#wishlist : ultron
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ghostsandmirrors · 7 months ago
this is far longer than expected.
they are organised by muse, but I'm not organising them as like canons, then originals. they're just all in this together.
The Menagerie do you have a smug shithead muse? we have a zoo! pick one or two or three to bully your muse with. they're all a pain in the ass. (the menagerie are the animals. they're all canons from different sources.)
Bucky Bucky and general DC heroes (MCU/DC crossover) (I started writing half my muses on MCU/DC crossover forum sites, including Bucky! I'm throwing him back into his roots)
Batman I just think Bucky meeting Batman would be very funny, especially in a professional setting and especially if canon divergent post-Endgame. Bucky having war flashbacks to being chased through Bucharest by a man dressed as a cat because 'so many superheroes are furries.'
Wonder Woman Bucky and Diana based on that one fan plot where Diana was involved, in some way, with fighting during WWII and they met back then and then meet again in the modern day. bonus points if Diana thinks he's his own grandson and he doesn't correct her.
Superman idk Bucky and Superman would just be kinda wholesome? also if Superman mun comfortable, Bucky would totally have a crush on Superman. you can't convince me otherwise. also Clark and Bucky as a ship would be 'pure of heart, dumb of ass' in that order and it makes me giggle.
Other any of the Batfam would also be fun but there's every chance they get unofficially adopted. new dad! new dad! new dad!
I don't know that many DC heroes. girl help. who else is there? idk but I want them!
Bucky + ship partner post-mission shit. anything. just them being like 'thank FUCK that's over with'. snuggling. idgaf.
Bucky + Steve, Bucky + Sam pure of heart, dumb of ass. this is a never-ending want. it's not a specific want, either. I just like putting them in threads together.
Bucky + Thor I don't know why but I've always wanted to and never gotten the chance to.
Bucky/Loki 🥺👉👈 Listen...
Bucky + Spider-Muses I once joked about Bucky adopting various Spider-characters and I still want it. Bucky is the ancient, morally ambiguous MCU Batman on this blog, in that he will not stop fucking adopting people, but at least Bruce usually adopts children. Bucky'll adopt a 30 year old. they're still 70 years younger than him so they're fair game.
Bucky + Nebula the sheer comedy value of these two being friends is worth the gymnastics to figure out how they'd spend enough time together to become friends.
Bucky + Dmitri from 2012's The Winter Soldier comics by Ed Brubaker I so badly want to explore the possible dynamic between these two. I don't want to spoil the story he's from, even though it's been over a decade since those stories came out, but I want him. I wanted to see more of him before that story ended. please.
Joker Joker + Batman <3 Joker is obsessed with Batman. ofc I want to thread them. I want every possible thread in any verse that's most comfortable. Joker is my comfort villain.
Joker + Batman characters in general (focused on villains/rogues gallery) I have no specifics, I just realised he talks to the Rogues Gallery a lot in comics/cartoons and my Joker… hasn't. ever. I can fix that.
Dylan Dylan and Heroes (any DC) I also want Dylan and Gotham heroes, Gordon, etc.. Dylan needs more screentime 'cause her ass is overshadowed by the fuckin owl at this point. lbr who isn't.
Dylan and Heroes (any MCU) also Dylan plus marvel heroes since she has an MCU verse. do I have icons? fuck no. am I asking for Dylan threads regardless? fuck yes.
Jameson Jameson and Heroes (any) Mortitaint is a masked murderer. that's it. that's the pitch. you want your muse hit with a shovel? I can help with that! also if any men want a boyfriend who is sweaty and dirty every day and surprisingly strong……………. im just saying……………… and then they can one day find out the other is a hero/villain……………………….. drama. 👀 (this includes anti-heroes)
Jameson and Villains (any) I just think it'd be interesting, y'know? Jameson doesn't tend to play well with others, in general, but there's a chance it doesn't go horribly wrong!
Wag Wag and X-Men Characters Wagner Himura is an X-Men oc that, in his entire time on my blog, has never threaded with an X-Men character. it can be any character and any verse. I don't care. I just want him to speak to other mutants, man.
Logan specifically, I would like Wag and Logan threads. I always picture Wag as a general pest when he starts working at the school, like throwing water balloons filled with speed potions at people that annoy him kind of pest, and I get the feeling Logan would either hate his guts, like him because he does not discriminate between students and teachers, or be very cautious because he doesn't know Wag's limits while Wag's just like 'hey ;D I don't actually find you attractive but if flirting means I don't get stabbed, I'll flirt. ;D I'm high as a fuckin kite rn lmao ;D'
Charles Xavier Wag and Charles would also be funny because of the aforementioned 'high as a kite'.
Brotherhood any brotherhood muse in his brotherhood verse would be nice, too. Idk how he got into the brotherhood in that verse and I want to explore it. I just miss writing Wag, lbr.
OCs tbh any OC. let's yeet our x-men OCs together and see what bad ideas they come out with. it'll be funny. I'm willing to make up places that they can go through a portal to, as well.
Bam and X-Men Characters Bam has an X-Men verse in which he vibrates particles when angry and I just… I miss Bam being chaotic. I miss Bam being a mess. she's gotten too collected and I want disaster Bam back. I don't have specific preferences for this one.
Wag and Bam Basically, both Wag and Bam (in his X-Men verse) have abilities that can/are activated by emotions. With Wag, he has more control over his abilities and thus the chances of anger doing anything is low but not zero. If his anger is doing anything, it's a silent, 'scorched Earth' kind of anger that mostly shows in things moving telekinetically. With Bam, his power is exclusively activated by anger.
I just want that in a(nother, in Bam's case) thread or plot. It'd be fun.
Mattie and Avengers/SHIELD/HYDRA Mattie worked for both SHIELD and HYDRA so I would like to establish some kind of relations with SHIELD and HYDRA muses, but she also sent records to the Avengers after the fall of HYDRA and began torturing/murdering HYDRA agents who survived The Snap so like……….. 👀
also Avengers meeting her after The Blip or whatever dumb bitch shit The Snap 2: Electric Boogaloo is canonically called would be… like she a gremlin in the swamplands. she's a whole fuckin cryptid by that point. I want her ex-coworkers to meet the cryptid she's become and be like, '... ayo? you good?' and her to be knee-deep in swamp water, dragging a body, like, '... yup!'
Arnulf Arnulf and Steve's Friends arnulf needs to meet non-Steve avengers (or others who know him). it would be funny. 'hey you kinda look like Steve Rogers..' '[subtle german accent] a lot of people say that! it's so strange. I don't see it.'
Past - HYDRA threads between like 2012-2014 would be interesting? idk. I feel like I've forgotten how to write serious threads.
Ultron + MCU? I'm sure i've mentioned this before but I just really want Ultron to reunite with the avengers through like idk texts? e-mails? something technology based so the urge to blow his ass up is reduced.
this is not limited to just the avengers. you have an MCU hero muse? a child of a canon? I'll take 'em. give me any muse who may know Ultron or his reputation.
Ai and Tony Stark I always imagine that they know each other due to being rich and fundraisers and shit like that. Ai might be an assassin but she gives to charity and does all the Very Good Things she's meant to which means attending Stark fundraisers and drinking his booze x
they do not have to like each other. I don't think Ai has met a single person she likes since she killed her husband, I'll be honest.
Villains generally I do want more villain threads where my villain muses are being villains and doing villainous things. like, I have Joker and Ultron who deserve some attention but also Jameson, Ai, Mattie, Jesse, I have a verse where Bam's a villain (he's doing it for the vibes. that'd hold up in court /s), I have the brotherhood verse with Wag… like… plz. I want my muses to go apeshit.
Fandomless OCs (Liaxee, the Bringer, Lieat) also I would like to do more with supernatural/fantasy/generally fandomless OCs and Liaxee or the Bringer or Lieat. Liaxee is a joy to write, the Bringer is my dumb bitch, and Lieat's the cutest muse I have. I love them all, your honour.
I think Supernatural (the show) muses and any of these three would be fun, too. especially Lieat, because idk if there's anything like them in the Supernatural universe?
I know I have two doctor who blogs following me so I'm lumping them in with supernatural/fantasy/fandomless oc/Superrnatural (the show). yous wanna meet a void creature?
Special Requests have you ever seen a Crazy Quilt RPer? he's my favourite Batman villain. please. (this is mostly a joke but if there actually is a Crazy Quilt RPer, I want to know.)
Egghead is another DC special request because I love Batman villains.
also Typeface and Spellcheck. Idk them that well, but I want to and I have Spider-Man.
Marvel's Hurricane, especially if he's based on the 1941 version from Captain America Comics. man was in gloves, boots, and booty shorts. I want to see him in rp.
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nm-mattuz · 2 months ago
My top ten Marvel Rivals wishlist:
In no particular order
Colossus, Vanguard: we need the fastball special proper, not this bootleg hulk shit! Also that Magik line that talks about her missing him is heartbreaking.
Baron Zemo, Duelist: there's too many duelist characters already, but this would be my top pick! Also with their version of Hydra, I predict that he'd have a new design to go with the Eldritch theme.
Jean Gray, Support: not specifically Phoenix Force, but I would prefer it personally.
Abomination, Vanguard: I specifically want it to be Immortal Abomination (because that thing REALLY is a freak) or heroes united (because the design is just that cool, also personal nostalgia). Either way, I need them both as at least alts.
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HERCULES!!! Vanguard: have you heard about his romance with wolvie?
Professor X, Support: come on, it's Xavier.
Juggernaut, Vanguard: bitch.
Ghost Rider, Duelist: I need him to have the penance stare.
Ultron, Vanguard: hear me out on this one. Vanguard to differentiate him from Iron Man and thus he wouldn't fly. Also make him revive himself because he always comes back (exceptionally so)(actually don't, that'd be broken).
Howard the duck, Vanguard: he's got a suit of armor sooooo, that's why he's Vanguard.
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mayflwr · 2 years ago
thread wishlist || wanda
interacting with agatha! let wanda explore her relationship with the other witch! the prospect of friendship, of the betrayal & of the guilt of finding another magic user only to basically kick her ass.
or even mentor/student? with agatha? or stephen? or even loki? any magic user tbh.
or anything with westview! maybe someone tries to get through to her early on? someone she knows? tbh any reason to explore more of that whole westview vibe.
her early days as a new part of the team. trying to find her place after the events of aou & trying to find herself after the death of her brother.
interacting with tony! coming to the realization that he isn't the one to lay blame at with the death of her parents & working through that.
relationship building with vision.
emporium based threads of wanda helping whoever comes through the door (based on the newest sw comics).
interacting with bruce. let wanda apologize to the poor guy.
ultron. ultron. ultron.
to be updated!
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wastedlychee · 3 months ago
Been wanting to do a MVC4 Wishlist Roster so here it is.
Captain America
Iron Man
Black Panther (Revamp Completely)
Winter Solider
The Thing
Groot/Rocket Raccoon
Squirrel Girl
Chun Li
Lord Raptor
Jon Talban
Megaman EXE
Sonia Strumm
Nina (Breath Of Fire)
Rouge (Power Stone)
Viewtiful Joe
Phoenix Wright
Monster Hunter
Princess Devilot
Date Masamune
Strider Hiryu
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withawarinher · 11 months ago
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ϟ main ϟ bio ϟ face ϟ muse ϟ starters ϟ wishlist ϟ
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Torunn is a canon character from a blip world in the comics, daughter of Thor Odinson and Lady Sif. All details vary based on verse, and I'm happy to write her into AUs and fandom crossovers.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Torunn with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they're on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they're on my list.
OTPs: Francis Barton, Ian Zola Rogers NOTPs: Any other-Earth siblings (it should go without saying, but you'd be surprised) Family: Thor Odinson (happy to go whatever way you're comfortable, whether that's a verse where Thor actually got to raise her, or a more angsty one where they're from different Earths), Tony Stark (again, I'm fine if this is the Tony that raised Torunn or another Earth's Tony, but regardless she thinks of him like a father), James Rogers, Azari T'Challa, and Henry Pym Jr. (her chosen brothers) Other: All children of the Avengers (happy to plot established connections in her college or 61616 verses, or new ones in her 616 verse), Ellie Rogers
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default verses:
61616: Torunn's main verse, a mix of comics, headcanons, and Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow (2008). When Ultron defeated the Avengers, Tony Stark raised their children, and Thor left Torunn on Earth to learn the real meaning of being a hero. She considers James Rogers, Azari T'Challa, and Henry Pym Jr. to be her chosen brothers. They grow up together, destroy Ultron, and set about helping the human survivors resettle in a post-apocalyptic world.
616: A 61616 AU where Torunn and her brothers use technology created by Tony Stark to take them to another dimension, where the Earth hasn't been ravaged by Ultron and they can live out normal lives.
college!verse: All the heroes of comics live happily ever after and raise their kids. Torunn is raised by Thor and various other ships in this verse, and I'm happy to write in more established canon or OC parents/siblings. Torunn is typically attending college and training to be a hero simultaneously, per her dad's request that she experience some "normal" life.
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
alt!61616: A 61616 AU where the explosion of the interdimensional elevator brings Ellie Rogers and Ian Zola Rogers to Torunn's world. She and her brothers help cure Ellie's symbiote infection and repair the elevator so they can go home.
almost famous: A no-powers AU where Torunn's father, Thor, is a wealthy, famous owner of Las Vegas's most popular casinos, and her mother is a daytime soap opera star. Having been raised in the spotlight and largely ignored by her parents, she's in and out of tabloids and generally causing chaos.
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onyourleftrogers · 2 years ago
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⍟ main ⍟ bio ⍟ face ⍟ muse ⍟ starters ⍟ wishlist ⍟
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
Ellie is a canon character from a blip world in the comics, daughter of Steve Rogers and Sharon Carter, and other-dimension sister to Ian Rogers and James Rogers. All details vary based on verse, and I'm happy to write her into AUs and fandom crossovers. Given Ellie's homeworld, there will be dark themes present here, including fascism, brainwashing, manipulation, dubcon, sex work, and age gap shipping (because her daddy issues are visible from space, okay).
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Ellie with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry.
NOTPs: Any other-Earth siblings (it should go without saying, but you'd be surprised) Family: Steve Rogers (happy to go whatever way you're comfortable, whether that's a verse where Steve actually got to raise her, or a more angsty one where they're from different Earths), all canon (Ian Zola Rogers, James Rogers) or OC kids of Steve, Sharon, or Bucky Other: All children of the Avengers (happy to plot established connections in her college or Hydra verses, or new ones in her 616 verse), the Next Avengers (Azari T'Challa, Henry Pym Jr., Torunn Thorsdóttir), Brock Rumlow or other Hydra connections
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default verses:
616: After the deaths of her parents, Ellie is injured trying to escape with Ian. When the multi-dimensional elevator explodes, it blasts her into Earth-61616, a world where Ultron killed most of the Avengers and Tony Stark raised their children. There, she meets the Next Avengers, including her other-dimension brother, James Rogers. They help her get rid of the symbiote that saved her life and repair the elevator, which she takes to Earth-616 to search for Ian.
college!verse: All the heroes of comics live happily ever after and raise their kids. Ellie is raised by Steve and various other ships in this verse, and I'm happy to write in more established canon or OC parents/siblings. Ellie is typically attending college and training to be a hero simultaneously, per her dad's request that she experience some "normal" life.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
almost famous: A no-powers AU where Ellie's father, a decorated Army Captain, dies when she's seventeen. Grief-stricken, she goes down a self-destructive path of clubbing and poor choices in partners. She either works as a stripper or a webcam girl.
alt!61616: After the deaths of her parents, Ellie is injured trying to escape with Ian. When the multi-dimensional elevator explodes, it blasts her into Earth-61616, a world where Ultron killed most of the Avengers and Tony Stark raised their children. There, she meets the Next Avengers, including her other-dimension brother, James Rogers. They help her get rid of the symbiote that saved her life, and she stays to help them defend what's left of their world.
hydra!world: Earth-85826, where fascist dictator Arnim Zola rules the world with Hydra. Steve Rogers leads an underground resistance alongside the Avengers and his kids, Ian and Ellie Rogers (other OC or canon siblings added as needed). Bucky Barnes is a double-agent working for Hydra but secretly helping the resistance.
dark!hydraworld: Earth-85826, where fascist dictator Arnim Zola rules the world with Hydra. After the deaths of her parents, Ellie seeks out her dad's best friend, Bucky Barnes, who she believes is a double-agent working for Hydra but secretly helping the resistance. Instead, she's captured by Hydra and brainwashed as part of the Winter Soldier program. (winter!soldier)
mcu: Arnim Zola creates Ellie out of Captain America's DNA, and Hydra is all she knows until it falls with the Triskelion.
twd!verse: A Walking Dead AU where Ellie's mother died prior to the outbreak, and Steve is shot and hospitalized just before the dead start walking. Her dad's best friend, Bucky Barnes, gets Ellie and her brothers, James and Ian, to safety until Steve is able to reunite with them later. She grows up in a post-apocalyptic world.
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awcoffee-no · 2 years ago
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➳ main ➳ bio ➳ face ➳ muse ➳ starters ➳ wishlist ➳
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This is a sideblog, and I follow back from my main @grimmusings. Please direct IMs there, since it's easier for me to keep all my messages on one blog. It's also easier to start interactions with me there, where I regularly post open starters and meme prompts. For a full list of rules, see my main. Honesty hour questions will largely be answered IC and treated as anonymous unless signed by a muse.
All details vary based on verse, but in general I follow Earth-616 comics for Clint, set generally around the Matt Fraction timeline. I can work in pieces of the MCU timeline for him as needed, but I do not include his secret family subplot.
wanted connections:
This is by no means a comprehensive list, and I can roll with most muses as far as basic interactions. I’m happy to ship Clint with other Marvel characters and OCs/fandom crossovers based on chemistry, but unless they’re on my OTP list, they need plotting and interaction first. There is never any pressure to ship with me, even if they’re on my list.
OTPs: Natasha Romanoff, Bobbi Morse, James Rhodes, Bucky Barnes Possible Ships: most Avengers, Phil Coulson, Wade Wilson NOTPs: Laura Barton, Loki Laufeyson, Kate Bishop (love writing with her, but too many little sister vibes to ship) Family: Again, I don't acknowledge Clint's MCU family, but I'm happy to play against his canon comics (Francis) or OC kids. I can't promise he's the most responsible parent out there. Other: Kate Bishop, Yelena Belova, Oliver Queen, Mia Smoak, Artemis Crock (just give me all the archer team-ups, please)
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default verses:
616: A mix of 616 and headcanons set in the Fraction-era comics, typically written for comics muses who don't acknowledge things like the MCU Civil War or Thanos.
mcu: A mix of 616 backstory/characterization and headcanons that follows a more general MCU timeline from the first Avengers movie, Civil War, and Endgame. It does not acknowledge Clint's marriage or secret family subplot, nor Natasha's death.
alt!postblip: An MCU AU where Steve passes the shield on to Sam and stays in the current timeline rather than return to the past. Thor's snap brings back Natasha.
vigilante shit: A verse set in the Fraction-era comics of Earth-616, where Clint is bumming around Brooklyn and doing friendly neighborhood Hawkeye shit.
his first name is agent: A verse set in the Fraction-era comics of Earth-616, where Clint is doing spy shit for SHIELD or working for the Avengers.
multiverse!madness: Various comics universes collide, whether Marvel/DC/etc. have always existed on the same Earth, or other-dimension shenanigans are at work. Duplicate friendly!
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verses by request only:
I'm happy to write these, but since they're more specific AUs, I don't default on them for asks/memes. Please feel free to request them.
61616: A Marvel AU where Ultron won and killed most of the Avengers. Clint survives with his son, Francis, and lives underground, fighting back against the androids and assisting the human survivors.
gods & avengers: The Avengers are reincarnations of Greek gods, and Steve accepts the mantle of Hades during the battle of Wakanda to defeat Thanos and stop the snap from happening. Clint has sort of known he's Apollo for some time, but he's reluctant to accept it.
nothing rhymes with circus: A verse on Clint's backstory and his time on the streets or with the circus where he originally trained as an archer.
twd!verse: A Walking Dead AU where Clint doesn't leave Brooklyn during the initial breakout and evacuation, but is eventually forced out to survive.
welcome to westview: Roughly a month after Endgame, Clint is still distraught over losing Natasha on Vormir. When he's sent to investigate Westview, he finds a false happily ever after.
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elgaberino-mcoc · 3 years ago
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Graduating from the MCOC Wishlist: Quicksilver
It's official: Quicksilver is joining @MarvelChampions!!!
The perennial top 10 member of the Wishlist was chosen as the Summoner's Choice 2022 champion and graduates from the MCOC Wishlist with a final rank of 6th overall most-wanted champ. 
Thanks for your votes, Summoners!
- The MCOC Wishlist team
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sp4c3b0y3000 · 3 years ago
Just for funsies whilst I can't sleep
100 agere questions!
1🐝 What Age(s) Do You Regress To ~ 2-6 yrs
2🍯 Do You Pet Regress As Well / What Animal ~ Nopee
3🥮 How Long Have You Been Regressing ~ a couple months now
4🐌 Is Your Regression Voluntary, Involuntary, Or A Mixture ~ mostly voluntary, only when I'm super stressed it's involuntary
5🐻 What's Your Personality Like When Regressed ~ not much different I don't think, I just become nonverbal
6🐴 How Often Do You Regress ~ once a week unless I'm busy with uni (then it's less) or I'm super stressed out and MH isn't good (then it's more)
7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace ~ cuddles, being called nicknames and comfort movies
8📜 Are You A Baby, Toddler, Or Big Kid Regressor ~ toddler 😊
9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed ~ not really but I find I don't want to watch scary stuff that I usually like (eg BuzzFeed unsolved)
10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~ yep 😅
11🍪 What Makes You Instantly Small ~ cuddling with my obi and stuffies
12🧋Why Do You Regress ~ to help relieve stress and manage my MH
13🌙 Pink Or Blue ~ bluuuueeeeee
14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies ~ 🐉 dragons
15☁️ Dinos, Princesses, Space Or Safari Theme ~ SPAAAAACE 😍🪐🌕🌌
16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets ~ a mixture of pastel and dark
17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~ onsies
18🌸 Favorite Color ~ blue/green/aqua
19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers ~ I do for my journal
20🧁 Coloring Book Or Paint By Numbers ~ colouring 🖍️
21🍧 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~ Lego Lego Lego!
22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes ~ both!
23🧼 Crayons, Colored Pencils Or Markers ~ pencils
24☀️ Do You Have A CG / Name For CG ~ I do! Obi 💙 (also Natasha Romanoff is my fictional cg and she's Mama)
25🌻 Do You Have A Baby Sitter ~ kind of, my best friend's sometimes look after me if Obi is busy ❤️
26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies ~ biologically I have an older sister, and when I'm small I see one of my best friend's as an older sister (even though I'm technically older)
27🧺 Do Your Parents Know About Your Regression ~ nope and I hope they never do
28🧋 Favorite Nicknames / Pet Names ~ little one, little bro, space boy, and little padwan
29🍕 Ideal Playdate ~ playing with Legos and watching films or going out on adventures
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~ with Obi
31🍼 Favorite Snack ~ yogurt and biscuits
32🧸 Favorite Juice ~ orange and apple
33🍪 Favorite Icecream Flavor ~ vanilla
34🩹 Favorite Type Of Milk ~ banana 🍌
35🐶 Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Bitter Or Savory ~ a mix of sweet and savory
36🍰 Favorite Dessert ~ Eton mess or profiteroles
37🍦 Favorite Type Of Chocolate ~ white chocolate, magic stars or Milka oreo
38⏳ Mac & Cheese Or Nuggets ~ NUGGIES
39🎒 Favorite Movie ~ currently Black Widow, of all time probably Free Willy 🐋
40🍬 Favorite Cartoon ~ 64 Zoo Lane
41🚀 Favorite Game ~ Minecraft
42🎀 Favorite Disney Princess ~ Moana, Ariel or Rapunzel
43⚾ If You Could Have Any 1 Superpower What Would It Be ~ flight 🦸🏻‍♂️
44🍄 Anime Or Cartoons ~ cartooons
45🍓 Favorite Carebear ~ don't have one
46✏️ Shows Or Movies ~ movies
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies ~ not really
48🐸 Do You Have A Comfort Character ~ Way way too many 😅 Natasha Romanoff, Wanda Maximoff, Ultron (don't judge), Finnick Odair, Lena Luthor, Alex Dancers, Lexie Grey, Callie Torres, Arizona Robbins, Timone, Kylo Ren, Rey, Obi-Wan Kenobi, K2SO, Tigger 😬
49🌱 Do You Like Rain At Night ~ yeah until it's stormy then I get scared
50🦕 Are You Easily Scared ~ yep 😭
51🧃 Are You Also A Carer ~ I'd like to be
52🌵 Are You Independent Or Dependent ~ a bit of both depends on if I'm alone or not
53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace ~ sleeping or thinking someone's going to catch me being little
54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs ~ no but I'm not a huge fan of some
55🦝 Favorite Toy Series ~ Nerfs
56🚛 Do You Use Pacis ~ yep
57🦴 Do You Use Diaps ~ nope
58🦈 Gear Wishlist ~ dont have one, I've got mostly what I need
59🍵 Favorite Regression Item ~ my paci
60🐾 Sippy Cup Or Bottle ~ both! Sippy for juice and water, bottle for milk
61🦊 Oldest Stuffie ~ either Tigger, spot the dog or a bear I got from a Peter Pan pantomime when I was a kid
62🎃 Do You Sleep With A Stuffie ~ yeah
63🔥 How Many Stuffies Do You Have ~ on my bed - 8, in the house - I have no clue
64🍂 Newest Favorite Stuffie ~ Ozzy the Penguin that my mum brought me and Obi named
65🏵️ Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store ~ all of the above
66🥧 Stuffed Animals Or Dolls ~ stuffies
67👽 Do You Have A Bedtime ~ technically no but Obi doesn't like it if I'm up too late (and Mama doesn't stop me)
68🍭 Do You Keep An AgeRe Journal ~ yep but I haven't written in it much
69⚡️ Do You Have Rules ~ not yet but one day me and Obi are going to make some
70🍥 Blankie Or Paci ~ hmmm blankie but only because I've had him since I was born
71🌈 Night Light Or Glow-In-The-Dark Stars ~ glow in the dark stars 😍 I've never had any but once I've got my own place I'll get some
72🌿 Bedtime Stories Or Lullabies ~ bed time stories (Obi has a really soothing voice that makes me sleep)
73🎩 Favorite Thing To Do Outside While Small ~ go on adventures!
74🐵 Favorite Thing To Do Inside While Small ~ play with Legos, draw and watch films or YouTube
75🦋 Blanket Fort Or Bouncy House ~ blanket fort
76🐯 Stroller Or Walk ~ Walk (but secretly wish to be carried)
77🔮 Dress Up Or Tea Party ~ I'd only dress up if it was as superheroes
78🦜 Do You Like The Playground ~ I do but I don't go often
79💖 Early Bird Or Night Owl ~ both 💀 I'll be awake until late but wake up at 8am still
80📝 Indoors Or Outdoors ~ both unless the weather is super bad but I hate being inside for too long
81💕 Warm Or Cold Weather ~ cold ❄️
82🦢 Dogs Or Cats ~ both!
83☎️ Do You Have Any Pets ~ as a family we have 2 cats and a dog, and up until last year I had 2 gerbils (who I still miss)
84💌 Favorite Animal ~ monkey or penguin
85🍒 Favorite Holiday ~ Canada with my family or Stockholm on my own
86🐇 Favorite Season ~ autumn
87❤️ What’s Your Big Age ~ 24
88🌼 What’s A Nostalgic Place For You ~ the area I sue to live in near my primary school
89🐳 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~ I just realised this is a repeat question but still Legos 😂
90🐙 Do You Collect Anything ~ pop figures (I have 34)
91🐠 Bubble Baths Or Bath Toys ~ I don't like baths but bath toys if I had to pick
92🍑 Are Your Agere Interests More Fem Or Masc ~ definitely masc
93☔️ Do You Stim More While Regressed ~ I'm not sure
94🎨 Favorite Place To Regress ~ Obi's room
95🧵 Favorite Regression Youtuber ~ I don't watch any regression youtubers
96🌈 Favorite Site/App For Regression Community ~ Tumblr I guess, that's the only thing I like using for agere community stuff, I have a few toddler games apps as well
97💐 What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up ~ ideally a superhero (like Mama) or an astronaut, but I am training to be a PE teacher which is another dream of mine 🏑
98📒 What’s The Most Nostalgic Electronic For You ~ PlayStation 2 and the Gameboy Advance
99📀 A Toy You Always Wanted But Never Got As A Kid ~ heeleys (but I brought an adult pair a few years ago)
100🪐 What Is Your Favorite Thing To Learn About In Headspace ~ anything Obi finds interesting (usually facts about films) and space facts
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liigamentum · 2 years ago
Mun is 31+
Dark/ NSFW content may happen, and will be tagged.
I have no triggers.
I only RP on Tumblr.
James “Bucky” Barnes / Winter Soldier
T’Challa / Black Panther
Kate Bishop
Clint Barton
Baron Zemo
White Vision
Wanda Maximoff
Agatha Harkness
Doctor Strange
Moon Knight / Marc Spector, Steven Grant
(And anyone else I can feel the muse for)
Home | Rules | Verses | Ask | OPEN RP | Wishlist | Meme’s
Other blogs, for if I ever am just on their single blogs:
wiitchofchaos - Wanda
wiitchycoven - Agatha
wiintersoldat - Bucky
doctcrstrange - Doctor Strange
mindcontrolledhawk - Hawkeye
oldtiimey - Captain America "Steve Rogers"
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ghostsandmirrors · 2 years ago
on the 2 day old subject of things i will never stop wanting; any avenger (or related, i’m not picky) meeting ultron again. i just think it’d be funny.
especially if he e-mails them.
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multi-muse-transect · 4 years ago
So apparently Marvel What If will have a season 2. Here’s my wishlist:
Winter Soldier Peggy.
Kree Empress Carol or Empress Vers.
Thanos was never born.
What if Aunt May was bitten by the Spider.
Bucky becoming Captain America. 
Agatha as a member of the Avengers.
What if Pietro and Wanda’s powers were reversed? 
FRIDAY used to create Vision instead of JARVIS. 
What if Wanda was sent at Mysterio instead of Peter? 
Ultron winning.
Isaiah Bradley as Captain America in the 50′s.
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xironmaiden · 6 years ago
tag list #3; amanda palmer & dresden dolls song lyrics
#☾♦ ❝i have a wishing well a living will a magical eight ball❞ ➤ wishlist ♦☽#☾✪ maria hill ✪☽#☾✪ happy hogan ✪☽#☾✪ shuri ✪☽#☾✪ hela ✪☽#☾✪ hope pym ✪☽#☾✪ leia stark ✪☽#☾♦ ❝it doesn't matter if you want it back; you've given it away❞ ➤ iron man iii verse ♦☽#☾♦ ❝i got a compass in my arm❞ ➤ dark world verse i ♦☽#☾♦ ❝i got a needle in my heart❞ ➤ dark world verse ii ♦☽#☾♦ ❝the winter killed it but the summer took the fall❞ ➤ winter soldier verse i ♦☽#☾♦ ❝you're almost human after all❞ ➤ winter soldier verse ii ♦☽#☾♦ ❝but i would kill to make you feel❞ ➤ age of ultron verse i ♦☽#☾♦ ❝feel the city breaking and everybody's shaking❞ ➤ age of ultron verse ii ♦☽#☾♦ ❝i am not the killing type❞ ➤ civil war verse i ♦☽#☾♦ ❝you might say it's self destructive❞ ➤ civil war verse ii ♦☽#☾♦ ❝and you're trying to help and you're clicking for change❞ ➤ homecoming verse ♦☽#☾♦ ❝isn't it funny what a person can get used to❞ ➤ ragnarok verse ♦☽#☾♦ ❝we're gonna make your life a living hell❞ ➤ infinity war verse i ♦☽#☾♦ ❝and now you could lose everyone❞ ➤ infinity war verse ii ♦☽#☾♦ ❝but at least the baby didn't die❞ ➤ mother verse ♦☽#☾♦ ❝i am the girl anachronism❞ ➤ young verse ♦☽#☾❂ ❝i want my chest pressed to your chest❞ ➤ fluff ❂☽
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shieldarchitect · 4 years ago
✨Wishlist ✨
- Roommate shenanigans.  I literally designed Charlie’s house at work one day inc. a guest suite on the second floor.  She’s nice enough to offer a place to a friend.  Someone could kind of just...take up residence, much to her dismay?  Whatever goes.  Bonus points for HOW DID YOU GET IN MY HOUSE?
-TVA verse? I really want to make Charlie be a TVA agent and explore a new/different chapter to her in that verse.  
-any kind of unwanted/unexpected adventure. bonus points if our characters don’t get along great to start and annoy each other
-charlie traveling to other worlds/realms/being chosen to be part of a group that gets to go and learn. her being absolutely excited about space architecture bc big nerd time.
-ultron sort of won/ terminator type au??
-im at the bar near shield hq every night and so are you do we work together??
- why are you sleeping on my office sofa who let you in here???
-superpowers au?? i have an inhumans verse but i might change it to a mutant verse bc i really only liked AoS for a few seasons and have no idea what happened after?? or ill give her a diff origin for those.
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donuttrymedebil · 6 years ago
RWBY 6.13/Finale thoughts
-Cinder having yet another outfit might seem excessive, but this new one is a step above the fugitive robes she had.
-Neo seems quite sassy with that snap. Oh, and apparently her powers have grown to disguise objects as well as herself.
-Ominous eye glares from Cinder and Neo as the scene darkens.
-So the Leviathan can SWIM like a dolphin as well. Oh, and make mincemeat out of Argus's defenses.
-I was wondering when Jinn would be relevant again. Apparently it's to conveniently buy some time for Ruby.
-May I just say Ruby's silver eye scene was one of the best in the entire series? Got serious Legend of Korra vibes during the flashes of her friends and family before battling and defeating a giant ruthless enemy (Leviathan and UnaVaatu respectively) and the giant flashes that did the dirty deed...
-...until the Leviathan's head breaks out of the stone
-I take back what I said about Cordovin. She MIGHT still be a racist, but apparently when the lives of innocents are at stake, she is perfectly capable of swallowing her pride and knocking down some serious Grimm baddies.
-I just wish it took more than Ruby's friendship speech to make Cordovin come around. THAT, I admit, seemed a little cheap.
-Ruby's too adorbs when trying to be humble.
-How convenient that Ozpin jumped in to help Oscar land the plane. Where was he when the Apathy nearly consumed Team RWBY? Not hating on Ozpin, but for a millennia-aged wizard, the Apathy seemed more up his alley than piloting.
-I really would like to see more scenes between Qrow and Maria. With his faith in Ozpin broken, it's nice to see someone Qrow can show genuine admiration for.
-I'm gonna take a wild guess and say the affluent Atlesians (Schnees and such) are on the giant floating island city while the Faunus live on the land below. I'm gonna take a wild guess and say Tyrian and Watts' plan somehow involves crashing the floating island into the ground for a ripple effect killing millions a la Age of Ultron.
-Wonder if Mercury still feels like he belongs. He didn't exactly look brave watching Salem create those flying gorilla thingies.
-"There's an old saying...if you want something done right...do it yourself." Hazel earns the last line of the season, and Salem gets an army ready. Dun dun dunnnnnn!
Will likely post a Volume 7 wishlist sometime later.
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sorrythatwasmean · 6 years ago
😏 🤔 👻 👿 😁
ᴬʰ, ʸᵉˢ, ᵗʰᵉ ᵍᵉⁿʳᵉ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᶜᵒⁿˢᵗᵃⁿᵗˡʸ ˢᵉᵉᵏˢ ᵗᵒ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏ ᵒᵘʳ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗˢ. ᴴᵃᵛᵉ ᵃᵗ ᶦᵗ, ʸᵒᵘ ᵐᵒⁿˢᵗᵉʳˢ.
😏: What angst tropes are you a sucker for?
Slow burn.Or these feelings of friendship or kinship or romance happened so fast because we both shared a part of ourselves and whelp this was meant to be.Battle couples before, during, and after battles. Soulmate (romantic or otherwise) where they can feel each other’s pain.
There are a lot.
🤔: Any angst tropes you’re not really fond of? The concept that all tension is gone once two people are in a relationship. Real relationships have disagreements and tension and not necessarily completely negative kinds.
Or that breaking up is the only way a couple can have angst.
😈: What are some of your favourite angst threads?The Pin with Desire one with @chyornaya-vdova ? That was the one where he freaked out about even being in any kind of romantic relationship with her and I definitely want to do more in that universe. I haven’t had a lot of the more in-depth angsty threads on Bruce. Not sure how angsty the one with @youzipit is gonna get. But maybe?
👿: What are your muse(s)’ fatal flaws? Any wishlists to do with them?Self-loathing.Guilt. Survivor’s guilt. Wrath. Insecurity about his ability to love.I know talk or express in RP the awkward part of Bruce and his fears, but I haven’t in RP-form delved into the part of him we saw in Age of Ultron with Wanda:
“I know you’re angry.”
“We’re way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade.”
Tony deflects. Steve is stoic. Clint makes jokes. Natasha is a combo of all three. Thor tries to channel his into other outlets. But Bruce really is honest about his emotions when he DOES talk about them.He admits he got “low.” He tells Wanda a part of him whats to kill her. He’s pissed. And here’s the important part: He was not green when he said it.
Even in Endgame with Natasha: “No one blames you, Bruce.”
“I did.”
And Ruffalo is so good at making the most of what they gave him. The writers didn’t forget who Bruce Banner was or is in Endgame. The problem is introspection IS NOT what people expect from an MCU film. And Bruce’s story would’ve been better served in it’s own film. Or a tie-in comic. But Endgame had a lot of ground to cover. I’m not surprised at all that his arc was one that had to suffer.
So part of my wishlist is the not-so-pretty and not awkward side of Bruce Banner. Because honestly,if Bruce stopped caring, he wouldn’t need Hulk to destroy the world. He’d be able to do it himself. And he knows it.
😁: So, the muse(s)… do they deserve the angst?
Bruce Banner was a little boy who wanted to be loved by his father.
A man who wanted to change and make the world better with gamma not destroy it. But no one funded his ideas. It’s a point the comics make multiple times. Yes, he’s excellent at gamma bombs and weapons,but it’s not what he would’ve chosen.
So no. Not at all.
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