#will still post batfam stuff probably though when i feel like it
duckchefart · 4 months
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2020 vs 2024
I credit my progress to the hundreds of doodles of my fave boy <3
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mostly-imagines · 3 months
Things About My Jason
aka things that might weasel their way into details of stories one day, might not
your boy is clocking in at six feet three inches and about 235 lbs (he’s the only batkid to be taller than bruce). 
he cusses a lot it, usually doesn’t correlate w anger or intensity its just how he expresses himself. he’ll cuss at you sometimes but not at you and he tries his best to never do it out of anger.
he’s never said it out loud but he would drop all the vigilante shit for you in a heartbeat if you wanted him to (i think he’s also the only batfam member who would do that).
you have an agreement in place to never make any big decisions in the middle of the night/post patrol—this came into place after a few too many bad nights had him coming home shaking and panicked about your safety and convinced he needed to leave you alone for good. 
he kind of zones out sometimes, its bordering on dissociation.
you have a black cat, salem, that’s been around since before you and jason had even met. his yellow eyes pierce you in a way that feels like he’s glaring straight into your soul and judging what he sees. he was suspicious of jason for a while but over time has come to love and protect jason almost as much as you.
he has a lot of nervous habits that have built up over years of stress and trauma. he’ll often double or even triple check locks and cameras. his hand tends to go to where his gun holster would be, regardless of whether or not its there. he’s very conscious of your breathing, especially when you’re asleep, and when he’s stressed or upset he’ll try to align his breathing with yours. he worries that you might get annoyed with how often he checks up on you, be it asking directly, texting you, or just looking you over to make sure you’re doing okay, that you’re happy. he’s also made a habit of standing directly behind you when you’re wearing anything short, especially skirts or dresses. You’re not entirely sure if it’s intentional or not.
day to day, he runs on very little sleep naturally so he’s awake early goes to bed late. he used to not focus much on making meals that actually taste good and have thought put into them until he started dating you. he started catering his grocery trips specifically with you in mind and the things you might like. he actually prefers going on grocery trips and little mundane errands with you bc he had no idea that these tiny aspects of life could bring him so much joy and peace. he also buys you new towels and updates your first aid kit constantly, though the latter is more out of his necessity than yours. depending on his mood, he’ll usually either take scalding hot or freezing showers. 
he’s 100% down to let you decorate the apartment however you want, even if you move into his place. his only ask is that he’s left with space to put his books (of which ne needs plenty). if he had to choose, he probably likes a warm atmosphere best, in terms of like lighting and colors. he’s really just not a fan of anything that feels cold or impersonal like the manor can sometimes seem. other than that he doesn’t really have opinions on it, whatever makes you happy he’ll like. but he’ll still happily go shopping with you to find stuff. but really that’ll just look like you saying “ooh look at this” and him saying “great, lets get it” at every single thing you pick up. 
there are unloaded guns and ammo hidden around your apartment and also stocked generously in a closet or two. he cleans them regularly, you think he does it partially as a kind of stress reliever. before you he didn’t have too much regard for his own safety, so he would sleep with one under his pillow. 
he does everything he can to keep you safe and he’ll insist on adding extra locks to the doors and windows, ones the landlord wont have keys to. yeah he’s paranoid so he’ll keep the bed as far from the door as possible and is unrelenting in his insistence that you sleep on the wall side. if you’re too tired to move, that’s okay, he’ll gently move you over himself. honestly though, your apartment is just as secure, if not more, than any of his safe houses. as such, he absolutely can and will easily hack into the lobby security cameras to check up on things. if he has to go away for a while he’ll send one of his siblings to stop by to check on you and make sure you're okay. 
he prefers to wear layers, it makes him feel more secure and comfortable. he does like cutoff sleeves sometimes but only because you like them on him. aside from that, he’s usually not such a fan of showing much skin because of a) his scars and b) he feels exposed to attacks. he has so many long sleeved and warm clothes in his closet that he heavily encourages you to bundle up in some of them when its cold. 
he goes through phases of bad sleep and they can vary greatly in severity. there’s nights he just physically cannot sleep and this usually originates from intense anxiety. these are easier to ease him back from and some simple comforting will be enough to get him to at least try to sleep. most commonly its the nightmares that make it hard for him. it’ll usually be a one-off that he just can’t fall back asleep afterwards. the worst is when he goes through phases of frequent nightmares, like every night, multiple times a night. when that happens, he will do everything in his power to stay awake for as long as he can. you’ve yet to find any techniques that hands down prevent or even slow the nightmares, but you’ve been able to find some remedial measures that work pretty well.
kissing him helps get his mind off scary thoughts (but not joker related) but not just like single peck it’s got to be a whole session to really work. the one that works best is having a hand on one of your pulse points while you sleep, or directly over your heart. unfortunately this did lead to him to accidentally choking you after a particularly bad nightmare. he was absolutely horrified and removed his hands from you completely the second he gained recognition. he actually fully got out of bed and backed away from you. he wouldn’t even hear you out about him not sleeping on the couch and continued to not budge on it for over a week. 
him punishing himself like that made you feel extra bad because that had occurred during a round of the relentless nightmares and you were sure he was still waking up panicked constantly without you there to help soothe him. you actually know for a fact he was because every couple of hours the bedroom door would creak open slightly before shutting again like he was checking to make sure you were there and okay. you ended up having to literally lay on top of him on the couch and refuse to leave him for him to agree to sleep in bed with you again, although he was still not willing to fall asleep with his hands on you for a while. 
he always needs it to be quiet when he goes to sleep so he can stay on alert which usually leads to him waking up to the littlest sounds, which is technically the point. if there’s any kind of white noise he’ll force himself to stay awake. if he does get woken up he’ll go from 0 to 100 like that. he also needs the door to be shut, non negotiable, and really prefers the apartment to be colder > hotter. it also helps that you’ll cuddle into him for warmth.
all of these things are things he did before you met, but he’d also developed some new habits after you got together. he used to sleep in the middle of the bed but now he absolutely insists that you sleep on the wall side so he can act as a protective barrier between you and any incoming danger. unless its after a rough patrol, he tends to wait to sleep until after you’ve fallen asleep. he doesn’t really have a reason for this, it just makes him feel better.
his relationship with bruce is complicated, of course. in my canon, the extent of it is that bruce didn’t kill the joker, prevented jason from doing it, and has made many attempts to stop jason from killing at all. obviously it’s not the fact that batman won’t let anybody die that broke jason’s heart, it’s that his father couldn’t let go of his moral code for a second and avenge his murdered son. the resulting anger stems from so much sadness and grief over his own death and it caused him to isolate himself even further from bruce. on a conscious level, he wanted to be far away from him emotionally as possible to protect himself while still enacting his own kind of revenge towards bruce. and so yeah, he did try to kill batman a couple times, whatever.
on an unconscious level, he’d hoped that bruce would take the initiative to try to close the space between them and apologize, and while jason didn’t know it yet: that was all he really wanted from him. inwardly, he still cares what bruce thinks and wants his approval and affection but its so conflicting for him. it also doesn’t help that it took bruce such a long time to swallow his pride and even consider that he was wrong before he could apologize. a lot of negotiations had to take place before they could even begin to really reconcile. 
about a year later they’d come to a steady, solid agreement that mostly worked for both of them. jason was allowed to kill, but only within his territory in gotham and only under agreed upon circumstances. there’s also a separate rule that jason’s not allowed out on patrol when the joker is loose—it used to be a whole thing before you’d met and oftentimes several bats were assigned to keep him away. even with these guidelines in place, things were still rocky between them and jason had only just started to come back around the manor when he’d met you. honestly you and bruce meeting was a major step in this process and everyone could feel the shift.
his relationship with his brothers is different, but just as complicated. he kind of views dick as being perfect in spite of also acknowledging his flaws. in his head, its sort of like, in comparison to himself, dick had the perfect life with perfect versions of all the same pitfalls jason had to go through. he knows its not really fair to think of it this way, but it’s hard sometimes. all in all though, he does look up to dick a lot. 
with tim, he thinks he’s a crazy rich kid—which, fair—but also in a weird way holds a lot of respect for tim for not being afraid of him. realistically, the way jason showed back up and his relationship  with tim started is insane, so its even more insane that tim was like ‘yeah, chill’ and that probably jump started their bond as brothers more than anything. 
for as much shit as he gives him, he honestly feels really bad for damian and all the shit he was raised believing. he couldn’t quite explain why, but he does see a lot of himself in damian, even past the surface level anger. 
he’s not good at resolving fights, his mind tends to jump to the absolute worst and he assumes you’re done with him, you resent him, it’s all over. it was really bad at the beginning of your relationship when he hadn’t even begun to consider that you love him half as much as he loves you. now, you’ve been able to help him understand that you still love him, even when you fight, and fighting does not equal breaking up. however, he still has trouble taking initiative in making amends. not because he doesn’t want to but more so because he feels vulnerable in ways that terrify him, having to acknowledge and speak into existence that he’d done something wrong feels like setting himself up to be exposed with no defense. 
another part of him feels like he already hurt you and if he tries to remedy things with you, he could just make it worse. So for a while at least, you’ll have to be the one to start the conversation, though not necessarily meaning you have to apologize first. 
as we know, Jason’s not immune to bouts of fear and stress. there’s times when he panics and there’s times when he has full blown panic attacks. the panic attacks are rarer, but much more severe. he’s known to lash out (especially when he’s not at your apartment) and has definitely broken a nose or two of people who got too close/tried to touch him. you’re not sure if it’s an intentional action or not, but he tends to claw at his skin or hit himself in the head when he’s very upset. after going through a couple of these with him, you’ve compiled a thorough list of DOs and DONTs for these times. DONT hold his wrists, move suddenly, touch him without warning, or corner him. DO keep your touches light, words soft, rooms vacant of other people, and loud noises. slowly but surely they’re getting less severe and overcome quicker.
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Do you think after BruceQuest the bat kids + Oracle and Alfred (maybe or maybe not Batman)
all but blatantly cut contact with the Justice League?
Even if Batman forgives them for leaving him for dead even with all the evidence in front of them, they've still shown themselves wildly unreliable to even their own members
Unless the Justice League forces themselves into a Bat's conflict or other situation or the bats genuinely have no other option
Bats lean towards each other for help, next best thing is Young Justice or other heroes of their generation, and as last resorts, mercenaries or villains, maybe even ex-LOA members
The Justice league (including Batman if he sticks with em) are the last last resort and are the last people to learn of Bat-involved incidents, if at all
Maybe rogues outside of Ra's learns what BruceQuest was, how it ruined Red Robin's reputation irreparably and uses it to annihilate the League's PR by showing the truth to the world?
I know Mr Lex Luthor would lap that shit up
Especially if Batman is still on good terms yet Red Robin is still dealing with the aftermath years later
Everyone is pulling their hair out because Lex is doing an objectively good thing for the wrong reason and when his villainy is toppled again—
Red Robin isn't going to live his life like his repaired reputation is gonna last
Ooh. How would the Bats react to the JL post BruceQuest?
Cass, Steph, Duke, and Jason do not have a relationship or rely on the JL. Jason probably is already upset at the JL for a variety of reasons. All that would change if the batfam is Team Tim would be those batkids being colder to the JL. Maybe they also pull off pranks.
In the end, those Batkids would be the equivalent of hearing your sibling talking about their toxic workplace and hating those fuckers (who you rarely see/interact with) on principle.
For Damian? It's a toss-up. It depends on how he views Tim and the JL. If Damian wants to become Batman, he might see the JL as a necessary step for that. He might need to have several conversations with various family members and his friends (like Colin and Jon) to understand his own position and thoughts on the JL.
For Babs, I hc she helped them a lot with their systems and other work. She probably feels guilty about Tim (not believing/supporting him and his traumatizing trip he did alone). If she was also on Team Tim, she would pass all system management to Vic and maintain a slightly frosty professional distance from them. Her Birds of Prey would become aware that she helps them, but she only assists the JL in dire circumstances.
Dick would have mixed feelings about it. He kind of told other heroes that Tim wasn't to be trusted and that he was having a mental breakdown due to grief. Now, what they did with that information is not Dick's fault. They should have supported the teenager and understood that Dick was also crumbling under his grief/responsibilities. So, Dick feels conflicted. He wants to make it up to Tim, though, and probably maintains a more professional distance from JL.
Alfred is also guilty of not being there for Tim when he needed help and care. However, I like to imagine he makes very pointed comments at JL members when they visit for their direct actions in that situation.
I do think that the batkids join together to mutually say "fuck you" to the JL, but in their own ways.
Batman/Bruce is iffy. On one hand, people like to use the BruceQuest as Bruce's kick in the pants to be a better father. On the other hand, he does his whole Batman Inc shit and is in Gotham less. So, it depends on how you picture him dealing with that trauma and his relationships with his family. If he's doing the less local Batman stuff, then he's probably more with the JL (and thus not on his kids' side).
The Lex Luthor theory you have going on? Brilliant 👏
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bloodyshadow1 · 2 months
i really love Batfamily stuff, it's so much more interesting than Mary Sue Batman, but I feel like people don't get how the batfam actually interacts with other heroes. Specifically Clark and Diana.
I see so many posts about how the Justice league knows nothing about the batkids and I'm sorry, to me that's the most boring way to do things and completely against characterization and history if it's just the whole league. If you think Clark and Diana don't love those kids as family it's not really my cup of tea (to a lesser extent Barry and J'onn).
I get that there are a lot of batkids and a lot of different comics with different minds behind them so I can only reference what I know and from what I've experienced. Still, I read comics for a while and I feel like my personal headcanons are:
Nightwing should absolutely adore his aunt and uncle, he's nightwing because of a conversation he had with Superman. He was the first Robin and adored in the superhero community. He led the titans, was best friends with Donna.
Red Hood, I think Jason might be a bit more chilly towards Clark, Like everything, after he came back things went to shit, especially after he found out Clark stopped Bruce from killing the Joker to avenge him. but has a lot of fond memories towards Clark when he was Robin. He still has a real love for Aunt Diana, probably avoids her though because she is a reminder of the good times he had as Robin.
Red Robin, things are complicated with him as he was on the Outsiders with Connor and Cassie, and later on the Titans with them. When they were the outsiders, the Justice League probably felt more like the man trying to control them. Later on during the titans, things get angsty so I think that might color Tim's perception of them and favor the way his friends describe them more than what he's seen of them. I think he has good memories, but not nearly as much as Jason or Dick
I don't think I've read any comics about Spoiler, Black Bat, or Signal's interactions with them so I would leave that to those who know more. That being said, I think their interactions would be fun, I think Cass would respect Diana as probably the world's best warrior and I think Duke would really look up to Clark, partially because he's superman, but also he's fun and light, not to mention they both have light powers even if they manifest differently. I don't really know much about Stephanie and her interactions with other heroes tbh
Damian, I think is interesting because I think he actually respects Clark more as a journalist and as Jon's father than he does as Superman. At least at first. Superman has all these powers but doesn't really do a lot of what he sees as big changes so I think at first he considers his powers a waste on small potatoes stuff. He does come to respect him though. Diana, I think Damian adores pretty quickly even if he says otherwise, I think they bond over their love of animals. I also think that Damian respects that Diana will kill if necessary, he was trained by the league of assassins, I understand that as a member of the batfamily he doesn't kill, but I don't think it's right for him to be as antikilling as the rest. I think out of respect for Dick and his father he doesn't kill but he understands that some people need killing.
I'm not trying to yuck anyone's um, your headcanons are your own, but I see so many posts that just don't get how fun interactions with characters are with their canon personalities.
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autistpride · 5 months
Hi.. I hope you don't mind a bit of a long ask. So I've seen from your posts that you have autism, and I was wondering if I could have your opinion on something. More recently I've been questioning if I might have autism myself, but I'm really unsure about it and my family seems pretty adamant that I don't. The main reason that they think I don't is because they're used to stereotypes, and they don't think I could have it because I understand and use a lot of sarcasm, even though I've told them that it's a spectrum and everyone is different. Of course I know that your opinion won't make up for an official diagnosis, but as of now I'm too embarrassed to even mention that I MIGHT have it, because if I'm wrong I'll feel like one of those people who fakes disorders or something. So, if you're willing to listen, I was going to list out some of the traits that I've been called 'weird' or 'alien' over, and see if maybe you think they could possibly mean autism? I hope that's okay with you 😅
•I always get the exact same foods from restaurants that I go to frequently. If they don't have what I usually get, I most likely won't eat anything at all.
•Speaking of those foods, I always eat them in the exact same order. The burger, then the fries, then the nuggets. The breadsticks, then the fish, then the shrimp, y'know? I don't know when or why I started doing this, I've just sort of always done it.
•I have a huge problem staying still, something that I get very self conscious about in public. I'm always tapping my feet, rocking back and forth, clicking something in my hands, chewing on water bottle caps, and just generally refusing to sit in one spot. I also love to pace when I'm trying to formulate ideas, as I feel it really helps me think.
•I can't stand wearing jeans. I mean I won't go crazy if I have to, but they always make me feel restricted. I thought for a while that it was just how restricting they were, but I've found that other tight pants don't make me feel the same way?
•I DESPISE nail files. I can't explain it, but just the sensation of that sandpaper-like stuff rubbing against my nails activates my fight or flight response, I just feel like bolting it gives me bad goosebumps all over.
•I hyperfixate on stuff hard, I pick things up quick but also drop them hard. Recently I picked up DC/Batfam as a hyperfixation and I've been fully leaning into it ever since, spending pretty much all of my time making art or stories about it (Or at the very least thinking about the characters in some way). However back a few years ago I was hyperfixated on Markiplier Egos, and then one day I just.. Dropped it out of nowhere, and haven't been able to pick it back up since.
•This one's really iffy but I feel like I get irritated a lot super super easily, and I used to think it was just anger issues but for one: It's almost never something to get upset about, and for two: It usually happens when I've been talking to someone for a little too long or when someone interrupts my quiet time. So if we're going with the whole maybe autism thing, it might be overstimulation..? Idk..
•I'm super light sensitive, pretty much every time I go outside I say 'Wow it's bright out there" when I come back in. It's so noticeable that I used to not only notice, but attribute it to an eye injury I had once. Except that injury wasn't serious and is fully healed, so that's probably not it.
•I have a lot of trouble speaking sometimes. I feel like my words never come out the way that I want them to, and I often end up slurring them around so much that what I'm trying to say becomes pretty much incomprehensible, which always makes me frustrated because I get misunderstood a lot.
•I don't really understand what other people are feeling most of the time, and I get annoyed when they won't just tell me what they want instead of vaguely hinting about it and expecting me to know what they need.
•I'm always being told to speak up because I 'mumble', even though I think I'm talking at an acceptable volume.
•I ramble. A lot. (Sorry 😭👍)
But yeah, those are just some of the thing that I've been jokingly called 'strange' for over the years. Like I said earlier, I know that your opinion is nothing like an actual diagnosis, but hearing your thoughts on whether or not I might have it would mean a lot to me since you're someone who's been diagnosed!
Hi annon!
Let me preface this by saying I'm so proud of you for really taking the time to think about all this and dig into your life and behaviors.
Then to ask someone about it is very brave!
I wish there was a way to reply without showing your entire ask message. I feel terrible sharing your private thoughts with everyone.
I'm not a professional so I don't feel qualified to say yes or no. And as much as I want to give you some reassurance, I can't give you something definite. Especially when I don't know you in order to form a proper opinion.
Yes many of those things are things that indicate you could be autistic.
There is a lot of overlap and they could be things related to other Neurodivergent diagnosis such as ADHD, anxiety, OCD, etc and not just autism.
However, I will say if you're even questioning if you're autistic it's a pretty good chance you're autistic or some kind of Neurodivergent. Most neurotypical people often don't think this hard on if they could be autistic or not. 😉
You have put a lot of thought into this and my suggestion is to keep researching and doing what you're doing. Keeping notes also if you'd like. Why?
1. Keeping notes and continuing research allows you to have a record of everything.
2. The notes would also come in handy for if you ever seek an assessment.
3. With more time, you will become more self aware and confident in your thoughts on what you believe about if you're autistic. You can then sit down with your family and explain why you think you're autistic.
4. If the comes a time you'd like to try an assessment, you can talk to a gp or therapist if you have one and have them place the appropriate things for you to have that done. Your family needn't be part of the process if you're of legal age. But you may need adult permission for the evaluation if you are considered a minor.
5. Self diagnosis is valid in the autism community. Its valid because a diagnosis is very challenging for many to obtain, and in some situations dangerous.
This doesn't mean someone just wakes up one morning and says "oh I think I'm autistic today". No. They have done hours and hours of research and evaluated their own life, mannerisms, and behaviors, and said "I really think I'm autistic."
Self diagnosised individuals get the benefit of knowing themselves and finding support in the community without ever getting access to supports any official way. They can't get school/work accomodations, financial assistance, medical/mental health services, or really any supports put in place that require an official diagnosis to obtain.
Some would claim self diagnosis isn't valid due to exactly what you pointed out, making a claim of a diagnosis without qualifications and due to the huge overlap and other factors, but the wait times, cost, and unfortunately things like race and gender are barriers to obtaining an assessment and diagnosis. I know in the UK the current NHS wait time is 7-10 years unless you go private. I know in the US getting an assessment as an adult is challenging as most professionals won't evaluate people over 18 and the cost is upwards to $7k depending on location because most insurances won't cover it.
You are always welcome to continue messaging me. I'm happy to answer any questions and I honestly enjoy talking to people when I can.
And in case no one's told you
You're not broken, a burden, and there is nothing wrong with you!
Be your best and amazing self! ✨
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geekthefreakout · 11 months
What are some of your favorite characters that are considered part of the Batfamily?
I agree with everything you have said. Jason and Babs have an interesting chemistry that I’ll admit they have when they are written together. Batman Eternal really made them an official romantic thing in canon and the writers then weren’t trying to even do it, they just happened to write them together and realized they actually really enjoyed writing their interactions and saw the possibilities there and left it open for other writers to explore if they choose to.
If I remember correctly in the Arkham verse wasn’t Babs only married to Tim. There really wasn’t anything romantic between them but in title only, right? That’s what made it really forced and random.
With Bruce yeah it was icky but Timm’s love of that ship probably came from how older comics did try to make Bruce and Barbara a thing but it not catching on. Barbara was originally created to be a love interest for Bruce but audience didn’t care much for it and then it just changed to a partnership. But back then Bruce and Clark were closer in age with Babs than her and the first Robin.
My top Batfam members are Cass, Tim and Jason, I connect with them the most (that's my daddy issues showing smh). Dick and Dami aren't as personal to me, but I still love them. Steph is another gem, but I feel like she lost some of her heart post-Flashpoint and is still recovering from it. Then of course there's Alfred who I miss dearly. But I love everyone.
I am not really attached to Luke, Helena, or Bette, but I don't dislike them. I just don't miss them when they aren't around.
For Jason and Babs, I agree. There's something interesting there. A crush on his part, developing and conflicting feelings on her part. The way that they might both acknowledge the feelings on some level but one of them always pulls away because they know it's not a good idea... With the right writer, it's quite compelling... Though I do prefer Babs with Dick. I'm a dirty JayRoy shipper because I read RHATO very early on in my comic booking career.
Arkham verse made some weird choices with times, ages, and relationships. And Bruce Timm... Has a Thing. But all of these verses are fun in their ways and have great stuff going for them even with the weirdness.
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nightwolf1429 · 6 days
✧Intro Post✧
Hi :]
This is my blog. This is also my blog: @nightwolf14292 I post the exact same content on both (and I mean exact).
"Why then do you have two blogs to begin with?", you probably didn't ask. Well, it's simple. @nightwolf14292 was the first Tumblr blog I ever made, and I had no idea how the Archive Tags worked. Because of that, I have over 200 posts, but no way to sort them to find what I want. So I made this blog, now with that knowledge in mind, and I can actually sort things properly askajskaksk
NightDraws for my art! ✧
NightTexts for text posts! ✧
NightWrites for the occasional story! ✧
NightReblogs for- reblogs. ✧
✧So who are you?✧
No one important lmao, I just make fandom related stuff. I make beginner level art. 'Cause I'm a beginner. And the occasional text post or little story (except I don't write stories very often because I'm weirdly insecure about my own writing [specifically when it comes to stories] even though plenty of people have told me it's good?? Idk it's a whole thing-)
✧You make fandom stuff, what fandoms are you in?✧
I like and post about:
DC (Mainly the Batfam)
Marvel (Mainly the X-Men)
I've been in the DC fandom for a while, and I'm VERY very new to the Marvel fandom and still working on learning!!
I also like, but don't usually post about:
The Stanley Parable
Genshin Impact
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All/Obey Me! Nightbringer
And I'm probably missing some lol
Feel free to send stuff to my asks :3 I will do art and story requests!! Maybe people requesting stories will actually motivate me to write for once asjdksjskssk
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myrandomautistichouse · 5 months
Hi.. I hope you don't mind a bit of a long ask. So I've seen from your posts that you have autism, and I was wondering if I could have your opinion on something. More recently I've been questioning if I might have autism myself, but I'm really unsure about it and my family seems pretty adamant that I don't. The main reason that they think I don't is because they're used to stereotypes, and they don't think I could have it because I understand and use a lot of sarcasm, even though I've told them that it's a spectrum and everyone is different. Of course I know that your opinion won't make up for an official diagnosis, but as of now I'm too embarrassed to even mention that I MIGHT have it, because if I'm wrong I'll feel like one of those people who fakes disorders or something. So, if you're willing to listen, I was going to list out some of the traits that I've been called 'weird' or 'alien' over, and see if maybe you think they could possibly mean autism? I hope that's okay with you 😅
•I always get the exact same foods from restaurants that I go to frequently. If they don't have what I usually get, I most likely won't eat anything at all.
•Speaking of those foods, I always eat them in the exact same order. The burger, then the fries, then the nuggets. The breadsticks, then the fish, then the shrimp, y'know? I don't know when or why I started doing this, I've just sort of always done it.
•I have a huge problem staying still, something that I get very self conscious about in public. I'm always tapping my feet, rocking back and forth, clicking something in my hands, chewing on water bottle caps, and just generally refusing to sit in one spot. I also love to pace when I'm trying to formulate ideas, as I feel it really helps me think.
•I can't stand wearing jeans. I mean I won't go crazy if I have to, but they always make me feel restricted. I thought for a while that it was just how restricting they were, but I've found that other tight pants don't make me feel the same way?
•I DESPISE nail files. I can't explain it, but just the sensation of that sandpaper-like stuff rubbing against my nails activates my fight or flight response, I just feel like bolting it gives me bad goosebumps all over.
•I hyperfixate on stuff hard, I pick things up quick but also drop them hard. Recently I picked up DC/Batfam as a hyperfixation and I've been fully leaning into it ever since, spending pretty much all of my time making art or stories about it (Or at the very least thinking about the characters in some way). However back a few years ago I was hyperfixated on Markiplier Egos, and then one day I just.. Dropped it out of nowhere, and haven't been able to pick it back up since.
•This one's really iffy but I feel like I get irritated a lot super super easily, and I used to think it was just anger issues but for one: It's almost never something to get upset about, and for two: It usually happens when I've been talking to someone for a little too long or when someone interrupts my quiet time. So if we're going with the whole maybe autism thing, it might be overstimulation..? Idk..
•I'm super light sensitive, pretty much every time I go outside I say 'Wow it's bright out there" when I come back in. It's so noticeable that I used to not only notice, but attribute it to an eye injury I had once. Except that injury wasn't serious and is fully healed, so that's probably not it.
•I have a lot of trouble speaking sometimes. I feel like my words never come out the way that I want them to, and I often end up slurring them around so much that what I'm trying to say becomes pretty much incomprehensible, which always makes me frustrated because I get misunderstood a lot.
•I don't really understand what other people are feeling most of the time, and I get annoyed when they won't just tell me what they want instead of vaguely hinting about it and expecting me to know what they need.
•People always tell me to speak up because I 'mumble', even though I think I'm talking at an acceptable level.
•The last time I got told suddenly I was going to have to go on a trip, I cried so hard that they just cancelled it lmao
•I ramble. A lot. (Sorry 😭👍)
But yeah, those are just some of the thing that I've been jokingly called 'strange' for over the years. Like I said earlier, I know that your opinion is nothing like an actual diagnosis, but hearing your thoughts on whether or not I might have it would mean a lot to me since you're someone who's been diagnosed!
First thank you for the ask.
So when I read your list, I see that you can be autistic. I don't like certain fabrics. I can also be quickly irritated by people.
There are some that can be both for autisic people and ADHD.
When it comes to words. When I have a hard time speaking, I'm either tired. Or I'm having an emotional start of a bad day
When I read the list. I think you are autisic. If you want a diagnosis, find one who listens to you. Getting one is hard. I was lucky with my parents and a good doctor
Also, I don't mind the long text. You can always ask me stuff .
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
Its surgery day! OMG I never thought I would be this excited to get knocked out and have my face sliced open wait that sounds not great huh. REWIND. Sooooo I head to the hospital in about five hours and am just killing time like a murderer until then, I’ve got ants in my pants and am doing a funky dance, hey can anyone tell I’m excited?
ANYWAY. Just want to once again express from the bottom of my heart how grateful I am for all the help getting here. I have legit been working towards getting this surgery for about five years now and the last couple of years especially with the pandemic have felt like standing still and I was starting to think it would never actually happen. I would not be able to actually go and get this today without all of your help, whether you just signal boosted donation posts or sent stuff in, so thank you, thank you, thank you. This will literally transform the entire quality of my life and enable me to do all kinds of things that I was working towards BEFORE this happened but got put on indefinite pause while I pretty much devoted my entire life and focus to getting my jaw fixed.
I’ll be going radio silent now and likely for the rest of the month, though possibly I’ll be ‘back’ sooner than then. Don’t be surprised if you see me follow you all of a sudden this weekend, I’m probably gonna be loading up my dash with a lot more people to keep me occupied while I’m bedridden - like, don’t get weirded out if you see me suddenly follow you and yet not interact with your posts at all, it doesn’t mean anything other than that for the moment I’m mostly just likely to be scrolling and reading.
I’ve got a lot of stuff queued up for this month under both my TW and Batfam pseudonyms, the first ‘new’ chapter of LC should post later today and will be followed this weekend by a Dick and Cass one-shot, and then there should be stuff semi-regularly throughout the month. In addition, since once I’m back on my feet I do intend to dive in to jumpstarting a lot of original projects that have been on hold for literal years, I’ve got posts about some of those queued up to hopefully get some people intrigued by those. First up there is a deep dive into my big space opera universe, so hopefully people who enjoy my worldbuilding will get a kick out of that.
My patreon is queued up to ‘open’ next week, once some of the posts about original projects are up, with the stuff for this month on it pretty much automated, and then next month I’ll be adding more stuff and more tiers. I will be back on my feet next month and able to work regularly at non-work from home positions again, and without the need to pay for my super pricey insurance anymore, I’ll be MUCH better off financially and should no longer need donation posts anymore in the future. My queued fic posts for this month will include links to my ko-fi and paypal (which can also be found on the main page of my blog) if people feel inclined to leave a tip or whatever, because I flat out will not be able to add any new income this month, and I am still gonna have a lot of work ahead of me getting new teeth, lol.....but the goal is by next month to have shifted entirely to just supplementing my work income with actual content creation via patreon and possibly commissions.
My post with a list of all my Batfam WIPs will be popping up again this month, as will a post with a list of all my unfinished or unposted TW fics, and while I can’t put a timeline on anything until I see how much more free time or energy I have to devote to fic in the coming months, I WOULD like to pay forward what I can from all the help I’ve received in the form of fic. So make a note of anything you’re particularly interested in, whichever fandom you follow me for, and if you’ve donated to help me get to my surgery, feel free to message me at some point, even just on anon if you prefer, with the name you used when donating and what fic you look forward to, and I’ll try to prioritize accordingly. If you donated completely anonymously with no name attached like via ko-fi, I mean, I’m fine just going by the honor code but I am more likely to get to ones with a name attached sooner rather than later, just because like, when people donate with a name attached to the donation that tends to linger in my brain and like, I have various names in my head that I’ve been desperately wanting to ‘give back to’ in some way for a long time now, if that makes sense? 
But just to be clear, I’m kinda gonna be winging this entire process here and it’ll be more an evolving situation kinda thing as I experiment with my newfound time and energy and focus and fold this in around my other work. Its definitely something I plan on committing to for as long a period of time as I need to be able to at least give back or pay forward SOMETHING to as many people as want it. If there’s one thing I’m good at, its committing longterm. I spent the past five years working towards this damn surgery, I do not at all mind spending the next five years finding ways to give back to those who helped me get it. (As an example but not limited to the following: people with the initials A.A, A.R.C., Z.D., K.C., M+L.T, D.V., I.B., H.J., T.G., D.G., C.S., S.M., E.N. and the mysterious ‘K’......YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE - even if I don’t, lmao. Well I know some of you, but some of you mystery strangers I wanna gratitude-doxx so hard, you don’t even know).
I think that’s all I wanted to say for now, but watch me recollect a whole five other paragraphs I wanted to add the second they hit me with the anesthesia lmao. For now though, I bid all of you lovelies an eternally grateful adieu, and I’ll see you all on the other side of Actual Jaw-Having!
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pin-a-pin · 3 years
Listen up DC Comics!
You are a very convoluted franchise that seems (and it is!) way too intimidating and monumental and complicated to get into.
So hear my pitch, bitch.
Starter graphic novels on characters.
And stop fucking changing so much the origins and canon and, like, everything (just why?).
Like the Batfam! Batman, Robin and Batgirl are very famous, like I think that 95% has heard of them. My 75 yo gramps knows Batman and Robin (and probably Batgirl, though he probably refers to her as Batichica). Who doesn't know Batman? Anyone who does probably has heard of Robin and Batgirl too.
People ask who are the characters in batfam posts, get discouraged because it's comics, it's big and characters don't all start in their own solos explaining where the hell they came from.
Lot of things require a context. Like why this character hates this other one so much or why are they mad at each other? These ones love each other aw! Why? Where was all this bonding? What? It's sprawled around 30 or more different comic runs? Each comic run having two issues each of them appearing? (If you're lucky and the character you want to read about appears plenty of times).
I didn't know that whole comic runs existed with characters that could interest me! I still think I missed a few.
So... Starter graphic novels! A whole event where they make whole bunch of these things. Something fans can direct people to when recommending it without seeming absolutely batshit and like we are telling them to read the equivalent of 50 years worth of a university's mandated reading on every subject they have.
Or people want to start and they don't know where.
And they say what issue(s) or run(s) they're talking about.
Like there's basically no right starting point! It's just a mishmash of stuff that you don't even know if it's even canon anymore. Because sure as hell no one in DC headquarters is going to reference it again, or some don't even read something that it's like obligatory to keep characters somewhat constant or don't want to. It's frustrating and I haven't even explained my idea and I would say that I need to stay on track but I haven't even started talking about it, sorry.
Starter graphic novels!
Canon ones that explain in detail the backstory (but not being solely about that), show important moments for this character, their relationships with other characters and a new story of them.
For example: First the backstory, right? New illustrations of how they started to be heroes (or villains or anti heroes or heroes to villains or villains to heroes or heroes to anti heroes or villains to anti heroes or hero to villain to anti hero...y'all get it). The writer telling alongside brand new illustrations their origin. And they have a footnote of every issue they're basing the whole thing on, where they can go to see every piece of the whole backstory (like: to see the originals, which have more, you can go to these issues on these comic runs).
Then the important events that happen in comics and the parts that give you an idea of their personality, beliefs, character development, etc. All this with footnotes telling you where to go if you want to see the whole story.
After that the stories of how are their relationships. The family, friends, main enemies, love interests. Telling the events that transpired and led to bonding, having falling outs, just hating someone in the first encounter, "whoops I guess I adopted someone", romantic feelings, frustrated murder attempts, successful murder attempts and how one of those led to the other or maybe just not. With footnotes of where the fuck that happened in like 80 years of comics.
And then a brand new story! With all the research the poor writer had to do they probably know the character more that they know themselves it's probably gonna be the most in character story in the last ten years in the whole franchise.
That would probably shed a little light on who is the character, what is canon and traits that can't be lost. A little handy guide for writers too, hopefully. And most importantly something less confusing that all retcons, the million comics in existence and conflicting... everything (characterizations, backstory, events). More accessible, and more fun that scouring the wikis and getting confused about the 8 versions of one character.
It would make it easier to get into the main canon.
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Lesbian!Batsis (HC)
Requested by @iiiiisworld​: Hello first of All i love your writing so much♡♡♡♡♡♡Second of All, i saw that is said that the request are open so i wanted to ask you if you could do a one-shot of batsis getting outed as a lesbian and how the batboys and bruce would react.(if you dont want to write it its okay ♡)(Sorry if their are any spelling Mistakes , english isnt my first language)
And an Anon (I think you accidentaly sent in two, but who knows): Hey i saw that your requests are open so i wanted to ask if you could to a oneshot were batsis got outed as a lesbian by another person and like it is all on like the internet. And the reaction of the batfam Sorry if my english isnt good but it isnt my first language And if you dont like the request just ignor it Btw i looooovvvveee your wrintig sooooo much ♡
A/N: Awww thank you so much!!!! I know you asked for a Oneshot, but this concept that build itself in my mind kinda aquired its own life and fits Headcanons more, I made them more ‘story-like’ though so I hope that’s cool. Also I know you probably wanted some Angst, but I was just in the mindset of FLUFFFFFFF. (also, your english is fine ♡)
Also, I love y’all lesbians very much, you’re all amazing, breathtaking, loving and great, as a bi-sister I stand by you!!!
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The only thing illuminating your bedroom was the dimly lit screen of your phone hovering only inches over your face, dangerously loose in your tired grip
What was depicted in front of you was stopping your heart in all the wrong places
The pictures and comments were all over instagram, twitter, tumblr and even facebook
Even on YouTube were first reaction videos about it, even though it had only been an hour at most since the first picture was uploaded 
There were only two original pictures if you substracted all the edits that had been uploaded and you recognized these shots immediatly
You had been out on a date with you girlfriend and the two of you had been in a small coffee shop enjoying some lunch
Because you hated all the attention that came from the media with being a Wayne you had explained early on in your relationship that you’d rather keep it in private 
So when you went out you were just ‘friends’
You made up for it in private tho 
But on that day things changed becaue your girlfriend had been really stressed with her exams lately and just needed some consolation
That was how the first picture came: The two of you sitting opposite of each other on a small table with you holding her hand ontop of it, rubbing small circles into her skin
That alone was no big thing, pictures like that were published a lot and just ended up in the big void that was the internet, but the noisy paparazzi who had followed the two of you ever since they had caught sight of you a few streets back wasn’t satisfied yet
So they followed you further when you left the shop about twenty minutes later
You had been so sure that there was no one around in the secluded area of the park you had been walking through and your girlfriend had that sad smile on her lips that she always had when things were on her mind and she couldn’t complete concentrate on her time with you
So you decided you’d distract her for a few seconds
And the second picture was born
The two of you kissing, luckily (just like in the first pic) her back was turned to the camera and her identity wasn’t traceable, one of your hands on her waist, the other on her cheeck
If it had just been that picture then sure, rumours would have started, people would’ve started asking, but you could’ve said it wasn’t you, your face wasn’t visible enough for them to claim otherwise, but with the other picture taken only minutes earlier in the same clothes with the same partner?
Now it was out in the world
It didn’t really feel that bad
Of course, like always, there were hateful people who commented nasty stuff and a few even dm-ed you about what a disgrace to gotham you supposidly were, but they were nothing compared to the crowd of hundres if not thousands who commented and dm-ed and uploaded how happy and excited they were for you
Edits of pics of you with the lesbian flags were quickly making their way through the web
And it felt good
Of course you knew that wouldn’t be all of it, part of being a “celebrity” was to adress things like that and even if you realitivly kept out of the public eye you surely wouldn’t get around at least one interview of a talk-show-visit
But you’d manage, you’d managed quote-on-quote “scandals” before
Like that one time you posted that you thought Batman was a giant whimp and should finally confirm he was a giant furry - of course that happened a few minutes after you and your dad had a small falling out
You had to go on four different Gotham-based Interviews that month and constantly meet up with the PR-manager
It was...interesting... to say the least
And this now was no real difference
And, as an added Bonus, you could finally take your girlfriend to Galas and kiss her in public (if she was okay with the attention obviously, you wouldn’t drag her into that without her permission)
But I digress
That night you fell asleep calm and happy
The next day on the other hand...
I don’t think the Wayne family is the kind of family that you’d feel like you have to keep things like that from (obviously everyone is different and has different limits, but I’ll have to somewhat assume that)
So I’ll just say that you already told them
Still, they’re incredibly worried with how you’ll react to being outed against your will
So let’s just say you spend most of the day telling your (very, very, very extended) family about how you feel and that it’s okay
Jason still might or might not had trashed that paparazzis apartement and camera as a small lession about privacy, but you won’t find out about that until much later
Straight-up, Kate will take you out and spoil you just a little bit alongside with Cass who joins the two of you (My fav gay squad - or at least bi, since I headcanon that Cass could totally be bi) 
They all obviously want to show you and (mainly) the public how much they support you
So guess who sponsors the next Gotham pride? Correctly guessed, it’s Wayne enterprise Inc.
Most of your siblings (at least the ones that the public has their eyes on - see: Dick, Jason, Tim, Damian, Cass - the other ones will do it privatly) will do the typical publicity thing of posting about their support and about how much they love you and about how amazing your girlfriend is
All that
Somehow, this reveal that was planned to be a big Drama-scandal that would bring fame and fourtune to the photographer turned into something entirely else
While Kate is the Momma-lesbian in the family she keeps a somewhat low profile concerning the media (she’s still a big figure obviously, but she’s not as out there as Bruce is for example), you somehow turn into a gay-represantaion-princess for Gotham
Kinda like Hayley Kiyoko is lesbian Jesus
A lot of people dm you in the following years and tell you that you (more or less voluntary) coming out and being such a strong figure in Gotham gave them the courage to come out to their family and friends too and it will never fail to warm your heart
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wesavegotham · 3 years
So don’t hate me but I’m kinda liking damian’s animated versions better than his comic one I really like his comic one but after all the shit happening where he has been nerfed nonstop getting beat by Thomas Wayne Batman, the teen titans red hood (although Jason attacked from behind like a bitch) and now flatline beating him. Not to mention Bruce not being a father and Damian now Being blamed for everything when they all have no room to talk. God I was satisfied when his old team died in future.
This is going to be a really long post, my apologies in advance.
I absolutely get where you’re coming from. I personally still like comic Damian more because I feel like there is more nuance and layers to him compared to the animated universe Damian, but that is simply the fault of the limited time they could spent on him in the movies.
Movie!Damian certainly wins more fights than comic!Damian and was never regressed in any way that is comparable to the shitshow that was Teen Titans (2016).
You’re adressing a problem I have with comic!Damian too right now, a problem that I’ve already talked about with some people here on tumblr in private. Which is that for all the talk about what Damian can do the comics have rarely shown all those skills Damian should have being used in the actual story in recent years and that is frustrating. I find Damian’s arrogance interesting as long as I feel like he can at least back it up in some way, but in recent time he comes off as just an idiot because he has done almost nothing but fail and lose and the writers still have him act like he’s the greatest. But it doesn’t feel like he can back up his confidence anymore. At all.
If I had to name a skill that differentiates Damian from the other Robins right now then I could only list his skill to hide from Batman and that is a skill he only has for plot convenience. We don’t see him do anything to cover his tracks, we are only told that he somehow did it. And I’m pretty sure that the second this skill stops being convenient for the story it will vanish once again. It will probably end like it did with Jon, where Damian somehow hid so well that Jon said they would never find him in Teen Titans, when they wanted an excuse for Jon to not get involved with his friend’s fall into darkness, but now that DC wanted them to interact again all of that is forgotten and Jon has no problems finding Damian.
Damian is not the most social Robin, nor the most intelligent one and considering how he seemed to lose against everything and everyone in recent years I can’t say with a straight face that he’s the best at fighting or the most skilled. And that IS a problem. Damian will never be known for his social skills or his detective skills, those niches are already taken by Dick and Tim, but in theory he should be a great fighter or a highly skilled person. Damian has sacrificed his entire life for training, both in the league of assassins and during his time with the batfamily. But if Damian sucks at fighting (as in: he loses a lot more than he wins) and his skills play no significant role in advancing the plot, then what is the point of his character? Great, he’s good at drawing and likes manga now, but how will that help with a fighting tournament? Or with solving the mystery behind the league of lazarus? A protagonist is usually supposed to be able to change the situation he is in, that is why he’s the protagonist and not someone else. So what makes Damian so unique that only  he can solve the situation he finds himself in during Robin and not someone like Conner Hawke? Or what makes him unique in the batfamily? I hope Robin adresses that soon. 
Of course now one could say “He still has an unique position as Bruce’s biological child”, but that also was completely irrelevant in recent years. For all the moments since the start of Rebirth that had batfam-fans complaining that Damian was favored by DC because of his status as the only biological child of Bruce, there were actually very few interactions between the two. Stuff like Bruce talking about Damian or saying that he loves him was primarily found in scenes in which Damian was not present. Or it came way too late, like in Teen Titans (and Bruce refusing to hit Damian in the face because he is his child sets such a low bar, I refuse to acknowledge that as a sign of love)
If you look at how Bruce actually treats Damian or describes him then there is little love there. He ignored his 13th birthday, did nothing when Damian left him after the events of Justice League: No Justice, it had no impact on the Batman books at all, Bruce only called Damian for missions like two times, once in City of Bane (which was just so shitty, as I already explained in a previous post) and a second time in Detective Comics #1017 (He sent Damian to find a missing kid in a snow storm, while he dealt with something else), refused to comfort him at Alfred’s wake and when Bruce reflects on what happened in Teen Titans he blames most of it on Damian’s personality, both in Detective Comics #1030 and in Robin #1, and both times there is nobody questioning Bruce’s asessment. He really doesn’t have anything nice to say about Damian and apparently we are not supposed to disagree with him. So in summary: Damian seems to have no skills that make him indispensable for the batfamily, Bruce seems to have a very low opinion of Damian’s character and now that they have decided to give us Bruce searching for Damian the only reason for that seems to be that Bruce suddenly feels responsible for his child, even though that should have already been the case when Damian seperated from him in 2018 or at least directly after the second Teen Titans annual.
Even the kinda nice things Bruce says about Damian in Robin #1 can be called into question if you think about them. He says he has no doubt that Damian can take care of himself...and then we see Damian getting his heart ripped out at the end of the very same issue. Of course we know that Damian’s story doesn’t end there, so I won’t judge this too harshly yet, but to me this didn’t come off as Damian being able to take care of himself.
And I get letting Damian lose at the start of the tournament to establish Flatline as a threat and to make it clear that this tournament is not a game. I also get that Damian’s fight against King Snake was supposed to make sure that we still think of Damian as competent even though he loses later on. But at least for me, winning against King Snake was not cool or badass enough to make up for the fact that Damian was easily killed, in front of everyone, by a literal nobody like Flatline. King Snake is an old, blind guy, that didn’t show up in any DC comic I read since I started in 2018 and that was apparently beaten by Tim in his solo comic when he was 14 back in the 90s. Sorry, but that just isn’t impressive enough for me, especially since I’ve seen Damian lose so much in recent years. It doesn’t establish Flatline as a badass, it just makes me think that Damian is not that great of a fighter and shouldn’t be in this tournament.
I have some more thoughts on the tournament that make me wish that the arc will start being less about winning the tournament itself and more about something like taking down the league of lazarus soon (mainly the fact that a fight about being the best fighter is useless if the big guns are not taking part, the fact that you can only win by killing your oponent, which should be a problem for Damian and how nothing we know about the rewards for winning, becoming part of the league of lazarus und apparently immortality, is desirable for Damian), but this answer is already too long.
I’m going to be honest an admit that I did not like the ending of Robin #1 at all and that I hope that Williamson will show Damian being competent really soon because I’m not here for another pointless arc about Damian learning humility. I want to see Damian win for once, you know, like other protagonist usually do at the end of an arc and if Damian can’t even win or tell us what’s going on with him from his point of view in a book about him then I’m probably going to feel very disappointed by this book.
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nightwingmyboi · 4 years
Can I ask why you hate Batman and Robin Eternal? (it was my first DC comic ever, my dad bought it for me in one of his trips even though I didn’t know anything about the batfam or comics in general lmao). It’s been so long since the last time I read it I don’t even remember what it was about (I do remember enjoying it in that moment but it may have also been because it was a gift and the drawings were cool lol)
Aww, that’s very sweet. There are certainly bits of the comic that are enjoyable. I’m pretty sure that I’m actually in the minority when I say that I don’t care for it...but since you asked lol, there are several things about these comics that really rub me the wrong way. This is pretty negative (and way longer than I’d planned), so be warned. 
For starters, Dick Grayson was just...not treated well by his family members in these comics. It felt particularly brutal here specifically...I think because Dick would say very harmless things, and his family’s responses in return were so abrupt and unreasonably harsh. Like, Dick says that he’s glad to see Batgirl, and wonders what some kids are doing dressed as Robin...
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Batman and Robin Eternal #4
And Batgirl bites his head off. Or, there were times where Dick would just be hanging out in the general vicinity, and people would just take shots at him out of the blue for seemingly no reason. 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #3
It felt like he could barely breathe without someone criticizing him for it. At one point, Dick confesses that he’s feeling discouraged, and Damian’s response is to punch him in the face. 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #22
Which is a pretty good summary of the family’s treatment of him in these comics to be honest. Just literally, lashing out at him for zero reason while he just takes it. 
One scene in particular that really frustrated me was this one: 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #5
You know, that other time in this comic series where one of Dick’s family members punches him in the face while he, once again, takes the hit and does nothing to retaliate. Good times. 
For context...the big bad in these comics is a villain known as “Mother.” Her speciality is brainwashing. She placed several of her “children” in high-profile positions in order to enact her plans, even managing to infiltrate Spyral. In a message left for Dick, Batman specifically explains that “Anyone could be under her control, Dick. They could be people you know. People you love…they probably will be” (Batman and Robin Eternal #1). 
Unlike in Pre-52, Tim’s background is largely a mystery. He’s acting suspiciously. So, Dick takes it upon himself to investigate and ensure that Tim’s not one of Mother’s plants. 
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On Tim’s side of things, he’s upset that Dick investigated behind his back and found out where he’d secretly had his parents living for their safety. Dick unintentionally brought danger to their doorstep (though, notably, no one was actually hurt). But Tim’s pissed, and punches Dick in the face. 
Not gonna lie, this was hard to take. I mean, even if Tim was in the right in this argument (which he lowkey isn’t in my eyes), that still does not make it ok for him to just punch Dick out of the blue when Dick is, as pictured above, just talking to him. 
And the hypocrisy that Tim is displaying here is stunning. How he had previously told Dick off for keeping secrets from the family by going undercover with Spyral, when he in fact had a whole secret family tucked away in a corner. How he tells Dick off now for invading people’s privacy, when just earlier in this very comic he had planted surveillance devices in Stephanie’s apartment without her consent. 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #2
How Tim storms off and goes on a solo mission with Jason because Dick’s supposedly too personally invested and thus compromised, when he just got so emotionally unhinged that he lost his shit at Dick and punched him. Once again, may I just say, simply stunning. 
But does Tim ever face any consequences for this behavior? Oh, of course not! Instead, we get Jason joking about how great it is to punch Dick in the face when he is not even fighting back. 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #7
And everyone collectively piling on to Dick and blaming him, even though he had legitimate concerns. Awesome. 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #6
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Batman and Robin Eternal #7
And Dick just continues to take it. Not once does he stand up for himself. It’s so hard to read him continually get shit on, I’m sorry. And it’s crazy how they treat him this way, and yet still ultimately look to him for encouragement and rely on him to save the day in the end? You hate to see it. 
I also didn’t like what they did with Cass. I know, I’m just full of complaints. But they really watered her down. With Pre52 Cass, you could actually describe facets of her personality. She was compassionate, had a very refreshing, sassy sense of humor, etc. She wasn’t just...mysterious action girl who has a dark past and cries occasionally. I mean, there were moments where I could see glimpses of personality (the time she visited the ballet being the main one), but on the whole she punched people when needed, and otherwise just stood there as people talked about and around her. Essentially a prop for the story. 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #24
Another thing that makes me so uncomfortable (that I couldn’t pin down until I read this post here) is the fact that this comics version of events makes it so that Cass’ own backstory no longer has her as the focus; it’s not about her emotional struggles and journey. By having Cass kill Harper’s mother rather than a random man, it makes the story about Harper, and about Cass gaining Harper’s forgiveness. So...more using Cass as a prop...as an element of someone else’s story in what is supposed to be her origin! 
Honestly, I have no idea why Cass would want to stay with the Bat-family in these comics anyway...her previous mentorship with Barbara Gordon is nonexistent. She’s no longer Batgirl. The two people who were once her closest friends treat her horribly. 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #3
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Batman and Robin Eternal #4
As if she’s barely a person. Once again, sooooo hard to read this. Why. 
Yeah, I could go on forever nitpicking here. You probably got a sense of it already, but I absolutely despise how Tim is characterized here. Most of the time, he’s an ass. Jason also had pretty inconsistent characterization. And I really don’t like how the whole comic treats Robin like something Batman owns and is meant to benefit from, rather than as something Dick created. I don’t like how Cain was “redeemed” in the end, and that Cass took on the name Orphan instead of Black Bat or Batgirl. Once again, how is she connected to the Bat-family exactly? And I don’t like how Dick’s time as Robin is portrayed. 
The existence of this comic...drives me insane...
It’s also the worst time to be doing a “Does Batman treat his kids like child soldiers?” arc considering it is coming on the tail end of Spyral, aka that one thing that Dick did because Bruce beat the shit out of him and forced him to. 
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Nightwing #30
Looking through Batman’s speech to Dick there...some of the things he says to Dick are so uncomfortably close to what Cain says to Cass. Really horrible parallel there. Why DC. 
I really don’t know why Dick was so certain that Bruce didn’t do something shady with Mother, as was implied throughout the comic, when Bruce had pulled the Spyral crap fairly recently. Idk why they didn’t play into that side of things. Like, the fact that this arc ends with Dick comforting Batman about them not being child soldiers: 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #26
Instead of Batman stepping up to reaffirm to Dick that he was a good partner and a trusted ally when he spent the whole comic being insulted by his family and being told this stuff by his enemies (and flashback!Batman): 
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Batman and Robin Eternal #8
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Batman and Robin Eternal #12
Just sucks. I mean, Dick had just recently sacrificed everything (his family, his friends, his life, his identity, everything) to do as Batman wanted and go undercover, only to hear this over and over? To hear that none of it was enough? That he could never be enough? And Dick never gets reassurance that this isn’t true. This comic is just agonizing in so many ways. 
Obviously, everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and I am not criticizing this to be a killjoy? Just venting. If you enjoy these comics, you are free to continue to do you. But I am never going to like them. And when I see people championing these books as the best the Bat-fam has to offer...oof is that hard to hear lmao! Surely we can do better than all this. 
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anakinthetrashking · 4 years
BnHA One-Shot Fic Recs (pt2)
 I AM HERE! With more recs for you! The last post was all about DadMight, such a beautiful genre *wipes tear from eye* This time its DADZAWA! if you happen to follow me, you might know that i really really(really) love Aizawa. a lot. So im going to try to keep this to only 10 recs, but,, well,,,, we’ll see anyway leTS GO
Aches and Pains by Badwolf36 Rating: G     Category: Gen     ~2700 words Summary: In which Izuku isn't willing to admit how much pain he's in, and Mr. Aizawa is just as much of a softie for his students as he always is. I’m always SO WEAK to stories that deal with the very real consequences of breaking all of your bones. Poor Izuku. I enjoyed the details of how he’s feeling, the way that the reader’s awareness of his pain waxes and wanes along with Izuku’s (temporary distractions can only do so much, A+ for realism there). Also, soft Dadzawa while not mushy-ooc-Aizawa! Conclusion: I love this and also want Aizawa to make me hot cocoa when there’s storms and i cant sleep!! (sidenote, everytime i see this username my brain shorts out bc my old ff.net account was also Badwolf## lol)
My Neighbor Shouta-ro by Hound_of_Heaven Rating: G     Category: Gen     ~2,700 words Summary: Yamada Hizashi, on Christmas Eve of the year he turns 19, jokingly presents Aizawa Shouta, also 19, with a Totoro kigurumi. Everything that follows after is pure chance. Heeeeeeeeeck this is ADORABLE. I- You guys- this is so pure and so precious and so!! go read it, i died. such fluff.
constrained by my own mind (im not fine) by CamsthiSky (tumblr: @camsthisky ) Rating: G     Category: Gen     ~1,500 words Summary: Midoriya Izuku is a problem child, and for some reason, Aizawa Shouta cares too much to let him fend for himself when the kid is obviously dealing with something First of all this is written by one of my fav Batfam writers!!! I was so hype when i saw this posted and OF COURSE IT WAS JUST AS WONDERFUL IF NOT MORE SO THAN I EXPECTED!!!! A+++++ in character for both Izuku and Aizawa. Izuku is jumpy and anxious and stressed and i love it. That the way Izuku started out, and while i am eternally happy at how much his life and social reactions have already changed, stuff like that doesnt just disappear in even a year, so I love fics that address that and expound on all the progress that he would have to make behind the scenes. and having Aizawa as the catalyst to begin getting actual help? *chef’s kiss* This checks boxes and then proceeds to cover the page in checkmarks LOL
remember from here on in by aloneintherain (tumblr: @captainkirkk ) Rating: T     Category: Gen     ~8000 words warning: spoiler heavy from manga chp 215 Summary: Aizawa glances from All Might to Midoriya quickly. It sounds impossible—he’s never heard of a quirk that can be handed down like a family heirloom—but at the same time, it makes perfect sense. Midoriya’s inability to use his quirk at the start of the year. The strange, familial relationship between All Might and Midoriya. The slow malnourishment of All Might’s body, like his power was being siphoned away. “You’re …” Aizawa begins.“I’m All Might’s successor.” Midoriya’s proud but shaky voice rings clearly down the empty corridor. Aizawa finds out about One for All. Awwwwwwww yiiiiiiiissssssssss!!!!! reveal fic!!!! one of my all time fav tropes!!! Plus it expounds on some future theorys/possibilities(Spoilers!!!) and you get some great interactions between Izuku and Shinsou, and plenty of opportunities taken to wear out our already worn out catepillar-sensei. poor guy needs a break but would do anything for these kids. Incredible characterization, great feels!!
Those Hardest to Love Need it Most by DancingintheStorm Rating: T     Category: Gen     ~8,200 words Summary: Shouta gripped the phone tight enough to make the phone case groan. “So it’s true. Midoriya was Quirkless.”“Until soon before the entrance exam,” Nedzu confirmed. “That’s not relevant now, though, because—““Relevant?” Shouta hissed. “Midoriya is barely functional, socially. He doesn’t trust any adult. He thinks the whole world hates him. He apologizes for everything except breaking the law, and I’m sure I can trace every single one of those things back to his Quirklessness. You call that irrelevant?”  Aizawa visits Aldera Junior High and finds out some disturbing truths. Yes. Just. Yes. Righteous anger abounds, local anxiety-child is told for the first time that his life has worth, more at 10 (I LOVE THIS ONEEE)
The Gaunlet and friendships and how memes tie the two together by averypassionateperson Rating: T     Category: Gen     ~3,500 words Summary: Shinsou walks into his first day in the Hero Course hoping to get politely ignored. He walks out having gotten into a sanctioned fistfight with the entire Bakusquad and a whole lot of new friendships. Also, memes are responsible for most of this. This fic is SOOOOOOOOO much fun. Always sure to bring a smile and honestly all I could want from a fic about Shinsou’s first day in 1A!!!
like light through a window by achievingelysium   (tumblr: @queenangst ) Rating: T     Category: Gen     1,139 words Summary: The first time Shouta sees what Hagakure looks like, it’s because she’s covered in blood. Coming from one of the best Dadzawa writers around, is a delightfully haunting fic centered on Hagakure!! The Dazawa is of course, spot on, the premise makes your heart ache as it plays out like a movie in your mind. So smooth to read, while so emotionally painful. Ouch. It is a fic with imagery that has stuck in my mind like a plant with deep roots, bc i keep thinking about it despite my too-much-fanfic-reading-adhd-muddled-brain. I feel like i had more to say but tumglr erased the paragraph i had originally written. D:   (side note, as i am keeping these posts to 10 fics... this fic came from her series of 30 min fics which you can find here on tumblr ao3  its an absolute goldmine of one-shots, go check it out)
a frozen pond, dark and deep by walking_through_autumn Rating: T     Category: Gen     ~3,800 words Summary: In the aftermath of Endeavour's battle against High End, Aizawa escorts Todoroki to his home for special leave, and they have a conversation that has been long in the making. (Or: Over two car rides and the mystery known as bubble tea, Aizawa divulges information, Todoroki returns the favour, and trust is built over unexpected similarities.) This fic felt just as quiet as the two characters it surrounds, which was really nice. Even deep emotional grieving can be quiet, since everyone feels things and reacts to things differently. It was a brilliant way to chip away at these character’s walls to let light shine through without creating an earthquake event to destroy the walls completely, you know? and it works off of canon so well. ah yes seeing the process of Aizawa realizing that hes has adopted another child is my fav    anyhow i enjoyed it very much!
but still my heart is heavy (with the hate of some other man’s beliefs) by honeyandsunshine Rating: T     Category: Gen     ~3,500 words Summary: Nemuri jerks a thumb to the side window, presumably the one with the best view of the front gates. When Shouta looks, a small crowd, all of which he can recognize from his class, are gathered around a sleazy looking man with a camera and a microphone. Half their quirks are activated. Bakugou and Todoroki are smoking. From the bushes nearby, a rather enraged stag emerges. As he gets up, Shouta just hopes they haven’t already killed him. Or:Class 1-A defends their own. Aizawa suffers, but looks after them anyways. I love how this doesn’t go the way you expect it to. and how much Aizawa loves and trusts his class full of gremlin heroes. The Dadzawa is so soft, his logic is sound, my heart aches, and i kinda want to cry. really, really, really great you guys
bend, don’t break by heyhamlet (tumblr: @hey-hamlet ) Rating: T     Category: Gen     ~4,100 words Summary: It started, as it always seemed to, on what was supposed to be a pleasant day. ---A Christmas shopping attempt gone wrong, Aizawa and Midoriya have to survive a strange nightmare quirk, all while trying to work out how to get out of there alive. Aizawa is injured, Midoriya is panicked. It's less a question of what could go wrong, but more what could go right. Another fic that has not left my soul since i read it. Some of it is truly terrifying in a way that I hope never haunts my own nightmares. and honestly isnt that reason enough to read it? While near death experiences bond people together well, nothing beats being trapped with someone in a nightmare that is feeding off of your deepest fears! If Aizawa wasn’t considering adoption before, he certainly is now. Found family before the monster finds you...0.o go read it, its a treat from another top notch writer!
well, thats 10! the next post will probably be misc. bnha one-shots. Enjoy and don’t forget to give the writers your souls love and comments!
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Batboys with Ambitious S/O HC:
Dick Grayson:
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·      He met you one day while you were on the phone rushing to a meeting
·      Neither of you were paying attention
·      You bumped into each other and after apologizing and exchanging names cause both of you were both immediately like “hot damn” lol
·      Once you were finally out of your meeting, you saw that he had given you his number
·      It was dropped in his bag
·      Like Jesus you needed that trick with business cards or something
·      You texted him a few days later and he asked you out for a coffee
·      That was when he realized who he was dating
·      Your schedule was FULL and he understood that but like wow girl
·      Once you guys started dating he realized how dedicated you were with work
·      Was lo-key worried that you’d replace him with more work
·      You promised him, and yourself that you couldn’t do that
·      He’s really supportive
·      He is also always telling you to go tf to sleep
·      Doesn’t want you to end up like Bruce or Tim in that sense
·      Always there for moral support
·      Basically, like your personal cheerleader
·      The best person to go to when you get good news or even bad news but like
·      He goes nuts when you finally get where you’re going
·      Over all, a very supportive mother hen type, 10/10
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·      You guys had known each other before he died and were taken in together by Bruce
·      Needless to say, when Bruce found you and Jason, he had one wheel and you had the other
·      You guys had a great bond and he always knew you as the dreamer kind that always wanted more
·      You were so exciting to start school actually
·      You saw it as a step forward
·      Bruce knew about what you wanted to do because Jason would always talk about it
·      “Yeah Y/N wants to do *rambles for an hour*.”
·      Bruce wants the best for you and so he lets you do some more schooling first and then BOOM business is booming baby
·      Well sort of
·      I mean it obviously took a bit and then Jason died and that slowed things a TON
·      When Jay came back though, you were at the top
·      You hadn’t totally moved on from him at all and when he came back you were a mess for a few reasons
·      Took a vacation with him when schedule permitted
·      He doesn’t technically make you go to sleep
·      He just greatly encourages it
·      He is aggressively supportive
·      “Hell yeah Y/N, that’s my Gf/bf kicking the competition’s ass!”
·      “Jason, this is a formal event, don’t say that!”
·      “Sorry babe.”
·      You two are moved in together pretty much the moment he’s back
·      You two were best friends and always will be so yeah that was simple
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·      You wanted to make it big in the music industry
·      You’d come from a terrible position too
·      Grew up in Chicago with a very powerful family who was killed and went into an orphanage due to the mob
·      The moment you got out, you were making music
·      Good music too
·      You sky rocketed to the top of the charts
·      That’s when you started dating someone, got your heart broken and made a sad album and then after that a very independent kind of marching to the beat of your own drum album
·      He met you on the tour of that
·      You were his favorite singer and he related to you a lot
·      Met him as Red Robin when your hotel room got robbed in Gotham
·      He went to the next show to make sure you didn’t die or whatever and caught the bad guy sneaking on stage before taking him out
·      He got your number for that
·      After that you guys started dating and quickly you knew who Tim was
·      That’s when socials went W I L D when you posted a picture kissing his cheek
·      You dropped an album called “Lovely Little Mess” about catching feelings and whether or not it was a good thing or not
·      He goes to the studio with you and you have an apartment together
·      You’re both up late working whether it be you writing or planning out things
·      He helps pick album covers sometimes if you’re really stuck
·      Listening to new songs
·      He isn’t good with tour outfits or putting songs onto albums because he loves them all
·      Doing interviews together or always waiting for the other to get out of interviews
·      omg the pap LOSES it when you two go to events together
·      Actually, everyone loses it so yeah 🤷‍♀️
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·      You were class president of the grade you two were in at the time
·      You were the first student he met at Gotham Academy that he didn’t hate up front even if you didn’t catch that
·      You had to show him around the school
·      Came with curly, half up, half down hair, uniform pressed, and basically stood like a president or queen
·      He really expected you to be a pretentious snob but you were everything but
·      He noticed that even if you hated someone, you were still nice if they could give you a step up or anything really
·      “So, what else do you do L/N?” He asked as you two walked down one of the hallways when you were showing him around
·      “I’m not really a sports person, I have my own business about to start right now though.”
·      *shook*
·      “And are you class president because you want to be or is this also a step up?”
·      “You ask a lot of questions Wayne.” You laughed, “Actually I do like this position but it also helps me get more opportunities at GA. Even when other colleges come around, they like to look at the class officers.”
·      He started making sure he was outside when you would go on morning bike rides since you live in the same neighborhood that he does
·      Or close enough to bike at least
·      I mean, you saw that every successful business person has a good schedule so now you hold yourself to that especially during summer
·      Bike ride before 9 am, cold shower, breakfast, some reading for school, any summer school work if you get any, and basically just having a good day (This applies except for weekends)
·      He got to know you more and more and fell hard
·      You were the dreamer type and it was beautiful
·      You had this look in your eyes every time you’d talk about something you wanted
·      Genuine rare person and he loved that
·      You guys stay up late together but he does eventually make you go to sleep
·      Gets worried when you don’t
·      He thinks it’s incredible, the things you do on top of a busy as hell high school life
·      He likes to show that off about you a lot
·      “My beloved is class president, president of 4 different clubs, runs her own businesses, and she is an over -all genius and will probably take over the world.”
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·      Is very proud of you and tells you often
·      Basically, that very supportive best friend
·      He’s someone that you can just go to whenever you’re stressed or just need a quick break
·      Will always make sure that you’re okay even if it’s just ranting about work
·      Goes to everything with you
·      He also lets you network at galas and stuff and is there for moral support cause that crap gets annoying
·      Talks about you 24/7
·      If you two are working late, I stand by this that he’s either playing Lofi, Khalid, or just chill vibey music
·      He is overall the perfect breath of fresh air from everything that goes on in work life and just life in general
·      Whenever something works out you guys go to a cool coffee shop and celebrate
·      Or a date somewhere
·      He’s also always putting notes or music recommendations in your bag so you find them when you go to work
·      “I noticed you seemed nervous so listen to *song* today when you can.”
·      It’s always the perfect song btw
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·      Both of you are very smart and ambitious
·      You two are probably running something together
·      Both working late
·      Very competent people
·      Put together lives
·      Best planners
·      Everything
·      It’s couple goals whenever you’re around each other
·      Even when you’re not tbh
·      He loves that you’re a hard worker and are always aiming for the top like he is
·      Very supportive
·      You have a very mature but youthful relationship
·      I don’t think he could be with someone that was really lazy and didn’t do anything at all
·      You’re perfect
·      Probably planning to propose already
·      He just knows you’re the one
·      He introduces you to the Batfam after a while and his father approves of the relationship which is amazing
·      Tag team couple
·      If one of you is down the other automatically goes into pick up mode
·      It’s really nice just to have someone to help you bounce out if you burn out
·      He totally won’t judge you when it happens or you just want a break from running full speed
·      He totally gets it
I hope you guys are having a great day and have had a great week! I stayed up wayyyy to late last night but I was watching a Yale lecture, doing my wall stuff, and then I got an entrepreneur toolbox from Dave Ramsay and I was really excited to get into it so that happened. I’m also so ready to be off my woman issue time so that I can go on a bike riddeee. I miss being outside but I’ll probably go tomorrow, we’ll see. Anyways, I hope you’re all doing great
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dcomicsficrecs · 4 years
Do you have any fics with Jason just being a Bro™️? Or any with him rejoining the family after UTRH?
For the sake of this post not being too long, I am going to rec only one fic or series from an author, but all of these authors are great writers so I recommend checking their other works as well. Hope you will enjoy this fics as much as I do!
1. Jason and Damian being bros
1.1 Bet on it by Lysical  
Even Damian could admit that his older siblings occasionally had their uses. __
"I need your assistance," Damian said, voice low and tense.
"No," Jason replied, and hung up.
Short but adorable story of Jason helping out Damian to hide something from their father, just like big brothers out to do.
1.2 Cracked Foundation by Cdelphiki    
The last thing Damian expected to happen when he ran away from home was to spend a day crammed into a small space with Jason Todd.  His father's second son was a black sheep.  An outcast.  An angry, insanity driven criminal who enjoyed screwing with the batfamily in every way he could. At least, that's what Damian thought.  Maybe he was wrong about Todd.
Perfect hurt/comfort with a lot of family feels and Damian and Jason bodning. Bonus points: Jason actually apologizing for shooting him; exploration of Bruce’s relationships with them both too.
1.3   Good Grief by lysiabeth                
“I know who you are, you know. I got my degree at GCU.” The girl says, eyes boring into Jason’s chest as if the red bat were still plastered on it, and Jason’s back stiffens.
“Right.” Jason’s teeth click together as he closes his mouth. He’s eighteen-hundred miles out from Gotham, and of all the Goddamn vet centres he could have broken into it’s probably the only one around that knows anything about his city.
WIP with 8K words so far but worth early reading and bookmarking/subscribing. Case fic, plus Damian and Jason bonding as siblings through Talia? Leviathan also plays a part in this story? Hell yeah.
1.4 Jason and the Three Terrors by Cdelphiki                
One moment, Jason was peacefully sleeping, perfectly content with his life with the League of Assassins.  Okay, so maybe not content content, but he wasn't unhappy, either.  Then Talia woke him up at 2 am, threw three children at him, and told him to get them to America and far away from Ra's al Ghul.
What the fuck.
The last thing he wanted was to see Bruce. But with three brats relying on him and no Talia, there weren't many options for sanctuary. He just didn't expect the kids to grow on him so much in two short weeks.
A superb AU where Jason helps Damian escape League of the Assassin (against his wishes and with two unwanted additions to boot, which is half the pleausure). They aren’t brothers, stictly speaking, at the start of the fic, but become them as the story progresses.
It’s a WIP but it has 50K already and it will be so much more. I am excited with every update and I’m sure you’re gonna be, too.
2. Jason being a brother to Cassandra
2.1 Nests and Cages series by LanternWisp, Lysical starting with Needles or Pins  
Jason Todd's journey back to the Batfamily. Takes place in the Frankenstein's monster of a canon I've stitched together. Each plot is rather self-contained, but the fics do flow into one another
Jay and Cass are bio siblings, and Jason’s slow return to the fold. I love this series, and I think it’s one of the greatest take on Lady Shiva being Jason’s mother too.
2.2 Didymous  by   Hinn_Raven
Didymous: adjective: growing in pairs or twins.
Cassandra and Jason are born twins, raised by their father to be killers. Two heads are better than one.
It’s a great AU with Jay and Cass being biological siblings.
2.3 the patron saint of the lost causes series by evanescent
Pre-Flashpoint AU based on canon what-if Lady Shiva was not only Cassandra's biological mother, but Jason's, too. Mostly focuses on Cass and Jason's relationship, and how that fact changes the dynamics in Batfamily.
It is also a great series with Cass and Jay being biological siblings and I recommend reading every fic of this series.
2.4 Rebirth by Ionaperidot                
"The boy is clearly ill, and while she’s almost certain that he is, impossibly, Jason Todd, almost is not good enough. She can’t drop heartbreak on her beloved’s doorstep, and she can’t run the necessary tests when Damian is vulnerable to her father’s wrath. There’s no way around it. He’ll have to come home with her."
Unexpectedly in charge of a second son, Talia struggles to raise her children without unwanted attention from the Demon's Head.
An AU where Talia is the one who unites Cass and Jason. It also contains Damian, and he’s a little brother to them both.
3. Jason and Duke being bros
3.1 Bats are Dorks by   Reah22                
Duke hadn’t meant to literally trip and fall on to Jason. He really hadn’t. For the record, he blamed Steph. It was probably one of her old pranks that she forgot to take down. That, or she deliberately left it up for someone to trip over in the dark.
Just Duke and Jason, hanging out. Super nice.
3.2 oh, where do i begin? by LazuliQuetzal
“No, no, nothing’s wrong,” Jason says. “We’re a-okay. Just peachy. Good times.”
“Oh,” Duke says, lamely, working himself out of crisis mode. There’s an awkward silence for a moment before he speaks up again. “Why did you call?”
“Right, right," Jason mumbles, which seemed a little out of character to Duke. His sort-of wayward brother was generally intimidating, even when he wasn't trying to be. "Uh, Dick said that you had a guinea pig when you were younger. How do you take care of a guinea pig?” _____
AKA, not-exactly accidental guinea pig acquisition
Absolutely adorable short story about Jason going to his little brother for advice.
3.3 rockstar au series by addiebey starting with disconnect:
jason and duke bond. dick just doesn't get it, but what's new?
Another great no-capes AU. Only two fics from the series, both under 1k, are focused on Duke and Jason, but they are so great. The whole series is, actually, though it’s not finished. I am just grateful even this much exists, but I am definitely bookmarking and subscribing it in case there will be more. Please give this series the attention and praise it deserves.
There are, alas, not many Duke and Jason-centered fics. Though there is another one I wanted to recommend, about Jason training Duke, but I can’t find it for some reason. It was short and funny, and if anyone recognizes this description, I would be glad if you told me.
4. Jason and Dick being bros
4.1 i was naive and hopeful and lost by heroics (figure8)
Clark and Bruce take in a troubled teen.
The The Fosters AU no one asked for.
It’s a part of the series which is one of the best no-capes AU I’ve read, if not the best, and it’s a great family-focused fic with a good parent Bruce. The road for Jason to become Dick’s and the rest of the kids’ brother is slow but greatly written.
4.2 To Reconcile by CasualDanger      
“Babs slapped me at your funeral.”  Jason goes to laugh, but it’s just a cough and his mouth barely even twitches up.  “She hated me in that moment.  I mean, really, really hated me, like I did Talia after I found out Damian had died.  And I wondered,” his voice cracks, eyes glassy now, “did you hate anyone when I was gone?  Because I was gone?”
Short and emotional fic where Dick and Jason open up to each other during pressing circumstances.
4.3  Five Times Dick Grayson Read about Jason Todd in the Newspaper by Engineerd              
If Dick hadn’t been special ordering the Gotham City Gazette, he wouldn’t have found out for - well. Years, at this rate.
Short and very full of emotion story. I love the exploration of Dick’s almost unchanging attitude toward Jason - well, unchanging right before the last time he would read about him (or almost the last time). They’re not really close here, and won’t grow closer, but sometimes siblinghood is like that.
4.4 The View From Jade by lowflyingfruit                
Being transported to the past is not the sort of thing one normally expects. But this having happened, and with no easy way back, Jason's determined to make the most of it. Though the Bat still stalks Gotham's streets, the city's crime is run by the mobs instead of the rogues. There's no Joker yet.
There's no Robin.
Maybe there shouldn't be.
Time Travel Jason&Dick focused AU! One of the best time travel fics where they actually change stuff even if it doesn’t transit to their universe - for exception of their more strong brotherly relationships.
5. Jason and Stephanie being bros
5.1 this time, the loser wins by parkerstorms
They were two sides of the same coin.  They understood each other.  It was nice.  It was a downright relief.  She’d never had a big brother before.
There’s not a lot of Jason and Steph being bros stories I have not mentioned before, but this one is one of them, and a great one too.
6. Jason and Tim being bros
6.1 Bonding Habits of Robins by  GoAwayOlivia                
Giving each other shit is how the bat brothers show they care. Jason and Tim do it particularly well.
It’s a funny and nice fic with exactly what’s said in the summary.
There’s a lot of fics with Jason and Tim being bros but my memorie went blank when I tried to recall. Which is not a statement about their relationships or quality of fics that depict them, it’s just sometimes my memory doesn’t work properly. This is the case with the Jason and Steph, too. As soon as I remember or discover new fics about their relationships, I am going to update this post or maybe create a new one just for the three of them. We’ll see!
7. Batfam Jason-featured sibling relationships
7.1 If the Sky Comes Falling Down (For You)  by  lurkinglurkerwholurks
or, 5 times Jason Todd saved his siblings... and one time they saved him.
It was only by luck that Jason was still there when the bodies came crashing down the street. Bad luck, he would argue. He could hear them long before he could see them, their bodies preceded by the thunderous pounding of boots of asphalt and shouted curses. Three or four figures flashed by his little alleyway, a tight mob followed by a lone, slender figure in a streaming cape.
Summary speaks for itself. It’s a gradual description of Jason slowly coming back to the family after UtRH and starting feeling like their brother.
7.2  this is a long drive (for three robins who don't agree on much) by   drakefeathers
(Bad Robins road trip AU!) Steph’s trip home to Gotham takes a huge detour thanks to Jason and Damian’s conflicts with airport security. She’s stuck driving the two brothers cross-country to reach Tim’s wedding in time.
Damian, Jason & Steph bonding road trip AU that warms your heart. Seriously, if you like any of these characters, you read this.
7.3 on a thin chain of moments and something like faith series  by irnan
Jason really oughta know better than to talk to Bats.
Jason bonding with both Steph and Cass! Love it. It’s fluff and angst, which is hard to pull off together, but it works here. It also, in places, incredibly funny. I love re-reading it from time to time.
7.4   Tremor by  LueurdeLaube              
Nobody can tell Jason Todd that joking about his own death is not a valid coping mechanism.
Not about Jason being a bro per se but about Batfam and Jason so I hope it counts!
7.5. the lost sidekick society by  redtruthed                
The batkids make a group chat.
Chaos ensues.
One of the best groupchat AU for Batfam.
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