#why the fuck are you selling this
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askevilkyubey · 5 months ago
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what on god's green earth is this.
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little-hermit-crab56 · 6 months ago
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dreadfuldevotee · 8 months ago
I'd like to discuss the elephant in the room. Why did we get zero Loumand sex scenes? We got hints and implications, but season 1 was pretty explicit. Do we think that that's a creative choice or something else is happening?
I'm glad I ended up ruminating on this for about a week because episode 7 & 8 really solidified my opinion on it.
I do wanna start by saying that it's very clear to me that there was supposed to be more explicit scenes between them. There has been some thoughts tossed around that censorship happened with the 9 pm timeslot (as opposed to the 10 pm timeslot of S1). I believed this hearing Assad and Jacob talk about the BDSM dynamic between Louis and Armand, but what really sold me on this was Production Designer Mara LePere-Schloop talking about the bedroom set and more specifically about their beautifully carved custom headboard. (If you're a production nerd like me or just want to know more about the design philosophy of IWTV I recommend giving the entire thing a listen!).
I think there are several reasons I think as to why they decided to leave any more explicit scenes on the cutting room floor but above them all is: you cannot separate Armand's sexuality from his abuse. I am really against pulling a "well if you read the books" card but reading just the first couple chapters of "The Vampire Armand" makes me understand so much about not only Armand as a character, but the care being taken to his adaptation. It's clear to me that alongside Rolin & Co.'s commitment to not watering him down to a one-dimensional villain they are also trying to not fall into Anne Rice's tendency to romanticize his trauma.
Sex and sexuality is not the same pillar of Louis and Armand's relationship it was in Louis and Lestat's and so I don't believe their story suffers from the lack of on-screen sex. But I also firmly believe that maybe we don't need to be slutting out the character who we literally just watched talk about how he doesn't remember his life before being sex trafficked. And even when he was "freed" he was still being repeatedly assaulted at the hands of, and under the eye Marius de Romanus. Like it is extremely important to remember that Armand's craving for dominion in his relationships is a manifestation of trauma that deserves the same level of care and depth given to every other trauma portrayed in this show.
I think people have gotten too comfortable calling IWTV a romance when it has always been Gothic Horror. Romance and sex are pivotal to the story but I have found the demands for sex scenes this season a bit absurd and also? unfounded? Loustat share more kisses on screen but there are two sex scenes and both are very plot relevant. I truly figured we were all in agreement that the eroticism of this show is found in the various displays of power, and the dynamics it creates and not the actual clapping of ass-cheeks...which also wasn't happening in S1 either. S2 does not suffer because of the lack of sex-scenes, but the likelihood if it suffering trying to make one work is
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warmfuzzyanimal · 11 months ago
nothing to boil the blood in the morning quite like coming across an etsy page of AI generated furry adopts and going "okay, well, surely no one's *buying* these seven fingered airbrushed freaks," but, alas. almost 600 sales. making literal hundreds of dollars off of stolen work. fuck off and blow up.
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medicalunprofessional · 2 years ago
play dentist
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thanatika · 4 months ago
yeah i agree with your point about survival mechanics and i feel the same way about the lack of combat mechanics. "why would an educated city doctor need a weapon" because shit is hitting the fan in every way impossible and pretty much everyone is walking around armed... also why am i supposed to believe the the fact that he's a man of intellect will somehow provide him with food? i don't think anyone is going to be too eager to share food during an outbreak intellectual or not...
+ follow up for the previous ask but actually my favorite quest from the original pathologic is the day 11 bachelor quest that involves shooting down soldiers. i think it really drives the point home about how this random fuckass guy who is supposed to be battling a plague doesn't even have the time to do that anymore because the people in charge are asking completely irrelevant things of him now and he's at a position where he cannot refuse what is being asked of him. like i think it was good storytelling that even as the guy who lowkey wants to deal with the plague and solve its mystery you still have other, more pressing, less interesting and or pleasant tasks to complete
i agree! honestly, i feel this way about the combat mechanics even more than i do about the physical survival (food, health, illness, sleep) mechanics. because sure, i can see how it makes sense for daniil's position of authority to mean that his basic needs are somewhat provided for -- although i don't think it makes more sense than what we got in the original game. i've never seen anyone bring up "isn't it kind of unrealistic that the bachelor isn't given lots of food during a massive food shortage?" as a plothole that needed to be resolved. the townspeople generally don't like him much, and most of the people with power don't either, except for the kains. sure, maybe it's kind of weird that you can go see the kains while broke and on the verge of keeling over from hunger, and they won't do anything to help you, but... the kains are pretty self-centered, and they're so goddamn weird that maybe they forget that you need to eat food to live anyway. and it's half-implied that the powers that be are ultimately giving daniil this role as a convenient way to kill him, so it makes sense that they would put no pressure on the town authorities to keep him alive.
(and honestly, artemy is taken under the olgimsky's auspices as much as the kains take daniil's under theirs! which is to say, selfishly, with ulterior motives that are more important to them than the well-being of their healer, but... the olgimskys are set up as the wealthiest of the 3 families financially, as well as the ones with the most access to food, given their control over the meat industry. so if anything it's "weirder" that artemy isn't more materially provided for, though to be clear i don't think there's an actual plothole there either way.)
but anyway, you could handwave it and say that daniil's position of privilege and authority gives him more perks than he got in the original game, but the amount of fighting you have to do to get through town is... kind of an unavoidable physical reality? like you're given so many sidequests that you often wind up walking around town after dark, and that's when the bandits come out. is the idea that the bandits would be too scared to attack him because he's so important? because that doesn't make a lot of sense to me, and even pathologic 2 establishes that he's seen as a valuable target by the bandits:
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and then there's the quests where combat plays a more direct role in the story itself, like getting involved in saving andrey from the firing squad, or killing guards to break artemy out of prison, or the quest where you have to kill var in attempt to stop the arsonists (which i include on the same tier as the other ones because i really like the quest journal entry he has if you complete it where he blames himself for willow's death. it's a good character moment.)
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hell, even in pathologic 2 itself, one of the biggest Bachelor Moments is on day 11, when you have that big dramatic convo with him after he killed a soldier for the papers he was delivering. plus one of bad grief's idle dialogues in patho 2 is commentary on the bachelor being "quick on the draw" and that he "already shot someone". like he just straight up is not living a combat-free existence. and overall, combat isn't just a good tool from a mechanical perspective, heightening the stakes and placing pressure on the player (though it is), it's also pretty important for him on a thematic level imo, almost as important as artemy and his "rivers of blood". in patho classic, daniil has this early interaction with the inquisitor:
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which, thinking about it from a doylist perspective, was probably the writers' attempt to make it sound more plausible that this random medical researcher from the big city was competent with multiple types of guns. and i appreciate them coming up with that hint of backstory to cover their bases a bit, but with those bases covered, i think the fact that daniil ultimately spends more time shooting people than he does prescribing medicines for them actually does a lot for him thematically? i mean, if his whole thing is that he's this "tempted destroyer", someone who frames his career as a combative battle with death rather than a quest to save people's lives, whose "default" solution is to raze the town with artillery because he's too limited by his rationalist worldview and military upbringing (and bitterness over being manipulated and sabotaged) to come up with a solution that saves the any remaining infected survivors on his own. plus the way that clara frames artemy and daniil as two sides of the same coin in being violent destroyers and killers, who without player intervention will immediately devolve to running around chasing each other down in what's either an insanely dedicated tom and jerry LARP or some really elaborate foreplay. imo, that whole dichotomy (which is pretty core to the game, as the idea of dichotomies are core to it in general) works so much better with the way they're both presented in classic, stalking around with gun/scalpel in hand. hell, not to mention the effect that spending 12 in-game days trying not to starve and getting killed by bandits or guards or worms or soldiers every day would have on the player, and the way it would make them feel about the town and their natural projection of those feelings onto dankovsky, who is a perfectly fitting vessel for them as the avatar actually undergoing those virtual experiences.
ultimately i think they are mainly going this direction out of a desire to do something more creative and original, which is fine... it just seems a bit silly to me that they keep saying "well obviously that doesn't really work for the bachelor's scenario", when, well... even as recently as patho 2 in 2019, they seemed to think it fit his narrative pretty well! i'm also guessing that a lack of combat won't be that bandits are just no longer roaming the streets at night. it sounds more like pathologic 3 is set to be more of a nonlinear experience, where you'll probably fast travel from place to place instead of having to walk across town so much? so you'll be avoiding bandits just in the sense that the gameplay will be avoiding them. i guess i'm hoping that at the very least, there's still the implication of the crunch of not getting enough sleep or food and the threat of being stabbed to death while trying to get through town occurring to dankovsky in the background, even if those mechanics are deemphasized in favor of more macro-level town resource management, time control, and sherlock holmes fruit ninja or whatever the hell they were on about back in 2022 lmao.
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longelk · 2 years ago
did you know kaycee's username on ebay is "Leshys_Gurl", we see from luke carders emails on the official inscryption site
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just learned this and thought you should know, im in shock
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cyberscratch · 15 days ago
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some pokémon inspired cat designs!!
these designs are for sale, 15 usd a pop - dm here or on toyhouse to claim :]
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bagadew · 1 year ago
I hate you loss of the headphone jack. I hate you loss of the home screen button. I hate you headphones I have to remember to charge. I hate you thin flimsy screens. I hate you phone that no longer fits in my hand. I hate you laptop too thin for a usb port. I hate you laptop without a disk drive. I hate you increasing array of dongles I need to keep using what I need. I hate you planned obsolescence. I hate you inescapable barrage of ‘improvements’ that brings more work and gives less joy. I guess it’s just easier this way.
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flying-cat · 1 month ago
no need to ban tiktok if meta is buying it. i'll just delete it myself lmfao
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glimblshanks · 2 months ago
Maybe it's just the Futurama fan in me speaking, but I have a hard time believing that we'll never get a Lower Decks reboot of some kind
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okitanoniisan · 10 days ago
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no one can reach my level of petty hating about the stupid english title
#ada speaks#after scott made that thread about how the legitimately valid complaints about infinite wealth's loc didn't matter because of sales#i was like. god damn dude. like what a. horrible reality. so i'm voting with my money. i guess.#not that theres ANY FUCKING WAY to make these things known when there's nuance to it that Sales Numbers obviously can't convey#im just another +1 to the jp sales number and i'm fairly sure they count everything as Worldwide due to eng being included in all regions#but !! at least i dont have fucking. pirate yakuza or whatever the hell that english title is sitting on my shelf#and the other really fun thing is that availability of the game in canada is total ass and exclusive to some random online retailer#i cant preorder from....... fucking gamestop?? ok i guess it's amazon jp time. since this is. somehow easier.#anyway. hey sega. can we fucking talk about your english loc team and crunch and simulreleases.#can we maybe like. release a Good product and not a product that Sells.#these games are going to sell regardless because. the GAMES are good#people are going to buy them for The Core Game. and they are going to Put Up With the shitty localization.#im just. man. remember when SoA used to be proud of what they put out there. what a crazy concept.#if you're pointing to sales numbers to Own The Haters idk what to tell you. i think the haters might have a point. just this time.#you can't genuinely defend how undercooked and sloppy it is by explaining specific choices made or being informative#like so many times in the past#so its just.#lol suck it the games still sell#like yeah no shit. obviously??????????? but why in gods name should we have to Settle for a lesser experience#just because corporate wants a Finished product and not a Good one#frustrating <3#god forbid art be anything but a consumable slop product with a Serviceable translation#to me this is one step removed from shipping it without any translation and being like lol just use google translate bro#and when everyone is like ????? what the fuck???? its like well it still sells. so clearly this is what the people want.#boooooooooo
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lloydfrontera · 6 months ago
"... okay." I can do it. I want to do it. Getting old. For some people, it might just be something they don't like. But is there any other hope more desperate than that for someone who is deathly sick? A life of growing old normally, slowly fading away in the arms of one's family like a simple candle. I want to be like that too. Someday, in the distant future, I want to sit down with my children and grandchildren and close my eyes like that. I want to grow older. I want to grow old. I want to complain and pat my back and knees, which are becoming increasingly uncomfortable every year. Like that, I want to be normal.
evil and twisted as fuck to do this actually. like. goddamn. making your protagonist go the entire plot wishing for more time, just one more day, wanting to grow old and peacefully pass away in the arms of his family... and then making him immortal so he will never grow old, he will never die, he gets as many days as he wanted and so, so, so many he didn't, doomed to see the people he loves grow old and die and leave him behind. holy fuck.
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givemedamage · 1 year ago
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having a baron must be like having to help an old lady cross the street except it’s 24/7 and she’s a cunt .and also dead .and always drunk
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crimsonmonsoon · 1 year ago
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If you can’t tell I am entirely obsessed with this guy
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28dayslater · 4 months ago
I have either been the victim of a diabolical scam or taken advantage of the stupidest vinted seller of all time and there's no way of knowing which until my item gets here
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