#winchester abbey
barrowing · 1 year
I wish Jimmy had had more time to develop as a character. he had so much potential. (imo) the man was gay but not exactly closeted, he just didn't even know it because he was too occupied trying to fill the role he was supposed to fill to realize that was even possible. pretty boy working class ladies man voice I'm here to flirt with and kiss and pursue women I don't feel attracted to like any manly man should what do you MEAN I could just not do it?? ?? what do you mean you DON'T???? the way he resented thomas so badly at first, mainly because of his own fear of social exclusion (which O'brien used), trying so desperately to be SEEN the way he should be seen - - but slowly began to get closer to him and appreciate him and his friendship enough to let his guard down a little. I wish he had had more time to realize he didn't need to use women he didn't love as machines or props or characters in his adventure script (with the proper acknowledgement of that mistake), to realize he didn't have to accept being used by women who held power over him, to realize what love actually felt like. idk
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dansnaturepictures · 9 months
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12 of my favourite photos to take in December 2023 and month summary
The photos are of; Goldcrest at Lakeside Country Park, Blue Tit at Lakeside, Long-tailed Duck at Hayling Island Oysterbeds, mushrooms in Abbey Gardens, Roe Deer at Lakeside, turkey tail mushrooms at Fishlake Meadows, Silver-sided Sector spider at home, winter heliotrope at Lakeside, view at Winnall Moors, view at Southsea, view at Hayling Island and the stark looking rose bush in the garden with a few fading rose hips and yellow leaves.
December was a charming month packed full of wild wonder for me, a month where I had to do things a bit differently led to a huge focus on local areas and a couple of relatively fresh places for me visited and I saw some amazing wildlife to have a fitting end to an incredible year for me. In my birdwatching a final addition to my highest ever year list to bring my 2023 total a neat 220 came in the form of a bird I have a huge bond with and admiration for, the Black Redstart at Southsea Castle. This came a day after being mesmerised by wonderful views of the Long-tailed Duck and other birds at Hayling Island. Red Kite, Marsh Harrier, Stonechat, Rock Pipit, Nuthatch, Kingfisher, Jay, Mute Swan, Brent Geese, Red-breasted Merganser and Great White Egret were other key birds of my month. On my Lakeside walks the Goosanders continued to give with more fantastic sightings of them and the Common Gull was another welcome frequently seen winter visitor. Cormorant, fine views of Tufted Ducks, the cheery constant of Great Crested Grebes, Goldcrest, Green and Great Spotted Woodpecker, Jay, marvelous Redwings, Song Thrush, Wren, so many smashing moments seeing Long-tailed Tits, Kingfisher and Ring-necked Parakeet have been other key Lakeside sightings to bring me joy this month.
It has naturally quietened down for insects this month but I did manage a butterfly sightings with a probable Peacock seen quickly flying over at Lakeside and a hoverfly there on Christmas Eve. Grey Silverfish as well as frequent sightings of Long-bodied Cellar spider and the Silver-sided Sector spiders were interesting to see at home. It has been a memorable mammal month ending perhaps my greatest year of watching mammals with magical moments connecting with Roe Deers at Lakeside and Winnall Moors and a fair few Grey Squirrels and Brown Rats seen. Likewise with fungi a quieter month but multiple turkey tail sightings and some splendid candlesnuff fungi among others kept the interest up.
In a wet and relatively mild month a notable thing was how almost bizarre it was to notice things with plants a few weeks/months ahead of where they should be, from the verge at Lakeside bursting with winter heliotrope in flower and a violet to the hazel catkins beginning to adorn the landscape and the forsythia hedge out the front having a few flowers. Wild carrot and white deadnettle were two of a few of the summer/all season flowers I enjoyed in flower in places too. It was a great month of observing seed heads from fleabane to hogweed including gripping old man's beard and in an incredible fruit year bits of fruit still going like rose hips, hawthorn berries and holly berries. Mistletoe a key seasonal sight. Finally I enjoyed many breathtaking moments immersing myself in the outdoors at special sites taking in beautiful landscapes, with great sky scenes including the rainbow and the moon key to this month too. Happy New Year all!
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Sam Winchester 🤝 Tom Branson
Characters that are usually covered up in so many clothes that the fans end up going completely barmy for them whenever they show off their wrists and/or neck.
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La sens et la spiritualité poétiques de l'architecture gothique anglaise
– Crédit vidéo d’introduction : Drone Video of Duomo di Milano Cathedral video of Kmeel Stock from Pexels.– Crédit vidéo : Vidéo de la cathédrale de Ambient_Nature_Atmosphere de Pixabay. Le texte ci-dessous est l’extrait du livre La splendeur de l’architecture gothique anglaise (ISBN: 9781783108923) écrit par John Shannon Hendrix, publié par Parkstone International. L’enjeu de ce livre est…
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fake-name-fake-tits · 8 months
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thelampisaflashlight · 8 months
Headcanons surrounding the abbey, the siblings, and the ghouls. Let's go.
-The abbey is a mix of new and old architecture, with an emphasis on cohesively blending the newer wings with the older parts of the building, at least from an aesthetic standpoint.
However, there are some parts of the abbey that have been intentionally cut off by modern additions, in other words; There are parts of the abbey that are visible form the outside, but completely inaccessible from within.
These parts of the abbey are either structurally unsound, thus dangerous for anyone to venture into, or have been sealed for reasons unknown.
As a result of this decision to conceal rather than demolish these areas, the abbey has a very mazelike layout akin to the Winchester Mansion, and new and old siblings of sin are often seen consulting maps to find their way around.
-The basement where the ghouls reside/where their dorms are housed is NOT the abbey's "real" basement; The abbey's actual basement, where the electrical panels and pipes feed down to, is only accessible through two points on the property.
The first entrance is located through a door labeled, "Custodial Services Only", and is pretty obvious, given that the door itself is painted bright red and has a keypad beside it, whereas the other one is located... somewhere.
Yeah, no one actually knows where the second entrance is, but it's somewhere outside.
The ghouls also have another way of getting into the actual basement, but that's because ghouls really love to dig.
-Speaking of weird shit underground, if it wasn't bad enough that the abbey is a maze, there's plenty of places where one could accidentally wind up in the catacombs, because, yeah, not only do they have two basements, they have a tunnel of bones, too!
Mountain says it used to be used for burials back in the olden days, but that it eventually took on a more sinister history that he prefers not to delve into.
Dew sometimes hangs out down there with "the nuns", and he won't elaborate more on what he means by that, and everyone is lowkey a little concerned.
-On the topic of the nuns though... Yeah, there's a bunch of dead nuns floating around the place, which may or may not be the reason why the library is so fucking haunting, but we digress.
Many of the siblings report seeing apparitions of nuns -not sisters of sin in their habits, straight up nuns- traveling through some of the more secluded hallways, and on occasion one of the old chapels seems to be filled with the sounds of prayers spoken in Latin despite the room itself being condemned and empty.
This is another place where Dew can be found from time to time, seemingly having conversations with the air.
-The infirmary is one of the newer additions to the abbey, as the older wing dedicated to medical services was bricked shut during renovations decades ago and has been left to rot ever since.
There's a challenge among the medical staff, ghouls included, in which they have to travel from the infirmary to the old wing, touch the wall where the door used to be, and come back, and there are marks from where they've placed their hands there.
Aether undertook this mission solo after his retirement, needing to feel some kind of connection to the abbey and leave his mark, and truth be told he's never quite been the same since.
According to him, once you see the wall, it's impossible not to feel different.
"You'll always know someone is looking out for you... whether you like it or not."
And lastly;
-There's a rumor among the siblings that there's a secret cemetery in the woods surrounding the abbey, but no one has been able to find it... at least no one who's lived to tell the tale.
Many more scientifically minded folks think these individuals may have fell victim to sinkholes or one of the edgeless, cavernous wells -such as Ol' Dens' Pond- that have cropped up over the years, but no one can say for certain.
In a way, perhaps, it is a self made graveyard, born of aimless wandering and a lack of caution.
Though the worn crosses turned to naught moss covered stones beg to differ.
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whencyclopedia · 2 months
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Henry VI of England
Henry VI of England ruled as king from 1422 to 1461 CE and again from 1470 to 1471 CE. Succeeding his father Henry V of England (r. 1413-1422 CE), Henry VI was crowned the king of France in 1431 CE but he could not prevent a French revival led by Charles VII of France (r. 1422-1461 CE) and such figures as Joan of Arc (c. 1412-1431 CE). The Hundred Years' War (1337-1453 CE) was ultimately lost and with it all England's territory in France except Calais. Back in England, the king's weakness of character and mind, and the intense rivalry between his barons led to the conflict known as the Wars of the Roses (1455-1487 CE) between the rival houses of Lancaster and York. After an episode of insanity, Henry VI had, in effect, a regent, Richard, the Duke of York in 1454 CE. Despite military victories by Henry's wife, Queen Margaret, the king was ultimately deposed by Richard's son Edward in 1461 CE. Henry would make a brief return to the throne in 1470 CE before Edward, now Edward IV of England (1461-1470 & 1471-1483 CE), was once more victorious on the battlefield and able to declare himself king for a second time. Henry was then murdered in the Tower of London in May 1471 CE.
Henry was born on 6 December 1421 CE in Windsor Castle, the son of Henry V of England and Catherine of Valois (l. 1401 - c. 1437 CE), the daughter of Charles VI of France. The reign of Henry's father was short but brilliant. Pressing his claim to the French throne, which had started with Edward III of England (r. 1327-1377 CE), Henry V had won a famous victory against a French army at the Battle of Agincourt in October 1415 CE and then conquered Normandy between 1417 and 1419 CE. This was to be the peak of English fortunes during the on-off conflict between the two countries known to history as the Hundred Years' War. The victories allowed Henry V to sign the 1420 CE treaty of Troyes with Charles VI of France (r. 1380-1422 CE) which made Henry the French king's heir while the blood heir, the Dauphin Charles, was disinherited. All this happened while France was split between two rival factions: the Burgundians and the Armagnacs.
The English barons would entangle themselves in a spiral of competition to see who could hold most power while Henry remained a minor.
Henry V died, probably of dysentery on 31 August 1422 CE at Bois de Vincennes in France. The English king had missed the chance to become the king of France by less than two months as Charles VI died on 21 October 1422 CE. Prince Henry, not even one year old, became the new king of England and the youngest to hold such a title before or since. He would not receive his coronation until 6 November 1429 CE in Westminster Abbey, officially becoming Henry VI of England. In the meantime, the infant had two regents, appointed by Henry V before his death: Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (l. 1390-1447 CE) for England and John, Duke of Bedford (l. 1389-1435 CE) for the territories in France, where, at least according to the Treaty of Troyes, he was also now the king. Another important figure was the king's great-uncle, Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Winchester. These three men and others would entangle themselves in a spiral of competition to see who could hold most power while Henry remained a minor.
The Wars of the Roses were not over yet, though. Edward, the Duke of York's son, backed by the Earl of Warwick, was promoted as a replacement to his father and to King Henry. When Edward won the bloody Battle of Towton in March 1461 CE, the largest and longest battle in English history, this is indeed what transpired. Henry VI was deposed, and he, Queen Margaret, and their son Edward (b. 13 October 1453 CE) all fled to Scotland. Edward of York, just 19 years of age, was crowned Edward IV of England at Westminster Abbey on 28 June 1461 CE. Even this was still not the end of the civil war, merely a pause.
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thesharkspajamas · 3 months
How much do folks know about the modern British upper class?
With shows like The Crown, Kingsman, Bridgerton, and The Gentlemen gaining popularity, I'd like to find out how much Tumblr knows about the British upper class and aristocracy.
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One point per question:
Do you know why people pay for private members' clubs in London?
What is Ascot?
What is a duke/duchess?
What is millinery?
Does a marchioness rank above a duke?
What is the House of Lords?
What is primogeniture?
Which career do graduates from Norland college pursue?
What is Harrods?
What is a Royal Warrant?
What type of clothing is associated with Savile Row?
What is Henley Royal Regatta?
When can a tiara be worn, and by whom?
What is finishing school?
An extra point for each of these schools if you've heard of them before: Cheltenham Ladies' College, Eton, Winchester, Harrow, Marlborough, Fettes, Uppingham, Repton, Wycombe Abbey
If anyone is even remotely interested in the answers, comment and I'll post them tomorrow.
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humanpurposes · 1 year
From Eden
Chapter 2: Some part of me came alive
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Danes attack Wincombe Abbey and a young novice crosses paths with a group of mercenaries and their Baby Monk // Series Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Osferth x Original Female Character
Warnings: 18+, suggestive themes, religious guilt, pathetic yearning
Words: 3400
A/n: I did not spellcheck the names. Also available to read on AO3.
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Since joining Lord Uhtred, Osferth had seen enough of the back of his horse’s head to make him sick. They moved constantly, never settling anywhere for long. So he savoured each stop, and every night he spent in a bed rather than a forest floor or a field, he made sure to express his gratitude in his prayers.
Only the ride from Wincombe was anything but dull. The girl from the abbey, Bridget, was rather impossible to ignore, pressed tightly against his back and shrouding his cloak around his shoulders to keep them both warm.
He slowed the horse once they had caught up with the rest of the group. She settled then, holding her hands on his shoulders, turning her head and resting her temple at the base of his neck through the thick material of his tunic. A thrill ran down his spine, one he hardly allowed himself to feel. 
The snow was starting to settle now, crunching under the hooves of the horses. The sky was overcast with grey clouds, yet the world seemed so bright. Bridget marvelled at the sight of the land beyond the abbey, letting out breathless little gasps at hills and woodlands.
“When was the last time you were this far from the abbey?” Osferth asked, turning over his shoulder a little.
Her wide eyes glanced up at him before she lifted her head. He suddenly felt cold with the absence.
“I haven’t been beyond the woods in over a decade,” she said, her voice was light, finding its place between wonder and sadness. 
He had much been the same, hardly venturing from the walls of the minster in Winchester, until he decided to seek out Lord Uhtred.
“Is that how long you have been at the abbey?” he asked.
“Yes,” is all she said. He had half expected a tale of her life, of her mother and father, but she simply sighed and looked ahead, peering over his shoulder to the others riding in front of them.
He told her of their company, of Lord Uhtred, a man born to a Northumbrian Lord and raised by Danes, hoping to reclaim his home. He told her how he had found himself tied to other matters. He was a warrior, a loyal servant and friend of King Alfred, but most recently he had become intent on his pursuit of the seer, Skade.
“What is his interest in her?” Bridget asked.
Osferth tutted to himself. Uhtred’s obsession with Skade had brought them nothing but misfortune and death thus far. “He believes himself to be cursed.”
“And do you believe that?”
“She is of the devil,” he said, “sent to tempt the hearts of men. That is all I care to know of it.”
And yet Uhtred remained intent on finding her.
As they rode on, he told her of the other men, Finan, the Irishman, and Shitric, the Dane, the greatest and the bravest warriors he had ever known– save for his Lord, of course.
“And what of you?” she asked.
“What do you mean?”
She nodded ahead. “Uhtred of Bebbanburg, Finan the Irishman and Shitric the Dane. Where do you come from?”
He frowned and suddenly his cross felt heavier around his neck. He had been left to the monastery with no name, no title, just the weight of his father’s sins. “I am simply Osferth,” he said. 
“That can’t be true,” Bridget said. “What was it Finan called you? Baby Monk?”
His body went rigid. God, he hated that name, even more so now that she had said it.
She chuckled softly. “That makes you something,” she said.
He doubted she would soon forget the topic. “I was born in Winchester,” he said with a reluctant sigh.
“And how did you come to serve Lord Uhtred?”
“My uncle said he was a great man. I sought him out, to join him.”
“So you do have a family?”
Hardly. He had few memories of Leofric, even less of his mother.
One of Bridget’s hands slipped from his shoulder, resting against his arm. “I can stay silent if you’d prefer, seeing as you’re so intent on remaining mysterious,” she said.
“No– no,” he insisted as he cleared the tight feeling in his throat. “My life is anything but mysterious, I assure you.”
“A simple man, formerly of the cloth,” she mused.
He sounded painfully dull with the way she put it, but what was the alternative? Bastard… coward… boy.
“I suppose so,” he muttered.
As the sun slipped below the hills and night crept into the sky, Lady Aethelflaed at last decided they would make camp for the night, despite Uhtred’s determination to press on to Saltwic.
They found cover under a grove of trees where they could tie the horses, gather firewood and seek some shelter from the snow.
Osferth dismounted first, swinging his leg over the horse’s head before he turned back to Bridget. She braced herself on his shoulders as he put his hands on her waist and guided her down. Perhaps the fall was further than she anticipated; her hands tightened their grip on his shoulders and she took a sharp breath before her feet touched the ground.
“Are you alright?” Osferth asked.
“Yes, of course,” she mumbled. Her eyes flittered between his face and the ground. He had an awful feeling he had done something wrong and quickly released his hands from her.
He made quick work of unloading the canvas, bedroll and furs from his horse before he went about his usual duties, building the fire, beginning on the broth to feed the men. Bridget stood restlessly, fiddling with her hands in front of her skirts, reaching for her hair to fix a habit she no longer wore. He watched her in the corner of his eye as he worked, and gestured for her to join him by the fire once the flames came alive.
She still had his cloak on her and when she moved to take it off he stopped her. She smiled in thanks and pulled it back over her shoulders.
Even then she was unsettled. Her head turned everywhere, watching Uhtred setting up a tent for himself and Lady Aethelflaed, Finan and Shitric as they sharpened their swords and poured themselves cups of ale. 
“Your first night away from the abbey,” Osferth said and bit his tongue immediately after. It was a rather obvious thing to point out.
She cautiously eyed the other men around them, setting up their own beds and fires.
“You needn’t fear them,” Osferth said. “They will not harm you.”
As she turned towards him, her eyes and skin caught the light of the fire. In that moment she was golden and radiant, the very image of the angels he praised in his prayers. Suddenly his mouth felt dry– perhaps he needed a drink of ale.
She smiled softly. “I am not afraid, Osferth.”
His eyes were drawn to her lips and her teeth as she said it. He had never known his own name to sound so pleasant.
Lord Uhtred appeared from the tent to fetch a bowl of broth for Lady Aethelflaed, before he, Finan and Shitric joined them by the fire to eat and drink.
Finan handed Bridget a cup of ale. “The more you drink the easier it is to fall asleep,” he said, “you’ll need it with the cold.”
She winced at the first sip but laughed it off with the others. “Stronger than I’m used to,” she said.
“Does she have a bed?” said Uhtred.
“She’ll have mine,” Osferth said without hesitation. 
Finan and Shitric shared an amused look. Bridget tilted her head at him. There was that strange feeling in his stomach again, like he’d done something wrong.
“I’ll just sleep on the ground,” he clarified.
The fire kept them warm enough for an hour or so, but as the night grew darker it brought heavier snow and wind, nipping at the bare bits of Osferth’s skin, his face and fingertips. Without his cloak he felt the cold seeping through to his very bones.
He was as quiet as usual, while Finan and Sihtric reminisced back on battles and nights spent in alehouses. Bridget watched them with wide eyes and wonder.
He hardly noticed Lord Uhtred’s departure and subsequent return with a bedroll, dropping it at his feet.
“You’ll sleep better with it,” Uhtred said. “Now retire, all of you, we leave at first light.”
Osferth pointed Bridget towards the tent he had set up and told her to use as many furs as she needed.
Once he had taken the broth pot from the fire and gathered Lord Uhtred’s bedroll, he made towards the tent. Until a firm hand stopped him by his shoulder.
“You’re a better man than I, Baby Monk,” Finan muttered into his ear with an audible grin. “I’d have her sharing my bed.”
He brushed Finan’s hand away and clenched his jaw to stop himself smiling.
Was he truly being that obvious? He wanted to think that he wasn’t, but with every step he took towards the tent, the more he thought of her, lying on his bedroll, wrapped in his cloak and his furs to keep out the cold, the more he began to doubt himself.
She only caught his attention back at Wincombe when she approached him in the hall– the girl from the woods who had directed them towards the abbey. She seemed curious, fascinated at the prospect of him having left his order in Winchester, and when Haesten had attacked, she had acted courageously in spite of her fear. Heaven above, she had killed one of the men, which was one more than he could claim from his first battle.
He was acting by the guidance of the Lord, he told himself, in offering her his care and protection. He intended to honour his word. 
He was glad to be out of the snowfall and under the canvas. His cloak had been left on the branch of a tree, hanging within the tent, and Bridget had settled on the bedroll, huddling in a single layer of fur. He could see her shivering.
He laid out Lord Uhtred’s bedroll, in what small space he had. He fastened the cloak around himself, leaving his boots and his gloves on as he settled. It was too cold for anything less.
Bridget was on her side and facing him, fur pulled up to her chin, eyes squeezed shut, teeth chattering and lips trembling as she let out shaky, icy breaths.
Even as the snores of the other men sounded from the other tents, she was still shivering.
He whispered her name, and she responded with a short “hmm.”
“You’re cold,” he said.
She opened her eyes. “Finan’s trick with the ale didn’t work,” she grumbled.
He smiled. “Don’t trust everything Finan tells you.”
She angled her brows in a helpless expression and smiled back.
An idea crossed his mind, one that would have Finan grinning like a devil, but he couldn’t just leave her to the cold. He adjusted the fur around him and held it out. 
“May I?” he asked at the questioning frown on Bridget’s face.
She shuffled closer to him, dragging the fur with her as she settled herself under his arm and against his chest.
Osferth brought the fur around her, pulling her in a little closer, her head fitting perfectly under his chin. He felt the gentle force of her breath against the collar of his cloak, leaving his skin feeling deprived of her. 
She fell asleep quickly. A subtle feeling of pride swelled in his chest, but sleep did not come as easily to him. He could hardly rest, he had to make sure the furs were wrapped around her, that his arm wasn’t pressing in too harshly to her body, but that his hold was firm enough to keep her warm.
And then there were her little hums and heavy breaths. They were soft sounds, unobtrusive, soothing in a way, and his heart leapt at each one.
He tried to think of the last time he had been this close to someone. He and Finan and Shitric had found themselves in uncomfortably close proximity, finding sleep where they could on their travels. Having Bridget by his side, nestled against him, her face delicately fallen and a picture of peace in his embrace, was entirely different.
He let his hand trace over the curve of her waist and settle against her back. He liked the feel of her under his touch, their breaths moving together, her body pressed against his.
But what was it the holy book preached? The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.
He clenched his jaw and tucked the edge of the fur under his hand so his palm would not touch her, not directly at least.
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Bridget insisted she was used to rising early, especially after she had slept so well– a detail which had earnt Osferth a smug look from Finan, which he met with another frown.
The mind governed by the flesh is death.
He recited those words in his head over and over again, as he helped Bridget into the saddle, as she put her hands around his waist, as her hips gently rocked against him with the movement of the horse, but he kept his head high and his hands tight on the reins.
It took a matter of hours to reach Saltwic. The men were all glad to be under a roof with some more substantial food in their bellies; spit-roasted meat, bread and more than a few mouthfuls of ale. 
Though before long, Osferth found himself being dragged out of the hall by his shoulders and Finan’s insistence that they should make use of their time to train.
Bridget was already waiting for them in the courtyard. She had shed her nun’s robes now, dressed in garments she must have been given by Lady Aethelflaed; a shirt, tunic and breeches. Modest, but he doubted her sisters at the abbey would approve. She wore them well. 
By her side she held a sword, shorter and slimmer compared to the blades wielded by Lord Uhtred and his men. Osferth looked down at his own weapon, long and slight, made to match his body.
“Which would win in a fight, a Baby Monk or a Little Novice?” Finan said cherrily, striding between them.
Osferth and Bridget shared a look of confusion.
Finan held his arms out as though he were expecting an answer. “Let's find out, shall we?” Then he withdrew, leaving nothing but empty space and a few settled snowflakes between them.
Surely he did not mean for them to attack each other without even showing Bridget how to properly wield a sword. Not that Osferth was a well seasoned fighter himself. He had seen battle, but he often let himself fall into the background unless it was necessary. 
Bridget had a fighter’s instincts at least. She had hardly hesitated to slay one of the attackers at Wincombe. He might have been dead if she hadn’t. With that he felt a little less guilt about taking a single step forward as he adjusted the grip on his sword. 
She reacted sharply, like an animal to a hunter. In a heartbeat her posture had completely changed. She was poised, her eyes wide and alert, her feet in a fighting stance and her sword at her side.
It was easy to pick up on her movements, the little signs of instinct in every reaction. Finan had often told him this was a weak point of his, the inability to read his opponent, but with her, he was acutely aware of where she was putting her weight, where her eyes were looking, each little intake of breath as they stalked around each other.
When she moved first, he raised his blade to block her, then matched her again when she took a swing at his middle.
Their swords met with a ringing clash. The metal hissed as he drew his blade along hers until they fell apart.
His heart was racing and his breaths shallow. He was becoming impossibly warm under the weight of his robes and chainmail.
Bridget was poised again, a gleam in her eyes and a small smile playing in the corner of her mouth.
“The girl’s a natural,” Finan called, “she’s picking this up faster than you did, Baby Monk!”
Osferth meant to shoot his friend a glum glare until he saw a flash of movement, her hair and the wave of her sword. He looked back to Bridget in time to parry her strike, but not before she moved around him and delicately placed her blade on his shoulder, over his chainmail, close enough to his neck to affirm her victory.
She was close enough that he could feel her breath on his skin. 
She smiled, proud of herself but without cruelty. It made his chest ache, not unpleasantly.
“Where did you learn to fight?” Finan asked.
A small part of Osferth died as she turned her eyes away from him. She lowered her sword and stepped away.
“I learnt a little from my brother,” she said.
“Good man himself,” Finan said, drawing his own blade and nodding for them to follow his lead as he brought them through a few stances.
“Yes,” she said softly, “yes he was.”
Osferth hardly let himself look upon her as they trained, unless Finan asked them to spar. They became less evenly matched each time they did so. He found himself slipping further and further into his own mind. Each time she smiled at him it awakened something bright and unnerving within him. He clasped at the memory of having her waist in his hand, her breath against his neck, her body pressed into his.
He excused himself once Finan decided they were done and decided to forgo the suggestion that they replenish themselves in the hall with more meat and ale.
He went to the chapel, tucked away in the corner of the estate within Lady Aethelflaed’s private apartments. It was far from the noise of the stables, the rowdiness of the hall, the heat creeping under his skin every time his eyes met Bridget’s.
The chapel was small, cold and dark, lit only by a collection of candles at the altar. He came to his knees on the stone floor before it, clutching his cross in his hands. 
He asked for peace of mind, for clarity, for an answer.
Why her? Why had the Lord seen fit to guide them to Wincombe and urge her to join them? Why had his mind become so utterly consumed by her, not some lewd temptress of cruel intention or evil spirit, but a woman of beauty, warmth and courage? Perhaps it was a tempting of faith, a lure to sin and depravity.
“The mind governed by the flesh is death,” he whispered to himself, “but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”
A breeze blew through the chapel, ceasing when the door was quietly closed.
Osferth froze, stroking his thumb over his cross.
Soft footsteps moved against the flagstones until a figure stood at the altar. She was still in her training clothes, her hair flowing freely down her back. Most of her face was obscured in shadow, save for the edges of her cheek and her nose. He watched her hands as she lit a taper and brought it to the wick of a new candle. 
She bowed her head in a silent prayer, the flames lighting the curve of her lips. She whispered something to herself but the words eluded him. He wondered what she might be praying for, if she felt the same turmoil as he did.
The room remained silent, save for the hum of the flames. Ordinarily he found peace in silence, but now it felt unbearable.
Bridget turned around, still bathed in darkness, an intangible vision, like a ghost, untouchable. The colour of her eyes were lost to darkness but he felt them boring into his.
She took a step closer to where he knelt. He held his cross a little tighter as traced the shape of her slightly parted lips, and felt a restless urge rising in his gut.
“What are you praying for, Osferth,” she said.
Without thinking he flexed his hand to regain some feeling in it. He might as well have been a lifeless entity otherwise.
The mind governed by the flesh is death.
“Strength,” he uttered, desperately keeping his eyes on her face, not the curves of her body and the belt cinching in her waist. “And courage also.”
Bridget suddenly retreated into herself. She kept her hands clasped in front of her and smiled. “I pray for that too.”
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Tags (comment to be added to either)
General taglist: @randomdragonfires @jamespotterismydaddy @theoneeyedprince @tsujifreya @dreamsofoldvalyria
From Eden taglist: @greenowlfactif @tinykryptonitewerewolf @bellaisasleep @brianochka @doomwhathouwilt @sarahkimtae
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roleplayfinder · 4 months
The search , Supernatural, Saltburn, ACOTAR, Shadowhunters, Fast & Furious, Sherlock and More
Heyo! 25 year old female writer here. I’m eighteen plus so please please please ensure you are before writing to me! Now about me, I do work, quick fire would be nice but I can’t always be here. So you may see me post more depending on what ideas I’ve got and what cravings I have. But with my time off you can guarantee I’ll be posting more! Just a heads up I’m looking for clean roleplays! I do prefer discord to conduct roleplays purely for the purpose of being able to keep things more organised! My discord is eleanorewinchester
So I’m looking for those of you who can use third person, past tense and lots of detail. I say this not to be mean but because I do consider myself to be advanced literate, I expect potential partners to be the same! I’m looking for oc (me) x male canon characters from the above movies but I will enclose further fandoms and movies with in the post! I use third and past tense and would be grateful if you do too! Please note I do have dyslexia. I’d love to get some aus going as well as some love triangles. Doubles are welcome! But please note ALL my roleplays are doubles. I will be prioritising those of you who don’t want to double and are happy to play canons. I’m just getting to a point where doubles feel transactional, I’d like to do something for myself where I can :).
I’m also craving; Fast & Furious, Saltburn and Supernatural, (please?! I would kill for a good detailed roleplay), Sherlock (please?!), Shadowhunters (please I beg?!), A Court of Thorns and roses, Supernatural, The Musketeers (bbc show), My Life With the Walters, Hunger Games (originals and prequel), GG at the moment as well! I’d honestly kill for someone to play; Felix Catton, Brian O’conner, Dean Winchester or Jace Wayland, Jules or Mark.
I’d love our roleplay to be something of comfort to us both. Something to cheer us up and keep us engaged in the story! If you’ve got any wild ideas you’ve been dying to do for the below fandoms send them my way if it’s doubles I’ll do my best to accommodate them! If there’s a character in brackets that’s who I’m looking to ship with, I need you to play them! Any fandoms with hearts are ones I’m desperate for!
Fandoms I seek include:
Fast and furious (Brian) ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Shadowhunters (Book/Show verse) (Jace, Julian, Mark)
Sherlock (Sherlock,John)
Superstore (Jonah)
Supernatural (Dean) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ACOTAR (Cassian,Lucien, Rhys) ❤️
Bridgerton and Queen Charlotte
The Musketeers (bbc show Aramis)
Merlin (show)
Downton Abbey
Saltburn (Felix) ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Kissing Booth (Noah)
Pitch Perfect (Jesse)
Ginny and Georgia (Marcus)
Game of thrones (tv verse)
House of the Dragon (Daemon)
Death in paradise
MCU (Thor, Steve, Loki)
Wuthering Heights
Teen Wolf (Stiles)
TVDU (Klaus, Elijah)
Pirates of The Caribbean (Jack)
Narnia (Caspian, Peter)
Buffy (Spike)
Hunger Games (Finnick)
Ballard of SongBirds and Snakes (Coriolanus, Sejanus)
Divergent 😍 (Four)
The Outsiders (Dallas, SodaPop)
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dansnaturepictures · 1 year
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11/10/23-Phone photo of beautiful cat mint in Abbey Gardens today, and six photos from this year not yet posted of; Clouded Yellow on Friday, Fox moth caterpillar at Thursley Common last month one of a fair few I've enjoyed seeing this year, a view at Pig Bush in the New Forest on Sunday, Silver-spotted Skipper at Old Winchester Hill in August, Spoonbill on Brownsea Island a couple of weeks ago and a beautiful Peacock butterfly on hemp agrimony at Winnall Moors on Saturday.
Today I also enjoyed seeing Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Magpie, Woodpigeon, Feral Pigeon and Mute Swan and Mallard on the River Itchen, with Ring-necked Parakeets heard cutting across Lakeside and at the station as I got on the train and Robin singing a nice atmospheric opening to the day. Red Admiral, white clover, nice clumps of herb-Roberts beside the River Itchen at lunch time, ivy-leaved toadflax, forget-me-not, common mallow at Lakeside and stinking iris berries in Winchester were nice to see too.
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wonder-worker · 3 months
One of the most unequivocal examples of patronage linking the Angevin kings and their mothers is seen in the Cistercian abbey of Notre-Dame en Voeu, Normandy. A charter from 1152 recorded the foundation by [Empress Matilda] and Henry II, and stated that she and her son created the abbey in honour of Henry I, Matilda of Scotland, and Geoffrey of Anjou, as well as for the souls of their heirs. The abbey was created after Matilda made a vow to found a new Cistercian order after the 1142 siege of Oxford. Henry II confirmed Matilda’s foundation of the abbey in a charter dating between 1170 and 1179, and placed Notre-Dame-en-Voeu under his protection in a separate charter issued between 1174 and 1182.
[Eleanor of Aquitaine] also made a grant to Notre-Dame-en-Voeu between 1189 and 1191, consisting of a portion of land from the forest of Lillebonne, part of her dower settlement, though whether this was through her own instigation or Henry’s is unknown. It is plausible she would have supported the abbey as a new site of familial patronage. John also made a grant to the abbey in 1201, which was plausibly at Eleanor’s instigation given the association of the Plantagenets with this institution.  This charter, in combination with a separate grant to Bec in 1203, demonstrates the importance of Normandy to John at this critical juncture of war with Philip Augustus. This is of particular significance when contrasted with John’s activities in Normandy prior to becoming king, as highlighted by Nicholas Vincent, wherein John’s patronage of Norman institutions was scarce. Given the attention paid to Fontevraud as a familial mausolea [...] and the expanse of the Angevin dominions, it is not surprising a separate site for Angevin patronage was established with Notre-Dame-en-Voeu. Situated in the Anglo-Norman heartlands, it showed the extension of Plantagenet patronage across its domains. This example of ecclesiastical patronage shows the strength of the mother-son relationships in the Angevin domains, as both Matilda and Eleanor bound their sons to patronise a specific establishment. The motivations for doing so were to ensure dynastic security in these regions and demonstrates the co-operation and familial harmony between the three kings and their mothers
-Gabrielle Storey, "Co-Rulership, Co-operation and Competition: Queenship in the Angevin Domains, 1135-1230", University of Winchester, PHD thesis, 2020.
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scotianostra · 9 months
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On 1st January 1651 the coronation of Charles II took place at Scone.
His coronation was the last to take place in Scotland. His father, Charles I, having been put to the axe 30th January 1649, Charles II was declared king of Great Britain and Ireland by the Scottish Parliament the following month, but the English Parliament quickly made that proclamation illegal. Meeting and losing to Cromwell in battle at Worcester in September, 1651, Charles spent almost the next decade exiled on the Continent.
The monarchy, the House of Lords, and the Privy Council were abolished and Oliver Cromwell, after much roiling of the traditional power structure of England, during which several parliaments rose and fell, became “Lord Protector” of the Commonwealth with all but dictatorial power. It would not be until Cromwell’s death in 1660, and the removal of Richard, Cromwell’s son and successor, that Charles II issued the Declaration of Breda in April of 1660, allowing as how he would return to the throne of England under certain conditions.
In Winchester Abbey, 23 April 1661, Charles II was crowned the second time, and all relevant documents thereafter were dated as if he had succeeded his father in 1649.
His first coronation was also the last time “The Honours” were used to crown our monarch, that is the Scottish crown Jewels. They were then placed in Edinburgh Castle. In the absence of a resident sovereign, the regalia were taken to sittings of the Parliament in Edinburgh to signify the sovereign’s presence and his or her consent to the passing of each Act. When the Scottish Parliament was dissolved in 1707, they were locked in a chest in the Crown Room at Edinburgh Castle where they remained, forgotten until 1818 when Walter Scott got permission to look for them, they have been on display at the castle since then.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 7 months
Abbey / Desire and Yearning
Abbey / Desire and Yearning https://ift.tt/agqOj4b by iLikeToyDinosaurs Castiel is back from the empty. He and Dean have gotten together. Cas and Dean both want more physical affection but they're idiots who don't use their words. Words: 2222, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Dean Winchester's Love Language is Physical Touch, castiel's love language is physical touch, physical touch, Child Neglect, Established Castiel/Dean Winchester, Established Relationship, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Loves Castiel, Post-Canon, Post-Canon Fix-It, Dean Winchester Needs a Hug, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Castiel and Dean Winchester Being Idiots, Dean Winchester Gets a Hug, Castiel Needs a Hug (Supernatural), theres some intense yearning going on via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/CaRcsuK March 04, 2024 at 11:25PM
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angelkarafilli · 5 months
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Edgitha, Wife of Edward the Confessor
Edgitha (Ealdgyth; Edith of Wessex; c.1025 - 1075) was the wife of (Saint) Edward the Confessor (c. 1042-1066) and the sister of King Harold II, who died at Hastings in 1066. She appears to have been an accomplished embroideress.
In the Vita Aedwardi Regis (c. 1067), she is praised for having dressed her husband in clothing covered with precious stones, rare gems and shining pearls. She is also reported to have given an abbott a very expensively decorated amice (Lat. amictum; protective piece of cloth worn around the neck to protect the more precious garments from being soiled by hair and/or perspiration). It was decorated with gold and precious stones, and probably embroidered. She also adorned her husband's throne. She is probably one of the three women embroidered in the Bayeux tapestry.
After the Conquest, she retained her lands and influence. She has been named as a possible patron and/or supervisor for the Bayeux tapestry. She died in Winchester, and she was buried at Westminster Abbey in London.
Illustration of Edith by Matthew Paris
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samswound · 1 year
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i am just a new invention (a season 4 sam winchester playlist)
+ might bleed into season 5
i. drawn to the blood - sufjan stevens / ii. abbey - mitski / iii. second child, restless child - the oh hellos / iv. this body means nothing to me - shrimp / v. i found - amber run / vi. hitchin’ a ride - green day / vii. bird song - florence + the machine / viii. bullet with butterfly wings - the smashing pumpkins / ix. silent lucidity - queensrÿche / x. divine loser - clem turner / xi. new invention - i dont know how but they found me / xii. fire - noah gundersen / xiii. unbecoming - starset / xiv. carnivore - starset / xv. human, for a minute - shame / xvi. darkest part - red / xvii. vindicated - dashboard confessional / xviii. seven devils - florence + the machine / xix. ignorance - paramore / xx. a little piece of heaven - avenged sevenfold / xxi. division symbols - hands like houses / xxii. sing to me - missio / xxiii. desires - anberlin / xxiv. dancing after death - matt maeson / xxv. bad astrology - flower face / xxvi. iris - the goo goo dolls / xxvii. stigmata - basement / xxviii. take it all away - red / xxix. gilded lily - cults / xxx. i’ll be good - jaymes young / xxxi. the ascension - sufjan stevens
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