#laws of attraction 2
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houseofwomn · 1 year ago
one of the biggest crimes choices has ever done was not giving laws of attraction a third book. GOD. IM STILL SO UPSET ABOUT THAT. aislinn tanaka i miss u babygirl 💔
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zoeywades-husband · 2 years ago
Choices will use the same plot of a small-town girl plucked out of obscurity and shoved into a high-fast and high-paying job that has a forced male LI and an enemy that is almost always a woman who vies for the attention of the male LI and then PB will repeat this five times over
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gutsfics · 2 years ago
Evening Plans
Fandom: Laws of Attraction Characters: Reigan Lee (M!MC), Joaquin Morales Length: 1710 words Rating: General No warnings apply
Prompt: @choicespride aromantic celebration- a night in with just your pets. Summary: Joaquin tries to use some information related to the Colby case to get Reigan to join him for dinner-- but Reigan has other plans.
A/N: I'm really scraping by getting this out by the teeth of my skin whoops. Anyway like the first half of this is mostly from LOA bk2ch10, the part where Joaquin asks the MC out to dinner. Just so ya'll know.
Reigan narrows his eyes as he stepped into his office, unhappy and, frankly, annoyed to see Joaquin splayed in his chair like it was his own office. “Joaquin. If you keep showing up like this, I’ll have to increase security.”
Joaquin shifts in the chair, crossing his legs. “Probably not a bad idea. I have to admit I was surprised Lucy just let me walk in here.”
“We’ll be sure to enact a stricter policy from now on.”
“Good. I could have been a lunatic.”
Reigan sighs and rounds his desk, coming to a stop behind his chair, hands resting on the back.
He doesn’t miss the way Joaquin’s face lights up when he tips his head back to grin up at Reigan.
With a roll of his eyes, Reigan pushes the top of the chair forward, dumping Joaquin out.
He stumbles, but catches himself. “Now, what was that for?”
“Stay out from behind my desk.”
Joaquin puts his hands up and moves to sit in one of the chairs on the other side of the desk.
“Care to tell me the point of your visit?” Reigan asks, sitting down himself.
Joaquin grins again, that dazzling smile that could make anyone fall in love.
“But we’re having so much fun.”
Well. Almost anyone.
Reigan scrunches his nose, unaffected by his charm. “You and I seem to have different ideas of fun. This is a social call, then?”
“I’d certainly like Martin to think so. A little ruse that would gain more credibility if you let me take you out to dinner tonight.” Joaquin leans forward, almost hopeful. “I would make it worth your while.”
Shaking his head, Reigan decides to ignore the attempted flirting. He picks up a pen and rolls it between his fingers. “What makes you think that Martin’s going to be okay with that?”
“He holds the misguided belief that I prefer to keep business and pleasure separate. I’ve told him you fall into pleasure.”
The pen clatters to the desk. “Why on earth would you tell him that?”
Joaquin reaches across the desk, picking up the pen and rolling it in a way not dissimilar to how Reigan had been. “Call it wishful thinking.” His eyes meet Reigan’s, then drop down to Reigan’s lips. “Even Martin knows you’re a knockout.” He turns his head to physically drag his gaze away. “And before you ask, if you join me, I promise there will be a business benefit for you.”
Reigan snatches the pen back, tucking it away in the top drawer. “So, what, you’re bribing me to go out with you?”
Joaquin shrugs, smiling coyly. “I’d like the pleasure of your company enough to guarantee I’ll have it. So? Tonight?”
“Already got plans.”
“Can I crash them?”
“No. It’s a phone call with an out of state friend.”
“After, then?”
“It’s been a while since we last talked; we’ve got a lot to catch each other up on.”
“I’ll wait however long you need me to.”
Reigan lets out a huff. “How many times do I have to say no before you listen?”
“How about a raincheck, then?”
“If it’ll get you to leave my office faster, sure.”
“Alright then. But I will get that dinner.” Joaquin stands up. “No harm in telling you what I wanted to now though. Consider it part of my ongoing job application.”
Joaquin tells Reigan of how Calvin Colby referred Elias Ritter to Mcgraw Bryne, specifically with the promise that Martin could “protect” him from Ricci & Associates.
Reigan thanks him for the information and waves him out of his office.
Just before he opens the door to leave, Joaquin stops. “This friend of yours… is it that doctor? The one you quit working at Mcgraw Byrne for?”
“What’s it to you?”
“Last I heard, they had been caught in the middle of an assassination attempt. How’s their recovery?”
“It’s… fine. They were discharged about two months ago.” Reigan shakes his head. “You don’t even know them, and I’ve never told you about them. Why are you asking.”
“Just… curious. Glad to hear they’re all right.” Joaquin pats the doorframe. “Let’s get that dinner sometime soon.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
Reigan had lied.
Sort of.
He and Baxter had had a phone call planned for the evening, but just before Reigan had gotten into work that morning, Baxter called to let Reigan know that some work thing had come up- some team bonding exercise in the form of rubbing elbows with the new owner of Edenbrook’s peers and associates in the tech industry.
But Joaquin did not have to know that.
On his way home from work, Reigan stops by a deli for a sandwich and a bakery for a slice of chocolate hazelnut cake- his favorite.
Even before he makes it to his apartment door, fumbling with his keys, he can hear one of his cats on the other side meowing in increasing distress, the way she always did when he came home. The second he gets the door open, her crying immediately halts, replaced with a friendly “mew!”, her fluffy orange and white tail raised in greeting.
“Hello to you, too, Commander T’ana,” Reigan says, bending down to scoop her up before she dashes down the hallway. “You have got to stop crying like that when I get home, the neighbors might complain.”
T’ana purrs happily in response, batting at his chin with a paw, claws sheathed.
He laughs and kisses her right on her fuzzy little forehead, kicking the door shut behind him. With the door closed and locked, he places T’ana back on the floor and heads to the kitchen-- trying his best not to accidentally kick or step on T’ana as she tries to climb up his pant leg. He sets his own dinner on the counter before getting two cans of wet cat food out of the pantry.
The sound of the cans being opened beckons his other cat, Quark, out from where he had been hiding in a basket of blankets, and the process of getting dinner for both cats and himself becomes a bit of a struggle as Reigan tries to push both cats away from the dishes he was attempting to fill with food.
When he finally gets T’ana and Quark’s food on their little eating mats for them and sits down for his own dinner, all of that energy he had left from the day just drains out of him. For a moment he just sits with his forehead against the table and exists, trying his best not to think about the stressful world just outside his apartment, the one where his colleague’s grandmother’s rights have been stolen from her, the one that nearly killed his best friend- which he had been unable to do anything about because he was too busy suing a woman for birthing a baby that was “too ugly”.
Sometimes it was hard not to take the worst parts of work home.
Joaquin’s insistence on flirting with him every time they saw each other despite Reigan’s constant rejections did not help in the slightest.
He stays like that until he is no longer Reigan Lee, hotshot NYC lawyer who solved the murder of a beloved actress, and instead Lee Sungwon, Star Trek fan and cat parent.
A man who’s toasted sandwich is getting cold.
Oh, shit.
His sandwich.
Sungwon sits back up and shoos T’ana- done with her own food and now trying to steal his- off the table.
Even with the meal in his stomach, something about the day had left Sungwon with an off feeling, like he just needed to turn off his brain and veg out for a bit, so he flopped down on the couch and started scrolling mindlessly through his Netflix recommendations.
Nothing seemed to jump out at him, so he decides to turn to his failsafe for picking something to watch: having T’ana pick one at random.
He grabs a pen and some index card from his office and sits on the floor next to where T’ana was sprawled out. “Wanna help me pick something?”
She makes a little chirping sound.
“I’m thinking the options for tonight will be… Deep Space Nine-” he writes it down on one of the cards- “The Voyage Home-” the second card- “and…” he pauses, the pen hovering above the last card. “You know… Everyone is always saying I should branch out from Star Trek. I supposed it wouldn’t hurt to just try something else for once. What do you think?”
But T’ana doesn’t answer, too busy being a cat and trying to chew on the pen in Sungwon’s hand now that it had stopped moving.
“No, no, you’re right. Trust the system. If you pick the something else then we’ll watch the something else.”
On the last card he writes Breaking Bad, which he had been recommended several times by many different people but had never gotten around to watching.
He shuffles the cards around and places them, face down, on the floor in front of T’ana.
She looks at the cards as if she were genuinely trying to make a decision, then baps a paw down near the one on the left. Or perhaps she was just going for a small bug on the floor Sungwon hadn’t noticed.
He turns the card over.
The Voyage Home.
“Aw, yes, that’s what I wanted to watch!” He scratches T’ana under the chin and gets up to put the movie in the DVD player.
When he sits back down on the couch, Quark leaps up onto his lap and makes himself comfortable, purring happily as Sungwon pats him between the ears. T’ana climbs onto the couch as well, settling half on the back and half on Sungwon’s shoulder.
Sungwon relaxes, ready to just chill after a long day.
Snuggling with his cats and watching his favorite movie- there was nowhere else he’d rather be right now.
It isn’t until the credits are rolling and Sungwon is cleaning up from the earlier meal that he gets an urgent text from Aislinn telling him and Gabe to turn on the local news.
And just like that, the good vibes Sungwon had been trying to build up since coming home were gone.
All fics - @peonyblossom
Fic of the week - @choicesficwriterscreations
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winterfieldfrontiers · 1 year ago
Welcome to New York, it's been waitin' for you
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Book 3 is coming (I Hope we will get LOA crossover)
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asexual-hugger · 2 years ago
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I'm replaying Laws of Attraction with Aislinn’s route
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jahrobin · 2 years ago
there's almost none LOA fic with female mc x aislinn pairing man im gonna kms
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princess-starscourge · 9 months ago
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Not that I didn’t see it coming but what the actual fuck
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love4ng1e · 3 months ago
༄ Some of the stuff I've manifested for 2025.
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1. Unlimited money in my bank account.
My card never declines regardless if I spend millions basically.
2. Name never gets mispronounced.
My actual name gets mispronounced way too often, and I got sick of correcting people, so now I don't have to anymore.
3. Ability to read people's minds.
I don't even know how that works. I just know what people are going to say before they say it and I'm always correct.
4. Knowing how to Ice skate.
I didn't know how to ice skate, and now I can, and I can damn well too.
5. A Kwami.
My Kwami is named Lilaa, and she listens to me yap and fits in my pockets. Kwamis are from Miraculous Ladybug if you are wondering.
6. Long natural nails that never break.
I used to have very long natural nails, but they got damaged because of acrylics, so I manifested those back plus that they never break or get damaged.
7. Everyone in my family being kind to one another.
Self-explanatory. Also that we never argue because I'm tired of arguments.
8. Always having yummy food in the fridge.
I grew up in an ingredient household, and I was always starving so I manifested that there is always food in my house.
9. Racist, sexist, and homophobic people not exist in my school or my erea.
Self-explanatory. Eventually, I will manifest that they don't exist in the whole world, but I like starting off small so I can see the progress.
10. Ability to see people's auras.
It's cool. Also, I can see who's having a bad day so I can comfort them, and they hit me with the "how'd you know?"
There's at least quadruple more this list, so let me know for part two.
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༄ How I personally did it.
Step 1: Scripting.
I used Notion, but you don't have to. Google documents, a piece of paper, or the Notes app is perfect too.
I didn't do anything fancy. Kept it simple. Feel free to do it the way I did it if you want to.
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Step 2: Choosing an affirmation.
Next, choose an affirmation that would represent your whole script. Can be anything.
Step 3: Repeat that affirmation.
I repeated my chosen affirmation whenever during the day, but especially before sleeping.
Step 4: Assume and persist.
The way I assumed was that during my sleep, I was taking the train. The train from my current reality to my desired reality.
The way I persisted was if I woke up and I "didn't" have my desires, then the train just had a malfunction, and I'll arrive shortly.
Smart? I know 😉. Feel free to assume and persist the way I do or any other way you want.
Step 5: Celebrate!!
That was about it. I got my desires. If I can do it, you automatically can too. Just because it's 2025 doesn't mean it's too late, so go manifest!!
Also, let me know if you guys like the new theme for 2025.
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absolutebl · 1 year ago
Best 23 of BL 2023 - Quirky Awards
1. Biggest BL surprise of 2023:
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The last 3 months of 2023 in general got my biggest WTF award.
GMMTV fielding OffGun AND TayNew in the same quarter while also airing Last Twilight
That they ALSO optioned 3 JBLs
That there's a high heat omegaverse BL staring Pavel
That there were 20 BLs airing and none of them Korean.
With 5 VAMPIRE BLs announced for next year
But my prize in this category goes to My Dear Gangster Oppa.
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It's just crazy:
Thai talent, Korean money + IP (this is adapted from a manwha) airing on a Chinese channel (iQIYI). Plus it was FUN and made smart reuse of a pair who richly deserved it. I'm delighted by the eclectic insanity of this production. And wonder if any other film genre could even do anything like this.
2. The “that country did WHAT?” award:
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The 8th Sense from Korea?!
I mean, seriously?! Dealing with mental health, suicide, darkness, therapy, (tiny) age gap, & first time love BUT FROM KOREA? And then openness and casual boyfriend physical affection? What's next? An actual hard fought coming out narrative with an HEA? Gay domesticity and families?
Careful Korea, you'll strain something. Possibly your own culture and film industry.
I should stop having expectations of Korea, they keep surprising me.
Runners up: Korea letting OnlyOneOf do Bump Up Business not to mention that OmegaX thing. AND Korea adapting Why R U? What are you up to, Korea? Qua? Is this a coded message? Should we send help? Do you need snacks?
3. Biggest casting whoa! where did you come from? award:
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GeminiFourth in My School President.
Seriously? Babies what? How did GMMTV find you? How do you exist? How is BL this lucky?
4. That studio did WHAT now? award:
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GMMTV putting EarthMix into Moonlight Chicken.
And then doubling down with G4 as the damn sides.
Fucking genius.
5. I’m sad you were ignored award:
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Destiny Seeker.
It's just a really fun little Thai pulp, the pairs were good, silly dialogue, plus consent and other good sex rep. I enjoyed it. No one talked about it AT ALL.
6. 2023 BL That Actually Made Me Lose My Mind Award?
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Laws of Attraction. -The casting, the crazy story, the soapy drama! But specifically: Film playing Charn - the range of his smiles alone. GLORIOUS
I mean I Feel You Linger in the Air also sparked something in me, but LoA drove me actually nuts.
7. Best story 2023:
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La Pluie
I know, you're surprised, right? At the time I didn't chat much about it but I really enjoyed the discourse others were having. I love anything that really examines the fated mates (soulmates) trope and the idea of "the one". What a clever way to do that. (This is one reason UWMA is my favorite Thai BL.)
This one reminded me of the way Color Rush approached allegory and that's no bad thing. Such an impressive little piece.
8. Best narrative structure 2023 award:
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Unintentional Love Story.
I know this may seem a simplistic pick. But I love the tidiness of this no frills contemporary romance, how the culture of work and personal ethics and corruption fight against the main character's affection and integrity. Poor baby boy is driven into a corner and then punished for it. But it is punishment he feels he deserves, and so it is up to his (now) ex to figure out what went wrong and why.
It's just great. I love it when no one is stupid or wrong, it's just impossible circumstances and unintentional love deeply felt.
9. Best 2023 dialogue (script) award:
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Jun & Jun
Never before has Korea laced a BL with that much perfectly executed innuendo. It was a master class. I didn't know you could be that lascivious in Korean, quite frankly. Plus the way the 2 Juns constantly seamlessly transition between formal register (work, public - where they are boss/employee) to informal register (when they are alone and age mates + childhood sweethearts).
Beautiful to hear and watch.
10. Favorite scene 2023:
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The dub con scene in I Cannot Reach You because I AM TRASH for an out of control seme. I'm sorry I just AM.
I have said it before, I will say it again, NO ONE DOES THIRST like Japan. And when that thirst bubbles over, it is heart-clenching and very hot.
11. The most rewatchable BL of 2023 award:
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Our Dating Sim
That scene where they lie on the floor + the stolen kiss + giggle? Come on, it should be on comfort repeat in war rooms. It could bring world peace.
12. Best performance of a queer actor in a leading role, 2023:
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Fluke in Make a Wish.
It was fun to see him as an irreverent immortal and while I love OhmFluke I also really enjoyed this new pairing. It was a genuine pleasure to watch.
13. Best pining 2023:
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The moot pining in Tokyo in April is...
Boys, seriously? Japan must you destroy us like this? Hurts so good.
14. Best wingman 2023 (The Namgoong Award)
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Tiw from My School President
I mean, come on, of course it's him!
(Also can you believe Mark went on from this to do fricking Only Friends!? To Last Twilight! Come on GMMTV GIVE HIM A LEAD!)
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15. Biggest OMG I LOVE you boys together, YAY!
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Dimpled McMafia & Feral Bunny Foo Foo from Kiseki Dear to Me.
They were feral for each other.
We were feral for them
It was a whole delightful THING.
16. Most unexpected return of a BL pair? award:
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The Private Lessons pair showing up in Love Class 2.
I know it was only a cameo, but SERIOUSLY? Thank you SO MUCH Korea! A big studio picking up a Strongberry pairing? I love you.
Seriously tho, Taiwan & Korea tried for ALL THE CAMEOS this year.
17. Well aren't you two just the prettiest? award:
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NetJames in Bed Friend.
Need I say more?
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Bah Vinh in Vian & Mr Cinderella 2. I didn't like either show but I loved him in them. Especially the make outs.
Yes you have chemistry with all the boys in Vietnam and you kiss beautifully. But it's okay now honey, you have the crown. Relax, you're stressing us out.
19. Favorite Linguistic Moment of 2023:
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Our Dating Sim
Caught in the act by the elevator scene. OMG it's so funny. They're being such boyfriend shits to each other, and to be caught in the act by THAT character, and try to manifest formal language whole cloth? Hilarious.
Honorable mention to War Peanuts in Destiny Seeker.
20. Biggest disappointment of 2023:
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You Are Mine
Seriously Taiwan, AGAIN you disappoint me with an Office BL? You're Taiwan, land of offices and suits. This should be YOUR SETTING TO WIN. And yet... argh. I mean it wasn't bad. But it wasn't good either. Stop it Taiwan, do better.
Runners up? Between Us, Chains of Heart, Dangerous Romance - this was a HOTLY contested category.
+ 2 Winners in the sub-category of FUCK YOU FOR THAT ENDING award:
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The Director who Buys Me Dinner - I mean this nicely but: you have your lane now Korea, stop hurting us, that's Japan's responsibility and they do it better.
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I Feel You Linger In the Air - I'm just hugely disappointed. Thailand ALMOST got its second 10/10 from me, but that damn ending.
21. Best Wardrobe/Prop Use 2023
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The shower of packaged bedsheets in My Personal Weatherman
Amazing. Brilliant. No notes.
22. Best Queer Rep 2023
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Chot in Step By Step
In fact, all the queer characters in this show were treated with great integrity.
AND props to this cast for refusing to do fan service. GOOD FOR YOU! Fuck those sasang wankers.
Runners up? The found family cast of Love in Translation and the Rainbow Rice Cakes in The New Employee.
23. Best Meta Trope call out
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Tin Tem Jai
Come on, what a zinger, but at themselves (and Taiwan)
Final question: which of the 23 was the hardest for me to pick?
Honestly? Question #1 this year. But also question #20.
(Last year: 2022's Version) 
Remember I only pull from shows that were completely finished by the end of 2023. Or The Sign probably would have taken multiple categories. But it will fall into 2024 offerings.
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axylotls · 1 month ago
women-only paradise ?? i would love to hear about it if you'd feel comfy sharing !! i've been thinking abt scripting something similar tbh :o
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i'll be honest i haven't scripted much for this dr yet!! however as the name states its a world in which only women exist. we can procreate on our own when we desire so there's no worry about the population dwindling.
the world is very different from this reality as we prioritize greenery and keeping our industries ecological in every sense. rooftop gardens are very common, there are small forests in every region, etc. it's truly a beautiful place i wish there were pictures of it in this reality so i could show you!!!
overall, it's a reality where i feel incredibly safe not only because men don't exist (sorry men but.. yeah!) but also it is generally very free with limited laws because there is no worry about people doing anything immoral
to note : in case anyone misinterprets, i am very much aware that women can be abusers and break the law, etc. however, they simply don't in my dr!! "why not leave men in and just make everyone live peacefully?" because men ruin everything, hope this helps ❤️
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lurkingshan · 1 year ago
Random BL Superlatives: 2023 Edition
It's the end of the year and I'm feeling the need to give out some awards! We talk a lot about best show, best actors, best writing, best directing, blah blah but I gotta be honest, these are the categories that really spoke to me this year. In no particular order:
Best supporting garment: Porsche’s sweater, A Boss and A Babe
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Did I create this entire list just to have an excuse to post about this sweater one more time? Maybe so.
Best performance despite a terrible wig: Daou, Love in Translation
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This man managed to perform one of the hottest scenes of the year with that bowl cut monstrosity on his head. Respect must be paid.
Best new terminology: BGP, Bump Up Business
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BUB gave us so many gifts, but I will always be most thankful for the business gay performance concept (BGP), a term that is highly relevant in discussions of the bl industry.
Best advice: "Unfuck it," Tien in La Pluie
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It's not only the succinct phrasing, but also the delivery method.
Best ex who deserved better: Alan, Moonlight Chicken
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Yes, I will be staying on the Alan apologist beat in 2024, thank you for asking.
Best unexpected needle drop: Wetter, The Eighth Sense
The moment this show captured my full attention.
Best WTF ending: The End of the World With You
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You can probably still hear my scream of "WHAT" echoing in the hills. (Actual ending not pictured in case y'all decide to watch).
Best gut punch line: "Have you been well? Without me?", Our Dating Sim
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Sure Shin Gi Tae, Lee Wan deserved it, but did I??
Best adorable child: Tane, Our Dining Table
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Need I say more??
Best weapon: sparkle murder dust, Khun Chai
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Truly the MVP of this show. I can't find an actual gif of the dust in action (too violent to be depicted) so enjoy these pretty men instead.
Best great character trapped in a bad show: Boston, Only Friends
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My beloved, I will seek vengeance in your name.
Best use of music to fuck me up: Plumeria, I Feel You Linger in the Air
Cocktail and Tee Bundit, you know what you did!
Best meal: Chicken curry and cheese naan, What Did You Eat Yesterday?
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Yes, this category is kind of a cheat so I can mention WDYEY on this list. And what about it!
Best unhinged energy: Nawin, Laws of Attraction
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He may not have succeeded at stealing back his man but he certainly stole the show.
Best bl horror: Grand Guignol
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I just need to make sure all you jbl fans know that this movie exists and that Issei fucked Mr Unlucky!!! IYKYK.
Best character comeback: Phupha, Our Skyy 2
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From boring stoic love interest to actually compelling and kinda funny leading man! See what a little flirting with Pat Jindapat can do for you?!
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Before / After colouring 🎨
I got tagged such an embarassingly long time ago that I don't remember who it was. Anyways, thank you so much to whomever lovely it was, I really appreciate the tag and finally found time to do a post about my colouring.
I started gifing less than a year ago and learned a lot since then. I gif online in Photopea as Photoshop is just to expensive for me atm (and my old laptop probably wouldn't survive running Photoshop). So, if anyone wants a detailed process of gifing in Photopea, jhmu.
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Bed Friend | King and Uea I love how King's desire for Uea is shown in this gif. He is just gone on Uea and barely can hold himself back.
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The Eclipse | Akk and Ayan Loved the sun shining from behind Akk's head and had to colour the gif in a way that the sun would stand out a bit.
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A Boss And A Babe | Gun and Cher Them and their adoration for each other made me love this show.
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My School President | Tiw and Por TiwPor my beloved side couple 💖
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The Eighth Sense | Jae Won and Ji Hyun The story of Jae Won and Ji Hyun was the first of a few series that I call "The Right One", i.e. series that just capture me and leave an impact ✨
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Naughty Babe | Yi and Lian My favourite ghostship. Also the colours in this scene were just too good to not gif.
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Never Let Me Go | Palm and Nueng Just Palm having his big entrance 🤩
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Bake Me Please | Shin and Peach This kiss was sooo cute and lovely.
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Moonlight Chicken | Alan, Wen and Jim MLC was everything, especially this scene.
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Be Mine Superstar | Mingmueang and Namning Aka how to seduce a doctor. I'm excited that we get a new series with Bosston and Jo.
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Kiseki: Dear To Me | Bai Zong Yi and Fan Ze Rui A couple and a show that left me speachless. Their story was so just so good.
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Wedding Plan | Sailom and Namnuea Loved their story and how insatable they were.
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Laws Of Attraction | Tinn and Charn Forever one of my favourite couples and series ✨
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My Ride | Mork and Tawan Had the most fun doing a rewatch of this series.
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Playboyy | Teena and Zouey The way this show combines gorgeous cinematic shots with that storyline makes me feel like I'm watching a stage show. I love it.
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The Sign | Phaya and Tharn Every week this show leaves me spechless it's that good. One of the shows that I call "The Right One"!
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The Sign | The colours As I sad in another post, I'm rolling in the colours of this show like a cat in catnip 😎
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Edited to add a few people who I'd love to see doing a post about their before / after colouring: @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pharawee @liyazaki @bunnakit @khaotungsfirst @gabrielokun @spicyvampire @zhaozi @guzhu-furen @25shadesoffebruary @chinzhilla @crispywizardtale as always please ingnore if you don't want to do it.
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zoeywades-husband · 2 years ago
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It’s missing Aislinn Tanaka hours
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spicyvampire · 2 years ago
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Tinn being jealous [Part 1]
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pharawee · 2 years ago
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queersouthasian · 2 years ago
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