Ranger Gathering 2024: Mentor
TW: Drunkeness, gambling, unconventional use of alcohol, mention of vomiting
The knock on the door came loud and uneven, shattering the moment of rare silence that Halt was just settling into. Startled, the older ranger rose from his chair, a book slipping from his lap. An exasperated sigh escaped his lips as he made his way toward the entry hall, he had been moments away from calling it a night, it had been a long day of endless negotiations with a stubborn ambassador, negotiations which probably would've been settled within hours if his wife had been here, but Pauline was away on a mission in Greenfield.
So who in Gorlog's name could possibly be bothering him at this hour...
As he opened the door, his eyes widened only slightly in surprise. Will Treaty, in all his disastrous glory, stood there, leaning heavily on the doorframe, his clothes disheveled and his eyes glassy.
"Will?" Halt began, his voice a mix of concern and confusion. "What--"
"Tadaa!" Will slurred, clearly intoxicated, but holding up a document like a trophy.
Halt stared for a moment longer, his eyes narrowed as he scrutinized his former apprentice, "You're drunk," he finally stated, eyebrows knitting together, and his jaw clenching.
"Drunk and successful," Will replied, swaying slightly as he tried to keep his balance. "I got the trades."
Halt's eyes flicked to the document Will was waving around, and his eyebrow flew up. "And how, may I ask, did you accomplish that?"
Will grinned, a lopsided, almost childlike smile. "People are willing to give you anything after a few shots of whiskey."
Halt sighed deeply, stepping aside to let Will in. "Come in before you fall over."
Will released the doorframe and probably would've fallen over had Halt's strong arms not been there to guide him inside, his feet stumbled underneath him and he plopped down on a chair with a heavy thud.
Halt sighed, "so much for an early night." he mumbled, closing the door and turning to his former apprentice, shaking his head in disbelief, in all his years...
"Alright, let's see this so-called success," Halt said, reaching for the document.
Will handed it over, his movements sluggish. Halt unfolded the parchment and scanned the contents. To his astonishment, it was indeed the trade agreement they had been trying to secure for weeks.
"I can't believe this," Halt muttered, reading through the details. "You actually got it."
Will grinned, his head lolling back against the chair. "Told you... successful."
Halt set the document on the table and looked back at Will, who was now struggling to keep his eyes open.
"Have you had water?"
"I'll take that as a no, stay here"
Halt returned quickly with a glass filled with ice water, "drink." he said sharply.
"So demanding..." Will mumbled into the glass
"So lemme get this straight, you just went out for drinks with the ambassador who, just a few hours ago, had refused to even attempt a bargain with us 'pesky rangers' because we 'always had a knack for cutting others short for our own gain...'"
He trailed off as he watched Will nod heavily a few times, eyes still fixed on the water glass in his hand.
"But after a few shots with him--"
"--and a game of dice" Will blanched slightly as if he were about to be sick, and Halt involuntarily took a step back.
"You gambled..."
Will shrugged as the older ranger released a deep sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose in exasperation.
"Ugh, Will...."
"Whaat? It did the job, I got the trades!"
"And you lost your head doing it"
"I knew you would be mad at me..."
"Will I'm not--" He sighed in frustration, "I'm not mad at you. You're a grown man, you can get drunk if you very well feel like it, I'm just concerned because you compromised not just your reputation, but the very state of our mission here. What if you hadn't secured those agreements...?"
Will didn't say anything, his eyebrows furrowed, and his eyes filled with tears.
Halt's stern expression immediately melted. "Will..."
"You didn't stick up for me. He had me backed into a corner today, and you didn't say anything. And when I tried giving you my opinion after the meeting, you didn't listen! You never listen!"
"you don't care about me..." Will mumbled.
"I think you're in no state to assess that right now, more water." Halt brought the glass back up to his former apprentice's lips.
"I should've listened, Will, and that was my mistake. I was wrong, and I should've stuck up for you in that meeting. I'm sorry."
the apology was blunt, but it was to the point, and precisely how Halt usually delivered things like this. And precisely the method that usually works on his former apprentice.
Halt finished, "Although just a note for next time, this is not the best way to get my attention, nor to prove me wrong."
"Ok, I'm sorry Halt."
"Don't apologize" Halt said, purposely trying to be as gentle as possible, Will seemed incredibly fragile right now, as if his drunken state had only heightened his sensitivity to any harsh spoken word.
"You also do realize this isn't exactly the method we usually employ for negotiations, right?"
Will chuckled, his voice slurred. "Worked, didn't it?"
Halt couldn't help but smile wryly at the young man. "Yes, it appears that it did. This time. But next time, let's try to get the job done without the whiskey, and without the gambling, alright?"
Will nodded, his eyelids drooping. "Sure thing, Halt."
Halt shook his head again, running his hand through the young man's hair, and checking his forehead for any possible signs of fever, alcohol poisoning was no joke, and something that Halt definitely did not want to deal with tonight.
But although Will was flushed, he was fever-free.
So Halt stood and made his way over to the couch, grabbing the wool blanket that was always hung over the top. He crouched by the chair which Will had flung himself in and draped the quilt over him.
"Sleep it off," Halt said softly. "We'll talk more in the morning."
Will, who was already half asleep, mumbled something incoherent, as Halt stood and walked toward his own bedroom, turning back around at the last second to say, "And don't be sick on the chair please, Pauline will kill me."
But the young ranger was already out.
Halt continued to watch him for a moment, a mixture of fondness and exasperation in his expression.
"Drunk and successful, what am I gonna do with you?" Halt muttered to himself, shaking his head with a wry smile.
He picked up his book from the floor, glancing once more at Will before he snuffed out the candles and picked his way in the dark toward his room, the wry smile still on his face as he listened to the soft snores of his former apprentice filling the room.
#rangers apprentice#ranger's apprentice#fanfiction#rangers apprentice fanfiction#will treaty#ranger gathering 2024#ra fanfic#halt o'carrick#not my usual kind of fic but it was still fun to write :)
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Welcome to the Ranger Gathering, coming August 2024!
Without further ado, here are the prompts for this year's Gathering.
How it works:
The Ranger Gathering will run for the entire the month of August, 2024. Please note this is a change from last year in order to give people more time to prepare. Each day has a prompt that participants can post about Ranger's Apprentice, The Early Years, The Royal Ranger, or Brotherband.
Check out last year’s stuff here!
If you want to participate, tag your post with #ranger gathering 2024 so we can all find it!
A few notes on the Gathering:
You do NOT have to do all the prompts, or even most of the prompts to participate in the Gathering! The most important thing is to have fun and avoid burnout. Pick whichever prompts inspire your creativity, and ignore the rest.
The Gathering is meant to show off all forms of creativity! This means art, music, writing, memes, textpost, moodboards, playlists, or whatever else you can come up with. Don't feel like you can't participate if you're not an artist or author.
This blog is going to showcase a few posts from the tag every day of the Gathering, so make sure you support the creators with reblogs and comments.
Good luck, and see you all at the Gathering!
Text Prompts:
1. Dawn
2. Hero
3. Resist
4. Experience
5. Alone
6. Mentor
7. Culture
8. Puzzle
9. Guilty
10. Navigate
11. Siege
12. Trap
13. Tattoo
14. Letter
15. Ignite
16. Game
17. Paranormal
18. Loss
19. Oak
20. Laugh
21. Panic
22. Protect
23. Stone
24. Destroy
25. Companion
26. Sunset
27. Beast
28. Confident
29. Kingdom
30. Wedding
31. Belonging
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Ranger Gathering 2024: Hero
sorry i’m late heheee
He spoke from the heart, baring his soul to the crowd of thousands of spectators gathered around him. He spoke as loudly and clearly as he could, although his voice shook and his eyes trembled with the weight of unshed tears.
He spoke anyway because Horace would have wanted him to speak today. Because Horace would've told him to speak his mind regardless of how his voice trembled. Horace would've supported him in doing the right thing.
Horace would have wanted him to be the one delivering his eulogy.
Because Horace was his best friend.
He was.
He felt it was his responsibility to talk to the people about this. Just like how it was his responsibility to tell Cassandra and Maddie of Horace's death. Just like how it was his responsibility to explain to the King, Horace's father-in-law, that it was his fault that he had died.
He was saving Will's life, just like he had done countless times before, only this time proved to be disastrous.
Cassandra had been angry with him, and didn't speak to him for 2 days following the incident. She locked herself in her room and didn't leave for days. When she finally emerged, her eyes were red and swollen, her face etched with an immeasurable pain that mirrored his own. But she still did not speak a word to him. And that was another dagger in Will's heart.
Now, standing before the crowd, Will tried to find the strength to continue. "Horace was more than a hero," he said, his voice breaking. "He was a friend, a father, a husband. He gave everything for those he loved, and in the end, he gave his life."
He paused, looking out at the sea of faces, many of them he knew, some he didn't, but most of them looked to be crying. "He would want us to remember him not just for his bravery, but for his kindness, his laughter, his unwavering loyalty. He was truly the best of us."
Will's gaze shifted to Cassandra and Maddie, who stood together, dressed in black, their faces pale but composed. "Horace's legacy lives on in his family, in all of us. He taught us what it means to be a hero, not through his deeds alone, but through his love and compassion."
A murmur rippled through the crowd. Will took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I ask you all to honor him by living your lives with the same courage--"
his voice broke and he stopped abrubtly.
The weight of his grief now too much to continue, he put his head down, allowing the tears to finally fall, soaking the papers that he had scribbled his speech on in messy handwriting, the speech that despite his best efforts he couldn't muster through.
A sob finally broke through his throat, and he heard the murmur of empathetic questioning throughout the crowd, although even that was barely audible through the deafening shatter of his own heart.
He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up into the empathetic face of his mentor, who stepped forward, and with the comforting hand still around his shoulders, continued for him. "I know one thing Horace wouldn't want us doing at his funeral, and that would be crying. He would probably ask each and every one of you why the hell we're not celebrating the life that he lived, because he... he truly lived a good one, and he died the way he lived, protecting his loved ones and promoting the generous and virtuous principle that he lived by. He would want all of you live by that as well, to be there for each other, and to protect and cherish your loved ones."
Will nodded numbly as Halt too stepped back, calling it quits on trying to continue the eulogy, enough was said. The King, tears welling up in his eyes, nodded in solemn agreement. And as the Ranger's descended from the podium, Will noticed Cassandra hustling toward them her expression tainted from behind her black veil. She approached him, reached out and grasped his cold hand in hers.
"Thank you," she whispered, her voice barely audible and shakey. "Thank you for everything, Will. I- I'm sorry for--."
Will interrupted, replying in the same whisper, "Don't apologize Ev, I understand. Believe me, I do. If you need to talk, you know I'm here"
Cassandra nodded several times, processing his words, and then threw herself into his arms. it was unprofessional, she knew. but Will embraced her back, holding her tightly as her sobs shook her small frame.
Maddie, watching her mother and Will, stepped forward and joined the embrace, her own tears flowing freely now.
The crowd slowly dispersed, leaving only Horace's closest friends and family.
And as the sky turned a deep purple as the sun set, Will looked around at the faces of those who had loved Horace. The familiar ache of grief returned with a vengeance back to its old home in Will's chest. Only now it was different, he knew how to process it, the burial tomorrow would at least provide closure this time around. But the ache was the same. Only now, slightly doubled with the grief that Alyss wasn't here to mourn with them either. They had lost so much, staying together and staying strong was essential in a time like this.
And Will made that silent promise to his old friend, looking out at the setting sun, 'you look out for her and I'll look out for them, Horace, don't you worry'
#rangers apprentice#ranger's apprentice#fanfiction#rangers apprentice fanfiction#ranger gathering 2024
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The Ranger Gathering 2024: Dawn
The Mourning Doves' song used to only signal the dawn of a new day.
The golden sunlight through the windows, the gentle dew drops on the grass, the crisp morning air. The bird's ritualistic song used to only signal the dawn of a new day.
They were Morning Doves.
Until they were Mourning Doves.
Now he awakens out of habit rather than ambition, the sunlight blinding him through the windows, and the crisp breeze sending a cold shiver down his spine. Nothing has changed and yet nothing is the same.
The Doves still sing their song, but their song isn't hopeful anymore, it's overworn, overused, downcast, downtrodden. An old and rusty instrument that someone insists on playing even when being thrown out would be a much sweeter relief.
He rises now because he must because it's his duty. And that's all he is now, a mournful soul struggling through each day. His footsteps echo in the quiet house, a home that once was filled with laughter and warmth, that now is hollow and cold.
He dresses in his Ranger's cloak, the familiar green and grey woolen material is comforting in its routine. He straps on his weapons, and without a thought toward food or even coffee, he heads out the door.
His horse waits patiently and obediently outside. Sensing that nothing in his master's attitude will be any different today from the usual sorrow, Tug nuzzles him gently, as if to tell him the same words everyone else has told him "It'll be alright, just give it time"
They bring him no comfort.
But Will strokes the horse's mane and fills his trough with oats, and the waterbucket with fresh water. Neglect himself he may, but Will Treaty will never be found neglecting his horse.
"Come on, old friend," Will murmurs when the horse finishes his food. "We have work to do."
As they ride through the forest, the trees whisper to him, which might have been a trick of the wind, but even as a child Will always felt that the trees talked to him, and always enjoyed reveling in their mystery. But now he feels disconnected, like a ghost haunting the places he once loved.
His thoughts drift back to Alyss, her smile, her laughter, the light she brought into his life. He had never really noticed how bright that light had been before it went out. He can almost hear her voice in the rustling leaves, see her reflection in the shimmering streams, hear her name whispered by the trees.
But she is gone.
It must be a trick of the wind.
Will forces himself to focus on the task at hand. There are bandits causing trouble on the outskirts of Redmont, and despite his grief, he still has a duty to protect the people. It's what Alyss would have wanted, for him to fulfill his duties, to find purpose even in his pain.
He reaches the outskirts before midmorning, the sun casting short shadows. The villagers greet him with a mixture of relief and awe; the Rangers are legends, after all, and Will Treaty is practically a god-like figure these days.
But if Will notices their admiration, he doesn't appear to care. He locks down, and locks in. Listening to their concerns, taking note of the bandits' activities, investigating their whereabouts, and now... now he has a plan.
As night falls, he sets it in motion. He hides in the shadows, doing what Rangers do more than people would ever assume, watch, and wait. The bandits arrive, confident in their numbers, but Will has the element of surprise. And he's silent and quick and before they know it he's taking them down one by one. Jumping shadow to shadow.
They scramble, frantic to locate the shooter before it's too late. But their panic makes them reckless, and that was Will's advantage. It's almost too easy, a distraction from the gnawing emptiness inside him.
When the last bandit falls, Will stands amidst the chaos, breathing heavily. Then moves to help the injured, and formally arrest them. The farmers and villagers thank him and offer him meals of gratitude, but he barely hears them. Simply nods in acknowledgment and mumbles a few words about how he was "just doing his job"
Then he mounts Tug and rides away, completely hollow inside.
He returns to the small cabin in the woods which he once shared with Alyss. Washing Tug down and feeding him, then moving inside and throwing his things on the table before he collapses in the armchair by the fireplace, exhausted.
Whether he's fatigued from the day's activities or his grief, he wouldn't know. But it wears him down regardless, and he finds himself shivering with the cold, the cabin feels damp from being empty all day. He wants to light the fire and cast out the chill in the air, and surprisingly, he craves the cozy solace that a fire would bring.
But he can't bring himself to move. Can't bring himself to do anything. He just sits and stares at the ashes in the fireplace. Pondering how comfortable the heat of a fire would feel. Pondering the last time he had lit the fire, it must've been before...
Memories flooded his mind, and phantoms danced in his perephriel vision. The pain is unbearable, and he wants to release it somehow, relieve this aching torment; to cry, or scream, or be angry, throw something, punch something, hurt someone else, hurt himself, something, anything!
but he can't. bring himself. to move.
Pain is so damn tedious.
The days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months. He takes on an apprentice, his goddaughter no less, no doubt a ploy by his friends. They knew him better than anyone now, he supposed. But he enjoyed training her. He enjoyed having a task, something to take his mind off of his grief. He enjoyed having another bright presence in the house to chase out the darkness that had engulfed it.
And slowly, blessedly, the doves' song begins to change.
It's subtle at first, a slight shift in tone, a hint of hope.
Will finds himself rising with a bit more purpose, his steps a little lighter. He begins to see the beauty in the world again, the colors more vibrant, the sounds more lively.
One dawn, as he listens to the doves, he realizes they are morning doves once more. The ache is still there, and God knows if it'll ever go away, but he has found a way to live with it, to carry Alyss's memory with him as he moves forward. He still sees her in all he does, whether it's a training exercise with Maddie, or a walk through the forest, or tea with Pauline, he sees her everywhere. But he's glad that he does. He doesn't know if he would survive her going away completely, he can't imagine this world without her, and now that he has to live without her physically, it would break him for her to be gone forever.
The doves sing their morning song with each new day, but now they signal growth for Will, they signal a new beginning.
#rangers apprentice#ranger's apprentice#fanfiction#rangers apprentice fanfiction#will treaty#ranger gathering 2024#dawn#yayyy i actually wrote something#TRR
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It was a cold and bristly evening. Heavy flakes of snow hit the windowpanes before falling to the ground to join their companions, forming thick snowbanks, and covering the beautiful grounds of Redmont in luscious white clouds.
It was a truly wonderful time of the year.
To be inside where it's warm.
Cold weather had always agreed with Alyss, the hot sweaty environment that the summer offered was just too miserable to the courier. She preferred being comfortable in a warm cloak than sweating in the unrevealing clothing that her gender was expected to adorn.
Thankfully, during the summer months. She was usually at home with her husband; where she could wear whatever the hell she wanted with no commentary from him. Well, no insulting commentary anyway. But Will Treaty had an excellent command of the Araluen language and knew exactly how to use it to stimulate a reaction from his beautiful wife.
And that usually went exactly as planned.
But today, it was below freezing. So Alyss covered as much of her skin as possible, and then more on top of that. She felt like a ball of cloth, but she was warm. There's no fashion in the winter months anyway, sacrifices were made for comfort and no one gave two shits about it.
It just meant that at the end of a long workday, you had to put all of those layers back on, and then ride home. And although the ride was short-- just under half an hour, it felt like days when you were shivering beneath your coats and scarves, all your energy being forcefully sucked into the unproductive shivering that your body insists on subjecting you to.
Alyss stared out the massive window in her office, watching the snow fall, dreading what came next on her schedule and contemplating staying at the castle tonight. Will would presume that's what she was doing when she wasn't home within the hour, it wasn't uncommon for one of them to stay at Redmont when they had a late night, when the ride to the cabin seemed too tiresome.
They didn't like to do that though, neither of them slept as well without the other anymore, although the mutual dependency conflicted with their jobs. But that's how it was. Alyss felt safer with Will beside her, and Will slept more peacefully with Alyss beside him. Without either of those things, it wasn't the same.
That's why Alyss truly didn't want to not go home tonight, but the ride through the deepening snow seemed too detrimental. And who knows, maybe it would be too deep to ride through in the morning, and the project she was working on at the moment couldn't be postponed.
She would stay at Redmont for the night, Will would understand. Not that she ever doubted he would.
She could ask Arald for a guest suite, he would of course give it to her free of charge, he tended to spoil her like that; the advantages of being the Baron's surrogate daughter, she thought with an interior smile.
But it was already 8:30. She didn't want to bother the Baron. The next option was quite obvious.
She knocked on Halt and Pauline's door, patiently waiting for one of them to answer.
The door swung open with a creak, and revealed a very cheery-looking Pauline, "hello!" she cried, "come in dear, what a pleasant surprise."
Alyss stepped inside, her gratitude evident as she addressed Pauline, "I'm sorry for the impromptu visit. Would it be possible for me to stay here tonight? The snow is looking rather—" Her words trailed off as she locked eyes with her husband, who was seated on the couch with a mischievous grin
He stood as Alyss entered, playfulness dancing in his eyes. "Looks like we had the same idea."
Alyss suppressed the urge to reciprocate a smile.
"It looks like we did."
He took the bag from her hands, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek as he did so.
"Far too cold to endure horseback in this weather, hmm?"
"Mmhmm" she nodded at him, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and suspicion.
"You were meant to be working from home today, Will," she quipped.
Will looked back over at her, feigning confusion, "Was I?"
Alyss nodded back at him. A knowing glance passing between them.
Will shook his head, "Must have slipped my mind as I rode over," he responded with a wink as he crashed back on the couch with an air of nonchalance.
Alyss shook her head, exchanging a look with Halt that conveyed a shared exasperation.
"He follows you like a lost puppy, have you noticed that?" Halt remarked dryly, his voice laced with amusement.
Alyss chuckled, her gaze shifting back to Will.
"He does indeed." She agreed, slipping off her winter cloak. Will's casual demeanor couldn't hide the truth—his devotion to her was apparent in every glance and gesture.
She settled on the couch next to her husband, curling into his side naturally.
"But I wouldn't have it any other way."
#rangers apprentice#ranger's apprentice#fanfiction#rangers apprentice fanfiction#ra fanfic#on ao3#wilyss
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fyi i did end up writing the wilyss vows yall should go check out 'Our Story is Just Getting Started' over on ao3 I know you want to ;)
yes it's a crime that we never heard Will's best man speech for Halt's wedding, but what's more of a crime, in my opinion, is we never heard the Wilyss vows???
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#rangers apprentice#ranger's apprentice#fanfiction#rangers apprentice fanfiction#ra fanfic#FINALLY COMPLETE#blesseddd dayyyy
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who lives, who dies, who tells your story: chapter 7
--GUYS I FINISHED IT!! AFTER TWO YEARS!! what a journey wow, thank you for being so patient with me as I worked through what I wanted for this story, I'll likely add on a chapter or two because it doesn't quite feel complete yet, but until then, i hope you like this!! i put blood, sweat, tears, and 2 hours into this chapter.
Will awakens like a man who is drowning. Air and life surges into him, his mouth agape and gasping for it, his body feeling all but dead to the world.
He is not given the luxury of forgetting. The minute he gains awareness, it feels as if he had never lost consciousness at all. And oh, how his body aches, how the fog from the after-effects of the drug that Alaric had injected in him pollutes his brain, how his very soul radiates with suffering and pain as if it is all it has ever known. Nausea clings to the back of his throat, a migraine quick to assault him like a hangover he has never known before.
And his eyes weren't even open yet, his consciousness was only half received.
When they do open, they twitch in surprise. The room he's in isn't dark, and dusty, and horrific like the room he was so used to seeing.
This room he's in is bright, the walls painted a neutral tan color, and the windows covered with white curtains. The bed he's in is soft, and as he realizes that, it only seems to feel softer. His aching bones seemed to sink into the soft satin. This bedding was heaven compared to the shackles he had known in the last weeks.
His mind is flooded with memories, horrible, awful, painful memories, coming in flashes, but stopping short.
Alaric's death, his suicide... and then.... and then what else?
His memory was blacked out after that.
And then nothing.
Alaric's death... and
And now he's here in this tan room, with this soft bed, and these satin sheets. How can he be comfortable after that? How can he allow himself the luxury to be content and warm when he ruined a young man's life?
Will's heart pounds in his chest as the guilt came in relentlessly pounding waves, tidal waves sweeping over a raft, Will was suffocating, his breaths shallow and quick, sucking in like he would never breathe again.
You don't deserve that either, you destroyed them.
The weight of his actions, the flashes of painful memories, it was too much for him. With trembling hands he reaches for the satin sheets, feeling the softness beneath his fingers. But instead of finding comfort in it as he did earlier, he feels only disgust at his own contentment.
In a fit of panic and useless self-loathing Will tears the sheets from the bed, flinging them across the room without thinking twice. His breaths come in ragged gasps as he struggles to contain his overwhelming emotions; his fear, his anguish, his grief, his guilt, oh! his guilt! It hurts! They consume him, he tries to fight but he's too weak, he's too tired, too hopeless. They win, and he sweeps his arm over the bedside table, sending trinkets and medicine bottles crashing to the floor.
Every object he touches feels like a reminder of his failure because he's alive. He's alive and feeling things and sleeping in this comfortable room, and that man, no that boy is dead. Alaric is dead.
He's failed so many times in his life, failings that hurt people failings that hurt him, mistakes that killed people. And yet this is so different, so different that he feels that he's at the breaking point. How can he ever go back to being a ranger after this? He no longer trusts himself.
His vision blurs with frustration and pain, and he continues to lash out at the various objects in the room, unable to quell the storm of waves inside of him. The curtains catch his eye, billowing in the gentle breeze from the outside. Without a second thought, he tears them from the window, ripping them to shreds in a mad frenzy.
As the fabric falls to the floor, the exhausted man collapses against the window sill, his breath coming in harsh, ragged, uneven gasps. He stares out at the rising sun, its warm light casting shadows on the tan walls in the room, and at that moment, everything stills. The beauty of the dawn demanded respect as it recited its morning sonnet over the Redmont hills. Who was he to deny it?
Everything was calm, Will's heart started to slow and return to its normal beat, and his mind found peace amid the chaos it had been imprisoned in for so long.
Footsteps approach from behind, and he barely notices them until they're right beside him. Will tenses, expecting reproach or pity. But when a large warm hand places itself gently on the ranger's shoulder, he looks up and meets Horace's understanding and warm gaze. Will's tears flow freely now, unchecked and unguarded, as he struggles to find the words to express the turmoil he's feeling.
"It wasn't your fault ya know," Horace's voice is soft but steady, cutting through the haze in Will's head.
"You did everything you could." He finished.
Will shakes his head violently, wincing as he finally notices the headache that probably won't go away for a while. "Obviously not enough," he whispers hoarsely, his voice raw with pain and emotion, "I destroyed that family Horace. Single-handedly, I destroyed them."
Horace's grip tightens in an attempt at comfort, "You did what you could Will, some people... are just beyond the material help we can offer. That man was insane. Halt and I both believe that there is nothing anyone could have said or done, to ensure his sanity and salvation."
He was quiet, so Horace continued hesitantly, "Besides it's probably.... better off... this way."
Will looks up slowly at him, his eyes fixated on him in a way that almost made Horace uncomfortable.
"Better off this way?" He repeated, his voice emphasizing each word.
Horace made a helpless gesture, "C'mon Will, I mean the man was psychotic, and very obviously depressed. Yes, it's a tragedy what happened but--"
"But nothing Horace!" Will shoved his hand off his shoulder, "But absolutely nothing! You're saying that that man was better off dead than alive!?"
It was more a statement than a question, and Horace didn't feel compelled to answer.
"He nearly killed you Will, he plotted this for years, exacting how to get the best revenge on you, how to murder you in the most satisfying and effective ways possible. And who knows what else he's done over the last ten years! He was a criminal, Will! That much was obvious."
"He didn't deserve to die." Will's voice was dangerously low, and that, more than anything, drew Horace to caution.
He raised his hands in a surrendering gesture, "Look Will, I'm not undermining any sort of history you had with that guy, what I am doing is stating cold, hard facts. And the facts are, this man tried to murder you in cold blood, for revenge for you killing his mother ten years ago, who also happened to be a murderer! And yeah I know, nothing is ever this black and white, but nothing about this situation is normal, Will, so in this case, I think it pretty much is."
Will's gaze was fixated once again on the skyline.
"You did what you could for him, but ultimately, he chose what he chose. And you couldn't have done anything about it. I know you feel guilty about all this, but I promise you, brother, whatever it is you're going through, we're gonna work through it together. Alright? Please, Will."
Will's knuckles were white on the windowsill, his whole body trembling, and the tears streaking uncontrollably down his bruised cheeks. Horace's words echo in his mind, each one striking a nerve he didn't know he had. He wants to scream, to punch someone, to lash out at the unfairness of it all, but deep down he knew Horace was right.
Taking a deep breath, he steadied himself and forced his gaze upward to meet Horace's once more. Horace's eyes are filled with concern compassion, and pleading. That broke Will's heart. His best friend was pleading with him to see clearly. And despite the utter uproar in his mind, he found himself nodding slowly in agreement.
"Alright," His voice breaking, "Alright Horace we'll work through it together."
His friend's expression sags with relief, and he pulls Will into a side hug, holding him close as they watch the sunrise together.
And Will feels the slightest, faintest, prayerful glimmer of hope inside his chest.
Neither of them notices the grizzled ranger leading in the doorway, observing the events unfolding.
Halt's heart was heavy with grief for his former apprentice, he knew there were no easy answers to this, no easy path to healing. But they've been in situations like this before, and just like always, Will will come out the other end of this hellhole, likely stronger than before. And Halt will be standing by Will's side, like always, suffering alongside him because there's nothing he can do to alleviate it.
Will's pain was Halt's pain, Will's burdens were Halt's burdens. It's the way it's always been since Will was 15 and young and naive.
With a final glance at the two brothers, watching the sun rise over a new day, Halt turns and leaves the room, silently promising to himself that he'll do whatever it takes for Will to find peace again.
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white knuckled
"Alyss? You alright, love?"
A small groan emulated from the mound of blankets on the couch. Pauline snorted quietly to his left.
"How long has she been feverish?" Will asked as he moved to his wife's side, lifting the blankets near her face to lay one hand on her forehead and the other to cup her cheek.
"Since about 2 o'clock this afternoon. She said she felt queasy at around noon but didn't actually get sick until about 2"
Alyss' eyes peaked open slightly and her forehead wrinkled as she realized what was happening. "I'm sorry, Will. You should be working right now" she said in a quiet cracking voice.
"No honey, it's okay. Are you feeling any better than earlier? Pauline said you've been sleeping for about 2 hours now."
"That long" Alyss gasped out as she tried to sit up in a frenzy, obviously stressing over having been passed out on her mentor's couch for far too long. Talk about overstaying a welcome.
But she was weak, and all too obviously sick, and her arms shook with the strain of holding herself up, Will noticed this and hurried to lay her back on the couch gently.
"Lyss, stay still, honey, lay back down. Do you want to go home?"
Alyss looked up at him with glazed and weary-looking eyes and nodded pitifully. Her utter tearful disposition drew a snort from her husband and was almost enough to draw one from an amused-looking Pauline standing a few feet away. It was just so unlike Alyss, that it was humorous.
The usually assertive diplomat nodded teary-eyed at his question. Yes, she wanted to go home.
Will nodded at her with a smile still lingering on his face.
"Ok, can you stand? Want me to carry you?"
Alyss managed a small, exhausted smile through her weakness. "I think I can manage standing, though carrying wouldn't be a bad idea either."
Will chuckled softly as he gently helped her sit up. She swayed slightly, her fever making her feel disoriented. Will moved closer, his arm wrapping around her waist to support her. She leaned against him, grateful for his presence.
"Easy now," he murmured, guiding her to her feet. Alyss swayed again and Will tightened his hold on her. "Steady, love."
Pauline stepped forward, concern etched on her face. "I'll get the door for you two. Make sure she gets home safely, Will."
"Thank you, Pauline," Will replied, his focus still on Alyss. He started guiding her towards the door, his arm securely around her waist.
Alyss managed a weak chuckle. "I feel like I've been hit by a battering ram."
Will grinned, trying to lighten the mood. "Well, at least you've got a good story for later. 'Remember that time I got knocked out by a fever and ended up on Pauline's couch?'"
Alyss rolled her eyes, but a small smile played on her lips. "You're ridiculous."
"That's why you love me," Will said with a wink, his voice filled with affection. They reached the door, and Pauline held it open for them.
"Take care, you two," Pauline said, her voice warm.
"Thank you, Pauline," Alyss replied, her voice still a bit weak.
As they stepped out into the Redmont courtyard, the cool breeze hit Alyss' feverish skin, making her shiver. Will tightened his grip around her, his concern evident. "Let's get you home and into bed."
Alyss nodded, leaning against him as they walked. The journey back to their cabin was slow, but Tug was gentle, seeming to sense the distress of his riders. Will's support was unwavering, his arm around her waist providing her with the stability she needed. When they finally reached their cabin, he helped her inside and settled her on their bed.
"Rest up, Lyss. I'll make you some tea and get you some medicine."
Alyss nodded, her eyes already drooping with exhaustion. "Thank you, dear.” she mumbled.
He pressed a gentle kiss to her heated forehead. "I'll be right back."
He left the room, making certain that the bedroom door remained open enough that he could keep an eye on her from the kitchen.
When he returned with a steaming mug and a jar of herbs and supplements, Alyss had nearly dozed off. He gently nudged her awake, reassuring her that she could sleep after taking her medicine.
After she had swallowed every pill and drank half her tea, she curled into his side on the bed, her body still radiating heat from her fever, but at least she wasn’t trembling anymore, that’s a good sign.
If she didn’t break her fever tonight, he would take her to the infirmary. In the meantime, he held her while she slept, her breaths sounding deep and even, yet ragged all at once. Strained with her struggling nervous system.
Stroking her forehead, he gave the top of her head a little kiss, and for probably the millionth time through their five years of marriage, he thanked God for this woman. This amazing woman who somehow put up with him day after day, this woman who had seen him at his lowest lows and his highest highs, and still loved him relentlessly.
He didn’t deserve her, but he loved her, so so desperately. Life without her was unimaginable, making even a small fever such as this, terrifying for him.
How could the woman he loved not be in perfect health? How could he have allowed that? How did he not prevent this heinous illness from infecting his wife? Talk about a failure of a husband.
He didn’t realize his grip on her was so tight until this moment, he relaxed, his knuckles going back to their normal color after being a stark white just a moment ago. He clutched her tight as if he would lose her if he didn’t.
He sighed deeply, exhausted with his own mind. Logically he knew Alyss loved him just as much as he loved her, he knew her fever was not his fault, he couldn’t have prevented it.
So why did his mind proceed to torture him anyway?
He would never know. He clutched her tighter still, knuckles whitening once more, and gave her forehead another gentle kiss.
“I’ll never let anything happen to you, angel.”
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ranger's Apprentice - John Flanagan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Alyss Mainwaring/Will Treaty, Halt O'Carrick & Will Treaty, Pauline duLacy & Alyss Mainwaring, Pauline duLacy/Halt O'Carrick Characters: Will Treaty, Alyss Mainwaring, Halt O'Carrick, Pauline duLacy Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Yall wanted Wilyss wedding vows, I give you Wilyss wedding vows, Marriage Struggles, wilyss, Wedding Vow Renewals Summary:
On the morning of their tenth wedding anniversary, Will appears to have forgotten about the special day entirely. Despite her disappointment, Alyss moves on with her day just as normal. However, as usual, Will has more tricks up his sleeves than his wife gives him credit for.
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Our Story is Just Getting Started
Ten years. One hundred and twenty months. Three thousand six hundred and fifty-two days. All that time, and yet it seemed like no time at all.
Alyss woke groggily, rubbing the sleep from her eyes as she shifted toward her still-sleeping husband's form. She smiled softly at him, his eyes shut peacefully, breathing through his mouth due to the sickness that had plagued him all week, denying him airway through his nose.
Gently laying a hand on his bare shoulder, she whispered, "Will."
That was enough to wake him. He grunted, "Yeah, hey, Lyss. Morning."
He grunted again as he sat up, rubbing and squinting his eyes against the morning sunlight coming through the window, and reaching for a handkerchief on the nightstand to blow his stuffy nose.
Alyss opened her mouth to speak but hesitated. She had always been the first to say it; this year, she would let him.
"Got any plans today?" she said instead.
Will sniffed, shaking his head several times. His eyes dissociated at the wall; he had never been a morning person. It took him until he had coffee running through his veins to be fully functional. He looked down at her, shaking his head still. "No. You?"
Alyss shook her head, hiding her disbelief. Had he truly forgotten? Or was he messing with her? He couldn't have forgotten. He always remembered every year and always did something special, remembering the previous year when he had taken her out for dinner and dancing, and gifted her a beautiful necklace, in the shape of a golden sun, which she hadn't taken off since. He wouldn't forget.
But then again, he'd been sick, and not "the good sick" as he called it where you're "sick enough to sleep all day and not work." She remembered him describing it to her. No, he was just the "annoying and inconvenient sick," where he's not sick enough to justify taking off work, but he's sick enough to be miserable as he does it.
She felt for him, truly. The "annoying sick" must truly be... annoying. But bad enough for him to have forgotten today? Surely not.
But as he left the room to go prepare breakfast, just like a typical day, she hesitated. Maybe he had.
The rest of the morning was spent with a weary and sniffling Will and a suspicious and disappointed Alyss.
They left the cabin together to go to their respective jobs as always, separating at the fork in the path as always, where she set off for Redmont and he went about doing his rounds. As always.
Will kissed her gently, saying a quick "Love you, have a good day, baby."
"You too, see you tonight," she said briskly as she watched him ride away without any further contemplation about it, she rode toward the castle, deep in disappointment.
"Good morning, Alyss," Pauline said happily, placing a stack of papers on her desk. "The Baron requested these be done by noon today if that's at all possible. Sorry, I know you hate loan papers."
Alyss sighed, "I do, but it's not a problem, Pauline." Her tone was dreary, and Pauline picked up on it quickly.
"And a Happy Anniversary to you and Will." With a knowing glint in her eyes.
Alyss looked up and smiled, "Thank you, I'm glad someone remembered."
Pauline's eyes widened, "No! Will?! He never forgets your anniversary; he always does some big grand gesture."
Alyss nodded, "Yes, and my gift is always lame in comparison to his. Ten years, Pauline, and he's never forgotten. But this morning was just... a regular morning. He's been sick lately, of course."
"Yes, Halt's told me, blasted colds, they're quite a nuisance."
"Yes, evidently enough to cause my husband to forget our anniversary."
"I'm sure he'll remember, dear. And he'll feel awful about it."
Alyss nodded, her eyes returning to her paperwork, "I'd better get a headstart on all this."
Pauline nodded, gathered her things, and left Alyss to her despair.
Against all odds, Alyss did end up finishing by noon. She delivered the papers to a very surprised Baron, who also wished her and Will a Happy Anniversary, referencing his very handy calendar with important dates scribbled on the days. Alyss inquired about where he got it, making a mental note to pick one up on the way home as a way of breaking the news to Will that, for the first time ever, he had forgotten.
Around 5 pm, when the sun began to dip in the sky, casting a warm glow across the castle, Pauline came to find her again.
"Alyss dear, would you take a walk with me, please?"
Never one to refuse her mentor, she did.
They walked down to the courtyard, Alyss attempting to mask the disappointment that tinged in her eyes. Halt and Will were standing by Tug at the very edge of the courtyard. Halt and Pauline exchanged a knowing glance as Alyss resigned herself to just an ordinary day, leading into an ordinary night.
Will approached her with Tug, "Hop on, my Lady," he said, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. Alyss raised an eyebrow, curiosity mixed in with her suspicion.
"Will, what is this?"
"Come on, get on," he extended his hand to her. She took it, and he helped hoist her into Tug's saddle.
"Where are we going?" She asked as he got on behind her, his strong arms snaking around her waist to grab the reins.
"Someplace special," was his response as he guided her toward the woods.
When they entered a familiar clearing where they had exchanged their wedding vows, Alyss gasped. The field was adorned with golden lanterns, casting a soft, enchanting light. Rose petals covered the ground like a delicate carpet, and a white blanket was laid out on the ground, surrounded by a specially prepared dinner.
"Will," Alyss said, her voice filled with awe, "I thought you'd forgotten."
Will's playful smirk deepened. "Well, that was the point."
He wrapped his arms around her, feeling the weight of the moment as they stood in the very spot where they had gotten married.
"Happy Anniversary, my dear," Will said, his voice filled with warmth.
Alyss' smile couldn't get any wider, and her eyes sparkled with tenderness, "Happy Anniversary." They kissed gently.
They shared a romantic dinner, the dark forest around them enveloping the scene in an even more enchanting regard. As the night progressed, they kissed under the lantern glow. Again, and again. The passion ignited between them, and they made love on the soft blanket, surrounded by the beauty of the scenery. Will did know how to paint a pretty ambiance.
Afterward, wrapped up in Will's cloak, Will smiled mischievously. "I do have one more surprise." He pulled out two wrinkled sheets of paper.
Alyss gaped as she realized what they were. "Our vows?" she asked incredulously. "I wonder if they still hold up." She said playfully.
Will began reading, his voice filled with sincerity. "Alyss Mainwaring, saying I do to you today means saying I will, I will love you today, tomorrow, and every day after for the rest of my life, just like I have since we were children..."
And suddenly they were back in time, standing in this very clearing in the summer sunset, surrounded by friends and friends who were considered family.
And Will was baring his soul in front of them all, "Growing up as orphans, there were no good examples of what a perfect love looked like, I wasn't sure if I even believed in it, but Alyss, you have changed the way I think about love, you have shown me what true love is. And I know things haven't always been easy, and they won't always be easy, but through thick and thin, I promise to show you my love for you every day. Because our love has always been worth it, it will always be worth it, I will encourage you, trust and respect you, confide in you, and create a home with you; full of laughter and compassion..."
Halt sniffled in the background, causing Will to smile even bigger as he completed his vows. And just like that, it was ten years later, the same clearing, the same couple, the same love story, just a little older, a little quieter. And Will was whispering the same vow he had written when he was 26, with the same sincerity that he had when he had read them to the woman he loved.
"I want to love you till the end of our days, I want to grow old with you, I want to share my dreams with you. So today, in front of everyone here, I pledge myself to you, Alyss Mainwaring."
They smiled at each other, tears brimming in Alyss' eyes as she unfolded her own sheet and began reading.
"Will, I've been in love with you for as long as I can remember since we were children. But somehow, I still seem to fall in love with you more and more each day that passes..."
Alyss looked beautiful in her white dress, with a crown of flowers atop her head and an excited glimmer in her eyes.
And she was reading with all the clarity and dignity she was trained to do in her apprenticeship. But the sincerity and the weight of the moment gave her voice a slight tremor; which nobody would've noticed typically, except Will, who gave her hand a gentle squeeze.
"You are kind, courageous, faithful, the best friend, the best brother the best son, I think anyone here can vouch for those. In you, I have found my soulmate, my best friend, my lover, my partner, my safe place."
Will squeezed her hand now, as she finished renewing her own vows under the lantern light in the clearing.
There was a catch in her throat, and she paused to clear it, then looked up at him as she finished.
"You are my great love story, Will Treaty, and our story is just getting started"
They look at each other a long while and Will nods whispering "I love you,"
"I love you too,"
"We're gonna be okay"
"I know,"
"I'm sorry I made you think I was a horrible husband today," Will said, his voice tinged with amusement.
Alyss snorted a laugh, "I did think that, but you made up for it"
His arm went around her shoulders and she pressed her body to his, as they lay on the blanket. Looking up at the night sky, the twinkle of the stars reflected in their eyes.
Will gave her forehead a gentle kiss, a silent promise, a testament to all they had been through, all they had endured. None of it truly mattered in the end, these last few months which had been the worst in the history of their relationship. Too many arguments, too many regretful and selfish words, too many sleepless nights in separate bedrooms. Looking back now, it seemed ridiculous, how could they ever get so ugly with each other? They love each other.
But that's the false illusion of love. That it's always perfect, and happy, and beautiful.
But real love, true love, is loving through it all. Loving through the perfect and the imperfect, the happy and the unhappy, the beautiful and the ugly.
Loving through the ugly until it's beautiful again, and trying to do better next time. Rinse and repeat. The endless cycle of life and love.
But that's what makes it so special.
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the rest of our lives
The sun cast a warm glow over the Redmont courtyard as Alyss and Will walked hand in hand through the gardens. The soft summer breeze carrying the scent of blooming flowers. It had been a few months since Will had proposed, and now they were knee-deep in wedding planning.
They strolled over to a quiet corner of the courtyard, where they sat comfortably on a bench.
Alyss's eyes twinkled with a mix of emotions, from excitement to a touch of nervousness. She turned to Will, her fingers lacing with his. "I never thought I'd be the one planning a wedding. It's like something out of a dream."
Will chuckled softly, his gaze fixed on her. "Well, it's a dream I'm more than happy to be a part of. And it's a lot less daunting when I know I'll be marrying my best friend."
Alyss shook her head, a warm smile tugging at her lips. "You charmer"
He shrugged playfully. "Just speaking the truth my love," Then he leaned over and gave her a quick peck on the cheek.
Alyss giggled, her eyes shining with happiness. "Definitely exciting. But also a bit overwhelming. There's so much to figure out and arrange."
Will chuckled, his thumb brushing over her knuckles. "Tell me about it. Who knew there were so many details to consider? The colors, the flowers, the guest list..."
"Exactly," Alyss agreed. "And don't even get me started on the seating chart. It's like a puzzle trying to figure out where everyone should sit."
They both shared a laugh, the shared challenges of wedding planning being nearly comedic in the face of all they'd been through together already. Will leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on her temple. "We'll figure it out, the important thing is that at the end of the day, we're married."
She smiled, her heart full of affection for the man beside her. "Yeah, as long as we end up married, the day will be a success, everything will fall into place."
They sat in comfortable silence for a moment. Then, Will spoke up again. "Have you thought about the vows?"
Alyss looked thoughtful for a moment, "I have. I want them to be personal, meaningful."
Will nodded, "meaningful, I guess I can do that."
Alyss nodded in turn and said jokingly, "You're probably going to have to throw in that you'll promise to love me for better or worse."
I'll make sure to fit it in somewhere"
Alyss chuckled softly, leaning her head against his shoulder. "You better. And I'll promise not to laugh too hard when you start tearing up during the vows."
Will feigned offense, placing a hand over his heart. "Hey, I can't help it if I'm emotional."
She grinned, playfully hitting his side. "I know, and I wouldn't have it any other way."
They didn't speak for a moment, they sat peacefully basking in the others presence.
Then Will said sincerely, "And I'll promise you that I'll always support you, that I'll be your partner in every adventure, and that I'll love you with everything that I am everyday of our lives."
Alyss froze, feeling an overwhelming amount of love pass between them, she looked up at him, drew a breath to speak, then stopped, her head plopping back on his shoulder with an annoyed thud.
"I can't top that" she said in feigned grumpiness.
Will laughed, "you're not supposed to"
Their eyes met, a shared understanding passing between them.
Alyss curled further into Will's side, feeling a sense of calm wash over her. "I can't wait to be your wife"
He wrapped his other arm around her, pulling her close. "And I can't wait to call you my wife. It feels like we've been ready for this for a long time, now that it's finally happening...."
Alyss finished the sentence for him, "It does feel that way, doesn't it? Like our lives have been leading us to this point somehow."
She felt him nod a few times, then press a kiss to the top of her head once more. "I'm just grateful that I get to spend the rest of my life with you, Alyss."
She looked up at him, her eyes shining with affection. "The rest of our lives are starting pretty soon aren't they?"
"In about 2 months, yes they are"
She kissed him long and slow, a promise that transcended words.
"I can't wait" she whispered
#rangers apprentice#ranger's apprentice#fanfiction#rangers apprentice fanfiction#ra fanfic#wilyss#on ao3
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Chapters: 1/2 Fandom: Ranger's Apprentice - John Flanagan Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Halt O'Carrick & Will Treaty, Horace Altman & Will Treaty, Horace Altman & Halt O'Carrick Characters: Will Treaty, Halt O'Carrick, Horace Altman Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Family Feels, Will Treaty Needs a Hug Summary:
In the midst of uncertainty, and overwhelming anxiety, Will Treaty disappears without a trace, leaving his friends Halt and Horace concerned and searching for answers.
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navigating the shadows ---
Years had passed since Will Treaty's days as an apprentice, the long days training in the woods accompanied by his mentor were long past. Now he stands proud and confident, a seasoned Ranger, he stood tall-- in the best way he could, his forest-green cloak billowing in the cool breeze that October brought with it.
His keen eyes narrowed as they surveyed the village before him, ever watchful for any sign of trouble. He hid in the shadows, where none could see him, yet he could see all. The skills he had honed under Halt's guidance had made him the feared yet the most respected Ranger in Araluen, those on Will Treaty's bad side should be doing anything they can to get off of it. Those on his good side though were overwhelmed with how loving of a person he could truly be.
As expected with his rank, he patrolled the borderlands frequently, searching for any troubles that could have slipped through the cracks of general security through the country. Today Will had a particular task. A band of outlaws had been causing havoc lately, raiding villages and terrorizing the locals. Just 3 days prior there had been 4 bodies found near a riverbank; bruised and tortured and long dead. Will's jaw set in anger at the injustice of it all, determination set in the lines around his eyes.
Crowley had already given the thumbs up for an official mission to take the bandits down and bring justice to the victims and their families. And Will was damned to do nothing less.
Days turned into weeks as Will pursued the outlaws through dense forests and treacherous terrain. The journey tested him in ways he couldn't imagine. Dealing with the heartache that came from knowing lives were at risk, his skills and resolve were put to the test. But his experience outdoes everything and Will somehow powered through the blustery days and the cold rainy nights. He was eventually able to read the land and anticipate the outlaws' movements and where they would wind up if common sense led them the right direction.
Eventually he overtook them. In the midst of a rocky canyon Will fired off 4 arrows, each sticking it's anticipated landing of either crippling or killing it's target. Will's engaged the outlaws headon, later he would be lectured on his recklessness for going into a fierce battle with only himself against 7 men. But his arrows flew where they intended and Will was able to apprehend them. His years of training had transformed him into a masterful fighter, combining his agility, strategic thinking, and sheer determination.
He placed his hands on his knees, breathing heavily. His head spun with the adrenaline as he looked around the battlefield. Bodies were littered, some of them moving and nursing wounds. Some were looking toward heaven with glazed eyes.
A movement.
A sound.
Will spun around using the double knife technique, his knives clashed with the leaders sword. Who growled at him after being intercepted.
"Well look who decided to join the--" Will's sarcastic comment was cut off after making eye contact with his assailant. There was a flicker of recognition – a past connection that Will couldn't quite place. He saw it in the other's eyes as well, although Will thought he saw that suspision being confirmed in his foes eyes. This man knew him, and Will knew him too, if only he could place who. With a quick and swift movement, he knocked the sword from the leaders hand, disarming him for good. Will then crushed his elbow to his throat, cornering him against a rocky wall. The long and sharp knives being threatening enough to make the idea clear.
Don't move.
"Who are you?" Will asked, his voice steady yet firm.
The outlaw's defiant gaze met Will's angry ones. "Don't you recognize me, Will?"
Will started to shake his head but stopped, recognition seemed to dawn out of nowhere, like an old box being uncovered from the attic, the dust blew away and suddenly Will remembered.
"Morgan?" his voice wavered now.
Morgan, a childhood friend who had gone down a dark path, he had always been the bad influence friend from Will's childhood. Always trying to make Will skip classes, or steal from the markets, or hunt on royal property. But Will loved him, and when Morgan was arrested for thief at 14 Will thought that was the end, and he would never see him again. But here they were again. Years later. Two friends in two very different circumstances. Only one now holds the others life in their hands.
Will looked regretful "I didn't think i'd ever see you again Morgan."
"Well... the injustice of life hmm?"
"How'd it come to this Morgan? Did you kill those women?" Will's voice was breaking from sadness now, no longer trying to disguise his horror.
Morgan's shoulders sagged, his expression a reflection of the weight he carried. "Life takes unexpected turns, and sometimes we make choices we can't easily undo."
"But killing people Morgan?? How does one's life ever come to such a place where murder is the next logical step?"
Morgan's voice held a bitter edge as he retorted, a mix of resentment and accusation in his words. "I hate to break it to you, old friend, but look around you, the bodies littered here? Those aren't a result of my actions; those are yours. That's your weight this time, not mine. You and I, we are not so different, we never were."
Will's gaze hardened, his jaw set in defiance as he met Morgan's glare. "No, Morgan. I won't let you shift the blame. I've made difficult choices to protect and defend. That's my job. But you – you chose to harm, to take lives. This here, is justice served, those men would've killed me with the chance, I only struck first."
Morgan's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and frustration, his voice tinged with a touch of desperation. "You think you're so righteous, huh Will? Don't forget where you come from, the secrets you carry. You might wear the cloak of a Ranger, but darkness resides in all of us."
Will's gaze held firm, unyielding against Morgan's accusations. "I don't claim to be perfect, Morgan. I'm well aware of the shadows that can haunt us. But I've chosen a path of honor, a path that fights against that darkness. The darkness that you and men like you create."
Morgan laughed bitterly, "Honor? Tell me, Will, how many lives have you ended in the name of 'justice'? How many families have you shattered with the 'blood of righteousness' acting as your guide?"
Will's voice remained steady, his resolve unshaken. "I've taken lives when necessary, when there was no other way to protect innocent lives. It's a weight I carry, a reminder of the cost that the darkness in the world takes from us. But I also strive to save lives, to mend what's broken."
Morgan's eyes held a haunting intensity, a reflection of his inner turmoil. "And what about redemption? Can one ever truly find it after crossing certain lines?"
Sympathy replaced Will's earlier anger. "Redemption is a journey, Morgan. It's never easy, but it's possible. The past doesn't define us; our choices do."
The silence was deafening.
Will's expression softened. "You can change, Morgan. It's not too late."
Morgan's gaze wavered, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. "Change? After all I've done?"
Will shrugged, "well you're still going to prison, but yes change is very possible, it's never too late to make amends to chose a different path."
Their eyes locked, Morgan's flickered from his for a minute then flew back. Like a scared animal.
"I-I've never-- well that would be new for me I don't think I've. I've never tried to be good."
"Change is always unfamiliar, that's what makes it frightening. But I'll be here to help you, you can let me help you."
Morgan's eyes shone with tears, he shut them tight, and when they reopened there was a new emotion in them that Will couldn't place.
By the time he did it was too late.
Morgan lashed out, kicking Will's knees out from under him and sending a heavy right hook to his jaw. The sudden violence caught Will off guard, Morgan's attack sending him crashing to the ground with a grunt of pain. He tried to scramble back, a mixture of shock and urgency in his eyes, but Morgan's swift movements left him defenseless.
"NO! MORGAN, DON'T!" Will's voice carried a desperate plea, his heart racing as he realized the gravity of the situation.
Morgan's face twisted with a mixture of sorrow and turmoil, his grip on the knife unyielding. "I'm sorry, Will. I really am, but it's too late for me" he whispered, his voice heavy with pain.
Time seemed to slow as Morgan's hand moved, the knife glinting in the sunlight. Will's gaze locked onto Morgan's eyes, a storm of emotions passing between them – regret, understanding, and an unspoken connection.
Then the world shifted, the knife finding its mark, and a profound stillness settled over Morgan's features. Will watched in shock, his own pain momentarily forgotten as he witnessed the shock in Morgan's eyes, the weight of his decision crashing down upon him.
As Morgan fell to his knees beside him, the ground seemed to spin, a chilling realization settling in. As his trembling form slumped to the ground, Will's shock gave way to a surge of raw instinct. Ignoring his own pain, he scrambled over to Morgan, his heart pounding with a mix of urgency and disbelief. With trembling hands, he reached out and his arms wrapped around Morgan's shaking form, pulling him close.
"Morgan," Will's voice was a hoarse whisper, a blend of compassion and sorrow. "Why? Why did it have to come to this?"
Morgan's breathing was ragged, his eyes holding a torrent of emotions. "I... I thought it was the only way. I couldn't escape the darkness."
Tears welled up in Will's eyes as he held Morgan, the weight of their shared history crashing down upon him. "You had a chance, Morgan. A chance to change."
Morgan's voice wavered, a mixture of regret and pain. "I didn't deserve it, Will."
Will's grip tightened, he had no words left. What could one say afterall in the midst of such a tragedy. "Morgan," his voice barely above a whisper.
Then the forest seemed to hush as Will watched the light fade from his eyes, felt as his body fell limp in his arms.
Will's grip tightened, his fingers trembling as he held Morgan's lifeless form. The weight of the knife in his heart felt like a physical ache, but the weight of guilt in his chest was even heavier. He couldn't tear his eyes away from Morgan's paling face, haunted by the realization that this outcome was a result of a past that Will could've changed for the better.
He could've done more, he should've done more. Why didn't he?
He closed his eyes, memories flashing under his eyelids – laughing as children, the choices that had driven them apart, and the conversations that had unfolded in the final moments. It was a chain of events that had led to this tragic conclusion, and Will couldn't shake the feeling that he had failed his friend when it mattered most.
He had failed at the most important aspect of his job.
When it mattered most.
He was a failure.
Eventually the forest struck up a quiet whisper again, the threatening still of death lessened slightly. As the tension eased, Will's gaze remained fixed on the clearing, as he once again surveyed the work that was still cut out for him to do. Slowly, he pushed himself to his feet, his body feeling both weary and numb. With each breath he took, a determination took place. He couldn't change the past, he couldn't bring Morgan back, but he could make a promise to himself to ensure that the darkness that had claimed him wouldn't be allowed to spread any further.
Redmont always looks too peaceful after a mission like this. The sunlight over the hills and the tranquility of the villagers is almost insulting when Will just had a man die in his arms.
As he made his way through Redmont, his prisoners tied to a packhorse not far behind him, a bitter knot of emotions tightened in his chest. He couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the serenity around him. How could life continue as if nothing had happened? How could the world remain untouched by the pain that had just unfolded in that clearing?
The world was far from black and white. And Will is always reminded of this fact after such a mission.
He approached Redmont gates, watching as the sentries immediately recognized him and noticing the prisoners, hurried to open the gates and let him inside.
Inside the gates of Redmont, Will's weariness suddenly became overwhelming. He summoned the guards to take charge of the prisoners, his actions driven by duty rather than enthusiasm, his exhaustion became increasingly pronounced as he carried out his responsibilities.
As the prisoners were led away to the prison ward, Will's shoulders sagged, his breaths coming a little heavier as the fueling adrenaline began to wear off, leaving behind, just the exhaustion.
Despite his exhaustion, he still felt the familiar presence of his mentor materialize behind him. Will's tired gaze lifted, and a small but genuine smile graced his lips. "Hello, Halt," he greeted, the relief of his mentor's presence evident in his voice.
Halt's eyes held a mixture of understanding and concern as he approached. "I saw you come in, Will. How did it go?"
Will nodded several times, attempting to disguise the fatigue and sadness in his voice, "It uh... it went. Some were apprehended obviously." He made an awkward gesture toward the direction of the prison ward.
"Some were killed," He finished
Halt didn't miss much. His keen eyes caught the effort being put into disguising the exhaustion in his voice, but he listened attentively as Will spoke anyway.
"Apprehended and killed," Halt repeated, his voice carrying a note of acknowledgment. "Sometimes missions don't end the way we hope. It's the unfortunate reality of our work."
Will nodded, "Yeah, yeah I know."
Halt's eyes narrowed, "is that all?"
Will shifted uncomfortably under Halt's gaze, realizing that his mentor could see through his facade.
Will let out a sigh, the weariness in his voice evident. "No, Halt. That's not all. It was... It was difficult. There was someone I knew, Morgan. We were best friends when we were children. He was the gang leader, he killed all those people, I tried to-- to help him, but he.... he didn't want to be helped. And... now he's gone."
Halt's gaze remained fixed on Will, his eyes reflecting a deep understanding of the turmoil his apprentice was experiencing. The weight of a past friendship intertwined with the harsh realities of their roles as Rangers.
"Best friends, once upon a time," Halt echoed softly, his voice carrying a note of nostalgia and sympathy. "The past has a.... strange way of resurfacing, and sometimes it's not easy to reconcile who people were with who they become."
Will's shoulders sagged, his voice heavy with a mixture of regret and sorrow. He shrugged, the frustration in his voice almost childlike, upset and not knowing what to do about it.
"I just-- I could've helped him! I know I could've! I just didn't say the right things or in the right order, or I just-- I don't know..."
Halt placed a hand on his old apprentices shoulder, his voice calm and empathetic. "It's natural to feel upset, Will. But you tried your best, I know it's frustrating when it doesn't work out how you anticipate, but nothing can come from beating yourself up about it now."
Will snorted a self-deprecating laugh, "well.... you know me."
Halt's eyes looked serious, and mildly concerned "I do know you Will, I know you have a tendency to blame yourself for situations out of your control."
Will's shoulders slumped a little further, his voice carrying a hint of resignation. "Yeah, I guess so. But it's hard not to when you feel like you could have made a difference."
Halt's voice was measured, his words a reminder of the wisdom he had gained over the years. "It's a fine line, Will. We should always strive to do our best, but we also need to recognize that we can't control everything."
Will was quiet for a bit, and Halt kept quiet as well. Giving the young ranger time to process all that was said.
When Will finally broke the silence, his voice was a whisper that carried a depth of gratitude. "Thank you, Halt."
Halt nodded, a comforting arm wrapping around his shoulders, "you're welcome son, remember we're in this together. Now come on, Pauline is waiting on us for dinner. You can run to Alyss' office and ask her to join us if you wish" he finished with a wink.
Will leaned into his embrace, finding comfort-- as he always did in the presence of the man beside him. The man who had become much like a Father to him.
He snorted, "might just take you up on that." He replied.
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Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Ranger's Apprentice - John Flanagan Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Halt O'Carrick & Will Treaty, Will Treaty & Original Character(s), Alyss Mainwaring/Will Treaty (mentioned) Characters: Will Treaty, Original Male Character(s), Halt O'Carrick Additional Tags: Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Character Death, Old Friends Summary:
In the days following his apprenticeship, Will Treaty is now an experienced Ranger, ready to face anything, but when he encounters a band of ruthless outlaws terrorizing the innocent. Amid the pursuit, he faces a familiar face from his past. As their paths collide, a duel of morality and regret unfolds and ends in a tragedy that Will feels he could've prevented.
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The Ranger Gathering 2023: disguise
He had been gone longer than he should be.
Alyss glanced over at the water clock in suspicion.
'far longer than he should be'
Nearly two hours. It should not take two hours to get a haircut. She mentally shrugged and went back to her report, it was nice having the two hours of silence to finish this up anyway, with no distractions. Although she'd hardly consider her husband a distraction. But admittedly, she was more absentminded when he was around. More susceptible to dazing away from her work to stare at the man across the room. It was too beautiful of a sight to not stare at, not like that's her fault. It was totally justified.
His tanned skin, strong arms, those caring brown eyes, and wavy brown hair.
See? Even when he's not home she's distracted. Her eyes rolled to heaven at her own childish behavior. She's known this man her whole life, they'd been together for nearly a decade. You'd think she'd be over the flustered giddy feelings that would come with having a crush.
She still had a crush. The same crush she'd had since she was 13 years old. She'll likely get butterflies around him for the rest of their lives.
She's head over heels for Will Treaty and proud to be.
The horse whinny outside the cabin door startled her out of her thoughts.
"Finally" She grumbled to herself as she made to stand up.
She walked out of the cabin door to greet him at the porch, and waited for him to come out of the stables.
His cowl was up, that's unusual. He'll usually pull that off when he gets home.
Alyss smirked, "Bad haircut, dear?"
Will might've scoffed, but he was still too far away for her to discern it.
"Something like that" She heard him mumble.
She rose an eyebrow at him as he approached the veranda.
"I may have gone a bit too far with this whole undercover thing" He said, with an obvious smile in his voice.
The eyebrow went back down as Alyss frowned.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
He shrugged.
"It's not bad. It's seriously not that bad, it'll wash out eventually"
"Will Treaty what did you do?"
He slipped the cowl back over his head, revealing an apprehensive grin and his mass of--
blond hair?
"'Oh'? Is that all you have to say? You hate it, don't you."
He paused.
" I mean, I'm not a huge fan of it either, but I am going undercover in an area where people might recognize me. And I remembered that one time when you dyed your hair and it completely altered your whole look. So you know, go big or go home, right?"
"Ahhaah, Alyss? Talk to me, love"
Alyss pushed her tongue against her cheek in thought.
"Good grief" She said as she pushed herself off the veranda rail that she was leaning on and strolled back inside the cabin, with a grin on her face that he couldn't see.
Leaving a chuckling Will on the porch steps. He swore he could hear Tug cackling in the stable.
"Ah, I probably deserved that"
i realized i hadn't written anything for the gathering yet, i'll try to get more stuff done this month 👍
#rangers apprentice#ranger's apprentice#ranger gathering 2023#wilyss#fanfiction#plot twist he still looks sexy as a blondie
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