#winged humanoid kin
theriancultureis · 7 months
(winged humanoid) therian culture is washing your wings in the shower
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beadsmakehap · 1 year
When the only way to describe my aesthetic is 80/90s rock n roll and you don’t see any fellow Elfkin that are like that also
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twelve-nights · 8 months
i have a mystery theriotype i cant figure out and its phantom shifts have been tormenting me for years (not exaggerating) AAAUAGJHDKF-- i'm 90% sure its some sort of avian humanoid thing but now im confused on if its related to a different kintype because those two phantom shifts often happen together ???
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nik-knight · 5 months
A More Gentle Touch
He had hardly spent more than three hours in his human-shaped corporation, yet he was already winded by the time he managed to lower all the shop’s curtains and finally lock the door. A quick miracle was sent behind him to flip the sign to “Most definitely closed” as he trudged into the back room to rest for the evening.
There had been no other way around it. It had seemed like a brilliant idea at the time to invite the book dealer over for a few negotiations; after all, she was an old colleague of his and a delight to have conversations with. However, when spending most of an afternoon around a human, it was nearly impossible to keep up the vague impression of being a human without actually becoming humanoid. Overall, it was easier to spend that time in a human corporation than holding on to a miracled façade for that long.
That didn’t mean it wasn’t still exhausting, though.
It was like walking around in clothes that were much too tight. Humans certainly were not the largest of Her creations, but they were still quite clumsy forms with arms and legs that had to move at the same time, heavy skin, dense bones, and weighty organs all packed inside a cumbersome package.
He transformed as soon as he sat on the sofa. The relief of it all was soothing at least. Fluffy feathers took the place of stuffy clothes, white wings replaced his heavy arms, and those pesky legs thinned to a comfortable weight that could easily be tucked under his body.
Finally, he could be soft and small in all the right ways. He had no idea how Crowley could be humanoid so often without facing similar fatigue. Perhaps that was why the demon spent most of his spare time asleep.
Despite finally being back into his much more comfortable form, the extended period in that skin suit had ruffled his feathers just as literally as metaphorically. There was an itchy irritation under his feathers, but he was much too tired to groom himself right now. All he wanted to do was curl up with a cup of tea and a good book, but the thought of gathering the necessary materials to do so (or even miracle them up) made him want to do nothing but settle into the cushions and stay there until he had the energy to move again. He allowed his tired eyes to drift shut, letting the quiet and dark of the room calm him for just a bit.
He had only been in his weary siesta for a few minutes when he smelled a rather familiar aroma in the back room. He tiredly blinked open his eyes just in time to catch a fresh cup of tea on a saucer delicately placed in front of him. He looked up to see Crowley, in his humanoid form for some reason, pushing the cup closer to where Aziraphale could comfortably dip his beak in for a sip.
“My dear?” He asked, unsure why Crowley was in that form so late in the evening. By now he was usually a snoring pile of coils wrapped around the base of one of Aziraphale's table lamps.
“You looked a little flustered, so I figured you might need a pick-me-up,” he shrugged as if he hadn’t done anything special. Aziraphale could feel his feathers fluff up at the amount of love that was coursing through his tiny body.
“Oh, my darling, how very kin—”
“Anyway,” Crowley coughed, not letting Azriaphale hit him with another four-letter word. “Your feathers are all ruffled, and since I have hands at the moment, I figured I could… Help you straighten them out a little. ‘F ya like, that is.” He turned his head away, trying and failing to hide the embarrassed flush on his cheeks. Luckily Aziraphale’s happy cooing had him looking back just in time to catch the angel’s happy wiggle and flutter.
“Oh, that sounds like just the thing my dear, if you don’t mind terribly?”
“Not at all.” Without a moment's hesitation, Crowley’s hand was held open by Aziraphale, letting him step gently onto his palm so Crowley could bring him to his lap as he sat down.
Aziraphale stretched his wings out as best he could to give Crowley room to work, and soon enough the demon’s fingers were gently grooming Aziraphale’s wings. It wasn’t anything too deep or intense, but just a slight straightening of a few ruffled feathers along with long gentle strokes across the wing to calm the rest of the dove’s frayed nerves. They paused every few minutes so that Crowley could bring the teacup back to Aziraphale’s beak to drink, then it was back to the relaxing grooming that soon had Aziraphale looking like a fluffy melted marshmallow in Crowley’s palm.   
“That good, angel?” Crowley asked after about thirty minutes of grooming and an extra ten minutes of gentle petting that neither one of them brought up.
“Very good, my dear. Thank you so very much.” Aziraphale opened his eyes that he hadn’t realized he had shut during the grooming. He turned his head so he could look back at his darling demon. “I hope it wasn’t too taxing for you to stay in that form just for me.”
Crowley simply gave him a small smile and shrugged. “Some things are worth shifting for.”
There was only the briefest tingle of a miracle before Crowley suddenly found himself with a lap full of human-shaped angel. “Too right, my dear.” He swiftly leaned in, pressing his lips against the demon’s. Crowley stiffened in surprise, but quickly returned the kiss, keeping it gentle and soft just for his angel. When Aziraphale finally pulled away, he only had a moment's notice before suddenly there was a large snake in his hands and lap.
Aziraphale couldn’t help but chuckle. “Getting tired, darling?”
“Just get down here, already, angel,” he grumbled, doing his best to keep himself from hiding his face in his coils.
“Oh, gladly.”
Then there on the sofa was a significantly less ruffled dove resting in his favorite nest of black and red coils. The book Aziraphale had been reading earlier that day was conveniently placed against the long loops of the scaley nest so that Aziraphale could easily read and the serpent’s tail could easily flip the pages. (Aziraphale was yet to discover that his feathers poofed up the slightest bit when he was done with a page, giving Crowley the wordless cue to flip to the next one.)
“Oh, you’re too good to me, dear.” With a happy little wiggle to settle comfortably in his love’s nest, he set his eyes on the beginning of the chapter.
And if Crowley buried his head right into the soft feathers under Azriaphale’s breast to hide his face, well, no one bothered to mention it. After all, Aziraphale had a good book and good company to enjoy.
And enjoy it they did.
[by @nik-knight for @katiefrog217]
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shapeofshifter · 10 days
[ Introduction ]
Hello!! My names are Martin/Elias. I wanted to start a blog to rant about otherkin and therian stuff but i am not very good at being active online.. I'll just post whenever i feel like it me thinks :3 feel free to dm me or interact in any way !! I am a big enjoyer of questions..
[ Info ]
[ I am 6teen ] [ My blog is not safe for littles or age regressors!! despite being one myself. i do not consider my content suitable :( ] [ I am trans masc. aroace. gay. polyamorous and genderless :3 ] [ I am a pronouns + xenogender + name hoarder ]
[ Pronouns ]
[ He/They/It ] [ Sh3/Hxr/H☆rs/H♡rselfs ] [ H3/Hxm/H☆s/H♡mself ] [ Th3y/Thxm/Th☆irs/Th♡mself ] [ Xe/Xemself ] [ Mew/Meowself ] [ Bite/Biteself ] [ Vix/Vixen ] [ Fau/Faunself ] [ Star/Starself ] [ Pon/Ponyself ] [ Arf/Barkself ] [ Fog/Fogself ] [ Eye/Eyeself ]
[ Interests ]
[ Podcasts: The Magnus Archives. The Magnus Protocol. Malevolent. Welcome To Night Vale ] [ Shows: Good Omens. Hannibal. Madoka Magica. Gravity Falls. Dhmis. Sanders Sides. Our Flag Means Death. Sonic Prime ] [ Object shows: Hfjone. Its Time For The. Love Of The Sun ] [ Games: Cookie Clicker. Metal Gear Solid. Plants VS Zombies. The Stanley Parable. Gmod. Fnaf. Roblox. DBH. Minecraft. Portal. Cookie Run Kingdom. The Beginners Guide. Animal Jam (Specifically the trading system..) ] [ Misc: Despicable Me Franchise. Sonic The Hedgehog Movies. LPS. Jerma. Roleplay. Speculative Biology. Horror. Pony Town. ARGs. Psychology. Writing. Art. Online Trading Systems. All Tomorrows. Furry Fandom. Indistinct Chatter ]
[ Kin Types ]
[ Therian Kin Types: Wolves. Octopus. Deer. Sheep. Horses. Ponies. Nudibranch ] [ Otherkin Types: Shapeshifter. Naga. Angel (Throne and Principalities). Winged Human. Celestial. Vampire. Galactic Whale. Object Head (Multiple). Moth Humanoid. Demon. Faun. Deity ] [ Fictionkin Types: Eye/Stranger/lonely Avatar (TMA). Stranger!Martin Blackwood. Martin Blackwood. Jonathan Sims ] [ Conceptkin types: Empathy. Deceit. Theatrics. Balance. Justice. Sight. Onism. Omnipresence ] [ Objectkin Types: Old Computers. Red Rotary Phones. Phone Booths. Cassette Tape Recorder. ]
There may be some kin types i am forgetting...But if i wrote everything down i would be here all day because my identity is incredibly fluid !! Apologies if the formatting is a bit bad or boring or if i made any grammatical errors. i am tired </3 https://meatboyandfriends.carrd.co/ commission info <3
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kitkinnie · 3 months
What is a moekka actually? Cause I see you talk about them but I have no clue what it is besides some animal
so it's actually not a real animal! it's a species i designed to represent myself, i am moekka kin because moekkas were designed after how i feel and see myself. (they're also quite personal to me so i don't typically let people make moekka characters)
so anything i tag with 'moekka' is something that reminds me of them! usually its something that resembles them physically, so a lot of cat-humanoids and gangly digitigrade legs :]
i'm gonna put their reference sheets below the cut since it's LONG! if you want a really quick overview they're alien cat humanoids with wings, and have portal and minor shapeshifting powers. here's my sona, who is how i see myself in my minds' eye, and who is a moekka! (they're how i view myself Most often, and are the most 1-1 representation of me out of any of my sonas.)
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as you can see i put a lot of effort into developing these guys! i would love more moekka questions, they're really special to me and i have tons of random facts and thoughts about them.
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monstersdownthepath · 2 months
Monster Spotlight: Panotti
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CR 2
Neutral Good Medium Humanoid
Module: Murderer's Mark, pg. 29
Apologies for the incredibly huge picture, but shrinking it down made it look abominable.
Bit of an unusual one, today, but not for the reasons you may think. Panotti are not "monsters" in a traditional sense, like most of the creatures this blog features, but they're just strange citizens. While they're not as common as, say, halflings and humans and dwarves, they're very much just people and can be found mostly in Casmaron and Tian Xia, where their colonies can be found.
Or would, had we any information on them outside their sole appearance in Murderer's Mark, where the only member of their kind we're introduced to is working in an unscrupulous circus, the rest of the details on what their actual society looks like crammed in the back of the book. According to their lore block, Panotti largely keep to themselves and only rarely leave their colonies for an obvious but still heartbreaking reason: their appearance earns them mockery and sometimes even scorn. Panotti are universally bald, and their Elephantine Ears look almost like (and can be used as) wings, the large folds visibly flexing and lifting as they listen to whatever conversations they're a part of (or perhaps just near) so anyone mistaking them for an odd cloak quickly realizes what they're truly looking at.
Anyone viewing a Panotti for the first time would likely be a little startled by what they see, especially considering their rarity, which they are unfortunately quite sensitive to. While there are many wanderers among their numbers, not all of them are willing or able to bear the constant jabs at their appearance no matter how light they may be from people they might try and consider friends. It's quite unfortunate that they remain reclusive and biased towards the company of their own kin simply because microaggressions gradually wear them down, because their culture is stated to have a rich history of song and story with an oral tradition stretching thousands of years into the past. Indeed, adventurous Panotti who lean towards casting will usually become Bards, though the book states they can easily slot into just about any class.
But just because they're normal people doesn't mean a DM should get eager to allow them as a playable ancestry, oh god no. Their Elephantine Ears may look fragile to an outsider, but those things are packed with enough muscle to give them a slew of powers that should never be freely granted to players lest they get too wacky with them, including: 60ft of blindsense, a 20ft fly speed (poor maneuverability, but they get Hover as a bonus feat), and a pair of natural slam attacks which deal 1d4+1 damage and roughly blast their targets backwards by 10ft via Push. They're not only useful weapons, but they're sturdy enough to grant the Panotti an extra +2 natural armor!
Even in their day-to-day life, their ears grant them mundane but useful advantages, including +4 to Perception checks made to hear, and excellent thermoregulation, allowing them to keep cool by gently flapping them or keep warm by wrapping themselves in them (mechanically equivalent to a heavy blanket and bedroll). AND, if they need to make room in a crowd, they can flare their ears out like a cobra hood to startle people! They're Swiss-army appendages!
I have to admit, while normally we here at Monsters Down The Path enjoy highlighting monsters by talking about how they battle, sometimes it's nice to take a break and just appreciate the rarer inhabitants sharing the world with the men and elves, and what makes them special. Golarion gets a little bit bigger with every statblock we see!
You can read more about them here.
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soylent-crocodile · 4 months
More Myr
Here are just a few more statlines for Myr, a generic battlemyr and a large superion. I don't have much lore here; this is more of a rules supplement to my core Myr piece!
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(Myr Superion by Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss)
Myr, Superion
This towering machine has arms like pillars and a head like a deep-billed bird’s beak.
Misc- CR7 LN Large Construct (Myr) HD9 Init:+1 Senses: Perception:+8 Aura: Myr Shepherding 15ft
Stats- Str:30(+10) Dex:13(+1) Con:- Int:4(-3) Wis:19(+4) Cha:15(+3) BAB:+9/+4 Space:10ft Reach:10ft
Defense- HP:79(9d10+30) AC:21(+1 Dexterity, -1 Size, +11 Natural) Fort:- Ref:+6 Will:+7 CMD:31 Resist: Immunity: Weakness: Special Defenses: Construct Traits
Offense- 2 Slam +16(2d6+10 plus Grab), Beam +10(14d4 force, 60ft ranged touch) CMB:+20 (+24 to Grapple) Speed:40ft Special Attacks: Constrict (2d6+15)
Feats- Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack (-3/+6), Multiattack, Awesome Blow, Tactician’s Emblem
Skills- Perception +8, Sense Motive +7
Spell-like Abilities- 
Share Memory /at-will
Greater Make Whole 1/day
Special Qualities- Scrying Focus
Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Common (Can’t speak) Organization- Shepherd (1 Myr Superion, 4-5 Battle Myr) Treasure- None
Special Abilities- Myr Shepherding (Su)- Other myr within a superion’s aura of myr shepherding may reroll 1s rolled on damage rolls. Scrying Focus (Ex)- Myr are perfect vessels for scrying on. They get a -5 penalty to saves against spells with the Scrying descriptor, and magical sensors made to scry on a myr and its surroundings get a +5 bonus against rolls to perceive it. Additionally, myr- and any object or creature they are in contact with- are not protected by spells such as Nondetection and Screen.
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Superion are the apex of myrkind, hulking behemoths which serve to shepherd myr and perform heavy labor that the average myr’s small frame wouldn’t allow. 
Battle myr are among the simplest of their kin, basic creatures programmed to detect intruders and protect their designated charges. They are scarily organized in combat and vast in number; scholars of the Plane of Metal worry what may happen if they are brought to the Material Plane.
(Alpha Myr by Dany Orizio)
Myr, Battle
This small humanoid machine has a head that resembles a heavy bird’s beak and a set of long, razor-thin claws on each hand.
Misc- CR2 LN Small Construct (Myr) HD3 Init:+3 Senses: Perception:+3 Aura: 
Stats- Str:14(+2) Dex:16(+3) Con:- Int:5(-3) Wis:14(+2) Cha:12(+1) BAB:+3 Space:2.5ft Reach:0ft
Defense- HP:26(3d10+10) AC:14(+3 Dexterity, +1 Size) Fort:- Ref:+3 Will:+2 CMD:17 Resist: Immunity: Weakness: Special Defenses: Construct Traits
Offense- 2 Claw +3(1d4+2), Beam +5(4d4 Force, 30ft Touch) CMB:+4 Speed:30ft Special Attacks: 
Feats- Multiattack, Weapon Focus (Claw)
Skills- Acrobatics +4, Perception +3
Spell-like Abilities- 
Share Memory /at-will
Make Whole 1/day
Special Qualities- Scrying Focus
Ecology- Environment- Any Languages- Common (Can’t speak) Organization- Guard (2), Squadron (6) Treasure- 
Special Abilities- Scrying Focus (Su)- Myr are perfect vessels for scrying on. They get a -5 penalty to saves against spells with the Scrying descriptor, and magical sensors made to scry on a myr and its surroundings get a +5 bonus against rolls to perceive it. Additionally, myr- and any object or creature they are in contact with- are not protected by spells such as Nondetection and Screen.
There are two primary variations on battle myr; the one shown above, which have large claws, and a variation with dextrous hands that has proficiency with all martial weapons. Beyond those variations, there are a number of other similar small myr, such as those with wings, psychic powers, or electric energy.
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revenant-coining · 6 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do a flag for aviankin? Its bird humanoids/people with wings/bird human hybrid thing! I was hoping to find a flag like that! It can be in any colors too since its so broad! I hope you have a good day/night!!
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[id: a rectangular flag with 7 horizontal lines. sizes in this order from top to bottom: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. colors in this order from top to bottom: darkish brown, brown, red-brown, light yellow, red-brown, brown, darkish brown. in the center of the flag is a light yellow circle outlined with darkish brown. in the circle is a darkish brown symbol. the symbol is the kin symbol, a 7-pointed star made of lines. /end id]
[id: a rectangular flag with 7 horizontal lines. sizes in this order from top to bottom: thick, medium, thick, medium, thick, medium, thick. colors in this order from top to bottom: dark blue, darkis blue, blue-green, light yellow, yellow, red-orange, dark red. in the center of the flag is a light yellow circle outlined with dark blue-to-dark red. in the circle is a dark blue-to-dark red symbol. the symbol is the kin symbol, a 7-pointed star made of lines. /end id]
aviankin flags!
tagging; @radiomogai, @thecoffeecrew404
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okay, so I've realized something
As mentioned in several other posts I've made, I'm avian humanoid kin. But I've started to realize there's like, two sides, I guess???
One side is the more natural side. Y'know, normal feathers, wings, etc.
But the other side is more technological?
This may stem from my Prototype kintype, but like, it's the same shifts as the natural side, except I can feel that it's like metal, and in dreams, I can visibly see that each feather is a little screen, and when the featers connect to the base of the wing, they're all asimilated to one big screen.
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Like, here's a visual rep (imagine both wings are there lol)
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raptors-rapture · 3 months
Hi, uh, I learned about wing kin and I might be having a revelation? Maybe?? I don’t know if I am wing kin or not? Like, sure I think having macaw wings would be really really awesome and being a shapeshifter like that would be amazing, but it only impacts my daily life once I start thinking about it. And furthermore I have no ide if I do experience phantom limbs or not. If I do it’s just imagined. But like it’s not that I’m just bird, I’m bird-person I guess? And depending on my mood one shows up more than the other. And like I’m not even sure if the term works for me yknow? Idk you probably know what I’m experiencing better than I do.
hello!! tysm for the ask (low-key it makes me happy when people send in asks like this, I'm glad to help if I can!!)
first thing: what you're saying about it not impacting your life greatly is perfectly normal. in fact, if alterhumanity is severely impacting your life, that's a sign that something more than alterhumanity might be going on. as much as I adore the alterhuman community, one thing I think we need to better understand is that alterhumanity should not be impacting your life to the point of distress or major life changes. that could be a sign of a mental issue/disorder, and ofc we support alterhumans with mental illnesses here, but it can be harmful to write off genuine distress as a regular alterhuman thing
ok, sorry, that got off topic lol. back to what you were saying: there are a lot of avian/wingkins whose kintype is some kind of humanoid--hell, you can even be shapeshifterkin. one thing to look into could be angelkin (in the pop culture sense, not necessarily in the biblically accurate sense) and similar things. or, if you feel connected specifically to macaws/macaw wings, you could look into lycanthrope otherkin labels, like werewolfkin but replace wolf with x applicable term.
also, for the record you don't necessarily need to have phantom shifts to be alterhuman! there's a million different 'ways' to be alterhuman, some might get tons of shifts and others not so much. as for it being 'imaginary', technically all phantom shifts are a non-physical sensation from our brains, so that doesn't necessarily mean it can't be a phantom shift :) it really just depends how it feels to you and what labels, if any, fit your experience the best.
anyways, all that to say, alterhumanity and related labels are highly personal, so I don't necessarily know what you're experiencing better than you. nobody, including me, can magically assign you the perfect label--but hopefully this helped give you some places to look! above all just remember that whether you end up identifying as alterhuman or not, me and many others are here to support you.
happy flying my friend!!!
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dailycharacteroption · 4 months
Planar Tour Guide: Positive Energy Plane part 3
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(art by The-SixthLeafClover on DeviantArt)
We’ve beat around the bush for a bit, but now it’s time to talk directly about the creatures that one is likely to encounter once one gets over the hurtle of actually surviving the plane itself.
The most prominent and well-known beings in Creation’s Forge are the jyoti, a species of bird-like winged humanoids that form spontaneously from the plane’s energies. While sometimes erroneously called phoenix-kin (though the fact that actual phoenixes do have a strong connection to positive energy on account of their self-ressurection and healing is interesting), the jyoti are their own people, and act as the guardians of the plane.
However, due to their charge and the incursions of gods in eons past, the jyoti are extremely xenophobic, turning away and outright attacking travelers from other planes, with only a rare diplomatic few being able to make peaceful contact with them, though never truly earning their trust. This is because they firmly believe that they were entrusted with the guardianship of the plane, and view all deific interference, from the outright invasions to even support sent to aid them as an incursion in disguise and both as insults to their role.
Indeed, the only beings the jyoti seem to trust are the manasaputra and turuls, the former for their truly benevolent wisdom, and the latter for them generally having the plane’s interests at heart.
It’s also worth noting that the jyoti view their negative energy counterparts, the sceanduinar, with pity, and see a swift destruction as the only mercy they can afford them, tying into the linked origin of both planes.
While also avians, the turul are very different physically to the jyoti, though they may have a shared genesis. These colossal bird-folk intellectual and talkative, though quick to dismiss guests when they grow bored, and quick to anger when the unwanted persist. Turuls do not share the xenophobia of their smaller cousins, and are quite often interested in mortals, taking on destined individuals or entire civilizations under their patronage. However, such relationships are often more like a pet and caregiver than harboring mutual respect, and so these quasi-divine birdmen do not often intervene unless their charge is truly in trouble.
However, while the other two are well-known, it is the gliminals (introduced in Second Edition), which best represent The Furnace as an alien realm of overwhelming creation that burns up that which it creates. Gliminals resemble humanoid masses of light, and their mindset is very alien to mortals. To a gliminal, the inevitability of death is a tragic curse on mortal kind which they cannot abide, and they seek to free mortal souls from that curse by stripping them of the fleshy shells that drag them down into death and away from Creation’s Forge towards one of the outer planes… by which I mean they reenact the overwhelming effects of their home plane in miniature and overwhelm mortals until they explode with raw life energy.
Additionally, the plane, much like many others, is home to gleaming reflections of many mortal creatures. These “radiant” creatures may be echoes of the possible life forms that proto-souls can inhabit once they leave for the mortal realm (or more likely, beings that have been obliterated by the plane, but managed to stay by some fluke and gain a body of radiant light), but they do behave much in the same way as their mortal counterparts, albeit even more vibrant and alive-seeming, and with a great antipathy for the undead and negative energy.
As the source of mortal souls, the Positive Energy Plane is not a place one would expect to find souls that passed on, let alone outsiders that evolved out of them, but such is the case with the manasaputra, divine beings of enlightenment and universal oneness who have their origins in Hindu mythology. (And also unfortunately in theosophy as well, but we’ll try to distance ourselves from that as much as possible). No matter what form they take, these cosmic beings are one of the few entities not born directly of the plane that the jyoti respect, and while the birdfolk do not seek them out, their presence can often temper their xenophobia, giving mortals a chance to make their case.
Not so with the davana titans, some of the oldest titans in existence. While such titans can often be found on many planes, not just here, a good number of them do exist in The Furnace, either as leftovers of some failed incursion or sent to guard the plane in the name of the gods. However, they are universally hated by the jyoti, and have to live in isolation there in order to maintain their assigned posts and wards. Unlike other davana, most are still working on their original assignments, so are unlikely to go berserk in an effort to re-establish cosmic order the way their imprisioned kin are, though I imagine most keep a wide berth of Titan’s Prison for obvious reasons.
It’s worth noting that though they are not likely trusted by the jyoti, monadic deva angels also sometimes frequent the plane on their patrols, barely tolerated by the jyoti no doubt.
Of course, I would be remiss if I didn’t mention ravids. The one-limbed serpentine creatures called Ravids are natives to the positive energy plane that are most notable with being able invest positive energy into objects to bring them to life… And the reason you may not have heard of them is that they’re actually a D&D monster, one that was legal for Paizo to transfer into Pathfinder under the OGL… but when it came time to actually make a system and not just a setting, they never figured out how to make them interesting, and kinda dropped them from the setting, being one of the very few non-OGL-exempted monsters from Monster Manual 1 that never appeared in Pathfinder outside some pre-Pathfinder system lore books. For my part, while they may be dubiously canon, I still like to think ravids are out there somewhere, waiting for an aspiring writer to give them some good lore.
Like I mentioned before, one would not expect there to be petitioners (or their new name in 2E revisted: shades) to exist on a plane where souls primarily leave, not enter, especially since no true deity makes their home on the plane. However, those that follow the philosophies of the manasaputra obecome such shades, called The Enlightened, where they dwell in peaceful reflection until they ascend to become one of the lesser forms of manasaputra along their path to greater enlightenment.
Additionally, the plane is also home to pre-incarnated souls, akin to nebulae condensing into a new star in miniature. While non-sapient, these vague entities have a curious knack for mimicry, but truly understand nothing, having not yet lived to have consciousness or comprehension. While normally impervious to harm, overwhelming negative energy or magic could snuff them out, and so most denizens of the plane, particularly jyoti, strive to protect them from harm.
As we can see, there is a surprisingly deep ecology to a plane that otherwise scours life from it’s reality, full of possible allies but also volatile enemies. But without a reason, visiting these natives would be a moot point. As such, tomorrow we’ll be looking at adventures on the Positive Energy Plane!
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pithon-draws · 4 months
Hi everyone! This is my new art blog! My main is @retic-pithon, and my kin help request blog is @pithon-asks! This blog is made for me to post my art and take art requests!
Now, on with the intro!
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Things you can call me --
Or any of my theriotypes
I'm genderfluid, so any pronouns! My favorites are --
Before you interact/follow --
I am a minor in the 16-18 age range, and I am a transmasc, polyamorous, lesbian, autistic, nonhuman, furry. If you aren't good with any of those things, LEAVE :).
What you can request --
Theriotype art
Wings of Fire OC art
Warrior cats OC art
Wings of Fire canon character art
Warrior cats canon character art
Fursona art
And kinda anything not on the blacklist
Art Request Blacklist --
NSFW (gore and the likes are fine)
Humanoid creatures
I will refuse to do any request I don't want to do
What I will post --
Wings of Fire art
Warrior cats art
Fursona art
(My) Theriotype art
Userboxes --
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Some things about me --
I have AuDHD and I am a therian with several different theriotypes, and I have a girlfriend, and I really like wof and warrior cats. Go to main blog for more info
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ophiocordyceps · 1 year
fuck it we ball. my thoughts on angels ft some discussion of gabriel in particular because i have got to talk about his bug ass at least a little
Angels, moreso greater and supreme angels, are basically weird bugs (or weird crustaceans sometimes, but generally have more in common with earthly insects), though it's hard to tell in their most common state, which despite what you may be led to believe is not their natural state.
The most common form of angels, armored humanoids with halos and wings, are more along the lines of a sort of "cultivated" creature, the divine Light that gives them much of their power channels their being into something far more outwardly controlled than how they otherwise would appear; their armor is actually more akin to an exoskeleton (though still metallic rather than chitinous), and some appear to have structures on their helmets that in reality are fused mandibles, among other things. If one were to dissect an angel in this state and study the findings, you would find their anatomy to resemble a strange and esoteric insect, containing imaginal discs that at first appear to be vestigial.
These discs, however, are not vestigial, rather dormant. 'Fallen' angels are those who have reverted back into their natural state, developing more arthropod-esque features such as antennae and extra limbs and appendages. Due to their divine nature, their bodies retain a small amount of innate Light that prevents them from dying outright (a fact few in Heaven are actually aware of), allowing their halos and wings to persist, though they may warp into horns and other structures or outright break apart at this point.
The process by which angels "fall" is actually more of a semi-gradual metamorphosis that lacks a pupal stage, and this period often tends to be very stressful and/or painful, leading to the development of many initially "monstrous" features, though with time and opportunity to de-stress, these can heal and smooth themselves out into more natural traits. Fallen angels, if given long enough, start to lose their more 'purposeful' appearance, losing some the details that turn their carapace into a more convincing suit of armor, gaining a sort of 'bug fluff', or developing drives to sleep and eat, amongst many other things. They may also grow larger and stronger than their still-holy kin, though nobody up in Heaven pays enough attention to the fallen to know this for sure.
Fallen angels also tend to be somewhat colder than their holy peers, though a deep outlier to this is Gabriel, who is bordering on freezing due to a small (not really) incident involving the frozen lake that comprises most of Treachery. He never really warmed back up after that.
Gabriel himself resembles something vaguely akin to a cicada. or a mantis. or a wasp. or a scorpion. vaguely, you see. turns out i dont aactually feel like describing him in detail but you can look at his bug ass here. Some of the details that aren't so apparent include the fact that under the antenna (the 'wings' covering his face) the front of his helmet is broken off, revealing no actual 'face' within but exposing a somewhat-spidery arrangement of compound eyes, and the 'spike' of his helmet is split into wasp-like mandibles. His secondary pair of limbs also stem more from his midsection but i forgot to specify that lmao uh i had less to say about him specifically than i thought. post.
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headmate-packages · 4 months
A package has arrived for you! Open it?
Shipping #: 00000011
Shipping number: 00000011 (3)
Name(s): Calcite
Nickname(s): Cal, Calcium
Pronouns: it/?/”?”/X/__ / ❔/🪽/ name & nickname
Species: offhuman, shapeshifter
Age/range: ??? Appears 25
Gender: alderliminal Bizarreaesic (all in a neutral way)
Role: Creature Carer https://pluralpedia.org/w/Creature_Carer
Interests: photography (particularly liminal)
Frontcalls: tends to front with nonhuman members especially those who have trouble communicating or making sense of the world
Likes: mushrooms, Teletubbies, lost media, red text, repeating text, nonhumans and children
Dislikes: snobbish, stuckup people
Appearance specifics: non object head, has stars on cheeks
Signoff: ❔🪽
Fears: God. (Does not have to be in a religious fashion)
Kins: (biblically accurate) angelkin, funguskin
Happy place: Wherever is the most nostalgic for the collective
Hobbies: Sewing, photoshopping liminal or -core images
Passion: Discovering nostalgia
Favorite memory: whatever memory is most nostalgic to the system
Handwriting: Digital font
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Image ID: Example of Digital font that reads "I WRITE LIKE THIS"
I Have Nothing To Say About Myself As It Has All Already Been Written . I Am Not Exactly A Human . I Have Never Felt One And I Never Will . I Am A Mycena Chlorophos Mushroom . And I Am An Angel . In The Dark , I Glow . When I Am Alone , I Fear Punishment For Crimes I Did Not commit . I Enjoy The Company Of Other Non - Human Beings. I Understand Them . And I Feel Understood By Them .
Face claims:
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Appearance: Calcite can shapeshift and therefore can appear in different ways. Calcite’s shapeshifting has the limitations of always being humanoid and never being perfectly human.
It's difficult to portrayed Calcite through picrew but here are some traits Calcite takes on
Its skin is either sickly pale, white, or grey. Its eyes are either grey or purple, often with a spiral within them. It's hair is either white or purple. Xs face has stars especially across the cheeks.
Calite almost always has wings. Calite often shows with enlarged elf-like ears or extra eyes. It sometimes has mushrooms growing from it.
Any white, as well as ?s mushrooms and stars glow in the dark.
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datw3irdo · 1 year
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So autistic for him /pos
I kin him now I’m not joking it’s so dumb I love it
Image ID: A purple-outlined owl humanoid with wings, spiral-like eyes (one that has a regular pupil, the other that has a star pupil.) This character is Barnaby from Billy Bust up, and is wearing their signature outfit. They have a smile on their face.
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