#witchcraft?? sorcery????????????????????????
rillils · 17 hours
🌸 wakanda stucky + rich
His mother was the first to warn him, back when Steve was knee-high to a grasshopper: sometimes, things simply don’t go the way you had planned them, or wanted them to go.
If he could have had it his way, he would have laid the world’s weight in gold on Bucky’s lap. But life has a wicked sense of humor, and so Steve comes to him just as he once was: with no home, no shield, nor a penny to his name. In fact, with nothing but the name itself, and a bad reputation attached to it.
Bucky has seen him like this before, Steve knows; it’s no more and no less than Steve had for most of their lives. He won’t scorn Steve for it.
This doesn’t stop Steve’s hands from shaking when he sits with Bucky by the hearth, late in the afternoon, with dirt from the garden under his fingernails, and the smallest of three tabby kittens waging a vicious war against the toe of his boot.
“The truth is,” he confesses softly, because after all he’s done, after all he’s seen in this ever fickle world of theirs, he’d rather swallow his pride now than waste another day waiting for the right time, and risk missing his chance all over again. “I’ve got nothing to offer you. Except for. Except for myself.”
Surprisingly, Bucky laughs. It’s not scornful, though: it’s a soft, a tender sound.
He sets his mending aside, and slips his hands into Steve’s own.
The palm of his flesh hand is rough and warm, and against his skin, Steve feels the calloused fingers of a man who’s been tending to soil and cattle day after day; a man who’s been spending his evenings whittling clumsily shaped animal figurines for the neighbors’ children out of scraps of firewood, just to watch them laugh in shrill delight at his misshapen dogs, at the oddly rectangular horse he attempted last week, and the chunky little block that was supposed to be a cat, but turned out bearing a remarkable resemblance to a piglet instead.
“You think that’s nothing,” Bucky rumbles, rubbing gentle circles on Steve’s knuckle with the pad of his thumb, “but it’s everything to me.” He finds Steve’s eyes, love written openly in each crease and dimple of his features, and the heart of the heart beating in Steve’s chest clenches with the sweetest pain of all. “You’re everything to me.”
The world, Steve wishes he had enough voice to whisper now, The whole world, the sun, the stars, I’d give it all to you.
He curls his fingers around Bucky’s, slipping to the edge of his seat to rest their foreheads together.
Here he was thinking his hands were empty, and yet – they’ve never felt so full before.
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literaryvein-reblogs · 23 hours
Writing Notes: Fantasy
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The Fantasy Fiction Continuum
Fantasy - as a genre, begins when the author inserts an element of the impossible into his/her conceit, making it a fantasy conceit.
Fantasy Conceit - what the creator intends to explore in the world, it is where the constructed world deviates from the real world, usually in the form of geography, biology, physics, metaphysics, technology, or culture.
Fiction set in the modern age sits closest to Non-Fiction since it shares the existing real-world setting. Audiences understand and identify with the modern setting, and therefore the author does not need to inject as much imagination into explaining the world around the characters.
Historical Fiction - edges a little further into the realm of Fantastical. The author must describe a past world that modern readers are unfamiliar with by painting mental pictures of times, locations, customs, and cultures that no longer exist.
Overlaid Fantasy - the Fantasy Conceit and real world comingle. A major component is that it is plausible, which is to say it still adheres to our real-world natural and societal laws with the exception of the Fantasy Conceit, at which point it diverges. Subgenres: Urban Fantasy and the Superhero genre.
Historical Fantasy - requires more fantastical elements than its modern Overlaid Fantasy counterparts and therefore sits a little more to the right on the spectrum as the author applies his/her Fantasy Conceit to a bygone age.
Secondary Worlds - stories where we have left our modern reality so that our story takes place in a setting that is decided not-Earth. At this point all plausibility that existed in our Overlaid Fantasy is out the window in that the audience no longer has the anchor of the modern world with only the Fantasy Conceit being different, but must literally discover a new world. This subgenre should always be logical, as in they adhere to their own rules established at the beginning and remain consistent to them throughout. These stories contain pretty much all the subgenres that don’t explicitly take place on Earth, but may be grouped into Low Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, and High Fantasy.
Low fantasy - set in the real world; includes unexpected magical elements that shock characters, like the plastic figurines come to life in Lynne Reid Banks’s The Indian in the Cupboard (1980).
Sword and sorcery - a subset of high fantasy, it focuses on sword-wielding heroes, such as the titular barbarian in Robert E. Howard’s Conan pulp fiction stories, as well as magic or witchcraft.
High fantasy - in comparison to the above two subgenres, high fantasy contains the most magic and has more additional races.
Magical Realism and Nonsense - when logic disappears yet fantastical elements remain.
Sources: 1 2
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lucianalight · 20 hours
So theory time: Agatha has lost her child.
There was a room looking like a child's bedroom in her house which she looked at with sadness.
There are also rumors about her considering children. When Lilia talked about eating children, Agatha played it as a joke. But when Jen mentioned "another child sacrifice" that affected her, made her upset. It makes me think while the former is untrue, there's a grain of truth about the latter. Maybe it wasn't a child sacrifice, but her kid was lost as a result of her actions and the rumors say it like she did it intentionally while it is not true.
There's also that scene in WandaVision where she was drinking and said no matter how you try you can't control kids. She sounded sad and regretful in that scene.
And I think this was what ultimately persuaded her to help Teen in the end. Not him having magic, but the hair in her pendant which probably belongs to her kid and Teen reminded her of them and what happened to them. Maybe they shared the same enthusiasm and insistence and Agatha thought if she didn't help him sth like that can happen to Teen too.
Or maybe she didn't actually want to take him with her in the first place and just wanted to keep an eye on him making sure he doesn't actually go with them. Because there's another detail, Agatha didn't want Teen as part of the coven, and sent him away during the singing. It makes me think being part of the coven that opened the door to the witch road poses a greater danger than just tagging along with them. After all magic has a price in mcu. Well at least sorcery does according to Mordo so we can assume witchcraft has it too.
Whether Agatha's kid is dead or alive we don't know yet. She was really obsessed with how Wanda brought back the dead and wanted to know how Wanda did it. But when it turned out Wanda can't actually bring back the dead she decided to take her power. A power that can create realities in which people who were dead or didn't exist can exist. Maybe whatever she needs is not more power but specifically Wanda's reality creating power. After all she can always get some power from anyone she irritates enough to blast her. But magic on autopilot, that's what she can't do.
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saganssorcery · 4 months
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Artist in the watermark 🔥🖌️
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3rd Annual Witchcraft and Sorcery Convention, program book, Ken Krueger's Where House, Cahuenga, CA, 1973 (cover illustration by Bernie Zuber)
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cuties-in-codices · 10 months
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a woman praying to the sun, the moon, and the stars
in a chapter on witchcraft in the didactic poem 'die pluemen der tugent' ('the flowers of virtue') by hans vintler, bavaria, c. 1469
source: Gotha, Forschungsbibl. der Universität Erfurt, Cod. Chart. A 594, fol. 168r
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debora-goth · 1 year
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Witch in the hood
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swornsword · 1 year
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quasi-normalcy · 8 months
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chthonic-sorcery · 2 months
Direct Vision Spell for an Oracle 𓂀
A 2000 year old Greco-Egyptian magic spell
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─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
[PGM V 54 – 69]
So sick of all these fake bs Tumblr and Pinterest spells-
"what color candle means what lol" with zero cultural or historical significance, it's like they just pulled things out of their ass.
So, here is a real 2000 year old Greek and Egyptian syncretic spell from Thebes to receive a direct vision from the beyond....WITH cultural and historical context.
Because, yes, history is important, and anyone giving you "spell tips" without telling you where the fuck they're from or what they mean is bullshitting you.
Ancient Greek oracular spells were rituals and invocations performed to gain insights or predictions from the gods, the Theoi, as well as Daemons and the Dead, particularly through seers known as oracles.
The Spell: PGM V 54 – 69 from the Greek Magical Papyri
Context of the Spell:
This spell is an interesting blend of Egyptian and Greek oracular practice: the use of Coptic or Egyptian eyepaint, kohl, here is interesting– as well as it's mixture with water from a sunken ship. Water from such locations are normally reserved for love spells, as we see previously in the PGM. The relationship or correspondence between a literal sunken vessel and sinking into the throes of passion. However, here, with its use in an oracular spell, it seems to correspond more to the chthonic or otherworldly realm, giving te wearer the ability to see past the normal, mundane world; past the ‘veil’ so to speak and into the beyond.
The use of the magical mystery word or voces magicae “Akrammachamarei” here is also notable; it is quite often seen throughout the PGM, and is associated with the God/Daemon/Archon of both Gnostic (Jewish-Egyptian) as well as Greek origin, Abrasax.
In spell PGM V. 96-172, Abrasax is identified as part of the "true name which has been transmitted to the prophets of Israel" of the "Headless One, (also known as the Egyptian god Bês) who created heaven and earth, who created night and day ... Osoronnophris whom none has ever seen ... awesome and invisible god with an empty spirit"; the name also includes Iaō and Adōnai, the ineffablenames of the Jewish god. "Osoronnophris" represents Egyptian Wsir Wn-nfr, or "Osiris the Perfect Being.” Another identification with Osiris is made in PGM VII. 643-51: "you are not wine, but the guts of Osiris, the guts of ... Ablanathanalba Akrammachamarei Eee, who has been stationed over necessity, Iakoub Ia Iaō Sabaōth Adōnai Abrasax."
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After you have purified yourself (through ritual bathing and declarations) you must put on your clean linen robes and sandals of Papyrus.
Then, taking a purified bronze censer, place the laurel leaves inside and light them until the smoke fills the room. Walk clockwise around the room, and your workspace, Chanting the Ephesia Grammata:
“askion kataskion lix tetrax damnameneus aision”
Then, taking the olive oil, pour it into the waiting bronze dish.
With your right hand, anoint your right eye with the prepared water from a shipwreck.
With your left hand, mix 1 part kohl with 1 part water until it is a viscous paint, from the same dish, and anoint your left eye so that it is completely surrounded by the paint.
Then, pronounce the incantations:
let the god who prophesics to me come and let him not go away until I dismiss him,
Once the incantations are finished, present any offerings and ask over the prepared olive oil dish what your question(s) are. Stare into the oil, lit only by candle or oil lamp light, and you will receive a direct vision.
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For more information & how to pronounce the incantations, check here.
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
girlies if youre into occult shit witchcraft astrology whatever the fuck.. potions maybe even eating leaves… you’re so hot ☽🔮☾
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saganssorcery · 4 months
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Artwork: 🎨StephaSketch 🔥🖌️ on Etsy ✨
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wytchwyse · 1 month
So now that I've calmed down a little bit, I want to talk about what prompted my previous Post. I had recently joined the most ridiculous group on Facebook called "all things occult". And there was just the strangest environment in there, but I was just curious and wanted to see if I can engage with people on there in a healthy way, I learned very quickly You cannot lol. Now I probably talk a lot about folk magic on here, folk magic is very important to me. I grew up with bits of folk magic from both Appalachia and Italian-American culture. Pretty sure I said this before but I'll say it again. My father is Appalachian, my mother Italian American. My father would often have all sorts of stories and little bits of mountain wisdom for me when he was having a good day. He taught me a lot about respecting nature and animals, he taught me that you don't just take from nature essentially saying that nature could get back at you. He talked a lot about dreams and having the sight. On my mother's side there was always talk of the Dead visiting my family After funerals.there could be found Catholic talismans hidden around the house for Protection, my grandmother kept a St. Michael pendant by the hot water heater because she was always afraid of fire. And you want to know something,We never had a fire. This growing hate boner for folk magic is incredibly problematic. It is incredibly culturally insensitive, And without even meaning to it's classist. Religious trauma, particularly at the hands of Christianity, is a massive problem. But here's the thing about christian folk magic traditions. Folk magic cannot be separated from Christianity, but folk magic is sorcery and animism and is not sanctioned by any church or any Christian authority. It is still heretical and blasphemous to them. You can hate Christianity, and you do not have to practice folk magic , but folk magic belongs in Pagan And occult spaces no matter your feelings on the issue. There are plenty of trad witches and folk practitioners who are dual faith, and there are many who Care very little about religion and more about the relationships we build with spirits and the religions that they come from.
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New Occult, magazine, Vol. 1, N. 1, Shelbourne Press, 1974
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ualthum · 5 months
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"The First Obelisk of Erz"
Digital - 2024
Full resolution without the watermark is available now for my Patrons! I've also uploaded the process video for this one, as there were insights to share on the several revisions and changes in the directions of this design.
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rosesandthorns44 · 1 year
Why did nobody ever tell me that one can rip the godforsaken push-and-turn cap off of pill bottles, and there is a perfectly functional, easy to open cap underneath???
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What sorcery is this?!?!
Who knew about this and didn't tell the rest of us???
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