#with 2 lines and a codex entry letter
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andrewknightley · 4 months ago
Have your game in tevinter aka Elf Slave Country Where Human Mages Rules and then have the only relevant tevinter characters be Good human mages or Evil human mages was a choice for sure
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supoctosss · 5 months ago
31 Days of Dragon Age
Based off this post
The past 5 days have been hell, HOWEVER, I am finally getting out of it and forced myself to get up and get ready for Veilguard tomorrow (it’s currently downloading while I’m typing😭) so speedrun off all the days I missed
Day 26- Favorite DAI NPC
The return of Alistair as a Warden or King, Hawke, and besides the obvious ones I would say Either Alexius or Maddox bc I love a good tragic ending, and Alexius is such a nuanced villain and Ketheric from BG3 reminds me a lot of him
Day 27- Favorite Scene/Dialogue
So many, Morrigan's "I will not be the mother you were to me" makes me sob violently, it hit such a deep part of soul that I had to take a break from the game, combining that with Morrigan freaking out seeing her son with Flemeth and not being able to do anything bc of the well. It's why I will always drink out of the well bc I could not fathom being at the beck and call of someone you have been running from.
Day 28- Favorite Lore/Codex Entry
For just small things, the letter from HoF and the Dalish camp war table saga. Big things are definitely all the Dalish lore, especially in Trespasser, Lyrium being titan's blood (therefore making all magic blood magic) everything we learn about the Qunari, and Cole in general
Day 29- What I love about Dragon Age
The companions and people you meet along the way, each character is incredibly nuanced and no matter who they are or what they feel you can clearly see where it came from. Each character is full of love, and it's really where BioWare shines, so many backstories, lines, even cameos evoke so many emotions from me it's astounding. I also really like how there's someone for everyone, every person who plays has that one character that they just resonate with (Morrigan) and it really makes me feel seen and not alone.
Day 30- What I am most looking forward to
New choices, I've played every DA game at least 15 times, and I feel like I know every line of Dialogue by heart, I know every gifts in Origins and who they go to, I can do a completionist run of the first 2 without looking a single thing up and most of it's just muscle memory, and I wish I could experience seeing Loghain betray Cailan, or Anders blow up the chantry, or Solas' reveal just one more time for the first time. So, I am incredibly excited to see something new that I have no idea of, I'm also going to keep off all Wiki's until I finish my first run so I can see everything blind
I will come on here just to do my LAST DAY of this and will be dead silent until I finish the game (as I suspect many of my mutuals will be too) I am genuinely in such shock that I currently have DRAGON AGE 4 downloading, that tomorrow I finally get to see Davrin and make my Rook
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thetrixiegoth · 27 days ago
2. An entry from Rooks journal.
(Rook writes her journal as if she's writing to someone. It helps her to get her thoughts and feelings out if she feels the writing has a purpose)
Well. Shit. Just when things seem like they can't get any worse, fate instantly says, "Hold my beer," and walks up, and sucker punches you in the gut. Weisshaupt was a mess. Nothing, and I mean nothing could have prepared us for that. We lost so many. Even before we arrived, the casualty rate was high all because of that absolute..
(There are several lines of just crossed out words)
...moron, formally known as First Warden. His need for glory above all things got people killed. However, thankfully, by some small unknown miracle, he managed to see reason.
I have to admit the temptation to hit him right in the face was so high! It was only Emmrich's praise for managing to talk the First Warden down that made not doing so worth it.
(The text stops abruptly here, but pressed in with the page is a single griffin feather)
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vibrathor · 4 months ago
i finished datv
its a decent game, just not a decent dragon age.
This was the first game in the series where I felt nothing upon reaching finale, no excitement, no sadness, no epicness, just wanted to get it over with. I still started a new character, mostly to see if I can get more lore tidbits on this particular combo of race/faction (and to unlock the last achievement Im missing from 100%). Its just... shallow. Good for "relax, consume and dont ask", but if you want just a tad bit more, youre in for a bad surprise. Not to mention the constant hand holding, jesus christ, trust your player to have a brain, Bioware.
More under the cut, spoilery
it will be chaotic, but hey ho...
Honestly, I played it for the lore. I knew certain aspects that got confirmed, i was baffled by others, especially contradictory to the previous games... which still would be okay if only it didnt just started snowballing into one big mess.
Old gods lore? Gone. Seems like quickly attached to the elves, which would have been great if it was done better. Much better.
It was elves all along? Spirits into bodies? Expected. Shame they decided to just cut through it with a blaster and infodump en masse on the player, it really took me out.
Blight? See, thats interesting, but we also first learned that red lyrium is blighted lyrium. To have titans infected blood could be interesting, except also red lyrium means angry. What.
Statues of the dread wolf in every single elven place? Yeah why. There was a big point of having his statues in mythals temple in dai, big enough to get its own dialogue, but nope, lets just reuse assets, enviromental storytelling? what is that
Isabela only shared the name with Isabela I knew. Same with Dorian. Morrigan had a few good lines, but it wasnt my Morrigan.
I also like how we dont care about the previous choices and characters, except the ones we need and are as bland as possible, and all have selective amnesia. Either leave the south and the past completely, or import more choices, this is just jarring.
I expected a soft reboot, which we get with letters telling us about the South getting wrecked, and im sort of at peace with that? It stings, but still. The ILLUMINATI reveal at the end tho? I hope they pivot from the implication that ALL of the previous villains/heroes/events were influenced by THE ILLUMINATI, not just observed, DIRECTLY INFLUENCED, cause thats not just shitting on lore, thats shitting on some amazing characters and their agency (LOGHAIN OF ALL), and amazing stories, for the sake of what...? Clearing cut from the past team? I was never a big fan of Trick W, but this is just... ugh. Unless it is a VERY GOOD WRITING, that im not expecting from this team.
Writing is very bland, and mostly bad, way too anachronistic, tonally not even at all, characters are just meh, and the fact you HAVE to be nice to all of them doesnt help. I cant dismiss them, i cant fight with them, i cannot NOT recruit them, the most i can do is not do quests (but loot. and codex entries. and stuff), which is such a regressive decision. POWER OF FRIENDSHIP LESSSGOOO
I think I truly liked only Emmerich and Davrin, even Harding was a shadow of herself. I knew Taash was written by Weekes instantly, same bratiness, same annoyance about them as Sera... whom i actively dont like, but i cared about anyway, and I was prepared and did it for Taash, but certain in your face, including breaking the forth wall, preachy scene made me fucking cringe. Like i literally had to pause cause it was so bad. Taash is kinda too childish as well, not straight to the point like some people claim, just fucking daft. Neve is flat, Bellara is a worse Merrill, Lucanis had a promise, but its like hes written by 2 different people at all times, even Solas contradicts the one I knew before.
Also its so... weird that like Harding gets stuff from her Ma and wants to go camping, but at the same time we know South is barely holding. Antaam is so good theyre every fucking where.
Wardens are great, Id die for Evka. Assan is my boy. Manfred is the greatest wisp that ever was.
What was the most disappointing though, was the zones. What do you mean i FINALLY go to tevinter and see only fucking dock town? Where are my villas? Where are the bad magisters? Wheres the rampant injustice (except in the passing or the codex)? In Treviso, where are the scary Crows, not this anti-hero italian nice mafia? Kal Sharok is just different, but everyones nice and looks normal, but theyre different, lets not get into it though.
Where are dozens of elves following Solas? Whats up with that 6th sense twist that was SO BAD?
Theres probably more stuff that I already forgot about.
I know this games development was hell, the whole process got restarted like 3 times, but the way they sanitised almost everything (shoutout to the Blight cause it has some good moments), and the writing that is even more chaotic than this post, make me feel so... bitter? Disappointed? Disillusioned?
Certainly nothing positive.
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erikacousland · 8 months ago
Ram in Dragon Age: The World of Thedas Volume 2
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Ram Rams are often found roaming grassy plains or woodland hills. The males and females of the species are indistinguishable, both possessing horns and shaggy coats. This has led to the entire species being referred to as "rams," although the term usually applies to male creatures. Like the druffalo, the ram is important to the livelihood of farmers and shepherds throughout Thedas. Rams are a source of meat, wool, and milk, the latter of which is used to produce fine cheeses.
"This has led to the entire species being referred to as"rams," although the term usually applies to male creatures."
It's probably the most stupid thing from DA I've ever heard…
Does they even know there a thing called "Sexual segregation (in biology)"?
That were just a bunch of dude sheeps hang out there enjoy their bachelor days together.
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Codex entry: Ram The ram is a marvelous creature. Its wool makes the best lining for winter coats this side of the mountains. The horns and bones can be crushed into powder and mixed with the soil for a healthy crop, or charred and ground into ink powder. The hide makes a good cover in a window against the winds. You can burn the dung in a pinch. Melt down its fat for candles. I haven't even mentioned the meat! With a full-grown ram, you could make a stew big enough for a village and have enough left over for a week. So there'll be no more complaining about "being paid in sheep" for your work during the harvest. With that ram and a few ewes, you can start your own flock. You're lucky to have them handed to you instead of needing to go and tame a wild one. Listen to your father for once: take care of those animals, and they'll take care of you. —Letter from a Fereldan farmer to his son
"With that ram and a few ewes"
Fereldan (the writer of the codex) know their rams better alright?
The design of the ram is more like a goat than sheep.
I just calling them Fereldan britches.
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idrellegames · 4 years ago
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Wayfarer Public Build 1.0.4 (April 10, 2021) has been released.
THIS IS NOT A CONTENT UPDATE! There are no new major content additions to Chapter 1 from version 1.0.3.
Play the Game
Bug Report
This update is purely focused on making tweaks to the UI design and overhauling some of the behind-the-scenes mechanics. Because of the changes to the skill check system, you will need to start a new file (otherwise you will fail all of your skill checks).
Here’s a quick look at some of the major changes:
UI Tweaks and Additions
The Faction and Companion sections of the Journal have been redesigned. They now feature a selection of cards, which you can now click on to view information about that faction or character.
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The Codex page and Codex entries have been tweaked. The Codex page now features boxes that change colour when you hover over a selected entry. The Codex entries themselves have been given a new background.
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I have added a toggle button to turn the handwritten font for letters on and off.
Skill Check Overhaul
The most significant part of this update is in regards to skill checks. The player now starts with a base skill level of 5. The Prologue / Quick Character Creator still gives the player 9 skill points across all choices (2 from your origin, 4 from your Wayfarer master, and 3 individual choices) to increase their skills from the base level.
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Dice rolls and the number required for a successful pass have been reworked. It is now impossible to 100% fail OR 100% succeed a normal skill check (there are still some skill checks that are purposefully easy or difficult than average). There is a level of risk across all regular choices.
For regular skill checks in Act 1:
Level 5 – 40% chance to pass
Level 6 - 45% chance to pass
Level 7 - 50% chance to pass
Level 8 – 55% chance to pass
Level 9 - 60% chance to pass
Level 10 – 65% chance to pass
Level 11 – 70% chance to pass
This new system allows for more flexibility as the player grows their stats. I found the system before encouraged players to continue to grow the stats they were already good at, which would eventually lock them out of choosing certain options entirely because their skill level would be too low. If I am committing to the idea that every choice is a risk, then there cannot be 100% chance of success or 100% chance of failure for regular checks (there will still be times when the story demands higher or lower chances of success and failure).
The player will not be able to see their chance of success before they select an option; however, I am planning on including that as an unlockable trait down the line.
For a full list of changes in this update, please see the changelog below.
Change Log
Content Additions & Changes
Re-wrote the letter the MC receives from their master (it is now a letter specifically from Brissa Varyn)
Added letter titled “A summons from the Grandmaster” to the Codex
Edited some lore in the Rona codex (look for the word greendrift! It’s important!)
Edited some timeline references (the MC and Aeran have been in Rona for six months, Luthais is specifically referred to as a greendrift in place of a street urchin)
Bug Fixes
General typo fixes and small continuity fixes
Fixed a bug where the MC receives +1 Random Stat in the Prologue and proceeded to not receive any stats. They will now receive +1 random stat.
Fixed a bug after the fight with the Count, where if the player executed Rhodarth, the text treated it as if he was still alive and left at the villa
UI Updates
Added a setting that turns off the handwritten font for codex letters
Fixed some issues with the font size settings
Improved font and passage re-sizing on mobile
Attempted to place a “Return to Game” button in the sidebar, but ran into an unfixable issue where the Inventory duplicates when the player clicks “return to game”.
Moved the chapter header to the sidebar. The chapter number and title will now appear above the sidebar menu, rather than in the top right-hand corner of the passage
Removed the Font-Awesome icons next to Saves and Restart, as well as the icons next to Save to Disk, Load from Disk and Delete in the Saves dialogue (these are part of the base SugarCube stylesheet)
Added a new toggle icon for the sidebar
Changed the Save notification icon
Added box shadows to all passages to add more dimension against the background
Added a header box on the Journal pages
Moved the Guide to be accessible from the sidebar right away, rather than from the Journal
Adjusted the sidebar for Combat screens (new combat icon and new background)
Updated the header image on dialogue boxes (Saves, Restart, etc)
Made significant progress on mobile optimization. It’s not 100%, but fonts and headers should resize for smaller viewports. The UI bar cannot be resized without destroying its functionality (not sure why), so it must be collapsed if you’re playing on mobile.
The Settings popup now launches on one of the opening pages after you click “New Game”. This is to ensure players don’t skip over elements that may be helpful for their particular playstyle
Game Mechanics Updates
Skill Gain and Action Key now default to being “on” rather than “off”
Added a tutorial popup in the Prologue that explains skills and skill checks
Lockpicks are now no longer consumables. They are a reusable item, like the grappling hook, and can be used as long as they are in the MC’s inventory.
Added a “Pact Forged” icon to the MC’s dialogue options when they accept their contract from Zenaida (this will also be tracked in their records in the Journal)
Reworked the skill check system for more flexibility (see above for a full explanation). It is now impossible to 100% pass or 100% fail regular skill checks.
Known Issues on Mobile / Smaller Viewports
Scrollbars on dialogue pop ups that contain a lot of text are broken on mobile and can’t scroll all the way to the bottom of the dialogue box (you close the popup, but there is text that gets cut off
Formatting of stat bars doesn’t resize properly on mobile
Hover box on character cards in Companions and Factions section of the journal do not re-size correctly on mobile
The Settings dialogue box changes the text layout on smaller viewports
Dropdown boxes in the Settings do not trigger on mobile
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inquisitoracorn · 3 years ago
First line meme
Hello!! Sorry for the inactivity, things have been extremely busy! Thanks for tagging me, @melisusthewee, @johaeryslavellan, @morganlefaye79, @noire-pandora, I just got around to checking my notifications :)))
I didn't think I had ten works posted, but AO3 says I do :)))
Rules: List the first lines of the last ten (10) stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any. Then tag some friends.
So let's get into it
1. Two Songs and Three Serpents (Trevelyan backstory, my baby)
It was late in the afternoon of the festivities.
2. Winning the Endurance Game (gift exchange, Zevran x M!Tabris, NSFW)
It was only a matter of time before they finally came to blows.
3. Rogue in Redcliffe (prompt, Varric notices things about the Inquisitor)
This was a good Thursday by Varric's standards.
4. Down is closer (prompt, Valta in the Deep Roads)
Down is further, further is closer.
5. Our name shall be cleansed (prompt, codex entry, damaged letter)
Dea------------ Much has happened since ------------------------------
6. Dance the dance, chant the chant (prompt, light Inquisitorial angst)
It was high time for the fortnightly concerts at the Herald's Rest.
7. Lucky odd pair (M!Trevelyan x Elven OC, cute date, awkward idiots)
"Go on then! You can put one foot in front of the other, can't you?"
8. Nothing, again. (Dorian x M!Trevelyan, modern AU, NSFW)
Nothing, again. (pattern?? what fucking pattern aadsdfjdkgjh)
9. What shouldn't be (gift, Solavellan, bad ending, Solas wins)
They were not meant to have survived.
10. Who is the lamb and who is the knife? (prompt, dark!inquisitor AU, what I write when I'm moody)
On a clear night such as this, it was very easy to mistake silence for peace.
Yeah so, I'm extremely creative with them as you can all see. I don't repeat anything at all :)))
Either setting or cryptic shit. I am not ashamed one bit!
Tagging: @blarrghe, @retrowondergirl, @musetta3, @kittynomsdeplume, @hollyand-writes
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kessielrg · 5 years ago
[DA+KH] CODEX: Read Between the Lines, Sunshine
Summary: An unoffical part of @chibi-mushroom‘s Dragon Age AU for the Kingdom Hearts series. In this entry, found during Dragon Age 2, Axel Tethras writes a letter to one of his avid readers.
Rating: K
Word count: 717 words
[Found at the writing desk in Hawke Estate at the start of Act 2]
. . .
Ser Tethras,
I didn't want to mention it, but I've noticed that in our past few letters you've been addressing them as 'Sunshine.' While I do not directly oppose the idea, I am curious. Why that particular name? Why not simply ask for my real name?
I'm sorry that this letter is not more about your books. But this has been an issue that has been sitting on my mind for awhile now. I'm very curious and I am eagerly waiting for your answer.
Oh, no well thought out analysis of racial divide between the denizens of fictional Kirkwall? Not even a mention of the suave younger brother in The Dasher's Men and his possible romantic partner should there ever be a second novel? (Which, as you know, will never happen if it doesn't earn my publishers a good bit of coin.) For shame, my friend. For shame.
However, I am not a man without poetic explanations on certain matters. So allow me to put it this way, by answering your question with another question.
Do you know why the sun sets red? Depending on how poetic you are, there are a lot of answers to that. But all those scholarly types will tell you that it's because light is made up of a whole bunch of colors. Red, as luck would have it, is the color that travels that furthest. And you know what else travels rather far? Your letters to me, penned entirely with red ink.
Yes, I've noticed Sunshine. I happened to notice it after the letter where we discussed our favorite colors. Coincidentally, around the same time, purple ink became the shortest, most costly fad in Kirkwall. A whole crate of the stuff got dumped off at my office and now I return fan letters solely in that color. Funny timing, right? The fact that purple is your favorite color must make this mistake one of your favorites, I'm sure.
Now, I bet you're sitting there and thinking 'What does this has to do with my question?' And you'd be right to assume that it has very little to do with it. Perhaps you could use your skill of reading between the lines to truly see what I mean. Let's start with that bit about light, shall we?
I don't get to see much light in my office. Apparently these stuffy dwarves that cling to the (lack of) glitter from Orzammar despise the sunlight. Makes them shrivel up like prunes, or something. It's very boring. So boring, in fact, that I've started to bring my mail with me just for something to do. Occasionally, I'd find a letter or two from fans of my books; people who just want to say a few words of thanks, or give a very unwelcome opinion. And, of course, there's you; who only wanted to clarify some context and wished to know more.
Reading your letters feel like a good dose of sunshine after a long day in an underground cavern. All authors love to blab about their work- it's encoded in their blood. But it takes a real feat to get a writer the blab about themselves as well. I don't know how you did it, and I hope you burned that one letter I sent to you about that embarrassing scar. Not even my drinking buddies know that story and I'd like to keep it that way.
I've written far more than I intended to with this letter. Moreover, you have a talent for reading between the lines. Perhaps I need not say much else? I eagerly await our next correspondence, Sunshine. Never doubt that for a day in your life.
Truly yours, Axel L. Tethras
(An official looking note has been attached to the envelope. It contains the stamp of the Thedas Department of Personal Mailing and Business Correspondences.)
To Whom It May Concern,
In light of recent events regarding the Fifth Blight, your letter to Lothering can not be sent to its intended address. Should we receive word that its intended receiver is available, we will redirect your letter to their new address or next of kin. Thank you for your understanding.
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redinkofshame · 5 years ago
I tried to combine traditional Noir with Hard in Hightown to bring us Varric Tethras, Private Eye. These thirteen codex-sized chapters are filled with drugs, sex, violence, and old timey slang. (Also, Varigold!) I’ll be posting one a day on tumblr, and then I’ll post them all at once on  AO3. 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
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Chapter Three
According to my information, Guillerme de Launcet primarily worked from home. Maker knows why — he had at least half a dozen kids, and while some were full grown and living on their own, I could still see plenty running about the estate, all bare feet and sticky fingers. Grandkids, maybe.
I staked out the property for an hour or so, timing my entry though the victim’s office window so that no kids, adults, or servants would catch me. It wasn’t difficult; the damn thing wasn’t even locked. I climbed in, sighing in relief when I saw that the door was closed.
The room had a stillness I couldn’t name. I knew it had less than a week since the murder, that the police had recently combed the place, yet it felt unused. I could still see the half-cleaned bloodstains on the carpet.
I examined them for a moment, but I didn’t dwell on it. That wasn’t what would get the answers I needed.
I moved to Guillaume’s desk and skimmed over it. Telephone, family pictures, a rolodex that I flipped through, but nothing caught my eye. I began quietly opening drawers. I found office supplies and paperwork in the first couple — no surprises there. There was an accounting ledger, a big binder of sums. The dates were recent, the older stuff probably in the filing cabinets against the wall. I didn’t bother checking those. If Guillaume cheesed anything it would be in his desk.
There might be useful information in the ledger, but unfortunately I didn’t have time to go through it line-by-line. I ripped out the last few pages, opened my briefcase, and shoved them in. I kept looking.
I smiled when I discovered the last drawer was locked. I didn’t even bother looking for a key — I’d done my share of box jobs, but you didn’t need to be a can opener for something this easy. I popped the lock, and inside I found something interesting at last: a small, engraved, velvet-lined oak box, also locked, containing lyrium and all the paraphernalia for snorting it.
If the police had found it they hadn’t bothered bagging it, and I wasn’t going to either. Just knowing he was a user was enough for a lead.
I emptied the drawer smiled even bigger when I felt the telltale hairline seam at the bottom; a hidden compartment. Jackpot.
Moving quick but quiet I slid the cover off. I found a single folded letter inside. I scanned it quickly, and just like you might assume, it was a lead. A big one. Guess the coppers hadn’t figured that Guillaume was being blackmailed.
I started putting everything back after tossing the letter in my briefcase. It was from a woman. A pregnant woman, demanding payment for her silence. Just how far would this woman go to get what she wanted?
As I thought about it the door swung open. I froze, and locked eyes with an equally frozen kid, probably around 10. With what I hoped was a disarming smile I pressed a finger to my lips, closed my briefcase, and climbed out the open window. I didn’t look back to see if he was going to keep his silence.
I sprinted, thinking what a shame it was that the blackmail letter was unsigned. That would be too easy, I supposed. Still, I recognized the stationary it was on.
It was time to head to the Hanged Man.
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solasan · 6 years ago
oh sh*t i was going to send u an ask ab the oc codex entries and i forgot fml!! lol anyway: 2 for adelheid and 4 for cedany uwu
002: a letter written by your OC’s family member
[a bloodstained letter half-destroyed by mud, found trampled underfoot in the remains of lothering]:
We reached Ostagar this morning, so stop worrying, would you? Tell Ma that we’re all fine. Or, you know, in Del’s case, as fine as she’ll get. You know how she can be. At the very least, Bear’s loving it; there’s mabari everywhere, so he’s got a lot to keep him occupied. And before you ask, so do I; the other soldiers are brilliant, better than anyone I’ve known before. We’ve even spotted the King a couple times — I’ve got loads of stories to tell you when we get back.
Del’s not settling in so well. She got in a fight with one of the Grey Wardens on their way in this morning, if you can believe it. It’s Del, so you should believe it. Dunno what it was about, but probably something stupid. It usually is. Honestly, she’s had a real stick up her arse since we left — worse than usual. She’s driving me mad.
Bet Lothering’s quiet without us. Don’t go too barmy, sister. We’ve already got enough of that in this family. 
Anyway, word is we’ll be marching within the next week. I promise I’ll send another letter before we do, alright? We’ll be fine. Don’t worry.
004: a letter from your OC to their love interest
[a letter, badly worn and ripped in places, marked with dried mud and still vaguely possessing the scent of pungent rot. its words are smudged and shaky, and there are occasional holes in the vellum where it would appear that a quill has been pressed through it on letters. the lines where it has clearly been crumpled up, combined with the lack of a seal or any marks of sending, make it clear that this letter was never delivered. dated 9:41 dragon]:
Can you hear it, too?
Look, I [an unskilled doodle of a flower, here, as though the writer was considerably distracted] I don’t really know why I’m writing you. I shouldn’t be, but hey, we both know I’m pretty shit at doing what I should do, so. I just…
I didn’t realise this was what it sounded like, you know? The Calling. Figured it’d be a lot more madness and organisation and shit, a lot less… this. It’s fucking bullshit. This is all just… just bullshit. The bogs here are hot and dry and fucking awful, and at night it’s freezing cold, and we still haven’t found the cure and Nidelan and I keep fucking fighting about it, and I’m tired all the bloody time but I can never fucking sleep, and I just. I don’t know what to do.
Ha bloody ha, bet you’re laughing yourself sick at me. Shut up, idiot.
I’m scared, I s’pose is what I’m trying to tell you. Like, really, shitting bricks and sweating gallons and shaking like a fucking leaf scared. Which is ridiculous, ‘cause I don’t get scared, right? Ever. But I’m scared now. And I really… I really fucking wish you were here.
I s’pose if anyone finds this letter and actually sends you it, which is, you know, pretty bloody unlikely, I just want you to know. Well. I’m sure you do know, you should know, I mean I might say you’re an idiot but you can actually be quite smart at times, but. Right. Just in case, yeah?
So. I love you. Because I’m fucking thick. And probably dying. And you probably are too. And I just… I just fucking love you, and I want you to know that, before this is all over. I don’t think there’s a life where I don’t love you, not anywhere. Would probably be easier if there was, honestly, but it’s not like we’ve ever been good with easy.
Maker. I should’ve told you every day for the last fucking decade, shouldn’t I? Ha. Fucking stupid, shit-for-brains idiot, that’s me. Should’ve snogged you senseless. Should’ve told you to choose me. I almost did, you know. When I first found out about Gwenore. Wrote a letter and everything. Doesn’t matter now, I s’pose.
Wouldn’t have mattered then, either. Doubt you’d have listened. Still, you’d have known. That’d be… well, something. A good something, maybe. Fuck if I know anymore.
I love you, anyway. And I’m still yours, if you want me, for however long we have left. I always will be.
ask me questions
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thereluctantinquisitor · 8 years ago
OC codex 4 for Kael? Wanna know more about him :D
Codex Entry - “We need to talk…”
A personal letter from Warden Kaelan Tabris, addressed to Zevran Arainai, a former member of the Antivan Crows. It was found at an abandoned campsite, kept inside a small wooden box that contained other various keepsakes. The site appeared to be hastily abandoned, but mostly intact. It is likely the inhabitants intended to return, but were waylaid. 
I’m… not good at this sort of thing. I kinda wish I was, because at least I could feel like I was going toe-to-toe with you, but I guess you’re the charming one and I’m the one who just rushes in and puts his foot in it. So… shit, here it goes. 
I just wanted to say that… I appreciate it. Everything. You. I know I don’t tell you it enough - probably none of us do - but you deserve to hear it every damn day, so I’m going to go ahead and put it in writing. Feel free to bring it up whenever I piss you off. This one’s a freebie. You’re welcome.
But seriously. When I got thrown into this mess, I felt like I was treading water. Always just one kick away from drowning, you know? I didn’t want any of this. To be a Grey Warden. For anyone to look up to me. For people to think I can suddenly save the world and grow their crops because I drank from some nasty cup and didn’t die doing it. Up until now, all of this has just felt like a bad dream. You know, the kind where you’re running but not going anywhere, and something is chasing you, but for some reason you can’t turn around and get a good look at it. 
Okay, maybe you don’t know. That was a bit… weirdly specific, wasn’t it?
Look, all I want to say is that I want you. All of you. You probably think there’s something wrong with me - maybe you just wanted to have a bit of fun last night, and that’s fine if you did. I’m not going to hold it against you. For a first time, it was pretty damn good, and if I can get just one good memory right now… shit, I’ll take it. I’m not the kind of person to get attached or anything like that. Not to just anyone. But the problem is you’re not just anyone, and I can’t sit here trying to convince myself otherwise. I don’t want to.
You’ve had me once, and if that’s enough for you, I get it. I really do. But if it isn’t then… well, I guess what I’m trying to say is… good.
[The next section is smudged awkwardly, crossed out in places, and a general mess. The only legible line is the final one]
I’m runing out of ink, so pls cme 2 tent if u wnt. Jst 2 tlk.
     - Kael
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