere! Version of OC| The Morningstar are best friends with their usual S/O in this AU| Headcanons, scenario|| You're a human in Raemous's scenario.
☁ Needed to take a few creative liberties since despite them all being dead and immortal, some things wouldn't actually line up and so had to change a bit. I do not condone these types of obsessive relationships irl.
☁ Content for Sebastian's scenario: Their realm, LingDesu is said to be alive through old legends and is said to be very protective, a reason why the realm's borders do not allow residents of other realms in and let it's residents out.
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Your love cycle
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Il-seong Shimizu
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Ilseong did not remember how many times he had this nightmare over and over again...How many times will he see your face in his head? Someone he had never met in his life, but he fell in love with, created bonds with you and more...yet you always died by the same mistakes, no matter what he did..tried to have his family protect you, but...nothing.
And so...he was going insane....his family was getting concerned, Reo was incredibly worried, both him and Kaiyo staying up all night, pacing around the house and having an eye on Ilseong since he got this dream so many times...and no matter how he controlled his actions in his dream, something happened, and he couldn't prevent your death, on top of that he refused to allow Xinyue to check out his dreams..it got them thinking...Just WHO were you??
Ilseong eventually was pulled out by his sisters and a few others to get a healing day as they said where they did anything Ilseong wanted which included going to the arcade, the movies, eating a shit ton of convenience food and staying up all night watching funny movies.
Ushering through shelves with Oshinyu and Haoyu who was giggling and telling him some things about stuff, when he accidentally bumped his head against someone, feeling his whole vision shake as he rubbed it and sucked in a breath in slight annoyance, as he turned around.
He froze for a few seconds to stare at the other person while Oshinyu and Haoyu softly shook him, as he stared at you top to bottom..god you were just as perfect as in his dreams, is that why you were in his life for reality now??
Oh how he wanted to say something, but all he could do was nod to whatever you said and watch as you walked away, going to buy your stuff as he stood there frozen until his dad softly nudged him, the smell of cedar and expensive cologne filling the rather small and non fragrant shop which alerted people of the Shimizus' presence, I mean, it was no everyday, you saw the world's richest family roaming a humble convenience store, buying whatever they enjoyed..
"It's them..." He mumbled as Reo stared at you, you seemed like a good kid, but who were you?
"the one from my dream...I need them." .....Oh...Oh!
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Izumi Shimizu
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Izumi had started to become more irritable and pissed off, which was complete opposite of her, out of all her siblings, she was the sweetest. And it worried everyone seeing the baby of the family have sudden shift in her personality and everyone knew it was because of you...
Kaiyo, especially, was worried since not to say anything, but she loved Izumi more than anything else in this world, her daughters were incredibly precious to her..
Especially the youngest one, the little thing over which she nearly died out of exhaustion, Azuki came normally in the world, but Izumi had a hard time leaving her womb and it left an impact on Kaiyo...Kaiyo refused to let anything happen to Izumi..
She didn't want to do this, but she had ways in life to get her way..but she needed to know you, you were apparently a person in Izumi's dream, she always told them about you, she even had someone paint you for her eyes cause you were so much on her mind....
Kaiyo thought it would pass...but slowly and slowly, it didn't...her dreams became more graphic and harsh...Kaiyo sat with Izumi, her fever rising as she woke up startled from her dream, her eyes filled with large tears as she cried while Reo, Hyejun and others tried to calm her, even Azuki was worried for his twin to the point, he was sleeping snuggling against her.
Izumi slowly opened to Azuki, telling him how she saw you in different lives she led, almost as if it was a previous life or something and in each of them, you died brutally and she couldn't do anything about it...Azuki had to tell this to others, so Xinyue had to check out her dreams and memories...all in detail..
As she woke up, she was greeted by the site of a pile of photos of YOU!! In various actions; sleeping, drinking, eating, writing, running, laughing, painting and others...Oh how gorgeous were you, she had to run giddily to her family and thank them..they were all happy with Izumi finally being happy again, and they were sure she'd be even more ecstatic on her birthday with her darling 'present'...
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Xinyue Shimizu
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You used to be a memory of his before you died, he had no idea how, but the thing is..he had been getting weird memories he never supposedly had of you, as his lover, was it already infatuation with you that influenced these memories to drop or something else..
But these memories were not short anymore.. constant breakdowns, meltdowns, panic attacks and more and it made everyone worried,
Shimizus were a close-knit family, incredibly caring for one another and they knew you as a good friend...so it was worrying when he got breakdowns...
They spent hours, trying to see how to help Xinyue, distracting him, spending time with him, playing games with him...none of it seem to work, his condition seemed to worsen, until they even had to admit him to a hospital and he got bedridden for a while..
That's when everyone got worried and had to look for you, they had to get as much information of you as they could lull out of him..Not too much, but enough about you to understand who you were..
It had taken so much convincing from Kaiyo's end to get his old power to find you and get you or something...Reo wasn't proud of it, but if it meant his son would be happy again, he would walk through a bed of nails while having lava poured over him..He loved his family...
They searched for you for so long, until they found you..they got one of them to befriend you enough to get you to come home, before kidnapping you and brushing the case away within seconds through bribery.
You stayed in an almost incredibly weak body...it was to make sure you didn't escape and they got a underground doctor to care for you, while making sure you didn't escape, keeping you in a heavily guarded room.
Oh how they loved seeing Xinyue be happy again when he saw your unconscious body as his Christmas gift, he and everyone else knew you'd take time to get used to it, but you'll fit in just fine as a Shimizu~
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Sebastian/HyunWoo Kang
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He met you on his first ever trip to the human world, the one with his classmate for the first time in a few centuries..He met you since you became friends with Aurelia and Valerie and got along well with them.
After the trip, he used to come to human world ever weekend to stalk you around and smile at anything that happened, until one day...He saw you die infront of his eyes...
He was depressed for so long, until his class and his family comforted him with that you'd come back to human world in a few decades or so..and he went to the world every weekend...until around 50 years later, he did meet you again...
Oh how he saw you die again and since then, his dreams always had you dying again and again again as he waited for your reincarnation helplessly..
and even then the realm took pity and decided to take control over your soul, simply because it was upset for Sebastian, who was crying himself to sleep every night.
Oh how he always saw you in front of his classroom door as Izana made him introduce you around, you mention how you thought he looked similar and brushed it off...until he was sure, he could kidnap you or keep you locked to him forever...
He is not willing to let go of you again, he's died seeing your death, and even LingDesu is willing to let him get away with it.
In her residents, filled with kindness, generosity, such kind residents of her deserve to have atleast one of their crimes forgiven, if it makes them feel ecstatic...Lingdesu is willing to let Sebastian have you forever and ever...
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he saw you when he first became a demon and was being punished under Zional..he saw you, a servant under the MorningStar, you two talked a bit, got close and he fell in love...It was until one of the prisoners escaped and stabbed you, you died and he couldn't save you...
It was after the war that the memories of you became worse, whenever you were reincarnated, he couldn't ever save you, no matter what he did...You died too many times...
When Raemous became a general and was finally a somewhat part of the MorningStar family, did he later on talk to Zional about you. Zional, though not the most generous, had allowed Raemous to have one wish and his wish was to see you again...
Of-course this came with a price that Zional had accidentally put on his wish, your next death was the most brutal one..He still remembers the way your blood and screams coated his memories and viens and heart...
The way you clawed to escape the pain in his arms while he couldn't possibly do anything, all while he begged for Zional, Ezolianna, Lucifer or Belial to do something yet they couldn't as they stared at him with pity and worry as Zional made Ezolianna look away while Raemous cried with you in his arms, just once he wanted your love..but was that too much to ask for...?
He couldn't possibly heal from that experience, he started becoming more pissed off, starting fights whoever looked at him funny, until an argument between the MorningStars broke out over Zional's wish and how Zional had to compensate to Raemous as demanded by Ezolianna as the late empress.
Zional worked hard to look through tortured souls for weeks on end, since he couldn't bother having his wife be upset with him..then he realized how Raemous felt, it was then did he find you, bring you safe and sound to Raemous.
Raemous' arms held you tight, your body soft and warm as opposed to it' harsh coldness and heavy weight and pale skin...He cried, hugging you as close as possible, by now he didn't care whether you loved him or not, you were staying with him for an eternity as his..
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Asmodeus MorningStar
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Asmodeus met you when he was walking through Limbo, well more like saw you..You were a innocent thing back then, as he met you and you both fell in love...He always felt lust, arousal or sensual feelings, love made him feel pleasure without anyone needing to touch him...It was divine and he was drunk off it.
How would he have known that a love between a demon and human was cursed as you died in his arms while he cried to his mother, who consoled him for hours, fixing his gorgeous eyes, telling him you'll come back to him in your next life.
And so he waited, until a few decades later, he met you again...ow he wished to feel the same love, but by then it was too late in this life..he saw you fell in love with someone, someone that wasn't him..and it hurt worse than knives digging into your skin..
He couldn't help the fury build inside him and he saw himself ripping your heart out...how he wished he could have stopped himself from taking your life...He cried for hours, holding your heart in his hand, apologizing to your cold body for hours over and over..
To try and forgive himself, he refused to meet you for the next few lives, believing you'd be safe without him..but always made sure to gaze at you when he could...And how disappointed he was when fate wrote your death early by hands of others and not by nature's hands... How disappointed he felt..
Until he had enough, when your next life began, he introduced himself, did his best to get you and before Death could reach you, something else did...Asmodeus's love...
He held you in his arms in his room back in Infernal, whispering sweet words in your ears, shackles around your wrist and ankles as you sobbed in his arms, not able to move from invisible force while he cried in happiness, happy to have you again, all his and only his...
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© cerine0357. All characters belong to me; Aurelia, Moon, Cerine. Reblogging is appreciated, but plagiarizing or copying my works is forbidden, thank you for ready and if you like this check out my blog!
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starqueensthings · 6 months
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The Only Exception:
Foreword, Basics, and References
Basics: 3rd POV, primarily following the main character (OC) with occasional shifts to other perspectives (separated by chapter). 
Pairing: Captain Howzer x fem!OC; then Jesse x fem!OC; then maybe something else… maybe something of the same… TEEHEE
Characters: more clone OC’s than I can count, tons of human OC’s, Twi-lek OC’s, many of our favourite TCW characters like Fives, Echo, Jesse, Kix, and Rex playing large parts of the story. Tup, Hardcase, Dogma, Cody, Keeli, and others also make appearances. 
Rating: will shift chapter by chapter between 16+ for mature themes, and 18+ for explicit themes. 
Posting Schedule: will not be consistent. The undulation of ADHD means there are days to weeks where my brain can’t translate a single sentence from thought to written word, so I’m hesitant to commit to a structured, weekly schedule but will do my best.
Things that probably don’t need to be noted, but because I’m both anxious and uncontrollably long-winded, I feel the need to explain: 
This work was written novel style, and not necessarily the traditional 2nd POV, x reader fanfiction style that we all know and love. These characters have names, histories, appearances that are both eluded to and mildly described, as well as personality traits that may not be desirable to some. For example: the main character, June, harbors some resentment toward men because of some lingering trauma from her past, and unfortunately lets it influence many of her decisions. There are times, particularly in the beginning of the story, where she can be highly sensitive to what some would consider harmless, off-the-cuff remarks, and becomes combative and irrational as a result. Her reactions are particularly placed to emphasize aspects of her character, so that we can witness her growth and/or regressions throughout the story. 
In that same token, this story will hover around + touch on some uncomfortable  topics, particularly toward the end. Whump/angst/hurt+comfort/fluff/smut will all be present themes, and I WILL be tagging each chapter very clearly and very thoroughly. SA and parental trauma will be eluded to throughout the entirety of the story and recollected/explained toward the end. Additionally, smut scenes will be segregated into their own chapters and will be written as not to affect the flow of the story, so if you choose to skip those, you don’t miss out on anything plot wise. All of that being said, this is largely a light hearted story about growth and unexpected love as it presents itself in several forms. 
Additionally (and very importantly) June is highly intelligent and medically proficient. I am neither of those things. Not even close. I tried to research as much medical terminology as possible prior to/during writing, but probably 75% of it will make no sense to someone who’s very familiar with medical things/conditions/procedures. Lastly, I tried to keep this story as canon compliant as possible, but the Clone Wars timeline is challenging to navigate. Creative liberty was taken in some spots where canon is murky, but otherwise I tried to remain as true to the Star Wars events as we know them. Language will fluctuate mildly between in-universe and modern day. I kept it as Star Wars as possible, but absolutely refuse to use “transparisteel” in place of glass, “flimsi” makes me cringe, and will always prefer shower over “sonic” lol 
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Common Star Wars words are below:
Holo Computer: Desktop Computer
Holopad: kinda like a cellphone
Datapad: kinda like an iPad/tablet
Durasteel: metal
Duraplas: plastic
Massiff: a dog-ish creature that kinda looks like an alligator lol
“Kriff”: “Fuck” or “Shit” (a swear word, not the noun of a fuck or a shit lol)
“Kriffing”: “Fucking” (adjective, not the action of fucking)
Chrono: watch/clock
Hoverbed: like a gurney or hospital bed that floats 
Air Speeder: floating car with side-by-side seats
Speeder bike: floating motorcycle
Fresher: washroom/bathroom/loo
Di’kut: Idiot
Mesh’la: beautiful (noun)
Cyare: darling (noun)
Caf: coffee
“Maker” or “Gods” or “Stars”: “God” or “Lord” (frustrated; not religious lol)
Camtono: a cooler/portable freezer
Flimsi: paper
a bajillion more listed in this fantastic post.
Terms I made up because canon was lacking (list is on-going):
NBA or Nociceptor Blocking Agent: the pain injection we see them jab into peoples necks
USI or Universal Serum Injector: the injection tool itself (serum vial is loaded per dose)
Defibrillator “defib” Pods: small, high tech, portable defibrillator
Cleanser Tube: essentially a washing machine recessed into the hall. Very similar to a front loading washing machine where only the door is visible. 
Sanitation Station: a weird contraption that cleans/disinfects someone’s hands before coating them in nitrile (instead of pulling on surgical gloves). 
“Maker have mercy”: “for the love of God” (frustrated; not religious lol) 
Blue wine: white wine
Purple wine: red wine
Cauterizing Pen/Electromagnetic Stapler: used in the place of stitches
MedScanner: I did not conceptualize the scanner itself, but did make up all the settings and uses lol
“Flimsi Flinger”: “Paper Pusher”
“Double-barrelled Blaster”: a double edged sword
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Hey Goose! 👁️👅👁️
Just wanted to let you know I miss you so much and I excited for you to come back. I’m proud of you for making it this far in your journey and you’ve really helped me feel more comfortable/confident in my OCs. I’ve always struggled talking about them, but your Goosie-ness has really helped me come out of my shell.
P.S: I will show up to your place of residence and fight you if you put yourself down after all you’ve accomplished :3
Thank you for the reminder of how far I’ve come and also I AM SO VERY HAPPY. I’m glad that, in some way, I’ve been able to help you with your confidence regarding OCs, but you must give yourself most of the credit. They came from your wonderfully creative mind, it was your dedication to them that’s brought them to life - I may have just given a lil nudge. But the same goes for you, you’re one of the people that gave me my boost to create and I’ve enjoyed every second of speaking about our OCs together.
And we’ll speak of them more 😎😎 I’m sure of that - we gotta fuck up a couple (two specific come to mind lmao)
But yes, I’m still taking care of myself and managing the burnout - doing what I can to remain careful and happy ❤️💖
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fernnshxj · 6 months
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shout out to my mutual @gsstories n they oc joan!!!!!! no i love them i wanna see more u beat me to drawing them together grahhhhh joke
also idk how tall ur oc is and i did take sum artistic liberties so i’m sorry if they r not accurate! :[ miori’s tall asfreak
also also love how similar they r i think it’s silly. ik i’m not creative having a blue female ninja oc LMAO but i think it’s silly how we both have our first as kuno :3 and they bad bitches
i wanna lore dump for miori so bad PLEASE i might just start doodlin random shit i think of idk. currently in the process of actually getting her story together n it may or may not involve a fuck ton of angst ouuuuuu
wow i typed a lot HAHSNJDUC ok bye
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
Don't cancel me Fluffy, but I like to separate LMK from the OG text. NOT because I hate themes and motifs and classical novels, nah. But rather for the regular amount of separation fans need in acknowledging when the show puts its own spin on things. And also because a subsection of fandom is very persistent that everything that happened in JTTW is canon in the exact same way to LMK and like to bash on characters for that. A lot different from writers pulling inspo is assuming LMK is a 1:1 adaptation when even the writers said it wasn't what they wanted.
yeah see that’s different (also i don’t have nor want the power to cancel you)
my personal beef is when people butcher the themes and character dynamics from jttw. (Tripitaka for example 🤨 like wtf is UP with that???? also, HISTORICAL CONTEXT PPL 👏👏👏👏👏I WILL TAP THE SIGN HOWEVER TIMES I NEED TO!!!! this story is old, old so reading with footnotes that provide context on what the original meant to convey is ok. if you need it for Shakespeare plays, then you’ll need it for the older shit too) lmk very clearly isn’t being an honest adaptation and this story is old as balls so i don’t expect it to. if it holds the heart of the story then it’s an A in my book.
Red Son’s origin isn’t even the same from jttw, and PVD is shown to be more of a threat than she was in the book. so, lmk is taking plenty of creative liberties where they feel they need to.
my thing is mostly with the Western audience who aren’t as familiar with not just the og text, but how much this story has an impact on a lot of cultural stories in Asian countries.
in a way it’s like Arthuriana to me (except jttw is older than Arthuriana lol) because there’s not a lot of “canon” beside Arthur is king, dies in the battle of Camlann, Merlin is a powerful wizard, Morgana is an important antagonist, and Mordred makes the killing blow. but despite that, many Western audiences are vaguely familiar with the legends enough to have their own interpretations. some people like theirs to be closer to the course materials and some like to keeps theirs a little loose
there is a ton of jttw adaptations (you can go ahead and watch this video by The Dom where he lists a plethora of adaptations from the most “honest” to the least) and i am sure many Asian cultures and communities have their own personal interpretations and omissions from the legend
so yeah. long story short: when it comes to lmk, i agree that ppl should if he holding the jttw as gospel since it is used as a source of inspiration (sure the main source but you get what i mean). however, that shouldn’t discount it from your analysis and interpretations when looking at the themes and character dynamics
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sea-jello · 2 years
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i have a test in like 12 hours and overdue homework so of course im going back to posting on tumblr dot com
figure skating au!! this got kicked into gear by @cats-inthe-cradle not super much info on it yet but this is what we got so far
if you wanna see me talk about the design + the scrapped versions
OKAAYY WHOOH this took forever im so shit at designing 😭😭 anyways so the makeup is obviously reflecting the marks he got around his eyes (i have no idea how to draw makeup cut me some slack) and the gray swirl thing is reflecting/opposite nyas seabound marks. nya has it coming in from the right side, morro has it coming from the left over his heart. the other gray stripe things its sorta like a line that starts from the swirl going across his back, up to his shoulder, then it goes under his arm back around and then to the bottom of the shirt. dont think too hard about it.
the wing things are there for the wind effect when he spins or whatever, and mimic wojiras wings, from the shape down to the patterns (sort of i had to take creative liberty) he has a high ish collar to sorta mimic the cloak people draw him with, and it crosses over towards the right bc ninja gi. inside of the shirt and bits of the swirl is purple for wojira ofc, and a fuck ton of glitter because why not. half up half down morro for the win
onto the many many variations i ran through
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thats probably not even all of them but i cba
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trippinsorrows · 1 month
Hi! What's the deal with the bloodline? In the story, do they sell drugs but also have like a wrestling company? Or are the matches just to prove strength between them? 😅
the bloodline is a large scale crime organization that originated generations ago in samoa but has grown to having smaller factions across the world. they primarily deal in drugs, weapons, stolen goods, etc. usual mafia shit.
the fighting, in my mind and creative liberties, is similar to how you'll see underground fighting in most mafia stories? it's usually like boxing or mma, but i wanted to keep the wrestling concept, so i kept it there. roman's lineage on his father's side is filled with champion fighters, so it's a good look and continues the tradition for blood members of the bloodline to hold titles, hence roman and the twins having theirs.
the matches also definitely do show strength and send a message out to anyone who'd be stupid enough to challenge.
hope that makes sense! lol interestingly enough, i don't touch on ton on specifics of the bloodline, just cause i care more about like the personal side of things? like the people vs the business, if that also makes sense.
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