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rangertessadarling · 8 months ago
Will is described throughout the series as having an incredibly quick mind. He catches on to things fast, and his ability to put two and two together is uncanny, Halt literally said in book 9 that he would choose Will over Gilan and Crowley because of how quick he is (not to mention he's his son but whateva)
Berrigan said it, Halt said it, pretty sure Crowley and Arald have said it, Will. is. incredibly. smart.
Which makes his obliviousness all the more funny. Cuz you put this kid in a room of advanced battle strategists and King's councilmen and he can rise to the occasion and catch on to every word, and probably even help them out.
But you put him a situation where an equally as smart, equally as quick-witted, courier is in love with him and has given him every indication that she's in love with him, literally KISSED HIM several times....and he's still not catching the drift??
Hilarious. Comedic perfection. What an adorable little man.
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ragingadhd · 9 months ago
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Shitpost based off this tiktok
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name-s-are-not-important · 1 year ago
Alyss after moving in with Will: Hey, what are the names of the people across the road?
Will, after some thought: Their dogs are Lilu, Paw and Ash.
Alyss: That's not what I asked
Will: That's the information I have
Alyss: And the ones behind the woods?
Will: Sadly they only have one dog and I’m afraid she's lonely
Will: But I won’t steal her
Will: Again
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forgedroyalseal · 7 months ago
Ranger Gathering 2024
Day Two: Hero
Alyss slides up beside Will with two drinks in hand. “You know, I think gold’s your color.” She says passing one to him.
Will fought a blush and gladly took the offered glass. “This,” he gestured to the shimmering metal of valor pinned to his formal Ranger’s uniform, “is a bit much. I’d much rather be in my cloak.”
Alyss smiled at him. “Of course you would. Then you’d be able to sneak out of here without Cassandra catching you.”
“She promised me it would be a low key dinner with friends.” Will muttered, half to himself.
“To be fair, she is a princess. I think this is the simplest party she’s capable of hosting.”
“I just- it’s too much. I haven’t done anything to earn this.”
Alyss moves so she’s facing him head on, forcing him to look her in the eye. “Will. You deserve all of this, and more. You are a hero. I know that you’ve always struggled with feeling worthy, but hear me when I tell you that you are worth so much to so many people. And I’m at the top of that list.”
“Alyss,” He choke out her name, emotion washing over him.
“You matter Will.” She continued. “You’ve made such a difference in the world. And even if you retired today, even if you had never even become a ranger, you’d still matter. You’d still be a hero to me.”
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burnin0akleaves · 2 years ago
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(Will and Halt)
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There we go, all the kitty cat sketches people requested plus the Wilyss that made me want want to start drawing cats in the first place. You can see the dip in quality as we go
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caffeineinducedbeing · 11 months ago
It was a cold and bristly evening. Heavy flakes of snow hit the windowpanes before falling to the ground to join their companions, forming thick snowbanks, and covering the beautiful grounds of Redmont in luscious white clouds.
It was a truly wonderful time of the year.
To be inside where it's warm.
Cold weather had always agreed with Alyss, the hot sweaty environment that the summer offered was just too miserable to the courier. She preferred being comfortable in a warm cloak than sweating in the unrevealing clothing that her gender was expected to adorn.
Thankfully, during the summer months. She was usually at home with her husband; where she could wear whatever the hell she wanted with no commentary from him. Well, no insulting commentary anyway. But Will Treaty had an excellent command of the Araluen language and knew exactly how to use it to stimulate a reaction from his beautiful wife.
And that usually went exactly as planned.
But today, it was below freezing. So Alyss covered as much of her skin as possible, and then more on top of that. She felt like a ball of cloth, but she was warm. There's no fashion in the winter months anyway, sacrifices were made for comfort and no one gave two shits about it.
It just meant that at the end of a long workday, you had to put all of those layers back on, and then ride home. And although the ride was short-- just under half an hour, it felt like days when you were shivering beneath your coats and scarves, all your energy being forcefully sucked into the unproductive shivering that your body insists on subjecting you to.
Alyss stared out the massive window in her office, watching the snow fall, dreading what came next on her schedule and contemplating staying at the castle tonight. Will would presume that's what she was doing when she wasn't home within the hour, it wasn't uncommon for one of them to stay at Redmont when they had a late night, when the ride to the cabin seemed too tiresome.
They didn't like to do that though, neither of them slept as well without the other anymore, although the mutual dependency conflicted with their jobs. But that's how it was. Alyss felt safer with Will beside her, and Will slept more peacefully with Alyss beside him. Without either of those things, it wasn't the same.
That's why Alyss truly didn't want to not go home tonight, but the ride through the deepening snow seemed too detrimental. And who knows, maybe it would be too deep to ride through in the morning, and the project she was working on at the moment couldn't be postponed.
She would stay at Redmont for the night, Will would understand. Not that she ever doubted he would.
She could ask Arald for a guest suite, he would of course give it to her free of charge, he tended to spoil her like that; the advantages of being the Baron's surrogate daughter, she thought with an interior smile.
But it was already 8:30. She didn't want to bother the Baron. The next option was quite obvious.
She knocked on Halt and Pauline's door, patiently waiting for one of them to answer.
The door swung open with a creak, and revealed a very cheery-looking Pauline, "hello!" she cried, "come in dear, what a pleasant surprise."
Alyss stepped inside, her gratitude evident as she addressed Pauline, "I'm sorry for the impromptu visit. Would it be possible for me to stay here tonight? The snow is looking rather—" Her words trailed off as she locked eyes with her husband, who was seated on the couch with a mischievous grin
He stood as Alyss entered, playfulness dancing in his eyes. "Looks like we had the same idea."
Alyss suppressed the urge to reciprocate a smile.
"It looks like we did."
He took the bag from her hands, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek as he did so.
"Far too cold to endure horseback in this weather, hmm?"
"Mmhmm" she nodded at him, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and suspicion.
"You were meant to be working from home today, Will," she quipped.
Will looked back over at her, feigning confusion, "Was I?"
Alyss nodded back at him. A knowing glance passing between them.
Will shook his head, "Must have slipped my mind as I rode over," he responded with a wink as he crashed back on the couch with an air of nonchalance.
Alyss shook her head, exchanging a look with Halt that conveyed a shared exasperation.
"He follows you like a lost puppy, have you noticed that?" Halt remarked dryly, his voice laced with amusement.
Alyss chuckled, her gaze shifting back to Will.
"He does indeed." She agreed, slipping off her winter cloak. Will's casual demeanor couldn't hide the truth—his devotion to her was apparent in every glance and gesture.
She settled on the couch next to her husband, curling into his side naturally.
"But I wouldn't have it any other way."
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that-one-enby-ranger · 1 year ago
Will: I’m this close to falling in love with Alyss. Halt: Your fingertips are touching. Will: Exactly.
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rangercorpstherapy · 2 years ago
opinion on Will remarrying in the series?
there was an ask about this before and I wasn't really against it then but more a bit apprehensive. but after the council meeting i had with @burnin0akleaves about their will treaty love interest #2 i am, dare i say, swayed. (this is your sign to bully him about sharing more information about his gay bandit). But not on the marriage part. I just don't see him remarrying ever again, alyss was his wife, and i think he would feel to much like he's 'replacing' her if he marries again.
this is not to say that i think it's immoral to marry again after your spouse dies, this is more about how their relationship was written in the books. They were childhood friends, they are set up to us as THE couple on literally the first page. their love was a big plot crutch in first series and it was used as a catalyst for the start of the second. i don't think john f. can pull it off the write a second, just as convincing, romantic plot for will with over half his books being about how much he loves someone else.
if it was written differently it think it would've worked.
if im going to pretend john would even entertain this idea I would want it to be a slowburn. but I have the feeling he would rush it. "But many relationships took more than one book to get to the point of marriage/serious relationship", yes and no. even though most characters weren't immediately together, it was often plainly stated that they had feelings for each other, or there was talk about how close they seemed to be. i want a second love interest build from the ground up. i don't even want a 'they are beautiful' before we have known them for at LEAT one and a half books. i want them both the be traumatized and lonely and I want it to be a mutual understanding that they're not replacing their past lovers because for the both of them it was to big of a loss to ever get over.
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rangertessadarling · 2 years ago
no but you're so right
All of right where you left me is incredibly Willyss coded but these lyrics specifically hurt so much:
If our love died young
I can't bear witness
And it's been so long
But if you ever think you got it wrong
I'm right where
You left me
You left me no, oh, you left me no
You left me no choice but to stay here forever
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nineteen-rats · 1 year ago
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i had a wilyss thought
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rangertessadarling · 2 years ago
idk if you take requests but if you ever find the time I would love to read a fic in which alyss oils up will!
Y’all are something else
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ragingadhd · 3 months ago
RA headcannon when Will was engaged to Alyss he very awkwardly asked Pauline for her blessing and, though Pauline was very patient and humored him, the entire time she was thinking “wtf you on about”
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name-s-are-not-important · 1 year ago
- representation in ff -
Hi everyone, my name is Nemo. I'm writting a ff titled "paper revolutions" on ao3 and it's mainly about Crowley’s and Cass' changes in the laws that allow more people to be themselves
It’s full of queernes, and it’s going to be a huge project, I assume
The main ships are already there, we have Wilyss T4T, Cralt evolving into Craltine, non-binary Cass/Horace and one surprise ship that appears first in the 3rd chapter
The story will follow their relations and life but I need lots of side characters and ships
And here's the thing, as a queer, disabled person myself, I’ve always found it irritating how even if there was some representation in media, it was rarely fitting my own experiences. I wanted to change it, so for the last dozen years I wrote a lot of queer stories
Here I ask if some of you may want to join the creation of that one
You can submit any canon character (except the one in the main ships) or your OC, shipped or not, who will be queer, disabled, neurodivergent or in other way wanted by you to be showed in this ff as a representation
We’re gonna need a lot of side characters, especially women, as some part of the stories will happen in Pauline’s Diplomatic Services School, there will be some friends of her and Alyss. We need more Rangers, some Scribes, knights, and people from the villages, some cooks who will interact with Jenny, some friends and family for all of the characters, Cass' friends, lords and barons, and ladies, and even more of them as the story takes place from TYE to TRR
And I want as many of them as possible to be queer (or other representation)
If you want to join, please contact me in any way you want to (comment, DM, reblog, ao3 comment), I will be honoured to include them in my story and I hope it will be fun but also something some of us may needed or wanted for a long time
For your OC write as much information as you want me to include while writing them
I will tag you, if you want me to, after the chapter where your character appears for the first time
Thank you for your time! 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
(I really hope someone read it to the end)
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rangertessadarling · 2 years ago
Ranger Gathering Day 25
“Will.” He could hear the exasperation in his wife’s voice and he didn’t care. He. Was. Not. Moving.
“Alyss.” The name was slightly muffled by the mountain of blankets that were piled on top of Will, with only tufts of dark curling hair peaking through.
“It’s getting late.”
Alyss groaned, “And we have a meeting scheduled with Baron Arald in less than an hour.”
“No thank you.”
“That’s not- you can’t just say “no thank you” to a scheduled meeting! I’m not offering you a cup of tea.”
“Alyss, I love you more than life itself. I would cross the world for you. I would die for you. But I’m not leaving this bed. The best thing you can do now is admit defeat and join me.”
“I am not canceling last minute for no reason on Arald. That would be rude and unprofessional.”
“We have a reason though.”
“And what would that be?”
Will shifts slightly and pulls his chin over the blankets to look Alyss straight in the eyes. “This bed is cozy.”
“A cozy bed? That’s your reason?”
“Our reason. We’re married remember? We share everything.”
“We might not be for much longer if you continue to act like a child.” Will was almost certain she wasn’t serious.
“You know who never makes vague threats or insults me?”
“If you say your bed-“ “My bed.”
“I’m done. I can’t have this conversation anymore.”
A hand shot out from under the covers and grabbed Alyss’ arm just as she turned to leave. With a firm pulled, Alyss was tumbling onto the bed.
Ignoring her protests, Will flung the blankets over her. Under the covers, Will pressed a kiss to her nose. “Welcome to my kingdom. I call it Cozyville, we have no taxes and no responsibilities.”
“You’re an idiot Will Treaty.” Alyss said softly, already nestling closer to his chest.
“Yes but I’m your idiot.”
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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permettez-moi · 24 days ago
Okay, so far for my RA socmed AU:
Set around late main series: the ward kids are in the early stages of adult life, Alyss is still alive.
Craltine is truth
Hassandra and Wilyss are still here
I'm not sure yet what I'll do with Ginny, tbh I haven't thought abt Gilan AT ALL yet
Cassie will have 2 accounts, her fancy royal person account and her private account. Don't know what to call that one yet. I could remain canon compliant and go for Evanlyn, but I do hate that bc that's her dead friend
Baby ward kids photos will be a part of this yes
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caffeineinducedbeing · 1 year ago
white knuckled
"Alyss? You alright, love?"
A small groan emulated from the mound of blankets on the couch. Pauline snorted quietly to his left.
"How long has she been feverish?" Will asked as he moved to his wife's side, lifting the blankets near her face to lay one hand on her forehead and the other to cup her cheek.
"Since about 2 o'clock this afternoon. She said she felt queasy at around noon but didn't actually get sick until about 2"
Alyss' eyes peaked open slightly and her forehead wrinkled as she realized what was happening. "I'm sorry, Will. You should be working right now" she said in a quiet cracking voice.
"No honey, it's okay. Are you feeling any better than earlier? Pauline said you've been sleeping for about 2 hours now."
"That long" Alyss gasped out as she tried to sit up in a frenzy, obviously stressing over having been passed out on her mentor's couch for far too long. Talk about overstaying a welcome.
But she was weak, and all too obviously sick, and her arms shook with the strain of holding herself up, Will noticed this and hurried to lay her back on the couch gently.
"Lyss, stay still, honey, lay back down. Do you want to go home?"
Alyss looked up at him with glazed and weary-looking eyes and nodded pitifully. Her utter tearful disposition drew a snort from her husband and was almost enough to draw one from an amused-looking Pauline standing a few feet away. It was just so unlike Alyss, that it was humorous.
The usually assertive diplomat nodded teary-eyed at his question. Yes, she wanted to go home.
Will nodded at her with a smile still lingering on his face.
"Ok, can you stand? Want me to carry you?"
Alyss managed a small, exhausted smile through her weakness. "I think I can manage standing, though carrying wouldn't be a bad idea either."
Will chuckled softly as he gently helped her sit up. She swayed slightly, her fever making her feel disoriented. Will moved closer, his arm wrapping around her waist to support her. She leaned against him, grateful for his presence.
"Easy now," he murmured, guiding her to her feet. Alyss swayed again and Will tightened his hold on her. "Steady, love."
Pauline stepped forward, concern etched on her face. "I'll get the door for you two. Make sure she gets home safely, Will."
"Thank you, Pauline," Will replied, his focus still on Alyss. He started guiding her towards the door, his arm securely around her waist.
Alyss managed a weak chuckle. "I feel like I've been hit by a battering ram."
Will grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, at least you've got a good story for later. 'Remember that time I got knocked out by a fever and ended up on Pauline's couch?'"
Alyss rolled her eyes, but a small smile played on her lips. "You're ridiculous."
"That's why you love me," Will said with a wink, his voice filled with affection. They reached the door, and Pauline held it open for them.
"Take care, you two," Pauline said, her voice warm.
"Thank you, Pauline," Alyss replied, her voice still a bit weak.
As they stepped out into the Redmont courtyard, the cool breeze hit Alyss' feverish skin, making her shiver. Will tightened his grip around her, his concern evident. "Let's get you home and into bed."
Alyss nodded, leaning against him as they walked. The journey back to their cabin was slow, but Tug was gentle, seeming to sense the distress of his riders. Will's support was unwavering, his arm around her waist providing her with the stability she needed. When they finally reached their cabin, he helped her inside and settled her on their bed.
"Rest up, Lyss. I'll make you some tea and get you some medicine."
Alyss nodded, her eyes already drooping with exhaustion. "Thank you, dear.” she mumbled.
He pressed a gentle kiss to her heated forehead. "I'll be right back."
He left the room, making certain that the bedroom door remained open enough that he could keep an eye on her from the kitchen.
When he returned with a steaming mug and a jar of herbs and supplements, Alyss had nearly dozed off. He gently nudged her awake, reassuring her that she could sleep after taking her medicine.
After she had swallowed every pill and drank half her tea, she curled into his side on the bed, her body still radiating heat from her fever, but at least she wasn’t trembling anymore, that’s a good sign.
If she didn’t break her fever tonight, he would take her to the infirmary. In the meantime, he held her while she slept, her breaths sounding deep and even, yet ragged all at once. Strained with her struggling nervous system.
Stroking her forehead, he gave the top of her head a little kiss, and for probably the millionth time through their five years of marriage, he thanked God for this woman. This amazing woman who somehow put up with him day after day, this woman who had seen him at his lowest lows and his highest highs, and still loved him relentlessly.
He didn’t deserve her, but he loved her, so so desperately. Life without her was unimaginable, making even a small fever such as this, terrifying for him.
How could the woman he loved not be in perfect health? How could he have allowed that? How did he not prevent this heinous illness from infecting his wife? Talk about a failure of a husband.
He didn’t realize his grip on her was so tight until this moment, he relaxed, his knuckles going back to their normal color after being a stark white just a moment ago. He clutched her tight as if he would lose her if he didn’t.
He sighed deeply, exhausted with his own mind. Logically he knew Alyss loved him just as much as he loved her, he knew her fever was not his fault, he couldn’t have prevented it.
So why did his mind proceed to torture him anyway?
He would never know. He clutched her tighter still, knuckles whitening once more, and gave her forehead another gentle kiss.
“I’ll never let anything happen to you, angel.”
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