#spell tips
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thespectralcottage · 1 year ago
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Witchcraft 101:
Cleansing vs Uncrossing vs Banishing
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Alright witches. Lets dive into some witchy basics and discuss the differences between cleansing, uncrossing and banishing. This will hopefully help you differentiate between them. But.. lets be honestly if you do something like call a spell an uncrossing when "technically" doing a banishing, who cares its all in good spirit. The reason i think its good to have a difference in mind between these falls into how you handle a spell. If I'm doing an uncrossing vs a banishing i would choose different spell ingredients, maybe work with different gods, or choose a different element to work with.
Cleansing: I consider cleansings as the foundation and most basic of these. Its almost an umbrella term the other two fall under. All banishings are cleansings, but not all cleansings are a banishing. Cleansings are when you're trying clear something away. Most often people will use this term in day to day workings and general upkeep to make sure nothing has stuck to them. This would include more casual things like smoke cleansing, showering and asking the water to cleanse you, sound cleansing, etc. Its not a full spellworking or ritual, but still done with energy and intention. Sometimes you may do a cleansing and realize whatever is there, is stuck deeper then you expected. So you take the next steps and do a more "intense" cleansing like an uncrossing or banishing.
Uncrossing Spells: Uncrossing specifically refers to removing unwanted energy. Usually when discussing what is an uncrossing, I sperate it from just a cleansing by describing it as a very intense cleansing where you're trying to strip away intense and specific energy. These are more work and a step up from an everyday cleansing for more intense scenarios. This is very spirit focused; think of it as taking out the bad and putting in the good. Some types of spells I would consider an uncrossing are: removing hexes/jinx/curses, removing the evil eye, spiritual detoxes, road openers, removing any stubborn energy, removing feelings, etc. I associate uncrossings with water: it's soaking in and getting that energy out. I would choose herbs/spell ingredients that are uplifting and purifying. Think salt, rosemary, rue, and lemons.
Banishing Spells: Banishing spells remove unwanted entities, spirits or people. You can use it to get rid of very deep rooted things like habits or insecurities. Banishings are quite a strong forms of spellwork. You're really kicking something out and away from you when you do a banishing. Its connected to more deep rooted things that you're trying to remove from your life. Some types of spells I could consider a banishing: cord cutting, exorcisms, banishing a spirit attached to you, getting rid of insecurities, freezers, etc. I associate banishings with fire. Burn and gtfo. I would choose herbs that have more of a kick to them and are defensive. Think nettle, blackberry leaves, cloves, even pepper in some cases.
Please note this doesn't have to be something strict. Like i said at the beginning this is just a guide that will help you differentiate so you can tackle the spellwork as effectively as possible.
✨Stay Spooky ✨
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chthonic-sorcery · 6 months ago
The Stele of Aphrodite : an Ancient Greek Love Charm ☆💗☆
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Many love spells in the ancient world, particularly in the PGM are that of what are known as fetching charms, or binding spells: love spells targeting specific people. However, there are a number of more generalized love spells, ones with no particular target, such as the Stele of Aphrodite.
The Stele of Aphrodite is Greek Magical Papyri (PGM) spell number IV. 1265-74, and dates back to the late Hellenic period of ancient Greece. It was used primarily for love magic, specifically to invoke the favor and obsession of a desired individual, as well as for favor and success within friendship, popularity and beauty. The stele was believed to harness the power of Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty, to sway the emotions and actions of whoever sees you in favor of the practitioner.
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Step by step instructions on how to create your own below ☆
Read the full article for free here
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coven-of-genesis · 2 years ago
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hotwitchproblems · 1 year ago
Any fellow witches have tips on where to find things like dried rosemary, beet chips/dried beets and dried apricots in person on the cheap?
Besides a new age shop ofc! I have exactly one (1) near me and I don’t believe they carry dried herbs unfortunately :0(!!
I’m thinking things like the beets and apricots could be found in a health food store, which I think there may be one or two of near me!
But I would like y’all’s tips & input! Ty in advance 💜💜💜!
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sol-sunpuff · 1 month ago
“I cast Testicular Torsion”
🚫 boring
🚫 overused
🚫 narrow-minded
“I cast Shit Your Whole Ass”
✅ fun
✅ many use-cases
✅ changes how you view unshit asses
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wickedherbgrimoire · 5 months ago
Chicory is a powerful herb that can help you connect with the divine or remove any negative castings against you.
Element: Fire Deities: Aries, Mars Zodiacs: Aries, Scorpio Planet: Mars Crystals:Black Tourmaline, Tiger’s Eye, Clear Quartz Good For: Protection, healing, lust, prosperity, & more! Protects Against: Evil & energy vampires
For more tips, tricks, tonics, and tintures check out the Wicked Witch's Web! 🌛🖤🌜
Source: The Wicked Witch of the Web
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the-astronomial · 2 years ago
Christian/Religious-Neutral Witch Hack!:
If your doing an undoing spell or return-to-sender and want to multiply it three times three (but don't believe in nor practice wicca), you can add "Three times Trinity" to the end of thd spell (where'd you put three times three). Can work with any spellI, that has the three times rule. hope, it helps! 😁
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phychicbunnyobservation · 1 year ago
Attraction Spells tips?
Hi! I have a spell in mind, just not sure how to execute it. So basically I'm part of a partner dance (I'm a student) with our competition coming up soon and my original partner and I really clicked plus he's my ideal type. But he and I got switched, so now we have different partners, I feel that this might be one-sided since we're not very close. I'm aware of all the ethics of love spells, and that you can't force someone into "loving" you, but I don't necessarily want love from him, I just want mutual attraction and if it goes somewhere then it does, if it doesn't, it doesnt. Either way I'd just like for us to be closer and for him to desire me.
I'm just trying to figure out what ingredients or herbs I should use and what chants should I say? Since I'm not very familiar with casting spells that affect others. I'm open to any kind of method whether it be a candle ritual, charcoal disks, glamour etc.
Any help would be great! Blessed be.
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wizardsaur · 6 months ago
This is your friendly reminder that herbs aren't inherently safe.
Natural doesn't mean Safe.
Lightning is natural. Opium, therefore heroin and opiate drugs are derived from poppies. Cinnamon oil will burn your skin. Lilies are toxic to cats and will cause organ failure. Activated charcoal will neutralize your prescription medications and literally anything else in your system. St. John's Wort will destroy your serotonin production and mess with your happiness threshold if it DOESNT KILL YOU FIRST.
So anyway.
Do some damn good research every time you go to eat, breathe, bring around your pets, bathe in, or smoke something. Be safe please.
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harvestmoss · 6 months ago
 💫 Why Protection Magic Is Useful (even if you have no enemies)
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A lot of witches will tell new witches (baby witches) that they should start by learning and using protection magic. However, I've started to see a lot of witches say that protection magic is not as important as other witches claim it to be. Saying that they don't have anyone coming after them or an enemy in real life to warrant a spell of protection.
I think this may also be due to how I've not personally come across anyone really explaining why a witch may want to use protection magic all the time.
Now, it is true that there's no need to be paranoid all the time and have protection up 24/7. But here's a list where you may use it, find it useful, or haven't thought protection magic could be included.
An actual person -- This one is obvious, you have an enemy in real life or on the internet and you need protection magic to protect you from their curses.
A malevolant spirit -- They can come from your windows, mirrors (including tv screens, computer screens, and other reflective surfaces maybe), they seep through floor cracks, hanging onto your coats from outside, etc. Just like how you'd use garden gloves to avoid dirt up your nails being trapped there. Protection magic is just like putting on those gloves.
An energy -- Say you have a neighbour who's arguing with someone. They're yelling and screaming and it can be heard through the apartment walls. That negative energy is seeping into your home and your energy. So it may be worth protecting your home and energy from that sour neighbour's energy. (ever been scolded by your mother and your mood is sour? it's kind of like the same here.)
Your own spell -- Now a self-love spell is probably not something you should protect yourself from. But let's say you're doing a curse. It would be a smart idea to make sure you're protected before beginning such a spell. Much like how you'd wear an apron to protect your clothes from stains when cooking food. You may not always spill your food when cooking, but damn it is it annoying when you do and the stain won't wash off. It's the same with a spell.
Unintentionally -- Sometimes things can happen that's out of our control and it's a good idea to be a little prepared. A black cat suddenly running across the street? Bad luck. Someone got jealous when you told them something good? Evil Eye. Think of it as going to the store with an extra bag for your groceries. You may not need it, but isn't it handy when you at one point do need it?
Protection magic doesn't have to be elaborate or grand or be convoluted. Protection magic is powerful but also extremely simple. All you need is a horseshoe above the door, a little talisman in your pocket, a sigil for your car, etc.
So don't dismiss the importance of protection magic. It may help to improve your spellwork and your energy.
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thespectralcottage · 2 years ago
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🌸✨Glamour Magic✨🌸
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Lets dive into some ✨glamour magic✨ Glamour magic is the act of enchanting items you commonly wear such as makeup, skincare, hygiene products, accessories, ect. Often its used for illusion magic, protection drawing someone in, bring in abundance, self love and other forms of spell work. The exciting thing with glamour magic is the huge range and its often undetectable. Perfect for any closeted witches. You can enchant your toothpaste, skincare, soap, makeup, perfume, pretty much anything and have it serve you. 🌸✨Ideas for Enchantments + Tips✨🌸 These are just some basic ideas to help you get started. You can truly do anything with glamours so get creative and go wild.
Enchant your glasses, mascara or eye creams to help with clarity.
Use items you physical cleanse with, to spiritually cleanse like toothpaste, makeup remover, soap and facial cleansers.
Draw sigils on your face with moisturizer, foundation or concealer.
Enchant your shoes with a road opener spell
Enchant your mirrors for self-love, confidence and happiness
Match your perfume with herbal correspondences or moods. Or enchant a daily perfume with a certain spell like cleansing, allure or confidence.
Use concealer to invoke invisibility
Say affirmations while you get ready for the day
Ask the element water to cleanse you when you wash your face, shower or take a bath
Use color magic for eyeshadow, nail polish or your outfit
Enchant lipsticks, chapstick or lip gloss for people to be enchanted by your words, unable to forget them, believe them even if you lie, ect.
Spray your bed with spellcrafted sprays or herbal correspondences you want to use. i.e: chamomile spray for more restful sleep/peace
Add Florida water to your washing machine to cleanse clothing/bedding
Wear spellcrafted oils or balms to bring that energy into your day
Enchant sunscreen to help with protection and shielding. Wear ya damn sunscreen.
Put money spell oil in your hair before work or enchant jewelry for abundance (especially if you get tipped at your job)
Assign different spiritual hygiene steps to your skincare routine.
Happy Spellcrafting ⚰️
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solitarystarrywitch · 2 months ago
💫witch tips I've gathered for the past 8 years that have worked for me💫
some you may have seen before, some you may have not 💜
☆ . +.。 . 。, ☆ ゚. + ☆ * 。゚. o, 。 . + ゚ ☆
- blow cinnamon into your front door in the beginning of each month to welcome in abundance.
- speaking of abundance, mix basil in your mop water before you clean your floors.
- the upside down broom trick works. if you don't know what i mean, turn your broom upside down (bristle side up) and have it near your door to ward off unwanted guests
- if you can, avoid welcome mats. it's literally inviting unwanted energy into your home. if you already have one, just turn it to face the door. OR draw sigils and intent under the mat to specify which energies or being are welcome and which aren't.
- got those cute polaroids of you and your friends? put up a photo wall if it's to your taste, and pay attention to the ones that keep falling. they either may not be doing well, or they may not be wishing you well.
- for the art witches, especially the ones that sell their art, put that intention into your moon water and use it as paint water.
- another tip for the art witches, use sigils when staining your board
- and another for art witches, treat your brush like your wand
- for the 🍃💨 ouid witches, write intentions or sigils on your wrappers, and even pens!
- you used rice and crystal CHIPS for your money bowl, and now that you're refreshing it, it's kinda tedious to pick out the chips? use a selenite stick to stir the bowl. bam. refreshed and no hassle.
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chthonic-sorcery · 7 months ago
Direct Vision Spell for an Oracle 𓂀
A 2000 year old Greco-Egyptian magic spell
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[PGM V 54 – 69]
So sick of all these fake bs Tumblr and Pinterest spells-
"what color candle means what lol" with zero cultural or historical significance, it's like they just pulled things out of their ass.
So, here is a real 2000 year old Greek and Egyptian syncretic spell from Thebes to receive a direct vision from the beyond....WITH cultural and historical context.
Because, yes, history is important, and anyone giving you "spell tips" without telling you where the fuck they're from or what they mean is bullshitting you.
Ancient Greek oracular spells were rituals and invocations performed to gain insights or predictions from the gods, the Theoi, as well as Daemons and the Dead, particularly through seers known as oracles.
The Spell: PGM V 54 – 69 from the Greek Magical Papyri
Context of the Spell:
This spell is an interesting blend of Egyptian and Greek oracular practice: the use of Coptic or Egyptian eyepaint, kohl, here is interesting– as well as it's mixture with water from a sunken ship. Water from such locations are normally reserved for love spells, as we see previously in the PGM. The relationship or correspondence between a literal sunken vessel and sinking into the throes of passion. However, here, with its use in an oracular spell, it seems to correspond more to the chthonic or otherworldly realm, giving te wearer the ability to see past the normal, mundane world; past the ‘veil’ so to speak and into the beyond.
The use of the magical mystery word or voces magicae “Akrammachamarei” here is also notable; it is quite often seen throughout the PGM, and is associated with the God/Daemon/Archon of both Gnostic (Jewish-Egyptian) as well as Greek origin, Abrasax.
In spell PGM V. 96-172, Abrasax is identified as part of the "true name which has been transmitted to the prophets of Israel" of the "Headless One, (also known as the Egyptian god Bês) who created heaven and earth, who created night and day ... Osoronnophris whom none has ever seen ... awesome and invisible god with an empty spirit"; the name also includes Iaō and Adōnai, the ineffablenames of the Jewish god. "Osoronnophris" represents Egyptian Wsir Wn-nfr, or "Osiris the Perfect Being.” Another identification with Osiris is made in PGM VII. 643-51: "you are not wine, but the guts of Osiris, the guts of ... Ablanathanalba Akrammachamarei Eee, who has been stationed over necessity, Iakoub Ia Iaō Sabaōth Adōnai Abrasax."
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After you have purified yourself (through ritual bathing and declarations) you must put on your clean linen robes and sandals of Papyrus.
Then, taking a purified bronze censer, place the laurel leaves inside and light them until the smoke fills the room. Walk clockwise around the room, and your workspace, Chanting the Ephesia Grammata:
“askion kataskion lix tetrax damnameneus aision”
Then, taking the olive oil, pour it into the waiting bronze dish.
With your right hand, anoint your right eye with the prepared water from a shipwreck.
With your left hand, mix 1 part kohl with 1 part water until it is a viscous paint, from the same dish, and anoint your left eye so that it is completely surrounded by the paint.
Then, pronounce the incantations:
let the god who prophesics to me come and let him not go away until I dismiss him,
Once the incantations are finished, present any offerings and ask over the prepared olive oil dish what your question(s) are. Stare into the oil, lit only by candle or oil lamp light, and you will receive a direct vision.
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For more information & how to pronounce the incantations, check here.
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servantofthefates · 2 months ago
If you only have 30 seconds to learn about magic, read this.
When casting a spell or manifesting a wish, do not focus on the thing — focus on the feeling.
Don’t focus on what the mansion looks like. Focus on what it feels like to live there.
Don’t focus on the car’s engine specs. Focus on what it feels like to drive it.
Don’t focus on the Maldives’ pristine waters. Focus on what it feels like to swim in it.
It’s the feeling that gets you there. If you can feel it, you can make it happen.
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broomsick · 1 year ago
My favorite simple wards to guard the home
Hanging rosemary above the doorstep, and/or above doors of the house for protection.
Sprinkling a line of dried red pepper on a windowsill, to counter a curse.
Placing a mix of dried & ground eggshells and black pepper in every corner of a room to keep out unwanted spirits.
Placing a decoration representing a witch in the kitchen, to keep away illness and to favor health.
Crafting an effigie (no matter how crude!) and make it into the guardian of your home by charging it with your intent of protection and placing it near the front door.
Crafting small witch ladders to hang around the house.
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crazycatsiren · 1 month ago
A simple banishment spell:
Step 1: A rock. Any rock will do.
Step 2: Throw at target.
Step 3: Repeat as necessary.
Follow me for more witchcraft tips.
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