#will change amy’s hair style to something else
umii33 · 4 months
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The 100 songs that changed metal (by Metal Hammer)
74. Within Temptation – Ice Queen (Mother Earth, 2000)
In the 90s, symphonic metal was more a glittering garnish than a scene in itself, something bands from Therion to Celtic Frost would sprinkle on their music to make it sparkle. And while the genre would start coming together into something more tangible towards the end of the decade, it wasn’t until a few years later that a song would emerge to put symphonic metal on the map.
That song was Within Temptation’s Ice Queen. A complete volte-face from the gothic doom of the Dutch metallers’ 1997 debut, Enter, it appeared on the follow-up, Mother Earth, in a flurry of lavish arrangements and fairytale histrionics. Buoyed by vocalist Sharon den Adel’s crystalline voice, it pushed metal towards a new frontier, quickly whipping up a buzz in mainland Europe. Ice Queen can take credit for being symphonic metal’s first major hit, pushing women to the forefront and influencing a brand new generation of bands.
81. Evanescence – Bring Me To Life (Fallen, 2003)
Evanescence’s debut single, Bring Me To Life, turned vocalist Amy Lee into a megastar. Arriving in 2003, when mainstream music was dominated by hyper-masculine men and overly sexualised pop stars, with her billowing long skirts, corset tops, arm socks and steely self-confidence, Amy redefined what a female artist could be, becoming a role model for millions of misfits and dreamers everywhere.
Despite its crunchy guitars and a rapped verse, courtesy of 12 Stones’ Paul McCoy – which Amy has since said she was forced to add by their label – Bring Me To Life’s cobwebby, goth fragility also brought something fresh to nu metal’s dick-swinging party, extending the mainstream’s flirtation with the genre for a little longer – as of 2019, it’s sold more than 3 million copies and has passed more than a billion streams on YouTube and Spotify.
82. Arch Enemy – We Will Rise (Anthems Of Rebellion, 2003)
We Will Rise was a huge song, not only for Arch Enemy but for the new generation of 21st-century melodic death metal they spearheaded. Guitarist Michael Amott had already laid down the melodeath blueprints with Carcass, while Arch Enemy themselves had already made three albums with singer Johan Liiva, but neither they nor anyone else had made an anthem quite like this.
As well as propelling the genre as a whole to greater heights and popularity, it provided a bigger platform for Angela Gossow – a hugely influential figure and one of the first prominent female vocalists to not only try but absolutely nail an extreme metal style. “Her emergence as a metal vocalist was, without hyperbole, revolutionary,” Svalbard’s Serena Cherry told us recently, and we’re not arguing.
84. Nightwish – Nemo (Once, 2004)
Nightwish didn’t invent symphonic metal, but alongside peers Within Temptation and Epica, they popularised it and packaged it to the masses. By 2004, the Finns had already established themselves as a major player in Europe, but with the sumptuous Nemo, they broke through on an unprecedented level.
No longer a niche concern in the geeky corners of the metal world, symphonic metal, in all its lavish, overwrought glory revelled under a global spotlight. Nemo’s fantastical magic, sparkling piano refrain and stirring melody has endured – it’s still the band’s best-known song – but its lasting image comes via its gothic music video, and then-singer Tarja Turunen singing in the snow in a blood-red coat. Nemo showed metal at its most fragile and beautiful.
95. Babymetal – Gimme Chocolate!! (Babymetal, 2014)
If elitists were tearing their hair out at the likes of Ghost, Bring Me The Horizon and Limp Bizkit being considered ‘metal’, then they might as well have just reached for the clippers for this one. The sight of three young Japanese girls rocking choreographed moves and singing sugary-sweet, J-pop-infused choruses about chocolate over heavy metal riffs was as shocking as it was delightful.
Babymetal hadn’t just broken the mould for metal, either; they’d given the West a fuller glimpse into the uniquely Japanese phenomenon of idol culture, and given the cutesy world of Kawaii a bigger global platform than ever. Overseen by band mastermind and producer extraordinaire, Key ‘Kobametal’ Kobayashi, Babymetal were unlike anything our world had seen before: equal parts hyper-polished girl band and full-on heavy metal experience, with their mysterious Kami Band backing musicians as formidable as any ‘proper’ metal band you could name.
Cynics moaned, but with the likes of Rob Halford, Metallica and Corey Taylor throwing in their support, the trio quickly transcended their ‘gimmick’ tag to become a legitimate force in the modern metal landscape.
99. Spiritbox – Holy Roller (Eternal Blue, 2022)
Spiritbox were already firmly established as Ones To Watch by the time Holy Roller, the first single from Eternal Blue, exploded like a hand grenade in the summer of 2020. Once those first, colossal riffs rang out, however, it was clear that the Canadian troupe hadn’t just levelled up considerably – they had successfully repositioned themselves as one of the most exciting and vital bands of their generation.
Backed by a memorable video inspired by Ari Aster’s disturbing Midsommar movie, Holy Roller was the perfect crystallisation of the last decade-plus of evolution in metal, packing djent, metalcore, nu metal and more into a massively crushing (but seriously catchy!) three minutes. “This song was never intended to be a single,” explained vocalist Courtney LaPlante later. “Our mission statement was, ‘Let’s make the most ridiculous song that we can.’”
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unamused-boss · 9 months
Boots and Trumpets
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Robin Buckley x Hargrove Oc
Warning, Strong topics: homophobia, child abandonment, troubled sibling relationship, child abuse, underage drinking, Homophobic language, strong language
I will not tolerate any negativity in the comments regarding sexuality or religion!
Summary: Amelia is now facing new challenges within Hawkins. One being her having the miss her friend Tina's annual Halloween party. So to counter for what she thought would be a boring night, she stopped by a little birdie's house instead.
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I are currently sitting inside your shared ride with Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington. I had the pleasure to have the whole back seat to myself, with my boots propped up onto the window opposite of your head. My baggy washed out jeans hanging from my ankles with my golden colored sweater tucked into my jeans with a brown belt.
“Steve, the more you complain about it and not work on it the more it’s going to suck.” I said to him after hearing him complain about his college essay for the past fifteen minutes.
“It’s not bad Steve, it just needs some rearranging.” Nancy reassured. “You just have to…” Nancy went onto this thing about how he can fix it but I truly did not care. They went onto something else about some dinner that they had to go to. Everything came to a halt when a roar of an engine stopped every word that was about to be exchanged. Both Nancy and Steve stepped out of the car to have a look at the noise while I only peered out of the window. We all saw a charged blue Camaro drive by us and parked. Our eyes still followed to see who owned it. My eyes made contact with the California plate on the back of it.
“What are the odds..” I laughed, I’m kinda happy another Cali kid is here. Maybe I can make a new friend. Two people got out of the car, a dude wearing denim on denim with curly hair styled into a mullet and a twelve year old with red hair with a skateboard. They both looked familiar. But then I saw it, it was the missing earring to my set that I had when I left in California. I thought it fell out when I was packing my bags.
“No fucking way…” I said in shock. ‘Out of every town in this country, you just had to show up here…’
You gotta be fucking kidding me. Out of every damn state that those asswhips could pick. They pick my state. Indi-fucking-ana. I can’t handle this. I'm gonna throw up. I don’t have the energy to go find a new place to live. I can’t let any of them see me. I can’t live through this. This has to be some sort of nightmare. A really bad nightmare. God I didn’t change my last name either. Everyone is going to know. He’s going to figure it out and I’ll be thrown in front of a flippin bus. What am I going to do?
“Hey!” An all to perky Tina jumped up at me while I was at my locker. “How are you Amy?”
God, here it begins.
“What’s up…” My voice sounds frazzled, get it together. “I’m fine. What do you need?”
“Well as you know by now there is a new hot topic on campus.” Tina grinned.
“Yeahh.” I answered clearly to most with no enthusiasm, but not to Tina. “What does he have to do with me?”
“Well. I was hoping you could hook me up with your cousin!”
“Cousin? No he is not my cousin, we are no were near related.”
“Really?” She seemed not to believe me. “You guys just look really similar, I mean if you never took your sunglasses off I’d think you were him.” She obviously meant it as a joke. I can tell by the light giggle that she gave after making her comment.
“Well we’re not so I can’t help you there.” I stated blankly to her. “Hope you’re able to get in his pants.” I tried to end the conversation there but I was stopped.
“Hey wait!” I turned back to face Tina, who had pulled out an orange slip of paper. “Here you're invited, hope you can make it.” She said before skipping away to her next class. I looked down at the flier to see ‘ Let’s get sheet faced’ printed in bold on it. I laugh a bit at the play on words before folding it and putting it in my pocket. ‘I am skipping school today’ I made my way to the back exit of the school when a light force knocked me a few steps back.
“Oh my god! I am so sorry, that was completely my fault. Please don’t yell at me, I’m just trying to get to chem.” A familiar frantic voice called out to me. Robin Buckley.
“Robin, it’s okay.” I reassured her.
“Are you sure? Cause listen if that scary dude is related to you please don’t send him my way.” She begged. 
I huffed. “I’m not related to him, Robin, don’t worry. I’m playing hooky, I’ll catch ya later… hopefully?” I say. I start walking past her to the free world from Hawkins High School
“Yeah, to-totally.” The faint voice of Robin can be heard from the closing doors.
Halloween Night: Friday 31, 1984
“Listen Tina, I can’t make it.” I told the bummed girl over that phone. “I’m sorry, I’ll come to the next party you throw.” I reassured her.
“But why are you flaking out on the Halloween bash! You never miss this specific party in the few years that I have known you.” That is true. Once you went to Tina’s annual halloween party you’ve never missed it. But that is changing this year. Being that your twin brother and step sister now live here, there is going to be a lot more flaking then just at the halloween party.
“Tina I told you, I’m taking Will trick or treating with his friends tonight.” You told her once again. “We can do a sleepover some time next week… okay.” 
“Okay.” I heard her sigh, “I see ya around.”
“See ya later Tina.” I hung up the yellow landline. I walk over to the livingroom to see Will fixing his ghostbusters costume.
“I still can’t believe no one else dressed up this year.” Will said sadly, “Everyone dressed up last year.”
“It’s okay Will, they just think they're too cool to dress up.” I reassured the small kid. In the back you can hear Bob explaining to Johnathan how the camera works when Joyce came behind Will with his, whatever it is, backpack for his costume.
“Listen, stay close to your brother and Amy, and you get a bad feeling just tell them so you can come straight home.” Joyce told him. “You promise.” Will gave her a thumbs up. “Okay.”
“You ready to rock and roll, Will the wise.” I smiled down at him.
“Be safe.” Joyce shouted out to us, mainly to Will. We all got into the car. Jonathan driving, Will in the passenger seat, and with me in the back. We start to make our way over to Mike’s neighborhood. 
“I just don’t get what she sees in him.” Jonathan says all of a sudden.
“What?” Will answered in utter confusion.
“At least he doesn’t treat me differently.” Will said. “I can’t even go trick or treating by myself. It’s lame.”
“What, you think me and Johnathan are lame?” I said, trying to lighten his mood. 
“No, but it’s not like Nancy is coming to watch over Mike. You know?” Jonathan just sighs. He looks at me from the mirror. I give him the same look. We both feel bad for the kid, but what are we gonna do? I don’t want anything to happen to Will. Sooner than later we are at Mike’s front yard. Will makes his way to get out till Johnathan stops him.
“Hey.” Jonathan says to Will.
“Yeah.” He answers.
“If I let you go by yourself, will you promise to stay in the neighborhood.” Johnathan suggested. 
“Yeah.” Will’s mood brightened up. “Yeah-Yeah, totally.”
“And be back at Mike’s by 9:00.” Jonathan told him.
“9:30?” Will tried to persuade him. “9:00.” Jonathan said again.”Deal?” “Yeah deal.” Will rushes out of the car to go to his friends.
“Will.” Jonathan stops him from leaving the car to hand him the camera. “Don’t let any of your spazzy friends touch this.” Will laughed and took the camera to go over to his friends. 
“You’re a good brother John.” I smiled at him. “I’ll see ya later.” As is tried to get out of the car but Jonathan stopped me.
“Wait where are you going?” 
“I don't know, I’ll probably walk around the neighborhood.” I said. “I got a friend down that street.”
“You’re really not going to Tina’s party?” He was bewildered by this. 
“Yeah John, I’m really not going.”
“But you love Tina’s parties.” He simply stated.
“Well I’m not feeling it this year.” I told him.
“Bullshit.” He called. “Why aren’t you going?”
“I just don’t want to go.” I’m sticking to this. “I have someone I can hang out with, plus I’ll be close to Will if something happens.” John and I just stare at each other for a minute.
“Okay.” He sighed. “But if Nancy gets upset that you’re not there, I’m not taking the heat.”
“Okay.” I smiled at him as I got out of the car. I walked my way over to where the boys were messing around as John left for Tina's party. “Okay turd-nuggets.” I begin.
“Really, what are you twelve?” Mike sassed. 
“And are you a lollipop with that stick up your ass?” I sassed back to him, I start back up were I was interrupted. “I will be down that street with a friend, I will be back her at 8:45 to make sure you guys are fine. Okay?”
A chorus of “Okay’s” filled the air.
“Great! See you shit-heads later.” I walk off a familiar bird’s house. I walk up the stairs to the front door and give it a quick knock. I wait until the door opens. 
“Amelia?” Robin says confused. “What are you doing here?”
“ I was hoping we could hang out for a bit.” I suggested. “Is that okay?”
“Oh! It’s completely fine!” She exclaimed, “I just thought you'd be at some party.”
“I didn’t feel like partying tonight, ya know.” I made my way into her house.
Tina’s Halloween Party: Friday 31, 1984
The party was in full swing. TP covering the lights of every room. Alcohol filling the mouths and noses of every teenager on the property. Music blasting as loud as physically possible. Someone throwing up in the front yard. The smell of weed coming from the master bedroom with each new blunt that was lit. The sound of a name being chanted in the backyard. A keg stand can be seen with an all too familiar blonde on top, like always. 
“Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy! Billy!” Is chanting through the crowd as the new keg king came down from his stand. Spitting out that remaining beer from his mouth.
“That’s how you do it Hawkins! That’s how you do it!” Billy yelled. The statement “We have a new keg king, ladies and gentleman!” Being shouted along as Billy made his way into the house. His senses are filled with the atmosphere of the room. Till he sees a certain fallen king with his princess. 
“Got ourselves a new keg king Harrington.” Tommy boasted.
“Yeah, eat it Harrington!”  Steve looked onto the, now new, keg king. Waiting for something to happen.
“What’s wrong Harrington? Your little dyke is not here to save you.” Tommy fake whined to him. As a way to taunt him. Tommy was about to keep laughing when he felt beer splash over his shoulder. “What the? What the hell Tina?!”
“Don’t call her that!” Tina shouted at him “If she was here she’d leave you crying.”, too drunk to keep dealing with him but still wanting to defend her friend. Nancy, now done with the testerone in front of her, quickly left to get something stronger to drink. Tommy is now pissed that he is covered in pungent drink. 
“Go worry about yourself before you come at me guys.” Was all Steve said then walking away from the other teenage boys. Staring off at the brunette as he went after his girlfriend.
Billy turned himself around to face Tommy. “How were you talking about that got Tina mad?” He asked, genuinely curious about the lesbian that was not present tonight at the party of the semester.
“Oh. Just some lesbo that hangs with Harrington.” Tommy retorted, making it seem like she isn’t worth Billy’s time. “She can be a fucking asshole.”
Laughter filled the Buckley house this Halloween. The two girls conversed with one another for the past few hours. Being comfortable with one another knowing how the other truly is.
“Wait.” Robin kept laughing. “You got caught kissing Heather Halloway from her bedroom window then proceeded to fall from the second story?!”
“Yeaah, I’m not welcomed over at the Holloway house any more.” I giggled.  
“Jeez, you’ve done more than I thought.” Robin smiled. “I’m still scared to change in the girls locker room.”
“Hey I’m the town lesbo.” I calmly giggled. 
We fell into comfortable silence, “Hey, I wanna ask you something?” Robin asked.
“Sure.” I said, waiting for her question.
“What was California like?” I sat silent for a second. Due to my silence Robin thought she had hit a nerve. “If you don’t want to talk about it you don’t have to!”
“It’s okay, I just haven't talked with anyone about California.” I reassured her. “ It was like a constant sunset everyday…” I started.
“The weather was always perfect. And the beaches, oh my god the beaches. They were always clear. I lived in Santa Monica, very touristy but beautiful.” I was happy I could finally talk about my home again. “Ugh that sand was so soft under your toes when you walked. And there was this boardwalk that my mom took me and my brother to all that time-” 
“You have a brother?” Robin asked curiously.I stopped. ‘No I messed up’.
“Yeah.” I frowned.
“Do- Do you miss him?” Robin asked.
“Everyday… but I hope he’s living the California dream as you guys would say.” I covered my truth with a lie. Not wanting her to know that my brother is here in Hawkins. 
“Well from how to describe California, it sounds beautiful.” She reassured me.
I stared back at her with a smile. “Thanks Robin.” Silence filled the room again. Comfortable silence. I liked being around Robin, even with her nervous attitude, she was truly one of a kind. I was about to say something when I glanced at the clock of the wall to find it was close to the time I told the boys I would meet them.
“I gotta go.” I sighed disappointedly, “But I’d love to spend more time together.” I am hoping her answer is a yes.
“Yeah, I would love that! Well not like love-love, but do love being around you. Not in like a couple ways cause that would be weird since we’re just friends. Yaaa know.” She panicked.
“I know Rob.” I smirked, “I’ll see you at school later.” 
As we said our goodbyes, I made my way down the street to see the boys. I saw the familiar ghostbuster’s suits from where I was. I could tell that they picked someone up along the way to go trick or treating with. ‘How cute, they made a new friend’. There were two stragglers in the back of the group, by the hair cuts I could tell that it was Mike and Will. I did a small jog over to them.
“Hey shit-heads!” I yelled to them, all their heads slowly turning to me as I made my way over to them. “Did you guys get anything good?”
“What Amy, why are you here?” Mike complained.
“Cause it is close to 9:00 and I want to check on you guys, is that so bad?”
“Yes.” He answered.
“Okay you know what, you're a little shit.” I said to him, “Besides who’s your new?... friend…”
It appears that we have the same looks on our faces. I stared at Max. She stared back at me.
“Shit…” I accidently said out loud.
“Do you know Max, Amy?” Lucas asked me.
I took a deep breath in. “No.” I said simply. “Listen, hit up a few more houses, I’ll come get you in a minute.”
“Where are you-” Dustin started.
“I need a minute guys!” I shouted at them, walking over to Mike’s front yard. Dammit, why. Why! The last person I want to see is with the kids I watch. Shit. This is bad. She can’t tell Niel. No, she can’t tell Billy. Would they even believe her if she told them? Shit, what do I do? I was taken out of my head when a very upset Mike walked by me. I was about to ask him if he was okay when I heard a commotion in the street. I look over to see Will being picked on by some older boys.
“Hey! What the hell are you doing!” I shout at them as I run over to them. “Get back here you fuck heads!” They ran away the minute I had my eyes set on them. Will was pushed to the ground, dropping his candy and camera. I kneel down to him, “Hey Will, are you okay?” I calmly asked him. “Did they hurt you?” I kept asking. Will was not responding what so ever. He just kept looking up at the sky, like something was looking at him. “Will?... Will!” He started to get up slowly, still not answering me. He started to move slowly. Till he ran straight to the back of Mike’s house. “Will!” I shouted after him, grabbing his candy and camera. The other apparently heard me since I heard multiple pairs of feet behind me. I made my way down some brick stairs to find Mike with Will hiding behind a wall.
“Will! I couldn’t find you.” Mike panicked with worry. “I heard Amy shouting then I couldn’t find you, are you hurt?” Due to Will’s heavy breathing I could tell what was up.
“Holy shit!” Dustin yelled. 
I kneeled down to his level looking him in the eyes. “Did you have another episode Will?” He was still looking around like a scared cat. “I’m gonna get you home, okay buddy.”  Mike made his way to help Will up. When others tried to help he called them off. Blocking off the rest of us to take Will with him.
“Mike?” Dustin tried.
“Keep trick or treating, I’m bored anyways.” He started taking Will with him.
“What’s wrong with him?” Max asked, looking to us for an answer. The boys and I were silent, nothing to say.
“It’s something you don’t have to worry about.” I told her. “Dustin, Lucas go up there for a minute. I need to talk with her.”
“What! Why?” They both started to complain.
“I don’t want to hear it. Go!” I hardly ever get stern with them, but when I do I hope they know I mean what I say. They both, begrudgingly, made their way up the stairs. I turn myself back to Max.
“I go by Amy now…” Well this is awkward.
“What did you want?” She asked me, quit literally over me already.
“You can’t tell Billy I’m here or anyone.” I told her.
“What? Why not?” She was baffled. “Do you not know how much Billy misses you?”
“No Max I don’t, because I’ve been here for the past 4 years.” I stated. “Just please don’t tell him, and don’t tell anyone that we’re related. Got that.”
“Good. As far as me and you go, we just met. Okay?”
“Okay.” She said a bit quietly. “Now let’s get you back up there with your friends so you can enjoy the rest of the night.” I take her back up to Dustin and Lucas. And since Johnathan isn’t here by 9:00, looks like I’m stuck here.
Jeez, the next month is gonna be a shit show. Max knows I’m here now. Johnathan is nowhere in sight. On top of that my twin brother is here too. Hopefully this can’t get any worse than it already is.
Man. I was so wrong about that…
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Hello! I hope you enjoyed this part of the story! Also so sorry for my absents, I know you guys are wanting fics/stories. All I ask is that you be patient with me, thank you. If you have any kind of feed back I would love to hear it. And please tell me what you think of Robin and Amelia's interactions together.
I always love good feedback!
Thank you for reading and have a great Christmas!
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jokerislandgirl32 · 1 year
I was wondering if you had any Violet and Zack wedding headcanons? :) for… (*hides drawing tablet and suspiciously looks around*) no reason whatsoever :D
Awwww, you are so sweet! This ask made me so happy, and I’ve been working hard on it!
Yes, I do have a lot of wedding headcanons! And, I actually wrote a scene from the wedding in the prologue to Wild Violets! I think I’m going to tweak it a bit when I post chapter 1, but I’ll link it here! A03 Wattpad FF.net
But there is more to, it obviously…lol! For starters…they have 2 weddings! I’ll link everything below the cut because it is a lot! And to keep thing more neat and tidy for myself (my ocd’s been bad lately, lol) I’ll answer for the first wedding in this post and second wedding in another post I will tag you in!
Wedding #1
The first wedding is a simple courthouse wedding that occurs shortly Violet’s 23rd birthday in April.
Zach, Violet, his mother Valerie, and Violet’s Aunt Amy, and cousin Paige, Paige’s husband Todd, Paige and Todd’s son Nathaniel, and a few of the Zachbots are in attendance (if you/anyone wants references for them, let me know).
Violet does not wear an actual wedding dress, she instead wears a short white party dress that has blue flora appliqués to have her “something blue.” 
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Violet’s “something old” is her V butterfly necklace from Zach. 
Her “something new” is her custom made engagement ring from Zach that is gold with rubies and diamonds in the shape of a V were a typical diamond would be (enjoy my lovely rendition of it below, sorry the gold looks awful, lol).
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Zach’s mother surprises Violet by loaning her the wedding veil she wore when she married Zach’s father to Violet, giving her “something borrowed.”
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Violet wears her hair down in a half up, half down style, similar to the one below, but when they leave the courthouse, Violet trades the veil for some butterfly themed hair jewelry!
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Zach wears the same black and gray suit he wore when he and Violet shared their first kiss (looks like below).
Zach and Violet, alone in his headquarters before they go to the courthouse, his hand cupped under her chin: Zach: “This suit brought me good luck the last time I wore it, it changed my life because it made me realize that I loved you. That you were my life.”
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Even though it’s a courthouse wedding, Zach’s mom pulls Violet to the side and puts the veil on her, pulling it over her face and walking her to Zach. 
Zach is stunned when he sees Violet, not expecting the veil with the dress, he pulls the veil’s blusher back and holds her face in his hands, Zach: “you are beautiful.”
Violet: “Even given the…circumstances?”
Zach: “You could wear a trash bag and be beautiful.”
Zach’s mom is a florist, so she also surprises Zach and Violet with flowers for the wedding, she brings a small bouquet of flowers for Violet and boutonnières for everyone else.
The flowers are white and royal blue to match Violet’s dress (something like below, but with real flowers).
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At the courthouse, the quick ceremony is performed by a justice of the peace, they kiss, sign the marriage license, and are on their way!
After the wedding they have a small reception on the balcony at Zach’s headquarters with Gourmand catering (vegetarian foods and no alcohol per Violet’s instructions, lol) and all the villains come to celebrate with them at the reception. 
Donita, Valarie, Amy, and Paige decorated the balcony with fairy lights, lanterns, and white, blue, and lilac flowers in various arrangements, and a triangle shaped arch covered with the flowers too!
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Zach and Violet share a first dance at the reception to the song Technicolour Beat. It’s a very intense and intimate moment for them, and I imagine Violet’s quietly singing it to him 🥰!
They end the reception with more dancing, photos (they get some sweet hugging and kissing pics, and get some with sparklers for sure!), and they give their guests a special surprise! Any guesses?
Well those are Wedding #1 headcanons! Thank you so much for this ask, I’ve enjoyed working on it! If you have any more questions, please let me know. And if anyone has a questions you can reach out too!
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fang-and-feather · 2 years
The gift of your Touch
Ikemen Vampire - Isaac/Amy (OC)
For the "’Tis the season for love" content creation challenge hosted by @xxsycamore and @voltage-vixen
Prompt: "I've decided I don't want to be on the nice list this Christmas."
Isaac's girlfriend wants to give him the best birthday/Christmas experience she can provide.
Explicit Fic
Mildly relevant side note: this was made from an early concept for I'm Yours Tonight, that I scratched, with a different character (I considered a few characters and found Isaac easier to write something I was satisfied with and the added birthday theme was a nice touch) and a slight more proactive Amy
I thought I had more time... I'm glad I finished this on time
Irrelevant side note: all these different post styles feel so awkward, but I'm still trying to find a design I like
AO3 Version / IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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Isaac was surprised when a goodnight kiss from his girlfriend had turned into something heated.
Amy was usually so sure of herself, so prone to initiating physical contact, even in public, but nothing more than chaste touches. When it came to more heated kisses and intimate touches, though, even if they were private, she was even more shy than Isaac himself.
He wasn’t used to being the more confident of the two, but he couldn’t say he disliked it. It was nice to see Amy flustered for a change, and for them to learn this together. And especially, it made him feel happy that she let her tough facade fall in their private time, that she felt like she could be vulnerable in front of him and trusted him with her fears and insecurities.
For him, she didn’t have to be strong or perfect. She wanted to protect him, she would say, but she also trusted him to protect her, their hearts finding strength in one another.
But that night, she was the one who interlaced fingers with him and accompanied him back to his room after a nice bath together - which they didn’t do often, but she had insisted since it was his birthday - but instead of letting go of his hand, and instead of a soft goodnight kiss - or he was expecting it to be goodnight since she should be tired, with Christmas celebration the day before, and she had stayed with him then, only to put a lot of effort in celebrating his birthday all day - her other hand tangled gently into his hair, pulling him for a deeper kiss.
Now that he thought about it, she had given him a warning the day before, he just hadn’t understood.
"I've decided I don't want to be on the nice list this Christmas." She had said and kissed him, after he asked why she’d left her sister’s room looking very flustered.
When she took advantage of his moment of surprise to slip her tongue in his mouth, in a kiss a little clumsy but full of desire, Isaac pulled her even closer against him by their joined hands and kissed back.
When they parted, Amy was much more flustered than Isaac had ever seen her.
“Sorry.” She immediately mumbled, avoiding looking at him, but at least she wasn’t pulling away. “I’m not good with this. But…” she gripped his hand tighter and, standing on her tiptoes to kiss along his ear, “will you accept his surprise gift?”
Gift? She already given him two gifts, one for his birthday and one for Christmas, besides the fact she’d gone out of her way to spend the whole day with him and plan a romantic date for them. She didn’t need to give him anything else.
But he couldn’t deny her. Not that he wanted to. Besides, the determination in her eyes told him nothing short of him genuinely telling her he didn’t like the idea was going to stop her.
“How could I not?” Although a part of him, ignited by her awkward passion, wanted nothing more than to take her to bed right away. The unusual situation still flustered a smaller part of him, though.
Her kisses descended to his neck, where she gave him a tentative and hesitant bite.
Isaac shuddered, almost failing to hold back a moan. Amy pulled away.
“Did I go too far?”
Her nervousness was both endearing and frustrating. He wanted to respect her wishes and was curious to see what she would do, but he was quickly losing control of his desire and the interruptions weren’t helping.
“No. Don’t stop.” Isaac almost pleaded.
“Just tell me if something bothers you, okay?” She asked, tugging him towards the bed.
“Nothing you do could ever bother me, Amy.” This time, he was the one to kiss her. She let him, for a moment, before lightly pushing him.
Isaac climbed the bed, not taking his eyes from his girlfriend, who eyed him lustfully, but with her cheeks a bright shade of red, before she climbed after him and on top of him, capturing his lips in another deep but slight clumsy kiss.
Amy’s hands trembled a little as she started removing his clothes. Soft lips followed right behind, kissing and sucking at every inch of exposed akin, almost reverently.
Isaac could feel the love in her touch and his heart swelled at that, but his body demanded more.
She stopped at his nipples, tickling him with the tip of her tongue while she finished getting his shirt out of the way, then took one in her mouth, sucking hard, then switched sides. She did that a couple more times before continuing her path down his body.
The slow pace almost torturing, especially when her body moved and brushed his. His pants felt so tight and bothersome. Isaac clutched at the sheets, doing his best not to lose control and push her down and take control already.
“Amy…” he groaned as she sucked along his stomach. “Please.”
Amy pulled away from a moment, but when Isaac started to wonder if he had scared her, Amy’s hands started working off his pants at a more urgent pace, now not only kissing but also leaving light bites along his chest.
When the clothes were out of her way, Amy trailed kisses down, with the last one at the tip of his cock.
“Here.” she whispered, casting a hungry look his way, all of her hesitation seemingly gone. “I’ll take care of you.”
After these words, she took the tip of him in her mouth.
The sensation of the wet heat enveloping him, the light sucking and the teasing tongue, it was new, delicious and almost too much to him.
Moans of her name came out of him unfiltered now, his nails almost digging holes into the sheets as Isaac tried to hold back his urge to thrust into her.
Amy took a deep breath before taking more of him. It wasn’t much, but Isaac was at his limit.
“Amy, I’m…”
Too late for warning. His orgasm hit him far sooner and stronger than he expected. The cry that came out of him almost didn’t sound like his voice at all.
Lost in the pleasure, it took him a moment to notice the sound of coughing.
“Amy?” He barely managed to whisper that, mind still hazy, but Isaac fought to sit up and look at her.
“I’m fine. Took me a little by surprise, that’s all. But that’s my fault. Got so absorbed in my task that… It was different than I expected.”
Isaac blushed at her honest words. Amy crawled up to him and kissed his cheek.
“Was that good enough to you?” Shyness once again colored her features.
In the fading afterglow of pleasure, Isaac too was quite flustered, but kissed her.
The unfamiliar taste surprised him, before he remembered why, his face heating further. It was himself he tasted in her mouth, and the taste wasn’t as bad as he expected.
“We could try that again some other time.”
“Good.” Amy chuckled, kissing him again. “Happy birthday, Isaac.”
Isaac hugged her tight. Sometimes he still felt overwhelmed by all the love she gave him, but he was also so thankful to have her in his life. She was so precious to him.
“Merry Christmas, Amy.” He kissed her head, then, releasing her a little, her lips, while his hands moved to take off her own clothes 
He would return as much of that love as possible, show how much he appreciated everything she always gave him and how thankful he was.
And, although that was just a fraction, he would start by returning the pleasure she gave him, until both of them had heart and bodies so full of each other they couldn’t take it anymore.
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IkeVamp Masterlist / General Masterlist
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digital-corruption · 2 years
Unrecognisable Part 31
After two days of the uncertainty and stress of being on the run, all I wanted to do was lounge around in Jake’s hoodie on a nice, cushy king-sized bed and never get up again. The wall-mounted television was on, but it was just noise that I wasn’t really listening to. I had relocated to one of the spare rooms of the penthouse, one in which I had a clear view of the home office across the hall, where Jake sat working at the desk. I had no idea what he was doing, but it must’ve been serious because not only had he gotten fully dressed, but he pulled his hood over his head and put his earphones in to focus. I had to admit I was watching him more than the television because he was so intense. It made me wonder what he was getting up to, but I didn’t want to bother him, so I never asked. Occasionally he would glance at me and catch me staring. I'd blush and look back at the television. He smiled and went back to concentrating on his work.
An advertisement for the evening news suddenly caught my attention. It brought up the two international fugitives that held up the local prison while promising updates to the investigation at 6 o’clock, which I found curious as we haven't moved since last night. However, the advertisment had an updated wanted photo of me, which was obviously taken from the prison when I signed in for the hearing. This concerned me - my short, black hair was no longer going to work. I'd have to make use of my new wig, but would that be enough? What else could I do to change my appearance? Using a different makeup style, even going goth would probably confuse the casual observer. Would that be enough? Jake had it easy with that lousy police sketch and for that I was a bit jealous, but at the same time, having a license to experiment and not caring what anyone else thought for once had its own allure. It almost felt like I was a kid again, playing with my appearance to pretend to be someone else.
As soon as the next commercial started, I checked my phone again to see if there was any word from Lilly about Richy’s parole, but there was still nothing. I closed my eyes and let the scene replay again in my head. There was something about the way Richy looked at me that I just couldn’t put my finger on. The twisted man had done everything to Amy, Hannah Jessy, and me so selfishly just to remove his own guilt. Yet the man I saw the day before was so different. He was vulnerable, exposed, beaten, tortured, and even humbled - as if he had already punished himself to the fullest extent. I started to have second thoughts. Maybe it wasn't a lie. Maybe he was honestly remorseful. Maybe it was time to forgive him and move on. It wasn’t his fault that Hannah received the time she was given. It was out of his control, even if he did testify against her. It wasn’t like he would ever be able to forget the wrongs he had committed. He had to carry that weight wherever he went. Find a place where he would be accepted would be a struggle and maybe that was enough. Maybe it was time to let it go.
I opened my eyes and found Jake standing over the bed watching me. I subconsciously averted my eyes.
"Is something bothering you?" He questioned.
"Ah no, I was just resting my eyes," I lied. I couldn’t bear to admit I was considering accepting Richy’s remorse.
"You keep checking your phone," he commented. "It is stressing you out and it's definitely stressing me out."
"I was just wondering if there had been any updates regarding Richy," I explained.
"Lilly will let us know when it is time. Checking your phone will do nothing to hasten the outcome," he frowned. "You’re not reconsidering your stance, are you? I saw his pathetic pleas as well."
"No, of course not," I lied again. "He is guilty of far more than what he was convicted of. He should see out his time."
Jake said nothing and just stared at me for a bit. I felt like he was trying to determine whether I was lying or not, which made me uncomfortable. I squeezed my hand to try to keep myself from faltering.
"Then let's get your mind off of it," he smiled. "Go get dressed. I have arranged for you to meet with my tattoo artist."
"Oh, I had forgotten," I was caught off guard.
"You forgot?" His eyes widened.
"Yeah, with everything going on, it slipped my mind," I responded honestly as I sat up. "It’s fine, I still want to do it of course."
"Good," he nodded a bit apprehensively. "Let me know when you're ready to leave."
"But I thought you didn't want us going in and out too much?" I asked.
"I don't want us coming and going carelessly. This is important though. We don’t know if we'll get another chance," he answered rather morbidly and started to walk away. He paused and turned back, "Well it is important to me. Clearly not to you."
"Jake!" I stood up aghast. "It is important, ok? It's been very hectic! I was really enjoying not worrying about anything for a change. You know, for a while there, it was just us and the rest of the world disappeared."
"Then you checked your phone to see if there was an update about another man," he gritted his teeth.
"Oh, wow, and here I thought you cared about his parole too," I narrowed my eyes.
"Let me worry about him. He doesn't deserve your concern," Jake shook his head and walked off.
I stood there flabbergasted for a while, then turned off the TV and went back to the master bedroom to get dressed for going out. I didn't really understand him. Why was he bringing this back up so suddenly out of the blue? What was his rush? He mentioned it was the same tattoo artist that did his dragon tattoo. Did that mean he was in Colville back then? Maybe he wanted to make sure it was done by someone he trusted, and he wasn't sure how long we'd be able to stay in Colville. That had to be it.
Looking at myself in the mirror, I slipped my new wig on. It was a bit of a mess after everything that happened, so it needed some fixing up. Looking at my limited makeup supply I did what I could to change up my usual style. It wasn’t as big of a change that I wanted, but it would have to do until I could get my hands on more.
After I finished getting ready, I went back to the office where Jake was still working. "Strange, crazy question - How are we getting there? I mean with everything that happened, maybe we shouldn't walk the streets or ride the bus."
"I was considering taking the Maserati," Jake responded nonchalantly as he turned the computer monitor to show me the CCTV of the apartment building's parking garage. Sure enough, there was a Maserati parked down there.
"You’re not serious," I frowned. "That's got to be impossible to steal."
"For an amateur, sure," he grinned.
I took a moment to gather my thoughts. "Even if I believe you, and you can hack the security on that thing, it's not really, you know, low key, is it?"
Jake’s expression soured, "You’re ruining my fun."
"Maybe next time?" I offered with a smile.
"Fine, but I'm taking the Roadster," he insisted.
"Why? For all of that top-down driving we're going to do?" I laughed. "Actually, that would be a terrible idea with my wig. Don't do it. Why can't we just take that Fiat?"
"You can't be fucking serious," Jake looked at me like I had three heads.
"Low key, Jake!" I pushed.
"Garage of fucking expensive cars and you want me to steal a Fiat 500!?" He exclaimed. "You’re so lucky you're cute."
I stuck my tongue out at him. He stood up from the desk and walked over quickly to me. Defensively I retracted my tongue. 
"Go on, stick it back out," he teased. "What’s the matter? Not so brave now, are you?"
I stuck my tongue back apprehensively. He leant down and held it between his teeth while looking deep into my eyes. I could feel my willpower draining under his gaze. He released my tongue and sucked it lovingly in what then became a passionate and heated kiss.
"We should go before we get too distracted," I said sheepishly.
"Yes, I need to go steal a Fiat 500 for you," he mocked.
"You do like to impress," I teased.
Jake slapped my butt, then led the way out the apartment door to the elevator. As soon as we got into the lift, he grabbed me and pinned me against the wall for an intense make out session, blocking me from the security camera’s view. When other people got on, he shifted to ensure they couldn’t see me. If they became too curious, he tickled my side to make me squeal and the strangers averted their eyes.
As soon as we reached the ground floor, we got out. Jake held my hand as we walked to the front doors, outside of which the valet's booth was set up. Jake asked me to distract the poor teenager working it that day. Not really having any creativity on the matter, I did the very thing I used to groan about in movies - I picked up a pen I noticed on the ground, went outside and pretended to fall near the valet station.
"Are you all right, ma'am?" The teenager came over to help me. 
Ma'am!? He was lucky I was putting on an act or else I would've given him a mouthful, "Oh, I'm so clumsy! I completely missed that step. Ah! My favourite pen! Where is it!? I simply must find it! My late grandmother gave me that pen!"
"What does it look like?" The teen asked as he looked around.
"It is long… narrow… with a cap…," I tried to drag it out as long as possible.
"And says 'Get lucky at Lucky’s Casino and Bar?'" The teen read out the side of the pen to me.
"That's the one!" I replied cheerfully. "My grandmother got a royal flush with that pen in her pocket, she did!"
"Oh, wow!" The teen responded impressed and handed it back to me. "Better not lose it then!"
We stood back up and I brushed myself off, "Yes, I won 200 in the lottery when I used it to fill out the form."
"That is lucky," the teen started to back away from the conversation.
"Hey, there you are," Jake walked up and put a hand on my shoulder to cut in. "I looked everywhere for the ticket, but I couldn’t find it, love. Hey, you're the valet attendant, right? So sorry, I lost the ticket, but I remember the number. It was 51. For a white Fiat. And, uh, our keychain has a small silver panda on it, which is ridiculous since it's not a Panda, it's a 500, but that’s my girlfriend for you. Could you get the car for us?"
“Oh, it’s a bit of a problem if you lost the ticket,” the teen answered nervously. “Do you know the plate number?”
“BE1337,” Jake added. “One I’ll never forget.”
"Yeah, that should be ok," the teen nodded feeling a bit unsure of himself. "I'll bring your car around right away, sir. Try not to lose the ticket again, though. My manager really hates it when people don't bring their tickets back."
“Thank you,” Jake smiled.
As we watched the gullible teen walk off, I whispered to Jake, “It’s scary how easily you fool people.”
Jake scoffed, "Just think, I could have taken the Maserati."
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atlafan · 4 years
The Good Life - One Shot
a/n: okay so we have business man!Harry, and co-worker Y/N, but also she’s the boss’ daughter???? friends to lovers???? smut??? not proofread????
words: 14.5K
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If there was one thing that Harry hated, it was a spoiled brat. He hated when people got whatever they wanted without even working for it. If he ever had kids, he would teach them the value of a dollar. You, however, were an exception to that rule.
Harry steps out of his office, and smells his favorite scent in the world. There was this perfume you’d wear that smells like raspberries. You were officially home for summer vacation, and you had to be here visiting your mother, who was Harry’s boss.
“Carol, is Y/N here?” Harry asks his secretary.
“Yes, she came by to have lunch with Cheryl. She just finished grad school, can you believe it?”
“That’s incredible…so that would make her what? Twenty-three?”
“She turns twenty-four later this summer.” She smiles.
This was good, Harry was only twenty-seven, so that wasn’t that big if an age difference. Carol knew Harry had a crush on you, even though he had never admitted it. He’d been working at the company for five years, so he’s known you for a while now. He’s always kept his distance, though. You went to a private school in high school, and you used to come to the office in your uniform after school. You were a senior at the time, but Harry still felt weird being attracted to you at that time. And sure, Harry’s had a couple of girlfriends that he really liked, even loved. It’s not like he was obsessed with you or anything. He just…thought you were cute.
You and your mother come out of her office giggling. Harry stands up straight and makes sure his tie isn’t all out of sorts.
“Harry, good I’m glad you’re here.” Cheryl starts. “You remember my daughter, Y/N.”
“Sure, hi.” He smiles.
“Hi, Mr. Styles.” You smile.
“Oh, honey, no need to be so formal, especially now that you’re joining the team.” Cheryl beams.
“What?” Harry asks.
“Harry, I know you and I usually discuss new hires, but Y/N officially has her MBA, and well, she really wants to work here.”
“I have since I was a kid. I’m really excited.”
“She’ll be your new assistant. Gotta start her somewhere.”
“But…that’s Carol’s job.”
“Carol is the office secretary, not a personal assistant. You’ve been asking for one for quite some time. I thought you’d be more excited.” She raises an eyebrow at Harry.
Harry looks at Carol, and Carol just smiles nervously.
“I think it’s great.” Carol says. “But a girl with an MBA…that’s a little too entry level, don’t you think?”
“Well, I certainly couldn’t start her as an associate director.” Cheryl laughs.
“It’s okay, I know I need to work my way up. I have, like, zero experience. This’ll be my first real job, so I really don’t mind being Harry’s assistant. I’m good at answering phones and writing messages down.” You smile. “I won’t disappoint you.”
“I didn’t think you would. This’ll be great. When do you officially start?”
“Monday. I was just coming by today to pass in some paperwork to H.R.”
Before the end of the day, Harry knocks on Cheryl’s door. She tells him to come in and he sits down.
“What can I do for you?” She smiles.
“So…why’d you choose me to work with Y/N? There’s plenty of people here that could use an assistant.”
“To be honest, Harry, I trust you. You’re close in age with her, you can give her advice on what it’s like just starting out. You were just a mail boy when you started.”
“That was when I was just an intern when I was still in school.” He chuckles.
“And we just loved you so we hired you. You’ve grown up a lot over the last five years, and you work so hard. I think she could really learn a lot from you. I’ll let you in on a little secret too, she actually asked if you needed an assistant.”
“She did?” He perks up. “I mean, uh, did she now?”
“Yes…I think she may have a small crush on you, but don’t mind her. If it makes you uncomfortable I can have her-“
“No!” He takes a deep breath. “No, it’ll be fine. She probably won’t like me much once she gets to know me anyways.”
“She knows you well enough. You’ve been to the house enough times for parties.” She laughs. “In fact, I’m hoping you and Amy will come skiing with us again this winter.”
“Oh, uh, Amy and I broke up.”
“Oh no.” She frowns. “I’m sorry, Harry.”
“It’s okay.” He shrugs. “Just wasn’t mean to be, but I’ll totally come skiing.” He grins. “Could be dating someone else by then anyways.”
“Very true.”
Monday morning you show up bright and early. You had a nice light purple blouse on with a black pencil skirt. Your mom had taken you shopping for some new work clothes, and you loved them. You had stopped off at a coffee place and grabbed a ton of different coffees and doughnuts. You wanted to make a good first impression. Most people knew you as Cheryl’s littler girl, but you were almost twenty-four, you weren’t a little girl anymore.
Harry always went to the gym before work, and would eat his breakfast in the breakroom before changing. He stops short when he sees you bent over the table making everything look nice.
“Morning.” He says, and you stand up straight right away.
“Hi, Harry…uh, coffee?” You gesture to the table of assorted drinks.
“Maybe in a bit.” He scrunches his face at the drinks. “Any of those just black?”
“Um…no…do people actually like black coffee?”
“I do.” He smirks. “You’ll want to know that. As my assistant, I’ll expect a coffee on my desk every morning.”
“Oh, uh, alright-“
“Y/N.” He chuckles. “I’m just teasing, I can get my own coffee.” Harry shakes his head and reaches to open one of the cupboards. He pulls out a box of protein bars and takes one out.
“No doughnut either?”
“Hmm….” He peers over and sees a chocolate glazed. “Save that one f’me?”
“Thanks, I’ll have it after lunch.” He slings his gym bag over his shoulder. “Now, I usually go change in my office, so, don’t come in.”
“I won’t…do you always go to the gym before work?”
“Yup, helps wake me up, gets me ready for the day.”
“Cool.” You smile.
Everyone else in the office was very quick to snatch up the things you brought in, gaining major brownie points. Your mom was happy to see you take a little initiative. For most of the day you sat in on various meetings. You and Harry didn’t even have much time to talk. He shares his calendar with you so you can see when he’s busy, and you share yours with him as well. You had a nice size desk right outside his office. You brought some things with you to decorate it, pictures of friends and what not. Right before lunch, a few people come over to Harry’s office, women. One of them is about to open his door, but you stop her.
“Sorry, Mr. Styles is busy.”
“It’s okay, I’m a friend. It’s almost lunch.”
“But he’s on a call.” Your eyes peer over to the screen where you can clearly see on his calendar that he’s busy.
She sucks her teeth and looks at the other women.
“Fine…guess we’ll see him later then.” She sighs and they all walk away. A few moment later Harry slowly opens his door.
“That was brilliant, thank you.” You turn to look at him. “Those three always try to have lunch with me, it’s pretty annoying. Now I have a barrier that they have to get through.” He checks his watch. “Gotta go. Have a good lunch.”
“Thanks, you too.”
You go into Harry’s office and place the doughnut he had asked you for on his desk. When he gets back he smiles and picks it up.
“Wanna split it?”
It looked so small in his large hand. You take the half from him and eat it happily.
“Come in around four, we can talk about your first day and what the rest of the week will look like. Sorry things have been so busy.”
“It’s okay, I feel like I’m already learning a lot.” You tuck some hair behind your ear. “I’m really glad I get to work for someone so chill. I was worried I was going to get stuck with Phil.” You laugh.
“Yeah, that would’ve been boring. He’s been here nearly thirty years. Think he has grandkids your age.”
“Gross.” You say and it makes Harry laugh.
At four you come into his office with a notepad. He had loosened his tie a bit, and his sleeves were rolled up.
“I’m really glad this place has A/C.” You say.
“Believe it or not your mum had to fight for that. It was before I started, but she made it happen.”
“Probably the hot flashes.” You start laughing and then you stop. “Sorry, TMI.”
“It’s alright. Didn’t think she went through the change yet.”
“Well, you know my oldest sibling is like…thirty-two right?”
“Ah, forgot you were the baby.”
“Hey.” You pout. “I may be the youngest, but I’m not a baby.”
“You’re the most fun. Your siblings didn’t even ski last year on that trip. They just sat around.” He rolls his eyes. “Anyways, let’s talk about your first day, how was it?”
“Good! I was a little nervous, but it was good. A lot to take in, but I’ll catch on.”
“Where do you see yourself going?”
“I want my mom’s job someday.”
“I’m willing to work for it.”
“Well, you’ll have to wait a little while because when your mum retires, I’m hoping that spot’ll be mine.”
“Okay, so I’ll take your job in the meantime.” You smirk.
“Sounds like a plan.” He chuckles. “Anyways, you have a chance to look at my calendar?”
“Mhm, you have a lot of meetings this week.”
“That’s right, so I’ll need you alert for the phone. Oh, and some meetings I’d like you in on to take notes. Makes it easier for me to pay attention if I don’t have to have my laptop in front of me.”
“This is your first real job, so I wanna make sure you know about burn out. You’ll accumulate time off, use it. Same with sick time. Mental health is important and you may feel overwhelmed at times. You’ll probably feel really tired by the end of the week. Make sure to check in with me about how you’re feeling. If there’s something you need, we’ll make sure you get it, okay?”
“Thanks, Harry.”
“Just paying it forward. This can be a really great place to work, you just need to know the right people. You know Carol, obviously. She’s the best. Don’t be afraid to go to her for help. She was amazing to me.”
“Yeah, her daughter used to babysit me.”
“Right.” He clears his throat.
“I think you’re the only person here that never saw me with braces.” You laugh. “I think you came on when I was, like, a senior in high school.”
“Sounds about right.”
“You were always so polite. I couldn’t believe it. When I got to college I always hoped the boys would be like you, but they weren’t.” You shrug.
“Okay, well, I think that’s enough for today. Why don’t you head home?”
“Would you mind walking me down to my car?”
“Oh, well, I’m not done for the day yet. I usually stay until six just to wrap things up.”
“Okay, then I’ll stay too.”
“You don’t have to.”
“I want to.”
“You’re not allowed to. Your day ends at 4:30.” He runs a hand through his hair. “But I could take the stroll down to the parking garage with you if that makes you feel more comfortable.”
“If you don’t mind, I felt sort of sketched out this morning.”
“I get here at the same time every day. You can just wait for me if you want in the mornings, and we can walk up together.”
“I’d like that.”
Working with Y/N was great. Harry absolutely loved it. You kept him organized and taken care of. You stalked the cupboards with his favorite protein bars, and had started picking up his coffee, just because you wanted to. He always praised you and told you how much he appreciated everything you did.
You were good at your work too. He could give you a project and you’d have it done within a couple of days. You were determined and efficient. He could definitely see you moving up fast, which sort of made him sad. He’d keep you forever if he could, but that would be selfish. He thought his little crush on you would be distracting, but it wasn’t. It almost made you get along even better.
Your mom always hosted a company Labor Day party. You had a huge backyard with a large in ground pool. You couldn’t believe how fast the summer went by, but you were happy to be in a routine. You loved this pool party, and now you were there as an employee. It was always catered with the best food, and your friends would come by. This year, though, you didn’t invite them. You wanted to seem professional with everyone. You even wore a one piece bathing suit with a little sheer skirt tied around your waist.
You were walking around, mingling, when you saw Harry walk in. Usually he brought some pretty date, but the only thing in his arms was a platter of food he offered to bring, and some beers. You were excited that he hadn’t gotten back together with Amy, or that he had met someone new.
“Harry!” You exclaim when you go into the kitchen.
“Hi, Y/N.”
“You don’t look dressed to swim.” You tease him.
“Not really planning on it this year.”
“But it’s so hot out.”
“Drinks will keep me cool.” He winks at you and cracks open one of his beers. “Does it ever get annoying to have so many people around your house?”
“Well, technically, this isn’t my house anymore. I moved into the pool house last month and started paying my mom rent. I wanted to have a little more freedom, you know? But it’s just her in this big place now so I felt bad wanting to fully leave. She said she’s putting the rent money in an account for me so one day when I do buy a house or something, I’ll have something to start with. Plus, it gets me in the habit of paying bills.”
“Look at you, becoming a real adult.” He nudges you and you both go outside. “You’ll be twenty-four soon, right?”
“Mhm, next weekend. I’m going away with my friends. I’m leaving early Friday, don’t forget.”
“Got it on my calendar.”
He smiles and walks away. Of course he does, he wanted to talk with the other, older people at the party. Your mother adored Harry, she always had. Your step-dad liked him a lot too. You were sipping on some wine while the sun was setting, and the party was dwindling. You go over to Harry who was backed into a corner by one of the ladies from finance.
“Oh, hi! So glad you found me, how about a tour of the pool house?”
“Excuse us, she’s been dying to show me all day.” Harry says to the woman. He grabs your wrist and leans in. “Walk fast, or she’ll follow.”
You giggle as you both basically sprint away. You key into the pool house and lead him in.
“Oh, wow, this is actually really cool.”
“Thanks! We sort of used it as a guest house anyways, so it didn’t need much work. Just some paint and new furniture. It’s like a little one bedroom apartment. I love it. My friends can come over and we don’t have to worry about being quiet or keeping anyone up. It’s been working out great for everyone so far.”
“I’m happy for you.” He says, looking around. “It’s nice having privacy, isn’t it? I remember when I had saved up enough to move out.”
“Do you have your own house?”
“Haven’t bought any property yet, no. Suppose I could, but I’m fine renting for now. My place isn’t small though.”
“How come you haven’t yet?”
“I don’t know, I just figured I’d buy a house with someone, you know?” He sits down on the arm rest of your couch. “I mean, what if I bought a house, and the girl I was with wanted a different house? I’d want to make it ours. I’ve always wanted to buy my girl the house of her dreams.”
“I thought you didn’t like buying things for people.” You smirk. “But I suppose that’s really sweet.”
“It’s one thing if it’s a gift. I just don’t believe in giving people every little thing they want. They should work for it, you know?”
“My mom was really good about that when we were growing up. She said no all the time. I mean, we were spoiled a little, but at least we’re not brats.”
“True, you could be way brattier.”
“Hey.” You put your hands on your hips.
“Just teasing.”
Just as you were about to step closer to him, your mother opened your door.
“There you are, people are leaving, and…oh…am I interrupting something?” Cheryl asks, a little too eagerly.
“No, mom.”
“She was just helping me escape from Beth in finance.”
“She’s gone.”
“Great, coast is clear.” He stands up. “Better get going myself. Thanks again for a great party. Sorry Ed had to be traveling.”
“You’ll have to come over for dinner next time he’s home.”
“Sounds good, love hearing his traveling stories.”
He gives your mouth a hug, and out he goes. You glare at your mother.
“I’m so sorry.” She says. “I did interrupt.”
“You certainly cooled things by saying that.” You groan. “I finally got him alone, we were talking about things other than work for once! He likes the way I decorated.”
“Honey…Harry’s a little older than you, and you’re fresh out of school. He may just be looking for different things, we’ve talked about this.”
“It’s not like I’m right out of undergrad. I have my MBA, and I’m doing really well at work.”
“You are, you’re doing amazing. Come on, help me say goodnight to our guests.”
Harry had already gone to lunch when you were packing up your things to leave early for your girl’s weekend. You notice a card on your desk. You open it and smile. A Visa gift card slides out.
Don’t spend it all in one place. Don’t check your email. Have a great time, and happy birthday. – H
You bite your bottom lip and try not to squeal. That was so sweet of him. You pack up your things and head out. You send him a quick text saying thank you for the gift and out you go.
He missed you the rest of the afternoon, but your thank you text made him smile. You told all of your friends about Harry. He had given you a $100 gift card, which was way too much. He had to like you, there was no way he would have given that much money to just anyone.
For Thanksgiving, your family did things a little untraditionally and went skiing. It was something your mother’s family used to scrape together to do, and she continued the tradition with you and your siblings. She bought a huge house in the mountains when you were young. Her friends would come too, sometimes Ed’s parents as well. It was just for people to get together for an entire week, and then share a good meal.
Harry and his girlfriend at the time, Amy, came last year. To be fair you had brought a boy with you too, but it was nothing serious. He would be joining again this year, and he wouldn’t be bringing anyone with him. The house had separate wings, so guests wouldn’t be on top of each other.
There were some other young people there too, along with your siblings and their partners. You were excited to spend time with so many people. None of your siblings wanted anything to do with the family business, which you couldn’t understand. You loved working for your mom.
“Harry!” You hear your mom. “How were the roads?”
“Not too bad yet, just a bit icy.”
“Y/N, help Harry to his room. Look at all the things he’s carrying.”
“She doesn’t need to-“
“Don’t be silly. I’m used to helping you.” You giggle.
You carry one of his bags to his room.
“Thanks.” He walks around and makes sure he has his own bathroom like last time. “Perfect.” He smiles. “I can’t wait to hit the slopes. Is your mum making that green bean casserole again for the holiday? It’s so good.”
“Actually, uh, I make that.”
“Really? Should have known.” He smiles. “Which wing are you in this year?”
“Oh, I’m right across the hall from you actually. My siblings have babies and I didn’t want to risk losing sleep. Is that okay that I’ll be so close by?”
“Definitely. I don’t know who else is going to be here, so it’ll be nice to have a friend so close by. Sure you don’t mind spending so much time with your boss?”
“You’re, like, the best boss ever. Don’t mind at all. Besides, you’re on my turf now.” You step closer to him.
“Oh, is that right?”
You hear your name being called from down the hall and you sigh.
“You’ll ski with me tomorrow, right?” He asks before you leave.
“Only if you use the hot tub with me. Gonna need to relax after a long of day of hitting the slopes.” You wink and off you go.
Your mom and Ed make a huge dinner for everyone that night. People were drinking and having a great time. You all head to bed early so those that plan to go skiing and snowboarding, can.
The next morning you get all your gear on, and head to the kitchen. Harry was sipping on his black coffee.
“Should I have made that for you?” You smirk and fill your own mug, adding a little creamer to it.
“You’re off the clock, remember.” He takes another sip. “Want some eggs?” He points to the pan of scrambled eggs he made up for everyone.
“Sure! Thanks, Harry.” You beam.
You both share a nice, quiet breakfast together until everyone else comes racing in. Someone makes bacon, and breakfast sausage to go along with the eggs. Harry offers to drive you up to the mountain, no one really seems to notice.
You and Harry have a great day taking runs together. You stop off for a quick lunch at the lodge. Just as you were bringing over a couple of hot chocolates you see him talking to some random girls. You watch as he laughs along at some joke. You hated watching him flirt. He was too good at it. You walk over and hand him his hot chocolate.
“There she is.” He hooks his arm around you and takes the cup of hot chocolate. “Told you ladies my girlfriend would be right back.” He looks at you with a please help me face. “Thanks for the drink, babe.”
“My pleasure.” You kiss his cheek. “Who are your new friends?”
“Oh, we were just leaving.” One of them rolls their eyes and they all leave.
“Nice touch.” He lets go of you and takes a sip of the warm drink. “Mm, this is good.”
“They were bothering you?”
“They invited me to some party. They have to be in college or something. I told them I had a girlfriend. Sorry about that.”
“No worries, it was easy to play along.” You both smile at each other, and he blushes slightly. “Hope it’s okay that I did that.”
“Didn’t mind at all.”
After a few more hours, your legs were starting to get sore. You take a shower the second you get home, and you all eat another big meal together. Ed gets a fire started. Some people play card games. Harry even gets into a game of poker with some of the guys. You announce you’re going to get the hot tub started.
“Oh, that sounds like fun.” Your sister says.
Your mom watches as Harry gets up from his chair to go to his room to change.
“Janey, honey, stay inside, would you?”
“Because I think Harry’s going to join your sister…”
“So, why not give them some privacy?” Ed says.
“Ah, I see, so you’re letting her work for you as a way to match them up?” She scoffs.
“No.” Your mother sounds offended. “I just think they’d make a cute couple, and it’s much more appropriate now, so-“
“Mum, she works for him…”
“There’s nothing against it in our H.R. policy. As long as they disclose things if they decide to date, it’s not a big deal. You also didn’t ski all day. You can use the hot tub tomorrow.”
You get a two piece on and throw a robe over yourself. You go outside to the back deck where the large hot tub was, and get the jets started. You slip your robe off and get in. A few minutes later Harry comes out with a t-shirt and trunks on.
“Alright if I join you?”
“Yeah! I basically asked you to yesterday.”
You look away as he takes his t-shirt off. You look at him once he’s in. You knew Harry was littered with tattoos. You’d seen him without a shirt on plenty of times. He’d been coming to your house and family gatherings for years. Your mom was really good at creating positive work environments where the boss didn’t need to be this person to be feared. She was a woman of the people, and that’s how you wanted to be. Harry had learned a lot of leadership skills from her, maybe that’s why he was such a great supervisor to you as well. You watch as a sigh leaves his lips and it makes you smile.
“What’s better than this?” He asks, looking at you.
“Not much.”
“Do your legs hurt much?”
“A little. I stretched quickly when I got home.”
“You looked great out there today, you’re fearless on those black diamonds.”
“Oh…thanks.” If your cheeks weren’t already flushed from the steam, they would be from his compliment. You knew he just meant your form and not necessarily your clothes, but still.
“Did I tell you that Paula invited me for Thanksgiving?”
“No!” You gasp. “You’re kidding?!”
“Nope.” He chuckles and shakes his head. “Jocelyn did too, as if neither of them knew I hang with your family. I told them and they were shocked I wanted to go skiing with the boss again. Your mum’s like family to me at this point.”
“You also don’t really celebrate Thanksgiving.” You giggle. “Why go to someone’s home you barely know when you can basically just go on an early winter getaway?”
“Exactly! I don’t understand the women we work with, honestly. The second the picture of Amy left my desk it was like…I don’t know they stopped seeing me as a colleague and more like prey.”
“Does it bother you that so many women flirt with you?”
“It’s not just the women.” He smirks. “And no…not really. It’s mostly harmless. It’s not like they’re putting their hands on me or anything. And it’s not that none of them are attractive or anything.” He sinks a little further in and rests his head on the back of the cushion provided. “I just don’t want to date someone I work with.”
Your heart falls into your stomach. Why would he say something like this to you? You two sort of flirted at work, but mostly things were professional. He met you every morning to walk you upstairs, and he’d always bring you down to your car. Even if he was in a late afternoon meeting, he’d excuse himself at 4:30 to make sure you got downstairs okay.
“I mean, what’s there to talk about when you get home? I suppose if you work in separate divisions that’s not so bad. But the other person knows what you do all day. Seems a little boring.”
“But on the flip side, that person would know exactly what you’re going through and would be able to relate and understand your schedule. Why did you and Amy break up?”
“Uhh.” Harry has to really think about it. It was so long ago now. “We had started talking about moving in together, and she couldn’t understand why I would never try to get out of work earlier so we could go look at places. I stay late so I can leave my work at work. I would try to explain that to her. And then when I would come home early I’d have to be on my laptop answering emails. She didn’t feel prioritized, which I understood was annoying.”
“See? Someone you work with would totally understand.”
“She was also a couple years older than I am, and I could tell she felt like her clock was ticking.” He shrugs. “I wasn’t ready for all the steps she was, at the time.”
“You do tend to date a lot of older women.” You chuckle. “I think one time you brought a woman almost ten years older than you to one of our dinner parties.”
“I used to go out with a lot of divorced women.” He smiles.
“I don’t know, I was young and it was easy to not commit to them. Some of them had kids and stuff, it was an easy out.”
“So you would date just to…fuck and then leave, essentially?”
“I wouldn’t phrase it like that, but I think deep down I saw it as a way that I could be with someone without fully needing to commit. Again, I was young and stupid.”
“You’re still young.”
“And maybe just a little less stupid.”
“Only a little.”
“And what about you? I think I’ve seen you bring every type of guy home with you. Jocks, artists, short guys, tall guys…”
“It’s easier to bring someone to family functions, you know how it is. Some of them were just friends. I never knew which things you were going to come to.” You say nonchalantly.
“Why would me being there matter?”
You realize now what you’ve admitted.
“You know, there’s a fridge out here full of wine, why don’t I-?” You start to get up, but he puts his hand on your shoulder to sit you back down.
“Just answer the question, Y/N.”
“Well…if we’re talking about being young…I obviously had a crush on you…back then.” You were starting to sweat, and it wasn’t from the steam popping out of the bubbles and jets. “I mean, what other teenage girl liked visiting their mom at work as much as I did? I remember the first time I saw you too, I came in after school to drop something off since I was able to drive myself, and I nearly passed out. You were talking with my mom and I felt too nervous to walk up to you. I never felt more like a child in my life. I gushed to my mom about you, and she told me you actually weren’t that much older than I was.”
“So you’d come around more just to see me? You never said more than hello?” He smirks.
“I was way too nervous. You know I almost asked you to take me to my prom?! How embarrassing.” You laugh. “One of my friends took me, obviously.”
“I remember when you came to the office in your dress.”
“It wouldn’t have been so weird if we got together. I was eighteen my entire senior year.”
“You still had a lot of growing up to do. Eighteen legally means you’re an adult, but other than that you’re still just a kid.”
“I realized that the second I got to college. I had a major culture shock. I mean, I was able to do my laundry myself, unlike other kids, but I definitely learned that a maid wasn’t coming around to make my bed or take out the trash. I grew up even more in grad school when I had my own apartment. My mom paid for it, but still.” You shrug. “I was really on my own.”
“Are you happy you went to grad school right after?”
“Yeah, I don’t think I would have gone back if I hadn’t just done it. You have your MBA, right?”
“Mhm, got it a couple years ago through this online program your mum helped me find. It was the only way I was able to move up the way I did.”
“So…it doesn’t totally weird you out that I had a thing for you?”
“Nah.” He smiles. “It’s flattering.”
You may have been willing to expose yourself, but Harry wasn’t. How could he say he had a thing for you too? It still felt weird to him. There was a reason he kept his distance from you. Now, things were less weird. You were twenty-four and he was twenty-seven, almost twenty-eight. You weren’t a child anymore.
“And it’s not weird to say this to my supervisor either?” You cock an eyebrow at him.
“We’re off the clock, away from the office. Besides that, I won’t be your supervisor forever. You’re doing really well, you’ll move up soon.”
You desperately just wanted to lunge at him, throw your whole body and mind at him and have him fuck you right there in the hot tub, but the jets slowly came to a stop.
“Think that means we’re supposed to get out. Not supposed to stay in these things long.”
You watch as Harry stands up, your eyes following the droplets of water falling from his chest. He gets out and grabs a towel quickly. He picks up your robe and hands it to you. He looks in the other direction as you stand up and grab it from him.
“Fucking cold out.” He says and you start giggling.
You both go inside and go to your wing of the house.
“You looked away when I got out.” You say as you reach your doors.
“When I stood up and got out, you looked away.”
“I was just trying to give you your privacy.”
Now Harry was sweating.
“Because I’m not a guy who ogles women, okay?”
“Are you sure about that? I see the way you glance at me in the office. You’re always complimenting my clothes.”
“You wear nice clothes. Right now, you’re not wearing much, so I didn’t look.”
“My, what a gentleman.” You step a little closer to him. “I don’t mind if you look.” You whisper and then step away from him. “Goodnight, Harry.”
“Goodnight.” He swallows hard as he watches you walk into your room. He goes into his room and locks his door. He wasn’t sure if you were playing a game, but he wouldn’t play it…not while on vacation with your family.
The next day he finds himself on the chair lift with your mother. You all had enjoyed a nice breakfast together before heading off to your various activities.
“Sleep well, Harry?”
“Yeah, beds are super comfortable.”
“You don’t mind having it to yourself this time around?”
“Not at all, I can really stretch out.” He chuckles.
“How was the hot tub? It working okay?”
“Uh…yeah…how did you know I used it?”
“Well, the second after Y/N left to go change you got up as well. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist.”
“She had mentioned it the night before. I asked her to ski with me yesterday, and she had said yes, but only if I joined her.”
“Right.” She smiles. “Was it just you two out there?”
“It was.”
“And how was that?”
“What do you mean?”
“Do you enjoy spending time with my daughter? Outside of work, I mean. You both work so well together. You’ve helped her out a lot there, you’re almost like a mentor now. She’ll move up quickly. She’ll be your equal before you know it.”
“She’s very bright.”
“She is. Anyways, outside of work, you both also make a great pair.”
They both jump off the chair once they’re at the top of the mountain.
“What exactly are you saying, Cheryl?”
“I’m saying I’m okay with it.”
“Okay with what?”
“If you wanted to date her, ask her out, whatever, I’d be okay with it. She’s grown woman, she can make her own choices. I would just hope you two weren’t scared to go for it because of me.”
“If you don’t like her like that, then I apologize for overstepping. I’m not one of those overprotective people that’s going to stand in the way. I just ask that if you two decide to date, you disclose it with H.R. and keep things as professional in the workplace as possible.”
Before Harry has a chance to say anything, she begins her run down the mountain. He was thoroughly confused. Had she essentially just given him her blessing and permission to ask you out? He wanted to, he really wanted to, but was now the right time? On a fucking family vacation?
After the tiring day of taking a crack at snowboarding, you realized skiing was definitely the winter sport for you. Harry had just finished showering and gotten dressed in a sweater and pair of slacks. You were hanging out in your room, just taking some time to scroll on your phone. You hear a knock on your door.
“It’s open!” You call, not looking up from your phone. You were laying on your stomach, with your feet hanging in the air as your knees were bent. Your door opens and you sit up immediately when you see it’s Harry. He leans in the doorway.
“How was your day?”
“Good, I tried snowboarding.”
“That’s nice. I went skiing with your mum.”
“Oh, I bet she enjoyed that.”
“She did.” He looks you up and down and squints at your comfy clothes. “Get dressed.”
“Why? We don’t need to be fancy for dinner.”
“Yes we do, because we’re going out tonight.”
“Oh, well no one told me.” You say, annoyed that the messaged hadn’t been relayed. You suppose it made sense since you’d all be cooking a lot once Thanksgiving actually came around.
“You’re misunderstanding me.”
You stop short as you reach your dresser.
“Then explain.”
“You and I are going out to eat. I’m taking you out.”
“So we can be alone.”
Your jaw nearly drops. Both of your eyebrows raise at him. It wasn’t exactly the nicest way for him to ask. This was how he spoke to people in meetings sometimes so they knew he meant business. It always sent a surge through you to see him be so…powerful.
“Would you like that?”
“Alright then, you’ve got thirty minutes.”
With that, he grabs your door handle and closes your door for you. You were stunned, but giddy. You pull out a cute sweater and a pair of jeans to wear with a nice pair of boots. You fix your hair and makeup, and you’re ready to go. Harry was waiting for you in the living room. He had already told your mother he was taking you out for dinner, and she had told everyone not to make a big fucking deal about it. He hands you your coat and out the door the two of you go. He opens the car door for you, and then he gets in on his side to start driving.
“So, where are we going?”
“Do you remember that Italian place we went to last year? I’ve got a craving for pasta and bread, lots and lots of bread.”
“Skiing all day will do that to you.” You giggle. “Works for me.”
His glove covered hand reaches for your and he intertwines his fingers with yours, resting the conjoined fist on your thigh. He doesn’t look at you, he keeps his eyes on the road. This was his subtle way of saying that was, in fact, a date. You give his hand a little squeeze to let him know that, in fact, you were okay with it.
Once you’re at the restaurant, he opens your door for you again, and leads you inside. You stay close to him for warmth, it was freezing outside.
“Hello, how many?” The hostess asks.
“Two, please.” Harry says.
“That’ll be fifteen minutes. Here’s a buzzer. Feel free to grab a drink at the bar while you wait.” She smiles and he takes the buzzer from her.
“Wanna grab a drink?” You ask him.
“No, we can just get a bottle ordered for the table.” He notices your slight disappointment. “Is that alright?”
“Yeah, makes sense.”
You both wait awkwardly until the buzzer buzzes and you’re brought to a table. You take your coat off and hang it on the back of your chair, and he does the same.
“You can pick the wine.” He says, smiling. “I’m fine with whatever you like.”
“Well, I’ll wanna pick out something that would taste good with our meal. I was thinking chicken parm.”
“You know, so was I.”
“Perfect, then a bottle of red…some merlot maybe?”
“Sounds good to me.”
A waiter comes over with water and bread, and takes your full order. You butter your bread and take a bite.
“Mm, so fresh.” You say, and dab your mouth with your napkin.
“It’s delicious. I won’t even be mad at myself if I fill up on it.”
The waiter comes back with the bottle of wine and opens it for you both. He pours the glasses and leave you alone after. You both clink your glasses together and take a sip.
“So.” You say.
“So.” He repeats.
“Why is this happening?”
“I thought you didn’t want to date people you worked with.”
“You’re the exception.”
You were the exception for a lot of things. Harry only exclusively dated older women, and here you were three years younger than he was. He hated spoiled rich kids. But here you were, not so spoiled, but definitely rich. He hated brats, but here you were, knowing full well how much of a brat you could be if you really felt like it.
“Well, don’t I feel lucky.” You say, sarcastically with a smirk of your own.
“Do you not want to be on a date with me?”
“No, I do. I have for a long time, obviously.”
“Obviously.” He repeats.
“How long have you wanted to take me out for?”
“Too long.”
You smile and bite your bottom lip as he smiles and takes a careful sip of his wine.
“You know you’re cute, come off it.” He says.
“Oh, so you only like me for that fact alone?”
“Not true. I like a lot of things about you, but I’m not going to give you the satisfaction of listing them.”
Your food is brought over and you both thank the food runner before diving in. He watches as you elegantly twirl your spaghetti with your fork onto the large spoon so you don’t make a mess. He starts with his chicken.
“This is as good as I remember.” He says. “Much better company this time around though.” He grins and it makes you blush.
“I agree.”
It’s a good date, a really good date. You were able to open up to him about things you wouldn’t normally. You talked about what your friends were doing with their lives. He talked about his friends as well. Some of them were married, some of them were traveling. He was sort of just in the middle, and fine with it. You don’t finish all of your food, the plates were far too big, but you both wrap it up to take it home. Someone was bound to eat it. You’re both given minty chocolates and Harry squares up the check.
“Thanks for paying.” You say as you get your coat back on.
“Don’t mention it.” He says, taking your hand and leading you out of the restaurant.
When he pulls into the driveway of the large house, he only pulls partially in before parking, keeping the car on, heat blasting.
“What are you doing?”
“M’not ready to go in yet. Not sure I want our date to be over already.” He unbuckles and turns slightly to look at you. You unbuckle as well so you can look at him comfortably.
“Good thing it went well, could make the rest of the week pretty awkward.”
Harry laughs at that and nods his head. He grabs a tic tac from his console and pops one in his mouth.
“Want one?”
“Please.” You hold your hand out and he shakes the small container so one comes out. “People don’t value tic tacs enough. They’re the perfect little mints, you know?” You say, sucking on it.
“You’re really cute, you know that?” He leans his are on the steering wheel so he can rest his chin on his palm. He was smiling at you, just truly enjoying your company. “I have that thought at work nearly twenty times a day, and I never get to say it loud.”
“Well, you should. Nothing wrong with an ego boost, right?”
“Y/N.” He chuckles. “Why would I say something that could so easily make you uncomfortable?” His mouth forms into a straight line. “I would never want to make anyone feel uncomfortable where they work. Why do you think I keep my distance, physically? I never lean over your desk, or get too close to you.”
“I appreciate that a lot. You definitely make me feel comfortable.”
“Good. I’d feel terrible if I ever did something…”
“Harry.” You put your hand over the one he wasn’t resting his chin on. “It’s all good.” You smile. “You’ve always been really professional, and respectful.” You give him a reassuring smile. “But we’re not at work right now, so if you wanna get a little closer to me…I wouldn’t mind.”
“So, what you’re saying is…” He lifts his chin from his palm and gently cups one of you cheeks. “If I were to kiss you right now, that would be okay?”
“More than okay.”
He smiles and leans in. You close your eyes in anticipation, and smile once his lips are on yours. You always wondered if something like this would ever happen with him. It mostly happened in unclear, faded dreams. His hand gently moves to the back your neck to pull your closer to him. Your hands find the front of his jacket so you can also tug him closer to you. It was difficult kissing in the front seats of the car, but you were trying to just focus on the way he kissed you.
He sighs happily against you. You get a little carried away and take his parted lips as an invitation to gently bite down on his bottom lip. You let go of him and look up at him through your lashes. He doesn’t let you get to far away before he slots his mouth over yours, and you both essentially grope each other. The windows in the car were starting to fog as you both started breathing heavily, and you weren’t even kissing with tongue! Not yet, anyways. You both still easily tasted like Italian food, the tic tacs only helped a little. Harry could feel the front of his pants tightening and that was when he decided to pull away.
“Right.” He clears his throat and adjusts his jacket. “They’re probably wondering, uh, where we are so.”
Before you can say anything, he throws the car in drive and gets you the rest of the way up the driveway. He gets out and opens the door for you. All you do is smile. You couldn’t stop even if you wanted to. When you get inside various people are hanging around the fireplace. Some people are playing cards, and your mother was in the kitchen getting certain dishes prepared so there was less to do on Thanksgiving itself.
“Hey, you two.” Ed says, with a smile. “There’s some hot chocolate in the crockpot if you’re interested.”
“Thanks, Ed.” Harry smiles and takes his coat off. “Would you like some?”
“Please.” You say and hang up the coats.
Harry gets two mugs and fills them up with the homemade drink. Cheryl smiles at the two of you as you walk in and take a sip.
“How was dinner?” She asks.
“Good, we went to that Italian place we all went to last year. Still just as good, if not better.” You tell her.
“Glad to hear it.” She smiles. “Everyone’s just been relaxing. I think tomorrow we’re taking a trip out for a little hike, and then in the evening we’re going to look at those ice castles. They look so much better at night. Then taking a break on Thanksgiving of course. Too much cooking to do.”
“Sounds good, mum.” You finish your drink and stick the mug in the sink. “Think I’m gonna go get cozy for the night.” You give her a kiss on the cheek and give Harry a look before going to your room.
Cheryl smirks at Harry.
“You had a good time, then?”
“Yes.” He chuckles and rinses out the two mugs. He leans against the counter and crosses his arms, studying Cheryl. “What’s your angle with all this? Mum’s usually like me, but you’re really adamant about this.”
“As Y/N’s mother, I want her to be happy. She’s gushed about you for years, and well, you’re both at an appropriate age now, I think it’s fine if you date. I know you really well, Harry. You’re not the type to hurt a girl. Even if it didn’t work out, I know you’d still be sweet about it. I trust you with her. No other angle than I think you could make her happy, I think you could make each other happy. Things didn’t work out with my first husband, that’s why divorce is a thing. Ed and I make each other happy, I didn’t have that before. I see the way you two look at each other. You have something, and it would be silly to not go for it.” She puts her knife down that she was using to chop some vegetables. “I suppose it seems like I’m trying to pimp her out, doesn’t it?” She laughs.
“Little bit.” Harry laughs with her.
“Well, I don’t mean to. She can make those choices on her own.” She looks in the direction you had walked off. “Something tells me she’s waiting for you.”
“And you’re alright with that.”
“Well, maybe just don’t get busy while we’re all under one roof, but it might be nice to have an after date chat, don’t you think? Hang out a little?”
Harry laughs and shakes his head. He makes his way down the hall where his bedroom is. He uses the bathroom, brushes his teeth, and then changes into some sweatpants. He puts a long sleeve bed shirt on as well. He opens his door and sees yours is a crack open. He taps on the door frame.
“It’s open.” You say, this time a little less loud. He opens the door and sees you on the bed in your pj’s, snuggled up. “Come in.”
He smiles and closes the door behind him. He sits down on the edge of the bed.
“Wanna watch a movie? This TV has a chromecast.”
“Great idea.” He climbs up the bed to sit next to you as you set everything up. You put an easy going comedy on.
You lean back and he puts his arm around you so you can both get really cozy. It didn’t take long until you both passed out. You woke up in the middle of the night with Harry’s arms wrapped around you, his pelvis pressed to your butt. He liked to spoon, he could sleep comfortably like this with you. You sigh and fall back to sleep easily.
Harry woke up before you. He presses kisses to your temple before getting out of your bed. When you turn over you feel where he slept was still warm. He must have gotten up to start his day. You were a sweaty mess after your hike. You couldn’t wait for the sun to set so you could go to the ice castles and see them all lit up.
Harry held your hand the entire time, he even wraps his arms around your chest as he walked behind you, pointing out different ways the lights hit the ice. It was very romantic. Or, it would have been if your siblings weren’t around with their kids. But nonetheless, it was nice.
The next day you all help cook and set up for a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. You sit right next to Harry, and he holds your hand under the table. You had driven up with your mom, but you opt to drive home with Harry the next day. You both were desperate to just be alone together.
“Do you want me to drop you off so you can unpack and all that? I can come grab you later if you want.”
“That’d be great, and I can just drive myself to your place if that’s easier.”
“Whatever works.”
He helps you get all your things inside, and after a few minutes of kissing, he leaves you to go take care of his own things. You shower and freshen up after unpacking, and then hop in your car to Harry’s. You weren’t sure what your evening would look like, but you didn’t really care. You were just happy to maybe do a little more than kiss.
You text him when you get to his place, and the doorman lets you in. You get into the elevator and head up. You knock on his door and he opens it, yanking you in and shoving you up against the wall next to the door. Clearly, he wanted to do more than kiss as well.
He had one hand cupping your cheek, and the other on the side of your neck to keep you in place. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him closer. His hands drift down your sides, and you feel yourself being hoisted up. You wrap your legs around his waist and he carries you down the hall to his bedroom. You tug at his hair as your tongue slips into his mouth. His molds to yours as he sets you down. He groans into you and it sends a shiver up your spine. You couldn’t take it anymore.
“Get on the bed.” You tell him. He sits down, but your shake your head. “Sit all the way back, I’m not kneeling on the hard wood.”
His eyebrows fly up when he realizes what you’re talking about. He quickly gets back further on the bed. You crawl on, and sit on his lap. He kisses on your neck while you roll your hips down on his. His hands slide to your ass to grope and squeeze at you. You nip at his lips before getting of his lap and settling between his legs. Your fingers fiddle with the button and zipper on his jeans.
“Is this okay?” You ask, looking up at him.
“Yes.” He breathes. “Do whatever you want.”
You grin and slide your hand inside his jeans, palming him above his boxers. His head rolls back from your touch alone. It was something he’s wanted for so long. You tug his jeans down, he lifts his hips to help you, and you get them all the way off. You lift his shirt slightly to kiss on his tattooed stomach as you work your way down. You tug his boxers down and his hard dick springs out, slapping against his stomach. Your eyes grow wide and you look up at him.
“Jesus.” You say under your breath as you start to rub your thumb over his tip.
“Fuck.” He breathes as his head rolls back again. He felt like he was being pampered.
You let go of him, only for a minute, to get some spit on your hand. You start pumping him up and down, slowly at first. You gets yourself settled on your knees, leaning forward so your ass was in the air, and you kiss his tip. He looks down as you swirl your tongue around him before sinking further down on his hard dick. You couldn’t take all of him, even if you tried, so you pump what won’t fit. One of his hands slides down your back and down to your ass to squeeze at you. His other hand works through your hair to hold it back for you. He moans out when you swallow around him and really start bobbing your head up and down.
“Feels so good, Y/N, fuck.” His hips buck up involuntarily, causing you to gag slightly on him. “Sorry, babe.”
You squeeze one his thighs to let him know it’s okay. Your eyes flicker to his tiger tattoo, and if you weren’t sucking him off you’d smile at it. Harry was so interesting. You couldn’t wait to learn everything about him. Like right now, you couldn’t wait to learn how he tasted, how he really tasted.
“Oh god, fuck, I’m gonna come.” He says through gritted teeth. “Y/N, you don’t have to, ah!”
One of your hands slides up to his throat. You just needed him to shut up for a second so you could focus on the task at hand. His eyes were wild while he looked down at the scene before him. Your little hand wrapped around his throat while you sucked on him vigorously. You move up to just suck his tip while his come shoots into your mouth. You suck and suck until he can’t stand it anymore. You pop off him and let his throat go free. You make eye contact with him while you swallow.
“You…you didn’t have to do that.” He says, while trying to get his breath.
“I know, I wanted to.” You wipe the corners of your mouth, and tug his boxers back up. He winces slightly from the sensitivity.
“Alright.” He lifts his shirt up overhead and pins you down, you giggle at his sudden movements. “Your turn.” He unzips, your pants, but you stop him.
“I can’t.”
“Wh-why not?” He pouts.
“I got my period this morning.”
“Of course.” He sighs and hangs his head.
“Sorry.” You giggle and runs your hand through his curls.
“It’s okay, know you have no control over it.” He sits back up against the headboard and pulls you into his arms. “That was really nice, thank you.” He pecks your lips and you smile.
“My pleasure.”
“Want me to order something for dinner? I haven’t had a chance to go grocery shopping yet.”
“How does Chinese sound?”
“Perfect.” He kisses you again before getting off his bed. You lay back and sigh. His bed was really comfy, you could get used to this.
Monday morning everyone was feeling refreshed from the holiday. You and Harry drove separately since you still finished work earlier than him. He walks you upstairs like always, only this time before he goes into his office to change out of his gym clothes, he gives you a kiss and a pat on the bum. He knew he had to be careful, though, not too much PDA in the office.
Once he was changed he comes out of his office. You had his coffee ready to go like always. He takes it happily, but decides to speak up.
“I wanna start getting my own coffee.”
“Why?” You frown.
“I feel weird with you doing that kind of stuff for me now that we’re…involved.”
“Oh, is that what we’re calling it?” You smirk.
“Hanging out, dating, whatever.” He shrugs. “Getting me coffee doesn’t fall under the umbrella other tasks as assigned.”
“But it did before?” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Only because it was an excuse to have a nice chat in the morning.” He smiles and sips his coffee. “You understand what I’m trying to say, though, right?”
“I do.” You smile at him, and then bite your lip. “Um…when do you, I mean, should we…”
“Let’s see how things go before we go to H.R., yeah?”
He could read your mind, and it gave you some relief.
He winks at you and goes back into his office. He had a ton of emails to answer from being off last week.
“Y/N?” He calls for you and you go right in.
“Yes?” He shoots his eyes at you. “Mr. Styles.” You grin.
“If I forward you a few emails, could answer some people for me? I hate to make you the middle man, but some of this doesn’t need my attention.”
“Of course! Happy to help.” You smile.
“Thanks you.” He smiles back. “Would you mind closing my door? I have some calls to make.”
You nod and close the door behind you. He forwards you about ten emails, but you didn’t mind. It gave you something to do. You worked fast, so you often would get bored. He’s in and out of his office once his calls are made. When noon finally rolls around he comes out of his office and drums his fingers on your desk. You were standing up, thanks to having that kind of desk, and had your earbuds in. You raise an eyebrow at him and pause your music.
“It’s lunch time.” He grins.
“So it is.”
“Would you like to join me?”
“Just in my office.” He shrugs.
“Alright.” You smile. “I just need to heat my food up.”
“Great, come in when you’re all set.”
You go to the breakroom to grab your good. You lean on the counter next to the microwave as you wait for your food to heat up. Paula and a couple of other women walk in.
“Oh, hi, Y/N.” She says.
“Hi ladies, have a good Thanksgiving.”
“Yeah, it was good. Probably not as good as yours though. Must be nice to go skiing.”
“It’s an old family tradition.”
“Well, it’s not just family though, is it?” She scoffs and grabs her good out of the fridge.
“Everyone that goes might as well be.” The microwave beeps and you grab your food. “Is there a problem?”
“Not at all.” She shrugs and puts her food in the microwave. “Must be nice, is all.”
“To just get everything you want all the time.” Another woman says.
“I don’t…I work really hard for the things I have.”
“Right, must be nice to just pay mommy rent while you live in her pool house.”
“She’s alone a lot. My step-dad is a pilot, he’s not home with her when she’d like him to be. I wanted to move out and she asked me if I’d want to live in our…you know what? I don’t owe any of you an explanation. You can just be bitter.” You scoff and leave quickly. You go right into Harry’s office and sit down with a huff.
“Everything alright?”
“No.” You shake your head and angry stick your fork into your lunch. “There’s a bunch of bitches that work here, and I’m annoyed.” You sigh. “You don’t think everything’s been handed to me, do you?”
“I think you’ve lived a very blessed life, but your mum’s done a good job raising you. I’ve seen you act like a real brat before, but I wouldn’t call you spoiled or anything.”
“Gee, thanks.” You roll your eyes.
“Tell me what happened, what’s going on?”
“Paula and her crones were a little rude to me in the breakroom.”
“They’re just mad because I don’t pay them the time of day, and they’re jealous you work for me. I’m sorry you’re getting the brunt of that.”
“It’s okay…maybe we should go to H.R. sooner then. If they find out about anything before we disclose…they could just make it worse. The whole thing just feels so high school, it’s fucking stupid. Grow up.” You shake your head and take a bite of your food. You look at him. He had his chin resting on his palm, smiling at you. “What?”
“Nothing, you’re just cute when you get all fired up.”
“You think everything I do is cute.” You chuckle.
“You got me there.” He takes a bite of his own food. “We can go down a bit before you leave for the day if you like. I don’t want you feeling uncomfortable with anything. And…I mean…do you want me to talk to your mum?”
“About what?”
“I can tell her that the other women have been rude. I can tell her what they’ve said to me before too. Or I could just straight up talk to them myself. I don’t care.”
“Let’s just go to H.R. first.” You take a sip of your water. “I don’t wanna add fuel to the fire.”
“Fair enough.” He sighs. “So, how would you like to come over tonight? I have stuff to make this chicken and noodle dish in my instant pot. Only takes like thirty minutes once it’s altogether.”
“That sounds amazing, but I can’t. I make dinner with mom on Mondays. We make a big casserole that we can have during the week. You could come over if you wanted. You know how much she loves when you come over for dinner.”
“I wouldn’t want to intrude.”
“You wouldn’t be, please, come to dinner.”
“Alright.” He smiles. “Um…” His voice gets a little quieter. “How’s your, uh, are you still, um…?”
“Yes, I still have my period.” You chuckle. “I promise, once it’s done, you’ll be the first to know.”
“Thanks, I appreciate that.” He stands up from his desk and comes over to you. He cups your cheeks in his hands and leans in to kiss you. Just as his lips were on yours, there’s a knock on his door. “Jesus Christ.” He groans. He walks over to the door and opens it. “Yes?”
“Hi, Harry.”
“Oh, hi, Jennifer.”
“I came by because I have some of that pumpkin br-“ She stops when she sees you sitting. “Sorry, am I interrupting?”
“Just a little lunch meeting.” You say, standing up. “Lots of emails and meetings to get through this afternoon. Mr. Styles wanted us on the same page. Excuse me.” You stand up and look at him before leaving.
“Leave it open, please.” He says to you and you nod.
“Anyways, I brought you that pumpkin bread you like so much.”
“Ah, thank you. You didn’t have to do that.” He takes it from her and he puts it on his desk.
“Well, you raved about it last year, so I made sure to make more.” She blushes. “How was your break? You went skiing with Cheryl’s family, right?”
“Yeah…it was fun. I get along well with everyone.”
“Must be nice to be so close with the boss.”
“I suppose.”
“Anyways, um, do you have plans Friday?”
You hear her ask it, and your eyes widen with rage. You never really realized how much people through themselves at him.
“Uh, well, this is sort of awkward, but I’m sort of seeing someone, and I’ll probably be seeing them Friday, sorry.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry, Harry.” Her face goes red. “I had no idea.”
“Well, that’s the funny thing about having a personal life, it’s, uh, personal.”
You can’t help but laugh when you hear him say that. You clap your hand over your mouth so they don’t hear you. You watch Jennifer leave his office in defeat. He comes out to you.
“I’m so sorry you had to hear that.”
“Oh, it’s fine.” You shake your head. “So, you’re seeing someone, huh? I wonder how long that’ll take to spread around.” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“Very funny. What did you want me to say, that I have a girlfriend? Haven’t really had that conversation yet have we?”
“Conversation about what?” Your mom says. “Harry, we have a meeting in five, get your laptop. Phil’s in on this one.” She rolls her eyes. “Hi, honey.” She smiles at you.
“Hi.” You smile back. “Can Harry join for dinner tonight?”
“Course he can, happy to have him.” She looks back at Harry. “Let’s go.”
Harry grabs his laptop and follows your mom.
Around 4PM, Harry grabs you so you both can go see Mary in H.R.
“Hi you two.” She smiles. “To what do I owe this visit?”
“Mary, Y/N and I are, uh, seeing each other.”
“Oh! Well, that’s great. Is it serious?”
“It could become serious, it’s still new.” You say. “We just wanted to do the right thing and disclose it.”
“And did this start on company property?”
“No.” You say at the same time.
“Alright then, let me get the forms. Y/N, you know things could get sticky with Harry being your supervisor.”
“I know, we’ve discussed it.”
“And…your mother…?”
“She’s thrilled.” You say with a smile.
“Alright, here you go. Fill these out and bring them back to me tomorrow morning.”
“Can do, thanks Mary.” Harry smiles.
Harry walks you out to your car and gives you a quick peck on the cheek goodbye. He tells you he’ll be over around seven for dinner, and you tell him to bring something to sleep in.
“Wait, so has everyone in our office hit on you?” Your mom asks Harry as she spoons him some lasagna. “Why did you tell me before?”
“It wasn’t really a big deal.” He shrugs.
“It’s bound to get around that he’s seeing someone, and it’ll only be a matter of time before everyone finds out it’s me.”
“Well, then, they’ll just have to deal with it, won’t they? We’re all adults.” She shakes her head as she sits down. “If anyone has an issue, they can bring it up to me.”
Everyone takes a bite of the lasagna.
“Mm, well done, Y/N.” Your mom says.
“Yeah, it’s delicious.” Harry smiles at you.
After dinner, you and Harry say goodnight to your mom and head out to the pool house. You settle in on your couch for some TV and much needed snuggles.
“Does your mum ever leave to visit Ed on his routes?”
“On the weekends sometimes, why?”
“Well, if you don’t wanna be alone on the property, you can always stay with me.”
“Aww.” You kiss him on the cheek. “Thanks.” You shift yourself so you can straddle his lap, and bury your head in the crook of his neck. He wraps his arms around you and rubs your back.
“Feels nice to just do this.”
“Mhm.” You nuzzle into him further.
“Comfortable?” He chuckles.
“You have no idea.” You kiss his neck and sigh. “Wanted this for so long, Harry.” You kiss his neck again, and linger a little this time.
“You’re gonna get me all riled up, and I can’t do anything to you that I want to.”
“I could just take care of you again, I don’t mind.”
“But I wanna be able to take care of you, Y/N.”
You lift your head so you can look at him.
“Just a few more days, then I’m all yours.”
“Can’t wait.”
“So…do we really have plans Friday night?”
“Sure.” He smirks. “Anything you have in mind?”
“I need to go to the mall to do some holiday shopping. Feel up to it?”
“The mall on a Friday after work?” He raises his eyebrows. “You’re serious?”
“I’m an expert shopper.” You peck at his lips. “And if you come with me you’ll get a reward.”
“Oh, I like the sound of that.”
Friday after work, you and harry drive out to the mall. Everyone at work seemed pretty cool the rest of the week. Maybe a memo went out? You tried not to question it. All you could focus on was how cute Harry looked in his suit while walking around the mall with you. You at least had the sense to change.
“Let’s see, mom’s been looking for a new baking set, so let’s stop in at Crate and Barrel, first.”
“Sounds good.”
Harry basically just follows you in and out of a ton of different stores. He’s a perfect gentleman and carries all your bags. You insist you can carry some, but he tells you you’re crazy, and you just keep walking. Eventually you walk by a Victoria’s Secret. You hadn’t shopped there in a really long time since it was super overrated, but a wicked idea comes over you.
“Harry, are you getting hungry?”
“Why don’t we go to Chipotle? Just have something quick? I need to stop into a couple more stores. You know what I like form there, right?”
“The tacos.”
“Exactly, why don’t you head in and I’ll meet you, yeah?”
“Works for me.”
You watch him walk away before going into the store. Your period ended Wednesday, but you two hadn’t had time to get intimate. You look at a few things, and fine a cute little turquoise set that you think he’d like.
“Would I be able to buy this and then go change into it?” You ask the woman at the register.
“Of course, miss.”
You find Harry in Chipotle, and scarf down your tacos. He gets everything you bought into the car and off you go.
“Mine or yours, babe?” He asks.
“Let’s go to yours. Your bed is so comfy.”
“So is yours.” He rubs his hand over your thigh.
“I do my best.” You chuckle. “But I’d definitely rather go to yours tonight.”
He smiles and takes the exit for his apartment. You tell him the bags can just stay in the trunk for now. You both get upstairs, and he sighs with relief when he gets his tie off.
“Just gonna change.” He says to you.
“That’s a good idea, I’ll do the same.”
You follow him in and he raises an eyebrow at you.
“Where’s your bag?”
“Oh, I just figured you’d be give me something to wear.”
“Sure!” He turns to his dresser. ��Do you want sweatpants, shorts, just a big…” he turns back to you and his jaw drops when he sees your lingerie. “When…where…what’s happening right now?”
“Why do you think I sent you off to get food?” You stroll over to his and run your hands up his chest. “Do you like it?”
“You look incredible. Been dreaming about this.”
He wraps his arms around you and kisses you. You moan when his hands run down your back and down to your ass.
“I’m gonna treat you so well, make you feel amazing because you don’t deserve anything less.”
He lays you down on the bed and strips down to his boxers. He hovers over you and kisses down your chest. He sucks on the fleshy area that’s spilling out of the top of your lacey bra. His hands move around your to unhook it, and he gets it off of you all the way. He sucks on each of your nipples, swirling his tongue around, really putting a show on for you.
“You always smell so fucking good, I love your perfume.” He says as he kisses down your stomach.
“I knew you liked it.” You run a hand through his hair. “I just had to keep wearing it.”
“Drives me crazy. It’s the sweetest smell in the world.”
He sucks a nice bruise on your hip while his thumb trails over the lace material of your panties. He could see that you’re wet for him already, he can feel it to once his thumb pushes gently inside. You groan while he does it.
“Please, don’t tease me, Harry.”
“But that’s the best part. Gotta really make sure you want it.”
“I do, I swear, please, just take them off.
“You went to all this trouble to buy these for me, shame for them to go to waste.” He kisses you through the material and your hips buck up towards his mouth. “So reactive.” He smirks.
“You know, I could easily just go home and do this myself, so if you want to-“
“Don’t be like that.” He pouts and hooks his fingers into his panties. “I’m simply trying to savor the moment. I’m about to see this precious little cunt for the first time. You have no idea how honored I feel.”
He slides your panties down your legs and tosses them aside. He kisses both of your knees before spreading your legs apart. He gazes at you.
“It’s beautiful.”
“Harry.” You giggle and kick at him. “Stop it.” You were starting to blush.
“Can’t help it.”
He gets settled between your legs and spreads you apart with his thumbs. He uses his fingers to rub around your already slick folds. He sucks the same fingers into his mouth and it makes you bite your bottom lip. His middle finger runs along your center before slowly pushing inside. You gasp when you feel the cool of his ring hit you. He pumps it in and out of you, just trying to gauge how tight you may be.
“When was the last time?”
“When was the last time what?” You grunt.
“You’re really tight, not complaining, but I don’t wanna hurt you.”
“I don’t know, um, I can’t really think right now while you’re doing that.”
“Alright.” He takes his finger away from you completely and you whimper.
“The last time it was someone, and not just one of my dildos was over the summer, alright?”
“When do you use the-“
“Not that often, only sometimes. I’ll fucking let you use one on me sometime if it means you’ll just keep working me over, please, Harry.” You pout at him.
“Can’t say no to that can I?”
He uses both of his hands to keep your legs open, and he dives right in. He licks all around you and sucks on your clit harshly.
“Oh my god.” You tug at his hair just as hard it makes him groan against you.
You feel his teeth graze over the little nub, and it makes you clench around nothing. You wanted his fingers again, but he needed his hands on your thighs to keep you open. He pulls up from you.
“Ride my face.”
“Come on, come sit on my face. I’ll fuck you with my tongue, it’ll feel great.”
He lays back with his head on the pillow and gestures for you to come to him. You shrug and straddle his face. You gasp when you feel his tongue on you again. You grip at his head board, and your eyes roll into the back of your head when you feel the slight scruff on his chin rub up against you. He gets his tongue inside you, and you essentially start riding it. His hands grip your hips, pressing bruises into your plushy skin.
“Oh my god, Harry, holy shit.”
The bed was shaking at this point. You thought you might be hurting him, but when you looked down his eyes were closed and he looked like he was in pure bliss fucking you with his tongue.
“Fuck, oh my god, fuck, fuck!” You scream as you feel your release come.
You feel Harry suck on your cunt so he doesn’t miss a drop of anything. He slowly lifts you off of him so he can get some air. His mouth, chin, and a little of his nose were wet with your slick.
“Sorry.” You use your hand to clean him up.
“Don’t be.” He licks his lips. “You taste so fucking good, could do that for hours.”
“How about you use your dick instead?”
“You’re ready for that? We don’t have to move that fast if you don’t want to.”
“Harry, I really want you to fuck me. I’ve wanted you to fuck me for five fucking years, please.”
He grabs you by your throat and pins you down on the bed.
“No need to beg, darling, all you had to do was say you wanted to.” He lets you go and kiss your lips. He stands up off the bed and takes his boxers off. “See, I’m getting nice and naked for you.” He smirks. “Do I need to use a condom or…?”
“Nah, I have an IUD. Wanna feel you.”
He smiles and gets back on the bed. He pumps himself a couple of times and spreads you back apart. He pushes inside you and you can’t help but moan loudly. You’ve been dreaming of this moment for so long, and so has he. It’s incredibly satisfying.
“Ngh, you’re so fucking big, it feels so good.” Your head rolls back as he bottoms out.
He starts moving slowly as he buries his face in your neck. He sucks on your soft skin and lets it go with a pop.
“Fuck.” You breathe.
He snakes a hand between the two of you so he rub at your throbbing clit. You knead one of your own breasts, but he swats your hand away so he can do it.
“You just need to tell me what you want, want you like, and I’ll do it, okay?”
He dips his head to suck on your nipple and your hands move to his back to dig your nails in. You start tightening around him when you feel his fingers rub your clit with more precision.
“Oh, shit. Oh my god, Harry!” You were panting. You felt like your heart was going to beat out your chest. Your back arches when you come again.
“Feel so fucking good, Y/N.” He fucks your through it, and wait for your to calm down before pulling out. You whimper at the loss of him. “Don’t worry, got a nice position for us I think you’ll like.
He sits up against the head board, and gets you in his lap, facing away from him. You were on his dick again and it felt amazing. You back was flush with his chest, and your head was on his shoulder. His tongue was in your mouth while one of his hands was rubbing your clit in rhythm with his thrusts, and the other was snaked around your chest to keep you in place.
His mouth leaves yours so he can kiss on your neck and shoulder. He looks down at the way he’s rubbing you and then at your face. Your head was rolled back into his shoulder and you were biting your bottom lip.
“Feels good, babe?”
“Feels amazing.” You tighten around him.
“Wanna come together?”
“Alright, just hold on for me.”
He stops rubbing you, and moves both of his hands to your hips. He moves you up and down faster so you were basically bouncing up and down on him. He was hitting your g-spot perfectly.
“Harry, fuck!”
“Hold on, Y/N.” He groans. “Almost there.”
“Harry, please!”
“One second.”
All of the blood in your body was rushing to your ears, you felt like you couldn’t hear anymore. Your vision was starting to go blurry as well. He nips at your earlobe and then you feel his breath on you.
“Come for me, baby.” He whispers and that’s when you let go.
You feel his warm come shoot up inside you. You cry out as your orgasm prolongs. It was so good, so very good. You both slowly catch your breaths from the ordeal. Your legs felt like gelatin as you stood. You desperately needed to pee.
When you come back out he tosses you a large t-shirt. You giggle and put it on, and then crawl into bed with him. He throws his arm around you as you snuggle up to his chest.
“I don’t wanna sound clingy, but I hope you know, I’m never letting you go.” You say, pressing kisses to cheek, neck, and chest.
“Lucky for you, I like clingy. M’not letting you go either.” He presses a kiss to your forehead, and you both get settled into a goodnight’s sleep.
After basically staying in bed with Harry all weekend, you found it difficult to concentrate at work. You had so many scenarios in your head, but the one you wanted most was for him to bend you over his desk, but he made it clear with you that the office was off limits. He explained that he didn’t want to do anything to risk losing his job. You had to respect that.
The holidays came and went. You each got each other something small since you had only been together for about a month, but you spent the New Year together and it was just wonderful. Most people at work knew you were dating Harry. It was hard not to when he’d randomly get you flowers to keep on your desk, or when he might steal glances of you during a meeting.
Once summer came around again, and you had been there for an entire year, you were up for a promotion. You were excited because it involved you having your own office, but you were sad that you wouldn’t be handling things for Harry anymore. You had to train a new assistant, and you were even less thrilled when you saw it was just some girl fresh out of her undergrad. You thought you’d be jealous, but you watched how Harry was with her. She was to only call him Mr. Styles, and he did the same things with her as he did with you. He never got too close, the door was rarely closed if they were alone together, and a picture of you was front and center on his desk. No room for funny business.
He loved staying over at your place, and swimming in the pool with you, especially at night, and especially when your mom was away. You could get away with skinny dipping, which meant getting away with getting fucked in the pool. You’d cook together and hang out almost every night.
“Hey.” He says to one Saturday afternoon as you both were laying out by the pool.
“I’m in love with you.”
“Harry.” You chuckle. “You say it like you haven’t been saying it for the last six months.” All he does is pout at you. “I’m in love with you too.”
He smiles and goes back to facing front, taking a sip of his drink. Life was good, life was very, very good.
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pekotranslates · 3 years
Traces of Two Pasts: Episode Tifa - pgs 40-52
Disclaimer: Also, I started this for fun so that my friends who don't have access can read it. I'm just another fan like you. With that said, I do try to be as faithful to the original source material as possible, and for those of you who can read Japanese, please support the author by buying his book.
Not everyone agreed with Chief Zonder's decision. The elderly—a major force in the village—began to make noise. They seemed to take a liking to Zangan's longevity exercises, and regretted not being able to memorize what was taught to them. They wanted someone to check if their poses were correct, and wished to learn the remaining exercises he was supposed to have taught them.
The village chief paid a visit at dinnertime.
"Hey, Tifa..." he said with a sullen expression. "Will you teach the old folks how to do Zangan's exercises properly?"
"Why Tifa?" her father asked. She just knew he would ask.
"Because Zangan named her. Told me that if we ever needed someone to mentor us, Tifa would be qualified. Said that she had the most controlled form* out of everyone who gathered there that day.
Kata, which means “form” in Japanese, is the term used to describe specific sequences of motion that are used to practice technique and execution in martial arts
It pleased her knowing that someone spoke of her like that when not in her presence, but it also caused her to be slightly embarrassed.
"Zonder, don't get my family involved."
"Aw, c'mon! I'm already in big trouble as it is. The old folks just won't let it go!"
"Hmph!" Brian Lockhart snorted. He enjoyed seeing the village chief squirm. She couldn't tell whether or not they actually got along with each other.
"Tifa, what do you think?"
"I'd just be teaching the elderly people those exercises, right? If that's all there is, then I'd like to try."
"Tifa..." her father began, but he swallowed back his complaint. He knew that it wasn't good for her to have too much time on her hands. "Well, if you're gonna do it, then do it right."
While preparing breakfast, Tifa heard a knock at the door, and opened to a woman’s face she barely recognized. It was an elderly woman called "Mon Amie" who was an aunt of sorts to Chief Zonder. Her hair was pulled back into a bun so tight that it looked like her eyes were being pulled straight up!
"Good morning to you. It's been a long time, Tifa. I heard that Zonder told you all about it. How about 2 gil per hour?"
"Sorry?" She had not heard about any renumeration.
"Well, you are thirteen now. Not a little girl anymore, so that doesn't cut it for you, eh? Alright then, how about 4 gil?"
"No, I don't want any money."
"That won't do. We are taking this very seriously, and you will be properly paid for your work."
No matter how much Zangan trusted her, would she really be up to the task? But, being able to earn her own money sounded very appealing, as if a whole new world had opened up to her.
Mon Amie took Tifa's silence as her wanting to bargain for higher wages.
"6 gil."
"Alright. 6 gil it is then."
"Brian never did leave the village. He wanted to keep Thea all to himself." Mon Amie suddenly brought up her parents during their exercise routine at the public square.
"Really?" said Tifa, adjusting Mon Amie's arm posture. She needed to get her to straighten her back and push out her chest a bit more for the desired result.
"She was quite the popular one, that child."
It wasn’t very pleasant hearing her mother being called "that child", yet Tifa encouraged her. Listening to the elderly tell old stories was a part of her job. The responsibility she felt from receiving wages tempered her patience.
"You should leave the village," said Mon Amie suddenly. "Doesn't it sound like fun going around to different places with Master Zangan?"
"It sure does."
"Alright, you don't have to play along with me. No need for you to learn things like that. Just think about it carefully, okay? Something needs to change for women here in Nibelheim."
Tifa silently nodded as she propped up Mon Amie's arm.
"There weren't any women around in my day who held this kind of thinking. But that Strife girl”—she was speaking of Cloud's mother—"tried to leave. Not sure if it's because she hated it here, or if she dreamed of going to the big city."
Mon Amie abruptly altered her pose, ruining her base form.
"To the traditional Nibelheim women, she seemed pretty unconventional. We all refused to accept her ways, but secretly felt the same. Even though we scolded her, deep down inside we were cheering her on. We even felt jealous of her for carving out her own path. Perhaps she changed something in us, little by little.”
Tifa lifted up Mon Amie's knee. "Up high like this. Thank you."
She supported Mon Amie as the woman’s body rocked back and forth.
"But Claudia remained in the village, didn't she?" said Tifa.
"Well, that’s because she fell in love. You see, a man traveled here. Claudia was helping out at the inn at the time. She must have been taken in by the outside air he brought with him. And he was a pretty fellow. I’m sure you see it when you look at Cloud. That boy got the best of both his parents!”
“But, just like the wind, he just couldn’t keep still. Not sure if Cloud learned how to walk yet, but around that time he told her he would go to the mountains, but never came back. They found his belongings though. His body probably got eaten by monsters. You were lucky you didn’t meet the same fate.”
Tifa braced herself. Was she going to bring up that incident?
“Cloud egging you on to climb Mt. Nibel… Maybe that was in his blood.”
Mon Amie’s body began to sway. Tifa had stopped holding onto her causing her to lose her balance. She couldn’t regain her footing in time, and fell flat down on her backside.
“Alright then," said Tifa. "Now let’s use the opposite leg. Please lift up your knee.”
Tifa held out a helping hand to her, but Mon Amie refused and got up on her own.
“Quite strict for a pretty face.”
“That’s because I get paid 6 gil to be.”
Before long, she became more attentive. She noticed Mon Amie lifting up her other knee, but it was at the wrong height again. While Tifa helped her to adjust, Mon Amie said, “You really don’t remember anything? You know, about that accident you got into?”
She was eight years old when she got into that accident on Mt. Nibel. Cloud was with her. The villagers chose to believe the story based on Emilio and the others’ testimonies, and nothing else could be said about it. Tifa really couldn't remember what happened.
"No, unfortunately not..."
Whether the elderly came to her for exercising or just to chat, it was tougher than she had imagined. Her father laughed at her and said he wouldn't have anything to do with them, even for 100 gil.
They never listened and were set in their ways, even the ones who kept away and smiled modestly at her. They just had a different view on things, and sulked if nobody paid them attention.
The topics they discussed also surprised Tifa, and sometimes hurt her too. She disliked whenever they brought up how her body looked so grown. There would be someone who sensed her discomfort or resentment, and would try to change the subject, but then it would turn into whom she should be with and things of that nature.
So, all things considered, Tifa preferred hearing them going on about herself rather than her father’s failed romances, or whom her mother used to hang out with before she got married to him. To the elderly townsfolk, her father and others his age were still “the village youth”.
After her day finished and she was about to go to sleep, she thought to herself that maybe there would be a time when she would be the one telling someone else about what happened today, or about some news she heard from another person. Telling the same stories over and over again, everyday just like the next, until she, herself, became just a relic of an era in village history.
“They confused me at first, but I got used to being around them, and then it wasn’t so bad anymore. That feeling of wanting someone to talk to—Everyone has that,” explained Tifa.
“So that’s where you learned to entertain guests? From spending your time talking to old folks?” asked Barret.
“Possibly. Maybe that did me good. More and more of the elderly signed up, and they started calling their morning gatherings the ‘Calisthenics Club’.”
“It’s like that at Seventh Heaven too,” said Barret with some intensity.
Aerith urged him to talk.
“It used to be just a small shop owned by this one gramps, but when Tifa started working there, the business picked up. Men crowded the place. Know what I mean, Red?”
“What I’m more interested in is what happened to Zangan afterward? I can sort of imagine based on your fighting style, Tifa...” said Red XIII.
“You’re right. There was a little more that happened before I got to where I'm at.”
A month passed after the start of the Calisthenics Club. All morning Tifa would teach the exercises and set aside time for her reading and arithmetic. The afternoon she'd go to the mountains and work hard towards building up her strength and stamina, and then would return home before sunset so her father wouldn’t worry. At night she would examine Zangan's writings and practice her form, reviewing the materials over and over again so as to not overlook anything.
One day, she received a letter from Emilio. He wrote about the fast-paced lifestyle in the big city, and told her about everything he found perplexing: arguments he had had with people, things he ate, the social inequality, and their differences in moral values.
“But whenever I get discouraged, it’s you I think about, Tifa, and then I imagine that day when I’ll come and get you. I'll write to you sometimes and teach you about the city, so you won't be so confused when that time comes.”
Who do you think you are? That's how she honestly felt reading the letter.
Zangan appeared, acting as if nothing had happened. He knocked on the door just in time to greet her father and asked for his permission to call Tifa out, and then led her to the river where they first met.
“Master Zangan, please let me be your student. I want to be stronger.”
“That’s exactly the answer I was looking for, but what’s the matter, Tifa? I sense your impatience. Why are you in such a hurry?”
“That’s not it!” she replied, but felt self-conscious. “No… It’s because I got that letter from my friend.”
“What kind of letter?”
“I think it’s because I don’t want to lose. I don’t want to lose to anyone who left the village.”
“Hmm. My hand-to-hand combat techniques are not meant to be used to make you feel superior to others.”
“I know.”
“No, you don’t. But the answer to that can only be found through diligent study. All right. I will acknowledge you if you pass my test.”
“Show me everything you’ve learned from Volume 1. You’ve been practicing, haven’t you?”
Tifa performed a sequence of forms from the physical training method.
“One more time, from the beginning.”
This time Zangan interrupted with instructions.
"Check the book to see the direction your palms should be facing."
Tifa crouched down over the book and flipped through the pages. The form was wrong from the very start. Should have been above not below.
“I was wrong.”
“Try again.”
When she extended both hands and slightly shifted the direction of her palms, she felt a different set of muscles tingling.
“Everything from the Book of Secrets must be obeyed. Don’t try to interpret it another way or decide that your way is better. While disciplining your body, you must learn to be faithful to your decisions. If I take you in as my student, you will become stronger. So, you must cultivate your mind to control that power. The greater and stronger the power to handle, the greater the responsibility of its owner. Do you understand?”
The second time around, Zangan pointed out any minor mistakes she made. Each time she would have to go back and confirm with the Book of Secrets before advancing, which made things take twice as long. Fatigue built up in her arms and legs.
“Alright, now relax and close your eyes. Focus your attention and check the condition of your body. Does it hurt anywhere?”
“My upper back… I wouldn’t say it hurts but it feels like it’s burning...”
She slipped her right hand underneath her left armpit until it touched the lower part of her shoulder blade. Digging her fingers into it felt good.
“Hmph!” Zangan gave a satisfying nod. “That’s your shoulder blade. What you’re pressing into is the trapezius muscle. Surrounding it is your deltoid, infraspinatus, psoas minor and other muscles. The second volume will teach you how to train each one of those muscles on your back,” he said, while holding out a booklet to her. It was Volume 2.
“If you want to live your life with pride then pay close attention to your back. Squeeze your shoulder blades together, chest out. Walking through life with a beautiful posture is also part of your training.”
“Got it.”
“Let’s get started. Well then, onto Volume 2, No. 2-1-1, scapular push-ups.”
Zangan immediately prostrated himself on the ground, and lowered his chest. Tifa hastened to follow his example.
“All you're doing is supporting your whole body with your arms. Concentrate on your shoulder blades. Rotate them outwards—protract, retract, protract.”
It was her first time experiencing those movements. How was she supposed to move to protract her shoulder blades? She couldn’t picture it in her mind. Glancing over at Zangan she noticed he was rotating his shoulders outward, something her cat, Maru, often did.
“You look like a cat,” she said.
“Right. There’s a lot we can learn from cats.”
She focused her attention on her scapula, going up and down, until the repetition of movements were drilled into her body. Zangan rose and watched over Tifa for some time before clearing his throat.
The movements were subtle but still made her perspire.
“That’s because the muscles across your back are wider. Moving them increases the blood flow and raises your temperature, so that’s why you’re working up a sweat.”
After completing Volume 2, Tifa was sweating profusely. She felt unthinkable pain throughout her whole back.
“Alright, any questions? If you do, now’s your chance.”
She wanted to say, yes, but nothing came to mind at the moment.
“If not, then we’ll move onto Volume 3.”
“Huh?” she couldn’t help but shout. Her whole body was screaming in pain. Zangan ignored her and continued.
“Volume 3 is for chest and abs. We’re going to train your front body. The pectoralis major muscle is roughly divided into three parts: upper, middle and lower. There are several different ways to effectively train it, but I’ll teach you the basic concepts.”
“At your age, your overall motor skills are complete, and in that regard, you excel. You haven’t had any special training, have you? If so, then you must have been born with this. Treasure it.”
“I will.”
She felt energy pour into her body. Perhaps listening to Zangan talk with a relaxed mind helped her to recover from fatigue.
“After a while, we’ll concentrate on building your muscles. But you will not be using any equipment except your body. We won’t be using barbells or dumbbells until you’re much older. Besides, our Zangan-ryu hardly finds them necessary. That is because I prescribe individual fighting styles that suit each of my students. You don’t need arms built like logs or a bulky chest. What you need is to build up a fighting style that will utilize those reflexes, that body, and your speed. Well, what do you want to do? Shall we call it a day?”
“No. Please go on.”
She didn’t want to disappoint the first person who had managed to earn her respect.
“Yes, that’s the spirit! Alright. But we’ll stop here for today. Let’s call this current level of fatigue your limit. Keep it in mind. You have a long way before you can try to challenge that limit to surpass it. Continuity is more important now than ever.”
On their way back, a realization came over Tifa regarding Zangan’s test. It didn't annoy her. If her father tried to make her work like that she’d probably stop talking to him for three days in a row. With those thoughts in mind, she walked her teacher back to the inn.
“Say hello to your father for me.”
As she stood in front of her house she could smell the scent of spices in the air. Spices that her mother liked to use in her best recipe. It was her father’s favorite dish, but since Tifa didn’t really like it, it was hardly ever served at the dining table.
She opened the door and said, “I’m home.”
“Welcome back.” Her father, dressed in an apron, peeked out at her from the kitchen.
“This smell… Huh? Is it mom’s?”
“I was really craving it... Oh, but I made something else for you.”
She was filled with remorse. She didn’t like the way he looked or the tone of voice he used when trying to gauge her mood, but it was all her fault for making it that way.
Novel by Kazushige Nojima
Translated by pekotranslates
Proofread by Eerie
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pilferingapples · 3 years
Do you remember if Enjolras's signiture red was a musical addition or if there's any canon/brick evidence of that? On a similar note, do you have a masterpost or know someone who has a masterpost of the Les Amis and their canonical Brick descriptions?
Oh yay it's Red Waistcoat talk time:D
I do love the xylophone vest, but Enjolras wearing red is invented purely for the stage!
Red was very much a color associated with republicanism/revolutionaries/lefty political radicalists in canon era-- especially certain shades of red, like scarlet. But it was so associated with them that wearing a waistcoat in those shades was almost putting on a sign that said "Arrest Me, I'm a Revolutionary". You'd have to be pretty committed and pretty foolhardy to do that!
...like so:
Behind Feuilly marched, or rather bounded, Bahorel, who was like a fish in water in a riot. He wore a scarlet waistcoat, and indulged in the sort of words which break everything. His waistcoat astounded a passer-by, who cried in bewilderment:—
“Here are the reds!”
“The reds, the reds!” retorted Bahorel. “A queer kind of fear, bourgeois. For my part I don’t tremble before a poppy, the little red hat inspires me with no alarm. Take my advice, bourgeois, let’s leave fear of the red to horned cattle.” (4.11.1 , Hapgood translation)
The only other Ami we see expressly mentioned as wearing a red waistcoat is Grantaire, who rushes home to change into one and then brings it back to try and impress Enjolras that he's Very Serious about his activism :
Grantaire lived in furnished lodgings very near the Café Musain. He went out, and five minutes later he returned. He had gone home to put on a Robespierre waistcoat.
“Red,” said he as he entered, and he looked intently at Enjolras. Then, with the palm of his energetic hand, he laid the two scarlet points of the waistcoat across his breast.(4.1.6, Hapgood translation)
Book!Enjolras is, for reasons of medium, a much quieter and more severe character than his eyecatching stage counterpart, so he's probably not running around in red. Courfeyrac might wear a red waistcoat, Bahorel wears them so much it's part of his character introduction, but Enjolras probably doesn't.
Which brings us to canon character descriptions! Sticking to the purely physical here. This will be shorter than you might think, because Hugo really doesn't give us much! Most of it's from 3.4.1:
Enjolras: someone aptly summed it up once as "like Fantine but scary".And, well:
His eyes were deep, his lids a little red, his lower lip was thick and easily became disdainful, his brow was lofty. A great deal of brow in a face is like a great deal of horizon in a view. Like certain young men at the beginning of this century and the end of the last, who became illustrious at an early age, he was endowed with excessive youth, and was as rosy as a young girl, although subject to hours of pallor. Already a man, he still seemed a child. His two and twenty years appeared to be but seventeen..that face of a youth escaped from college, that page’s mien, those long, golden lashes, those blue eyes, that hair billowing in the wind, those rosy cheeks, those fresh lips, those exquisite teeth... (3.4.1, Hapgood)
Combeferre: Nothing. Not a word. He's a medical student who's done his internship by 1832. We get some scene -specific clothing mentions at the barricade (an apron for the operations he's doing, etc) , but nothing about his general look or style. Hugo describes his outlook as "less lofty, but broader" than Enjolras; some people like to interpret this to mean he's short and kinda Big, but it's not actual physical description, so it's up to you!
Prouvaire: most of what we get for him is about his mannerisms/body language, but still descriptive!
He spoke softly, bowed his head, lowered his eyes, smiled with embarrassment, dressed badly, had an awkward air, blushed at a mere nothing, and was very timid(3.4.1)...
Courfeyrac: nothing , again! He's described as having "roundness and radiance" but again, that's metaphorical; but a lot of people do run with the Roundness aspect! Presumably dresses reasonably well and in keeping with the current styles, judging by how often he mentions his accessories, but not the best at keeping those to hand.
Feuilly: again, no direct description. Unless you choose to interpret a the line "his fingers skilled in painting the delicate sticks of fans" as meaning something about him having Nice Hands, I guess.
Bahorel: scarlet waistcoats, frock coat, high energy, generally very Fashion Aware , Noticeable Gestures/poses.
Bossuet/Legle/Lesgle/L'aigle: Bald at 25, also Broke-Broke; his coat's specifically old and starting to fall apart. Usually written as cheerful/smiling.
Joly: "Joly had a trick of touching his nose with the tip of his cane, which is an indication of a sagacious mind." Sickly. Also very well-dressed, at least by 1832. Mostly smiling/cheerful.
Grantaire: ..whoo boy. "Il était laid démesurément" , or disproportionately ugly. Could also be read as extremely unpleasant/ill-favored, unsightly.. however you want to read it, generally A Mess, physically--but what exactly that means is up to interpretation. Has that one waistcoat mentioned above but doesn't wear it much. Fairly athletic.
That's it! there are suggestive context cues, like Prouvaire's medievalist Romanticism, and there's general fashions and styles of the era to look to, but nothing else really direct!
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mourntheantagonist · 3 years
#HarringroveApril Day 7: Daisychain
“Mr. Harrington? Who’s your favorite student?”
The question came about at least once every year without fail, and he’d always answer in the same, textbook way.
“I don’t have favorites. I love all my kids equally.”
And, deservedly so, the whole class would grunt and moan because they knew just as well as he did that it was a load of bullshit. Steve loved every one of his kids, that part wasn’t a lie, but… he also definitely had his favorites.
For the graduating class of ‘90 when he was only a teaching assistant his name was Daniel. He was the youngest in his class because he started early, and he was incredibly bright. He could count higher, he could read quicker, and his mind just worked in ways that no adult could possibly understand. But it wasn’t the textbook intelligence that made Steve fall for this kid. It was his emotional intelligence. He was funny and he was kind and five year olds were cruel, but he never let that get to him. He had an outlook on life that Steve was jealous of, so when the other kids would turn him down for a game of checkers, Steve would happily join him, because Steve saw it as his job to keep that kid kind.
For the class of ‘91 it was Christopher. He was nothing like Daniel. He was held back and was repeating kindergarten, and that was evident in the way he walked through life. He was quiet and would voluntarily remove himself from the rest of the class. He’d sit by himself and read a book and get frustrated when he didn’t understand one of the words, he would swing by himself and he always tried to sneak off with the first graders when it was time to line up. And Steve perfectly resonated with that feeling of watching all of your friends move on without you. He was left in the dust too. When all his classmates moved on to college or hightailed it out of Hawkins, Steve was left there by himself, working at Family Video with his only friend in the grade below him, and it took her leaving him as well for Steve to finally get his shit together, haul his ass west of the Mississippi, and enroll in a community college and work towards his teaching degree.
And he did it, against all odds and obstacles in his way, he did it. It took extra work and the support of his best friend who he followed, and he did it. He saw himself in Christopher, and he wasn’t going to make that kid wait as long as he did to realize that setbacks don’t define his future.
Steve usually took a liking to the quiet kids, and that only changed in ‘93 with the girl named Amy and the familiar last name. She was loud, vibrant, and everyone loved her. Her smile was contagious and she could be the sweetest little girl at times, but she also wore her heart on her sleeve. She cried quite a bit, just the littlest thing could set her off. A boy accidentally knocking over her blocks, not knowing how to spell a certain word, accidentally coloring outside the lines. She didn’t throw tantrums like he saw in the other kids. She would just bow her head and cry and it would break Steve’s heart every time.
But other than those few moments, she was bright and charismatic and with the last name, the blonde curly hair, and the big personality, Steve really should have put it all together much sooner than he did.
He didn’t put it all together until he saw Billy Hargrove in the soup aisle at the local grocery store wearing a chain of little daisies on his head like a crown, and he knew exactly where it was from.
It was from the little girl named Amy Hargrove who frolicked in the field instead of playing on the playground, collecting flowers that she meticulously made into bracelets and crowns and anything else she put her mind to. She gave them to friends, she even gave one to Steve, and of course she would give one to her dad too.
He looked so different, and yet exactly the same. He still had the damn mullet, just dragging the eighties with him as far as he could, he was a little more cleaned up but still had a similar style to what it was in highschool. Still with the same denim jacket, denim jeans, Canadian tuxedo type deal. In a side by side picture situation you wouldn’t really be able to tell the difference. It wasn’t his dress or his hair or anything physical about him that made him look so different, it was the way that he carried himself. It was the relaxation and the eyes that didn’t droop and the smile lines that didn’t used to be there that made him almost entirely unrecognizable from the Billy Hargrove who pushed freshman against lockers and drove his car too loud and too fast and had cigarettes for three meals a day. Not the kid who ran off to California as soon as the hospital released him with only his Camaro and a small suitcase and a large sum of money the government used to keep his mouth shut, leaving just a note for Max on the fridge that didn’t get any more specific than that about where he was going, not even leaving a phone number for her to contact him with. He also didn’t look like the kid they all pictured in their heads after basically the whole town found out about exactly what Neil Hargrove did to his son behind closed doors.
Steve wanted to go up to him in the store, but he stopped himself. Because Billy left. Without a trace or a word, and who was Steve to think that Billy having to be reminded of something he voluntarily abandoned without a second thought would have any sort of positive outcome?
So he turned down the aisle and kept his distance from the man in the flower crown because he was scared. He wasn’t scared that Billy would see him and turn back to his old ways and hurt him again, he was scared that he’d turn back to his old ways and hurt himself again.
Because he’d been hurt enough already.
Steve successfully avoided Billy until parent teacher conferences had rolled around, and instead of seeing Amy’s mom on the list of names he’d be seeing that day, it was Billy’s.
Steve would be lying if he didn’t think about calling in sick and sending his TA in his place. But he still had to be her teacher for another six months, he just had to get the interaction over with.
Many of the parents that came before Billy had to have known he was on edge about something considering he excessively tapped the table with the eraser of his pencil and stuttered his way through conversations. His organized folders and notes of talking points had been entirely thrown out the window and he was an absolute nervous wreck. And he could only anticipate it being ten times worse when the cause of said anxiety walked through his door with the long hair and the leather jacket. It was only with the help of the little girl in the sunflower dress and daisies in her hair skipping from the entrance to the chair in front of him that calmed his nerves just a bit.
But Billy had just stayed at the door, no movement, and any hope that Steve had that perhaps his new haircut and the glasses on his face would be enough to keep Billy from noticing the obvious vanished when Billy snapped his fingers like the lightbulb in his head finally flickered on.
“I knew it couldn’t be a coincidence.”
Steve just held out his hand to shake like he did with any other parent, unsure how to gage the situation because Billy’s words could go either way and his facial expressions didn’t give him anything to go off of. It would be weird to introduce himself, he didn’t know what to say.
“Hi, I’m Amy’s teacher. Should we start?”
Billy looked a little confused, but he sat down in the little kindergartener chairs anyway. This meeting was almost more organized than the ones prior, likely because he was trying to go as quickly as possible and get it over with. Steve showed Billy some of her artwork and commented on how her reading comprehension was great but she could work on her spelling a little more. He didn’t want to bring it up, but he brought up the crying and it hurt to see how him bringing it up set her off again. The same bowing of the head and quiet sniffles into her sleeve.
But Steve thinks he just fell in love a little watching Billy comfort her. With one hand rubbing circles into her back and the other holding her small hand. Steve feels like shit watching her cry because of him and is also semi-fearful for his life because he already knows he can’t take Billy in a fight.
“Baby, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with crying. It’s okay.”
“You’re dad’s right Amy. I think it’s very healthy. Crying is good for you.”
She looks up at Steve with those big blue eyes and tear stained cheeks when he says that.
“Really?” she asks.
“Yeah! I’d say it even makes you more mature. Even some adults I know don’t let themselves cry and it’s not good.”
“My daddy cries a lot too.”
Steve looks at Billy who’s eyes widen when she says it, then tries to laugh it off like she didn’t just say that.
“Hey Amy, you wanna go and play while your daddy and I talk for a minute?”
She just nods her head and wipes away her remaining tears and quickly hauls the bucket of Lincoln Logs off the shelf.
“So. It’s been a while. Hasn’t it?” Steve starts.
“Yeah it has. So, you’re a teacher now.”
“And you’re a father. That’s crazy.” Steve was fiddling with his hands, trying to make the conversation less awkward. “She’s wonderful by the way.”
“Yeah. She doesn’t get it from me.”
Steve just shakes his head. “No. I don’t think that’s true. She has your charisma, and it appears you found a better way of channeling your emotions since last we saw each other. She’s a lot like you.”
“Thanks.” Billy blushed. He actually blushed. “I don’t know if this is allowed considering you’re her teacher, but would you want to catch up sometime? Maybe dinner or something?”
There it was. That was the olive branch. And Steve would be an absolute fool not to take it.
“I’d love to.”
Before they could come up with a time or a place, Amy was running over to the table with loudly stomping feet.
“I almost forgot! Daddy! show Mr. Harrington what I brought him!”
Billy reached into his pocket upon her demand and pulled out a little bracelet made out of little daisies and honeysuckle and handed it over to Steve.
“Thank you Amy! It’s lovely.”
“Daddy show him yours!”
Steve looked to Billy’s wrist where he slowly lifted his sleeve to reveal an almost exact replica to the bracelet in his hand.
“Looks like we’re matching.”
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milquetoast-on-acid · 2 years
Chain reaction: Andy brings Sharon Christmas with the help of Ricky!
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These Christmas credits are so adorable! Look at that little Santa
You got to appreciate the fact that they set up this little Santa gingham style dance thing. In order to distract everybody else from one of the Santa's robbing the bank! It is quite brilliant.
I love how the mood changes. As soon as the Santa gives the note to the teller. The music stops. There's this weird creepy noise and the Santa hat falls down on Mike's name.
This poor cop! My kids are going to hate me. I killed Santa Claus.
The fact that buzz showed up at their crime scene with one of those ugly Christmas sweaters! Is always hilarious.
I love the fact that both Ricky and Emily are so interested in seeing that dead Santa. Who the hell wants to see a dead person!?
I love how Provenza is like. What the hell are you doing here!? And Sharon is: I have been calling you. And then prevents his response. He just kind of stumbles over his words. I love it. She left him speechless!
Andy is just over here leering at Sharon!
A flash mob. That's what that thing is called! I completely forgot. Do they even have those things anymore? Now? I'm starting to sound like Provenza.
I love the look that Andy and Julio share when they learn that prevents us not coming to the party, but it's going to Laguna Beach with "a friend."
Did we know at the time that it was going to be? Patrice?
Just the fact that Provenza and Patrice are already taking vacations together at Christmas. Meanwhile, Sharon and Andy are still not acknowledging that they are dating.
Can I love the fact that the background music is Christmas songs! Have they ever done this on major crimes or the closer? I feel like they might have.
I remember when those big ass chunky necklaces were all the rage! Now I have no idea what the hell supposed to be trendy right now.
Provenza his face! You want to get out of there so bad they can go on vacation with Patrice. But of course we know this is major crimes and any plans that you make never ever happen the way that you want them to. No one ever goes on vacation. No one goes anywhere and does anything but solves crimes.
I really like Amy's hair like that. Usually they go for her very tight ponytail. But I've got her hair up and back and it is similar to her ponytail but it has a little bit of femininity to it. With the slight bit of curls in the back.
I've also forgotten how much the dialogue in these Christmas episode is just a bunch of Christmas puns. Like Provenza son of a nutcracker!
I appreciate the fact that Andy is curious AF about who Provenza it is spending his Christmas with. Not only that, but he just goes out there and asks him. I don't know why Provenza is being so coy about it though. Quite literally. The only thing that I can think of is that he wants them to think that things between him and Patrice are casual. Either that or he just doesn't want anybody to talk. Which that's also very likely knowing him.
That is definitely not product placement there.
God I love Ricky!
The fact that they're putting the most perfectly baked cookies on the plates. As if they didn't go out and buy those at like Target or something.
The fact that Ricky is so smug about his dumb little joke! I do love those socks though! Those are red!
Can I also say I love the fact that they have these little details to even Ricky. His messy hair that he cuts himself. His shirts that are so wrinkled. He's kind of a hot mess. He's definitely the kid that takes after Jack more. But he's loving and kind where Jack is manipulative and an asshole.
I have seen this episode many times and I still to this day have no idea what Sharon is trying to mouth to Rusty.
I love Ricky's love of Christmas and sense of occasion and tradition just like his mother. Ricky really is the best of both his parents. He is definitely more his father in personality but he has a lot of Sharon and him as well.
I love the fact that Emily is salty that she has to stay with Jack.
So of course we learn that Jack is possibly drinking again. But Emily doesn't want to be digging through her dad's trash to figure it out.
I love the wreath on the door. The lights hanging up underneath the vials and the skeleton with the Santa hat on! Morales always does beautiful job with his decorations.
Amy holding up that old lady's gun. I love what she says. It's for ladies get it. It's pink.
This lady is absolutely nuts! I love how hammy she is!
So Provenza got two different rooms, one for him and one for Patrice. Why? I am so utterly confused? Why would you go out of town with someone that you're dating but it is perfectly chase and I have two rooms. Is there supposed to be like every romance on the show You're just going to deny it? How unoriginal is that. Provenza and patrice's romance does not need to be an exact copy of Sharon and Andy's.
Poor Buzz had to be the butt monkey in the middle!
And I think prevents a just released that dye pack and poor buzz's face.
I love Julio's little chuckle as he sees buzzes beautifully green face.
Oh I get it working. Emily are blocking Sharon's view of Rusty throwing that bag away.
I do appreciate the fact that you learn that Jack is indeed drinking and then there is this mad shuffle to throw it away without letting Sharon know while she's on the phone talking to the squad.
I can appreciate the fact that Emily and Ricky want to have the best Christmas with their mom. They don't want to ruin their mom's Christmas. But also Rusty is right and that it's going to come bite her back on the ass and it does.
I love Julio! He puts on his big smile for this kid and then as soon as he turns away you can tell that he does not want to hear this kid play.
Rusty: Where is Ricky? Emily: Oh he ran out somewhere. He said it was a surprise. So wasn't all the kids that conspired. It was Andy who called Ricky and they put this together.
The thing is Emily Is that you're an adult? So whether or not you can see Jack is up to you. Sharon did say earlier in the episode that she was Switzerland.
I do disagree. This isn't about trust. This is more like preserving Christmas making. Like keeping a happy facade I think.
What does Emily really think that because Jack isn't spending Christmas with them that making him want to drink again? I rather thought that was in response to the divorce. Because while they were separated for 25 years and for much of that time, he didn't want to seem like he was married. He did show up to the office when Sharon presented him with a divorce papers with his wedding ring on his finger. What certainly tells me that he's still thought of himself as married.
Can I love the fact that Provenza puts his jacket on as soon as Patrice walks into the room. And he finally reveals that he's going to Laguna with Patrice. I love the amusement of everybody else and how Sharon just pushes everybody out of the room so they can stop gawking at her. In what Sharon pushes Andy quite literally out of the room.
Also love the fact That Provenza hates when anybody sits on his desk or in his chair. But he puts Patrice there. I love it!
I also love how Patrice just looks behind her at all of the crime scene photos! 😆
That poor kid. His mom won't even let him eat cookies around Christmas time! That's when you eat all the bad shit! And he's a freaking kid. He's supposed to be eating junk every once in awhile.
Aw Julio! He just loves kids and he wants them so much. Don't worry Julio, you'll get Mark. Who I know will be a tear at first, but you two will be such a wonderful father and son story.
I love the look on Mike's face when he hears. Provenza is okay with canceling his weekend package with Patrice. Only Provenza it in love would be okay with that.
I love the fact that Andy brought Christmas to Sharon! Happy decorate the break room so they could at least have the Christmas party. You see it stuff like this that show that Sharon does like surprises.
Look how happy Andy is opening the door for Sharon surprise. Meanwhile I'm giving that big ass smile to Ricky. You did good boy. You did good!
I still can't believe that they actually cut out the scene where Andy gives Sharon a Christmas gift! All we see is the box that she holds later on.
Andy really does look like he was about to kiss her at least on the cheek. And then she gets some cold feet of course and then runs away, which is pretty typical of their relationship at this point.
And of course that ominous last scene where Rusty wants to tell Sharon what's going on with Jack. However, Emily and Ricky do not want to tell her and Rusty's. Just hoping that it won't come back and bite her on the ass. But of course we know that it will. And the worst absolute time possible is what it happens.
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atruththatyoudeny · 3 years
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Happy 28th! Here are all the 14 fics I read and enjoyed this month. As always, all the love for all the amazing authors in this fandom! ♥
In The Still Of The Night | jacaranda_bloom | Dirty Dancing AU - a/b/o - prejudice - gender stereotyping - class divide - angst - pining - smut - 69k In a society where omegas are expected to follow a predetermined path, Louis strives for more; for his voice to be heard, for recognition, for true love. In a world where your past defines your future, Harry fights against the system; for equality, for a different life, for acceptance. When their two worlds collide, will they be beaten down by conformity or will they rise up and forge a new path together? OR the Dirty Dancing AU where Louis is a feisty omega who wants to change the world, Harry is an alpha from the wrong side of the tracks, and nobody puts Louis in a corner.
Plant New Seeds in the Melody | 28sunflowers | enemies to friends to lovers - miscommunication - misunderstandings - emotional hurt/comfort - Original Character Death - grief/mourning - slow build - smut - 58k After losing his husband in a tragic car accident, the last thing Louis needs is to keep running into popstar Harry Styles, who David was quite fond of. Obviously, that’s exactly what keeps happening. But as their unlikely friendship blossoms, Louis realizes that, maybe, having Harry in his life was the only good thing that came out of his adverse circumstances. Harry could be just the right person to help Louis find trust and intimacy in someone new.
take my hand, wreck my plans | amomentoflove | Cinderella AU - a/b/o - royalty - Minor Character Death - emotional abuse - magic - 38k Louis meets the man in the center of the room, feeling every eye on him. “Mr. H,” he whispers. The man smiles brightly and laughs as if he can’t believe his eyes. “It’s you,” he says breathlessly. “I didn’t think I would see you again.” “Nor I you, especially under these circumstances.” “Even so,” Mr H says, his eyes bouncing from Louis’ eyes to his lips. “Will you do me a great honor and join me in leading the first … um…” “Dance?” Mr. H laughs and nods. “Yes, that’s the one.” Louis bites his lips and doesn’t hesitate before whispering, “Yes.” Mr. H beams and reaches for Louis’ hand. Sparks fly at the touch and a zing of excitement shoots through Louis’ body. His face heats up as he’s afraid his scent would give away his feelings towards the other man.
One More Taste of Your Lips | Canadianlarrie & MsHydeStylinson | canon compliant - reunion tour - angst - internalized homophobia/biphobia - cheating - smut - Coming Out - 80k It had been eight years since the hiatus began, and Louis had spent that time writing and recording music, touring and making it safely through the pandemic. When the opportunity arose to go back on tour with One Direction, Louis knew he'd be a fool not to take it. Sure, life on the road would be different after all this time apart, but he was looking forward to experiencing that comradery again. What he hadn't realised was that living the better part of nine months in each other's pockets was bound to dredge up issues from his past. And when one of the pockets belonged to Harry, who he'd had a rather unconventional friendship with that drifted apart during their last tour, life on the road again would upend both their lives in irrevocable ways. * Harry wasn’t that sixteen year old boy anymore. Nor was he the young man in his late teens who was on the cusp of conquering the entire world. But some traits seemed to remain the same; his vibrant green eyes, the dimples set deeply in his cheeks whenever he laughed earnestly, or his curls that were the same shade of cocoa that Louis remembered fondly. And yet, Louis had absolutely no idea who this man that stood a mere twenty paces away was today.
Old Photographs & Times I'll Remember | jaerie | time travel - Eroda - period-typical homophobia - anxiety - depression - discussion about suicide - self-discovery - post-break up - 54k Carefully he set that negative down and lifted the paper to see there was another beneath. This one again was a young man, this time posed against an antique car. He lifted a few more negatives out one by one, each a portrait of the same man with various backdrops. The man in a meadow, in an office, leaning against a doorframe — even one in his underwear grinning at the camera. On the edge of each negative printed in slanted, handwritten characters were the initials and date. H.S. 1924. He quickly but carefully packed them back into the box and buzzed with excitement. He couldn’t wait to develop them to see exactly what had been captured in the images. It was a find that felt like a puzzle to piece together. H.S. was likely the man in the photographs as well as the owner of the suitcase. Who was he? Why had his suitcase found its way into Niall’s attic? Was he still alive and well somewhere in the world? A camera, a suitcase, and a relationship forged through time.
Know a Trick or Two | SadaVeniren | Harry Potter setting - mpreg - magic - kid fic - - genderfluid character - smut - intersex - 44k The night before Louis is scheduled for a Portkey to begin training with the Vratsa Vultures in Bulgaria he heads into Muggle London for one last night of fun. A few months later he finds out he’s having a child. Eleven years ago Harry had a one night stand and now there’s a strange man on his doorstep telling him his daughter is something called a wizard and she’s got a place at the British wizarding school Hogwarts. Aka the one where Muggle Harry and Wizard Louis have a one night stand and get more than they bargained out of it.
come away with me | suspendrs | Minor Character Death - friends to lovers - sexuality crisis - emotional hurt/comfort - anxiety - smut - 80k Louis had such big plans. He wanted so much out of life, and so did Amy. Now Bridget is going to grow up without a mother, and she’s always going to wonder what it would be like if this hadn’t happened. He wonders if she’ll blame him for her mother’s death as she gets older, or if she’ll understand that this is just as painful for Louis as it is for her. Louis doesn’t know how he’s going to raise her on his own, because he’s a fantastic father, yes, but he’s always been the fun parent, and Amy was in charge of the rules. He doesn’t know how to make sure Bridget has everything she needs all the time, doesn’t know how to make her favorite meal or how to do that one braid she loves to have in her hair or how to teach her to be the best person she can be. He doesn’t know how to live without Amy, he doesn’t know what he’s going to do. Or, Louis has to pick up the pieces of his and his daughter's life after his wife dies, and Harry is a beautiful stranger that just wants to help.
we made our promises (we said our vows) | millsx | Military AU - established relationship - kid fic - angst - hurt/comfort - mentions of PTSD - mentions of depressions - mentions of anxiety - injury - long-distance relationship - 21k Fairy tales always end with the Happily Ever After; the princess escapes her evil stepmother and gets married to the knight in shining armor. It turns out real life doesn’t care about Happily Ever Afters and sometimes problems appear when you don’t expect them to. Harry sure didn’t, not after years of being married.
Love, Ever After | jacaranda_bloom | a/b/o - farmers markets - soulmates - pining - miscommunication - fluff - banter - smut - 21k One would assume that the charismatic omega in charge of the local matchmaking service would have found a mate and settled down ages ago. His clients, in fact, are always a bit surprised when they come to learn that Louis is still single. But Louis doesn’t mind, not really. His standards are just high; he is happy holding out for his alpha, his soulmate, and chooses to not waste his time with anyone else, despite what his friends might think. That is, until his best mate from uni drags him out of bed far too early on a Saturday morning after a night of drinking to go to a farmers market, of all places. It’s there that he proceeds to make an utter fool of himself in front of the hottest alpha he has ever laid eyes on. There’s truly no coming back from that, is there? OR The one where omega Louis makes love matches, alpha Harry makes cheese, and meddling friends might finally make their dreams of finding their soulmate come true.
Hometown | allwaswell16 | High School - College/university - driving - heartbreak - memories - friendship - happy ending - angst - 2k On the day Harry gets his driver’s licence, he drives through the suburbs, heartbroken that he can’t drive home to Louis.
fever dream high | wildestdreams | friends to lovers - childhood friends - a/b/o - fluff - angst - smut - mutual pining - High School - 30k "Excuse me, what?" Harry licked his lips, carefully looking him in the eyes. "I will spend your heat with you so you're ready by Monday to play your game." "Harry," Louis began, suddenly at a loss for words. "I couldn't ask you to do that." "Why not? You just said you trust me." "You're my best friend. There's no one I trust more than you." "Then what's the problem?" "Well, friends don't usually help you through your heats or ruts, so excuse me for being a little skeptical." or A High School ABO AU where Harry and Louis are best friends and nothing more until things start getting a little complicated and they're faced with feelings they never wanted to confront.
We are the same, you run in my veins | 28sunflowers | a/b/o - non-traditional a/b/o- soulmates - wolves -pack dynamics - 4k When the time for Louis to become the Alpha leader of his pack comes, he can’t rise to the occasion for not being yet bonded. A series of trips to neighbouring packs in search of his soulmate is fruitless until he meets one of the other packs’ Alpha heir. Harry. The world seems to stop turning for a second and then it shifts, clicking into its axis. All the distress and wrongness he felt until that very moment suddenly disappears. Louis is finally whole. But two Alpha leaders from different tribes soulbonding is something unheard of before.
Divinely Blessed | thinlines | a/b/o - non-traditional a/b/o - established relationship - PWP - 17k “I heard you, Ni. But what do you mean?” “What do you mean what I mean?” Harry rolled his eyes as he shoved his alpha friend down onto a seat. “Did you mean you lick someone out or…?” “Nah, mate! It was me! I got licked out!” Harry could only stare at Niall in horror. Alpha Harry prides himself on having the bravest and most caring omega who might or might not just fulfill his sudden curiosity.
This chemistry like candy to me | CuckooTrooke | a/b/o - kink discovery - mpreg - male lactation - smut - 8k "It's just... Are you aware, that, uh... You're- You're kind of leaking." Harry feels his blood run cold. The heart that was thudding so loud and fast drops to his stomach, and his shoulders hunch in embarrassment. "Excuse me?" Harry asks once he manages to gather himself and recover from the shock. He automatically steps back but since he's already squeezed in the corner, it doesn't do much to put any distance between them, "Who the fuck do you think you are?" "Wha- No. Oh my god, I wouldn't- No," The man says as he realizes the misunderstanding, and wildly gestures to his chest, "I mean your- Your chest. Is leaking." OR Harry is 8 months pregnant with a poor balance and traitorous nipples. Unfortunately for him, that is precisely when he meets a beautiful alpha in a packed London Tube. Fortunately for him, the said alpha might just be the best thing he has ever come across.
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cryptid-killjoy · 3 years
Flotsam got ready for this day like it was a real date. It felt more like one than ever before. He wasn’t under any delusions Thomas was going to come around and play on his side of the fence, but for one day, this day, it felt easier to pretend. 
He wasn’t going to be Flotsam today. If he wasn’t himself and not even a guy for that matter, he could pretend it was possible. It would feel possible. He wanted to enjoy that. There was a part of him that wasn’t sure how to act. Valerie was a part of him and not really someone else despite the Amy muse, almost an alter, or an extension of him, so in some way when Thomas invited him to do this, he already felt accepted no matter which skin he wore. 
He took his time with candles in the tub, shaved every bit of himself, legs, under arms, even arms, and places with little hair. He sat at the vanity after in the bathroom for a particularly long time perfecting those pitch black wings around his eyes. He even added a touch of bling with a dot like a Monroe piercing very much like Amy Winehouse. But, he already emphasized he wasn’t Amy, but she was his muse. So, he didn’t wear one her big signature dresses, but something very similar her style. Although he loved wearing the hip hugging jeans and white mid-drift tank, he wanted to take the opportunity to put a skirt on. He ended up in a checkered dress. Heels, “Fuck me pumps” as he put it before using Amy’s lyrics. He did put on a wig, but nothing like the Amy- Halloween grotesque wigs that are over the top humongous. He wasn’t on stage. This wasn’t a show even at the house. He was going out. He wanted more casual but dressy to have that date feel. He had very skinny legs which really pulled off her look to give that Winehousey vibe. With heels he had legs for miles. So, his wig was long with just enough volume and body and lift to give an Amy vibe without it being an over-amplified exaggerated drag feature. He didn’t want to look drag costume. He wanted to look real, like a real woman, a beautiful, pin-up, confident woman. That’s what made him feel powerful in it. 
He had gotten all ready when he realized he left the necklace he wanted to wear out in the bedroom. So, he came out of the bathroom not quite in complete state of mind for his change over when he saw Thomas there on the bed assumedly getting ready to go himself. It was the first time he’d been like this in front of Thomas (though the kids would be very well versed) so it caught him off guard. 
His now her face went timid for a moment. Flotsam had a deep voice when singing, but he was still able to manage altering it enough to be softer and slightly higher when it came out. “Oh, I didn’t know you were in here.” 
Then she looked down at herself and back to Thomas. It was all or nothing now. Time to be on. She ended up doing a slow spin in one direction so Thomas could see the full image of her seeking his opinion or approval. Then she stuck her tongue out playfully to shake off the last of her nerves. They were doing this. So, she reached over with a more delicate wrist than usual to the side table near Thomas and held it out on the end of her tattooed fingers with now painted manicured nails, red like the band-tie in her hair. “Will you help me put it on?” Then she turned around backwards to wait the help, lifting her hair out of the way for easier access.   
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Absolute Favorite Books I’d Recommend to Anyone
This is a list of my top-tier favorite books that I would recommend/talk about endlessly to pretty much anyone (in no particular order). I know people probably don’t care but I just like talking about books I love so here we are.
Beloved - Toni Morrison
~ Based off the real story of Margaret Garner, a slave woman who escaped slavery and when captured killed her child in order to prevent them from ever being enslaved again, Beloved tells the story of a mother named Sethe, born in slavery who eventually escaped and is haunted by the figurative demons of her trauma and the literal (arguably) ghost of her dead daughter, who she herself killed. It is an excellent exploration of the horrors of slavery and of the haunting legacy of the institution for those who were subjected to it.
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
~ If you’ve been on Tumblr for a while, you probably know what Lolita is. The story of the predatory Humbert Humbert who lusts after, rapes, and kidnaps the “nymphet” Dolores Haze. An excellent construction of how predators, unreliable narrators in their own right, hide behind fabrications, almost-believable excuses, and pretty words to make their actions seem maybe not so bad. In the words of the book itself, “You can always count on a murderer for a fancy prose style.”
Ulysses - James Joyce
~ Notoriously one of the most difficult books in the English language, Ulysses lifts its structure from Homer’s Odyssey to tell the story of a common man, Leopold Bloom, as he goes about his day. Yes, this book takes place over the course of only one day. We follow Bloom as well as Joyce’s literary counterpart Stephen Daedalus through their thoughts and actions, gathering details of their lives previous throughout. It’s a book that, in my own words, “is life”. It is sad, funny, strange, vulgar, disgusting, beautiful, revelatory, sensual, and nonsensical all at once. Joyce aimed to create a reflection of life through his stream-of-consciousness style which some people might find confusing, but I personally find absolutely beautiful and honest and realistic. The prose is also gorgeous, but that could be applied to everything Joyce wrote. 
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
~ The classic gothic book that tells the tale of Heathcliff and his ultimately destructive love of Catherine Earnshaw, whose eventual marriage to someone else and the general mistreatment of him by her family drives Heathcliff insane and he spends the rest of his life trying to take revenge by abusing and torturing the next Earnshaw and Linton (the family into which Catherine marries) generations. If I’m being honest, I like this book mostly because of how wild and dark it is, but the writing is also genius and beautiful. I think the book also carries an interesting view of the destructive nature of revenge, overzealous love, and othering.
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn - Betty Smith
~ A coming-of-age story at the turn of the century that tells the story of Francie Nolan, a young bookish girl growing up in a lower class family in New York City. It tells about her father’s struggles with alcoholism as well as her mother’s struggles to deal with that and at the same time raise Francie and her brother. Francie is confronted with a strange, uncertain world as a young girl, but tries to face it with bravery throughout childhood
Little Women - Louisa May Alcott
~ Another coming-of-age story, this time about four young sisters: Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy March. You are probably familiar with this book already; it’s had more movie adaptations then I can possibly remember off the top of my head. It’s the story of four sisters as they try to navigate growing up, love, and loss during the mid to late 1800s.
The Color Purple - Alice Walker
~ A novel that tells the story of Celie, a young black woman who is raped and then married young to a man who will go on to use and abuse her, through her letters to God. Throughout the novel she meets Shug Avery, a woman with whom she eventually falls in love and begins a relationship with. Through this and her eventual freedom from her abusive husband, she is able to gain at last her own sense of self and take back control over her life, a life no longer ruled by the abusive men around her.
The Bluest Eye - Toni Morrison
~ The tragic story of young black girl Pecola Breedlove, who wants nothing more than to have blonde hair and blue eyes just like the women she sees in the movies. Both a deconstruction of the whiteness of beauty standards as well as how these standards can utterly destroy vulnerable young girls, it is also an exploration of the people who allow these sorts of things to happen, including Pecola’s mother and father. The Bluest Eye, I think, showcases one of the aspects of Toni Morrison that I like the most, that I aspire to the most: her ability to enter the minds of all people, even people who you might despise at first. Her characters, especially Cholly in The Bluest Eye, are ones you might not entirely sympathize with, but they will always be ones you understand.
The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath
~ Based off of the author’s own experiences as a young college student, The Bell Jar tells the story of Esther Greenwood, whose depression over her place as a woman in a patriarchal society as well as her inability to choose a life path for herself leads to a suicide attempt and a subsequent stay in a mental hospital. A very nuanced portrayal of mental illness, especially anxiety and depression, The Bell Jar is an extremely moving and relatable story for me and clearly is as well for others. It is a classic for a reason.
I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings - Maya Angelou
~ A memoir of Angelou’s childhood, this book tells the story of her experiences living as a black girl in the south with her grandmother and brother as well as her later years living with her mother. It also tells of how she was raped by her mother’s boyfriend when she was around eight or nine, and how she struggled to live with that and find her voice, both literally and figuratively. A wonderful book about overcoming struggles and the power of words and literature in such times.
Invisible Man - Ralph Ellison
~ Ellison’s novel tells the story of a young black man, never getting a name in the text, and his feelings of invisibility and his struggles to find a place in society to belong. His struggles only lead him further into despair, until he decides to “become invisible” as people seem not to see him as a person anyway. Invisible Man is an exploration of American mid-century racism and the isolation it causes to those subjected to it. Not only that, but it is surprisingly relevant to our times now, especially on the subject of police violence. (Personal anecdote: When I first read this book, when I got to the aforementioned police violence part it was right in the middle of the BLM resurgence last summer and I cried for a good twenty minutes while reading that chapter over how nothing had changed and it still hurts me to think about it. Embarrassingly, my dad walked in on me while I was crying, and I had to quickly explain it away.)
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce
~ The title basically says it all lol. This book tells of the coming-of-age of Stephen Daedalus (the same one from the later-written Ulysses). His sensitive childhood, his awkward and lustful adolescence, his feelings of Irish nationality and Catholic guilt, and his struggles to fully realize himself, both as an artist and a human being. It is a very hopeful story, and one that I love mostly because I relate so much to Stephen Daedalus as an artist and as a person.
One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
~ A magical-realist intergenerational family drama, Marquez’s book traces the various lives and loves of the Buendia family over the course of (you guessed it!) one hundred years. A beautifully written, at times extremely emotionally moving and chilling masterpiece, Marquez in a way retells the history of Colombia, of its colonization and exploitation.  
Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy
~ A classic Russian novel of society and love, Tolstoy tells the story of Anna Karenina, married, wealthy woman with a child she adores. However, she falls in love with another man, Count Vronsky, and comes to a tragic end for her love. The parallel story of the novel is that of Konstantin Levin, a wealthy landowner who also struggles to find fulfillment in his life and understand his place in society.
The Sound and the Fury - William Faulkner
~ A novel that features an entire family of unreliable narrators, The Sound and the Fury details the fall of a once-prominent southern Compson family and always-present place of the past. There are four different narratives: Benjy Compson, a mentally disabled man who is unsure of his surroundings and of time and only knows that he misses his older sister Caddy; Quintin Compson, the eldest son and a Harvard man both obsessed with his sister retaining her “purity” and the fact that she failed to do so and had a baby out of wedlock, going as far to claim it is his baby in an attempt to preserve something of the family reputation; Jason Compson, who is the caretaker of Caddy’s daughter and believes her to be going down her mother’s “sinful” path; and Dilsey, the black maid of the Compson’s who unlike the people she cares for is not weighed down by their history. The narratives take place in different time periods and is in a stream-of-consciousness style. It’s a deeply dark and disturbing novel about the haunting nature of the past, a common theme in Faulkner’s work (see Absalom, Absalom! for more of this).
Song of Solomon - Toni Morrison
~ It is the story of Milkman Dead, a young black man growing up in the south and his relationship with his very complicated family. To say anymore would be to spoil the novel, but I will say that it is an excellent book about family, self-fulfillment in a world that tries to deny you that, and, like The Bluest Eye, exhibits Morrison’s excellent character work.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof - Tennessee Williams
~ A play which takes place on the patriarch of a family’s birthday in the oppressive heat of the midsummer south, Williams’ play explores lies, secrets, and how repression only results in anger, frustration, and sadness. It’s a tragic but brilliant play that I think was very ahead of its time. If you’ve read it (or do read it) then you know what I mean.
Giovanni’s Room - James Baldwin
~ This book tells the story of a young man and his love of another man named Giovanni while he is in Paris. It is a book about love, queer guilt, and has what I would call an ambiguous ending. There is uncertainty at the end, but there does seem to be some kind of acceptance. It is a bit of a coming-out story, but more than that it is a story of personal acceptance and at the same time a sad, tragic love story.
HERmione - H.D.
~ An underrated modernist masterpiece, HERmione is a somewhat fictionalized account of the author, Hilda Doolittle’s, experience as a young aspiring poet dating another poet (in real life Ezra Pound in this book named George Lowndes) who is a threat to her both physically and emotionally. It explores her own mental state, as she considers herself a failure and falls in love with a woman for the first time (Fayne Rabb in the book, Frances Gregg in real life). 
To the Lighthouse - Virginia Woolf
~ People think about going to a lighthouse. They do not. A couple years and a war passes then they do. That may seem like a boring plot, and you may be right. However, To the Lighthouse is not much about plot. It is more about the inner lives of its characters, a family and their friends, on two different occasions of their lives: one before WWI and one after WWI. Woolf explores in this novel the trauma that results from such a massive loss of life and security. Not only that, she also explores the nature of art (especially in female artists) in the character of Lily Briscoe and her struggles to complete a painting. It’s a short novel, but it contains so much about life, love, and loss within these few pages.
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter - Carson McCullers
~ A southern gothic novel about isolation and loneliness in a small town. Every character has something to separate them from wider society, and often find solace and companionship in a deaf man, John Singer, who himself experiences a loneliness that they cannot understand. There are various forms of social isolation explored in this novel: by race, disability, age, gender, etc. A wonderful, heart-wrenching book about loneliness and the depths it can potentially drag people to.
The Waste Land - T.S. Eliot
~ A modernist masterpiece of a poem, Eliot describes feeling emptiness and isolation. The brilliance of it can only be shown by an excerpt:
“Your arms full, and your hair wet, I could not Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither Living nor dead, and I knew nothing, Looking into the heart of light, the silence.”
“The river’s tent is broken: the last fingers of leaf Clutch and sink into the wet bank. The wind Crosses the brown land, unheard. The nymphs are departed. Sweet Thames, run softly, till I end my song. The river bears no empty bottles, sandwich papers, Silk handkerchiefs, cardboard boxes, cigarette ends Or other testimony of summer nights. The nymphs are departed. And their friends, the loitering heirs of city directors; Departed, have left no addresses. By the waters of Leman I sat down and wept . . . Sweet Thames, run softly till I end my song, Sweet Thames, run softly, for I speak not loud or long. But at my back in a cold blast I hear The rattle of the bones, and chuckle spread from ear to ear. “
(My personal favorite line from this poem is, “I will show you fear in a handful of dust.”)
The Trial - Franz Kafka
~ The protagonist of the novel, Josef K., wakes up one morning to find that he has been placed under arrest for reasons that are kept from him. Kafka creates throughout the novel a scathing satire of bureaucracy, as K. tries to find out more about his case, more about his trial, but only becomes more confused as he digs deeper. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the world he lives in, and the more tries to explain it the further the more that proves to be the case. An excellently constructed novel and a great one to read if you would like to be depressed about the state of the world because, though Kafka’s work is a satire, like a lot of his other work, it manages to strike a strangely real note.
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead - Tom Stoppard
~ An absurdist play that is a retelling of Shakespeare’s Hamlet from the perspective of minor characters, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, who in the broad overview of the original play, do not matter. Throughout the play, they question their existence and the purpose of it and through that Stoppard dissects not only the absurdity of life, but how fiction and theater reflect that absurdity inadvertently.
As I Lay Dying - William Faulkner
~ The novel details the journey the Bundren family makes after the death of the family matriarch, Addie, to bury her. Each chapter offers a different narrative from the family members and those who surround them, revealing some ulterior motives to them “going to town” to bury Addie. The patriarch Anse desires a pair of false teeth, and the daughter Dewey Dell is pregnant and needs an abortion, as there is no way for her or her family to support it. It’s about the powerlessness of people in the impoverished south. The Bundrens are constantly subject to forces beyond their control, struggles which would be easily solved if they had the money to spare for it. There is more to the book, but that is my favorite reading of it, that of class. Faulkner’s ability to create distinct voices for every one of his characters shines through here.
And, last but not least:
The Collected Poems - Sylvia Plath
~ All the poems Plath wrote during her tragically short lifetime. The best way to demonstrate or summarize the book’s brilliance is just to show you. This is her poem “Edge”, which appears in the book:
“The woman is perfected.   Her dead Body wears the smile of accomplishment,   The illusion of a Greek necessity Flows in the scrolls of her toga,   Her bare Feet seem to be saying: We have come so far, it is over. Each dead child coiled, a white serpent,   One at each little Pitcher of milk, now empty.   She has folded Them back into her body as petals   Of a rose close when the garden Stiffens and odors bleed From the sweet, deep throats of the night flower. The moon has nothing to be sad about,   Staring from her hood of bone. She is used to this sort of thing. Her blacks crackle and drag.”
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yesmooshoe · 4 years
6) (i) from the AU list for ironhusbands? 👀💖
You’ve got a date tonight and you asked for advice on what to wear but I’m so in love with you and damn you look good in the outfit I picked out for you.
“Rhodey Rhodey Rhodey! I need help!” Tony cried out as he burst through the front door of their drafty apartment.
Rhodey’s head shot up to look at him, but he didn’t move from the nest he’d created on their couch. He was wrapped in several blankets with a few large stacks of books and notebooks surrounding him. Mid-Terms started next week, and he had a lot of material to get through.
As Tony stumbled over some of Rhodey’s books on his way into the living room, he finally noticed all of the shopping bags that Tony was carrying.
“Did you get a haircut?” Rhodey asked, seeing that his friend’s usually unkempt hair was freshly trimmed and styled.
“Yeah, and I got a bunch of new clothes. I have a date! An actual date! And all of my clothes are trash and I’ve got no idea what to wear so I went to the mall and just like bought everything that looked cool because I just really want her to think I’m cool.” Tony rambled as he dropped the bags to the floor and started tearing through them.
“Wait, hold up. You have a what?”
“A date!” Tony said with a big smile.
“With who?” Rhodey asked as he closed his book, realizing that this was going to be a thing. Tony didn’t date. If he wasn’t at the apartment he was either at class or in the robotics lab, and he didn’t really have any other friends.
Until this year, at least. Tony was 17 and finally the same age as some of his fellow classmates, so Rhodey had noticed him being a bit more social. Still, Rhodey felt very protective, and while he’d never admit it out loud, he kind of missed having Tony all to himself.
“Uh, Amy Lin? She’s a freshman! And she’s on the robotics team and she’s just super cool and smart and we were sitting outside today and she was like 'hey do you want to go out sometime?' and I was like 'what do you mean, we're already outside.' and then she laughed and was like 'no like...go out. On a date.' and I just felt like such an idiot and I didn't know what to say but eventually I managed to say yes I think and well now we're going on a date! And I have no idea what to wear, you gotta help me. Everything I own is ripped or has burn holes from welding or is covered in grease and who knows what else and I just want to look good."
Rhodey resisted the urge to tell him that he'd look good in a paper bag, and did his best to swallow his own jealousy before he started helping him look through the bags.
The crush on Tony was very new. 
Two years ago Tony had just been this quiet, nerdy kid who didn't know how to do his own laundry and was afraid of his own shadow. This year though? This year he was just different. Over the Summer he'd grown a few more inches, gotten his braces off, discovered contact lenses, and overall just came off as more mature and confident. Rhodey's jaw had literally dropped when he saw him for the first time at the beginning of the semester, and ever since then he'd been struggling with a lot of feelings.
"Uhh, ok. Well first of all, where are you going?" Rhodey asked as he pulled out item after item, which ranged from a leather jacket to a tuxedo, so he wasn't sure what the vibe was going to be.
Rhodey just laughed. "You bought a brand new tuxedo to go bowling? Is that what you rich white people do?"
"I...I mean, I don't know. She mentioned maybe getting dinner at one point and I think I just panicked like what if she wanted to go somewhere fancy instead of bowling and all of a sudden and I just started grabbing everything I could possibly need." Tony explained, sounding a bit exasperated.
"Dude, take a deep breath. It's going to be ok."
"I know I just...I want to do everything right. I want her to like me, ya know?"
"She will! She already does. She asked you out, didn't she?"
"Yeah but...I don't know. I don't know what to do. I'm just not used to this. People liking me. I’ve always been so much younger than everyone at school and no one ever talked to me and I always just feel like I missed out on learning how to be a normal teenager. I don’t know how to date." Tony admitted, being way more candid about his feelings than Rhodey was used to.
"You don’t have to worry about that anymore. Just go out and have fun. Be yourself."
"I’m just afraid she’s going to see what a huge nerd I am and change her mind."
“You guys are on the robotics team. You’re both nerds. It’ll be fine.
“I just - 
“Tony.” Rhodey Interrupted. He hated when Tony got like this, and something in him just snapped. “Stop being so down on yourself. You’re funny and smart and sweet and you tell great stories and you’re so enthusiastic about your work and about learning new things so that you can change the world. You’re incredible. And I’m sorry that no one in your life has ever told you that before, but it’s all true and if she sees what I see then...then she’ll love you, ok?”
Tony was just staring at him like a deer in headlights, and Rhodey immediately knew that he’d said way too much. He just hated when Tony got like this, and he wanted him to just see how great he actually was. 
“Rhodey I…” Tony started, clearly unsure of what to say in response to that, and Rhodey’s stomach just dropped. Had he completely fucked this up? Had he made everything weird? There was nothing weird about telling your friend that you love him, right? Even if you did happen to have a huge crush on that friend? 
They were both silent for what felt like forever, though in reality it was only a few seconds.
“You’ll be fine. Anyway. So when is this date?”
Tony glanced down at his watch. “I’m supposed to meet her in 45 minutes.”
“Well, then we’d better get to work.” Rhodey said as he stood up and grabbed an armload of clothes.
They made quick work of it, just putting Tony in jeans, a red t-shirt, the leather jacket, and a fresh pair of Chuck Taylors. They were a little quiet at first, but soon they found their way back to the joking and teasing they were used to. As Tony stood in the hallway trying to fix his hair the way the lady at the hair salon had told him too, Rhodey just stood back and admired his work. There was nothing spectacular about the clothes, but they were new and clean and fit him well. And the leather jacket was driving Rhodey crazy. As he watched Tony from behind, he wanted nothing more than to grab him, pin him against the wall, and have his way with him.
There were a million reasons why he shouldn’t do that, especially since he was literally about to leave to go on a date with someone else. With a girl.
“How do I look?” Tony asked, spinning around and giving him a big smile.
“Great.” Rhodey replied simply, resisting the urge to say hot. He didn’t want to make anything else weird.
Tony seemed unsure, but looked at his watch again and took a deep breath. “Right. Well, I gotta go. Thank you. For everything. Don’t study too hard, all right?” He said with a little smile before taking one more look at himself in the mirror and then heading out.
Rhodey tried to focus on studying after that, but he just couldn’t. He was jealous, he was embarrassed, and most of all he was horny. He took care of the latter problem a few minutes after Tony left, but after that he just laid on his bed and started at a crack in the ceiling while a million thoughts raced through his head.
This crush on Tony was stupid. Tony obviously wasn’t gay, right? And being gay in the Air Force sounded like a not-so-great idea anyway, so Rhodey really had to work on resisting these crushes if he ever wanted the chance to fly. Still, he couldn’t get that image of Tony in the leather jacket out of his mind, nor could he get over how jealous he felt. 
He figured that the best way to get over it was to distract himself, so he got up, took a cold shower, ate some dinner, and settled in back on the couch to watch TV and wait for Tony to get home. Despite the jealousy, he wanted to hear about the date and how it went. He just wanted Tony to be happy, and if dating Amy made him happy, then he’d do his best to be enthusiastic about it. At least on the surface.
Not long after Rhodey settled on the couch Tony came home and immediately plopped down next to him.
“Hey, you’re home early. How’d it go?” Rhodey asked, genuinely shocked that he was home. It hadn’t even been two hours, and he was just glad that he hadn’t decided to jerk off again.
“Yeah, it was fine. I mean, I had fun. We bowled and had some pizza and then sketched up an idea on a napkin for a bowling robot that we might try to build next week.” Tony said as he stared at the floor while fidgeting around with his zipper. “And then like, we were in the arcade part. Playing pinball. And she kissed me.”
“Well hey! That’s good, right?”
“I don’t know. It was weird. I mean, I’ve never kissed anyone before so I’ve not got much to compare it too. But like, it was like kissing my sister. If I had a sister, I guess. I don’t know. Just didn’t do much for me.” Tony admitted quietly, and Rhodey had no idea how to respond to that. Luckily, Tony kept talking. “And then it was a little awkward and she said that she didn’t feel like bowling anymore so we turned in our shoes and then she said that she thought that maybe we should just be friends.”
“Oh. Well shit, that sucks man, I’m sorry. But this is only your first date, there are plenty of other girls out there! There’s even at least 1 more on the robotics team, right? I’m sure you’ll find someone that makes you feel that spark.” Rhodey said as he put his hand on Tony’s shoulder. He just didn’t want him getting too down on himself.
Tony just looked up at him and smiled, and it was a look that Rhodey would have to file away to use later. “Thanks. Yeah, it’s fine. She still wants to be friends, so that’s good. Friends are good. I’m gonna go change, ok?”
Tony stood up to head to his room, but then stopped and hesitated for a moment.
“Tony? You all right?” Rhodey asked as Tony turned to look at him. He was quiet for a moment, like he was searching for what to say.
“Are you doing anything Friday night?” Tony finally asked.
“No.” Rhodey answered, confused.
“Do you - would you be interested in like - going out?”
“W-what?” Rhodey stuttered out as his heart started pounding. This wasn’t actually happening, was it?
“Go out? Like...on a date? I guess? Unless I read that whole situation earlier wrong.”
“I…” Rhodey just trailed off, completely taken by surprise by all of this. “Um. A date?”
“Oh. Uh...ok. Yeah. We can do that, if you’re sure.”
Tony nodded. “I’m sure. Been thinking about it all night.”
“Ok, so. It’s a date, yeah? Dinner? Movie? I don’t know, that’s what people do, right?” Tony said as he shoved his hands deep into his jacket pockets.
“We’ll figure something out.”
Tony nodded again and turned to head to his room.
“Hey, Tony?” Rhodey called out after him, causing Tony to stop and turn to him. “Whatever we do, promise me you’ll wear the leather jacket.” Rhodey said with a confident little smile, finally regaining a bit of composure.
A huge grin spread across Tony’s face, like he was finally relaxing too. “All right.”
Rhodey was terrified, but also so excited that he couldn’t imagine focusing on his notes anymore. After Tony disappeared Rhodey ran straight to his room and to his closet, desperately looking through all of his clothing. Nothing seemed good enough, so he figured he’d have to take a trip to the mall himself tomorrow. He wasn’t sure he could look as good as Tony did in the leather, but he could certainly try.
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heartofwritiing · 4 years
I still love you.
Paring(s): Ethan Nestor x fem!reader
a/n: I was in a sad mood again so i got inspiration for this! yay! hope you like it! based on prompts 64. “we need to talk” from this prompt list. I tried to write an argument scene, also idk if I entirely love how this fic turned out. Also NO HATE to Mika I love and respect her and Ethan’s relationship 100% this is literally just for entertainment purposes and not meant to be taken seriously. 
Warning(s): Angst! (grab the tissues) unedited! 
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I was planning on staying in tonight but it was Kathryn’s birthday party and I had to go. Amy and Mark insisted that I go to get out of the house and socialize. I knew Ethan would be there and I was dreading even thinking about seeing him. We broke up over a year ago and things didn’t go well. I thought everything was fine and clearly it wasn’t for a while, and I was just delusional. He said he met someone else and he didn’t love me like that anymore, so I left and we haven’t spoken since. Amy and Mark took me in and let me stay in their guest room for as long as I needed but, affording an apartment in southern California was hard and expensive on my own. 
While I was getting ready a gentle knock came at my door.
“It’s me, can I come in?” It was Amy on the other side. 
  I said yes and the door opened. Amy stood in the doorway dressed in a white romper, her makeup and hair were done very nicely to a casual look because she didn't need that much anyways she was pretty on her own. I was just finishing up brushing the knots out of my hair when she sat at the end of my bed. I knew she wanted to chat when she did this, Amy had always been a sister to me since we first met and it was nice to have someone there for me like she was. I started doing a little concealer to cover the dark circles under my eyes but part of me didn’t care about impressing anyone tonight. 
“you okay?” she asks. 
I sigh. I wasn’t sure what to tell her and I didn’t want to lie. She would know if I did kinda like a six sense, she would always know if I was lying or not. 
 “I’m fine,” I say. 
  That wasn’t the whole truth but, It’s been a year and I knew I had to face him at some point. We have the same friends and I didn’t want everyone to feel awkward around us anymore any time the other was mentioned. I’m just tired of everyone acting like everything is wired and wished it would go back to normal.
“You don’t have to go, I know it's been really hard for you and if you're uncomfortable with seeing him-” 
“I'll be fine Ames.” I reassure her. She sighed at my answer but didn’t push further into questioning. 
I finished adjusting my outfit and grabbed my shoes from the floor and pulled them on. We exited my room to see Mark already waiting for us at the front door. He held out both arms for us to take and I raised an eyebrow at him. 
“Shall we ladies?” 
We both giggled but accepted his arms.
“You’re a goof,” Amy laughs. 
  Arriving at Kathryn’s house it was a bit crowded with groups talking amongst themselves and some dancing in the living room where music played. Purple lights hung on the walls making the house glow and party streamers hung from the ceiling and some multi colored balloons floated in the conners of the house. It was a pretty chill looking party. The three of us quickly went to find the birthday girl and give hugs and presents. 
“Y/N! You made it!” Kathryn exclaims. She rushes over to me and pulls me into a warm embrace. 
“Of course Kath!” I smiled. “You know I only came for cake,” I wink.  
  She laughs and excuses herself to go greet more guests at the door. I noticed Tyler over by the snack table already chatting with Mark about something I walked over and he greeted me with a hug and he joked how he hasn’t seen me in years. I laughed and shoved his shoulder playfully before he continued his conversation with Mark. I never was into parties or gatherings and preferred hanging out with close friends. The only other person I knew there was Tyler; everyone else was either family or friends of Kath. So I felt like a wallflower for most of the night, which was fine by me since I didn’t like interacting with other people that much.  
About an hour into the party we were all chatting amongst ourselves until the doorbell rang again, and Kathryn went to answer it. When she opened the door I instantly knew who it was since I hadn’t seen him at all yet tonight. Ethan greeted Kathryn with a hug and handed her a medium sized gold box with ribbon tied at the top. She made a motion over to where all of us where standing before heading off the other direction to put the gift on the table.  
  He was here and my brain was panicking. 
My heart was hammering so much I was sure it would bust open my chest. I tried to turn away but I felt frozen and entranced by him. Him and his video game reference t-shirt and jeans. His styled hair, his smile that was contagious that always gave me butterflies. Mark noticed I was quiet for a while and looked over to see me staring at Ethan. He grabbed my hand and held it in his. I knew he was trying to comfort me and it helped. I looked up at him and smiled softly as thanks. He smiled back and continued his conversation with Tyler and I tried to not look in the direction Ethan was in. Instead, I turd to Amy and started talking about something random and she was at first confused then two figures came into my peripheral vision. 
  “Hey guys,” Ethan’s voice came to my ears and I turned to see him standing in front of us all with a girl. Her short green hair stood out and her demeanor seemed nervous. Everyone greeted him back with the same tone except for me but I didn’t think he noticed until his eyes shifted to me and the smile he sent me made me feel dizzy. I give him a very thin smile back. He frowns. 
  “I’m Mika,” the girl standing at his side says. 
Mika gives a small wave to the group. Mark is still holding my hand and I'm trying so hard not to start crying. 
Mark brings up a conversation about an upcoming show he's doing but I zone out. Amy comes to my side and puts a hand around my back. She must've noticed I was starting to get uncomfortable as she leans over into my ear.
“Do you wanna leave?” she whispers. 
I shake my head. 
“I just need the bathroom, be right back.” I say. She nods and gently pats me on the back. I let go of Mark's hand and walked towards the stairs. I've been to Kathryn's house many times so I knew where it was. I could feel everyone's eyes watching me as I walked away but I didn't care. I changed my route to the backdoor slider and pushed it open. I heard a faint call of my name but I ignored it, the chill of california night greeted me as I stepped out into the backyard trying to steady my breathing. 
I froze at the voice. 
It was Ethan. 
“Listen, ” He says. 
At this point I was on the verge of tears but I shook them away and crossed my arms over my chest and turned to face him but I didn't make eye contact out of fear of breaking down. 
“What do you want to talk about?” I asked, shifting my feet. 
I could see him starting to move closer but I kept my eyes to the ground. 
 He inhaled a deep breath. 
“I'm sorry about the way things ended for us and I'm sorry I hurt you.” He said. 
“I wanted to be the very last person to ever hurt you.” 
“Well you failed,” I spit, looking up at him finally. 
His mouth parted, whatever he was going to say next vanished. in his eyes I could tell his mind was racing, searching for the right thing to say next. I clenched my hands at my side as he continued to speak. 
“I felt like shit after
” He says. 
“Then why did you still leave?!” My voice was rising. 
“Because, after what I said I couldn’t bring myself to face you.” 
“So what, you just decided to forget me completely and?” The last words coming out are bitter. 
His eyes narrowed and he took a step closer making me inhale. 
“If you’re referring to Mika, we only just started dating a few months ago.'' he seeths anger laced in his voice. 
“Why would I do that? You think I was happy to leave you?” 
I just shrugged and he scoffed. 
“Well, you were the one who said you didn't love me anymore.” My lip trembling as I thought back to that night he said those words, taking some of his possessions and driving away. 
We stood in silence for a minute before he walked even closer to me and I could hear his breathing. I didn’t see his eyes then he brought his hand up to my chin to tilt my head up to look at him. He smiled softly when our eyes connected then I started crying. 
“Don’t,” I quiver. 
“What?” he asks. 
“Don’t smile at me like everything is fine,” 
“You think I meant that?” 
I nodded. 
“I never stopped loving you.” He says and I gasp. 
 Before I could respond and say I felt the same he was leaning down and capturing my lips with his. I froze for a moment, my eyes going wide in surprise, then relaxed and let him consum me. His arms engulfed around my back to pull me closer so our chests were pressed together, I could feel my heart thumping loudly in my ears and my cheeks heated. The feeling of kissing him was one that I missed very greatly. Just the way he made me tremble with just a touch was proof my emotions regarding Ethan Nestor haven’t changed. Not even in the slightest. I reached my hands up into his hair instinctively, gripping his brown locks to bring him down deeper into me. His teeth came out to nip at my bottom lip causing me to let out a barely audible whine. Desire flooded through me like a wave and it was overwhelming how much I wanted him back so I could kiss him like this again. Over and over again until my lips were numb and swollen. 
A smack filled the air when we pulled away, our breathing was uneven and hot as it mixed due to the proximity of our faces. I was breathless and could barely form a word. Ethan moved away from me entirely and turned back to go inside. my heart sank and deep down I knew, that was a kiss goodbye. 
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