312 posts
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
wow look at me, following in Laurie's steps! okay this is me officially leaving, I can't lie and say it hasn't be a bit uncomfy being here after all that has unfolded.. i don't like feeling like i'm standing back and watching everything happen without speaking out- it doesn't feel or sit right with me. so I made a difficult decision to leave, this group has been fun.. of course most groups aren't free from problems, it's impossible to be the perfect rp, it just never happens.. I do agree that there was obviously bubble rping and preplotting even though this rp preached none of it- and it lacked in diversity.. i deeply apologize to anyone if I ever accidentally didn't reply to a POC character's reply?? I do suck at replying legit i'm always on and off hiatuses - and ik I missed some replies and I promise it's never anything personal. though i can relate when I took milena ( diane guerrero) i never had anything going for her besides lainey, though when it comes to wednesday ( sydney sweeney ) shes fucking popping?? there's obviously a preference, and/?? in a group that isn't okay, you can't be selective of who you rp with in a group?? we all have our favorite fcs , which is alright - but remember each mun works hard to bring their character to life.. and you shouldn't just ignore that muse for a preference..?? it's not cool. ( obviously ).. anyways, this rp while with potential- could use approvement.. I think a fresh start is needed and it'd be best to close and reopen once they look over what they need to work on - and work on it. nothing gets done when people feel silenced- not with a random unfollow ya feel? idk, the main reason it's been hard to leave is because of all the great people I write with- which is why I decided to make an indie which anyone can follow me on and write with me on, since i don't wanna lose connections- I don't wanna lose the friendships built... so pls follow me @ jstdesserts , I sadly don't have a personal tumblr but I do have discord if you ever wanna play among us with me or just chat? it's risa#4128.. also if you wanna write with sam ( who wrote for calliope, williow// who got out of the blue unfollowed- instead of trying to talk the issue out with her first and resolve it?? )) she also has an indie and would love to write with all of yall as well : it's @ hangovcrhalo .. alright while I got more to say- I think it's best to leave it at this... since there's already been so much happening, and yeah.. it's been fun, but pls dont' be afraid to reach out @ that indie or @ my discord, whichever! i'm here for anyone always, or whenever im awake.. my sleep schedule is p whack.. and as laurie said put on a barbie movie and take care of yourself! remember this is just a roleplay- real life and you obviously come first, get an icecream cone- look at tiktoks, or watch cute puppy and kitten vids.. just take care of you! thank you for all the great times and i hope to write with you all again soon! - Marisa 
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
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"ooh talk of Halloween already? I dig it. I was thinking Lydia from Beetlejuice- but for you i'd dig seeing you as some sort of warlock- or fairy.. I think you'd really suit it."
“ Is it time for the ever impending ‘what to dress up as Halloween’ talk now? I recognize not everyone participates in the holiday though, but if you’ve got a suggestion I’m willing to hear it. Might give the best suggestion like twenty bucks for it. ” 
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
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"i'm still heartbroken you're leaving me for ramon- come on i'm so much hotter. i'm gonna miss overstaying at your place- who am I kidding.. i'll still stay at your new one- ramon can get use to it." she joked.
“I really need a clear out. I think I’d need a whole moving truck for my clothes alone.”
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
Lysa could feel the corners of her own mouth lift a little, mirroring Wednesday’s smile, her eyes still soft as she looked at her. “I don’t know about an angel, but Autumn’s not a bad person to be sharing the spot with at all.” Leaning forward, she didn’t hesitate a moment before enveloping the other in a warm hug. “Whatever happened, it’ll be alright, okay? Even if it doesn’t feel like it right now, it will be, I promise,” she cooed softly, the tips of her fingers combing lightly through her blonde curls. Pulling away after a while, she grabbed a blanket from the bedspread, wrapping it around Wednesday’s shoulders. “So, want to see about those snacks now?” 
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"please- you're the nicest person i've met.. i don't know too many nice people- so you must be an angel." she insisted; feeling all her anxiety gently deflate as she found herself in the other's arms.. it felt so nice to be in someone's arms that you knew only had the best on intentions, "okay." she nodded; feeling a tear that was dancing with joy trickle down the corner of her eye, as she pulled away she wiped at her face. "-yes please, i'm starving"
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
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     “Oh honey…— you did all this because of a boy? The species that think logwood is an appropriate scent to put in a bottle and spray on their body?” The way her face contorted was a clear sign of her disapproval. “That’s exactly the mindset you should be having. If it’s not going to affect you in five years don’t let it affect you for five minutes. Especially with a name like Jeremy. Name me five continuously successful Jeremys, quickly. Bet you can’t.”
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“-yeah I know. pathetic..” she agreed; cringing at her own actions and reaction.. why was she letting herself be this down because of a boy? she was better then this- “you’re right- he isn’t worth my tears.. god- i feel stupid, if he doesn’t want to be with me- and can’t commit to me? he isn’t shit,.-I am drawing blanks- jeremys really aren’t shit.”
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
“I know,” Summer beams and decides that she’d like to make herself a hot chocolate, alongside the other’s coffee. “Coffee is magic, I swear,” she tells as she makes her way to the kitchen. “Yeah, that sounds fine,” she replies as she makes their drinks, keeping half an eye on the other as she does.
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"fuck yes- as you should." she countered back with a just as joyous tone, "-right? it cures everything- hangovers..-drunkness- well mainly alcohol related problems I guess." she shrugged; as she sat up to select the move she felt how heavy her head was. "-I think I got popcorn too if you want that.. on top of the fridge, i don't know if it's expired or not."
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
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Sydney Sweeney on Instagram, May 18 2020
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
“oh, so you mean like actually fucking? were you trying to be coy?” he asked with a laugh. “honestly, doesn’t take much, i just like to avoid public indecencycharges when i can.” bash pulled open the fortune teller tent for wednesday to pass through and followed after her.
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"pfft- please when am I ever coy? if I want something I get it- and i'm not afraid to let it be known.." she explained with a smirk, "i've done it in public many times only got caught once- you're dealing with an expert." she pointed out; "do we just sit down?" she asked the other looking around.
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
Michael let out a soft chuckle, he didn’t think he had ever been called comfy before. “Thanks,” He responded in almost a whisper. He had to admit, it felt nice to be like this with someone, and even better if it was helping Wednesday feel better. “Sure,” He nodded. “Anything you want.”
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"it's only the truth." she insisted; burying herself more into him as she pressed a giddy kiss to his cheek, "you're nice." she told; thinking on a movie, "how about - uhm, nightmare before christmas?"
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
“Pretty much any romantic comedy and Hallmark movie you can think of. Also heartwarming sports movies. I apparently have very niche interests when it comes to movies. I think I just like hot men and women.” Lucy chuckled with a shrug. “You’re the sad one. You get to pick.”
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"ooh- you had me at hallmark.. I love those cheesy films- they're so predictable but so comfy somehow." she pointed out, "though are we talking christmas hallmark or valentines day hallmark?"
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
“okay, let me go grab us both some water and then we’re gonna lay together and gossip until the room stops spinning. sound good?” he said before leaving to go find the kitchen and get two glasses of water for them.
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"uhm yes, that sounds awesome." she assured; laying down as she continued to watch the room -spin and spin. "so who broke your heart?" she called out to the male in the kitchen as she closed her eyes to stop the motions.
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
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Lucy Boynton & Sydney Sweeney
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
Sydney Sweeney by Jasmine Safaeian
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
FMK Jeremy, Michael, Bash
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F: Bash M: Jer K(iss): Michael
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
is a poptart a ravioli? follow up question: is a calzone a ravioli?
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"My brain doesn't like to think this hard- that's what google is for.. "
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
What’s your favorite sleeping position?
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"I have multiple- I toss and turn a lot so it's never just one singluar position. "
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wednesdayxdavenport · 4 years ago
In a novel, what plot role would your character fill? (hero, anti-hero, sidekick, villain, etc.)
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"obviously the villian- they make the best songs and have the best to die for fashion. "
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