#wishlist : wagner
ghostsandmirrors · 25 days
this is far longer than expected.
they are organised by muse, but I'm not organising them as like canons, then originals. they're just all in this together.
The Menagerie do you have a smug shithead muse? we have a zoo! pick one or two or three to bully your muse with. they're all a pain in the ass. (the menagerie are the animals. they're all canons from different sources.)
Bucky Bucky and general DC heroes (MCU/DC crossover) (I started writing half my muses on MCU/DC crossover forum sites, including Bucky! I'm throwing him back into his roots)
Batman I just think Bucky meeting Batman would be very funny, especially in a professional setting and especially if canon divergent post-Endgame. Bucky having war flashbacks to being chased through Bucharest by a man dressed as a cat because 'so many superheroes are furries.'
Wonder Woman Bucky and Diana based on that one fan plot where Diana was involved, in some way, with fighting during WWII and they met back then and then meet again in the modern day. bonus points if Diana thinks he's his own grandson and he doesn't correct her.
Superman idk Bucky and Superman would just be kinda wholesome? also if Superman mun comfortable, Bucky would totally have a crush on Superman. you can't convince me otherwise. also Clark and Bucky as a ship would be 'pure of heart, dumb of ass' in that order and it makes me giggle.
Other any of the Batfam would also be fun but there's every chance they get unofficially adopted. new dad! new dad! new dad!
I don't know that many DC heroes. girl help. who else is there? idk but I want them!
Bucky + ship partner post-mission shit. anything. just them being like 'thank FUCK that's over with'. snuggling. idgaf.
Bucky + Steve, Bucky + Sam pure of heart, dumb of ass. this is a never-ending want. it's not a specific want, either. I just like putting them in threads together.
Bucky + Thor I don't know why but I've always wanted to and never gotten the chance to.
Bucky/Loki 🥺👉👈 Listen...
Bucky + Spider-Muses I once joked about Bucky adopting various Spider-characters and I still want it. Bucky is the ancient, morally ambiguous MCU Batman on this blog, in that he will not stop fucking adopting people, but at least Bruce usually adopts children. Bucky'll adopt a 30 year old. they're still 70 years younger than him so they're fair game.
Joker Joker + Batman <3 Joker is obsessed with Batman. ofc I want to thread them. I want every possible thread in any verse that's most comfortable. Joker is my comfort villain.
Joker + Batman characters in general (focused on villains/rogues gallery) I have no specifics, I just realised he talks to the Rogues Gallery a lot in comics/cartoons and my Joker… hasn't. ever. I can fix that.
Dylan Dylan and Heroes (any DC) I also want Dylan and Gotham heroes, Gordon, etc.. Dylan needs more screentime 'cause her ass is overshadowed by the fuckin owl at this point. lbr who isn't.
Dylan and Heroes (any MCU) also Dylan plus marvel heroes since she has an MCU verse. do I have icons? fuck no. am I asking for Dylan threads regardless? fuck yes.
Jameson Jameson and Heroes (any) Mortitaint is a masked murderer. that's it. that's the pitch. you want your muse hit with a shovel? I can help with that! also if any men want a boyfriend who is sweaty and dirty every day and surprisingly strong……………. im just saying……………… and then they can one day find out the other is a hero/villain……………………….. drama. 👀 (this includes anti-heroes)
Jameson and Villains (any) I just think it'd be interesting, y'know? Jameson doesn't tend to play well with others, in general, but there's a chance it doesn't go horribly wrong!
Wag Wag and X-Men Characters Wagner Himura is an X-Men oc that, in his entire time on my blog, has never threaded with an X-Men character. it can be any character and any verse. I don't care. I just want him to speak to other mutants, man.
Logan specifically, I would like Wag and Logan threads. I always picture Wag as a general pest when he starts working at the school, like throwing water balloons filled with speed potions at people that annoy him kind of pest, and I get the feeling Logan would either hate his guts, like him because he does not discriminate between students and teachers, or be very cautious because he doesn't know Wag's limits while Wag's just like 'hey ;D I don't actually find you attractive but if flirting means I don't get stabbed, I'll flirt. ;D I'm high as a fuckin kite rn lmao ;D'
Charles Xavier Wag and Charles would also be funny because of the aforementioned 'high as a kite'.
Brotherhood any brotherhood muse in his brotherhood verse would be nice, too. Idk how he got into the brotherhood in that verse and I want to explore it. I just miss writing Wag, lbr.
OCs tbh any OC. let's yeet our x-men OCs together and see what bad ideas they come out with. it'll be funny. I'm willing to make up places that they can go through a portal to, as well.
Bam and X-Men Characters Bam has an X-Men verse in which he vibrates particles when angry and I just… I miss Bam being chaotic. I miss Bam being a mess. she's gotten too collected and I want disaster Bam back. I don't have specific preferences for this one.
Wag and Bam Basically, both Wag and Bam (in his X-Men verse) have abilities that can/are activated by emotions. With Wag, he has more control over his abilities and thus the chances of anger doing anything is low but not zero. If his anger is doing anything, it's a silent, 'scorched Earth' kind of anger that mostly shows in things moving telekinetically. With Bam, his power is exclusively activated by anger.
I just want that in a(nother, in Bam's case) thread or plot. It'd be fun.
Mattie and Avengers/SHIELD/HYDRA Mattie worked for both SHIELD and HYDRA so I would like to establish some kind of relations with SHIELD and HYDRA muses, but she also sent records to the Avengers after the fall of HYDRA and began torturing/murdering HYDRA agents who survived The Snap so like……….. 👀
also Avengers meeting her after The Blip or whatever dumb bitch shit The Snap 2: Electric Boogaloo is canonically called would be… like she a gremlin in the swamplands. she's a whole fuckin cryptid by that point. I want her ex-coworkers to meet the cryptid she's become and be like, '... ayo? you good?' and her to be knee-deep in swamp water, dragging a body, like, '... yup!'
Arnulf Arnulf and Steve's Friends arnulf needs to meet non-Steve avengers (or others who know him). it would be funny. 'hey you kinda look like Steve Rogers..' '[subtle german accent] a lot of people say that! it's so strange. I don't see it.'
Past - HYDRA threads between like 2012-2014 would be interesting? idk. I feel like I've forgotten how to write serious threads.
Ultron + MCU? I'm sure i've mentioned this before but I just really want Ultron to reunite with the avengers through like idk texts? e-mails? something technology based so the urge to blow his ass up is reduced.
this is not limited to just the avengers. you have an MCU hero muse? a child of a canon? I'll take 'em. give me any muse who may know Ultron or his reputation.
Ai and Tony Stark I always imagine that they know each other due to being rich and fundraisers and shit like that. Ai might be an assassin but she gives to charity and does all the Very Good Things she's meant to which means attending Stark fundraisers and drinking his booze x
they do not have to like each other. I don't think Ai has met a single person she likes since she killed her husband, I'll be honest.
Villains generally I do want more villain threads where my villain muses are being villains and doing villainous things. like, I have Joker and Ultron who deserve some attention but also Jameson, Ai, Mattie, Jesse, I have a verse where Bam's a villain (he's doing it for the vibes. that'd hold up in court /s), I have the brotherhood verse with Wag… like… plz. I want my muses to go apeshit.
Fandomless OCs (Liaxee, the Bringer, Lieat) also I would like to do more with supernatural/fantasy/generally fandomless OCs and Liaxee or the Bringer or Lieat. Liaxee is a joy to write, the Bringer is my dumb bitch, and Lieat's the cutest muse I have. I love them all, your honour.
I think Supernatural (the show) muses and any of these three would be fun, too. especially Lieat, because idk if there's anything like them in the Supernatural universe?
I know I have two doctor who blogs following me so I'm lumping them in with supernatural/fantasy/fandomless oc/Superrnatural (the show). yous wanna meet a void creature?
Special Requests have you ever seen a Crazy Quilt RPer? he's my favourite Batman villain. please. (this is mostly a joke but if there actually is a Crazy Quilt RPer, I want to know.)
Egghead is another DC special request because I love Batman villains.
also Typeface and Spellcheck. Idk them that well, but I want to and I have Spider-Man.
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radicalrascals · 4 months
Wanted Plot
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Paulo "Colmilho" Almeida is an arsehole. And not even that insult is doing him justice. He works for the Federal Police, his relentless and often brutal methods earning him the nickname Colmilho - fang. No empathy, occasional choleric outbursts, an obvious superiority complex. All that makes Colmilho a difficult person to be around. But he hasn't always been like that; once upon a time he had been married to the love of his life. But when his wife died, so did his humanity.
Enter your muse. Perhaps they're colleagues, perhaps they meet by chance, but most definitely Colmilho didn't endear himself to them. They may fight a lot, but eventually they crack Colmilho and reawaken that little sliver of humanity in him.
Can be romance (f35+) or friendship (m/f/nb30+) and either go down the route of arsehole who is only soft for one specific person, or he could become a nicer person in the long run.
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duhniele · 1 month
girls wishlist:
• cherry blossom tree at home
• learn every language
• visit every country
• learn to play the piano
• long hair harry styles
• end of capitalism
• sunsets
• growing old with my girlFriends
• having a major in history, arts, sociology, philosofy, geografy, architecture, cinema...
• raising a son who understands that every woman deserves respect and not only the ones he's related to or attracted to
• having a skin undertone which matches every hair color
• really long or really short hair
• wagner moura
• find my tone of red lipstick
• have a library at home by the time im old
• learn how to make bread
• fruit scented perfume
• red nails
• 1661729938172839 ear piercings
• red high top converse
• being able to watch every artist that i like live
• house full of art
• academic validation
• new season of gravity falls
• wagner moura with a roop earing
• body covered in tattoos
• tanning without skin damage
• 🍃 legal everywhere
• living 2 minutes away from the ocean
• watch all my favorite cartoons as a kid again
• my childhood dog
• pink sky not being a result of global warning
• amy winehouse alive
• drinking at least 2,5L of water everyday
• baking
• stop overthinking
• spotify premiun free
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delusionaid · 9 months
christ/mas wishlist
(more) interactions for:
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
In this episode we explore a relatively new subgenre of science fiction called Solarpunk, which aims to imagine better, more ecologically harmonious, futures on earth. In many ways Solarpunk is a reaction to both the real-world climate crisis and to the many apocalyptic visions of collapse filling our screens. Andrew Sage from the YouTube channel @Andrewism joins host Jonathan McIntosh and friend of the show Carl Williams for this conversation.
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2C6SdbT...
Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast...
Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0...
Our website: https://popculturedetective.agency/po...
• The Andrewism YouTube Channel
/ andrewism
• Walkaway by Cory Doctorow
• Ecotopia by Ernest Callenbach
• Sunvault: Stories of Solarpunk and Eco-Speculation
• Fighting for the Future edited by Phoebe Wagner
• Parable of the Sower by Octavia Butler
• Princess Mononoke from Studio Ghibli
• The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas by Ursula K. Le Guin
• Emergency Skin by N. K. Jemisin
• Monk and Robot book series by Becky Chambers
• Disney’s Strange Solarpunk World
• In Defense of Dis...
• Dear Alice from THE LINE
• Dear Alice
• Dear Alice’ Decommodified Edition by Waffle To The Left
• 'Dear Alice' Deco...
• Our History Is the Future by Nick Estes
• 3000-Year-Old Solutions to Modern Problems by Lyla June
• 3000-year-old sol...
• Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher
* Background image is the cover of the first book in the Monk and Robot series entitled "Psalm for the Wild-Built."
All multimedia clips included in this podcast constitute a ‘fair use’ of any copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of U.S. Copyright law, which allows for criticism, comment and scholarship. Learn more about fair use via New Media Rights!
Audio production: Jonathan McIntosh
Intro music: Simon Stålenhag
Outro music: Rick Lopez
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diexeinzige · 4 years
Wanted! Habsburg Rpers
Interesting historical characters people should consider picking up aka Flora and I will love you forever and probably bribe you if you bring us: 
Franz Josef I, Emperor of Austria and King of Hungary, 18. August 1830 - 21. November 1916
Count Gyula Andrassy, Prime Minister of Hungary and Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary, 8. March 1823 - 18 February 1890
Ida Ferenczy, lady in waiting to Empress Elizabeth, 7. April 1839 - 28 June 1928
Princess Sophie of Bavaria, 27 January 1805 - 28 May 1872
Archduke Franz Salvator of Austria, 21 August 1866 - 20 April 1939
Joseph Radetzky von Radetz, Bohemian nobleman and Austrian Field Marshal, 2. November 1766 - 5 January 1858
Anna Sacher, famous hotelier in Vienna,  2 January 1859 - 25 February 1930
Empress Elisabeth - Sisi, December 24 1837 - 10 September 1898 
Archduchess Gisela of Austria, 12 July 1856 - 27 July 1932
Princess Stéphanie of Belgium, 21 May 1864 - 23 August 1945
Maximilian I of Mexico, Archduke of Austria-Hungary and only Emperor of the Second Mexican Empire, 6 July 1832 - 19 June 1867
Carlota of Mexico / Charlotte of Belgium, princess of Belgium and Empress of Mexico, 7 June 1840 - 19 January 1927
Mizzi Kaspar, royal mistress to Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria, 28 September 1864 - 29 January 1907
Archduke Franz Ferdinand, 18 December 1863 - 28 June 1914
Duchess Helene in Bavaria, 4 April 1834 - 16 May 1890
Princess Louise of Belgium, 18 February 1858 - 1 March 1924
Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, 4 February 1508 - 12 January 1519
If you have questions about any or all of these characters feel free to message me and I shall throw some information your way. Gimme all the k.u.k people pretty please
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infinityarchives · 5 years
Muses Corny wants to RP:
Hawkeye and Hawkeye
Green Arrow
Red Arrow
Okay, enough archers.
Iron Man
Beast Boy
Thor (ask about his brother)
Moon Knight
The Umbrella Academy
The Doom Patrol
Black Canary
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Kid Flash
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littlewickd · 5 years
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clarissa aeronwy “aeron” wagner tags !
wagner,a.   :   isms.   ›   there is something uncanny‚ demonic & fascinating about them.
wagner,a.   :   visage.   ›   from my rotting body‚ flowers shall grow & i am in them and that is eternity.
wagner,a.   :   thread.   ›   looking for despair on a queen sized bed.
wagner,a.   :   wishlist.   ›   full of heartache and poetry.
wagner,a.   :   starters.   ›   introducing the quiet terror of being alive.
wagner,a.   :   aesthetic.   ›   nothing but a heart of satin & rose petals in a cage of bones.
wagner,a.   :   about.   ›   you are a minute of quiet in a loud shouting world.
wagner,a.   :   rel.   ›   &   kurt wagner.
wagner,a.   :   rel.   ›   &   frankie jean.
wagner,a.   :   rel.   ›   &   megan gwynn.
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bluebxmfing · 6 years
Hear me out
Kurt playing Emcee would be fucking amazing for a few reasons. 
A: German is his first language so that’s covered B: Think of the look on the other X-Men’s faces when they realize Kurt really can be that sexual, and enjoys it. C: Kurt singing “Two Ladies” with two Cabaret girls D: Kurt in Emcee’s outfit.
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quantum-crux · 2 years
|| about || rules || wishlist || blogs ||
Primary Muses
Doctor Stephen Strange[MCU/Divergent]
Wolverine/Logan Howlett[Divergent]
Gambit/Remy Lebeau[X-men show]
Moon Knight and Khonshu[MCU]
Secondary Muses
Miguel O'Hara/Spider-man 2099[Spiderverse]
Peter B. Parker/Spider-man[Spiderverse]
Daredevil/Matt Murdoc[Divergent]
The Vision[Headcanon Based]
Upon Request
Deadpool/Wade Wilson[tba]
Magneto/Erik Maximoff[Divergent]
Loki God of Mischief[Headcanon based]
Starlord/Peter Quill[MCU/Divergent]
Ororo Munroe/Storm[X-men/Marvel/Divergent]
Nightcrawler/Kurt Wagner[Marvel/X-men show]
Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff[Divergent]
Mobius Mobius[MCU]
--------Coming Soon--------
Hobie Brown/Spider-punk[Spiderverse]
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ghostsandmirrors · 3 years
I thought I had this in a wishlist tag but I don't so wishlist idea: shit getting so real that Wag or Bam (in his mutant verse) use their powers and it's actually dangerous. Optionally due to high emotions and someone close helps them calm down.
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radicalrascals · 3 months
Wishlist: Ships
Still in a shippy mood, so I'll drop six of my boys below for whom I desperately need more ships. Like for a starter, comment for a specific muse of mine. Multi-muse blogs, please let me know which of your muses works. Mutuals and non-mutuals welcome!
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Nick Silva
werewolf, bookshop owner | fc: Wagner Moura
Kind and gentle book nerd with a penchant for secret mongering in need of an understanding man with a protective streak. Loyal to a fault. Makes the best coffee in town. Attention! Comes with an overprotective older brother.
looking for: m 40+
bonus points for: Pedro Pascal, Selton Mello, Lázaro Ramos
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Gabriel Herrán
human, thief | fc: Pedro Pascal
Flirtatious mystery on two legs. Won't reveal his real name nor his thieving nature, but will fulfill his love's every wish. Would change sides for the right man. Attention! Will go to great lengths in order to uphold his double life.
looking for: m 40+
bonus points for: Diego Luna, Wagner Moura, Ethan Hawke, Oscar Isaacs
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Miguel Guerrero
human, hunter | fc: Diego Luna
Driven hunter of the supernatural. Soul of an artist, life of an avenger. In desperate need of someone kind and gentle to remind him of a life outside of his duty. Looks either for someone to protect or someone to hunt alongside with. Attention! Will prioritise vengeance over love. Or will he?
looking for: m/f 35+ , no supernaturals (unless they actively deceive him)
bonus points for: Alice Braga, Pedro Pascal, Gael García Bernal, Jon Bon Jovi
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Paulo "Colmilho" Almeida
human, federal police agent | fc: Selton Mello
Widowed avenging angel with a heart of stone and no mercy. Hasn't laughed in over ten years. Dangerous combination of high intelligence and a superiority complex. Attention! This entire man is a red flag. Needs a sweetheart or an ice pick to crack his hardened shell.
looking for: f 35+ (gay for Wagner Moura muses cuz mun says so)
bonus points for: Morena Baccarin, Wagner Moura, Débora Falabella
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Leopold Grimm
vampire, vigilante | fc: Andreas Pietschmann
Old soul, sad eyes, so much love to give. Gentleman of the old school. Incredibly protective, constantly worried. Attention! Will feed off his lover, but if that's your thing... he'll be gentle.
looking for: m/f 30+
bonus points for: Emily Beecham, Lucas Gregorowicz, Mark Waschke
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
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Liam Talbot
human, mage-for-hire | John Simm
Provocative bigmouth and music-nerd searching for a man who's just as much of a broken arsehole as he is. Great mage, but still trying to figure out how to become a good person. Attention! Prone to running away. From problems as much as good things he thinks he doesn't deserve.
looking for: m (any age, but not significantly younger than him)
bonus points for: David Tennant, David Morrissey, Philip Glenister, Liam Cunningham
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paigepierson1d · 7 years
Sometimes I just lay in bed and wish that Kurt Wagner was real
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danidoesathing · 4 years
001 Marvel 002 Bray 003 Noah Maxwell
Favorite character: Either Peter Parker or Kurt Wagner. I can’t choose I love them both
Least Favorite character: I’m not sure, maybe one of the early villains in the MCU?
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Cherik, MJ/Peter, Nightsilver, Valkyrie/Carol, and uh ironstrange I guess
Character I find most attractive: UHHHH THERES A LOT I GUESS VALKYRIE
Character I would marry: Nightcrawler. Wait would that make a furry-
Character I would be best friends with: Peter Quill. He seems rad 
a random thought:
An unpopular opinion: The Netflix shows are good you guys are just mean
My Canon OTP: Peter/MJ. I know its not canon in the movies (yet) BUT STILL
My Non-canon OTP: Cherik. They’re SO GAY it's ridiculous they literally ran off together in dark phoenix 
Most Badass Character: Punisher. I know cliché but hes a strong, blood hunger anti-hero with a sense of justice and no real superpowers but someone isn’t dead yet?? amazing
Most Epic Villain: Hela. God she’s amazing
Pairing I am not a fan of: Any of the nasty ones. You know what I mean.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): The waste of potential of the whole XMCU. Like imagine!!! The angel and demon dynamic with Nightcrawler and Angel!! The relationships between Peter and Erik/kurt and Raven!!! The young xmen group fun we were ROBBED of!!!! 
Favourite Friendship: Ned and Peter. Brotp man
Character I most identify with: Eddie Brock. The disaster bi energy
Character I wish I could be: None of them really. Their lives kind suck
When I started shipping them: fuck dude I dont know
My thoughts: Its cute!!! unlikely but very cute!!!
What makes me happy about them: It's just so soft,,like,,,Brian just,,,,,hugging jay,,,,
What makes me sad about them: they’re dead
Things done in fanfic that annoys me: Idk theres not a lot of fics about them
Things I look for in fanfic: Just softness. Angst is good all but I just want them to be happy
My wishlist: I dont know what this means
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: 
Either one could end up with Tim and id be happy
My happily ever after for them:
A nice little apartment with a couple of cats
How I feel about this character: hes very relatable and that worries me
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Evan and sometime Kevin
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: His relationship with milo is SO GOOD
My unpopular opinion about this character: none really?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Get this mans a nap
Favorite friendship for this character: Kevin and him
My crossover ship: Evan and noah is that counts
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althaiarp · 4 years
We are absolutely excited for any character to join us but if you need help on who to be, look below to see all our combined wishes that we have compiled and updated!
Alex Summers
Alexei Shostakov
Amadeus Cho
America Chavez
Anya Corazón
Ava Ayala
Betsy Braddock
Ben Grimm
Bobby Drake
Cassie Lang
Celeste Cuckoo
Cindy Moon
Clarice Fong
Crystal Amaquelin
Dani Moonstar
Dan Ketch
Daniel Sousa
David Alleyne | x2
Doug Ramsey
Emma Frost  | x3
Esme Cuckoo
Eli Bradley
Hank McCoy
Hank Pym
Howard Stark
Jane Foster
Jean Grey  | x2
Jennifer Walters
Jessica Jones
John Proudstar
John Walker
Johnny Storm
Kitty Pryde
Kaine Parker
Kurt Wagner(edited)
Lady Sif
Lorna Dane
Lance Alvers
Leonard Samson/Doc Samson
Logan Howlett
Luke Cage
Maria Hill | x2
May Parker
Melinda May
Monica Rambeau | x 3
Miles Warren | x2
Nick Fury
Nick Fury Jr.
Peggy Carter
Pepper Potts
Phoebe Cuckoo
Phil Coulson
Peter Quill
Peter Petruski
Rahne Sinclair
Riri Williams
Rick Jones
Robbie Reyes
Storm | x2
Sue Storm
Sam Alexander
Sam Guthrie
Sam Wilson | x3
Scott Lang
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Xi'an Coy Manh
Ying Liu
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