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rangercorpstherapy · 10 months ago
So, I don't really do trans characters that much cause I'M not trans, and idk how to like. Do it. But occasionally I mess around with a trans Halt au, which has become my weirdest way to predict my period, because whenever I start thinking about the au a lot more than usual, I always start my period like a week later. Even my bf, who is trans, has started to pick up on it. If I start fact checking things with him more often than usual he always asks me if I'm on my period or not and it's so weird. It's so weird, lol. Trans AU Halt is more accurate than a period tracker
this is the funniest thing i’ve read all week i hope god sends a blessing your way
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iwanttobepersephone · 2 years ago
Lazy little doodle of how I've felt the last hour or so
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dragonslovecoins · 6 months ago
Send to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile! Add a heart so we know how long the chain's been going! ♥️❤️💜💛💚🖤💖💙🧡♡🩷<3💘
@biggestqiblifan !!
All super epic! Snowflake fiest cause they're god tbh ✨️
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permettez-moi · 1 year ago
Me, reading @rangercorpstherapy as if it's my daily cuppa tea with newspaper
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Image id: a gif of kermit the frog sipping on a glass of deep orange coloured tea. The label of the teabag is visible and bears the lipton logo.
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millietalksra · 2 years ago
Eh fuck it I’ll share some of my omegaverse thoughts so if my dear anons from @rangercorpstherapy or anyone else want to talk about an abo au!
So I think I really want to start with how I feel the dynamics would affect in universe relationships and motivations.
Personally I think that there would be a level of discrimination against omegas in araluen society, I’m specifically stating Araluen because I don’t think it’s fair to determine the rules for every other country, but anyway
Think misogyny, like women not being able to hold titles or land, not being able to have certain jobs, except in this au it’s Omegas who aren’t allowed the same things as alphas and betas are
I think in general alphas are larger and stronger than omegas or betas, more aggressive; they’re the protectors
Omegas are generally smaller, more agile; their strength is in their intelligence
Betas serve as a neutral ground, they’re not more “normal” or “useless” in comparison to alphas or omegas they play a role of filling in the gaps, an ability to mold themselves in what their environment needs
I’m thinking of these descriptions in like an evolutionary biology way not a societal way btw like biologically these are how the dynamics generally present
That being said, omegas are generally seen as needing to be protected and being too weak for certain roles because they are generally smaller, and usually the ones birthing children in comparison to the other dynamics
Now I’ll finally get into how this plays out in RA (I’ll mostly be sticking to main cast characters and book 1 story line so sorry if I leave out your favs-)
Will, Jenny, and Halt are Omegas
Horace, Cassandra, and Gilan are Alphas
Alyss and Pauline are Betas
Growing up, Will has a lot of ambitions for himself
He wants to be a knight like his father (or how he thinks his father was at this point)
Horace bullies him relentlessly because there’s no way an omega can be a knight, it’s not possible, Will’s too small, too weak, he needs to leave soldiering to the alphas
But Will isn’t deterred and come choosing day requests placement in the battle school
Sir Rodney denies him, as does Ulf the master of horses
An Omega training to be a knight? Unheard of!
But Halt offers Will an apprenticeship without hesitation
He’s been watching him for a while and the kid has ideal natural skills
But he’s also an omega
See the Ranger Corps actually prefers omega and beta members
In crowds they’re usually overlooked, they’re unassuming
And most dangerous for an opponent they’re underestimated
This makes them ideal for undercover missions, unseen/unheard movements, espionage, etc
There are exceptions, Gilan for example, is an alpha ranger
The rangers won’t turn someone away because of their dynamic, if they have the skills for the job then they’re in
This is already a long ass post so I think I’ll leave it here but I have a LOT more to say, I will probably do a part two with some thoughts on Horace’s time in battle school, Will meeting Gilan for the first time, and Halt’s relationship with Will and Gilan for sure plus whatever else I feel like adding on!
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artsysurvivor · 2 years ago
Thank you for the tag! For some reason I thought number 1 was the lie, but now I’m thinking it’s number 2, so.
But anyways, here's mine:
I've been to San Francisco once for a writing convention.
I've got into a stranger's car once...
I don't know how to swim.
Currently my favorite song is either THIS
OR a song called Strength of Will...
tagging: @rangerfairy @rangercorpstherapy @burnin0akleaves
Tag game! (because the last post was getting long)
if you're tagged, reblog with two truths and a lie, guess what prev's lie is and reblog with your current favourite song!
I was tagged by @juicingbeetles! I think the train one was the lie?
I was once bitten by a wild (non-venomous) snake
I was born in Germany
I was 17 days overdue
Tagging @stargazing-enby, @thanksveryga, and @artsysurvivor
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rangercorpstherapy · 5 months ago
Halt's an alcoholic, yes, but where's my smoker Crowley? Halt "where's my whiskey" O'Carrick and Crowley "I need a fucking cigarette" Meratyn
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rangercorpstherapy · 10 months ago
hate to say it but Will has a flat ass (Source: Halt’s Peril chapter 21: “Is that a bony backside I see sticking up out of the grass by that black rock? I think it is.”)
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rangercorpstherapy · 6 months ago
As someone who ships Cralt and Craltan, the power imbalance between even just Cralt is literally massive.
Okay, maybe I'm exaggerating TnT but seriously. If Halt, say, broke up with Crowley in a Cralt dynamic, Crowley could tell Duncan Halt was committing treason and Duncan would believe him probably. Like, we often view Crowley as "haha silly!" (Which he is! He is silly!) But we forget that is the general of an organization that is so silent and deadly people think they commit dark magic. He has complete trust of the king. He has more influence than we give hum credit for. If Crowley was feeling just THAT spiteful, Crowley could literally get Duncan to execute him or the other Rangers to get him, and could most definitely remove Halt's status as a ranger any time at his word.
And then with CRALTAN. Duncan could order BOTH of their executions. While there IS a royal court, all Duncan has to say is that they committed crimes against the kingdom (remember, just for dumping him!), or even just remove then from their positions! Nott o mention with Halt, he's still just a ranger. It's a high position, but compared to King Duncan and Ranger Commandment Crowley? He would have nothing to defend himself with besides his word if they really were feeling spiteful after a breakup.
Not to mention the leverage Halt would have over OTHER rangers, or just other people on general on top of being a ranger. Say Halt killed a man. Cold blood. Left some sort of evidence.
Crowley can just sweep it under the rug. Hide it. Say he can't? Duncan can just order it's removal. "Forgive" it.
Say Halt got into a nasty argument with another ranger. He's the lover of Crowley, their general essentially. Meaning; Crowley could do probably whatever he wanted to said ranger and he could get away with it because he can give any reason and have it brushed off. Or! Duncan cam have that ranger executed, put in prison, toeruted, literally anything he wanted.
Now, do I believe Crowley or Duncan would ever do that to Halt (or anybody)? No. Duncan is canonically against prisons, torture, etc etc.
But is it a power imbalance people don't talk about/look over in favor of "aw cute babies cuddling UwU"? YES!!
We often forget that at the end of the day these are powerful grown men. At the end of the day, they aren't "Haha! Silly!" Or "Soft little cinnamon roll!". These are men. Characters who have killed, will kill again if they need to, and won't hesitate if they have reason to.
Similarly to how people baby Horace, but I already dropped an essay into this ask so I'm gonna shut up TwT
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rangercorpstherapy · 10 months ago
Halt's a He/They bitch and Crowley's so He/Him he's almost She/Her. Does this make sense at all
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rangercorpstherapy · 5 months ago
There is a post about ableism in the sorcerer/siege of Macindaw books. I'm not going to reply directly to the poster because I don't necessarily think they're wrong, but there's a bigger problem I want to touch on without derailing their post.
The post by @bronze-oakleaf Sorry, but John Flannagan isn't an ableist for describing disabled people as disfigured, Will is. John, although in his usual hit-and-miss style, goes out of his way to show us that the people Will and others are afraid of are not monsters. It's been a while since I read these books, but I can remember there being a few backstories and instances in which it's made clear that Malcolm’s people are just very normal people who have fun, interests and hobbies and love each other deeply.
Will's apprehension of disabled people is very clearly presented as a character flaw. John is a children's author and cannot go into depth about how monstrosity isn't physical but something that manifests in the soul a la Victor Hugo's Hunchback of the Notre Dame. Still, I don't think any child (at least I didn't) finished reading Sorcerer and Siege thinking that disabled people were any less deserving of respect and love than others and Will kinda had a point there in the beginning.
I think the only example of bigotry where there is a high chance of it reflecting John's real-life views is the way he characterises Romani and Sinti in that horrible short story. Without going into depth the key difference here is that not a single person in the story thinks that Alyss and Will are doing or thinking anything wrong. Nuance, even if it wasn't much, visible in Sorcerer and Siege is missing.
Now I have that out of the way, this post is actually about character flaws. I'm not trying to be smug by pulling the historical accuracy card, but honestly, Will's views of disabled people are one of the few ways John established the world of Ranger's Apprentice as a Medieval society. I don't know how to say this without sounding kind of like an asshole, but if you want to critique Ranger's Apprentice flaws you also have to apply the same critique to the characters within Ranger's Apprentice. Separating art from the artists in this case doesn't really work because the art exists within the context the artist created. I don't think we have to be overly critical of characters because otherwise we're bad people and not woke, but viewing your favourite characters as flawed makes them inherently more interesting. I think viewing Will as an enforcer of feudal oppression (cop), extremely privileged (has an education and can bear arms) and classist with a very obvious disdain for those who are below him (this man should be nicer to farmers who can't read) is way more interesting than a perfect boy who fell victim his author's bigoted world view. Will, and all Rangers tbh, think they're better than other people. Rangers are smart they aren't like the uneducated masses who think wizards are real and the devil will claim your soul if you sleep lying down. But are they really?
Will is confronted with the fact he is like everyone else. He's also afraid of the “dreadful caricatures of normal people”, but why? The treatment of disabled people in Medieval society was very complex, and without getting into the nitty gritty, most of the cultural feelings towards them weren't because they were 'just ugly' but relied heavily on superstition. Will might be educated, but he still grew up in a society where disabled people were viewed as cursed, their ailment a deserving divine punishment. Him not being confronted with his hypocrisy in these books is the true moral failing of John to be honest.
Now to my final statement: pleasepleaselpleasepleaseplae let the Ranger's Apprentice characters be bad people. Because they ARE. I guess this post was a very elaborate way of saying Will isn't an UWU soft boy but a grown man with hairy balls. So are Halt, Gilan, Horace, Crowley (I didn't forget the time you enslaved a man king) and Duncan (Truly truly sick a twisted individual for sitting back and doing nothing as his daughter was sold into slavery because 'We need everyone here'. That wasn't a convenient plot point so Halt could save the day but misogyny). This doesn't mean Will isn't/can't be trans (because he is) or Cralt isn't canon (it is) for the sake of historical accuracy. I just want to say that these characters are all very privileged and classist individuals with many flaws thanks to the society they were raised in, which makes them more interesting. Remember be gay AND do crime.
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rangercorpstherapy · 8 months ago
I wish there were more roleplayers in the fandom. Been searching for years, started when I was 14. I am now an adult. It's wild.
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rangercorpstherapy · 6 months ago
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rangercorpstherapy · 9 months ago
On almost a daily basis I daydream about how I would explain refrigerators and iced coffee to halt, will, and gilan
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rangercorpstherapy · 8 months ago
We should assign the popular rangers apprentice blogs to characters im voting this blog is the crowley of the fandom because it deals with all our shit
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rangercorpstherapy · 1 year ago
i genuinely hate going onto the rangersapprentice tag. no shade to anyone but ninety percent of the posts right now are completely empty of any creativity whatsoever. you have people posting the most godawful out-of-character headcanons, writing these looong essays on something that was incredibly obvious in the first place and didn't need an entire post dedicated to it or some mixture of the two. its so annoying. i get younger fans joined this year but some of these read like they were written by middle schoolers, come on.
this fandom used to be full of artists but most of them migrated away since their high effort posts would get the same amount of attention as someone saying some crap like "Headcanon: Halt is a total softie :) He likes pigeons" i dare people to go onto the profiles of well known RA artists and ask their opinions and you will see that i'm right.
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