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pupsmailbox · 1 year ago
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NAMES︰ ace. adonis. agate. amber. ambrose. amethyst. anders. aqua. aquamarine. arion. arthur. ashlin. asriel. astra. astrid. astro. athena. atlas. aurora. blaise. bran. briar. bruxo. bunnie. bunny. calamity. callisto. callum. calypso. cantasyia. caspian. cassian. cassiopeia. cedar. cedric. celeste. celestine. cherish. circe. clem. clemet. cosmo. coven. crystalesse. crystalette. cullen. cynthia. draco. drake. dreerie. duske. eerene. elphias. elysia. ember. emil. espen. etherial. fay. felix. finn. finnley. florian. fredrich. fyre. galatea. galen. garnet. glyra. griffin. haven. hazoire. hera. hypnyra. indigo. jade. jasper. jinx. juno. jynx. kara. kian. kimble. krystal. krystalle. lapis. lennix. leo. link. lucien. lumen. lumiere. luna. lune. lunesse. lunette. luz. lyra. mabel. mac. mackenzie. maddie. maddy. madelyn. madison. maggi. maggie. magia. magique. magnus. maria. max. maxwell. melanie. melodie. melody. mercy. mia. milena. miles. milo. minerva. moonesse. moonette. myrror. mystique. nova. onyx. opal. orion. oscar. oswald. pandora. pearl. pearlesse. pearlette. pearlle. phineas. phoebe. phoenix. pinkie. pinky. ruby. rune. sage. salem. sapphire. selene. seraphina. sereia. silouet. sirus. skye. sol. sora. sorcyrie. soren. spella. twyla. twyllusia. vince. zephyr.
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PRONOUNS︰ amu/amulet. an/angel. arc/arcane. bad/bad. bless/bless. bo/bone. brew/brew. ca/cast. can/candle. cha/charm. cla/clash. con/conjure. cr/crystal. cur/curse. de/demon. di/dim. du/dusk. en/enchantment. en/entity. eon/eon. eternity/eternity. ev/evil. fan/fantasy. fea/feared. fi/fight. fla/flame. fu/future. go/golden. go/good. h?/h?m. hae/haze. hex/hex. hx/hxm. hy/hym. ill/illusion. ix/ix. jar/jar. know/knowledge. ma/mage. ma/magic. mag/magic. mag/magical. mag/magician. magic/magic. mi/mist. mis/misfortune. mys/mysterious. myth/myth. myth/mythical. obs/obscure. pe/peril. po/potion. po/power. poi/poison. potion/potion. pu/purge. pur/pure. pur/purity. rit/ritual. sh?/h?r. sha/dow. shae/shade. shx/hxr. shy/hyr. si/sigil. sini/ster. soc/sorcery. som/somber. sor/sorcery. spe/spell. spell/spell. spi/spirit. sup/supernatural. th?y/th?m. thxy/thxm. thy/thym. vae/vaer. wa/wand. wand/wand. wi/wise. wi/witch. wit/witchcraft. witch/witch. wiz/wizard. ✨. 🍀. 🐀. 🔮. 🕯️. 🕷️. 🥀. 🦴. 🦷. 🧙🏻. 🧙🏻‍♀️. 🧿.
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just-a-local-abomination · 3 months ago
bashes my head against the wall
kinfirmed a canon divergent Elphaba in the theater today. i want my wife back :( i want my emerald wings back. i wanna be called the Emerald Witch / Emerald Goddess again! I wanna be me again!
But I don't know what me really is anymore.
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v4guelyv4mpiric · 7 months ago
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just threw together a vampire 4 witch flag because no one else has yet (to my knowledge)
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witchythingscore · 2 years ago
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sillyboystimms · 2 years ago
If you're otherkin I highly suggest the youtube channel Homework Radio, they make lofi mixes for things like ghosts, witches, vampires, werewolves, cats, dogs, etc
They're literally how I found out I was a ghost
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starscatteredsky · 6 months ago
tips for kaisa from hilda? thank you <3
Tips for Kasia!
pt: Tips for Kasia! end pt
dye your hair like your kintype!
learn about different kinds of witchcraft if it interests you! you might find something you resonate with and want to practice!
wear lots of greys, whites, and blacks
walk around places you go often and become familiar with how to navigate them!
visit your local library!
find time to read, or listen to audiobooks!
try journaling!
watch your source/media!
have fun drawing in the style of your source/media!
hope these help you!! -👾
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[ID in alt!]
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kineats · 1 year ago
can I please have some easy, plant-based recipes for a witch kin? If you'd like me to be more descriptive, I can be, but I'm kind of curious to see what you can come up with! (and could you exclude crunchy things as well)? Thank you!
Here's a bunch of vegan and vegetarian witchcraft recipes!
This Blog has a lovely assortment for all the holidays
Different Blog, more holiday recipes
Quick and Easy recipes!
A Magical Kitchen guide
More recipes!
Sweet Butternut Squash Soup
I often use things like ramen, mashed potatoes, or mashed cauliflower to make herbal blend spells with!
Mac n Cheese is also a lovely base for herb magic, and this one has hidden veggies!
As are Marinated Lentils!
Pumpkin Gnocchi is always tasty
No list is complete without Some Sweets~
Gotta Have Some Drinks (and one Alcoholic One if you're of legal age for it!)
Witchcraft and Kitchen Witchery also always remind me of rustic foods
I also always think of mushrooms, both wild and grown
I also also always think of various soups and stews when thinking about kitchen witchery!
My Taino Wife (with lots of Caribbean witchy friends) says her favorite dish (from said friends) is Jerk Tofu with Rice
I hope this helps, and if you want something more specific, feel free to request more!!!
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the-queen-of-the-moths · 4 months ago
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otherkinotd · 11 months ago
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Today's otherkin of the day is Andi Cruz, who is powerless witchkin 🧙‍♀️
-requested by anon
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kin-board · 7 months ago
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lightlozabow · 2 years ago
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TS4 Spellcaster Kin:
There are two main definitions for TS4 spellcaster kin, either being a kin of a spellcaster from the Sims 4 (could be a pre-existing spellcaster in the game but doesn't have to be) or feeling like some sort of magic-user kin whose experiences and traits/dysphoria/envy is best described as being like a spellcaster from the Sims 4. This can include familiars, crystals, magic realms, magic charge, or any other feature of spellcasters within the Sims 4.
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TS4 Werewolf Kin:
There are two main definitions for TS4 werewolf kin, either being a kin of a werewolf from the Sims 4 (could be a pre-existing werewolf in the game but doesn't have to be) or feeling like a werewolfkin whose experiences and traits/dysphoria/envy is best described as being like a werewolf from the Sims 4. This can include werewolf rage, shifting due to mood, werewolf packs, having wolf-like traits in while in human form, or any other feature of werewolves within the Sims 4.
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TS4 Ghost Kin:
There are two main definitions for TS4 ghost kin, either being a kin of a ghost from the Sims 4 (could be a pre-existing ghost in the game but doesn't have to be) or feeling like a ghostkin whose experiences and traits/dysphoria/envy is best described as being like a ghost from the Sims 4. This can include changing colour with mood, wearing pumpkins on your head, possessing appliances, having special powers based on how you un-alived, or any other feature of within the Sims 4.
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TS4 Servo Kin:
There are two main definitions for TS4 Servo kin, either being a kin of a Servo from the Sims 4 (could be a pre-existing Servo in the game but doesn't have to be) or feeling like a robotkin or androidkin (or any other similar concept) whose experiences and traits/dysphoria/envy is best described as being like a servo from the Sims 4. This can include hovering, a screen face that displays emotion, spinning your body parts, or any other feature of Servos within the Sims 4.
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coquettetheeldritch · 9 months ago
Wanted to post a simple version of my form in all its beauty.
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Heres the maker i used
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fictionkinfessions · 3 months ago
I've been seeing a tos2 berserker around here and it makes me so happy even if we're from different games in the series cause I never expected to see any other tos kins! I am waving hi!! Hi!!!
- Town of Salem (1) witch
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ennn · 3 months ago
Agatha's character growth re: "Agatha did not change at all during the show and just stayed evil"
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To be fair, I think it is easy to miss what character growth Agatha gets on the show because she doesn't finish a redemption arc—she doesn't "arc out," as Schaeffer puts it—and consequently what progress she does make can be easily overlooked.
Now to see how much Agatha has changed from the events of the show, we must first see where she starts out, and how far she has to go.
And at the start of the show, Agatha is a ruthless, remorseless, stone-cold serial killer. The world-infamous Witch Killer who actually lives up to the name. A covenless witch by choice and by her nature.
Agatha's earned her reputation. She didn't just kill witches in self-defence. Murder is our gal’s most favourite hobby and she is super cool with killing again to get her purple back.
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I've talked about a bit about Agatha's motivations for killing here. But basically there are multiple layers to it: The betrayal of her coven, the hatred from her own mother, has calcified into a deep distrust of other witches (and humanity in general) alongside a deep desire for control and power. Selfishness as a means of survival.
"It's not the first time your witchkin betrayed you. But you survive. In a way few do."
Even when she had Nicky to take care of, Agatha kept manipulating and murdering witches on the regular, rationalising it as necessary and unavoidable, condemning the world the way her coven condemned her.
But it's also not just paranoia and survival and deep cynicism, Agatha genuinely enjoys taking power. Not only does it feed her ambition and ego, the process of siphoning power is euphoric. And whether as a product of her upbringing or something innate, Agatha is often enough cruel.
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Look Agatha's brand of humour: she likes being mean, being the ultimate troll—which isn't damnation in itself—but layer it with everything else going on—her arrogance and pain and anger, her extraordinary ability to siphon power—and it's easy for Agatha to go too dark, take too much.
Especially after Nicky's death.
Let's be clear: this is not a woman with a clear, rational mind or a normal level of empathy—or a normal sized ego. This is Agatha Harkness.
What's interesting is that she isn't a sociopath or psychopath: Agatha can be cruel and incredibly callous but she can also care and love deeply—if only to a very specific few.
It is this capacity for love that brings Agatha the immense pain of betrayal and grief that threatens to drive her to madness and has made her build up her walls and defences. It is also this capacity for love and compassion that allows for her redemption.
From Covenless to Coven Two
Through the events of the show, Agatha experiences a coven true—probably for the first time ever.
Her fellow witches laugh with her by the campfire. They fly on brooms together, using a ritual that signifies selflessness. Alice and Lilia choose to save her at the cost of their own lives. Jen heals a wounded Billy, doing what Agatha desperately wants to but cannot. By the earth trial, Jen also comes around to consider Agatha part her coven, a fellow sister in the craft.
And we also see Agatha experience—probably for the first time ever—regret and remorse for a witch dying directly because of her.
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Look at how she is in the immediate aftermath of Alice and Lilia's deaths, especially as she's alone. This is someone who's killed hundreds, maybe thousands, of witches over the centuries. When Agatha plays up her staggering kill count to Billy ("I mean I've killed... my share"), with how she doesn't remember the exact number, I don't think she's kidding.
By the end of the show, it is significant that Agatha consciously chooses to team up with Billy and form a Coven True. And I think she wouldn't have done so without those experiences with Alice, Lilia, and Jen.
Billy is simply the easiest, most convenient, most appealing next stepping stone for Agatha on her arc to having a proper coven and opening up, expanding on the very limited things and people she selfishly cares about.
But En, you might be saying, Agatha clearly cares enough about Billy by the third episode to do stupid selfless shit how is this character growth?
To which I'd like to point out an interesting thing about Agatha: she tends to be compassionate in the moment, but callous and selfish when she has time to think.
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Look at episode 3 when Agatha shows empathy and patience for Lilia after the latter is shaken by her hallucination. When Billy threatens to drink the poisoned wine, or when he's thrown through the window in episode 4, Agatha reacts on instinct and emotion.
This is why it's significant when Agatha chooses to coven up with Billy. Sure, there's probably selfish reasons for Agatha to do so (Billy's chaos magic might get her back into a body, and he's basically the most powerful witch around now) but she's essentially choosing to be responsible, as a coven "sharing burdens and blessings alike".
And it's also significant that Agatha is under no illusion this is Nicky, which she might have clung to despite all the evidence up to episode 4 or even 5. Billy is someone else's child. He may remind her of Nicky, but he does so in the most crucial way: he reminds Agatha that Nicky wanted her to be better, and believed things could be different.
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If you want to survive, get used to this feeling. If you want to be a witch, get used to this feeling.
It is notable that Agatha has—for a long while it seems—recognised that her actions don't feel right: She tells Nicky and Billy to get used to it, a clear echo to what she's probably been telling herself for years.
Buried deep deep down, Agatha has a conscience and compassion. As much as she might jest, she's not really proud of many of the things she's done, the things she's rationalised for survival.
And this becomes clear when Agatha admits to not being able to face Nicky. An honest admission not just to Billy, I think, but to herself. Which probably wouldn't have happened if she wasn't a ghost.
Agatha is a ghost because she's made just enough progress to go further. It's because she decided to go with her instincts, to give into what felt right, to save Billy and embrace Death, that she dies. And she's a ghost because she knows on some level that there's a lot more for her to do to become a better version of herself.
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witchythingscore · 2 years ago
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My ko fi  
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I just wanted to say, to those people who are saying Agatha did not grow at all. You are wrong.
She’s centuries old and her mother, the person who was supposed to love her no matter what not only turned against her and tried to kill her but also turned her entire community against her.
She has been alone for so so long, always having to look out for herself and only herself because no one else was. So the type of character growth everybody wanted could not in anyway ever happen in a 9 episode series. It is impossible and would have just been so untrue and wrong to the character.
The only reason she cared about Billy in the first place is because she projected her son onto him. Even when all the clues were right in front of her eyes about his true identity, she wanted to cling on to the hope that Nicky was back. So it’s kind of hard to figure out who she actually cares about. Billy? Or just the parts of him that remind her of her own son? Especially when she seems to care about him quite a bit before betraying him.
But, I think betrayal is so ingrained in Agatha. She always has had to put herself first, in her mind it’s either betray or be betrayed, so she chooses her own survival over his. Keep in mind that right before, she had heard him say ‘ Agatha Harkness will never be more than a covenless witch’. (She remembers this since she mentions it after betraying him) That was when he thought he was all alone with Jennifer. So obviously, when Billy later on says ‘you’re not so bad’ Agatha Harkness who has been betrayed so much by her own community, by her own witchkin, who just heard him say what he did behind her back, won’t trust him. Won’t trust that he really cares about her or sees the good in her. At least not enough to sacrifice her own life. Not when she’s spent literal centuries protecting it. So she does what she has always done to survive. And she betrays him.
But, Agatha has grown. She’s learnt that not all witches will turn against her. That some witches, will even sacrifice themselves to protect her (Lilia and Alice) She helped Billy find his brother’s soul and find a body for it, she wouldn’t have done that in ep1, she would’ve made him power her up first at least. She actually listened to Lilia’s advice, smth I’m not sure she would’ve done either had it been the same witch in ep1. And I think her kissing Rio was a way for her to show a tiny bit of forgiveness. Of understanding. She could’ve stolen her powers in any other way but she chose to do it by full on making out. I like to think she kissed her because she didn’t know if she could touch Rio when she became a ghost and wanted to have one last kiss with her. That perhaps is the biggest growth for Agatha. Forgiveness and letting down her guard again. Forgiving her community and forgiving Rio. The two biggest heartbreaks of her life.
This doesn’t mean she doesn’t have more to grow, but we have not been watching the same show if you think she didn’t progress at all.
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