#titles are my NEMESIS
starqueensthings · 7 months
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The Only Exception:
Foreword, Basics, and References
Basics: 3rd POV, primarily following the main character (OC) with occasional shifts to other perspectives (separated by chapter). 
Pairing: Captain Howzer x fem!OC; then Jesse x fem!OC; then maybe something else… maybe something of the same… TEEHEE
Characters: more clone OC’s than I can count, tons of human OC’s, Twi-lek OC’s, many of our favourite TCW characters like Fives, Echo, Jesse, Kix, and Rex playing large parts of the story. Tup, Hardcase, Dogma, Cody, Keeli, and others also make appearances. 
Rating: will shift chapter by chapter between 16+ for mature themes, and 18+ for explicit themes. 
Posting Schedule: will not be consistent. The undulation of ADHD means there are days to weeks where my brain can’t translate a single sentence from thought to written word, so I’m hesitant to commit to a structured, weekly schedule but will do my best.
Things that probably don’t need to be noted, but because I’m both anxious and uncontrollably long-winded, I feel the need to explain: 
This work was written novel style, and not necessarily the traditional 2nd POV, x reader fanfiction style that we all know and love. These characters have names, histories, appearances that are both eluded to and mildly described, as well as personality traits that may not be desirable to some. For example: the main character, June, harbors some resentment toward men because of some lingering trauma from her past, and unfortunately lets it influence many of her decisions. There are times, particularly in the beginning of the story, where she can be highly sensitive to what some would consider harmless, off-the-cuff remarks, and becomes combative and irrational as a result. Her reactions are particularly placed to emphasize aspects of her character, so that we can witness her growth and/or regressions throughout the story. 
In that same token, this story will hover around + touch on some uncomfortable  topics, particularly toward the end. Whump/angst/hurt+comfort/fluff/smut will all be present themes, and I WILL be tagging each chapter very clearly and very thoroughly. SA and parental trauma will be eluded to throughout the entirety of the story and recollected/explained toward the end. Additionally, smut scenes will be segregated into their own chapters and will be written as not to affect the flow of the story, so if you choose to skip those, you don’t miss out on anything plot wise. All of that being said, this is largely a light hearted story about growth and unexpected love as it presents itself in several forms. 
Additionally (and very importantly) June is highly intelligent and medically proficient. I am neither of those things. Not even close. I tried to research as much medical terminology as possible prior to/during writing, but probably 75% of it will make no sense to someone who’s very familiar with medical things/conditions/procedures. Lastly, I tried to keep this story as canon compliant as possible, but the Clone Wars timeline is challenging to navigate. Creative liberty was taken in some spots where canon is murky, but otherwise I tried to remain as true to the Star Wars events as we know them. Language will fluctuate mildly between in-universe and modern day. I kept it as Star Wars as possible, but absolutely refuse to use “transparisteel” in place of glass, “flimsi” makes me cringe, and will always prefer shower over “sonic” lol 
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Common Star Wars words are below:
Holo Computer: Desktop Computer
Holopad: kinda like a cellphone
Datapad: kinda like an iPad/tablet
Durasteel: metal
Duraplas: plastic
Massiff: a dog-ish creature that kinda looks like an alligator lol
“Kriff”: “Fuck” or “Shit” (a swear word, not the noun of a fuck or a shit lol)
“Kriffing”: “Fucking” (adjective, not the action of fucking)
Chrono: watch/clock
Hoverbed: like a gurney or hospital bed that floats 
Air Speeder: floating car with side-by-side seats
Speeder bike: floating motorcycle
Fresher: washroom/bathroom/loo
Di’kut: Idiot
Mesh’la: beautiful (noun)
Cyare: darling (noun)
Caf: coffee
“Maker” or “Gods” or “Stars”: “God” or “Lord” (frustrated; not religious lol)
Camtono: a cooler/portable freezer
Flimsi: paper
a bajillion more listed in this fantastic post.
Terms I made up because canon was lacking (list is on-going):
NBA or Nociceptor Blocking Agent: the pain injection we see them jab into peoples necks
USI or Universal Serum Injector: the injection tool itself (serum vial is loaded per dose)
Defibrillator “defib” Pods: small, high tech, portable defibrillator
Cleanser Tube: essentially a washing machine recessed into the hall. Very similar to a front loading washing machine where only the door is visible. 
Sanitation Station: a weird contraption that cleans/disinfects someone’s hands before coating them in nitrile (instead of pulling on surgical gloves). 
“Maker have mercy”: “for the love of God” (frustrated; not religious lol) 
Blue wine: white wine
Purple wine: red wine
Cauterizing Pen/Electromagnetic Stapler: used in the place of stitches
MedScanner: I did not conceptualize the scanner itself, but did make up all the settings and uses lol
“Flimsi Flinger”: “Paper Pusher”
“Double-barrelled Blaster”: a double edged sword
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eyesontheskyline · 4 months
hi love!!! 8, 13 & 16 if you’re still answering questions❤️
Hi! Fic writer asks here.
8. What project(s) are you currently working on? So still very much up to my eyeballs in no such thing as over this, my S7 fix-it. It's going to get an epilogue which will add a separate oneshot to the same series in case anyone wants to avoid explicit sex scenes (or in case anyone wants to skip all the trauma and character development and get straight to the explicit sex scene, I guess, no judgment here), so that's kind of in the back of my mind on and off but I haven't actually written anything down for it yet.
I'm also (still) about 23,000 words into a one-chapter-per-episode thing starting mid S2 which may or may not see the light of day. The document is currently titled 'am I actually doing this lol' and I started it before I started either of the CM things I've actually published - I feel like even what I've already written is going to take a decent amount of editing before I'm happy with it now even though I have 9 chapters marked complete, so. . . Idk. I probably will start posting this at some point but I don't knowww. It isn't exactly story shaped which makes me a bit nervous.
13. How much planning do you do before writing? It depends on the size and shape of the story. I did zero planning for someone else's solid ground, which is about normal for a 1-2 chapter thing for me. I knew what I wanted them to talk about and the rest of it was just sex lol. But no such thing as over this has a chapter-by-chapter outline that tells me which episodes I'm covering and the general plot points and emotional beats to hit in wildly varying levels of detail. And there's a whole scene from the last chapter already written in there.
16. At what point in the process do you come up with titles? When not having a title becomes the thing stopping me from posting. I hate titles. I just steal them from songs but the mood of the song needs to be right and it needs to have one line that's title-y enough and preferably another quotable part so I can use two parts of the same song in the notes of the first and last chapter. . . I make it trickier than it needs to be lol.
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solarmorrigan · 13 days
Oh sure, writing 31 stories for October is all fun and games until you realize you have to name all of them
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i don't have that post like "give me a title and i'll tell you the fic i would write to go with it" but i want to play that game anyway so. i'm just gonna make this post it.
give me a title and i'll tell you the fic i would write to go with it
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meadow-roses · 1 year
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A bunch of doodles trying to get a feel for the second book of Felix's series.
The revolution has been successfully kickstarted but there's still a long ways to go before they can secure any kind of freedom, not to mention the heavy losses they took to even get it to this point.
While the main group of rebels (that we followed in the first book) are getting their feet back under them, the small collections of revolutionists that have been hiding in the shadows until now are finally finding it's actually possible for them to move... but without unity between all these groups, they're going to be pretty easy to squash by the massive gov that's only been "tripped". In the midst of all this Felix is struggling to process the events of the first book and not lose the ground he's already gained.
The plot is still a mess but we're getting there 😂
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aethersea · 2 years
me: I think I’m going to stop sitting on unfinished fics and just publish them. perfectionism is a trap, I should just go for it!
ao3 title field: think again.
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ilovedthestars · 2 months
Writer ask game 10 and 75 ❤️
thanks for the ask! <3 (writer ask game)
10. at what point in the process do you come up with titles, and how easy or hard is that for you?
oh it is almost always the last thing i do before posting, and that is because i find it really hard XD sometimes i can't think of anything better than my working title, other times i go trawling through the fic for an interesting line to use. very occasionally i'll come up with a good title from the start or partway through drafting, but usually it's a last minute scramble.
75. do you know how your story ends before you start writing?
i think so, usually? it's actually been a while since i started a brand new story idea, so it's hard for me to be sure about this. i think i tend to start off with a beginning, maybe a few key beats, and and ending, and it's the connective tissue in between that takes the most time to come up with. (i am rarely able to write in order. i tend to jump around and draft those first few scenes that are in my head, and then go back and fill in the gaps.)
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treemaidengeek · 4 months
(Someone asked about the story to help select correct vibes. so:
In previous installments, two complicated men (Wen Zhuliu / Meng Yao) had a messy affair. One of them thought the other one was dead (he was, but he got over it) & by the time they reconnect, they've realized how much they were on opposite sides of the war that just ended. They hurt each other in a way that leaves them accidentally magically connected.
In this installment, their magical connection fucks then both over repeatedly while they navigate the landmines of postwar life with the power balance between them pretty completely flipped on its head. Meng Yao went from prisoner/spymaster to a gilded seat precariously balanced on top of the world. Wen Zhuliu went from the feared right hand of the most powerful man in the world, to a fugitive trying to hide and protect a group of hunted refugees.
Chapters alternate narration between the two, sometimes bridged by unwillingly shared dreams/nightmares.)
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damiemontclair · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 人渣反派自救系统 - 墨香铜臭 | The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù, 天��赐福 - 墨香铜臭 | Tiān Guān Cì Fú - Mòxiāng Tóngxiù Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luò Bīnghé/Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Huā Chéng/Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Shàng Qīnghuá & Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū Characters: Shěn Yuán | Shěn Qīngqiū, Xiè Lián (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Luò Bīnghé, Liǔ Qīnggē, Huā Chéng (Tiān Guān Cì Fú), Shàng Qīnghuá, System (Scum Villain), unnamed OCs to fill the ranks Additional Tags: Crossover, Ascension, Accidental Ascension, Crack, shen yuan wants to go home, binghe is cooking, can't miss binghes cooking, Communication array, Mild Destruction of Property, teen and up bc of an accidental innuendo, and also some cursing, idk what else to add, this ~is~ mostly crack, heaven is full of gossips, the shackles are only mentioned briefly but they are mentioned!, sy dodged a bullet there Series: Part 11 of Damie's MXTX-tober 2023 Summary:
Day 11: Crossover & Shackles - Shen Yuan, meet TGCF
[Congratulations. Congratulations. Congratulations. You have ascended.] [Hidden Achievement Unlocked: Reaching for the Heavens.] [Sub-Achievement Unlocked: Reaching for the Heavens (solo)] [Sub-Achievement Failed: Reaching for the Heavens as One]
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a moment for the song “mystery” by the indigo girls, please, for offering me the perfect title for every thought’s a possibility
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collaredkittyboy · 6 months
My legs are so tiredd :<
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dykehayleywilliams · 2 years
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remember what they took from us
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arminsumi · 1 year
i just be chillin and then a jjk spoiler jumps my bones man 🧍‍♀️ i didn't know what else happened in shibuya arc and then ep 11 spoilers just slap me before i can reach the ep lolol
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this is sort of similar to the post abt how it's interesting that wardens are called "wardens," but one other title detail i think is really interesting is that kamado's title is commander. and also that the captains are captains, which when placed against commander makes it obvious that the galaxy team is using military ranks. i mean i think it's partially to tie them further in with the modern day team galactic, but still. kamado's very clear objective is peace. so why use a ranking system that's generally very non-associated with it?
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nyxqueenofshadows · 5 months
tentative draft of an aizawa fic done?
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tocourtdisaster · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Characters: James T. Kirk, Leonard "Bones" McCoy Additional Tags: Pre-Relationship, Headaches & Migraines, Sharing Clothes, Starfleet Academy Era Series: Part 2 of Works No Longer in Progress Summary:
The relationship between Jim and Bones could best be described as "old married couple" except they're not even dating.
 **This story is incomplete**
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