#wish we add Lina into the fun
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Gabe is like a shepherd herding cats 😂😂
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soccer-love · 2 years
Prom Date
Giulia Gwinn x reader
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Song recommendation: Recognize me - Sofia de la Torre (Only on YouTube) 
“Hey Y/N!” Giulia calls out, I turn around and see her running towards me. 
We just ended practice and I was one of the first ones to leave, to go home. 
“Yes?” I say, she gives me a big smile.  
“You gotta minute?” 
“For you, always.” She laughs at my comment, making my heart jump a little. 
“Some of us, thought about having a night out on Friday and I wanted to ask if you’d like to come too?” she explains. 
“I would love to, but I can't.”
“You gotta date?” 
“I wish I had one for this evening, but I don't.” 
She gives me a questionable look and I realize how wired that sentence was. 
“You may know that I’m graduating this year and my school, always does a prom night for the seniors and it is this Friday.” I explain and she nods. 
“Oh, well have fun then.” 
“Wait...did you say that you don't have a date.” she adds and I nod. But before I can say anything some of the other team members are walking towards us, probably because we're standing in the middle of the parking lot. 
“And? Are you coming with us on Friday?” Georgia asks but I shake my head. 
“Sorry but no.” 
“Yeah and I just realized that I forgot that I also have something on Friday, so I can't come too.” Giulia adds. 
“Your boring, both of you.” Lina says and I roll my eyes, knowing that she loves both of us. 
Or at least I know, that she loves me because since I joined the team two years ago, when I was only 16, she kind of adopted me as her little sister. 
“Thanks.” I say and she laughs. 
They walk to their cars and leave me alone with Giulia. 
“I know that it’s not cool to invite yourself, but can I be your date?” she asks. 
“I’m sorry what?” 
“On Friday, I don't want you to go alone, so if your want, I would come with you, as your date.” 
“It would be a honor for me to have you as my date.” 
- - - - - - 
“You look good.” Lina says, leaning against the doorframe. 
After Giulia kind of asked me to her be  her date, I called her within minutes and explained the whole situation. Completely freaking out about it. 
She, Georgia and Syd decided to come by at mine, before there night out, to help me get ready. 
Well they said they would, actually there just sitting around and chatting. But there distracting me from how nervous I am, which I’m really thankful for. 
“Yeah, she's right.” Georgia agrees. 
They almost kick me out of my own apartment as its time to go. 
“Have fun.” Lina say, hugging me tight. 
“Hals und Beinbruch.” Georgia adds, surprising everyone with a knew German sentence, she knows. 
“Caro thought me that.” She explains, a proud smile on her face. 
“See you later.” Syd says and gives me a fist bump. 
“Good night.” I say, before getting into my car and driving off. 
I told Giulia that I would pick her up at seven and its exactly five minutes before that when I arrive at her apartment. 
I get out of my car and wait till its seven, to ring the bell. 
She opens the door in less then a second and for a second my breathing stops. 
She’s wearing a red dress, white heels and the biggest smile I’ve ever seen. 
“You....You’re....You look beautiful.” I stumble over my words, my cheeks flushing red. 
“You’re not looking that bad yourself.” she says and I realize that I still have the bouquet of roses in my hand. 
“These are for you.” 
“Thank you.” she steps closer as I give them to her and before I can do anything she softly kisses my cheek. 
“You smell good.” she whispers, before turning around to bring the flowers into her kitchen, to put them into water. 
Probably because after todays practice, I showered three times to make sure that I don't smell like sweat and grass. 
“I never thought that you had a romantic side.” Giulia says as we leaver her apartment and get into my car. 
“That because I don't have one, I just always had this scenario in my head where I would pick up a girl, with flowers and take her out.” I explain. 
“I feel honored to be that girl.” 
When we arrive at my school, I make sure to get out of the car before her to open the door for her. 
I see her smiling but also realizing that she's enjoying it, to be traten like the queen she is. 
They prepared the big sports hall for the prom night and decorated the way from the parking lot to it with lights. 
Giulia grabs my hand as we walk towards the hall and I can't help but smile. 
A teacher with a list is standing at the entrance, making sure to only let seniors in. 
“Name?” he asks as we stop next to him. 
“Mr Harris, you’ve known me for five years.” I say, irritated by the fact that he's asking for my name, although he knows exactly what it is.  
“No exceptions, Y/L/N.” I notice Giulia holding back her laughter, but Mr Harris smiles at us. 
“Have a nice evening, you two.” he says. 
“You know what, he reminded me of the guy from Harry Potter.” Giulia says, as we pass him and enter the hall. 
“Flitwick.” I say, knowing who she meant “Yeah, he's a bit like him, he's one of the only teachers that understood that sometimes I just wasn't able to do give me homework back, at the deadline because I just had so much stuff going on with soccer.” 
“Gosh I remember the day you had your first practice with us.” she says laughing. 
���Yeah, I was so nervous I thought I was going to faint, but when Lea came up to me and told me just to focus on playing, it kind of calmed me down.” 
As we enter the prom hall, I see many of my class mates, some of them give me wird looks, probably because they recognize Giulia, some of them looked impressed that I have such a beautiful girl as my date, and some of them look just happy that I have someone. 
The night goes by way to fast for my liking. We dance, listing to the speeches of some of my teachers, drink Mojitos without alcohol in it, laugh and talk about everything that comes to our minds. 
And the whole time, I feel myself enjoying it to be with her. Enjoying the way her eyes sparkle when she smiles, enjoying the sound of her laughters, enjoying the feeling of my heart jumping when she looks at me, enjoying the feeling of her hands in mine. 
And when they announce that this is going to be the last dance for tonight, I hold out my hand for her. 
“May I have this dance?” 
She takes my hand without hesitation. 
I only realize that it’s a slow, love song as we’re stopping in between the other people. 
Giulia pulls me closer, her hand resting on my shoulder, mine on her waist, or other hands entangled. 
We’re so close, our foreheads almost touch as we move to the soft music. 
I’ve never been comfortable with being in big crowds, but it feels like we’re the only one here. like we’re the only two people left on earth right now. 
Way to soon, the song ends and we bake apart. 
Neither of us wants to go home already, even though its probably around midnight, so we decide to take a walk. 
Her hand still entangled with mine. 
“Thank you again, for coming with me tonight.” I say, braking the comfortable silence between us. 
“It was one of the best nights of my live.” Giulia answers, giving me a smile. 
When we drive back to her apartment, I get out of the car and bring her to her door. 
And again, our hands are entangled, and it kind of feels like they fit perfectly into each other, like it's meant to be. 
“A penny for your thoughts.” She whispers and I smile, its a really cute way to ask what I’m thinking about. 
“I just thought about this other scenario I had in my head, where I would kiss the girl on her doorsteps, to let her know how thankful I am, to say goodnight but also to promise her that this wouldn't be our last night.” I ramble. 
“Then just do it.” she answers and I'm pretty sure my heart stops beating. 
But her smile and the look in her eyes, lets me know that she meant what she said. 
I tilt my head a little, leaning closer, before our lips touch I close my eyes. 
And as our lips connect, into a soft kiss, my heart starts beating again, but this time like wild. 
As we slowly pull away, her brown eyes are so full of love that I almost get lost in them. 
How can someone be so beautiful. 
“I promise that this wasn't our last night, it was our first, and I’m pretty sure that there are going to be much more like this.” she whispers in the space between us. 
“Goodnight Giulia.” I say, because everything that had to be said, is said. 
“Goodnight Y/N.” 
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laylabahiti · 6 months
when did you join ? what made you join ? what do you remember from the plotlines that were current at the time ? where were you in life when you joined and where are you now ?
i joined september 2016 when this was vikrp! i was a junior in college and had been writing indie rp for a minute before that kinda died down, so i took a peek at the tags. vikrp/haisociety/highsociety had the pairs aspect to it back then, so i fulfilled someone's jade thirlwall wc but they went inactive like right after i was accepted asjdfka. i believe the revamp to haisociety happened in december/january, truly a time to be alive. i started as a junior back then and i'm ending as a junior in my second bachelor's degree💀, a homeowner, and within the next couple years, i'll be married and have a kid*. *tbd when we're both done with school and onto other careers
which characters have you written over the years ?
layla, cameron (early days), tobias (early days), katalina, gabriel, mikolas, alaina, dmitri, juliana, ettore, emerson, tamiko, kaira
what is your favourite plotline that you've been part of ?
too many to choose from! tbh the aslan/layla/olivier triangle was fun just because of the silly ic drama it caused. i'm pretty sure it was during haisociety when i messaged e about layla/olivier, because layla has the "he helped me, i love him" mentality and we just went with it askdfa, not really planning anything or knowing what would come of it. also love the egypt plotline and anytime those siblings interacted. and the early days of barbie and layla's friendship, how barbie pretty much took layla under her wing and got her out of her shell.
what about other people's plotlines ?
definitely the chaos of england and the murder mystery event. if i remember any more i'll edit this jaksdf
who is your favourite character from the ones you've played ? why ? what made you love them ? what made them so fun to write ?
no surprise here but layla. in the early days, layla was meek to the point she hardly spoke, took everything literally, and asked too many questions. she developed her voice and learned to be a little selfish in the later years, but she's still a crier.
if you could relive a plotline, which would it be ?
the greek invasion. it might have been one of the most well-constructed events i have been a part of. i remember traveling during it and writing replies on my phone just so i didn't miss out. every character was affected one way or another, and that event was a turning point in layla's personality.
is there a plotline that you'd edit now if you could ?
i wouldn't necessarily say edit, but it'd be interesting to see how things would've panned out if layla kissed olivier back and still felt guilty enough to tell aslan.
what's a plotline you wish you would have been able to finish before closing or just write more of ?
egypt<3 getting to see amon's coronation and both of them trying to rectify the family's image. life got way too chaotic over the past year, but i love mine and lina's headcanons
what is your favourite ooc memory ?
late 2018, someone kept sending rude/hateful anons to muns and the main, and everyone banded together to keep hshq alive and well. i submitted a whole essay to the main with my comments not thinking the admins would actually post it and they DID, 2018 was an interesting time here. also in the early days when we started listing how all characters were connected and making full circles of connections, simpler times.
where can others find you if they want to get in touch ?
you can always reach me on discord! i'm in the hshq server so feel free to add me or message anytime. i have a few socials if you want those as well - if this is farewell, you've earned my real name ajkdlfj. tbh this is probably my tumblr exit, i don't have much time or mental capacity to write full threads and join something new, but this blog will remain.
what else would you like to say ?
hshq is truly the only reason i've stuck around tumblr this long. almost 8 years of my life has been spent communicating with you all! in some of my worst moments, i was able to turn to hshq and escape reality for a bit. i feel like i'm missing a lot but trying to dig up memories from 8 years ago is difficult lol.
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shuttershocky · 9 months
Thoughts on the new dota patch?
Stuff I don't like
Stuff that didn't do damage now does damage — Mana drain does damage, Curse of Avernus does damage, fucking Enchant does damage. It's a case of classic powercreep, where instead of new characters coming in are clearly stronger than old ones like mobage fans are used to, the entire game moves up the powerscale. The Dota 2 of today is far faster, bulkier, and stronger than the Dota 2 I started with in 2012.
Solar Crest is way too overloaded — this thing gives armor, an HP barrier, movement speed, AND 70 ASPD for literally no mana cost. What the fuck. Cores are building this and then spamming it on themselves to fight with. It needs a mana cost right away.
Trilanes are still dead — while the heroes at the top and the overpowered items have shifted a ton, Dota hasn't changed from a 2-1-2 laning setup for almost 7 years now. A few years into when I first started playing, you would see trilanes, where the offlaned would go alone, while both supports babysat the carry. It was much slower paced than 2-1-2 which is why it never came back (same reason why dedicated junglers as a role never came back) but I do wish we had a changeup of how the lanes were played.
Stuff I do like
Khanda — Putting a crit stat onto a caster item and adding scaling bonus damage to a spell every 6 seconds is Khanda fun. You can do some funny oneshot builds with Khanda, a Divine, and any long range targeted spell like Assassinate (which can also scale off ATK just like Khanda's bonus damage)
Revenant's Broach rework — They called me a madman when I'd buy this on Phantom Assassin just to turn physical crits into magical ones. Now it's been reworked so it doesn't give useless stats for PA like int and ASPD and witchblade DOT, and now only gives raw damage and spell lifesteal. Good. Buy this on PA after you have one more damage item and then turn it on when her next crit is guaranteed to deal 1000+ magic damage in a single hit. It's like playing Lina with cheats turned on, or a very, very farmed Muerta. High armor heroes like Morphling or Terrorblade that think they're safe will instantly get deleted.
Weird new mechanics — While I complain about powercreep, Dota never stops getting weirder and adding new mechanics every patch, which at least makes it fascinating to study. My favorite in this patch is changing Juggernaut's Blade Fury from a regular DOT spell that deals damage every 0.2 seconds to one whose tick rate changes to 2x his current ASPD, meaning the faster his attack speed is, the faster he deals damage with Blade Fury. It's so stupid and weird, basically makes Blade Fury go from a godtier kill lane spell that falls off into a garbage laning spell that scales later and lets Juggernaut be an unstoppable whirlwind lategame even when he can't normal attack. It's fun. I also like Bloodstone having a new +75 AOE stat which just adds 75 units of girth to all AOE spells. It's probably broken and needs a nerf, but we've never had an item affect AOE sizes before and it's been quite fun.
Magic carries are back — It's mostly just Leshrac (+Shiva's and Bloodstone) being broken but I do think magic carries like Pudge are now way more viable than they were the last two patches. I loved Pudge carry when it was good, and was sad that it got nerfed. Today however, Shiva's and Bloodstone are so busted I think it might actually make Carry Pudge semiviable again, at least in pubs. I love non-traditional carries so them getting buffed is great.
Gyrocopter is pushed towards being a caster yet again — My favorite running gag in Dota 2 is that Icefrog keeps buffing all of Gyrocopter's magic to push people towards playing him as a caster, and still whenever he shows up in the competitive scene it's as classic carry Gyrocopter entirely because of how fast flak cannon makes you farm. Gyro's magic has been buffed so many times that playing support Gyro is actually viable (been viable since last patch), it's just that Flak Cannon's existence will mean that carry Gyro will always triumph in popularity. To kill carry Gyro once and for all, Icefrog will have to delete Flak Cannon, but Gyro's had Flak for well over a decade now and it's kind of iconic to the character. In the meantime, the reworked Call Down is really fun to play with for a support Gyro.
Roshan snitches if the winning team keeps winning — They added a new mechanic where if the team that previously killed Roshan is attacking Roshan again, Rosh does a scream that the whole map can hear while hitting the team in its AOE with a +25% damage taken debuff. It's a really funny way of slowing down a snowballing team since the team that gets the second Roshan often gets a huge advantage that wins the game, and now with this mechanic getting two Roshans in a row is actually pretty risky without total map control. The patch isn't even a week old and I've already seen a team that's ahead get snitched on by Rosh and then heavily punished by the losing team just waiting for Rosh to give the signal to attack.
All in all, fun patch so far, but the meta hasn't really been settled yet. Need Solar Crest and Shiva's to get nerfed as they're way too strong and Solar Crest especially is supposed to be a support item you put on your carry rather than an item carries will cast on themselves. I really want to see a game with the neutral item that gives 95 magic resistance at the cost of setting your max HP to 1.5k, I wanna see a very farmed Axe with a billion armor get that at 60 minutes to become invincible.
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kiarcheo · 3 years
Meowsunderstandings 3/3
‘I still don’t like this,’ Anne gripes as she watches Kat gathering her jacket and purse, a nervous Cathy waiting by the door.
‘And we still don’t care,’ Catalina retorts from the corner of her mouth, before smiling at the younger girls. ‘Have fun on your first official date.’
Some folks on the server asked for a third part and I caved. Hope you like it.
Part 1             Part 2                  OR                   can read on ao3 here
‘You won’t believe what–’ Catalina proclaims loudly as she enters the house.
‘Won’t believe what?’ Anne asks.
‘I was talking to Kat.’
‘What about me? You're my girlfriend.’
‘Where was I when you asked? And she is my Kat.’
Said girl is curled up on the couch, head in her cousin’s lap, content expression on her face at having her head scratched.
‘Oh,’ Catalina breaths out, ‘I see it now.’
‘See what? Also what do you mean where you were? Why am I the one supposed to ask?’ Anne dislodges Kat as she gets fired up. The younger girl lets out a whine. ‘Sorry Kitty.’ Anne goes back to petting her. ‘You said you only sleep with people you are dating. We sleep together so we’re dating.’
Kat rolls off the couch with a groan. ‘Do you really need to discuss this when I’m here?’
‘Sorry, Kat,’ Catalina apologises, ‘blame your cousin.’
Catalina ignores Anne’s protest and fishes her wallet out from her purse. ‘Why don’t you go out and do something with Cathy? I just left her and she told me she is free all afternoon.’ She hands Kat some money.
Kat looks between the notes and Catalina. ‘You do know I have a job, right?’
‘Just take them. Make me feel better about kicking you out from your own place. Again.’
Kat sighs. ‘I wish that for once you’d have your “discussions” at Anne’s.’
Cathy raises her eyes from her laptop. ‘Kat!’ she beams at her. ‘What are you doing here? I thought you had plans with Anne.’
‘Catalina told me you’d be here.’
‘Oh?’ Cathy’s smile freezes. ‘What did she say?’
She knows she didn’t manage to come across as nonchalant when Kat frowns. ‘I don’t want to bother you.’
‘No, no,’ Cathy splutters hastily, ‘you know I’m always happy to see you, I was just...curious.’
‘If you are sure...’
Cathy pushes a chair away from the table with her foot in a wordless invitation. ‘Yes, I am.’
‘By the way, she just suggested for us to do something together,’ Kat says sitting down. ‘She and Anne had to discuss some stuff.’
‘What is it this time?’ Cathy is quite sure she had never met a couple that bickers as much as they do.
‘Whether sleeping together automatically makes them girlfriends or not.’
‘Let me guess...Anne thinks yes and Lina thinks no.’
‘Bingo. But we all know how their discussions end so I had to vacate the house to avoid being scarred.’ Kat shivers at the thought. ‘But anyway, she said you’d be free and perhaps we could do something...she even gave me money.’ She stops to think about it. ‘I wonder if that’s how it feels to have a parent.’
‘Look what they got us!’
‘Us?’ Catalina eyes the kitten currently in Anne’s arms, eyebrow raised. ‘As far as I know you don’t live here and your studio doesn’t allow pets.’
'We got her for you,’ Jane tells her.
‘But we can take care of her together!’
‘We already have a Kat to take care of,’ Catalina reminds her.
‘Yes! Me!’ Kat pipes up from her spot in the sunlight, twisted into a frankly painful-looking position.
Jane tilts her head. ‘How are you comfortable like that?’
‘She is flexible like that,’ Anne comments, before glaring at them. ‘Minds out of the gutter.’
‘Too late,’ Anna mutters nudging Cathy.
‘Her name is Catherine,’ Jane informs Catalina.
‘Are you kidding me?’
‘Nope.’ Jane hands her a certificate. Indeed CATherine is written there.
‘That’s going to be confusing.’
‘You tell me,’ Cathy mumbles.
‘You can’t change her name. Wouldn’t want her to have an identity crisis, would you?’ Jane insists.
Suspicious, Catalina looks at her friend. Then at the others. Anna is avoiding her eyes. Cathy is staring at Kat, of course. Anne is cooing at the kitten in her arms.
‘Fine by me.’
She doesn’t know what game they are playing, but she will play anyway. And win.
‘How are things at home?’ Jane hasn’t heard anything about how CATherine is settling, and she is curious.
‘I left the cats having a deep conversation.’
Catalina’s words get the other two girls’ attention too. She quickly taps on her phone and then turns the screen towards them, starting a video.
Kat is lying on her belly, CATherine in front of her.
‘I just want to make some things clear. I’m the first Kat of the house, okay?’
They stare at each other in silence, until she snaps her fingers in front of the cat. ‘Meow if you understand that.’
The animal headbutts her hand.
‘Is that a yes?’
‘Can you send it to Cathy?’ Anna asks as the video ends. ‘What? You want it, right?’
‘Well, yes, but,’ Cathy, who had hit her on the arm, stammers.
‘Were you going to ask for it?’
Catalina gives Anna an appreciative look. Seems like she isn’t the only one working on the matter.
‘Anne, stop stealing Kat’s food,’ Catalina rubs her temple.
‘What? She is not going to miss one or two grapes.’
‘And a whole chocolate bar.’
‘Isn’t that bad for Cat?’ Anna doesn’t know a lot about cats, but she knows it’s bad for dogs.
‘See, she agrees, I’m doing it for your own good!’
‘Wait. Which Cat are we talking about? Kat or Cat!Cat?’
‘Do you really think I would eat cat food? You know what? I don’t think I want to know the answer.’
Jane is on the phone with Catalina when she hears a crash. ‘Everything alright?’
‘Cat is high, misjudged the distance, fell off the couch and took the lamp on the side table with her,’ Catalina tiredly informs her. ‘It has been like this all afternoon.’
‘Anne had the brilliant idea to get catnip so now I got a hyper cat. And a useless housemate who is just filming it rather than help!’ she adds pointedly.
‘Come on, Cata! It’s hilarious!’
‘Oh, that Cat.’
‘I think we made a mistake,’ Jane whispers leaning over Anna.
‘What? Why?’
‘Can you tell when Catalina is talking about Kat...and when she is talking about CATherine the cat? I’ve tried to get her to use Cat the cat but apparently it doesn’t flow.’
Jane suspects that her friend knows exactly what she is doing, but she can’t complain too much when she was the first one who tried to mess with her getting her a cat named CATherine…to share with a girl named Katherine and nicknamed Kat.
‘KatKat,’ Catalina calls.
‘What if human Kat is Kat and CATherine the Cat is cat!Cat?’ Anna proposes, before chuckling at her friend. ‘Lina, I think she is ignoring you,’ she tells her, as the pet doesn’t even spare her owner a look.
‘What’s up?’ Kat pops her head into the room.
Jane turns to her girlfriend as Catalina talks with Kat about whatever she had called her for. ‘You were saying?’
‘What are you looking for?’
Cathy jumps at the voice and then at how close Kat is when she turns her head to look at her.
‘Cata asked me to give you a hand.’
‘She asked me to get a new sponge, but I can’t find it.’ Cathy shares with her, eyes back to roving through the shelves of the pantry.
‘We don’t keep those here.’ Kat frowns. They are with the other cleaning supplies. ‘Why would–’ As she tries to turn the handle, she encounters resistance. ‘Catalina!’
‘Cathy needs to tell you something,’ is the reply.
Kat turns to face her, curious expression on her face.
‘I,’ Cathy’s eyes dart around, ‘I thought you were a cat,’ she then blurts out.
‘What??’ Catalina echoes Kat from the other side of the door.
‘Look, I can explain, it made sense, and I was not the only one, it was Catalina’s fault actually–’
‘As in...animal cat,’ Kat interrupts Cathy's rambling.
‘Yes?’ Cathy hesitantly confirms with a wince. ‘Are you upset? Say something please?’
‘It explains a lot of things,’ Kat finally says.
‘It does?’
‘Is that why you got Cata CATherine? The actual cat?’
‘That was not my idea.’ Cathy wants Kat to know that.
They then hear Anne’s voice. ‘What was that?’
Catalina is not very convincing as few seconds later Anne wrenches the door open.  
‘What is this?’ she asks glaring at Cathy, realising the close proximity to her cousin.
‘Ask your girlfriend, she locked us in.’
Cathy can guess what Lina was trying to do, or trying to get her to do, but she isn’t going to admit that to Anne. Not when Kat doesn’t know...and not when Anne is already glowering at her like that.
A scowl now directed at Lina, who however appears unfazed, merely grumbling, ‘You are all useless.’
‘What did I do?’ Kat pouts, slinking out of the pantry.
‘Nothing, you're perfect.’ Catalina smiles at her.
‘I didn’t do anything,’ Anne points out.
‘And you locked me in a closet?’ Cathy feels the need to remind her friend.
‘It had been a long time since I had to come out of a closet,’ Kat chuckles.
‘Since you changed your major to Joan?’
‘Stop it!’ Anne snaps at her girlfriend. ‘If I never hear that again, it will be too soon.’
‘Who is Joan?’ Cathy is not jealous. She is not.
‘Kat’s first crush.’
‘Changing my major is a song from a musical. And she was my first girlfriend,’ she corrects her cousin. ‘She used to play in a band with Anne’s best friend.’
‘She doesn’t anymore?’
‘No. But thankfully not because Anne broke her fingers like she wanted to,’ Kat sends her a reproachful look.
‘She should have respected the code.’ Anne shrugs, no trace of guilt.
‘The code?’ Cathy isn’t sure she wants to know the answer.
‘Kat is off-limits.’
‘I’m not,’ Kat counteracts, ‘and stop scaring her, or she’ll never ask me out.’
‘You know?’ Catalina and Cathy then ask at the same time.
‘I...hoped?’ Kat smiles at Cathy gingerly.
‘You hoped I would ask you out?’ There is disbelief in Cathy’s voice, as she peers at her crush.
‘I don’t sleep with just anyone, you know? Anne and Cata, but they are family.’
‘I don’t like this.’
‘Nobody cares, Anne.’
‘I still don’t like this,’ Anne gripes as she watches Kat gathering her jacket and purse, a nervous Cathy waiting by the door.
‘And we still don’t care,’ Catalina retorts from the corner of her mouth, before smiling at the younger girls. ‘Have fun on your first official date.’
‘Not too much! And I want her home by ten!’
‘Ignore her.’
‘I’m serious!’ Anne insists.
‘Don’t worry, I’ll keep her busy.’
‘Thank you but also ew.’
Catalina laughs at Kat. ‘I so look forward to teasing you two!’
‘Absolutely not! And certainly not on a first date!’
‘If we live by your words, we slept together already, so we are girlfriends–’
Cathy isn’t sure what possessed her but the last thing she sees as Kat grabs her hand and starts to walk away is Catalina holding Anne back and using a foot to close the door.
‘She is going to kill me, isn’t she?’
‘Don't worry, I'll protect you,’ Kat squeezes her hand, ‘I can take her.’
Cathy has no doubt about it. As if she could ever forget the first time she had met Kat. What worries her is when Kat won’t be there...so she sets out to avoid being alone with Anne.  
Which she manages to do successfully until one night out, when she finds herself sitting in a booth, boxed in between Jane and Anna. Kat and Catalina are nowhere to be seen when Anne plops down on the opposite bench, gleeful glint in her eyes as she plants her elbows on the table, folds her hands and rests her chin on them.
'Well, well, well, the day of reckoning finally arrived.’
‘What? What's going on?’ Jane looks from Cathy to Anne and back.
‘It’s been weeks, why don’t you let it go?’
‘Let it go? Let it go? Never! You, you...Katnapper!’
‘What do you have against kips?’  
Cathy knows what she means though. ‘Does it count if she is willing?’ Probably not a good idea to antagonise an already-worked-up Anne, but she can’t help herself (and the drinks she already had don’t help her either).
‘You defile my Kat and-’
Anne stops, taken aback. ‘Not?’
‘Not your business.’
‘Kat is my business.’
‘I’m not going to talk about it with you. If Kat wants to share, she will.’
Cathy stands firm despite the glare and Anne finds herself half-annoyed and half-impressed.
‘We are talking about human Katherine, right?’
Before Cathy can say anything to Jane (which would have been a sound WTF), Kat skids to a stop by their booth, breathless.
‘We need to go. Now,’ Catalina says, already pulling Kat towards the exit.
‘What happened?’
‘Cata kneeled a guy so we had to beat it.’
‘She did what?’
‘To be precise, she tapped him on his shoulder, waited for him to turn around, kneeled him in the groin, told him “she said no, capullo” and then we skedaddled.’
Anne turns to Catalina after Kat’s explanation. ‘No more making fun of me, then.’
‘I was not banned.’
‘Because you ran.’
‘Because I’m smart.’
‘Are you saying I’m stupid?’
‘You okay?’ Cathy asks while the bickering carries on.
‘Yeah.’ Kat shrugs. ‘It’s never nice, but I know I can always count on Anne and Cata–’
‘And me. I might be tiny but I’m fierce.’
‘You’re a cutie, that’s what you are.’ Kat cups her cheeks and pecks her on the lips. ‘But thank you.’ She kisses her again.
‘What is this?!? What are you doing?’
Kat sighs at her cousin’s interruption, leaning her forehead against Cathy’s. Then she straightens up, sliding an arm around the shorter girl. ‘Kissing my girlfriend? To thank her?’
‘She didn’t even do anything!’ Anne protests. ‘It was all Catalina!’
‘I can kiss your girlfriend to thank her then.’
‘What? No!’
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readerbookclub · 3 years
Discussion Masterpost - Stardust
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I didn’t do this for the last two books. I was too busy when we read Never Let Me Go. As for Dubliners, there was no discussion to be summarized. But I did it this time! 
As always, I quote people’s reviews and posts. If you don’t like the way I quoted you message me and I’ll fix it immediately. Also, if I don’t know someone’s name (or nickname) I refer to them by their username. 
These are only excerpts, so if you want to read the whole thing, I’ve provided links to all the reviews and posts :)
Book Reviews:
Emma’s Review - “I really enjoyed this book! I love the classic fairytale elements and how each archetypical story beat hits perfectly.”
Generalblizzarddreamer’s Review - “Aesthetic, fairytale, and meh”
Melissa’s Review - “Gaiman’s style of writing and others like his tend to be my favorite because it’s direct, yet very descriptive and somewhat magical.”
Lina’s (My) Review - “I found the writing to be very lyrical [...] and fell in love with the fairy tale atmosphere.”
Ann’s Review - “A fairytale ‘for adults’, that didn’t exactly mix the darker themes with the unnuanced characters.”
Rey’s Review - “My expectations were pretty high because I remembered the movie and I loved it. [...] Did the book meet them? Not really. But I didn’t hate it altogether, it was an interesting read.”
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Questions and Asks:
Ann asked : “Who was your favourite character in Stardust?”
I answered: “I think it has to be the hairy little man. He was such a fun character who added humour to the story [...] Yvaine is a close second.”
Ann asked: “Tristran just thinking that he wouldnt say goodbye to his family at the market and that he would never see them again anyway felt really harsh. What did you think about his attitude to his family?"
I answered: “I definitely agree that he was very cold towards his family. I don’t think I thought about them much at first (how often do hero’s journey books focus on anyone but the protagonist?). But it was after Tristan returned and his sister was crying that I realised how much he’d hurt them”
Ann asked: “What did you think about Tristran as a character?”
V answered: “I did not like him, but I didn’t hate him either. He just felt very flat to me, and very stupid. I mean sure, he was dedicated in finding the star for his “true love”, but he was just stupid. Like childlike stupid.”
Ann asked: “ Did you have a favourite quote or some moment that was very memorable in Stardust?”
I answered: “for there is no competing with the sea in a man’s affections, since she is both mother and mistress, and she will wash his corpse also, in time to come”
I asked: “What did you think of the dynamic between Tristan and Yvaine?”
Ann answered: “I normally love the enemies to lovers trope, but it wasn’t really developed well. Tristran was hung up over Victoria, and then he became a mouse, and suddenly he was in love with Yvaine.”
I asked: “The book is quite short, so I was wondering: did you wish there was more? Or did you feel satisfied by the end?”
Ann answered: “I felt the overall arc was finished, but the ending left me unsatisfied anyway. The ending felt rushed, because it tried to add onto the ever after [...]  Perhaps it would have ended on a more positive note, had it just ended at the market place.”
I asked: “While reading this book, I was reminded of fairy tales and children's stories. Did you feel the same thing?”
V answered: “This was definitely the kind of book I used to read as a kid, everything with the faerie world and the fallen star, adventures through magic forests, unicorns and stuff.”
Melissa asked: “I tend to want my main characters to be slightly evil. It bothers me when characters are so morally perfect. I find it strange that I didn’t hate Tristan, but instead love his character. What did you think of his character? Would you have preferred him to be a little evil?”
I answered: “While I enjoy books where the main characters have major flaws (it makes them feel more real), I don’t think I like evil main characters. [...] So I’m glad that Tristan wasn’t more evil.”
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Other Cool Stuff:
Ann’s fascinating post about how stardust was originally meant to be a  “story book with pictures”. On a similar post, here’s her other post about Charles Vess’ illustrations of the story. Thanks a lot for sharing these :)
Then we have some fantastic fan art, you can check out at these talented people’s blogs: shuravf, cinnamoonie, and  lackadaisycal-art.
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Story P1
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I sat in the comfy chair sipping my cup of tea as they set up the mics and such and such the magazine interviewer sat in her own chair and finished with her notes.
"We good?" she asks
"Yeah were good to go Lina" the sound engineer nodded
"Okay, hit me up" she smiled "sorry, are you good" she asks
"Yeah I'm good" I nodded putting my tea down "It's alright I'm use to it" I shrug
"Okay, two... one" the engineer nodded and I could tell the set up was all now on.
"Okay, today in the rambling corner we have an very special guest, Welcome to the corner Mr Thomas Brodie Sangster"
"Hello" I smiled "Pleasure to finally be here, we've been talking about this for like six months"
"I know, I am very happy to have you in my corner. shits been busy"
"It has, yeah"
"Frist things first as always on the rambling corner, the rules. You can swear, you can talk about whatever you want, you can tell a question to fuck off if you feel like it"
"Good. those are good rules" I laughed
"But I think we both know what is going to be discussed"
"Yes I do"
"Good, then lets get started. Now you are coming up to your one year wedding anniversary, My first question is. Do you still feel like a nnewly wed?"
"Uhhh... sort of, I think I'm getting use to it" I smiled fiddling with the ring on my finger a little "There are things I'm not use to yet. This is a primary one" I said showing my hand "I have never been someone to wear jewellery well.. I do, but not on my fingers and its something you strangely do have to get use to, it's a very physical weight you now carry around with you it's very much a constant reminder of her which I do like"
"Have you already lost it?"
"Yes. I lost my ring once. we had been married... ooohh about a month and I was working in our garden I was doing some weeding and general gardening and I took it off because I thought I'm not use to it yet, I really don't want to get it dirty, or damaged, or even worse loose it. and when I was done I had forgotten where I left it and Yeah I lost it for about half an hour"
"How was that? did y/n kill you?"
"No she didn't know. I didn't tell her I couldn't find it" I laughed "I don't think I have ever in my life felt... such intense panic, it was literally the heart racing panic when you pat your pocket and you don't feel your phone or you don't feel your keys but times a hundred"
"Obviously you found it?"
"Yes. It was on the windowsill. where I left it"
"Anything else your not use to? I imagine living together was a big adjustment" "Uhh yeah sort of. We hadn't live together before we got married which I know is a little... yeah my mate jack actually said I was nuts when I told him ohh me and y/n are engaged he sort of looked at me and went ' Thomas you haven't even like lived together yet how the fuck are you engaged', and I had never lived with a partner before, she had I hadn't. But luckily we had always spend to much time together it wasn't like odd for the other to be around." I explained "Her stuff was odd. that's something I think because I've never lived with a partner before and she moved in with me it was just sort of... ohh I need to move all my stuff and rearrange my house because it's not my house anymore it's our house"
"So do you still feel like a newlywed"
"No. I don't think I ever really did. Luckily we are very similar people and I think we have just... always been an old married couple, People have been saying that about us before we where even dating"
"Do you think the honeymoon phase is over? are you like in your sweats around each other and all that?"
"Uhh We are but we have kinda always been like that, I literally think sitting in her flat in our sweats watching lord of the rings was our second date"
"was it?"
"Yeah, extended editions as well, But no I don't think the honeymoon phase is over, I don't think we really had one, I mean the honeymoon was but we had a very long honeymoon."
"Where did you go on honeymoon?"
"we went down out of London, to the coast and then around the west side of the UK went up to Scotland explored all the islands up there then came back down the east side of the UK visited all her family, visited all mine, and then back home. and we did all of that on the motorbike stopping at little hotels, it was amazing but that took us several months to do"
"that sounds amazing"
"It was, it really was, so much ice cream though, every sea side town we stopped in we had to get an ice cream and it got to the point I kinda hated ice cream and I still don't love it as much. Ice cream is nice, twenty ice creams over the course of a week is... too much"
"If there is one thing you could change about your wedding day what would it me?"
"Oooh.... I have no idea. I wish I had seen her before the alter. which I know is bad luck, But I wish we had a little seeing each other first because I was extremely nervous and I think it would have calmed me down a little, plus I got dressed with my guys and then because we had to weight for the guests and such to sit and get sorted we both ended up sat in hotel rooms for an hour or hour and a half just like chatting shit and playing videogames because we where waiting around for everyone so It would have been nice to have chilled out together again it would have calmed me down a little"
"what's a wedding secret?"
"Uhhh a wedding secret? Okay this isn't a secret from y/n, y/n knows this obviously. but it is a secret from our wedding parties."
"The secret is, that the day of the wedding as previously mentioned I was in no polite terms shitting myself. and we where about... an hour out from what we called open doors when they where going to start letting everyone into the venue, still a good couple of hours out from the actual wedding, and I was very very nervous. and for contest I'll add, Me and y/n hadn't seen each other in almost a month, she went to stay with her family and hung out with mine and then we went on our respective parties. she went to Napa in Cali they stayed in a villa on a vineyard with all her friends. which as well was a way better party then mine. I just stayed in London with my mates," I laughed "But we hadn't seen each other in almost a month, we hadn't really spoke because obviously all my friends where like 'oohh no Thomas put your phone away your not chatting with y/n that's the whole point of us partying, because your two aren't married yet' and her friends obviously didn't really want her to talk to me very much for the same reason 'Ohh you have forever to talk to Thomas, you guys can talk forever after this, this is your last big party being unmarried' so we hasn't really spoke either and I got very very jitteray about this time, and I did.. a bad thing"
"Ohh? what did you do?"
"I said. to my party. Look guys I need like five minuets you have fun with your game and stuff I just need like five minuets on my own" I explained "and I went and locked myself in the smaller of the two bathrooms in our hotel suite, and I rang y/n."
"You what? on your wedding day?"
"Yeah, I rang her, and she luckily wasn't in her dress yet so she also went and locked herself in the bathroom and we just kinda cried at each other. I basically did a smaller more teary version of my vows over the phone in a hotel bathroom to her, I don't know what anyone who might have heard us thought. I think if someone heard us they would have thought we were breaking up or something. but that's a secret know one knows we did that"
"what is the best image from the wedding in your opinion?"
"Ohh thats easy, we had such amazing photographer and videographer. yeah we have a full wedding video off all the parties, all the prep, the ceremony, and the reception, it's really long I think I've only sat though it once all the way though, but the best is this perfectly timed picture that I think Maggie got? or make luke I don't remember who got it. but they stood at the doors so the bottom end of the isle and they managed to get this huge wide shot of everyone in there seats, the groomsmen and bridesmaids all looking perfect there not even like a blink on anyone and our wedding parties each had six people, and its right at the exactly you may kiss the bride it looks like a photo from a set, like from a film. It looks staged because it looks so good it but just was so perfect and it's very proudly on the wall in our house, above or dinning table."
"any others?"
"Uhh there's one that's on the video that we stopped and like basically screen shoted from the video of y/n, behind the isle doors so not in yet, of her dad helping her fix her dress so she wouldn't walk on it, holding her hand ready to walk in and her mum like fixing her vail a little and I think it's such a beautiful picture and she really like it as well, I don't have one like that. I think the only picture of my dad at my wedding without it being burry or just like the side of his head, is either our actual posed pictures or one at the recipient of him doing his toast with a bottle of jack Daniels in his hand"
"Did you like her dress?"
"I love her dress. it was so beautiful. and it still baffles me that she made it"
"did she?"
"Yeah she went around lots of stores and just couldn't find what she wanted at all, she said no dress she could find matches what she dreamed off and what she had in her head so she literally just went bout got lots of fabric and she made her wedding dress" I explained "which was amazing because it means truly there is no dress in the world the same as hers and it fit her perfectly, and more then anything she was happy, she didn't have to settle for a dress."
"How much did it cost?"
"I think she said, taking out like her time to make it. I think she said it cost her maybe like one hundred maybe one fifty for everything, the fabric, the cotton, the lace, and everything else. that's all it cost her. Yeah it is more then that if you could the man hours it took for her to sit and sew it but she took it before we got married to her friend who worked at a wedding dress shop and they valued the dress for something like sixty to seventy thousand pounds that's what they would sell it for at a minimum. so I think she did good"
"that's impressive"
"she tailored my jacket as well, she like measured me up and made sure it fit right, that was just before she went to Cali, I think literally the night before she flew to Cali for her party, she was sewing my jacket making sure it fit me right."
"What wold you have done if she hasn't?"
"I would have had a suit jacket that was slightly too big. which would have been a bit awkward because it was way too long in the arms for me, it fit... okay in the body it wasn't massive It did need tinkering with but doesn't everything. but the sleeves like my hands where were the forearms where meant to be I had like a full twenty centimes between my hand and the end of the sleeve"
"What was your party like?"
"we just went out and got beer, got a take away, watching break bad, went on a motorbike ride. it was very boring compared to y/ns party in a vinery. Kinda' wish I'd gone with her"
"How did you and y/n start dating?"
"Aw this is a fun story."
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staytheb · 3 years
Audition Day
Genre: college!au, slice of life, slight fluff, slight angst Word Count: 3,554 Summary: Serena, Jasmine, Katherine, and Melanie find themselves auditioning for the Sing In May a week after the White Day Festival and even happen to run into several NCT members as well.
Day Festival masterlist.
Warning: semi-proofread.
whoo! hi. i’m on a roll at the moment and i hope it won’t fade away so fast. my mental health has seemed to improve lately and work isn’t as stressful as it used to be. also i can work on my stories without being so drained and uninterested. anyways, since i’m in the mood here is another snippet for that NCT story series of sorts. have no idea what to actually call it, but they’re pretty much standalones lol. but yeah, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
A week later the quartet found themselves in the school's auditorium at eight in the morning. They were informed by Gina to arrive early for the auditions and if they did then they wouldn't have to go to any of their classes, but could still receive the attendance and work for missing them. So here they were all comfy in sweats and hoodies awaiting for further details along with all the others auditioning for the showcase. Anyways, for the past few days the quartet have been practicing a few songs just in case another participate was doing the same song and didn't want to clash. So they prepared backup songs although they wondered if they should've even bothered as they didn't voluntarily sign up in the first place.
"This is still so early, bro." Serena said in-between a yawn while slouching in her seat. "Why do we need to be here so early though?"
"Gina said the auditions will be all day as oppose it to being a three day auditioning due to last minute changes." Jasmine stated as she also let out a yawn and was slouching in her seat.
"What's up with the last minute changes this year?" Melanie asked to no one in particular.
"I know, right." Katherine agreed. "I just hope they have snacks."
"If not, then I'm leaving to get bubble tea." Serena remarked.
"You and your unhealthy obsession with bubble tea."
Jasmine eyed her friend as Serena shrugged.
"It's addicting."
"By the way, what's the name that Gina gave us for this?" Katherine asked remembering something.
"I think it's Lady Rose or something." Jasmine replied as Melanie went through her friend to double check.
"Ah, it's Roseate Bloom now. It was Lady Rose."
"What about our stage names?" Serena inquired interested in the topic all of a sudden. "Is it similar to what we used in the past?"
"Um," Melanie continued to scroll through her phone before answering, "Yeah something like that."
Melanie showed the trio their new stage names as the twins sighed while Serena chuckled.
"I guess Gina had as much fun as I did."
Soon the group of four looked about them as they noticed that the auditorium was quite filled up save a few seats here and there. They continued talking as they wondered how many acts were actually going to perform and if the ones in charge of the event was going to be picky or not.
"Hello everyone and thank you all for joining us this morning for auditions."
Haji, the overall person in charged of Sing In May, stood on stage to welcome the participants getting the attention of everyone present. She then motioned for several more people to join her.
"This year joining me in the selection for those to participate in Sing In May are Daeyoung, Lina, Jenny, Sulhee, Aaron, Dohyun, and Ray. So please be mindful of us and we'll be mindful of you."
The other seven introduced themselves before walking off the stage and down the area where several tables were set up like booths as Haji continued speaking.
"Anyways, I'm going to divide you guys into certain sections before you audition. When I call out your name and or the group you're with, please make your way to one of the seven booths quietly and without disturbances led by one of them."
Haji explained while holding several pieces of paper and motioning to the tables.
"Please pay attention as once you move over to your assigned area where Ray, Sulhee, and the others will hand you your name-tags and other information. When everyone is settled the auditions will start at nine."
"I still can't believe we have to wear these until auditions are over." Serena complained as she adjusted the straps of her large name-tag.
"It makes us seem like real trainees having one of those monthly evaluations." Katherine mused. "I kinda like it."
"Of course you would." Melanie remarked with a laugh as she got done adjusting her name-tag.
"Anyways, I'm just glad that we don't have to wear any costumes for this."
"I know." Jasmine agreed.
"But if we make it in for the showcase I'm sure Gina got something in mind for us to wear."
Serena sighed upon imaging that.
"So true. Anyways, I'm just mad that we're in the late afternoon. I would rather get it done and over with."
"Maybe Gina will do something later on about it." Katherine reasoned with a laugh. "I wondered how many they're gonna accept this year."
"Depending on how the acts goes today we could have at least like twenty." Jasmine answered.
"That's roughly like an hour." Melanie calculated. "Wasn't it like two hours or three hours last year?"
"I think so." Jasmine recalled. "But last year was a competition and not a showcase so there were quite a few rounds or something like that for last year's Sing In May."
"Oh yeah, I remember that now. Gina told me that the whole competition was a mess to deal with due to everyone not being on the same page. Both the staffs and the contestants" Katherine recalled remembering what happened last year. "Anyways, so they're doing a showcase and I think it's gonna be at least thirty to get in as many people as possible."
"What are they trying to get with the funds from this showcase for?" Serena asked once she was satisfied with her name-tag placement.
"It's going for the All-Star Sports competition." Jasmine answered. "Gina mentioned they wanna add an actual obstacle course which fell through last year."
"Oh really? That'll be cool." Melanie said with a nod.
"Anyways," Katherine directed the conversation elsewhere. "Just like what Serena said earlier, let's get some bubble tea."
"Aight then. Let's go."
Serena cheered happily at the prospect of a boba run.
"What flavor did you get again?" Katherine asked Serena upon seeing her drink.
She offered the drink towards her friend.
"Do you wanna try?"
"No thanks. I'm good. Wintermelon is all I need."
"Let me try that mochi waffle you got." Melanie asked her sister as Serena handed one of them over to her. "Is it any good?"
"I dunno. I saw a post about it online and wanted to try it." Serena answered with a chuckle. "It looked good and smells lovely."
The group of four were casually heading back to the university after buying their snacks and drinks. They were enjoying themselves and taking in the sunshine until they ran into an ex-friend of Serena's just outside the entrance of the university. He was with two other males.
"Oh ho. Look who we have here." The ex-friend exclaimed as he and his two buddies blocked the quartet's path.
"Must be fate bringing us together, Serena."
"You wished that was true, Sammy." Jasmine stated as she instinctively moved to put a barrier between the male and her friend.
"Why don't you buzz off?"
Sammy cast her an annoyed look.
"This doesn't concern you, Jasmine."
"It does when you keep on bothering her when she ended the friendship two years ago."
Sammy scoffed.
"That's what you think."
"It's not what we think. It's what we know." Katherine clarified as she, too, joined her twin in blocking the male from Serena.
"Besides, what are you even doing over here?"
"I can do whatever I want, Katherine." He answered with a snicker.
"Seriously, dude, why can't you just leave her and us alone." Melanie told him off. "There's no reason for us to associate with one another."
Sammy cast his eyes onto Melanie with a hard stare.
"Hey, if we happen to cross paths, then who am I to deny that."
"Right." She motioned to the school. "Just outside the university like that?"
"Well, it is what it is. So what are you gonna do about it, Melanie?"
The girls didn't like the way he had said Melanie's name. They also didn't like the way he stood with his friends behind him. The quartet became cautious and wary when they noticed that his friends almost surrounded them a second later.
"Look, Sammy. We're no longer friends so just leave me and them alone." Serena reasoned with the male as she stood before him now.
"You really think you're all that, don't you, Serena?"
Sammy scoffed as Serena remained firm.
"I do if I have to. Please just stop doing whatever it is you're doing."
Before Sammy could say or do anything else, two other voices intervened from behind him.
"Is there a problem here?"
"Ling Shuang?"
The whole group turned their attention to the newcomers and the quartet recognized the two as Kun and WinWin with WinWin calling Serena by another name.
"No, there's no problem and no you don't need to bother. I'm just having a chat with my girlfriend and her friends." Sammy answered trying to coolly play it off.
"I'm not your girlfriend." Serena clarified with a firm tone. "And we were not having a chat."
Somehow the two males made their way over to the group and eased themselves in-between Sammy and his friends and the quartet.
"I'm sure these ladies have ended their interaction with you fellas." Kun said in a calm tone while shooting Sammy a smile, but his eyes said otherwise.
Sammy looked between the two males and the females before glancing at his own friends.
"Psh, whatever. She's not even worth it." Sammy said while backing off.
He motioned for his friend to get out of there.
"Let's go."
Sammy and his buddies took off with Sammy not even glancing back. The quartet let out a breath of relieved as they hoped this was the final time they would see him.
"You good?" Melanie asked her sister with a worried look. "I think we should put a restraining order on him."
"I'm fine and I think so, too." Serena answered before turning to the two males. "Thank you and sorry that you guys had to get involved."
"No worries. Gotta help people when things like that occur." Kun brushed it off in good-nature.
Meanwhile, WinWin cast Serena a stern look.
"Ling Shuang."
"Sorry, WinWin. I thought he wouldn't appear after you told him off last time."
WinWin sighed, but nodded.
"It's fine. Just, be safe and don't go anywhere alone. Okay?"
"I will. Thanks."
"You're welcome."
"Are you sure that she and WinWin have nothing going on between them?" Jasmine muttered to the other two, but Serena overheard her.
"We don't." Serena clarified.
"By the way, Serena, why does he call you by another name?" Katherine inquired a moment later.
"I came up with a Chinese name for myself when I first met him and it stuck since." Serena explained as Melanie laughed.
"Yeah, that sounds about right."
Kun happened to noticed their name-tags.
"Ah, are you guys participating in the Sing In May, too?"
"Auditioning." Jasmine corrected. "We don't know if we'll actually be in the showcase."
"Well, good luck. Our other friends are also participating, but with different teams. Why don't we head back together?"
While heading back to the auditorium, Serena had to keep her friends and sister in check as they kept pushing her to walk alongside either boys to tease her. Both males noticed, but didn't comment as Serena just shook her head to indicate that it was nothing while later glaring at the trio to stop their little antics. They didn't.
"There's actually a lot of good acts auditioning here to be honest." Katherine commented after watching a soloist belt out notes like no other.
"Do they really need us then?" Serena asked skeptically. "I mean, honestly there were some real good ones that could definitely bring in some interests."
"Even if we wanna leave, Gina would not let us live it down." Melanie reasoned with a yawn. "Has Gina responded back yet?"
"Not yet. We still have less than half an hour left." Jasmine informed her. "Besides, Gina was gonna message us when to be back there."
Upon returning to the auditorium, the quartet were informed by Gina that their time slot had actually been moved up earlier than previous as well as the list of songs the others auditioning were performing to. It made it easier for the quartet which song to audition with and to get it done and over with as well.
"This is so annoying." Serena commented as she slumped into her seat. "At least it'll be over soon."
The trio turned to look over at Jasmine who let out a suppressed squeal. They follow her line of sight and noticed that she had spotted Johnny in the distance. He was speaking with the rest of his Nu Chi Theta members. They wondered if all or some of them were going to participate in the Sing In May.
"Hey, you should've confessed when he met up with us earlier when we arrived with WinWin and Kun." Serena teased as she nudged Jasmine who nudged her back.
"No way I could do that on my own. I would need someone with me."
"Hmm, maybe Serena can help out by asking Taeyong on a date." Katherine mused as Serena frown with a shake of her head.
"Then how about Melanie asking Jaehyun out then?"
Katherine looked over at Melanie who shot her a knowing look.
"Or you can be a good sister and ask Taeil out and then the both of you could go on a double date instead of Serena and I."
"Anyways, let's go." Katherine responded instead dodging the topic. "Gina just messaged us to head backstage to prep."
"One, two," Jasmine started the greeting like always whenever they were a performing group before finishing as a team in a cheerful tone, "We are Roseate Bloom! Hello!"
The quartet quickly introduced themselves with the stage names that Gina had designated for them with the meaning of flowers in the order of Melanie, Katherine, Serena, and Jasmine.
"I'm Jin Dalrae"
"I'm Jang Mihwa."
"I'm Han Songyi."
"And I'm Min Deulle."
Roseate Bloom bowed as their were some applause. Jasmine spoke again.
"We'lll be performing We Are A Bit Different so please watch over us kindly."
"Thank you." Haji thanked them as she motioned for them to start. "Whenever you're ready to go."
The group went into formation as they waited for the music to start. Despite their earlier complaint they found themselves once again enjoying it. When the song came to an end did they remain in their ending poses and waited a few seconds before dropping it and awaited what Haji and the others had to say.
"Alright, thank you so much for your audition, Roseate Bloom." Haji thanked them with a smile while writing on the clipboard before her.
She then glanced at the others.
"Would you guys like to say anything?"
Lina nodded before looking over at Serena with a smile.
"Han Songyi." She announced as it was quiet for a moment.
Jasmine nudged Serena that it was her that Lina had called upon.
"Uh, yes?" Serena answered as she looked at her curiously.
"Where did you buy that strawberry cat hoodie?"
Serena relaxed upon hearing Lina's question and answered with a small smile.
"Ah, it was a gift from a friend back home. I don't know where he bought it though."
"Ah, if you find out, then will you let me know?"
"Of course."
The others laughed as Haji went back on topic.
"Anyone else have something to say?"
Daeyoung raised his hand as he looked at them all.
"Jang Mihwa, could I request you sing a little something right now?"
"Uh," Katherine stalled as she slightly panicked while glancing at the other three.
"Oh, that song you sang this morning when showering." Melanie suggested in a whisper as Katherine nodded feeling less nervous.
"Yeah. I can do that."
Daeyoung smiled as everyone else anticipated what Katherine would sing.
~Let me sing a song for love, I wanna sing a song for love, let it be a song for love, and you can hum along, and someday you'll find it, the way to sing your song for love, song for love, song for love, maybe someday you'll find it, the way to sing your song for love~
Katherine sang the chorus for Song For Love and sheepishly cast a smile afterwards.
"Thank you so much, Jang Mihwa." Daeyoung thanked her with a clap. "I'm good now."
Haji chuckled before looking at the rest of the judges.
"Anything else?"
Ray raised his hand this time while looking at the quartet.
"Min Deulle, I'm assuming you're like the leader of Roseate Bloom?"
"Uh, yes." Jasmine answered with a sheepish laugh. "De facto leader."
"Nice. You give off that vibe to me. How do you feel about having that role?”
Jasmine shrugged as she answered nonchalantly.
“I don’t mind, really. I’m just glad to know that I have a wonderful team to stand by me and help me lead.”
“Ooh, good answer.”
Ray chuckled before asking another question.
“Anyways, are the names listed on your name-tag your stage names, perhaps?"
"Mmhmm. For Sing In May purposes."
"I see. Is it related to your group name that's why?"
"Yes, it is."
"Very nice."
Ray looked at Haji with a satisfied smile.
"I'm good here as well."
Haji chuckled once again and asked once more if anyone else had anything for Roseate Bloom with Sulhee raising her hand and directing her attention onto Melanie.
"Yeah, Since Jin Dalrae hasn't spoke yet, could you sing a little something for us right now?"
Melanie's eyes went wide at being caught off guard just like Katherine until Katherine suggested a song for her to do, too, just like what Melanie had done for her.
"Sure." Melanie answered before singing a snippet of All To U.
~Imma give it all to you, and baby it’s so true, I’m gon be insane that when I’m lying next to you, I’ll give it all to you and baby it’s so true, I’m gon be insane that when I’m lying next to you~
"Ohh, lovely." Sulhee praised with glee. "Thank you so much, Min Dalrae."
Sulhee nodded at Haji who once again asked if the others wanted to commented before facing the quartet again after receiving head shakes.
"I think that's it for now, ladies. We'll notify if you're in the final line-up within a week. Have a good rest of your day, Roseate Bloom."
"Thank you."
The quartet thanked them as they bowed once more before walking off and handling all of the items back to one of the student council members as another group walked past to perform.
"Serena! Melanie!"
"Watch our stage!"
"Yeah. Watch us!"
"And let us know how we did afterwards."
The male quintet spoke as they walked by the quartet as they addressed Melanie and Serena while waving politely at Katherine and Jasmine.
"Oh yeah, sure. Serena and I will totally be cheering for y'all!" Melanie informed them as she nudged Serena playfully.
"Cool! Thanks!"
The quintet ran off to prepare while Jasmine stared at them with a shocked face.
"You guys also know Chenle, Jisung, Jaemin, Jeno, and Renjun, too?"
Jasmine playfully smacked.
"Girl, y'all had the connection this whole time and could've helped me out with Johnny."
"We're just mutual friends through Ten, Jasmine." Melanie clarified. "It's not like we actually hang out with them. Besides, just confess already."
"Yeah, for real. Confess." Serena chimed in with a sour face not directed at her friend. "If we did announce our friendship, then we would be stalked by their dumb fangirls. They're so obsessive, so possessive, and even beyond rational. It's kinda mind-bogging."
Jasmine nodded upon hearing those words.
"Oh, true. Sorry. I didn't mean it like that. My bad for sounding like one."
"It's okay, sis, and you’re not that bad as them, but just go through the natural way and not be a stalker that would make them hate you even more." Katherine advised before looking over at the other pair of sisters with a cheeky expression.
"By the way, I think it was bound to happen one way or another."
"Why do you say that?" Melanie asked with a puzzled gaze.
"Well, the way I see it we're all gonna be crossing paths more since we all have a crush on a Nu Chi Theta member. Another thing to note is that you and Serena are actually on friendly terms with several of them already."
"This isn't a drama, Katherine."
Serena pointed out with a suspicious look.
"So don't go jinxing it or whatever."
"It's bound to happen, Serena, whether you like it or not."
"Shut up."
The other three laughed as their attention soon went to the quintet as they performed their rendition of No.1. Serena ran off once the song ended leaving the other three to make excuses on her behalf. Anyways, barely a week later the quartet received news from Gina personally that Roseate Bloom had been chosen to participate in the Sing In May without her actual doing as the judges really enjoyed their stage and personality. The twins were excited while the other sisters were just going with the flow. More Melanie Serena, as Serena wondered if life really wanted her to go through some drama-like life.
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obsessedwithomelia · 5 years
You‘re more than Everything
Here is my first One Shot with sentences from the Prompt List for the very best Leen.💓 There’s no relation to the actual show right now cause it’s to complicated for me.😂 I just wanted to write a little Omelia Angst/Fluff without this bad struggle. Enjoy, @owenandameliaforever and everyone else!
“OH you’re jealous.”
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold.”
“Stop being grumpy, it’s lame.”
It´s already past 11 pm when I walk into the house.
I quickly go into Leo’s room to check on him. He is sleeping peacefully in his crib so I walk over to our bedroom.
I expect Amelia to be already fast asleep but to my confusion the lights are still on.
I enter the room and walk over to our bed where Amelia is sitting with crossed legs, focussing on her laptop. Her hair is tied up in a bun and her black, long eyelashes match perfect with her oceanblue eyes.
‘God, she’s so damn beautiful’. I immediatly have the urge to kiss her.
I lean over, gently touching her hand but to my surprise she turns her head away so I have to kiss her left cheek. I take my hand from hers and look at her questioningly but she still ignores me. She’s upset and I have no idea why.
I sit down on the bed and start kissing her neck softly, hoping that she will get weak and tell me what’s going on but she just lifts her shoulders and trys to avoid my lips.
I stop and groan in frustration. She’s definiely very upset and I have still no clue why.
“What’s going on?”, I ask after a few minutes of silence.
“Nothing”, she answers briefly and I sigh. “I’m just very busy”, she adds.
“It is almost midnight, Amelia. You’re supposed to sleep. You have surgeries tomorrow.”
“I’m busy”, she just repeats her words from a few seconds ago. “But if you want to go to sleep I can go into the living room.” She’s still not looking at me.
“Come on.” In a last try I wrap my arms around her tiny body and snuggle into her neck. Amelia though, frees herself from my arms, gets up and just walks away.
‘Okay, that´s enough’, I say to myself and follow her into our living room.
Amelia sits on the floor in the middle of the room. I walk over to her and start softly caressing her hair. „Why don’t you want to tell me? What did I do wrong? Please let me know, I don’t want to fight“, I beg.
“I’m fine, Owen. How’s the new nurse by the way?”
“Lina?”, I ask confused. Finally she looks at me and lifts an eyebrow.
“Right, Lina…” She looks testy and turns her attention back to her work.
I sit down and we are both quiet for a while.
“Did you show her everything?”, she breaks the silence.
“Yes, that’s why I came home a little later than usual. I told you, right?”
“Mhm”, she huffs. “Everything’s perfectly fine. You two seemed to have a lot of fun.” She gritted her teeth. “I mean, you two were obviously flirting, but it’s okay.”
“What?!” Now I am completely confused. “What the hell are you talking about? It was just a nice gesture.”
“YOU smiled at her the whole time and you two were laughing a lot.”
Amelia doesn’t seem to realize that she’s pouting now and suddenly I get it. “OH you’re jealous”, I say and can’t help the smug look that is forming on my face.
“I’m not!” she hisses back and narrows her eyes. “You can do whatever you want.”
“I know you’re jealous. And you’re so cute when you are like this.” I’m smiling now. “But it’s not necessary.”
She sniffles and for a second I expect her to start crying but she just stands up.
“I want to go to bed”, she says coldy and walks away.
‘She can’t be that jealous.’ I sigh and run my palms over my face.
When I walk out of the bathroom and into our bedroom Amelia has already turned the lights off.
She’s lying in the bed with her eyes closed but I know she’s not asleep.
I slide under the covers and look at her.
All of sudden her eyes snap open.
“Quit touching me, your feet are cold.” She moves a few inches away and keeps starring at the ceiling.
‘At least a try’, I think.
This is so ridiculous. There is no reason to be jealous.
I put my hand on her hip to pull her closer but she slaps it away.
“Okay enough”, I say a little annoyed.
“Stop being grumpy, it’s lame. I didn’t do anything, okay? I just showed her the hospital, because she’s new and it sucks to be the new one and I thought it’s nice when someone warmly welcomes you. We need new nurses urgently, come on you know that.”
I look at her, begging.
I actually expect her to just turn around and keep ignoring be but instead she starts sobbing.
Without hesitating I pull her into a warm embrace.
“No, don’t cry. Please don’t cry”, I tell her desperate and start kissing her face.
Seeing Amelia cry is the worst. It always breaks my heart and all I want is to take her pain away.
“There is no reason to cry, okay?” I pull her closer.
“I’m sorry”, she sniffles. “I know it’s childish. I just can’t help. I saw you two today and just thought ‘Maybe I’m not the person you want to spend the rest of your life with.’ I know I’m exhausting sometimes.”
She stops sobbing and looks at me with her swollen but so god damn beautiful eyes.
I wish there was a way to put it into words how much I love her so she would see by herself.
“Amelia, you have no idea what you mean to me. I love you and this is not gonna change. All I want to see is your beautiful smile again, hear your beautiful laugh. For me you are perfect.” I am so in love with her right now.
She looks at me with wide eyes and a small smiles forms on her delicate lips.
And all at once I start tickling her. I have no idea what has gotten into me but I can’t stop and Amelia laughs. Gods she laughs so loud, so beautiful, so full of life.
When we’re both struggling with our lungs I stop.
I kiss her. I wanted to kiss her since I came home.
Her lips are so soft and I’ve never tasted anything better.
I cover her tiny body with mine and start sucking her neck, slowly.
After a few moments later I lift my head to look at her and her eyes have turned dark. She grins at me.
“You know what? There’s another sound that I love to hear coming out of your mouse. And I guess I want to hear it now.”
I run my hand over her cheek than I disappear under the covers.
The silent night is filled with our moaning and I don’t want it to end. I think I’ve never felt that happy in my whole life.
Amelia is what makes me happy and I hope that one day she will understand it because when she’s with me nothing else matters.
She snuggles into my chest and a feeling of warmth rushes through my body.
She sighs already half asleep and I wrap my arm protectively around her.
I take one last look her than I fall asleep too, perfectly satisfied.
I really hope you liked it! Be prepared for the next one, soon. :)
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writer-k-pop · 5 years
Black Widow - Part 4
Description: Hoseok is the leader of the number one gang, BT, and everyone knows he has a knight of sorts. This knight sits in the shadows and keeps an eye on the leader and his men, never stepping in until necessary. All the lesser gangs know who you are but they don’t know who you are. You are a wicked shot, long and short range, a skilled knife fighter, and a silhouette without a name. By the underground network of whispers, you’re referred to as BT’s Black Widow. The number two gang decides to rebel and you are forced to finally show your face. Pairing: Hoseok x reader, this also focuses on reader’s friendship with Tae. Word Count: 2.9k Genre: Mafia/gang-esk, action Warnings: nothing too gory, swearing
Part 01 | Part 02  | Part 03 | Part 04 | Part 05 | Part 06
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“You’re sure it’s locked away?” Jin asks me for upteenth time.
We just finished lunch and are waiting for the last of the officers to join us in the round table room. He’s been asking me since I first saw him this morning.
“Yes, Jin.” I pointedly say, “I made sure to see it with my own eyes. My girls put it in the vault.”
“Alright, we’re all here now.” Hoseok says before Jin can ask me again. “Let’s start this meeting.”
The leads take their seats and the officers stand, waiting to hear what we have to say.
“Yesterday, we gained some intelligence about Switch and their tactics.” Hoseok starts, deliberately leaving out that Tae is our source for the information. “We obtained a file with the blueprints of their buildings, their tactics, and past attacks. As many of you have heard, we only have the rest of today and tomorrow to prepare for a fight with them. Just like we always do, we wait for them to make the first move. But there is a plan that we will follow through with no matter what they decide to do.” He nods at me and I stand.
“As all of you know, I have my own group of shadows.” I begin to tell them of our plan. “They are going to be posted all around, protecting each lead as I have on multiple occasions. You will not see them, you will not hear them. But know that they are there. Should anything go awry, they’ll be your secured escape out of the situation.”
“What about you?” One of Jimin’s officers asks, noticing that I’ve left myself out of the explanation.
“I will not be with them in the shadows.” I say, addressing the officers, “I will be with you in the open.”
“You’re revealing yourself?”
“Why would you do that?”
“Then who will protect Hoseok?”
“Holy shit.”
“We’ll lose our weapon!”
“It’s a shit plan. I don’t agree with it.”
“Will you all just shut up for second?” I say over their protests and they quiet in an instant. “I am revealing myself because we need them to trust us when we say we have no other tricks. We need them to trust us so that you all can still be protected.”
“We give up one but gain eight who are just as skilled.” Hoseok adds, “I say that’s a pretty sweet deal.”
“Up until now, my girls have been hidden from the public, only going out at night and only on reconnaissance missions. That’s been for a reason.” I continues to explain. “It’s been part of their training. They are seen by no one so know one even knows they exist. It’s how I was trained.”
“Will we know where they’re posted?” One of Namjoon’s officers asks.
I shake my head. “No. Their posts and movements will remain a secret for their safety. If you know, there is more of a chance that you’ll give away their location through a word or a look in a direction. Again, they will move and act as I do. In complete secrecy.” The officers nod in understanding.
A timid hand raises up from the very back of Jin’s officers.
“Yes?” I instruct for him to speak.
“I apologize, but I thought you worked alone?” He asks.
“I do.” I nod, “I guess Hoseok has been keeping my girls a secret from most of the group as well.” I give him a side glance. “I usually do things alone when it comes to BT as a whole. However, when I need to do something on my own, I have my girls accompany me. Even most of the leads don’t know who my girls are, only that I have them.”
“Yeah, and are we going to meet all of them this time?” Jungkook asks.
I nod, “Of course. If I’m being revealed, you’ll need to know who your shadows are. I’m not going to leave you in complete darkness.” I say and nod to the men by the door, telling them to open the doors.
As my girls walk in dressed in reconnaissance gear, jaws drop and eyes widen. Whispers begin to circulate the room.
“I thought she was in the tech room?”
“I’ve never seen her before.”
“Doesn’t she work in the range?”
“Holy shit.”
“I think I trained with her once.”
“Ladies.” I nod towards my girls. They all nod back. “Gentlemen, these are the Shadows. As the patrols are divided, I have divided my girls.”
“Lina and Yuqi,” I say and they step forward, “Have been assigned to the North leads.” They bow slightly and step back. “Kaelin and Julie have been assigned to the South leads. Soyou and Grace are assigned to the West leads. And Monica and Bree are assigned to the East leads.”
“Again,” One of the officers says, “What about you?”
“I will be out with the leads on the front lines.” I explain again, feeling sorry that they haven’t come to terms with it yet. “My girls know that once I’m out of the shadows, I’m out and that they are to protect the leads first. I can fend for myself. I cannot tell you which lead each shadow has been assigned to but do spend the next couple hours getting to know your shadows. They have been observing you but they still have a lot to learn. I wish we could’ve done this earlier but such is life.”
“What do they need to know??” Taehyung asks.
“How you move, how you think when under pressure.” Lina responds.
“Your body signs when it’s about to react to something or when your tense.” Soyou adds.
“Simply put, things we need to see to prepare for what will come in the next second.” Monica finishes.
A beeping draws all of our attention to the computers.
“It’s the East.” Elise says and continues to figure out what the alert is. “A plane flew over and dropped… papers?” She says in confusion at the camera footage.
On all the screens shows footage of bright orange papers fluttering down to the ground. Many of the residents walk outside and begin to pick up the papers in curiosity. The leads and their officers begin to chatter about the footage and a few phones begin to ring.
I walk over to Elise and whisper in her ear, “Follow the plane.” While the rest of the screens continue to show the footage, the screen in front of Elise flips to a tracker that tracks the plane as it continues to fly north.
“It landed here.” Elise says after a few minutes.
“Coordinates?” I ask and she simply hands me a piece of paper with them written down. I pocket it and can feel Hoseok’s eyes burning holes into the back of my head while I walk over to my girls, about to head out with them.
Just as I reach them, a movement in the corner of my eye catches my attention.
I pause.
The conversations of the leads and officers are normal, just discussing battle plans and tactics.
But something is not right and my girls can sense it. The Shadows have their hands hovering over their guns in a natural but anticipating stance.
Daring to look a little more, someone is moving their hands.
As if they’re on a phone, texting.
In half a second flat, I have my gun drawn at the group behind me. “Officers. Step away from the leads.” I yell, eyes scanning for any sudden movements.
All the eyes in the room stare at me and no one moves. Without having to look, I know the eight Shadows behind me also have their guns drawn.
“What are you doing, (y/n)?” Hoseok asks, taking a cautionary step forward.
“I said.” I repeat, removing the safety off my gun. “Officers, step away from the leads.”
The officers step away, some with their hands up, others with anticipating hands in case their lead says to do something.
“(y/n)!” Hoseok barks.
“What are you doing?” One of the west officers dares to ask and I turn to the left, my gun aimed at him. “We were trying to plan an attack. You know, to save our home?” He says with a spoonful of attitude.
At this, Hoseok whips his head to look at the officer. We have silent rules and he just broke a prominent one: whenever there’s a gun out within the ranks, especially higher ranks, don’t give attitude.
He’s not one of us.
“Who are you?” I ask, stepping towards him, a singular silent footstep following me.
“You don’t know me?” He asks with a smirk and more attitude, like he’s having fun. “I’m hurt.”
I narrow my eyes. “I know every single face of every single rank. But I’ve never seen you before.”
“I’ve come to a few meetings in the past.” He stares at me with glowering eyes.
“Check his phone.” I command the closest officers. They nod and move towards the officer in question.
As the officers’ hands touch his skin, he twists and punches both officers. One in the stomach and one in the face.
When he is free from the officers, he charges at me and my girls. I stand my ground as I was trained to, my finger closing around the trigger with each step he takes. But before I can get a shot off, a bullet comes from my right and embeds itself into the his thigh. He crumples to the ground just in front of my feet, his phone sliding out of his pocket, coincidentally.
The man reaches out for the phone but Soyou quickly steps on his hand and scoops up the phone.
As I holster my gun, I look over at Hoseok who is re-holstering his gun, a stoney expression laid across his features. Inside my chest, a little flame of pride burns. The leads are always trained to go for the deadly shot. But more often, I need said person to be alive and if they have a bullet through the head, they are not that. So I’ve been trying to get the leads to stop that. Old habits are hard to break, yet, Hoseok is obviously taking the training seriously. Proud girlfriend moment right there.
“Give. Me. Back. The. Phone.” The man on the ground growls, one hand still under Soyou’s boot and the other gripping his thigh as blood seeps through his fingers.
“I’ll ask again.” I kneel down to get a closer look at his face. “Who are you?”
“None of your damn business.” He spats at me.
“I-I thought he was a new member.” Tae stutters in shock.
“When did he show up?” Hoseok asks.
“Just, just before the first signs of Switch’s- oh shit.” Tae trails off.
Hoseok stalks over to where I’m still kneeling beside the Switch spy. “Soyou, you can let go of his hand now.” Hoseok instructs her and I give her a small nod. She steps back.
“Get him up.” Hoseok commands his officers and they dutifully drag the officer to his feet. I rise to my feet again.
“We were right.” The spy snarls, “It took you way too long to notice I didn’t belong. You lack the eyes, the sight, and the focus.” He chuckles, “And to think, it took that bit-“
Before he can finish, Hoseok slaps him across the face. “I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you.” He says through clenched teeth. “Get him out of here, lock him up. We’ll deal with him in a bit.” Hoseok’s officers nod and begin to drag the man out with Yuqi and Monica trailing them.
Hoseok walks back over to the table where the other leads and officers are trying to think of what to do next. His shoulders are hunched and I can practically see the anger swirling off of him.
“Elise.” Hoseok says, looking at my right hand woman, “Find out what you can from the phone. We need to know who he was contacting and how much information they got.”
Elise doesn’t wait for my instruction but simply takes the phone from Soyou and starts to dig around the device.
Tae stands up from his seat, “Hoseok, I didn’t know, I’m so sor-“
“Don’t apologize, Tae.” I cut him off after taking one look at Hoseok’s face, knowing he won’t reply. “It’s not your fault. I should’ve noticed him sooner.”
Taking another look at Hoseok, I can see the gears turning and turning in his brain. Which means he won’t be talking for a bit.
“Any updates on the papers that they dropped?” I ask, taking charge of the group.
Jin shuffles through some papers that have somehow appeared on the table. “Here is a copy. My mother sent them.” He says and slides a black and white copy across.
“Make the Switch.” It says above their switchblade logo. “BT can’t protect you forever. They have secrets that could hurt you and your children.” It continues under the logo.
“Here’s the other one, too.” Jin adds, handing over another sheet.
“Abandoned warehouse on the border. Midnight. Tonight. Be prepared to hand over the keys to your city.” It reads with Switch’s logo in the bottom right corner.
“They said two days.” Jungkook says, “Those bitch-ass liars.”
“Everyone’s a liar these days, Jungkook.” I reply still studying the papers in my hands. “Even me.”
“He was texting someone within Switch’s property borders.” Elise says and Hoseok is out of his seat and at her side faster than you could say ‘bitch-ass liar.’
“They had been communicating since just before Switch starting acting up.” Elise continues, unfazed that Hoseok is intently staring over her shoulder. “I can’t tell you who the phone belongs too but I could track it and see where it goes to get a clue as to who it might be?” She suggests.
“If we have time later.” Hoseok says curtly. “What did he send?” He asks.
“Uhm, let me pull up the texts.” Elise says and works the keyboard.
“A lot of the texts are about Taehyung.” Elise says scrolling through the texts.
“You got drunk with him?” Jimin asks after reading a particular text.
Tae shrugs, “It was all my officers and I.”
“They know we did an information mission on their property and what we think of their property.” Elise says, “He was taking notes on what we were discussing today. Presumably to text the information later when he could formulate it better.”
“So they nothing about (y/n) and the Shadows?” Hoseok asks for clarification.
Elise shakes her head. “They only know that she really does exist. He must’ve heard the others talk about her around the compound. They don’t know (y/n) is Black Widow. I also checked his call log and there are no calls, present or deleted. Texting was their only form of communication.”
Hoseok nods in satisfaction and turns towards the group again. “It makes sense now how they knew so much about Tae. But they don’t know about any true plans we have, so we’re safe there. We can make tweaks but it will mainly stay the same. What was on the papers?” He finally asks.
“A propaganda sheet, urging our residences to swear alliance to Switch.” I say handing the first one over, “And a location and time for a fight.” I add, handing him the second paper.
“Jin, tell your mother she’s the best for sending these so fast.” Hoseok nods at Jin who beams proudly.
“She’ll be glad to hear it.” Jin replies. Jin’s father was a BT member and his mother has been more than willing to help her son where she sees fit. This being one of those times.
“Okay, this is the plan for the rest of the day.” Hoseok says, setting the papers down on the table. “We’ll spend the next few hours with the shadows. After dinner, we’ll go over plans and gear up. At midnight, Switch is going down.” Hoseok says with a firm gaze of determination.
“Got it.” Namjoon nods.
“Sounds great.” Jin seconds.
“Those bitch-ass liars are going down.” Jungkook says excitedly and the room chuckles slightly.
“Yuqi and Monica are on their way.” Kaelin says after checking her phone. I nod back, knowing that every second they can learn from the leads is valuable.
“Where would be the best place for them to learn?” Hoseok asks me, catching the atmosphere change.
“Obstacle course.” I tell him and a few of the leads smile in excitement. Though it is for training and exercising purposes, it’s often used for fun. “And I’ll be controlling it.” I smirk and many smiles fall from their faces.
“That’s not fair!” Jimin whines.
“Why can’t we control it?” Jungkook asks.
“Because you’d know what’s coming next. This way, your shadows can learn from you in the proper way.” I explain, internally rolling my eyes.
Jimin and Jungkook pout, “Fine.” They mumble as Yuqi and Monica join the room again.
“Let’s go.” Hoseok says with authority, “Officers, update your men and look over the plans.” All the officers nod and in seconds, the entire room is filled with bodies moving, talking, and picking up their papers.
In the chaos of moving bodies, my girls disappear into the shadows, but I can sense them everywhere.
“God, they’re good.” I hear Jin whisper and I smile to myself.
“Lead the way.” Yoongi says and gestures me forward.
I smile widely and lead the group to the obstacle course.
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Wherever the Winds Take You: Chapter 3
Author’s note:
Did I say two weeks? Whoops. Here’s the third chapter almost a week earlier. I just finished editing chapter 4 so I figured it was safe to upload this now. 
So here we start, actually starting on the actual original series! 
I’m going to put the translations to the French phrases at the bottom, in case you really want to know them. I’m not actually in any way fluent in Parisian French, but I’ve tried my best with my knowledge on Canadian French, and research. But if there’s any glaring mistakes language-wise at any point here on out, please let a girl know.
Love you all, hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I own nothing except my OC. Young Justice and it’s locations, stories, and characters belong to DC comics and the brilliant minds who created them.
Hall of Justice, Washington D.C.
July 4
14:00 EDT
It really couldn’t have been a more beautiful day outside. Warm, summer weather, not a cloud in the sky, the sun’s golden rays warming the Earth with a small, cool breeze to cool down its inhabitants. Perfect Washington summer weather.
Or at least, that’s what Lina thought as she hovered in the sky, basking in the sun’s rays.
The heat of the star seeped through the sturdy but comfortable fabric of the girl’s white and gold suit, spreading over her skin and melting into her like a warm hug from the universe. The winds that blew around Zephyr weren’t too strong, just enough to carry the girl and cause the tendrils of curly brown hair, that were usually tucked into her hood, sway in their dance.
“So warm today…” One of the small voices whispered into Zephyr’s ears, and the girl smiled in agreement. She certainly didn’t get this kind of sunny heat in Paris, and she had no intention of letting it go to waste.
“Those people sure do seem excited about something.” Another voice whispered, catching Lina’s attention.
“I wonder what they’re all waiting for.” Added another.
Opening her eyes and looking down, Lina was reminded of the crowds of excited people on the land below. She couldn’t make out a lot of them from her altitude, but she could just see the small flashes of cameras and the colourful specs of merchandise. Lina wasn’t that surprised to see that there appeared to be quite a few more people in the crowds than when she had first flown up to her current height.
“I suppose sunbathing time is over.” Lina murmured to herself, before waving her hand and signalling the winds around her to begin their descent. Being mindful of how fast she was being taken down, Lina tilted herself so she fell at an angle, allowing for more drag and more control over speed. As she got closer to the ground, she felt the air around her thicken and she let go of a few of the Winds, and pushed forward as to fly towards the tall, red, robotic man that stood on a short cliff overlooking the crowds of tourists in front of the white and gold arched building. Far away enough for the crowds not to identify them, but close enough for the robot to keep an eye on the visitors.
Once Zephyr had reached the cliff, the robot man turned to face her. Grinning, Zephyr pushed the Winds to spin her into a flip before she dismounted; landing perfectly on both feet with her hands raised above her head.
“Ta-da!” The young girl exclaimed, a large grin painted on her face. For a moment, the robot was silent but then he turned away from her, once again facing the crowds of people.
“You should bend your knees slightly more once you hit the ground, and raise your arms more once you steady yourself.” The man of red metal explained. “It both provides more balance, and adds more effect.”
The girl giggled slightly, floating over to beside her mentor. “The robot giving the circus-girl landing tips? Not something you see everyday, no offence Red.”
Red Tornado didn’t reply, as per usual. Zephyr had gotten used to the strong-and-silent type about him in the two years she’d been training under him. She actually prefered it, as it meant she had to pay attention to less. It was known that if he was saying something, it was important and shouldn’t be brushed off as simple small-talk. And although it made it harder for her to read him at first, she eventually got a grasp on it.
“I got up pretty high just then, did you see? Probably about 4,000 feet I think?” Zephyr noted as she began to tuck her hair into a clump and don her hood. “Oxygen was a little thinner, but not by much. It’s interesting, how the Winds don’t really get quieter the less there are of them.”
Once again, no reply. But Zephyr knew he had heard and listened to her.
Zephyr looked around, just realizing that they were the only two on the cliff. She had been up in the sky for probably 15 minutes, and even though she knew that their companions would be late; she thought they would have arrived by then. She voiced these thoughts to her mentor.
“It would appear that they’re more caught up in their battles than initially thought.” Red Tornado said nonchalantly. Zephyr hummed for a moment, fiddling with a stand of hair that fell out from her hood.
“It’s strange, yes? Four ice villains attacking different Justice League members and their proteges, in differing states, at the same time? And on today for that matter?” Zephyr asked, looking up towards her mentor and then back out towards the sea of people. “I mean, today is the day.”
“It is an odd coincidence, yes.”
“A coincidence?” Zephyr asked. “Êtes-vous certain?”
“You think there’s something bigger at play?” The somewhat high-pitched voice came from right behind the air-manipulating duo, and Zephyr whipped around to see two familiar figures. A tall man shrouded in a dark cloak with built-in point-shaped ears, and a small boy in a red and black costume wearing a domino mask.
Robin, to Zephyr, didn't look much different from any other 14 year old boy she had met. Tallish for his age, skinny limbs, tousled hair and a mischievous smile. He carried himself with a sort of sly confidence, shoulders back and head up.
“Robin!” Zephyr exclaimed as she stepped forward to greet the young boy. Pulling the young boy into a quick hug, Zephyr wasn’t surprised to find that he had grown a couple inches since they had last seen each other. “About time you got here! I haven’t seen you in so long, the Riddler’s tornado-machine-thing incident last spring, non?”
“Sounds about right, good times.” Robin cracked an uneven smile as Zephyr stepped back. “But seriously Zeph’, do you think it was something else? Because I have a couple theories going and-””Why don’t we focus on one thing at a time.” Zephyr interrupted, knowing she could never keep up whenever the Boy Wonder rambled on about his ‘theories’. “Did you get Mr. Freeze squared away?”
“In holding, the Gotham Police and Arkham are just starting on the paperwork.” Batman explained, more to Red Tornado than Zephyr. Upon hearing the infamous Dark Knight, Zephyr tensed up and avoided eye contact with him, not that he would spare her a passing glance.
“Oh, that’s good then.” Zephyr said, more of a mutter than anything.
Thankfully, the slight tension was cut off by another duo dropping onto the cliff.
“Hey, sorry we’re late.” Green Arrow greeted, holstering his bow. “Junior put up a little bit of a fight while the cops took him away.”
“Roy!” Zephyr exclaimed, rushing over to the red-clad boy to hug him as well. The redhead smiled and returned the hug for a moment before she pulled away. “Oh, sorry, I mean...Speedy! You’re here!”
“Hello to you too Kiddo.” The boy said, the smile still on his lips as he delivered a small, friendly punch to Zephyr’s forearm. “I swear, if my secret identity ever gets leaked it’s going to be because of you.”
“I said sorry!” Zephyr smirked, placing her hands on her hips.
Speedy was tall, at least compared to Zephyr who was a whole head and a half shorter than him. Dark red hair peeked out under his Robin Hood-esk hat, which his red and yellow uniform matched with. Chiseled features and a face that made you think he was angry 24/7 (especially with his mask on), he had a general “stay away” vibe to him, despite the colourful costume.
“I’m glad he’s being nice to you at least, Kid.” Green Arrow cut in, a small smile on his face as he stepped over to stand with his adult colleague. Unlike his protege, Green Arrow's disposition was much sunnier, welcoming, and kind. Almost like that fun Uncle everyone likes at family gatherings. This, paired with his golden hair and green uniform made him a full contrast to his ward.
“The whole fight with Junior and the way here he wouldn’t stop complaining about the fight ‘interfering’ and us being late for ‘the day’.”
Speedy gave his mentor a quick glare, and Zephyr couldn't help but let out a small giggle. The two of them always acted like this, their whole goofy-father-rebellious-son shtick. But those who knew the Star City duo knew that Speedy cared more for his mentor than he made it look.
“Hey, all of us are late. No big.” Robin said, stepping towards Speedy and Zephyr. He motioned to the crowds of people, “They don't seem to mind.”
“Fair enough, Boy Wonder.” Speedy smirked down at the boy. “How you doing Rob´?”
The raven-haired boy shrugged, but returned the slight smile. “You know, same old. Kicking ass and taking names, the usual.”
“That's what I like to hear.” Speedy said, and the two boys fist-bumped.
“Dinah sends her love, as usual.” Green Arrow explained to Zephyr. “She wishes she could be here.”
Zephyr shrugged, but smiled at the blonde archer nonetheless. “C’est la vie, GA. Can’t have the public wondering why she’s here when she doesn’t have her own protege, Ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard.”
Green Arrow continued to smile, but looked mildly confused. “I’m...just going to pretend I know what that last part means.”
“Is there any news from anyone else?” Speedy asked the adults.
“Knowing Flash and Kid, they're going to be the last ones here.” Robin laughed. “You know how that superspeed affects punctuality.”
“Last we heard, Aquaman and Aqualad were still fighting Killer Frost in Pearl Harbor.” Green Arrow explained.
“Keyword being 'were’.” The gruff voice of Aquaman was heard and everyone turned to see him and his protege, Aqualad, walking over to the cliff's edge. Aquaman carried himself with a strong dignity, which made sense since he was the literal King of Atlantis. Golden blonde hair and beard, a kind but strong aura, and the traditional orange and green uniform from his country that shined in the summer sun. His protege moved as confidently as his King, but with much more of a smile as he approached his comrades. Aqualad's dark skin and even darker uniform contrasted with his light blonde hair, but in a way that somehow managed to bring out his strong and sharp features.
“About time you got here.” Speedy smirked as Aqualad joined the gathering of teenagers. The two clasped each other's hands in a pseudo-handshake.
“Apologies.” The young Atlantean replied, nodding his head to the others. “We would have made it here sooner but the nearest Zeta-Tube was a ways away.”
“It's seriously fine. Red Tornado and I were the only ones that were here on time, and we're still waiting for the Flashes.” Zephyr explained. As Aqualad turning to look at her, the two of them made eye-contact and the Atlantean knowingly smiled and opened one of his arms. Smiling, Zephyr floated over and happily took the brief hug.
“Oh I see how it is.” Speedy said, causing is two friends to look over at him, slightly pulling apart to do so. “You have no problem yelling out my secret ID for the world to hear, but with Kaldur, nada! Fine, I see where the loyalties lie.”
“Oh calme-toi, Speedy!” Zephyr stuck out her tongue, fully pulling away from Aqualad to face her archer friend. Robin and Aqualad just chuckled, amused by the two’s teasing.
“Did Killer Frost give you any trouble?” Robin asked, changing the subject.
“Not at all. Although I am a little concerned over her...motivations.” Aqualad admitted. “It was said that four ice-powered villains made an attack today?”
Before any of the teens could respond, Batman cut in.
“Today’s attacks are a League priority.” The Gotham Knight growled.
“Don't worry about them, especially not now.” Green Arrow added, becoming the proteges over. As directed, the young heroes stepped forward and took their places by their respective mentors, looking out to the giant hall in front of them.
“Today is the day.” Batman said, in a tone that almost sounded nostalgic.
“Welcome to the Hall of Justice.” Green Arrow grinned.
“Headquarters of the Justice League.” Aquaman added.
“And where the future of your career awaits.” Red Tornado finished.
“I wonder if they rehearsed that…” A small voice whispered in Zephyr’s ear, causing her to hold back a small giggle.
“Aw man!” The voice of a speedster everyone knew suddenly exclaimed from behind the group, and the heroes turned to see a tall man in a red suit, and a much younger teen boy in a contrasting yellow suit screeching to a sliding halt as the encountered the group. “I knew we’d be the last one’s here!”
“Does super-tardiness just come with being a speedster? Cause I’m starting to think it’s a serious side-effect that should be looked into.” Robin smirked at the boy in yellow, causing the latter to glare at his domino-masked friend.
“You can blame Flash, he decided to take his time chatting with Cold.” The young speedster explained. The boy’s hair was in its usual wind-swept manner, a product of his super-speed, and his bright green eyes that could almost be seen from a mile away were full of annoyance and, as the other teens could easily read, a sense of embarrassment. “Even though I warned him…”
“Nearly all of us were late, Kid Flash.” Aqualad assured, offering a small smile in greeting.
“Yes, c’est la vie.” Zephyr added.
“Well, I guess that’s not as bad then.” The red-haired speedster sighed in relief before giving his fellow teens an uneven smile.
“It’s the ones that can disrupt us with just their bodies.” A stern voice muttered, catching Zephyr’s attention. “So impatient, the younger one lacks appreciation for his gifts.”
Rolling her eyes, Zephyr waved her hand to blow the Wind away.
“So...now that we’re all here..?” Speedy said, eyes darting to the building like a child on Christmas morning.
“We should get going.” Batman agreed, and without another word; he started making his way down the side of the cliff towards the sea of people.
Robin quickly turned to face his comrades, a huge toothy grin stretching his face, before running forward to join his mentor. The rest of the duos were quick to follow suit, making their way to the crowds of people waiting for a peek of the famous heroes.
This enthusiasm only seemed to grow to a roaring storm as the ten individuals walked into the reserved path marked by railing barricards. Flashes from cameras and loud, overwhelming levels of cheering encased the heroes like a tunnel of attention and Zephyr found herself tensing her muscles, despite forcing a smile on her face. Fortunately, the feeling of a familiar metal hand touching her shoulder divided her attention and the girl looked up at her robotic mentor.
“Remain calm Zephyr.” The monotone voice spoke quietly as to not be heard by anyone else. “You have earned this praise and attention, ease your breathing and embrace it for the short while.”
Her muscles relaxing, Zephyr’s smile became much more genuine as she nodded. Looking back out to the fans, she waved her hand in greeting, scanning over the excited faces within the frenzy.
“Is that Batman?” A voice spoke over the excitement.
“I see Flash and Flash Jr!” Another spoke. Looking over to their ginger friend, the other teens were slightly amused to see Kid Flash looking mildly put out.
“His name’s Speedy, duh!” Another tourist corrected.
“No, Speedy’s Green Arrow’s sidekick.” Yet another shouted.
“Well that makes no sense.” The initial voice exclaimed.
Robin let out a somewhat loud snort in laughter, only to be elbowed by the speedster in yellow.
“Bite me, Boy Blunder.” Kid Flash hissed.
As Zephyr's eyes scanned the crowd, she quickly became aware of a recurring theme: the Justice League member paraphernalia. T-shirts with the logos of certain members, a few people with brightly coloured posters, children wearing small versions of heroes costumes. There was so much that Zephyr began to wonder where such things were made and sold.
However, one in particular caught her eye and she was quick to reach over and tap Aqualad's shoulder, nodding her head in the direction of a small toddler in their parents’ arms. The small boy was wearing a familiar-looking red shirt, black pants, a silver alpha-symbol-esk A belt, and dark details to complete the look of Atlantean armour. Just like Aqualad's uniform.
“You've got a fan.” Zephyr muttered, and Aqualad responded by grinning and waving to the boy. The parents smiled and gently waved the toddler's hand back.
Not a moment later, Aqualad made eye-contact with Zephyr and nodded in the opposite direction, whispering “Looks like I’m not the only one”.
Right near the front, a young girl-maybe 4 or 5-was standing, waving at Zephyr. What made Zephyr’s heart melt a little, however, was the fact that around her neck hung a gold chair with a encircled ‘Z’ as a charm. The same gold, encircled ‘Z’ that was attached to the left side of Zephyr’s short, hooded-caped, fleece. Upon seeing that Zephyr was looking at her, the young girl grinned and grabbed the necklace to show the young hero. Smiling with a warm heart, Zephyr blew a kiss to the young girl who proceeded to grin up at her mother beside her, the girl’s face so happy that it made Zephyr want to run up and hug the small child.
“Ready to see the inner sanctum?” Green Arrow asked, leaning over to speak to his protege.
“Born that way.” The younger archer replied, a small grin pulling at his lips.
“I am glad we’re all here.” Aqualad remarked, grabbing everyone’s attention away from the crowds.
“Have all five sidekicks ever been in the same place at the same time?” Kid Flash asked excitedly.
“Don’t call us sidekicks, not after today.”
Speedy’s angry interjection caught everyone in the small group by surprise, causing both the adults and the teens to look at him in a mix of concern and curiosity.
“Sorry,” Kid Flash replied after a quick moment, suddenly much more sheepish, “first time at the Hall, I’m a little overwhelmed.”
“You’re overwhelmed, Freeze was underwhelmed. Why isn’t anybody just whelmed?” Robin exclaimed as the group finally crossed the threshold of the white and gold building.
The arches reached high above them as they entered into a large, grand open lobby that felt like, to the teens, they had just stepped into a new, gigantic world. The room had a blue tint to it that made it seem like it was entirely made of metal and plain marble. The only pieces of decor or furnishing in the room visible from the front entrance were seven, enormous, bronze statues of the founding members; Aquaman, Flash, Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, and Martian Manhunter. The statues had to have stood at three stories tall at least, and the teenagers suddenly felt much smaller than before.
“Oh.” Robin said, almost under his breath as he stared, wide-eyed at the statues. “Maybe that’s why…”
The proteges’ gaping was cut short as double doors under the statues opened up to reveal a tall figure walking out from them. The individual’s green skin set him apart from the other present Justice League members, making it clear from the start that he wasn’t of this word. His chiseled features and serious looking appearance had a way of commanding respect, even if his black, blue, and red uniform wasn’t exactly the most intimidating.
“Robin, Speedy, Aqualad, Zephyr, Kid Flash: welcome.” Martian Manhunter greeted in his deep-sounding voice.
“This is it,” Zephyr thought to herself as the butterflies started flapping in her stomach, “this is the big, crowning moment.”
As Martian Manhunter turned to head back through the doors he just entered from, everyone promptly followed behind. Robin and Kid Flash bumped fists before rushing on ahead, the older teens following on their ankles.
“You now have unlimited access to our gym, fully-stocked gallery, and of course…” As the group stepped into the next room, they found themselves in a large, carpeted area lined with bookshelves. There was a seating area on one side, and a handful of wooden tables with computers, work supplies, and the like on the other. On the opposite end of the room was a giant computer that looked down at the people below. There was also a heavy metal door beside it which stood out against the casual decor. “...our library.”
“Make yourselves at home.” Flash explained as the older heroes made their way over to the far side of the room, by the large computer and the metal doors. Kid Flash and Robin wasted no time running over to claim some of the leather chairs for themselves, and Aqualad and Zephyr quickly followed suit. As there was only one seat left, the Atlantean turned to offer it to Zephyr, but she quickly declined in order to sit on the arm of the seat, letting him take the seat itself.
“Is this okay?” Zephyr asked, offering a small smile as she pulled her hood off. Aqualad smiled back, chuckling softly as he took the now-shared seat.
“Of course.”
Zephyr looked over to Speedy, who was left standing. But he didn’t seem interested in his lack of seating areas, as he simply glared at the Justice League members with tense shoulders and a slight frown.
“Roy?” Zephyr muttered, reaching out to touch his arm and get his attention. But before she could, the sound of Batman’s voice sounded through the room.
“Quick debrief to discuss the coincidence of four ice villains attacking on the same day.” The man in black explained. “We shouldn’t be long.”
As a computerized voice began to read off the Leaguer’s names and designations, Zephyr couldn’t help but let a thought cloud her mind.
So Batman doesn’t think it was a coincidence either?
“That’s it?”
Speedy’s angry voice rung through the library, once again catching everybody off-guard. As everyone whirled around to look at the angry red-head, they could see that his tense and stern body language was even more pronounced, more so than nearly anyone present in the room had ever seen from him.
“You promised us a real look inside, not a glorified backstage pass!” Speedy continued.
“It’s a first step.” Aquaman explained calmly. “You’ve been granted access few others get.”
“Oh really?” The archer seemed to only be spurred on by the Atlantean king’s calm as he gestured up to a large window the other teens hadn’t noticed when they came in. More members of the public were watching from behind the clear glass, like the heroes were animals at a zoo. “Who cares what side of the glass we’re on?”
“Roy, you just need to be patient.” Green Arrow tried to calm his protege, but it was obvious to everyone that Speedy’s anger was making him nervous.
“What I ‘need’ is respect!” Speedy said, taking a couple strides towards the adults before waiting a beat and whipping around to address the teens. At the angry gaze suddenly being turned onto them, the four younger youths tensed up, all mentally preparing to be faced with the fury that was Roy Harper.
“They’re treating us like kids! Worse; like sidekicks.” Speedy growled like an angry cat, spitting out the last word like it was sour. “We deserve better than this.”
Robin, Aqualad, Kid Flash, and Zephyr all glanced at each other, non-verbally confirming that they had no personal qualms with the way today had played out leading up to this point. They looked back at their comrade, all with a certain feeling of anxiety and confusion in their gaze.
“You’re kidding, right?” Speedy asked in a monotone voice, dumbfounded at his peers lack of infuriation. “You’re playing their game? Why? Today was supposed to be the day. Step one to becoming full-fledged members of the League!”
“Well, sure.” Kid Flash said hesitantly. “But I thought step one was a tour of the HQ.”
“Except the Hall isn’t the League’s real HQ!”
The room went still as every Justice League members’ expressions turned to one of panic and shock. The four seated adolescents all straightened up, brows furrowed as their eyes now became fixated on their rebelling friend. Kid Flash’s jaw even dropped, eyes widened in pure and unfiltered surprise.
“I bet they never even told you. It’s just a false front for tourists, and a pit-stop for catching Zeta beam tubes to the real thing; an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower.”
Batman’s icy cold glare could be felt throughout the library, contrasted only by the burning gazes of the confused teenagers. Green Arrow turned around to look back at the cloaked leader of the Justice League, a sheepish smile on his lips.
“I know, I know. But I thought maybe we could make an exception?” As the white slits of Batman’s eyes narrowed, the archer received his silent answer. “Or not…”
Meanwhile, Aquaman decided to step in as the only adult willing to try and tame in the hot-headed redhead, stepping towards Speedy with a slight frown between his brows. “You are not helping your case here son. Stand down or-””Or what? You’ll send me to my room?”
Speedy’s voice was growing more and more venomous as the discussion unfolded, and Zephyr stored away some of her confusion just long enough to move and try calming down her friend, but she was stopped by a webbed hand grasping her arm gently, but firmly. Looking down at Aqualad, he shook his head slightly at Zephyr who understood, and promptly sat back down.
“And I’m not your son, I’m not even his!” Speedy continued, practically spitting at his mentor who he now glared at. “I thought I was his partner…”
“Oh no…”
“But not anymore.”
As if in slow motion, the yellow Robin Hood hat was ripped off it’s perch by its owner and thrown onto the ground at the adult’s feet. Without even waiting a moment to stop and bask in his actions, Speedy turned on his heel and began walking away, straight through the seating area where his colleagues now stood at attention, towards the door the group had entered through.
“Guess they’re right about you four.” Speedy hissed at the shocked teenagers. “You’re not ready.”
As the doors closed behind him, the room was plunged into a thick and heavy silence. Not a single person spoke, both due to the fact that there simply wasn’t anything anyone could say after a bombshell like that, and because nobody wanted to even try. The mentors, save for Green Arrow who stared at the door his ward had just walked out of, were silently watching the other proteges, alert as if preparing for any one of them to throw in their chips with the sudden revolution. The teenagers however, did no such thing as they stayed perfectly still. Aqualad and Zephyr joining Green Arrow by staring at the door, as if waiting for their friend to walk back in; Kid Flash staring down at his feet in thought, his mind racing at a speed so fast his feet would be envious; and Robin, staring right back at his mentor with an expression that couldn’t be read through his mask.
Thankfully for everyone, the silence was broken after a couple moments by the giant monitor beside them coming to life. The initial beeping sound from the machine caught everyone's attention, only to be followed by the image of Superman coming up on the screen. The hero in blue could only be seen from the chest-up but he looked the same as any of the young heroes had always seen him: strong, cheery features, and not a hair out of place.
“Superman to Justice League. There’s been a small explosion at Project Cadmus, it’s on fire.” America’s favorite ‘Blue Boy Scout’ explained.
“The famous and all-powerful Justice League being called in for a mere fire?” A voice whispered into Zephyr’s ear. “Please, we could take care of something like that ourselves. Fire is a weak element, so temperamental and childlike.”
Zephyr rolled her eyes at the voice, but didn’t bother waving it away.
“I’ve had my suspicions about Cadmus.” Batman spoke, turning to speak to the other leaguers. “This could present the perfect opportunity to-””Zatara to Justice League.”
Batman was cut off by another man’s image coming up onto the screen, the aged and mustached face of Zatara the master magician: top hat and all. He looked slightly unnerved, his voice giving an air of panic as his image grew to take over the screen, sliding Superman to the bottom corner.
“The sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet if Atan to blot out the sun. Requesting full League response.” The magician explained.
“Superman?” Batman asked, looking to his co-leader for confirmation.
“It’s a small fire; local authorities have it under control.”
“See what I mean? Fire is so weak, even a group of weak humans can control it! Pathetic, truely. Why even bother such noble heroes with such a simple task?” The same voice whispered, and although she was amused by the judgement of elements, Zephyr waved the Wind away to focus on the matter at hand.
“Then Cadmus can wait. All Leaguers rendezvous at Zatara’s coordinates. Batman out.” Batman clicked the screen off as the young heroes stepped forward, ready for action
“Stay put.” The cloaked man said quickly before any of the teenagers could say or do anything.
“What? Why?” Robin exclaimed as he and his comrades grew a look of annoyance and betrayal.
“This is a League mission.” Aquaman explained sternly. After the sudden outburst, none of the adults were going to risk anything with leaving room for debate.
“You’re not trained.” Flash added.
“Since when?” The speedster protege barked back.
“I meant you’re not trained to work as a part of this team.” Flash expanded, gesturing to Batman, Aquaman, and himself.
Zephyr turned her gaze to look at her mentor, only to see him entering the zeta-tube; not even looking back at his supposed partner.
“Je n’y crois pas.” The girl muttered under her breath, tearing her angry gaze back to the three men in front of her.
“There will be other missions, when you’re ready.” Aquaman explained.
Each of the teens frowned at this, reminded of Speedy’s final message.
“Guess they’re right about you four. You’re not ready.”
“But for now, stay put.” Batman narrowed his eyes at the teenagers, casting an extra look to his own protege.
And with that, they were gone. Leaving through the zeta-beam tubes and leaving their young counterparts alone in the library.
It only took a moment for one of them to crack.
“When we're ready? How are we ever going to be ready when they treat us like…like…like sidekicks!” Kid Flash faltered, anger building in his muscles as he began to whip around aimlessly.
Aqualad looked down at the ground below him, eyebrows furrowed and a stern look across his features. “My mentor, my King...I thought he trusted me.” Zephyr, who still stood next to him, placed a hand on his shoulder.
“Trust?” Kid Flash spat. “They don't even trust us with the basics! They've got a secret HQ! In space!”
“It makes one wonder…” Zephyr hummed, frowned slightly and dropping her hand as her thoughts unfolded, “if there's more they are not telling us.”
“I've got a better question.” Robin interjected, rolling his shoulders as he looked up. “Why didn't we leave with Speedy?”
A heavy silence fell over the group and each of the young heroes felt their bodies close into themselves as thoughts and tension ran rampant within all of them.
The weight connected to the back of Zephyr’s suit, formed perfectly to her body as to make the hidden compartment nearly invisible, suddenly felt much heavier as she was reminded of the steel blade that lay within it. The silver blade that Roy had specifically made for her after they befriended each other, made up of old refurbished arrowheads.
And what of Red Tornado’s apparent lies? Sure, having a robot for a mentor meant that certain things were lost in translation and communication, it was something Zephyr and he both had to deal with in their own ways. But this was different, he deliberately hid something from her. Not only that, but he lead her to believe that this, today, was special when there was much bigger things at play. He didn’t just leave something out that he believed not to be important, he lied. Plain and simple. And what about Dinah? She was just as guilty here, and she wasn’t even present to see the byproduct.
It was Aqualad who finally broke the silence, his melancholy twisting into curiosity. “What is...Project Cadmus?”
“Don’t know,” Robin muttered, the same curiosity filling him, “but I can find out.”
The Boy Wonder sauntered over to the huge computer and his comrades could only watch as his fingers began to move over the keys.
“Access denied.” The computer spoke.
“Wanna bet?” Robin laughed, embracing the challenge as he began to pick up his pace. His gloved fingers began dancing on the keyboard at what only appeared as inhuman speed, strings of code and other things most of the other teenagers couldn’t understand or decipher popped up and danced along the screen.
“Woah.��� Zephyr muttered in awe.
“Woah’s right.” Kid Flash gawked, stepping closer to his best friend. “How are you doing that?”
“Same system as the Batcave.” Robin explained slyly, as if that explained everything.
“Access granted.”
“Alright, Project Cadmus…” Robin began as he scanned through the newly available computer files. “A genetics lab here in D.C., that’s all there is. But if Batman’s suspicious….” his face contorted into one of pure mischief “maybe we should investigate.”
“Oh, I see where this is going…” Zephyr thought.
“Solve their case before they do.” Aqualad smiled, mulling the thought over and over in his head. “It would be poetic justice.”
“Hey,” Robin chuckled, “they’re all about justice.”
“Finally, a mission without that...unfeeling, unnatural thing holding us back!” One voice said, slimy-sounding in nature.
“But is it safe?” Another asked.
“Why should we even go, or even consider going?” Added one more.
“Who’s making me go on a Zephyr mission if not my mentor? What is my motivation here?” Zephyr mentally added for herself. “And would we even be able to do the mission successfully on our own? Would we just end up making things worse?”
Aqualad sighed, his smile faltering. “But they said stay put.”
“For the blotting out the sun mission, not this.” Robin rebutted.
Kid Flash snapped to attention, gazing excitedly at Robin. “Wait, are you going? Cause if you’re going, I’m going.”
The two younger boys turned, grinning up at Zephyr and Aqualad as if they were children begging their parents to buy them a treat. Aqualad and Zephyr looked over at each other, meeting eyes. In that moment, both of them wished they could read each other’s mind and discuss the turn of events privately and calmly. After a moment however, Zephyr sighed in self-defeat and pulled her hood back on.
“Oh putain.”
“I agree if you do Kal.”
And with that, the initial look of piqued interest and excitement filled the Atlantean’s grey-green eyes. Although sparks of uncertainty still pooled in the same depths.
“So just like that? We’re a team on a mission?” The Atlantean asked.
“We didn’t come for a play-date.” Robin smirked.
That was all the convincing he needed.
Êtes-vous certain: Are you sure?
C’est la vie: Such is life
Ça ne casse pas trois pattes à un canard: Direct: It doesn’t break three legs to a duck.  Meaning: It’s nothing special
(I know, that one’s a little weird, but such is the way of idioms)
Calme-toi: Calm down 
Je n’y crois pas: I can’t believe this
Putain: kind of the equivalent of an f-bomb, in this case intended to mean ‘fuck it’
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pheita · 7 years
Mystical World Excerpt CH 2
Like wished by @victoriasagittariablack and @ava-burton-writing and the lovely anon this will be the sparring/training scene. I like to add I have no idea about martial arts and all my knowledge comes from watching too many Jackie Chan movies and tons of youtube videos to get it as good as possible.  I guess @chavonlace @weaver-of-fantasies-and-fables @cog-writes @kaithe-ganymede and @nanaschreibt would ike this too.  This is pretty long btw
So now have fun under the keep reading banner :D
The day flew by fast. Aleena was on her way to the dojo armed with her training clothes. She wrote Thane the address where they would meet during the afternoon so they could meet right there and he didn't need to bother with the books anymore. Her hair was already braided and put in an updo in the back of her head. She didn't plan to give him any advantage during their sparring especially since she was sure it was only a matter of time till it became a real fight. The moment she entered the street where the dojo was situated she noticed there was still the lights on which confused her. Carefully she pushed the entrance door to find it still open. Tensed and ready to defend herself she entered the dojo only to find the owner who was in the middle of preparing the room for her and get all the weapons out of reach. “Good evening, Martin. What is this going to be?”, she greeted with laughter in her voice. “Hey Lina. I thought I take some security measure since you want to show someone his place.”, he smirked back at her. He still wore training clothes and was bare-feet. “Who say I plan to do this?”, she pretended to be the personification of innocence herself and battered her lashes sweetly with a sweet smile. “Sweets, I know you. When you say you want to train with someone it translates to: He underestimates me and I need to mob the floor with him.” A big smirk was all the answer he needed. “We will see. It depends on how reasonable he is.” “Your boyfriend?”, Martin asked with a hint of hope. “No, my cousin who was unknown until recently. His dad is one of my uncles who had no idea he had a son. Pretty confusing situation.” Aleena shrugged like she didn't get the whole thing herself. “Your family really love marital arts, don't they?” The deep booming laughter of the owner echoed from the walls. “Yeah, it seems to run in our blood.” “You can put it that way. Show mercy on him. And it would be nice if you could mob the blood from the floor before you leave.” “I will think about it.”, the redhead laughed while she walked over to the locker. Minutes later she was alone in the dojo and began to check on everything once again. Aleena did the last checks when Thane entered with an astonished glance in his eyes. “That's what I call a dojo.”, he commented on the size of it. “I know. You have lots of space.”, she agreed. She turned around in a circle with her arms spread out. Thane laughed and threw his bag into a corner. “So, what about the rules?” “Local underground fight rules. No punches into the groin are. No weapons or shoes. Knock on the mattress means you give up.”, the redhead explained during her warm up. He nodded and sat down on one of the benches to her left to get out of shoes and socks. “Why the groin rule?” “Two years ago we had an idiot who won because he aimed all his punches and kicks to the groin. It got out of hand which resulted into this rule. How did Oswald put it so nicely? It is already enough we look like mashed zombies that at least a man's pest part should stay unharmed.”, Aleena told with a snicker, “I think his wife wasn't happy about him not being able to stand his man after some fights.” “So this Oswald guy hosts these fights?”, the halfling lifted his head questioning. “Yeah, 6”5' big guy, fights like a berserk but with a heart of gold. His wife also fights sometimes. Mean left on her side.”, she told pressed because she stood bent over for stretching. “Sounds like a match made in hell.” Thane got up and wiggled with his tows to get a feeling for the ground. With rolling shoulders he walked over to Aleena. “Ready?”, she smirked sassy. “Ready.”, he agreed. Both got into position. They eyed each other for a couple of breaths to see who would attack first. “Why aren't we making it a bit funnier.”, the redhead suggested with a half-hearted attack to his chest. “How that?”, he stopped her without any effort and pushed her arm away. “Let's talk.” “You mean instead of coffee party a coffee match.” he joked with a light swinging bow aimed at her head. “We could also make it a wine match.”, she offered during her evasive movement. “I won't say no to wine.” He smirked and let his shoulders roll again. She dismissed it as a personal tick and started the next attack with a side kick against his supporting leg. “Sounds like you really belong into the family. Everyone loves wine.” Her comment let Thane react too late. A painful growl was his answer. “I get the feeling you want to talk to win.”, he tried to provoke her. His eyes on the other side gave away he had a lot of fun. “No, that would be unfair. But it is more fun that way. Besides you have some similarities with my grandfather.”, the nymph pushed the proverbial ball back into his yard. “I do?”, he asked followed with a punch to her right ribs. “He also lived on the streets for a while. Okay, he was a conman and you an underground fighter. But who wants to split hairs.”, she admitted unusual open-hearted. Aleena took the punch and used the chance to grab Thane's arm and throw him over her shoulder. “Conman? There are many kinds of conman.”, he inquired laying on his back and closed and opened his hands a couple of times. “A lot of different kinds but his favorite con was to make insurance companies believe he found a lost picture by accident and wants to bring it back to the legitimate owner after learning it was stolen. Of course it was a replica made by him.”, she laughed. At the same time she lured him with an encouraging gesture to take position again. “Sounds like he and my mother would have liked each other. She was an estate agent who could sell the dirtiest hole for a lot of money.”, Thane told with a moment of sadness. A blink of the eye later he stood up again and took position. “How did she die?” The redhead knew it was already an emotional low blow which made her refrain from an attack. Unexpected Thane attacked her and forced her with a combination of different punches to walk backwards. Both could see the how the combativeness woke up in the other one. Aleena dropped down on her knees and attacked him with a couple of punches from below towards his stomach. He took a blow and stumbled backwards. “Cancer. Two years long she fought like a lioness. I dropped of culinary school to be with her.”, he smirked inappropriately. It took Aleena a second to recognize this as a face of a pleased warrior. Way too many times she saw this mix of combativeness and amusement in Shieldmaidens during training against an equipollent opponent. “And then?”, the nymph interrogated delayed. “Then I couldn't muster the motivation to learn anymore. Even a temp job was a short gig. After a year I realized I had nothing that would hold me back and it was time to find out who I am.”, Thane answered followed by a kick. “So you are searching yourself?”, Aleena frowned lost in thoughts while she evaded his kick and used the momentum for a counter-attack. Punches with the aim of chest and head got exchanged on both sides, mixed with evasion and stopped attacks. As fast as the punches flew as fast it was all over. Again they eyed each other. “Aren't we all searching ourselves once in a lifetime?”, Thane turned philosophical out of the sudden. “That might be true but only a few do it at such a young age.” “You did the same thing those last years.” he teased her. “You know shit.”, she attacked growling with a kick- punch combination he parried laughing. “Tell me. You wanted to talk.” Twinkle-toed he danced around her. “My grandparents are these fucking war heroes. My grandmother was the first half-nymph, my family is something like a fucking freak show for mystical beings because a lot of tribes get mixed in thanks to promising ceremonies. My cousin Hayley for example is a kitsune who gets succubi markings whenever she can get pregnant thanks to her succubus mother.” Observing her eyes followed his movement. Her stance got  more tensed with every passing second. “And you? Why this Valkyrie stuff?”, he hit her between her shoulder blades. It wasn't strong but enough to make her take a step forward out of reflex. “Shieldmaiden. When I was a kid I was fascinated by them. They played a vital part during this fucking war of fate along with the dragons, an even more important role because they trained my whole family.”, she sighed. For a moment she dropped her cover which got used by Thane instantly to attack her again. Aleena ducked away, grabbed his arm and turned his arm around on his back to force the halfling down on his knees. “So it was solidarity for the wrong reasons.”, he poked her for more information even if he was the one kneeling on the ground. “No, it is calmer and more peaceful there. Shieldmaidens live for the fight. Among them I am not a reminder of bad times but more of glorious fights of their mothers, sisters and daughters.” With an annoyed movement she let got of him. Aleena turned her back on him and went the few steps back into the middle of the mattresses. Thane rubbed his turned shoulder joint and tried some movement to see if it was still working. “I have an idea what you mean.”, he spoke softly, “You were always the odd one out.” “More than you might thing since I am ¾ nymph. I am basically the first pure nymph born by a nymph. The little part kitsune is just enough to get to our foremother and have heightened senses. But what do you know about being the odd one.” The last sentence was screamed by Aleena with the attack on Thane. She aimed for his chest but pulled her hands up to his head the last second. He had a lot of trouble evading the punch. The punch still hit his temple. His hands grabbed her wrist while he kicked her legs away underneath her. The redhead fell on her back, the fall only slowed down by him holding her by her arms. He fell on his knees and sat down on her upper legs. “I know how it feels. I was an emotional child. Things caught fire all the time or started to smolder. No one wanted to be around me.” Aleena put her legs up and managed to make him fall to the side, so she could sit on his upper legs now. “That's a story many kitsunes can tell. We all have quite a temper.”, she bent down with a triumphant face, “What happened after you mother died?” “You don't want to know that.”, he catapulted her over his head. The impact pushed the air out of Aleena's lungs which gave Thane the chance to sit on her stomach. “I know what makes you worry.”, she still smiled. “About what?” “The transition, the primal instincts that can take you over.” “I have no idea what you mean.”, he squeezed his eyes. He got the bad feeling she could look right through him. Again Aleena managed to turn the tables and sit on top of him. “I mean this.”, she bent forward again and put her right hand on his growing erection, “Tell me, did you even had sex yet?” For a split second Thane was petrified. “You really think I am a 30 years old virgin?”, he burst out laughing, “I might have been a weirdo but I wasn't that unsocial.” “Really?” Her grip got stronger over the thin fabric of his harems pants. A pleased groan was Thane's subconscious reaction. “Really...”, he confirmed, “Or could it be you just try to find a reason to fuck me since this morning?” A baffled huff was Aleena's subconscious reaction. “If I wanted this we wouldn't sit here like this.” “Who knows what you like. I mean you stated the dojo belongs to a client. As nymph you need sex, therefore it is easy to put one and one together and get to the conclusion you were an escort.” The nymph got up and offered him a helping hand. “Does it matter to you?”, she inquired with honest curiosity. “No, everyone needs to survive someone.”, he pushed and pulled on his pants a bit embarrassed. “You don't need to be ashamed of it. A lot of men get an erection during fights.”, she nudged his shoulder in a friendly manner despite her being a head smaller than him. “It is inappropriate.” “Not the way you fight and even more with the thing I felt seconds before.”, she winked at him sassy, “I guess that means you don't want to join me at the bath house tomorrow.” “I'll come with you, you can bet on that. You said yourself I need enough of everything to keep my primal instincts at bay.”, Thane replied serious. “Good, but let me give you an advice: Everyone there came for sex so don't be surprised about mystical beings fucking all over the place in every mystical way possible. Our kind is more relaxed about that than humans.” With this warning she left Thane dumbfolded behind to change back into street clothes. He still stood where she left him with a still confused look on his face when she came back minutes later. He looked at her with an aloof grin. “What do you mean with in every mystical way possible?” “Oh you will see tomorrow. This is nothing someone can explain.” Something about Aleena's impish joy let Thane become a bit uncomfortable about the whole thing.
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autisticblueteam · 7 years
RvB15x21 Coherent Thoughts:
So, that’s it. It’s over. Season 15 has ended, time for the year long wait to see what they go for next. Chorus is well and truly back on the cards, Kaikaina is back with the group, Wash is alive, Church is still dead, and Locus has left once again running away from the people he should actually be making things up to.
When the lieutenants showed up, I all but squealed. When Kai showed up, I basically did. Grif siblings reunion!!! After all this time!!! They hugged. I’m so, so happy that this happened. This is the kind of thing I was hoping for with Kai’s return. She’s back. She’s back.
Caboose and the Church portal was sweet. I’m a little sad he still didn’t say ‘goodbye’ for real, that they didn’t go back to Epsilon before he died so they wouldn’t have had to add that ‘yeah i’m gonna pretend this never happened’ scene at the end, and that they didn’t get more use out of the time portal, but... Boose got some closure. And that’s important. I just wish that maybe some other people had gotten some closure too. 
Carolina’s take on the ‘no killing’ rule is interesting to me because it is different to Locus’. Locus now has this rule of no killing at all, he refused to take a shot that was arguably necessary because of this rule. Carolina, on the other hand, still believes killing is an option when necessary. That’s an important distinction. 
Wash is alive. He’s alive and he can speak. I wish we’d seen him for more than a few goddamn seconds, honestly, and that he’d spoken to the others and not just... been there, but... he’s alive. He’s okay. Carolina’s relief at hearing he was okay was ideal. ‘That’s music.’
Locus has run away, again. He dropped Wash off and left. He still refuses to face his actual crimes on Chorus. That’s all I’m gonna say on that.
I don’t know how I feel about them taking the piss out of Epsilon’s death. Epsilon’s death was one of the most genuinely emotional moments in the show and it feels... wrong, to parody it, to me, but... hey ho.
The ending felt lacking, in a way. Wasn’t terrible, wasn’t fantastic.
HOWEVER: Lina’s singing in the credits. Bless.
Overall, this season was fun. I have enjoyed this season a lot, I’ve enjoyed theorising and seeing people’s ideas, and the concept was good. However it definitely suffered from dropped threads syndrome, a case of the chronic misdirections, and ‘plot needs this, this thing happens without build-up’. There was a lot of lost potential and a lot of things that... really didn’t need to be there, that only complicated things.
Not to mention the queerbaiting. The show has been doing this for a long time but this was the first time it felt deliberate. That’s not the best phrasing but-- like, god, there was no doubt that this was queerbaiting. Gri mmons was pushed all season. It was an arc. And yet? No confirmation. Yes, their arc was good, but we were undeniably baited. This is... a step back, from the one slight step forward we got with Ohio and Sherry.
But I have enjoyed the season. I enjoyed it more than I didn’t. There was enough good to keep me engaged for the most part and there’s some parts of the season I am truly grateful we have. The Freelancer content was important to me for obvious reasons, Boose was treated better than he has been treated in a long, long goddamn time, Red team development (for the most part), and we’ve got some things back on the cards... 
Wonder where they’ll take us from here.
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