#wip: tea cow
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jamieanovels · 2 years ago
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Call for Beta Readers: The Composition of Us
Hello everyone!!! I'm so excited to announce that my adult contemporary book that explores aromanticism, asexuality, and chronic illness (103k words, 2nd draft) is ready for beta readers! If you've been following me for a while, you might know this project as tea cow, or TCOU.
In case you need a refresher or you're new here, this is my elevator pitch:
"Ruby Wang is a career woman determined to keep her work first priority. However, after a particularly bad bout of dizziness, she loses her job and begrudgingly returns to her hometown, only to find herself pulled into the messy love life of her childhood best friend. The Composition of Us uses the building blocks of traditional romance to explore aromantic & asexual identity, friendship, family, and chronic illness."
I'm currently looking for up to 5 beta readers who can read through my manuscript and offer me feedback by Sunday, April 30, 2023, with some flexibility if needed. I will be choosing readers on March 19, 2023 and then accepting additional readers if needed on a rolling basis thereafter.
If you're interested, please fill out this form here!
The form contains additional details about my expectations and information about potential compensation/perks :)
Signal boosting would be hugely appreciated!! If you want to learn more about tea cow, such as its origins, feel free to check out my intro post here.
tea cow tag list: @cyanide-latte @ameliedebruyne @lividdreamz @mjjune @enchanted-lightning-aes @sarcasticjuiceboxes @axl-ul
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sunny374940 · 1 month ago
WIP Saturday
Thank you for the tag @mercars-musings 💚 (I'm glad to be given opportunity to throw more of the honeymoon story out into the world, so thanks again for enabling me)
The druffalo was pawing at the ground and the sounds it was making weren't friendly at all.
They stood stock still, staring at it. Rook noticed that it had tusks in addition to the great big horns on its head. Why did it have to have tusks? Wasn't that a bit excessive? Getting gored to death with one of the two would surely be enough.
“Darling, are you perhaps in possession of some elven wisdom pertaining encounters with angry beasts of burden?” Emmrich whispered, not taking his eyes off the animal. And Rook had only one thing on offer right now.
“Yeah, run!”
He grabbed Emmrich's hand and they were running for it, flying over molehills and stumbling over rocks, but never letting go of one another. The druffalo was luckily slow on the uptake and it took a while sorting its legs out, so they got a bit of a headstart.
“Can't you do some magic to it?” Rook yelled. He could hear the druffalo gaining on them and the fence looked really far away right now.
“I might harm it! It's not it's fault we're trespassing!”
Rook groaned. Of course he was worried about the big dumb cow thing. And the cow thing in question was now breathing down their backs, but the fence was here and they vaulted over it, landing in the grass on the other side.
“That was… the fucking worst… shortcut ever.”
Rook was bent over, gasping for breath, and Emmrich was doing the same, and he was so out of breath, hair dishevelled and Rook had never seen him so very red in the face before and it was so absurd that they were beginning their honeymoon like this. He started laughing maniacally, the laughter coming out of him in breathless wheezes and Emmrich looked at him and then he was cackling, there was no better word to describe the sound he was making.
Tagging @sorrowsfallallaround, @redheadsramblings, @starfleetteddybear, @lavender-tea-fling (if you wanna)
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lvllns · 9 days ago
wip thursday!!
i got tagged by both @narrativefoiltrope and @rosebarsoap!!! i have no idea who hasn't been tagged, but if you want to share a little snippet, do it!!!
i have. so many projects right now it's obscene. i can offer you this very rough snippet of a sci-fi/dystopian. thing.
Six half eaten corpses lie scattered across the pasture.
It’s only Wednesday, and this is the fourth time this has happened. Not six, not every single time, but that’s still a loss of twenty seven cattle in three days. Monday was the worst, ten cattle gone overnight. Throats torn out, legs snapped, intestines cast across the ground like bloody tea leaves. Unborn calves kicking around, somehow still alive but too young to be ripped from their mother. Nothing to do but cut into the dead cow’s uterus and end the struggle.
So really, it’s a loss of twenty seven cattle plus twenty calves.
Forty seven cattle.
From a herd of only three hundred.
He looks up. Sees the flames licking along the top of the ridge, reaching for the sky with spindly fingers. It’s moved closer. Pushing and pushing and swallowing up everything in its path. He doesn’t have much time.
“How fucked are we?”
He turns. Looks at her. Young, fresh-faced, freckles mottling olive colored skin. She’s frowning. Running calculations through her head. Cattle loss and cattle gain, how much money has just been devoured by the world they live in. The loss of this contract is going to shatter the ranch, and he knows it will be a loss of contract because there is no way to fulfill the cattle requirement. He could maybe lock them up in the barn. Pray for twins from the remaining cows. Send a bull or two to slaughter. Watch the trailer pull away carrying his entire life encased in metal while he tries to decide if throwing himself into the fire would be easier than rebuilding.
“Ah, we’re really fucked.”
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lazaruspiss · 7 months ago
woah! its a tag! thank u @redhoodinternaldialectical
rules: answer and tag nine people you want to get to know better and catch up with.
favorite color: green :)
last song: I Could Be Jewish For You
currently reading: my work schedule and trying not to cry
currently watching: south park south park and more south park. what's happened to me
currently craving: stan south park yaoi (evil)... or chicken fajitas as per usual
coffee or tea: coffee with so much chocolate and sugar that it barely counts as coffee anymore. like i loved this frozen mocha from my old job so much. that was a dairy product worth an hour in the bathroom for.
hobby to try: the amount of times ive tried and given up on learning to animate dude... embarrassing
current au: idk man but i could pitch a dc/south park crossover at u. by which i mean imagine stick of truth/fractured but whole except the new kid is dick. itd be silly. anyways ill go actually look at my wip files for smth
Mythos: greek mythology au... i have a whole cast list that i probably made all in one night bc i couldn't sleep
Slade – Hades [Death] Dick – Persephone [Spring] Rose – Melinoë [Madness]
Natalia – Nyx [Night] Jason – Nemesis [Retribution] Tim – Hypnos [Sleep] Cass – Thanatos [Non-Violent Death]
Bruce – Zeus [Being a Bitch] Martha – Hera [Marriage/Childbirth] Talia – Demeter [Harvest] Damian – Philomelus [Agriculture/Husbandry] Pamela – Dionysus [Vegetation/Madness] Arthur – Poseidon [Sea] Roy – Artemis [Wilderness/Childcare] Ollie – Apollo [Archery/Truth]
Zatanna – Hecate [Magic]
Constantine – Peitho [Persuasion]
ive written one fic for this already but i do think about it often. dick has a grudge w bruce which burns with the might of a sun and its completely earned. talia makes pamela bc she missed her baby really really bad. as zeus fucks his big sis so does bruce fuck his mom. jason and tim are supposedly slades servants but between slade and dick its pretty obvious who the favorite is. slade isnt a step dad hes the dad who stepped up. damian is off in the fields with the cows while being mad at bruce for getting in between him and visiting his big brother.
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asttralhell · 11 months ago
It's a 10 but(t)
Rules: List your OCs as “tens but” to give us a not-at-all comprehensive scope of their characters
Thanks @squarebracket-trickster for tagging me. You actually forced my hand into working and I named most of the characters rn on the spot bc so far they had traits and core characterists but not names.
It was such fun to do it and to read yours and read the other authors too! Let's all be friends and share stuff, guys hahah
Okay, picking Kissing some cats and other fairily tale struggles to do this + my resident headcat Fábio:
Catty/Catarina Maria: She's a 10 but... won't accept help, won't see any value in herself, thinks of herself as a background prop in people's lives thus she thinks her life isn't of much value anyways. Will chuck a human-turned-cat into a wall if he pees on her out of spite (it's ok, she won't do it to any other cats. Unless they speak to her).
Fábio Américo Lucídio Aurélio Vinícius Rolando Celestino de Miriam Filiberto Hélio Garza e Cavalcante/FabiAm: He's a 10 but like a -10 or else he wouldn't get into a fight with a cosmic horror cat (see Fábio bellow) and get US ALL TRANSFORMED INTO OLD ASS HOUSE APPLIANCES! LOOK AT ME, FABS, I'M A HANGER NOW!!!! A JACKET HANGER! I don't even like mahogany.... I wish I was cherry wood or... Also, makes EVERYONE who tries to break the spell run away and sinks everyone's chances to NOT BE A MAHOGANY COAT HANGER I HATE IT SO MUCH. FABS, YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE, and also is very much a dick. Did we mention he's totally the worst? Worst human-turned-cat ever.
Mahogany Coat Hanger (actually named Florian): he's a 10, but... DID HE EVER MENTION HOW MUCH THEY HAVE WOOD PREFERENCES AND MAHOGANY WASN'T ONE OF THEIR FAVS? DID THEY EVER STOP YOU AND TELL YOU HOW DREADFUL IT IS TO BE A *MAHOGANY* HANGER? MAHOGANY! Also, they will push all the other character down even tho I made them rn on the spot, he didn't have a name 2 hours ago. But he's very close to a 9.5 bc best gossip and best burns. Also, worst accents ever done (I made this one up NOW. I didn't know gender or name, I just felt their deeply hatred for.... mahogany)
Walter Akito Sachi/Mr. Sachi: He's a 10 but... He's actually an 11. Beautiful cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure. But he will send you weird work messages in your Academia-edu that will make you wonder if he's trying to harvest organs, so maybe he's a 10.5. Chaotic good boy.
Kris: He's a 10... but he's a 8-door mahogany (cries in Florian) wardrobe that ran away one night and no one discovered how yet. Runs a queer club. You know, he is a closet but he ain't in the closet. Very much taken, Florian won't tell you who tho. Can be Kristoff or Kristian, we ain't sure.
Ermengarda: She's a 10... But no one can see my real beauty IF I AM JUST A STUPENDOUS TEA POT, MY DARLING! Only speaker ever and forever when they are pulling the all tea set in a trenchcoat persona. ALWAYS AND FOREVER THE ONLY SPEAKER, SHUT UP, Chips!
Chips and Timmy: they a 10.... A 10yo. Well, more like Chips is 10, Timmy is kinda 11 or 9, no one really answered that yet. But the medium would be a 10, right? (Their names seem to be Clotilde and Timóteo, they won't tell me tho)
Karina Yumie Sachi: She's a 10 but... She will feature in 2 different wips and steal your girl. Even more chaotic than her cousin (see Mr. Sachi).
Oh yeah:
Fabio: He's a 10... As in ten-rrible, horrible. Hate that little guy. Transformed Fabs into a cat because he himself is a cosmic cat that lives in my head and sometimes we have mental talks but mostly he gives some weird advice like you should enable yourself.
I will tag the Cows but I forgot their users (i promise to edit it later): @lirhin @raiswanson @lady-redshield-writes @tundra-tiger
And the non-CoW friends @valhalla-awaitsfor-us @1ll-def1ned
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luulapants · 1 year ago
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Destiel | Rated E | WIP
“From the fact that you’ve deigned to make an appearance in flyover country, can I assume I’ve kicked a hornets’ nest?”
His smile twitched. He sipped his tea. In the years since Bela first met Crowley as a child, his face had gotten older, his belly wider, hair thinner, but his manner never changed. All at once, he came across as a dear friend and a deadly threat. “From the fact that you contacted me at all, can I assume you stuck your head in it before kicking?”
All these years later, he still spoke to her like a misbehaving child. Bela cast her eyes down. If he wanted to play the doting uncle, let him. “Nothing I can’t get out of, but I’d like to know how badly it needs getting out of.” She sipped her coffee. It was uncommonly good. For the price of membership at this place, she presumed it was sourced from all the finest child labor some third-world hovel could offer. Crowley’s type loved that sort of flavor.
Fond amusement settled on his face, but she didn’t dare mistake it for affection. “This is for your new thoroughbred? Cowboy yokel, the second coming?”
Bela hummed. “He’s less wary of hornets than I am.”
“Take my advice, leave him to them. Come back to DC. You’ve been out of the water, but you’ll remember how to swim before long.”
She nearly took him at his word. Crowley was a crooked bastard, out for himself, but he had no reason to sabotage her. At least, he hadn’t yet. Then her eyes drifted to the decorative cow’s skull, adorned in dried flowers, which hung on the wall behind him. It clashed spectacularly with his sharp, all-black suit. ‘City slicker,’ the locals would call him. Crowley hated Kansas more than she did, and he’d gone and sullied the wheels of his private jet with it. If he only meant to tell her to quit her job and come home, he could do that on the bloody phone.
Bela set her coffee down and spread her arms across the back of the chair. “You once told me: campaigning isn’t an art; it’s math. Fixing isn’t an art; it’s engineering. And finding a candidate, a real candidate, the kind that will take you somewhere… well, that’s not art either. It’s magic.”
He puffed up, pleased to be quoted like a sage.
“Dean Winchester isn’t a thoroughbred,” she told him. “He is the thoroughbred. I’ve felt the magic, Crowley. Now tell me who’s trying to buy it.”
Read the rest on AO3
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crowpricorn · 2 years ago
First, Last, and POV for a current wip??
thank you sm💗
I'll do this for my witch wylan x just a guy jesper au
Dusk is usually a stuffy matter. 
There's animals to push back into their barns and coops, leftover hay to sweep up from the stables, some affectionate ducklings to pet and his favorite cow to brush — because she refuses to go to bed before she has been brushed nice and pretty.
"You didn't land on my doorstep. Nina sent you here even though she knows—" he cuts himself short. Nina is the only person who knows everything, in full detail, about his past and his relationship to the Mayor.
🌙Jesper's pov of his first time meeting Wylan under the cut🌙
Jesper is not unused to weird places - he has been to plenty. In the past few months, he has found his way up enchanted mountains and cursed forests until he finally moored up this side of the mountains, where a peaceful little village occupies the most of the valley. Jesper trudged towards the village on heavy, tired legs, unsure of what job to find amongst all those houses. Thing is, he is a country boy through and through, and for how much he feels the pull towards bigger settlements, there's just so much he can challenge is courage. He considers himself brave enough to have finally left his Da's home and started looking for a job - after all, the major reason they need money is all Jesper's fault, it's only sensible that he tries and make things right.
That's how this chatty woman, Nina, found him - a miserable man asking anybody he met if they needed to hire someone. Over a cup of strong tea and a stream of chatters, she finally directed him towards "the house upon the cliff," as she had called it.
Jesper had walked up and up as the sun left space to the black moon. He is not scared of darkness, but there's something ominous about this place, something ancient, powerful.
When he finally sees the lights coming off two big windows, his mouth falls ajar. He is dead tired, and he has risked stumbling down from the cliff on several occasions, but all his fatigue has gone now that his eyes can finally make some of his surroundings up.
There's flower pots and plants growing on walls and gardening tools he is very used to. There's also barns, in the distance, and a coop. Jesper revels in the coos and mumbles from the animals, far too happy that the "house upon the cliff" actually exists and is not that woman's doing, just to send him away.
As he approaches the door under a pergola of ivy, he would swear he sees plants and objects lean towards him like they are curious about this stranger intruder.
He has met witches before - one, to be frank - and it's not like he doesn't know that they exist. They do, and they fill the world with magic and wonder like no other. But he never really consciously spent time with a witch that he was aware to be a witch - he should have suspected it, but he was only a child, and the fact his Ma could do wonders was just one of the many perks of her beautiful, amazing personality.
He has never seen a witch ever since, though, and sometimes he has been left to wonder how must they look like. He is answered clearly enough when the door is swung open by the inhabitant of the house upon the cliff.
Jesper stares and stares some more, mouth falling agape with surprise and incredulity. The other man is a witch, and there's no doubt in it, as a couple sponges fly past him towards the open, night air, and a moth flies upon his curls, unnoticed by the other man. Jesper - Jesper is not much hit by the realization this is a witch, for how wondrous it is to meet one. What hits him most is... What hits him most is freckles splotched on the man's face like a heap of stars, wild, orange curls that look soft like clouds. That gorgeous, gorgeous face is capped off with eyes that could just as well be lakes, or Summer skies, or the True Sea. They are impossibly blue - and pretty annoyed, by the look of it, but Jesper doesn't let it deter him from his mission. And his mission is to watch this man - this witch - like it's the first human being he has ever seen in his life.
It doesn't help that he wears a wide green coat embroidered with wildflowers, all lace and silk. And a ribbon around his neck for Saints' sake. And a proper witch hat hanging from the coat rack.
Jesper is aware that there's other things that are calling for his attention - wallpapers and painted walls and magical items all over, or common stuff made magical by this incredible man, for a change. But all he can think of is how beautiful this man looks - like he has been painted by the most talented artist on Earth and then put between the rest of humanity, told to live like everyone else and try not to have everyone fall in love with him. Which is ridiculous if you ask Jesper, because not falling for this man feels like the least probable thing to happen.
He tries to talk, hoping to go with something smart like "I'm looking for a job," and not for something pathetic like "Can I move in with you and become your husband?". He is not given the chance to say any or the other, because the man frowns, impatient, and he urges him to utter something coherent with an exasperated "Yes?".
Even his voice sounds beautiful.
He clears his throat. "I... Um... They sent me up here?"
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mjjune · 2 years ago
2023 Second Quarter Review
Here's what I've been up to April-June~
While I am a bit disappointed that my new story didn't turn out great in April and is mostly scrapped, I'm very proud that I was able to rework the outline and I think it'll go better this time! I also took June off from writing entirely to replenish, and read way more this quarter than last <3
See below for details!
Read 6 full-length novels, 2 comic volumes, 1 middle grade novel
Least Favorite: For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten [Dropped @ 20%]
Favorite: The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin [5 STARS!! PLEASE READ IT!!!]
Beta read: The Emerald Mage by @isabellebissonrouthier Tea Cow The Composition of Us by @jamieanovels
Writing / Editing
Draft 3 and 4 of twtr completed, multiple betas complete
Wrote 30k of a new wip, however will be mostly scrapped. Outline revamped and ready for takeoff
Sent avof query to the shark
Brand new theme! (mobile & web)
Biggest Fans: @isabellebissonrouthier @little-mouse-gardens @illyriashade56 @lavendercoded
Most popular post this quarter: How to Be a Good Beta Reader (click for post)
Goals for Next Quarter
Get 1-2 more betas for newest draft of twtr
Continue working on querying package for twtr
Make edits to avof query based on the shark's feedback
Submit avof to indie publishers(?)
Draft 0 of new wip <3
Attend some in-person camp nano events
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magshazasideblog · 4 months ago
O.F.U.C, a WIP
Snippet of a fanfic I'm writing! Working title: The Overlord Fans United Collective. Basically, an AU where all the overlords have fan clubs. O.F.U.C was formed after The Great Shipping Wars of '08 as an attempt to broker peace between the fan clubs.
Minimal context you need to know what is going on in this scene: Elsie is a longhorn cow sinner demon who has only been dead for a month. Jay is a mockingbird sinner demon that Elsie was friends with in life. He died about 3 years ago, and has been showing her the ropes of Hell. As the story starts, they're walking around Pentagram City drinking boba tea. (The bobas scream when you bite into them, because Hell.) Lurker is... you will see. ***
“Been enjoying the local entertainment?” Jay chirped. “Oh, a couple weeks ago I started listening to this one guy with a radio show!” said Elsie. “He’s kind of cool, you know. He’s got that retro kind of charm to him! I think his name started with an A?” Nearby, a shadow stirred. A semi corporeal sinner materialized out of the darkness. His skin resembled a squelching patchwork of dark mold and mildew. It shone wetly in the red afternoon sun. His shifting frame wore a desaturated imitation of Alastor’s signature suit. It bulged in odd places as his body warped and shifted, struggling to mold itself to his clothing. He slunk over to the pair. Every wobbly step making a nauseating plop against the pavement. He propped up his fluctuating body with a replica of Alastor’s cane. As he same closer, they could see a worn red pin adorned with the silhouette of a deer on his breast pocket. Jay spit out his tea. “Sweet Lucifer!” he said between coughs. “You summoned him.” Elsie gulped. Her horrified gaze locked on the moldy monstrosity. “Who?” “Lurker… he’s the head of Alastor’s fan club.” “Alastor? So that was the radio demon’s name…” “Shit shit shit, he’s coming over!” Jay’s feathers fluffed in agitation. Elsie heard (and felt) heavy breathing in her ear as Lurker leaned in close. Every exhale from his lipless mouth was a wheeze that brought forth the scent of a musty crawlspace in an abandoned, rotting house. She dry heaved. Her cow like ear twitched as if trying to swat the demon away. “Don’t… move,” Jay whispered. “Don’t speak. You’ll only encourage him.” “You’re an Alastor fan?” the moldy sinner scoffed at Elsie.  His voice sounded as if it were bubbling up from the depths of a swamp. “Name 3 overlords he defeated!” “Why is he so moist?” Elsie mouthed to her friend. “Nobody knows,” Jay mouthed back. Lurker didn’t seem to notice. The puffy slime at the edges of his weeping eye sockets seemed to limit his vision. “I’m waiting,” he croaked. Elsie held her breath. After far too long, Lurker retreated. He rolled what passed for his eyes. “That’s what I thought.” He laughed, a wet, barking sound. “Posers…” he muttered as he disappeared back into the shadows.
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jamieanovels · 2 years ago
Doing this just because I checked my doc and the word "eyes" appears in it 97 times lmaooo
It hurt that Mason looked different. It hurt more than Ruby thought it would, even after she’d done her best not to look him in the eye. But the dining table was only so big, and there were only so many places she could set her gaze. She focused on a spot a little to the left of his nose, but that didn’t stop her from glimpsing the rest of him. Her brain snuck in the details: his neat new cut for his brown hair, his square shoulders, his sharp near-black eyes and angular face. He looked older and…worldlier. Like he’d actually gone out and lived.
“Hey,” he said softly, and it was a relief that his voice was still the same, even if she’d already heard it from the hallway. “It’s been a while.”
“Yeah,” Ruby managed.
Writers, if you see this, share a snippet of your characters' eyes. Description, intensity, passion. Show me them peepers!
From my WIP, Good Thyme With Bad Company:
Iom’ren turned his head to look at Grilled. Those eyes. In the ringslight, Iom’ren’s eyes and Noklopan facial jewels shone like stars. Aloutia’s stars, pink and pure, the essence of goodness. The starlight which everyone wished would glitter upon each other’s paths. Yet those eyes held nothing but pain. Sorrow. A tear fell down his cheek, diverted by the jewels, and fell upon the fresh snow at the same moment a drop of blood fell from the quillon. Grilled wanted to say something—anything—but what does one say to a soul bearing such powerful, striking eyes?
Tagging @rtisticwriter @kittensartswriting @nightfoxproductions726 but anyone can participate if they want!
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jamieanovels · 2 years ago
Calling for beta readers - 5 days left!!!
Just a reminder that I'll be choosing my first round of beta readers for The Composition of Us on Sunday, March 19—5 days from now.
If you're interested in:
Ace &/or aro characters
Explorations of internalized ace/arophobia
Learning to accept chronic illness
Characters in their mid-late 20s finding themselves
Wrapped in a veneer of:
Nerdiness about music
A celebration of nature, especially beaches and rivers, based on the California coast and the Sierra Nevada mountains
General clownery
Very stupid decisions made with the best of intentions
?????? but also 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
You may like TCOU!! If you'd like to give it a shot, please fill out this form here or signal boost my official beta readers call so this reaches more people <3
tea cow tag list: @cyanide-latte @ameliedebruyne @lividdreamz @mjjune @enchanted-lightning-aes @sarcasticjuiceboxes @axl-ul
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ezra-brainrot · 2 years ago
The past week has been chaotic BUT - I am proud to have posted something every day of dimilix week. <3 Last year was very hit and miss although I think the year before I'd also managed it. Granted, some of these are WIPs so I don't get full marks.
Day One - Lost/Confessions/Shakespearean AU think but this and all is mended - 2/3
The prompts are perfect for a Midsummer Night's Dream mashup, so that is what we are going for here with tweaks. Mine is not nearly as bawdy, although I'm enjoying Felix making sword and lance metaphors that may not be metaphors because he really is a weapons fan.
Day Two - Rumors / Dancing / Teacher AU And Miles From Where You Are - 1/4 Anastasia AU. Sylvain finds a boxer in the underground that just so happens to look almost exactly like the dead/missing prince of Faerghus. Felix is not so pleased. (I've got this one partially written but need to focus on the "Sylvain teaching someone else how to act like a proper noble" part.)
Day Three - Journeys / Ribbon / Supernatural AU AND Day 7 - Found / North Star / Another Time and Place Sir Felix and the Azure Knight Idk if you have noticed or not but I am all in on fantasy and I've been percolating on a Sir Gawain and the Green Knight story for a while as an excuse to play around with Felix's concepts of chivalry and indulge in some olde school King Arthur myths. The problem? Felix hasn't even met Dimitri yet! ;.; ;.;
Day Four - Tea Time / Ghosts / Customer Service AU lost in the supermarket There isn't much to say about this. Anna has two annoying customers being annoying. There's probably more in-jokes about the condom purchases that I could go into but it didn't really fit well. Also, if anyone cares, "lost in the supermarket" is one of my favorite songs by The Clash.
Day Five - Wounded / Midnight / Fairy Tale AU The Tale of a Boy, His Cow, and the Lost Prince - 1/3 Another one I'm pecking away at but I think this was conceived as a Jack and the Beanstalk / misc fairy tale mashup so I promise it will be weird.
Day Six - Lions & Wolves / Rituals / Tumblr AU my body aches to breathe your breath (your words keep me alive) - 1/2 - NSFW Uh - I've been thinking of writing something like this for a while because, y'know, weird fantasy. Title is from Possession by Sarah McLachlan. May or may not be relevant. Felix runs a blog about investigating old myths and cryptids and ancient sites, and Things Happen.
Day Eight - Free Day the thing and the hole of the thing I'd written this for a fellow dmlx'er who has been doing a lot of heavy lifting and graphic design and misc stuff and just thought it needed to be expanded into a full fic. With holes. Lots of holes. None of them naughty though.
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ren-c-leyn · 3 years ago
For the cottage core emoji asks, right? ^^
🥛 Milk: What is a food you find comforting when you are sad?
Homemade macaroni and cheese. Can't explain why, but it seems to help make a bad day a little better.
🍯 Honey: What is one thing you like about yourself?
I like my laugh :D
☕ Tea: How do you take your tea?
Depends on the type and my mood, but generally I like my tea so sweet my housemates give me weird looks when they happen to be in the kitchen while I'm making tea lol. I usually prefer honey, but some flavors, like Lady Grey, I prefer sugar. Strong teas, like english black teas or chais, I will sometimes add some cream too. Sometimes I'll add ginger and lemon to a green tea.
🐄 Cow: What is one other tumblr blog you really appreciate?
How could I pick just one? There's so, so many writeblrs I love T-T
I love @writingonesdreams and her creative stories and chronic enabling. Very curious about other people's wips and writing processes and is happy enough to share her own.
@hannahs-ramblings is a spark of joy, super creative, and has been a highlight of my tumblr experience since I was still a newbie around here. Always has some fun, creative project in the works and like 5 other blogs dedicated to writeblr stuff.
@hyba, can I say enough about hyba? One of my oldest and dearest writeblr friends who has like 900 amazing settings that are in so many different genres and are so beautiful and detailed you feel like you could travel to all of them. A very sweet and caring person, with a knack for writing suspense.
@sleepyowlwrites is a newer writeblr friend, but an amazing one. Beautiful poetry, even when it's not intentional, amazing characters, great art, and fun to just chat with ^^
@athenixrose has some beautiful story concepts and does an amazing job with lifting up the writeblr community.
@bloodlessheirbyjacques is another newer writeblr friend but again has a beautiful story, amazing characters, and is like a bubbly ray of sunshine.
@notwritinganyflufftoday is an amazing writer, and paints too! :D A snippet of her wip that's told through letters made me cry. Very emotional.
@vermontwrites does great descriptions and I freaken love Zazu. Their art is also INCREDIBLE! And their WIPs and settings are very creative and interesting.
@dragon-swords-prophecies is a fellow dnd fan, and their amazing stories and settings definitely reflect that. (I still love the sea elves with glowing spots that can kind of talk to fish. Don't think for a second I have forgotten it.) And their WIPs always have the most amazing titles. ^^
And that list, that's not even half of it. I can keep rambling and screaming about fellow writeblrs I love for hours.
🌳 Tree: What is one thing in your future you are looking foward towards?
I'm looking forward to, hopefully, getting some of my WIPs published some day. To seeing the finished versions of them in print, and realizing that I did it. I actually did it.
🐓 Chicken: What is a comfort movie/show for you?
March Comes in Like a Lion is one I've been going back to a lot recently. It's an anime that follows a professional shogi player and deals with some pretty heavy themes, like depression and loss and family trouble. That's not all it is, though, it has a silver lining. Friendships, fun and comedic moments, quiet moments. I love the way it blends the different moods in a way that kind of feels like life, you know?
Thanks for stopping in! I hope you have a lovely day/evening ^^
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verfound · 4 years ago
WIP Wednesday: 1/27/21
I’m two cups of Stress Therapy tea into this and Idek.  🙃  I can’t share any of the LBSC SA exchange fic, but I’ve been such a wreck this week I’ve barely worked on it (and don’t even know if what I have done is salvageable).  Anyway.  A coworker was telling us stories about growing up on the farm, where they used to ride horses, cows, pigs...
Dewey’s blue eyes widened when he saw the pink, rounded thing over the back of Papa’s truck.  He heard Maman heave a big sigh and felt her shift.  When he looked up from where he was clinging to her skirts, her hands where on her hips.  The expression on her face was one all the Couffaine kids were familiar with by this point: she was going to have words for Papa when he got out of that truck.
But Papa was grinning from ear to ear when he hopped down from the cab, catching the silly off-white cowboy hat he’d taken to wearing since the move and waving it at them.  Dewey glanced up at Maman again and saw a smile flickering on her lips.  So maybe there wouldn’t be too many Words.
“Go on,” she sighed, looking down at him and ruffling his black curls.  His fists tightened in her skirts, and she nodded towards the truck. “I know you’re dying to see what Papa’s brought home this time.”
He bolted from the porch without another word, stumbling over the laces of his barely-tied boots as he went. He caught himself on the gate of the open cab, tiny fingers curling around the metal and plastic.
“Hey there, little man,” Papa greeted, locking his hands beneath Dewey’s armpits and hoisting him up onto the gate.  Dewey’s mouth dropped open, his eyes going wide at the sight of the fuzzy, massive, pink pig lying in the back of Papa’s truck.  The pig appeared to be sleeping, flopped over on its side with its back legs…where were its back legs?  And what was the funny, wheeled thing beside it?  Dewey’s head snapped up to stare at his Papa, who just reached down to ruffle his hair.  His face scrunched at that – two ruffles in two minutes was two too much.  He reached up to bat Papa’s hand away, and Papa chuckled before gesturing at the pig.  “Meet Piggy Sue, Dewey.  She’s gonna be staying with us for a while.”
Dewey knew how this went back in the city.  A while could mean a few days or a few months. They’d kept Adrien, the one-eyed black cat who was missing a tail, for almost two years before someone adopted him. Animals – special animals (“Weirdo animals,” Huey liked to say) – were just a part of the Couffaine way of life. Papa was always bringing something new home (his favorite had been the asthmatic guinea pig, but Wheezey had only lived a month or two after coming home), and Maman was always telling him to stop it – until one day they’d told them they were moving, and now they lived on the Couffaine Misfit Farm (“Animal Rehabilitation Center – honestly, Luka!” Maman always groaned), and a lot of the animals seemed to be staying longer.
Dewey looked back at Piggy Sue, who snorted in her sleep and twitched an ear.  He hoped a while meant a good long while this time.  He had a feeling he was going to like Piggy Sue.
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ask-the-almighty-google · 4 years ago
My Ao3 Posted Works Master List
Under Username Aelwyn
Updates as new content is added. Anything without a “(WIP)” or “(Unpublished)” tag is completed. Published works are linked. Some fics have Colorized Acronyms in front of their titles, denoting that they are a part of the same series. For ease of remembering what the series is called, I always title my series after the first book in them.
My Asks are always open! I’d love to hear from you! Feel free to ask about my stories. I don’t take requests, but I like playing WIP Games and I am fond of fan work of my fics. I may come off as unapproachable but I genuinely love fandom interaction with my work! 🥰
☕️ Spill the Tea - "What is your favorite project right now? Why? Give us a Snippet." Send a Teacup to my Ask Box and I’ll answer it!
I have a Discord server for my readers to chat on now! Link is always open for new readers, head on in and read the rules before getting started!
Doctor Who:
“Timepetals Vignettes” Series:
Doctor/Rose, and are separate fics gathered in one spot.
Also, where it says “Multi”, this means multiple Doctors are present in the fic but not more than two people in a ship at a time. All fics are monogamous, not poly.
Some stories in this set are Gen and are missing either Rose or the Doctor, because they are somewhat like character studies… they are marked by a double asterisk.
#series: timepetals vignettes
Bouquets for a Cricket Match (Five)
Gallifrey: The Lost Planet (Disney’s Atlantis AU; Ten)
Patchwork (Six, Nine)
Long Way ‘Round (Multi)
Secret Santa (Ten)
Angels Fall (Eight)
Little Talks (Nine)
Soulbound (Multi, Daemon AU)
Let It Rain (Eight, Human Nature AU)
Arose A Phoenix (The Other)
Arkytior (Time Lady Rose AU)
After Life (Multi)
Time’s Daughter (Multi)
Songbird (Multi)
Technicolor (Three)
House of Ginger (Three)
Saved By the Belle (Eight)
It’s Free Real Estate (Three)**
Howls the Wolf (Ten)
Chivalry is Just Mostly Dead (Seen Worse) - (Nine)
I Aimed For the Brightest Target (Six)
Lodged in My Hearts (Eleven)
Self-Made Soulmates (Multi)
I Sought You As I Lay Dying (Always There) - (Multi)**
For Your Forever, My Doctor (Multi; Posted for the DoctorRose Fic Marathon)
Auld Lang Syne (Classic Doctors)
Though Yet To Even Start (Multi)
Dear Fellow Traveler (Multi)
Of Time and Tide (Mer!Eight, Wolf!Rose AU)
Patience, Darling…
The Something of the Wolf Series: Concept Art #series: something of the wolf
A Five/Rose AU series wherein Rose is an outer space werewolf; rewrites of episodes from Classic Who, New Who, and the Sarah Jane Adventures featuring Classic and New Companions!���
Something of the Wolf
Little Red Riding Hood (WIP)
With All My Hearts (Unpublished)
Kwik Cricket (Unpublished)
Nevermore (Unpublished)
Blood Moon Rising (Unpublished)
Running to Stand Still (Unpublished)
Evermore (Unpublished)
Assassin’s Creed:
#fensage theory au
EK: Eagle’s Kin
EK: Fox Tales
Figments of My Imagination
Blood of the Wolf
Memento Mori
B: Brotherhood
B: Stitching Up Time
Assassin’s Creed “Vox Populi” Series: Concept Art #series: vox populi
This is a Desmond Lives AU series, mostly canon compliant, updates with game releases - Post-Mirage, this series no longer follows Assassin's Creed Canon as I do not want to buy anything associated with the Animus Hub (previously named Infinity).
Vox Populi
Omnes Oculi
Umbras Venatur (Unpublished)
Kyrie Eleison (Unpublished)
The Codex - A Comprehensive Guide to the World of Vox Populi (WIP)
The Vox Populi Extended Universe Collection:
This series now has an extended universe where readers can post their own fics to a Collection! Only my contributions to said collection are listed, and not those made by others.
All Hallows’ Eve
The Gävlebocken Barbecue
Star Wars:
SWTOR Character Descriptions/Concept Art
Tallying Scars (SWTCW)
It’s About Time (Time Travel Fix-It Crack)
Only When the Eyes Are Closed
Generational Abandonment
Hoist With His Own Petard (Inspiration Here)
The Ashla!Obi AU Series: Ashla and Bogan Descriptions/Concept Art #ashla!obi au
Mysterious Ways
The Wayseekers
The Luminous Series: Ashla and Bogan Descriptions/Concept Art #ashla!obi: luminous series
Luminous (Unpublished)
Akior (Unpublished)
Incandescent (Unpublished)
All That Glitters (Unpublished)
Survivors (Unpublished)
Marvel Cinematic Universe:
These fics are Captain America Centric, and include Gen-Level Steggy and Winterwidow as well.
With the Wings of Eagles
Forget Me Not (Soulmates AU)
A Good Man
Two Brothers (Daemons AU)
The Ripple Effect Series: Concept Art #series: the ripple effect
A Philidor Sacrifice (Unpublished)
Courtesy of the Red, White, and Blue (Unpublished)
Leviathan (Unpublished)
In the Realm of Possibility (Unpublished)
The Passage of Time (Unpublished)
Some Assembly Required (Unpublished)
Along Came A Spider (Unpublished)
Thronebreaker (Unpublished)
Convergence (Unpublished)
Widowmaker (Unpublished)
Out of the Shadows (Unpublished)
Tick-Tock (Unpublished)
Master of Puppets (Unpublished)
The Fight in the Dog (Unpublished)
Broken Accords (Unpublished)
Venom Strike (Unpublished)
The Eye of the Storm (Unpublished)
The Claws of the Panther (Unpublished)
By-Tor and the Snow Dog (Unpublished)
The Spider's Web (Unpublished)
Baba Yaga (Unpublished)
At World's End (Unpublished)
All Stars (Unpublished)
The Librarians:
A mix of Gen Fics and Eve/Flynn fics, although Canon-Typical Fleve Romance is usually sprinkled through everything just as a matter of due course for me.
…And the Forbidden Wish (Stardust AU)
…And the Haunted Goat
WH: …And the Wings of Horus
WH: …And the Blessing of Horus
…And the Marks of Fate
...And the Absent Friends
Miscellaneous Works:
TTotC: The Time of the Changeling
TTotC: The Scars that Bleed
The Pendragon Return
Coma (CW Flash 2014)
I Have Full Game Movies On YouTube In Series Playlists:
I go by Xapne there. Below are the playlists for the different game series I have recorded:
Assassin’s Creed
Assassin’s Creed Extra Content
Star Wars: Jedi Series (Cal Kestis)
Star Wars: The Old Republic
LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga
Marvel's Spider-Man (Insomniac) Series
Tags to Follow…
In case you want to be up to date on any content I post for my series, I sometimes make posts or memes or art, or put out WIP snippets. Feel free to follow my tags to get them on your dash. If not, all cool!
#series: something of the wolf
#series: timepetals vignettes
#series: vox populi
#fensage theory au
#ashla!obi au
#ashla!obi: luminous series
#series: the ripple effect
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writerfae · 4 years ago
Tumblr media
The Knights of the Alder - canon birthdays
I spent way too much time and thoughts on this
Birthday: January 16th
Starsign: Capricorn
Celtic animal sign: Stag/Deer
Birthday: April 20th
Starsign: Aries
Celtic animal sign: Bull/Cow
Birthday: May 27th
Starsign: Gemini
Celtic animal sign: Seahorse
Birthday: August 4th
Starsign: Leo
Celtic animal sign: Horse
Birthday: October 23rd
Starsign: Libra
Celtic animal sign: Butterfly
Birthday: December 2nd
Starsign: Sagittarius
Celtic animal sign: Hawk/Falcon
wip intro / masterlist
tag list: @shattered-starrs @soupopoireau @a-ray-of-moonshine @quill-of-doom @faesongwrites @heyabella @vibinwiththehomies @elisabethrosewrites @charleeyy @iced-ginger-tea @hell-yeah-fantasy @violetcancerian @that-one-potato-blep @annoyingwritingtrash @stardustspiral @shipdest @writingqueensworld @imintheunderworld @thewalkingnerdx @abalonetea @the-starlight-chills @fictional-semantics @cordaks @kpmccolgan @deekshablogs @myhusbandsasemni @magsiswritingnow @a-box-without-hinges @meiyanaalexia @contes-de-rheio @rhikasa @phantasticdomains @thegirlwithnonickname @marewriteblr @kimblewrites @daisylincs @treesandwords @writingbyjillian @write-for-your-life2 @deadlycupid @yejidoesthings @nora-theteawriter @ladywithalamp (if you want to be added or removed from the tag list let me know!)
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