#why would you put this man in a poll he's in a game no ones played
cyril-leonhearts · 2 years
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The absolute Irony of this man being in a poll
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Competition | Yandere Hades
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Yandere Pantheon College AU (1/7) | Master List
Providing guidance to the up-and-coming youth was a privilege not awarded to many and for that Pantheon College put a substantial amount of its budget toward its counselors. Allowing said counselors to manage the health of the students and staff at their discretion. 
Since the grand split of the social classes, unofficial titles were given to the counselors. Dubbed the Average counselor and the Elite counselor staff and students divided themselves in turn. This wouldn’t have been a problem if the Principal didn’t find this funny enough to make a game of it.
“Hohoho whoever gets the most votes from students will get the lion’s share of the budget! Hohoho!”
Forcing the students and staff to submit their votes in a poll on a specific day would decide where the money would go and thus began your many bouts with the Elite counselor: Hades. 
“Feel like giving up yet, (Y/n)?”
With his winnings from last year, he’d assembled an impressive display. A nationally acknowledged catering buffet in the courtyard. Separated by quality, the more upscale side needed identification as an elite student to even get a plate. It was downright degrading.
“Never in a million lifetimes.”
You were always rushing around busy trying to fundraise or stretch the tiny budget you did to help the average students plus they guaranteed their votes. The only problem was that the elite students were well aware of the predicament of the guidance counselors they did their best work to stunt the polls.
“(Y/n), you look so much more cross today what seems to be the matter?” 
The smile on his face told you everything you needed to know. 
“Another one of your students has been bullying mine out of voting.”
“Oh really I’ll have to look into it.”
His stupid smile was still on his face as he twirled the glass of wine in his hand. He always looked so unbothered it reminded you of the things that did get under his skin. 
So you tilted your head pretending to rifle through files before faking a disappointed face, “I wish I could stop pitying you though.” 
He stopped twirling his glass to pointedly stare at you, his single eyeglass catching the light. You continued, “It’s a little more demeaning that you can only win through sabotage. But I don’t have to live with your pride, right?”
He seemed like he wanted to argue but you ducked into your office, filing the manila folders away. Keeping your gaze fixed on your desk and the various items on it, pretending you don’t see the counselor waiting for you to acknowledge him.
“For your information, I am completely faultless for what my students do besides it’s just regular teasing–” 
A student being held by a peeved security guard continued to head out of the office. The student looked up at the man outside of your office, letting a smile spread on their face.
“Hey, Mr. Hades! Make sure your votes stay up there, just like we talked about, even if I am getting suspended!”
“That’s enough out of you brat, out the door!”
It couldn’t have happened more perfectly than that, you looked at the counselor who was hiding his expression behind his gloved hands. Stifling your giggles you twirled in your chair over the small triumph. 
“I wished I’d taken bets on how likely it was that you did convince your students to compete with the majority on a contest that doesn’t concern them.”
Letting his hand fall as he looked exasperated at you, “Why don’t you share the exact predicament with the students? It would certainly keep you in the running.”
“Because there’s already enough animosity between the groups and this is more about finding activities and events that benefit all students.”
He walked deeper into your office, languidly stepping closer to the edge of your desk.
“But the professors know, doesn’t that go against your….morale?” 
He let the word on the end drag. Allowing that prideful smile of his to spread across his face as he leaned over the trinkets on your desk.
“Professors aren’t my main priority, it’s the students that I really need to worry about. It’s helpful that they know but I didn’t tell them. However, I wouldn’t be surprised if you included your professors in the same briefing that your students did.”
Hades quirked his eyebrows, in neither confirmation nor denial. Instead letting his grey-iris eyes glaze over as he stared at the different memorabilia on your desk picking up. Landing on a picture of your child he picked it up, dodging your grasp that tried to put the frame back in place.
You only could watch as you watched his eyes roam over the small picture as he walked around your office, casually taking in the art and graduation photos from various graduates. The smallest bloom of envy built in his chest when he saw the picture of a graduate hugging you. Thinking about his own office the sterile look was meant to maintain professionalism for his people. The only exceptions were the picture he had with his brothers and the single photo he had of his first day—the only picture he actively had with you. 
“If you’re done looking, I’d like my picture back. I have an appointment in fifteen.”
At your voice, Hades turned from your wall still clutching your picture while he went behind your desk. Leaning on your side of the desk he came in close, still wearing that prideful smile.
“How do you say we have lunch together?”
You scoffed,” I doubt I could afford wherever you want to go.”
“No worries. I’ll pay.” 
“And be in debt to you? No thanks.” 
You took the frown on his face as a chance to swipe your frame back looking pridefully at the family photo before putting it in its proper place.
“Besides I’ve decided I’ll be working through lunch so it’d just be a waste of time.”
“Working through lunch? Our office hours are required to be closed then.”
“They will be and it’s a budgeting meeting. So yeah.” You took advantage of the shamed roll of his eyes while you turned your attention forward, looking down the hall and waiting for your appointment to walk through the door.
“Then how about dinner?”
You pinched the bridge of your nose, “Hades–”
“I’ll pick a kid-friendly place it’ll be a private thing.”
“Do you even know what it’s like to have a toddler in a fine-dining atmosphere it’ll be a mess!”
“I’ll get us a booth tucked away, let the owner know in advance. It would be fine.”
“That sounds like an awesome dinner plan, (Y/n)!”
Walking in was one of the art professors: Apollo waving off the enamored office workers and secretaries to enter your office. He casually sat in your chair across your desk spinning it as he waved at Hades. You let your head rub against your forehead, mildly aware of the annoyed gaze Hades was sending.
“Apollo, you booking an appointment under a student’s name is an issue. This time is for students who need to talk to me.”
“But (Y/n)! I do need to talk to you!”
“If it’s anything about what you offered before I want no part of it.”
“Come on (Y/n), you’re supposed to be open to making the staff and students happy!”
“Going to a party with you to take psychedelics is not research to make anyone happy.”
“It’d make me happy! Plus you’d get yourself a bunch of new votes!”
“No Appollo.”
Hades watched with growing disinterest as you went back and forth. It occurred to him that as the Elite using whatever methods to reach their goal was natural. He was aware of this when he told a select group of students and staff. He wasn’t aware that attempts would be made for you directly not that that’s what Apollo was doing. Not among the few he told, he must’ve been told by one of his ‘friends’ who gave him the courage to take advantage of your situation.  Hades really hated that.
“--If you want to do it privately we can—”
All he had to do was step beside him and put his gloved hands on the professor’s shoulder. The sight of Apollo was the Elite guidance counselor looking down at him, his single eyeglass glinting with his usual smile. For whatever reason it was darker than usual, letting a healthy set of chills run down his back.
“How about you try again another time, Apollo? (Y/n) and I were talking.”
The question wasn’t that. Just as abruptly as he entered Apollo was waving goodbye to you both before skipping out of your office quickly. 
Vaguely aware of the veiled threat, you turned your attention to the smiling counselor. 
“So, about that dinner.”
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The Poll
So, for those who don’t know, I put up a poll of, “Who was the worst American President?” The list was FDR, Woodrow Wilson, Lyndon Johnson, Herbert Hoover, and Richard Nixon. It got up to about 13k notes before I deleted it, because I was tired of the notes clogging up my feed. And the results were... telling.
About 75-80% of all the notes were, “Where is Reagan/Andrew Jackson?!?” Many of the rest, though, can be seen below:
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What this tells me is that more than ten thousand people didn’t have an education; they had an indoctrination.
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You want to hear it? All right, buckle up, because it’s time for a stroll down memory lane.
Why was FDR a bad president?
It is almost hard to know where to begin with this. Let’s start with one of the most basic ones: The belief that FDR got us out of the Depression.
Point of fact, No the fuck he did not.
Making American Depressed
If you ask almost any historian or economist, they will tell you flat-out that not only did the New Deal not end the Great Depression, but that it made it significantly longer and worse than it would have been otherwise. Hoover bears some of the blame for this, but the pseudo-socialist dogshit that was the New Deal bears the brunt of the blame for this one.
The stock market crashed in late October, 1929. Two months later, unemployment peaked at 9%. Over the next several months, unemployment started to fall, down to 5-6% by the spring of the next year. Half a year after the crash, unemployment had not hit double digits. Hoover’s intervention, though, did cause unemployment to reach double digits. Roosevelt was elected in 1932 and took office in 1933, and unemployment did not fall out of double digits for the remainder of the 1930′s. The thing that actually pulled the US out of the Depression was the second World War; turns out that removing roughly 12 million people from the labor force to go and fight does wonders for unemployment numbers. FDR even said that Doctor New Deal was replaced by Doctor Win-The-War.
This was hardly the first economic downturn in American history. For the first 150 years of this country, there were downturns all the time. And what the government did was nothing, and the economy recovered on its own. But Roosevelt represents the first massive large-scale intervention in the economy. And government intervention in the economy slows economic recovery; when you have no idea what the government is going to do tomorrow in regards to the economy, it’s hard to make smart financial decisions, so you just don’t bother. After all, why do anything if tomorrow, the rules of the game are going to change?
Separation of Powers Who?
FDR issued more executive orders than any other President of the 20th century. He may, in fact, have issued more than all the other Presidents of the 20th century combined. Rather than letting Congress, the legislative branch of government, you know, legislate, he preferred to try to do everything himself.
The President is supposed to be the weakest branch of the government, but Roosevelt did everything he could to try to establish its supremacy over the other branches. When Congress didn’t give him his way, he used executive orders. When the Supreme Court challenged some of his acts as unconstitutional, his response was to threaten to have them replaced, or to simply pack the court with judges more sympathetic to his aims. This is a man who was openly contemptuous of the concept of the rule of law.
Here’s a fun entry from the notes:
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Hey, you want to talk about fascists? Actual, honest-to-goodness Fascists, not just the modern definition (i.e. anyone a nanometer to the right of Noam Chomsky)? Let’s talk about the originals. Let’s talk about the inventor of Fascism, Benito motherfucking Mussolini. And how FDR openly admired him, and was “deeply impressed by what he has accomplished”, calling Fascism the “cleanest, most efficiently operating piece of social machinery [he had] ever seen”, and that it made him “envious”. And Mussolini, for his part, said of Roosevelt that, “Reminiscent of Fascism is the principle that the state no longer leaves the economy to its own devices … Without question, the mood accompanying this sea change resembles that of Fascism.”
When the guy who fucking invented Fascism is saying that he thinks that you are also doing Fascism, then maybe you’re not a good person.
Concentration- I Mean, Internment Camps
And just like his buddies on the other side of the Atlantic, right when World War 2 kicked off, Roosevelt thought it would be a good idea to take “undesirables” and throw them into prison camps. Roughly 20 thousand Italian- and German-Americans, American citizens, were thrown into camps, simply for the crime of having ancestors from countries we were at war with. And then, of course, there’s the 120 thousand Japanese-Americans who were likewise rounded up and put into prison camps, two thirds of whom were natural-born American citizens.
Almost 150 thousand American citizens, thrown into literal concentration camps, without the bother and expense of due process, stripped of their constitutional rights simply on the basis of race.
As for the concentration camps set up in Europe by the Nazis, however? Despite being told of their existence by people who had escaped, as well as journalists and lawyers from Germany, once American planes gained the ability to attack those camps, to shut them down? FDR refused to grant them permission to do so.
Commander in Thief
Executive Order 6102 outlawed the private ownership of gold, allowing the government to confiscate all of it. Once that was accomplished, the Gold Reserve Act allowed him to change the value of gold, debasing America’s currency (which was on a gold standard at the time), which permitted him to steal literally billions of dollars from American citizens, without any compensation.
World War, Too
There is evidence to suggest that Roosevelt knew about the imminent attack on America by Japan in December of 1941. He discussed with several high-ranking people in the War Department, and in his own cabinet, how to get Japan to fire the first shot in the war, so that he could get America involved. It would make sense: His oil embargo was designed to provoke a Japanese response, so as to draw America into the war. And once America was in the war, ordered the Philippines to be abandoned, outright lying that there was an army waiting to retake it once it had been conquered by Japan.
And as the war dragged on, he got quite cozy with Uncle Joe, Stalin himself. He helped to repatriate two million people to Russia, who very much did not want to go back, many of them ending up either in the gulags, or simply killed outright. And his constant concessions to Stalin helped the Soviet Union hold on to eastern Europe, setting the stage for the Cold War. Even when he was informed of Soviet spies within the American government, and provided evidence of their disloyalty and subversion, he simply let them keep at it.
Racism, Racism, and more Racism
Remember how you cheered when lynching was made a federal crime a few months ago, and asked why it hadn’t been done before now? Well, the main reason was good ol’ FDR himself. A bill was proposed in the Congress which would have made lynching a federal crime, and Roosevelt refused to pass it.
Or what about during the Olympic games in Berlin, when black athletes from America took home multiple gold medals? Roosevelt invited the white athletes to the White House, but not a single black one. Jesse Owens, who won four gold medals, said, “Hitler didn’t snub me --- it was [Roosevelt] who snubbed me. The president didn’t even send me a telegram.”
And then there was his nomination of a KKK member to the Supreme Court; Hugo Black, who had zero judicial experience, was nominated simply because he supported the New Deal.
He also was of the opinion that America was, and ought to remain, a white and Protestant country, and that too many Jews was inherently a bad thing, because of how distasteful he found them. He boasted that there was no Jewish blood in his veins, as a mark of pride. He even went so far as to turn away ships of Jewish refugees, fleeing Nazi tyranny in Europe.
In conclusion
FDR was a massive piece of shit. He massively overstepped his constitutionally-appointed bounds at every available opportunity, massively expanding the power of the Presidency at the expense of all other parts of government, and at the expense of individual liberty. He was openly racist and anti-Semitic. His economic policies brought ruin upon the American economy. He openly praised fascism right up until the moment that it was no longer politically expedient to do so, and switched to deferring to authoritarian communism instead. Almost everything that you hate about the modern United States can be traced directly back to this one man.
The fact that he is remembered as not just a good President, but one of the best Presidents, shows how utterly broken American education is.
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digitaldiarystuff · 8 months
Worst Mistake
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omg hi! thank you so much for all the votes on the poll it helps me and also, i think this’ll be a long story so i want to divide it to parts if you guys enjoy it i’ll continue so please leave likes and comments as much as you can🥹💕
pairing: Jude Bellingham x Y/N
summary: Jude was a close friend of your boyfriend, so you meet him. What’s the worst thing that could happen right?
genre: i think a bit of everything
It wasn’t supposed to be like this. Everything in your life was in place, you were in a happy and calm state, your job and your relationship were going well until he came along: Jude Bellingham. Jude was a close friend of your boyfriend Zack and the two occasionally facetimed or called which you knew about but you’ve never met because you were in Madrid whilst he played for Dortmund. Last summer you were supposed to go on a vacation with their friends but you had a family emergency that you had to attend and you didn’t mind at all. You were happy that Zack could get some time off with his mates and you didn’t think much about missing your chance to meet his friends but as soon as september rolled around, Zack came to you with good news.
“Jude’s signing for Real Madrid!” he happily exclaimed one day and you just shrugged, you didn’t care much about football even though you watched games with your boyfriend and family often.
And just like that, Jude came into your life. When you first laid eyes on him, you quickly realized photos weren’t doing him any favors. He was much more handsome in person but you tried shrugging the tingly feeling when you made eye contact because it was beyond inappropriate.
He first came to your shared house like the second day he landed in Madrid to spend some time with Zack before trainings start. He politely smiled and shook your hand as Zack introduced you to each other.
“Y/N, this is Jude. My best friend from childhood and this is Y/N, my lovely girlfriend.”
You smiled in return shaking his hand but you couldn’t understand why you suddenly started sweating. Your hands felt clammy and you found yourself hoping he didn’t notice but why was this important? You were just the girlfriend of his friend anyway. You three then sat down to have lunch, Zack told you all he knew about Jude’s diet and you tried to make something in regard to it.
“Everything looks amazing.” Jude said when you and Zack were trying to carry plates in.
“Y/N did everything, she also tried to make them as healthy as possible for you.”
The way Zack was talking about you made you feel even worse if that’s possible but Jude’s eyes on you made you feel zoned out.
“I can’t believe you put this much effort thank you so much Y/N” he said with a genuine smile and you felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest with his mention of your name.
You were never like this, you never once thought about being unfaithful because Zack was everything you were looking for. He was the perfect gentleman and you couldn’t ask for more. You loved him with all your heart so why was this man saying just your name had this effect on you?
“It was nothing, really.” you tried to cut short hoping they would dive into a conversation you didn’t have to take part in but every time Zack was talking about something you weren’t into, Jude brought the subject to you asking you your opinion. Any other day, you’d feel welcome and happy about your boyfriend’s friend’s behavior but not today.
Throughout the meal, your mind did things you couldn’t even register. You found yourself staring at Jude more than once, you even focused on his biceps flexing as he held the fork to put it into his mouth but everything you did made you feel ashamed of yourself so you quickly ate and excused yourself to wash some dishes in the kitchen even though you had a perfectly functioning dishwasher.
“Where can I put these?” Jude asked from behind you and you almost dropped the plate from your hands.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” he said while you tried to catch your breath.
“It’s okay.” you smiled without looking at him. “You can put them over there, I’ll clean em.”
You turned around trying to continue but his presence didn’t leave the room.
“I can help.” he said while walking over and started rinsing the dishes you put in the sink and you smelled his scent which was so sharp but manly. That scent was intoxicating for sure, there had to be a chemical in there that made you high.
“Jude you really don’t have to.” stand here with me with nearly no space between us, you wanted to say but held your tongue.
“You cooked an amazing lunch for me, I can help with the dishes with no problem.” he turned to you smiling but you couldn’t face him, there was less then 50 centimeters between you guys and this was wrong but then something much worse happened. He slowly reached over and took a strand of your hair out of your cheek and his touch on your face and neck felt like being electrocuted. You instantly looked up at him and he was already staring into your eyes. You knew you should’ve looked away, this eye contact was going on for so long but you felt like time had stopped at that moment. His hand still touching on your neck holding the small strand of hair and his dark eyes staring into your soul, you just couldn’t and so couldn’t he. He was looking at you like he was trying to memorize your face with so much intensity but the moment came to a halt when you heard footsteps outside of the kitchen. He quickly left your hair and you turned back to your dishes as Zack walked in.
“You really shouldn’t, you’re the guest man. Just go sit in the living room and I’ll help Y/N clean up.” he said to Jude and Jude obeyed without any words. He left you in the room with Zack and your conscience.
After the cleanup was done, you told Zack he should spend time with Jude and you’d leave them to it and just be in your room but all you wanted to do was cry your eyes out. This infatuation was wrong.
You were slowly becoming sleepy when the door opened and unfortunately, it wasn’t Zack.
“Oh I’m sorry, I thought this was the guest room. Zack said I could use its bathroom.” he quickly explained.
“No worries, let me walk you to it.” you got up and Jude started following you like a lost puppy.
“Where’s Zack anyway?” you asked.
“He had to go to the office for some last minute work stuff.”
Oh shit, you thought.
“And I’ll be on my way to the hotel in a minute don’t worry.”
“Hotel?” you asked.
“Yeah, I didn’t have time to find a place yet so I’ll be staying at a hotel for a while.”
You were going to strongly hate your next move in the future.
“I actually work at a real estate company who deals with A list celebrities and business people, we make 3D designs of every estate we currently have. If you’d like I can show you a couple of houses.” you offered, you knew you should’ve kept your mouth shut but this was helping a friend out and nothing more.
Jude’s face lit up immediately.
“I mean, if it’s okay with you…” he trailed off
“Of course.” you smiled and showed him the bathroom then you went into your office to pull up the drawings you had for houses that’d be a fit for Jude.
He came rather quickly and was standing up right behind you.
“Oh, let me get a chair for you.” you said standing up but he put his hands on your shoulders.
“Let me get it, it’s the least I can do.” he smiled and pulled the extra chair over to your desk. You didn’t realize but you were once again lost in him, examining his every move until he sat down.
You spent the next 20 minutes going through possible options, he really valued your opinion and told you time and time again he trusted your guidance but being this close proximity with him has made you go a little dumb.
“And we have this one. I think this is a good option, it has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms. I mean I love this one because it feels homey if you know what I mean, I think this is one of the best in Madrid. I personally would go for this.” you explained focusing on the screen telling him about your favorite house listing but Jude’s eyes were focused on you. He was very intrigued by the manner you talked about something you love. You could feel his burning gaze and tried your hardest not to look back. He leaned in close and turned his head to the home you were showing. He held his hand up to the screen and asked about something but his arm was in front of you so you lost all focus.
“Huh?” you suddenly came back to your senses and turned to him as he also turned to look at you. It was happening again, he was all you could see and he evaded your mind like nothing ever had. You didn’t realize how close you were sitting but there was around 10 centimeters between you. He was looking to your eyes until his eyes shifted to your lips and you instinctively licked them as you were suddenly feeling dehydrated. He loudly gulped and it was your turn to look at his adam’s apple. The tension between you was undeniable and you could both feel it in your core.
You didn’t even know it but he was slowly moving forward, he didn’t mean to it just happened.
“Y/N” he said just above a whisper. You couldn’t say anything back just waited there but as your noses touched, you got out of your trance and pulled back abruptly.
He also pulled himself together and you both strictly looked forward not daring looking at each other’s eyes.
He then got up from his chair.
“Um, thank you for everything. I think I should go now, I have somewhere to be but I’ll keep the houses in mind. Thank you.”
You couldn’t even reply back and just watched him escape the room and soon, you heard the front door slam.
Could you just avoided the worst mistake ever?
omg i got so carried away i can’t believe!! i thought this was going to be hard but i don’t think so anymore hope you enjoy please leave any comment that helps me a lot💕
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fandomfreakstudios · 5 months
Caine is a human and I will die on this hill (theory)
due to popular demand (losing the poll) I wanna post my Caine theory in proper depth.
My theory is essentially the idea that Caine is not an AI but is in fact a human trapped in the digital circus just as much as all the other players.
Sounds ridiculous, right?
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[LONG post incoming, be warned]
To start, we need to understand the digital circus and its origins.
a place like the digital circus is very likely to be man-made as a place, a game, a computer program, whatever. This place did not appear out of nowhere. It is accessed through VR or some VR-esque technology, and takes on the appearance of a retro game (evidence given below)
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Now, video games (unfortunately) don’t just code themselves, there has to be at the very least one person creating this game. Fortunately enough, we can deduce the name of the company from what is given within the show.
It is very common knowledge at this point that digital circus takes place within a computer in some sort of office building (as is implied by the ending scene in episode 1)
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This computer is also seen at another point... namely when Pomni is running through the backrooms-like offices. She once again comes across this computer.
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Now this implies that this area is at least SOMEWHAT a reflection of the real world, so analyzing this location isn't inherently pointless. Now one other interesting part of this office area is the logo on the wall, which reads "C & A" which people have unanimously agreed to mean Caine and Abel
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The important thing about this is that Caine as a concept is somehow connected to the person who created this game, through the founder choosing to name Caine after the company, or vice versa. Now you could easily argue that the company was named after Caine, or Caine acts as a self insert for the creator, but I am here to argue that maybe Caine IS the creator.
More specifically, Caine is an original creator of the game (not necessarily the sole creator) aka the amazing digital circus, and in testing an incomplete game managed to get himself trapped, as does any other player who chooses to attempt to play.
Looking back at episode 1 there is something interesting for us to think about. Caine attempting to create an exit door, but being unable to figure out what to put on the other side.
Now this could very easily be interpreted as Caine being unable, as an AI who's only knowledge is of what's within the game, to imagine anything outside of it, and therefore fumbling the task. This is a reasonable interpretation, this was MY first interpretation, and it honestly adds so much horror to the episode on a first watch through.
But in all honesty that still leaves a lot unexplained.
The question still remains why Caine, as a struggling AI, would choose to create something like what he did. From his perspective he has never seen anything as dreary as these office buildings, nor does this space make any semblance of sense as Caine's environments tend to do. It seems less like something a well-polished AI would create, and more like what a human would come up with when trying to create something from a distant memory.
That's something incredibly important to keep in mind going forward. If Caine is in fact human, he would have been trapped in the digital circus for a LONG time, with it becoming increasingly difficult to recall his human memories (something it is confirmed humans trapped in the circus can recall). at the very least, longer then Kinger, who is clearly very mentally effected by his time at the circus.
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Caine would likely also be showing some level of insanity or mental instability if he had been trapped with no escape for this long (and yes I do believe that he also cannot leave, and I have some evidence later down the line that will explain this perspective), and he hasn't been seen to do this at all, right? Well, I think he is, but it manifests a little differently then Kinger, or anyone else for that matter. Keep this in mind as we go forward.
Caine's purpose within the circus is fairly straightforward. He is the ringmaster, he creates daily adventures akin to ttrpg oneshots, and he exists to essentially guide the player through this video game world.
Now in the event that Caine was a human who was pulled into the game, why would he need to fill this role? Even as a dev he should still be playtesting as, well, a player. I believe that at the time of the dev's entrapment, the ringmaster AI had not been programmed into the game.
Y'see the Caine we know is a MAJOR perfectionist. He neeeever likes anyone seeing his unfinished work, kinda odd for an AI within a game to be embarrassed about. Yeah, he's a generative AI that creates locations, but creating something in multiple steps is something an AI cannot do. Furthermore, an AI should not feel "embarrassed" about it's work, AI by virtue is always 100% convinced what it generates is perfect, or else it wouldn't have generated it like that.
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Also, if we're working under the assumption that the backrooms-esque offices were just an AI hallucination or bad generation, why would Caine KNOW it's not what his players are looking for? For a dev however, this makes sense.
Caine also has a lot of other actions that, as an AI require a bit if suspension of disbelief, but make tons more sense if he's actually a human, and furthermore a dev.
As mentioned, perfectionism, not wanting people to see incomplete or unpolished areas of the game
Realistic depictions of emotions (frustration, embarrassment, confusion)
Annoyance at Bubble for being a sucky AI (her swearing, interrupting him, inhuman and unrealistic speaking patterns and behaviors)
the need to "Reuse AI" which, if the characters are all AI created by other AI would be unnecessary because AI generating would take Caine no effort. Nor should a generative AI ever run out of ideas.
As mentioned, perfectionism, not wanting people to see incomplete or unpolished areas of the game
Realistic depictions of emotions (frustration, embarrassment, confusion)
Annoyance at Bubble for being a sucky AI (her swearing, interrupting him, inhuman and unrealistic speaking patterns and behaviors)
the need to "Reuse AI" which, if the characters are all AI created by other AI would be unnecessary because AI generating would take Caine no effort. Nor should a generative AI ever run out of ideas.
I wanna highlight that, while this is a joke post, I am enjoying the implication that Caine has a name (something only a human would have)
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(top right is a particularly interesting example of him just acting super human and "dropping the act" so to speak. Getting distracted, stuttering, losing track of the conversation, all that. And bottom right is similar as he is nervously fidgeting).
Caine has all the fixings of a human dev, trapped in his now incomplete game. A game that had not had it's "ringmaster" character implemented at this point in development, likely with nothing more then some competed (albeit unpolished) locations for the game.
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The idea Caine is actually a dev as opposed to an AI is further supported by Caine's ability to create and alter things from within the game. Creating areas without human prompt, deleting characters, he seems to have a level of autonomy and intelligence that no AI should EVER have.
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Furthermore, the man ACTS human, a weird ass human, but a human nonetheless. He's responsive, emotive, emotional, and he's not nearly as glitchy as the other AI. He never slips up and activates some sort of internal filter like bubble, or insists on weird mannerisms like the moon or the sun, he seems to just KNOW better somehow.
He acts like the more "immersive AI" from ep2 if anything, which he's clearly been around longer than. Someone needed to program that AI, and based on previous patterns is implied to be Caine. Once again, way out of his job description as another AI (plus how would this AI be MORE realistic if it was learning from another, older AI).
Not to mention the fact he's ALWAYS around somewhere, whether he's in his own realm he made, or just chilling around the circus (unlike bubble for example, who comes and goes at Caine's will).
It's clear he does this for his own comfort, but WHY would he be programmed to do that as opposed to only existing when necessary to prioritize memory or something.
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But one would be right to say he's slightly... off. He is a strange one, if he was a human. He's erratic, unpredictable, and often manic at times. This goes back to the point I made with Kinger, where I claimed Caine should also be exhibiting signs of mental illness
Under the assumption that Caine, in the act of playtesting the game, got trapped, a handful of things would happen (the finer details are negotiable, this is just my knee-jerk reaction):
He'd realize what happened and that he can't get out
He likely felt as though he was in his own personal hell, as he was trapped in a scuffed, incomplete skeleton of his own passion project
He likely found some sort of way to alter stuff, a backdoor that only he as the creator knew about, or some sort of privilege in being the first to enter the realm
He got his first or first few players. This was probably alarming to him as there was no ringmaster, no worlds, nothing. All the AI he had created thus far had been poorly made and could not function which such a difficult task. But then he realized... HE could be the ringmaster
This is probably around the time as well that he realized he could not remember his own name. But he remembered what he wanted to call the ringmaster... Caine
He takes on the identity of Caine, acting as ringmaster, polishing the game behind the scenes, and creating daily activities on an "as needed" basis
Now this is where it gets interesting. I believe, at this point, Caine has taken on the identity of this AI generated ringmaster for so long that he's beginning to lose himself. He's beginning to lose memories of his life, he's becoming more detached from the side of himself that ISN'T Caine, and he's starting to catch himself believing he IS Caine, he IS an AI.... and he's scared
He's completely lost the ability to create any meaningful connections with others, as he needs to keep up the illusion of being an AI. He's lost his humanity, become detached from the way other humans think and feel, and its starting to make him become more AI then human if anything.
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(left image does not crop nice, plz click to view the whole thing TvT)
He's probably seen at least a dozen people lose their mind in so many different ways. While he knows he's different then them, TECHNICALLY he's still a player, and can abstract all the same. This is why he seemed to freak the HELL out at the idea of an AI and a human getting mixed up.
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One last bit, and it's a simple one I promise. Caine has been described as the main antagonist outside of the show. This is interesting as up until now Caine hasn't done anything actively malicious (aside from Gummigoo, but he seemed to have solid reasoning for that, just not anything he chose to share with the audience).
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[does ANYONE have the "weight of Caine's sins?" tumblr ask I am having no luck finding it again]
At this point, this would be shooting the messenger. He is simply a byproduct of the system that is keeping these folks trapped, right? Caine himself didn't put them there, he just takes care of them.
Unless... Caine was the one who made the AI. Then he would inarguably be the reason everyone else was trapped there. And goose is right, that wouldn't make him an AWFUL person either, but he does still have many sins weighing on his back, and many deaths on his hands. And there's nothing he can do about any of it, because he's just as helpless as they are.
So yeah, TLDR: Caine was the creator of the circus. In attempting to playtest he got trapped in the game and eventually took the initiative to play the ringmaster within his own game, but he is slowly beginning to lose his mind, as happens to everyone.
Hope you all enjoyed the read! If anyone's still interested at this point I have a few more small bits of evidence (more from outside the show on Goose's socials and whatnot) which I could not fit in the bulk of the theory. I'll reblog with some extra bits so this post is still complete but I don't break the flow of my main ideas.
And if you get this far, thank you so much. I don't typically post long form theories like this but if this gets any sort of traction I definitely will begin too.
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ghostlyforxst · 2 years
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GENDER: Gender Neutral Reader
WARNING: Yandere Tendencies and Not Proffed
CHARACTER: Rengoku Kyojuro
Link to Yandere Alphabet (google docs)
A/N- Rengoku won the poll, a mha poll will be up soon! I hope you all enjoy this and please make suggestions or comments if you want another one of these with another charac.
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Affection — how do they show their love and affection?
He wants you, and everyone else, to know that he is enamored by you. And the best way for him to express that is through physical touch and words of affirmation. He'll burrow himself against you as he points out the things he favors about you.
"I wish you could see yourself the way I do, just so beautiful!"
Blood — how messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Even though many would argue how amiable he is, behind that exterior there is something more nightmarish—more inclined to protect the ones cares for. Which means, he prepared to drench himself in the blood of his and his darling’s enemies.
Cruelty — how would they treat their darling once abducted?
Kyojuro will treat you as if he hasn't even kidnapped you, acting as if you two are a loving couple.
Darling — aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
No…ish, unless he does it as punishment—he hates seeing you tears and hearing your screams. But he probably succumbs to it, if you're not willing to give him what he wants—the man wants kids.
Exposed — how vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
To a certain extent, he wants to be able to talk like a lover who needs to vent about their day or a person. But he doesn't want you to feel pity for him, and usually keeps it to himself.
Fight — how would they feel if their darling fought back?
As delusional as he is, he'll think someone put you to it or you are in need of attention—don't let him unravel the true reason, because that side of him is something you do not want to experience.
Game — is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
Kyojuro does not see this as a game, being his lover is not a game—he takes his relationship with you seriously and passionately. He despises your attempts of 'escape', though he suppose you need fresh air. Why else would you escape his loving embrace? Is someone feeding you lies, Y/N?
Hell — what would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
The worst experience is you breaking him out of his delusional state, making him realize how you actually feel and your intentions.
A day he came from a tiring mission, wanting nothing more for you to comfort him—though that wasn't going to happen. Those hours of that day you had mulled over the fact he had kidnapped you, deprived you of most of your freedoms, and forced you to become his 'lover'. For one thing, you were seething. Unfortunate for him and you, he had come home to you being furious. You shouted profanities at him and screamed how much you hated him for the things he did—his eyes dulling with each resentful word as glowered at you.
That day, he taught you to behave. A purplish bruise swelling on your cheek and scars soon to be tainting your skin.
Ideals — what kind of future do they have in mind for their darling?
He'll like to marry you and eventually have kids, and maybe get a companion or two.
Jealousy — do they get jealous? How do they handle it?
Not very often, he is pretty confident with his relationship with you. But if it's one of those times he is more irked by a person than ever, he will not hesitate to threaten or eliminate that person. You are his, he is yours.
Kisses — how do they act around or with their darling?
Like what a lover would do: kissing you, snuggling with you, asking how your day was/is, being fun-loving. He wants you to reenact those affectionate gestures, for you to love him like he loves you.
Love letters — how would they go about approaching their darling?
Kyojuro is straightforward, and effortlessly announces that he'll like to get to know you. Confident steps towards you, beaming blithely, and speaking with you as if he knew you for years.
Mask — are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
No, besides stowing away his yandreish tendencies around his coworkers. He is happy-go-lucky kyojuro!
Naughty — how would they punish their darling?
If you give him a reason to, though it determines how he feels and how you strike him in a way with your words or fist, he'll punish you. If it's one those bad days, he'll result to physical punishments like spanking and slapping you. But if it's a good day, he'll isolate you or emotionally hurt you.
Oppression — how many rights would they take away from their darling?
A good bit, you're not to exit the house without him or someone of his choosing. You're not allowed to converse with certain people without his permission. You are to love him, even if you don't…
Patience — how patient are they with their darling?
Kyojuro is a patient man, though at times he can lose his cool and snap at you.
Quite — if their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If his darling successfully escapes him, Kyojuro is in disbelief. He loved you, he fed you, he cared for you, and got you whatever your little heart desired and this is how you treat him. His disbelief turns into anger, and the more time you're gone it turns to sorrow. He'll never give up his search for you, asking from person to person and asking for the help of his friends.
He'll feel rather dejected if you pass, his heart aching as he grieved harshly. Becoming less conpassionate and cheery than he was before. Eventually or possibly hallucinating, and making another world within his mind where you are still alive. Though deep within him, he knows, but he isn't willing to move one.
Regret — would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling?
Kyojuro doesn't see it as kidnapping, he's relatively delusional, he sees it as if he is bringing you home.
Stigma — what brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
You were just as compassionate as him to protect the ones in need, you were fearless and humble—he loved that. Though the nagging feelings became more noticeable: infatuation, love, and protectiveness. He needed you, and with a simple gesture he knew you already accepted him being your lover…though you didn't.
Tears — how do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
He absolutely detests it, and will comfort you as much as he can. Killing and threatening the people he believed to be the cause, was it him? No, no, no. He knew you loved him, so that could not be it! It had to be some person or maybe you're having a terrible day? Yeah…
Unique — would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Yes, he already believes that his darling was in love with him at first sight. More delusional than a regular yandere!
Vice — what weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
His vulnerable times, when he is sensitive to your words but that's rarely. Though if you catch a time when he is on a mission longer than his regular, and are able to escape the people he left to watch you, then you could probably escape.
Wit’s end — would they ever hurt their darling?
In extreme cases, maybe when he becomes more aware that you're trying to leave him and he'll slice your ankles and more.
Xoanon — how much would they revere or worship their darling?
More than usual, he'll do anything for you besides let you free. He'll bend backwards for you, just to see you happy and to receive affection from you.
Yearn — how long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
Three to four weeks, you should've been home by then. He needed you to be home, he needed your attention, he needed to protect you from those man eating demons and greedy-undeserving people.
Zenith — would they ever break their darling?
Oh goodness no, Kyojuro only wants your love. He loves you too much to see you so disheartened!
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gamequoteshowdown · 9 months
Quote 1: "Teammates!? Friends!? To hell with that! Why am I inferior to you!? I was extremely particular about my life, my grades, my public image! So someone would want me around! I am an ace detective! A celebrity! But you… You're just some criminal trash living in an attic!? So how!? How does someone like you have things I don't!? How can such a worthless piece of trash be more special than me!?" - Goro Akechi, Persona 5
Quote 2: "I was just gunna ask you to sell a gun to this child." - Starlo, Undertale Yellow
Propaganda (Possible Spoilers):
Quote 1: THE VOICE ACTING! MY GOD THE VOICE ACTING! Ok im gonna try and keep this short but this is by far my favourite Akechi moment in the whole game. Akechi is one of my favourite characters in all of Persona but I HATED him before this, like full out despied him. But this whole monologue changed my mind. He is so broken and just wants to have a normal life but that has all been robbed from him because of Shido. He has nothing. He is nothing. He is holding on to those last strands of his previous life because it was all fake so how could it be wrong? How could something he put so much work into being perfect not be right? Ok I gotta stop but PLEASE listen to the clip (link). - Mod Chaos, losing their mind over a video game
Quote 2: This line is so fucking funny. he straight-up said he was gonna give a gun to a child. however the child (Clover) already has a gun. Starlo you silly man - Submitter
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lovingherrscher · 1 year
Bungou Stray Dogs Otoge
So I saw an earlier post about what BSD characters being the love interests in Diabolik Lovers, so why not make an otoge/otome game for them?
Dazai Yohane proudly presents you... Bungou Stray Dogs Otoge!
Warning: Crack, some angst in the bad endings, OOC even maybe. Random thoughts in a mental breakdown. Spoilers for Storm Bringer. Character deaths mentions.
Notes: None. I just want to distract myself.
Love interests:
Dazai Osamu - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 2 Bad Endings
The mystery type
"Posterboi", yes, he's on the poster for the common version of the game, the limited version ft all 5 love interests (except for Fyodor because he's in the secret route)
Ranked #2 in the popularity poll
Is loved by all the fangirls
Likes to fool around with MC
All of that disappear when you got out of the common route and head for his route
Shout out to Dazai slowly opening up gotta be my favourite genre
Will have a CG where he takes you to Lupin and slowly opens up to you about his past
Best bed scene in the whole game
One of the bad endings is where you two committed a lover's suicide together and succeeded.
Nakahara Chuuya - 1 True Ending, 2 Good Ending and 3 Bad Endings
The rich guy who'd buy you everything as a gift, jewelries, fancy clothes, a store, a building even?!
Candidate for the next mob boss
5/5 (actually 4.5) on these criterias:
The (soon to be) mob boss
Cruel, cold to almost everyone else except for his 'family' aka the mafia
Is actually a nice person
Will treats you gently, like a princess when he's head over heels for you
Gap moe (he likes dogs)
So inevitably, he ranked #1 in the popularity poll
Is almost everything the Italians hates about 'romanticizing the mafiosos'
His route is basically a whole "FUCK GO BACK" like Dazai, since we'll focus on his traumas and his past more.
He will opens up about his fear of not being a human, about the calamity that lives inside him
Has a CG where he takes you to visit Rimbaud's and The Flags' graves.
That one route would make the players put the Switch/PS Vita down and ask themselves why are they here, just to suffer.
Best kiss sounds in the whole fucking game I say. His bed scene makes you went from angsty mood to instant horny.
One of his bad ending is about how Chuuya lost control of the calamity inside him - Arahabaki when he saw you, killed before his eyes by the enemy, and with Dazai out of the picture, there isn't anyone there to stop him anymore.
Nakajima Atsushi - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 1 Bad Ending
That one character make everyone goes 'hell I could adopt him even not flirt with him.'
Cute, shy boy
Is cute when needed and sexy when wanted
Makes you wonder how can an angel like this even exists
Has good kissing sounds *if you know what I mean*
Drifting off the common route we dig deeper into his past, about the beast inside him, about the orphanage and the headmaster
A CG where he'll cry in your arms and you soothing him, reassure the boy that it's all in the past and he isn't alone now
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke - 1 True Ending, 2 Good Ending and 2 Bad Ending
Tsundere type
Eventually will slowly opens up to MC
God he's so cute and precious
Needs a hug for all the traumas he's been through
His route basically focus on his past and how Dazai affected him so much
He has a CG where he sat down and talk with you about Gin and how he grows up in the slum, about why did he crave for power so bad, and why he wanted to be acknowledged by his ex-mentor.
3rd best bed scene in the game.
Kunikida Doppo - 1 True Ending, 1 Good Ending and 1 Bad Ending
Workaholic type
A man who dedicates his life to work
The handsome one with glasses
It's really fun watching him slowly falling for you, especially when he has this "58 standards for the ideal woman"
He'll slowly crosses them out just for you 💖
His route focus on the reason he dreams of an ideal world, his ideal world
Will has this 'behind the scene' flashback about The Azure King's case and Azure Apostle's case 2 years ago with the death of Rokuzou and Sasaki.
A CG where he holds you tightly in his arms and speaks with a broken voice, teary eyes about how he's so scare that his ideal might consume him one day like what happened to Azure King. He is whom chases his ideals like the moth chasing flames, but deep down under that perfectionist, workaholic mask is how he's insecure and scared that his ideals will burn him down like the flame that burn down the moth.
2nd best bed scene in the game.
His bad ending is basically when his ideals finally consume him and Kunikida became the 2nd Azure King.
Secret route: Fyodor Dostoevsky - 1 True Ending and 1 Bad Ending
After you finish everyone's route, a new, hidden route will be unlocked. And it's the Russian man, the mastermind behind everything
To be honest, this is quite of a short route. No common, just straight to his route
Also a mystery type
The smart, prodigy type
The one who has this aura goes "run for your life" or either "damn he's hot"
Expect an unhealthy relationship when you're in this route
This man will uses you like a pawn on his chessboard
Gaslighting, manipulation, abusing, you name it. Everything is in this route
What good ending? No good ending with him for you missy. Only true end or bad end.
WORST BAD ENDING IN THE WHOLE GAME. Please don't ask what it's like.
Fandisc: 2 fandisc with one being the current timeline, the other is about when Dazai is still in the mafia.
Bonus contents for 1st fandisc:
An extra route for Fukuzawa
A Bad Ending in common route ft a 3P, a Dazai x MC x Chuuya sandwich *chef's kiss*
An another Bad Ending in common route ft a 3P, an Atsushi x MC x Akutagawa sandwich
And a new Bad Ending in secret route leads you to a Dazai x MC x Fyodor sandwich
Bonus contents for 2nd fandisc:
A Mafia!Dazai route
An Odasaku route
An Ango route
A Bad Ending in common route that's extra spicy ft a 4P with the Dark Era Trio?!!! *chef's kiss*
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watchyourbuck · 1 year
Fuck it Friday ✍🏼
Tagged by the lovely @wikiangela <3
More jealous!Eddie. I read your comments & cc and I’ve made some adjustments to the story. This is 20 of the 44 sentences I owe you for the poll game! 🏃🏽‍♀️✨
The threat Eddie’s hands imposed didn’t last long. Buck took them both in his before they reached his neck and rapidly maneuvered them behind the shorter man’s back, pulling him in as a consequence. They were suddenly very, very close.
Eddie would be lying if he said his heart didn’t immediately jump. He could practically feel the heat coming off Buck’s skin from under his own shirt. Still, he wasn’t at peace, so he struggled. Hard. “Let go of me.”
“Tell me what’s going on with you first” urged Buck, his voice soft for the situation. It was maddening, but it was working. No matter how much he moved, he somehow ended up farther into his arms, like quicksand. “You’re acting like a lunatic and I deserve to know why.”
He grunted and scoffed, opening and closing his mouth several times, a bit of a reality check washing over him. “I- uh, I plead the fifth.”
Buck’s grip became tighter, and he was forced to look at him, swallowing. Staring into anyone’s eyes was easy for him, but he wouldn’t win against these.
“For someone who came in here banging on my door and demanding to come inside, you sure seem like you have nothing to say.”
Again, he had no option but to swallow. Truth be told, he wasn’t really thinking. There were few moments in his life where his vision was completely red, and this was one of them. If only he hadn’t listened to her.
His muscles tightened, an uncomfortableness setting in his every fiber. He felt like he was coming down from a very painful high, and he wasn’t ready to face anyone about it, especially not Buck. “Let go of me” he ordered. “Now.”
Instead of stepping back, the blond man moved closer, letting go of Eddie’s arms but cornering him against the kitchen aisle. “Not until you calm down.”
But how was he supposed to? Everything she told him was real, and the proof was right before his eyes. He had marched in here with a purpose, but that purpose was misguided. He was everything she told him he was. “I can’t.”
It could have been the uneasiness in Eddie’s eyes, or maybe the fact he owed him, but before either could do anything about it Buck was leaning down and capturing his lips with his own.
It was one fast kiss, touch and go, just to calm him down, he told himself. It quickly became hungry.
Eddie’s hands pushed on his chest almost desperately, trying to fight him off, but Buck kept him steady by the hips, overpowering him until he relaxed under his touch. No less than three minutes.
“Eddie” he pleaded, his voice breaking as he put some distance between them. “Please tell me what’s going on with you.”
Thing is, Eddie’s brain had stopped working around the same second he felt Buck’s tongue. He had desired this for so long, and now that he had it… he didn’t deserve it. “No” he finally said, pushing Buck away softly. “I’m not gonna let it happen like this.”
“Eddie” insisted Buck. “It’s just you and me.”
A spark of something lit up inside him. So Buck was alone. Simultaneously and unwillingly, the pit in his stomach deepened. “You didn’t- did you- well did she-”
“There was no date, Eddie,” said Buck, stopping his train of thought rather violently. “Did you really think I was gonna go after you kissed me? You kissed me. Have you thought about that? You kissed me.”
“You keep repeating it like it’s the worse thing that’s happened to you” he barked, hitting him on the shoulder. Honest to god, he had no idea how to dig himself out of this situation and he was starting to panic.
Buck took one step closer and Eddie’s breath hitched, his heartbeat raising. He couldn’t stop staring. “No, Eddie, it wasn’t. And if you had asked me to stay, I would have.”
Tags!! @alyxmastershipper @eddiesbvckley @eddiecore118 @buckleys-diaz @buckleyndiaz @buckleyobsessed @911onabc @princessfbi @honestlydarkprincess @thewolvesof1998 @forthewolves @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life @cowboy-buddie @cowboy-buck @try-set-me-on-fire @transbuck @thosetwofirefighters @housewifebuck @malewife-buck @lover-of-mine (let me know if u wish to not be tagged in the future!)
tags for readers: @mattsire @knightlywonders 💗
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fateinthestars · 1 month
Man, has it really been two months since I did any Character Review/Rambling posts for a specific story/story set?
Well, let's rectify that now!
I could go back to the poll I did, but I'm really surprised to find that I don't appear to have covered the Divine Trip for Two sets yet. They should probably have been an option on the poll!
So let's cover those today. A Divine Trip for Two: Wishes and A Divine Trip for Two: Punishments
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The Wishes set contains stories for: Leon, Teorus, Huedhaut, Karno
The Punishments set contains stories for: Scorpio, Dui, Ichthys, Zyglavis
Spoilers under cut
Before we get to the two separate sets, let's briefly cover the prologue which is the same for both.
I don't know what is more amusing here, the king getting them to summon MC who is in her night clothes, the god's reaction to that, or how Partheno and Tauxolouve manage to get themselves (along with Krioff and Aigonorus) out of doing anything for this latest game of the king's. 😂
Hue's 'Well done, you certainly got out of this quickly.' to Tauxolouve - I can't quite make up my mind whether he's irritated at Lou for managing to excuse himself or begrudgingly impressed.
That said: Much as I'm grinning at that exchange, I probably would have preferred for them to make it 12 items rather than 8 and then everyone could have had a story. But it feels like there are very few sets that have all of them - at least this is a four from each side one rather than three.
And yes this is absolutely a game of the king's - not an emergency at all. And Hue seems rather distressed that His Highness has been listening to MC's thoughts again. Just how often does this actually happen??? (Quite a lot knowing the king, but poor Hue).
Oh goodness and then there's how the king gets the others to agree to this... but I'll leave that as a surprise. 😆
Right, before I get way too spoilery about even just the prologue, let's get into the stories themselves shall we?
Leon: A Treasure Hunt in Singapore
Pfft, Leon always seems like he finds his job a massive chore and yet in other stories it's clear that Karno thinks that Leon makes a better Chief Minister than he ever would have. I'm not sure whether that's Karno's admiration for Leon speaking or his self-doubt pushing him down, or both - but it's interesting how here Leon takes the wishes list with him to do that work as well: He says to MC he's dealing with two 'nusiances' at once, but I'm sure some of the others would have seen it as a chance to avoid work entirely for a bit. That said: granting wishes isn't paperwork. No doubt that's the kind of work he is still ignoring. xD
Also here we have Leon's reaction to the lion head/fish tail statue that is also in one of Ichthys' stories: Leon is totally not amused no matter which option you pick. Ichthys was just completely confused.
What I vaguely recalled of this one was that it seemed somewhat blander than the others in these two sets, but I think that may be more just because these two sets are so strong.
Whilst Leon is still putting the front of not caring about the notion of other people's love it's actually clear from how this goes that he's grown beyond that, and just like one of his Christmas stories I'm still not buying that he's really doing it only for MC's benefit. The fact it makes her happy might be motivation as to why he bothers, but he clearly wanted to make sure this love wish was granted - even if it was, as he said, a lot of effort to go to for a single wish.
I'm 100% sure the king knew exactly what he was doing when he gave Leon this one. This almost feels like it was a further test to make sure the Chief Minister of Wishes really did understand love now.
Teorus: A Treasure Hunt in Germany
Okay I'm sure several of you are already looking worriedly at me so let me allay your fears straight off: This is my second favourite Teorus story. The only Teorus story I rate higher than this is his 'Secret Blessings from the Gods' story.
This story doesn't focus on his jealousy, or his obliviousness at other women crowding him, or his somewhat immature reactions he can have at times. What this story does focus on is his dislike of children. But here it's done equally - in his '12 Loves Light up a Holy Night' story it felt more like his reaction was purely because the children MC was talking to were male and it also bought out his overzealous over-possessiveness that I absolutely hate, whereas here? Here we have a young brother and sister, making a noise at the place MC and Teorus are sightseeing and initially that puts them off.
But then the reason for said children being there is revealed, and both Teorus and MC willingly help them.
And you know... I've just realised something. The kids in this story were trying to do something nice for their mother...
Teo doesn't know his and his father is an ass and oh, now I think I see more why even MC thought he was acting more mature in this one. OUCH. 😭
The ending of this one is just so sweet, and Teo grows a lot here.
Huedhaut: A Treasure Hunt in France
Oh Hue, you just had to leap straight to the teasing didn't you? 😆 But at the same time he's always really sweet. If you get MC to get him to decide what she should wear what he does is give her exactly what kind of thing she was wishing for (the same applies for if you ask for one of the two other options but then MC has said out loud what she's thinking). Other clothing scenes we have in the series always seem more to either be what the god wants or what the god thinks will wind another god up.
What's also interesting here is Hue's remark about this quest not being his usual style - I guess normally he'd make sure he had far more information than the king was willing to divulge here. (A painting of a lady in France indeed, your highness. Sheesh).
I adore Hue and MC's back and forth in this one. MC trying her hardest to outmatch Hue but as per usual it's not really working, but they just seem so perfectly in sync here.
THAT SAID: Hue, look, not everyone is as intelligent as you. I know you admitted afterwards that you were rather nervous due to sensing what you did, but even if you were uncertain about what was going on, don't you think it would have been a good idea to tell MC what was on your mind? What your theory was? Then maybe she wouldn't have even briefly thought that something was affecting you. (Mind you, I'm being hypocritical here, I probably would have acted the same as Hue did... 😅 )
This one is fun, loving, and heart-warming. Pretty much all the option responses here are great too. (Although one seems somewhat incomplete - it doesn't seem to make any sense).
Karno: A Treasure Hunt in Spain
Karno's story here is one of my absolute favourites for him. From protecting the MC from getting hurt and showing his rather scarier side for once, to him and MC working together to work out what to do about a problem regarding someone on both lists, to the solution being related to Karno's divine ability that he is so self-conscious about...
This is just absolutely wonderful and I guess it also shows that they could have done more stuff that focussed directly on the departments' work if they'd wanted to.
Okay now for my re-read thoughts rather than me just blurting out random thoughts before even reloading this one:
In Leon's story he doesn't use his powers to let MC understand the language until it's clear she doesn't know what someone near them is saying, in Teo's MC has to ask what someone is saying for him to make her understand though he does at least explain what he's doing, and in Hue's it never comes up because the one person they speak to is Japanese anyway. Here though? It's nearly as soon as they arrive that Karno makes it so that MC can understand the language and even tells her in advance. Ever reliable, Karno.
Well... I just called him ever reliable, but... um... Karno... did you really just ask someone if they were a 'local human?' that sounds really bizarre! I'm going to presume you were still rather panicked about MC nearly catching fire and angry enough at someone deliberately causing said fire that you didn't think through your wording cos otherwise...
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But it is interesting how here we do get to see Karno genuinely angry. He won't stand for things that could get innocent people hurt, especially not when it nearly happened to MC. And yet once they've heard more and MC has calmed him down, we're back into Karno feeling like he can't do anything about the situation despite having all these powers available to him.
As I was saying in my initial thoughts about this one I really like the set up here: someone on both lists (Karno accidentally has the punishments list) and working out what they can do to resolve this when he can't touch anything on the list for the other department. There is a problem with one of the suggestions you can get MC to initially say here though - and the only reason it is a problem is because of the prologue excusing some of the other gods. For Karno's response to work, he really would need to not know where any of the Punishments' Gods are. But that's the fault of the setup before we even get to this story, and in the end that isn't what they need anyway.
*sigh* Karno really doesn't think he's of use does he? Even here it's MC who points out how his divine power might be able to help - at least for the first part. Later it is Karno who uses it of his own volition.
But yeah, I'm trying my hardest not to spoil this story here. It really is a gem, and a very interesting idea.
Scorpio: A Treasure Hunt in Shanghai
Pfft oh Scorpio you really care far more than your irritated forced persona implies. From claiming that you just think walking around would be better than sitting in a stuffy hotel room, to watching MC's reaction to the pandas instead of the pandas yourself... you're being so sweet here.
Actually this whole thing is really touching. Scorpio's even being nice about the Department of Wishes for once!
I may not be that aware of the real life Earth astrology stories but I still like it when they come up here, and I especially like how Scorpio keeps disillusioning MC about other more minor gods. 😂
Like Leon's, the actual issue here might be a little less interesting than Hue's and Karno's, but it is still something important, and thinking on it it was kinda nice that this one had a punishment's god in it and it appeared to be heading in one direction when it really was not that at all.
Dui: A Treasure Hunt In England
Oh Dui 😭 *hugs him tightly* . I swear MC gets into actual physical danger far more when she's with Dui than when she's with anyone else. And this time it only happens because of how much fun she and Dui were having earlier.
Dui's another who actually uses his powers immediately to let MC understand the language. It's clear some thought about that more than others.
As someone from the UK I have to say it's kinda nice seeing these backgrounds of London in SCM 😅 Though it probably helps that Dui is so excited here! His happiness is infectious.
Despite the real danger MC is in in this one I really do like how this one turned out, and Dui? It wasn't your fault, I feel more like your luck is as bad as Hue's! I mean what the king sent you to find here... I think even he was trying to give you a break for once and instead this mess happens. 😭
Ichthys: A Treasure Hunt in Hawaii
Ichthys does actually make MC understand the language pretty quickly here too - once he's stopped being distracted by the sea and sea creatures that is.
But aside from the little fun at the beach at the start of this, this story is utterly heart-wrenching. The parallels between Ichthys and who he and MC are there to help. OUCH.
I think I'm struggling to put anything into words here because I may well have said before how much I relate to Ichthys and this kind of story really isn't helping with that.
This story is great but if you know what Ichthys' main path is like, this is him helping someone who is hiding pain like he used to.
I... I just...
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Zyglavis: A Treasure Hunt in New York
Okay let's move on from Ichthys' story before I choke up further, and lets head to Zig's.
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Geez, Zig, thanks a lot. I got MC to answer your question diplomatically and this is your reaction. 😂 I adore Zig's snarkiness though. In fact I realised a while back: I seem to like people being sarcastic at me. 😅
Oh but there's sweet Zig immediately afterwards too... a dessert shop where he initially doesn't want anything and then MC points out they have Chocolate Ganache and now he's grappling with himself about it. 😆
Pfft: This reminds me of one of the differences between Huedhaut and Zyglavis actually. Hue is the one getting one up on MC and her grumbling to herself that she can't win with him, with Zig it's the other way around. Even though he has cutting snark it's MC that takes advantage of the situations around them and it's often Zig who thinks she can't win with her. I'm pretty sure if this food scene was in Hue's we would have ended up somewhere where even if others weren't doing it, Hue would have insisted on feeding MC, but here MC tricks Zig into letting her feed him due to where they are, and he's just so flustered and sweet.
Also, Zyglavis is somewhat ignoring the king's mission without MC fully realising it until he brings it up, rather than being vocally upfront like Dui was. I suppose it does make sense that he would go that route here, because it's one of the few times where he hasn't got to think about a million other things to do with work and the departments and the other Zodiac Gods. He might have a fetch quest from the king that he's supposed to be doing, but he also knows they won't be interrupted here. Which is probably why we're getting a more relaxed Zyglavis, even whilst walking about outside.
THAT SAID: I know you thought to let her understand the language after she bought that concern up, and you left your shadow with her so she wouldn't worry about splitting up, but - did you really just rattle off directions in a place MC has never been before so rapidly and then disappear without giving her a chance to even ask you to repeat what you said if necessary?! I know your shadow showed her the way in the end but that initial abruptness must have terrified her. Or at least it did me! (At least he does realise about this, and is part of the resolution later).
Unlike Karno's they actually remember that there are some still working in the heavens in this one, and that's a nice moment in MC's mind. I hope this really was Lou and Aigo's doing.
Overall, this is like a less upsetting version of Dui's. It's a way to get Zyglavis and MC not only to relax but to elucidate their feelings a little more.
It's a very sweet little story.
Okay then... ranking time? Hmm... let's see:
That was actually really hard to order. Those top four have a lot of interesting moments and could probably be re-ordered or listed as equal first. Then Zig and Dui's are very close and I'm still not sure whether I've put them the right way round. Scorpio and Leon's are great too, but I think for me that probably is where both of those fall.
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vladdyissues · 9 months
"Torrent of Terror" ep. is really dumb about Vlad's evil plan but it's also such a HUGE fan service of pompous pep. I mean, they literally went for a date! There are 2 things I'm wondering:
1. How can Vortex problem be re-setted to Vlad stay evil genius, not become a dumb villain?
2. If Danny being only 15 was asking for a foot massage from Vlad in a public place (yea, people left the game centre after an "artificial rain inside", but it's still public place!), what things would he ask for being older? or dating Vlad? I have some smutty thoughts but it isn't me! It's that perverted little badger!
Hnnnn Torrent of Terror and Eye for an Eye are some of the main reasons I voted for Season 3 in that "Which DP Season Is Your Fave" poll that was circulating a while back. So much food for us Pompeppers.
But yeah, Vlad's evil plan was pretty dumb. Here's my response to your first point:
⛔ Vlad going public with his magic weather device that looks like a vintage barn thermometer
✅ Vlad becoming a cult leader by secretly manipulating the weather and therefore obtaining the adoration and respect (and control) of the entire world by solving their climate crises one by one. Hail Vlad, the savior of earth!
And for your second point:
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"You never gave me that foot massage, you know."
Vlad lifted his lips from Danny's neck, his eyebrows knitting with confusion. "Foot massage?"
Grinning secretively, Danny pressed his back against Vlad's chest—and his rear against the burgeoning erection in Vlad's pants. "Back when you were mayor. Vortex. I accidentally got the weather tied to my emotions."
"Oh. Oh, that's right. Heavens, Daniel, that was ten years ago."
"I know. Hard to believe it's been that long, huh."
Danny reached behind and urged Vlad to keep rocking against him. Vlad, however, remained preoccupied with the memory.
"You were a devious little brat, humiliating me like that."
"You deserved it."
"Hm, perhaps. You were going to make me massage your feet, but there was something else. Something more to it. A costume?"
Danny grinned. "Yeah. Not much of one."
"Oh. Good Lord, I remember now. It was a loincloth. You wanted me to put on a loincloth and massage your feet and call you 'master'." He narrowed his eyes at the side of Danny's face, smiling fondly. "Quite the fantasy. Are you sure you didn't have a crush on me then, little badger?"
"Oh, I was toast by that point. I guess seeing you naked did something to my brain."
"And just when did you see me naked, young man?"
"Come on, the Regal Hotel? When we were pranking each other and I turned the walls invisible, and the local news crew caught you on camera?"
"Oh. That."
Danny laughed. "I think you need some Centrum Silver, old man. Your memory's starting to slip."
"My memory's fine, Daniel. I just can't think straight with you grinding on me like this."
"Kind of ironic to be thinking straight now, huh?"
Stifling a chuckle, Vlad slid his hands down Danny's waist to grasp his hips. "I never got my revenge for that weekend, you know," he whispered in Danny's ear.
"Is that a threat or a promise?" Danny asked, eyebrow arching with interest.
"Oh, it's definitely a threat." He rolled Danny over and began phasing away clothing while Danny laughed and pretended to resist. They scrabbled and grunted, wrestling for dominance, before Danny finally allowed Vlad to pin his wrists. Vlad sneered down at him. "How else did you plan to extort me that day, little badger?"
Danny's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well, after my foot massage, I was gonna have you bake a bunch of my favorite cookies, then I was gonna get in your jacuzzi with a bottle of your most expensive wine and make you feed me cookies and refill my glass until I passed out or fell asleep."
"It's a good thing Vortex showed up before then."
"Why? You would've killed me?"
"No. I'd be out an eight-hundred-dollar bottle of Dom Pérignon"—Vlad's mouth twitched coyly—"and likely have a restraining order preventing me from coming within five hundred yards of a minor."
"God, you're such a creep," Danny said, but his eyes—and another part of him, farther down—disclosed his naked excitement.
Vlad basked in the insult as if it were sunshine. "What would you demand of me now?"
"Now?" Danny pursed his lips. "Well, it's a different situation."
"Naturally. But if I had to appease you, if you were under the influence of some terrible, destructive power, how should I keep you happy?"
"I dunno. Blowjobs on demand?"
"You can do better than that."
A minute passed before the pensive frown lifted from Danny's face. "Okay, a bath. A fancy bath. You'd have to wash every inch of me and rinse me and shampoo my hair and condition it, all in a huge tub with loads of bubbles and nice scented oils and stuff."
"Very good. Please continue."
"And then I'd have you dry me off and rub lotion on me and powder me, then dress me in a silk robe and feed me chocolate-covered strawberries."
"Is that all?"
"No." Danny smirked, his eyes drifting downward. "You would have to keep me satisfied. All I'd have to do is snap my fingers and you'd get on your knees for me, at any time. I could fuck you whenever I wanted, anywhere I wanted. Over your desk. In the kitchen, the shower. And I'd always get to come first. In fact, you wouldn't be able to come at all unless I gave you permission."
"That's very wicked of you."
"Hey, I learned it from the best."
They shared a brief chuckle before Vlad spoke again. "I was going to let you choose your punishment, but I'm afraid that's too generous. I think I'll just torture you."
"Oh, please," Danny scoffed. "You're too impatient for tor—" He choked on the rest of his words as Vlad's hand went intangible, sinking through Danny's erection and into his belly. "Oh—ohh." He felt Vlad's energy move inside him, spectral fingers curving downward until they wrapped around his prostate. "Oh, God, you're serious."
Laughter rumbled in Vlad's chest. He gave the gland a gentle squeeze, and a moan escaped Danny's lips.
"An eye for an eye, little badger. Though I think you'll enjoy this much more than a foot massage." He leaned down and sealed his mouth to Danny's. His arm, intangible to his elbow, glowed in vague blue-white outlines as it moved, slowly and rhythmically, his buried hand beginning the process of milking Danny's prostate from every imaginable angle.
"You're evil," Danny gasped.
"And yet you love me."
"I can't help it."
Vlad smiled. "Shh, now. No more talking."
And apart from the pleasure-stricken cries that came much later, Danny didn't say another coherent word for the rest of the night.
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dystopianam · 9 months
(Spoiler: It's a post where I comment and theorize about Tybalt's facial hair in a poetic and deep way, don't ask me anything, I'm going crazy)
P.S: POLL ⤵️
I always appreciated the fact that teenagers in The Sims 2 differed from adults because they had that childish but at the same time "rebellious" attitude of "mom I'm grown up now!"
In short, typical teenagers. But I remember that I was very surprised when I discovered that Tybalt had facial hair (being red-haired it wasn't very noticeable).
Accustomed by Maxis to seeing all these teenagers with baby faces, it was a surprise for me as a child, and I remember thinking "but you're a kid, why do you have a beard??" poor little girl me apparently didn't know puberty.
Right now though, I thought about this very carefully and thought that Maxis never puts things without a motive. It was an important detail for Tybalt personality. In the entire game, to my knowledge, there are no other teenagers with facial hair (MAYBE a teenager from Desiderata Valley, but I'm not sure.)
BUT it was remembering that other teenager that made me think: that boy has facial hair because Maxis wants to make people think that the sim is sloppy and unkempt, so why shouldn't there be a point to Tybalt's """"beard"""?
It's no secret that at a certain point in a man's life (and a woman's, if that's me) facial hair begins to grow.
In real life for some gys it doesn't grow, for others it grows more, but this is natural, right? One thing is certain though: if you have it, you can decide whether to remove it or not.
Teens in The Sims 2 are around 15-16 years old, and that's an age where I think facial hair starts to grow.
But now I want to focus on WHY Tybalt has them. As we know, Capps are the opposite of Montys, Capps care about cleanliness and always want to be well tidy, so why keep a ""beard"" looking like a scruffy teenager?
For me Maxis didn't put it by chance. It was intentional and I have two theories:
Theory #1: Tybalt leaves facial hair because he "feels more grown-up that way". As we know, Tybalt's personality is a very proud personality. It should therefore not be underestimated that by growing a beard he feels older and more "able to protect his sisters like a real man". After his father's death, maybe he feels like the man of the house, right?
Theory #2: The game wants you to think that Tybalt is slightly older than a normal teenager.
This would not be impossible at all, after all, at the start of the game Tybalt is less than a week away from becoming an adult (to be precise, 5 days) and perhaps it could possibly be a reference to the fact that if you search on the internet you can often read that Tybalt Capulet's age is around 21 although it doesn't appear to be mentioned in the original story (so I don't know where they get this information from)
So...what do you think?
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shygirl4991 · 10 months
Becoming Canon
Summary: After a successful heist in getting the notebook back SMG3 and SMG4 confess their feelings to each other. Tags: Love confessions, enemies to friends to lovers, fluff Next Part Note: i put a poll up to see if peeps want 'The Next Step' on tumblr and forgot to mention the prequel fic becoming canon so here we go!
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SMG4 smiles as he watches SMG3 jumping with joy over saving his notebook, he was so thankful that his viewers were on his side to help this happen. After having fun teasing SMG3 he started to feel the fatigue from the whole thing, who knew doing a heist would take so much out of you?
After teasing SMG3 about why he was building a new evil lair right next to his castle he lets out a small yawn “Speaking of cafes…I’m dead tired.” he gives his partner a small smile “Let’s have some coffee.” For the first time since they have known each other things felt peaceful, maybe it was them both being drained from the heist or maybe this heist helped bring the two closer together. He remembers back a few weeks ago how SMG1 and 2 told them they needed to get along and work as a team, of course their plan on gluing their hands together really didn't work on bringing them together. What it did bring was a lot of videos and tweets explaining he wasn't dating SMG3, though thinking about it would the two of them dating be so bad? During the heist he never felt so close to SMG3 before, the way they were in sync scaring Mario. How they had each other back helping each other out of tight spots, they even finally manage to get their fusion ability to work…sorta.
SMG3 perks up hearing his words “Now we’re talkin!” walking together they sit on a pile of wood waiting to become a part of SMG3 cafe, SMG4 smiles looking at the sunset as SMG3 starts doing their coffee. They smile at each other doing a small cheer as they clink their cups together and drink, as SMG4 enjoys the warmth of the coffee he notices SMG3 writing in his notebook with a huge smile “What are you writing?” he knew he wasn't going to get an answer but it wasn't going to hurt him to ask you never know what mood SMG3 is in.
He smirks and turns away “I’ll never tell!” SMG3 makes sure the other cant see the drawing he is doing of them both with cups of coffee.
With a giggle he nods “Don't worry i wont push it,” as he looks back at the sunset his heart starts to beat faster. This would be the perfect moment wouldn't it, he honestly felt this whole day was a sign of some kind. It all started with SMG3 telling him he wrote about their moment in the igloo, then they got stuck doing a game show where they had to watch the video and see the moment they both agreed never to talk about. He had to admit the closer they got the harder it was for him to keep his feelings in check. When he hears the notebook close he decides now is the time with one last gulp of the coffee he turns to SMG3 “You know…this heist got me thinking,”
SMG3 sips his coffee and stares at his partner “What that we should be full time spies, cause i'm not a fan of the idea of your fans telling me how to live my life,” SMG4 shakes his head with a small chuckle “No, nothing like that…just we make a good team don't we?”
He keeps staring at SMG4 feeling confused on what was going on with the man next to him, seeing this SMG4 sighs feeling himself blush. “You know…people ship us together…and uh with all that's happened to us i started to wonder….” he had no idea what he was doing. Every TV show he has seen made confessions look easy, even Axol made it look sweet and easy with the manga he was making before everything.
SMG3's eyes go wide as he also starts to blush “Why are you bringing this up all of a sudden, idiot!!”
SMG4 closes his eyes “WHAT IF WE MAKE IT CANON!?”
Everything was dead silent, he was nervous to open his eyes to see how SMG3 was looking at him. Finally he hears a whisper “you….what?”
Slowly he opened his eyes to see a stun SMG3, his face was as red as his eyes, it almost made SMG4 giggle for how cute it was to see him like that. “I..well i like you, so i was wondering if maybe we can try…the next step?”
SMG4 started to get worried he broke the man for how long it took for him to move again, he watches as SMG3 stares at the floor then his notebook. His heart sank, did he read the signs wrong, did the guardian not feel the same as him?
SMG3 gets up and stands in front of him “Fine, i guess i…i like you too! But don't let it get to your head…Baka!”
SMG4 gives a huge smile before running and hugging his boyfriend, SMG3 gets flustered as he starts to break free from the hug “Oi! I said don't let it get to your head!!”
With a smirk he leans close to SMG3 “Oh? So does that mean you don't want a hug? Maybe it's a kiss you're looking for?”
SMG3 covers his face with his notebook to hide how flustered he was getting. It was always fun teasing the man before but now that they were going to date, teasing has gotten much more fun.
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sieglinde-freud · 10 months
If you had to pick a second trio of awakening kids to put in fates (on Hishido's side) who would you send, why, and where would put them (ie who's retainers would they be and who would they replace or where would they be serving in Hoshido if not retainers).
SORRY THIS TOOK ME LIKE FIVE YEARS TO GET TO, STEDY… i saw it and i was like “ooh i gotta think about this i’ll come back” and then. and then i forgor… BUT ANYWAYSSS
so, to hoshido????? well… i think realistically theyd go down the popularity poll. they seem to want to avoid lucina (lord) and morgan (two of them, picking one means making one and also one robin canon) so next on the list iirc is noire, brady, and gerome. and i think that could work pretty okay, but i think they just kind of all have one fatal flaw here: none of them would be down to go.
the awakening trio works because yeah!! yeah i absolutely buy all three of them being game to go fuck off to a new world because some pathetic man begged them to help save lives. gerome though?? no!! gerome hardly wanted to go back in time to save HIS OWN WORLD!! brady cant fight CANONICALLY, and i highly doubt he’d want to step foot on another battlefield. and noire… i think someone could make a case for noire being willing to come. but i think she’d prefer staying with tharja and protecting the baby version of herself more. and without proper encouragement which would mostly likely come from severa who is. not here. i dont think she’d be too willing. AND I KNOW THAT MEANS IM MISSING OUT ON NOIRE!RHAJAT BUT… come on. you think im gonna give noire to hayato anyways?? no.
so!! a more interesting alternative? kjelle, cynthia, and laurent. i think kjelle and cynthia would be so down if they thought they were gonna be protecting innocents. kjelle wants to fight, grow stronger, and protect, and her natural element is the battlefield. cynthia wants to be a hero and fight for justice, and what better than a country protecting its homeland? as for laurent, i think he’d also like to save people, but i just think this guy would also like traveling around for education purposes. a new land means more insight to gain, and more things to share with his mother when he comes back. so. yeah. perhaps not the tightest reasoning, but i think its much more realistic than like. gerome. sooo
cynthia would most likely stay a pegasus knight? i dont see a reason to change her class. but armor knight is nohrian while sage doesnt exist in fates (technically. im aware onmyoji is the equivalent) sooo they’d have to change. i think theres a few things you could do with kjelle? spear fighter is probably the obvious choice, but i think kinda similar to owain, she’d like a chance to try out other weapons, probably to demonstrate her strength. and for this im strongly leaning master of arms prepromote. yes she’d still have spear access, but having mastered katanas and clubs during her time in hoshido could be really fun i think. as for laurent… lol. apothecary. hes not really here to fight but like. he can. promote him to merchant and he’ll start throwing the army’s treasury at you. dont fuck with him! but obviously kjelle would have armor knight access via heart seal and i think i’d give laurent troubador over dark mage just to reference miriel having that class in awakening but it could go either way. cynthia would probably have… uh. ummmm… fuck. wait. i dont know. sumia gets armor knight and cleric. can we j be funny and give her merc so she has hero access :/// ok thanks
if were following the same format as the og trio, i would j plant them as retainers to make it simple. and… i think i’d go:
kjelle - ryoma
laurent - hinoka
cynthia - sakura
im completely willing to change on this honestly. i thought long and hard about it and then i went “hm. no.” and ended up here. my logic is that of the awakening trio, laslow definitely seems to be the strongest and is nohr’s crown prince’s retainer, and of these three, kjelle is probably the strongest, so same treatment. i also considered the dynamic between saizo and kagero and i just think she’d work the best with them. no bullshit, just work. plus, in a samurai class (moa promotes from samurai) she’d fit in better with ninja than a flier and a uh. a guy.
i put laurent with hinoka and i almost didnt because i think he could have an interesting dynamic with the other royals too. but then i was like “okay. of the three: who would fit into hinokas retainer dynamic that just seems to be ‘giving hinoka a hard time’” and well!!! i think!!! i think its laurent!!! i think laurent would just be engrossed in his studies and the difference in technological progress compared to ylisse (no fireworks but they have giant puppets??? the dolls with the saws??? TANKS????) and hinokas like “uh. hey. did you eat any of ur last three meals?” and he goes “no but i DID make a gun” and azama and setsuna are just like “woahhh thats fucking awesome dude” and i just think if i gave hinoka kjelle or cynthia it wouldnt be as funny. i do things for the bit. always.
and that leaves cynthia for the other two and… i dont actually think she’d go to takumi. i think sakura and her retainers is a much more realistic possibility because takumis trio is just. so. fucking look at them… itd be odd to shove a fourth person in there. it COULD work, but also i kinda just like the idea of cynthia pledging herself to sakura. she’d be all hyped about it too like “the brave warrior defending her princess?!! yessss!!” and sakura would be like. so down for cynthias flower throwing entrance or whatever (with… sakura petals?? yes????) and idk i just think they would be neat. and she could be a nice mediator between subaki and hana who just like. wont shut the fuck up. she’ll either make it better by being a nice middle man or make it worse by also not shutting up except its about something completely different and no progress gets made. both fine outcomes, i think.
and then they fight nohr and go to war with their besties forevs!!!!!!! wooooo!!!! im not writing that out. you decide how that goes. though i think a cynthia vs selena encounter would be insaane… ooh or like an cynthia vs odin justice cabal thing? oouhhvghh… but this post is long enough anyways hi stedy 👋
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 years
Sad day being a majima Stan 😭😭😭😭 how the fuck does Yokoyama miss the mark on majima so bad it's insane 😤😡🤯 anyway glad we got you to keep the love alive 🤗 have an egg during these trying times 🥚
also thankies for the egg 🥺
hi this is Captain CapsLock and I will be in charge of your flight this evening
doesn't understand why the fandom loves a "scary character" THAT'S WHY WE LOVE HIM HE'S A LIL WEIRDO. also he's like not scary whatsoever. like sure theoretically because he's literal yakuza but even in the context of the games? no way he's a total goober are you kidding me
Majima would have nothing to do in the games WHAT DO YOU MEAN JUST REPLACE A CHARACTER WITH MAJIMA INSTEAD YALL KEEP MAKING NEW ONES I DON'T CARE ABOUT YES YAKUZA 6 I'M LOOKING AT YOU AND ANYWAY KIRYU'S UP TO SOME BULLSHIT FOR NO REASON AGAIN GET MAJIMA IN THERE CUZ FUCK IT. ngl it always peeved me off that Kiryu and Saejima were the "pillars of the Tojo Clan" then like wtf was Majima the entire time if not babysitting the whole ass organization. yeah I'm showing favoritism but c'mon jklsdkldkl
bruh I knew that stream was gonna piss me off and I was right lmaooo. I already got trauma from being a halo and warhammer fan bro I cannot with this kldskllkd. and here's the thing, I don't want Ichiban's story to be overshadowed by Kiryu's (and by proxy Majima) but also they keep shoehorning them into things while being like okay lol this is the end of it we prommy 🤞
like whoopdidoo what a "send off" for the umpteenth time. I think what hurts most is you can really see how much Ugaki loves voicing Majima and the fact that RGG really wants to leave Majima to the wayside while still putting Kiryu front and center for who knows what reason this time is just hhhhhhhhhh. now of course, this doesn't mean Majima is like, potentially out of the party system all together but if he is? lol okay very cool
I'mma keep making stuff I love cuz bruh I sure as shit ain't getting it from RGG. and like, I'm not naïve. I understand all things come to an end at some point but man I just wish it was satisfactory. maybe it was for other people but not for me. but I also realize I speak from a point of extreme bias. I certainly feel miffed about this more than most but at the end of the day I'm just a silly lil fan shouting at clouds lol so take anything I say with grain of salt
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Poll 4
Solveig (She/Her) by @spellinwaiting
Why Should Your OC Win?
her life is so fucking hard she needs to win something just once
What is Your OC Like?
solveig is my tes oblivion oc and she has just SO many problems. imagine being severely mentally ill in a medieval fantasy setting with no access to proper mental health care. one time someone tried to mug her but then realized she had nothing and they felt so bad for her and the whole state she was in the mugger was like 'ok you need help' and became her friend. shes blessed to have an orc wife who loves her no matter how many times she sprints off into the woods in the midst of a manic episode. what else? she has a horse named 'horse' because she couldnt come up with anything better. she wants to be a heroic knight but is far better at killing people than saving them. her solution to most of her problems is to lie face down on the floor motionless for a while (also the picture is done by my friend whose url is @symbie not by me, i hope thats alright, also i put that here cause i didnt know where else to)
Chester Wayne Mallory (He/Him) by @liliflower137
Why Should Your OC Win?
Now at first glance Chester seems like he's on top of things. A talented inventor and programmer, a successful streamer, a husband and kids.
But even at the best of times he's an anxiety ridden mess, and while he would never do anything behind his husband's back he's still not immune to swooning over a hothot man
He's terrible at making decisions, his memory is a mess, and his empty nest syndrome is so bad he basically stole a kid once. And on top of everything, his last name means "an unfortunate person"
Plus there was that time he got trapped in a video game while live on twitch and died like 3 times. So embarassing.
Why not give him a win? He could use the self confidence boost!
What is Your OC Like?
Chester Mallory is a kind very family oriented man who gets attacked to people quickly. He tends to show his love through offering food, so his friends often have fridges full of his leftover spicy noodles.
His entire extended family consists of serial adopters, so his family reunions consists of lots and lots of found families
He lost his right arm in a terrible accident but taught himself to build his own prosthetic purely because he thinks the industry around prosthetics is bullshit
His friends tend to get pretty chaotic which usually leads to him playing the straight man and having to go take a nap after, but he still loves them more than anything, and would do anything to protect them all, especially his best buddies Boris and Malcom.
If you'd like to read about him, his story is "Something New" in the Hlvrai tag of ao3! His AU is called eternal stream! (The picture of him was drawn by @year2000electronics)
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