#wing anon
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shalomniscient · 4 months ago
wing kjsr anon here!!
its pretty uncertain if she can fly or not. i hc that she did know the basics but after being fostered by kujou, she slowly forgot. since it is canon that she never really connected with her tengu side after being adopted.
another reason why i think there is a chance she might have known to fly is that in her friendship lv.6 story where she gets her vision.
"Though she had the strength of the tengu, she was still young and could not stand against the monsters alone, and was hurled from a cliff during the battle, her wings having been damaged prior.
Plummeting from the heights, and unable to unfurl her injured wings, she seemed fated to fall to her death."
like i think its hinted that she could have been able to fly and not fall if her wings weren't injured. i could be reading too much into it!
if she ever do gets a hangout quest, i hope we see her connect with her tengu side. maybe even visit that mountain she originally lived in. like we barely get any crumbs regarding her, even gorou got more than her 😭😭
i dont play genshin anymore and wasn't really an active player but omg i think a lot we got to lrarn about her was from her teapot interactions and the character stories.
shes so forgotten and mischaracterized that everytime i see people write her as mean and cold, i need to take a deep breath and take a walk 😞😞
i wish people started to actually learn her character than just call her a raiden simp. also bit off topic but i really hated how the inazuma archon quest ended. it pisses me off how they build so much tension just to end it like that..
signora's death was not needed imo, we barely got to even learn more about her character. and all we got about her past from were literal artifacts. and like the tension like the political complexities that happened at the time, the way we saw how people were affected after they got their vision taken away..like it was all soo well written in the beginning and then it just ended like that. inazuma was what got me into the game after liyue but also after inazuma, no quest really hit hard like how the quest where we get to see how inazuma was during the vision hunt decree.
like they wasted sm time on an npc that i could not bring myself to care about!! like i did not gaf during his death scene 😭😭 even yoimiyas quest was wasted on npcs if i remember correctly.
ok i think i rambled bit too much, but i stand by kjsr deserving more crumbs 💯💯
yeah, sara flying is a very grey lore area. i think at the very least we can assume she has the capacity to glide... god she makes me so emotionally unwell i need to give her so many comfort kisses shdlfjsdf also i agree somewhat with your view on the inazuma questline. i think the introductory patches like 2.0 and 2.1 were alright in building up to the war and establishing the weight of it, and how the sakoku decree has affected people from ritou to inazuma city to eventually watatsumi, and how neither citizen nor foreigner is spared. however, hoyo fumbled their landing so immensely to me. most criminally i think was there wasn't really any exploration of the fallout of the war and the decree. kokomi's story quest outlined the peace treaty between the shogunate and watatsumi, but that's literally it. why couldn't hoyo have included even a world quest or something about regular people trying to bounce back post war? surely inazuma's economy and technology has suffered ever since the decree was established. but no, there's not a single hint of information as to how these issues were resolved. it makes the war feel like it wasn't that big of a deal at all, since people seemed to have moved on pretty much immediately. it's a waste of incredibly rich story potential and as someone who does occasionally partake in writing, it genuinely hurts to see something miss the mark so horrendously.
as for teppei, i didn't feel any attachment to him at all, even when he died. honestly, i was more annoyed by him than anything. throughout the entire quest he was a part of, from when we meet him to when he dies, he maintains this cheery, naive energy to him. and again, hoyo's missed potential strikes again, because they could have written a bright-eyed character eager to partake in all the 'glory' of war coming to learn that in truth, there is no glory in war at all, only misery and suffering. that would've made a more compelling story, to me, instead of what we got. honestly, i was more attached to kazari then teppei, and she's a world quest character who doesn't say a single word. and onto signora... i will be crucified for this but to be truthful, i was never that attached to signora. yes she was very attractive when kicking venti in the guts but beyond that... she never stood out to me. i started actively disliking signora when she fucked sara up so badly we walk into tenshukaku and see her barely alive on the floor. after i saw that it was case closed for signora in my book lmao, if the shogun hadn't offed her EYE would've hsdlfjdhfljdf i fear signora will never find my forgiveness for that crime (not that it matters since she's-- *GUNSHOTS*)
anyway. one last thing about inazuma story quest before i go that has always bugged me immensely. the whole war between watatsumi and the shogunate... it's a complete farce when you think about it. there's genuinely no way the rebellion could have ever hoped to succeed if the traveler didn't show up. and i know that sounds obvious, but listen: the rebellion only exists because the shogun permits it to. realistically, if she so desired, the shogun could have sunk watatsumi in one blow. she may no longer have her gnosis in her possession, but a god is a god, and watatsumi is a godless land. i think the shogun would have been completely content turning the war into a battle of attrition, and in that sense, she has already won from the start. after all, who could possibly outlast eternity? this set the grounds for some absolutely crazy politicking and scheming that i would have absolutely LOVED to see... but we all know how the story quest ended up being so :/
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cherryblossomgothomite · 2 months ago
I’m an unrelated anon. Like I said I don’t like what’s happening :[
Ah, okay.
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toxycodone · 1 month ago
oxy im wet. ur so hot bro. what. omg. sighs dreamily…
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erm :3 thank you <3
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decaydanceredacted · 9 months ago
new obsession is lighthouse joe. even though i kind of love the "joe-is-touch-starved" thing, i personally would like the person hes with to be the touch starved one (pete. its pete) like assuming theres a storm and all the roads are closed down and the only place for this attractive stranger to stay is the mysterious lighthouse at the top of the hill. so pete knocks on the door with his suitcase in hand and mr lighthouse himself answers (duh who else is there). anyways he doesnt say anything to pete even though he can just sense how he took away pete breath etc etc. pete being very socially awkward doesnt really know what to say so they just walk up to petes room in silence and pete is soooo nervous because should he say thanks or just be quiet and hopefully joe wont notice his boner??? anyways they make it to the room and joe is gonna grab petes suitcase to be helpful and joe accidentally brushes his hand and petes stomach has butterflies and doing backflips at the same time. anyways further into the night pete is rlly sleepy and keeps tossing and turning but the bed is 10000 years old so its really squeaky and joe thinks he jerking off so he goes into petes room and lies down next to him but the bed is small (like a twin bed ig) and so they both have to snuggle together really closely in order to not fall off the bed. no other reason theyre just being bros. also pete is suuuuuper still because hes nervous but joe is more like outgoing (?) in this situation and he manhandles pete into a more comfortable position. anyways they sooooooooomehow wake up with their foreheads touching.
also could i be 🪽 wing anon?
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zzhadxa · 11 months ago
i would liek to formalyl apologise for eating ur flesh and bones
they were really good tho
last part aside you're forgiven
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(^ art by chezpop on Pinterest ty hardwaresysx0 for telling me!!!)
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mabel-angelo · 3 months ago
mabel I think you’re like super cool but I also kind of like bill but only the nice ones because I’ve met nice ones…can I still be your friend? :3
-🔌🪽 anon
sure, so long as its definitely only the nice ones! just like... know even if they ACT nice they might not be. you gotta be totally fully sure.
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anonymous-bastard · 7 months ago
Sing, O muse, of men. Men great and terrible. Men weak and willful. Men who are afraid and men who lie. Sing of them, in all their glory, for you sing of them lest they die. On the lips of eager mortals their tales shall live, and they shall too. Sing, and save them. For you die only truly when your name is spoken the last time.
very pretty
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fireandspiceland · 9 months ago
I love your account! I was wondering what are your favorite ships? And favorite characters? Also what is your favorite ship(s) with your favorite character(s)? And what kinks do you think your favorite character(s) have?
Sorry for all these questions I'm just super curious. I hope you're having a great day! -🪽
Sorry for the late reply (<- what I always say 😭), you’re really sweet and I hope you have a great day too!!
I love a lot of ships and don’t have any real notps (just some ships I’m not interested in) but some of my all time favourites are RusCan, Nordics polycule (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway in any constellation), Mint chocolate (England x 2p America), and lately I’m very into CanAme in any constellation and CanAme x England !!
My fav ships are basically my favourite characters too, though I also really like Monaco <3 and she’s not in any of my otps somehow 🤔
About kinks there’s way too many to name them all but I have a post in my drafts where I started to sum up my kink headcanons for some characters (ame, cana, iggy and their nyo counterparts). Of there’s any specific character you’d like to talk about we can sure do that 😇💕
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disneyprincessdxminatrix · 5 months ago
Riva - Let's go get a pizza, I'll treat you like a diva. Bad times go away like you got amnesia, Just brighten that smile Riva!
Like my poem? Haha, my brain ran out of rhymes (I'm not good at them). I hope you're doing well! And know that you are great! -🪽
I’m so late, this is so sweet! I don’t think anyone wrote me a poem before?? I mean it when I say this really brightened my day and made me smile when I first saw it a couple of days ago and does again right now (and possibly whenever I will look at it again in the future) 🥺💕
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ryebunny · 8 months ago
Hello Rye!(●’◡’●)ノ
How are you today? How did you sleep?
I see in your pin that you're happy about the twink death occuring in the fandom く(^_・)ゝ I'm not fully sure how to phrase this but which character do you really want twink death to occur to? You mentioned romano in your post and how more people are drawing him with a different body shape then the twink fandom did for so long. So who do you want that next to happen to?🪽
Omg,,, I've been blessed by the wing anon :0 This is the sweetest thing to wake up to, thank you!!! ♡♡♡
I'm a California gurl so I'm just now getting ready for the day (it's 8am where I live!), but I woke up feeling better than the past few days, so I'm good!
Ooh! Yes! As a fat person myself, I love seeing representation for plussized and diverse body styled characters, so I'm very pleased that the hetalia fandom finally seems to be moving away from the stereotypical "attractive" amine man rhetoric!
Along with Roma finally getting the chub he deserves, I'd love to see America, Russia, Ukraine, and Cuba beefed up more! You can't seriously tell me either one of them wouldn't have fat on their bones, smh. Besides that, I'd love to see more diversification over all! Twink death to others like Canada as well, give him some muscle!
Anything to stylize our favorite characters and make them more realistic is a step in the right direction! Any way those artists see fit to do so!
Thank you so much for the ask, I hope you're having a great day as well!!! ♡
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dorothywonderland · 5 months ago
could you draw Telemachus and Athena?
“Need some help?”
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ky-landfill · 6 months ago
Hello!! Do you ever think about Bruce, Dick, and pre-death Jason all sharing an awkward Christmas together, because I do. So much
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toxycodone · 1 month ago
oxy… would u be mad if i said i hate being degraded/hurt and vanilla is my favorite thing.
like… pls dont beat me,,,, can i get a “do not beat” pass?
too much trauma😞
-🪽 anon
not at all 🫶🏽 im versatile, I don’t need violence to get off hehe. I actually really enjoy spoiling and being sweet too.
im petting u on ur head…do u feel it…..being sweet to u because you deserve all the love and care 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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graytodd · 7 months ago
Oh my god Jaybin in Dicks cape- im sobbing 😭 can i perhaps request a continuation with Dick dressing Jay in a custom Nightwing suit for 'undercover purposes' because "someone might get suspicious if you dress as robin" but we'll all know the real reason 😗 maybe discowing if you like the suit or think Dick could handle Jay going anywhere like that 😅
I just enjoyed this way too much, thanks for this request anon!♡ Naah, Dick would never let Jay go around in a deep v neck costume 🤣 but I love the idea of jaybin as nightwing sidekick ~
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zzhadxa · 11 months ago
Hai ^_^
hey pookie!!! (airdrops satire art)
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marinusart · 8 months ago
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Wasn`t a fan of tusks for mudwings until I drew them myself lol. I think it would work out well as a royal family trait (like the patterns seawings have)
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