#will jensen
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abubblingcandle · 7 months ago
Augusnippets Day 4 - Stalking - Strike Back (TV)
cw - aftermath of torture, implied eye trauma
Will never thought he would have to defend attacks from his own team but the Project Tennebrae reveal tore everything apart. He runs. Before Donovan can do anything to stop him he runs. But his head hurts. He doesn't really know where he is. All he knows his he needs to run. AU where Jensen doesn't die but not everything ends up ok when Donovan's murder fails
Here on AO3 @augusnippets
Will stumbled, falling against the upcoming wall. The grit scraped at his palms as he frantically pushed off to get his feet underneath him.
The world spun around him and his footsteps pounded in his ears as they pounded the pavement. Will used the wall as a crutch, like someone lost in a maze, to get as far away from here as he could.
He had to get somewhere safe. There was nowhere safe. Everything was wrong. Everything was lies. Everything hurt. He couldn’t think through the pounding behind his eye. Gracie had been right. He should have stayed in hospital. He wasn’t fit to be in the field. He shouldn’t be in the field anyway. He was just the fucking computer guy.
Someone honked as Will dashed across the road. He just had to get as far away from here as possible. Then he could stop. Then he could rest. No, no he couldn’t because the team had to know. He had to tell the team they couldn’t trust Donovan.
Another wall. This time on his blind side sending Will sprawling on the floor. No, no. Adeena would be following him. He knew too much she had to be following him. He didn’t have time to stop. Will stumbled up to his feet but his head swum, spinning on his neck as he tried to work out which way was forwards. Hospital, yeah he should probably be in the hospital. But then people would ask questions. Questions that would lead back to Donovan and Section 20. No, no hospitals.
“Sir, sir are you ok?” a faceless voice matched with a distant hand on his arm. He was going to throw up. The pain was a phantom of that chisel pounding into his skull. Even his remaining eye couldn’t see anymore. Why was he running? Where was Gracie? Wyatt? Mac? Why was he in the field without his team? He shouldn’t be in the field anyway. He was just the fucking computer guy. Although he got in just as much trouble when he was in front of the computers.
And there it was. He remembered. He needed to run.
“Will, there you are.”
No. No No No.
“Thank you miss. I was so worried,” Adeena cooed, her cold harsh grip replacing the faceless woman’s soft one on his elbow.
“No, no,” the begging fell out of Will’s mouth desperately instead of rattling around his brain.
“So sorry. My brother here has a serious concussion and must have forgotten where he was. I need to get him back to the hospital,” Adeena’s words faded in and out between Will’s struggles. Nothing he could muster was enough.
“Oh don’t worry about it I was just concerned. He really should be in the hospital,” the woman’s voice became more distant. She was leaving. No, she wasn’t leaving, Will was leaving. Adeena was pulling him backwards.
Next moment they were moving. A car? Must be a car. “What am I going to do with you Will?” Adeena sighed.
“Help,” he managed to choked out, a sob coming with it as his muscles spasmed with the pain.
“Yes. Ok. Let’s get you some medical care. You shouldn’t be running around with an injury like that. Maybe I was too hasty in taking you out of the equation. For some reason the rest of our team are quite fond of you.”
Will knew he should be doing something. But neither eye would open. Neither arm would move. He needed to tell Gracie something. He needed to run. But maybe he could do that after.
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mormon-character-tournament · 2 years ago
Group Three Round One
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Character Info from Submissions under the cut (Joshua is one of the few characters to get two submissions so I've tried to combine them)
Joshua Graham (Canon) Joshua Graham, “The Burned Man,” appears as an NPC in the Honest Hearts DLC for Fallout: New Vegas. (said DLC is likely riddled with problems related to Native American representation) But Graham is a popular character, he is a legendary figure in the history of the Mormons, the Legion, and tribes of former northwestern United States. Born in New Canaan, Graham experienced both the lofty heights of power and the depths of despair, first as the military commander of the Legion under Edward Sallow, then as the fallen Burned Man and a prodigal son. His stubborn refusal to die after being cast into the Grand Canyon elevated him to mythical status, striking fear into the hearts of superstitious legionaries and members of tribes of Utah and neighboring states. He also said the following quotes: “I survived because the fire inside burned brighter than the fire around me.” “ I have been baptized twice, once in water, once in flame. I will carry the fire of the holy spirit inside until I stand before my Lord for judgment.” Born and raised in New Canaan, a Mormon settlement in post-apocalypse Ogden, Utah. He served as a missionary to the Blackfoot tribe, co-founded a fascist replica of Rome, then realized the error of his ways after being set on fire and thrown off the Hoover Dam. He returned to New Canaan, found acceptance, rekindled his faith, and now seeks redemption and revenge against the legion he founded.
Will Jensen (Canon) Will Jensen is the front man of Everclean, the hot new boy band straight outta Utah. He could be a great leader, if only his ego didn't get in the way. Will has a strong relationship with mormonism, but has a bit of a rebellious streak (if you can call growing a beard rebellious).
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pansexual-lilychen · 4 months ago
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angel-fruitcake · 4 months ago
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demonicseries · 4 months ago
imagine it. The night is November 5th, 2024. The election results are in. Misha Collins post a video. The camera is facing him, as he says “I love you.” Then it pans to the other person in the room, Jensen Ackles. He responds with “Kamala Harris is the next present for the United States”
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wanderingcas · 2 days ago
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breaking the news to everyone i know
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discoidal · 5 months ago
whats the most masc way to drink a strawberry frappe i posited this question to a group of trans ppl yesterday and they said to mix it until the whipped cream dissolved and to chug without the straw
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casmick-consequences · 4 months ago
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Happy halloween, tumblr dot com!!!
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deancasbabyy · 4 months ago
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november 5th you will always be famous
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goldenispunk · 1 year ago
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abubblingcandle · 2 months ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Strike Back Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Will Jensen & Samuel Wyatt, Will Jensen & Thomas "Mac" McAllister, Will Jensen & Gracie Novin Characters: Will Jensen, Samuel Wyatt, Thomas "Mac" McAllister, Gracie Novin, Alexander Coltrane Additional Tags: Kidnapping, Trauma, threat of violence, Self Harm, Self Harm as a means of escape, Broken Bones, Eye Trauma, Detailed descriptions of past injury, Guilt, Survivor Guilt, Presumed Dead, Will just having a real bad day but being a badass despite it, Will Jensen Survives Summary:
It wasn't like Will planned on getting kidnapped again but he knew if it did happen he was never going to give up his team
A Gift Fic for @vigilanteavengerqueen who asked for Will Jensen being a badass! I hope this delivers and I apologise for what I put this poor boy through but he is well and truly the badass here
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destiel-news-channel · 4 months ago
Imagine it: It's the 5th of November, 2024 and it's election day in the US. While everyone is waiting with bated breath for the election results, Jensen Ackles, (in)famous supernatural actor, releases the tapes (unedited recordings of Castiel's confession scene made with Jensen's phone). At the same Vladimir Putin drops dead from sudden failure of body that just couldn't take all the evilness anymore. Everyone is rejoicing when, suddenly, Steven Moffat appears on TV in all countries and announces Sherlock season 5. Furthermore King Charles abolishes the monarchy on a whim, the pope twerks and the mystery of the Mary Celeste is solved once and for all. While you're processing this information, you remember the ongoing election and learn that Georgia has just turned blue and Kamala Harris is president of the United States. Now, if you can picture all this in your mind, exponentially amplify the feelings you have right now and then you might even get close to feeling what everyone was feeling on DestielPutinElectionDay, November 5th, 2020.
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jacobglaser · 2 days ago
Men will sign on to another eric kripke show instead of going to therapy
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angel-fruitcake · 4 months ago
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isaacthedruid · 2 days ago
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