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darkesttimelinesblog · 1 month ago
Birthdaygate, boardgate, lettergate, gridgate, churchgate, hosegate, possessiongate, pocketgate, shoegate, flickergate, hosegate…
And now recently, footballgate.
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despapillon · 10 months ago
Does it ever drive you crazy
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Just how fast
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The night changes?
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lordystrange · 2 years ago
We have had so many byler gates that I’ve lost count, so could you people help me?
Flickergate (Byler kiss in UD, when lights flickered in wheeler’s garage in s1)
Birthdaygate (the theories about Will’s birthday)
Twelvegate (Will being 012)
Scriptgate (August 5th you will always be famous but I hope you weren’t)
Mikhailgate (Enzo’s son being shipped with Will)
Gridgate (The smudge in the s5 whiteboard)
Pocketgate (Mike’s pocket that looked like an envelope)
Lettergate (Mike’s unsent letter(s) to Will)
Mattduffersbasementgate (Noah and Finn being held there so they wouldn’t spoil byler endgame)
What did I forget?
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britney-rosberg06 · 2 years ago
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me1-atonin · 2 years ago
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henry-fox-biggest-stan · 2 years ago
@queenofthearchipelago asked for a summarised version, so here it is
Jonathonggate: people editing Jonathan’s face into thongs
Orangejuicegate / chocolatemilkgate / milkgate: honestly it was such a chaos I don’t know. Something surrounding orange juice vs milk and somehow it being about byler?? Idk
Flickergate: one of my favourites (I’m a firmly believer of this theory). Surrounding all the light flickers (like the way the light on Mike’s garage flickered just after Will went home on his own in ep 1 season 1). I think it also includes Will having powers related to energy or time (something something byler kiss something something going back in time while in the upside down something something Mike’s garage flickers as they kiss something something and shame was in the other side)
Backgroundguygate: Exactly what the name is. A guy from the background and lots of people have been shipping him with Will. His name is Barret. Or as some people call him, Hell Guy.
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(Thats him with his best friend Claire who’s definitely a lesbian and into El).
Babygirlgate: Mike Wheeler is a babygirl
Eightfifteengate: Another actual theory. 815 is a recurring theme on the show.
Mikhailgate: What if Dmitri had a russian son who looked just like Mike (because the images we use of him are Finn on The Goldfinch) and Will ended up with him instead than with Mike?
Pocketgate / Lettergate: Mike has a pocket on his shirt than looks like a letter. This one:
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And people have been theorising than he has an actual letter (directed to Will) on his pocket. (Specially a letter for Will than ends with “love, Mike”). We look delusional but given than lies is a recurring theme in season 4, and that pocket looks exactly like a letter envelope, and they pay attention to the clothes (like when they admitted to putting gay symbols in Robin’s clothing. Btw, triangles are algo gay symbols), it kinda makes sense.
Birthdaygate: Will’s birthday fell on the first episode. Like, they mentioned his birthday date on season 2, and turns out the day it was in the show during the first chapter was Will’s birthday. We don’t know if it was intended or a mistake tho, even though than something like that doesn’t seem like a mistake.
Willloveinterestgate: Basically like backgroundguygate, mikhailgate, etc etc. Random guys from the background as Will’s love interest.
Scriptgate: 2 situations. First when the 8flix shared scripts than ended up being false. Then when the duffers shared the actual scripts.
Whiterabbitgate: Alice in Wonderland parallels. Not only to byler, but to the whole show.
Gridgate / pixelgate / whiteboardgate / penholdergate: When the duffers shared the pixelated board with everything they are planning for each chapter in season 5 and everyone was freaking out. Also there was a dark spot and everyone thought they hid it specially because it was something super important but the duffer’s revealed it was just a pixelated pen holder (i believe there was something else written here and they erased it)
Memorygate: Probably the most interesting one to me. Will losing his memory. Not in season 5, but he already lost his memory. He lost it during the mindflayer. And not only him, but everyone else too. Also interlaced with birthdaygate. They lost specific memories, thats why they didn’t remember Will’s birthday, and Will didn’t remember it either, because it was a lost memory. Remember in season 2, when they were trying to make Will remember? Joyce mentioning his birthday, Mike and the swings story “it was the best thing i ever done”, Joyce recalling the rainbow ship drawing, etc. The mindflayer / Vecna took those memories. Not only does Will not remember them, but no one else does. Vecna do has a thing with memories, and as we see during the Running Up That Hill scene, good memories (and music) helped Max to scape. If Max didn’t have those memories, if they were taken from her, if she didn’t remember, she would be an easy victim. Like Will could be in season 5.
Mattduffersbasementgate: Mike is locked on Matt Duffer’s basement (why Matt specifically, i don’t know)
Piggybackgate: This one is the most sane one tbh. Mike’s monologue parallels “El’s” feelings. El’s feelings being Will’s confession on the van. So those aren’t El’s feelings, but Will’s. So Mike’s monologue parallels Will’s feelings. Mike doesn’t really have a monologue of his own, he’s just piggybacking on Will’s confession. While Will hid his confession as El’s feelings.
Breathgate: “his breath catches”
Descendantsgate: Descendants parallels
Mjgate: …
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Ikeagate: I honestly have no idea
Twilightgate: Byler and twilight
Soundtrackgate: This is the gate for those who are smart. Exactly what the name says, the soundtrack (instrumental), and theories regarding it. How some songs sound similar to others and why it might be, how some songs are used several times on scenes than look alike, so we might be able to guess when they will be used next, etc
Rainbowshipgate: Will has powers. Will was related to the lab somehow (maybe went there as a kid? Idk i never fully got this theory) and has had powers all along (some say light related powers. Others say time related powers).
Gertiegate / Gloriegate: Gfs
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Spirkgate: Byler parallels Spirk from Star Trek
Saltlampgate: Mike licks salt lamps
Brbgate: breaking bad parallels
Backgroundgate: i loved this one. Finding random background characters and giving them names, sexualities, etc.
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Heartgate: There’s the theory than the duffers edited hearts into Finn and Noah’s eyes (i can only find good pics of Finn’s). And also, than they put hearts around them
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Midnightsgate: Midnights by Taylor Swift and byler
Bylerburnbookgate: Some drama regarding some byler acc idk
Flashbackgate: There will be flashbacks on season 5 (preferably on Mike’s pov) showing how it was planned since the start and how Mike has been queer since the start.
Petergate: really confusing. There’s several peters mentioned in the show, and they’re all connected to Vecna somehow? And something something Saint Peter and Mike parallels??
Curtaingate: “People don't spend their lives trying to get a look at what's behind the curtain. They like the curtain. It provides them stability, comfort, definition.” - Murray: season 2, episode 5
There’s lots of scenes with mike and curtains. For example in season 3, when kissing El, the curtains are shut. They don’t look behind the curtain. It provides comfort, definition. In season 4, when Mike and El were fighting (the “you can’t even write it” scene), the curtains are open. We’re seeing the truth, not what Mike wants to be the truth, what brings him (or brings them. El included) comfort.
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Radiationgate: Hawkins becomes Chernobyl after the gates opened.
Stargate: I honestly don’t know
Bloopergate: Season 4 bloopers were released. That’s it.
Compilation of all the gates:
Babygirlgate (the best one)
Pocketgate / Lettergate
Gridgate / pixelgate / whiteboardgate / penholdergate
Gertiegate??? / Gloriegate???
Backgroundgate (I actually loved this one)
Heartgate (this one is really small tho)
Midnightsgate (also really small)
I’m waiting for a sevengate tbh
In the replies:
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blueandyellow7 · 1 year ago
what am i forgetting??? i don't know if i got them all
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blueandyellow7 · 4 months ago
flickergate, churchgate, chancegate, scriptgate, mikhailgate, motelgate, lettergate, gridgate/whiteboardgate, pocketgate, sharedlooksgate, eightfifteengate, whiterabbitgate, babygirlgate, breathgate, googlemapsgate, backgroundguygate, twilightgate, mattduffersbasementgate, phonegate, birthdaygate (not necessarily byler but still)
I have lost count on how many gates we have. Someone pls tell me. From the beginning of vol 2 until now, how many have we created?
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nowmemoriees · 2 years ago
ok so here's my little analysis
first, I tried to identify what looked the most like drawings instead of words or phrases
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then I wrote some key words to find
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and I separated the grid pic in parts so it would be easier to look
the words between () are key names and words from the list
episodes 3-6
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episodes 7-8
the way almost all of episode 7 was previously censored means that there's something huge in there. It's definitely the most important episode of the season. It was a seven.
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episodes 1-3 (second half)
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there's no way I could analyse the first half of episodes 1-3 so it's up to you
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funfact: There's no phrase that looks like "mike and el" lmao
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merthurbringsmelife · 2 years ago
Gates in Byler Tumblr (these are the ones I know about, if there are any others then comment and I shall add them in)
Scriptgate (the byler script mayhem that all blew up on 10th Aug)
Mikhailgate (i love you mikhail. went crazy on 27th Aug those were good times)
Mjgate (17 September something horrifying happened and we do not speak of it)
Backgroundguygate (began on 7th September making background characters famous)
Googlemapsgate (google maps supporting byler)
Wormgate (2 September was worms on a string, what more?)
Birthdaygate (6 September Byler tumblr got pissed that everyone forgot Wills birthday)
White rabbit gate (began 3 September I’m not even sure what this one meAns but someone mentioned it)
Descendants gate (11 September was ST as descendants)
Pocketgate (around 29 Aug Mike’s pocket became the topic of analysis)
Twilightgate (UmMmm its Byler but Twilight, began 27th Aug)
Ikeagate (2nd September was something about Mike taking Will to Ikea on a date?)
Brbgate (1st September was Breaking Bad…that bald guy. It was weird)
Flickergate (I named that one!! When Byler kiss in upside down its what caused the lights to flicker in season 1, plus “it was a 7” and other theories around the light flicker. Began 12 Sep)
Piggybackgate: (the gay af piggyback theories about how Will and Mike were standing in front of Eleven’s piggyback drawing, and scenarios of what might happen in season 5.)
Breathgate: (3rd September mikes breath catches)
Gridgate (when ST writers released pixelised plot of season 5)
Memorygate (6th September, the theory/discussion that people have been losing their memories like Will’s birthday and that time has been changed)
Will loveinterest gate (27 August, when everyone was confused and so we had multiple different people who could be potential boyfriends for Will, many of them were played by Finn Wolfhard)
Mattduffersbasement gate (something to do with being locked in Matts basement, it was a very specific joke)
Spirkgate (Spirk from Star Trek became some type of meme)
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lordystrange · 2 years ago
I made this post because I wanted to make a poll about the gates but couldn’t remember them all. Thanks to you people I can now make not just one but several polls, because there are so many options. So here’s Round 1 and Poll 1:
I will make Round 1 Poll 2 right away and Round 2 once the results from both of these are in, so stay tuned! 😎
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nodoubtbyler · 2 years ago
Probably incomplete, but:
watergate (also called saltwatergate)
does anyone happen to have a solid list of most or all byler tumblr gates. i need it for something 👀
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japplejottomjeans · 2 years ago
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heres what will & mike look like pixelized if anyone needs it
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will80sbyers · 2 years ago
these are the only things that I could read!!
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spacebug7 · 2 years ago
whiteboardgate/pixelgate/gridgate is possibly the most anxiety-inducing gate yet
can't believe we're losing our minds about a pixelated whiteboard this fandom really is something else /pos
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thefandombringer · 2 years ago
guys the whiteboard actually says “BYLER RONANCE ENDGAME” wow i can’t believe i cracked it
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