#why? because he’s always on missions or chasing after Naruto
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acanthawrites · 8 months ago
Found on quora - don’t ask me about my google searches, sometimes in the middle of a the night I just need answers.
Why do fandoms ship SasuNaru?
SHORT ANSWER: because Naruto and Sasuke's relationship is the most developed of the entire manga and because Kishimoto doesn't know how to write good female characters.
The two presumed love interests of the show, Hinata and Sakura, are more often than not, shallow lovesick girls who didn't do anything to really build up their relationship with Naruto and Sasuke. Hinata was always hidden behind a tree stalking him, keeping the distances, even when Naruto needed a friend more than anything else. She was “shy", ok, I get it, but her attitude is incredibly annoying, especially since she had such a good introduction. She could've been so much more than a cute girl serving as human shield when the narrative needed her to.
Sakura chased after Sasuke all the time, confessing her love left and right, but she never really took into account the guy's feelings towards her. When she was little, she even asked Sasuke to bring her with him to carry out his revenge plans. Naruto, even as a young boy, never contemplated such a choice, because he wanted Sasuke to be happy and healthy and he knew that, by severing all his bonds, Sasuke would've fallen into darkness and despair even further. That's the difference between the obsessive kind of love showed by Sakura and the completely selfless kind of love showed by Naruto. Even to this day, Sakura is merely chasing after her adolescent crush. She didn't even have the time to actually get to know Sasuke since, after the war, the guy was away from the village for 2 years, then when they reconnected he almost immediately impregnated her and after 1–2 yrs at best, he went MIA again, on a super secret mission that prevented him to return home even once in 9 yrs… He couldn't write trivial letters to his family, but was in contact with Naruto all the time, communicating crucial Intel for the village (sharing classified info isn't supposed to be more difficult than writing personal stuff to a wife?). Sasuke didn't even recognize his daughter's face when he saw her... So much for a beautiful love story! At least, Naruto and Hinata actually spent time together, before becoming husband and wife and after, as a family with two beloved children.
The point is: had kishimoto written his female leads a little bit better, their role as realistic love interests would've been more widely accepted and even welcomed. There's no particolar need to “ship” two male characters together, so if many people do it with this particular “couple”, is because Naruto and Sasuke's relationship is far from being the mere byproduct of trivial fetishization.
Now, clearly shonen manga aren't, usually, concerned with pairings and relationships; nobody really wanted or expected romance to be the main focus of the story, but kishimoto spent a hell of a lot of time describing in fine details the love between Naruto and Sasuke, filling the narrative surrounding them with symbolism and tropes usually found in romantic literature. Just to mention some:
Spiderman horizontal “kiss" (after Sasuke collapsed at the end of the first VOTE fight);
thinking about the other in bed, or under the starry night sky with a hand on the chest, wishing to be reunited soon;
declaring the intention of dying together;
Noticing the compatibility of fire and wind as elements that always amplify and compliment each other;
Begging on the knees, in front of the Raikage, to avoid the other’s execution;
having a full blown panic attack at the thought of the other being executed;
Never giving up on saving the other even when everybody else already did;
I could go on, but the point is:
Why did Kishimoto portray this relationship in a purposefully ambiguous fashion?
There isn't a clear cut answer even after years. It's possible that the author liked to '’troll” the audience by leaving some suggestive images here and there… Heck, he even drew a wholeass front-page with Naruto and Sasuke wearing necklaces with each other's face on them! But simple fan service doesn't cut it for me. I don't think it was just that.
Kishimoto decided to write a love story from the beginning to the end, however it was a platonic love between two people of the same sex.
It was platonic because Kishimoto never stated anything different: his original idea of making Naruto and Sasuke a couple is just fake news spread by a Spanish forum that became viral for obvious reasons.
It wasn't even a brotherly love, however, since Naruto himself said that, despite the whole reincarnations thing, he is not Ashura and Sasuke is not Indra. Their relationship is unique, infact, it didn't end in tragedy like the other ones. They didn't grew up as brothers from the start, they learned to love and understand eachother through years of suffering and pushing-pulling.
Naruto is Sasuke's most important person, his one and only… while Sasuke is for Naruto the ideal he always attempted to reach. Their relationship is perfectly balanced, because they push each other to be better, neither is the doormat of the other, while their marriages are very unbalanced, with passive and submissive wives who see them as Gods.
So in the end, this love story between two men is something bound to create confusion among the fans. Kishimoto didn't avoid to make things complicated and allusive since the very beginning of the manga (two rivals kissing is obviously just for comedic purposes, but it definitely set the tune for other events. Sasuke even remembered this kiss when he was convinced Haku had killed him, almost as it was an episode he actually gave some thought to). It's all a matter of interpretation: fans can see more than just a friendship or something different than brotherly affection because the author purposefully drew/wrote questionable situations/dialogues. However, it was never Kishimoto's intentions to make SasuNaru a canon couple. Especially since the next gen needed to be created and two gay men can't have biological children togheter anyway.
Sasuke and Naruto are soulmates and they don't need to share a carnal relationship to be the best love story of the manga.
At the end of the day, I think this was Kishimoto's plan all along (or at least since Sasuke's introduction): writing about the most powerful kind of love one can think of, capable of surviving everything, even unrelenting hatred.
People can easily see this concept as something else and I myself would've loved a NaruSasu ending, to be quite honest, but what we need to refer to, while discussing this kind of topics, is always canon material. Canonically, Naruto and Sasuke are two heterosexual males, married with children.
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badgalsasuke · 20 days ago
Do we know anything about how Sakura was created? Was it Kishimoto’s idea to create such a character or was she added by the editors so that the story wouldn’t look even more gay?
Hey anon!
yes, Kishimoto has talked about Sakura's creation before. He talked about it in the first official Naruto fanbook that came out in 2002
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He also talked about it for the Jump SQ interview he did in 2014 [Full Interview]
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Basically, Kishimoto didn't know how to come up with an actual plot or a conflict for the manga after he was done with the pilot chapter, so his editor Yahagi who was beast mode for Naruto suggested creating a rival (Sasuke) and then a heroine (Sakura).
I don't know for sure if Yahagi suggested a traditional love triangle (two boys fighting over a girl) and then Kishimoto was like "no, thank you" and did his own gay thing or if right off the bat Yahagi knew what Kishimoto intended which was Sakura and Naruto chasing and fighting over Sasuke, the gay version of a love triangle, basically making Sakura a character that was conceived as a red herring from the beginning.
I personally think it's the second one and let me tell you why, Kishimoto *LOVES* Yahagi (some mangakas hate their editors like Togashi lowkey), in every interview where he talks about that man he's always so grateful for having to work with him and saying how he learned so much from him and so on which leads me to believe Yahagi was a very flexible editor when it came to the story, but also that Yahagi himself has talked about how he saw something fresh in Kishimoto's writing that wasn't being done in shonen when he was first assigned as an editor to him. Now, it could be that "fresh" aspect was the colorful foreign looking ninjas, a concept which before Kishimoto didn't exist but it could also be that he took the relationship between two boys (the main character and his rival) in shonen manga beyond what was accepted and running at the time. Yahagi is not dumb, he was supervising 100 other mangakas and worked with Kishimoto from 1995 to 2008, that's 13 long ass years so you can't pull the "Kishimoto accidentally wrote Naruto and Sasuke gay" because Yahagi would've 100% noticed (if 12 year old kids notice, what makes people think an actual pro-editor wouldn't? lol) and then make Kishimoto correct and change the manga, because that's the other thing, Yahagi was always telling Kishimoto to change shit, a few examples:
Change the story from a fox that can turn into a human boy into the Naruto/Kurama dynamic we saw
Kishimoto wanted Hokages and senseis to be animals (the fourth hokage was a dog before Kishimoto came up with Minato) and Yahagi had him turn them into humans.
Kishimoto wanted Kakashi's rival to be from another village and introduce him during the Land of the Waves arc, Yahagi made him wait to properly develop a rival and make him from Konoha instead, that's how we got Gai.
Speaking of Gai, it was Yahagi who designed Gai and Rock Lee based on Bruce Lee
Kishimoto wanted more missions abroad but Yahagi made him instead come up with a tournament arc, that's how we got the Chuunin exams.
These are just a few of his contributions to the manga, that's how much power he had over it, if he didn't like what Kishimoto was doing with Naruto and Sasuke he would have put a stop to it *instantly* and yet it kept going and going and going, to the point Kishimoto talks so fondly of him years after they stopped working together. Yahagi knew and I believe he encouraged Kishimoto even more.
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bright-hope-spot-19 · 14 days ago
I don't mean to offend anyone with this because I'm just speaking my mind. It's something I've noticed and that I find curious to say the least. It's concerning the sand sibs and their first appearance in Shippuden; you know, the arc where Gaara is kidnapped by Akatsuki and loses his tailed beast.
When talking about this arc or discussing anything concerning it, especially the developing bond between the sand sibs after Gaara became Kazekage. Fans always say that both Kankuro and Temari did their best to try and rescue Gaara and that a big chunk of the arc features them trying to get their brother back, which is not true. First of all, for some reason, Kishimoto completely sidelined the sand sibs in this arc. They don't do much. Gaara has one fight vs. Deidara and he spends the rest of the arc dead, literally. Kankuro chases after Sasori, but the actual details of their fight are anime only. They're not shown in the manga. Most of the focus is on team 7, and I can kinda appreciate giving Sakura some spotlight where she's not obsessing over Sasuke and actually gets shit done.
Second of all, Temari literally does nothing the whole arc. I think, if I remember correctly, we're only shown the scenes of her in the Leaf walking around with Shikamaru. Initially, we're not even told what she's there for exactly, cause it's not till much later on we're told she was there on a diplomatic mission preparing for the next chunin exams. This led some fans to assume she was there just to go on a date with Shikamaru. Which is hilarious to even reach that conclusion when 1- By the beginnings of Shippuden, Shikamaru would've been 15-16 while Temari was 18-19. I'm not accusing Tem of preying on a teen, mind you. I just find it interesting? Some fans would seriously believe they'd be dating at that point. And 2- also so funny when in the anime they showed the contrast in scenes between Suna going to Hell with Deidara's attack while Temari is just..... chilling in Konoha, completely unknowing of the situation. And when she's there, she's not allowed to help in any way. I think she's sent on guard duty? Then, she joined a group composed by her, Kankuro, Matsuri (Gaara's crazy fangirl), and Chiyo's brother (the old man with huge eyebrows) to go after Gaara and team 7. Which is crazy that she wasn't even allowed to join the council meeting with Kankuro. Like, why was the previously dying man allowed to join but not her?
All this is why I can't help but frown and lift my eyebrows every time I see people giving her as much credit as Kankuro. Yeah, the details of Kanks fight vs. Sasori are anime only, but the outcome was one and the same: he got something from that confrontation. The piece of Sasori's cape he got is the only clue that helped team 7 find the Akatsuki hideout in the desert and rescue Gaara. Temari was also so rude, shit-talking Kankuro when he first called her from guard duty, and then berating both Kankuro and Naruto when they showed concern for Gaara when she was doing the same thing.
I don't know. This is one of my favorite arcs, but it's also the first arc that made me start thinking Temari is not as useful as everyone believes she is, and she's given way too much credit, while Kankuro's feats go largely underappreciated. It's also what made her my least favorite of the sand sibs. I don't hate her cause she did nothing to deserve the hate. She's not that bad and comparatively one of the most decent female characters in Naruto. She's just kinda overrated for such a minor character who does so little, and yet people keep insisting and claiming she's better-written and more useful than Kank when that's not the case.
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bimgtt · 11 months ago
my assumption is that,
naruto used to feel hinata and went on a date and had sex, lead family life with children & hinata
but fell out of that passionate feelings
remained just love and companionship as a father and to the partner who is mother of his children, that's their connection became like that after few years of himawari's birth
but Sakura forced sasuke into one night stand unwillingly and had sarada in a hideout Sasuke left, Sasuke did give Sakura place in his life and promised would return till then asking to wait by that forehead tap and next time dialogue and thank her for her devotion and all the help but sakura crossed the boundary and didn't respect his wish by forcefully causing one night stand when he wasn't even ready for sexual relation so some tricky way of sakura like how she fit her photo over Karin photo,
Then forcefully chased after him when Sasuke refused bc of his mission and journey and he left on a Kaguya mission, sakura gave birth in Karin hideout but I am sure Sasuke wasn't there when Sarada was born that's why they don't have at least one photo with Sasuke but sakura and Sarada have tons alone and together, Sasuke didn't know she was pregnant otherwise he would have given something to sakura as a keepsake for the child.
Sasuke wasn't ready to be in a sexual and parental relation bc of journey at that time, sakura forced herself onto him sexually and made him a father who was unwilling or not prepared at that time that's why sasuke didn't maintain communication with sarada and sakura but with naruto only and why sakura so tensed throughout the gaiden and secretive,
But Sarada's plea and wanting to be loved by her father reconsidered his decision to stay away from his family in Gaiden and he now pretending to be a couple with Sakura in front of Sarada for her sake and trying his best to be a loving and protective father to sarada but his marriage with sakura loveless and only Sarada connected them and he always on mission but he always feels different around naruto,
a warm and passionate feelings with naruto joking and laughing and he felt like dying when naruto in danger, naruto feels the same warm and passionate feeling around sasuke even after years, which he also used to feel around hinata and children but died out soon now after few years of himawari's birth, with only sasuke remains that's why he gets positive and full of life and forget about work when he hears sasuke is near or sasuke's hawk sent message,
naruto's love for boruto parental love remains strong
sasuke's love for sarada parental love has bloomed and trying hardest to improve
sasuke's love for sakura is that she is part of the family and hardworking and well wisher like kakashi and grateful to her for taking care sarada and that's all he doesn't feel deep about sakura, just he is grateful for sakura being in the family and as sarada's mother as a capable and strong mother,
naruto's love for hinata has become like sasuke's love for sakura when naruto fell out of that warm and romantic feelings to hinata after years of himawari, just like sasuke he feels now grateful for hinata being in his life as children mother but that passionate feelings don't exist anymore between them
and sasuke and sakura had no so such feelings among them just that sakura desperately forced herself on sasuke before their relationship could bloom like naruhina but sakura's desperation destroyed that development and it never went to that blooming stage rather only survived because of sarada's existence that sasuke ready to accept her as a wife yet rude and only became good when sarada became suspicious of their relation but grateful to her as sarada's mother and taking care of him and sarada in the family currently
but naruto and sasuke still feel after years after years that warm and passionate feelings for each other that's why sasuke smiles near naruto when he doesn't near anyone except sarada or his calm face becomes terrified when naruto is in big danger( but very calm face when sakura is in danger even in gaiden)
and naruto who wanted to ditch his duties or anything if it means to meet sasuke and to be near sasuke( he doesn't even sleep with hinata in same bed only eats together with children)
i don't know how to characterized what that warm and passionate feelings of narusasu is?
whether you think it's platonic soulmate or romantic with semi physical intimacy(not sexual at all but touches more deeply and affectionately. than towards their wives) or confusing deep brotherhood or deep mutual friendship for life .
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madara-fate · 1 year ago
Why the flipping do people hate Sakura so much they gotta project their hatred on Sasuke calling him names like abuser? It make me very mad how haters try to paint Sasuke as a Abusive Person and Sakura as some type of battered wife while they try to excuse Karin or Naruto as a some type of special persons to Sasuke.
This type of mental ginnastic is ridiculous and very hypocritical full of pairing bias.
Sakura wasn't in any relationship with Sasuke and both were enemies who didn't saw each other in years. This isn't Abuse. By this logic Sasori, Zaku, Gaara and Shin abused the hell out of Sakura. Konoha and Naruto incentives abuse by making girls and boys fighting to death in mission and chuunin exams. This argument really doesn't work in this manga. When Sasuke try to kill Sakura as his official girlfriend or wife this non sense argument will make some sense.
Sakura isn't some fragile toddler. She was trained by Tsunade, planed to kill Sasuke using a poisoned Kunai and almost managed to get that. She knew what she was doing, she knew that she put herself in dangerous situation. She even knocked out Kiba, Lee and Sai so she can accomplish her task of killing Sasuke alone.
Sasuke considered the entire Konoha as his mortal enemy and Sakura was the one who chase Sasuke to kill him. Sasuke saw Sakura and stoped to listen her, she tried to trick him and Sasuke figured her lie easily. She put a Kunai behind Sasuke's back when he was fighting Kakashi and he reacted. She failed miserably due her own actions and love who she tried to deny.
Karin situation was worst because Karin was helping Sasuke against Danzo, she wasn't from Konoha and was his current teammate. Sasuke didn't hesitate to pierce Karin and let she die on the ground to get Danzo.
Sasuke apologized to Sakura after he was truly redeemed. Sasuke was more guilt tripped and sincere with his apologies to Sakura.
So why the hell haters try to paint Karin/Naruto as a better light than Sakura?
Why the flipping do people hate Sakura so much they gotta project their hatred on Sasuke calling him names like abuser? It make me very mad how haters try to paint Sasuke as a Abusive Person and Sakura as some type of battered wife while they try to excuse Karin or Naruto as a some type of special persons to Sasuke.
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Sakura wasn't in any relationship with Sasuke and both were enemies who didn't saw each other in years. This isn't Abuse. By this logic Sasori, Zaku, Gaara and Shin abused the hell out of Sakura. Konoha and Naruto incentives abuse by making girls and boys fighting to death in mission and chuunin exams. This argument really doesn't work in this manga. When Sasuke try to kill Sakura as his official girlfriend or wife this non sense argument will make some sense.
"Abusive" just became one of those buzzwords that people always throw in SS's direction, despite the fact that as you rightfully explained, that criticism makes no sense.
Karin situation was worst because Karin was helping Sasuke against Danzo, she wasn't from Konoha and was his current teammate. Sasuke didn't hesitate to pierce Karin and let she die on the ground to get Danzo.
That's just one of the many things that people who try to pedestalise SK in comparison to SS tend to either overlook or intentionally ignore altogether. Here's another thing they ignore - They always tend to say how Sasuke apparently called Sakura useless, despite him doing no such thing; he only said that there was nothing that she (or anyone else for that matter) could have done about the people who were trapped in the infinite Tsukuyomi:
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And yet they conveniently ignore the fact that the one time Sasuke actually did call someone useless, it was with regards to Karin:
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Funny that, isn't it?
Sasuke apologized to Sakura after he was truly redeemed. Sasuke was more guilt tripped and sincere with his apologies to Sakura.
"Guilt tripped" isn't the term I would use to describe Sasuke after he was saved from his hatred. Nobody made him feel guilty, he just came to his own conclusions after being able to see clearly again.
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tamelee · 2 years ago
Pleaaaseee there is a tier list on ships from Naruto would love to see that one!
Okay I found a decent list to fill in, here you go:
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There were many ships that are completely random so I just threw them all into one category..
About the last category
SakuLee.. I actually thought they were going to be a thing when I first saw the show because no way Sasuke was ever going to give in to her advances. And I was right about that last part because he didn't. And gradually Sakura was little by little being a bit nicer about Lee when she decided to visit him at the hospital.. and wow!! For her, that's amazing development because at the time and even now her entire character is based on that selfish love (Kishimoto's words not mine) she has for Sasuke. And so she even said to Ino that the flowers she brought with her weren't just for Sasuke- it was explicitly stated in the Manga- so that visual AND text said a whole lot about her... buuuuuut then that went down the drain real fast too. And so, no this ship doesn't make sense but I think it could've been if x, y and z..
ObiRin!! Okay, I know I have KakaRin in the category where I get that people ship it, but not ObiRin- why? Because Rin loved Kakashi and not Obito. And so shipping ObiRin for me doesn't make sense since I am also against other one-sided ships. Rin to me however is an entirely different character from.. let's say Sakura or Hinata and so are the dynamics between them within Team Minato. Rin genuinely cares for both Obito and Kakashi equally, but she doesn't love Obito in a romantic sense. She also didn't chase after Kakashi rabidly trying to get him to like her back, that's why, although Rin showed many gestures towards Obito that really shouldn't be underestimated, I wonder how it would've played out with Kakashi under different circumstances. His resolve and beliefs were already swaying during that mission thanks to Obito- if they succeeded, perhaps Kakashi grew up learning to love that way. Perhaps that would've been Rin. (Or maybe not.)
SakuHina.. just put them together and let them be miserable together? I see many benefits from this tbh. Two of the most selfish characters to have ever existed if not the most selfish characters ever- lump them together, never bother anyone else- problem solved.
SaiIno.. I don't really have a problem with this ship but.. Sai is really gay. I'm sorry but what is he doing with Ino? He found her ugly and they're pretty much together for the sake of.. well kids/next gen stuff. For Ino I think it's fine, Sai sorta looks like Sasuke so it makes sense for her.. but Sai being in love with Ino, canonically? Weird. I know, SaiIno shippers will fight me on it, that's fine, you people have great art though, I'm not complaining.
Jiraiya/Tsunade.. I haven't really seen them being shipped together other than places like IG and Reddit. And some of them were really protective of them- Jiraiya would've always put his WoF above Tsunade which she accepted... why is this a good ship? I don't have much to say for this other than my surprise of their popularity..
Choji and Karui.. apparently their relationship was "explained" in filler novels. Choji simply said he was "interested in her". So they married and made a baby for 'Boruto'. Although 'Boruto-canon', this shit makes no sense.
ShikaIno, look I shipped them. I mean, I used to when I first watched the show because I liked their team-work and I thought Ino's very extra behavior balanced well with Shikamaru's more calm nature. I mean, if anything, he had misogynistic thoughts which he sometimes voiced out loud.. so perhaps a bit ignorant at the time, but I thought Ino was the one helping him with that development partly because of her appearance (since well.. the genre..) instead of Temari, but alas. And I think this is better anyway.
KankuSaku.. LISTEN! Hear me out~ Ship makes no sense at all. BUT. She came all the way from Konoha, saved his life just in time, playing doctor in a way where she didn't need to be all worshipped as a Mary Sue in some weird- godforsaken jail (ESAKA TAKE NOTES), but actually was useful because she learned, developed and took action- then bonded with Chiyo which Kankuro also somewhat has a relationship with- whom he then takes care of the puppets for after she dies.. there are connections and things that can be used to have them bond over. MISSED OPPORTUNITY OKAY- that's all I'm sayin'.
Most of you know how I feel about Sakura, but one of the scenes where I think she DID very much shine (as most of her fans think she so much deserves for some reason)- is when she tried her best to befriend Sai who actually was pretty rude at the beginning. It was Sakura who asked him what he was drawing when she went out to find him and what it meant to him. It was Sakura who tried to figure out more about him to see if she could help him (and their case) somehow- which surprised me pleasantly!! She for once didn't do this for selfish reasons. Now, both Sakura and Sai don't really grasp situations well especially when it comes to Naruto and Sasuke, but they sorta bonded over it a little. Sai while genuinely wanting to understand and Sakura while genuinely wanting to deny. It's not a ship, nor a really good ship- Because Sai.. and Sakura.. but I still wanted to point it out.
*-* anyway- there is too much to say about so many of these, I'll think I'll try to keep it short 💕
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narhinafan · 2 years ago
He was going to help with pain, it was Sakura, but Kishi's editor forced him to include Huyga as popular, that he doesn't understand love, it's just spitting on Naruto's feelings to FORCE him to be with hinata
He chased Sasuke for Sakura? He chased him because he was also his friend and an important bond for him not only for Sakura
And that the love that he lived alone with Sakura, well, logically, it is normal for him to end up falling in love with her by constantly living with her by spending time together, that's how couples are formed
Not that he falls in love from one moment to the next with a girl who hardly talks to her and tells him that she loves him if he doesn't even know him in depth.
Just because she tells him that she loves him and he has to reciprocate
Or would you marry the first guy who tells you he likes you, without knowing him?
That's a complete lie though as NaruHina was always end game and it was never the editors decision to have her save Naruto during Pain. Nor is it ignoring Naruto's feelings since the manga makes it quite clear his crush on Sakura was shallow and due to Sasuke, there is a reason why 99% of the time it comes up is only when Sasuke is somehow or about to get involved.
Naruto does understand Hinata though, it shows he can understand her just by looking into her eyes. Naruto gets what Hinata went through growing up and understands her better then most by the end of part 1. Like wise Hinata understands him better then anyone else.
Naruto doesn't live with Sakura they are teammates that is it and outside of missions unless he coincidental happened come across Sakura they never actually hang out outside of team activates. Sakura doesn't make an active effort to hang out with Naruto during her free time.
Naruto was falling for Hinata since she was first introduced and unlike his crush on Sakura it isn't shallow, but somthing that develops as the series goes on. Naruto married the women he loved and the one that truly loved him. Naruto got to know Hinata a lot in fact it mentions they hung out after the war often and that wasn't do to missions either.
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theheirofthesharingan · 10 months ago
Okay, so I never sneak into other people's posts to write disagreements but every damn thing written here is so factually incorrect that I have to break my own rules. I might delete this post later on, but I have to say some things that need to be said, because they've been around in the fandom for so long that I wonder if people really just like to use critical thinking to analyse Itachi or not or it's just the BS they view on reddit and Quora and think it's the actual truth.
but Itachi was (as always) irreconcilably selfish.
Far from it. There is some kind of inherent selfishness to him but it comes from his desire to watch Sasuke live because he thinks death is bad, not because death would be worse than what he put Sasuke through. And he'd been exposed to extreme, unnatural violence from a very young age. They lived in a world where saving missions for the military nation was much more important than saving lives of the comrades.
Itachi showed Sasuke no mercy, literally tortured the 6 year old psychologically emotionally and physically for what amounted to days for Sasuke
Completely incorrect. The first time torture did not last for days. The twelve year old Sasuke couldn't handle 24 hours Tsukuyomi, but people suggest 7 (not 6) y/o Sasuke was capable of enduring the torture that "amounted for days." How was it possible that this 7 year old Sasuke, after being tortured by Itachi "for days," ran out of the house, screaming, then chased after Itachi, also threw kunai at him to prevent him before collapsing, but at twelve years he couldn't handle it at all? This math doesn't work for me.
all in the pursuit of fufilling his own long term-suicide plan, and Sasuke was literally half-possessed and still only hurts Naruto out of hunted necessity.
Wrong. Again.
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Itachi's reasoning to die at Sasuke's hands was much more than just his "suicide plan":
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Itachi committed the genocide not because he thought it was the right thing to do, but because it was the only option he was given at the young age of 12. No, he wasn't wrong or selfish for wanting to be punished for his crimes. Yes, he's human too and, yes, he's very much allowed to react to his circumstances in his own way.
Danzo's confirmation to Obito's truth:
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This man clearly threatened him that if Sasuke were to ever learn the truth, he would go against Konoha, and would get killed. Many people suggest Itachi should have "just left Sasuke" and "murdering his clan would have convinced Sasuke Itachi was so evil", when this is Sasuke after Itachi's put him in his Tsukuyomi.
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Sasuke would contiue to search for answers if Itachi didn't convince him of him being an irredeemable evil in Sasuke's eyes. And we know what Sasuke wanted to do after he learned the truth. Why would Itachi want Sasuke to be dead?
Dying at Sasuke's hands and his "suicide mission" wasn't even necessary because Itachi must have contracted his illness after the massacre. He wanted Sasuke to stay out of the village and the clan politics because he'd rather not have Sasuke be tainted like the rest.
but Itachi did it to manipulate Sasuke into being physically incapable of ever thinking about anything else and Sasuke did it to silently beg Naruto to move on.
Itachi did it because, unlike Sasuke, he had seen the truth of the Shinobi world with all its ugliness. His wrong decisions don't come from the place of "irreconcilable" selfishness or malice or viewing Sasuke as a lesser human being. It comes from him wanting Sasuke to see only him as the bad guy in the picture, because no one else wronged Sasuke like he did, albeit unwillingly. Like I stated above, living in the Shinobi world with trauma and violence consuming all of your formative years, Itachi's reactions and actions are in sync with how he lived. And he is allowed to be human. His actions don't have to be right or justified. He doesn't think he's justified, so there's that.
The above analysis of Itachi and Sasuke — while I agree with you a lot on Sasuke's parts — consists of the regular logical fallacy I see in this fandom while analysing Itachi. You use in abundance the Reason and Consequence to assess Sasuke and his actions, but you completely omit the Reason to assess Itachi. Your entire argument is based on the disastrous outcomes Itachi's actions brought, when there's ample evidence to prove it isn't as black and white for Itachi as people make it out to be.
Sasuke reacts to his circumstances and people around him in a different way from Itachi's, because his life was different from his brother's. Itachi had to make impossible decisions, stand by them, protect his lies, because if he didn't, things would become even worse. Ultimately, whichever path he took, he had to be the responsible figure in this. It took his death for Akatsuki to attack Konoha and Sasuke learning his truth.
I'll never understand this fandom's obsession with comparing both the brothers and painting Itachi as some kind of selfish evil bastard, ignoring all the things already explained in canon that show a lot more is at work than just good/bad to him. And that anything he does is not independent of what he's believed and brought up with.
WAIT. something about the cycle of violence and Sasuke being atomically comprised of love love love and Itachi's and Sasuke's parallels on their way out of the village. Something about how they both had to leave Konoha for their own reasons and were their worst selves in those moments, but Itachi was (as always) irreconcilably selfish. He kills his parents, and then he waits for Sasuke to come home. Sasuke tries to sneak out without a word, and when he's caught he thanks Sakura knocks her out painlessly and lays her on a bench. Itachi showed Sasuke no mercy, literally tortured the 6 year old psychologically emotionally and physically for what amounted to days for Sasuke, all in the pursuit of fufilling his own long term-suicide plan, and Sasuke was literally half-possessed and still only hurts Naruto out of hunted necessity.
Something about 'you have hidden potential, that's why I allow you to live. for my sake' vs. 'I spared you on a whim.' and lying while also telling the truth to come off as more cold and calculated and irredeemable, but Itachi did it to manipulate Sasuke into being physically incapable of ever thinking about anything else and Sasuke did it to silently beg Naruto to move on.
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Hatake Kakashi/Maito Gai
3542 words
Tags: Aro Kakashi and Ace Gai
“You love him, admit it,” Asuma gives his shoulder a nudge with his elbow, dragging his eyes away from Gai who’s on the other side of the room chit chatting with Genma. “It’s ok, Kakashi. You can tell me.”
He’s not sure exactly what Asuma’s getting at, but there’s a look in his eyes that screams trouble. A sort of trouble Kakashi does not want to get mixed up in.
“He’s my best friend,” It seems like an obvious answer, but for some reason he feels like he’s repeating it more and more each day. “I would literally kill for him.”
He had, in fact. Multiple times.
“That’s not what I mean and you know it,” Raising an eyebrow he waits for Asuma to continue. “You Love him. The same way your dad loved your mom.”
“oh?” he doesn’t actually know what that’s supposed to mean. His mom died when he was quite young, and his dad had always gotten so sad when he tried to talk to him about her. Even just asking something simple like ‘do i look like her at all?’ would be rewarded with a pained look and a promise to ‘talk about it later’. “I mean, i’d miss him if he died, yes.”
Asuma groans and tells him to forget about it, focusing his attention instead on picking up conversation with Kurenai.
He doesn’t forget about it. It’s hard to, when others won’t let him.
“You love him.” There’s blood running down the left side of his face. A result of over using Obito’s eye. He’d usually scold himself for it, but he hadn’t felt like letting the enemy get another shot at his makeshift team. Turning his attention back to Genma, he tilts his head.
Gai slumped against Genma's side with a deep gash in his arm and blood covering half his face after taking a hit to the forehead. A wound he had received while protecting Genma after he had been knocked down.
“I’d die for him,” It’s a simple fact. One he’s sure anyone who knows him is aware of. “I’d die for you too.”
His friendship with Genma might not be as strong as the one he has with Gai, but it’s still true. He'd rather die than have to bury another friend.
“I really hope you’re not saying you love me,” Genma cringed at the thought. “The sex is great Kakashi, but love?”
Rolling his eyes, Kakashi moves to their side and kneels so he can get a better look at Gai.
“The sex isn’t that good,” he assures the other man. “But if you’re asking, i love him the same way i love you, or Asuma, or Kurenai.”
Maybe their bonds are deeper. Maybe he can see himself doing things with Gai he can’t imagine doing with the others, but it doesn’t change his feelings.
“You love him,” Genma says it as if it’s an undeniable fact. “One day maybe you’ll realize it yourself.”
He doesn’t think he’ll ever understand what Genma’s getting at, but he drops it for now. They need to get Gai’s wound taken care of and fast.
The wind is cold against his skin, but Tenzo’s skin is warm. He’s not sure what exactly happened. How they ended up in this situation or even how he really feels about it. All he knows is it feels good having Tenzo’s hands on his back while he lays his head on his chest.
“What is love?” Looking up, Kakashi rests his ear against Tenzo’s chest and raises an eyebrow.
“What makes you think that I'm the person to answer that question for you?” Even if he had an answer to the question would it be the right one? Would he actually know what he was talking about, or would he just be leading Tenzo down the wrong path?
“Asuma-Senpai says love is important,” Resting his hand in Kakashi’s hair, Tenzo takes a deep breath and turns his eyes up towards the ceiling. “That if you don’t love someone you shouldn’t…”
He can see where this conversation is going. Asuma has given him ‘the talk’ more than once after catching Kakashi sneaking out of one of their friends' rooms early in the morning.
“Love is what you want it to be,” he closes his eyes, determined to get some sleep before they have to get up and continue their mission. “Asuma be damned.”
He doesn’t mean that, of course he doesn’t. Asuma’s just looking out for his friends. He just has an odd way of doing it.
“I don’t love you,” The words don’t sting. It’s just a fact that Tenzo is telling him. “Does that mean…”
“Get some sleep, Tenzo,” resting his hand on Tenzo’s chest he splays his fingers out and moves into the feel of those beautiful fingers rubbing against his skull. “And stop listening to Asuma.”
He’ll have to have a talk with his friend later about boundaries. There’s such a thing as going too far, and if he loses Tenzo because of one night and Asuma’s words…
It would be his fault. He knows he’d have no one to blame but himself for letting his own passions get the better of him, but he would still be angry with Asuma.
“I don’t love you, either,” he whispers, turning his head to press a gentle kiss against Tenzo’s skin. “You’re my friend. I’d kill for you, die for you. You mean the world to me, Tenzo, but i don’t love you.”
Tenzo’s body relaxes under him and those fingers continue to work their magic against his skull until sleep takes over and drags him down into darkness for a few precious hours.
“Sensei,” Naruto tugs on his flak jacket, pulling his attention down to him. “Sakura says that Bushy-brows-sensei loves you.”
Behind him he can hear Sakura screeching at Naruto to ‘shut up’. He glares back at her, watching as she closes her mouth and looks away from them. For the smartest kid on his team, even she can be pretty stupid sometimes.
“I think Sakura’s getting things confused,” he places a hand in Naruto’s hair and ruffles the short blond hairs. “I’m sure she’s not wrong of course. Gai loves a lot of people.”
It’s not a lie. Gai has more love in his heart than any other human he has ever met, except for maybe Lee and Naruto. Once upon a time Kakashi wouldn’t have reacted at all to being told Gai loved him. It was just a fact. One he had learned to accept years ago.
But over the years he has come to realize that his idea of ‘love’ is different from others. That some people love certain people in a different way than they do others. Something he only finally understood when Kurenai actually took the time to sit down and explain it to him.
The same way Minato-sensei loved Kushina-sensei. That’s what she had told him for it to finally click.
All these years and it took that for him to finally realize people were telling him that he wanted to be romantic with Gai. That he wanted his relationship to be different from what it was. More intimate, with date nights and proclamations of being ‘soul mates’.
They were wrong.
Always had been.
“Kakashi-Sensei,” Naruto tugs on his flak jacket once again, pulling him out of his thoughts. “You can tell us. You love Bushy-brows-sensei too don’t you? It’s ok, we won’t tell him. Promise.”
It’s a lie. He doesn’t need to be a genius to see that much. There’s a glint in Naruto’s eye when he makes that promise that screams trouble, and Kakashi is not interested.
“If we have time to talk about my relationship with my friends, we have time to train,” Sakura and Sasuke can both be heard groaning behind him. The only one who seems to like the change of topic is Naruto, who looks as happy as ever at the prospect of training more. “I think today we’ll work on chakra control.”
The joy left Naruto’s eyes as soon as it had entered. A fitting punishment for bringing up such uncomfortable topics in his opinion.
“Sensei!” Naruto jumps on his back, laughing when he stumbles forward slightly. “Hinata and I are going out for Ramen. You should grab Bushy-brows-sensei and join us.”
Glaring back at the 19 year old, Kakashi huffs when he’s greeted with that same ridiculous smile Naruto always has on his face.
“I have work to do,” he dismisses the invite, not bothering to kick his student off of his back. “You know a Hokage is always busy, Naruto. You should join me. Get used to the work you’ll be taking on.”
“You’ll have lots of time to train me later,” Naruto’s laughter only increases. He has been like this for a while. Ever since him and Hinata started officially dating. Still as energetic and happy as ever, but with a hint of something else. A certain shift in her character that Kakashi can’t quite put his finger on.
Kurenai told him it came with being in love. Maybe that’s why he didn’t get it.
“Come on, Sensei,” Planting his hands on Kakashi’s shoulders, Naruto gives him a little shake. “It can be a double date. Me and Hinata with you and Bushy-brows-Sensei.”
A date?
He has never been on a date before. Sounds boring.
“I’ll have to pass this time,” giving his student a smile he can’t help but chuckle when Naruto’s face drops. “It’s a date, Naruto. You should enjoy it with Hinata. Just the two of you. Gai and I can hang out with you two another day.”
That’s not a lie either. Gai has been itching to get out and about with their students more. Something they haven’t been able to do much since Tsunade-sama shoved the Hokage’s hat onto Kakashi and left the village for another one of her personal journeys.
He wonders if she has any money left from this one. Without Shizune by her side making sure she’s not going over bored he’s sure she’s not doing as well as she used to.
“You promise?”
Smiling, Kakashi reached back and ruffled Naruto’s hair playfully. “I promise.”
He’ll have to tell Gai about this. With all the work he has to do, he’s sure that it’ll be the only way he’ll remember his promise to his student.
“Ok,” releasing his grip on Kakashi’s neck, Naruto dropped to the ground and ran off ahead, turning around and waving back at him. “See you later, Kakashi-sensei!”
Waving goodbye, Kakashi watches as his student runs off into the crowd, and for the first time in years he’s faced with a familiar question he had thought long forgotten.
“123, 124,125,” Sitting at Gai’s dinner table, Kakashi watches as he does his daily push ups. Something he refused to give up even though he’s no longer an active shinobi. Every time Kakashi asked he would say something about keeping in shape, like Konoha’s Hokage should be doing. “126, you’re staring, Rival.”
He’s pretty sure his eyes are actually on his book, but somehow Gai’s not wrong. He was certainly a little more focused on Gai than normal. Partially admiring the way Gai’s body moved with every push-up, partially because he was still thinking about what Naruto had said to him earlier.
“Why do people go out on Dates?” The question leaves his lips before he can stop it. A result of allowing himself to relax a little now that the war was behind them and the villages were all allied together for the first time in history. “You’ve been on dates, I know you have. So what’s the big deal with them?”
He’d seen Gai out on more than a few dates during their youth. Once with Genma, twice with Tenzo, and once with Shizune.
The dates he had with Tenzo had actually been something their friends felt the need to tell Kakashi about for some reason. He still wasn’t sure why, even if he did check in on them. He was mostly intrigued at the idea of Gai trying to court Tenzo.
Their friends seemed pretty surprised when he wasn’t upset about finding out his two best friends were going out on dates together.
Gai seemed to be debating Kakashi’s question, hovering mid push-up. It was sort of an amusing sight.
“A date, well…” Careful of his leg, Gai maneuvered himself into a seated position on the floor and crossed his arms over his chest. “Well, most people go on dates because they think they might like a person.”
“Like?” that doesn’t clear up anything for him. “I go out with you and Tenzo all the time because i like you. No one has ever called our outings dates.”
“That’s not completely true,” Oh? Had he missed something? “But it’s not officially a date unless both people agree that it is. When some of our outings, or even your outings with Tenzo, have been called a date, the person calling it that has been corrected really fast.”
He can almost imagine it. Gai trying to tell their friends that their sushi eating competition wasn’t a ‘date’. It must have been an entertaining moment for Gai.
“But i do like you and Tenzo,” he frowned. “How do our outings not count as a date?”
“Maybe i worded it wrong,” Gai’s certainly the first person to say that. “When i say ‘someone you like’ i mean ‘like’ in a romantic term. Someone that you want to be with romantically.”
Romantically? Kakashi had never really thought of being with anyone romantically before. Actually, he’d never really understood it. Maybe it was because he had always been too busy with his work to really explore that option, and no one else had taken the time to explain it to him.
“What’s the difference though?” He frowned.
Pressing a finger against his chin, Gai turned his eyes up towards the ceiling. A sure fire sign that he was thinking. Clearly this wasn’t an easy topic to discuss. Maybe that’s why Kakashi had never gotten a satisfactory answer before.
“Well, you would take someone out on a date if you felt deeper feelings for them than you did for others,” Gai smiled over at him. “Like if you felt like you wanted to spend the rest of your life with them. Wake up beside them, see their smile.”
Kakashi shook his head.
“That doesn’t make sense,” he frowned “Why would that change anything? I like waking up beside you when we were on missions together. Seeing you smile and laugh. I can’t imagine my life if you had…”
He chokes back the words. Even three years later he can’t bring himself to say it. He had thought back then that he had lost Gai and Tenzo. That he’d never see them again, and it had crushed him.
“But you don’t love me,” There’s no judgement in Gai’s words. Not like all the times their friends had scolded him with kind words when he didn’t understand their insistence that he did love Gai. Not like how Naruto or Sakura would look so disappointed in him when he didn’t understand why they insisted he needed to take Gai out on a date. “Not like that, Kakashi. You never have.”
His shoulders drop in defeat. Had it really been that obvious? Had Gai loved him and realized he didn’t return those feelings?
Had he hurt Gai without meaning to?
“I want you by my side,” He whispered, pain in his voice as he turned to look at Gai once more. “I can’t imagine my life without you, or Tenzo, or any of our friends. You’re my best friend Gai, I…”
He wants to say it.
To assure Gai that he does share those feelings.
But he can’t. He knows it’s not right. That he’d be lying to his best friend, and that Gai doesn’t deserve that.
“You don’t have to love me, Kakashi,” Gai actually laughed when he looked up at him. “Not like that. Not the same way that Asuma loved Kurenai, or Minato-senpai loved Kushina-senpai.”
Dropping his hands back to his side, Gai smiled.
“Is it really ok?” He can’t help but ask, thinking that maybe he’s doing something wrong still. “Everyone else was so convinced. They were sure that it was different between us. That I…”
“They were wrong,” Gai assures him once more. “And that’s ok. They’re allowed to be wrong. Just like they were wrong about me wanting to be intimate with them. A few of my dates didn’t handle it well when i told them that i was Asexual. They got over it though, and we’re still friends.”
His eyes widened with surprise. Was that why he had never seen Gai leave his dates with the other person? Why he never came into Gai’s apartment to find him entangled in someone else’s arms in bed, even though Gai had caught him in such scenarios multiple times.
Mostly with Tenzo.
“I don’t love you,” the words leave his mouth as easily as they had all those years ago with Tenzo, and for the first time since then it doesn’t make him feel horrible saying them. He doesn’t see a crushed heart hidden behind sad eyes like with Iruka, or a sad smile hiding crushed dreams like Rin when he was younger. For once he doesn’t feel like the worst person in the world. “You’re my best friend. I can’t imagine my life without you Gai. I don’t want to think about not having you here with me. Never seeing that stupid smile of yours or hearing you asking me for a challenge. I just don’t love you. Not the same way Asuma loved Kurenai. I think i’m Aro.” He had done a little research on the topic when he was younger, but it was so hard
Gai’s smile only grows as he continues, and for once he feels right about saying his feelings out loud.
“I don’t want to date you. I just...i want you in my life forever.”
“That much i can see,” Gai waves his hand around the room they’re in to emphasize his words, laughing when Kakashi can’t help but smile at the reminder of himself moving Gai into the Hokage’s residence shortly after he was released from the hospital. “I love you. I hope you’re ok with that.”
“I am perfectly fine with that.” for the first time that day he smiles. A real, proper smile.
“Even without the…”
He can’t help but laugh. Sex really hadn’t been on his mind when he started this conversation, and he hadn’t been intimate with anyone in years. The only person he trusted in bed with him was Tenzo, and he had a healthy loving relationship of his own now.
“I’m fine without the sex,” he promised with a soft smile. “So long as you’re by my side.”
For the first time since he was a teenager, he feels right about his feelings. Maybe not perfect. Not yet. But right.
“How’d you know?” He doesn’t need an answer to his question, but he is intrigued since Gai is the first person in his life who seemed to understand right away. “That I…”
“That you’re Aromantic?” That’s the word. He hadn’t done much research into it past finding a word that felt like it fit him, even if he never said it to anyone else. The only person who knew other than Gai was Tenzo, and that was the only other person he ever felt the need to tell. “My Papa was too.”
“Oh?” Maito Dai didn’t really seem like the type of person to view relationships the same as him. Maybe he had been wrong to think that he was so different from the shinobi he had looked up to as a kid.
“Papa always said that the only love he needed in his life was me,” There’s a soft look on Gai’s face when he talks about it. “That he never felt the need to be with anyone romantically. He had me thanks to a one night stand and that’s all he needed.”
Somehow that sounded perfectly like Maito Dai.
“Maybe he just realized the world was already perfect with you in it,” Cheesy maybe, but true. He really couldn’t imagine how his life would be if he had never met Gai. “I know that’s how it is for me.”
“Me and Tenzo.” Gai supplied for him, laughing when Kakashi shrugged his shoulders.
He wasn’t wrong of course, but right now it was about them. Him and Gai, side by side forever and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
“Well, now i’m really looking forward to retirement,” he’s almost giddy with excitement at the idea. “Just you and Me Gai. We’re going travelling. Seeing the world together.”
“I Can’t wait,” Reaching out, Gai waits for Kakashi to take hold of his hands and hoists himself to his feet, careful not to bump his cast against the floor on the way up. “But maybe you should finish some paperwork first, Rival.”
Of course he’d have to remind him about that. The worst part of being Hokage by far.
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uchiwife · 2 years ago
[ No Uchiha Massacre AU.]
Characters: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi, Sabaku no Gaara, etc. ( some characters will only be mentioned.)
Category: Epic friendship, romance, humor, fluff, unrequited love or is it?, angst, open ending.
WARNING(S):Sakura is not a reliable narrator. Her thoughts shouldn’t be taken at face value. They’re her own. She doesn't necessarily reflect what others think or reality.
Word count : 3,137k
a/n : English is not my mother tongue, so please excuse me for any mistakes I might commit in it. ꒱࿐♡ ˚.*ೃ
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───── ❝ 五歳 ❞ ─────
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───── ❝ 十二歳 ❞ ─────
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───── ❝ 二十歳 ❞ ─────
In her childhood, Sakura remembered vividly spending hours in the Uchiha compound. She’d become best friends with the second heir of the clan. The youngest. She remembered running around his beautiful garden, admiring the koï and feeding them. She remembered admiring his mother's vegetable garden and the flower beds that could be found here and there.
Sasuke, the second Uchiha heir, along with their second blond best friend Naruto had grown up together so to speak. They’d done some stupid things together. First, they followed Naruto in his pranks, helped him to re-decorate the heads on the Hokage monument with paint. Naruto's mother, Kushina, had literally chased the three fleeing mini-thugs, yelling, with a ladle in her hand and threatening them with laundry duty of the entire Shinobi corps for a month. Thanks to Sakura's tactical intelligence and Sasuke's military intelligence, they’d managed to escape to what they called their secret tree house. They hid there to escape any punishment. Needless to say, their plan didn't work out so well.
The only comfort and pride that the three children felt in this memory was that it had taken 18 hours to find them. It was Sasuke's older brother and cousin who had found them.
They hadn't had a good day, or even a good week after that. They were punished, of course, but strangely enough they were praised for their teamwork. And they were only 5 or 6 years old at the time. Everyone was complimented on their skills. Even their escape was praised for what it was, even more so when they had managed to escape their "enemies".
Sakura always remembered fondly “des quatre cents coups” they had done in their childhood. That's why she had so many memories in the Uchiha district or in Naruto's house surrounded by his parents. Or her own.
But, today, she would have done anything to escape the complex.
She was currently in Sasuke's room. On his bed. The young man was polishing his Kusanagi, while Sakura was lying across the mattress, her head resting on one of Sasuke's thighs. He didn't seem to mind. He was used to it. He wasn't an overtly tactile person, but he was as open as one could be even more so with Team 7.
The pink-haired girl was desperate. Forgetting what she saw earlier was simply not possible. She had gone to find the first available person. Surprisingly, it had been Sasuke. Naruto was on a date with Hinata and Ino was on a mission with team 10. So her friends weren't what you would call "available." Of course Naruto would probably have dropped whatever he was doing to make sure his Sakura-chan was okay.
She’s like a sister to him. They’d all grown up together after all, but Sakura thought it was selfish to interrupt him while he was enjoying a moment with sweet Hinata. God knows it took that idiot a long time to ask the Hyuuga heiress out.
He had foolishly thought that he had no chance with the girl.
She snorted at the thought.
Idiot. If only he knew.
Hinata only had eyes for him. It was even before the academy. Now that they were together and happy, she wasn’t going to spoil their date.
Sasuke wasn't a bad choice anyway. She was actually very close to him. He knew things about her that even Ino didn't know ( And she prayed that the pig never found out because she might suddenly disappear.)
He hadn't questioned her when she’d snuck in through his bedroom window while he was polishing his Kunai. He had seen her puffy red eyes and she was wet from the rain : that had been enough for him to silently invite her into his den. He’d allowed her to borrow one of his old pants and a t-shirt that had become too small for him and she’d decided that a hot shower was in order. Sasuke let her be.
And here they are now :
Sakura on his bed, her head on his lap, a book on her stomach and him taking care of his Kusanagi. He knew she would talk when she felt ready. Sakura didn't like to be rushed. She liked to take the time to unravel her feelings so she could understand them better. And soon the Uchiha heard Sakura's voice. She spoke softly, but he could hear the notes of frustration, sadness and anger in her voice.
“ I can't believe he did that! I hate him so much!”
Sasuke closed his eyes and took a breath. Okay. Here we go again. He said nothing, listening, knowing anyway that Sakura was just going to vent whether he wanted it or not.
“No but can you believe that asshole!? Kissing that... that... Ugh. I can't even be upset with Hana-chan. She's really too cute. It's his fault anyway!”
At the familiar name, Sasuke looked up, arching his eyebrow.
“Hana? As in Hana Inuzuka? Kiba's older sister?”
Sakura huffed, annoyed.
“Yes! Now is not the time to drop your brain Sas’ke!”
Sasuke scowled and pinched the girl who yelped at the sudden gesture. She glared at him and then put her head back on his lap. God only knows what a comfortable couch he could be.
“You should be thankful that I haven't kicked you out yet.”
Ah that, Sakura scoffed:
“You love me way too much to kick me out and if you did I would probably rat you out to a) your mother because she loves me and b) your father because he loves me even more since I treated and cured your mom's disease a few years ago.”
The boy winced at the thought. He preferred not to have his mother on his back. So he gave in. For now. He too could blackmail Sakura and go complain to Mebuki-Obasan. The smartest of the Shinobi military corps knew better than to mess with one of the best Jônin cryptographers in Konoha's decryption unit. Sakura had not only taken after her mother's intelligence but also her fiery temper. He preferred not to interfere when these two women were in conflict
So he patiently listened to Sakura complain without having to ask which asshole she was talking about because he knew. Oh yes, he knew. Unfortunately.
“Go on.”
“Don't tell me what to do! Hm. What was I saying ? Oh yeah... Can you believe that asshole? Kissing Hana?! Of all people! When I go to tell Kiba that! Ha!”
“The fact that you think Kiba can beat him up is very cute. Delusional, but cute.”
“Shut up, you idiot! You're supposed to be on my side!”
“I'm not getting involved in your teenage melodrama. Besides what you're saying doesn't make sense. Why would he go and kiss Hana? He's never shown more than a friendly interest in her.”
“ I dunno, Sas’ke! Just ask your asshole of a brother! And anyway I thought it was Shisui who was interested in Hana!"
Sasuke snorted.
“Yeah when he was like 15. That sicko is hitting on Anko now according to the rumors. That guy has no sense of self preservation. It's a wonder how he survived all this time.”
Sakura stood up abruptly, grabbing him by the shoulders and luckily for her, he had already sheathed his Kusanagi.
“This is a serious matter! How do you want to coexist in a world where your brother is marrying a woman that isn’t me !? Think about your mother and yourself. You will be so devastated not to have me for a daughter-in-law and sister-in-law. I would hate to break your heart.”
Sasuke chuckled. CHUCKLED. That girl is crazy.
“Of all the people involved in this, I think you're the one who would really be heartbroken. Itachi has no reason to date Hana and I remind you that you already turned him down when he asked you to go to the spring festival with him a few years ago.”
Sakura frowned, tightening her grip on her best friend's sturdy form.
“It wasn't like that and you know it! Tsunade-Shishou had asked me to be Gaara's escort. Honestly I could hardly see myself refusing the Kazekage. Going with Gaara to the festival was diplomatic.”
“Straddling him in an intense make-out session was also a diplomatic tactic? Maybe you wanted to give him a taste of the sweets of Konoha?” He replied with a smirk on his lips.
Sakura blushed furiously and punched him, holding back her blow enough to do no real damage but hard enough to hurt.
“Shut the fuck up! We promised we'd never talk about it again!”
“You still naively think that Itachi doesn't know that you had a relationship with the Kage of Suna? It’s hilarious. It doesn't take a genius to do 1+1. Your missions to Suna and its borders were a little too frequent back then.”
“Like your brother is a virgin!”
“That's disgusting, Sakura. I don't need to know that.”
She huffed. Sure, Sakura and Gaara had had a three year relationship, but in her defense, she really didn't think Itachi cared about her back then. Hadn't he told her "not to waste time on him. He's so busy with his duties to Konoha and his clan." Only to see Izumi glued to his arm? Tch. Lying bastard. Her 15 year old self had been heartbroken. She had had a little crush on Itachi as a kid. He was so cool. But little Sakura chose instead to train to be a good Shinobi like her parents. So although she marveled at Itachi's prowess in the recesses of her mind and with Ino when she was creating flower crowns at the age of 5, she figured it would be wiser to pretend she didn't care about the older boy.
She had flirted and dated casually in her teens but her first time and first real relationship had been with Gaara. There had always been something she couldn't name between them, but she had ignored it in favor of her training. Even back in the Chuunin exam he had complimented her in a rather strange way. In fact his compliment sounded like a threat and with his icy green gaze she wondered if he didn't want to crush her with his sand.
Luckily for her Sasuke and Naruto had been there and had been suspicious and protective of her. And very rude if we want to be honest. At 12 years old these two idiots couldn't care less about being diplomatic at an international event that aimed to bring foreign countries together in its land. Thank goodness they had matured since then.
And look at her now! A beautiful young woman and an accomplished 20 year old shinobi who was getting upset because her not-so-secret crush was kissing the sister of one of her good friends. What a bastard! And to think that she thought things had changed. Needless to say, she was probably kidding herself.
Well, fuck him! If Uchiha Itachi couldn't see her value then it was his loss! I mean sure, they weren't a couple. So he hadn't cheated on her or anything, but she liked to think they were friends at least. Okay, a friend who desperately wanted to see him naked, but a friend and fellow ninja nonetheless.
Why was she so upset anyway? She dropped her forehead against Sasuke's shoulder, loosely wrapping her arms around his neck. She smelled his perfume. She liked the smell of her best friend, probably because it was similar to his brother's, it was comforting. The difference was that she didn't feel like tearing off Sasuke's clothes just by smelling his scent. The boy in question watched her, eyebrow raised. He noticed the change in her behavior. He could have pushed her away, but he was far too familiar with her proximity to be entirely offended by it. So he sighed and awkwardly patted her back, which made the girl chuckle.
“You really suck at comforting sad girls, Sasu-chan.”
He glared at her at the nickname, though she couldn't see it.
“My name’s Sa-su-ke.”
“Don't care. Let me cuddle you, Sasu-chan. I need affection from a handsome guy.”
He snorted, but made no move to dislodge her, if anything, he even made himself comfortable in his bed by lying down, his head resting on his pillow. Over the years, Sakura had had phases like this. And she always turned to Naruto or him. Naruto it wasn't really a problem, the jerk himself was a hugger. for him, it took longer to allow and be comfortable with this routine. But he had made an exception. Because it was Sakura and she and Team 7 were his second family.
His fingers ran absentmindedly through her pastel pink locks. Her hair was soft. One of the characteristics he found odd about Sakura. Her hair was always soft. Yet she wasn't so vain, but when he realized that her hair was silky at any time of the day he had finally asked her about it. She had simply answered that being a Shinobi didn’t prevent her from being a woman. And that being both was rather a lethal weapon. Especially in certain types of missions.
He preferred not to think about these missions. He knew that seduction missions existed, he'd probably done one or two in his career, but he'd never been a big fan of the process. He felt Sakura relax against him, her chakra much less agitated than it had been when she had come through his window two hours earlier.
“You should stop doing that Sakura.”
“Doing what?” She asked confused.
“Hurting yourself.”
“That's not what I'm doing. Your brother is simply sending mixed signals."
He frowned slightly, lips pursed.
“He's been stressed lately.”
“He seemed fine to me when his lips were on Hana's.” She couldn't help but retort bitterly and in return Sasuke sighed wearily.
“I overheard a conversation between my father, the Yondaime and the Godaime a few weeks ago. There’s tension between Iwa and Konoha. Lord Fourth said that if it continues like this they could reach a point where an open war could break out. The council and the Hokage would like to avoid the scenario of the third war to happen again. They started to talk about a political alliance. An archaic one if you ask me.”
Sakura was surprised, but not as surprised as she would have thought. She was aware of the political climate surrounding Konoha and the other countries, she was the fifth Hokage's apprentice after all, but to hear Sasuke confirm it was... wait. He’d said "political alliance?" She began to think, connecting the dots in her head to come to the most plausible conclusion. Her eyes widened.
“You mean...”
Sasuke nodded with a tense look, Confirming her fears.
“I'm afraid so. There’re rumors that Ônoki-sama's granddaughter would be in the lead. Now imagine what a political marriage would bring between the heir of a powerful clan and the direct granddaughter of the Tsuchikage.”
Sakura felt her stomach knot up. And judging by Sasuke's tone, he wasn't very happy about the news. She swallowed hard and looked down.
“Your father must not have liked it...”
“He was furious. For him it would mean sacrificing his heir. He would prefer that the incident that happened between Kumo and Konoha not happen again. They don't need another dôjutsu thief.”
“That doesn't make sense. Your brother is the heir of the Uchiha clan. A valuable asset to the village and asking him to marry a woman who...” She clenched her fists, “is throwing him into the lion's den.”
“It was common back then. They did it to create alliances. Just like Shodaime and Mito Uzumaki did, but their case is slightly different.”
“And... what does your brother think?”
Sasuke turned his onyx gaze on the young woman, gauging her with his eyes, gauging her possible reactions.
“He's not thrilled, but... he's Itachi. He will do as the Hokage commands. He's dedicated and loyal like that. He has the good of the village at heart."
Sakura felt tears tingle her eyes. A sense of loss invading her whole being.
“This is unfair...”
“The life of a shinobi rarely is. Nii-san will always do everything to protect and serve the village. That must be his will of fire. I don't believe he is devoted to anything other than that.”
With a small smile on her lip, Sakura raised her head and her gaze met his. She shook her head gently, cupping one of his cheeks.
“You’re wrong. There’s one thing your brother cherishes more than the village and more than anything else in this world.”
“What is it?” He asked, curious as to what could possibly be more important to Itachi than his duty to the village.
Sakura offered him one of her sweetest smiles. Her sea foam eyes held a deep affection. The kind she reserved only for the men of Team 7.
“You, Sasuke. Itachi will burn the world to the ground if it means you're safe.”
He stood speechless for a moment, his eyes wide. Him? Was he really...?
Unbeknownst to them, Itachi heard their discussion lurking in the shadows behind the door, leaning against the wall, arms crossed, his chakra signature suppressed, undetectable to anyone looking.
He was torn between many conflicting emotions. Some of them were incomprehensible to him. One of them was probably jealousy and he felt guilty about it.
He felt guilty for envying his little brother's closeness to this woman. But there was not much he could do about it. The bond between Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura was very strong. It’d always been. Not the kind that could be broken.
He closed his eyes, calming his heartbeat. Sakura was right. He did love Sasuke more than he loved Konoha, but then again she was missing something. She didn't know that there was another person who came very close to that feeling. The irony was that the second person was in the arms of the first.
They weren't doing anything wrong, he didn't think his brother and Sakura were engaged in that way, but Sasuke wasn't tactile with just anyone, it was rare. He would have liked to be one of ‘her boys’ too. In fact, there were many things he would have liked to be for Sakura over the years.
As he pulled away from the wall and away from the muffled laughter he could hear through the wall, Itachi wondered how happy he could be with Sakura if she agreed to be his wife.
More importantly, could he still be? Was it still time or was it too late?
A question he would consider later. For now, Shisui was waiting for him on their training ground and Uchiha Itachi was not known for being late.
───── ❝ 終わり。❞ ─────
Hey!🦋 I hope you enjoyed it. Feel free to comment, reblog and/or like. It's always nice to have even indirect interactions with you guys.✨ Even more to know that someone is reading my stories.
Thanks to those who have done so in my previous posts. I want you to know that I really appreciate it.🥹🥹💗
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bougiebutchbitch · 3 years ago
to get the bad taste in my mouth that seeing that last ask of yours left me, I'd love to hear your Naruto AND Kakashi thoughts about their actual platonic relationship in canon!
kldsjfsdfg thank you T^T
I love them so muuuuuuch. I know there's a certain subset of the fandom that's like 'Kakashi was never there for Naruto when he was a kid, he's a Bad Guy' while conveniently forgetting that Kakashi was what?? 13/14 when Minato died and Naruto was born???? And still very much going through his majorly depressed/suicidal ANBU phase where he was taking the most dangerous missions and hoping they killed him because he didn't want to kill himself like his father did.
So: my Watsonian theory is that Kakashi was up to his neck in depression and PTSD and was in no state to take care of himself, let alone a child (or two kids, after Itachi (Kakashi's kouhai who he also probably felt a lot of responsibility for) killed the rest of Sasuke's family.) He only really started healing once he got Team Seven and honestly would've been a pretty terrible parental figure before that moment.
Like, he already wasn't perfect, even if he tried. But it could've been so much worse. Having a suicidal parent is not fun in the slightest and an awful weight to put on young kids.
But now we've gotten that out the way....
I LOVE NARUTO SO MUCH! He's a smiley sunshine boy but with so much hate and hurt stored up in his heart. I love how he starts off lashing out at everyone and everything and chasing any attention, even negative attention, just to feel seen. But then, with the help of Team Seven especially, he really starts applying himself and trying to improve his skills rather than just acting like the class clown. I love how deeply he takes Kakashi's message of break the rules of authority in order to do the right thing to heart.
(AT FIRST, at least. We can talk about how this message was sadly diluted throughout the series another time. Rip to the original Team Seven Hellraisers who all were ready to fight back against The System).
Like, sure, Naruto never cared that much about authority in the beginning, other than wanting to take it for himself (on another note, I do love how 'I WANNA LEAD SO PEOPLE WILL RESPECT ME' morphs to 'I wanna lead to protect my people and change the awful way our world is run'. That's great character development! Even if I wish it had been pushed further haha.)
But Kakashi was an authority figure himself. One who told Naruto that he and his friends' willingness to disobey him for the sake of helping each other was precisely why he liked them and thought they had potential. I think that really helped Naruto put his initial character trait of instinctively pushing back against authority for the sake of it into a different perspective. Kakashi imparted a whole new ethos to him: 'don't fight the system for attention - but don't be afraid to fight the system when the system is wrong'.
Add to all this that Naruto was CRAVING love and affection. I will never not be over how Kakashi hits Naruto with 'I would die to protect you :smileyface:' during that fight with Zabuza - then pulls a SHOCKED PIKACHU FACE when Naruto refuses to ababdon him.
Hatake Kakashi, you have been dad-dopted by a plucky orphan. This is your life.
ThEn We HaVe KaKaShI's PeRsPeCtIvE -
I mean, Naruto is Minato's kid. Who Kakashi probably feels a WHOLE LOT of guilt for abandoning, plus maybe a teeny bit of resentment against Kurama (though I feel like Kakashi's wise enough to move past that and see Naruto as a kid rather than anything else). He looks JUST like Minato and acts JUST like Kushina: the people who helped to take care of Kakashi after his own father died.
Like. The parallels are Right There. The anime makes them EXPLICIT, using the exact same backdrop and lighting and themes on scenes of baby Kakashi and baby Naruto.
Kakashi also knows what it's like to grow up as a pariah, thanks to the village's treatment of his father (my heart is still breaking about how he was legitimately afraid to show emotion and break any rule... baby.) Yeah, he was hated to a lesser degree due to the lack of a Giant Demon Fox sealed in his belly, but what he went through was no less damaging. Especially as every time he reached out to someone and allowed himself to form a connection... THEY DIED HORRIBLY.
Now he has Naruto on his squad: the bratty, badly socialised child of two of those Dead People who meant the entire world to him. Naruto is reckless and loud and obnoxious. He's hurt and traumatised and angry at the whole village. He's craving guidance and care.
Now, I don't think Hatake 'self-loathing' Kakashi believes he's the right person to give Naruto either of those things. If we're going the Watsonian route, he basically ignored Naruto for TWELVE YEARS because of his own issues. Of course he's gonna blame himself for that. Our sad wet-cat scrunkly man blames himself for everything.
So, he's gonna make Naruto eat his veggies. He's gonna train him to fight so he's not killed by their horrible world. He's gonna try to keep the TICKING TIMEBOMB THAT IS TEAM SEVEN together.
And when it all falls apart, he's gonna hug Naruto. He's gonna hug him a lot.
I think he hugs/carries Naruto more than he shows physical affection for any other character??? And like. Just. AHHHH MY HEART. I need to reblog that big amazing collection of all their huggy moments again (was that a Skykashi post?? I THINK SO <3)
I'm forever obsessed with the contrast between that one manga panel of Naruto glomping him with 'MASTER KAKASHI I LOVE YOU' and Kakashi going 'ugh get off you're embarrassing me', compared with ALL THE TIMES KAKASHI CUDDLES NARUTO OR CARRIES HIM AROUnd AHHHHHHH
I headcanon that Kakashi TRIED to keep Naruto at arms length. He TRIED. He's scared of making connections and caring about other people, after all. But Naruto was always RIGHT THERE, reminding Kakashi that his rules about never leaving friends behind goes in both directions, never giving up on anything he wanted to achieve, forever looking ahead to the future - in such a stark contrast to Kakashi's tendency to get lost in the past.
Obviously, I think meeting Kakashi and receiving that Big Brother-type support throughout his life changed Naruto for the better. Even in Boruto, we still see how Kakashi is always the one Naruto looks up to and goes to for help and reassurance!
But I think meeting the kids - especially Naruto - saved Kakashi, too. Depressed assassin gets reverse-adopted by plucky orphans + sakura and slowly starts to look forward rather than backwards and find a new purpose in the world outside of murder... what an arc!
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depressedhatakekakashi · 2 years ago
AU ask if I'm not too late:
Kimimaro and Gaara...if Kimimaro had not died.
How does Gaara get himself out of the battle?
Kimimaro is so blindingly loyal to Orochimaru...can Gaara find a way to reach him and bring him to the light and let him know his worth isn't just to be a weapon for the snake lord?
Kimimaro Lives Au
Gaara goes with Temari and Kankuro to aid the Leaf shinobi against the sound four and finds Lee just as Kimimaro is about to make a kill shot.
Protecting the shinobi he had once tried to kill himself, Gaara makes his stand against Kimimaru and prepares to fight the other boy until one of them can no longer go.
Everything goes the same as Canon, except when Gaara tries to use his Sand tomb to destroy Kimimaro, he’s struck suddenly with the memories of all the people he has killed.
All of the lives he has taken because of his own pain and anger.
When Gaara started down this new path he promised himself no more unnecessary deaths, and while he can see the threat that Kimimaro possesses he also knows that this person he’s facing is a kid just like him. Someone who is being influenced and controlled by an adult who has something to gain from their powers.
At that moment Gaara decides not to go for the kill. Instead, he releases Kimimaro and turns his back to him, focusing his attention on Lee instead. There’s a long way back to Konoha and Lee has an injury that Gaara himself gave him, so it’s going to be a very long walk back. He wants to get started as quickly as possible.
As he helps Lee to his feet, Gaara extends an offer to Kimimaro. An opportunity for Kimimaro to find his own path away from Orochimaru. Suna is still recovering from the loss of its Kazekage, but Gaara is more than happy to take Kimimaro in and help him.
His offer is met with insults. Kimimaro has no intention of listening to him and no interest in the things he has to say. He does try to attack again, but Gaara takes him down swiftly and leaves with Lee.
Kimimaro is left alone. He has failed to destroy his enemy, but there’s still a chance to succeed at his mission. Instead of chasing after them, he takes the loss and turns the other way. His only goal now is to ensure that Sasuke gets to Orochimaru.
When he finds Sasuke the battle with Naruto is done, and Sasuke physically stops Kimimaro from killing him. It’s upsetting since these are now three people that Kimimaro has failed to take care of, but he agrees and focuses’ on getting Sasuke back to the secret hideout.
It’s only when they get back that Kimimaro really realizes that none of the others made it. He’s the only survivor of his mission and while he knows that this is something to expect he’s still left feeling a tinge of guilt. Knowing that he should have died, his opponent decided to be kind when he would never have extended that same kindness.
Once Sasuke is where he’s supposed to be, Kimimaro takes a step back and goes to visit Juugo. His head is swimming with thoughts of what happened in that fight, and there’s still that deep feeling of fear that he felt when Gaara’s sand surrounded his body, preparing to kill him in the blink of an eye.
There’s no one that understands that urge to kill, and the fight it takes to resist that urge, more than Juugo. Kimimaro has seen him struggle with his monstrous instincts, always hoping that Orochimaru-Sama would be able to find some way to ‘fix’ him so that he doesn’t struggle with that monstrous side any longer.
Ever since day one Kimimaro has stood by Juugo’s side and promised that there would be an answer. Told him over and over again that if anyone could help him, it would be Orochimaru-sama.
Kimimaro still believes that with all of his heart and that’s why he chooses to ignore Gaara’s offer even when it continues to plague his mind.
The thing is, as time goes on Kimimaro slowly starts to realize that Orochimaru has no care for anyone but themselves. That Juugo, Kimimaro, and every other kid that they made promises to are now being ignored in favour of Sasuke.
Sasuke isn’t just the favourite of Orochimaru’s experiments. He’s the only one Orochimaru cares about now, and this angers Kimmimaro.
He tries to get Orochimaru’s attention. To remind them that Juugo and others still need their help. Nothing changes, though. Orochimaru keeps promises to return to their work, but they never do.
Kimimaro is left to watch as Juugo and so many others are left locked away, unattended to. Between their deteriorating health and the need to make Sasuke powerful enough so they can steal his body, Orochimaru has almost no time for the kids he made so many promises to.
Kimimaro did everything he could to get Orochimaru what they wanted, and he succeeded, so he’s even more confused as to why Orochimaru continues to ignore his requests while Juugo is left to suffer with his condition.
It all comes to a head one day while Kimimaro is visiting Jugo. Neither Orochimaru nor Kabuto are with him to witness the pain Jugo is in and all Kimimaro can do is try to soothe his friend.
His loyalty has always been to Orochimaru, but watch Jugo struggle to just hold onto himself once again makes something snap inside of Kimimaro.
There’s no plan when he packs up Jugo and leaves the hideaway. Kimimao has nowhere to go and no one to trust, but it doesn’t matter. He knows he needs to get Jugo somewhere better.
A place that might actually try to help him.
For days Kimimaro and Jugo wander around aimlessly. Searching for a place, any place, where they might be safe. They don’t know if Orochimaru is chasing after them and Jugo’s whispering in Kimimaro’s ear begging him to turn back but he refuses.
He’s done waiting for help from someone who refuses to provide it.
By the time he realizes where his feet are leading him, Kimimaro and Jugo are in the middle of the desert. There’s sand in every piece of his clothing and no end to their walk-in sigh, but he keeps moving. Keeps pushing himself forward.
It’s only when he sees the walls of Suna that Kimimaro realizes where his body was leading him and at that moment the words Gaara had once said to him ring through his mind.
‘If you change your mind, you’ll have a home in Suna.’
Naturally, the two of them aren’t greeted with joy and cheer at the gate, but Kimimaro pulls Jugo back and calms him down before his inner monster comes out for a fight. Once that’s dealt with he turns to the guards and makes one simple request.
He asks to meet with Gaara of the sand. The man who had spared his life back on that day, when it would have been easier to kill him.
There are a few cautious glances shared between the shinobi, but they ultimately agree to go get Gaara. If there is anyone who can handle this situation it’s their Kazekage.
Gaara’s there surprisingly quickly. As soon as he receives intel that there are two people at the gates waiting for him he heads out to find out who it is, Temari and Kankuro following close behind. If he’s surprised to see Kimimaro, he doesn’t show it.
Kimimaro struggles to explain his presence at first, unsure why he has even dragged himself and Jugo all this way, but after a few failed attempts and some support from Jugo he finally finds the words he’s looking for.
Gaara listens calmly as Kimimaro goes through everything that has happened and finally admits that he has found himself here because of the offer Gaara made to him back during their fight. He knows that Gaara has no reason to trust him, and he has no real reason to believe Gaara genuinely wants to help him, but he has nowhere else to go.
When Kimimaro has no other words to say he finds himself just standing there staring at Gaara. Waiting for him to decide his fate.
Will he be taken in, or will he be turned away? How can he help Jugo without the experiments that Orochimaru was doing? Is there any hope at all for them?
Finally Gaara speaks, and they’re the sweetest words Kimimaro has heard since the day Orochimaru offered him safety and help. With a hand stretching out towards Kimimaro, Gaara agrees to open his doors to the two of them.
Temari and Kankuro protest, but Gaara won’t hear it. He has made up his mind.
Jugo is the next one to speak, his voice low and timid as he asked Kimimaro what will happen to him. It’s not until this moment that Kimimaro realizes he never told Gaara about Jugo’s situation. Perhaps out of desperation to get his story out as quickly as possible, or fear that it would cause Gaara to turn them away.
Gaara asks what Jugo means, but when Kimimaro tries to explain Gaara holds up a hand to silence him and says that he wants to hear it from Jugo.
Jugo doesn’t waste any time in explaining his situation. There’s a fear in his voice even when Kimimaro places a supportive hand on his shoulder, but he explains everything.
Now everyone is looking to Gaara, waiting for his decision.
To both Kimimaro and Jugo’s surprise, that decision does not change. Turning towards his siblings, Gaara asks Kankuro to prepare a room in the Kazekage’s mansion for their guests, and his brother no longer argues. Even if he’s not sure about Gaara’s decision, he knows better than to try and change his mind.
Kimimaro and Jugo end up with a nice room in the kazekage’s mansion. There are shinobi guards just outside of the room, watching over them just in case, but neither of them really mind.
For the first time in years Jugo has a proper bed to sleep on and a room that’s not just a cage.
There’s no chains holding him down and no experiments. He even gets a proper blanket, given to him by Gaara himself.
Kimimaro doesn’t sleep that first night. He’s still too on edge, and he wants to ensure that Jugo gets the opportunity to rest. Since they’re both in an unfamiliar place he offers to keep guard so Jugo can relax.
It’s two in the morning when he realizes the reality of what he has done.
He ran away. Left Orochimaru behind after years of loyalty, and instead of finding more hatred and anger he found kindness.
He found someone who was willing to hold out a hand and actually help him, not just make sweet promises for a better future.
There’s still a lot of trust to build, but Kimimaro knows one thing for sure. Having his own comfortable bed and seeing Jugo safe and actually cared for makes his chest bloom with happiness.
The next morning Gaara comes to their room and offers to escort them to breakfast, and for the first time in days Kimimaro realizes just how hungry he is.
Him and Jugo try not to eat too much at first, but when a whole bunch of food is set out in front of them and Gaara extends an offer for them to eat all they need to, they can’t hold back. It’s the first proper meal they’ve had in a long time.
A comfortable bed, warm blankets, and lots of food. Kimimaro’s starting to think he might have actually died and gone to a better place.
After dinner, Gaara leads the two of them to his greenhouse. There, he explains to them his own situation. How he himself had once been a murderous monster, interested only in hurting others. How he had struggled with that and found his peace, and even found some sort of balance with the Sanbi even though they still didn’t get along.
Jugo and Kimimaro listen to every word he says as he shows them arounf the greenhouse, and then Gaara does something neither of them expect.
He picks up one of his cacti and turns towards them, holding it out to Jugo. He then explains that something that helped him find this peace he now has is his gardening. Caring for something small and allowing all of his anger to melt away in favour of love.
He explains that he doesn’t expect Gardening to help Jugo, but that he’s willing to try multiple things to see if there’s something that might help him with his struggles.
Neither of them know how to respond. There’s no experiments, not poison tongued promises. They almost expect someone to wake them up soon so they can return to reality back in that bleak hideout.
It doesn’t happen, though. They continue to exist in Suna. They may not be totally free for a while, but then they never really were. Here at least they can relax. They can smile and laugh without having to worry when they’re going to be called for experiments again, or tossed to the side like discarded rubbish.
Jugo begins spending his mornings in the green house with Gaara. Kimimaro finds books to read and a love for learning about the puppets that Kankuro makes.
They’re safe. Perhaps not forever, but for now.
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maoam · 3 years ago
SS fans claim that Sasuke came back after Sakura got pregnant and helped walked Sarada and raised her.Then he had to leave on a mission but Sarada found him and also Sasuke became romantic with Sakura while trying to save Naruto. Bullshit, everything they say is just bad fanfiction. Canon things from Naruto manga and gaiden written and drawn fully by Kishi: Sasuke rejected Sakura to go with him on his journey, he contacted Naruto all the time, Sakura was tired of waiting so she chased after him, guilt tripped him because that’s always what she does, got pregnant to keep her Sasuke, she didn’t want to go back to Konoha, she gave birth at Orochimaru place 🤮, got back home, not even bothered to register Sarada because of course she was just made to get her Sasuke kun, Sasuke said bye bye to them and left on some ’mission’ that did not concerned Kagyua, he contacted Naruto all this time and met with him, he never wrote to Sakura or Sarada (I bet he doesn’t know about Sarada’s great fever) Sakura raised Sarada alone telling her nothing about her dad (even databook says she raised her alone), Sasuke came back to meet with Hokage Naruto and talk about kagyua, Sakura went there we don’t know why but we know that she didn’t even think to bring 6 year old Sarada to meet her father, Sasuke said what he had to say and left on his Kagyua mission not even bothered to meet Sarada, the rest is just the history 😂 What a lovely marriage full of love. These novels contradict with everything what Kishi wrote and drew. 😂
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Hihihi.... he's not exactly enthuastic being involved with his "family".
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This is from the ceremony of Naruto becoming Hokage. The kids are that old already.
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This is Sasuke leaving on his super important mission, when Naruto is already a Hokage. Yet Sarada doesn't know him and he doesn't know Sarada...
It's funny because even one of their precious novels they insist are canon says Sakura got tired of waiting and went to chase Sasuke until he accepts her feelings lol. Sakura was said to have been raised Sarada alone many times. Sasuke did not even recognise her. And what Sarada saw was her imagination, her hopes. That's not how Kishi draws flashbacks.
Like I said before, fillers and novels exist to damage control Kishi’s writing because his writing is not favorable towards NH/SS.
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sasubaeuchithot · 3 years ago
I hate to say this but do you think that Naruto and Sakura were kinda similar in them being selfish chasing after Sasuke? I mean Sakura was just whining and being sad and begging for him to come home so they could play happy family and Naruto less obnoxious but also wanted to drag Sasuke back against his will. They also cared about each other so it seemed less annoying than Sakura's plea. Neither of them including Kakashi really respected his choices and even if they disagreed with his actions, they didn't take him seriously as to why he did the things he did.
I mean the whole, I'll break your arms and legs and drag you back, really grosses me out because at the end of the day that mentality is exactly what every abusive figure in Sasuke's life, especially Itachi and Orochimaru were like. Not respecting his choices or his autonomy, thinking they knew better and he was incapable of making a decision for himself (even if they disagreed) and forced that decision upon him through physical violence.
I'm not trying to say their relationship is completely abusive, and Sasuke hurt Naruto as well, but the lack of respect for his autonomy is something I really hate because the manga reinforces it. Naruto kinda changes towards the end and respects Sasukes decision even though he disagrees with it, but still. I find it icky how almost every character whom he has a relationship with embodies this characteristic
hmmm Naruto's desire to bring Sasuke back for me was always actually much more selfless to me than it was selfish. Naruto wanted Sasuke back because he knew that Sasuke was in danger. Naruto, to me, always felt like he was acting on what he thought would save Sasuke from horrible fates.
we can't forget that Sasuke's decision to go with Orochimaru was a suicide mission. the goal back then was to sell his body to Orochimaru for power to fulfill his goal of killing itachi, and after that was completed he was to give up his body and life for Orochimaru. Naruto was acting in his extremes trying to prevent Sasuke from killing himself for the sake of revenge. that's not selfishness. Naruto longed for the desire to keep team seven in tact, but he brought up that dynamic in crucial moments moreso to try to tell Sasuke "please don't throw your life away when there can still be good in your world." I dislike when people water this down to "oh, Naruto was just as bad as Sakura for trying to stop him from making his own decisions." Sasuke's decisions were very self-destructive, especially to someone who someone who only had the outside point of view that Naruto had.
and then when Naruto does learn the full story, when he finally gets the crucial information about the uchiha genocide, he forgoes his urges to rip Sasuke from his dangerous goals and instead reaches out to Sasuke with understanding. he validates Sasuke's actions and emotions. and when Sasuke was completely battered after fighting at the kage summit and then killing danzo, Naruto did not force him to come back with him. Naruto had entered that area in almost perfect physical form, had seen Sasuke was clearly beaten up and weakened already, and instead of going through with bringing Sasuke back by force (which he more than likely would have been able to with his sage mode since sasuke was already weakened) he chose to simply tell him "i understand now". he was still going to defend his home full of loved ones, but he vowed in that moment to try to find a solution for Sasuke that wouldn't result in death or murder, because he could see how little sasuke still regarded his own life. he was saying "I value your life and sanity. I want to fix what's wrong in a way that is best for everyone, and in a way that won't leave you lonely and in danger."
in vote2 we learn that sasuke's goal was that of dictatorship- specifically, be wanted to unite the world by giving them all a common enemy: himself. Naruto did not want Sasuke to be hated unanimously; he knew that pain too well from his own childhood. he did not want Sasuke to set himself up in a way where his death would be the only way to achieve peace. at the core of it, Naruto felt for Sasuke, and didn't want to see him continue to hurt himself and bring upon his own death.
Naruto was always trying to what would keep Sasuke safe, alive, and loved. I don't think that's selfish at all.
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kakashifanrp · 3 years ago
Marks of the soulmates 1/2
Kakashi Hatake x reader
part 2 <- here
AN: Soulmate fics get to me. They are soo cute! Soo i decided to drabble down one. Most likely this is part 1.. 😅 most likely a oneshot or two shot. 
(a pic of the mark aswell, just because I liked this one mark)
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Soulmates, it had been a thing for ages. Almost everyone had a soulmate, finding it was another story. When the ancient shinobies of the past were able to make the mark of the soulmates it made the search easier for many. A mark would appear on the left wrist, a mark that would only be identical to your soulmates mark. Girls normally made sure to keep a eye out on their chruses wrist between 16 to 18 years of age, it was then the mark would normally appear.
Yours however came around when you were 17 and a half.. Right after you had became a jonin, and your best friend since childhood turned his back on everyone. It was not that you hadn't tried to stop him... Or even try to make him stop ignoring everyone that cared for him.. But after he joined the Anbu it was back and forth, before the sudden conntinuesly ignoring everyone. After days of watching it all go down, you followed him.. Knowing it didn't only hurt you, but also the rest of your friends.
"Kakashi.. Stop for a secound" You had been running after him for 5 minutes allready, after seeing the sad look on Gui's face yet again after Kakashi ignored him, and only gave a cold stare. It had been the boiling point, watching this for years allready. You caught up with him and stepped in front of him, but in normal Kakashi style he just walked around you. This made you clench your jaw as you stepped in front of him again, placing your hands on his chest making him stop by force. "I have tried to stop you for 5 minutes now" You looked up at him, only to be greeted by the cold stare of his.
"Why are you doing this? Do you even see how hurt your friends are? We are worried about you baka!" frustration had been building up over the years, seeing him act like a cold hearted brat. "You really are annoying" Kakashi muttered unimpressed and pushed your hands off him. "didn't you just become a jonin? Isn't it time to act like it?" There it was.. The vemon in his voice again.. Like he hated your gut. "My rank has nothing to do with this, and you know it. I don't know what has happend to you lately, but damn Kakashi.. Saying hi once in a while would not kill you" It was a desperate attempt to make him soften up a bit, and stop throwing away everyone that cared for him..
"You are just pathetic.. Can't belive they let babies become jonin theese days" he scoffed as he started to walk away. "Soo thats what you think of me huh?" His words hurt, it always did when he was in a mood like that.. "Can you be annoying somewhere else, some of us has actual things to do" He spat, not even looking back at you as he walked away.
You remembered that day too well.. It was the day you knew you lost your best friend, and it crushed you.. Not only did he look down on your abilities as a jonin.. But he seemed to had a distaste for you as a person too. As if that wasen't hard enough, your soulmate mark appeared later that day. That was suppose to be one of the happiest day of your life.. To finally get the mark you had dreamed of and start the hunt for your very own soulmate.. But after the talk with Kakashi earlier in the day it only made you sad..
You looked down at your wrist as you walked. The flame like mark were still there, and you had yet to start looking for the matching mark. Had it only been as easy for you as it was for Asuma and Kurenai it would have been great, but you truly had started to doubt if that was even what you wanted in life. "NARUTO!!" you heard the scream from behind you making you lift your head to see the blonde boy running away from the pink haired one yet again. "Y/N sama! Help me!" Naruto ran up and hid behind you which did not stop Sakura one bit as she chased after him.
"hey, I am not a shield!" Being dragged into their fighting was never fun, at least when you knew how hard that girl punched. "Wait until I get my hands on you Naruto!" they run around you, Naruto trying to dogde, while Sakura tried to punch. "Ey ey ey, Didn't you two just pass on a team togheter, teammates don't hit eachother, or use people as shields!" You facepalmed yourself as you watched them. "He tried to call me his soulmate!" Sakura shouted, red in face from the anger boiling. "But what if you are Sakura Chan?" Naruto carefully stood behind you with a nervous smile on his face.
"Guys, why even worry about that stuff now.. It is like 4 to 6 years before any of you get a mark, that is if you even get one?" This caught Naruto's attention, giving Sakura a opening to punch him in the head. "Still, I know my soulmate will be Sasuke, not a Baka like Naruto" She crossed her arms, looking offeded as usual. "ow ow ow" Naruto rubbed his head where he was hit and looked at the two of you. "I almost feel bad for the sensei you guys got.. With this being how you act thowards eachother." you let out a soft sigh. "Kakashi sensei don't seem to care" with narrow brows you looked at Sakura. "Hatake, Kakashi? Is he your sensei?"
"Yeah, He made us to that stupid bell test..what a scarecrow" Naruto mumbled. You had heard he became a jonin leader a while back, but he had not passed a team soo far. "Scarecrow? That was a new one" You raised your brow, knowing Naruto found all kinds of nicknames for people. "Y/N sama, do you have a soulmate mark?" Sakura looked at you, and you nodded. She grabbed your arm, making you gasp in suprise as she lifted the glove a bit to look at it. "wow! Have you found your match yet? When did you get yours? Did it just appear? Was it magical like they say?" You looked at the girl with wide eyes as she studied your mark.
"breath Sakura.. It is just a mark" You shrugged, making her thighten her hold on your arm. You winced at the sudden strenght the girl had when she got annoyed. "It is not just any mark!" She glared at you. "ok, i got it when I was 17 and a half.. And no I haven't found my soulmate.. And yes it just appeared" You muttered and noticed Naruto looking at it too. "hmm.. Soo thats how it looks like." He tilted his head before his eyes light up. "Thank you Y/N sama" He smirked and dragged Sakura with him, taking her by suprise as she looked ready to hit again. You just stood and looked at them walking away in confusion, wondering what he even thanked you for..
Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke had gotten themself a mission, and they were not gonna stop until it was settled. The past week they had been looking at peoples wrist to see if they found you a match, Sakura had been soo happy to finally see a real soulmate mark that she had memorized it in detail and made a a drawing the three of them used to compare with. After a week they sat down defeated at Ichuraka's. "We have looked everywhere! No matches" Naruto whines. "Did you really think that was gonna be easy?" Sasuke looked annoyed.
"I was hoping yeah! It has to be someone in this town" Naruto took another bite of his ramen. "why do you guys look soo down" Kakashi sat next to them with a raised brow. Normally his students didn't hang with their heads while eating ramen. "Baka, Naruto! It can be from another village too! The mark is on people from all villages" Sasuke frowned and scoffed. "Mark? What mark?" Finally it seemed that the three students had noticed their sensei. "soulmate marks, what else sensei?" Sakura frowned. "aren't you three a bit too young to be worrying about theese marks?"
"We are just trying to help a friend" Naruto looked at him. "a friend?" Kakashi looked at them even more confused. He remember wanting a mark when he was younger too, but after he got it he never really cared. "Is it a meeting here today?" Iruka walked in, ready to get his lunch that he had ordered. "Iruka sensei! Show me your wrist!" Naruto demanded making Iruka go pale. "ehh, what?" Sakura grabbed his arm and looked. "nope.. Not Iruka sensei either" She mumbled, as he retracted his arm. "ok what is going on?" He looked at the genin in front of him.
"We have been trying for a week now to find Y/N samas match" Sasuke shrugged, making it sound like it was the most obious thing ever. "we have checked as many in kohona as possible, but it is too many marks and no one matches the one she has!" Naruto almost screamed as he explained, clearly frustrated. "Y/N sama?" Kakashi looked at the three genin, not sure if he heard the name correctly. That name he had not heard in years. "ohh, I see.." Iruka rubbed the back of his neck. "your old classmate, Kakashi.. She helped out at the school from time to time"
"That joke was not funny Iruka sensei" Naruto side eyed him. "what joke?" Naruto looked at Kakashi, almost making the ninja uncomfortable. "I don't belive Y/N sama is that old" This made Kakashi almost shrink in his chair. "I am not even that old" He muttered, making Iruka laugh. "well, You guys should have good luck then" Iruka got the food and left as the genin finnished theirs. "Kakashi sensei, can you help us out on this mission?" Sakura pleaded, started to loose the hope. "Isn't that your mission to do?" He noticed the look in their eyes and sighed. At least they seemed to be working in a team, which made them stop bickering for once. "Ok, I help for today"
Sakura gave him the paper. "We need to find this mark!" She pointed at it, not noticing the wide eye on her sensei. "You sure this is the mark?" He frowned as he looked at the kids. "Yes! She showed it to me. Just remember she must not know about this" The young girl said sternly. Kakashi just nodded as he looked at the drawing, ignoring Naruto's stare. "We have not checked your arm sensei" He said suddenly as he grabbed the arm to look, taking Kakashi by suprise. "hmm" The blonde said as he looked between the paper and Kakashi's wrist.
"what are you doing?" Kakashi tried to retract his arm, but all three of them grabbed it to look. "it is a match?" Sakura looked up at Kakashi, before they let go of his arm. "But you are too old sensei.." The three genin frowned as they watched him, making him uncomfortable. "How old do you three really think I am?" He placed the paper down, eyeing the three kids. "Older than Y/N sama" Naruto said with a obious tone. "But you two are soo different.." Sakura voiced her thoughts before she started to go pale. "oh no, what If I get linked with that baka" She started to freak out, thinking about it. If kakashi sensei could have the same mark as Y/N, with how different they were... What if the was cursed with Naruto!?
"Y/N sama! Over here!" Naruto yelled, making Kakashi pull down his sleeve. You looked over and noticed Sakura's face. "whats going on.. You three looks like you have seen a ghost?" you walked over before noticing Kakashi. "I am doomed!" Sakura ran off making you look shocked. "Naruto, what did you do this time?" The blond glared at you before looking between you and Kakashi. "Nope, still don't belive it" He muttered, eyeing his sensei. This whole thing made you look at them all confused. "Do I even wanna know..."
"Are you as old as Kakashi sensei?" Naruto blurred out, still looking between you two. "Well yeah.. What about it?" This made Kakashi smile under his mask. "I told you, I am not that old" Naruto just shaked his head and started to leave. "Still don't belive it" You giggled a bit, only imagine the shock he must be in. "It could have been worse Y/N sama" Sauske gave your arm a soft pat before walking away. "Theese kids never stops to suprise me" You sighed and looked over at Kakashi. "Now I see what he meant with scarecrow" You mumbled as the expression on his face and hair could remind you of one.
"a what now?" He stood up and looked at you. "Naruto think you look like a scarecrow, I can kind of see it now" You smiled a bit. "You should have good luck with them, they can be a handful." You mumbled, remembering the last time you spoke with Him. "You don't have to say that twice.. They are gonna be the death of me, I allready know it" He sighed and put his hands in his pockets. "oh, you don't know anything yet" You smiled and started to walk away, knowing he was in for it. "Where are you going?"
"I have guard duty today, soo off to my shift" You turned and looked at him. You studies him carefully, not sure how to read him at all.. And still a bit shocked he could talk at all. "Which side of the village?" He asked. "East side, waiting for a scroll delivery" He nodded. "I tag along then" You narrowed your brows a bit. "You tag along? Never thought I would hear that from you again, Hatake" You smiled and started to walk, letting him catch up to you. "well, it is a first for everything isn't it?" He keept his gaze on your hand, knowing you used to talk with your hands before. Maybe he was able to see for himself.
"Soo what is the scroll about? Since they need guards to greet it?" He played it off as he opened his book to pretend to read. "Well, I am not sure, all I know it is a delivery to lord 3rd" you shrugged as you lifted your hands a bit. Kakashi noticed the mark on your wrist as he stopped a bit. "Are you ok?" You stopped and looked over at him. "I gotta go" With a poof of smoke he was gone, making you sigh. "some things never changes.."
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woman-child91 · 3 years ago
I’ve never once thought of Gaara as the Uke in his ship with Naruto. And I’ve watched (OG) Naruto and Naruto Shippuden four times!!! So I’m going to explain the reasons why I, personally think that it’s GaaNaru and NEVER EVER NaruGaa.
The first time these two met, Naruto, pretty much acted like a schoolgirl when she sees her crush. For Pete’s sake! Even my younger cousin who has never seen Naruto (she tried it twice and didn’t like it) said so. I showed her the scene where they first met and there’s one in Shippuden that is actually closer to how they met in the manga than, the (OG) Naruto version. But, it happens during a "filler" episode that almost all of you probably skipped. Well, newsflash people!!! Some filler episodes are a mix between canon and filler stuff. Meaning? The episode has both canon and filler stuff mixed in together. Anyways, during their first meeting… Naruto blushes!!! Naruto freaking blushes!!! Because, he thinks that Gaara is either cool or handsome. Because, we all know that he loves red hair. While, Gaara is uninterested in him at first glance and just starts walking away from him.
Okay, has ANYONE ever bothered to read between the lines of when these two actually met? Like, at the very beginning Gaara didn’t care at all about Naruto? But, Naruto was actually angry and upset about him ignoring him. Well, a douchebag in Stranger Things actually summarized something that just backs up my reasonings on why it’s GaaNaru and NOT NaruGaa. He said and I quote, "If you want a girl to like you, you should ignore her and act like you don’t care. This will drive them crazy". Like, again, Naruto fits the female role that’s mentioned here and Gaara fits the male role.
When they’re already friends and everything. That time when Naruto saves Gaara and Granny Chiyo revives him. Well, when the two boys are saying their goodbyes and all… Naruto, once again, is acting like a schoolgirl around her crush! He’s blushing and acting all nervous around Gaara. He can’t even make eye contact!
And still when they’re saying their goodbyes. Who makes the first move? Gaara!!! Naruto is too timid and flustered to even think about making any move. But, the redhead is not! He uses his sand to pull Naruto’s hand towards him and HE shakes the blond’s hand. Throughout Gaara’s entire 16 years of life at this point had he EVER had any physical contacted with another person? Not counting with his pretty, pretty Uncle Yashamaru? No! He hadn’t! He also never wanted to engage in any physical contact with anyone, after he turned evil. BUT, HE WANTED TO TOUCH NARUTO! HE FELT THE NEED TO TOUCH HIM! Not to be touched by him! He didn’t want Naruto to hold his hand! HE was the one who wanted to hold Naruto’s hand!
Gaara is ALWAYS written as being submissive to Naruto in fanfics. But, after watching the fandom for 4 times and paying meticulous attention to every single detail… I can honestly say that this is not real! I mean, Gaara is head over heels in love with Naruto. Yes! Even Gaara’s English VA said so. Gaara is infatuated with Naruto. That’s also true. He may even be whipped. BUT, he is not submissive to him!!! He’s not afraid to put his foot down and argue with Naruto when he disagrees with him. He doesn’t simply go along with everything Naruto says. He’s not afraid to speak his mind. ★ When he told Naruto that he was going to have to fight Sasuke. ★ When he first saw Naruto in the battlefield during the 4th Great Ninja War and was visibly angry. He told Naruto that he had better have a good excuse as to why he was there. But, if he didn’t? Then, he would drag Naruto back to the turtle island, himself, if he had to. ★ (Filler but, STILL a valid point for my post) During Killer B’s Infinite Tsukuyomi Dream he actually got jealous and possessive one time. He showed us a bit of his old self when Naruto and him were in the middle of a mission. Because, Sasuke showed up out of nowhere and Naruto was going to chase after him. Gaara was NOT happy with this and he didn’t simply acted as the submissive, meek and obedient Gaara you all read about in the NaruGaa fics. He actually talked in a loud, commanding and jealous/angry tone. He told Naruto, "Naruto! Don’t forget our mission." He was able to STOP Naruto from chasing after Sasuke. Excuse me but, if anyone was submissive, meek and obedient in here? It was, Naruto! He actually obeyed Gaara and stayed with him. ★ There’s a movie (which all you filler haters have probably skipped since, it’s not a canon episode) where Gaara stops Naruto from chasing after Kakashi. Because, Shikamaru or Jiraiya (I can’t remember) told Gaara to stop Naruto from going after Kakashi. Because, Kakashi made his own choice on leaving the village (no! Not a Kakashi version of Sasuke’s rescue arc. Kakashi actually left the village to protect it and try to save it from an enemy all on his own.). So Gaara argues with Naruto to the point where NEITHER is willing to submit. So they actually end up getting in a fight.
(Again, another filler episode. But, it’s definitely a valid point. Specially since it backs up my strict "No Seme!Naruto" policy) There’s a scene where, Naruto, yet again lets us know that he might have a crush on Gaara and wouldn’t mind bending over for him. ;) There’s an episode where Deidara is trying to capture the 9 Tails. At one point, Naruto’s chakra is nearly completely gone and he’s got no strength left. He’s just about to get taken by Deidara. When, Gaara appears out of nowhere and saves him. Naruto gets hearts in his eyes, he’s blushing, (for the THIRD time!!! Which actually reminds me a bit about all the times I saw, Minato, blush. And guess what? They were always caused by Kushina! So yeah, I’m just saying. Naruto’s crush on Gaara is canon!) and he actually says, "You are so cool, Gaara!" Please! Open your eyes! This scene is just like Videl’s Close Call in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2!!! And once again, Naruto is comparable with the girlfriend and Gaara with the boyfriend.
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