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rexomi · 2 months ago
Something something. Making Solas a liar in Veilguard actively brings back a problem they fixed working on Inquisition.
On December 20 2019 VGS posted an interview with Trick Weekes about their work on Solas. This whole sentence is a link so its large enough for mobile but also disclaimer this is before they changed their name so deadname warning.
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Here's a transcription I found here which is where i took the screenshots above. Since I know not everyone has 40 minutes to listen to an online radio interview.
I however highlighted the main point since most of you are not reading the screenshots anyway but skimming through. Rant under Read-more. Also bc i try to not be too negative on people's dashs but also i wanna ramble some more.
"But he lied a lot more. And it really weakened his character."
You can tell this happened during the game. Solas lies only once within Inquisition. He says something he can't be vague about and you push him so he lies, badly. He usually tells the truth vaguely. Typically Solas lies no more than Blackwall.
I fully believe that if in Inquisition your inquisitor figured out that Solas was Fen’harel and asked him bluntly to his face he'd confess. He might even be impressed. But why would you ever start to think that. No one assumes that their coworker is actually Poseidon regardless of how much they love the beach and ocean.
He hides in your expectations.
You can't ask him about being an ancient elf or being Fen'harel of myth because those aren't very probable. They're astronomically low to be truth within that universe. And outside, no one finished DA2 and went i wonder if one of our next companions is the Dread Wolf. Sera said, impossible things can't be surprises. He doesn't have to lie so when the truth comes out it's becomes obvious on a second playthrough.
They then actively bring back a problem they fixed in Inquisitions development. That they were open about fixing. That having a character that outright lies to you makes you have no intention of even hearing out the character. It retroactively undercuts Inquisition bc i see people trying to find Solas' lies in it when they aren't going to find any beyond the court intrigue.
It undercuts any lore we do get from Solas bc people dismiss it outright as being a lie from Mr "I abhor blood magic". I feel like shaking people's shoulders like no, dont do it.
They retconned him guys i have proof from 2019.
And its like if you hate Solas is this even satisfying? Like that's not Solas. His motivations are gone (that's a whole other post) and so is his core personality trait. It's like they went here's the Dreadwolf but during the ten years they replaced the smug asshole who was insufferably right with a 20 yo senior chihuahua that doesnt have any teeth.
My favorite villains are those that tell the truth. Because nothing hurts more than the truth. Can you imagine if he told you the truth. If he told you horrible things that you dismissed as lies to only be true. Wouldn't Varric’s death have more weight if he told you Varric was dead only for you - for everyone - to see him in the Lighthouse. If it was a spirit who took his shape to help you or even because it saw something worth reflecting in your memories.
So you dismiss him until it's revealed near the end oh he was telling the truth and you have an oh shit maybe he was right about other things but its too late to try and stop any of the truths he told you which could be from allies/companions betraying to stuff about Ghilan'nain and Elgarnan.
Like the only way to redeem Solas was to listen to him and by going out of your way to address problems he sees and you can find the alternative to tearing down the Veil by a series a little puzzle pieces throughout the game.
Have it be he will only listen to you if you listen to him. That he'll reject your other solution bc why the hell would he trust you if you couldnt extend the same.
Like Solas couldve been a great villian and he should've been great for both the haters and those that liked him. Not only the romance but for those who became his friend. Like i keep coming back to if i hated Solas would i be satisfied with Veilguard.
And the answer is no because that isnt Solas.
Tricking him has no weight bc he's an idiot in Veilguard like not even in the ending bc doesn't notice you switch the dagger around like right in front of him but none of his actions make sense. Ppl have mentioned the regret prison makes no sense for Elgarnan and Ghilan'nain bc they don't have regrets.
Attacking Solas has no weight because he literally needs the shit kicked out of him by a dragon for it to even begin to work. They literally need him to be at deaths door before its realistic that Rook could take him in a fight.
Redeem has no weight bc of the massive retcons to his motivations. They had to retcon the post credits scene bc even if Flemythal went hey i don't want you to do this Dai Solas wouldve went okay but that doesnt solve my other problems with the veil including the corruption of spirits and the fact its in literal shambles so i guess is still coming down.
I'm just disappointed. By the end of Trespasser they had a great villian and they just tossed it to the side and reverted him and people are arguing about a character who's sole defining trait in Veilguard is a problem they solved before Inquisition launched.
Basically we can sum it up with a screenshot.
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thesunsethour · 7 months ago
i always wish we could have seen jaime and renly interact because their dynamic is so hysterical
jaime: outright says “i rather liked renly”, said it was a pity he died, told a comforting lie to loras to help him in his grief, seems pretty okay about renly being gay
renly: bets against jaime in the tourney of the hand, tells ned stark not to trust any lannisters, makes kingslayer jokes during feasts
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destructo-range · 2 months ago
'helen is so underdevelopped as a character!' 'helen's boring!' stfu u just don't like her bc she's a woc and because she doesn't behave exactly like michael. yall put so much effort into developping michael's character inside your minds and completely look over her because she's 'poorly written.' stop.
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randomgayapproaches · 2 months ago
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Hmgrgsnmghhsgr …. ruksa……. uikass……. ruikasa….
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shrikeicee · 1 month ago
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that first post was supposed to be a one-off but warden hybrid riley glued himself to the inside of my brain so i had to draw him again
i fuckign love worldbuilding with minecraft as the setting its so fun so anyways i imagine hybrids in general would be uncommon- not rare but you wouldnt see one on the streets every day either. boss hybrids (ender dragon/warden/maybe creaking ??? dont know much about it, could also just be a hostile mob) anyways boss hybrids would be like super rare among hybrids cause in my universe they wouldnt occur naturally. so like normal hybrids (hostile/passive/neutral mobs) could occur thru like maybe genetic mutations?? or mutations brought on by magic??? its minecraft whatever. so like hybrids are born all the time they happen normally is what i mean.
boss hybrids however arent made naturally u have to go thru Some Shit to become a boss hybrid, whether on purpose or not. all this to say riley would become a warden hybrid fully on accident. he and the mining team he was on discovered a deep dark biome but they didnt know what it was cause theyre so rare and the average person doesnt go that far into caves. so theyre fucking around and logging their findings when UH OH warden appears and beats the shit out of them. with riley in particular, the warden keeps attacking him even after hes dead. warden hybrids happen when a bunch of skulk debris gets into the corpse before respawning, so when the warden kept attacking his corpse, that preventing him from respawning for a bit and mixed a bunch of skulk into his corpse. thus, he respawns and hes suddenly blind and taller and uh oh hes a hybrid now. fun times!
so anyways hes not like Completely blind but he sees everything VERY blurry so everythign is just very vague blobs of color. also his pupils are constantly huge so hes very light sensitive. thats why he wears the cloth over his eyes so theyre not randomly hurting cause he looked at a light source without realizing
this couldve been in the tags but View My Wall Of Text Boy
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dykedvonte · 20 days ago
I think Curly being fired a long with the rest of the crew even with the recommendation still invokes he did not get what he wanted through that.
Curly was feeling unfulfilled at work and in his career, yes. He was considering quitting along with sticking it out cause it’s what he’s known and feel secure in, even if not satisfied. You think getting fired would be a great thing for him, that’s a part of Jimmy’s scathing thought process and twisting of the cock pit conversation. However, the most important aspect is that Curly got to make that final decision for himself.
Curly does not get to decide if he’s actually ready to take that step and branch out and it likely worsened whatever was spinning in his head into a spiral because now he has to think of what he’s gonna do. It can’t wait and I believe his misplaced idea of curtouy in telling the crew was his way of not invoking the same feeling within them. For him to be able to sit on it for months while they couldn’t, it was not fair the same way it isn’t fair to assume he would wanted that as an excuse to leave piloting.
It’s good to note that no one really got to fully choose what they wanted to do. Just a whole lot of reactions…. And inactions.
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oceanwithouthermoon · 1 year ago
saiki and nendo are twilight and pinkie and I'm not going to elaborate (I'm too lazy)
I just started thinking abt this and i needed to tell you 😩
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^this episode in particular is soooo them😭THE twipie episode.....
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noecoded · 1 year ago
Sometimes obey me has so much potential that it literally does nothing with i wish it was a better more interesting game genuinely
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vampire-mina · 2 months ago
eponine would love hozier's cover of 'do i wanna know?' bc of the sheer yearning and sadness it eminates. also bc she falls in love with one person & will never let them go no matter what
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dinozaurtual · 1 year ago
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tiktok is insane actually. ur telling me people are out there saying the stupidest shit you've ever heard AND theyre actually attaching their face to it?????
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shimp · 5 months ago
I love the way the pit fighter viktor makeup looks but unfortunately other than the superficial aspect of it I simply cannot get down with a pit fighter viktor au. Get that sick man outta the ring
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years ago
the thing is that i do not care if someone wants to steer clear of the whole mess of sam & dean and the dynamics of abuse going on there, because fandom is supposed to be fun and hell knows even though i like thinking about it, it's always on the knife's edge of risking a panic attack lmao.
but i do care if someone's reasoning for it is 'actually, dean can't be abusive towards sam because sam is an adult who can leave whenever he wants.'
i feel like you are perhaps saying more about yourself than you might think if you claim that.
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thegreatyin · 4 months ago
honestly part of the reason i've been really looking forward to finally playing light fingers (aside from the obvious horrors and whatnot) is because it, alongside bag a legend, contains a Choice™ i to this day am Extremely Torn About Making. like i've known for ages that the Choice™ exists in this ambition and STILL i am undecided about it. this Choice™ is of course. well. let's just say that by the time this ambition ends, caeru may not be the only catboy around town
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kingcriccket · 2 years ago
not to post about animorphs but tobias is very much a link situation where its like. you can think of him as a trans man and you can think of her as a trans woman and you can think of them as nb and all of them are true. but if ur thinking of him as a cis guy you are incorrect <3
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drop--pop--candy · 10 days ago
theoretically. making a visual novel where a character had a random different set of sprites for every day wouldn't be THAT hard right? like you could just have a random number picker choose a different set
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lionfanged · 26 days ago
as atticus is getting more and more disconnected from his pokemon origins due to not rly being part of the pokemon community anymore, im debating updating his fandomless verses to incorporate vital parts of his character--aka his pokemon.
everyone i interact with has some sort of fantasy element to their blog, though usually more subtle than my man walking around with a giant electric lion that is taller than the average person. idk how i'd weave it into his normal verses without it being aggressively in your face, or having it clash with the more subtle fantasy of the folks i write with.
cairo the luxray is just his bestie and not having him present in my writing as of late feels like im keeping a piece of atticus's character shoved in a cupboard, unused. his beasties are extensions of himself, i just have to figure out how to incorporate those beasties without making things go full on pokemon/monster hunter.
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