#witchcraft authors
Occult Authors to Avoid
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🦋 Silver Raven Wolf Racist, misinformation, conflation of Wicca & Witchcraft, monotheistic prejudice, perpetuation of the Burning Times, dictatorship over practices.
🦋 Raymond Buckland Misinformation, massive contributor to the misconceptions of the threefold law & burning times, sexualization and fetishization of religious practice, misconceptions on Neo-Wicca
🦋 Arin Murphy-Hiscock Silver Raven Wolf’s student, has lots of the same ideas as her
🦋 Ann Moura Racist, conflation of Wicca & Witchcraft, misinformation on Wicca's origins
🦋 Aleister Crowley Bigoted, racist, antisemitic, appropriation, misogynist, gender bias
🦋 Catherine Yronwode Incites violence, appropriation, racism, harassment
🦋 Christian Day Rape threats, harassment, curse threats, self proclaimed warlock
🦋 Diana Paxson Ableist, racist
🦋 EA Koetting [Matthew Joseph Lawrence] Appropriation, drug abuse, self deification
🦋 Edward P. Butler Hindutva supporter (Hindu alt nationalism), supports Galina Krasskova, claims for harassment
🦋 Frosts [Gavin Frost, Yvonne Frost] Pedophilic writing, misinformation and claim to creation of Wicca
🦋 Galina Krasskova - Etsy [wyrdcuriosities] Classist, racist, openly supports alt right & fascist movements, Nazi apologist, monotheistic prejudice (namely Islamophobia)
🦋 Gordon White [Rune Soup] Appropriation, misinformation, Covid denial, anti Covid vax, race critical theosophy and polygenism
🦋 Jasmuheen [Ellen Greve] Breatharianism, contributed to community deaths (1990s)
🦋 Kenaz Filan Appropriation, racism, transphobia, white supremacy, adheres to alt right ideologies, harassment
🦋 Kenny Klein Pedophile, convicted for possession of child porn
🦋 Helena Blavatsky [Helena Petrovna Hahn, Hélène] Pseudo-science, political conspiracies, appropriation, contributor to modern alien political conspiracies that exist across the US today
🦋 Lisa Lister TERF ideologies, medical misinformation, cultural appropriation
🦋 Maulana Karenga [Ronald McKinley Everett] Advocate for human torture/torturer, rapist
🦋 Peter Grey Playing down bigoted presence, defending fascists, transphobes, and white supremacists
🦋 Raven Kaldera Misinformation, appropriation, fascism, transmisogyny, ableism, racism, cissexism
🦋 Rhyd Wildermuth [Gods & Radicals Press] Defends fascist authors, transphobic, misogynistic, supports Hindutva & Edward Butler; requested by server members
🦋 Robin Artisson Destructive and racist behavior
🦋 S. Connolly Conflates mental health w/ spirituality, appropriation (Lilith, chakras), depiction of witches as an oppressed group
🦋 Skye Alexander Appropriation, racism, misinformation, rede-thumping
🦋 Stephen E. Flowers [Edred Thorsson, Darban-i-Den] Nazi, white supremacist, racist
🦋 Tamara L. Siuda [Mambo Chita Tann] Appropriation, possible transcendent belief setup & infallible charismatic leadership/dictatorship (personality cult)
🦋 Terence McKenna Appropriation, pseudoscience, contributor to misrepresentation of shamanism (collective practice)
🦋 Tsirk Susej [Chad Ian Miller] Misinformation, appropriation, radicalism, conspiracy, affiliation with the Church of Satan & O9A, self proclaimed Antichrist, religious extremism
🦋 Varg Vikernes [Louis Cachet], twitter [WargarW, GandalftheWhi19], YouTube [ThuleanPerspective] Murderer, arsonist, contributor to the Norsk Hedensk Front (nazi-occult group)
🦋 William R. Wraithe, Twitter [william_wraithe] Harassment & threats, repeated curse threats, self proclaimed ‘savior’
🦋 Anastasia Greywolf Misinformation, appropriation
🦋 Asenath Mason Appropriation, misinformation
🦋 Christopher Penczak Victim blaming, curse shaming, appropriation, misinformation
🦋 Danielle Dionne White author & eclectic spiritualist using rootworking and hoodoo for monetary gain
🦋 Dante Abiel Appropriation, fetishization of ATRs, misinformation
🦋 DJ Conway Misinformation, fetishization of Celtic myth, appropriation
🦋 Doreen Virtue Large contributions to chakras, crystal pseudosciences, and harmful stereotypes for starseeds in spirituality
🦋 EA Wallis Budge Misinformation, poor translation
🦋 Edain McCoy Misinformation, perpetuation of harmful Irish stereotypes, pseudo historical writing. Creator of ‘Witta’. McCoy is the creator of the infamous ‘Irish Potato Goddess’
🦋 Gabriela Herstik Misinformation, historical fallacies, appropriation
🦋 Michael W. Ford Appropriation, misinformation
🦋 Scott Cunningham Broad misinformation, appropriation, conflation of Wicca & Witchcraft
🦋 Semra Haksever Appropriation of Hoodoo, use of smudging, chakras, spirit animals; requested by server members
🦋 Starr Casas Appropriation, white woman writing about Hoodoo, Rootworking, and Voodoo
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Weekly reminder that it's not okay to illegally download and distribute free copies of recently-published books from a niche market where the authors depend directly on monthly royalties to pay their bills.
Books are a luxury and if you can't afford a title, save your pennies or check out a copy from your local library. There are plenty of free resources and public domain texts available in the meantime.
It's worth mentioning that plenty of authors in the witchcraft and pagan markets make a point of providing free resources and advice to the community on a regular basis, myself included. To take that information and then turn around and steal from us on top of it is not only petty, it's cruel, especially considering the financial hardship we're all facing in the current economy.
Download overpriced textbooks and public domain titles, not witch books.
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pratchettquotes · 3 months
"But Nanny...Gytha..."said Magrat.
"All that...stuff...she was saying, when we were traveling. It was so...so cold. Wasn't it? Not wishing for things, not using magic to help people, not being able to do that fire thing--and then she went and did all those things! What am I supposed to make of that?"
"Ah, well," said Nanny. "It's all according to the general and the specific, right?"
"What does that mean?" Magrat lay down on the bed.
"Means when Esme uses words like 'Everyone' and 'No one' she doesn't include herself."
"You know...when you think about it...that's terrible."
"That's witchcraft. Up at the sharp end. And now...get some sleep."
Terry Pratchett, Witches Abroad
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childofthewolvess · 5 months
Loki’s such a God of Storytellers. Loki does it for the story, always has, always has been the core of debate as to his own stories, his own morals, interpretation of the truth, his purpose, etc.; Loki is the very essence of storytelling itself and, most importantly, knowing how to make people laugh.
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redmambajatiri · 8 months
A pet snake
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Dad!Tom Riddle x Mom!black reader
A/n: this is a modern au
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“Thomas Marvolo Riddle!” I yell from upstairs in our daughter’s playroom. I look at our three year old daughter Claudia as she’s playing with a snake. “Imma kill him” I say to myself while watching the snake closely.
“Yes, doll?” I hear his voice from behind me. Without turning around to look at him I ask, “Would you like to explain why our three year old has an Adder snake wrapped around her” I then hear his footsteps, then see him next to me in the corner of my eye. “She wanted a pet snake and I couldn’t say no” I look up at him and then back at her “Tom that's a wild snake, not a snake you get from the pet store, she can’t even speak parseltongue yet”
“Snek fraeslis” me and Tom look in Claudia’s direction in shock. “Tom say something in parseltongue to see if she understands you” I tell him “Claudia ʃe” she looks at him before getting up and walking to us with the snake in her hands. “kaʃe fasi snek” she looks at me before putting the snake down and patting its head. “Come here sweetling” I say while squatting down.
Once I picked her up I put her on my hip before asking her “ how’d you get that snake?”, “walking with papa” she says while looking at Tom.
“Tom, why did you allow her to get the snake?”
“She wanted a pet snake” he said will shrugging
“Claudia sweetling you can have a pet snake just not this one, ok?”
“la serpiente es venenosa” Tom said
“We’ll get you a new pet snake that’s not venomous, ok?”
“Sí mami”
“Good now, Tom you’re taking that snake outside and when you’re done we can take Claudie to the pet store and get her a new one” I say turning to Tom and kissing his cheek before walking out of Claudia’s playroom.
“This is gonna be a long day” I think to myself
Snek fraeslis-snake friend
kaʃe fasi snek-drop that snake
la serpiente es venenosa-The snake is poisonous
Sí mami- yes, Mommy
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Decided to sin and re-read a handful of the books I got when I became interested in trad craft.
I forgot how uniquely detestable Robin asstart is
“Killing yourself would get you there (the otherworld)” why the fuck did he feel the need to say that? Who is out here thinking they’ll kill themselves in order to learn spirit flight
“I totally don’t recommend you cursing but say your daughter was raped could you be blamed for cursing the man to death” just…wtf man wtf…
“Fertile working of the womb seed” this speaks for itself
The more he talks about faery the more I’m convinced he’s got pebbles for a brain
Why say the devil is a part of witchcraft despite what “muH fluflky BunnY WicEnz” say but then go on to say it’s not actually the devil but a pagan god or faery
Why are we reducing the witch queen to love beauty and sex
Why are we boiling eggs and clay to make a poppet
The drawing of the hawthorn spirit in uhm resurrection of the meadow is most definitely a rip off of an illustration in viridarium umbris
Does he ever shut up
Why does it take three paragraphs of self aggrandizing pontification for him to get to the FUCKING POINT
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mspegasus17 · 4 months
"Hey, Ominis, do you think MC likes me?"
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These pictures were created and edited with AI.
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maryhale1 · 9 months
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My perfect closet 🥰
In a hidden realm, where shadows dance,
A witch's closet, a mystic trance.
Robes of velvet, midnight hue,
Cauldron whispers, secrets strew.
Bottled potions, shimmering light,
Moonlit spells, woven tight.
Feathers, crystals, herbs aligned,
In the closet of a witch's mind.
Whispers of the ancient art,
Spells crafted, a work of heart.
Cloaked in mystery, the night unfurls,
In the closet of enchanted swirls.
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sp7-mr · 2 months
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eiloveir · 2 months
y’all, i’m lowkey obsessed with the idea of a naruto fic inspired by harry potter’s marauders. imagine kakashi and obito as one of the marauders (with gai, genma, and others) tagging along. like, for real, as a fan of both, this would be chef’s kiss. just think about it—the legendary friendship and mischief of them (as i mentioned, the marauders of konoha) being passed down to the 12 genins. it’s so clear in my head, i’m practically fucking seeing it in hd. kakashi and remus lupin share so many fucking similarities—or am i the only one who sees that? (fucking hell, yeah) both are the chill guys who somehow manage to keep their more hyperactive friends from fucking destroying everything in sight. they’re the kind of characters who, despite their exteriors, are secretly the glue holding their squads together.
now, about damn time to consider the great sirius black. he, for me, somehow mirrors both kakashi’s and obito’s traits in different ways. kakashi, with his demeanor and character depth, is the sirius who’s always ready with a dry comeback or an eye-roll that says, “seriously?” on the other hand, obito, with his dramatic ass, embodies the untamed essence of sirius. if i were to create an au, obito could absolutely be sirius—i love to fucking think about it. imagine him trying to drag kakashi into some shitty scheme, only for kakashi to sigh and follow along, muttering, “this is going to end badly.”
let’s also talk about my glorious king itachi and his parallels to fucking regulus—i love both of them so much; y’all would never understand. like, the uchiha prodigy, in the world of ninja shit, has the same cool detachment that regulus showed while dealing with his family’s pureblood drama. so, he’d be regulus black (well, my preference if i were to do an au, like what i’m saying, if i were)—noble, tragic, and with a fanbase ready to build them a shrine and bow at their feet. like, they’re always the angsty character in every fanfic—portrayed as the most painfully beautiful and tortured soul, yet somehow, they’re everyone’s go-to comfort character. how fucking wild is it that they’ve never experienced a moment of real comfort in their lives, but we’re all out here writing the most soothing and emotional fanfiction about them (so fucking me)
then there’s the whole slytherin coding of the uchihas. uchihas are totally slytherin-esque with their ambition, cunning, and secrecy. they’re that elite noble family of the ninja world. now, picture obito in this setup. he’s from a family that’s basically a slytherin convention—loyal, ambitious, and ruthless to the core. but obito is a total shit—if naruto had hogwarts-style sorting, he’d be the gryffindor in a sea of slytherins. (and it would be so fucking funny to picture, like how i imagine the black family reacting to sirius being the only gryffindor).
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Personal Do Not Read Witchy Author List
There will be a google doc with updates as I find more authors to avoid. These are all my own personal opinion and I do take the author's actions into account when judging their ability to write legitimate information.
TW: Slavery, serial killers, racism, TERFs, creeps, neonazis, asylums, and a slew of other super unsavory things. I tried to make this list as PG as possible while highlighting the issues with these individual people. 
*Alestier Crowley. *
   He's a literal piece of garbage. Misogynistic, thief of a toooon of closed practices, has entire cults still dedicated to him, called himself a voice of God (both Abrahamic and apparently like 5 Egyptian deities??? I mean excuse me sir how about no??) He also declared himself ‘above’ Gods back in 1922 calling himself Ipssissimus. I hate Crowley so much I have literally stuck a picture of him to a dartboard before. He can suck an egg in the afterlife. He also put his own wife in an asylum for 'alcoholism’ because she wanted a divorce. The only thing he ever did right was get kicked down a flight of stairs at a temple once by a poet.
*Anastasia Greywolf*
   Appropriates at least Jewish practices if not every Indigenous practice there is. Wholeheartedly encourages people to use magic instead of going to a doctor for things like oh I dunno EPILEPSY And claims she has spells for like Marvel-level super powers which uh no Ana. You don't. Lots of Christianity for a supposedly FULL pagan and wiccan author. Her spells are all controlled like...so wrong. So, so wrong. Don't ask please. I can't begin to describe it. Advocates for smudging and uses phrases like "Cherokee Rituals", and the Romani G-slur. 
*Gerald Gardner*
   Made his own branch of wicca, the first technically, and his own coven had to make rules just so he wouldn't spill everything to any reporter that asked. Used Crowley as a main resource.
*Jason Miller*
   Claims to do Hoodoo. A horrible formatter, and generally super dismissive of being a rootworker and other potentially closed practices, has not been initiated. Has claimed that anyone can petition/pray to Papa Legba without initiation because "Vodou is a congregational religion/practice". From the Vodou and Haitian Vodou practitioners I have talked to that is VERY incorrect, it may be congregational but you still have to be involved in the community to be trusted with those practices because so much of it has been bastardized for media and racism purposes. He is also a student of Catherine Yronwode, who is another SUPER problematic figure in the Hoodoo/Rootwork community.  
 A link of his own words on culture appropriation which includes mild inaccuracy towards Indiginous Peoples and that they don’t ‘own’ certain practices when it’s very clear the wording of those practices DOES in fact come from those peoples. He’s fine with people being Yogis, or Shamans, or calling satchel spells mojo bags, and other such phrases and won’t correct people if they use such words out of context because “language changes”. Also says if someone within a practice says it’s closed to go to ANOTHER AND ANOTHER until you find someone willing to teach you??? That’s not how it works sir.
Source: https://www.strategicsorcery.net/on-cultural-misappropriation/
*Lisa Chamberlain*
   Not an actual person. This is a ghost writer name for a bunch of garbage literally copy and pasted from wikipedia into books. I wish I was kidding. 
*Lisa Leister/Lester/whatever other spelling she's used.*
   Such a major TERF. Like JK Rowling level TERF. Claims magic comes from a womb so anybody that doesn't have one isn't a real witch. Like WTF lady.
*Raymond Buckland*
  Where to start...uses the G-slur often. (His grandfather was romani so it blurs the line of blood quantum.)  Very sexist and obsessed with the idea of a woman getting uh...undressed for rituals while men stay dressed and more things I cannot say ina PG space??? As magic?? VERY anti-minor and LGBTQA+. Toxic, just plain toxic. Can't do it. I have read his Blue Book and it's the least problematic thing he wrote. I'm alright with it.
*Silver Ravenwolf*   WhOOO boy. So super anti-christian, which is fine and dandy...if you didn't claim to be in a lineage of braucherei/hexerei. Wiccan, like the type of wiccan that says no other witchcraft exists and yet has written folk magic books??? She really needs to make up her mind. Claims Satanists don't actually exist. Claims most Jewish powers worshiped "the Goddess" (whoever that is)??? Very cult-like language about "not telling friends and family about your new life/reality/experience/whatever". Also SO MUCH APPROPRIATION. SO SO MUCH. She also gets her history wrong, on a lot of basic information that most non-witches know about like say the Salem Witch Trials.
*Catherine Yronwode* Ooh man. So Catherine Yronwode’s career started as a comic book artist. She’s worked on such things like the Elvira comic, DNAgents, and a gaggle of super controversial trading cards which included the Kennedy Assasination, a serial killer collection, and the AIDS epidemic. Of which she was sued for using one half of the Hillside Stranglers duo in said killer trading cards without his permission, the judge sadly threw the case out because and this is a quote, “ If Bianchi had been using his face as a trademark when he was killing women, he would not have tried to hide it from the police.” There were two more from her comic days, but those aren’t super relevant besides the one that pushed the envelope of what sort of trading cards should be sold to children. On the magical side of things, I will be blunt here: As one of the ‘big bads’ of the Rootwork/Folk/Hoodoo community? I really REALLY dislike her. She has made numerous false claims about New Orleans/Haitian Vodou and that it’s only a very recent practice, non-religious, and slaves never used it because it didn’t exist yet??? History books and entire generations will disagree. An example would be this link of an open letter to her written by a New Orleans Voodoo practitioner and someone she wrote a whole article about: https://conjureart.blogspot.com/2013/10/open-letter-to-cat-yronwode-and-lucky.html
She owns a few different websites namely https://www.luckymojo.com/, has written numerous Hoodoo based books, and actively has accused numerous people who have asked her for sources and or disagreed with her of plagiarism and has slung more mud that you can shake a stick at. 
She also praises a book on Marie Laveau and yet discredits herself by calling New Orleans Voodoo a new religion/neopractice??? She’s just confusing as all heck to me.
*Christian Day*   This guy’s just a creep. One stuck in the early 2000s mall goth phase even though he’s over 50. He also appropriates Hoodoo and owns two Hoodoo shops as well as multiple other witch shops in Salem and recently New Orleans on the French Quarter (Which is pure tourist fodder and not a reflection of true New Orleans Voodoo/Vodun/Rootwork). He has also harassed ex-employees so badly it’s landed him in court. His book The Witch’s Book of the Dead also reads very much like a list of accomplishments rather than anything useful. All about his television spots and experiences doing that. (Did I mention he was in an episode of Ghost Adventures? Yes, that one with Zac Bagans??? And it did not make us witches look too great, honestly speaking.)
Sources for Harassment Claims: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/salem-witch-gets-protective-order-against-warlock/
*Yvonne and Gavin Frost*   I dunno how else to say this, I really don’t. These two? Pedophiles. Multiple writings of theirs included not-safe-for-work-or-children rituals that must include minors. Avoid. AVOID AVOID. AVOID ANYONE WHO USES THEM AS A RESOURCE! This should NOT be okay in any circle. They are VERY used within the Wicca religion so please be careful!!
*Orion Foxwood* Some of his information is very sound! I can’t fault him there. He does have a tendency to blend different traditions without actively TELLING you he’s blending them though. He’s and this is a direct quote, “He is a witch and Elder in Romano Celtic-Traditional Craft, High Priest in Alexandrian Wicca and teacher of the Faery Seership tradition. He is also the founding Elder of Foxwood Temple and a primary founder of the Alliance of the Old Religion, a national network of covens in his line that have united to preserve the ways of his Elders. He was the co-director of Moonridge, a center for metaphysical, Craft and Faery studies in Maryland” That’s an awful lot of traditions to juggle and not only write on but actively teach. He also performs conjure, which in of itself might not be an issue but Conjure usually blends into Hoodoo really quickly if one isn’t careful! A lot of the traditions he talks about from his family sound quite familiar, he’s clearly from Appalachia but his books on the subject blend in his other practices instead of keeping them separate. 
*Starr Casas*   She’s in the same category as Orion, only she doesn’t necessarily give her credentials to be teaching Hoodoo, and even wrote a whole book filled with Hoodoo love spells. She also co-owns a French Quarter Conjure Shop, which if you ask any practitioners from New Orleans...is catered to pure tourists and not a true example of the crafts from the area. 
*Shawn Engel*   I’m gonna be blunt here. More appropriation of the Jewish practices, Hoodoo, and other information that is just plain UPG without saying it’s UPG and encourages throwing hexes at political party members solo. I read The Power of Hex and had to put it down numerous times just to gather myself and not throw it away, I don’t know if it was tone or sheer level of appropriation...likely both.
*Kate Freuler*   Of Blood and Bones is chock full of Hoodoo, full stop. Only acknowledges that something comes from Hoodoo once and also gets basic mythology information on the Deities she mentions wrong in some cases. Also a lot of the book seems to be UPG because the bibliography is super small for a 300 page book.
*Dorothy Morrison*   I picked up Utterly Wicked once. A very odd book full of Hoodoo and Vodun spellwork and misinformation, the author is also Garderian Wiccan so even the writing of a book full of hexes is slightly...concerning compared to the Wiccan traditions and redes. Odd is the best I have to describe how I personally feel. I will say this again: Voodoo Dolls are not used to cause pain, stop bastardizing that single aspect of the practice. Thank you.
*Helena Blavatsky*
 I dunno how else to say this either, her philosophy and occult knowledge, called Theosophy is a portion of what inspired Hitler. Pure unadulterated racism veiled in a ‘Atlantian Race Theory”. Horrible stuff, read for a class project once and felt disgusting.
*Christopher Penczak*Whoo boy. On the surface he seems alright, one of the first ‘male’ witches I had ever heard of except for Scott Cunningham. But the more you dig into his work the more inaccuracies and Christian bashing you see. For example: Christianty was the first patriarchal society. Uhm...I believe you’re kinda forgetting the men who ran Rome and Greece there sir. He also fully proposes the ‘burning times’ were like a ‘witch holocaust’. NO! NO IT WAS NOT. You can’t compare the hundreds of years and MAYBE a thousand-ish people dying to the millions that died in the short timespan the Holocaust was a thing. Fuck Christopher for that comparison and also for claiming it was a ‘burning time’ to begin with. (History says that most were hung...or tortured. Burning is a very small number of that list in general. 
He makes a lot of sweeping statements and sees witchcraft as a religion and NOT a practice. He whitewashes, fully harps on the Wicca = witchcraft = religion thing and THEN hones in on the difference between “white and black” magic and how cursing is evil and yet highlights certain practices that actively practice...cursing...as they have for generations??? He (atleast) doesn’t demonize Satanism but does still backhand the idea anyway, that they CAN’T be witches because witches only ‘heal’. Cultural appropriation and fetishization of ‘Native’ practices while calling them primitive all in the same breath, I just can’t with this guy. I really can’t. 
*Amy Blackthorn* 
Owns a tea brand called ‘Blackthorn Hoodoo Blends’ she is white. When questioned by BIPOC individuals she complains and blocks them instead of explaining why she chose the name Hoodoo for just teas. TEA. She is also the author of Blackthorn’s Botanical Magic, Sacred Smoke (A book on smudging yikes on trikes), and Blackthorn’s Protection Magic. 
Proof of blocking: https://thisblackwitch.com/2016/04/01/blackthorn-teas-whose-culture-is-it-anyways/
*Tarl Warwick *
Is more commonly known as Styxhexenhammer666 on youtube and other social media sites. Has written a pile and I mean a PILE of occult based books including ones on Hermetic magic, ritualistic magic, demons, solomon, folk plants and healing, Kabbalah, and many MANY more. 
He makes no claim to being Jewish, and given his political wishy washiness, and multitude of controversies which includes claiming the Holocaust wasn’t ‘that many dead’, Charles Manson deserved release because he was ‘extremely innocent and didn’t kill anyone’, and fairly recently also wrote and published a book on Critical Race Theory and why it’s ‘garbage’. I can’t support him no matter how accurate some of his information may be (if any at all). 
*Temperance Alden* This really pains me to say, Temperance in her Wheel of the Year book made a claim that birth control “stunted her magical abilities” because it affected her hormones…in OTHER words unless you are a perfectly hormone producing WOMAN you don’t have great magical power. AVOID. AVOID. AVOID. That is a slippery slope to claiming medication will harm you, not to mention how TERF-y it is AND completely disregards that magic is for well…everyone. Such a stupid gatekeep-y concept. 
*Sarah Kate Istra/Dver*
Advocates for using ‘spirit animals’ regardless of Indigenous beliefs and concerns. Is also a known ally with the Piety Posse, a neo-nazi group of pagans who claim the term polytheist can only apply to them and if you aren’t a Hellenistic pagan…you aren’t pagan at all. They also advocate for animal sacrifices, blood tests to prove purity, and other horrible HORRIBLE stuff. 
*Sannion/H. Jeremiah Lewis*
Obvious Neo-nazi, keeps images of swastikas on his personal blog, and not the ones that the nazis stole from, the nazi one. And super SUPER transphobic.
*Edward P. Butler*
Major persecution complex, spends half his twitter complaining about how monotheists are destroying…I dunno…everything? Also defends Krasskova quite heavily. Antisemetic as well.
*Galina Krasskova*
Hellenic pagans watch out. Defends the AFA. A ringleader of the Piety Posse. There’s a lot more horrific stuff about her and I won’t go into extreme details. But TW: Romanticizes SA with deities, human sacrifice, animal sacrifice. Compares debating to the holocaust, lots of victim blaming, gatekeeping, and screams folkish. 
*Diana Cooper*
Racist. Hard stop. Also appropriates chakras. Has a weird belief that food controls skin color and that Africa will never be a good country because it’s the solar plexus of the universe…or something like that. I got 20 pages into the book and literally couldn’t go any farther. Did I mention this book was supposedly on dragons???
*Judika Iiles* So much appropriation, advocates for making altars and working with closed deities. Lots of incorrect information including dangerous spellwork like obsession spells. And one in particular that has roots in a racist stereotypes. Avoid please! 
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A short trailer I made for my fantasy novel The Sorcerer's Apprentice! It's not perfect, but it was fun to make 🤩 Wishing the writeblr community a lovely Sunday afternoon!
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breelandwalker · 1 year
Witchcraft Books Aren't Free. Pay Your Writers.
Since it seems some people still need telling , this is your regularly-scheduled reminder that it’s not okay to illegally download and distribute free copies of recently-published books from a niche market where the authors depend directly on monthly royalties to pay their bills.
Books are a luxury. If you can’t afford a title, save your pennies or check out a copy from your local library. There are plenty of free resources and public domain texts available in the meantime.
It’s worth mentioning that plenty of authors in the witchcraft and pagan markets make a point of providing free resources and advice to the community on a regular basis, myself included. To take that information and then turn around and steal from us on top of it is not only petty, it’s cruel, especially considering the financial hardship we’re all facing in the current economy.
I see so many witches complaining about the lack of good books out there, but if authors aren't going to be paid for their labor, what motivation is there to write books for publication? Creative labor is still LABOR and writers should be properly paid for their published works, especially in limited markets like witchcraft, paganism, and occultism, where every single sale counts not only for paying the bills now, but for the possibility of being able to publish material in the future.
If you claim to be supporting the witchy community but you're doing so by distributing stolen digital copies of witchcraft books still under recent copyright, you are stabbing your fellow practitioners in the back. If you want to actually support the community, PAY THE WRITERS and encourage others to do the same.
Download overpriced textbooks and public domain titles, not witchcraft books.
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Witchy red flag #2: Practitioners who prescribe crystals for health issues.
Now I’m not saying that rose quartz can’t help your anxiety, but what I am saying is DO NOT carry a rock around instead of taking your meds. DO NOT tell people that xyz rock can help with diabetes.
These are real things I have seen being spread around in this community.
Like hello???
Also, this is a lowkey call out post for “The Good Witch’s Guide” by Charity Bedell & Shawn Robbins. There are sections in this book that are guilty of this very issue, with no disclaimer to be found. Obvi, it’s kind of an unspoken rule that when it comes to witchy books, you gotta use discernment level 100. But it’s also exhausting that it needs to be this way. These people shouldn’t be allowed to just put “yeah cuddle this quartz to get rid of your heart disease” without THOROUGH disclaimers present.
All this being screamed said, I am a crystal witch 💀 I love those shiny bastards, and I use them regularly in my life and in my practice. But I also understand that they cannot perform miracles.
I sincerely hope that anyone who has been victimized by this weird concept wins their lawsuit against those authors 😀
That’s all for today, folks. Bitchcraft, out ✌️
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holy-mountaineering · 4 months
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Amor Divina, Writings on the Sexual Praxis of Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO).
This limited edition, rare Work of beauty was printed by the elusive Hell Fire Club in 2018 and includes writing by Aleister Crowley, Theodore Reuss, C. S. Jones, G. J. Yorke, Marcelo Motta & others.
 I have this & many other fine occult books for sale. Topics ranging from Thelema to Psyonics, publishing quality ranging from limited edition gold embossed hard covers to zine format.
DM for more details.
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thegambitgazette · 7 months
Blog Directory
This is more for my own sake of keeping everything organized since, tbh, I'm not the most adept at using Tumblr.
For My Fellow Pagans
Aphrodite and Emotions
Astral Projection + Travel
Channeled Message: Aphrodite
Channeled Message: Pan
Divine Epithets: How We Can Use Mythology to Learn About Human Authenticity
Echo Chambers in Spirituality
Protection and Warding
Shadow Work Prompt: A Binding Past
For My Fellow Writers
A Philosophy Behind Writer's Block: Valuing Despair
Divine Epithets: How We Can Use Mythology to Learn About Human Authenticity
Expectations: In Which Diverse Stories Have Extra Criteria
Fear: Using Stoicism to Shape Characters
Know Thyself: How This One Exercise Shaped My Writing
Trope Talk
Obsessed Artist: The Role of Destruction in the Pursuit of Authenticity
Reluctant Ruler: The Burden of Leadership
Tortured Poet: Where Do We Draw the Line of Responsibility?
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