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princekirijo · 2 years ago
Thoughts on the P3 casts personas? i.e which do you prefer between the initial and secondary personas and which are your favourites?
Oh god thank Rui ily for this
Ok so I'll keep this one fairly opinion based (because someone else asked me a very similar question and I thought fuck it I'll rant about them twice because Personas and their designs are my fav thing to talk about) so without further ado:
So in general I absolutely adore the Persona 3 cast's Personas. Design wise they're not as flashy as P5's but I feel like they don't need to be because their more muted color palette and simpler designs fit the tone of P3 well. There are some I love to pieces (Penthesilea, Artemisia, Caesar, Castor and Cerberus come to mind) and then there are some that I don't like that much (Polydeuces and Nemesis). I'll put a more detailed breakdown undercut because I know I'll get carried away lmao but those are my general thoughts!
I'll break them down by character so it's easier!
MC/FeMC: OK so I do have a preference for male Orpheus but I honestly like both! Female Orpheus has a more cheery color palette (well brighter is prob the better word) which I like a lil more but I think the original one is just iconic. I love his harp and how he uses it to bash enemies idk why that's so funny to me it just is. Thanatos is probably one of my favorite designs ever I love that guy so much. I love his mask and I love how beast like he is. And the coffins? Absolute banger design. Messiah is overall a good design but I'm not as fond of it? It's very well executed but I think because it's so late in the game and it's just not as iconic as the other two I'm kinda meh about it you know. Thanatos is my fav for the MCs (and if he doesn't count for whatever reason then Orpheus).
Junpei: I don't have too much to say about Hermes design wise other than I like him! I like his bird look and tbh my fav thing about him is actually his attack animations! The way he slides into enemies is really satisfying to me idk why. Trismegistus though. God I love him so much. Mostly because of his awakening scene that is honestly one of the highlights of the game (like a lot of the second tier awakenings) and the fact his design is a fusion of Hermes and Medea is just so so good. I def prefer him.
Yukari: I really enjoy both Io and Isis a lot. I really like their designs and their lore and how it ties into Yukari's own story! However compared to some of the others, these designs kinda fall in the middle of the pack for me. Solid looks but nothing crazy you know? I think I slightly prefer Isis because of her wings I think that's such a cool design feature.
Akihiko: Ah my boy. He has one of the best and the worst persona designs of the cast for me. Polydeuces is such a dope choice for him as a Persona. Picking the immortal half of the Gemini twins for him and giving Shinji the other one is so so so so good and I could rant all day about why I love the concept. The design? Ugly af I'm sorry 😭 I cannot stand it it looks so weird the big bulky body with the skinny little legs looks so off-putting and his hair is just so weird? I don't like it at all 💀 Caesar however???!! Absolutely ADORE him. Such a powerful looking design and I love the lil person who sits in his chest (I'm one of the "it represents Shinji" people because I just love that idea so much). Caesar def is my preference here.
Fuuka: I really love Fuuka's Personas because of how she interacts with them. I really like how she's encased inside the persona and I think both Lucia and Juno look really really good. Unfortunately they're kinda similar to Yukari's for me in that they're like both very good but just don't stand out as much as some of the others. I prefer Lucia for her lore and I prefer Juno's design so 🤷‍♂️
Mitsuru: Oh baby. I absolutely adore Penthesilea and Artemisia to DEATH. I have written essays on here about the details of their designs and how they fit Mitsuru as a character so so well. Probably two of my favorites in the entire series. If I had to pick I think I'd give the slight edge to Artemisia because the fact that she has that red mask symbolizing the fact Mitsuru is finally coming out of her shell and letting down her walls a little makes me so so emotional.
Koromaru: Cerberus is a very very good boy. I think it's a really on the nose design but there's nothing wrong with that he's perfect. 10/10 would pet and give treats.
Ken: I think Ken's personas have the same deal as Akihiko's for me but to a lesser degree. I don't like Nemisis that much. I don't hate it as much as I hate Polydeuces, I just think it looks really awkward. I could see what they were going for and the blade saw thing is cool it just looks... Kinda weird. Idk. Kala-nemi on the other hand I much prefer! I think it does the over exaggerated proportions much better than Polydeuces (it's big bulky shoulders look and move really well) and I like the lore behind it. It's not a massive favorite but I enjoy it.
Aigis: Honestly I like both Palladion and Athena a lot. They're both really solid designs and they fit Aigis super well! I'd have to give the edge to Athena though because I love the big shields that circle her. Really cool touch.
Shinjiro: Oh god Castor. I adore Castor so so much. Such a fantastic design. The horse the blade in the chest just everything about him. He looks like Polydeuces but just so so much better. Brilliant design def one of my favs in the series.
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artekai · 2 years ago
MY SCRUNKLIES!!!! I will always love them :3
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I'm repeating myself but I don't really know what to say that I haven't already said!! I think they're great and Rumi deserved so much better. P5R stands for Persona 5 Rumi. To me ❤️ Their angst is immaculate, 10/10, no notes, but I love seeing them in fluffy situations too because I need to heal ;-;
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huesofvioletandpurple · 2 years ago
genuinely astonished that the fandom hasn't utterly latched onto Kasumi and Rumi considering how they are essentially blank slates to an extent and you can pretty much write them however you want. like why haven't I seen any fics about Rumi feeling like something is wrong and going on a quest to figure out why her memory is inconsistent only to slowly wonder in dread if she should even pursue it. how come there isn't a wide fanon consensus on what Kasumi was like to the point where I forget it isn't shown in canon. come on !!!!!!!
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lesbiamano · 9 months ago
i just realized. i think i never posted the arcanas for all the characters in my swap au😭😭for the sake of not leaving you guys on tumblr in the dark, this is them!
• The World (as in The Wildcard) - Futaba Isshiki, codename “Sibyl”
• The Magician (yes he is a cat in the over world) - Akira Kurusu, codename “Bishop”
• The Chariot - Yusuke Kitagawa, codename “Vivid”
• The Lovers - Haru Okumura, codename “Ivy”
• The Emperor - Ryuji Sakamoto, codename “Star”
• The High Priestess (he’s a human kid here) - Morgana, codename “Pawn”
• The Hermit (and navigator) - Goro Akechi, codename “Hawk”
• The Empress - Makoto Niijima, codename “Specter”
• Justice (Black mask) - Kasumi/Sumire Yoshizawa, codename “Indigo”
• Faith - Ann Takamaki, codename “Valentine”
as for the non playable arcana characters, i also changed a few of them
• The fool (and i mean the actual real one) - Igor
• The Hierophant - Sojiro Sakura
• The Wheel of Fortune - Kiyoko Akechi
• The Strength (from the get go) - Lavenza
• The Hanged Man - Zenkichi Hasegawa
• Death - Tae Takemi
• Temperance - Sadayo Kawakami
• The Devil - Mika
• The Tower - Shiho Suzui
• The Star - Kana
• The Moon - Maya Amano
• The Sun - Tatsuya Suou
• Judgement - Sae Niijima
• The Councillor - Rumi
and as a little bonus, instead of jose, i put in sophia ! not for any major plot reasons, just because i really wanted her there lol
anyway! that’s all of them! if you have any questions i’d be happy to answer! i love this au so much it’s so fun😭
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pryntery-moved · 2 years ago
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Doodle & Sketches Dump 2: Royal Trio in my Wildcard Kawakami AU
I have a wildcard Kawakami AU and I sketched the Royal Trio in the Au for 2/2!
Maruki is one of the OG Phantom thieves, joined in the first palace! His Arcana is Emperor, Codename Doctor, and I'm still torn between making his Persona Azathoth or Adam Kadmon
Rumi is the Target for the Fourth palace and the fourth party member~ Her Arcana is Hermit, Codename Knight, and her Persona is either Eva or Marie Antoinette. She's the Shiho & Kasumi of this au!
Kasumi/Sumire stands in for Maruki. She's Rumi's Psychiatrist who, by chance, got hired by Shujin as a counselor. The rest of the story, including the third semester, is still being workshopped
Akechi stands in for Sae! Their roles are the only few who are truly swapped. His personality leans more toward his 3rd-semester self. I like to imagine he and this au's Sae have somewhat of a mentor/student relationship, even though they're just colleagues? Cue Akechi dragging Sae to Leblanc because she hasn't eaten lunch.
The unrecognizable blob is Akiren. Who, in truth, I'm still debating whether to put into Kawakami's role or Maruki's role. I imagine he's a laid-back, cool teacher. The kind who seems to joke around a lot but secretly cares a lot about his job.
Honest to god I want to develop this AU further because I have sooo many harebrained gag ideas like Rumi still beating Takuto's hand while she was recovering in the hospital, and breaking his hand while she's at it.
Would anyone be interested in hearing about this au?
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yusuke-of-valla · 2 years ago
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MWAHAHA mutuals I have drawn your children
Fuyune Shimizu by @ravenoftheskyes (and me she’s our joint baby)
Riku Kirijo by @princekirijo
Chika Oshiro by @nexttrickanvils
Azami Narukami by @sirenspells
Sakura Rokuda by @wildcard-rumi
Minerva Hart by @purplespacefairy
Template here
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inkpens-coffee · 1 year ago
Tagged by @artekai !!
Last Song: Faerie Soirée by Melanie Martinez 🧚🏽✨🌷🌿🪽
Favorite Color: Lavender purple!! 🪻 but also I love so many colors so deeply in a way I can’t describe, I’ll gotta make a moodboard for it—
Currently Watching: YOU on Netflix (rewatching technically lol)
Last Movie/TV Show: Weathering With You ☂️
Spicy/Savory/Sweet: Savory!!
Relationship Status: Single and desperate
Current Obsession: Tsum Tsum (Disney in general if I’m being honest lol) and Makoto Shinkai movies
Last Thing You Googled: star rail trailblazer build
Tagging @wildcard-rumi, @lyonface, @skylitcreations and anyone else who wants to do it ! (only if you wanna tho no pressure)
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its-coda · 4 years ago
How about Takuto just hanging out with Rumi and Shibusawa? I just like seeing the three of them happy...
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Shibu is not happy with this.
He was invited last minute to the picnic bc he had to cancel a plan, now he's forced to third wheel for the entire day.
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fellhellion · 4 years ago
Honestly, every time I see you reblogging twdg content, it just reminds me how grateful I am that you got me into that incredible series
and thank u rumi <333 it honestly was such a fun experience esp going through the final season as it was coming out and im really glad u loved it!!
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princekirijo · 11 months ago
If you haven't done him already, Nero for the character bingo?
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YES THANK U RUI <3 I ADORE NERO!!!!! OK I am mostly basing this off his appearance in 5 but god. I really love his lil character arc he has in this game. And tbh I know I'm gonna love him even more when I get to 4... It's really tough to pick between him and Dante as my favs from DMC because they both fit my typical character profile really well...
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rumiracle-whip · 2 years ago
well the big reason why rumi shows more open hatred for exandroth is because he wasn't present in the visions. thanatos was always supposed to be there he was their muscle, their righteously angry warrior, maybe rumi didn't like his tendency for needless violence but it was justified to him, a necessary evil, a means to an end, it had to be, thanatos was in the visions and thanatos was on their side and the visions were never wrong and they were the good guys. meanwhile exandroth was much more of a wildcard (and obviously the similarities contribute to that)
i love exandroth like trying its best to be nice to rumi and then rumi turns around "stop being nice to me" like okay bitch be that way.
exandroth: i love my themfriend i want to be as supportive as i can but im having issues rlly understanding what im meant to do or what rumi really wants
rumi: i hope he dies i hope we both die
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artekai · 2 years ago
Tag nine (9) people you’d like to know better
Thanks to @robo-dino-puppy for the tag! I appreciate it! :D
Last song: Codependency by Orla Gartland! It's on my Kai playlist which I am listening to as we speak ✌️
Currently watching: ATLA! Only nearly twenty years later 👌
Currently reading: Do fics count? 😔 I do have a couple of books I've been meaning to get to but haven't yet.
Current obsession: My OCs! And Horizon by extension lol. But I've been thinking a bit more about the P5R AU again now that I'm in my P5S era hehe ^^
(Absolutely no pressure) tagging! @daz4i @wildcard-rumi @inkpens-coffee @meep-m33p @banukaihelpme @its-coda @almightyrozenidiot @kriff-the-jedi @penthepoet
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renxamamiya · 4 years ago
Well, considering your track record, someone's gonna end up suffering in some way... Probably Ren.
Reply with a fic premise that 100% sounds like the kind of thing I would write
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hypogryffin · 3 years ago
I just saw your drawings of hedgerlog's arcana swap and they are 👌👌👌 Are there any other arcana swaps that you like cause damn there's so many good ones. One of my favourites, I cannot for the life of me remember who came up with it, had a Fool!Futaba and a Justice!Sumire and I 👀👀👀👀👀 all I remember was that it was written profiles for the characters no drawings. I've been searching for ages and can't find it again but if I do, I'll let you know! 👍👍
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IGNORE THE FACT THAT YOU SENT ME THIS ASK LITERALLY OVER A YEAR AGO yes i love arcanaswaps!! the one you mentioned was @wildcard-rumi 's, i saw justice!sumi and fooltaba and went on a mad search to find it lol, but the rest of the concepts are just so *chefs kiss*
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pryntery-moved · 3 years ago
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Been ruminating over my old Wildcard Kawakami au. Rumi's a party member and took on Shiho's role as Kamoshida's prime victim. Basically if Shiho was a phantom thief.
Codename Theseus. Idk her persona yet, but I've considered Psyche, Eve/Eva, and Pandora (I know the last is a Persona in P5S but, shush)
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yusuke-of-valla · 4 years ago
Basically, in the ending where you don't make Takuto's deadline, Takuto thinks that Ren is unable to make the decision between the true reality or his reality and believes that being forced into that decision is causing Ren pain so he decides to 'save' Ren from that pain by putting him to sleep forever. It's creepy as hell and really ominous.
Oh that is so interesting because like, there are tons of reasons the player may or may not have finished on time (namely not realizing the palace takes three days to complete, so they may be rounding out other confidants and then start the Palace too late) or in universe Ren could just be bad at time managment (lord knows I lose track of what day it is all the time) so the fact that Maruki doesn’t actually allow the player to convince him that no it’s not indecisiveness kinda highlights Maruki’s tendency to think he knows best but without really taking in other’s input.
Gosh I love this, I love him.
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