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mikewheeler-anon · 3 months ago
Sometimes Mike has Micheál Whelan impersonating him for a few hours every summer he comes to Hawkins.
Mike has also never told anyone about the existence of Micheál and Micheál finds the idea of it really funny.
Micheál has a horrifically accurate gaydar from growing up in an all boys catholic school and immediately sensed something between Mike and Will. Mike became aware of this gaydar and definitely didn’t cry over Micheál diagnosing him with homosexuality after he asked Micheál if he was gay
Micheál hates wearing his school uniform (trousers,white shirt,tie,knitted sweater vest and blazer) and constantly tells Mike how he lucky is that he can wear his own clothes to school.
Micheál doesn’t know how to interact with the opposite gender.
According to Micheál himself he once caught a real leprechaun in a trap he set up three years ago.
Micheál enjoys creating traps to catch people.
Convinced he can see ghosts.
A bit of Mike’s odd behaviour in season 3 came from Micheál impersonating him when Mike didn’t feel like acting straight and Micheál “who’s never interacted with a girl his age since preschool” Whelan managed to fuck things up such as getting El to break up with him. his only knowledge on straight relationships was from Mike and shitty romance novels do the only thing he knew what to do was kiss El. From impersonating Mike he picked up on how ignored Will felt and Mikes odd behaviour around him. After the “it’s not my fault you don’t like girls”thing happened Micheál was honestly dumbfounded and was unable to speak for a whole three weeks where Mike had to resume acting straight for the whole summer days now while Micheál processed how much of an idiot his cousin can be.(Micheál is sorry for the Milkvan thing that happened in season 3)
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pholiabanna · 2 years ago
@bi-arospec-mike-wheeler when Mike and Zelda first met they had a guitar battle but Zelda could actually play so Mike ridiculized himself and now Will is more interested in Zelda. Sucks for Mike.
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wtfff why did I just see Zelda beating Mike up
Kids will be kids ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Zelda’s just making sure Mike doesn’t date Will because they have a crush on Will.
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Thought y'all might like this...
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lukiaxx · 1 year ago
List of byler-gates
I’m just bored, but read it anyways, it’s fun
there sooo many of them, and i’m still pretty lazy so this isn’t perfect, but just let’s start
This is practically anti byler theory, but nvm
So, Dimitri has a son named Mikhail, which is russian version of name Michael, Mike
So, people were just saying that instead of Mike, Will will end up with Mikhail(who’s technically Mike bc of the name, yk)
I think everyone was just joking, oh, good ol’ times
and willloveinterestgate is the same
These theories aren’t the same one, but it’s basically the same concept, ig
The basic thing is, that Mike wrote a letter to Will(singed Love, Mike)
In pocketgate, Mike has the letter saved in his triangle pocket, bc in st, characters many times has letters, that were important to them, in their left pocket(above the heart), for example Hopper and El(Hopper’s heart-to-heart), Jonathan(acceptance letter to college) etc.
And he would just take it out in the middle of confession or sth
+the triangle always points to Will like an arrow
Lettergate is just basically the same, ok, idk how to describe it differently 
Not exactly a byler, but theory, that Will was number twelve in HNL, and that he’s El’s actual twin
And from that, there’s theory that Will has powers, but wasn’t n. 012
Okay, back to byler
This is same as rainbowgate i think
This theory is very lovely! after Will tells Mike that rolled seven in s1, the light behind them flickers
and since ud is frozen on nov6 83, when you signal sth from ud, it should appear at nov6 83-s1
this connects to electricgate(i dunno if sth like this exist, but just keep reading), the electricity~are friends electric~will possibly having electric powers
so mike and will could go together in s5 to ud on a mission or sth, and kiss in wheelers garage, and that would make the light flicker(i’m so good at explaining things, right😐)
will and mike going to ud together is predicted by mike and will sitting on upside down couch in last ep. of s4
Soo, remember how they forgot Will’s birthday? what if all wills memories, that people reminded him of in the shed are gone? his birthday, building castle byers, meeting mike… and that’s why mike says that his life started the day he found her, bc he doesn’t remember meeting Will
for me, it’s really weird, they couldn’t just forget Will’s birthday, no, this ain’t it
Kiss at lovers lake
I’m not sure if this has a different name, but it’s that their first kiss will be near lovers lake
evidence: patrick(the kid who died at lovers lake), had a nickname “berlin wall” or sth(we saw this in the school newspaper), and it was devided to four, same as hawkins
and song heroes is abt couple who lived at different sides of berlin wall, and idk, it just connects, okay?
when will painted the map of hawkins while he was possessed, mike was holding blue and yellow meter
Context: will left the wheelers at 8:15 in s1
in s1e1, time mark 8:15 is literally the shot where will disappears in the shead
i think there’s a season 2 soundtrack called eight fifteen
tw: time fuckery: while will was recording on halloween night, the time says 8:04 while he’s recording mike saying “did you agreed with this?”, but when joyce rewatches it, it show 8:15(byler)
“ it’s 8:15, you’re late”
btw, clocks and watches from hiroshima are stuck at 8:15
aaanywaaay, there’s just too much 8:15 things, aaah(this is just a few)
what it has to do with byler?
well, 15-8=….(wait for it)….seven. a byler number. it was a seven!
also, “the first lie”, when murray says this to jancy, the time mark is… guess what, 8:15
there’s this theory with the songs “the first lie” and “the first i love you”, and it just connects 
theory, that after mike’s “love” confession to el, they went to a motel for sleep, and mike and will had to share a bed, and we could possibly see flashbacks of it in s5, and it would kinda explain the two day skip
blue and yellow meet in the west, i’m sure you know this one, and there’s sooo many evidence in this
It’s too late for this to be true, but the duffers are(/were) holding every cast member that ships byler in their basement, lol
Bloopers from byler scenes, basically, for example “not when i was the spy, oh fuck”, basically Finn and Noah being all giggly, i guess
bloopergate implies to every blooper, but why not to mention it
Sth like, that when there’s some fight happening between characters, if curtains are open, it means they’re open with their feeling and opposite 
Example: milkvan make out scene-closed, but you don’t love me fight-opened
Bonus: „ but they like the curtain. people like us are just trying to look behind the curtain”(my very bad quotation of murray, yk what i mean)
Also, Suzie had blue and yellow curtains, and they were opened
And, “and i love her and i can’t lose her again”? Also curtains closed, like wtf, this fandom is crazy
El knows abt Mike and Will. she saw how they act around each other, she’ve heard will saying “you’re the heart” to mike, saw that mike has Will’s painting now
New Coke Theory
basically, old coca colla is mileven, new coke is byler. it contains some of the old ingredients(mike), and new ones too(will). not everyone likes(bc its gay ship). and when you look at scenes with can of new coke, it’s many times symbolizing byler vs. milkvan
one of my favorite new coke theory examples is this: in s3, after el gets attacked by the flesh monster, she tries to crash a can(but she doesn’t have her powers, so she can’t). this is a can of new coke(byler) and she can’t crush that/destroy it. and in this scene, we get a flashback to the lab, where she crushes aka destroys regular coke(mileven)
mike and will not calling each other, bc of joyce’s telemarketer job(he won’t stop whining abt it)
i miss all these little silly theories abt literally everything
i hope the byler tag will be like this once again
maybe we could start naming our new theories “gate”s again
for example: heartfeltgat, strangerwritersgate, snowkissgate or sth
anyway, byee
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merthurbringsmelife · 2 years ago
Gates in Byler Tumblr (these are the ones I know about, if there are any others then comment and I shall add them in)
Scriptgate (the byler script mayhem that all blew up on 10th Aug)
Mikhailgate (i love you mikhail. went crazy on 27th Aug those were good times)
Mjgate (17 September something horrifying happened and we do not speak of it)
Backgroundguygate (began on 7th September making background characters famous)
Googlemapsgate (google maps supporting byler)
Wormgate (2 September was worms on a string, what more?)
Birthdaygate (6 September Byler tumblr got pissed that everyone forgot Wills birthday)
White rabbit gate (began 3 September I’m not even sure what this one meAns but someone mentioned it)
Descendants gate (11 September was ST as descendants)
Pocketgate (around 29 Aug Mike’s pocket became the topic of analysis)
Twilightgate (UmMmm its Byler but Twilight, began 27th Aug)
Ikeagate (2nd September was something about Mike taking Will to Ikea on a date?)
Brbgate (1st September was Breaking Bad…that bald guy. It was weird)
Flickergate (I named that one!! When Byler kiss in upside down its what caused the lights to flicker in season 1, plus “it was a 7” and other theories around the light flicker. Began 12 Sep)
Piggybackgate: (the gay af piggyback theories about how Will and Mike were standing in front of Eleven’s piggyback drawing, and scenarios of what might happen in season 5.)
Breathgate: (3rd September mikes breath catches)
Gridgate (when ST writers released pixelised plot of season 5)
Memorygate (6th September, the theory/discussion that people have been losing their memories like Will’s birthday and that time has been changed)
Will loveinterest gate (27 August, when everyone was confused and so we had multiple different people who could be potential boyfriends for Will, many of them were played by Finn Wolfhard)
Mattduffersbasement gate (something to do with being locked in Matts basement, it was a very specific joke)
Spirkgate (Spirk from Star Trek became some type of meme)
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actuallywillbyers · 3 years ago
every time i open this app there's another guy who looks like my boyfriend but with a different ethnicity
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bylrlvr · 3 years ago
byler tumblr's (insert something literally insane)gate eras. you will always be famous
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byler-is-endgame7 · 2 years ago
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themikewheeler · 3 years ago
Am I that gay that every version of myself are gay
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my entire dashboard rn
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reddthekingg · 3 years ago
aight willhails I need ideas
what (of byler/willhail) should I draw next? as in what situation should I draw them in
ideas I need ideas
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pholiabanna · 2 years ago
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They’re writing love letters to Will while he’s in California
Mike when he sees that AT LEAST SOMEONE has the balls to send them:
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s1gmagirl · 3 years ago
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[ID: I've only had arlo for a day and a half meme format edited to say "I've only had Willhail/Willsha for a day and a half but if anything happened to him(it) I would kill everyone in this room and then myself" with a picture of @officialrobinbuckley 's art of Wil l and Mikhail. : end ID]
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jupiter-jayfield-official · 3 years ago
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Waiting for @michelecarrettoofficial to find this 👀 [ID: drake meme format. Real comed👎no. People mistaking Italian Micheal for French👍yes. : end ID]
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