#will be doing research and testing things further whenever I have time later
running-in-the-dark · 9 months
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cherrys-side-bitch · 11 months
Hey, could I request platonic headcanons with Young Gojo and Geto with a 5-year-old curse vessel? When the child was younger, their parents took them to a doctor who diagnosed the child with a “terminal illness” and needed to be kept under the supervision of doctors. Of course, the parents complied, worrying for their child’s health. Little did they know that those “doctors” were ex-jujutsu sorcerers looking to revive a curse and got potential vessels by deceiving individuals. One thing led to another and the child was somehow compatible with the curse and stayed with the doctors for further testing. Once Jujutsu tech found out about a group of sorcerers experimenting with normal people, they needed to stop it. So, they sent in a bunch of sorcerers to put an end to the shit they had going on only to find many patients, among which was a young child crying. Shoko probably had to check up on every person there to make sure they could return to the world of non-sorcerers with minimal issues when she noticed something wrong with the child. She couldn't quite place her finger on the feeling so she began, gently, asking questions only to find out that the experiment the researchers ran on them resulted in “a strange voice” which was later revealed to be a curse. Obviously, everyone was concerned and, for good reason, felt bad about the idea of killing a child so the higher-ups allowed the cursed vessel to live until they caused a serious problem. Luckily for the kid, and probably everyone else, the curse actually likes them and isn't too upset about the current situation. Sure they’re upset about being stuck in a child’s body, but at the same time, they can't exactly go running around, taking their anger out since it would likely kill their vessel and it would be more troublesome to wait for God knows how long to find a new vessel than to behave until the kid grows up and gets stronger
Sorry that this is really long! I’ve just had this idea stuck in my head for a while 😔
ℂ𝕙𝕚𝕝𝕕 ℂ𝕦𝕣𝕤𝕖 𝕍𝕖𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕝
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platonic, gn! reader, fluff
Characters: Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto
Note: Holy shit that's a lot… Also, since you didn't mention the parents again I went off the assumption that they aren't in the picture anymore.
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Gojo was likely the one who found them in the first place.
That being said, he never would've guessed that the crying child he found was actually the vessel to a cursed spirit.
Seeing as this is before the main timeline, he was likely confused. Sure, he'd heard that curses could use humans as vessels if they were strong and they’re lucky enough, but he had never seen it happen before.
When he was told that he had to be one of the people to look after the kid, since he’s a special-grade sorcerer, he wasn't happy. He’s insistent that he has better things to do than look after a kid.
However, when the principal did budge he still wasn't happy, but eventually accepted the position of a guardian.
Despite how reluctant he initially was to take care of them, he does everything he can to make sure they’re happy and healthy.
Since the kid’s always stuck inside the school he goes into town to take the kid shopping. Sure, it isn't often but at least he gets to relax and gets to see the kid’s smile when he.
Whenever he leaves for a mission, he promises to bring back some stuff for them, so they have something to look forward to once he returns.
Gojo’s relieved that the curse isn't dumb enough to start anything because, as much as he hates to admit it, he’s started caring for the kid.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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Unlike Gojo, he wasn't as vocal about his distaste for taking care of a child. That doesn't mean that he was thrilled but he warmed up to them much faster.
Taking care of them is the break he needs to detach himself from the world of sorcerers. There's something about separating himself from all of the issues that come with fighting curses and just taking time to care for them that is calming for him.
On a similar note, he would do anything to make sure they were safe and sound once he warmed up to them.
He cooks the kid’s favorite foods. It doesn't matter if he doesn't already know a good recipe, he’ll learn it.
Get doesn't like leaving jujutsu tech with them, worrying that a curse would attack and end up injuring the kid. So, instead, he’ll take walks around the school with them so they aren't stuck in the dorms all day. However, with enough begging from the kid, he’ll cave and go into the city with them, but they aren't allowed out of his sight.
When he left jujutsu high, he felt bad about leaving them behind but didn't want to worry about them getting injured because of him.
Not only that but if they got caught by sorcerers, they would undoubtedly be killed due to being a vessel and on the enemy’s side
As long as the curse inside of them doesn't cause any issues, he’s fine with it, though he does worry at times.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
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leox-un · 3 months
I'm SO interested in your jekyll/hyde!! are they ever apart? - how does physical distance (and contact) affect them? what's it look like for them to resonate? how did they split?? but also silly things like do their tastes and manner diverge between themselves? BIG invested!!
SO the way it works is that they can only be in one form at a time, either weapon or normal person form, so jekyll can weild hyde, or hyde can weild jekyll; they cannot both exist as a person or a weapon at the same time (we'll get back to that)
imagining each of them having their own half of one soul, getting farther away drastically affects their health; they're already kind of dying because of the split but getting further just kind of makes it worse, since their already frail tether to each other could kinda just snap
i think of it like an egg, they split a whole egg in 2, so now the 2 halves are each in their own half of an eggshell; if the eggshell tips over too much then the egg falls out and Thats Bad
jekyll was able to manifest the split by focusing his entire will on trying to become a weapon without losing his human form in the process; he basically focused Real Hard on doing both at the same time, he did a lot of research and practice and testing stuff before actually being able to do it, but he cant put it back now oopsies
about their differences, thats the part thats more interesting to me! generally people view jekyll and hyde as a split personality sort of thing when it isnt really that originally? the original book is much more leaning towards being a metaphor for alcoholism; basically hyde is less of "evil jekyll" and more "jekyll if he had no inhibitions" so i wanted to lean into the fact that hyde is basically the same guy as jekyll! whenever jekyll does Crimes he does it as hyde because he knows no one will think its jekyll committing these crimes (testimonies going "i saw a white hair man at the scene!!" while jekyll has black hair, etc)
final thing, their resonance... he ehhehe so he only ever does this Once (and then is fucking Murdered minutes later but we dont talk about that) as a last resort sorta thing; so hes basically backed into a corner, and his last resort is to use all that Wonderful focusing ability he gained in his tests to try and split his soul Again so that he can wield Both halves of his blade together again (individually theyre light enough to be one handed swords, but together they form a big two-handed sword) BUT when he does this, his physical body is just. Not there, it moves very funky and looks like its being puppetted around
and then he eats shit and dies but we'll get into that later LMAO
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aita-blorbos · 7 months
Are we the assholes for not trying to stop a monster that we created?
I am a member of a now-defunct order of builders. Back in our day, we, well, built things. Vast mineshafts, monuments that could withstand the depths of the ocean…you name it.
One day while mining, my group came across a huge cave filled with a greenish-black substance. Letting curiosity get the better of us, we decided to build a city down there to further our research efforts. Everything was going quite well. We got resources from the surface, brought them down to the underground city, and learnt what we could about the odd liquid (which was named Sculk)
We eventually came to the conclusion that Sculk was in fact not a liquid, but an advanced colonial organism. In layman’s terms: it was alive. By then, our city was a thriving underground utopia, and we had the resources to perform tests on the Sculk.
But after a multitude of tests, we had noticed that the Sculk was changing…in more ways than one. It started sprouting appendages, and whenever it got its slimy tendrils on some materials, it attempted to build. Can you believe it? Whatever it was, it was intelligent enough to build! We finally decided to humour the thing and give it some materials. And what did it build? An odd little contraption, later dubbed a ‘shrieker’. It was named that due to its curious ability to, well, shriek whenever it detected anyone nearby.
Eventually, one of us decided to try to relocate the shrieker, as its constant yelling was getting annoying. But as we did so, the ground began to shake and move. Before long, a terrible creature emerged from right underneath our feet. It appeared to be made from bone, sculk, and stone, and had an exposed rib cage, horns, and a large, gaping maw. What happened next could only be described with one word: chaos. The monster tore through the city, lashing out at anyone it came across. Buildings fell. Lives were claimed. We tried to fight back, but the creature didn’t even flinch at our attacks. It was awful.
But all hope wasn’t lost.
In case we ever had to evacuate, we had constructed a large portal in the centre of our city. I and the other remaining few who survived the initial attack were able to activate the portal, but doing so created a lot of noise (the monster seemed to be very sensitive to it). Without a second thought, we ran through it.
The portal was meant to send us to the surface. But instead, we became trapped in-between dimensions, able to see them all, yet interact with none. We assume that the monster had destroyed the portal mid-teleport, causing the unfortunate exit point. With nothing to do, I’ve had quite a lot of time to think…should we have tried to contain the monster instead of just fleeing? If anyone were to come across the ruins of our city, surly the creature would catch them off guard.
Are we the assholes for immediately resorting to fleeing?
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oculusxcaro · 1 year
How did you manage to escape the facility?
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"Not easily, that's for sure." Khare muttered with a grimace, her face souring further at having to think back to those days when she'd been under lock and key, at the mercy of mad researchers pursuing even madder goals. Just the thought alone was enough to cause a spike of anxiety roiling through her body, sharp intake of breath reminding her she was away from all that, at least for now.
"I… planned it, for quite some time. It took a while too. Didn't have anything else to do considering they locked us up in our own tiny cells, storing us like old toys until they wanted updates on how we were doing." The days back then had blended into one another, the passage of time soon becoming meaningless without clocks, calenders or even windows to indicate whether it was day or night. Time was measured through other ways, whether it was feeding time, time to get hosed down for a quick 'shower' or when it was time to get yanked off for more testing, usually when the drugs in their porridge had taken their toll. It was with a bitter expression that Khare sucked in another slow breath. "It got easier once I stopped eating. I knew then that was how they kept us nice and quiet, easier to control. I pretended to be asleep whenever they came for me, but kept my eyes cracked so I could map out the place. How many guards posted and where, that sort of thing. Eventually they got complacent and that's when I started getting ideas." The guard assigned to her unit was particularly sloppy, a man called Dave, or Dipshit Dave as she'd taken to calling him more than once or twice when he tried getting friendly with her.
"After a while, I got a good idea of how big the place was. Spotted the exit on the way to the labs also, and learned the code to escape. Then, one day there was a bad batch of injections to be tested… killed the first guy who received them straight away and immediately mutated the next. Some sweet-looking Mennonite girl, she couldn't have been older than sixteen at the time." Khare sighed, the look of remorse and regret on her face having never been stronger. Angrily she wiped at the corner of her eyes, stinging with tears that refused to shed. "Not sure why they didn't stop then. They jabbed us all, one after the other and - it hurt. I think I did pass out for real then, my body going numb. Woke up in my cell later on and that's when I decided I couldn't stay another day. I had to get out." Or die trying. Death would have been preferable to staying in that hellish place, waiting for the inevitable or worse, becoming a twisted, writhing mass of flesh unrecognizable as any animal on earth. "Those bad batches were the key to my escape. Dipshit Dave came by later to check on those who'd been taken and survived. Most of us didn't so he was sent alone. Big mistake." Khare sneered, lips pulled back to reveal her teeth as the sweet, sweet memory of knocking his head into the wall came into full force. It was hardly justice for what had been done to her, the all the people who'd died or even that sweet girl who'd become something else, but it sure felt good striking back somehow, in her own pathetic way. "I grabbed his face when he bent over to check up on me. My fingertips popped, they were so full of electricity but it stunned Dipshit Dave long enough for me to knock his head in a few times. Grabbed his gun, grabbed his keycard and made a run for the exit there and then. The alarm didn't get raised until I'd just about reached the exit." Some of the guards tried using a stun gun on her but they didn't work. She'd shot back with Dave's gun but missed, wishing dearly she hadn't. Still, it made them back off long enough for her to throw open the doors, Khare running wildly into the courtyard where it was thankfully night. She frowned at the memory of barren grounds, of rocks and a high fence walling everything off, woefully unprepared to stop a mass breakout but then how often had escapes happened? Not often enough if she'd managed it. "By the time I got halfway over the fence, more guards arrived, this time carrying real guns. Got shot right in the hip causing me to fall over onto the other side before getting up and scrambling off into the bushes. Hurt like a bitch at the time but I think I was too full of adrenaline knowing it was now or never, because if they got their hands on me again, I knew for sure I wouldn't live to see morning." Or anything else again. Briefly Khare wondered if those guards ever got into trouble for her escaping. Maybe they'd explained it all away, claiming to have dumped her body with the others who'd died that night? Perhaps they considered it irrelevant, not thinking she could survive the vast trek throughout the wilderness down the mountains and through the forests back to civilization. The bears certainly tried their best to stop her though Khare had survived them too, swimming, crawling and jogging day and night until she'd came across traintracks, following them south until finding a logging railroad that would make her journey easier. "Now if you'll excuse me, I don't like talking about it, or what happened afterwards."
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spn-romantica · 3 years
So I watched SPN for years, right up until the end of S11, when they brought back Mary. I heard that S15 would be the last season, and I was like ‘oh ok I’ll rewatch (for like the 8th time) and finish SPN then’ BUT THEN 15x18 happened and I was violently pulled back into the SPN fandom. I still haven’t caught up fully watching yet, but I’ve read so much discourse now...and I have thoughts. Hypotheses currently. I’ll wait to finish the whole show for real to call any of this theories but, I wanted to record my thoughts.
They’re about Chuck. As a villain. Which weirds me out. As an antagonist? Sure. As evil? No. Can’t envision it. I just finished my rewatch of S5 and, damn, but if Chuck is the ultimate villain, S5 reads very differently. :0
But I recently saw a post comparing Dean’s reaction in 1x18 (I believe) to his in 10x05 (for sure) about when someone mentions his mother’s death. In 1x18, it’s Sam when they were children and Dean gets angry. In 10x05, it’s a group of high school girls and Dean just bops his head along to the song. The post was framing it as 10x05 not understanding Dean’s thoughts about his mother, but I think that both episodes understand Dean. When Dean is a child, the trauma over his mother’s murder is still fresh. By 10x05, the event is 70 years in the past. Of course it still affects Dean. Of course. You never really get over something like that. But I’d argue that after 70 years, Dean has moved through the stages of grief to acceptance. It still hurts, but like an old ache, not a fresh, still-bleeding wound.
Interestingly, 10x05 is when we see Chuck, after a long absence. He’s watching the play, probably happy that someone loves his work enough to even make a musical, but he is also watching the Winchesters. The actual episodes of the show, aka the books Chuck writes, are what Chuck knows/cares about regarding the Winchesters. Despite being God, I’d argue he doesn’t pay attention to every second and all the little minutia of the boys’ lives. So, here in 10x05, we have confirmation that Chuck is around to see that Dean has healed from his mother’s death.
Later, in S11, Dean acts as therapist/life counsellor to Chuck/God, regarding Amara and Lucifer. And it works! Dean teaches God about family and about healing. Why does God listen to Dean Winchester, a random human? Perhaps it is because of S1-5. Perhaps it is because Dean and Sam were part of God’s test, as God himself describes it in 5x22.
What was the test? Was it God’s experiment about choice and free will? About freedom vs peace? Or, perhaps, was God trying to understand sibling relationships? He and Amara are two faces of the same coin. They are siblings, but with very different outlooks and it caused a rift between them, caused Chuck to seal Amara away before she could destroy his creations. Chuck regretted this, but saw it as a necessary betrayal. But then, some time later, Chuck’s angelic children experience their own betrayal and sibling rift. Lucifer tries to turn the angels against God, rebel and reject God. He makes demons, for sure, and maybe even Hell. But why? God figures that Lucifer was maybe jealous of the new baby (humans) like others in the show postulates. Or maybe Lucifer had beef specifically with Michael, because humans are little more than amoebas from an angelic perspective. Aside from Castiel, Anna and a handful of other angels, angels consistently view humans as humans might view dust mites. Maybe humans were the cause of the rift between Michael and Lucifer, but it was Michael and Lucifer’s relationship that needed fixing in the end, regardless.
So God is left with the sad conclusion that maybe close siblings will inevitably betray each other and be unable to forgive and heal. He wants to heal with Amara. But he also wants Michael and Lucifer to be able to heal. (It doesn’t occur to God that maybe Lucifer’s problem was never with humanity or Michael; it was with God.)
So God has research to do, to see if it’s possible for siblings to experience such deep betrayal and still heal. He turns to his little hairless apes, the only sentient species on Earth with potential to parallel the angels. He starts testing siblings. Cain and Abel are first up. Needless to say, but the betrayal was too strong and left no room for healing. But on down the line of Cain, God continues testing. Eventually, we come to Sam and Dean.
God has scheduled Michael and Lucifer’s family counselling session for 2010. All the data up to this point says it can only end badly. Maybe it’ll half-kill the Earth, but it’s finally time for Michael and Lucifer to meet and for one of them to die. God isn’t happy about this conclusion, but it’s what the data says. So, finally, the last test subjects, the last in the line who will be the vessels for Michael and Lucifer’s showdown, arrive. Sam and Dean Winchester are to be the last sibling test. The conclusion seems foregone at this point, but there is no point in cancelling the last bit of the test after so long, so it continues. God watches. And Sam and Dean surprise God. Siblings after siblings had failed for millennia to heal. Betrayals too strong, healing too little, too late. But Sam and Dean. no matter how badly they hurt each other, find a way to come back together and heal. They don’t give up on each other, despite millennia of data to the contrary. Still, the angels and demons push and push at Sam and Dean until their rift is as wide and as deep as Michael and Lucifer’s, as God’s and Amara’s (in late S4). It seems, despite the brothers’ best efforts earlier on, it’s all for naught.
But there is a further element of randomness, something God couldn’t foresee. Castiel. God hasn’t had occasion for romantic love in his own experience, so he is entirely blind to what choices Castiel is likely to make. He provides an element of randomness to the experiment, an essential part that gives Dean the ultimate chance to go back to Sam and begin to heal (4x22).
Throughout S5, Sam and Dean heal. There is hurt, still, of course, but they love each other and forgive each other. By 5x22, they’ve surprised everyone. Even the angels have given up on turning them against each other, and have shrugged and settled for using Nick and Adam as the vessels for the showdown. Sam and Dean passed their test. They were siblings who betrayed each other and healed from it. God reconsiders how family counselling will go with Michael and Lucifer. He figured it would be the Apocalypse, the end of the problems between Michael and Lucifer, as one of them dies, as had always happened before. But, Sam and Dean showed God, that though it is rare, it is possible to heal. So God gives Sam and Dean an out. He gives Sam the strength to seize back control from Lucifer, should things go south.
Finally, the showdown arrives. Michael and Lucifer meet. They talk things out. To God’s surprise, Lucifer reveals that he never had a problem with Michael. He had forgiven Michael long ago. But Michael couldn’t forgive Lucifer. He had to be a ‘good son’ and do what he thought God wanted him to do. But Michael didn’t realise, that God doesn’t give orders. Free will all the way, baby! But the whole thing comes as a surprise. Apparently, all this time, the problem relationship wasn’t siblings, it was parents.
Good thing God had a back-up plan.
Sam throws himself and Lucifer (and Michael and Adam) into the Cage. Michael and Lucifer have an eternity to figure things out between each other now. But that’s beside the point. The point is, now, that God has to start testing all over again. Not how to fix sibling relationships, but how to fix parent-child relationships.
God restores Castiel, perhaps for a few reasons because God exists outside of time, but originally it may have been just for one. He likes Castiel. He is impressed that Castiel invented free will for himself, broke free of angelic programming (multiple times over), and did it all for love. It’s novel. It’s interesting. God might even think it’s sweet. But God has had time later, and thought about it, and he has a plan. And Castiel is essential.
But Dean Winchester is the key.
Sam and Dean’s relationship with their own father has been strained, but both boys find a way to forgive John his flaws and failings, and love him. Whenever they do get a chance to see him again, post his death, they don’t hate him. They’ve healed. John’s relationship with Sam and Dean is one point of data, Abraham and Isaac another. There are many data points that God can reflect back on and consider.
But as S6 through S10 roll on, God watches Sam and Dean and Castiel. He even watches Crowley and Rowena for another data point. Dean is his main focus, however. (This is a little meta, but as the story focuses more on Dean than Sam post S5, it ties in. Prior to S6, both Sam and Dean were essential - the sibling test. Now, post S5, the parent test, Dean is the most essential. Of course, Sam and Castiel are important too. But Dean is key.)
Dean is a good father. He was a good father to Sam, even when he was only 6 years old himself. He was a good father to Ben. He was willing to die for Bobby John. He’s always good with kids. Not only that, but Dean is blunt enough, brave enough, and crazy enough to tell God to God’s face what he thinks. God needs Dean’s advice, his perspective and opinion on family relationships, but he also needs to see what Dean would do if he were in God’s shoes.
[Edit (1/04/21): After seeing Michael and Lucifer (mostly) heal, and after seeing Sam and Dean heal their relationship, God finally has hope for him and Amara. So God logically wants to retrieve Amara from her prison. But how? Well, he could just wander on up to Cain and do it himself, but what would Amara say? “So I see you’ve come crawling back, eh, Chucky?” She wouldn’t be impressed with God. She wouldn’t understand, because she’s hopeless too. SO how to give her hope? How to make her see that she and God can be okay again? Why, stick her near Dean Winchester, of course! So God sets things up for Dean to get and lose the Mark of Cain, thereby ensuring that Amara will feel a connection to Dean and stick around him/keep him alive long enough for Dean to work his life-coach magic.]
In S11, God and Amara heal their relationship because of the hope Sam and Dean gave God, and also the direct advice Dean gives God. God and Lucifer, not so much.
God needs more data. He needs to see what Dean would do. In comes Castiel’s relevance. God sets things up so that Lucifer can have a son. A nephil. Jack. And God points Castiel in Jack’s direction, trusting Castiel’s ability for unconditional love to keep Jack alive long enough for the experiment. Castiel becomes Jack’s father. But Castiel will never betray Jack, the way God betrayed Lucifer. And, besides, Castiel isn’t the target of this experiment. But it is Castiel’s relationship with Dean Winchester that provides the link needed to get the experiment rolling.
Because Jack is Castiel’s son, he is therefore Sam and Dean’s nephew. Except, God has been watching Castiel and Dean. And, frankly, their romantic love for each other is so obvious even God cannot miss it. Through Castiel, Dean sees Jack as his son too. He loves Jack, exactly like a son. In this way, Dean parallels God, and Jack parallels Lucifer.
But God knows Dean would not easily turn on any child, let alone his own child. So God had a plan for that too. One that Amara helped him with.
They brought back Mary Winchester.
Mary is the one person in existence whose loss would hurt Dean enough to spur him to action. So, she was brought back to die. It was a matter of only a few years of gentle prodding to get everything in position. Jack causes Mary’s death. Dean is faced with a horrible decision. If Jack can kill Mary, what’s to say that Sam and Castiel wouldn’t be next? Mary’s death is like everything beginning all over again for Dean as well. Her first death set off a chain reaction, a series of unfortunate events that spanned decades and nearly caused the ruination of not only Dean’s life, but Sam’s and John’s and even the world. That scar, which had healed as well as it could after 70 years, that God saw was healed in 10x05, has been violently opened up again. It’s the only thing that could force Dean’s hand, that could get him to betray Jack and try to kill him. If Jack had killed Sam or Castiel, it wouldn’t have had the same effect. Both Sam and Castiel had died and come back so many times, and while it would hurt Dean and make him doubt Jack, their deaths would be a sacrifice that Dean would feel obligated to respect, to give Jack a second chance like they would both want. (And God has been laying the groundwork for Dean, convincing him that Jack is evil, will be evil like Lucifer, can’t be allowed to live. All things God has thought about Lucifer over time. Was Lucifer inherently evil? Was their rift inevitable?)
So, here it is. The big test. Will Dean kill Jack? Will he betray Jack and cause an unhealable rift? Or will he find a way to heal, like he did with Sam against all the odds?
And, once again, Dean impresses God. He refuses to kill Jack.
But now we’re in the endgame. Sam, Dean and Castiel are aware that Jack’s life was only on the line because of God. It’s not something they can forgive, or understand. They’re all God’s guinea pigs, and while he loves his guinea pigs, he knows he’s hurt them in the name of science, of knowledge. or healing, and God can’t undo what he’s done. Free will is linear, after all. So it is time for the Winchesters, Castiel and Jack included, to be done with God. God is done with them, too. It’s time for them to be free and at peace. The experiments are done. God has decided not to kill Lucifer. He has decided to try to heal. He can get Lucifer out of the Empty and talk and try to fix things. He has forever to fix things, now that he knows he can. (The last element of this, Jack forgiving Dean for trying to kill him, is something I have limited knowledge of, but I am under the impression happens so... To be added in the edit once I finish the series.)
But the only way the Winchesters will be able to rest, is if they think God, the last and greatest villain, is out of the way. They know they’ve been manipulated their whole lives, first towards the sibling experiment and now the parent experiment, so they need to think God is gone so they can feel secure in their free will once more. Truthfully, God never took their free will. He set them up in situations, maybe even gave a bio-chemical nudge of anger (Dean) or attraction (Sam and Eileen) every now and then. But the choices were always theirs. Still, God knows they won’t see it that way. So he sets things up so that they can defeat him.
He lets them win. He wants them to win. They cannot defeat God, after all. It’s not God’s time, and Death is the only one who can claim God in the end, as the two embrace as friends and walk to the next existence. But the Winchesters need this, and so God allows it. A last gift, to the beings who have been such help, hope and inspiration to him.
With an eye for an eventual S16, 15x20 is written to be ‘an ending’ but also one that could easily be reframed as a bad dream.
For example...
Unfortunately, after Jack, suped up on a extra Grace God lent him, restores the Earth and expends all the Grace (”giving up the mantle of God so that their is no God, no plans, only Free Will”), and Dean, Sam and Jack head back to the Bunker to regroup and gather the ingredients to do the spell to rescue Castiel from the Empty, they’re jumped by monsters who are angry with how much God has fucked with them on behalf of the Winchesters. 15x20 is all a djinn dream Dean is trapped in.
16x01 is Dean waking himself up from the djinn dream, Sam and Jack escaping their own monsters, and then the end of 16x01 is Dean saying something about waking Castiel up from his own dreams in the Empty. The rest of S16 sees the boys save Castiel, reunite with Eileen, start a monster-hunting Bobby Singer/Men of Letters-esque organisation, Dean and Castiel getting together and getting married on Valentine’s Day, Jack getting to live a normal life, going to school, making friends, etc.
If their is no S16 ever (which would be criminal), then 15x20 makes no sense, unless it is plainly a recount of an old, hopeless ending written by God. However you spin it, 15x20 is not the way it seems (like owls).
All things being said, God is an antagonist, but he’s not evil. He’s an asshole, sure, but he never once worked against the Winchesters, never bet against them, never tried to erase or end them. He wanted them to win. He wanted to see the fruits of free will be love, second chances, hope, forgiveness, healing, and happiness, not just betrayal, pain, selfishness, jealousy, disappointment, and hopelessness.
Why is the ending he shows Becky ‘hopeless’? Because God is. He has spent his long existence losing his most loved family members. Amara, Lucifer. How can things end well for God, when they can’t even end well for humans? But Sam and Dean defy the script, again and again. They surprise God, defying the statistics, defying the hypotheses, throwing the experiment into disarray. Giving God hope. Sam and Dean were okay. Dean and Jack were okay. If God had a romantic love, he would find hope from Dean and Castiel being okay. But when God wrote the book he showed Becky, he was writing what he thought would happen. In the end, surely, not even Dean can be enough to hold Sam and Cas and Jack together. But in the end, as we see, as God sees, he is proven wrong and he’s happy to be wrong. He’s hopeful. And he can leave Dean, Sam, Castiel and Jack, and all the angels and all the humans, to rule the Earth and the Heavens. He doesn’t need to learn anything more from them, so he heads to the Empty, with Amara, with Lucifer, with Death (Billie or not, Death is there for God in the end), and they can all depart for a better existence of their own.
If you read all of this, thanks! I eagerly anticipate watching the remaining 10 seasons so I can come back and edit the heck outta this, but until then, if y’all have any thoughts, I’d be interested to hear them~
TLDR: God is a morally bankrupt scientist and the Winchesters are his guinea pigs, but he’s not evil and he does love his guinea pigs, even if he could really treat them nicer.
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bi-bard · 4 years
An Extra Dose of Chaos- Malcolm Bright Imagine (Prodigal Son/Criminal Minds Crossover)
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Title: An Extra Dose of Chaos
Pairing: Malcolm Bright X Reader 
Requested: Nope
Word Count: 1,861 words
Warning(s): Violence in canon of both shows
Summary: (Starts on season 13, episode 7 of Criminal Minds) The BAU found themselves in a time of need after their final confrontation with Scratch. Though absolutely devastated by the loss of Stephen Walker, (Y/n) was somewhat excited to not be seen as the new kid anymore when Malcolm Bright was brought on to the team. Now, if he could just stop making such a mess of things...
Author’s Note: THERE MAY BE A PART 2 OF THIS BUT I’M NOTE SURE YET! It took a long time but... I found a way to connect them! I am so excited! Also, I doubt Malcolm would’ve lasted this long in the B.A.U but this is the best way to put him in the story without using two seasons that were airing at the same time (Season 1 of Prodigal Son and season 15 of Criminal Minds)
Please consider supporting my Ko-fi account. It would mean a lot to me. If I know there are people interested in it, I’ll get the monthly donation part set up. 
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I let out a sigh as I walked to the round table. Another day without Stephen. We had both joined the team around the same time, but I was still declared a new kid because he beat me here by about a month. Garcia had given Luke the official title but I still felt it whenever we were debriefed on a case. Stephen gave me someone to relate to. 
I looked over to the door as J.J walked in. She grinned at me.
“Emily hired a new agent,” she said. I nodded. “How are you?”
“Shaky but desperate to get some work done,” I replied, forcing a smile. I knew she was going to say more but luckily the team walked in before she could.
Emily stayed standing as everyone got settled in their seats.
“Everyone, this Malcolm Bright, he’s our new agent,” she said, pointing at the man standing next to her. He waved. Emily and him made their way to their seats. “Take it away, Garcia.”
Malcolm had sat in the spot right next to me. I glanced over at him while he read the case file. He seemed... giddy? That wasn’t the right word but I don’t think there was a better one. Something that should’ve disturbed him just... didn’t.
It was a strange case. Victims were kidnapped, had symbols carved into their faces, and then were found in their cars but miles away from where they were last seen. All without any memory of what had happened to them. 
“Alright, wheels up in 30,” Emily said before standing. Everyone followed close behind her.
“Hey, Malcolm,” I said, stopping the new guy before he left. “How are you feeling? I know some of this stuff can feel overwhelming on the first day.”
“I’m alright,” he replied. “Believe me, I’ve seen worse.”
“When,” I asked, my eyebrows furrowing together for a moment.
“Oh, y’know, research for school and such,” he shrugged the question off. “I’ve gotta get my go bag.”
“Okay, see you on the jet.”
“We have our own jet?”
--Time Skip--
“Spencer,” I said, looking at the photos of one of the victim’s injuries. “These can’t be taser or stun gun marks.”
“Why,” the doctor in front of us asked. 
“They usually burn the skin around the radius of the mark,” I replied. “There’s no burn mark.”
“Did the victim report a metallic taste in her mouth,” Spencer asked as Malcolm looked over my shoulder at the photos. 
“They’re probably snake bites,” Malcolm noted, cutting the doctor off a little bit. “Blood tests would show if there was any venom present.”
Spencer turned around and listed off a few blood tests that I could never remember. I closed the file. 
“A snake as a way to subdue a victim, that’s risky,” I said, looking at Malcolm.
“Hot day, lock the snake in the car, and wait,” he mumbled. “It leaves a lot to chance. This is the element that matters. There’s no way a snake is a weapon of opportunity.”
“If it’s a dangerous reptile, there’d be records of licenses,” I said as we followed Spencer out of the hospital. “Once we have the kind of snake, we could ask Garcia to cross-reference.”
“Except if it was bought on the black market,” Malcolm added. 
“You do not know Garcia,” I smirked, picking up my pace to keep up with Spencer. Damn this boy and his gazelle legs. 
“She seems delightful,” Malcolm shrugged. None of us spoke again until we were in the car. “So... why does this guy choose body modification? Why specifically the scarring? Surely tattoos would have a similar effect to the women’s self-worth.”
“I don’t know yet,” Spencer replied. “I say we relay what we know to the team and see what they say.”
We both nodded, waiting for him to start the car.
--Time Skip--
I wondered why my heart could beat so fast yet I could look so calm when we got to crime scenes. It was like my fear responses stopped halfway. I’m sure there was a reason for it but there are some things you think about but don’t really want the answers to. 
I took a deep breath as the car stopped. I unbuckled quickly. We had split up. Matt, J.J, Malcolm, and me in one car; Rossi, Spencer, and Luke in the other. Emily stayed back at the police station to help us out as much as possible. 
Matt and J.J went around the back to keep watch. Malcolm and I got to the front door. I was just about to lay my hand on the doorknob so we could be smart about this...
and then Malcolm sprinted in. No count, no warning, he just ran in without any warning.
“Malcolm,” I hissed, following him quickly. What the hell was wrong with him. 
I barely got there at the same time as him when he busted the door down. 
“F.B.I,” I shouted, actually doing my job. I followed him inside.
He didn’t have his gun aimed. Did he have it out when he first ran in? I kept my gun fixed on Desi- the unsub- who was just staring at us. Her mom tied to a chair and her sister trapped on one of the seats you’d see in a tattoo parlor.
“Desi, drop the knife,” Malcolm said, holding his gun up. 
“You- You don’t know what she did to me,” she replied.
“We do,” he nodded. “We know about the neglect and... and the abuse.”
“I was so scared,” she was whispering.
“Who wouldn’t be,” I asked. “You were just a kid-”
“I tried so hard to erase any sign of her,” she continued. “And there she is on the front page. They think she’s perfect.”
My eyes drifted towards the snakes in the room. 
“The perfect woman! The perfect mother! They don’t know what she’s capable of... what I’m capable of.”
“We know,” Malcolm nodded, grinning at her. “I also know that if you surrender and we walk out of here, everyone else will know too. She’ll have to live with that. Isn’t that what you wanted? For your mom to live with the shame of all of this?”
Desi went to move forward, towards the snakes.
“Desi,” I said firmly. She stopped... for a moment. She then ran at the container, shoving it towards the ground before sprinting out the other door. 
“Help her mom,” I shouted, walking over to her sister. “Hey, stay with me, yeah? We’re gonna get you help.”
I went to call for an ambulance, only stopping for a second when I heard gunshots. I shook it off, calling the ambulance before helping her sister up and out of the room. Malcolm had already left with her mom.
--Time Skip--
We were all on the jet later that night. Some of the team was playing poker, others just relaxing. I was lounging on the small jet couch, cradling a mug of tea. 
“Hey,” Malcolm said softly, sitting next to me. I nodded as a way to acknowledge him. “I’ve only known you for a few days but I can already tell that silence is not a good sign.”
“You ran into the house with any regard for safety,” I replied. “Your gun wasn’t drawn, you didn’t wait for back-up and was just lucky I was there, and you ran into an active crime scene without announcing that you were the F.B.I.”
“I did almost everything wrong.”
“Pretty much,” I sighed. “But you did a good job reasoning with Desi. As good of a job as any of us probably could.”
“Well, I’m sorry about what happened... but can I ask something?”
“Why are you so worried,” he asked. “I’d say you were angry but you aren’t displaying all of the signs of anger and you can���t just be nervous about the unsub because the event is over with.”
“I was the new kid before you,” I explained, already questioning whether or not I was ready to talk about this. “Around the same time I joined, Stephen Walker did. The team was looking for this serial killer that called himself Mr. Scratch. We thought we had found him and we knew the house was safe... we thought we were gonna catch him. Then, I think he laid spike in the road. Our cars crashed into each other. It was bad. Emily was kidnapped, the rest of us unconscious... except for Stephen. He died in that accident before they’d even found the cars. I had to tell his wife. I couldn’t even look to my right on my way home because her tears had stained my shirt. I lost the person I was closest to on the team.”
“Now you see another new kid running into snake dens like it’s no big deal,” Malcolm concluded. I nodded.
“It makes me really nervous,” I looked down. 
“I’m sorry,” he replied quietly. I shook my head.
“It’s alright,” I looked back up at him. “Just... please don’t do something like that again.”
“... I’ll do my best.”
I chuckled at his hesitation. If all went well, Malcolm would fit in just fine.
--Time Skip (In Between Seasons 14 & 15)--
“Hey,” I said as Malcolm walked over to his desk. He had yet another meeting with Emily and Cruz. This time it went a step further. “How’d it go?”
“I had a meeting to explain my actions,” he explained, grabbing his go-bag. It was pretty much the only thing he had at his desk. “And they fired me.”
“What,” I asked. I bit the inside of my cheek.
“Are you surprised that it happened or are you surprised that it happened?”
“You did punch a sheriff,” I trailed off. 
Malcolm nodded and started walking toward the elevator. I stood up and followed him quickly.
“Where are you gonna go,” I asked.
“Probably back to New York,” he shrugged. “My mom wants me back there anyway.”
“Oh,” I nodded. I wanted him to stay closer. I wanted to see him. I looked down nervously as we waited for the elevator. “It’s gonna be boring without you here.”
“Always kept you on your toes,” he chuckled. The elevator dinged. “You should come visit. Just give me a call.”
“Okay,” I replied. I was going to just wave but then jumped when Malcolm quickly kissed my cheek and stepped into the elevator. I could only watch in shock as the elevator doors closed. 
“Did that just happen,” Garcia asked, walking over to me.
“Oh my god,” I whispered, looking at her. “Oh my god!”
“Go talk to him,” she shouted as the other elevator opened. I ran in, waving at her and telling her to let Emily know where I went.
What I didn’t see was J.J walk up to Garcia after the elevator doors closed.
“What’s (Y/n) doing,” she asked. Garcia just grinned. 
“Proving that you owe me twenty bucks,” she replied.
“No he didn’t,” J.J said. Garcia nodded. “I’m waiting for (Y/n) to confirm that before I give you money.”
“(Y/n) might still be in shock when they get up here.”
...and maybe I was.
What I Write For
Request Guidelines
Musical Prompts
Small Moments With…
When Worlds Collide (Doctor Who Crossover Series) Masterlist
Some Original Characters
folklore/evermore Writing Challenge (and Masterlist)
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Another test
A completely different fic that im working on
Tuesday afternoons are always oddly slow, regardless of the location Cordelia found herself in. Earlier that morning, her brother had asked her to take on the role of his receptionist for a few days, as the woman who usually worked at the front desk of his office was unable. She sat at the desk, reorganizing papers out of complete boredom. Men had been coming in and out all day, but she felt like there was nobody she could talk to. She was more than happy to help whenever she was needed, but it was, in her mind, ridiculous that there was nothing to do. With a sigh, she tapped her fountain pen against the loose papers--schedules, notes, and other things--it almost took on a pointillistic look on the page. She leaned on the desk before noticing that her hair was a bit of a mess and started trying to pin stray strands back into place--she knew she should have been more careful when she was doing her hair that morning. She hated having her it pinned up, but attempted to be more professional, for her brother’s sake. She had heard rumors of a baronet all the way from England--she couldn’t remember if they had specified from where in that country--would be visiting Buffalo for the time being. A baronet, no less. That title was uncommon enough to warrant questions, as nobody she spoke to understood exactly what it meant. She made it a point to ask her friend, Edith, later--she would likely know. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door open and shut. A tall man dressed in all black walked in, carrying a wooden case. The only other visible color on him was the silver chain of a pocket watch. He removed his top hat as he approached the desk, revealing short, dark, slicked-back hair under it. His eyes met hers for a moment and he smiled.
“Good afternoon, miss. I’m looking for a Mr. Baker. I have an appointment, though I suspect I’m a bit early.” Cordelia looked through the papers to find if there was something written down. “It’s for Thomas--ah, I’ve a card, my apologies.” He took a piece of paper out of his pocket. Printed across it, in neat black ink, was the name ‘Sir Thomas Sharpe’ and the title of Baronet under it. She had no idea how accurate the rumors would have been, but each of them mentioned he was attractive. They were inaccurate, as none of them could accurately capture how handsome the gentleman before her truly looked. Though tempted to keep him in the lobby until it was time for him to go back to speak to her brother for answers--she was curious, wanting to know more about him--she decided against it.
“My brother wouldn’t mind if you went back early, actually. If you’re ready to, of course.”
“Really?” He asked, a bit surprised. “Yes, miss, I am ready. Where do I go?”
“I can show you.” She stood, deciding against prying for information and resigning to interrogating her brother later--she didn’t want to risk seeming nosy or inconsiderate. “My name is Cordelia Baker. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“The pleasure is all mine, Miss Baker.” He nodded with a smile. They reached the end of the hall and she knocked on the doorway.
“I’ll be right there.” A voice from within called.
“I wish you the best of luck.” She looked at Thomas, smiling.
“Thank you.” His eyes met hers for a moment. “I might just need it.”
“I have full confidence that everything will go well for you.” There was a look in his eyes; as if he was unused to warm smiles and genuine words with no hope of recompense--no cynicism or idle words. He was unsure, for the moment, if it was how America simply operated...or if she was one of those rare, kind souls. The type that would set him free from all the horrors, all the burdens--he pushed the thoughts away from his mind, reassuring himself that he needed to take things one step at a time. Thomas brushed off his coat in an attempt to make himself at least feel more presentable. The door opened, and a man a little shorter than the Baronet was standing there. He had strawberry blonde hair and was wearing a blue shirt with a tawny vest over it.
“Sir Sharpe.” He held out his hand to the dark-haired man. “I’m Anthony Baker. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.” Thomas shook his hand. “Thank you for agreeing to see me, I truly appreciate it.” He let go, the shorter of the two opening holding the door to his office open, motioning for him to follow. Cordelia left, wanting to give them privacy if they wanted.
“Please, just call me Anthony.” He said with a smile, gesturing to the chair. “I don’t know what you plan, but do make yourself comfortable.” Thomas found it odd. Other investors had not been anywhere near as considerate, or kind. He did not understand it, but he wasn’t going to waste such an opportunity.
“I have a model. May I?” He asked, gesturing to the box.
“Of course.” Again, much to his surprise, Anthony actually picked up some of the papers and things to make a bit more room for him to work. He was ready to take notes and already seemed interested. As if he was half-expecting the redhead to change his mind, the baronet quickly set the small model up, taking the jar and box that was inside. The man across from him watched, allowing him to concentrate. Taking a breath, he did his best to steady his sudden nerves.
“The Sharpe clay mines have been royal purveyors of the purest scarlet clay since 1796. In its liquid form, it is so rich in ore and so malleable that it can produce the strongest bricks and tiles.” He gestured to the jar, left of the machine model.
“May I?” Anthony asked, gesturing to the smaller wooden box with a clay tile in it. Thomas nodded. “I've never seen anything that vibrant a shade of red in my life.” He mused, letting him continue explaining.
“Excessive mining in the last 20 years has caused most of our old deposits to collapse. This is a clay harvester of my own design. It transports the clay upwards as it digs deep.” He turned the machine on. “I have absolutely no doubt this machine will revolutionize clay mining as we know it.” Anthony looked at the machine, amazed.
“This is very impressive.” Thomas looked up, a bit caught off-guard, unused to compliments. Now he had to wonder if it was those two siblings, or it was the country.
“Thank you, sir.”
“Have you had a chance to test it, full-scale?”
“Not yet, but we’re very close. We’re hoping that with funding, it will work. I've built the harvester on my estate, but more parts would be needed to keep it running smoothly.” He explained.
“Of course, of course, my apologies. Do you happen to have schematics? Sketches?” He asked. “I would like to look into this more before I make a decision. I believe it will take a bit of time. Research and all that, I hope you understand.” Thomas nodded, a little surprised he got this far.
“Of course.” He nodded, grabbing a folder from the case. “I have everything right here.” He handed it over--inside were schematics, other information that would hopefully be useful.
“This is genuinely impressive--I apologize for repeating. It's just so well designed.” Anthony smiled for a moment. “I will have to look into it, though I can't make any promises.”
“I understand. It is a bit risky but I wholeheartedly believe it's worth it.”
“I will do what I can to respond quickly. How long are you still staying in Buffalo?"
“I believe we are--my sister and I--staying until autumn. I’m unsure of the exact dates. My sister hasn’t told me anything, yet.” Anthony nodded.
“Well, I can at least guarantee it won't take that long to get an answer.” He chuckled softly. “I'm sorry to cut this short, but I do thank you for being here.” He stood. “It was nice to meet you. I'll have my sister…” He said that as if trying to show a bit of solidarity, or they at least had something in common. “...show you out." As if on cue, there was a rhythmic knock, a code of sorts. He got up and opened it. Cordelia was there. Thomas felt a little less uncomfortable...something about her, something about the way she carried herself.
“I swear I wasn't eavesdropping,” It was honest, but she was a bit nervous about how it came across. She pulled on her sleeve, letting out a soft snicker. “I just came by to drop off some letters for you. Including one from a certain Miss Cushing." She teased Anthony, who blushed a bit in embarrassment.
“Had it not been for witnesses…” He hissed. “I’ll trade you. Would you please show Sir Sharpe out?”
“Do I have to give you the letters?” He gave her a look and she handed them over, begrudgingly. Not that she didn’t want to spend the time with Thomas, she just wanted to see Anthony’s reaction.
“Shall I leave anything here for you to examine further?”
“No, thank you; if you want to take it, please do.” Thomas nodded, packing up the machine and carefully stowing the jar and box.
“Thank you for your time, sir.”
“And thank you for yours.” Anthony smiled, looking over his notes. The baronet looked at Cordelia with a soft smile. Her presence was almost comforting, in a way, he couldn’t quite explain it. She shut the door behind them both.
“Hello.” She greeted as she began to lead him back to the lobby. “How did it go?” She asked gently.
“I believe it went well--at least it seemed to.” He looked at her, tilting his head slightly. “Your brother is much kinder than others I’ve gone to.” He mused, finding the situation rather refreshing, in a way.
“Anthony loves listening to people talk, and their ideas. And from the look at the machine I got when you were putting it back in the case, it was rather interesting.” The comment caught Thomas off-guard. He wouldn’t have guessed a lady like her would have found his clay harvester fascinating. There was a level of intrigue they both felt, curiosity between strangers. The tall Englishman who dressed in dark clothing and spoke with a gentle elegance she was unfamiliar with; the American woman in rich lavender who took an interest in his work, unprovoked, not to just be polite--each unusual to the other, and yet it felt captivating. “So...you've got an accent. English, right?” She asked. “Sorry, I don’t know many people from Europe…”
“No, no, Miss Baker, you don’t need to apologize. I don’t mind answering...though I suppose others will have the same questions, no doubt.” He looked at her with a small smile. “I am from England.”
“Is it nice there?” She asked, looking up at him with a curious smile.
“Where I’m from, it’s rainy and dark in some of the most beautiful ways.” He smiled at her, finding the curiosity endearing. “Not like Buffalo.”
“It sounds beautiful, really.” She smiled, listening intently. Cordelia definitely loved his accent, though she knew there was more to him than what everyone else might care to ask about. High society had a tendency to gloss over personality, beyond the obvious and surface level. “I’ve always wanted to go to England. Everyone I know who’s been there speaks highly of it.” He looked over, a little intrigued. Her smile felt...reassuring, in a way. Her curiosity was almost comforting.
“I think everyone should go to London at least once in their life. It’s quite amazing--the art, architecture…” He looked over. “Perhaps I could be the one to show you, someday.” She looked over, unable to tell if he was subtly flirting, or if he was just being kind. She didn’t know if she was misinterpreting things.
“How could I possibly refuse an offer like that?” She looked over. “If you want, I could show you around Buffalo...make things even?” The idea of spending time with her was inexplicably something he wanted--no, needed. He was drawn to her, he needed to find out more about her. The fact that she would even suggest that she’d give him a tour was astonishing--nobody else he met up until then had brought it up.
“That sounds like a fair deal. I would love that, actually.” He admitted with a smile--it made her blush faintly. It was unexplainable...she had no idea how this man had an effect on her already. They reached the lobby, the door in sight. The soft evening light started filtering in through the glass.
“You know...I’m hosting a party on Friday night--this Friday…” She got irritated with herself, internally, wondering if she was embarrassing herself by talking too much. “...if you would be interested, you are more than welcome there.”
“Really?” He sounded a bit stunned. “I would very much enjoy that. Would it be alright if my sister came along with me? I’d hate to leave her out.”
“If she wants to, of course she can.” She looked at him with a soft smile.
“Well, that’s great.” He smiled back, brightly. “Until then, Miss Baker?”
“I’m already looking forward to it, Sir Sharpe.” He took his hat, putting it on and chuckling softly as he left. With him gone, she sighed. There was something about him that she couldn’t describe. Cordelia immediately set off to bother Anthony for information. She knocked on the door and opened it. Her brother had a completely smitten look as he was reading over the letter. “So...how’s Edith?” She teased, amused.
“She’s fine.” He muttered, closing the letter and putting it on top of the papers.
“Have either of you told the other, yet?”
“No. Stop asking.” He looked at her, half-glaring. “And don’t ask about the baronet. I’m not giving you anything, yet.”
“Fine, fine.” She shook her head. “Then I’ll get back to planning the party.”
“Alright. Have fun.”
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hopeymchope · 3 years
Godzilla Singular Point
I came into Singular Point with some trepidation because Godzilla’s history in anime is both very recent and extremely bad. The three anime movies released between 2017 and 2019 are easily the worst work of famed writer Gen Urobuchi and honestly contain more bullshit than I can even get into here. Those movies and this series were both Godzilla anime properties commissioned by Netflix, which didn’t get my hopes up very much. Thankfully, Singular Point is a very different beast from the anime trilogy. One could argue it’s very different from most Godzilla media, actually — at least from my perspective. And I’m still a pretty entry-level fan of Toho’s Big G, all things considered.
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Let me just warn you right up front: This smartphone-based virtual assistant is basically the breakout star of the series. 
When you think “Godzilla,” you probably don’t think “incredibly dense sci-fi concepts,” but with the big G’s first-ever anime series, the writers clearly set out to change that perception. Before the first kaiju even appears, the lead characters are plucked from obscurity and dropped into a mystery that involves fourth-dimensional time travel, physical objects that look different from all sides, theoretical math concepts, self-propagating A.I., and a whole lot more. And it’s NEVER made clear how all of it connects to the rampaging kaiju! Although we spend a lot of time investigating a red dust or sand that is very obviously tied to the monsters in SOME way, no one ever makes a connection that explains the relationship. Maybe we’re supposed to wait for a later season to connect the threads... but let’s get into the idea of “another season” later.
I like to think of myself as someone who typically enjoys hard sci-fi, but even with the characters spending loads of time trying to explain the high concepts driving the story, I was never able to fully wrap my head around what was going on in the mystery at the center of GSP. I rewound and rewatched a few explanations, but I still walked away feeling lost. I eventually settled on some vague, loose understandings of most of the ideas mentioned, but those understandings were subject to being ripped apart in subsequent scenes when I was shown or told something completely at odds with what I thought I knew. I can’t say I was ever bored with the thick, dense scientific concepts on offer — trying to find purchase with these far-out ideas kept me glued to the screen — but damn, I sure wish I was able to comprehend them.
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Another weird thing about this show is that the lead characters remain in separate locations and on separate tracks for the entire duration. We have Yun — a mechanical engineer and programmer who has an amazing grasp on physics and human behavior. And we have Mei — a grad student who is deeply invested in theoretical science, UMAs, cryptids and other far-flung concepts. Both of them are basically geniuses in their fields, and even though they take opposing views of just how flexible reality is, their shared ability to think “outside the box” becomes the crucial component in solving the mystery at the core of the series. Because they don’t even know one another (despite being separated by like, ONE degree), they only ever interact via text messages and behind screen names, which feels pretty damn weird. At least  I immediately liked both of them, with Yun being the standout to me because of how his lowkey reactions to crazy shit generates a lot of humor.
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This soundtrack cover LIES; you will never see these characters in a room together like this. 
Alas, we don’t get to know the characters a whole lot beyond what we learned of them in the first two episodes. It’s not long before they’re trapped in a series of complicated exposition dumps, endlessly attempting to explain the high concepts of the show to other characters as well as my dumb ass in the audience. The fact that I liked them in the first couple of episodes carried me through more than half of the show, but I was always hoping to see them share more of themselves or just display more emotion. Anime as a medium excels at emotional storytelling. But despite the major, world-altering events the characters are constantly warning us about, none of them seem to have many emotions about said events. 
Further complicating matters is how, when major events finally occur in this show, they are often kept off-screen. One character shockingly dies, but the portrayal of that death is so piss-poor that I didn’t even realize it’d happened until someone mentioned their death in the next episode. After that vague death, I was particularly sensitive to anything that looked like it might possibly be lethal. Yet a later event that is played up as a tragic, fatal occurrence ends up... fine, somehow? It’s not clear how the character survives, because — even after one of our heroes is left screaming their name in despair as they seemingly die — nobody ever talks about or explains how he’s just fine a couple of scenes later. And near the end of the series, there’s a major transformation that occurs for one of the characters, and we never see it happen nor do we understand HOW it happened. It’s just that suddenly, this character is extremely different due to off-screen reasons that are only vaguely verbalized.
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I guess these two really bonded at some point for some reason? And what you are seeing here is literally the height of emotion shown in the entire show.
Even though the overarching story of the series so far pretty clearly wraps up in episode 13, we then get a post-credits tease for a potential second season. So the question becomes: Would I watch that?
Well... Godzilla Singular Point is a series with a lot of issues that kept me at arms’ length from it — tons of extremely confusing dialogue, highly frustrating choices in direction that lead to baffling storytelling, characters who are mostly exposition-dumping — and yet there’s still some foundational work here that I appreciated a lot. When the action occurs, it’s pretty cool/fun. And when urban destruction occurs, it can be awe-inspiring. The human characters, though little-explored, have likable and interesting foundations to them that could be expanded upon. And I didn’t even mention the soundtrack, which features a variety of musical styles combined with the classic Ifukube theme music and an OP that is an absolute banger. (I have a weakness when it comes to music; a good soundtrack can carry me through even the blandest series sometimes.) Even the core idea of centering a Godzilla series around hard science and mathematical concepts is a compelling one, I think! I just hated the execution of it; they went waaaaay too far on poorly explaining incredibly complex, mind-bending concepts for my pea brain to handle it. They spend so much time trying to explain things, yet somehow they never succeeded for me. 
Ultimately, I’d probably give the show another chance. But if I do give another season a chance, it’ll be on probation. I wouldn’t watch the entire season unless I could see within four episodes that they’d definitely improved things.
Would I recommend that anyone watch the series as it currently stands? I mean... not really? I guess if you really dig complex math, hard theoretical science, and/or Toho’s stable of monsters, then maaaaaaaaaaybe give it a shot. But otherwise? Naaaahh. It’s not good enough at anything to make it stand out from the anime crowd. I didn’t hate it like I hated the Godzilla anime films, but Singular Point is still something that both casual viewers and most fans can comfortably ignore for the time being. It’s not a complete disaster, and it’s not without its highlights... but it’s definitely disappointing in my opinion.
OKAYOKAYOKAY, so let’s talk about the kaiju for a bit! 
Below will be SPOILERS revealing all of the kaiju that appear in Godzilla Singular Point and giving my feelings on them. 
Godzilla — It’s interesting to see a version of Godzilla that borrows some ideas from Shin Godzilla. Shin G has been incredibly unique until now, but this Godzilla manages to fold some of Shin’s distinctive aspects in with the more classic/typical versions to build a fun new depiction. Be forewarned that Godzilla doesn’t show up until the series is halfway over, and he doesn’t get a ton of screen time, either. He’s used quite sparingly and kept in hazy settings, often framed from the neck-up when they show him. It’s a little frustrating that they felt the need to shroud him so much, but I respect the fact that whenever Godzilla is shown, the destruction he causes is on a scale far beyond anything that the rest of the kaiju ever do. He is pure devastation. 
Rodan — He’s easily the biological kaiju with the most screen time in Singular Point. Rodan is first introduced as one gigantic pterosaur, but if you’ve seen ANY trailers for this show then you already know that his depiction transitions into an asston of smaller pterosaurs, all of whom are also called “Rodan.” (Apparently the word Rodan is both singular and plural, like the word “buffalo.”) Although he looks kind of cool at first, pretty soon Rodan showing up isn’t special or threatening anymore. Rodan appearances go from “a big goddamn deal” to “some bland background noise” before the series is even 1/3 finished. The design might be a little too far removed from the original for my own taste, but even if I didn’t think that, I wouldn’t be able to care for this Rodan simply because he’s rendered so unimportant and unimpressive.
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If you go out in the woods today, you’re sure of a big surprise... 
Anguirus — Now check this guy out! Anguirus gets one of the coolest fights in the show and also demonstrates some powers that are well beyond anything we’ve seen him do before. Because he sticks to unpopulated areas, we never see him do much damage to Japan, but he is definitely holding all the attention when he’s on-screen. He’s a highlight for me — a total badass who is very unique in his abilities. And the stated origin for his name is goddamn adorable.
Manda — Yup, Manda is in this series... but I don’t have much to say for him. It seems like the creators of the anime didn’t have much to say about him either. His role amounts to little more than a repeated cameo, and in most of those cameos you only ever see his tail. When we finally see his full body, it’s done so briefly and kept at a distance, leaving me with no real impression. I had to look up his design online and... yup, that sure looks like Manda. Final score: MEEEEHH.
Kumonga — I definitely did not see this appearance coming! Kumonga is much smaller here than you may be used to, but she gets to star in the most suspenseful sequence in the series and easily earns the most exciting cliffhanger moment at the end of an episode. I was utterly glued to the show during her screen time, which comes with a lot of icky twists. Good ones! I honestly like Kumonga here more than I ever have previously.
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Salunga — Uh, who? This is the one monster that isn’t based on a classic Toho kaiju but instead is a brand-new creation. I suppose that everybody who touches the Toho Kaiju franchise wants to make their own mark on it in some regard. But a big part of the fun of this series for me personally was the anticipation of seeing new interpretations and designs of classic Toho monsters. And so, given that he kind of resembles both Baragon and Gabara, I never stopped wishing they’d just used one of those guys as the basis and namesake. Taken on his own, however? He’s... pretty neat. Not unique or exciting, but solidly above par.  He resembles a cross between a lizard/dinosaur and an ape, plus his head has some nifty coloration. 
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Our Jaguar!
Jet Jaguar — I guess Jet Jaguar isn’t exactly a kaiju in the traditional sense because he’s a Giant Robot. However, if you want to consider him one, then I wager he probably gets even more screen time than Rodan! We meet him almost immediately when the series begins. Initially an odd pilot-driven robot that was constructed at the whim of a quirky old factory-owner with too much disposable income, Jet Jaguar grows and changes over the course of the show, ultimately undergoing a transition in episode 7 that makes him pretty damn impossible to dislike. In fact, I utterly adored him by then. This is definitely the best Jet Jaguar I’ve ever seen. His design is recognizably similar to the original yet utterly distinct, too. Like many of the other kaiju here, he’s not nearly as big as he was when he was first introduced to the movies, but his size is ideal for battling the smaller-scale monsters that we spend most of the series on.
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 years
BTS Reaction || Getting Sick Whilst Married [Request]
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A/N: I’m sorry if this isn’t quite what you had in mind but I used a lot of illnesses me or someone around me have been through to help with this and I’m sorry it took so long, I did a lot of research to make sure what I was writing was correct 
A/N: I didn’t want to use the current virus/sickness/illness that is happening around us as I didn’t want to come across as insensitive to those who are suffering with it or that are effect by it by writing about it.  I hope you understand
Jin stared at you as you laid on the bed, you hadn't moved all week and he was starting to get worried about you. It was lucky that the kids were at school and you could relax for most of the days to help yourself feel better but you were starting to get worse. He knew the symptoms and he knew you knew them too but neither of you were prepared to say anything, whenever you thought about it you just got flashbacks to when you first started dating Jin. 
"You feeling any better?" You shook your head and he laid the tray down in front of you, taking your temperature and giving you some water, he wanted to take you to the hospital and get you seen to but he knew he couldn't do that while the kids were home,
"I'll call Namjoon to pick up the kids, and then call Hoseok to remind Namjoon to pick them up. You're not okay." He didn't even give you time to protest, which was a good thing in his book because he knew you were going to refuse to go, claiming it was nothing and it would all pass over but he knew that was wrong, he knew you weren't okay and needed to be seen to, images from the past came flooding back to him with every passing second.
You'd only been dating for a couple of months and now you were laid upon Jin's sofa, saying you were fine when you looked like death. Your lips were a blue colour, your face was flushed and you couldn't eat anything which wasn't you at all. Jin made the decision to drag you to the hospital once you were unable to form sentences, much to your disgust but you couldn't voice your opinion because whenever you tried to talk it would come out in the form of slurs as if you were drunk except you hadn't touched a sip of water much less alcohol. The doctor who saw you had you attached to machines while they ran tests, they fed you through a tube and kept you topped up on fluids but Jin wasn't allowed into the room while they worked around you, he had to stay outside while he waited for results. You were passed out on the bed while the doctors rushed around your body and it was worrying Jin because no one was saying anything, they all stayed silent and when they did talk it was all in code so nurses could note down something and leave the room again only to come back with more machines. 
"We're just going to take some blood tests and then you can go and sit with her." A nurse said to Jin when she came out of the room for the sixth time in the last five minutes.
It was lucky Jin dragged you to the hospital when he did otherwise you wouldn't have known what was wrong with you, your kidney's had gone down to functioning at only 23%, you were awake now and Jin was sitting with you when the doctor delivered the news, informing you that you could have died if you'd waited one more day and it was reckless to not come and see him sooner, you were placed under surveillance at the hospital, with a saline drip to avoid getting dehydrated, Jin made sure you knew he wasn't going to go anywhere, even though the hospital nurses told him multiple times to go home as there was nothing he could do by being there and that visiting times were over but he didn't want to leave your side. Not even for a second. 
"Your results are showing that your Kidney's are failing again," The doctor said as you sat up in the bed, your hands linked with Jin's as the doctor ran through your chart, 
"But from before we know that Mr Kim is a match for you and is in healthy condition to do the operation...If you would be willing to go through with it." Jin was nodding on your behalf but you were trying to shake your head in protest, you didn't want him to lose a kidney because one of yours was failing to work. 
"She means yes," Jin said to the doctor, you stared at him and the doctor walked out of the room to give you some privacy to talk it over. 
"Jin, you're not doing this for me. They'll start working again as they did before." You said to him trying to get him to think rationally about this, both of you couldn't be laid up in a hospital room, you both had kids to think about. 
"The kids, they need one of us around." He sighed and came to your side, taking your hands in his and looking at you, staring deep into your eyes. 
"You need this kidney, the boys know about everything and I'm sure Namjoon won't mind babysitting for a little longer, he loves kids." You shook your head to try and stop yourself from crying.
"What if one of us doesn't survive the surgery, or what if only one of us does?" He was shaking his head at you, always overthinking and letting your mind jump to the worst conclusion possible. 
"You're more likely to get hit by a bus then either of us dying on the operating table. Now, rest up. I'll get Namjoon to bring the kids here and we'll have a family meeting about everything, explain to them what's happening." You nodded and relaxed back against the hospital bed.
The surgery went along perfectly and now you were in a twin hospital room with Jin, your beds close enough together so that you could hold conversations without having to shout across the room to one another. There was a light knock on the door and the doctor walked into the room holding a clipboard and smiling at you both, 
"The surgery was a success, you'll both be able to move around again soon." You smiled at the doctor and Jin gave you an 'I told you so look' The doctor excused himself and Jin chuckled. 
"What?" You questioned looking over at him, he smirked at you. 
"I really am your perfect match," You groaned throwing your head back against the pillows behind you, it was going to be an extremely long week ahead of you, full of dad jokes that you were going to have to pretend to find funny since he was your husband.
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If anyone would have told you this is where you would have been when you first started dating Yoongi you would have laughed about it, but here you were. Three months into dating Min Yoongi and you were laid up in a hospital bed, attached to different machines that were monitoring you 24 hours day, seven days a week to keep you breathing and functioning. All this because of a small incident that happened a few weeks ago, a small minor car accident where no one was injured, or at least no one was injured that you could see, it took a week for you to start showing signs with what was wrong with you and even when you started showing signs you ignored it, hoping the sharp stabbing pain in your chest would go away, you kept it to yourself not wanting to worry Yoongi since you had only just started dating but when he came over to your apartment to spend an evening with you and found you struggling to breathe and your fingertips turning blue he rushed to the hospital with you, ignoring the take out food he'd brought back with him and focusing on you, much to your dismay and pleading to him that it was nothing and that you were fine. 
But you weren't fine, you were far from fine. The doctor's performed countless amounts of tests, finding what was wrong with you after a chest X-Ray that showed in the car accident you'd damaged your chest badly enough to cause a collapsed lung. From there you were placed into different rooms with different doctors, all of them telling you different ways of action and explaining in doctor language what needed to be done, while you gazed into space wondering what was wrong, if you would live and how you were going to deal with it Yoongi was by your side, holding your hand and taking notes on how he was going to look after you. He'd just met the love of his life and he was going to make sure he could do everything in his power to make sure you were okay.
"Yoongi." You stuttered out later that night after the doctor left, he turned to face you and you smiled softly at him with tears running down your face, it was the first time you were able to talk to him without being surrounded by nurses.
"I know it might be soon but-" He stopped you, shaking his head now, tears welling up in his eyes as he knew what you were trying to do, you were trying to say goodbye when there was no need to, he began shutting the laptop down that he had one of the boys drop off earlier, he moved closer to you and took hold of your hands, wanting you to listen to him properly. 
"I love you," You smiled weakly at him it would make you feel better if you could tell him goodbye now but you knew he didn't need that, he needed you to think positively about the surgery,
"And you can tell me you love me tomorrow when you come up after your successful surgery." He whispered to you, knowing you were worrying out of control by what was happening, the doctor told you they were going to perform a small surgery, inserting a needle into the chest cavity to remove the pressure that was being caused, promising you that it would be fine and that they had done the surgery a million times before, but it still wasn't putting your mind at ease.
Yoongi came home from the studio with a giant smile on his face, he and the boys had finished the new album and now he was home with his wife and son, except you weren't in the kitchen to greet him like you normally were and your son was playing with his toys in the living room, 
"Y/N?" He called out walking further into the living room and bending down to kiss your son before going to find you. You'd been married for four years now and your son was three years old. 
"Y/n?" He yelled out again, going up the stairs to look for you he heard sniffling coming from the bedroom and pushed the door open to see you on the shared bed, holding onto a pillow and crying. 
"Y-Yoongi." You stuttered out, slowly making yourself sit up in the bed and staring at him, he rushed to your side and you were taking rapid and shallows breaths, your chest was pounding and you were crying.
"Y/n, what's wrong?" You gripped onto his hands tightly trying to calm yourself down, a panic attack wasn't causing the breathing or chest pain but you knew it wouldn't help the situation if you were to have one right now. 
"I feel like I can't breathe." That's all Yoongi needed to hear, pulling his phone out of his pocket and getting you out of the bed, pulling you towards the staircase to get you into the car, once he knew you were safe inside the car he headed back inside for your son. Rushing you all to the hospital. 
There you were again, laid in a hospital bed with Yoongi by your side holding your hand tightly as the doctor came into the room with a clipboard, going over some notes and then looking up at all three of you, your son sitting on the floor next to Yoongi playing with some hospital issues toys. 
"I can confirm that there are no signs of the lung collapsing again, but we will keep you overnight and sometime tomorrow to make sure but we're pretty certain it is just a bad chest infection." He said to you, writing out a prescription for some antibiotics and leaving the room, you turned to Yoongi and both of you relaxed a little more knowing you weren't going back into the way you first were.
"You have to stop scaring me like this." He joked leaning down and kissing you on the lips, you kissed him back softly and rest your head against his. 
"I'm sorry Yoongles." You giggled at the nickname for him and he sat back down in the chair in front of your son, you smiled at how perfect that image was, your husband and son together.
"I love you." You whispered to him laying back on the bed and watching them both, your eyes becoming heavy with how tired you were. 
"We love you too." Yoongi said to you, watching as you slowly drifted to sleep in front of him. 
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You stared down at the positive pregnancy in your hand test in shock, you couldn't be pregnant, you and Hoseok hadn't seen together...Well, actually you could be pregnant. You rushed over to the calendar you had in the bathroom and checked over the timeline just to make sure you didn't miss something, no, this was right. You could be pregnant, you threw the test into the bin, making a plan to call a doctor and check before you told Hobi, he was at the studio so you didn't want him to find out just yet, he already missed you, his wife, and his two kids you didn't want to give him more of a reason to come home and not concentrate on the work that needed to get done. You only took the test because you were always needing to pee, your boobs were sore and you were bloating, you didn't think you could actually be pregnant but you were wrong.
"Where's mummy?" Hobi asked over the skype a week later to your son who was answering the ringing phone while you were in the ultrasound room, you'd been wheeled down after your doctor ordered a countless amount of tests, your mum was looking after the children since you hadn't told Hoseok you were pregnant, she told you she would come with you as well for the scans. But after telling the doctor about the pains you were having he ordered more tests because of your medical past. 
"Mummy's in the hospital room, big scary doctors." Hoseok stared at the screen and then your mum came into view, and he asked for answers, wanting to know where you were and why you were in the hospitals without telling him. 
"I'll be right there." He said hanging up the call and dashing for the exit, images of you from when you first started dating began playing over in his head.
"You appear to have an ovarian cyst, now usually they're nothing to worry about as they are very common in women your age but," The doctor stared at you and Hoseok, you'd come in because you were worrying about yourself, it was painful to have intercourse, you were in a lot of pain and always needed to go to the toilet, amongst a lot of painful cramps in your abdomen that left you almost immobile on the floor, Hoseok had come home from the dance studio to find you sobbing on the bathroom floor about how much pain you were in and he told you he was worried, so that's how you ended up in the hospital with a bunch of tests being run on you to find out exactly what was wrong with you.
"But?" Hoseok asked trying to get him to continue but the doctor stared at you as if questioning if it was okay for Hoseok to be there so you took hold of Hobi's hand as a signal everything was okay.
"We have to perform a surgery to make sure it's nothing cancerous, it's only small and you'll be awake throughout the procedure, you won't feel anything." You nodded at the doctor and he walked out of the room, giving you a moment to talk to Hoseok alone.
You came up after the surgery and you were groggy and wanted nothing more than to just curl up on the bed with Hoseok next to you but you could barely move, the surgery was only small but the stitches were a huge bitch because of where they were on your body, Hoseok smiled at you and took hold of your hand, running his thumb along your knuckles and waiting for the doctor to come in and talk to you both, you'd only been dating a few months but he was protective over you and wanted to do anything to make sure you were okay.
"It's nothing cancerous, you're fine. You're very lucky it was just a cyst, you should have come to see us sooner, this could have killed you." The doctor said in another cold and disapproving tone, he left the room and Hoseok kissed your forehead lightly and reassured you that you could just sleep off the medication and he would be there for you when you woke up.
"Hobi?" You questioned when he walked into the hospital room, your kids rushed over to him throwing their small arms around their dad and giggling as he picked them up, walking over to the bed and sitting them down at the end of the bed. 
"What's wrong?" You looked down at your hands nervously, staring at the little band around your wrist with your name written across it. 
"The cysts are back...but one of them is ruptured." Your mum took the kids out of the room and Hoseok took hold of your hand, 
"What does that mean exactly?" He was worried but trying not to show it, 
"They're going to monitor me for a while, keep me medicated and then do a small surgery on my other ovary as I have one on both sides." You whispered finally letting the tears go, you weren't in pain right now because you were dosed up on strong hospital painkillers that were numbing the pain, you were just upset. 
"Why didn't you tell me you were in the hospital?" You looked away from him, wiping your eyes and staring out of the window, 
"I thought I was pregnant...The test said positive and I got excited for a moment, wanting to keep it a secret." He sighed and sat down next to you on the bed, you leant your head on his chest and he rubbed your arms reassuringly. 
"Next time, tell me. Now, we know what the surgery is, it's small and you'll be fine. Me and the kids will be waiting for you." You nodded and he kissed the tears away from your cheeks, you could always count on him to cheer you up in these types of situation. 
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You hadn't eaten properly in days, you were curled up in the hospital bed with a heat patch laid across your abdomen to try and help with the pain you were having, it was excruciating but you didn't know what else to do so you just stayed dosed up on painkillers and heat patches hoping the pain would stop soon but you finally went to see a doctor who told you they would be running some tests, Namjoon, your boyfriend of two months was at work in his studio all day and had been for the last week, you told him you were fine while he was at work, although he wanted to come and spend time with you, you knew he had work to do and you didn't want to bother him with your pointless pains so you didn't tell him you were laid up in a hospital bed but it was going to be hard to hide it from him when you were supposed to be going to see him for lunch. 
"When can I leave?" You questioned the nurse who was bringing you some food to eat, but she looked at you nervously before out of the small window in the room, outside the door was Namjoon and your doctor, talking about you, you only knew that because they kept turning to stare at you, as soon as Namjoon met your eyes you looked down at the floor.  
"Why didn't you text me?" You looked up when he came into the room and he sighed, sitting down next to you and taking hold of your hand and kissing it. 
"They called me because I'm down as your emergency contact." You nodded, you added him as the emergency contact since you weren't close to anyone else other than him and it seemed like a good idea at the time but looking back on it now, it probably wasn't the best idea. 
"Joonie, it's nothing. It'll pass, I get like this sometimes." But Namjoon was shaking his head at you, 
"Doctor said it's your appendix, grumbling appendicitis." You stared at him, you'd heard of it before but you knew it was nothing major, something that could be treated by strong painkillers and no surgery, you didn't want surgery.
"I'm not having surgery." You said sitting up in the bed and regretting it instantly, Namjoon stared at you confused as to why you were so against the surgery to remove your appendix. 
"It's a small surgery." You shook your head, trying to get out of the bed so the doctor couldn't convince you to have the surgery. 
"Sit down, you're in pain."
"I'm not having the surgery Namjoon, I can't. I won't." He nodded seeing how adamant you were about it and didn't want to push you. 
"That's fine, we'll tell the doctor and we'll make sure you're stable enough to go home, but I'm staying with you until you're better." You nodded in agreement with him and smiled softly, glad you had someone so understanding by your side. You just couldn't go through with it, the thought of surgery scared the hell out of you, and you didn't want to tell anyone it was one of your main fears in life.
You knew the pain as soon as it started, you knew exactly what was happening but you didn't tell Namjoon about it, you just continued with everything as if it was nothing. Your husband was at work and you were at home with your daughter who was taking her afternoon nap. Namjoon knew you were sick but you didn't tell him how sick you really were, you didn't want him to make a big deal over nothing serious so you told him you were fine, which was far from the truth. You whimpered as you reached to the top shelf for your painkillers, the pain in your lower right side was coming and going but it was painful nevertheless. You knew it was getting worse though when you started sweating a lot, and your temperature was well above the normal temperature for you or anyone else. 
"Shit." You whispered as the cramps got worse with every passing second, you called Jungkook on your mobile, telling him to come over and babysit for a little, asking him not to tell Namjoon that you'd asked him to come over, as you didn't want to worry him at work.
 "Miss I'm afraid you can't go anywhere." The nurse said as you tried to get out of the bed, the doctor was trying to talk to you about the surgery you needed but you weren't having any of it, you wanted no part in it again. 
"I don't want the surgery, I have a child and husband at home to get back to." You threw the blanket off your body and put your feet onto the ground trying to walk away but your body fell out beneath you and the nurses helped you sit back down. 
"It's not as simple as that Miss, your appendix has burst and if we don't operate right away you could die." You stared at the doctor and then realised the sincerity of the situation, you nodded and they began rushing about around you, getting you to sign forms before sending you down to the operating room, you pleaded with the nurse to call your husband but she told you she would do it for you.
"She's waking up." You heard someone say in a hushed tone, you grumbled something going to roll over onto your side but hissing as you did so, your eyes shot open and you glanced around the room, standing in front of you were Namjoon, your daughter and the rest of the boys all staring at you worriedly. 
"Let's get some chocolate milk." Jungkook said picking up your daughter and walking out of the room with the rest of the boys following behind him, Namjoon stared at you with a disapproving look.
"You're fine?" He said with a smirk, you groaned laying your head back against the pillow and staring at him, you didn't want the whole I told you so lecture so you just nodded. 
"You were right and I was wrong. I'm sorry, but please don't tell me I told you so because I will throw this IV bag at your head." You joked laughing a little and looking at him, his expression changed from smug to concerned all at once, he gripped onto your hand and looked at you in the eyes. 
"Don't ever do that again. You scared the life out of me." You nodded at him,
"I promise Joonie." You whispered, he smiled sadly and leaned forward, leaving a kiss on your head
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The doctor began reading off the chart what was wrong with you, the way he stood and stared at you brought back everything from when you first started dating Jimin into your mind, the way the doctor stared and read of the chart coldly with no emotion as if he didn't care what was wrong with you, as if it was somehow your fault you were the way you were. You were four months into your relationship when you ended up in the hospital... 
Jimin rushed you into the hospital when you first got sick, it was bad, worse than any sickness bug you'd ever had before. You were tired, could barely move out of bed and around the apartment but it was when Jimin came home from the studio to find you vomiting that he began to worry, it wasn't normal vomiting, you were vomiting blood up and a lot of it too, so he called off practise all week so he could be with you in the hospital, even though you told him you would be fine and he had a comeback to prepare for, he didn't want to leave your side, assuring you that the boys didn't mind and that you were more important to him than anything else right now and that the only thing that mattered was finding out what was wrong and helping you get better. 
"I have the results." The doctor said in a cold tone staring at the chart and then back up at you, Jimin was holding your hand as the doctor told you what was wrong with you. 
"You have Cirrohis." You and Jimin stared at him waiting for him to explain what that was in human talk and not doctor terms, the doctor side putting the clipboard down onto the table at the end of your bed. 
"It's liver damage. Caused by excessive amounts of drinking." You frowned shaking your head, that couldn't be right. You barely drank and when you did it was one or two glasses of wine at the most, and even then it was once a month...You didn't drink excessive amounts of anything except water. You took care of yourself. 
"That doesn't make any sense...I rarely drink." You said to the doctor trying to defend yourself to someone who didn't look like they cared. 
"We'll put you on the donor list, in the meantime, I suggest staying away from alcohol and reducing the salt in your diet and we'll put you on some blood pressure medication. You're in risk of dying! Do you understand this." Jimin was livid with the doctor, how he was talking to you was out of order. 
"She doesn't drink, she already told you that." But the doctor continued to ignore both of your protests and wrote out the prescription for the medication you needed before leaving the room, slamming the door behind him and leaving you and Jimin alone in silence.
"Jimin I don't drink-" He shook his head sitting down next to you on the bed. 
"I'll get you a new doctor, someone who will listen to us." You nodded in agreement and he kissed the side of your head. 
That's what you did, you got a new doctor and you were diagnosed with Cirrohis again except the doctor was more understanding and explained that sometimes Cirrohis can occur in people who don't drink excessive amounts of alcohol and here you were again with the doctor who was reading off a chart that your liver was failing and you needed a transplant right away. You'd began to notice that it was getting worse when you started losing a lot of weight quicker than you should have been. Jimin began to pick up on it too when you started bruising after every little bump, and how you could no longer keep up with your four-year-old son, you would normally be able to run after him and keep up with him being so energetic but you couldn't anymore so Jimin brought you back to the doctor.
"Looks like it's been bad for a while, have you not noticed anything before now?" The female doctor asked you, you shook your head looking over at your husband, Jimin, and your son who was playing at the end of the hospital room, Jimin was trying to keep him busy. 
"I mean...I've been tired and I lost my sex drive but that's it...I thought it was because I was pregnant." The doctor shook her head looking over your charts again, there were no indicators to being pregnant on your charts. 
"You're lucky you're at the top of the transplant list right now, but we will need to keep you here until one becomes available." The doctor left the room and Jimin came over to your side, kissing the top of your head as you smiled sadly. 
"I won't be leaving for a while." You whispered to him, trying to keep your voice down, not wanting your son to hear you, he was only four but it didn't mean he didn't understand things going on around him. He knew when Jimin was away on tour and you knew how upset it made him so you wanted to keep it from him for now. 
"We'll visit every day, and I'll make sure everyone knows that I'll be working from the hospital from now on." You shook your head at him, you didn't want him to throw everything away for you, you knew it could be a while before a liver was ready for you and you didn't want him sitting every day with you, bored out of his mind while you waited for something that in all honestly could never come. 
"No, you'll go to work at the studio and I'll make sure someone can look after our little man." You said to him, taking his hand and kissing it, he chuckled at you and nodded in agreement, he knew there was no use arguing with you over this, you always got your way. 
"Fine, but I will be visiting every day." You nodded. 
"Who else is going to bring me my daily cup of pudding." You joked. 
"You mean who else are you going to annoy all the time." He said leaning down and kissing your lips. You knew you would be okay, as long as Jimin was calm about it all, you knew you would be too.
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You were in the hospital with Taehyung when you finally told him what was wrong with you. He'd taken you out for your sixth-month anniversary to go to a big fancy restaurant and you hadn't told him about your condition so when he got a bottle of red wine for the table you felt guilty for not touching it, it looked expensive and you felt bad if you didn't drink some of it. Looking back on that decision now it probably wasn't the best choice of ideas, the symptoms started as they usually did, runny nose, feeling extremely faint and dizzy and then you began to get red in the face, you'd forgotten to bring your EPI pen with you though which is how you ended up laying in the hospital bed, Taehyung by your side while you waited for the doctor to come back and tell you how serious the situation was and how bad you could have been if you'd drank any more than you did.
"Why didn't you tell me?" You looked at the ceiling feeling even worse than before for not telling him but Taehyung felt a lot worse for not knowing and buying a bottle of wine and making you feel like you had to drink it because it was there. 
"I just didn't want you to think I was weird." You admitted shyly, trying to avoid looking at him but he turned your head with his fingers so he could face you while he was talking and sighed, running his thumb under your eyes to get rid of the running mascara, you'd cried to the nurse when you told her what was happening and you cried when you told Taehyung when they brought you out, admitting everything about why you couldn't drink and what it did to your body, how too much could potentially kill you if you weren't careful.
"I wouldn't think you were weird because you're allergic to something." He sighed letting out a breathy chuckle as you giggled along with him, you lent into his hand and he bent down, leaving a kiss on your forehead. 
"We will be more careful though, can't have you dying on me." He joked looking over at the door as the doctor entered the room, giving you another prescription for an EPI pen and talking to you about the seriousness of what happened that night and how to prevent it in the future.
"Y/N?" Taehyung asked as you slipped back into the booth, you were out with the boys to celebrate their new comeback, your kids were at home with Taehyung's mum and dad and you were ready to dance the night away together. It was the first time you'd been out together in the last three years that wasn't to a play date with your kids, it was just you, your husband and his six best friends celebrating, you'd been drinking coke all night and having a good time but you were starting to feel extremely sick, the room was starting to spin and you had a headache that made you feel like your head was about to explode. 
"I think it's too loud for her," Jimin said coming to your side, Taehyung eyed you up and you felt your head fall backwards, you were staring up at the ceiling confused as to what was going on when Taehyung came rushing to your side, searching through your handbag in a frantic motion, yelling something to Namjoon and the other boys who were all confused as to what was going on, Jimin pulled you from the booth and laid you down on your side trying to get you into the recovery position knowing what was happening, Tae and Jimin were the only ones who knew about your condition, you didn't want everyone knowing the ins and outs of your life story, you couldn't speak and ask what was going on, it was as if you lost complete control over your body and what to do with it. You couldn't cry out for Tae to hold your hand because you were scared because your mouth couldn't form the words to do so. 
The next thing you knew you were awake in a hospital bed, you looked to your left and Taehyung was asleep in the chair and to your right was Jimin who was on his phone. 
"Jimin?" You questioned sitting up in the bed slowly, Tae woke up once he heard your voice and he stared at you, ringing the nurse's button and standing up.
"Tae." You whispered in relief as soon as his hand made contact with yours, he kissed your head and you smiled. 
"How are you feeling?" You nodded in response to him, you felt fine, better than you did when you were in the club, Jimin got up and went to find someone to come and help you. 
"You scared the shit out of me." He said to you, you laughed softly and rubbed your arms. 
"What happened?" You questioned, you didn't have any idea, you'd been drinking coke all night, nothing more. 
"I think one of the guys got you a rum and coke by accident, they didn't know and we must not have noticed until it got really bad," Taehyung explained to you, you nodded and laid your head down on the bed, moving over so that he could lay down next to you. 
"You could have died Y/n." He warned you but you shrugged your shoulders, trying not to think about how bad things could have been, you could have left Taehyung behind with your two twin boys, alone. Tears sprang to your eyes at the thought of it and Tae knew what you were thinking about instantly,
"We have to tell them so something like this doesn't happen again." You nodded in agreement not wanting to fight him on it, you knew he was right, you laid your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat to try and relax yourself a little more, you knew how dangerous it was to be out but you thought you would have been safe...You had to start telling people for the sake of others around you, no matter how ''embarrassing'' you thought it was, even though it was nothing to be embarrassed about, Taehyung's hands found their way into your hair and he began to play with it to try and relax you a little more, he always did this whenever you were at home and stressed out.
"I called mum, she'll watch the boys for the night so we can get you home and well-rested." You hummed and he chuckled at you, you were sleepy despite just waking up.
"Go to sleep." He whispered wanting you to get as much sleep as possible so you would be okay again.
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Jungkook held your hand as they wheeled you down to surgery, you were trying to fight going down for it but there was nothing you or Jungkook could do, it was a serious surgery and it needed to happen. 
"Baby you have to do this." You shook your head at him, tears streaming down your cheeks from the fear of going under the knife and the pain you were in. You'd only gone to the hospital to find out why you were throwing up and getting bad cramps and after multiple CT scans it showed up that there was a blockage in your lower intestine and they needed to remove it right away as it could have killed you. 
"Jungkook please." You pleaded but it was too late, the nurse stopped him from coming into the room and shut the door so he couldn't enter, you were dosed up with meds to knock you out and the surgery was going ahead. You understood why they had to do what they had to do but it didn't make the situation any less scary, you were 17 at the time and Jungkook was 18 so neither of you could protest the operation since your parents had already told you it was happening despite you wanting it or not wanting it doing. They were your legal guardians.
The doctors removed the mass and it wasn't cancerous or deadly towards you, just damaging to your body. The small surgery was over and you were back up on the ward with Jungkook, listening to everything the doctor told you to stop another blockage from happening. 
It happened again. You were back in a hospital bed with bad cramps and heartburn...At first, you thought it was just because you were pregnant, pregnancy tended to bring on acid reflux and heartburn problems but when you began to get really sick and bad cramps you knew you had to go and see someone, you waited for Jungkook, your husband of four years, to come home from the studio and went together though. Both of you sick with worry as you sat there in the hospital room waiting for the doctor to come back. They'd been running tests all night and day on you, sending you for multiple different scans, ones that wouldn't harm the baby in any way, and then telling you nothing about the results which only made you worry more about what was going on around you.
"What if it's back Kookie, what if this time it is-" He shook his head, taking hold of your hand and trying to calm you down, he began drawing small and invisible patterns into your skin. 
"It won't be, if something was there they would have said something." He whispered trying to reassure you that everything was fine and you were both worrying over nothing. A nurse came into the room with a wheelchair and nodded at you, you got up from the bed and went over to her, sitting down in the chair and reaching out for Jungkook's hand, you told the nurse you weren't going to go anywhere without him by your side. He was there when you went for your first surgery and he was going to be there if you had to go for another, or for any tests. 
You were laying on the ultrasound bed with Jungkook by your side, they didn't tell you what they were looking for but they were scanning all over your body, your hips, your lower back, your ribs and then your stomach. 
"What are you looking for?" You questioned trying not to cry over something you didn't need to cry about, you were just worried by everything going on around you. 
"The doctor wants us to check for anything abnormal about you." The nurse said running the ultrasound scanner over your ribs and staring at the screen, taking snapshots of whatever it was they were looking for. 
"Nothing out of the ordinary." She whispered running it along your stomach and then down to your lower back, humming and going back to your stomach you stared at her and she turned the screen away from you instantly making you think of the worst possible scenario, she finished the exam and then let you clean up and go back up to your room. 
"Sorry for taking so long, we just wanted to make sure everything on your files was correct." The doctor said as he entered your room, you and Jungkook were clinging to each other. You'd been sat waiting for the doctor for the last two hours. 
"Is everything okay?" You questioned first, worried about everything but the doctor was looking over the files and then up at you. 
"Yes, nothing wrong. Everything is fine. But we had to check over your pregnancy files." You nodded and Jungkook stared at the doctor asking him to continue. 
"It's not a blockage, or anything like that rest assured you're in perfect condition." You finally let go of the breath that you'd been holding in for so long and felt like you could breathe properly again.
"We just had to go over your midwife checks, you've been told you're having just the one baby is that correct?" You nodded at the doctor and ran your hand over your bump. 
"Well congratulations, you're having twins." You blinked at the doctor, both you and Jungkook were in shock from that last sentence, he slid some photographs over to you and you both stared at the two babies on the sonogram in front of you. 
"Twins?" You questioned, feeling breathless again, the doctor nodded. 
"It caused the symptoms of your blockage because they're a lot like pregnancy symptoms...I'm quite glad you came to get seen, that would have been a pleasant surprise on your delivery date," He continued to talk about how the midwives and other ultrasounds could have missed an important detail and gave you medication to keep yourself fit and healthy for both of the babies.
"Twins." Jungkook said to you with a giant smile on his face. 
"TWINS!" He yelled jumping up and down and going to call the rest of the boys to let them know the good news.
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@yourguessisasgoodasminemate​ @yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @lynnthevirgo​ @snowy-meowl​ @lovies-kpop-fan-fiction​
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nade2308 · 4 years
First Lines of Last 20....
Guidelines: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20,  just list them all.) Choose your favorite opening line, tag some friends!
Tagged by @impossiblepluto. Thanks friend!
(And just as always, I deviate from the mold and I give you more than just the first lines and/or my favorite lines 😈)
1. You don't know you are beautiful
Jack was so pissed. He was thrumming with nervous energy and was itching for a fight. Especially with that good for nothing, piece of shit, pretentious and pompous guy they were sent to retrieve because he had valuable intel the Phoenix stumbled upon by chance.
2. Catch you when you fall
Scott was always ready to push himself further, just that one step towards the tipping point. He thought if he went harder, and longer, that it will yield better results, but it wasn't always the case. That frustrated him even more and then he was angry at himself for doing that to himself and his friends. And to his dad. His dad who bent himself forwards and backwards to make sure Scott had everything he needed and more.
3. Coming home to you
You know that feeling when you want something so bad, but you have to wait for it? Yeah, Mac was feeling like that now. He was this close to losing it after the op ended. He couldn't wait to get back to Jack. Well, get back to Jack and get laid in the process.
4. "There's still time to change the road you're on"
Jack was in Texas for the birthday of his nephew and it just happened that his nephew was best friends with the kid of one of Jack's old flames. Well, more like a summer relationship, but seventeen year old Jack thought she was it. They had a thing that was actually cute and sweet. He took her out on dates at the local pizza place, and she took him to community events.
5. 98.Separated
Alina Chernyshevsky was a Russian scientist working at a lab in LA, on a scholarship who was kidnapped by a rogue crime group almost a week ago. The Phoenix was tasked with recovering her and capturing any of the members of the group they could find. It turned out that the son of a banker, the daughter of a businessman and the brother and sister, the kids of one of the most powerful Romanian crime groups had one thing in common. They wanted to get out from under the shadow that their parents put them in. So they formed their own union, and thanks to the ties Andrei Bogdan, their leader, had from his father's world, they quickly made their way up in the underground dark world. Climbing up the ladders, they did the odd jobs here and there, hits on important people for hire, and it was based on their combined knowledge of the finances, the system and the law, that they stayed undetected and under the radar for so long. Until Alina discovered some sample or another in the lab that was brought for testing and she made herself a target and was kidnapped in broad daylight.
6. Dye Hard
It wasn't like it was something he was dying to try. He was just looking at pictures of people with wonderfully done hair. Which happened to also be dyed in all the colors of the rainbow and more. It was just research. For an experiment. He was sure he was going to be told off again for experimenting so he kept it just to himself.
7. Sweet child o' mine
Riley woke up to the persistent ringing of her phone. She was having a very nice dream, drinking mai-tai's, at the Hilton Hawaiian Village, and now she was brought back to reality by the shrill tone of her phone.
8. Mac and Jack + softness
They had experienced bad missions before. It wasn't that uncommon, since almost every mission they worked on turned bad real fast. But there were some missions that took bad to the next level.
9. Jack + migraine + birthday
Mac was shivering even with the blanket wrapped around him. They were on their exfil flight, and the heat was on for his sake, but Mac's worry wasn't for himself, but for Jack. Jack, who was squinting at the bright sky and had his head tilted in an awkward angle because apparently he was hurting. And Mac had a pretty good idea what was the cause.
10. 9.Helpless
The drive back to Mac's place was a blur. Jack focused on the road and tried not to think of what they were told or the treatment that might have reversed all of their hard work on making Mac's hands heal and be okay.
11. 72.Painless
When Mac first noticed the car that was tailing him, he was several blocks away from Jack's place. They were supposed to have a movie night with the team, Jack already texted him to tell Mac that Riley was there with him.
12. 26.Flinch
Mac jerked away from the hand that was shaking his shoulder and immediately backed up to the corner of the bed. Someone was talking in a low voice, but Mac was still a bit disoriented and couldn't place the voice. Or the words.
13. 12.Confusion & 26. flinch
When Mac woke up, he could tell that something was different. There wasn't a creepy stare to watch over him, nor the blinking dot on the camera in the corner.
14. 5.Bruised
Jack let his kid take his fill by looking him up and down. Jack knew that he looked a little bit worse for wear, but that was normal in their line of work. This time however, it was from something else. And judging by the way Mac was eyeing him, he didn't manage to hide it well.
15. 56. Begging
Mac wanted to scream. It was hurting him to just breathe, but the pain was unbearable. He didn't know if the lash that caught his side, or the one that split the skin above the small of his back, hurt more.
16. Jack Sr. + Wrist Cuff
It takes all his willpower not to go back to the room he just vacated. He promised Riley and Mac that he'll take a break. It was nonnegotiable. Mac went so far as to tell him to go and take a good sleep. That Mac wasn't going to vanish again. He promised.
17. Fire Pit + Nightmares
Mac didn't know what woke him up. He's sure it was something and not a sound he made up in his dream. Mac turned around in bed and for a moment he was a bit disoriented. He blinked a few times and then looked at the digital watch on his nightstand. It was a little after 2am.
18. "Whenever your world starts crashing down, that's when you'll find me"
"Hours later (Jack's not sure about the time, he left his watch at home) the party is dying down. He is watching the night lights twinkling in the distance, mixed with lights from building windows, and homes and offices. LA is alive as always, traffic present even in this late hour. Everyone knows that NYC is the city that never sleeps, but Jack wants to argue how LA doesn't fall far behind the Big Apple. Especially since Jack has watched this city in all the times of day and night and can attest to that."
19. Si te doy mi corazón, lo tratarás con ternura
1. Tickling
Mac was studying for an exam and Jack was bored. It was one of those days. Really, there was a lot to be done in the house, and Jack barely had a time for himself and Mac these days, but on a rare night where he had absolutely nothing of importance to do… and Jack was bored. 
20. The Center of Their World
Mac was writhing in Jack's lap, and Jack moaned at the drag of Mac's cock against his hip as Jack had Mac's ass spread and a finger inside him already.  He instinctively backed up against the headboard of their ridiculously big bed, and threw his head out because the contact between him and Mac was explosive in the least.
Tagging: @sabbystarlight @82tweeder @dixons-mama @improvidus @panchostokes @erinsworld @nativestarwrites @kerkerian @starryhc @thesammykinz @dont-stop-believin-in-klaine @demonicsoulmates @rai-knightshade @telltaleclerk and whoever sees this and wants to do it, consider yourself tagged.
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pinepickled-om · 4 years
Why Is Your Room Like This
Pairing: Arbor (My oc) / Ayano (lunakurenai’s oc)
Tags: Dubious consent, tree fucking, penis-in-vagina sex, multiple orgasms, aphrodisiacs, restraings.
Can be read on ao3 under the same name.
It was the middle of the school day, and there was no demon, human, or otherwise living being in sight.  The perfect time for Ayano to carry out her plan, regardless of how much Lucifer would scold her later.  This task was of the utmost importance, after all, and this was the only time a certain sorcerer would not be in the immediate area.  
Now, Ayano didn't want to make a habit of poking Arbor.  The man was hard to read, and she never quite knew if her pokes only tickled him or pushed his buttons- but this was important.  There were already two magically-educated humans in the Devildom, herself being the one with the least experience, and it was starting to get to her.  Between Arbor's frequent rituals to 'strengthen our bond' whatever that meant and Solomon's own obsessive research, she was starting to feel like she wasn't doing enough for her boys.  Plus, Arbor seemed the least protective of his material possessions out of the two- what's the harm in taking one measly little spell book?
She carefully twisted the knob on Arbor's door, which was located right next to hers, relieved that there were no protective spells or anything of the like on it.  It was... strange, living so close to Arbor.
For one, the man was far older than her, and it showed.  He approached life with a certain experience and confidence she herself couldn't manage, and looked unbothered through it all.  Not to mention that he viewed things like sex, demons, religion, and magic in a far different light than she herself did.  Plus, he was just so patient!  You'd think that living for a millenia or two would make him uninterested in wasting his time, but instead it seemed that he could wait for days, or even months on end for something to come to fruition.  Especially when it came to Ayano.
Mammon had said that Arbor was sweet on her, and... she could kind of see it.  For one, he'd said she was always welcome in his room- something no one except Mammon had offered her at the time.  He'd also offered his own abundant power and knowledge for her use to help with Diavolo's tasks and any pesky demons who wished her arm- and he was an incorrigible flirt.  
Hello, little dove.  How was your day?
You look stunning today, Ayano.  I love your hair
I got this dress from Asmo for you, I'd noticed you like this style
Do come over to my room later tonight, we can chat without any demons down our shoulders
A subtle kind of flirting, with a simple twist to the mouth and sincere expression that always made Ayano's heart melt.
Then there was the physical contact whenever they were near... it was kind of hard not to stare at Arbor's well-built body for hours on end when it was right there.  His chosen outfit was wearing nothing but the RAD over coat, tanned muscles lined with intricate tattoos on full display for anyone to see.  When Ayano had asked him about it, he'd said it was the culture- the naked chest look was reserved for only the most powerful, and old Devildom belief that it takes an unbelievably strong being to bear their heart for all to see.  
Now, Arbor wasn't automatically attractive- at least, not by Ayano's previous standards, but over time in the Devildom, he had become more and more handsome... He had deep set hooded eyes, where only dark green with a pool of gold could be seen through.  His hair was curly and cut in such a way that he looked like one of the Greek statues of old.  He had a hawk nose and sharp jaw line, full lips always twisted in a calm yet playful smile. Then there was his body... not built for aesthetics like you would see on Devilgram or on those dating TV shows, but rather for practicality- he may not have a rack of abbs, but when you felt his stomach, it was all muscle.  Then the happy trail that went from his belly button, paused to make way for Mammon's pact mark, and then lead the eyes further down…
Ayano tried to shake herself out of those thoughts as she walked in, but the man was hard to not think about.  Especially since the other night, she'd accidentally stayed out to late at RAD, and it had become night time.  The Devildom was already a dark and gloomy place, but during "night time" it became pitch black- even some demons couldn't see.  She'd dug out her DDD in a panic and phoned Arbor, the only one who was still awake at this hour, and he'd come over no problem.  
He'd settled a warm hand on her back and slowly slid it around her waist, gently caressing her side with his thumb whenever she got to antsy in the darkness as he guided her through the night.  She would never admit it, but thinking back to that night made her blush and turn non-functioning for a minute or two. Especially when she thought back to how he'd put her ice cold hands on his bare chest to warm her up from the Devildom frost... UGH she needed to stop thinking about it before she ended up staying in his room for hours thinking about those hands.
Ayano carefully made her way through the room, and couldn't help admiring the scenery.  Arbor's room was something straight out of a fairy tale, his ground was entirely grass and flower petals with a stunning stream flowing through it coming from who-knows-where, and his bed was carved straight out of a weeping willow.  Yellow flower buds seemed to be the theme today- the colors of the petals changed at Arbor's whims.  His closet was cleverly hidden between pine trees, and as far as Ayano had seen, Arbor simply stuck his hand in and whatever came out he wore.  His personal possessions were all the way in the back of the room, sitting on a mahogany desk lined with desert plants.  She'd briefly wondered, once upon a time, how so many plants from different climates could survive in the same place.  After seeing Arbor at work, she wondered no longer. 
She couldn't help but take a peek through the curtain of flowers to check Arbor's bed, some sort of Paranoia to make sure he wasn't lurking in the room somewhere she couldn't see
She gasped.  Whereas the rest of Arbor's room was in beautiful shade, somehow he'd managed to put together an illusion just after the wisteria curtain that showed the sky.  The sun shone down and illuminated soft, pink flower petals that lined the ground in a beautiful glow, putting the full wisteria tree on display.  It was ginormous, going on for as far as the eye could see in beautiful pink petals, sun filtering through it.  If Ayano wasn't convinced that Arbor was a fairytale prince before, she sure was now.
It almost felt like a shame to walk on this beautiful earth with shows, so she slowly toed off her flats, gasping as her bare foot came in contact with petals so soft they felt like clouds.  She heard birds chitter somewhere off above, and looked up in wonder.  Shoe's in hand, she walked further into the tree's realm, feeling pleasant and relaxed at the room's ambiance.  No wonder Arbor loved it here, he was living a dream.
Ayano slowly sat on Arbor's bed, cushioned by some sort of cotton(?) Possibly a plant she'd simply never heard of, and relaxed.  She still had time before Arbor came home, after all, so she could afford to wait.
That is, until a branch grabbed her leg out of nowhere.  Ayano yelped in fear, cursing her lack of awareness. It was a sorcerer's room, for fucks sake.  Of course he'd have defenses up the ass.  She tried to kick the branch off, but with each kick it only rapidly climbed up her calf, wrapping around her thigh, and then another branch shot out and wrapped around her arm, and another and another until Ayano was held spread-eagle in the air by dark, thick branches.  They were holding her so securely she doubted any amount of strength she could muster would set her free, and with each move to free herself they only wrapped more firmly around her.
It dawned on her, that now she was caught in a trap and likely wouldn't be let out until Arbor came home- if the sorcerer felt so inclined to let her go at all.
She tried struggling a few more times, if only to test the strength of the branches- but then they started to tear at her clothes, and with purpose.  Her shirt was the first to go, torn to shreds and leaving her in just a bra.  Then her pants were roughly torn off, and she spared a moment to be glad that shed dropped her shoes when the branch had grabbed at her.  She squealed, terrified as the branches on her legs wriggled their way up to her crotch, and that's when she realized they were being very deliberate in the way they were going about things.  She wasn't going to immediately assume Arbor was controlling them- Arbor had a habit of giving something an order and letting his magic figure out the rest- but it was none the less disturbing as she watched the very tips of the branches fuss with her panties, not taking them off, simply touching the fabric- and then touching her through it.
She watched in horrified fascination as the branches wormed their way under the band of the panties at her hips, as though to hold her in place without taking them off- and then a seperate, third branch came into view.  It was thicker and blunter than the ones cradling her hips, smooth in a way the other's weren't- but if she looked closely, wherever the branches were coming into contact with her skin were smooth, not a splinter or otherwise rough patch in sight.  Like the tree didn't want to hurt, only hold.  It made shivers go up her spine at the thought, Because if they were only holding, not hurting, one question must be asked:
Holding her for what?
Ayano found out seconds later, as the third branch slowly caressed her thigh.  She tried jerking away, get her cunt away from that impossibly large branch to spare herself the pain and humiliation, but the more she struggled the faster it made its way up until Ayano froze completely as it slowly rubbed her clit, only the thin fabric of her underwear between her cunt and the branch.  She flushed, letting out a startled moan, and the branch pulled away.  She tried struggling against the branches hold again, to close her legs or maybe move closer, she didn't know-and as though hearing her plea, the branch moved closer again, this time rubbing in between her folds with renewed fervor. 
She let out a needy whine as it moved faster and faster, only focusing on her small nub, the friction of her panties and the hard, unrelenting head of the branch rubbing her clit had hear nearing the edge soon, and she came with a loud cry, straining her thighs against the branches and wailing as the thick head at her clit only moved faster, and then moved further down to rub in-between her now wet folds.  She was twitching from the oversensitivity, and with every pleasured shudder that racked through her body the branch moved faster and with more purpose, rubbing her just right.  Tears pricked her eyes as she realized she'd just cum in mere seconds from a branch rubbing her clit- not even something human.
The thick, somehow warm branch moved from her twitching clit to her folds, now wet from just cumming.  The branch gently wormed its way between them, rubbing at the sensitive area with no rush.  Ayano whined and tried jerking away, but the branches only moved faster, and she let out a yelp as the branch tried pushing it's way further into her sopping cunt.
The branch immediately pulled away, and Ayano breathed a sigh of relief.  She definitely couldn't take a branch of that size, not now anyway.  Just as she began looking for a way out now that she wasn't distracted with a branch torturing her clit, another limb if the tree approached- this time from her head
This branch was different from the others in nearly every way.  For one thing, this branch was entirely pink from tip to as far as Ayano could see, whereas the others were dark brown.  It's tip also had some sort of flower bud, and it was leaking.  Ayano had only a few seconds to jerk away as it approached her face-
But then a branch came up from behind her to hold her by the neck.  She immediately stilled, not wanting to cut off her own airflow, and clamped her mouth shut.  The bulbous, hot pink/reddish bud came to rest at her lips, the peach-colored liquid dripping down her chin as it waited patiently.  Ayano felt her heart rabitting along in her ears, and then yelped.
The branch at her crotch had returned, rubbing her clit and the folds of her cunt with renewed fervor, and it happened.  She opened her mouth, and the bud plunged inside.
Ayano whined, knowing that while a branch fucked into her mouth and another caressed her cunt, she was wet.  The liquid the bud had been carrying was sweet, and it was slowly rubbing up and down her tongue.  Ayano whined, bucking her hips and biting down to try and get away from the branch's assault to no avail.
If anything, they only sped up their ministrations, the thick branch at her cunt abusing her clit just so, and the one in her mouth fucking deeper and deeper, both drawing obscene sounds from her.  She came a second time, shuddering violently and squirming as the branches didn't slow down for a moment, practically wailing around the thrusting bud in her mouth as the branch down below sped up it's attack on her cunt.
Her eyes widened and she forced herself not to choke as the bulbous head of the branch shoved deeper into her mouth and settled in her throat.  It was so large, stretching open her mouth like it was just another hole for it to mess with- and a hole it was enjoying quite a lot.  She shivered as warm liquid began slowly flowing down her throat, her entire body going hot at the sensation. Ayano had no clue what it was that was being injected into her, she could only stay still and close her eyes tightly.
It was hard to stay still, though, as the branch at her cunt continued at it's relentless pace, rubbing her soaking wet cunt like there was no tomorrow, and it had now taken to flicking her clit instead of directly rubbing it.  Each flick made her flinch and moan, and she could almost sense how much joy the tree took from that.  The thick branch prodded at her wet entrance again, as though pondering whether it should try again- it decided yes, and due to Ayano cumming so many times it was able to fit it's fat head into her cunt.
When did this thing have a head?
Ayano hadn't been able to to look down at the branch caressing her cunt ever since one had come up to hold her neck in place, so she hadn't noticed when it morphed.  It now had a fat head reminiscent of a cock, and ridges along it's side that were perfect for rubbing against the sloppy inner walls of a cunt.  Ayano whined as the head wiggled in her cunt, seeming to know she couldn't take any more but not quite willing to stay still.
Another branch came up to continue the assault on her clit, much thinner this time and somehow much less merciful than the blunt tip of what was now lodged in her cunt.  Her panties were a wet, ruined mess by now, no doubtedly tearing or unsalvageable after she came twice in them and then had it stuffed up her cunt when the branch didn't bother to move it.
The branches then began fucking her in earnest, rocking her between them as other branches came to support her back.  Ayano shivered as she felt the branches slowly crawl up her spine, creaming around the wooden cock head lovingly rocking into her.  It almost made her laugh at how gentle the tree was being- almost like it was making love to her.
She snorted at the thought and nearly choked on the bud in her mouth.
Ayano was just starting to get used to it- enjoy it, even- when she heard a door open.  At first she froze, looking to the curtain of wisteria with fear.  Who knows, maybe it wasn't Arbor.  Maybe he wouldn't even come in here, it was his bed after all and no where near night time.  
Of course, she had no such luck.
A familiar, tanned hand brushed the yellow petals aside, and a head of green, curly hair ducked into the tree's domain.  At first, Arbor didn't see her- or at least she thought, but Arbor had a distinctly amused smile on his face as he got closer.
"Well, I was wondering why my magic was acting strangely.  It seems I've caught a little bird."
Ayano struggled against the branches harder than before, but they only renewed their thrusting with a new, pointed energy.  She suspected it was because the source of their power was nearby, or maybe Arbor himself was making it so, but the branch at her cunt shoved a good way in, rubbing against her sweet spot, pulling out, and then abused it.  The bud thrust deeper into her throat and then pulled out completely, leaving her throat empty, and lonely came an absurd thought.  She coughed a few times, and then let out a long, keening moan as the branch at her clit slapped the sensitive bud.
Arbor only watched on with a sympathetic and amused smile, making Ayano flush from ear tips to chest.  He was standing there watching her being split open on a creature of his own making, moaning obscenely as it fucked her silly.  She couldn't help but stare at him as the branches shifted her to their whims, the new angle making her pant out lewdly and her eyes rolled back into her head.  She thought she heard Arbor give a soft coo, though between the loud, wet slaps of the branches at her cunt and the needy moans falling from her lips, she could hardly hear.
Another orgasm wracked through her body, and she spasmed around the thick branch obscenely.  From where Arbor was standing, he had a complete view of her cunt being pounded with the branch, of her clit being played with by another, and the one holding her neck and thighs to keep her in place.  His eyes raked over her, taking in her still-untouched bra, her mangled panties still somehow hanging onto her hips, and finally her wrecked face.  She tried to close her mouth to keep the moans from slipping out, feeling humiliation crawl up her spine at the lewd noises she was making in front of her friend- but before she could, the bud came back and the sticky liquid it carried gushed out of it's bud and filled Ayano's mouth to the brim, forcing her to swallow it down else it would all drip down her face and chest, though it did that anyway from the sheer volume she tried to swallow down.
"They're telling me you've been a good human for them, though a bit naughty before they got their hands on you.  Care to explain?"  Arbor said lightly, still wearing that sympathetic-amused face.  Ayano felt tears prick her eyes, embarrassment flushing her chest.  How did he expect her to answer him when being fucked by a branch as thick and long as her forearm, having her sweet spot abused, and swallowing down a tree's sap? She closed her eyes and whimpered as the small branch played with her clit, flicking it, rubbing it, and now slapping it.
Arbor sighed, and then seemed to decide to take pity on her.  He approached with that same confidence he always wore, and gently put a hand on her chest, right over her heart.
"Stay still."
Ayano immediately obeyed his command, stilling completely even as she moaned around the sap still pouring into her mouth and the branch fucking her cunt.  He cooed some mindless praise, and then took her jaw in his fingers.  His dark green eyes, with pools of pure gold looked deep into her own dark ones, a gentle look all over his face, and she managed to relax even a little bit.  That is, until he spoke.
Ayano froze, looking at Arbor like he was insane- he probably was, now that she thought about it.  Arbor simply batted the branch at her face away, causing the peach-colored liquid to spill all over her, covering her face, breasts, stomach, and even a little bit of her cunt with the sticky liquid.  The branch caught some of the liquid, pulling out of her to do so, before fucking it into her.  It set her on fire, and she moaned obscenely.  
The branch at her face finally pulled away for good, the peach-colored liquid finally stopping it's down pour, and she breathed a sigh of relief- then flushed. She shook her head at Arbor, trying to squirm away from his firm grip, and he only chuckled.
"Well, it's up to you.  If you moan, it'll go away."  He said, sounding resigned. Then his eyes sharpened, and he smirked down at Ayano.
"Though, if you keep struggling and don't make a sound, I'll take matters into my own hands."
She immediately stilled, giving him her best puppy eyes, and he chuckled fondly down at her.  The branch continued it's relentless fucking of her cunt, her slick dripping down it's broad length.  It tore one more orgasm from her that she couldn't help but scream through, wailing from the overstimulation of her poor cunt.  Luckily, Arbor didn't seem to mind, and gently rubbed her stomach.
"Alright.  Since you've been so good, I'll help you out."  He promised, smooth voice calming her beating heart just a little bit. Arbor kneeled down, and Ayano squealed as the branches maneuvered her until completely upright, still held firmly open by the branches as the thick cock-shaped limb fucked her with the same fervor it had previously, not slowing at all.  The dark haired girl whined down at Arbor, and he only cooed.  The thin branch that had been torturing her clit finally, finally moved away, and she breathed a small sigh of relief.
That was, until Arbor took the sensitive bud into his warm mouth and sucked.
Ayano keened, drying to jerk away from his demanding tongue as he laved it over her clit, sucking and licking at it while all the while her cunt was being filled again and again by the branch behind her.
"Arbor...." She whined, voice stuttering with each harsh thrust of the branch into her hole.  He hummed around her clit, and she desperately tried to jerk away before she came one more painful time, only causing the thick cock-branch to thrust deeper and faster, wrecking her insides and stretching her open perfectly.  Something was coiling deep in her gut, different than the other times she'd cum from the tree's ministrations, and panicked as she begged Arbor for relief.
"P-please, I ah! I can't, I- I'm gonna- ARBOR PLEASE!"
She gave one, long, high-pitched moan as she came, squirting into Arbor's waiting mouth- which was still working her clit- and all over his face.  She whined in humiliation and her poor, overstimulated cunt had no success in forcing the wooden cock out of her cunt, the tree simply fucking her through her orgasm and held her hips and legs in place.  Ayano felt shameful tears streaming down her face, and looked down at Arbor between her thighs- despite the fact that the branches had a firm hold on her ankles, she'd still managed to slam her thighs together, trapping the man's face right on her twitching clit.  
She slowly moved her thighs away from his face, looking away shamefully.  Ayano noted, with no short amount of relief, that the branch had finally stopped pounding her cunt, instead having taken to staying completely still inside of her. Her hips and pussy were sore, filled to the brim with the branch as she still gave the occasional clench.  She finally brought herself to look at Arbor, who seemed to be examining the mess she'd just made of herself.
"Arbor!" She said, flushing deeply.  The man only glanced at her face before going back to his careful examination of her cunt.  Suddenly feeling a flare of panic in her chest, Ayano opened her mouth again.
"Did- did it do something to me?" She asked, voice coming out as scared and weak- no doubt because of the abuse her throat had just gone through.  Arbor chuckled lowly, amused and lighthearted despite the fact that she'd just squirted all over his face.
"Yeah, it did something to you alright."
A warm hand came to gently rub at her thigh, and Arbor gave a soft kiss to her belly button before rising completely.  Ayano gaped at him, and would have struggled in the branches grip if she hadn't feared it would begin torturing her sensitive walls if she moved.
"Well?! What did it do?" She asked, glaring at the nonchalant man.  Arbor grinned down at her, the tips of too-sharp-to-be-human k9's peaking out from his lips.
"It fucked you pretty good." He said appreciatively.  "Though I'm still a bit lost on why exactly you're in here- maybe Satan told you about this?" He pondered, and before Ayano had a chance to vehemently deny, Arbor forged on.
"Well, if you came here on purpose for this, I should probably fix it up so it doesn't take your clothes- thought watching you go streaking in the hallway would be kind of funny."
As Arbor turned his back on her, Ayano felt dread build up in her stomach.
"Uh, Arbor?  Are you gonna let me go?"  She asked, sounding pathetic and drained.  Arbor only laughed quietly, continuing to walk away from her.  Just as Ayano was convinced he'd leave her there, he stopped right at his tree, and...opened it?  An alcove opened in the side of a tree, and Arbor pulled something out.
"Ayano, I must admit- you look adorable like that.  So maybe until you figure out the trick to it, I'll leave you there.  Now, as for me..."
And then Arbor opened the book and sat down on his bed.  Ayano could only gape at him, shocked to her core.
"You're not even going to clean yourself up?" She said, focusing on the one thing that wouldn't make her scream hysterically.
"Nope." Arbor replied, popping the p.  "Actually, now that you mention it..." He said, before he brought a hand to his face and gathered Ayano's cum on his fingers, before slathering it on the cover of the book as the dark haired girl watched in horror.
"ARBOR! What are you-"
Ayano's horrified cry was immediately cut off as she felt a tugging in her gut- different from what it felt when she was cumming, though not completely dissimilar.  She carefully looked down at her stomach, and saw Mammon's pact mark right under her belly button- where Arbor had his pact mark as well. 
"There we go.  Lucifer was telling me you were taking interest in magic, so I figured I'd give this to you.  It's pretty simple stuff, just follow the instructions exactly and only use Mammon's power." Arbor said, as though he hadn't done the weirdest fucking thing Ayano had seen in a while.
"Why....?" She asked, unable to finish her question.
"Well, Mammon is by far the most lenient and easiest demon to work with if you're a beginner- if you need a frame of reference, Solomon learned how to do this with Asmodeus and got booted across an ocean."
Ayano felt sobered learning that.  She of course knew that working with demons and magic was dangerous, but... Asmodeus did that?  She must have been making a strange face, because Arbor snorted.
"Don't worry, he is very different now- though I wouldn't test him.  Just stick with Mammon.  Now, I'm gonna leave it right here, okay?  And you're gonna help me with something."  He said, putting the book down on the nightstand.  Arbor then walked over and put his arms around Ayano's back, uncaring for the mess all over her, and the branch immediately pulled out of her cunt and dropped her in Arbor's waiting arms.  He set her down on her side, flush with the soft petals that made his mattress.
"This is a favorite of Lucifer's and Asmodeus you see, now be warned it's got a bit of alcohol in it but only the Devildom kind."  He said, bringing out an elegant, peach colored bottle with a strange dispenser(?) at the very top.  THe bottle had a thin neck that flared out into a round bottom, with a flat base to set down- and the entire thing had some sort of swirling, peach colored liquid in it- with a lot of yellow.
"It won't be exactly like what Lucifer and Asmodeus like, since it's my own blend and all, but you should be grateful for that.  Drinking the stuff they like could put you out of commission for weeks."
Ayano rolled her eyes.
"Can I at least have some clothes first, Arbor?" She huffed, crossing her arms over her chest- the only thing keeping her breasts from being on full display for the man was her bra, and that was it.  He'd already gotten a full view of her cunt as well, though Ayano couldn't help closing her sore legs as tight as possible to protect what little modesty she had.  
Arbor tilted his head thoughtfully at the question and Ayano was sure he was just teasing her now- but then...
"No." He said decidedly.
"No!?" Ayano parrotted.
"No."  Arbor said again, this time with a smile.  He pointed a finger at Ayano's covered chest, and the dark haired girl tried to sit up.
"Ah ah~  I wouldn't do that if I were you.  The tree did a number on your ass, and I wouldn't want you actually hurting yourself." He said, his calm matter-of-fact words stilling Ayano for just a moment- but just a moment was enough.
Green magic shot from Arbor's finger and hit Ayano's bra before she could so much as blink- and then it disappeared, reappearing in Arbor's hand.  He held the bra loosely in his hand, and Ayano flushed.
"H-HEY!" She said, watching as Arbor turned it this way and that as he examined the clothing.  It was soaked from when she'd been splashed with the tree's peach liquid, but surprisingly intact.  Before she could get over the fact that her bra was in Arbor's hands, he pointed a finger at her panties and they too appeared in his hands.
"Oof, I should probably buy you new ones.  How do you feel about green?" he said, holding the wet, mangled fabric in his palm.
"P-please let go of that!" She said, unable to decide if she should move her arms to cover her embarrassed, flushed face or keep them in place to cover her now free breasts.
"No, I will not." He said smugly, bringing the panties up to his face as though to slowly examine it.
Ayano could only watch on, mortified, as Arbor brought the thin fabric to his face and sniffed it.  Ayano may have screamed, she didn't quite know, but she knew she did one thing.
"PERVERT!" She wailed, picking up some of the stray flower petals and throwing them at him.  They obviously did nothing, but it did succeed in getting him to stop smelling her fucking cummed on, fucked out, used panties.
But then he put it in his mouth.  Ayano was sure she'd pass out.
"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!?!?" She yelled, throwing more petals at him- though for every one she threw, more simply took their place.  Arbor only chuckled, lapping up the stray slick that practically dripped off of the wrecked fabric.
"Mah, why do you keep throwing those at me?  I can't help that I got a taste earlier and now crave more." He said, pouting.  Ayano sputtered at him, rubbing her legs together.  Though it was extremely odd for Arbor to do, her clit still remembered what if felt like to be taken lovingly into Arbor's mouth and be sucked so perfectly. 
"Hmph!  Just give me the damn drink- and let go of those!"  She yelled, risking reaching one hand out to accept the bottle from his hand.  Arbor handed if over, and then promptly took to holding the ruined panties between his teeth as he admired her bra.  She considered just throwing the damned spell book at him and walking away, but all things considered, he could be doing a lot worse than just teasing her, however strangely he's going about it.  
She petulantly brought the tip of the bottle to her lips and tipped her head back, and felt mild surprise when the liquid didn't drip down.
"Here, let me help you."
Arbor dropped the panties from his mouth, thankfully, and the bra, approaching Ayano with a confident stride.  She tried shying away from him, but he just picked her up and sat on the bed, settling her down back to his chest.  He almost cradled her, a full 9 inches taller, and Ayano fit perfectly under his chin and between his shoulders.  Arbor snatched the bottle from her hands and held it up to her lips, but Ayano shooed him away.
"You're the worst!  Just tell me how to do it." She grumbled, trying to take the bottle back.
"I'm the worst, am I?" Arbor replied teasingly, before wrapping her up in his arms and peppering kisses all over her face and down her neck.  Ayano squealed in his arms, jerking around as the sloppy kisses tickled her badly.
"Okay, OKAY!! I'll be good, just giggles stop!!!" She said, laughing the whole while.  Arbor did indeed stop kissing her, but his teasing simply never ceased.
"I see, I see.  Well, I didn't ask you to be good, but if you're offering..." He whispered in her ear with a sultry tone, before licking her face.  She squealed, squirming in his arms to no avail.  
"Now, be good and put this in your mouth.  It works like a straw, so just suck it out." He instructed, arms still wrapped around her in a bear hug.  She let him place the tip of the bottle in her mouth, and she gave a tentative suck to the protruding tip at the top, sucking the thick, sweet liquid into her mouth.  She was surprised, since it tasted a lot better than most of the alcohol she'd tasted in the Devildom- not to mention that it warmed her up from the inside.
Ayano closed her eyes, relishing in the feeling of the warm liquid going down her throat and through her body, lapping happily at the tip of the bottle.  She giggled as more of the peach-flavored liquid filled her mouth, enthusiastically licking it again as she was rewarded with more of the delicious nectar.  Arbor chuckled warmly behind her, placing a fond kiss to her temple, and Ayano leaned into it, never once removing the bottle tip from her mouth.  She never knew it was so fun to lick and suck something like this!
Before Ayano knew it, the bottle was empty.   She pouted at the empty glass, looking up at Arbor with puppy dog eyes. The man was looking down at her with nothing but affection, and then playfully bit her shoulder.
"I'm sorry, dearest, but that's all I have for you.  Though, it seems you liked it a whole lot..." He said, one large hand trailing down her sap-stained stomach to cup her cunt.   She tensed, expecting to feel the tell tale overstimulation, but there was only the feeling of Arbor's hand over her hole.  She tilted her head in confusion, and Arbor slowly dragged one finger through her folds, coming up covered in her slick. Ayano made a noise of confusion, and looked back at Arbor.
"Don't worry- after a few rounds, you'll be right as rain.  Now open up~"
Ayano was indeed confused, but she didn't quite know why.  She could only spread her legs as Arbor had asked, hoping he would explain.  She gave a needy moan as he slipped two fingers inside her easily, gently scissoring her already stretched hole and rubbing a thumb over her clit.
"I'll admit, it did make me a bit upset to see you'd broke into my room- but once I'd seen what you'd gotten up to, I felt a lot better.  Feel free to sneak in here any time you're feeling stressed.... or pent up...." He cooed into Ayano's ear, adding a third finger and listening happily as she rocked her hips into Arbor's palm.  She looked up at him, confused doe eyes looking into his own, and he took pity on her.
"You see, what you just drank was an aphrodisiac.  It makes you feel good and replenishes your stamina.  That's why you're wet right now." He explained calmly, using the hand that wasn't fitting a fourth finger into her needy cunt to cup her breast, gently rolling her pert nipple in his callouses.  She moaned, puffing out her chest into his hands, and Arbor playfully bit her ear.
Arbor, now satisfied she was properly stretched, gently hooked his arms around her knees and pulled them to her stomach.
"I'm gonna put my cock in your hole now, okay? Just let go and let me take care of you." He whispered into her ear, kissing her cheek as he rubbed his cock head through her wet folds.  She keened, low and animalistic, and tried to rock down onto Arbor's waiting cock.  The man held her firmly in place by the knees, and slowly pushed his cock inside at his own pace.  
"Tell me how you feel, lovely." He cooed, pushing one inch after another into her tight cunt.  She was so small, being held against his chest and spit open on his cock.  He wanted to bundle her up in a blanket and just lovingly mouth her breasts until she was a pliant, writhing and moaning so sweetly for his attention.  He suspected he would get what he wanted soon enough, though, as he finally bottomed out in her wet heat.
With no pause, Arbor braced his feet on the bed and slowly pulled out, making sure to rub her sweet spot as he went.  She squealed as she was lifted off of the bed, only able to lean on Arbor as he thrust his cock in all the way.  Lewd sounds fell from her mouth, tongue peeking out as she reached up to pinch her own nipples between thin fingers, thighs quivering.  She looked delicious like this, and her cunt was clenching wildly around the girth of his cock. Ayano whined needily, and Arbor took that as all the motivation he needed to begin fucking into her in earnest.
He slapped her sensitive little clit without mercy, smiling with a sick kind of joy as she cried out in pleasure, cunt spasming around his cock helplessly from the sudden abuse.  Her whining moans egged him on, and he steadily pounded his thick cock into her.  It amused him how every time he pounded his tip into her cunt and his balls slapped against her cute ass, her moans would stutter accordingly.  Even without the aphrodisiac, his cute little cock slut was so sensitive.  Overwhelmed with affection, he placed a loving kiss to her temple.
Arbor cooed as he felt her walls frantically clench around him as she came once more, mouth open and pink tongue lolling out as she moaned.  Her thighs quivered, cute little cunt clenching around his cock.  He paused to let her finish, thumbing her little clit with affection and groping her breast.  Once he felt her needy cunt stop trying to suck his cock deeper, he began ramming into her again.  Every time he slammed his cock into her wet heat, he slapped her clit, using her squeals and pleasured cries to egg himself on.  He laughed as he felt her cum once more, this time not stopping and simply fucking into her spasming cunt, lovingly flicking her sensitive nub.
 Finally, once he felt Ayano cum around his cock for a third time, he came into her wet heat.  She cried out, babbling obscene nothings.  She begged for more, wiggled on his cock and praised that too, brought Arbor's hand to her breasts and demanded he give them attention- Arbor was all too happy to oblige.  He pulled out once and for all, and hurriedly flipped Ayano onto her back and amused himself with pushing his cum back into her needy cunt.
Ayano was, of course, unsatisfied.  She tried pushing her sloppy, cum filled cunt onto Arbor's fingers each time he pushed his cum back into her hole, and each time he cooed at her to calm down. After the fourth time of pushing his cum into her wet hole, he pulled his fingers away from her completely and latched his tongue onto her clit.  
He sucked, licked, and even nipped at her pussy.  She held his head down as he sucked at her little nub, and each time he gave her clit the attention she craved.  It was only right, after all, as he had made her such a needy mess in the first place.  She was going practically cross eyed with how much she wanted to cum into his mouth, and to be honest, the thought of lapping up Ayano's cum for yet another time that day made him groan throaty and deep in his chest, and he ground his cock into the mattress.  He nipped gently at her folds, lapping into her sloppy cunt as an apology.
After one final suck to her sensitive bud, she squirted again.  Arbor happily lapped it up, uncaring as his face was cum on for the second time that day.  He happily held Ayano's hips down as he continued to relentlessly lave his tongue over her weeping cunt, playfully biting her thigh when she finally finished.   It seemed Ayano had a habit of slamming her thighs shut when she came, and although the sides of Arbor's face were smarting with pain, he found it incredibly endearing. 
Finally satisfied, Ayano slowly blinked the peach haze from her eyes.  Arbor grinned up at her, crawling up her small face to try and steal a kiss,  He managed one small smooch, before Ayano's senses came completely back to her.
"Huh- ARBOR THAT'S GROSS!" She squealed, futilely trying to push his face away as he went in for more smoochies, making sure to rub his cum-stained face on hers.
Once Arbor was sure that Ayano's face was properly covered in her own cum and his, Arbor hoisted her over his shoulder and walked to the pool bath on the other side of the tree.  Slowly, he lowered the both of them into the water, settling Ayano down and grabbing a nearby bath kit to begin his after care.  He gently ran the soft towel over her skin, taking mint-scented soap and generously pouring it over her body.  Then he promptly summoned a duck and threw it on her, laughing as she screamed.
Life was good.
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ᴊᴏᴇꜱᴛᴀʀ ꜱʏɴᴅɪᴄᴀᴛᴇ | Yakuza!AU | Head Canons | 19+ [𝕁𝕁𝔹𝔸]
Here is the next part to the headcanons~! I’m so happy you guys like this so much! ;; I’m excited to write more for this AU~! After this it’ll be one more Jobros and then the one-shots, drabbles, etc will follow through~!
» » Admin Ko
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𝕆𝕜𝕦𝕪𝕒𝕤𝕦 ℕ𝕚𝕛𝕚𝕞𝕦𝕣𝕒 [21]
Josuke’s most trusted right hand man. Though many within Josuke’s faction really question whether or not the psychologically unstable male should be the right hand man. With the onslaught of crimes and cynical things the man has done, they’re surprised he isn’t one of the torturers or clean up men. 
Within a week, however, their minds change at how utterly fast the male reacts to a threat made to the Higashikata. From then, no one really questions why Okuyasu is the right hand instead of Koichi. 
Besides being the right-hand, Okuyasu is Josuke’s most trusted bodyguard. All of the Joestar siblings know and recognize this and honestly don’t even try to go against the young male.
One of the most terrifying assassins within the group, and is recognized by Lisa Lisa as a man with potential and power to make his enemies cower.
He honestly feels indifferent about all of Josuke’s siblings and makes decent conversation with most of them. 
Out of all the commanders within the younger Joestar line, he’s well acquainted with practically all of them and has no problems when both he and Josuke visit Giorno or Jolyne.
𝕂𝕠𝕚𝕔𝕙𝕚 ℍ𝕚𝕣𝕠𝕤𝕖 [20]
The literal brains and planner of the Higashikata faction. 
He is literally the most trusted man who keeps connections between Giorno and Josuke.  Every other week he’s usually sent to Italy to update the Don on the happenings at the main base along with any of the commotions that may have occurred that he should keep an open ear for.
Alongside Yukako, the pair make a rather deadly assassin duo. His skill with quick tactical deductions and quick thinking pairs well with her inhumanely quick reflexes and desire for blood as they’ve taken out quite a number of individuals that were planning on trying to overtake the small town of Morioh.
Besides being one of the main assassins, he’s also one of the main interrogators alongside Rohan. He may not seem like it at first, but Koichi takes immense pleasure in seeing the victim mentally break before him. The information that falls out of the victim always being written at great speeds by Rohan. 
ℝ𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟 𝕂𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕓𝕖 [25]
A stick in Josuke’s side, but still a crucial person to the Higashikata team.
In all honesty, both he and Josuke are usually at each other’s throats because of the clash of personalities. Though when they work their differences out on rare occasions, they are definitely a force to be reckoned with.
The main source of information and stalker expertise. He had actually traveled to Italy on a couple of occasions and took lessons from both Leone and Bruno in the art of watching and shadowing a target for information. 
Besides being the informant, he absolutely loves to interrogate people. His dislike of getting himself dirty though leaves Koichi with the more heavy duty portion of the job, but always provides the younger with the most amount of information and will do any favors asked without a moment’s hesitation. 
He personally doesn’t consider himself friendly, or to even have friends; but he does consider the Higashikata gang--- really the Duwang gang-- as his home.
𝕐𝕦𝕜𝕒𝕜𝕠 𝕐𝕒𝕞𝕒𝕘𝕚𝕤𝕙𝕚 [21]
Similar to Rohan, she isn’t necessarily on the best of terms with Josuke. Though it was immensely worse when they had first met. Now, they’re on better speaking terms but still there’s an unsettling tension between the two if there’s no one there as a mediator. 
The Duwang gang’s number one assassin. Her shadowing and quick kill skills are rather legendary within the Duwang gang. Whenever she visits the main base she takes lessons with Lisa Lisa, and like Rohan, had visited Italy on more than one occasion to improve her shadowing technique from Bruno and Leone.
Her skills lie mostly in sniping and quick strangulation via fishing line. She once used her own hair and relished in the fact, but found it to be too risky as she didn’t want to leave any evidence behind. 
Out of all the members, she works the best alongside Koichi and gets the most done with him. 
𝔹𝕣𝕦𝕟𝕠 𝔹𝕦𝕔𝕔𝕚𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚 [25]
Giorno’s most trusted man. Literally everyone in Passione and the Joestar family trust this man. 
Despite being the main cause of Passione’s previous leader’s downfall. He choose to not take the position of Don. Instead, felt that it would be better if he stood alongside someone with strong ideals and beliefs in their own work and dreams. 
He is the most skilled in assassination with high respect from Lisa Lisa. He does like to teach any of the newer recruits any necessary skills, and is always open to having guest commanders from other factions over to learn from one another. 
Easily one of the most feared men within Passione. 
𝕃𝕖𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝔸𝕓𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕠 [26]
Similar to Rohan with Josuke, Leone is not on the best terms with Giorno. The only difference is that this is a one-sided relationship as Giorno tries hard to appease everyone within his faction in terms of respect. 
Second to Bruno, he is the most feared member within Passione. Mainly because of his no nonsense attitude and ability to crack a man’s skull open with only three hits. 
He is one of the main assassins that’s sent out to get rid of competing gangs. 
Prefers to work alongside Bruno whenever he can, but doesn’t mind working with the other members. 
𝔾𝕦𝕚𝕕𝕠 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕥𝕒 [23]
Besides having tetra-phobia, he is one of the best marksman within Passione, falling second to Johnny Joestar. 
Despite being one of the more casual and laid-back member, he is quite the force to be reckoned with out on the field. 
He most definitely leaves an impression on the Joestar family when they first meet him and become absolutely surprised at how well he manages to hold up against Johnny in a marksman competition. 
Besides Leone, Guido is one of the other assassins that helps to not only deal with threats to Passione, but threats to the Joestar family. 
Out of all of the members, he works the best alongside Narancia and Giorno (Though Giorno rarely goes on missions now because of the amount of work he has now.)
ℕ𝕒𝕣𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕚𝕒 𝔾𝕙𝕚𝕣𝕘𝕒 [22]
The most chaotic and one of the most unstable members within Giorno’s chain of command. 
Despite his age and how he looks, Narancia is a seasoned veteran in the field of torture and death. 
Absolutely, positively loves to cause misery and despair to his enemies and will undoubtedly torture them for his own personal pleasure if he has the spare time to do so. 
Besides being one of the assassins, he’s also part of clean-up duty with Trish and helps bring back any bodies that can later be used as autopsy and study material for the forensics analyst. 
ℙ𝕒𝕟𝕟𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕥𝕥𝕒 𝔽𝕦𝕘𝕠 [23]
The second unstable member within Giorno’s chain of command. Unlike Narancia, his bouts of insanity stem mainly from emotional stress. 
He’s the team’s medic, strategist, and interrogator. He most definitely enjoys ripping information out of victims, and has no qualms in using inhumane methods in gathering that information. 
He mainly works alongside Giorno and Trish when it comes to anything pertaining the medical field. 
Besides working within the medical field, Fugo absolutely loves to work with dangerous poisons and bacteria that’ll leave the victim in absolute pain. 
As unlikely as it would seem, he works alongside Cioccolata much more than one would expect. 
𝕋𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕙 𝕌𝕟𝕒 [21]
The clean-up crew. Despite her appearance and no nonsense attitude, Trish loves to learn various ways of getting rid of a corpse as well as how the human body decays with time. 
Her extensive research in the decaying process and experimentation process with...live test subjects help further the connections that can be drawn to Passione and the Joestar family. 
Not only that, but it makes for a very nice item on the market to help smaller ‘businesses’ get rid of any threats they deem worthy of her work. 
She enjoys working alongside Fugo and Narancia whenever she gets the chance to.
Definitely teases and makes fun of Guido when she works alongside him, and won’t hesitate to yell at him if he happens to wreck a potential test subject.
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15. I Trust Him With My Life
The smell of flowers stirred her up. Flowers, coffee… and… books? She must have been dreaming, as those were a few of her favorite things. Her eyelids fluttered and she opened her eyes to see a few fuzzy images - Sunny and Simon in her hospital room, both with a book in front of them, but neither reading. Instead, they had been bickering softly and now, they were watching her, but neither of them moved.
See, Grace had done this several times in the days following her surgery - fluttered her eyes, even opened them, only to lose consciousness again a few moments later and well, after a while, they stopped rushing to her bed. But, this time, the eyes were focusing on them and didn’t appear to be closing. “It’s happening,” Sunny said, shutting her book and getting up. Simon waited, though.
Grace took a deep, pained breath and looked at her hand. His note was still there. For a moment, she smiled a little, and then she remembered all over again that she had been shot. She gasped and reached for her wound, then winced in pain when she moved.
Simon shut his book now, too and set it aside and rushed to help Sunny adjust the pillows beneath Grace’s body. He grabbed a thermos and told her, “Doctor said that you could have a little coffee, so I picked up your favorite kind from the bookstore, some books from your yearly goal list… And flowers from your florist. Everybody was really helpful and sent their love and their get well things.”
She turned around to look and noticed the warm colored vibrant assortment of flowers. “Thank. Goodness. You didn’t get red poppies again.”
Sunny tilted her head and looked at Simon, “You got red poppies? Why on earth did you get red poppies?”
“I saw her with them before, so I thought that she liked them.”
Sunny winced. Saw her. She knew exactly what that meant. Whenever he was stalking her and either was too insecure or she didn't strike him as interested enough, he spied on her and misunderstood something that they used to mourn.
'Flower Boy' Heath used to steal them from stores and gardens whenever they lost somebody on the streets. He'd seen them at his father's funeral when he was little, and told his mom that they were super pretty. Why was she crying so much when so many people were at his Daddy's Going Home Celebration, and who could cry while such pretty flowers were everywhere? “That only had made her cry harder,” Heath would tell whoever was asking about why he stole flowers for dead friends. "I didn't get it. Death isn't pretty. It's cold, sad, and lonely. That’s why she was crying. But my dad embraced his death whenever he signed up for the military, and I like to think he met it with a brave heart and courageous mind. I'd like to think that we all will meet it that way. I don't like to cry about it. Instead, pay respects." And, he sort of… kept that tradition up over the years and spread it to his friends.
Whenever they went to pay their respects, they did so with red poppies, in memory of their friends. Most of them didn't even like to see red poppies any other time, because they were flowers they had associated with deceased friends for many years.
Sunny shuddered at what Grace must have felt when this boy handed her some of those damn flowers… “You’ve… researched them since then though, right?" She wondered.
“I have.” He leaned next to Grace on the bed and offered her a little smile, “I hope I've done well this time.”
But, she wasn’t looking at the red, orange and gold arrangement as she cooed, “You were amazing.” He blushed. Sunny rolled her eyes off to the side, out of both their view.
Simon rubbed the back of his neck and smiled, “I did what anybody who cared about you would do.”
“Who’d have thought that I, of all people would need a white knight?”
He scoffed, “That’s not what happened at all. You’re a warrior queen, who just so happened to need a general in that moment, when your… Court fled . May I just say this? I really think that you should reconsider the policy of leaving each other to die in the event of a life threatening injury.”
“One fallen soldier can’t compromise the entire troop.”
“You’re not some fallen soldier, Grace.” He looked very serious for a moment, as his fingertips seemed to ache to touch her, but he denied himself that.
They had a lot to go over before he could touch her again. There had been some betrayal, invasion of privacy, abandonment, and general toxicity between them. Sure, he saved her life. He loved her, but he wasn’t stupid. He knew that wasn’t just going to fix everything that had occurred between the two of them.
Even if just this once, his obsession worked out in her favor; she had been upset by initially finding out the extent to which he had been following and watching her and he had not come through with a justification for this. Nor could he think of one, and as much as she wanted to trust him again and to love him openly, he knew that would always be in her mind. But, she was not "one fallen soldier."
“When we’re out there, yes I am.” She seemed to think that was the end of it.
He fumed, “I refuse to accept that.”
She frowned and looked down at her body, “Hardly matters now. I won’t soon be back in the field.”
“You deserve a break,” Sunny chimed in. Grace and Simon both looked at her, like they had only just remembered that she was still there.
“The fact that the X gets a proper sending off instead of a sentence in the Field of Nulls makes me want to break something…”
“Everyone needs a break,” Simon said, turning his attention back to Grace. “That detective definitely is suspicious of us. I think that they’ll be watching, waiting, and pounce on anything we do.”
“We?” Sunny said, and scoffed a little, before looking at Grace with a confused expression.
“We.” Grace and Simon both said it at the same time, then smiled slightly at each other. Grace turned to Sunny and said, “I know that we don’t usually allow outsiders with us, but considering the circumstances - how Simon has helped us over the past few months and him literally saving my life, I think that as the leader, it’s my responsibility to make sure that he’s taken care of, just like the rest of us.”
“You trust this O as an ally?”
Grace voice was stern. “His name is Simon, and I trust him with my life.” Grace reached for Simon's hand and his entire countenance shined as their fingers met, testing each other's tips before sliding into place, woven together. Sunny stared at their hands and quickly went through a range of expressions as she tried to access what the appropriate reaction was to this. Uncertain, she forced a smile and bid them farewell. She had no idea how she might present this change to the group, but she at least knew that she would have to speak to Xander, immediately.
Grace had bigger changes on the horizon. For one, Her parents put her up in their guest house for her recovery, with a nurse on hand, and Simon was the only person who visited her every day. She forbade everyone to come to the guest house while she was in this state, but as per use, Simon didn’t respect that request, and she wasn’t going to tell her parents about their… questionable beginnings, so she decided that it was easier to just let him come around whenever he pleased, as she wasn’t in any condition to fight with him. She wasn’t even in condition to walk. She would do the minimum recommended to keep her from getting blood clots, and the rest of the time, she spent in a chair. Simon was there every moment that he could be and became her only real contact for the moment.
Grace tried to be flippant with him, to ignore him at times and even snap on him to get him to back off and leave her, but it didn’t prove to be working and she only felt bad later, when she realized that she was hurting him for nothing. Simon wasn’t about to turn his back on her. She would have to break some type of key rule for that to happen, and why did she want him to leave so badly, anyway? Why was she so committed to pushing everyone away and withering in this place with a hole in her body?
What was making her feel so alone and detached? What was making her accept that feeling and embrace it? She had nightmares every night, but now, she would wake up in a frenzy AND in physical pain. Simon would wake up too, do everything in his power to help her calm down and get some more sleep, to help her address her wound and get some pain relief… to help her feel cared for, and safe, and not alone… It didn’t feel fair to her. It felt… like she had taken a lot from this person and was still taking from him. The worst part was that she felt like she needed to take more. She couldn’t do this alone.
Whenever Simon woke up in the morning, Grace wasn’t in bed. He furrowed his eyebrows, looked at the openness of the windows of the guesthouse bedroom, and noticed that her chair was gone.
Whenever he found her, she was in her meditation garden, sitting with her feet in the dirt and Samantha and Hazel were both with her, eating the kinds of grasses they liked. She had been mindful to make sure there was stuff that they could eat there and added more that she felt that they might want to try. Simon was going to leave, but she sensed him coming and turned suddenly, of course, hurting herself as she did. “Sorry. I wasn’t trying to sneak up on you…” He looked around, “Where is your chair?”
“THE chair,” she corrected (not her chair, she hated that thing), “Is in the lake.” Simon looked towards the lake that her parents’ estate was near. It was close enough for him to walk, but it was further than Grace tended to walk in her condition. Still… if she was frustrated and determined enough… maybe. He went to check. It was… near the lake, but not in it. He went to retrieve it and realized it was stuck on some rocks. Just as well. Sure, Grace’s parents could afford replacing anything, but replacing something that was perfectly fine felt wrong. Especially because she needed it all the time.
The last time Grace tried to walk further than usual, she became lightheaded, lost her balance, tripped, fell, vomited and angry cried that she had such a bad reaction to pushing herself beyond reasonable limits. Then, she was upset and didn’t want him to help her, but had to let him because she just… couldn’t. She locked him out of the guest house. He camped out on the veranda and worked on a new story.
After three days, she unlocked the door and when he came in to check on her, she told him he smelled bad and needed a shower. After the shower, she began talking about art and wouldn’t let him get a word in to ask her about her feelings. Since then, Simon noted that she didn’t let him see her out of the chair and he presumed that she was too worried about another situation where she would look weak or get sick - so the fact that she had both rolled her wheelchair down this hill and went elsewhere was hard to believe and a little bit troubling. She was clearly having one of the episodes that had come along with her injury. They were exhausting, but Simon at least felt needed whenever she had them. The more that she insisted that she didn’t need him was usually the more that she did.
He dragged the wheel back to the garden, wondering if maybe it had gotten stuck and she didn’t have the strength to pull it up, therefore presumed it rolled into the lake, or if she was so disgusted with it today and that tried to send it splashing into the lake and it got stuck instead. At any rate, she looked like she didn’t want to talk about it and she was at peace for the moment, so he just put it where it usually sat when she was in this little garden. He noticed some damages that were probably brought on by her beating the thing with a weapon, as she was known (by anybody who watched her obsessively) to do. He figured he could fix it. In the meantime, she had a stick that she was calling a cane and she was using that to help her around.
“Good news! It didn’t go into the lake.”
“Yayyy…” She said sarcastically and scooped up Hazel. She grabbed her “cane” and began to walk back towards the guest house. Samantha followed behind her and Simon came in with the chair. Just that walk made Grace tired and she set Hazel down on the floor and went to wash up and check her wound. When it came time that she needed help, she cried as quietly as she could, and heard Simon knock softly. Of course he was right outside waiting for her to need him.
“Come in,” she said and they didn’t talk about what went wrong or the fact that she absolutely was doing too much and that was why she needed help getting out of the bath and into her clothes right now. They just… went with it. The first couple of times had been a little awkward, but Simon was very mission oriented and rarely made her feel the way that he knew that she felt.
She was trying to get comfortable, but there weren’t many options on that front. Having actively avoided guns for years, she had never known the extent of the damage that they could do. She’d seen gun violence, but it had been shoot to kill situations and as far as she knew, those who survived, she never talked to about these things OTHER THAN the burning hole in the flesh. The tissue, muscle, and bone damage one little bullet could cause when ejected from such a dangerous little contraption. She had been terrified of them after Todd’s execution. The PTSD of seeing that flooded over her after Heath’s. But THIS, she figured that even if her body ever went back to some semblance of normal, her brain never would.
Why couldn't she be as desensitized to gunshots as she was to murdering Xs? She felt like that should haunt her more, but it never had. The stewards were never real people. They were, but they weren’t. They forfeited their humanity when they dehumanized the children that they stole, bought and sold. But those children, in her mind, would always be human. Nothing that any of those Apex kids could ever do to strip them of the humanity they fought tooth and nail to reclaim after being product, and when they bled and died, it was tragedy. She didn’t want to feel sorry for herself, but the fact that the man who introduced her to such a hard reality was able to injure her felt like injustice. It was an insult added to the injuries from a universe that seemed to hate her… and her friends had turned against her, too. Those were the thoughts that she let lull her to sleep.
Whenever she had gotten into bed, he was reluctant to leave her by herself. The next day, he would move some of his things in. Fortunately, he always had a couple of weeks worth of things in his car, waiting for when he needed them here. He brought everything he had in the car in whenever she went to sleep and began to personalize the spaces that he usually occupied whenever he was over.
Grace noticed the next day, and he could have sworn he saw a little sparkle in her eyes whenever she did. She didn’t comment about it beyond, “Somebody’s getting comfy.”
Grace still didn’t completely feel that her Apex family could be trusted. After everything that went down behind her back while she was in Canada, she was still in the mindset that she didn’t know what any of them were thinking.
She often woke up crying, admittedly, because of the thoughts she allowed to settle in her mind before she went to sleep. It was all so, so… exhausting to face. She wanted to have something to center her thoughts, if nothing could take them away, and all that would happen was she would push them out of her reach until she was too tired to move, then they would all just trickle back down and engulf her, more powerfully than before. Hearing her cry, Simon stirred she shuffled away from him, trying to get out of bed and away from him before she woke him up too. She was nearly there when she felt his hand catch her wrist. She gasped and looked at him. He was holding her a little too tight and even in just moonlight, she could see his features, though she couldn’t tell what kind of expression he wore. “I have to go to the bathroom,” she said. He let go and turned over on his other side. That was… odd, but maybe he was just not fully conscious.
She went into the bathroom and stared into the mirror for longer than she planned. Not crying or thinking about hardships, just noting her features.
Eventually, his soft knock came on the door. She cracked it open and saw him, concerned and fully awake now. “Do you need anything?” He wondered. Meanwhile, Samantha crept through the opening and climbed on the sink, to look at herself, too. Grace collected her and handed her to Simon.
“I just wanted some time to myself.”
He looked hurt, but he said, “Okay. Want us to go home?” She bit her lip and looked off to her thoughts. She was weighing what that would mean. She would have some alone time, but she still would be restless and more than likely, Simon probably had cameras in this place, too. He wouldn’t go home. He’d probably go to the apartment and keep watch. Even if he did go home, she would presume that he was in the apartment watching her, and that would be worse than him being here.
“Do you have cameras in here?” she finally asked. She turned and stared at him, bracing herself on the sink. He froze and was holding Samantha a little too tightly. To the point that she screeched and hopped out of his grasp and rushed into hiding. Grace’s face softened and she came closer, cooing, “Hey. It’s okay. I get it. Your love language is a little bit different than what a lot of us are used to. It’s not like you spend every moment of every day in front of those cameras. But, here’s the thing, Simon…” He stared at her, being mindful of every word that she was saying, grateful that her reaction wasn’t anger… because truth be told, he really shouldn’t have brought cameras in here and he really didn’t mean to, but she was injured and she wasn’t in the best headspace. Keeping an eye on her was crucial! Sure, he had an excuse for every time he wanted to spy on her, but this was different. This really was different and he felt honored that she wasn’t going to fight him on it. “I need some real and true alone time. Not very long, but long enough for me to work some things out. So, how about this? I’ll go to your house tonight and you stay here. That way, I can get some rest in a familiar space and you can be away from your surveillance station.”
“That won’t work.” Just agree to it! “I have access to my cameras here and I have cameras in my house..” Why would you make this harder?
“If you tell me that you won’t look at them, I’ll believe you.”
Just agree to that! “I can’t tell you that. I’d be lying. If you’re in a house that size, by yourself, with this injury and your stubbornness to take the proper care of yourself, how can I not check in?” She looked angry. “I’m not going to lie to you, Grace. I mean… not on purpose… Not this way.” This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up. This is fucked up………………………… “I can’t let you get hurt again.” He started crying and stepped back, to leave and give her some space. She found him on the stairs, getting into his shoes and sniffling.
“What makes you feel like you’ve gotta keep me from getting hurt, Simon?”
He blinked away some tears and shook his head, “The reason that I gave myself for ever resorting to cameras was because I needed to make sure that you had proper support. I told myself it was for your safety, and if I enjoyed it along the way, well, that was simply a nice reward for making sure you were protected. And… I didn’t even protect you. You were self isolating, your friends alienated you, and you were so in your own head from this X that I brought you that you weren’t thinking clearly. I should have been there with you, not lurking in the shadows, and not waiting until it got bad. I should have did the thinking. I should have plotted something out. I knew that your team was shaky and I knew that you were rusty from your hiatus. I should have done more. I’m not gonna do that again. I’m not talking myself out of what makes sense to me just to get nuggets of satisfaction and crumbs of pleasure.”
She sat next to him on the stairs and placed her hands over his, making him stop with the shoes. He looked at her and she was just looking at his feet, unable to make eye contact just yet. “I made promises too. I made promises to about a thousand kids, and in the past few years, I’ve only made good on a few dozen. I’m at a point in life where… I don’t think I will make good on all those promises. I don’t think that I can. So, I get it. I understand how stressful it can be to take up things and be expected to handle them. But, Simon…” She finally looked up at him, “You made that promise to yourself. We’re the easiest people for us to lie to. Because, if we don’t reach our goals, we know what it takes to forgive us. We aren’t constantly battling for acceptance from ourselves the way that we do for others. So, maybe you didn’t do what you intended to, what you promised yourself that you would do, but you did more than you should have, and to be honest, you might not have protected me - which is already a fool’s errand - but you fucking saved me.
When I went down, my thought was - this is it. I’m dead. I knew that they would leave, as is the procedure, and I knew that I would die there…. Then, I didn’t. Because of you. You don’t owe me anything else. You don’t owe yourself anything else. Some things are just out of our control.”
“Is that the advice that you’re giving yourself about those thousand promises you made?” She pulled him towards her by the hand and wrapped him around herself like a sweater. “Because, if it applies to me, it definitely applies to you. You never did anything to hurt those kids, and the moment that you were able, you tried to. You deserve to never have to think about it, ever again.”
“They deserve something. If not justice, vengeance, if not vengeance, closure, if not closure, compensation, but they deserve SOMETHING for the years that not only the stewards took, but the ones that I took. Why… why didn’t we just disband? Why did I think that when the stewards were gone, that meant that it was up to me to lead them?”
“Because you were a kid and the past previous years had changed you in ways that children shouldn’t have to be changed.”
“If they had gone elsewhere when the warehouse fell, instead of staying with me… Todd would never have been killed. His parents wanted him back. If I had brought him to a cop or something, he might have been able to go back to them. He would be getting ready to go to college. Jalicia would have probably been able to go to real school early enough to actually KNOW material. Alexandria would have had art teachers through school and probably went to art school, like she wanted to… Xander wouldn’t have tried so many drugs…”
“You don’t know those things. You don’t know if any of that is true.”
“Anything had to be better than living on an abandoned train with me for years and then me vanishing for a year, leaving even more of them confused. Some of them left then, found homes, or were picked up and placed. Fortunately, they got Lucy and Lindsay out pretty early. But, a lot of them just deferred to Xander, and when he was unable, they deferred to Sunny. I had to come back and tell all of these kids that I was wrong, that we had been doing things in a misinformed way and I couldn’t even be there with them to help them figure out their own paths. I failed them all, and myself, and the one thing that I agreed to do to make it right, to give them SOMETHING for everything that I got wrong for them… That’s been cut short.”
Simon wrapped his arms tightly around her. “I’ll help you. I’ll do whatever needs to be done to get this burden off of your heart…”
The group knew that they wouldn’t be going on any missions any time soon, but while on hiatus from hunting Xs, Simon’s ultimate goal was to make them all the best that he could make them at their responsibilities. Simon had been entrusted with touching base with each member of Grace’s “court,” so to speak, in order to help them better do the things that they were tasked to do.
The first day that he walked in, they had been texted by Grace of the when and where to meet - the bungalow, at a specified time, but they had not been briefed that Simon would be there, nor that Grace would not be. So, whenever he entered the bungalow, with a key they all stared at him for a moment, expecting maybe Grace was right behind him (as they had known that she was shacked up with him), but Simon went directly into speaking, “Okay, so tonight is gonna be short and simple. I’m sending out the training schedules and drill runs for the next month, and answering whatever pertinent questions you may have about the operation so affectionately called Date Night. I intended to have something like a syllabus prepared, but Grace has been having some trouble sleeping, making that our top priority during this portion of her recovery process…” He looked over at Jalicia, who had her hand raised. “Is that what we do? We raise hands to speak?” They all just looked at each other, except for Sunny. She was still staring at Simon and the key that he was still clutching as he spoke. There were Apex members who didn’t even have a key to this bungalow. ONLY her closest members. Her most trusted companions. Her Court, as Simon called it… Where did he fit in on that court?
Jalicia was asking questions about what type of training and drills would they be expected to learn, as she had spring semester to think about and her agenda was a little bit more full than last fall. She was treating it exactly like she was in a classroom or something, because she was confused about what was happening, and he sounded pretty certain.
Simon spoke pretty gently to her, looking over the schedule in her phone with her and pointing out where he had already gotten that information from Grace and had taken it into consideration whenever he had set the training schedules. “Mostly, I’ll need maybe a week or two for you to show me what you do and how you do it, and I am gonna take what you’ve shown me, sprinkle my… intellectuality onto it, and then help you to optimize your technique. Disposing of Xs is not a life sentence, Apex.” Xander twitched when he heard Simon say that word. “It's something that none of you seem to wish to walk away from, but it should have an expiration date, and all of you should be able to live lives outside of the shadow of these things. For the time being, I’m here to help reach that goal, but I can’t be positive of how long it'll take us, until I’ve evaluated everyone’s contributions to the operation and established an endgame.”
“That sounds like a lot of power to be given to an O, just for catching one body in Grace’s name…” Xander said.  
Simon stepped towards him and he rushed towards Simon, but Sunny stepped in front of Xander and tilted her head at him. He paused, considering whether she was taking Simon’s side or protecting him.
“He has a key to the bungalow, and it sounds to me like he also has Grace’s ear and her tongue. You’d better think real hard on whether or not you want that back, and act accordingly,” Sunny warned.
Simon smiled, “Thank you, Sunetra.”
“We’re here for Grace, Timonthy.”
“We’re sticking with that one, I guess?”
“I’m not sure what you mean, Mr. La’Dont.” Xander sulked, but knew that Sunny was right. To Xander's begrudging satisfaction, Simon was more efficient in some of the areas they needed help with, and Grace had clearly sent him to represent her wishes for this meeting.
Sunny was still giving him shit, obviously, but she knew when to listen up, because Simon speaking is basically Grace speaking, now. She knew that it might take Grace a moment to let them back in after December’s antics. The best way that she might get back to good with Grace was starting to look like Simon. “At any rate,” she added on, after teasing him, “Whatever you need, you may know that Xander is Grace’s right hand and I am her left. Whatever she has you doing, I know that I’ll be backing you and I’m sure Xan will do it too.”
“I’ll hate every moment of it,” Xander admitted, forcing a smile.
“Growth can be painful,” Simon said.
Ignoring the sound of rustling as Xander advanced on him again, with Sunny and Jalicia physically intervening, Simon asked the only one who hadn’t reacted or said a single word, “Alexandria, anything that you need to express concerns about?” He turned to the quiet tattooed woman and she looked nervous to have attention on her. “We were a little bit curious about why you hadn’t come to the hospital or the guest house yet.” 'To see Grace' was implied.
“She doesn’t want to see me. The rest of them are on her nerves always trying to grovel for her, and she doesn’t want to see them, either. That’s why you’re here. When Grace wants to see me, she’ll send for me.” She folded her arms, flustered by the attention on her. She figured that Simon probably HATED her for the fake art trap, but Grace may be mad about a lot of things, but she wasn't going to let anybody punish her friends.
Nobody but her, that is - with her silence and refusal to see them. With sending him, HIM of all people to run point with them in her absence… maybe even HE had taken control of the Apex, completely. Grace flitted from thing to thing and paid or assigned others to do stuff like planning, but she usually approved every plan she believed in and none of this even sounded like her. "She knows where to find me whenever she needs me. She always knows."
"Fair enough," Simon said. He didn’t want to even be here with these people after how they had tried to set him up, but Grace loved them and the same way that she wasn’t going to allow them to hurt him; she wasn’t going to allow him to hurt them either.
But, seeing Alexandria's face and having her acting like HE did HER something was frustrating and the last thing he was going to do while assimilating them to getting used to him as virtually Grace’s second in command, was to be angry at each other, argue, or fight. "I'll see you all tomorrow."
“Whoa, that’s it?” Jalicia wondered. “How’s Grace?”
Jalicia was the one that Simon was the LEAST irritated with. He knew that she wouldn’t have left Grace of her own accord and he didn’t really believe that she had anything to do with setting him up for Xander, either. She was the only person in this room whose teeth he didn’t want to kick in for… everything that had happened. And after watching her and seeing her constant pain, the only one that still he felt bad for. “She’s recovering. She loves all of you.” He gave her a squeeze to the shoulder and Sunny noted that maybe Jalicia would be a doorway back to Grace. Simon had pretty clearly favored her tonight.
They hung back to discuss what had just taken place. The last thing that Simon heard was Xander fuss, "She's shutting us out!" Simon could not help but to smile to himself about that.
She was curious to know how it went and Simon gave her all of the details, sprinkled with his own disdain, accordingly. He still was angry with them for leaving her. Even though he wasn’t saying that, Grace knew.
She didn’t blame them for leaving, at all. Had they brought her to the ER, or stuck around, it might not have been as easy to get the stories straight and to get them out of trouble, the way it was for Simon. He had more privilege when it came to legal matters than anybody in that van, and with their past records and their deviations from normalcy, not to mention they weren’t financially elevated like the Monroes or even Simon… It was the smart thing for them to leave, and it was why that WAS a rule, in the first place. It was far too risky to everyone else and the entire operation if they all faced charges because one person fell behind.
But, she couldn’t shake the fact that she had felt so compelled to rush towards the X and risk it all, because she thought her time with the Apex was beginning to wane. She couldn’t help but blame it on her state of mental confusion and distraction from the mutiny of them trying to hurt Simon. Then, that reminded her that one of the main reasons she was even away for weeks, was because they had such strong opinions of how unsafe Simon was and that she had followed the advice from her friends and let go of someone who literally became a murderer to keep her safe.
That shouldn’t feel so good. She knew that, but… the people who were willing to kill for her had all been so fucked up for so long that she… well… she still felt like they were human, but like they were… humans who were set apart from ones like Simon. Simon was supposed to be part of a completely different world. Simon was supposed to be good and wholesome, but because he made some… poor choices, she had turned on him and he was the only person who cared about her without being tied to the same trauma… and… now… he was tied to it.
“I hope you aren’t thinking about me while making that face,” Simon interrupted her thoughts. She glanced at a nearby mirror and saw how wrinkled her forehead was, then took a deep breath and forced a smile. Simon wrapped his arms around her ankles and rubbed her foot, “Do you want to tell me about it?”
“I’m sorry that I’ve pulled you into… my world.”
“I pushed my way in,” he said. She pulled her feet back and held her wound. He quickly let go and worried that he might have hurt her.
“You tiptoed in, and I left the door open, hoping that you would.” She laid on her side, facing away from him. “I turned you into a stalker and a killer in less than a year’s time.”
Simon snuggled up to her and wrapped an arm around her, speaking directly into her hair, “You’ve helped me to become a hero. I protected a queen, and I slayed a dragon.”
“We aren’t in Esmoroth, Simon.”
“Damn straight, we aren’t. These monsters are real.”
“I’m no queen. I’m an angry girl that wanted revenge and I got my dumbass shot.” She sniffled, “I almost died, I can’t walk, and I don’t know if my friends still want or need me.”
“You’re justifiably angry, and I’m thankful that you didn’t die, but I would be lying if I said that I’m not a little bit happy that you…” She turned around quickly and winced, but kept her focus on his face. “Happy that you are taking a break from battle. I hate that it happened this way.” She snuggled into him and let him hold her until she fell asleep. She was too tired to respond to that yet. At least she was starting to get some sleep at night.
16. Faith in Grace
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I brought up hanyang type 88 here and i said i’d explain, so here I am!!
okay so first off here’s a bunch of likely useful context about girls frontline. There is this feature in the game called digimind upgrade, or mod 3, where certain t-dolls can be upgraded past the normal maximum levels and stats, and at the same time gaining whole new abilities and also a new design. Basically a reinvention. There are like hundreds of playable characters in the game, and only a fraction will get mod 3s, typically the ‘main characters’ who are relevant to the major ongoing plot.
two things about getting a doll who has the ability to do digimind upgrade, to actually do that. One, is that it can be very costly in terms of in-game materials. like, maybe i just played the game wrong but I would have to grind for weeks in order to amass the materials to upgrade just one doll to mod 3. So even though by now there are dozens upon dozens of dolls who are capable of this feature, i’ve only actually done so with like, less than one dozen. A normal player probably has to be picky.
secondly, and this is the big one, every t-doll’s mod 3 comes with story cutscenes that become available for you to view upon upgrading them. Personally, i think most of the only worthwhile mod 3 stories are the ones that are associated with the actual major characters of the main story, especially since their upgrades actually happen in-canon and their mod 3 stories fill in blanks or otherwise expand upon the regular story chapters.
for the t-dolls who aren’t major characters that get digimind upgrades, their associated stories tend to follow a very basic pattern. They’re feeling like they are falling behind other T-Dolls in abilities or are otherwise experiencing a drop in confidence in their abilities, but then find the resolve in them to either change themselves or stand by an aspect of themselves, and this leads them to heading to the lab to get upgraded. obviously theres some nuances here and there depending on the character, but a lot of them, from what i saw, follow this basic pattern.
hanyang type 88 has a mod 3 but i certainly never wanted to see it. Firstly, using the feature at all takes up resources are kinda precious so i wasn’t just gonna use it on anyone. Secondly, she is just one of many one-off t-dolls that basically dont ever show up in any actual main story cutscenes or even funny events. Thirdly... you saw what she looked like in the linked post, i was in no rush to make use of her.
That being said, even if you don’t ever upgrade a t-doll, simply having them in your possession allows you to at least view the first of four parts of their mod 3 story, which nets you a small amount of those materials needed to see the rest (its a pretty fiendish system, huh o_O). I was lacking in some materials to upgrade a doll i cared about, so i just mucked around, eventually happened upon type88 again and decided that instead of just immediately feeding her to the furnace, I’d watch the first chapter of her mod 3 story. I watched it, it made me just curious enough to look further, and well. ...I got into it. Exactly what I got into, i shall now just elaborate and summarise the whole thing in my own way! Warning, it’s long!
(disclosure: my summary will bias towards my own preferred interpretation whenever any aspect is somewhat vague.)
The story starts with type 88, or as she is called by others in griffin base, Ai, working her shift in the base’s cafe, because what else would she be doing.
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i hate looking at her! Anyway, its just a pleasant peaceful day and Ai is taking the logistic person, kalina’s order when suddenly in the middle of a conversation, Ai freezes in place and starts making worrying sounds.
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kalina here and the t-dolls present in the cafe are concerned, and talk about how Type88 has actually been crashing like this more and more frequently lately, yet has not reported any of this to the maintenance crew despite the advice of her friends. They try rebooting her on the spot, but it has an even more concerning effect, because she starts erratically acting like she doesn’t recognise the others, and talks about how she is a maid in “Jiangcheng Cafe”. Afraid that her neural cloud (her mind) has been scrambled, they put her to sleep and bring her to the repair bay.
Its in the repair bay where they explain exactly what is wrong with type88. She is a fairly old doll, and her processing capacity has been severally clogged up for a long time. Her internal memory is overflowing because many large sections of her mind is filled with very large encrypted files (memories that she stored away). she is likely to keep crashing and possibly even cease functioning entirely one day if those encrypted files are not deleted, but nobody is really keen on just deleting parts of her mind without her consent. For now, kalina just opts to try and decrypt the files and see what they are.
And from here, we watch type88 memories from her perspective. Sort of. Kind of. It gets complicated later but for now, we view the first memory of her life, not as a combat t-doll type88, but...
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...as 59898, a doll designed to be what is basically a ‘crash test dummy’ for testing artillery technology in a research station. With a purpose like this, 59898 has an (ostensibly) rudimentary AI. Her learning ability is intended to be used to better aid the results of their testing, but she also knows how to understand and even imitate specific human gestures in order to better respond to instructions or conversation, even though she herself has no voice module to speak with. She is assigned to assist one specific person.
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first off, i was pretty shocked right off the bat that this story above so many others actually has unique assets to it. The above two sprites don’t show up anywhere else in the game, i don’t think. Secondly, this woman’s name is only ever spelled with those white squares, so I’m stuck with having to just calling her ‘the pilot’, as dry as that sounds... I just don’t want to type out weird characters every time, or call her ‘triple cube’...
Anyway, so 59898 is assigned to help this woman in testing artillery tech (stuff like mechs and tanks). I should mention really quick that in the game’s story, during this point of time is when world war iii is happening, but that’s just a backdrop for robots to eventually gain more prominence. Anyway, we move on to the second memory, where some time has already passed. At the beginning of this memory, the pilot is visibly depressed, which 59898 takes note of.
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Her ‘comfort mode’ consists of patting the pilot on the head, who while surprised, actually is grateful. She feels comfortable enough to talk about her worries aloud to the doll, mentioning how she is a war refugee and has to make a living in the research base because she can’t go back to her home in china, at least not before making enough money for a very expensive and exclusive train ticket. She continues to talk at length to the doll...
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...not that the test doll is capable of responding to anything she says. The pilot insists that she’s happy just to have someone listen to her though, since she feels like she can’t really express her feelings to any other person on the base. Despite that-
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That aside, the pilot says that referring to 59898 by her serial number all the time feels a bit weird, so she decides to give the doll a name. (I sure wish the story would give this woman a name too, other than ‘three white squares’ but oh well...)
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She talks more with Jiangcheng Ai, or just Ai, after that, asking her if she’d like a change of clothes sometime, like some casual clothes, or an old maid outfit from an old cafe job she used to have (I guess they had to throw in any explanation for that outfit somehow) Point is, more and more time passes.
As time passes though, and we go into the third memory, the pilot brings up complaints to her superiors about how the more recent testings, becoming more increasingly intense and frequent, are putting a great strain on Ai, and even repairs can only help maintain her chassis so much. She insists on wanting to take Ai’s place in the testing, but they refuse because, well, Ai’s entire purpose is to take the strain of these tests so that the human pilot doesn’t have to, and the doll is just a tool there to pave the way for the pilot to eventually take over the mech in action
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The next time Ai wakes up from her most recent repairs, the pilot is there to greet her, and Ai can tell straight away that she’s unhappy and tries to comfort her again. The pilot is not surprised at this and talks about how this is how Ai has been since they first met. She goes on to say how all the other people on the base don’t know her half as well as Ai does. Ai tries to understand and determine what the pilot’s intentions with saying all this is, but she cannot do so and can only listen while offering ‘executing - affirmative nod’.
The pilot talks about how once the war is over, she’d like to take Ai back home with her, where they could go to all sorts of gatherings, and the pilot would introduce Ai to her friends.
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Ai reviews her personal data, confirming that she has no owners or obligations other than the pilot, so she executes another affirmative nod, and the pilot says this:
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As Ai tries and fails to further determine this, something bad happens! if you’ve read this far, i’m sure you’ve already guess what happens next...
At that exact moment, a warning goes out and the research base is being attacked by nebulous enemy forces. With no time to talk anymore, both the pilot and Ai head out into their first real fight.
They spend a good long while repelling enemy forces, working well together and apparently using all sorts of wacky anime weaponry like beam blades and whatever ‘retrograde evasion’ is!
obviously though, you already know this isn’t going to end well for them... When the pilot takes a breather, Ai moves to protect her, but at a critical moment, a sudden high-speed projectile comes her way. In the next instance there’s a crash, and we move onto another memory. Where its all fire and debris, and Ai can’t move.
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^ this text box actually repeats several times, indicating that she is repeating her scan for life signs over and over. She gets an internal warning from her systems (differentiated with red text) that she has insufficient power and it warns her to immediately cease ineffective operations. [Unable to detect owner life signs] repeats again.
At this point, uuuuh, its a little stupid actually? because two humans show up, reusing generic ‘bad guy’ sprites from other events that don’t match the current environment and situation at all (one is in a suit and the other is in casual clothes). but the reason they’re here is to provide exposition out loud about what happened. It looked like the human’s mech took a hit for the doll and was blown to bits, though they talk about how that doesn’t make any sense.
Ai at this point tries to execute a bunch of different actions like hugging [target not found] and screaming [no relevant module] but they all fail, and her internal systems tell her that her power is running out and she will cease to function in 30 seconds.
So in those last 30 seconds, Ai decides to quickly review her internal files. the damage she took has corrupted her memories and she doesn’t have the time to properly go through them, so she executes a ‘simulated processed records’, which basically mean she’s just filling the blanks of those memories herself with simulations.
And I have to say. I was decently into and enjoying this little story so far, but its this part that’s the reason i became forced to make this stupid giant post. the first ‘memory’ loads up, and we see the pilot.
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Different ‘memories’ of the days spent with the pilot are loaded back to back, each are very short and only last a few lines. Across these files, the two of them talk comfortably with each other, Ai is invited to go get coffee with her, the pilot talks about how going alone is boring and would rather spend time with Ai, Ai saying back with her own words that she always likes spending time with her, etc etc etc.
And then finally, she loads one last ‘memory’, from earlier that same day, before the explosion and the fighting.
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and she shuts down.
i passed by this scene the first time all calm, but an hour or so later when I was in the bathroom replacing shampoo bottles, i started thinking about it and I literally started sobbing. And then again later that night when i was in bed. I hate this game!!
so that’s the ‘end’ of that, and the next scene opens, once again in griffin base’s cafe, except...
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Ai is sporting a brand new (ugly) look. She says she’d like to take kalina’s order but she was just leaving on other business, as she likes keeping herself busy with all sorts of work around the base ever since she got upgraded into a gundam gajinka. and after she leaves, kalina talks with the other dolls about how Ai used to have some cache issues because her neutral cloud was too full, but upgrading into this new chassis easily fixed that and even allowed her to make use of her old locked away abilities.
Because of the way this scene in the cafe opens up exactly like the very first one at the beginning, it makes me believe that this final scene is also a simulated ‘memory’, that is, Ai filling in the blanks of her corrupted memories with what she wishes to be reality. And i feel confident in believing that because after the scene fades to black, we see more of her internal system monologue.
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She (the system) says that the priority execution is to preserve those encrypted memory logs. She does so, and the neural cloud upgrade is complete with confirmation of no loss files. With no risk of deletion in this new form, she executes the command to unlock the encrypted memories. And finally...
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[spiderbread dies]
i still wouldn’t use her in gameplay because i can’t stand looking at her design but  i told you all i eat up robot with feelings stuff and this is like prime example of exactly that... and if i didn’t make this post, i think my own neutral cloud’s cache would be at risk of overflowing x_X!
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shifuto · 4 years
Ever since acquiring a human body, Astral discovered his own Astralian body could do things he wasn’t aware of before ー actually he did discover many new things about his own body through Yuma’s whenever they formed Zexal ー and it was not until years later, when his and Yuma’s relationship took a step further in regards to intimacy that he was able to explore that in depth.
Series: Yugioh Zexal Rating: Explicit Pairings: Keyshipping [Yuma x Astral] Additional tags/warnings: trans/intersex headcanons, genital/reproduction descriptions, human AU (mention), possible (but not quite) sequel to this?, adult characters
His human body is similar to Yuma’s in relation to his gender/sex. They’re similar in their build too, with Astral being thinner and taller. His Astralian body is the same except there is no visible sex characteristics... or that was the case until he found out they actually exist. Astral can also, somewhat, control whether or not his body materializes itself, so he is not always translucent.
The couple spend most their time on Earth and in their missions at Astral World, they never really had time to enjoy themselves... but sometimes they did and it was always interesting because of Astral’s body.
“Yu... Yuma! It’s no use... there’s nothing there.” Astral exclaims as Yuma touches the space between his legs, when they were standing in a corner between buildings in Astral World, a little after they finished a task.
“I can feel a bulge though?” Yuma states, inquisitive, “maybe you can try... imagining something? How can you even control when your body gets solid? Couldn’t that be the same?”
And Astral realizes that... was true. It never occurred to him that he could try to change other aspects of his body. And it would not hurt after all.
“Oh?! It’s working!” Yuma shouts out when he feels a familiar shape forming in his hand.
“I... did not know that would be possible,” Astral seemed disconcerted, “maybe I can change other things too...” he seemed pensive.
“I think that’s enough for now, isn’t it?” Yuma smiles, “now... would you help yourself?” and turns around, playfully, rubbing his butt on the other’s cock.
In another time, in Astral World and after an exhausting mission, Astral decides to experiment once again and... he ended up with Yuma inside of his ass. Sex with Astral in that form wasn’t that much different apart from little changes in his body temperature (he doesn’t have “blood” circulating in the same way humans do, so his temperature is neutral or depends on another’s ー in this case, Yuma’s) and the feel of his skin (the “texture” of that body feels differently than a human’s).
Astral did some research of his own because he was curious as to how much he could change his body and, to his surprise, this was something common for Astralians, regardless of their gender. This time he wanted to try something unknown for both him and Yuma.
They reserved a room in a tall building and were using it to “rest before going back to the human world” or so was the excuse they used with Eliphas. Astral was anxious to try this “new” thing and Yuma was dying with curiosity by seeing Astral so eager and excited. It doesn’t take too long and they’re in bed, making out.
In between passionate kisses, Yuma reaches out for the other crotch and raises one brow when he feels something different, “Eh...? You’re... much smaller???” he sounds puzzled and Astral let out a chuckle, still kissing him and holding his face.
“Go lower...” Astral encourages him.
“Where are your...” Yuma is somewhere between utterly confused and  apprehensive but still curious, and moves his hand lower, slipping into a very soft and moist cleft, “wait a minute...” he’s wide-eyed and moves away to stare at Astral who was smiling and seemed to enjoy that reaction quite a lot.
“I think... umm... you can put it inside? It works like in humans... probably,” Astral says, tentative, “I could not test it for sure but I believe it’s going to feel good as well.”
“Hold on, hold on, Iー” Yuma sounded a little agitated “I... I don’t have a condom uhhーyou know this is where babies come from, right?”
“Don’t worry about that. As far as I know, it’s impossible for our species to produce offspring together.” Astral reassures Yuma.
“Alright...” Yuma doesn’t sound too convinced but he trusts his partner would not lie or assume about such important thing. He kisses Astral’s neck and push both down the bed, Astral left a soft moans that brought Yuma chills, “if this feels bad just let me know, ok?”
“Yes.” Astral mutters, while running his fingers from Yuma’s hips to his scapula, and digging them in, pulling him to a embrace.
Yuma felt like he could slide in easier than when taking Astral from behind, the sensation was different, too, he was squishy down there. Yuma couldn’t get all his length at once and this was because Astral was nervous and was tightening things down there, “alright so... his dick should work the same, right?” he thinks, moving one of his hands from Astral’s side to his crotch and touching the hard member.
Astral yelps and moves his hip against Yuma, making him slip in a little further. They both freeze and look at each other.
“Ah-aah, p-please don’t pull out,” Astral begs, his voice a little higher than normal, as a response to Yuma moving away slightly to adjust himself better inside of his partner. Their bodies were completely connected, Yuma was embracing Astral from behind and even their legs were intertwined. The human held a steady pace and would pause whenever he was close. It never took Astral that much time to cum, but both didn’t realize he already did, several times.
“I’m so-sorry... Yuma... this feels great but you don’t have to wait for me.” Astral begs Yuma as he realizes the human was sweating and panting, exhausted. Maybe because it felt different, Yuma was having a hard time to keep himself from climaxing, that was probably the longest session they ever tried and it was as mind blowing as it was taxing.
“Hmm. I want to try something too, though. Here, touch yourself and try to match my speed.” Yuma instructs the other as he props Astral’s lower half up, giving him space to reach around.
And Yuma hasten his pace, sliding all the way out and back in, to the hilt at first, then burying himself deep, going back and forth fast, catching throat-deep gasps from Astral. Their moans and movements were in sync and listening each other having such a good time was arousing in itself.
“Ahh...! Ugh... Astral, I...!!” Yuma struggles as his brain floods with dopamine. His trembling body hugging Astral’s desperately when he lets his seed out, sinking into the other. And immediately, Astral cries in a high-pitched tone, writhing, his insides contracting hard, overwhelmed by the feeling in his body and mind. Both their bodies completely spent and wobbly have them falling to their side and Yuma detaches slowly, allowing Astral to finally turn around. They kiss tenderly.
“Are you sure this can work...?!” Yuma inquires, incredulous about what Astral just explained to him.
“Absolutely. Now... shall we?” Astral says firmly, no ounce of doubt in his voice.
“Do you want to try that yourself?”
Yuma remembers when Astral proposed that to him, seeing how curious he was about his body and those changes, “how?!” Yuma seemed so surprised. And Astral told him they could use Zexal ー Yuma’s body changes already when they transform ー and it would be no issue now that Astral knows what to do. The question would be whether or not Yuma were willing to try.
And he did.
Astral’s abilities to change Yuma’s body in Zexal were limited but he still managed to pull off an almost complete genital make up. They both didn’t have a womb and Astral was not able to create one, and this was the reason he was sure he could not conceive ー they’re unsure if Astral is fertile though, especially in his human body. Yuma’s cock becomes slightly smaller and his testes give place to plump lips and a slit, and an extra hole.
Just going through those changes was arousing enough and left Yuma with a hard on, he could not understand what was oozing from inside of him though. But it was simply a self-lubrication mechanism. Again, with curiosity getting the best of him, Yuma dare to touch his new parts and a finger slides in, making him gasp. Inside their conscience, Yuma and Astral glance at each other. The former, speechless; the latter, wearing a bewitched smirk.
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