#somewhere i heard jensen ackles roll over in bed at the last one. anyways
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whats the most masc way to drink a strawberry frappe i posited this question to a group of trans ppl yesterday and they said to mix it until the whipped cream dissolved and to chug without the straw
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The Arrangement
Part 12
Summery: You are a young girl that was raised in a small church in Dallas, TX. One of the only churches left in the state that still practices arranged marriages. When your betrothed ran off to California you thought you'd escape the fate you were trained for ever since a small child. Now upon the death your parents your fate seemed to be inescapable as he's returned, and is ready to take you as his bride.
Book Warnings: Arranged marriage, loss of virginity, smut, unprotected sex, angst, language, suicide attempt, battles with anxiety, struggles with mental illness, age gap (about 11 years), I think that’s it, chapters will have warnings of their own!
Chapter Warnings: Heavy trigger warning!!! Suicide attempt!! Angst, caught in your own head, feelings of abandoment, depression, grief, this one is rough guys.
Word Count: 2377
A/N: This book is a book about Christian and church based arranged marriages, I would like to take this moment to say that I DO NOT have ANYTHING against the Chirstian faith, and mean absolutely no harm to anyone! Especially Jensen’s family! This is a complete work of fiction, and should be treated as such!
Beta’d by the amazing @deanwanddamons who was awesome enough to do all this for me! It was a lot of work, and she deserves all the praise for it!!
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Want More? Check Out My Masterlist!!
It had been three days since your fight with Jensen.
When he slammed the bedroom door after you had slapped him, he got his keys, walked out the door, and did not come back.
You didn't know where he'd gone.You didn't try to contact him . If the truth were told, you hadn't really moved from your spot in your now cold, and very lonely bed, unless absolutely necessary.
The air around you hung in a deafening silence . Who the hell knew silence could be so loud?
You didn't bother turning on theTV.You hadn't bothered to eat, and only drank a little bit of water. You’dsurvive, it just wasn’t there anymore.
You were too big of a coward to take your own life, though the thought had crossed your mind.
If you were dead, Jensen wouldn't have to be burdened with you anymore. He could go back to what he wanted to do. Not like there would be anyone around to miss you anyway.
Still, you were too big of a coward to 'pull the trigger'. So you just laid there, and prayed for death to find you on it's own. Prayed that you'd drift off to sleep, and never wake up again.
It didn't happen.
Every morning you woke up to a fresh, and even deeper pain; and the realization that Jensen probably wasn't coming home.
Sitting up on the side of the bed, you stared around the room. It was so cold, but you didn't care. It matched how you felt on the inside. You had cried until you didn't have any tears left to cry. Until everything in and around you felt numb.
In most homes, you would walk through the house and see pictures of your wedding day, family, friends; even your parents' home had all those things.
This place had none of that for you and Jensen.
You would see kids toys scattered around in some homes. You and Jensen had no children together, and Danneel had three of his.
This house felt 'lived in'. All your things were there, along with his, but even though it was lived in, it wasn't a home.
It didn't hold the feeling of home the way your parents house had. There were no memories of times with friends, no family dinners, or holidays, nothing.
You had fooled yourself into thinking this marriage with Jensen was a real marriage. Was even stupid enough to let yourself fall in love with him.
Now you were staring reality straight in the face. You had nothing together. You just shared a bed and had sex on occasion.
Getting out of bed, you dragged your way to the bathroom. Standing in front of the sink, you stared at the mirror. You didn't recognize the woman that stood there, staring back at you.
Her eyes almost looked sunk into her skull. She was pale, almost a chalk white color. Her eyes were red and swollen around the eyelids. Her lips were cracked and had been bleeding, probably from lack of food or water. Her hair was an absolute mess.
She looked like a dead person that was to stupid to know they had died. So they were still standing there.
That's what you felt like. You felt like you had died, you weren't really there. You were living, but you weren't alive.
You died the moment he walked out of the door.
Every time you closed your eyes you saw the look on Jensen's face after you had slapped him. Before the guilt could really grip you, the picture of Danneel and him locked at the mouth would flash before your mind, and shot down the guilt.
For a moment anyway.
The eternal war continued to rage on inside of you as you made your way back to the bed, pulling the cold sheets back and crawling in. You closed your eyes and begged whatever God was listening, cause at this point you weren't even sure there was one, to just let you die this time. You couldn't handle another day like this. Another day of crippling heartache, and a loneliness on a scale you could have never imagined existed.
Jensen's POV:
Jensen sat on the back porch of Jared and Gen's house, more than a little drunk. At first when he left the house the day of their fight Jensen had been angrier than he'd ever been in his life. He told her he loved her and she literally slapped him in the face.
That anger quickly turned to hurt.
Rejection wasn't something he was used to. Most women threw themselves at him willingly. That wasn't really it either. What was the real slap in the face was that Y/N didn't trust him, and didn't believe him, not only when he told her he did nothing wrong, but also when he told her that he loved her. That’s the part that hurt the most.
No matter how angry he got, he couldn't deny the feelings he'd come to accept regarding his wife.
He'd picked up the phone, looking down at it, almost willing it to ring. Nothing. So for the hundredth time he called. It rang and rang. Nothing, only voicemail.
Slamming the phone down on the table, pulled at his hair harshly before he downed the rest of the scotch in his hand. He was well on the way to drinking himself into passing out for the third night in a row. It was the only way he could sleep without seeing the hurt look on Y/N’s face when she looked up at him from the kitchen table that day.
Jensen heard Jared pull the chair away from the table he was sitting at, and sit down next to him. He didn't bother looking at him, just continued to stare at the empty dark pool in front of him.
Jared didn't really care for Y/N. He always thought she was just using his friend for his money, but right now, looking at his best friend and watching him literally try to drink himself to death, he wished more than anything she'd call and ask him to come home.
He may not like her, but Jensen obviously loved her, and he didn't like to see him this way.
"Jensen, what if I send Gen over there, check on her, get a feel for things? You can't keep hiding out here drinking man. You gotta fix this."
"I don't want Gen going over there, and making this shit worse. She doesn't know you guys, and the last time she was here you didn't exactly go out of your way to make her feel welcomed." Jensen mumbled, alcohol loosening his tongue to the point he wasn't worried about sparing feelings.
"You’re right, I didn't, and I'm sorry for that. I was just looking out for you, but Jay, man, if you love her that much you're not going to be able to sit here, and drink this mess Danneel has created away. You filed a restraining order, and you have the paperwork to prove it. Go show it to Y/N. Prove to her that it wasn't what it looked like."
Taking a deep breath, Jensen nodded his head. "Okay, yeah I got paperwork now. Maybe she will see I really don't want anything to do with that bitch."
Jensen blinked hard, trying to hold back tears that threatened at the edges of his eyes.
"I can't lose her Jar. I just can't."
Before he could finish the sentence, Jared had reached up and grabbed his friend, pulling him into a bone crushing hug.
"Let's get you some coffee, and something to eat so you can sober up.Then you need to go home and make this shit right Jay, for her, but also for yourself."
Your POV:
Day four of Jensen being gone dawned early for you.
You had woken up once again, much to your dismay. Trudging your way to the bathroom you felt utterly numb, everything in you felt numb, from your insides, working it's way out. You had hit your breaking point. Your body craved Jensen's contact like a dying person craved oxygen, and to be honest you were tired of feeling the way you were feeling.
Thoughts rolled through your mind without your consent.
Was he with Danneel? Was he sleeping with her now? Did he just abandon you because he didn’t care about you anymore? Why didn’t he come home? Why is this all happening to you? Why couldn't’ you have just been more like her? Maybe then he would still be here. Maybe then he could have loved you, the way you loved him.
Ever since your parents passed away, there was nothing in this world left for you that loved you. The church had abandoned you, you had no friends, now you didn't even have Jensen. Walking to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom you searched through whatever you could find to numb the pain. There was nothing. Not even a fucking Advil.
How was it possible to hurt so much, yet be so damn numb? It didn’t even make sense.
Staggering back to the bedroom, you began to search through drawers and night stands. Maybe there was something left that would kill this headache stashed somewhere.
Finally you found your prize. A full bottle of adult Motrin. 100 tablets in all, seal not even broken. Looking at the bottle you turn it over in your hands, taking four of them at once.... Then the thought hit you.
'You’re not good enough for Jensen. Do him a favor, down this whole bottle and go back to bed. Then you will be out of his way. No longer a burden, and out of your own miserable existence.'
Standing there just turning the bottle over in your hands, you weighed up your opinions.
Yeah you were way too chicken to literally shoot yourself. This though, this was easy. Just take the pills, go to sleep.
Your heart ached in your chest. You could still hear the sound of your hand connecting with his face, the sound of the door slamming to the bedroom, then the front door. Everything you've been through, this was it. This was your limit. You wanted out. This was the only way.
Grabbing a bottle of water you start taking fistfuls of pills. You don't know how many you finally successfully swallowed, but you finally got it down to only a small amount of pills left in the bottle when you just couldn’t take anymore.
Grabbing his notebook from the bedside table, and a pen you wrote quickly.
‘I'm so sorry I was a burden to you. You can go be free now. I did love you. I'm sorry you couldn't feel the same.’
Sitting it down next to the bed, you crawled back under the covers, and waited for sleep, or death to take you. There was no turning back now, not even if you wanted to. Grabbing your phone you quickly googled a picture of him. He was smiling, happy. It was before he met you. You were doing this for him. He deserved to be free of you. Free to be happy. The last thing you saw before your eyes closed was his beautiful face. That's the way you wanted it....
Jensen's POV:
Jensen wanted to come home last night.Only problem was, he couldn't sober up enough, and he knew coming home to try and make things right between the two of you while drunk wasn't the best idea; so he slept it off and took off for the house as soon as the sun came up. Even though he had a pounding headache, and his stomach was in knots he didn’t care, hangover be damned, he had to make this right between the two of you. He couldn’t take the distance anymore.
His heart hammered in his chest the whole way home.Something deep down inside of him screamed something was very wrong, but he shoved it off, doing all he could to convince himself everything was going to be okay.
Pulling up into the driveway, he saw no lights on inside the house. 'She must still be sleeping.' he thought to himself.
Slowly, he made his way out of the door of the car and up the driveway. No sound was coming from inside the house, no TV, nothing. Which was normal while people slept, but something just didn't sit right in him. Something was wrong.
Slipping his key into the doorknob, he unlocked the door and took a step inside the house, closing the door quietly behind him.
The only light in the house was the light coming through the windows. Still,he could see everything was the same as he left it when he walked out of the front door four days ago. His heart started to hammer in his chest loud enough to pulse through his ears.
Walking through the kitchen, he could still see pots on the stove she had taken out that day to start dinner, empty, and untouched. Walking through the bottom floor she was nowhere to be found.
"God please let her still be here." he said to himself as he started to climb the stairs towards the bedroom.
The silence in the house seemed so thick he could cut it with a knife. Something was wrong. Every fiber of his being was screaming it. His breath was coming in short, quick bursts. Fear gripped him in a way nothing ever had before. Reaching the landing, he opened the door to the master bedroom slowly.
The lights were off in the bedroom, but he could clearly see her figure outlined underneath the covers. For just a moment he took a deep sigh of relief. She was just asleep.
Closing the door quietly, he walked over to the side of the bed. Her back was to him, the covers pulled up over to neck. Standing there looking at her he internally kicked himself for not coming home to her sooner.
Reaching his hand out he brushed the hair away from her face. "Y/N?"
Nothing. She must be really asleep. Putting his hand on her shoulder. He shook her in earnest how. "Y/N... Baby wake up.. We need to talk..."
Something wasn't right.
His heart started to hammer in his chest again. He felt like he was taking his breath through a straw. Shaking hard, he reached over and turned the lamp light on by the bed.
The first thing he saw as the light flooded the room was his notepad open, and her handwriting that was on it.
‘I'm so sorry I was a burden to you. You can go be free now. I did love you. I'm sorry you couldn't feel the same.’
At first his mind couldn't compute... Then it started to sink in. Panic grabbing him tight in his chest as he ripped the covers off her, shaking her hard.
"Y/N! Wake up!! Come on baby, please!!"
Putting his head down by her face he could feel no breath coming from her body.
His heart seized up in his chest, shaking her lifeless body in his arms, screaming inaudibly.
He couldn't take the thought that she was gone. It was all his fault, he left her here, he abandoned her, he was all she had, and she took her own life because of him.
Grabbing his phone from his pocket,his eyes blurred as uncensored tears poured down his face. Every breath seemed to come out as a scream.
"911, what is your emergency?"
Jensen tried to make his voice work, but all that would come out was strangled noises and screams. He held her close to him, desperately trying to wake her up.
"Sir, please calm down.. What is your emergency? I can't help you if you won't calm down.."
Taking a deep breath he was finally able to make his voice work in a noise that wasn't a scream.
"My wife.. Please send help. I can't wake her up. I think she's..."
He couldn't finish the sentence. Throwing the phone down on the ground without hanging up, he pressed her body as close to his as he could, burying his face in her hair, begging her, God, and whoever would listen that she would wake up for him.
Tag List: @deanwanddamons @imabitch4jensen @rvgrsbrns @bi-danvers0 @onethirstyunicorn @i-love-superhero @akshi8278 @lyss-dw79 @magssteenkamp @lemondropirwin @squirrelnotsam @hobby27 @spnbaby-67 @mrsjenniferwinchester @defenderrosetyler @screechingartisancashbailiff @thecreatiivecorner @aflamboyanceofgays @vicmc624 @busy-bee-angel-misska @justanotherwinchester @brilovesdeanwinchester @idksupernatural @lyarr24 @amandamdiehl
#jensen ackles#jensen ackles x reader#jensen ackles x you#jensen ackles series#jensen ackles fanfiction#jensen ackles fanfic#jensen x reader#jensen x you#spn fanfiction#spn fanfic#dean winchester#jawritter#x reader inserts#jawritter 1k celebration#the arrangement
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A/N: good news still alive, bad news I don’t know if I’ll be continuing A Waitress and a Hunter so far I’ve lost all my motivation to write it and all creativity for it as well.
Tags: @donnaintx, @clea-nightingale(you might like this one it has to do with what we’ve been talking about)
Warnings: none
Word count: 2058
Parings: Jensen Ackles x reader, (eventual) Dean x reader
(Y/N) sighed as she ran her fingers through her hair, she had been up for the past what felt like twenty hours but was really only a couple of hours that didn’t matter though because the words in front of her had begun to blur together. Rubbing her face she made a frustrated noise as she did, god she was so tired all this studying was really starting to get to her. Lowering her hands she lifted her head and looked around the library, a part of her took a sick amount of enjoyment from the fact that she wasn’t the only one suffering from studying for midterms.
“God, I need a coffee.” (Y/N) grumbled to herself as she shoved her study supplies back into her bag before standing up from the table. Pulling on her jacket before slinging her bag over her shoulder she pushed her hair out of her face as she walked out of the library, waving goodbye to the librarian who she had become good friends with since her week of midterm studying had begun. As she walked out of the library she pulled her phone out of her pocket to see that she had three missed calls from her best friend, a smile tugged at her lips as she called him back from the latest missed call.
“Ah! So your phone does work!” Her friend when he picked up on the second ring and she chuckled while rolling her eyes.
“Oh don’t give me that bullshit Jensen, I was in the library studying for my lit midterm.” (Y/N) shot back, a smile spreading across her face as she listened to Jensen’s laugh and had it been any other day of the week she would have laughed along with him because honestly she thought his laugh was the most infectious thing ever but not today. No today she was too tired from hours of studying so all she could manage was a smile.
“Yeah, I kinda figured after you didn’t answer the third time I called. So where are you on your way to now?” Jensen asked.
“I am on my why to the nearest coffee shop to get a well deserved cup of coffee, before I pass out where I stand.” (Y/N) answered, her feet automatically taking her to the coffee shop that she had begun to frequent lately.
“Great! Roadhouse coffee shop right?” Jensen asked and she nodded despite knowing that he couldn’t see her.
“Yeah, why?” She asked.
“Because I’m going to meet you there, see ya in a bit!” Jensen cheered and she could hear the smile in his voice and she managed a weak chuckle.
“Alright Jay, see you there.” (Y/N) said before she hung up on him. Shoving her phone back in her pocket she sighed in content, enjoying the way the crisp winter air filled her lungs after being stuck in an overheated and crowded library. Smiling to herself, she allowed the feeling of calm to wash over herself as she wrapped her arms around herself loving the feeling of stretching her stiff muscles. The Roadhouse cafe coming into view, through the large bay window she could see Jensen standing there looking out at the street watching for her. Her smile grew just slightly at the sight of him, she was wasn’t surprised that he was already there their apartment was fairly close to almost all of the good eating spots and the library. His eyes locked with hers and he smiled waving to her and she waved back.
“Hey Jay.” (Y/N) greeted as she walked into the shop, the bell over head chiming.
“And the vicious warrior returns successful and alive from her long and horrible battle with the enemy army known as studying.” Jensen joked as he hugged her and she laughed rolling her eyes as she smacked his back, the only part of him that she could hit.
“Whatever, leave me alone at least I’m trying to study for my midterms.” (Y/N) stated as she pulled away from him and he smirked.
“Hey I’m studying, you’re just the only one who goes to the library. Anyways, enough about studying what do you want? It’s on me tonight.” Jensen said.
“Aw thanks Jay, but I really just want a coffee I’m not really hungry.” (Y/N) answered and he nodded.
“Hey guys, just the usual tonight?” Alona asked as the two of them walked up to the counter and distantly (Y/N) had the realization that they really came here too much if they knew their regular orders and maybe if she wasn’t so freaking tired she would have cared enough to be slightly ashamed of not spreading her tastes. But since she felt like she was about to pass out she found more comfort in it than anything else.
“Thanks Alona.” Jensen said as he handed over the money for their coffees and she nodded giving him a soft smile.
“So how’s studying going?” Jensen asked, once they had their coffees and had sat down at one of the tables in front of the window. (Y/N) sighed in response choosing to take a rather large gulp of her coffee, enjoying the way it scalded her on it’s way down but filled her with an almost too comfortable warmth, before answering.
“Great, I’ve got like the first half of the semester slightly memorized not nearly as much as I should mind you since my midterm is in like two days.” She answered and Jensen cringed.
“Ouch.” He mumbled in response and she nodded her head.
“Yeah you have no idea. Anyways enough about my studying how’s your studying going? You are studying right?” She asked and he nodded a warm smile gracing his lips and she felt her heart flutter in her chest like is so often did when she was around him.
“Yes I am studying, and as far as I’m concerned it’s going well I should pass my test tomorrow you know that’s assuming I remember anything that I just studied.” He answered and she nodded. The two of them falling into silence for a few minutes. As they sat there though (Y/N) could feel a headache coming on, the pressure building right behind her forehead and the bridge of her nose, cringing she reached up and rubbed at her forehead hoping to dissipate the pain before it got any worse. But that seemed to only speed up the spread of pain and she bit her lip against it as she lifted her coffee and pressed the styrofoam cup against her head, alerting Jense to her situation as she did.
“Are you having another headache?” He asked his voice full of concern as he looked at her and she nodded, opening her eyes to look at him.
“Alright, come on let’s get back to the apartment you’ve probably been studying too hard.” He said and she nodded in agreement. Standing up the two of them walked back to their apartment, Jensen walking just a little closer to (Y/N) than he normally would in case she needed any support. Meanwhile (Y/N) walked with as much self control as she could manage as the pain seemed to grow with each step, she hated when she got these sorts of headaches they always caused her so much pain and the painkillers always seemed to take longer than needed to start working. Plus she knew that these sorts of headaches worry Jensen a lot and she hates it when she worries him, that’s the last thing she wants to do he has better things to worry about than her. She sighed in relief when she saw their apartment building and she picked up the pace just a little in her desperate attempt to get to the building quickly.
“Once we’re inside we’ll get you some advil, and then you’ll start carrying around your bottle of the stuff later if they’re going to start back up again.” Jensen said as they stepped inside ever the mother hen to her.
“You’ll find no arguments from me on that Jay.” She said following him upstairs and trying not to look down because that would only increase the pain. Once they were inside Jensen went straight to the bathroom while (Y/N) went to the kitchen, seconds later they were both in the kitchen and (Y/N) was taking the pills.
“Ok now you go lay down somewhere and try not to move your head to much, ok?” He asked and she rolled her eyes this wasn’t the first time this had happened but every time it did after not happening for a couple of months he acted like it was the first time.
“I know Jay, thank you.” She said as she hugged him, and he returned the hug. And for a second she forgot about the pain as she was enveloped in Jensen’s warm embrace, she closed her eyes and her arms tightened around him the last thing she wanted to do right now was let go of him but she knew she had to.
“Anytime, now why don’t you go get some sleep or something.” He said as he let go of her and reluctantly she pulled away from him too and smiled.
“Yeah alright, I’ll see you in the morning.” She said as she walked off to her room.
“Night!” Jensen called after her.
Sam sighed as he walked into the hospital room to see Dean in the same position that he was in the last time he came to check on him. Dean looked up at his brother when he heard him sigh and he raised an eyebrow at him.
“What is it Sam?” Dean asked, his voice gruff and scratchy from hours of not being used.
“Dean, you can’t keep staying here you need to go back and take a shower or something you’re really starting to stink.” Sam said and Dean rolled his eyes annoyed with his brother because this was the twentieth time that he was hearing it today.
“Yeah Sam, so you keep saying but I smelled myself after you said that the first time and I don’t smell so bite me.” Dean growled as he looked over at the form lying on the hospital bed connected to a thousand different tubes and wires, the beeping of the heart monitor still a steady rhythm that seemed to echo throughout the room. Sam sighed running his fingers through his hair, he hated seeing his brother like this hated seeing him so broken and sad and helpless.
“Dean, come on man, when was the last time you got some sleep?” Sam asked coming to stand besides his brother who shrugged. In all honesty Dean couldn’t remember the last time that he had gotten a decent nights sleep since this had all happened. Not that he would be able to sleep even if he really wanted to because he had to be awake for when she woke up, if he woke up while he was asleep he knew she would panic and that could make everything a lot worse.
“Dean, come on, at least get a little a sleep take a nap of something, you keep going like this and you’re more likely to pass out and sleep for days rather than just a few hours and then you really will miss her waking up.” Sam nodded his head to the sleeping figure and Dean sighed looking at her. He was silent for several minutes thinking and debating on whether or not that he should go take a nap or something.
“Yeah, alright fine.” Dean muttered, standing up having decided that he was right, it was better to be rested and awake with her than to be asleep while she’s awake.
“But you’re going to wake me up in three hours, if you don’t I’ll kick your ass when I wake up.” Dean threatened and Sam chuckled giving his brother a nod.
“Yeah Dean, night, impala’s in the parking garage.” Sam said. Dean nodded bending down and kissing her on the forehead.
“I’ll see you in a bit (Y/N).” Dean whispered to her before he straightened up and walked out of the room leaving Sam to watch over her while he slept.
#dean winchester#dean#eventual dean x reader#Sam Winchester#sam#jensen ackles#jensen ackles x reader#jensen ackles x you#jensen ackles x y/n#jensen ackles fanfiction#jensen ackles fic#supernatural#supernatural fanfiction#Supernatural fanfic#supernatural au#supernatural x reader#supernatural x you#x you#x reader#x (y/n)#reader#reader insert#Female reader#reader fic#fanfiction#fanfic#dean winchester fanfic#Sam Winchester Fanfic
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21 Supernatural Imagines
ok, so, in honour of @teamfreewill-imagine‘s birthday i have written 21 imagines for her because last year she wrote me a 7-day smutathon and i figured i had to pay her back at some point... i wrote over 10,000 words in four days - these were meant to be less than 400 words each but the longest one ended up being 742. whoopsies...
happy birthday, abii!!! ♥
Below the cut: 21 Supernatural and Supernatural RPF imagines.
Warnings: fluff, mild pain, (idk each imagine title pretty much tells the story so you can work out what it entails)
1. Imagine Danneel crashing your panel at a convention.
“I can’t believe they told y’all that! I freaking hate them so much,” you laughed along with the audience.
The fan at the microphone had just told you that Jared and Jensen had spoken about you at their previous panel. They had apparently told the story of you having a little too much to drink at the annual Christmas meal in Texas and how you ran through a water fountain fully clothed and in high heels before jumping into a bush and having to be rescued.
“Ok, y’all have to bear in mind that this was my first cast party where I was of legal drinking age in the States. I’ve been allowed to drink in Europe for the past 5 years, and I’m legal in Vancouver, but this year I turned twenty-one so I was allowed to drink at the party in Texas for the first time and everyone knew that,” you started.
You paused, unsure how to tell this story without coming across as someone who didn’t know their limit when it came to alcohol.
“People were buying me drinks all night because it was the first time they legally could and I also bought a few rounds purely because it felt exciting to purchase alcohol in America. I’m a weirdo,” you laughed again to ease some tension you felt.
You put your head in your hands to hide your embarrassment.
“Oh god, I can’t believe I’m telling this story!” you murmured.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to. I will!” you turned your head at the familiar sing-song voice as the crowd drowned out the end of Danneel’s sentence.
You saw her walking out with a microphone in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.
She smiled at you knowingly and handed you the bottle of water.
You thanked her, undoing the cap and taking a much needed sip.
“So, where shall I start?” Danneel asked, winking at you.
“Are you really going to do this to me?” you asked her, getting up from your stool so that you were both standing, and putting your bottle under the chair.
“Hell yeah!” she started, “Any chance I can get to tell the story of how an inebriated twenty-one-year-old ran through a water fountain fully clothed, jumped into a bush, and had to be rescued by an also-slightly-drunk ‘gargantuan moose man’,” she finished, quoting Misha’s term for Jared that seemed to have stuck.
“I can’t believe you’re doing this to me,” you mock-complained.
She slung her arm over your shoulder, pulling you close to her.
“That’s what fake moms are for!” she teased, the side of her head against your own.
“Okay let’s get this show over with,” you relented, accepting defeat and preparing to be humiliated.
2. Imagine being pregnant with Sam’s child.
You clutched the scan in your hands, your heart pounding in your chest as you heard the Impala pull into the motel parking lot.
You heard the doors slam and the muffled noise of voices coming through the walls.
You quickly tucked the scan into your pocket as the handle of the room opened and Dean entered, followed by Sam.
“Hey boys!” you sing-songed, both of them picking up on your odd behaviour and going to ask what was going on.
“Are you-” Dean started.
“Can I speak to Sam?” you interrupted, “Alone.”
Dean looked between you and Sam before turning and heading for the door he just came through.
“I’ll go get some dinner,” he murmured on the way out.
“Hey, what’s up?” Sam asked, moving towards you after the door had shut.
You lowered yourself onto the couch, careful of how you sat with the scan in your jeans pocket.
“I-” you started, your throat suddenly dry.
Sam sat next to you, putting a hand on your knee and looking at you, concerned.
You decided to pull out the scan instead, holding it face down and fiddling with the corners.
“What’s that?” he asked hesitantly.
You handed it over to him and he turned it over in his large hands.
“I’m pregnant,” you blurted out, “I’m sorry. But… I’m pregnant.”
“You’re pregnant?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“Baby, don’t apologise,” Sam whispered, holding your hands in his own and smiling big, “We’re having a baby.”
“Yeah. I guess we are,” you smiled back.
3. Imagine Jensen coming home drunk.
You heard the voice hollering from the bottom of the stairs as you sat in bed reading.
You put your book down on the bedside table when you saw your husband poke his head around the bedroom door.
“Hello, my love,” Jensen drawled.
“Well hello there,” you chuckled.
He slowly and unsteadily made his way to the foot of the bed, throwing himself down on top of the sheets.
“You’ve still got your shoes on!” you chastised, noticing his boots dangling off the edge of the bed.
He kicked them off without even responding.
“Better?” he looked up at you with hooded eyes.
“Better,” you confirmed.
Jensen kneeled on the bed, pulling at your legs until you were lying flat on the mattress before crawling over you.
He leant in to kiss you sloppily.
“You taste like alcohol,” you laughed, trying to push him away as his scruff tickled you, “Oh my god, Jensen, you stink! Have you been smoking?”
He rolled his lips together, avoiding your gaze.
“Take your clothes off,” you ordered, “Before you make our bed gross,” you added when you noticed Jensen’s eyebrows raise in expectation.
He hastily tried to get his clothes off and you laughed at the uncoordinated commotion.
“We are not, I repeat not, having sex tonight. I can see it in your eyes and the answer is no, Ackles,” you told him.
“Someone’s bossy tonight,” he grumbled, climbing into bed beside you in just his underwear, facing away from you.
“Jensen’s not going to feel too fresh in the morning,” you whispered, slinging your arm over his waist and fitting yourself against his back.
“Jensen will be fine,” he murmured, “This is all Nesnej.”
4. Imagine Ruby asking you out for drinks.
You made your way outside of the motel room to get some air. You always hated being cooped up when you were restless and you just needed to walk it off, burn some energy.
You spotted Dean and Ruby talking in the parking lot, you didn’t want to pry so you stayed hidden behind a truck.
“I remember what it’s like,” you overheard Ruby say to Dean.
“What what’s like?” he asked gruffly.
“Being human,” she responded, her voice laced with sadness.
You emerged from your lurking spot, feeling guilty for eavesdropping and not wanting to impose on the conversation any longer.
Dean saw you approaching and straightened up, putting on his bravado-big-brother stance.
“Hey,” you said as you got closer, “Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“You’re fine,” Dean said, “I was just headed back in anyway, you coming?”
“I’m gonna stay out here a bit,” you told him, “I need to stretch my legs.”
He shot a warning look towards Ruby.
“You can trust her, Dean,” you told him, semi-annoyed at his inability to believe that Ruby was a good person.
He nodded slowly, making his way back towards the motel.
“I’m gonna take a walk,” you said to Ruby, “Wanna come?”
She didn’t respond but fell into step next to you when you turned and started moving away.
You walked for a couple of minutes in complete silence, side by side.
“I have a question,” Ruby asked, breaking the silence.
“Shoot,” you told her.
“Would you like to get a drink some time?” she asked boldly, no hesitation.
You let out a chuckle, tucking your hair behind your ear.
“How do you know I’m into girls?” you asked her.
“Please,” she drawled, “I have two eyes and half a brain.”
You laughed, “Okay, I guess I’m not very subtle.”
“About as subtle as that damn colt,” she teased.
You smiled and shook your head, thinking about your answer.
“So…” Ruby pressed.
You thought about it for a minute; thought about how your brothers would react, how they would tell you it’s a bad idea, how you shouldn’t get involved with a demon. And you knew all this anyway, you just couldn’t help falling for Ruby.
You felt helpless whenever you were around her, as if she had full control of your thoughts and emotions.
Of course, if you told her this she’d just respond with her same old line– ‘Uh, demon. Manipulative’s kind of in the job description.’
“Okay,” you admitted, “Yeah. I’d like that.”
You caught the smile that crept onto her face that she instantly tried to hide.
“It’ll be fun,” you murmured, to yourself as much as to Ruby.
She shot you a knowing wink, “Damn straight, cherry pie.”
5. Imagine Jared taking you to a Cowboys game.
“Where are we going?” you asked for the fifth time that weekend.
It was your birthday weekend and so far Jared had taken you shopping to buy a present, to the cinema to see a movie, out to a fancy dinner, and to breakfast somewhere out of your home city.
“This one is the biggest surprise,” he confirmed, not giving anything away.
“So… where are we going?” you repeated, looking at him as his eyes focused on the road.
He chose not to respond, knowing that anything he said would get questioned further by your naturally nosey attitude.
“Fine,” you relented, putting your feet up on the dash board of his car and staring out the window and the road.
You drove for another twenty minutes until Jared spoke.
He handed you a blindfold, “Put this on.”
“What? Are you crazy? I’m not wearing this.”
“Just…” he sighed, “Please. This is the last surprise. I have managed to keep this from you for the last few weeks so please, just put the blindfold on.”
You were taken aback by his pleading so you did as you were asked, curious but also not wanting to ruin Jared’s plans.
“Thank you,” he murmured, realising he may have been a little harsh.
“I feel ridiculous,” you told him, lightening the tension in the car, “You better not be planning on murdering me. Or if you are, at least take this blindfold off when you’re done – I don’t want to be found in this.”
He laughed and you smiled, turning to face him (or so you hoped).
“You’re pretty when you laugh,” you told him, grinning and trying to find his face with your fingers.
“You can’t even see me,” he told you, pushing your blindly groping hand away.
“I don’t need to. I just know,” you responded nonchalantly, facing the front again.
Another ten minutes passed before Jared pulled the car to a stop.
“You can’t take it off yet,” he ordered, and you heard the driver’s door shut.
“What-?” you were cut off as your door opened, “Is this one of your kinky games?”
Jared ignored you, lifting you down from the car easily and holding on to your hand as he shut the passenger door and locked the car.
“Now, just trust me,” he whispered into your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
He leant down to kiss you chastely before beginning to walk you, holding you close to his side, still holding onto your hand as you brought your other hand up to cling onto his arm.
You could feel the presence of people around you but had no idea where you were or how many people were watching you walking around in a blindfold like an idiot.
Jared stopped you and you could feel him in front of you. You reached your hands out and placed them on his chest.
“Oh,” you said in mock-disappointment, “I thought you were going to be shirtless. I thought that was the surprise.”
He peeled the blindfold from your eyes and held your face in his large palms, leaning down to kiss you as your eyes adjusted to being in the light.
He stepped to the side of you so you could finally see where you had been brought to.
Right in front of you was the Dallas Cowboys football stadium and your jaw went slack in excitable shock.
“No,” you breathed, unable to believe that Jared had actually brought you to a football game.
“Yep,” he confirmed, laughing at your expression.
“You,” you started, leaning up to cup his face, “Are the best boyfriend in the world.”
You pulled him down into a kiss before Jared put his sunglasses on and you walked hand-in-hand into the stadium.
6. Imagine Genevieve throwing you a surprise party.
“Babe, have you seen my black heeled boots?” you shouted down the stairs of your house.
“Top shelf of the closet!” she yelled back.
“What would I do without you?” you muttered to yourself as you reached up to get your shoes.
You made your way downstairs, grabbing your clutch from the edge of the bed and hooking the thin chain over your shoulder.
You stopped in the doorway to the kitchen when you took in what your girlfriend was wearing.
Genevieve stood at the middle counter, her maroon dress swinging gently around her calves as she prepared something on the surfaces.
You crept up behind her, putting your arms around her waist and leaning your head on her shoulder.
“How did you even reach that top shelf to put my boots there?” you teased, “You’re so tiny.”
“Very funny,” she remarked, turning in your arms and leaning up to kiss you.
Gen took you by the hand and led you towards the garden.
“Where are we going?” you questioned inquisitively, laughing at her energy.
“I want to show you something quickly.”
“Babe, we’re going to be late. If I wanted to be late to dinner I’d have asked for some quick birthday sex before we left,” you joked, stopping on your back porch as Gen did.
You heard someone clear their throat and you looked out into the garden as a cacophony of voices hit you.
“Oh my god,” you breathed. “How did you-?”
You turned to Gen, a blush rising on your cheeks as shock filled your face.
“So we’re not going to dinner?” you assumed, raising a questioning eyebrow.
“No, we’re not. Is that okay?” she asked, concern in her eyes.
“That’s more than okay,” you assured her, kissing her firmly.
“I love you,” Gen murmured against your lips.
You leaned your forehead against hers, closing your eyes.
“I love you too,” you told her as your party guests began to sing happy birthday.
7. Imagine Sam and Dean rescuing you on a hunt.
You sat on the wet ground, cradling your left arm that was definitely broken at the wrist.
You could feel blood soaking your top as the fabric stuck to you.
“Fuck,” you muttered, looking around you and making out trees, and leaves, and plants.
No sign of getting any help soon.
You tried to get to your feet, momentarily forgetting the discomfort in your wrist and accidentally putting too much pressure on your left arm.
You screamed out in pain, falling back down and holding your arm tight to your chest.
“You fucking idiot,” you said to yourself loudly, frustrated at the situation, “You absolute fucking idiot! Who goes out at night alone, knowing the dangers in this world? You deserved to have this happen to you. You utter freaking moron!”
You heard footsteps approaching you suddenly and turned your head in the direction of them.
“Hello?” you called.
No response.
“Hello? Anyone there?” you said louder, “Oh god, please someone help me.”
Two tall figures appeared through the fog and you sighed in relief, forgetting that these people could be evil; they could not even be people for that matter.
Adrenaline-fuelled panic set in and you scuttled backwards on your bum, using your legs to push yourself away from the shapes approaching you.
“Hey,” one of them called softly, “It’s okay. We’re here to help.”
They got closer and you could tell that they were human, or at least were in human form.
“Christo,” you whispered when they were near enough.
Both of the men frowned down at you.
“Are you a hunter?” the taller one asked.
“Yes… Are you?”
“Yeah. I’m Sam. This is Dean,” he replied, nodding in the direction of the other man.
“Nice to meet you,” you said, sighing at your situation.
“And you are?” Dean asked.
“In a lot of pain,” you responded, not wanting to give away your name to two strangers.
They relented, crouching down to inspect your injuries.
“Careful-” you hissed, as Dean took your wrist in his hands.
“Yeah, that’s broken,” he admitted.
“Thanks, Sherlock,” you mumbled under your breath, pulling your arm back from his hold.
Dean rolled his eyes at your ability to make jokes in pain. It was a hunter thing.
“We should get you outta here,” Dean said, straightening up.
You agreed, moving to get to your feet before you were suddenly lifted in the air.
“What the fuck?” you asked, struggling half-heartedly against Sam’s arms, wincing as you stretched the gash in your side.
“Stop wriggling,” he told you, his arms constricting around you easily, “We’ll move a lot quicker this way.”
You silently agreed, stilling in his arms and letting him carry you out of the woods, walking behind Dean.
“Onwards, trusty steed,” you teased, leaning into Sam’s embrace, secretly grateful to not have to walk.
You felt his chuckle against your head as you let these strangers lead you away.
8. Imagine babysitting the Padackles children.
You’d been living in Texas for a while now, doing the odd jobs around the town to earn your keep whilst searching for a more permanent job.
You were at the park one sunny Saturday afternoon, pinning up flyers to the notice board offering your services out as a nanny, dog walker, cleaner, tutor, carer, general helping hand. That was when you were spotted by Genevieve and Danneel out walking with the kids.
You recognised both of them but, out of politeness, you kept quiet, wanting to respect their privacy and appreciating that they were in public with their children.
You got into conversation with them both, the kids taking an immediate shine to you as they asked questions about your accent and if you liked football and what your favourite animal was.
You answered all of them with a smile and even took time to interact with the twins, their animated faces looking up at you from their stroller.
You never expected to bump into them again or even hear from them so you were extremely surprised when you got a text on Monday evening.
Hi, this is Danneel. We met in the park on Saturday? I hope you don’t mind that I took your number from the posters you were pinning up. I wondered if you’d be available to babysit for Gen and I on Saturday night? We’ve been looking for a sitter for a while and the kids haven’t really met anyone they liked but they all seemed besotted with you! I totally understand if 3 kids and 3 babies would be too much for you so I can try to find someone else to have the younger ones. Thanks, D x
You thought about your answer before typing out your reply, eager to have a job and earn some money but not wanting to come off as too forward.
Hi Danneel, hope you’re doing well. Of course I’d be happy to babysit for y’all. I’ve had lots of experience with babies and I absolutely adore them so I would be more than ok having all the kids if you feel like you can trust me with them all. Just let me know what time I’m needed and send me over an address and I’ll see you Saturday! x
You got the time confirmations and the address sent to you along with a final thank you.
At 6pm on Saturday you made your way over to the location that Danneel had sent you, pressing the buzzer on the gate and parking your car in the large driveway.
Danneel was waiting at the front door, smiling at you and welcoming you in.
“Your house is amazing,” you told her, looking around admirably.
“Thank you,” Danneel replied, “Gen is already here with the kids, why don’t you come on through and meet everyone.”
You walked into the living room and felt instantly intimidated by the four celebrities that surrounded you; Jensen, Jared, and Genevieve greeting you in turn as you stood by Danneel. Before you had a chance to react, you were met by three little people running to you to shout ‘hi’ in their excitable voices.
“Hey guys!” you said, matching their enthusiasm.
Danneel showed you around the house telling you that the twins were already asleep in bed and that she had left feeding instructions in case they woke up. She had made a note of all the contact numbers you might need, leaving you the piece of paper before Gen took over and explained what to do with her kids for bed time and, in Odette’s case, a bottle feed.
Gen handed Odette over to you and you held her on your hip, shushing and talking to her in a soothing voice as the three other kids stood by your legs to wave goodbye to their parents.
You closed the door behind them, locking it on precaution and walking further into the house as Tom, JJ, and Shep all dispersed to continue playing.
“Okay,” you muttered to the little girl fiddling with your hair in her little hands, “We totally got this.”
9. Imagine coming home to a cooked meal from Jared.
“Honey, I’m home!” you sang as you entered the front door to your house.
You dropped your keys down onto the table in the hallway, leaving your shoes against the wall and hanging your bag on the hook.
You made your way through the house, following the delicious smell that was wafting from the kitchen.
“Mmm, something smells good,” you remarked.
You turned into the kitchen, stopping when you saw your husband standing with his back to you, an apron tied around his waist.
You looked at the small table made up with a cloth, two chairs, candles, and a vase of flowers in the centre.
“What’s all this for?” you laughed softly.
Jared turned around, licking his lips, a wooden spoon in his hand.
“Come here,” he beckoned to you.
You walked over to him, stopping in front of him and looking up at him.
“Try this,” he said, offering you the spoon to test.
You moaned in satisfaction, closing your eyes as the flavours burst out across your tongue.
“That good?” Jared teased.
“This is the best thing I’ve ever had in my mouth,” you admitted, opening your eyes when you realised what you’d just said.
You could see Jared’s mouth constrict against a laugh before he allowed himself to guffaw.
“You heard me,” you said, styling out your blunder.
“Note taken,” Jared murmured, leaning his head to yours, his breath fanning over your face.
You closed the gap between your faces, kissing him softly.
“Let’s eat,” you told him, turning away and seating yourself at the table.
Jared laughed, “Make yourself comfy, madam,” he teased.
“Oui oui, monsieur,” you winked at him, prepared to enjoy this meal and whatever came after it.
10. Imagine Misha picking you up from University.
You sat in class, watching the clock hands moving ever so slowly, waiting until 4pm so you could be done with your last class and go home for winter break.
Finally, the time came and you ignored your teacher’s last comments, packing away your things and zipping up your backpack, slinging it over your shoulder.
You tucked your chair in and made your way out of the classroom, murmuring goodbye to some of your classmates who you hadn’t quite made friends with but you still felt the need to wish them happy holidays.
As you walked out of your building you noticed girls huddled in little groups, pointing and hushing with each other. You walked past them sceptically, stopping when you saw what all the commotion was about.
Leaning against the wall of a building, with his arms crossed and one leg propped up on the wall, was Misha.
Your face lit up and you ran towards him, throwing your arms around his neck as he stood properly to hug you.
“Well this is a nice welcome,” he laughed.
“What are you doing here?” you asked confusedly, stepping out of the embrace.
Girls walking past you all whispered to each other, recognising Misha and scuttling away nervously. You even spotted a few phones poised in what people thought was a casual attempt at getting photographic evidence of Misha Collins on their campus.
“Thought I’d pick up my favourite little sister and travel home with her for Christmas.”
“You’re coming home for Christmas?”
“No, I was just going to dump you on the doorstep of the house and steal your car to drive back to Vancouver in,” he said sarcastically.
You rolled your eyes at his classic humour.
“Are you feeling fit and stealthy, old man?” you teased him.
Misha pushed you away jokingly.
“I’ve got a lot of boxes to load into my car,” you clarified.
“I’ve been working out,” he said, throwing his arm around your shoulder and leading you away from the gathering crowds.
“Have you now?” you laughed, “Well, my apartment is in the opposite direction to the one we’re walking in but if you’re feeling spritely we can take the long way around.”
“Okay, I haven’t been working out that much,” he said, letting go of you so that you could lead him the right way to your apartment.
“I can do a one-handed handstand though,” he told you, putting his hands in his pockets as you walked side by side.
“I saw your photo,” you admitted, looping your arm through his, “I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you too, squirt,” he echoed, placing a kiss to the top of your head.
11. Imagine moving in with Jensen and Jared in Vancouver.
The decision to move in with Jensen and Jared came after they found out that you’d been living in your trailer over breaks and days off.
You explained to them that you couldn’t afford a place of your own and, even if you could, you had no idea how long you were going to last on the show. You didn’t want to buy an apartment only to get killed off and then be tied down with property in Vancouver stopping you from applying for jobs elsewhere.
They both came to the decision that you could move in with them, having only just bought a three-bed apartment to share downtown.
You reluctantly agreed, grateful to not have to live in your trailer anymore and being more than willing to pay your share of rent.
You moved what little belongings you had with you into the apartment the following week.
After having lived with them for three months now, you were becoming accustomed to life with Jensen and Jared. At first things felt a little awkward, you moving in with your co-workers, but you soon adjusted and you were all more than comfortable around each other. Perhaps a little too comfortable.
You were in the kitchen making dinner for all of you, you had become the apartment chef, when Jensen walked through in his boxers.
“Dude!” you complained, raising your eyebrows at him incredulously as he reached for a beer out of the fridge, gesturing to his attire.
“What?” he asked nonchalantly, “Most girls your age would kill to see me like this!”
“Most girls my age see you as less of a ‘dad’ and more of a ‘daddy’,” you explained, turning back to the stove.
“Gross,” he remarked, leaving the kitchen.
“You’re the one walking round in your underwear!” you called after him.
The next day you were sat on the couch going over your lines when you noticed something sticking out from behind the couch cushion. You pulled out a pair of socks and shook your head, closing your script and walking down the hallway, standing in between the doors of Jensen and Jared’s opposite bedrooms.
“Okay, fess up,” you ordered, holding one sock in each hand and through each bedroom door so the boys could both see one, “Whose socks are these?”
Neither of them responded so you balled them up and chucked one at each of them, hitting Jensen in the head and Jared in the chest.
“We need some ground rules around here,” you grumbled, striding back into the living room.
A week later you came home from set later than the boys, only to find them both sat in their underwear on the couch, playing video games.
“Okay, that’s it,” you murmured under your breath, walking to your bedroom and depositing your things.
You got undressed and put your comfiest bra and panties on, going back out into the kitchen.
“I’m grabbing a beer, anyone want one?” you asked over your shoulder, seeing both Jensen and Jared raising a hand.
You took three beers from the fridge and handed them over to the boys from behind the couch, walking around to lay on the adjacent one.
“Dude!” Jensen parroted, finally noticing that you were in your underwear.
“God, put some clothes on!” Jared protested, closing his eyes and turning his head away from you.
“Keep your panties on,” you told them, “Please, because that is the only thing keeping me from seeing little Ackles and little Padalecki.”
“This isn’t weird for you?” Jensen asked, deliberately avoiding you with his gaze.
“It became ‘unweird’ when I got fed up of dealing with both your crap. We either all wear clothes around the house or we drop this double standard and grow up.”
“Shit, okay,” Jensen yielded, his hands up in surrender.
Jared took a long sip of his beer, placing it on a coaster on the table and finally looking you in the eyes, nodding.
“Deal,” you all said at once, settling into your respective couches.
12. Imagine Dean taking you for a test drive in Baby.
“Hard right! Hard on!” Dean shouted at you from the passenger seat.
You pulled the car to a stop, turning in your seat to look at him.
“If you want me to be able to drive this car properly, you have got to stop saying things like ‘hard on’,” you told him.
“I don’t think you’re ready for this,” Dean tried to say, his right hand out the window of the car holding on to the roof.
“Don’t you dare flake out on me now, Winchester,” you warned him, “I’m a good driver, I promise. I’m just not used to the left-hand drive thing.”
He nodded minutely.
“One more chance. You have one more chance to stay in the right hand lane or we’re swapping over.”
“Alright, alright. Keep your hair on,” you murmured.
You put the car into first gear and started off smoothly, changing to second and third when necessary.
“It’s not like there’s anyone on this road anyway,” you muttered under your breath.
“That’s beside the point,” Dean reprimanded you, “You asked me to teach you how to drive an old, classic car, so you have to listen to my instructions.”
You set your jaw, never one to like being patronised.
The road opened up in front of you and you were moving comfortably in fifth gear.
You put your foot down on the accelerator, earning you a warning glance from Dean.
“It’s fine,” you told him, “Live a little, Winchester.”
The car got faster as you reached the top of the hill, you took your foot off of the accelerator and moved the gear stick into neutral, letting the car cruise downhill with your foot precautiously hovering over the brake.
You reached the bottom of the hill and prepared to hit the ascent, going into first gear and revving up the hill.
“Be careful with her!” Dean growled at you.
You made it to the top of the slope and went back to driving normally, leaving your formula one dreams behind you and carrying on sensibly.
“You told me you didn’t know how to drive stick,” Dean said, hiding his awe but narrowing his eyes at you once you’d settled back into a steady pace.
“I may have told a teensy-weensy lie,” you cringed, “I kinda just wanted to see how she ran. She’s got a nice engine”
“She sure has,” Dean bristled with pride.
“Let’s get this Baby home,” you murmured, setting off easily in the direction of the bunker.
Dean’s eyes never left you as he appreciated your comfort behind the wheel.
13. Imagine stargazing with Sam.
The sky overhead was a canvas of cosmic beauty; the bright white stars stood out against the velvety black sky.
This was the perks of working a case in the countryside, you figured.
You and Sam lay on a picnic blanket, pillows under your heads, and your hands so close you could feel the heat radiating off his palms.
“You see that one,” Sam said, breaking the silence and pointing directly above your field of vision, “That’s the Big Dipper. You see how the stars on the right cluster to make a quadrangle and then the ones on the left branch out of it?”
“Yeah,” you breathed, “It kinda looks like a pan.”
“Exactly!” Sam exclaimed enthusiastically.
You looked up, admiring the stars and wishing you knew how to map them as well as Sam could.
“What’s that one?” you asked, tracing its shape with your finger, “It looks like a headless man running.”
Sam chuckled softly at your analogy.
“That’s Hercules,” he informed you, “You see that wisp of smoke in the middle?”
He waited for you to locate it and nod before continuing.
“That’s the Hercules Nebula.”
“There’s another one,” you spotted, pointing out another cotton-ball like cluster.
“That one’s the Andromeda Galaxy. It’s a part of the Andromeda constellation but I’m not as familiar with the shape of that one,” Sam confessed softly.
You turned your head to the side, watching him look up at the sky, his hair billowing out over his pillow and his eyes wide with wonder.
You loved seeing him like this; so free, so content, so happy.
You focused your attention back to the stars above you.
“I can’t believe we can see all of this without a telescope,” you remarked in awe.
“A galaxy two and a half million light-years away,” Sam confirmed, “All with your unaided eyes.”
“Wow,” you breathed.
Sam sighed his agreement.
“All the shit we see on a day to day basis and still, at the end of the day, the stars will come out and always look this beautiful,” you thought aloud.
Your hand moved closer to Sam’s in the middle of the blanket until your little fingers brushed together and he linked his pinkie with yours.
“And out of all the centuries, all the worlds, all the galaxies... I get to share all of this with you,” he murmured, squeezing your finger reassuringly.
“Us against the world,” you whispered, as you both continued to stare into the night sky.
14. Imagine clothes shopping with Ruby.
“I’m not coming out,” you protested through the fitting room.
“Babe,” she laughed, “I’m sure it looks great!”
You stared at yourself in the mirror, the mini skirt showing way too much leg than you were comfortable with and the top exposing your waist.
“Nuh-uh,” you objected, pulling at the clothes that Ruby had picked out for you.
“Either you come out or I come in,” she warned.
“Fine,” you grumbled, pulling back the door slightly and poking your head out.
“Out,” she ordered, beckoning you with a finger.
You stepped out tentatively, earning a low whistle from Ruby.
You fought the urge to cover yourself with your arms, putting your hands on your hips in a stubborn defiance.
“I’m not wearing this,” you told her plainly.
Ruby ignored your complaints, “Here, put this on.”
She chucked you a chunky sweater and you caught it one handed.
“That’s more like it,” you sighed, going into the cubicle to get changed.
“With the skirt!” Ruby called through the door.
“I hate you,” you muttered back.
Ruby just chuckled, finding way too much humour in your discomfort.
You took the top off, not that you could even be sure it was a top – the thing looked like it would fit a two-year-old, pulling the sweater over your head and exhaling with the relief of feeling more like yourself.
You walked back out, twirling for Ruby and placing one hand on your hip, popping it to the side in a mock-catwalk.
“Yes, girl! Work it,” she laughed, “This is a look.”
“I’m not so sure about the skirt,” you confessed, “I feel naked from the waist down.”
“That’s exactly why I like it,” she said, winking at you.
“You’re insufferable,” you muttered, picking up a top from the floor and throwing it at her in a weak frustration.
“Okay, we’re done here,” Ruby announced.
“I’m not buying this,” you said, gesturing to the skirt.
“No. You’re not,” she stated, “I am.”
You relented, walking back into the fitting room and getting out of the clothes.
“Wait!” Ruby called, her hand appearing over the top of the door, “Try this.”
You looked at the thin lacy material she was holding, a tiny, delicate bodysuit hanging off of the hanger.
“In your fucking dreams!” you exclaimed, fighting the laughter that came automatically and putting your own clothes back on.
“You're damn right,” she mumbled, taking the lingerie back and undoubtedly adding it to her checkout pile.
15. Imagine Dean comforting you after a nightmare.
You woke in a panic, your hair sticking to your neck with sweat and your heart racing.
You sat up in the queen bed, looking over to where Sam lay in the other bed and Dean was sprawled on the couch.
Dean lifted his head, catching your movement.
“You okay?” he asked, making out your shadow in the dark.
“Yeah,” you breathed, not trusting your voice enough to say anything else.
“Wanna talk?”
You didn’t answer, instead taking a deep breath to try to compose yourself.
Dean lay back down on the couch, turning over and pulling his blanket over himself.
You settled down into the mattress, closing your eyes to try and go back to sleep. Your brain had other ideas, however, filling your thoughts with the nightmare you had just had.
You shifted in the bed, trying not to make too much movement and disturb the others.
“Dean,” you finally hissed, “Dean, are you still awake?”
“Yeah,” he mumbled.
“Please,” was all you could manage to say, your voice cracking on the single syllable.
Dean was up in an instant, crossing the room and crouching by your bed, placing a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Hey, you’re safe. I promise,” he soothed, stroking your hair off your face and wiping the tears from your cheek.
He walked around the bed, climbing in the other side and putting his arm carefully around your waist, pulling you closer to him.
“This okay?” he asked, his voice against your neck.
You nodded softly, sighing and letting your breathing even out.
“Nothing’s going to hurt you, you hear me? I won’t let anything get you,” he assured you.
You knew he was right; you knew he’d rather sacrifice himself than let anything bad happen to you.
But that’s what also worried you.
“I got you,” Dead murmured, kissing the top of your spine and nestling into the bed.
“We got each other,” you finished automatically, linking your fingers over his as his arm tightened around you, letting the warm comfort of Dean send you to sleep.
16. Imagine Danneel teaching you to cheerlead.
“This is ridiculous,” you groaned, bending over to lean your palms on your knees, taking deep, grounding breaths.
“Come on, you nearly had it!” Danneel exclaimed.
“You’re too preppy,” you complained, collecting your pompoms from where you’d dropped them on the floor.
“Just take each count of eight one-by-one,” she encouraged.
You took one last deep breath before standing up straight.
“Okay, let’s do this,” you said determinedly.
Danneel moved to her phone and pressed play on the music, the tune ringing out on the Bluetooth speakers.
“A 5, 6, 7, 8,” Danneel counted you in, “And: skip skip, skip skip.”
You followed the instructions, counting in your head; skipping twice to the right and then the left, rolling your arms around twice in accompaniment.
“Single, single,” she called the next instruction out.
You skipped once to the right, throwing your left arm in the air and tilting your head right slightly. Then you skipped once once to the left, putting your right arm in the air and tilting your head left.
“Up and down,” Dannel reminded you as you kicked your right foot out in front of you, stepping forward into a lunge and lifting both pompom clad arms in the air.
“Spin, 2, 3, 4,” she called.
You span 360°, kicked your right leg to the side and put your right arm in the air before landing on your right leg and turning to face the right with your arms by your side.
“Contract, contract,” Danneel prompted you, as you rolled your body, your arms also rolling slightly with the movement.
You remembered to punch your arms out in front of you for the second contract, stepping back on your right foot so your feet were together and then back on the left so that your right foot was in front again.
“Good!” Danneel shouted proudly.
Your right hand trailed the pompom along your left arm and around your head, the left pompom getting held you your ear as you moved to face the other way and thrust your right hand in front of you.
“Jump, jump, jump, out.”
You jumped three times, landing with your legs open the fourth time, your arms both going up the first time, just the right, just the left, and both of them in to your chest on the final landing.
You bent your right knee in and then out, dropping your right arm and then bringing it back to your chest and doing the same with the left knee and arm as Danneel yelled, “In, out, in, out.”
You thrust your hips forward, Danneel’s voice in your head saying to ‘add some bounce’ into this move.
“And pivot,” she instructed.
You’d already dropped your hands as you bent at the waist, rotating your upper body in a half circle, your heels lifting and dropping.
“7 and 8,” you counted under your breath as you lifted and dropped your heels three times, bouncing your whole body.
“Woo! Your hair moved; that’s bonus points,” Danneel shouted.
You got through the rest of the routine; swaying and popping your hips, spinning your pompoms, raising your arms, and keeping up a cheery attitude throughout. Maintaining your smile proved to be the hardest part of all.
The entire routine only lasted about thirty-five seconds but, by the time you were done, your breath was coming out in short, sharp puffs.
“Yes!” Danneel exclaimed loudly, clapping her hands together and then lifting her arms above her head, “You did it!”
She pulled you into a hug and you panted in her arms, squeezing her tight in your euphoria.
“I can’t believe it,” you confessed, pulling back to see Danneel’s proud smile still in place.
“Next step: costume,” she sang, pulling a cheerleader’s mini skirt and crop top from her bag.
The pink and white material shimmered in her hands and you groaned when you saw the ribbons, white socks, white sneakers, and glitter that she also had in her bag.
“Oh, god,” you groaned, throwing your head back.
“A promise is a promise,” she insisted, passing you the costume and folding her arms.
You laughed, embarrassed, turning over the outfit in your hands.
“Go big or go home,” you muttered, admitting defeat and changing into the uniform.
17. Imagine Genevieve taking you horse riding.
“Okay,” Genevieve started, coming over to you with two riding hats in her hand, “You’re riding Doodles and I’m on Caspian. They’re both really good horses.”
You nodded, taking the hat she handed you and putting it on.
“Do you know the way we’re going?” you asked her.
“Sweetie, I’ve been riding this trail since I was twelve, I could navigate it with my eyes closed.”
“Okay, show off,” you murmured, nudging her with your shoulder.
You turned to the sound of hooves, seeing two gorgeous horses being led towards you. As they got closer you noticed their extreme height and you raised an eyebrow at Gen.
“Can you even get up that high?” you teased.
“Oh, you just watch me,” she said confidently.
She strode over to the large brown horse, taking the reins from the stable hand and pulling the stirrups down.
In one smooth motion Gen put both the reins in her left hand, sliding her left foot into the stirrup, bouncing three times and then jumping, swinging her right leg over the saddle and seating herself.
“Okay, pretty impressive,” you remarked, walking over to your horse.
You looked up into his dark eyes and ran a hand down his chestnut face, he lowered his head so that you could scratch between his ears and you chuckled softly.
“Hey, handsome,” you muttered, “Ready to ride?”
You took the reins in one hand like Gen had, stretching to put your foot in the stirrup and failing miserably.
You could hear her laughing and you shot her a look, opting instead to take up the offer of a leg up from the stable hand.
“I guess I’m a little out of practice, Lil Miss Yoga,” you said to her over your shoulder, placing your hands on the saddle, one on the pommel and the other on the cantle, lifting your left leg for the guy to hold on to.
On the count of three you jumped, the guy pushing your left leg up as you swung your right leg over the horse. You sat down softly and put both feet into the stirrups.
The stable hand checked your stirrups and saddles, making sure you and the horses were comfortable before sending you out.
“Enjoy your ride, y’all,” he called, as Gen set off in the direction of the trail and you settled into a steady walk behind her.
Five minutes in to the peaceful ride, Gen turned to you.
“How you doing?” she asked.
“Pretty good,” you admitted, running a hand down the neck of Doodles, “He was a little tense at first but I think he’s relaxing now.”
“Get up here,” Gen motioned to you, turning to face the front again.
You clicked Doodles on until he and Caspian were walking side by side.
“They’re both OTTBs,” Gen stated intelligently, “’Off-track-thoroughbreds’. They feel like they’re in competition with the horse in front if they’re not in the lead. It helps to have them walking at the same pace so they know this isn’t a race.”
You nodded in understanding, scratching Doodles’ withers underneath you.
“This place is beautiful,” you murmured in awe.
“Yeah, welcome to Idaho,” Gen said, smiling across at you.
Caspian snorted softly and you laughed.
“I guess that was him saying ‘welcome’,” Gen chuckled.
“Thanks, buddy,” you told the horse.
“Ready to pick up the pace?” Gen asked you, shortening her reins and preparing to go faster.
“Sure,” you replied, copying her movements.
“Okay. Let’s go,” she ordered as you both asked for trot and moved deeper into the trail.
18. Imagine JJ asking to have a sleepover with you and Jensen.
You had just finished dinner with Jensen and his four-year-old daughter, you stood to collect the plates from the table. Jensen, as always, telling you that you didn’t need to help tidy away and you insisting that it was the least you could do after he had cooked dinner.
You walked into the kitchen with the plates, scraping any food waste into the compost bin and placing the dirty dishes and silverware in the dishwasher.
You could hear Jensen and JJ talking in hushed voices and you smiled when you heard them laughing together.
You decided to give them a little longer alone, taking a cloth and some antibacterial spray and wiping down the surfaces.
You put the cleaning stuff away and went through to the dining room, sitting back in your chair and smiling at a giggling JJ, her hands clasped over her mouth.
“What’re you up to, monkey?” you whispered, leaning closer to her and bopping her on the nose with your index finger.
She shook her head, not giving the game away, and you sat upright in your seat.
“Who wants dessert?” you asked, your eyes wide with overexcitement.
“JJ wants to ask you something first,” Jensen said, smiling at you kindly.
“Oh really?” you said, smiling back before looking at JJ again.
“Nuh-uh!” she protested, “Daddy does.”
“I’m not asking, Justice Jay,” he said, laughing as she ran over to his chair at the table.
He lifted her up onto his lap and whispered something in her ear that you didn’t catch.
“Y’all are freaking me out,” you said, your eyes flitting between Jensen’s and JJ’s.
“Will you have a sleepover?” JJ asked, so quietly that you were sure you’d misheard her.
You frowned in confusion.
“I don’t think she heard you, babygirl,” Jensen encouraged his daughter.
“Will you please have a sleepover with us?” she repeated, louder this time.
You gave a puzzled look towards Jensen and he nodded his approval to you. You looked at JJ’s hopeful little face and knew that you wouldn’t be able to say no even if you tried.
“Of course, princess!” you said sweetly, “I’d love to have a sleepover with you.”
“And daddy, too,” she emphasised knowingly; too knowingly for a kid her age.
“Only if we can paint his nails,” you whispered teasingly, pretending that Jensen couldn’t hear you.
“And do make up!” JJ exclaimed, running off of her dad’s lap to grab your hand and pull you up from the table.
“Okay, okay, I’m coming,” you assured her, getting up from the table and placing a kiss to Jensen’s cheek as you left the room to prepare your sleepover.
19. Imagine Misha coming into your work.
You stood by the coffee machine, making three flat whites since you were the only person in the store who knew how to.
It was a busy day in the shop and you were already tired after half of your eight-hour shift.
You took each coffee over to the correct customer tables, smiling politely and clearing away a few empty mugs and plates on your way back to the counter.
"Need you on tills, please," your manager said to you as she passed you on the floor.
"Sure," you muttered, just wanting the day to end.
You got to the till and asked the next customer for their order, looking up at their face but not registering anything.
"I'll have an Americano please," a familiar voice said.
"Is that all?" you asked, ringing up the coffee.
"What do you recommend?" the man asked you and that's when you finally realised why you recognised the voice.
Misha Collins stood the other side of the counter from you, ordering his coffee from you, and asking you what he should order.
“Sweet or savoury?” you questioned.
“Hmm,” he thought for a moment, “Sweet I think.”
"Okay, well the brownies are really good, and a customer favourite," you said honestly, "But I always prefer a flapjack."
"I'll take one of each, then," he said, getting his wallet out of his jeans pocket.
You smiled, "Eat in or to go?"
"Eat in, please."
You plated up the brownie and the flapjack, surprised at how casually you were handling this situation. You and everyone else in the café.
You told Misha his total and he handed over way more money than necessary.
You looked at what change he was owed and started counting it out when he interrupted you.
"Don't worry about that," he winked, "Add it to your tip jar."
"Are you sure?" you asked incredulously, a good wad of cash in your hand.
“Absolutely,” he confirmed.
“Thank you. So much. I’ll bring your drink over as soon as its ready.”
You handed over his receipt with a smile.
No one was behind him so you watched to see where he sat and set about making his coffee. You put it on a tray with a small jug of milk and some sugar before making your way over to his table.
“One Americano,” you announced, placing it down in front of him along with the extras, “Anything else I can get you?”
You noticed him cover up the paper he was reading from, probably an episode script, before he smiled up at you.
“No, thank you,” he said, “These are delicious, by the way,” he added, motioning to the half-eaten treats in front of him.
“I’ll be sure to pass on your review,” you joked.
Your focus never left his table as your shift went on and on. He sat, and he read, and he ordered more coffees (which you didn’t charge him for seeing as he had given you more than three times the right amount of money).
You never let on that you knew who he was, respecting his privacy and also not quite fully believing the situation anyway.
When your shift was over you went to change out of your apron, hanging it up in the back room and grabbing your bag.
“See ya,” you called to your manager on the way out the door.
You glanced at Misha’s table and noticed that he’d already left, sighing at the fact that you’d missed saying goodbye to him. Or maybe he was never really there.
You stepped outside the shop, the crisp air hitting you in the face as well as the sight of Misha standing against the side of the building.
You smiled goodbye to him as you headed home but he pushed off from the wall, walking over to you and smiling.
“I’m really sorry if this is weird for you, but I’m new to this area. I’m only visiting but I have absolutely no idea what to do or where to visit,” he rambled.
“Well, lucky for you, my shift just ended,” you told him, “Need a tour guide?”
“That would be great, if you wouldn’t mind. I’m Misha, by the way.”
“I know,” you laughed softly, “I didn’t want to say anything; make it weird.”
“Thank you,” he said genuinely, “For being cool and for showing me around.”
“Of course,” you smiled, “Next stop: somewhere totally uninteresting and non-picturesque.”
20. Imagine watching Supernatural with Genevieve and Danneel.
“Have you got the ice cream?” you called through to the living room from the kitchen.
“Do you even know me?” Danneel shouted back.
You walked into the living room to see her sitting cross-legged on the couch, a tub of ice cream in her lap and three spoons in her hand.
She held one out to you and you took it as you sat next to her, curling your legs up under yourself.
“Gen, get your butt in here!” you shouted.
“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Gen replied, “I just got off the phone with Jared, the kids are all asleep and everything is okay.”
“Of course it is,” Danneel said simply, “We have the night off, you can relax now,” she added, passing her a spoon.
Gen took it from her as she flung herself down on the couch next to you and you all shifted closer, pulling one blanket over all three of your legs.
“I’m ready,” you insisted, as Danneel handed you the ice cream, pressing play on the remote.
The opening sequence started up and you removed the lid from the tub, taking the first spoonful of ice cream.
“Oh my God,” you breathed as a familiar face appeared on screen, “Why is JDM naked?”
You were, of course, referencing Jeff’s lack of facial hair, and both Genevieve and Danneel laughed softly.
You watched the opening sequence play out in silence, not being surprised when it got to Mary’s death scene since you already knew that was where things were going.
The title sequence flashed up noiselessly and you chuckled.
“What?” Danneel asked, turning to look at you.
“That was slightly less obnoxious than some of the title sequences they’ve had,” you explained.
Danneel and Gen huffed a laugh, leaning over you at the same time to get some ice cream.
You burst out laughing when the next recognisable face popped up – Jared.
“Stop,” Gen chastised jokingly, giggling herself.
“I’m sorry,” you said, “He looks… handsome.”
It was Danneel’s turn to chuckle then taking a big spoonful of ice cream.
“He looks like a twelve-year-old,” she said plainly.
All three of you laughed at that, continuing to watch the show.
The next two scenes played out as you all sat contently, eating your ice cream and making the odd sound effect here and there.
“I’d recognise that chiselled jawline anywhere,” you exclaimed, noticing the shadowy outline of Jensen.
Sam/Jared grabbed Dean/Jensen and they began a choreographed struggle.
“Damn, those fight moves,” you murmured sarcastically.
“The budget was low for the pilot,” Gen joked.
“And neither of them knew what they were doing,” Danneel added, in all seriousness.
You nudged Danneel in the ribs with your elbow as Jensen’s face came into the shot.
“I’d tap that,” Danneel muttered.
“Ew!” you complained, shaking your head to erase the thought.
You finished up the pilot a load more remarks and a whole tub of ice cream later, pausing before the next episode started.
“So, what did you think?” Danneel asked you.
“I think that you and Gen married people who are like cheese,” they both frowned at you confusedly, “They get better with age,” you explained.
All three of you were laughing as the next episode began.
21. Imagine surprising Jared on stage at a convention.
You’d been working on a movie up in LA for the last three months and you hadn’t seen Jared since your last day on set, the last night you spent with him in Vancouver.
You’d started seeing each other almost as soon as you began filming on Supernatural, quickly striking up a relationship that neither of you knew where was headed.
Trailer sex turned into sleepovers, sleepovers into weekend stays, and weekend stays into actual dates.
The night you left for LA, Jared was upset, he pleaded you to stay but you told him you were never going to be the girl who gave up her career for a guy. He wasn’t mad and he eventually let you go, you Skyped him often and you still felt a connection to him.
You decided to surprise him seeing as he was doing a convention in Vegas; driving up after filming on Friday night, catching a couple hours of sleep at a nearby hotel, and making it in time for his Saturday morning panel.
You found Rob and Rich backstage, both of them shocked to see you.
“What are you doing here, California?” Rob exclaimed teasingly, pulling you into a hug.
“I came to surprise Jared,” you told them, blushing slightly as you stepped back.
“Well get up there!” Rich encouraged.
“What? No! I was just going to greet him when he came off!”
“The fans will love it!” Rob pressed.
“Look at me! I’ve driven five hours through the night and only got a two-hour power nap in the hotel! I’ve got my glasses on and I’m wearing jeans and a sweater. I’m pretty sure I’ve still got yesterday’s filming makeup on and I haven’t showered for a disgustingly long time. There’s no way I can go out like this.”
As you finished your rant, Rob handed you a microphone. You looked at him fearfully.
“You have to do this,” he pleaded, “It will make Jared’s day.”
You couldn’t deny him that.
“Okay, but let me pick the right moment,” you requested.
Rob nodded.
“What’s the funniest thing that’s happened on set this season?” the fan at the microphone asked, Jared choking slightly on the sip of water he just took.
You planned your entrance based on this question. If Jared was going to say what you thought he was going to say, then this would be the perfect opportunity for you to make your surprise appearance.
You had entered the panel through the green room entrance, using your status and relations to get through the convention despite not being a scheduled guest.
Jared laughed to himself as he put the cap back on his bottle, placing it on the table beside his stool and adjusting himself to sit comfortably. Of course, in true Jared fashion, straddling the chair with his arms resting on the back of it that faced the audience.
“So, y’all know that we had a new recurring cast member join us this season,” he paused, waiting for the eruption of cheers to die down.
You nodded in the direction of Rob and climbed up onto the stage from behind.
“You did?” you asked into the microphone.
The audience went crazy, clapping and whooping as you made it further into the middle of the stage.
Jared’s face was a picture; he’d turned in his chair to the sound of your voice, his mouth opened in a small circle with the word ‘what’ still on his tongue.
It was as if he’d frozen, he was still in his chair as you reached him, wrapping your arms around his waist and burying your face into his neck, breathing in his familiar scent.
He got up then, propping his microphone on the chair and pulling you into a proper hug, leaning to whisper in your ear.
“Oh my god,” he breathed, “What even-?”
He couldn’t finish his sentence so you just whispered back, “Surprise!”
You pulled away from the hug, suddenly remembering the audience in front of you.
“Go on then, Jared. Tell everyone what the funniest moment on set was this season.” You teased for the benefit of the audience.
He groaned audibly, picking up his microphone and offering you the chair. You took it, considering the lack of sleep you’d had.
Jared stood behind you, one arm draping over your shoulders and across your chest, the other holding his microphone to his lips as he began to tell his story.
#supernatural fanfiction#jensen ackles#jared padalecki#danneel ackles#genevieve padalecki#supernatural#dean winchester#sam winchester#ruby 1.0#ruby 2.0#mine#for#jbae#fanfic
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Anytime, Sweetheart: Part 7
Pairing: JDM x OFC (RPF)
Features: Ackles & Padalecki Families, R2, Misha Collins & Vicky Vantoch, Norman Reedus, Andrew Lincoln, Kim Rhodes, Briana Buckmaster, Ruth Connell, Corey Taylor and other cast members & OFCs* *THIS IS AN RPF FIC**
Series Masterlist Summary: (I’m horrible at summaries, but let me try): Kylin Ackles runs to her brother’s house after leaving her abusive boyfriend of 3 years, where she meets Jeffrey. Events unfold that bring them together, as well as push them apart. Warnings: Emotional abuse, Physical Violence, mentions of rape, cursing, drinking, recreational drug use (weed), Strip Club, RPF, NSFW**, GIFs, implied smut, Age Difference, Slow burn, Emotional rollercoaster, poorly written smutt, etc… 18+ please
(A/N: This is strictly a work of fiction that I came up with off the top of my head. For fictional purposes his S/O & Son are not mentioned. I love him and his little family, though, so no hate intended. This is the first time posting anything on Tumblr, but I couldn’t get it out of my head since my ao3 fic is currently on hiatus because writers block. Feedback is appreciated. unbetaed, all mistakes are mine.)
TAGS: @jml509 @jesbakescookies @daddy-kink-confirmed @wayward-mirage @aquivercactus

Fuck Anthony. Fuck Jeffrey. Fuck every man who ever made me feel unwanted or unattractive. On that stage, I was queen. I had danced for 4 years at another club before I met Anthony, but of course once we got serious he was quick to make me quit. I had danced for a night when I first started working when I came back to Dallas, but only because there was 3 girls and it had gotten surprisingly busy. I missed it. I loved it, and I was damned good at it.
Before you judge me, let me explain something: strippers are not all sloppy nasty drunk whores who fuck for money. About 99% all have husbands and kids and normal lives, they just so happen to take their clothes off for money. I was one of those people. Anyway, back to our story, Somehow, some way, the club kept the media out and no one outside had found out that i didnt want to know. Hell, the only people I told were Gen, Dani, and Vicki. I swore them to secrecy and told them to make sure no one found out, especially my brother. Jensen and I hadn't really talked after the evening that I kicked Jeffrey out. He'd send me a text asking if I was okay, and I'd reply back with a 'yes.' He knew how I got sometimes when I needed space, and left me alone for a while. I was just waking up with a particularly bad hangover one morning when I saw that his face popped up on the screen of my phone that was vibrating its way across my nightstand. I answered with a muffled, "What?" "What? Bitch! Do you know what to day is?" he beamed with a loud laugh.
"Some douchebags birthday I guess, probably, I don't know." I mumbled, still half asleep. "It's your favorite fucking douchebag's birthday, whore. Now, get up, I need birthday favor from you." "Whaaaaat?" I groaned, rolling over onto my back and clutching my head. "I need you to pick up the guys from the airport for me. None of us have time over here." he responded as I heard a loud crash come from somewhere behind him, followed by, "God damnit, Jay, Sit the hell down! - Dude, remind me to never have any more fucking kids." "What time?" I huffed before downing the painkillers that I was grateful drunk-me had left on the nightstand with a bottle of water. "Uh, can you get to DFW in like.....30 minutes?" referring to the airport down the street from my house. "I hate you."
"Love you too, sis, bye!" click. With another groan, I crawled out of bed and pulled on a pair of yoga pants and a slouchy sweatshirt, pulling my hair into a thoroughly messy bun while slipping on my slippers. I grabbed my keys and purse before heading out the door. I pulled up to the pick up area where Jensen had said the boys would be waiting for me. I was waiting for about ten minutes before I saw Misha push past the door, followed by Rob, Rich, and lastly, trailing behind in all his leather-clad manliness, was the last person I wanted, or expected to see. Jeffrey.
"Fuck my life." I mumbled to myself as they approached the car. I popped the trunk so they could put their luggage in the back before they began to crawl in. Misha hopped into the passenger seat as everyone else maneuvered their way into the tiny back seat, Rob sitting behind me, Rich in the middle, and Jeff behind Misha. Misha immediately leaned over the console and pulled me into his arms for a hug and a kiss on the forehead while Richard told me how much he missed me. Rob enthusiastically grabbed my shoulders from around my seat as he craned his head around and planted a wet, sloppy kiss to the side of my face. "Boys" I said in greeting, eyeing Jeffrey in the back through the rear-view mirror. He was of course staring back silently. I quickly adverted my eyes to Misha beside me. "How's it going, girl. Haven't seen you in almost a year!" Mish beamed, his arm crossing over the console again to give my thigh a squeeze. I looked at him through the corner of my eye as he left his hand there, and he gave me a look back as if saying "I know this sucks, and I'm sorry." I squinted my eyes at him, but he already knew I was irritated without our silent conversation. "Are you excited about the party tonight, little lady? You know, I hear your favorite band is playing!" Rob said excitedly, leaning forward again in his seat with his hands on the side of my headrest. "Bob-o, you know Jensen wouldn't get H.I.M here for his birthday!" Richard teased, smacking Rob in the chest jokingly. "Fuck you, Rich. Fuck you" Rob chuckled back to him. "I absolutely love your hair by the way, Ky, brings out your pretty green eyes." Rob continued gleefully, playing with a strand that had fallen out of my bun. "Thanks babe, It's hard as fuck to keep up with." I leaned my head back a little as Rob pulled my hair out of the elastic, fingering it as it fell down. I looked back into the rear view mirror, and to my delight, Jeffrey was staring at me with an obviously irritated look on his face. I smirked back at him before returning my eyes to the road. Jeffrey stayed completely stoic the entire ride to my parents' as I laughed and flirted with the boys. It was always like that with them; Misha had a thing about touching me, and Rob and Rich, well, they had a thing about just being around me, especially since it was the first time they'd seen me since the accident at Jensen's. I could feel Jeff's eyes bore into the back of my head as I received the attention that I had been craving from the other men. Rob had let me know that him and Mollie had decided to separate until his schedule died down again, seeing as she was busy with the lawfirm and didn't have a lot of free time anyway. Rich and Jaci were doing well, and Misha and Vicky were trying for baby number 3 while preparing for GISH. I didn't ask how Jeff had been. "So, Ky, how's the skrrrrrrippin' going?" Misha giggled, leaning towards me in his seat. I shot him a side ways glare again. Vicky of course squealed. They told each other everything. Rob gasped, Richard almost choked, and I could swear i heard a chuckle from Jeff. I narrowed my eyes and glared at the road, tightening my grip on the steering wheel. Thank God Jensen wasn’t here. "Fine, Dmitri. Fuck you." "You know, I seen Kylin's tits one time, they're pretty fucking awesome." Rich chimed in from the backseat. Jeffrey's eyebrows almost hit his hairline. "I've seen 'em before too. Definitely pay-per-view worthy." Rob bobbed his head up and down in agreement. "She's fucked my wife before while I watch-" "Okayyyy so, everyone in the car has seen my tits can we-" I tried to say before I was cut off. "I've never seen them," Jeffrey drawled in protested with a smirk. Everyone got silent as I glared at him through the mirror once more, before declaring, "And you never will." I pulled up to my parents’ drive way without getting out, still needing to go back to my place to shower and change and get ready for the festivities that would be happening all day long and into the night. Jensen and Josh both walked up to the car to greet me as I popped the trunk again as the men crawled out. Jensen tucked his head in through the driver's side window at the same time Josh did the same to the passenger side. "Brothers" I said menacingly, glaring a head at the garage door. "Sister" they both replied in unison. "What is he doing here, and why did you make me have to pick him up from the airport?" My question was obviously aimed at the birthday boy. "Because you were closer and his plane just so happen to land at the same time as the others'." he smirked, skipping over the first half of my inquiry. "Josh is right here." I whipped my head around to glare at my eldest brother. "I was helping Jason set up the stage." He lifted his hands up defensively with a giggle. "Shut up, I wasn't talking to you." I narrowed my eyes at him before turning back to Jensen. "He was helping set up the stage." Jensen repeated with his own laugh. "First question then?" I cocked my head to the side. "Because he was my friend before he was your fuck buddy." Jensen's face went still. "Jensen," Josh said with a warning. He knew I was pissed already, 'why add fuel to the fire?' "We never fucked." I growled through gritted teeth. "Whatever." Jensen rolled his eyes. "Do you even want me to come tonight?" "Yes." "Then shut the fuck up before I knock those perfect teeth down your throat." I threw my car in reverse as the boys stepped away just in time not to get their feet ran over.
When I got home I immediately called Vicki. "He said something, didn't he?" She immediately said as a greeting. "Yuuup," I replied, popping my lips, "Right in front of Jeffrey, too." "Shit. He's there? Fuck." I could hear the cringe in her voice. "Yeah, dude, ugh." I raised my palm to my for head as I walked to the bathroom. "Well, what are you going to do?" She asked as I started pulling my clothes off. "I don't know, man. I didn't think I'd have to see him again. Jensen's doing this on purpose." I put the phone on speaker as I finished undressing and started the shower. She sighed before replying, "Probably. I think you should talk to him. You were drunk the last time you saw him and was in a really bad place." I sighed back before stepping in the shower and calling out to her, "I'm still in a bad place, Vicks." "I know that, hun, but not as bad as you were 3 weeks ago. I'm sure he understands." She said as I lathered my shampoo into my hair "Pffft. I was a total cunt to him when I picked them up. He didn't seem too thrilled to see me, either" spoke through the water as I rinsed my hair. "Well I don't know what to tell you. Wash your ass and don't abuse my husband too much" she laughed before disconnecting the call. With a roll of my eyes I finished my shower before stepping out to blow dry my hair and do my makeup. once finished I stepped back into my bedroom to get some clothes on, choosing a simple floral romper that had a halter neck and was short enough to show my thigh tattoos. I threw on my black high wedge sandals before grabbing my purse and keys and heading back to Richardson.
"Kylin's here! It's shot time!" I heard Richard call the second I walked into the house. "Jesus Christ" I mumbled under my breath as I felt everyone shift their eyes to where I stood by the front door. Misha immediately broke out into a sprint towards me, pushing past the small group of people in the dining room. Once he reached me, he scooped me up into his arms and spun me around before setting me down and throwing arm around my waist, ushering me into the kitchen where my parents were sitting at the kitchen table with Jensen, Jared, and Josh, ready with loaded shot glasses. "What the fuck are you doing, Mom?" I urged, surprised at the sight of my mother with a large margarita glass in front of her beside a shot glass of Tequila. "Ky, It's not" -hiccup- "Everyday" -hiccup- "That your son turns" -hiccup- "Forty" My dad giggled, sneaking his face over to where my mom's margarita straw was. "Alan Ackles, get your own!" My mother scolded, smile on her lips while she smacked my father in the face gently with the back of her knuckle.
“I’m thirty-nine, dad, Lord.” Jensen grumbled as he raised his glass. I took my place at the table as the room seemed to fill in, Richard bring me a shot shortly before making me scoot over to squeeze into my seat with me. "Here's to the shittiest brother on the planet." I raised my glass sarcastically as everyone laughed, a particular chuckle coming from behind me standing out a little more than the others. I rolled my eyes as I tipped my head back. "Jesus, I'm too old for this." My mother's sour face puckered and Jensen barked out a laugh, throwing his head back into Dani behind him. "I don't think I've ever seen your parents drunk," She giggled, placing her hands on Jensen's shoulders. "I have, he tried to steal my wife from me!" Jared boomed, hugging Gen’s big belly protectively while shooting fake daggers at my dad, who was wagging his finger drunkenly at Jared. "Guys, it's barely 5, go take a nap" Makenzie sighed, always the responsible one, with a hand on both of our parents' shoulders. "Come on, Kenz, live a little!" I boomed, lifting my glass in Rob's direction, who was holding the bottle of Crown. "You live enough for the both of us, Sis," She said sarcastically, narrowing her eyes at me. Rob reached my side, attempting to shield me from the obvious feeling that was Jeffrey's stare to the back of my head and began pouring me another shot. He looked down at me through the corner of his eye with a wink and a smirk. I smirked back while lifting my hand from my lap to loop my finger into his back belt loop. He wiggled his ass against my hand and arm, making me giggle. "You good?" He squinted as he filled his glass as well.
I peered around him and caught Jeffrey’s eye for a split second before looking back up to him with a smirk, “I will be.”
I spent most of the evening outside by the pool with Misha and Rob, one of them near me at all times, and constantly flirting. I was sprawled across one of the outside benches with my feet in Misha's lap and my head in Rob's, who was playing with my hair while I scratched at that fucking grey patch in his beard, when Jeffrey finally had enough liquid courage to try to talk to me. Rob's fingers stilled in my tresses and Misha smacked my feet off of him, prompting me to sit up correctly.
"What do you want?" I sighed. Rob and Mish both rolled their eyes. "Come on, Rob, let's go spank the birthday boy" Misha laughed. Both men stood simultaneously. I glared at their backs as Jeffrey moved to sit beside me. "This okay?" He asked, only slightly sarcastic. "How have you been, Jeffrey?" I sighed again, ignoring his question while reaching for my beer. "Good, yourself? You look....better." I took a sip while nodding my head. "Look, Ky-" he tried, but I cut him off. "I get it, dude. Its cool. I was drunk, I should have known better. My fault." "You know that it wasn't because I didn't want you, right?" He whispered, looking around to make sure no one was listening. "You don't have to lie to me, Mr. J, I get it." He groaned and scrubbed his face with his hands, "I'm not fucking lying, Kylin. God dammit. What did you want, me to treat you like some whore?" he furrowed his bows and gestured his hands in the question. I rolled my eyes and mumbled, "at least then I'd gotten what I wanted."
With a shake of my head I stood up and headed inside to find my things. The 3 sentence conversation had me wanting to get the hell oout of there. I told everyone I wasn't feeling well, told Jensen and the boys bye and left, but drove to the club instead of home.
"Ky, someone bought you off." John said once entered the dressing room, sweat dripping down his forehead per usual. I had just finished getting (un)dressed and was putting on my 9 inch heels. "The fuck? I just got here?" I questioned, furrowing my brows in confusion, "I'm not allowed to say who. Its supposed to be a surprise." He giggled. I looked at him with a shocked look on my face "Don't be stupid, Kylin" he shifted his glance, understanding my expression. "Fine, whatever" I huffed before hauling myself up and stalking to the V.I.P section. John eventually caught up to my long legs and escorted me into the champagne room, which was empty save a bottle of crown and a stack of money on the table. "Must be in the restroom" John noted as I flopped onto the couch, leaning over to pick up the large group of bills. "Hmmm" I replied, sifting through the hundreds. There had to at least be three grand here. I confirmed the amount correctly as John nodded to me before leaving. Shortly after, the curtain moved again, revealing who had paid for me to be off the floor for the night. Of course, it was Jeffrey. "Nope, not doing this." I instantly threw the pile of money back on the table and hoisted myself back to my feet. Jeff blocked the exit. "I just paid for a taxi to drive me almost 2 hours away, girl." He narrowed his eyes and clasped his hands together in front of him. "What are you doing, Jeffrey?" I glared, trying to move around him. "Well I figure if this is the only way to talk to you..." He trailed off with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms as he moved around me to sit on the couch. "Wanna drink?" He asked nonchalantly, lifting the bottle from the ice bucket and cracking it open. "Whatever, Jeffrey. You're lucky I need my rent." I huffed as I stomped back over to the couch and threw myself down like a child. "That's right, baby girl, Daddy will take care of you tonight." He drawled, voice rough like gravel suddenly as he handed me the glass of whiskey. I narrowed my eyes at him again as he let out another deep chuckle. "What? You wanna act like a whore, I'll treat you like one." He growled, taking a sip of his own drink as he let his free hand danced across the space between us on the couch to my thigh. I huffed out a laugh as I spread my legs over his lap before taking another hearty swig of liquor, "So, you do think I'm a whore, huh?" I said, seductive tone to my voice. Jeffrey choked on another laugh while shaking his head at me, "What ever will get you to talk to me, sweet heart," He ran his fingertips across my shin bones, enticing goosebumps to come to the surface of my flesh. I finished off the remaining liquid in the tumbler before removing my legs from his lap and re-positioning to straddle him. His eyebrows shifted upward, surprised by my actions as he leaned us forwards for us to place our glasses on the table. He leaned back and moved his hands to my hips.
"So, what would you like to talk about, Mr. Morgan?" I said seductively, beginning to grind down on his lap in pace with the r&b song playing over the speakers. His eyes had sank to where our bodies met, and he tilted his hips into mine with a low growl. He ran his hand up the my ribs and onto my back, his wide palm almost covering my shoulder blades as his fingers found a place in my hair. "What could ever make you think I don't want you?" He rasped, eyes as deep as coal in the dim light as I continued to shift my hips into his. I stared at him for a moment, unsure of what to say. "I needed you, and you wouldn't have me," finally came out of my mouth, as cold as I intended it to. With a growl of frustration Jeffrey shifted us, laying me down onto the cushion of the couch on my back as he positioned himself between my thighs much like on New Years. "I'd have you right now if I could, doll."
My breath had hitched in my throat as I stared into his pupils, riddled with lust. Heat pooled between us as bent his head forward to kiss at my sternum, followed by him dragging his thick beard upward to my chest. He brought his hands from my sides to my breasts, pushing them together to bury his face in between them with a rock of his hips against mine. My hands went into his hair, gently tugging at the sensations that he was bringing about within me. Without warning he flipped us back to our original position and tugged at the string that was holding my bikini top in place. "Let me so those tits that everyone's seen but me," He growled, eyes focused on my heaving chest as he pulled the material from my skin. His black irises twinkled with a hunger as he bit his bottom lip before returning his gaze to my face. "Ohhh, God damn, woman." He grunted before rutting his face against me again, tongue and teeth ravishing. "Jeff," I involuntarily moaned, tilting my head back at the feeling of his hands and lips against my flesh. "Mmmmm," He rasped into my ear, lifting his hips in time with mine, "I missed the way you sound. So pefect." I tightened my grip in his hair as I dug down more, reveling in the friction felt by my thin t-back being ground up against his rough denim jeans. He splayed his hands across my back, pulling me down into the sensation as his nails lightly left crescent marks where he held onto me. He lifted his head to look into my eyes, irises darting around my face momentarily before he grabbed me by the back of the head and forcefully pushed his lips against mine with a guttural groan from his chest. Instantly, every doubt that I had had or anger or any other emotion, for that matter, went right out of the fucking window. I whimpered against his mouth as I parted my lips and pushed my tongue against his, desperate to be closer. He pulled me away by my hair long enough to stare into my eyes for a second, as if in question, before colliding himself with me again. Our motions became harsher against each other, and his hands were everywhere. I could feel the strain in his jeans push harder and harder against the flimsy fabric between my legs as I rotated my hips in tiny circles against him, pulling moans from me and grunts from him. His lips moved down to my neck where he bit the sensitive flesh, leaving light red marks in his wake. His hands traveled from my back to my ass, his fingertips running over the strings at my hips, tugging at them teasingly. The pressure in my belly pushing me further and further into oblivion with every buck and grind. "You gonna come for me, baby?" He whispered as he dipped his hand between our bodies to feel the wetness soaking my panties. All I could reply back with was another tongue-heavy kiss and a whimper as my body exploded and a cry left my lungs. White spots clouded behind my eyelids as he wrapped his long arms around my back, holding me close to him as he pushed me further into his lap before grunting himself, fingers flexing in their place on my shoulders. "Only woman alive that can resort me back to a fuckin' teenager, you know that?" He whispered in my ear before looking at me in the face again. Both of us had a slight sheen of sweat coating our skin, our breaths still ragged and shaky. I slunk off his lap to the side of him and turned with my feet still on his thighs to make us drinks. "You get what you came here for, Mr. Morgan?" I snickered as I handed him his glass of whiskey. "Seems like we both did, Ms. Ackles" he chuckled back with a smile, hand wrapping around one of my ankles.
part eight: https://hornsbeforehalos.tumblr.com/post/164096328644/anytime-sweetheart-part-8
#jeffrey dean morgan#jeffrey dean morgan rpf#jeffrey dean morgan fanfiction#jdm fanfiction#jensen ackles rpf#big brother jensen#age difference#negan thirst squad#negan x ofc#jeffrey dean morgan x ofc#jeffrey dean morgan x reader#jdm x ofc#jdm x reader#why are there so many tags needed for this
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The Newest Ackles
Part 2 of Welcome to the Family
Relationship: Jensen X Daughter!Reader, Danneel X Daughter!Reader
Words: 2,232
Summary: The Reader is having a difficult time adjusting to her new way of life. But a challenge is nothing if not exciting!
Warnings: being the new kid at school, bullying (if you squint), lots and lots of fluff
Tagging: @winchesters-favorite-girl @deathtonormalcy56 @sis-tafics @straightasdeanwinchester @infamati--et--obliterati @girl-with-a-fandom-fettish @alexandriajanae4 @27bmm @missdestiel67 @sumara62
A/N: I was going to wait to post this but I’m impatient sometimes lol. Plus I really liked the way this turned out. There will not be another part to this, in case anyone was wondering. Enjoy!
Read part 1 here - Welcome to the Family
The window was cool against the side of your head, a nice reprieve from the oppressive heat of Texas. Even after spending the entire summer in the Lone Star state, you still hadn’t quite adjusted to the temperature of your new home.
You scowled as the sunlight hit your eyes again; no matter which way you sat in your seat, you could never seem to completely block the harsh rays pouring into the car.
“What are you thinking about, kiddo?”
With a sigh, you turned to face Danneel -- no, your mom.
God, you were never going to get used to that, were you?
“Just…” you trailed off, trying to find a way to consolidate your jumbled thoughts. “Another state, another school. Another round of get-to-know-the-new-kid. It gets old after awhile.”
As she came to a red light, Danneel covered your hand with her own. “I know it’s hard, sweetheart. But just think -- this is the last time you’ll have to be the new kid, right?”
“Yeah,” you said, only just realizing. “I guess you’re right.”
“Be nice, be polite, and try to enjoy yourself a little,” she advised. Spinning the wheel, she drove up to the school building while your stomach did somersaults. “I’ll pick you up right here after school, and then you, me, and JJ can go for ice cream. How does that sound?”
Smiling, you gave her hand a small squeeze. “That sounds awesome.”
Danneel brought you in for a tight hug, rubbing comforting little circles on your back. As you breathed in her perfume, you relaxed your body into her embrace. These were the things you missed, the things you thought you would never get again after the fire. You pulled away, nerves finally calming.
“Thank you,” you said, a genuine grin on your face.
“Of course, sweetheart,” she responded. Then, checking her watch, she began shooing you out the door. “Go, go! Don’t wanna be late on your first day!”
You got out of the car feeling a bit more at ease than you did when you entered. From the backseat, you heard JJ ask about ice cream and laughed to yourself.
Maybe today wouldn’t be so bad.
“Welcome to our school, Y/N! Why don't you tell the class a little bit about yourself? Maybe your name, where you're from, and an interesting fact about yourself!”
With a barely stifled groan, you shuffled your feet. It was always the same story everywhere you went. Same annoyingly happy teacher, same stupid introduction, same bored kids staring at you with blank expressions. After so many years, the whole process had grown quite stale.
“My name’s Y/N, I'm from out of state, and… uh…” Your voice died in your throat as you struggled to think of something interesting. Other than the fact that you lived with one of the stars of a popular TV show, of course.
From somewhere in the middle of the room, a voice called out, “Don't strain yourself!”
Laughter erupted among the students, causing an embarrassed blush to creep up your neck. A look from the teacher silenced the kids, but the damage was already done. If you weren't self-conscious before, you definitely were now. Face hot, you mumbled something about having a little sister and practically ran to an open desk in the back of the room.
“Thank you, Y/N,” the teacher said, her disapproval at her students clear. Then, just like that, it disappeared, and she took on the persona of the too-perky teacher you knew so well. “Now, everybody get out your textbooks and start reading.”
For the first part of the day, no one talked to you, interacted with you, hell, even looked at you. They'd give you a side glance every now and then, but that was the extent of their hospitality. It made for a very lonely morning.
At lunch, you sat by yourself, staring at the disgusting cafeteria food and wishing you were back at home playing with JJ and the twins. There, at least, people would actually give you the time of day.
Without warning, a guy came over to your table and plopped down across from you, spreading his lunch out in front of you.
“Hey,” was all he said.
“H-hi,” you responded, unsure what to do. He, on the other hand, just continued to eat, stopping only to offer you a bag of chips, which you gratefully accepted. “So, uh, not to be rude, but… who are you?”
Seeming to realize that he hadn't introduced himself yet, the boy stopped chewing and stuck out his hand, which you hesitantly shook. “Oh, sorry. Name’s Luke. I saw you sitting alone, and since it's your first day I figured you probably don't know anybody, so I decided to keep you company.”
“How did you--”
Luke smiled gently. “We have English together, first period.”
“Oh, right! You sit next to that girl who looks likes someone dumped an entire bottle of bleach on her head,” you said, giggling.
“That's an… interesting description of her,” he told you with a laugh.
“Who is she?” you asked, full of curiosity about your new school.
Smile dropping from his face, Luke leaned in close. “Amber Green. The meanest and most popular girl in school. She and her clique are the type of people who could ruin your reputation and make you a social outcast with a single word.”
“Man, I hate people like that,” you said angrily.
“Me too,” he agreed. With a smirk, he sat back in his chair. “But hey, if you end up becoming an outcast, at least you won't be alone.” You looked at him in confusion. “You'll still have me.”
As the realization of his words hit you, a smile crept onto your face. “Yeah. At least I'll have you.”
For the remainder of lunch, the two of you talked about anything and everything. Until Luke stood up, you hadn't even realize the bell had rung to signal the end of the period, so engrossed in the conversation with your new friend.
Now, for the first time ever, you were actually looking forward to going to school.
Over the course of the week, you and Luke grew closer, always hanging out with each other any chance you got. By the time Thursday rolled around, you'd invited him over to your house -- with Danneel’s permission of course.
When Luke came over, he seemed starstruck by your mom, who had answered the door for you. He gaped at you, staring at your house in awe; it was kind of funny to watch.
“Y/N?” Danneel called from upstairs, still frantically getting ready.
“Please make sure JJ gets to bed on time,” she told you as she hurried down the stairs, in heels no less. “She’s probably gonna fight you on it, but you just have to stand your ground and she should listen.”
Nodding, you glanced over to where your little sister was watching Doc McStuffins on the TV. “Got it.”
“Gen has the twins so you don’t need to worry about them, and all the phone numbers are on the fridge just in case,” she continued, oblivious to the fact that she was rambling now.
“I got it.”
“There’s plenty of food in the kitchen, you both can help yourself to whatever you like.”
“JJ is pretty easy for dinner. Just whip up a PB&J and she’s all set. Oh, and one more thing--”
Danneel stopped, hands frozen as she tried to put her earring in. Turning to look at you, a smile began to form on her face as it hit you -- you’d called her mom. You'd never called her mom before.
It felt really good.
She pulled you into a tight hug, her hands snaking around your waist. “I love you, sweetheart.”
You leaned away from her, grinning like an idiot. “Love you too, mom.”
With a start, Danneel began rushing out of the house, shouting her goodbyes as she tried to get to the party on time. When the front door slammed shut, you and Luke were left standing in the hall, your friend apparently still gazing at your home in wonder.
“So,” you said, glancing at him with a smirk. “Ready to babysit?”
“Hey, new girl!”
You turned toward the unfamiliar voice, eyes skimming through the hallway crowded with kids at their lockers. Finally, with a sinking feeling in your stomach, you saw that girl Luke told you about, Amber, walking in your direction, her posse in tow. Glancing back at Luke, you grimaced -- what did she want?
With a fake smile plastered to your face, you spun back around to look at the queen bee of the school. “Yes, Amber?”
“Listen, there's a party at my house this weekend,” she told you. “Because you're new and I'm so nice, as a welcome gift, you're invited.”
Luke started tapping incessantly on your shoulder, clearly more freaked out than you were. You sighed. “I really appreciate the offer. But I already have plans with my family for this weekend. Thank you anyway!”
“What?” she asked, incredulous. “You're turning me down?”
“Uh, yeah,” you said.
Amber was fuming, like no one would dare say no to her. “Don't do anything you're gonna regret, new girl. I'm sure you've heard by now that I can ruin you.” She was practically snarling. “I own this school. With one word, I can make the entire student body avoid you like the plague. I can make your time here absolutely miserable.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard,” you replied, growing tired of her already. Looking over your shoulder, you smiled at Luke before turning back to Amber. “But you know what? I think I’m okay with that.”
Growling, Amber stalked away from the two of you, mumbling some choice expletives under her breath. You let out a breath you didn’t know you’d been holding.
Suddenly, Luke grabbed your shoulder and spun you around, a shocked expression on his face. “Do you realize what you just did? You sealed your fate as an outcast at school.”
“But, hey,” you said, smirking. “At least I’ll have you, right? If you can put up with me and my crazy family, that is.”
Luke laughed. “Are you kidding? I love your family!”
“You do?”
“I had an inkling when I came over to your house, but when you told Amber you had family plans, I knew for sure,” Luke explained. “You’re the new Ackles!”
You gasped slightly. “What?”
“I’m a huge fan of Supernatural,” Luke said shyly. “I heard all about the convention you went to and how you got adopted by Jensen and his wife, but never in my wildest dreams did I think you were gonna come to our school!” He smiled, full of pride. “There’s a convention this weekend, right? And there’s no way Jensen and Jared wouldn’t bring their families along with them, so once I put two and two together, I knew I was right. Sorry I didn’t say anything before.”
“That’s okay,” you affirmed. “The important thing is that you wanted to be my friend anyway, even before you knew about my dad.”
Just then, there was a big commotion by the front doors, where a large crowd had gathered. With a quick look to your friend, the two of you rushed down the hallway to see what was going on. Both of you pushed through the throng of people, somehow managing to get to the front of the mass.
“What the--?”
Parked outside the school was a big black van, idling near the sidewalk. When the driver door opened, a large guy with tattoos and a goatee got out.
Cliff? you thought. Shouldn’t he be on set with the boys? The back door slid open, answering your questions. “No way.”
Out of the van stepped the man who had taken your life and turned it completely upside down, the one who had given you the family you always wanted, the one who was supposed to be in Vancouver, not Texas.
All eyes turned to you as you raced across the school grounds to Jensen, whose face lit up like a Christmas tree. Tackling him in a big hug, you felt a wave of comfort wash over you when he returned the hug. You looked up at him, grinning broadly.
“What are you doing here?” you asked. “You should be on set!”
“I don’t see you complaining about it,” he teased, making you giggle. “Filming finished a little early this week, so we decided to pop in for a surprise visit before the con this weekend.”
Puzzled, you searched his face. “We?” Suddenly, someone came up from behind, picked you up, and threw you over their shoulder. Before you even saw his face, you knew exactly who it was. “Put me down, you big moose!”
Jared burst out laughing as he put you back down on the ground and ruffled your hair playfully. “You ready to have some fun tomorrow, squirt?”
“Hell yeah!” you shouted, pumping your fist in the air. “You, me, and dad are gonna have a blast together. Plus, I’ve got some awesome pranks we can pull in the green room.”
Pausing, Jensen looked down at you with an arched eyebrow. “You know you just--”
“I’m aware,” you said, a mischievous glint in your eye. “Trust me, you deserve it.”
#supernatural#jensen ackles#jensen x reader#danneel ackles#supernatural one shot#supernatural fan fic#supernatural fan fiction#jensen ackles one shot#jensen ackles fan fic#jensen ackles fan fiction#jared padalecki#jared x reader#jared padalecki one shot#jared padalecki fan fic#jared padalecki fan fiction#jensen x daughter!reader#danneel x daughter!reader#family business one shot
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A Thousand Years...
Chapter 9
Heart beats fast. Colors and promises. How to be brave. How can I love when I’m afraid to fall. But watching you stand alone. All of my doubt suddenly goes away…..
Summary: A soulmate’s purpose is to shake you up, tear apart your ego a little bit, show your obstacles and addictions, break your heart open so new light can get in, make you so desperate and out of control that you have to transform your life, then introduce you to your spiritual master. – Elizabeth Gilbert, Eat, Pray, Love
A new town, a new job, and a new life, one that you didn’t even expect……
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 2153
Warnings will include… Smut, language, unrequited/ requited love, cheating, and possibly more. This is brand new, so I will add to it as I know. Chapters will have warnings of their own if need be….
A/N: So my little cousin was watching breaking dawn in the living room, and I was folding clothes in the guest room… When the credits rolled and this song started, this fic hit me right in the face… I couldn’t escape it.
Fic Based on the Song A Thousand Years, by Christina Perri
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You spent the majority of the rest of the day and night sitting on the couch with Jensen just taking and eventually watching movies wrapped tightly in each other’s arms. Somewhere around 2 in the morning, he fell asleep on the couch watching The Walking Dead, and you slipped into your room and got some sleep as well.
Things were still very touch and go with the two of you, and you weren't about to spend the night on the couch with him, but you didn't have the heart to make him leave. You had worked past a lot, and you had a strange silent agreement between the two of you, that even though you didn't understand it you both seemed to have very deep feelings for one another, and being together was better than being alone. So you were going to take it slow, figure this out together, but you definitely weren't going to fight against it anymore.
You were pretty sure that there was way more that went on between Jensen and Danneel than he was telling you, and you were determined that you weren't going to push it out of him, he'd tell you whenever he was ready. It was his story to tell, not yours, he told you what he felt you needed to know, and the bottom line is they're no longer together.
Even though you both had this strange little agreement Jensen was being very cautious the whole night about touching you. He never tried to kiss you, and when you were both lying on the couch watching TV together, he made sure his hands were in a safe respectable place. He was being overly cautious, but you weren't sure how far you should push it either, because last time you even kissed each other... Well...
You slept very little that night because honestly, your thoughts were on the man asleep on your couch in the living room. Finally about six in the morning you gave up on your tossing and turning, and silently as possible, you made your way toward the kitchen to turn on the coffee pot. Jensen was still sound asleep on the couch when you passed by him. He didn't even move. He was exhausted. Even long after he stopped crying his eyes were red and swollen. The lines around his eyes were a lot deeper than usual, even in his sleep.
Quietly, as you could, you turned the coffee pot on that you had made up before going to bed and pulled down your cup from the cup rack that was hanging on the wall above the counter. You were just about to start pouring it when you heard Jensen's footsteps behind you.
When you turned around to face him you couldn't contain the smile that spread over your face. He was standing there with his hair all over the replace, rubbing his eyes much like a child would do when they just got up in the morning, and he looked way more adorable than a grown man had the right to.
For a moment you both just stood there. It was like the calm after a long storm. Eerie in a way, yet a deep resounding peace, accompanied with a silence that seemed to echo through your bones.
Something about him standing there with you still half asleep felt like everything was as it should be. Like this small part of your life had been missing all along, and you didn’t even know it.
Jensen made his way over slowly to you, moving slow enough that you could tell him to leave you alone if you wanted to, and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a tight hug before kissing the top of your forehead lightly; making your heart leap in your chest at even the small little gesture.
"You okay?" you asked him when he just stood there for a moment.
"Yeah, just tired I guess," he mumbled. "I know you're probably tired of me being here. I'm sure you want me to leave," he said, pulling away from you where you could finally get a good look at him. He looked as exhausted as he sounded.
"No, I'm not tired of you at all. I feel like I just got you, and I'm not in a hurry for you to leave," you tell him as he sat down on the barstool closest to him, and you grabbed down another coffee cup.
"Well, I really don't want to go home anyway. It's so empty and it’s too quiet." He took the coffee cup from you that you had just poured for him, and you took a seat next to him, reaching out he laced his fingers with yours, obviously looking for some sort of comforting touch; some sort of connection.
"You don't have to leave if you don't want to. I know it's not the extravagance that you're used to, but you're always welcome to stay here with me," you tell him, and he smiles at you a little.
"Well that would be fine by me, but someone would see me eventually. I really don't want to leave you though," Jensen said, biting down on his lip like he does when he's nervous.
"Would it be too much... I mean I know I said we were going to take things slow, but I don't want to be alone in that house, and you don't want me to leave. If I stay here, I’ll be caught in just a few days, and that would just put more pressure on an already strained situation. Maybe you could come and stay with me at my place? I got plenty of spare rooms, so you could have your own space. You wouldn't have to pay for anything... We'd get to be together all the time," Jensen asked you almost sheepishly, almost like a little kid that was asking for something he half expected to get in trouble for.
You sat there quietly for a moment, thinking it over. He was right about one thing, if he stayed here he'd definitely get caught. Crystal would turn up here eventually, and you knew how obsessed she was over him, not to mention the thousands of people always living in and moving around the building. He said you'd have your own space, and you really didn't want to leave him. Ever. The thought of being apart from him was enough to make your very fragile pieces of your heart seize up in your chest. So that really left only one option.
"Okay, I'll do it. Why not? What's life if you don't take risks?"
The stupid grin that spread over Jensen's face made your heart swell in your chest. "Really?" he asked you hopefully.
"Yeah, really. We don't want to be apart. This is the only solution. My sister-in-law would catch you here eventually anyway. If anything is going to work out between us, it's probably not going to work here," you state matter of factly.
"Your right," Jensen said, standing to his feet. "Pack up some of your stuff. We'll figure out the rest in a few days. If you don't want to get rid of the apartment I'll make sure the bills are taken care of. Let's go home."
"Jensen, you don't have to pay my bills. I'm perfectly capable of paying them myself," you tell him, not wanting to feel like you're leaching off of him, and you didn't want him to think that either, just because he was rich doesn't mean that you had to lean on him for everything.
"Sweetheart, I don't know how to tell you this, but if you're going to be with me, and stay with me, I doubt you're going to want to work at the brewery much longer... Think about it. Gino is Danneel's brother. Danneel still has some say in the company, and once fans get wind of you and me, it would make working there impossible. Well, mostly anyway."
You stood there and thought about that for a moment, and he was right, Gino didn't seem too pleased with Jensen as it was, and when he finds out the two of you are sort of together, or whatever the fuck this was, and that your living with Jensen just weeks after he and his wife separated? Yeah, you might as well chalk that job up. Plus Danneel never liked you anyway.
You did like that job though, so to say that bites was a bit of an understatement.
"Don't worry, you will figure it out, you being with me opens up a lot of opportunities that normally might be a little out of reach. Take your time. I got you in the meantime. Find your niche. You want to write, we'll talk to a publishing company, you want to do something with music, Steve's got that, Fuck Gen just blogs and makes plenty off of that. Plus it gives her something that's kind of her own, or if you just want to travel with me and do nothing else I'm more than okay with that." Jensen said, closing the distance between the two of you, wrapping his arms around you, and pulling you as close to him as possible.
"Come on, let's get some of your things packed up, and let's go home and get settled," Jensen said, giving you a peck on your forehead. "We'll grab breakfast on the way."
"Okay," you smile up at him. He looked hopeful for the first time ever since you met him. Even though this felt right you were nervous, but you said you were going to take this chance, and you fully intended to do just that. Jensen was right, not only about the two of you needing to be together, but he opened up a lot of chances for you, and things will work out eventually. You wanted a change when you moved here. Well, here we go. Change in its true form.
Change is usually scary, and it usually doesn't come easy. In fact, when things were easy you'd learned in life that they weren't going to work out in the end, or they weren't for the best for you, the best things usually come with a lot of work, and boy you had your work cut out for you, and so did Jensen.
Less than three hours later you were sitting in Jensen's truck after getting a bite to eat, and driving down his street, headed toward his home. When you first saw it you were in shocked silence. You just sat there. Jensen watched you closely, openly looking and waiting for the approval. He wanted you to be happy. He wanted you to feel at home, comfortable.
"Jensen... Wow... Is this where you live?" you asked him in almost a whisper.
"Where WE live," he smiled at you, opening the door and jumping out like he was a little kid on Christmas morning, running around and opening your door before you could, helping you down from the truck.
You had never seen Jensen so excited, which it wasn't like you had spent a lot of time together. Way to dive right in there... Still, he was genuinely happy as he led you around into his house, leading you from room to room, telling you all his favorite pieces, and things that he had there before finally making his way upstairs.
"This is the master bedroom. Over here across the hall is the room you can stay in unless you want to be further away from me, but I promise I won't bother you if you're in there, I want you to feel like you have your own space if you need it," he said, leading you through the spare bedroom and opening the door. Revealing the biggest bathroom you had ever used. You couldn't wait to take a soak in that tub that was in the adjacent bathroom. You were actually starting to get a little excited about this too. Jensen's smile was a little contagious as it was. When he was this excited, it seemed to be even more so.
Stopping in the middle of the room that would now be your room, Jensen wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning down to brush his lips over yours in the first kiss that he'd given you since the event at the brewery. It was soft, sweet; nothing expected or nothing needed. Even if it was quick it still made your heart skip a beat. He just had an effect on you that no one ever had before.
"So.. What do you think?" he asked you, his bright green eyes piercing yours, searching. "You're okay with staying here with me? Because I really, really want you close to me."
"Jensen, I'm more than okay with it. You said you just couldn't stay away from me, and well, I can't seem to stay away from you either, and I'm tired of fighting it. So you seem to be just stuck with me."
"Good," Jensen said grinning, bringing his lips back to yours, kissing you gently, yet passionately, his tongue gliding over yours with ease; his taste and scent overwhelming you. Your heart felt like it could fly out of your chest and around the room. He was intoxicating there was no other way to describe it. Just as he pulled away from you and leaned his forehead against yours, you heard the doorbell ring through the house.
"Guess I need to go and get that," Jensen said, lacing his fingers with yours making his way to the front door, opening it to revealing the one person you hoped you wouldn't have to see.
Tag List:
@deanwanddamons @imabitch4jensen @rvgrsbrns @bi-danvers0 @onethirstyunicorn @i-love-superhero @akshi8278 @alanegaming @magssteenkamp @lemondropirwin
Series Tag List:
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