#why mens metabolism faster than woman
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bloggerworks · 7 months ago
Why do women need to exercise regularly in a ladies’ gym?
Every woman has to take on a lot of responsibilities on a regular basis. Whether you are single or you are a mother, it is important for you to remain healthy to maintain and take care of everyone else in your family. Even for a working moment who needs to maintain both family and profession, nothing can be more beneficial than choosing exercise on a regular basis. This is why you have to keep searching for the best ladies gym near me where you can get proper training and exercises.
You might think that you will be able to do self-training, but you must understand that it requires proper knowledge. A woman’s body is a lot different from that of a man. Hence, a trainer who can guide you in a fit gym will be greatly beneficial. As these professionals clearly have knowledge about body mechanics, they customise routines accordingly. If you wish to maintain a fit and healthy body, you must start working out in a ladies gym with personal trainers to be able to enjoy a fit and healthy lifestyle.
Let us take a look into the reasons why being a part of a ladies gym for daily exercises can be beneficial for women.
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Regulating your mood: Women’s moods keep changing every time because of hormonal imbalance. From the very first date of the menstrual cycle until menopause, women keep experiencing fluctuating moods due to the changing progesterone and estrogen levels. Mood swings are very common among most women, and hence, you need to regulate them with proper exercise. These are some of the most common hormones that have an impact on brain chemistry, mood swings, and fertility patterns.
When you regularly take part in a ladies’ gym and get trained by a personal trainer, they help to customise exercises that will release endorphins. These hormones are also referred to as runners high. It is a natural mood regulator which can regulate your mood irrespective of your cycle.
Regulate bone health: Whether you are a single woman or a mother, women start experiencing reduced bone health faster compared to that of a man. There are several conditions that lead to weakening bones. You must understand that women are more vulnerable to osteoporosis compared to men. This is a condition that can be easily characterised by increased chances of fracture at bone loss.
Managing weight: One of the primary situations that has been observed by most women is increased weight. This is one of the most common conditions among women throughout the world. If you wish to manage your weight, it is vital that you be a part of a ladies gym near me. The Pilates classes in Abu Dhabi offered by personal trainers can be greatly beneficial in burning calories.
Remember that weight gain cannot only make you look disproportionate, but it also has different other health issues. Proper management of weight is essential, and exercise helps burn calories without adding any weight. With regular physical activities, you can improve metabolism and make it easier to manage a healthy weight in your body.
Better sleep: Exercising on a regular basis can also have a great impact on improving your sleep cycle. When you exercise on a regular basis, it helps to burn calories. This is when you will be able to find yourself sleeping well and feeling rejuvenated and energetic the next day.
However, you have to make sure that you are a part of a regular exercise routine by enrolling in a gym 24 hours. With a trainer who has much knowledge about your condition and customises exercise accordingly, you will experience a better sleep cycle and feel rejuvenated every day.
Improved skin: Exercising regularly also maintains the overall skin quality. Exercising means proper blood circulation, which is important to maintain overall health, including the skin condition. When you start exercising on a regular basis, it improves blood flow and provides essential nutrient circulation throughout the skin.
Being a part of ladies gym on a regular basis and carrying out the workout contributes to making a radiant and healthy complexion that every woman looks for.
Reduce Stress: Stress is one of the most common factors across people. Not particularly women but men also experience stress on a daily basis. This is one of the growing concerns in today’s society as it leads to several other health conditions. Whether you are a working woman or not, you will experience stress regularly.
When you keep exercising on a regular basis in a fit gym, it reduces the stress hormone cortisol and triggers releasing endorphins. This will promote relaxation and maintain your physical and mental well-being.
So these are some of the most common reasons why you need to be a part of a ladies gym. If you’re looking for the best ladies gym near me, providing pilates classes in Abu Dhabi, you can choose Get Fit. Not only is it a well-equipped gym with personal trainers available to train you regularly, but they are also available 24 hours a day to schedule according to your unique requirements. So, it is crucial that you start taking good care of yourself and maintain great health thoroughly.
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goodmiffy · 2 months ago
ok you wanna do this lets break it down
1. i called u stupid because the arguments you presented made no sense, how are sex based laws going to prevent anyone from "behaving as they wish" unless they are someone who wishes to break those laws, ie enter spaces that they're not entitled to? which fundamentally is a bad thing. separation by sex exists for a reason. do you know why societies moved towards separate male and female bathrooms in the first place, for example? feminists campaigned for it because they were sick and tired of hardly being able to use public restrooms due to risk of attack and assault. and lack of access to adequate restrooms limits women's mobility in society. this issue is even more pressing with the advent of spy camera technology which is an epidemic in female toilets across Asia particularly Korea. if you freely give males access to women's bathrooms, they use it to lifestream our piss onto porn sites. maybe laws won't stop men from entering our toilets but it would criminalise it, which would make many opportunists think twice. allowing free access to any males as long as they claim to identify as women has emboldened predatory men who otherwise would have thought it too risky. we shouldn't need these laws but they act as a deterrent, and while men continue to behave this way, we fucking need a deterrent.
2. my first post wasn't intended to be all nice and rainbows and sunshine, it is pointing out facts. it is expressing the pros of a gender critical/abolitionist framework in its simplest essence. gender is constrictive in its insistence on labels. categorising humans by sex is entirely freeing while also being a necessary and logical distinction to make between humans.
3. "Trans women are the main target for rad fems" um we arent the ones targeting them. I focused on them as an example because statistically males are a threat to females, while females are not a threat to males. and transwomen already have a pattern of sexually abusive behaviour, did you know in the UK over half of the trans-identified males in prison are there for a sex-related crime? that's around 50% - compared to 16% of the regular male prison population. that would actually indicate that so-called transwomen pose a greater threat of sexual violence than other males. interesting no? source. source.
4. transwomen have not always had access to women's spaces, because the word woman used to explicitly mean adult female people. saying women was itself specifying female rights, because the law did not used to have to make caveats, because it was understood that women are female. it is necessary to make the caveat of defining women as female in new legislation or making legislation based on the rights of female people rather than women, only because people such as yourselves insist on arguing that males can be women. no one's rights are being taken away, you still have the right to single-sex spaces as everyone does, you just have to accept that you are the sex you are. your refusal to accept that is not lawmakers problem, they're interested in the safety of whole groups not coddling the feelings of individuals.
5. oh god forbid someone had to assert their correct sex on a driving license??? now let's think for a minute why that might be. could it be because males and females often require different medical care? or display different symptoms in a medical emergency? now lets say you're in a car wreck and its not immediately clear whether you're male and female, EMTs may need to refer to your license to determine how to treat you. For example, if someone is under the influence of alcohol, emergency teams need to consider sex differences in alcohol metabolism when evaluating blood alcohol concentration, as women (females) require faster intervention to manage bleeding complications.
6. I literally do not understand how you made the leap between needing to state their sex on official documentation to being "driven out of their jobs and society by law". do u think you might be exaggerating and fear-mongering a little? or a lot lol. like please enlighten me on how putting an F on a driving license leads to someone being driven out of society bc I'm not seeing the dominos falling if I'm totally honest. there is a serious fear-mongering epidemic among TRAs and you need to cut that shit out because you've not lost the freedom to dress, look or behave how you want, or change your name, every human is free to do these things, and there's no way to make it so that others can do these things but trans-identified people specifically cannot. like there's just no way of legislating that, so your fears are unfounded and irrational.
7. what you described is not in any way discrimination. but even so, radical feminists are not in favour of anyone being discriminated against. in the current system, men are often harassed and called homophobic insults if they look/dress 'femininely', in a gender-free world there would be no such thing as dressing like a girl, so no one could be harassed on the basis of it. people can only be targeted because of their performance of, or lack of performance of, gender roles IF those gender roles exist and are enforced. I am a gender non-conforming woman in the sense that I don't wear makeup or shave, which i am expected to do because I am female. that's the only reason others are shocked that I don't participate in these beauty rituals - because I'm female and that is the norm. but i know i am no less a woman just because i don't, despite what others try and have me believe. and THAT is gender, that is how gender operates, by separating facets of humanness into either masculine or feminine. traditionalists would say male = man = masculine, female = woman = feminine. neoliberal genderists would say sex is irrelevant, but masculine = man, feminine = woman. we reject this because being a man or woman should not be tied to gender stereotypes, and this framework implies a scale of manliness or womanliness based on loyalty to rigid gender roles. radical feminists say the gender part is irrelevant, but male = man, female = woman.
8. and lastly that's an important distinction to make because we are a sexually dimorphic species and therefore biological sex has important implications for relationships and medical care, so language needs to reflect that. we need convenient words to group people by sex because sex is the most distinguishing factor between humans. it is the only distinction that creates a completely unavoidable difference in the way both groups experience their personhood, such as puberty, sex, ill health, etc.
and of course, that difference is why we have patriarchy and misogyny. sex being easily observable is why males have been so successful at oppression half of the population for all of human history. if sex were not easily identifiable from birth (even before birth actually) males would not be able to create and uphold male supremacy and female subjugation. so sex-based language is of even greater importance because sexual politics underpins absolutely every aspect of society. without adequate language, we cannot meaningfully discuss this. if you're muddying up the definitions of man and woman you are erasing our ability to talk effectively about male violence and female oppression. when half of a population is responsible for 97% of violent and sexualised crime- there definitely needs to be a fucking word to refer to those people. because it's not masculinity raping women is it, its men.
call yourself whatever you want but it doesn't change your sex and using gender roles as a proxy for manhood or womanhood is never not sexist. bye!
if you take sex away as a determinate to womanhood or manhood, you’re only left with gender norms to define these categories by, which is regressive and alienating to many if not most people
If you define womanhood and manhood on sex alone, every individual is free to behave and look how they wish without it standing in contrast to their status as a man or woman, which how you deconstruct gender stereotypes
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citytimestv · 4 years ago
महिलांसाठी वेट लॉस करणं अवघड तर पुरुषांसाठी का असतं एकदम सोपं?
महिलांसाठी वेट लॉस करणं अवघड तर पुरुषांसाठी का असतं एकदम सोपं?
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साधारणत: वजन कमी करण्याचा (weight loss) कोणताही हार्ड एंड फास्ट रुल अजिबात नाही. प्रत्येक व्यक्तीचं वजन वेगवेगळ्या कारणामुळे वाढतं तसंच ते वेगवेगळ्या पद्धतीने कमी देखील होतं. हे त्या व्यक्तीची लाईफस्टाईल, सवयी, वय, डाएट आणि वर्कआउट रुटीन यावर अवलंबून असतं. दोन व्यक्तींनी समजा एकच डाएट किंवा वर्कआउट प्लान फॉलो केला तर त्यांचं वजनही एकसमानच कमी होईल असं अजिबात नाही.
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radicalcoffeeclub · 4 years ago
"What can you achieve as a female lifter? There seem to be only 2 camps. The general public thinks a woman that touches a loaded barbell will wake up the next day as the SheHulk.
People with a bit more understanding of exercise physiology realize that this is obviously nonsense. One look around you in the average gym makes it clear that getting seriously big is difficult even for men. The statistic that women have ~15 times less testosterone than men is often quoted to explain that as a woman, you can’t grow much muscle anyway. So the common recommendation in today’s fitness circles is that women should train like men and should expect not to see much muscle growth.
The natural muscular potential of women
There is truth to this, but the causality runs in the opposite direction. Before I explain this, let’s first look at how the natural muscular potential of women compares to that of men. Percentage wise, how much muscle can a woman build compared to a man? Does it scale with testosterone so that women can build only ~7% as much muscle as men? Is it about half?
It’s 100%. Women gain the same percentage of muscle mass as men during strength training. In fact, women gain as much size and sometimes more strength than men [2]. The only difference is the starting point. Men start off with more muscle mass and more strength, but the relative increase in muscle size is the same between men and women.
Research on protein metabolism comes to the same conclusion. Women build just as much muscle protein after training and after meals as men. In fact, one study found that given the same level of muscle mass, women have a higher rate of muscle protein synthesis than men.
Women vs. men in elite sports
If you think this is all just silly theory from labcoats studying beginners, consider this. Elite, natural female athletes have 85% as much muscle as elite male athletes. The studied sports included Olympic weightlifting and powerlifting. The 15% difference can easily be explained by 3 factors.
Women have a genetically higher body fat percentage. Women have ~12% essential body fat to regulate their hormones compared to just ~3% fat in men. And you know, boobs.
People have lower expectations of women, even most women themselves underestimate what they can achieve physically compared to men. In a famous study, simply telling people they were on steroids increased their strength gains by 321%. These were advanced trainees already benching and squatting over 300 pounds (137 kg) before taking the fake steroids. Moreover, the androgenic-anabolic steroid protocol in question was just 70 mg of Dianabol per week. Giving that same dosage of actual Dianabol to advanced trainees improves strength by only a few percent. So what do you think it does to women when you tell them they have 15 times less testosterone?
There are more men in sports, so at the elite level, the selection to get to the top level is stronger. Elite male athletes are likely the best the male race has to offer. For women there may be more potential world record holders that will never know it because they don’t try.
What about testosterone?
Within an individual, more testosterone means more muscle mass. There is little doubt about that. Between genders, however, the relation becomes much weaker. In their study of elite athletes, Healy et al. concluded that “The difference in lean body mass is sufficient to account for the observed differences in strength and aerobic performance seen between the sexes without the need to hypothesize that performance is in any way determined by the differences in testosterone levels.”
How can this be? Testosterone functions differently in men and women, as I explained in my BioSignature review. In animals we have a good understanding of why testosterone is not needed for muscle development in women. It seems growth factors like IGF-1 and growth hormone take over the anabolic role that testosterone has in men. Growth factors are more important for strength and muscle mass in women than in men. Since women have just as much IGF-1 as men and women produce ~3 times as much growth hormone as men, this explains in part why having less testosterone does not limit how much muscle they can build. To make matters more complex, the sex hormones and growth factors interact and all these hormones also interact with your genes.
In short, saying women have less potential to build muscle mass because they don’t have as much testosterone as men is shortsighted.
The other sex hormone
Not only is testosterone not the great savior, estrogen is not the bad guy. Most people, even women, shun estrogen as the evil hormone that makes you bloated and does all sorts of negative things. Although it’s rarely described what exactly the negative effects of estrogen are, most people agree nonetheless that’s it’s bad for your body composition. This is complete nonsense. In my article on hormones and fat loss I explained the positive effects estrogen has on abdominal fat storage, but estrogen does many more awesome things.
Estrogen aids in muscle repair.
Estrogen is anti-catabolic and prevents muscle loss.
Estrogen protects your joints, bones and tendons from injury.
Estrogen does not make you fat. On the contrary, estrogen increases your metabolism.
These aren’t a few obscure and irrelevant findings I’m dragging up to support my point. Hundreds of studies have demonstrated the anabolic effects of estrogen. Estrogen is also crucial for your health, but that’s another topic. In short, estrogen’s bad reputation is based on nothing more than the poor intuition that if testosterone is anabolic, estrogen must be catabolic.
Why women aren’t living up to their potential
Women have the same relative natural muscular potential as men. They even have several advantages over men. So why don’t we see more muscular women?
Women are underrepresented in sports and in the gym. Even at the Olympic level there are fewer female participants. It is even true in science. There are over 50% fewer female participants in scientific studies than men.
Even if women go to the gym, most of them spend their time on the treadmill or playing with pink dumbbells.
We don’t have the same expectations of women. If a man benches a lot, that’s taken as a sign of social dominance. If a woman benches a lot, she’s seen as a freak, people get worried and men feel their pride sting and shrivel. I’ve heard from many of the women I train they’re approached in the gym ‘not too lift that heavy’ when they bench more than a plate.
Many women use contraceptives that harm their strength training progression. Many birth control pills impair muscle growth by decreasing androgen activity, lowering growth factor levels and increasing cortisol levels. It is primarily the progestin content of the contraceptive that’s harmful, because this competes with testosterone for the androgen receptor.
Lastly, the women that do actually train seriously in spite of the stigma often train like men, which doesn’t align with their physiological strengths. Since women produce much more estrogen than men, this gives them several advantages over men in the gym. Women don’t fatigue as much as men and women recover faster after training. There are many more important gender differences in metabolism, anatomy, neurology and physiology: see this article a full review of why and how women should not train like men.
It’s time we stop treating women like second rate men. Women have just as much relative potential for muscle growth as men. It’s up to them if they want to fulfill that potential. If they do, they should realize they’re not men and train to their strengths.
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wandering-travesty · 4 years ago
Off To The Races
 Zeke’s life wasn’t supposed to be like this. His father would have a spontaneous brain aneurism if he saw the daily goings on of the younger Yeager’s household on his days off. Horrid amounts of smoking outside, snow or shine, day-drinking without a second thought, and lonely, not by choice. He had honest-to-god tried to live the life his father wanted for him. He married a woman straight out of law school and knocked her up a few months after. They raised that kid for a year then repeated the process. They lived, laughed, and loved for a few years, then, as a surprise to no one, the divorce came along. His wife had run off with a lump sum of money and started a new life out of state. He got left with two kids, substance abuse issues, and a law firm to run. He was stressed, depressed, and by the holiest powers above, was he horny. 
 Ignoring the horniness for a moment, everything changed when you came around. Every inch of his world brightened, almost like a light at the end of a tunnel. You gave him some form of hope, and reminded him that life wasn’t all doom and gloom. You were still in college, looking for some extra funds to help pay your tuition; a lawyer that doubled as a father of two was the perfect target. You had shown up in your prettiest outfit, almost as if you were showing off for him. Being the kind of man he was, Zeke couldn’t help but hire you. Some sweet, fetching little thing coming up to his decadent doorstep in a tiny little tennis skirt and begging to take care of his kids? That was something he could never turn away. 
 So, you became the official caretaker of Zeke’s little angels. You truly adored looking after them while their, admittedly handsome, father slaved away at his big, important law firm. You rang the doorbell right as the kids were waking up, Zeke greeting you at the door already dressed in one of his repulsively expensive suits. You talked over scones and coffee and made the kids just about anything they wanted. He would leave, and you would get the kids dressed and out the door with ample time to catch the bus. You’d clean the house, make yourself some lunch, play with the family dog. The golden retriever was just another cliche. But you still loved the mutt, especially since every family member loved him, too. You could tell because Zeke had named him after some long-dead baseball player, meaning he would be enamoured with the thing no matter what.  
 It was fun, picking up on little details about Zeke, or Mr. Yeager, as you called him. He loved baseball and would talk about it for hours on end if you let him, and he hated strawberry icecream for some unexplained reason. He was the face of success for his entire life, from being a star pitcher on his little league team back home to captain of the debate team in high school; he had never really failed at anything or gotten robbed of what he wanted. He was a winner in everything he had ever tried. He had mentioned how high-strung his parents were, and how they’d gone through a divorce of their own when he was young. He and his step-brother never got along that well, and had actually turned out to be very different people. His family life was anything but smooth, and he feared his kids would look back on their childhood in the same light. You guessed that’s why tonight was happening. 
 “Alright, I’m entrusting my children, dog, house, and painfully expensive belongings to you for the night.” He was dressed to the nines, hell, the tens. He wore an umber sport coat, mustard turtleneck sweater, a thick black belt, grey slacks, chestnut oxfords, and the most expensive golden watch you had ever seen. His flaxen hair shined perfectly in the low light of the entranceway; it was official: you wanted to fuck him. Rather, you wanted him to fuck you. You wanted him to fuck you stupid and make you squirt all over that pretty watch, and his even prettier face. 
 “I’ve got it covered, Mr. Yeager.” His youngest son wrapped his arms around your legs as the dog rubbed his head into your palm. “Knock ‘er dead!” You gave him your cheesiest smile and thumbs up. He chuckled at you as his eldest son grabbed your free hand. 
 “You’ve got this, Dad!” He cheered, starting to drag you to the living room. 
 “Thank you, Atticus. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He gave a weak smile, turning to leave through the large oak door. It was awful, how badly he wanted to stay there with you and the kids. He wanted to chase Atticus down the hall as the rest of you ran after him, laughing all the way. He wanted to put on some old, boring movie only he wanted to watch and feel your breath on his neck as you fell asleep just after the kids and dog sitting on the floor below you. He wanted to feel your warmth in his bed. He wanted to see what you looked like backed up against a wall. Heaving after an especially passionate kiss. With your legs over your head, screaming his name. The sweat dripping down your face as you came undone beneath him. The little whimpers you’d make as he pulled out of you and cradled you in his arms. He wanted you, not this random woman off of some shitty dating site. He didn’t really want the booze, or the men, or the women, or the money, or the white picket fence, or his father’s approval; he just wanted - no - he needed you. Your game of cat and mouse, seeing which playful “sweetheart” or coy little “Mr. Yeager” would be the one to tip you over the edge of more than friends.  
 “Zeke? That’s you, right?” The tall blonde woman in a sleek black suit walked towards him with an outstretched hand. She could’ve easily been a full foot taller than him. Interesting.
 “Yes. Yelena, correct?” But she wasn’t you. He just wanted to get this night of false wining and dining over with so he could come home to you. You in his big, expensive house. Better yet, his big, expensive bed.
 You sat and watched the clock after the kids went to bed. It ticked and tocked, back and forth, over and over. It had been about an hour since you’d put them down for the night. You couldn’t wait for Zeke to get home for much longer. Butterflies buzzed through your stomach when you heard the doorbell ring.
 “Mr. Yeager?” You opened the door to the sight of your employer with his shirt halfway unbuttoned, glasses falling off his face, and hair an absolute bird’s nest. 
 “Hey, beautiful.” He purred, slumping onto your shoulder, trying and failing to be smooth. “What’s a pretty thing like you doing in my house, huh?” He looked up at you over the rim of his glasses. The way his eyes glimmered a dark shade of teal lit your entire body on fire. Feeling his full weight on top of you only made it spread farther.
 “Babysitting your kids, for starters.” You maneuvered your bodies to have his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you dragged him back into the house. “Apparently I’ll be babysitting you, too.” You mumbled, just then realizing exactly how muscular he was. You sat him down on the leather couch and started to walk to the kitchen to get him a glass of water. You didn’t have much experience with alcohol, but you believed water helped with it somehow.
 “Damn. Loving the view from back here, gorgeous.” He leaned forwards with his elbows on his knees, licking his chapped lips. You jumped at the sudden compliment. You couldn’t remember him being so…dirty before. You walked a little faster than you already were, wanting to get away from him before you made a stupid decision. You poured a tall glass of water, walking back to the couch where Zeke was now lounging, legs spread far enough to leave barely anything to the imagination.  
 “Hey there, doll. Got somethin’ for me?” He giggled, lowering his head from where he had been resting it. His eyes were something to behold, and the deep rooted confidence and downright cockiness behind them only served to make you shiver. You shuffled closer, a bit skittish at the sight of the beast before you. 
 “It’s just water.” You sat down on the table in front of him. “It’s supposed to help with your metabolism, I think.” Your voice was a higher pitch than usual, feeling an odd pressure in your throat every time you spoke.
 “What a smart little thing you are.” He praised. It felt genuine, and you started to feel hotter. You handed him the glass, trying your best to avoid eye contact. He took the glass, and almost as if he had sensed your intentions, took your chin between his fingers and forced you to look into his deep, ocean eyes. He leaned back a bit, giving you a better view of his exposed chest. There was a light layer of golden hair overtop of his expansive chest, and it seemed to trail down the rest of his body. You wanted to find out if that was true. Still holding eye contact with you, he tipped the glass and send the water spilling down his shirt. You knew that wasn’t just drunken clumsiness, but a calculated measure to get in your pants.
 “Whoops.” He said, eyes cold and emotionless as his words. “You better clean that up, sweetheart. We both know I can’t take care of myself in this state.” You moved closer to him, hands unsure of where they were going. You were shaking a bit, and you didn't have a towel on you. You decided the best course of action was to unbutton his shirt the rest of the way. You felt down his chest, gently tugging on his nipples. He let out a soft groan as you continued to feel him up. 
 “You’re gettin’ a little handsy there, baby. You want something from me?” He pet your hair as you moved further down on his chest. You kissed and gave kitten licks, appreciating every inch and curve of his muscular form. You couldn’t get enough of him, try as you might.
 “I fuckin’ knew it.” He pulled you by your hair to force you to look at him.
 “Filthy little harlot.” He squeezed you cheeks, forcing your mouth open. You looked confused until you felt a glob of spit hit your tongue. You swallowed like it was second nature. 
 “You’re just here for my dick, huh?” You continued to kiss and lick down his abdomen, savoring every ounce of him you could; the smell of cinnamon, menthol, and saltwater hit your nose, intoxicating you further and further the more you breathed him in. “I bet it’s all you think about. Especially when those fingers rub that pretty little cunt until you cum all over yourself.” You let out a whine, signifying exactly how right he was.
 “Yeah.” You dragged your tongue up his six-pack, savoring the slightly salty taste. “Think about you every night.” You licked a stripe down the same line you had just gone up. “Only way I can get to sleep.” He smiled the warmest smile you had ever seen him produce. Such a sweet little thing for him, getting off to thoughts of him railing you silly in order to have a good night’s rest. Your submissive, horny mind was so focused on him you couldn’t get to bed without him. You were perfection in human form. Truly a goddess sent from above. He would worship you in the most degrading way possible.
 “I knew you were dirty, I just needed to force you to show me.” He continued to pet your hair like you were some kind of beloved family pet. You felt so small under his touch; so fragile, as if one touch could blow you away forever. You loved the feeling more than life itself. You felt like you could never live without it again. Touching yourself while thinking about him wouldn’t do the trick; not after you had felt the real thing.
 “That’s it, honey, kiss me like you mean it.” He teased, knowing exactly what was running through your head. Sure, he was no master of seduction, but he had bedded plenty before, and he knew exactly how talented he was. He had learned from years of experience; years you hadn’t yet lived. You would learn it all from him. Those little college boys he could smell on you every so often wouldn’t cut it anymore. He was meant for you, and you for him. He knew he already had you trapped, but playing with you was so fun. Poking and prodding and mocking you all while you worshiped him like he had hung the moon in the sky.
 “You love this body, don’t you, slut?” He pulled your hair suddenly, earning a yelp that went straight to his aching cock. “You know, I’ve only been keeping in shape for you. I knew from the moment you saw me that was the main appeal, and lord knows I’d go through hell to keep you around.” That was true. He knew others would settle for mediocrity, but a flawless little angel like you deserved better than mediocre. You needed someone to match your talent, beauty, and wit. He didn’t believe he equaled you in anything but maybe wits, but still, he was good for you. At least, you seemed to think so, considering you were giving tiny kitten licks to the tip of his recently freed dick. The tip was red, swollen, and leaking a sinful amount of precum. You sucked it all up, taking the engorged head between your plush lips. You felt like heaven, but the ache in your pussy felt like hell. You slowly began to go the full length down his cock. Zeke was right: you had messed around with college boys before, but none were as big as him. Your gag reflex wasn’t prepared, causing you to choke and sputter on it. Zeke grinned slyly.
 “Say my name, sweetie.” He wanted to treat you right, but it was so enjoyable to indulge his sadistic side.
 “Mr. Yeager.” You choked out. You knew how much he enjoyed that title; the feeling of authority it brought him made him hard as a rock every time. He groaned in pleasure, sending shivers down your spine. That knocked him off his rhythm for a moment, but he was right back on you the minute he regained some sense of self.
 “The kids are right upstairs, peacefully sleeping, while you choke on my dick like a dumb little slut.” The thought made you feel so dirty. You shifted on the ground, squeezing your thighs together and trying to get some friction. “And you do it so well, baby. I couldn’t ask for better.” He sighed.
 “That’s it, pretty girl, don’t hurt yourself down there.” He slowly pulled you off his cock by your hair. He didn’t want to admit it, and really didn’t show any signs, but you had him on the verge of cumming down your throat. But he didn’t want his precious seed there. Hell no! He wanted you stuffed to the brim and properly bred.
 “I’ve wanted you for so goddamn long, you don’t even know.” The look on tour face was something beyond pleasure or pain. It was a mix of both with a side of...fear? “What, scared of taking something this big, doll?” You shook your head.
 “Don’t worry, daddy’ll get you nice and wet for him.” He slowly came to hover over you, lifting you up and sitting you down on the couch. He spread your legs, undoing the button of your shorts with his long, thick fingers, bringing his mouth to your zipper and pulling it down with his teeth. He pulled them down your legs, bringing his face to your core. You felt hot on his mouth and nose. He licked a wet stripe up your clothed core,
 “God, you taste like honey, sweetie. I’m so fuckin’ lucky.” He pulled your panties to the side, relishing in the sight of your puffy pussy. You were beautiful in the murky yellow light of the room. You folds shimmered with slick and he could see your cunt clench around nothing, so obviously desperate for his dick. That’s right, his dick. Only his. From now on.
 He dove into you, savoring your tangy flavor. Pussy was a taste all its own, each having new, intense, rich tastes he could barely describe. To be perfectly honest, Zeke was a sucker for a wet little cunt in his mouth, and you were the perfect subject. Every suck to your clit, every kiss and lick to your folds, every darting flick of his tongue into your aching little hole; it had you moaning and whimpering like a ditzy little slut. Your mind was hazy with ecstasy.
 “Don’t get too loud now, dollface. Don’t wanna wake the kids now, do you?” His words brought you back to Earth, forcing you to remember you were being eaten out by a father of two. It felt so filthy to know you had been bringing up his kids, acting as a faux wife, and now you were being treated like one, eaten out of your mind and promised a thorough breeding.
 “Not that I don’t believe you would get off on being watched. I bet you love that idea, huh?” You jolted at the words and the sensation of another kiss to your cunt. “It might sound a little sick, but I could invite my brother over, see if he has as good a taste as mine.” He’d be willing to invite Eren over for a test run of…you? You knew they didn’t get along, so it was surprising, but that only turned you on even more. Imaging them fighting over you like hungry wolves on the hunt. They’d ravish you without even thinking. If this was Zeke, held back, on his own, you could only yelp and whimper at what kind of monsters the two of them would be together.
 “Nah, that little shit doesn’t deserve you.” He smirked into your sopping wet core. Eren never appreciated the finer things in life, still to young to understand the joys of pussy eating. No, he was more for the fuck and chuck kind of lifestyle. You deserved better aftercare than a point towards the door. “Some of the guys at my firm, however. Bet they’d turn you out real nice. They’re all just about as big and pent up as me. We could all show you a real good time." That would be about…three, four, even five of him? All fucking you at once with the same vigor and deep seated intensity. You head buzzed at the thought. "You’d like that, wouldn’t you, whore?” You couldn’t keep up with him in this state. You were completely fucked out without even being fucked at all. Before you knew it, you were cumming all over his gorgeous face and beard. He was taken slightly aback, but he licked it all up in five seconds flat. He was a professional.
 “Answer me, doll.” He delivered a harsh slap to your thigh. He enjoyed the ripple it gave and the red mark his hand had left.
 “Yes, Mr. Yeager.” You stuttered out, barely above a whisper. Torturing you would be fun, but not tonight. No, he needed to be thorough with your pleasure and ensure you would never leave his side again. He gave a few light slaps to your slippery pussy, making your thighs shake and mouth move without making a sound.
 “That’s what I fuckin’ thought.” He slowly stood up, giving you a perfect view of the shining god before you. His body was something sculpted by the old masters; a true work of art. Before you could fully appreciate the image of perfection in front of you, he bent down just a bit, pushing your thigs back as far as they could go, squishing your tits under them. He enjoyed the way your pudgier parts stuck out, giving him more parts of you to pinch and suck on as he fucked into you. His was no doubt the biggest cock you’d ever taken, and it wasn’t easy to have inside of you at first. Your walls clamped down on him so tight it was almost painful. But as he slowly pushed in and out, pleasure began to overtake the pain and you started to loosen up just a bit.
 “Just relax, sweetie. Daddy’s got you.” Of course he had a daddy kink. It made perfect sense, as did yours. Hearing him say that in that truly comforting tone made your head spin with pleasure.
"God, you are so fucking tight." He continued to fuck into you at a savage pace, not seeming to care if you screamed or cry, rather relishing in the fact that you were. You were so young and tight and sensitive, it drove him mad. He was sure he could never go a day without your pussy again.
"You fit me like a vice, sweetheart. You trying to milk me dry? Huh?" Your mouth was hanging open, drool spilling out. It gave him ample opportunity to spit in your mouth once again.
"Swallow it you filthy slut." He lightly tapped your face.
"This is exactly how I wanted you." You could barely hear him, blanking out at the intensity of his continuous pounding of your poor little cunt. "Been thinking about this for months."
"Might just knock you up, sweetie. You already take care of my brats so well, what's one more?" You squealed at the thought. He wanted you to have his babies. He wanted you to be his new, permanent play thing to fuck and fill up every night.
"Yeah. I wan' your babies." You slurred your words, inebriated by the feeling of his cock filling your tight little cunt. He gazed down at your fucked out form, finding a sick sense of pleasure in how far gone you were all thanks to him. You moaned far too loud for someone in a house full of kids. You couldn't hold back, he just felt too damn good.
"You gonna cum, little girl?" He had almost a mocking tone when he asked that. You nodded your head, squeezing your eyes shut. He kept up the pace, abusing your g-spot, not letting up for even a second. He set out to make you feel incredible; like the perfect little plaything he knew you to be, and he wasn’t going to let his slightly aged stamina get in the way.
"That's it, you look so pretty, baby. What a good little slut." He looked down at you with heated intensity. "My little slut." He continued his brutal pace almost as if you had never cum at all.
"Oh, 'd you think I'd quit just 'cause you finished? No fuckin' way." You squealed as he continued to thrust inside you, still drunk on the idea of being full of his cum. You wanted him more than you had wanted anything in your life.
"'M gonna make you squirt all over me. Ruin this nice, expensive couch." You were screaming his name at that point, unable to form a thought that wasn't Zeke and his perfect dick.
"Such a fuckin' cocktease all these months. This is what you get for it. Tummy full of my cum." He slowed his pace as he looked into your eyes with the intensity of a man drunk on desire.
"All those times you flipped your skirt up so I could see your cute little panties." He thrusted into you harder than he had before. "All those times you called me Mr. Yeager in that innocent tone that drove me up the wall." He thrusted harder than you had ever thought possible. You felt him hit your cervix. "Every time you acted like you didn't know what you were doing. Like you didn't know what I wanted." He continued to pound into you. You felt so full, so good.
"You're getting tighter, baby. You gonna squirt while daddy fills you up, huh?" His pace was brutal and you were seeing stars.
"That's it, pretty baby, cum all over me. Let me fill you up." He humped into you a few final times before shooting his load into your cunt. You screamed at the feeling of your cum squirting out of you as his cum squirted into you. You were so dizzy and so full. You were happy. You were safe and taken care of and filled to the brim by the man you loved most.
 “Hey.” You saw Zeke’s stunningly handsome face look down at you. His cheeks were flushed, forehead sweaty, sculpted chest heaving. But his eyes were transfixed on you with a look so filled with love and passion it made you feel like you were floating. “How you holding up, princess?” That was a new name…not that you minded. “Didn’t go too rough did I?” He panted in between his gentle words, the main drawback of giving it your all.
 “Actually.” You huffed a bit, just then realizing how difficult it was to talk, or move, or breathe. “Think you coulda’ gone harder.” He chuckled, the same look of complete infatuation lingering in his oceanic eyes.
 “You sure?”
 “I’m tougher than you’d think, old man.” He laughed at you, appreciating how you could still be the sweetest little thing he’d ever met after being pounded half to death.
 “Alright, I’m not even thirty, you little minx.”
 “Calling me a minx isn’t helping your case, Zeke.” His eyes lit up with recognition.
 “First time you’ve called me that, angel.” He smiled like an idiot in love, because he was one.
 “Maybe it’ll be the last, if you keep acting like such an animal around me.” You slapped his shoulder with as much strength as you could muster, which was basically none.
 “Well, if you don’t like the rough treatment, how about I treat you like the perfect angel you are? Treat you to a nice, warm shower and a cuddle session with yours truly. How about that?” He gently rubbed your cheek, taking in how wonderful your afterglow was.
 “Sounds nice.”
 “Alright, let’s go, angel.”
 “Okay, Mr. Yeager.” You giggled at how quickly his face darkened and lips tightened into a frown.
 “Ever the tease, you are.” He carried you to his shower bridal style, no doubt a sign of things to come.
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caffeineandsociety · 3 years ago
You know the metaphor about the billionaire and the working class man and the immigrant with the cookies? I feel like something similar can describe gendered trans infighting.
A cis guy, a group of trans men, and a group of trans women sit at a table with hundreds of cookies. The cis guy grabs all of them, non-lethally poisons one and hands it to the trans women, and doesn't even look at the trans men. A trans man says "excuse me! Why don't we get a cookie?" but the cis guy turns up their nose. A trans woman says "Hey! Can we get one of these WITHOUT poison!?" and is similarly ignored.
"Oh, come on, at least you have a cookie!" one of the trans men cries.
"Hey, at least they didn't try to poison you!" one of the trans women shouts back.
"I'd rather get sick than starve to death!" one of the trans men retorts (because yes in this metaphor cookies are the only food that exists because shut up it's a METAPHOR that's how they WORK sometimes)
"You'd starve to death anyway," a few people on both sides helpfully point out. "This one cookie really isn't enough to go around even if it wasn't poisoned."
But most of the table has totally missed the point of this interjection and everyone is now arguing over who's going to starve to death FASTER - someone who eats the poisoned cookie and has to spend metabolic energy to fight off the poison, or someone who doesn't eat any cookie at all? Others argue about the mentality of someone who denies a group food vs. someone who poisons a group's food supply. The discussion becomes an argument over what is the greater act of violence, poisoning or total starvation?
The argument isn't getting us any more cookies, but it continues regardless-
And of course, while we're fighting over this, the cis guy who started it is making their way to the door with the rest of the hundreds of cookies, snickering all the way.
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just-stop · 4 years ago
From AFLW to roller derby, experts say its time to take concussion in women's sport seriously
When the Crows chase their third AFLW premiership on Saturday, captain Chelsea Randall will be watching from the sidelines.
A concussion from a collision during last week's preliminary final left her ruled out of the match.
It's a bitter sweet way to end a season — but as Sarah McCarthy knows, a concussion can have much longer consequences
In 2016, Sarah was the jammer for her Sydney roller derby team, skating at high speed in the league's Grand Final, aiming to get past the opposition and score points.
Risks of contact sport
Sarah McCarthy received a knock to the head during a roller derby match.
"I was a few feet in front of the pack, looking over my shoulder," she tells ABC RN's Sporty.
As she skated, a competitor's elbow hit Sarah's neck and jaw hard and she crashed to the ground.
She doesn't remember if she passed out or not, but recalls feeling briefly sick.
She got up, sat out for awhile, but later re-joined the bout, feeling reasonably ok.
It was Sarah's second concussion that week, having had an earlier blow at training.
The next few months passed in a blur of sickness, dizziness and ringing ears.
"I could barely make it past lunch time without falling asleep. My head felt like it was in a vice 24 hours a day," she says.
What was worse, says Sarah, was the memory loss, heightened emotions, and constant haze in her mind as she struggled to manage a big work project.
Sarah's experience is not out of the ordinary. Experts say sportswomen are at higher risk of concussion than male athletes, and the effects of concussion in women tend to be more severe.
Sarah still lives with the ongoing after effects of her concussion even today.
Almost five years on, Sarah continues to live with the implications of Post Concussion Syndrome.
"I struggled verbally, and I still do now if I have a poor night's sleep," Sarah says.
"It's almost like I'm sitting on a chair in a room with a curtain around me and all of my vocabulary is just beyond the curtain. And I can't reach it or I use the wrong words. I forget people's name all the time," she says.
"I'm fatigued every day. I still can't exercise. I can't handle stress, I can't handle light, I can't handle sounds."
What happens when you're concussed?
Dr Adrian Cohen, an emergency and trauma physician who researches concussion prevention, says concussion is not as simple as was once thought.
He says concussion results in less blood flow to the brain.
This means brain cells, called neurons, don't get enough oxygen and glucose. They also suffer a "structural deformity".
Basically, Dr Cohen says, the brain has a "metabolic crisis" and neurons stop working properly.
Why is concussion more common in women?
We don't have enough data on the size of the problem, Dr Cohen says.
But research and scrutiny of concussion in women in sport is growing — largely in the wake of developments in elite men's sport such as the AFL and NFL.
"Doctors like myself who work in this area are definitely seeing it more often and we're seeing it with more severity," Dr Cohen says.
He says women sustain more concussions than men in high-impact sports such as rugby league, rugby union and Australian rules football. Women also take longer to recover.
One possibility is that women may be more likely to report concussion.
But Dr Cohen says there are complex physiological factors at play.
"There are structural differences between men and women's brains," he says.
"They actually have a slightly faster metabolism than male brains, and they have slightly greater oxygen flow to the head.
"The cells themselves can be thought of as being slightly hungrier. So in the context of an injury that disrupts the supply of glucose and oxygen, it can help explain why they suffer more damage."
He also says women are joining high impact sports without years of tackle training and have had less opportunity to build up the strong neck muscles crucial in protecting against impact.
Dr Cohen says these factors are not an argument for reducing women's participation in contact sport — the benefits, he says, far outweigh the risks — but he is urging for new ways to minimise those risks.
"We have to outlaw illegal play that causes damage, we have to get people off the field when they have an injury, we have to recognise concussion," he says.
He is part of a team developing a new device which he says can quickly and accurately assess a player for concussion.
"Instead of just asking somebody whether they're okay, and putting [them] through a 10 minute test, which seems fundamentally flawed at the moment, we have got to put this in the field of objectivity."
Concussion and migranes
Dr Rowena Mobbs, a Macquarie University neurologist who researches and treats the effects of concussion in sportspeople, says there is truth to suggestions that women experience concussion symptoms more severely.
"But there is this really important overlap of chronic migraine after trauma, and the term for this is post-traumatic headache," she says.
"When we talk about migraine ... they're the same multitude of symptoms that can occur in concussion.
"So you can be dizzy and clouded in your thinking, lethargic and have double vision. And we know that women are at three times the risk of chronic migraine than men."
A woman on roller skates playing roller derby can be seen flying up the court.
Experts say more research is needed into concussion in sportswomen.(Liam Mitchell Photography )
She suggests there could be an association between chronic migraine syndrome and concussion, a kind of double whammy for women.
"It's really a complex area," Dr Mobbs says.
"It's fairly new to research because, unfortunately, there's been so much preferred research in men in sport, and we're only just now approaching female concussion."
In Australia, the Sports Brain Bank works on diseases such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and other brain disorders associated with previous concussions or head impacts.
Dr Cohen says there are several Australian sports women who've pledged to donate their brain to the Sports Brain Bank.
"But in general terms, these women won't have been playing the games for as long, and at as high a level," he says.
He says concussion and its long-term consequences "are a numbers game".
"The more impacts to the head you have, the more likely you are to suffer short, medium and long-term consequences. Therefore, the more likely it is to show up as CTE. But we're going to be seeing it in women unfortunately, in the not too distant future."
Invisible injuries
Concussion rules are changing in Australian football codes — the rules that mandated Randall miss the AFLW grand final were brought in earlier this year.
Dr Mobbs welcomes these new rules, but hopes the conversation in elite sport will extend to how concussion is managed at training and in community sport.
In 2019, the Australian Institute of Sport released an updated set of concussion guidelines to improve player safety and address rising concerns in the community around the links between concussion and CTE, which has been linked to dementia and behavioural problems.
Dr Mobbs wants measures like restricting heading the ball in soccer training to be considered.
"We must look after people's brains," she says.
"We can preserve what we love about the sports, they can still be played hard, but it just means that we've got to all get together and think of ways we can preserve brain health for these players."
Sarah McCarthy wishes she'd been stopped from returning to play in the 2016 grand final, and regrets not taking time to immediately rest after the injuries.
She has advice for other people who experience concussion.
"First and foremost, stop everything - stop," she says.
"If you can, stay in a dark room, don't do anything that's too mentally taxing. Don't exercise.
"If I had taken that four to six weeks to rest [and] not have too much mental and emotional stimulation, I think my recovery would have been a lot quicker."
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diaryofabeautyfiend · 5 years ago
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Officially Nowhere
“Sam! Where are we going?”
“Trust me, Cap. I know a place. We’re going somewhere safe.”
“Nat, you still with us?!”
“I’m good.” she said. Her breathing was ragged but she was holding on.
“She needs a medic. Fast.”
“I know. We’re 2 minutes out.”
They pulled up to a gate. Sam sped up to drive through. He silently thanked heaven that it wasn’t rigged with explosives. He’d keep that to himself. He knew you wouldn’t be pleased to have all of this commotion dropped in your lap but you’d help anyway. Steve jumped out of the car and grabbed Nat rushing her to your door. He went to go kick it in thinking the place was abandoned. Sam shouted, “WAIT!!” but it was too late. Steve had a gun to his head faster than he was able to release his leg. He froze in place looking to Sam who was running to his side.
“Y/N! It’s me! Don’t shoot!” Sam said putting up his hands.
“Wilson? What the fuck is this?”
“I’m sorry. We need your help. Romanoff is hurt. Please.”
“Lower your weapon, soldier” Steve said in a rather commanding way. You laughed. “I will as soon as she does�� pointing to Nat with your chin. Nat had her weapon pointed at you.
“Everyone lets calm down. Y/N they are friendly. I trust them.” Your face softened a bit as Nat raised her hands. You holstered your weapon and stepped aside. “ Put her on the kitchen table. I’ll get my bag.” “Where are we?” asked Steve. “Officially? I am no one. You are nowhere. I’m not helping you. Unofficially I’m Y/N. I’m a former combat medic and this is my house. Nice to meet you. Now please. The table.”
You grabbed some supplies from a hall closet. Nat was talking so she seemed to be breathing ok. “Let’s see.” Steve hovered at her side. “Captain you’ll have to move so I can evaluate her injuries.” He moved out of the way and you got to work. “You know who I am?” He asked still watching you work. “Of course. Everyone does. Romanoff was it?” Nat nodded. “You were hit. Through and through by the looks of it. I can patch you up but you’ll need surgery to see if you’re bleeding internally. She needs to get to a hospital, Sam.”
“No. No hospital.” Nat said through gritted teeth. You gave her something for the pain. She started to drift off. “What did you give her?!” Steve shouted reaching for his gun. “Relax. It’s for pain. I don’t think your girlfriend wants to feel me rooting around inside a bullet wound.” He relaxed a little. Sam went to the fridge to get some water for Steve and a beer for himself. You finished sewing up the wound and swabbed her skin with disinfectant. “That will do for now. I have a spare bedroom in the back. We need to get her there to rest.” Steve picked up Nat and got her to the room. You started an IV and hooked her up to a few machines to monitor her. “She’ll be out for a while, Captain.” You patted him on the shoulder and pulled a chair to her bedside. “She’s lucky to have you.” As you stepped into the doorway he looked back and said, “Thank you, Y/N. I really can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate all you’ve done....and she’s not my girlfriend.”
You went back into the kitchen where Sam was already cleaning up. You opened a beer and got him another. “So. Wanna tell me what’s going on?” “Yeah. We’re fugitives. Hiding out from SHIELD, Hydra the US government. And, if that wasn’t enough, a brain washed super soldier who happens to be Cap’s best friend.” He sunk down onto the couch sighing heavily. You sat next to him laughing quietly to yourself. “What’s so funny?”
“Nothing. Just you. You always get mixed up in stupid ass shit. You’re like a trouble magnet.” He laughed half heartedly lying his head back.
“You have no idea. I’m glad I get to see you you know but not under these circumstances. How have you been doing?”
“You know me, Sam. I manage.”
“Have you been going out on jobs?”
“A few. Mild stuff. Search and rescues...assassinations. Nothing too strenuous.”
“What about the nightmares?”
“They are still around.”
You heard shuffling and saw Steve standing in the doorway. “Sorry. Nat’s awake.”
“Oh great. Let me go see about her.” Steve sat down in a big chair and let out a long tired sigh. “You hungry, man? Y/N has a big grill outside. I can throw something on.” With his eyes still closed he nodded and tried to will himself out of the chair to help. You came back with Nat at your side saying, “Look who’s back from the dead” Nat pressed her hand into her bandage stifling a laugh.
Sam jumped up to help her get situated. “Hey Y/N Steve and I are gonna get the grill going. What can I cook?”
“Oh I got it.”
“No, ma’am. You’ve done enough today. Put your feet up. We got it.” Sam said while he pushed you back down on the couch.
“Check the fridge. I have all kinds of meat in there. Grab what looks good.”
While they were rummaging through the kitchen you checked ok Nat again. “Y/N please. I’m fine. Take a load off.” And so you did. You sat quietly for several minutes watching the men out of the window. They seemed a little more at ease now chatting and laughing. You focused in on Steve. You wondered what he was really like when he wasn’t Captain America. He seemed worn out..worried. Nat was watching you watch him. You didn’t know it but you were biting your bottom lip. You did that when you were really thinking.
“He’s not bad to look at” she finally said. You startled at sound of her voice.
“No, he’s not. What’s his story? Girlfriend? Wife?”
Nat laughed, “he doesn’t date much. Kind of keeps to himself. You should see him on a mission though. The guy is a beast”
“I’ll bet he is.”
“What’s your story, Y/N? How many tours did you serve?”
“Three. Combat medic.”
“Is that how you know Sam?”
“Yeah. I saved his life a few times. Then he saved mine.”
“Can I ask why the Army thinks you were KIA?”
“Because they assumed that, when they left me on the side of the road to die, I actually did die. Thank goodness for Sam. He spotted me when he was out on patrol and took care of me. I owe him everything.”
“Whoa whoa whoa. Your own unit?!”
You chuckled “Yep. My own unit. I was the only woman. I had a nonconsensual run in with one of the guys. Asked to be transferred and swore I wouldn’t report. My last night on the base they took me out for a send off dinner. We never made it. A couple of them pulled me out of the Jeep. They took turns brutalizing and beating me. Pushed me down an embankment. I swear I have no idea how Sam saw me.” Nat’s mouth hung open and closed several times trying to find words. She was at a loss.
“I’m so sorry that happened to you. So you’re just hiding out here? All by yourself? What do you do for money? Physical contact with people?”
“I tend to avoid physical contact unless I have needs to fulfill.” You smiled to yourself. “As far as cash goes, when I was in the hospital I met some of the royal family from Wakanda. They were there on a good will visit meeting wounded civilians. They listened to my story and took me in. Put me to work. That’s why I can afford to stay in the lap of luxury.” You both laughed. She held your hand and squeezed. Giving you a shy half smile she said, “I’m so glad Sam found you.” You had tears in your eyes. You choked them back not wanting to give them any satisfaction. You don’t cry over that night anymore.
“Hey ladies! Soup’s on!” Sam shouted from the door.
You helped Nat out onto the patio. The four of you spent the evening talking and laughing like old friends. You and Steve were definitely flirting. You excused yourself to pick up the dishes. As soon as you were inside Sam an Nat pounced.
“Dude! You are totally flirting with her.” Sam said playfully. Steve waved him off.
“Come on, Cap. She’s flirting back. It’s adorable.” Nat teased.
Steve blushed. “She is isn’t she?”
“Get in there, man. Make a move.” said Sam as he nudged Steve’s arm. He shook his head “no” “GO!” they said in unison. He flushed crimson and sweat started to bead on his forehead. He went into the kitchen to help with the dishes. Steve kept looking out the window at the two of them who smiled like proud parents.
“Christ she’s going to eat him alive” Nat said still smiling.
“It’s hard to watch�� Sam replied. The two of them went to bed leaving you two on your own.
“I’ll wash you dry?” You said as you threw Steve a towel.
“Yes, ma’am. So how do you manage to live off the grid like this? Must be lonely.”
“It can be. I work when I am asked. When I have needs to meet I take care of it.”
“I was under the impression that no one knew you existed.”
“I work for the Royal Family of Wakanda. It’s a long story. They’re the only ones.”
“What kind of work do you do for them?”
“I am a War Dog. Part of the central intelligence service of Wakanda.”
“So can you tell me what kinds of missions you go on?”
“Need to know, Captain.”
“I see. I hope you stay safe. And please call me Steve.” He rested his hands on the kitchen island watching you bend over to put away a pan. You could feel his eyes on you. You giggled to yourself.
“I’m the safest.” you say with a wink “And I rather like calling you Captain.” He cleared his throat and adjusted his pants to hide his arousal.
“Well I guess I’ll turn in.”
“Or you can stay up with me for a little bit. I don’t get much company I’m sure you can imagine. Let’s go out to the deck.”
You lit the fire pit and grabbed a couple of blankets. The air was crisp. The slight breeze felt good against your neck. You didn’t realize how warm you were. You pulled the blanket higher around your shoulders your skin shivering into goosebumps. You had a bottle of wine and a glass for each of you. “Red ok?” You poured way too much in his glass. “Red is fine. That’s plenty. Are you trying to get me drunk?” He laughed a little making your cheeks warm. “Me? Never.” “You do know I can’t get drunk? My metabolism is too fast. Alcohol burns right off. “ You plopped down next to him with an exaggerated hmph. “Well that puts a hitch in my plans.”
He smiled at you. This was not his Captain America smile. This smile spread on his lips very slowly like a cat that ate the canary. He rested his hand on your knee and said, “You don’t need to get me drunk.” You let out a small sigh and your eyes fluttered closed. You set your glass down and put your hand on top of his. You stared at each other for what felt like an eternity and you leaned in to kiss him. He was timid at first only softly pressing his lips against yours. “Is this ok?” you whispered. “Hell yes” he replied.
He bent his neck so you didn’t have to strain to meet him. You pressed your lips together slowly snaking your tongue inside his mouth. Your tongues met dancing together exploring each other. His fingers ran the length of your spine before settling at your hips. He pulled you on top of him without having to separate from you. You could feel how hard he was and you pressed down on him making him moan in your mouth. Your hands moved to his belt buckle removing his belt in one fluid motion. He unbuttoned your shirt pushing over your shoulders. You slipped your hand into his underwear stroking his impressive length the tip already dripping. Steve was horny to the point of pain. He moved his hips fucking your hand and was almost ready to cum then. “Wait....I don’t want to cum yet.” he said breathless dropping his head back. “Oh no, Captain, not yet.” Your voice was low and husky. Still straddling him you kissed the stubble on his jaw line down to the spot just below his ear. You felt his pulse racing against your lips. His skin was salty with sweat and smelled delicious. He was panting now. His hands were a vice grip on your hips silently begging you press down to give him release. You sat back on your heels taking off your shirt and bra giving him a little show. You stood up pulling your pants and panties down. He felt like you were moving in slow motion. You were back on him taking off his shirt. You trailed a finger over his abs marveling at the definition. The hair on his belly was sticky with his own juices. His cock looked like it was going to explode. You fisted the waistband of his pants and underwear in your hands and tugged them down. He lifted up a little to make it easier. Your eyes were locked on each other’s, Steve’s mouth open slightly breathing heavy. You slipped two fingers into his mouth and leaned down to whisper in his ear, “suck”. He obliged. Once they were wet enough you removed them and brought them down to your pussy. You leaned back so he could have an uninhibited view of your fingers dipping in. Your other hand was on your clit rubbing furiously. He steadied you with one arm at the small of your back. He wanted to touch you but you slapped his hand away. When you were almost to the point of orgasm you stopped sitting up abruptly. You lowered yourself onto his cock and rode him until you both exploded.
After a few minutes you rolled off of his lap onto the couch. You slapped your hand down on his thigh and said, “ What do you say, Captain? Up for round two?” His lips split into a devastating grin, “I can do this all day.” And so you did twice more. Once was in the shower where you scrubbed each other clean. He pressed your back against the cold tile driving himself into you while he held your legs. The last time was bent over the foot of your bed. When you finished he collapsed his full weight on top of you. Your breathing mirrored his both sated and exhausted. He trailed kisses on the back of your neck slapping your ass as he stood up. You crawled towards your pillow. He stretched out next to you. You didn’t speak. He pulled you onto his chest and held you. As you drifted off to sleep he kissed the top of your head. That was the first night in ages that you were nightmare free.
The next morning Sam was the first one up. He walked to the living room glancing out of the door going out to the deck. Your clothes were scattered on the ground. He chuckled to himself. Alright, Steve. He made his way to the kitchen to make coffee. Nat wandered in next, “Did I see underwear on the deck?” Sam looked over his shoulder, “Our little boy is growing up, Nat.”
You woke up feeling way too hot. Steve was sleeping with his body curled around you. You freed yourself and slid out of the bed trying not to wake him. He didn’t stir. You got dressed and snuck out of the room. When you got to the kitchen Nat and Sam were at the table chatting. “Morning. Ooh thanks for making coffee.”
“Y/N, wanna tell us what happened last night?” asked Sam
“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell.”
“Is Steve still sleeping?”
“Yep. Or I killed him. Not sure.”
Nat’s phone rang. She stepped outside to answer. She came back in interrupting your conversation. “We have to go. That was Hill. We know what Pierce is planning for Project Insight. I’ll fill you in on the ride. On the road in 10.” Sam was on his feet gathering his things. You grabbed Steve’s clothes. Back in your bedroom Steve was awake but still lying on the pillow. He was thinking about Bucky. You opened the door peeking in. “Hey. Time for you to go to work, Captain. Nat just got a phone call. She said on the road in 10.” You sat on the bed next to him. He held your hand and brought it up to his lips to kiss your finger tips. “I don’t want to go.”
“Ah well. You have a job to do.” He kissed your palm and rested it on his cheek. His eyes closed and he sighed deeply. “Can I see you again?” “You know where to find me.” You smiled and got off the bed, “Now March, soldier”
You said your goodbyes. You told them to come back to visit. You couldn’t help but feel a little pang of sadness. Sam wrapped you in a bear hug. “Be safe, man.” “Thanks for everything, Y/N.”
“Cap. We have to go” Nat shouted.
“Be there in a sec. I’ll come back soon.”
“You’d better. Be safe, Captain.” He kissed you deeply. You hugged him around his neck. Nat beeped the horn. He kissed you again and then he was gone.
Later you saw on the news three Helicarriers were destroyed and crashed into the Potomac. The report said Steve was shot. You grabbed your phone and called Sam. It rang once, “He’s ok.” You hung up. You hadn’t realized you were holding your breath.
Once Steve was out of the hospital he said his goodbyes to Nat and Fury. He looked down at Bucky’s file. “You’re going after him.” “You don’t have to come with me. I have to make a pit stop though.” Sam smiled, “Where to?” Steve smiled back. “Officially? Nowhere.”
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fionabasil · 4 years ago
Who is behind Unlock Your Glutes and can we trust him?
How do women's bodies change as they age?
Yes, your 40s are your best decade. You will discover that you are wiser and more established; and if you are doing things right, you should discover that you are much happier as a woman, and / or as a man. In fact, you can look radiant and even younger than someone does at that age. But that does not mean that your body is not about to undergo interesting changes that, although it is not de rigueur that these changes appear to everyone just after the age of 40, yes to most and you should certainly know them because they commonly arrive without warning.
After age 40 your body changes in these ways
Now, if those changes are for better or for worse, it is really a matter of perspective. Plus, you are more than capable of lessening any adverse effects they may have on your life. So consider the following list a warning: that's what you should expect your body to do when it has crossed the threshold into middle age, and don't be caught off guard by the novelties of your four decades and beyond.
Your wrinkles become more pronounced
As we age, our skin becomes thinner, drier, less elastic, and less able to regenerate after damage. By the time we reach our forties, this aging plus wear and tear leads to wrinkles and lines on the skin.
All of that sounds like bad news until you consider the results of a Belgian study published in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior, which found that when "crow's feet" were present, smiles were more authentic, intense, and spontaneous. If you are not influenced by this, you can anticipate wrinkles by using a moisturizer at night, staying properly hydrated and protecting your skin from UV rays with an SPF.
Hair begins to grow in strange places
To our knowledge, there is no study that has shown a connection between ear, nose, back, or chin hair and perceived attractiveness. However, it remains true that both men and women will be more likely to show off hair where there has been none before, often around the age of 40.
Keep in mind that many men's clippers come with ear and nose hair accessories, while a lot of new long-handled razors have recently hit the market. Tweezers are often the best option for wandering chin hair, although if there are more than a few, laser hair removal is something that women are turning to more and more.
Pains appear or more of them
Body wear and tear is, by definition, cumulative. Knowing your limits, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising, stretching, meditating, and consulting your doctor when something doesn't feel right are all part of a prescription to reduce some of the novelties of turning 40. You'll find that stress may be making aches and pains worse.
Your hangovers get more intense
All the effects of alcohol amplify with age. This is partly because the liver becomes less efficient as we age and also because people with a higher percentage of body fat and less body water tend to feel the effects of alcohol more strongly than those with greater muscle mass.
Limiting your alcohol intake and having a glass of water between each alcoholic drink are good ways to ensure that you don't find yourself in such a sorry state the day after a night out.
Your teeth become less sensitive
Some good news, if sensitive teeth have been a problem for you in your teens, 20s, or 30s. As you age, more dentin - the hard internal tissue - forms between the enamel and the nerves of your teeth. According to the International Dental Journal, this additional isolation results in a decreased response to pain.
The downside of this is that you are less likely to feel when something goes wrong with your teeth, which means that regular checkups become much more important when you reach 40.
It takes you longer to recover from an injury
Scientists are still not sure why at age 40 you recover more slowly from an injury than before. Some posit that it's something called cellular depletion, others argue that fewer hormonal changes make muscle repair last longer, while some argue that as we age, our body's inflammatory response to injury increases. Of course, it could be a cocktail of all three. When you are injured, anticipate spending more time on rest and recovery than in the past.
Catch fewer colds
By the time we reach 40 years of age, we have been exposed to more cold viruses and have developed immunities, and thus we get sick less often.
Hair loss becomes noticeable for men
According to research, the proportion of men with moderate to extensive hair loss skyrockets for men in their 40s. The study found that while significant hair loss affects 16 percent of men ages 18-29, more than half (53 percent) of men ages 40-49 will look frayed.
There are a growing number of interventions that men can do to slow or stop their hair loss, and some ways are quite effective. Before throwing money at your increasingly exposed dome, consider a study that found that bald men are more socially mature, intelligent, educated, and honest compared to men with a full head of hair.
Hair loss in women
Many women also experience noticeable hair loss in their 40s. An Australian study found that 64.4 percent of women who lived in the city of Maryborough had bitemporal hair loss. One (possible) silver lining is that age-related hair loss in women tends to occur everywhere on the body, which means less hair on the legs, armpit, and pubis.
You sleep less
In a study of 110 healthy adults who were allowed eight hours of sleep, the middle-aged (40 to 55) slept about 23 minutes less than the younger group (20 to 30 years). A simple explanation is that people need less sleep as they age, but the National Sleep Foundation denies this.
On their website they write: “It is a common misconception that sleep needs decrease with age. In fact, research shows that our sleep needs remain constant throughout adulthood. "
It's harder for you to lose weight
You may recall a time when getting back to your best shape required nothing more than cutting bread and sweets for 72 hours. For many of us, losing weight quickly has to be a much more difficult prospect by the time we hit 40, and you probably already know that it is caused by a slowing metabolism.
What many of us forget, however, is that a large part of having a slower metabolism is a direct consequence of decreased muscle mass. Muscles need fuel, which means the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn at rest. Put on a pound of muscle, and you'll re-fuel your oven and burn an additional 50 calories per day.
That math goes up, meaning that by gaining 10 pounds of muscle, with regular resistance training, and lots of high-quality protein, your body could burn an extra 3,500 extra calories per week.
You realize that you are shorter
People may start to shrink in height as early as their thirties, which means that, at 40, you may start to notice it. According to the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS), men can gradually lose an inch between the ages of 30 to 70, while women can lose about two inches.
Resistance training can help reduce shrinkage while eating foods rich in calcium and vitamin D can also help keep your bones strong.
A pilot study from UCLA showed that yoga could improve kyphosis, a forward curve of the spine that was originally believed to be an irreversible bone disorder. The researchers found that the study participants who did yoga had straighter spines and had increased height measurements.
Your hair starts to get grayer
As we age, the pigment cells in our hair follicles gradually die. What that means is that a hair follicle does not change color, but instead becomes transparent. Typically, Caucasians start to gray in their mid-30s, Asians in their 30s, and African-Americans in their 40s.
For men, there is a literal silver lining. According to a Match.com survey, 72% of women say they find men with gray, silver or "salt and pepper" hair attractive.
Your sense of smell and your taste change
When we are born, we have approximately 9,000 taste buds. But as we age, the number of taste buds decreases. What this means is that your sensitivity to the main flavors (sweet, sour, bitter, salty, and umami) gradually decreases.
Bad news ladies: this usually happens to women 10-20 years earlier than men. Loss of smell and taste is diagnosed by having a patient compare smells or tastes. From this, your doctor can determine the level of loss.
Dental cavities increase
As you get older, your mouth becomes drier. Saliva helps clean teeth and protects the mouth from cavities, which means that at age 40 the chances of cavities increase. Get it back by drinking more water, holding it in your mouth for a few seconds before swallowing. You can also suck on sugarless candy or chew sugarless gum to increase the amount of saliva in your mouth.
Your chances of developing breast cancer increase
In her 30s, a woman's chances of being diagnosed with breast cancer are 1 in 228. Between the ages of 40 and 49, however, that increases to 1 in 69. It is no wonder then that the American Cancer Society and The Mayo Clinic recommend it. Regular exercise has been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer by 10-20%; A healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, especially carotenoids, has also been shown to help, as well as reducing alcohol consumption.
Studies have shown that results show that women who drink 2-3 alcoholic beverages per day have a 20 percent higher risk of breast cancer than non-drinkers.
Your bone density decreases
As we age, we lose bone density, although women are more significantly affected by it. In part, this is due to the fact that women start out with lower bone density than their male counterparts and lose density at a faster rate, around 1% per year beyond the age of 35.
Resistance training can help prevent bone loss. A 1,500 mg daily calcium supplement and adequate vitamin D (think salmon, egg yolks, and sunlight).
Digestive problems are more constant
As we move into middle age, the possibility of indigestion, constipation, diverticulitis, and ulcers increases. A host of age-related factors, including the medications you take and a more sedentary lifestyle can wreak havoc on healthy digestion.
Your best bet to avoid digestive problems is to drink plenty of water, stay active, load up on fiber, enjoy probiotics, and eat a variety of different colored fruits and vegetables.
You see a decrease in muscle mass
This goes hand in hand with the decrease in testosterone mentioned above. As we age, the ratio of lean mass to fat in our bodies changes, which has all sorts of negative effects on the entire body.
However, you can still build muscle in your 40s and stop that trend and even reverse it. Eat plenty of high-quality protein from organic sources and add more resistance training to your exercise routine.
You sweat less
As we age, our sweat (eccrine) glands shrink and become less sensitive. A study in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that women approaching middle age sweated less than their younger counterparts.
They attributed it to "a diminished response of the sweat glands to central and / or peripheral stimuli" and "an age-related structural alteration in the eccrine glands or surrounding skin cells."
Urinary tract infections become more common for women
Estrogen appears to play a protective role against the bacteria that lead to UTIs, and by 40, your body produces less. A low dose of topical estrogen cream can help, but recurring UTIs are definitely worth discussing with your doctor.
You experience a hearing loss
When we reach 40, our eardrum and inner ear change. Unsurprisingly, this affects your hearing, and since your inner ear controls its balance, it can also be a bit less coordinated.
You start to struggle a bit with holding your urine
Perimenopause means a reduction in the amount of estrogen you produce. With less estrogen in your system, the muscles that support the urethra weaken and make it more vulnerable to leakage. There are several things you can do to avoid unexpected jingle.
These include: avoiding foods and drinks that tend to cause leakage, losing some weight to reduce pressure on the bladder, and doing Kegel exercises. If none of these strategies help, your doctor can suggest what to do.
You experience sleep disruption more often
You may have slept like a log in your 20s and 30s, but in your 40s, men and women are more likely to experience interruptions in their sleep.
Studies have shown that increases in the time it takes to fall asleep (sleep latency), an overall decrease in REM sleep, and an increase in sleep fragmentation (waking up during the night) occur more frequently when we are past forty. To combat the less-than-stellar sleep spectrum, check out 10 tips for your best sleep.
You become more distracted
As a person ages, their ability to ignore distractions worsens, according to research by psychologists at the University of Toronto.
But your libido can increase
In a study of 827 women, psychologist David Buss found that people in their 40s are more interested in being intimate. Buss is an evolutionary psychologist and believes that this increase in female libido could be a biological tactic to increase the chances of childbearing.
He proposes that as women produce fewer eggs, their bodies are wired to become more aroused to increase the likelihood that an egg will be fertilized.
Your brain changes
Another consequence of the female body producing less estrogen during perimenopause is brain chemistry and function. It can lead to being more forgetful because the brain has a harder time organizing its thoughts in a way that is easy to remember. The good news is that, over time, the brain adapts to lower levels of estrogen and compensates for it.
You become lactose intolerant
One of the myriad great things the body does is help your small intestine digest lactose, a disaccharide sugar made up of galactose and glucose found in milk, by producing an enzyme called lactase.
As we age, lactase levels drop, and the lactose we ingest can affect the colon in a less digested state, and the results, well, not as pleasant.
If you think you are developing an intolerance to dairy products, try taking probiotics and experimenting with other sources of milk such as almond, rice, coconut, or cashew milk. You can also take digestive enzymes to help.
Scaly patches of skin may appear
An actinic keratosis (also known as solar keratosis) is a scaly area in areas exposed to the sun, such as the head and face. It is the most common skin condition caused by sun damage - the result of skin damaged by the sun over many years.
They are more common in men, mainly because men are more likely to have outdoor occupations, but are generally not dangerous and only pose a small risk of developing into cancer.
You experience changes in vision
In your 40s, your eyes may need a little help reading fine print and deciphering menus in restaurants by candlelight. Now that you are the age when all of this and more can happen, it's more important than ever to get regular eye exams. Protect your eyes from sun damage with UV protection sunglasses and a healthy diet.
Research suggests that lycopene, the pigment that gives tomatoes their red color, may reduce your risk of macular degeneration and cataracts later in life.
Your risk of bad things increases
After age 40, regular checkups and exams are crucial to preventing heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and a host of other illnesses that begin to pose a higher risk.
Yes, we will tell you to eat better, sleep well, reduce stress and exercise more, but we will also tell you to see your doctor more often and seek preventive care.
Unlock Your Glutes is an effective fitness program by Brian Klepacki focused on the people who need to accomplish a rounder, firmer, more grounded butt. This workout program will clarify how squats, jumps, and deadlifts aren’t actuating your glutes in the manner you think they are, and why simply zeroing in on these activities will leave you with powerless glute muscles, subsequently making you more inclined to injury.s Unlock Your Glutes
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callofwords · 4 years ago
10 Fitness Tips that You will Always Need to Remember
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Over the past two decades I’ve been interested in fitness, I’ve learned a lot.  However, I think I’ve learned more lessons from my fitness blog over the past two years than in my previous experiences.  Much of this knowledge comes from the research I do to write articles.  That being said, the questions that readers ask and experiences they share are truly eye opening.  Here are ten general fitness lessons.
1. One Size doesn’t fit all
Not every workout routine or diet program works for everyone.  Just because I’ve had success with a variety of strategies doesn’t mean those same strategies will work for you.  The strategies or programs I recommend tend to work with others but there’s no absolute certainty that they work for everyone.  For example, I like intermittent fasting to lose weight but my wife just can’t fathom doing it.
2. Consistency and effort trumps selection of a routine
I’m convinced that consistently performing the worst routine and putting in a strong effort is more effective than inconsistently performing the best routine with a lackluster effort.  This is why it’s critical for you to choose a workout or diet that you either enjoy or that doesn’t adversely impact your life.
3. Accountability
The best way to put in a consistent effort is to hold yourself accountable.  This is a big challenge.  For me, writing a fitness blog motivates me to stay in shape.  Otherwise I might give in to temptation and binge on ice cream, cookies, and other sweets on a more regular basis.  While I do have my cheat days, I always make sure to stay within striking distance of being in good shape.  My wife on the other hand likes the Weight Watchers approach, not that she needs it.  It’s foolish to me but recording what she eats and staying within her allotted points works for her.  Plus she feels accountable because she’s forced to weigh in once per week.
4. I have too many goals but they’re somewhat congruent
I think a lot of people try to train for too many goals at once.  I’m certainly guilty.  I want to be healthy, get stronger, develop endurance, and maintain a lean, defined look.  On the surface it seems impossible to train for all of these at once.  However, if I do strength training, I’ll gradually get healthier and achieve a lean look.  If I do HIIT or circuit training, I’ll not only improve endurance but also get a lean, healthy look.  Even trying to gain muscle and lose fat can be congruent in a way.  Performing strength training helps you gain muscle and eating the right diet or performing cardio helps burn fat.  Obviously if you’re looking for large gains in size or aiming for a lot of fat loss, it’s probably more effective to focus on one, but it’s not necessarily impossible to do both slowly over the long term.
5. Getting in elite shape is really hard
I’ll admit that I’m in pretty good shape but trying to take things to the next level has proven challenging.  A lot of this stems from the fact that I have an office job, family, and don’t get as much sleep as I’d like…having a 2 ½ year old who has a tendency to wake up 1-2 times per night gets exhausting.  The other challenge is that I’m not as motivated as I used to be.  I can do what I’m doing to stay in shape but I’d really like to kick up my focus and effort for 2-3 months to get in elite shape.  It’s just not a priority for me at this stage in my life.  Maybe if I was single and 15 years younger, I’d think differently.
6. Appearance is subjective
I’m a fan of getting lean but there can be a point where you are too lean.  One of my past problems has been that I have to lose a lot of weight to get the abs I want, such as when I performed my six pack abs workout routine.  The problem is that I end up looking too small in clothes, especially my face and neck.  My wife actually prefers my current look with a little extra fat.  Even though I’m 10lbs heavier and have some stubborn fat in my lower abs after performing Visual Impact Muscle Building, she likes my overall appearance better, especially in clothes.  This ties back to my prior point about being in elite shape.  These days I’m not exactly prancing around with my shirt off to show off my abs.  In other words, no one really has the chance to see how defined I am.  In fact, most people think I look better with a little extra fat because they only see me in clothes.
7. Overcomplicating things just leads to confusion
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve read a workout or diet plan and been utterly confused by its complexity.  This involves everything from performing exercises I’ve never heard of to cycling foods based on glycemic load.  If you feel overwhelmed, then just try to boil things down to the basics.  Either that or spend a lot of time and effort educating yourself.
8. Cardio is useful…for some
I could probably write an entire post on this subject.  A good number of people in the fitness industry would say that as long as you’re performing strength training, then you just need a good diet to lose weight.  In other words, the calories burned from cardio aren’t enough to justify doing it.�� Additionally, the cardiovascular benefits of weight training are enough to keep you healthy.  I’d agree with this to some extent.
However, I think cardio can be invaluable in a weight loss routine.  First, let’s tackle the diet vs. cardio argument.  Most men probably don’t need cardio to lose weight because they can more easily reduce their diets.  However, take the example of a woman who wants to weigh 130lbs; she would probably need to eat around 1,300 calories per day to get there.  That’s extremely low.  Wouldn’t it be a little more lifestyle friendly to eat 1,600-1,800 calories and burn the other 300-500 with cardio?  Additionally, exercise has metabolic benefits while a calorie restrictive diet over the long term can lead to a slowing metabolism.  In Visual Impact Cardio, Rusty Moore also discusses how cardio is also effective for eliminating stubborn fat where a diet on its own may fall short.
As for cardiovascular benefits, I don’t think anything can fully replace a good HIIT workout.  It gets my heart racing a lot faster than strength training.  Plus, when I’ve eliminated cardio from my routine in the past, I always feel more lethargic and find myself getting winded when walking up steps.  Endurance is an important part of my routine and cardio can assist in achieving that goal.  Still, everyone has to decide for themselves whether cardio is worth the time and effort.
9. Most supplements are useless 
 I’m not going to spend much time on this.  Just be careful about what you put in your body and realize that companies spend a huge amount on advertising to convince you that their product is a miracle drug.  For more information, you can read my post on some of the supplements I’ve used: Best Supplements for Weight Loss and Muscle Gain.
10. Be happy 
 Finally, just get to a point where you’re happy with the way you look, healthy, and maybe even enjoy exercising or eating well.  You can only force yourself to do things for so long before your body rebels.  If you can convince yourself that you actually enjoy fitness, that will go a long toward achieving your goals.
There you have ten lessons learned from my fitness blog over the past two years.  I’m sure there will be many more lessons in the future.  Thanks to everyone who has contributed to this valuable education!
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heathsbitch · 5 years ago
365 DAYS - b.b*
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A/N: This is from my Marvel Imagines book on Wattpad. (My Wattpad @ is in my bio. Pls check it out, I need friends.) This is one of my oldest imagines and I’ll be honest, it’s a bit shit and some things are inaccurate because I wrote this before Infinity War. It was also originally in two parts but I thought it’d be better if I combined them for Tumblr. But, nevertheless, enjoy...
Requested: No
Scenario: You were kidnapped by some supposed HYDRA agents a year ago. You were just starting to lose hope in escaping when a certain team of heroes come to your rescue.
Warnings: Smut, strong language, unprotected sex
365. I dropped the knife and took a step back from the wall. 365 marks were etched into it's surface. Every mark represented one day. It was 365 days ago that HYDRA had pried me from the precious confines of my home.
They claimed that I knew information of the whereabouts of the infamous 'Winter Soldier'. They told me that they wanted to use him, that he was one small piece in a huge puzzle. One part of a plan that would take man's one weakness away, freedom.
Of course I knew nothing about him, and nobody had even realized that I was gone. I didn't know how they found out who I was and why they thought I knew 'The Winter Soldier'. The only encounter I had ever had with him was 3 years ago. And even then, I had only saw him from a distance.
I saw him being chased by a person in a black suit that had silver etchings on it. But here I still was, in a dark and damp cell. The only light emanated from the minuscule window in the door. I sat down and lent against the boring grey wall and started to think that nobody was coming for me.
Scorching hot tears slipped out of my eyes and began to drip down my face; all of my hope went with it. I had finally lost my battle with myself. The fact sunk into my head and the pace of my tears started to quicken. I realized I was going to be stuck in here for the rest of my days. My head dropped and it fell into my hands.
Bang! Bang! Two thuds thundered through the room causing shock to course through me. My legs stiffened as I stood up. Bang! Bang! Two more thuds bounced through the room. I began to walk backwards until my back hit the far wall.
The door burst open and two tall men walked through into my cell. One was clad in a black suit that looked like a cat, similar to the one I saw chasing The Winter Soldier, and the other in a blue costume. The one in the blue suit walked over to me "Y/N Y/L/N? Is that your name?" I nodded my head and tried to speak.
"How do you know my name? Who are you?" My voice came out a more of a croak after not drinking for at least 24 hours. The man in the black costume stepped forward "We'll explain once we get you back to Wakanda."
His accent sounded a little strange. Maybe he was African? My head spun, who were these people? What did they want with me? What was this Wakanda that they spoke of? Was I finally getting rescued? My body went limp and dropped to the floor, strong arms cradled me and caught me before I could hit it. My vision darkened and I fell into a black abyss.
I opened my eyes and light flooded my senses. I shifted in my bed. Wait, bed? How and why was  in a bed? My gaze drifted around the room,  taking in it's decor. There was a small bed, a wooden desk and chair, a couple of shelves and a dresser with a mirror hung above it.
I sat up and the door to the simplistic room quietly opened. A man with dark skin waltzed in and took a seat at the desk. "Wow, we thought you were dead. No offence. You were asleep for four or five days." The news hit me like a truck but it wasn't too surprising, I hadn't been in a bed for a long time.  
"I am sure you have a lot of questions but, I'm going to ask you to keep them to yourself. Only for a little bit longer. Somebody will come in here soon with some food and then they will take you to my throne room. Then, and only then, you can ask me and my friends as many questions as you want." The words sunk into my brain.
"Is that okay with you?" I nodded. I figured it would be better to comply than fight back. After all, they gave me a bed and they're giving me food soon. The woman with the food came in roughly ten minutes after the other man left. She brought me a bowl, of what I assumed was rice, and a glass of water.
"You have thirty minutes to eat and regain your strength before I take you to the throne room. My name is Shuri. What's yours?" I smiled and replied "Y/N." Shuri and I talked and laughed for the next thirty minutes. I felt like we were slowly becoming friends. She led me out of my room when it was time to meet the man from before.
I was guided into a room with a glass floor and a throne in the center. Eight chairs were aligned in a circle around the throne. In the throne sat the dark skinned man. The other person who helped rescue me sat to his left in one of the eight chairs.
The girl who took me here, Shuri, took the empty seat to the right of the throne. Six out of the eight chairs were occupied. In the seat next to one of my rescuers was another dark skinned man with a little bit of facial hair, to his right, a girl with bright eyes and brown hair.
On the other side of the throne, next to Shuri, was a muscular man with long hair and what looked like the start of a beard. He was quite handsome actually. His face provoked a sense of familiarity in me, but I shook it off. To his left, another white man. His hair was turning grey and his body was rather small. I approached the throne.
"My name is T'Challa Udaku. I am the king of Wakanda, the country you find yourself in. We rescued you from the so called HYDRA agents because we believe that you could be a valuable asset to us. If you have any questions, ask them. We will do our best to answer." I thought over my questions in my head before speaking up "How am I valuable to you?"
The King looked at the floor before looking over to the man who was previously wearing the blue costume "We believe you to be one of the enhanced." Confusion rippled through me "Enhanced? What's that?" I asked "They are people who have have parts of their body's amplified. For example Wanda,"
He pointed to the woman with brown hair "She is an enhanced person. She has telekinesis and can control people's minds," He hesitated before continuing "Her brother, he um... he was one too. He had a higher metabolism which made him run really fast. Faster than any human being alive." I nodded, processing their words. "Do you know what my power is?"
"We believe it to be similar to Wanda's but only the telekinesis part. We also think that you can shape shift." Again, confusion coursed through me and my heart-rate quickened "How do you know this? When did this happen to me?"
The man with long hair stood up and walked over to me "When you were with HYDRA, in that room, what happened?"
"Not much, people would slide food through the small hatch at the bottom of the door one or two times a day. Sometimes people would come in and beat me up and ask questions, but that's it." The men all looked at each other before the one in front of me continued.
"When we came to rescue you, we looked at the security camera footage to find where you were. We saw you using your powers in your room. We also saw you getting experimented on. Do you not remember any of this?"
I shook my head "No. I had dreams that I would get experimented on but I thought that was just me being paranoid. I swear I don't remember anything else. Anyway, why did you guys come looking for me?" The other dark skinned man answered my question this time, "Over the past few weeks we've been trying to track down the remaining workers for HYDRA, I assume you know who they are?"
"Roughly, yeah." I replied. He continued "Well, we found out that three old HYDRA scientists were looking for a girl, around 25 years old, to test some things on. That's you. We immediately tried to save you from being captured. Obviously we couldn't get there in time and we didn't get close enough to start tracking them. After almost a year, we heard about HYDRA gaining a new 'secret weapon'. Something they could use to get revenge on us and fulfill HYDRA's main goal. We tracked them back to the place that Bucky was held in when he was The Winter Soldier,"
He pointed at the tall man to my right "Wait! You're the Winter Soldier?" I interrupted "Yeah. Well, at least I was when I was with HYDRA." My eyes widened in shock, I knew he looked familiar,  "The people told me they were looking for you. They thought I knew where you were."
"That would've just been a cover-up for what they were actually doing to you." Bucky reassured. "Can I continue now?" The man who was speaking before said "Sure, Sam." Bucky told him "Anyway, they took you to where they used to hold Bucky. They took you to Siberia. The place was still battered from a certain fight between two superheroes."
He looked at the man with the blue suit, "But they made it work. We broke in and rescued you, because that's our job. And Bucky didn't want another person going through what he went through when he was there." I smiled at Bucky to show him that I was thankful for what he helped do. "Is that all of your questions answered now?" T'Challa asked.
"Yes, for now I think." Everybody went back to their seats and the King began to speak again "Something is going to happen, something big. Something that none of us can prevent. It is going to affect the entire world if we do not stop it. We are going to need as much help as we can get. We would like you to join us in this fight, if that's okay with you."
Once again, shock ran through me "I'll help you. It's the only way I can repay you guys for what you've done to help me. After all, that's what you helped me for. But, I'll only help you if you tell me who I'm fighting and what's going to happen."
Everybody in the room looked towards me and Bucky took a step forward. "His name is Thanos. And he's looking for six gems called Infinity Stones."
It's been around three weeks since I've been saved. In that time, I've grown quite close to all of my rescuers, especially Bucky. Steve has told me more information on Thanos and what he wants. He thinks that Thanos is going to spring an attack on Wakanda in the next couple of days.
Along with the information, Steve and his friends have also been teaching me how to fight. Natasha, an ex-assassin I had found out, had taught me a few tricks that she had learnt in a place called 'The Red Room'.
I didn't want to ask anymore questions about that because it looked like it hurt her whenever she mentioned it. Yesterday was a particularly interesting training session, however. I was told that Bucky would be teaching me a few things. My feet tapped the floor as I walked into the gym. Steve, Nat, Sam, T'Challa, Bucky and Wanda were all training in their respective areas.
"Hey guys!" My voice echoed around the room. "Heyy," Nat sauntered over to me. We had become fairly good friends in the past weeks. I told her everything. She told me as much as she was comfortable with, which was quite a lot actually.
But, I had also told her something about Bucky. I didn't know I felt that way about him and i'm still not sure if what I said was actually the truth. I had told Nat that I liked him. Not just liked him but like liked him. Not gonna lie though, he was amazingly handsome and looked like he had been sculpted by the gods.
Whenever I was around Bucky with Nat she would always slyly tease me about it. And she knew that we were sparring together today. I walked over to the small-ish fighting ring in the center of the room. Bucky joined me shortly.
"You ready?" He asked and I responded with a small nod "I'll go easy on you at first." My heart rate started to quicken as nerves shot through me. He raised his fists into a fighting stance and got ready to fight. I reflected his stance and let out a steady breath. His metal arm shined in the light of the room. 'Could that be a kink?' I thought to myself.
Everybody crowded round the ring and began cheering us on. Words of encouragement rang through my ears and a smirk slid onto my face. Confidence dripped into my veins as I took my first swing. My right fist swung towards Bucky's face.
He ducked just in time to miss it. His right arm connected with my stomach and a grunt fell out of my lips. He pushed me backwards and I regained my stance. I lifted my leg up to his waist just as he was about to take another hit on me. It hit him and he stumbled back. Another smirk made it's way onto my face.
An idea popped into my head.
As Bucky prepared his next attack, I ran up to him. I lifted my leg up to his knee, stood on it, wrapped my legs around his head and swung my body around him. He hit the floor, his head still in between my legs. "Yeah Y/N!" I heard Natasha shout "That's my girl!" Sam yelled. I giggled and Bucky growled. I unraveled my legs from around Bucky's neck and sat up. He chuckled to himself.
"I see Nat's been teaching you a few things. Good job." A blush crept onto my face as he complimented me. He smirked, "Ready for round two?" Bucky's gruff voice rang through my ears. I nodded, smirking with confidence. We swung a of couple punches and kicks at each other but this time he beat me. I lunged for him, my right fist aiming for his jaw, 'Oh my goodness that jaw could cut me and I'd thank him', but he caught it.
The super soldier twisted my arm around and pulled me back into his chest. My back was pressed hard against his front, my arms restrained behind me. Bucky leaned down so his lips were next to my ear.
"Better luck next time, princess." He whispered. I felt my neck go limp and my head fell back against his chest. A sigh escaped my parched lips. His arms released me from their clutch and I ran straight over to Natasha "We need to go now, I have a lot to tell you."
She gave me a slightly perplexed look and we dashed out of the training room and into my bedroom. Within the first week of me staying here, T'Challa had set me up with my own room complete with an en-suite and a stunning view over Wakanda.
Everybody left in the training room was slightly confused at the enhanced girl's behaviour. Everybody apart from Bucky. He just stood and smirked to himself. 'I'll go check on her later.' He thought to himself.
"Dude, what did you say to her?" Sam asked. "Nothing much." Bucky replied with his gaze trained on the floor with a smile upon his lips. He knew the how Y/N felt about him and, honestly, he felt the same way.
He lusted after her but at the same time just wanted to cuddle up next to her. Steve just looked at his friend of 70 years and chuckled to himself. He knew what was going through Bucky's mind. Steve and Bucky left the gym before Sam, Wanda and T'Challa.
'Man Talk' was their excuse which left Sam slightly agitated at the fact that he wasn't invited. T'Challa told him not to worry about it. When Steve and Bucky got into the corridor, Steve laughed and looked at his friend. "What?" Bucky asked "Still got that 40s charm, hey Buck?"
"I guess I just have that effect on women."
Y/N's P.O.V
Nat and I sat on my plush bed as I told her about what Bucky had said and what was currently racing through my mind. "I just," I signed "I don't know how he does this to me." Nat smiled at her friend.
"I guess it's just that 40s charm." Her and Steve had had quite a few conversations about Bucky and me, unbeknownst to both of us at the time. They had even betted on when we would sleep together.
"Maybe." I laughed and fell back onto my bed. "I feel like a fucking teenager, what the hell is wrong with me?" A knock vibrated through the room. An annoyed sigh left Nat's mouth as she got up to answer the door.
Behind the wooden slab stood the infamous solider with a look of desire in his eyes that could murder any woman. "I'll just leave you two alone." The former Russain spy stated and left the room.
That meant just me and Bucky. In a room. On our own. Great.
The Jesus look-a-like walked into the room but not before closing the door behind him. I sat up on my bed and looked up at him through my lashes. "I just wanted to check how you were. You left in quite a hurry back there." Bucky knew exactly what he was doing. "Yeah, I just-I wasn't feeling well."
"And how can Natasha help with an upset stomach?" His silver tongue asked. By now he was sat next to me, looking down at my frame, unholy thoughts racing through his head. "Well-"
"It's okay, Doll," He cut me off "I think I know a way to make you feel better." Bucky's metal arm reached up to my face and brought it closer to his. Without warning, he smashed our lips together. I moaned at the sudden impact and lent into the kiss.
Both of his large hands now held my face against his, his tongue slipped into my mouth. He ran it across my upper lip and then my bottom lip. "Is this helping, princess?" I was breathless so I responded with a whine.
"I'll take that as a 'yes' then." He chuckled. His vibranium arm pushed me down onto the bed so Bucky could climb onto me. Sweat dripped down both of our body's, giving us a godly glow. Bucky sat up and removed his top.
His abs shone with sweat and tensed as he breathed in and out. "Like what you see?"
'I am not going to last much longer if he continues like this.' I thought to myself. His fingers played with the hem of my top and then proceeded to take it off my shaking body. He added it to the pile of clothes that had begun to build next to my bed.
His hands then moved down to my shorts. As he pulled my shorts off, he made sure to drag his fingers down my thighs, taking every last opportunity to tease the fuck out of me. "You're so fucking gorgeous, Doll." Bucky practically moaned in my ear.
His lips moved to my jaw, leaving little purple marks across my neck and collarbone. He made his way to my bra and slid his hands round to my back to take it off me. Snap. As quick as lightning it was on the floor with the rest of the clothes and his mouth was leeched onto my right nipple.
"Oh my goodness, Bucky." I moaned. He moved over to my other nipple and I snaked my hands through his soft hair. A small grunt came out of his lips when I tugged on it. He released my nipple and moved down towards my panties.
Bucky brought his hands up to my knees and pushed them up so my legs were spread wide for him. He trailed his fingers up my bare legs, his metal arm creating a trail of goosebumps behind it. His long finger hooked into my panties and dragged them down my legs.
He grunted at the sight of my dripping pussy. "God, I haven't seen anything this good in years." I blushed at his words but he surprised me when he dived head first in between my legs. My back arched up in pleasure, his tongue circled my clit while his fingers traced up and down my wet slit.
Another moan erupted from my throat, this one longer than the others though. Because Bucky had now slipped two of his incredible vibranium fingers into me. "Bucky."
"Yeah, Doll?" Another moan "I don't think I'm gonna last long." He laughed and said "That's the point." He got rougher and faster. His fingers plunging into me and pulling out at a rapid pace. More moans kept falling out of my mouth, like prayers.
They were a mixture of Bucky's name and various curse words. "I'm close, Buck." I said and he just grunted, the vibrations going straight to my core. My hands trailed around his head but eventually settled in his hair.
'I wanna make him grunt again.'
So I pulled and my prayers were answered, he grunted. Again and Again, every time I pulled he would grunt. My climax edged closer and closer until finally, the cord snapped. A wave of euphoria crashed over my quivering body.
Bucky kept his fingers going, making sure that I road out my high. "You're doing so well, princess." He praised. He stood up and I got to see the tent that had formed in his pants. A large bulge rested at the apex of his thighs. "All for you."
'Shit, he caught me staring.' He removed his pants and boxers and crawled back up to me. His lips captured mine in a hungry kiss, he devoured my lips. "Fuck, Bucky. Please."
"Please, what?" He teased "Please just fuck me." And so my prayers were answered for a second time that night. He pushed his large length into me and my hands grabbed and clawed at his back.
"Oh my-" My words were cut of by a strangled moan and yet another grunt by Bucky. He pushed in and out of me, feeding me more and more pleasure. Moans and grunts came flying out of both of our mouths.
We didn't care about anybody else in that moment. We only cared about each other, our tangled limbs and loud noises. A few 'fuck's' came out of Bucky's mouth along with "Shit, you're so tight." and "You're the best I've had in forever."
Our climaxes edged closer, the knots in our stomachs becoming more taut by the moment. He filled me up perfectly and I knew that I never wanted to move from this position. "I'm close." I warned Bucky "I know, me too Doll, just hold on a little longer."
His thrusts got faster and rougher. His tip began to hit the most magical spot in me. Stars began to form in my vision and I was high. "Bucky, shit. I'm gon-ugh-I'm gonna-" but I didn't get to finish my sentence because my orgasm pressed into me.
It coursed through every inch of me and took over my body. Parts of me started twitching and the stars crowded even more of my vision. Bucky came shortly after me, grunts and moans came out of his mouth as well. After our highs had calmed down, Bucky lay on top of me.
Still deep in me. We were both panting and trying to get over what just happened. Bucky eventually stood up and walked into my bathroom. He came out with a couple of small, wet towels. "Let's get you cleaned up, Doll." And so he did. He then tucked me under the covers and kissed my forehead before climbing in behind me. Everything went dark.
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I was woken up the next morning by Bucky. He shook my shoulder gently, however the words that came out of his mouth held urgency. "Y/N, get up. We need to go, Doll."
"What's happening?" I croaked out. "Thanos is coming."
"Shit." I murmured. "Come on, follow me." I followed Bucky down to the armory where we got suited up. Bucky's suit was a deep blue and clung to his muscles perfectly. His left arm was sleeveless to display his iconic, shining arm.
My suit was similar to Wanda's as we had similar powers. Instead of red, my suit was a cerulean blue. It kind of matched Bucky's and I think T'Challa did that on purpose just to mess with me. We made our way through the streets of Wakanda and down to the soon-to-be-Battlefield. There we met up with Steve and the rest of the guys, and girls.
Everybody was there apart from Wanda. I was told she was protecting Shuri up in her lab, along with some man called Vision. Apparantly he had an infinity stone in his forehead and Shuri was trying to remove it. I was also introduced to M'Baku aka the seven foot wall of fresh Wakandan meat. They called him 'The Man Ape' and it was clear to see why.
"It's a pleasure to meet you." He said. T'Challa also introduced me to Okoye, a beautiful woman who was the head of the Dora Milaje. The stage was set. Everybody was in place. In the distance we saw a flying ring of some sorts.
Out of it came these creatures. They began to surround Wakanda's boarders, looking for weak spots. "They're surrounding us," T'Challa told Shuri through his suit. "Open it. Please, it's the only way." Shuri complied and opened up the gates to Wakanda.
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We fought for what felt like forever. Wanda taught me how to use my powers over the past few weeks so I was flinging the outriders out of my way, killing them in the process. But more piled through the entrance.
All of my friends began to get taken down. That's when it happened. A giant pillar of light burst through the clouds, knocking a couple of the creatures out of it's way. When the light cleared, I could see three figures. One that looked like some sort of tree, a handsome man with a huge axe and a raccoon? Confusion racked my brain.
"Bring me Thanos!" The man shouted. He charged and leaped into the air. Lighting surrounded him and then struck the floor where he landed. We continued to fight. The battle went on and on. I ended up with Nat, Okoye and Wanda.
We had just killed something called Proxima Midnight. I think that was her name. We all sat on the floor, breathless when a  booming sound thundered through the trees at the border. "Thanos." Nat said.
We all stood up and began to sprint to the forest. When we got there, we saw a giant purple man. He stood with dominance and radiated power. On his left hand there was a gauntlet. In it, five stones. There was only one left. Steve charged at Thanos, grabbing his hand.
Wanda was using her powers to destroy the last stone. That must be Vision. I thought looking at the man on his knees in front of her. "I just feel you." I heard him whimper. I ran over to Steve just as Bucky sprinted out of the bushes.
We both lunged at Thanos. Bucky with his gun in his hand and me, in the form of a white tiger. I slashed at Thanos's legs but I didn't do much damage. He pushed me back and I went flying into a tree. I changed back to my human form and groaned; the wind had been knocked out of me and my back exploded in pain.
Thanos defeated everyone one by one. Then he got to Wanda who had just destroyed the last stone. Unfortunately, Thanos had the time stone. He reversed time and ripped the stone straight out of Vision's head. Wanda screamed in despair.
The axe from earlier came flying through the air, straight towards Thanos. He shot at it with his gauntlet but the axe continued to fly. It landed with a sickening thud in his chest. The tall man with the lighting now stood in front of a kneeling Thanos.
"I told you you'd pay for that." The man stated. "You should've gone for the head." Thanos raised his hand and snapped his fingers. A wave of energy burst from around him.  The gauntlet was fried and everybody was exhausted.
"What did you do?" The lighting man asked, worry lace his deep voice. "Bucky." I whined. My hand had started to turn to dust. Bucky ran over to me and lifted me into his arms. He cradled me and stroked my hair.
"Please don't go." He whimpered. "Bucky,"
"Yeah, Doll." He replied with tears brimming his crystal eyes. "I-I lov-" My entire body had turned to dust. Ashes covered Bucky's thighs and hands. "No!" He screamed "Please," He begged "Please come back." His hand then began to decompose. He fell to the ground, only to see Steve's feet come into his eye line. "My doll." Bucky cried just as his body disintegrated too. 
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lalalizzy16fitness · 5 years ago
How Much Weight Can You Lose in a Month, Honestly?
“I lost 10lbs in a week!”
“Fit into your high school jeans in time for the reunion!”
Most grown women know that if a weight loss promise sounds too good to be true, the only thing that will be significantly lighter in short order will be your wallet after you shell out for the “breakthrough!” “Life-changing!” supplement, book, app, eating plan, meal delivery service, blah blah blah.
That’s not to say you can’t slim down, but how much and how fast depends on a handful of factors.
First of all: If you have more to lose, or you are male, you lose faster. (Bastards)
Men have more muscle mass; because a pound of muscle burns more than a pound of fat, a typical 150-pound dude burns more calories than a woman of the same weight. That’s another way of saying that guys basal metabolic rates (the rate at which a body burns calories when it’s just sitting there, existing) tend to be higher.
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Okay, I’m a woman with a few pounds to lose. How much can I drop in a month?
Well, it also depends on your weight history: If you’ve been 140 pounds since college and you’re up 5, getting back down is reasonable. But if the last time you dipped below 140 was when you had mono in 8th grade, and your goal is 130, that’s likely not gonna happen-even if that’s what’s considered a “healthy weight” for your height. (Keep in mind these rules only apply to losing weight in the time period of a month. This is not to say that you will never reach your ultimate weight loss goals).
Why is it people on (fill-in-the-blank-diet) lose big numbers, especially at first?
How much you lose depends, too, on what you’ve been eating up until then. If you’re a fast food fan or scarf a lot of processed carbs, and then you cut them all out, you’ll see a big sexy needle swing on the scale-say, 5lbs the first week-which is mostly the water your body was retaining.
The good news? If you don’t go back to eating junk, the water weight should stay off, but you shouldn’t expect that big drop in month two.
So how much weight can I lose in a month? We’re more tortoise-y with long-term weight loss and suggest that one to two pounds a week can be lost, though you don’t lose each week. Five pounds in a month is completely reasonable. Goals are great but two people can eat the same way for two weeks and lose weight differently. So it’s up to you to find out which type of loser you are. (It takes hard work to be a loser).
If you want to lose faster you can go to extremes but it’s not a good idea. People who try to lose weight in a week or a month are going to gain it back. Fact.
You don’t only lose fat when you drop weight quickly-you lose muscle, the very muscle that you need to burn calories; that means your metabolism will slow and the weight will pile back on and then some-even if you keep restricting your caloric intake.
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For non-obese people who want to lose weight for cosmetic reasons shouldn’t focus on the scale. Work on increasing your muscle mass which will in turn lose the fat. If you build strength you’ll have a much better chance of keeping the pounds off, because you’ll be boosting your metabolic rate.
That’s not to say you should toss your scale off a highway overpass. You can get on a scale to see how you’re doing, but losing one to two pounds a week is more than progress. Resistance exercises would help to lose any amount.
Losing up to five pounds a month is reasonable, but even then, it might not be every month. Building muscle mass will help you keep it off.
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testrot3online-blog · 5 years ago
Keto Pro Plus: {UK} Buy “Keto Pro Plus” Diet Pills …
Keto Pro Plus is one of the most effective and surprising weight loss supplements in the Australian market. This supplement is a natural product that can be used by all men and women. If you want to eliminate unwanted fat from your body, then this supplement is best for you. It helps to stop the process of weight gain and begin the process of instant weight loss. It offers fast results thanks to BHB. It is a scientifically proven weight loss product that does not contain binder or filler. It contains only safe and protected extracts.
In fact, most doctors, nutritionists and celebrities recommend Keto Pro Plus to lose weight quickly. This product  Keto Pro Plus has been used by thousands of people in Australia. It consumes excess fat in energy and does not consume carbohydrates. If you are interested in Keto Pro Plus, you can buy it after clicking on an image or on the official website.
Brief note about Keto Pro Plus?
Keto Pro Plus is an organic and herbal weight loss product that treats excess fat and offers amazing weight reduction effects. It is made with a main extract of red raspberries, which is so effective in reducing extra weight. The company behind Keto Pro Plus formulated it with pure and high quality extracts. These are so natural and herbal that they have no side effects. In fact, this keto-based product is GMP certified and contributes to instant weight loss.
Benefits of Keto Pro Plus?
It helps to melt excess fat faster than others!
Burn excess fat faster for a lot of energy and endurance!
Great weight loss product based on BHB ketones!
Load your metabolism and increase the weight loss process!
Improve your personality by developing muscle mass!
This is one of the most natural and herbal products!
100% without side effects!
Accelerate your immune system!
Shrink many books!
Why is ketosis famous in weight loss?
Well, each individual wants to lose weight faster and depends on ketosis. Do you know why doctors and health experts recommend ketosis? In fact, there is a main reason behind this: "change of energy source". Ketosis changes the path of energy in the body. It consumes excess fat and does not use carbohydrates for resistance. Therefore, when fat is consumed, the weight loss process becomes so easy and safe. Therefore, Keto Pro Plus is specially designed with BHB, which helps make ketosis work.
What is the best part of Keto Pro Plus?
Other products may reduce weight, but when you drop the pills, the weight begins to increase automatically. Many people have complaints about this and that is why people do not trust any product. But Keto Pro Plus has a better part that can reduce weight, but it can also stop the formation of fat back in the body. Yes, once fat production stops, the weight never increases again in the body.
Keto Pro Plus Does it really work?
This dietary supplement for weight loss burns fat faster in the body using ketosis. In normal cases, the body consumes carbohydrates for energy, an old method. But now fat is the main source of energy. "You know that ketosis is difficult to maintain, but it can be easy with the help of Keto Pro Plus."
This is the main reason why the dietitian chooses Keto Pro Plus. It can help you lose weight after burning fat and not touching carbohydrates. You can reduce those extra pounds and reduce fat in inches in a short time.
Keto Pro Plus extracts?
Keto Pro Plus has natural components such as ginseng, tomato, ginger, turmeric, chili powder, lemon, antioxidants, green tea, green coffee. But, there are powerful and active components included in this product, such as: -
BHB (Beta-Hydroxybutyrate): This is the first type of ketone that helps burn excess fat. It also regulates the process of ketosis in the body and improves the metabolic system. Once it dissolves in the bloodstream, you can lose weight quickly without any side effects.
Red raspberries: this is a unique and different extract that helps improve the immune system and digestive system. This helps keep your body fit and fit with a lot of energy and endurance. These berries are very useful for reducing belly fat and provide instant results.
HCA (hydroxycitric acid): This ingredient is a component of Garcinia, which is a fruit like pumpkin. It keeps you away from high cholesterol and high blood pressure. This helps fight free radicals and provides effective results. This ingredient also helps control hunger by decreasing appetite.
How to consume Keto Pro Plus?
One tablet the morning before the meal and one tablet the night before the last meal. It is better to use these pills with warm water. If you use it as prescribed, you can get a slim and fit body in 90 days. Keto Pro Plus is a weight loss supplement that can help with instant weight loss and offers amazing effects.
Side effects of Keto Pro Plus?
Keto Pro Plus has no side effects as it does not contain a binder, stimulant, filler or additive. In fact, it contains all kinds of natural components that are safe and without side effects.
Keto Pro Plus things to remember?
If a woman is pregnant, breastfeeding or breastfeeding, she cannot use this supplement.
Do not use it, you consume other medications.
If you have allergies and diseases, you should consult your doctor.
Do not consume harmful products such as alcohol, drug addicts, etc.
If you are over 18 years old, you can use this product.
Where is Keto Pro Plus available?
Keto Pro Plus is available online on the official website. Just visit and accept the terms and conditions. You will find all kinds of product details on the official website. Or you can also order it after clicking below the link!
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atakportal · 7 years ago
Woman loses 17 pounds in 19 days. — The Hot Zone Formula
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Woman loses 17 pounds in 19 days. — The Hot Zone Formula
Product Name: Woman loses 17 pounds in 19 days. — The Hot Zone Formula
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All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Woman loses 17 pounds in 19 days. — The Hot Zone Formula is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
When I arrived at the holiday resort, little did I know that in just a few hours time, I’d be forced to dance half naked in front of several strangers with my flabby belly on show for everyone to see.
I’d been really looking forward to this weekend – It was a chance to let off some steam and unwind with some of my friends.
In fact, I was relieved to be away from home because I’d been going through a rough patch with my fiancé and needed some time away to think things through.
Unfortunately, things went downhill shortly after we arrived when I discovered that I’d be taking part in the middle eastern tradition of belly-dancing!
Sure, it was meant to be a bit of fun with the girls – but the very thought of my belly fat shaking uncontrollably scared the life out of me. And…
Although, I tried to make my excuses, my friends are very persuasive. So…
As you can imagine, I was feeling well and truly out of my comfort zone and the thought of making my belly dance for all to see scared the life out of me.
In truth, I’d struggled with my weight for years, but with things not going too well with my fiancé, I’d found comfort in eating on fast food and my belly had ballooned beyond control.
To everyone on the outside it seemed like everything was perfectly fine.
Unfortunately, behind closed doors things were far from fine and over the last year or so we’d both grown apart. Yet…
Neither of us wanted to admit that the relationship was over. Instead we would niggle at each other and row constantly.
I felt miserable and to make myself feel better I would eat, and eat and eat!
I was out of control. Yet…
It wasn’t until I put on the belly-dancing costume that I realized just how bad things had become…
I stepped outside to show the girls my costume, I felt so ashamed. Of course, my friends didn’t say anything about my over hanging belly. They didn’t need to, it was plain to see!
The girls laughed and joked together, all while taking photos – I stood in silence and once again, put on my fake smile for the camera. I tried to pull in my stomach as best I could, but it didn’t  hide the fact that I was a good 40+ pounds overweight.
As time went on and the “belly dance” grew nearer, my doubts grew stronger. It’s one thing showing your belly off to your friends, but it’s another shaking it up and down and side to side in front of several strangers.
As I waited nervously for the class to begin, I couldn’t bear to glance down…
After another minute or two the teacher arrived ready to start the class.
Not only did I have to show off my flabby, out of shape, belly but I now had to wiggle and jiggle it backwards and forwards and side to side.
The teacher shouted from the front of the class, “Are you ready girls?”
I would never be ready for this, not in a million years. Yet…
Off I went moving my hips from side to side and font to back. With each little movement Icould feel the rolls of fat on my belly wobble like jelly.
My face was now bright red with embarrassment and I wanted a hole in the ground to swallow me up.
I tried to block out my belly fat, I really did, but it was no use.
After less than a minute the humiliation was too much to take. I left the class with tears streaming down my face.
My friends followed, but it was too late – the damage had been done.
After the nightmare weekend, I arrived home, I was really feeling sorry for myself. Although…
I couldn’t bring myself tp tell my fiancé what had happened. I just sat that there quietly eating my ice-cream.
I wanted to forget the whole incident and pretend it never happened. However…
That night, I was flicking through the photos on my phone and there it was…
A photo of me, wearing that god-awful, belly dancing costume – it made me cringe and feel physically sick.
I couldn’t believe that I’d been so naive as to jiggle my flabby belly backwards and forwards in front of a several of strangers! What was I thinking?
I knew that I wasn’t in the best shape, but It wasn’t until I saw this photo, that I realized how bad things had really become.
I stood naked in front of the mirror…
I tried to pull in my stomach. It wasn’t pretty, my belly just hung there in a flabby mess.
I wasn’t just “a little out of shape”, I was a good 40+ pounds overweight and looked dreadful.
Listen, this was me at my breaking point…
There’s going to come a time when you finally reach your breaking point and you realize that something HAS to change.
Maybe you’ve been frustrated with your weight for a while now…
Maybe you’ve felt unloved and alone for far too long…
Maybe you had a horribly embarrassing moment like I had, where it triggers this mental shift in your brain, and you decide right then and there that you’re NOT going to take it anymore…
Whatever it is, reaching your breaking point is the BEST thing that will ever happen to you…
It’ll save your life…
It’ll jumpstart your weight loss in ways you can’t even imagine…
Because when that drive and determination kicks in, and you take all that built up frustration and anger from years of low-self esteem, others making fun of you behind your back, and maybe even feelings of depression…
You take ALL of that and finally put it towards something powerful and positive…
Which is YOU taking back your life and getting the body of your dreams so you can look and FEEL absolutely amazing every day of the week. However…
The one thing I needed at this time in my life was some extra guidance and support. I couldn’t do it alone and that’s when I turned to my big brother for help…
Yep, I’m Sarah’s big brother…
Not only did I want to help Sarah lose weight, I wanted to see her happy again! Although…
In a strange kind of way, if it wasn’t for Sarah’s belly dancing torment, I’d have never stumbled upon the weird metabolic formula that not only helped transform her body in just a few short weeks, it has also helped transform 1000’s of other men and women too.
In fact, if you stay with me until the end, you’ll discover the weird metabolic formula that allows you to eat all your favorite foods and lose fat faster than your ever thought possible.
Just make sure you keep an open mind, because what I’m about to tell you is frowned upon by so-called experts and the medical industry. However…
It works and it works bloody well 🙂
Big Brother To The Rescue
After seeing the physical and emotional turmoil Sarah had gone through over the last few months I was more than happy to help. Yet…
I wanted to gauge if Sarah was really ready for a change. So, the next day I sent her a text message with a short exercise routine to complete.
The day after, to my surprise, I got a message back from Sarah saying “Hi Gav! Wow, that was tough and my body aches…in a good way! What’s my next workout?!”
Good start! Maybe she was ready to finally lose her excess weight and transform her life…
I called her right back and said “Right, if we’re going to do this, we’re going to do it properly. Okay?”
I told her about some of the extreme methods I use with my one-to-one clients to get rapid results. Rather than picking one method, she said “Let’s use all of the extreme fat loss methods. Can we do that?!”
That made me laugh, but at the same time, a bit apprehensive…
Okay, so Sarah was definitely serious about losing weight, but I REALLY wasn’t certain that combining several “extreme” fat loss methods was such a good idea.
Would Sarah be able to stick to the plan? Would these methods complement each other or work against each other? And would it even be safe to do so? These were just a few of the questions bouncing around inside my noggin. Yet…
After some arm-twisting, Sarah convinced me to put this weird metabolic experiment to the test that would attempt to help her lose fat fast, especially those pesky pockets of fat around her hips, belly and thighs. So…
Like some sort of Frankenstein, I got to work on creating a powerful formula that would dramatically reduce inflammation, supercharge metabolism and boost hormonal mojo – ALL at the same time.
If I could do this, then I could potentially create a red hot metabolism, otherwise known as your “Metabolic Hot Zone”…
While in this zone your metabolism stays elevated for hours, days even, allowing your body to release stubborn fat cells and reveal a tight, toned body for the first time in years.
The funny thing is that instead of making it all complicated and difficult to follow for Sarah, I kept it ridiculously simple…
I sent Sarah a simple text message every day with diet instructions and a short exercise routine to follow. Now…
What happened next was crazy, because Sarah noticed her skin starting to glow, she slept better than she had in months and by day 5 it was obvious things were working well, because her clothes started to feel loose too. So…
With her motivation sky high, we kept this going for a total of 19 days!
It was so easy to follow and the results were coming thick and fast, why wouldn’t she?!
I’m so glad she she stuck with it, because at the end of 19 days her results blew my mind. But…
Before I tell you more about Sarah’s amazing transformation, I need to tell you why so many so-called experts have got this fat loss malarkey totally wrong.
Fad Diets And Traditional Workouts Only Cause A Metabolic Deep Freeze – Making Your Belly Fatter!
That’s because you’re about to discover a brand new fat loss formula that not only helped my sister, but has helped men and women just like you get a firm, flat, toned stomach with short, simple bodyweight movements and a unique diet cycle in as little as 19 days from now.
The best part about this new body slimming breakthrough is that it will ignite even the most sluggish metabolism regardless of your age, gender or how out of shape you are, so that you can finally achieve the slim and toned body you’ve dreamed of – EVEN IF:
ANYBODY AT ANY Age Can Switch ON Their “Metabolic Hot Zone” And Achieve A Flat And Firm Belly With This Breakthrough Formula. 
All you need to ignite the Metabolic Hot Zone is your own bodyweight and a proven rapid fat loss solution to FINALLY shrink your belly, as well as tone your hips, butt and thighs. 
If you THINK  having a flat and firm belly is a lost cause or some sort of pipe dream – be sure to read every word of this article and you will be both shocked and pleasantly surprised…
Now, I must warn you…You cannot find this new belly slimming solution anywhere else. This is the first time it’s be made available to the public on this very page.
Just imagine this time next week when your friends and family compliment you and ask if you’ve lost weight.  You look in the mirror to not only reveal a flatter, firmer belly…but a person with a new found confidence and zest for life. And that’s just the beginning, because this never before seen solution will also release powerful anti-ageing molecules that will smooth out wrinkles and help you look up to 10 years younger.
Before we dive into how this is all done, I need to tell you something…
There’s a bizarre idea among many health professionals that losing 1-2 pounds a week is good progress…
Let me tell you something, losing 1-2 pounds a week is all very well, but it’s very slow progress AND frustrating if you’re spending hours in a gym or dieting. In my experience “slow and steady” often gives up…
In a recent study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition they found that those who lost their excess fat slowly when starting a new diet or fitness program would give up before those who had faster results.
And in my experience losing a large amount of fat in those first few weeks of starting a new fitness and diet program does your willpower and confidence the World of good.
Seeing the inches drop off and being able to fit into an old pair of jeans is an amazing feeling and it encourages you to stick with it long-term.
Personally, I think the results in those first few weeks have really got to excite you. The problem with the “1-2 pounds a week” notion, that many health professionals often speak about, is that it’s based on outdated methods. There’s actually a far quicker way to lose fat and transform your body.
It drives me crazy when I see people following this lame advice and struggling with their weight loss for years. Let’s be honest, if you’re several pounds overweight then you can certainly lose more than 1-2 pounds per week.
And I’ll tell you how in just a moment…
If traditional cardio workouts produced fantastic results we would probably overlook the sheer boredom of it all. Unfortunately, that’s not the case…
You see, exercising on some medieval torture contraption isn’t the best way to lose belly fat. I get so frustrated when I see people plodding along in a bid to banish their wobbly bits. So, let me be straight with you…
If you LOVE doing traditional cardio and it makes you feel good, by all means keep doing it. I’m not going take that away from you. But…
If you want to burn as much fat as possible, please read on…
In a study published in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness (Vol. 52(3):255-62), sixty overweight young women were separated into three groups.
Groups 1 & 2 exercised five days per week for 12 weeks and the researchers concluded that group 1 (shorter, more challenging workouts) produced far better results than of those in the traditional cardio group. Traditional cardio strikes out yet again!
This is not the only study to prove that traditional cardio is terrible at burning belly fat. I could rattle off several more studies, but chances are, you already know this.
You’ve more than likely followed that classic workout of doing 10-minutes on the treadmill, then 10-minutes on the cross-trainer, followed by another 10-minutes on the bike.
And where has it got you…
Most people I speak to struggle to lose weight because they haven’t got enough TIME.
I’ve got a young family and I know how tricky things can be when you’re trying to juggle the kids, work and other social engagements.
So, yes – TIME is a BIG problem.
I’ve been there. Getting to the gym and then back home can be a mission in itself. Even a quick gym workout can take you the best part of an hour-and-a-half when you factor in travel, changing and showering.
And this is a common mistake people make…
The government has told us that we need to aim for 5 hours of moderate intensity exercise, like jogging, each week. That’s a big ask for those who have children or jobs. It’s these sorts of guidelines that block fat loss, makes us look old and leads to a number of diseases.
You see, we’ve all been brain-washed into thinking that we’ve got to join a fancy gym and spend hours there to burn fat, when that’s simply not the case at all.
You can get BETTER results with far LESS time.
You don’t need long exercise sessions or even a gym to get in the best shape of your life. You can exercise from the comfort of your own home with zero equipment wearing whatever you want to…
As long as you as follow an exercise plan that is not only effective in terms of time, but also burning belly fat fast, so that you can get on with the rest of your life.
You’ve heard it all before right…
“If you want to lose weight you have to give up your favorite foods”. So…
No more pizza, ice-cream, cookies, cake or wine…EVER! 🙁
The thing is that this is complete nonsense, because you can still enjoy ALL of your fave foods WITHOUT guilt and actually keep your metabolism firing on all cylinders.
The answer is to use your fave foods strategically…not to cut them out completely!
Of course, if you eat donuts and cookies ALL the time that’s not going to work, but neither will cutting out all the foods you love. And not just from a psychological standpoint, but a physical one too.
You see, many men and women cut out the foods they love and drop the calories in a bid to lose weight. And this might work initially, but soon after your body’s hormones, in particular a pesky hormone called leptin, will kick up a fuss and bring your metabolism to a crawl. So…
To make sure you stay in your metabolic hot zone and keep leptin happy, the best thing to do is up your calories strategically and enjoy some of your fave foods. Happy days!
Look, I know that you’ve tried to lose weight and failed…probably several times! You’ve tried the gadgets and gizmos, the fad diets and maybe even some of Dr Oz’s magic beans.
Did you lose fat quickly? Did you tighten and tone your stomach? Did these methods make you feel good about yourself?
But, that’s really not your fault…
So, let me be straight with you. The reason you you didn’t succeed with all these other programs:
Instead, to get the long lasting results you desire, you need a NEW approach…a SMARTER approach…
One that synchronizes your hormonal mojo with special bodyweight movements to switch ON your Metabolic Hot Zone, so that your body will melt through belly fat effortlessly, finally giving you that flat and firm belly you’ve always wanted, no matter what your age or level of fitness.
What you REALLY need is a system that:
Sarah had tried all kinds of diet programs in the past such as Weight Watchers and Slimmers World, but they just didn’t do the job and left her feeling disappointed.
She’d complain about always being hungry and have to fight the urge to eat because these programs were always about restricting your diet and counting calories…which she hated!
Sarah felt like she was drowning and was desperate to lose her belly once and for all.
And that’s when she turned to me for help…
Listen, it really was awful to hear my sister in an emotional mess, not just from her weekend trip away, but to hear of her failing relationship too.
Of course I wanted to help her lose weight, but I was determined to see her happy and enjoying life again. So…
I put together an experimental fat loss plan, based on the secrets I had learned over the years with the idea of synchronizing her diet, exercise and hormones to help bring her metabolism in from the cold and into what I call the “Hot Zone”.
It was only a matter of days until she started seeing the belly slimming results in the mirror, which really helped her motivation, but by the end of my 19-day plan her results shocked and pleasantly surprised both of us.
She lost 17 pounds and 15 inches from her body…in just 19 days.
To say that Sarah was on cloud 9 would be an understatement. In fact, she was thrilled with her results.
But she hadn’t finished there…
She was was keen to lose even more fat, so she stuck with it for a further 3 weeks and the next time I saw her I couldn’t believe my eyes. Her belly fat had COMPLETELY vanished, not to mention her skin was glowing and her arms and legs were more toned too.
She felt great and looked fan-bloody-tastic. But more importantly, it gave Sarah her confidence back. The confidence to go and enjoy life to the fullest – and just in case you wondered – the confidence to finish things with her fiancé and move on with her life.
This was the moment I first realized the full power of switching ON your Metabolic Hot Zone and the fantastic belly shrinking results that would follow.
I was so excited by Sarah’s amazing vanishing belly, that I knew I had to share these powerful strategies with other men and women around the world who were struggling to lose belly fat.
Why is The Hot Zone Formula™ the  #1 solution to achieving the slim and defined body you have always wanted, FASTER than you ever thought possible?
Because it synchronizes how you eat with the way you exercise to activate your body’s hot zone hormones, which in turn opens the fat loss ‘floodgates’ and accelerates your metabolism so that you can melt away fat every hour of the day. This is not only the fastest way to burn fat, it’s the only way for men and women over 30 to switch ON their Metabolic Hot Zone.
As you now know, with each passing year your metabolism get’s colder and colder, making it more difficult to burn fat.
And when you eat or exercise the wrong way, this only FREEZES your metabolism and causes further fat storage around your belly, hips, thighs and butt.
Once you reach 30 years old your metabolism automatically starts to slow down year after year BLOCKING fat loss and storing fat becomes a certainty.
However, it is possible for men and women over 30 to reverse this metabolic clock, so that you stop weight gain in it’s tracks…You’re just not using it!
The best part about The Hot Zone Formula™ is that you can get lightning fast results with a few diet tweaks and some special bodyweight movements in about half the time of regular workouts.
The Hot Zone Formula™  uses a simple 3 step sequence to sync your Hot Zone Hormones and fire up your metabolism, so that losing belly fat becomes effortless.
By following this simple formula your icy-cold metabolism becomes a thing of the past as you permanently upgrade your metabolism, keeping belly fat at bay for years to come.
And this is how ANY man and woman, at ANY age, at Any fitness level can melt away belly fat easily and boost their self-confidence beyond measure.
In fact, I’m sure you know men and women that are already using this formula. Those very same people that seem to stay slim all year round, year after year no matter what they eat. Whether they know it or not, they’re using this 3 step sequence to boost their metabolism and keep it in the Hot Zone.
And that’s the exact reason why you’ve been frustrated year after year…
This powerful 3 step sequence awakens your body’s natural fat burning systems from their icy slumber and cranks up the heat forcing your metabolism into the Hot Zone making stubborn fat around the belly, hips, thighs and arms a thing of the past.
Switch OFF The Deep Freeze
First, we need to awaken your metabolism from it’s icy slumber.
Then we need to prime your metabolism for faster fat loss by switching on your Hot Zone Hormones.
And finally, open the flood gates to ALL your excess fat by activating your Metabolic Hot Zone.
You see, most diets and exercise routines simply focus on the calories and this might work for the younger kids, but in my experience with working with thousands of men and women over 30, you’ve got to focus on both your metabolism AND your hormonal mojo to fully activate your Metabolic Hot Zone, so that you can get a flatter belly in less time AND effort.
Quite simply, when you follow these 3 simple steps your body won’t have any option other than to burn belly fat quickly.
Hi, my name is Gavin Walsh and I’ve spent the last 15 years helping 1,000’s of men and women, just like you, transform their out of shape, flabby body to a toned and sexy body that turns heads.
I’ve seen first hand the struggles that men and women in their 30’s and beyond have been through and why so many fad diets and exercise routines have left them fatter with almost no hope of getting the body they truly desire.
Many so-called experts simply don’t target the one thing that matters…switching ON your Metabolic Hot Zone.
When you switch ON your Metabolic Hot Zone your body’s natural fat burning processes are ignited making fat loss almost effortless, even from stubborn areas like your hips, butt and thighs. Yet, millions of men and women in their 30’s, 40’s and 50’s are suffering with from a metabolic deep freeze making it almost impossible to lose ANY fat, especially from around the belly.
Fortunately, I’ve been able to work with some of the world’s top fat loss experts and have seen their best kept belly slimming secrets first hand. Through my own private clients I’ve been able to build on these secrets and even throw in a few new ones of my own! In fact nowadays, I’m regularly sought out by the press to comment and contribute on fitness and fat loss matters featuring in the likes of Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Men’s Fitness, Cosmopolitan and Harpers Bazaar to name just a few.
By the way, this is also a picture of me below and at the time of this photo my Wife had just given birth to our first child. Let me tell you, nipping off to the gym several times a week was a big no-no during this time. Mrs W would have killed me! Yet…
Ever keen to stay to stay fit and healthy I followed the same methods I’d given to my sister just weeks before and to my surprise I ended up being in the best shape I’ve been in for years.
Now, I know what you’re thinking…
You’re probably thinking that I’m probably one of these personal trainers who lives in a gym and eats broccoli 24/7, right? And that I should be in good shape!
Can I be honest with you? Yes, I eat healthy and exercise, but I’m actually a regular type of guy, with all the commitments that come with juggling a young family and work.
I’ve got a serious sweet tooth and a wife that loves to bake cakes, which is not the greatest combination, but I’m not giving up cake for anyone! Plus, this might shock the “fitness gurus” out there, but I even drink the odd beer from time to time…just don’t tell them!
See, I told you I was a normal kind of guy!
After seeing Sarah’s amazing  results it suddenly dawned on me…
I may be on the verge of a major breakthrough that could well help 1000’s of men and women melt away ugly belly fat in record time.
Maybe I could film the short bodyweight workouts I gave Sarah.
Perhaps I could turn the scribbled notes into a step-by-step plan and help lots more people, just like you, get jaw dropping results.
And that’s exactly what I did…
My sister was the first guinea-pig, but I had to confirm that my Hot Zone Formula worked with other men and women too.
So,  I tried it with a small beta group…
The result: They ALL lost weight rapidly.
In fact, the results were anywhere from 7 – 25 pounds in just 19 days.
I would hear these beta testers bragging about how much weight they’d lost and how the fat was still dropping off even after the program had finished
Yet, that wasn’t the only thing.
They started feeling more mentally focused, had 10x more energy, had more tone in their muscles and they looked and felt healthier than they had in years.
How could I not share this information with you?! So…
I packaged this breakthrough system into a step-by-step plan to help men and women transform their bodies from flabby to firm in just 19 days.
I’m absolutely convinced that these flat belly secrets I’m about to share with you will FINALLY help you achieve the body you deserve.
You see, even though I’ve been using the same unique belly shrinking formula with hundreds of my personal clients…
I’m on a mission to help as many men and women get their best EVER body by switching ON their Metabolic Hot Zone and  flattening their belly PERMANENTLY.
And, the only way I can do this is by packaging up all my strategies and secrets into one easy-to-use, follow along system that ANY man or woman call follow, no matter what age or fitness level to get the best ever body.
In fact, I’ve specifically designed this fat loss system for men and women that have struggled with their belly fat no matter how hard they’ve tried in the past. If this sounds like you, then Lean In 19 is the answer.
“After having a baby 7 months ago I had lost quite a bit of weight but was still, what felt like was, a long way off the size I was pre-baby and it was getting frustrating that I couldn’t fit into the clothes I wore before I had our little boy. I had been thinking for a few weeks that I needed to do something about it and had started exercising but as I was a gym bunny before I felt that the exercise I was able to do at home wasn’t hard enough to get the kind of results I wanted. I signed up for Gavin’s program as with a 7 month old child I wasn’t able to get to the gym and the exercise I was trying to do at home when I had a moment, weren’t giving me the results I wanted. It was just what I needed to give me that extra push and the exercise I needed to get great results.
Getting an email everyday with the exercises for that day is a real boost as not only does it stop it being boring but you feel that Gavin is with you ever step of the way. It also gave me the extra motivation to do the exercises and not cut corners as otherwise you have Gavin to answer to!! The exercises range from 5 minutes to 30 minutes and that was perfect for the amount of time I had each day around looking after my little boy and our busy schedule. Sometimes I’d look at what exercise I needed to do for the program and think it was going to take me an hour but in reality it was never longer than 30 minutes. The intensity ranges through the program from lung busting to just a little out of breath but as you can go at your own pace it’s all attainable and as the days go by and your fitness increases you feel better and more proud of yourself. When I started the programme I was 139 pounds and at the top end of a size 12 dress size, I’m now 128 pounds and am in a size 10. In all I lost 13″ and the weight and inches are still coming off. The results are fantastic, I lost 13″ and 11 pounds in 19 days and feel that the weight will stay off, not like some of the fad diets and programs that are around. I will definitely be keeping up the healthy eating programme that comes with the exercises as it’s yummy and wasn’t hard for me to stick to. The weight and inches are still coming off even though I’ve now finished the program. I couldn’t be happier!!”
“Hey Gavin, Just a quick update as I’m off to Spain tomorrow and wont be able to finish the program
DO NOT WORRY I will be starting again when we get back and my girlfriend will be joining me too
To be honest I cannot believe the difference, I have gone from 15stone to 14stone and taken 4″ off my belly.
Thank you so much for your help and advice and we will be back in touch after the holiday.
When I first created the Hot Zone Formula I knew that I needed to do more than simply focus on the calories, especially if I wanted to target stubborn belly fat. And that’s why I created these 3 phases.
Each phase will boost your metabolism, but the REAL power is when you combine each phase. This unique combination thrusts your metabolism into the Hot Zone making fat loss almost effortless and when you SEE a flatter and more toned stomach just days from now, it really spurs you on to do even more.
Let me tell you about each of these phases below…
To wake up your metabolism I designed a 5 day diet strategy that’ll quickly fire up even the most sluggish metabolism and have it burning belly fat faster than you ever have before.
Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover…
To turn up the heat on your metabolism we need to throw in some exercise, but not just any ordinary exercise. These workouts have been specifically designed with busy men and women in mind and can be done from the comfort of your own home in minutes.
Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover…
Combine phase one and two to fully activate your Metabolic Hot Zone and synchronize ALL of your body’s natural fat burning systems so that you can burn belly fat 24/7.
Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover…
Seriously, this system is truly unique and virtually guaranteed to work when you follow the 3 step formula. In fact, I’d go as far as to say you’ve never experienced anything like this before and that’s because most diets and exercise routines DON’T even attempt to unite your hormones with special bodyweight movements that sky-rocket your metabolism for days.
I’ve spent years training 1000’s of men and women, just like you, and have first hand experience of the struggles they’ve been through. Yet the good news is that when these men and women have used this powerful formula they’ve not only lost belly fat for the first in years, they’ve discovered a new found confidence in themselves and a joy to live life to the fullest.
NO other program targets your Metabolic Hot Zone – This is the best AND only way to switch ON your Metabolic Hot Zone.
Look, the bottom line is: you simply can’t find anything like this anywhere else except on this very page.
I know how busy you are with the kids, family and work. Yet, that’s the beauty of this program. I’ve designed it in a specific way so that you can get your workouts done and then get on with your day with minimal fuss, all while keeping your body smack bang in the middle of it’s Hot Zone for several days at a time.
“Very pleased to report I’ve lost 7lbs and 3 inches from the tum.
I didn’t follow the plan exactly, the diet I did but exercise wise I am doing a combination of Gavin’s exercises or gym classes because I love them, so much fun! And this way I can sustain it exercising daily etc, thanks Gavin for all your knowledge and motivation.
I want to be honest here and give you a friendly warning, because although this lean body formula works extremely well, it’s not another quick fix of short cut.
It will take some effort on your part, but if you’re unmotivated or looking for a magic bullet to burn fat faster and although I’ve made this as easy as possible, it’s probably best we part ways now.
On the other hand, if you’re willing to keep an open mind and follow my unique formula, LEAN IN 19 is the breath of fresh air you’ve been looking for.
Whether you have 5, 10, 15 or even 20+ pounds to lose, this program will work for you no matter what your age or fitness level – as long as you take action.
So, if you’ve been struggling to get the belly slimming results you desire, then Lean In 19 is for you.
Make that decision to start today. You owe it to yourself.
“I absolutely loved the programme. I liked how you (Gavin) came across – not harsh or aggressive and I adore your assistant – the puppy! At first glance the programme seems hard, but in reality its not. You are delivered an exercise programme daily plus you have Gavin’s support at the end of the email, and I liked the fact you did not have to wait an age for a reply! Also, as a working mum, being able to train at home with the kids in the other room is great.
For me the reason I wanted to lose weight and get fit is mainly because I am getting married next year and although I will be a 40-something bride I want to walk down the aisle looking my best, I am aiming for a size 10. I do not want to waddle and feel self-conscious as all eyes will be on me. Also my weight had been affecting my joints, especially my knees, so I knew I had to do something.
In the past I have tried everything – the ritual humiliation of weight watchers and being weighed in front of people, not losing and being told off!, going to a gym and after a few weeks losing motivation because I didn’t know what to do. I did, a couple years ago, do a 4 week boot camp in a local park, it was good but as a busy working mum, it was difficult to fit the sessions in.
Although I did not lose a huge amount of weight (in total about 8 pounds) I did lose a lot of inches. Before I started the programme I was, if I admit to myself, a size 18, pretending to be a size 16. I am now a comfortable size 14. Losing a massive 9 inches off my waist so much so my H2B is complaining I have no belly to rub. My mum who is very quick to tell me when I have gained weight said I was looking slim and she could see that my bum and hips were shrinking. Most of all I feel great in my self: more confident. I am less grouchy (I think eating clean has help with the elimination of the sugar and bad saturated fats). The programme has given me the kick up the backside I needed to start to lose the remaining 2 stone before my wedding and for life!”
Although the photos don`t do me any favours, I personally don’t think I have looked so good since leaving the forces over 20yrs ago! Which is all down to your work outs and nutritional advice,
It’s not been easy, but if you really want something its worth the pain, both mentally and physically and this was definitely worth it.
My main aim was to try and increase my fitness to be able to complete my first triathlon, which I hope to do on Sunday. I will be competing against my gym manager who has been taking my money for the past 6 months (membership). If i beat him I will be pointing him in your direction! I would do it all again, (cause I can).
I am supremely confident that this system is the most comprehensive and effective fat loss program ever created. I know, that’s a big call, but that’s how confident I am that when you follow this easy-to-use system you’ll get better results that anything you’ve used before.
However… I decided not to stop there. I wanted you to be so over the top thrilled about investing in the Lean In 19  formula that I decided to fill in the ‘gaps’ by creating 4 special bonuses that will make your transformation even easier!
“I just wanted to say a massive thank you to you and your Lean in 19 program for helping me get into shape for my wedding.
A few months ago I was at my wits end trying to lose weight having failed miserably and time was running out.
I’ve always been big but thought I was pretty fit doing annual bike rides, marathon and triathlons for charity but your program showed me how unfit I was and how effective a few simple changes can be. My friend Sarah put me in touch with you and I started Lean In 19 end of May, she checked in with me Day 3 and I could only summon the response – my ass is killing me!
Well 19 days later, I was 14 pounds lighter and the inches had fallen off and I loved having Gavin pop into my living room every morning at 5am to put me through my paces!
Now, you might think that a breakthrough system like this would cost a tidy sum…and in all honestly, it probably should. Yet…
When I first created this system I wanted to make sure that EVERY man and woman over 30 struggling to lose belly fat could afford to achieve the body they’d always dreamed of…
Without breaking the bank.
And this is where the internet steps in, because you get instant access to everything you need in one easy-to-use spot for one super low price.
Plus, as the creator of this slimming solution I want to get as many testimonials from men and women just like you and this means that I’m slashing the price even further to reward you for being an action taker.
All you need is a little commitment and determination for 19 short days to see a brand NEW you every time you look in the mirror.
So for the next few days, take advantage of this insanely low price.
And to sweeten the deal, I’ll make sure ALL the risk is on me…
You can go through the entire 19 day program FIRST – and if you decide it’s not for you, just let me know and I’ll refund EVERY penny.
I’m so confident that you’ll visibly see a flat and firmer belly after just 19 days using this slimming solution I’m offering an UNCONDITIONAL 100% money back guarantee.
This simply means that all the risk is on me! If you’re not satisfied with your results, don’t like the program, the workouts, or even my British accent in the follow-along videos all that you need to is shoot me an email and I’ll refund every penny.
No hard feelings. We can still remain friends.
The refund will be super fast, usually within just a few hours.
I won’t take it personally. I won’t even ask “why”. I’ll refund your money with a smile just because you gave this breakthrough system a try.
That’s my personal guarantee. Love it or hate it, all the risk is on me and that’s how it should be.
So remember, if for ANY reason Lean In 19 doesn’t live up to your expectations, all you have to do is just drop me an email within 60 days of your purchase and I’ll give you a full, no-questions asked refund.
This means you can actually use and apply THREE full 19 day cycles of Lean In 19 with ZERO risk. And if you’re not blown away AFTER you take action and achieve the dream body you’ve always dreamed of, you get ALL your money back.
Remember, Lean In 19 is a brand NEW system and I want to get this belly slimming formula into as many hands as possible, so that men and women just like you can experience the thrill of having a flat belly and new found confidence.
If you’ve lost your mojo and are frustrated with the shape of your body, yet are prepared to follow my proven 3 step formula, then Lean In 19 is for you.
However, you need to act fast because this special discount is on a first come first served basis and I’m not sure how long I’m going to be able to continue this ridiculously low price.
I’ll be honest with you…
I’m personally responsible for over 1000 real world body transformations and that number is growing by the day.
But the ONE THING that I noticed was that some people simply will not take the necessary steps to really make it happen.
The reality is, if all you do is use my special bodyweight workouts you’ll get noticeable results in the way your belly looks and feels.
For most people, this is usually enough to motivate you to keep following these these belly slimming workouts so you can continue shrinking your waistline, melt away stubborn fat and transform your life.
However… For every person that I see take action and commit to using The Hot Zone Formula, there’s another person who ignores this information completely and continues for another year, trying to figure it out all for on their own and worse, NOT getting any results.
Which leaves me with one final question for you… Which person do you want to be?
Remember – the only reason you’ve been frustrated year after year with unsightly fat hanging off your body is because you were lied to…And that’s the reason you’ve felt TRAPPED…
Those other diets and workout program don’t activate YOUR Metabolic Hot Zone and actually work against your body prolonging the metabolic deep freeze making it almost impossible to burn ANY fat.
That’s why it hasn’t been your fault – today is YOUR day… your day to retake control by taking responsibility: Try Lean In 19 for 60 full days, on me… and see the results you desire, or you pay nothing!
Do the smart thing and choose to take action and responsibility right now for your body and life.
Remember, the choice is yours.
The workouts, the diet plan, and the follow-along videos are there for you.
Now it’s time for you to take action.
Just try it, that’s all I can ask.
See you on the inside, so we can start transforming your body like never before!
Fitness & Fat Loss Expert
P.S. – Don’t forget, my Iron-Clad, 100% Money-Back Guarantee, I’m giving you a full 60 days to maximize your fat burning potential and discover what so many others have – a way to “outsmart” your metabolism and burn an INSANE amount of fat without the pain and suffering of dieting down. Grab it right now, RISK-FREE.
Lean in 19 is a 19 day rapid fat loss program that combines a highly effective exercise program with advanced nutrition techniques (cheat days, fast days, carbohydrate depletion) and numerous other “advanced” fat loss methods.
The secret is in the set-up. I’ve tested all these methods over several years and finally found the perfect formula.  These methods will stimulate fat loss, increase metabolism and limit fat gain in the most effective manner possible.    Every single day, every single workout, every single thing you do on this program is for a very specific reason that contributes to the overall rapid fat loss effects of the program.
Simply put, when you learn how to unlock the right methods in the right combination and in the right sequence, the results are incredible.
NO.  In fact, you’ll have a full blown cheat day each week where you can literally eat WHATEVER you want . That’s right, THREE out of the short 19 days that make up the program require that you indulge all your cravings without worry.  And the best part?  It’s all set up so that you accelerate your results. Burning FAT while cheating.
Great question, because many diet programs have a significant ‘rebound’!  The great thing about Lean in 19 is the fact that it protects your metabolism throughout the entire course of the program to make sure the weight you lose stays lost after the 19 days conclude.  Not only that,  I’ve created a 12 week maintenance plan to help you lose even more fat once the 19 days are finished.
Of course!  You can use Lean in 19 as many times as you’d like to help melt away your fat loss goals quickly; We just recommend that after each 19 day cycle you spend at least 4 weeks doing a more moderate program like my maintenance program, to allow your body to recover from the somewhat “extreme” methods used within the Lean in 19 program.
No!  That’s the beauty of the internet. The entire program will become immediately available to you via download after your purchase – no shipping fees, no waiting for results!
Yes, you’ll be able to follow the diet plan without any problems at all. However, for the exercise plan I recommend that you go at your own pace and take the first days easy to see how your body reacts to the specific training regime and contact me if you have any issues.  The program is set up to have you losing fat fast while increasing your metabolism–no matter what age you are. In the oldest person I’ve had take part in the program was 77 years young!
While the program is “extreme” in nature, modifications can be made to make it suitable for a wide range of fitness levels and starting points.  The truth is that it’s going to be tough and you’ll curse my name and wonder why in the World you started this plan, but after you’ve finished each workout you’ll feel great and once the fat starts to drop off you’ll be over the moon. So, for best results follow the plan as it’s laid out, that’s how you’ll get the very best results.
Of course.  The program was designed with my sister in mind, but you know something! I’ve had over a hundred men go through this program and I even use it with my male clients.
Simply put, if you follow the Lean in 19 program exactly as outlined in the materials, and do NOT lose more fat in 19 days than you ever have previously, just contact me and I’ll refund your money.  It’s that simple.
I stand behind my product as the fastest fat loss program ever created, and if doesn’t yield those results for you when followed, you get your money back.  No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.
As you can see, the burden to deliver is 100% on me—the only thing you need to do is let me prove it to you!
Please read my brutally honest disclaimer: Due to recent statements from the FTC, it is required that I identify what a typical result is. The truth: most people are lazy and do nothing with the products they buy. So most of the time, their typical results are zero. The biggest factor is you. There is no such thing as a miracle pill or silver bullet. You’re the only one that can make this happen. So step up and let’s make your dream body a reality!
Note: Upon purchase, you will be given instant access! This is a virtual product, that can be conveniently downloaded or accessed anywhere with an internet connection. No hard product will be shipped. ClickBank is the retailer of this product. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of this product or any claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of this product.
Copyright 2017 – Gavin Walsh – All Rights Reserved
Click here to get Woman loses 17 pounds in 19 days. — The Hot Zone Formula at discounted price while it’s still available…
All orders are protected by SSL encryption – the highest industry standard for online security from trusted vendors. Woman loses 17 pounds in 19 days. — The Hot Zone Formula is backed with a 60 Day No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee. If within the first 60 days of receipt you are not satisfied with Wake Up Lean™, you can request a refund by sending an email to the address given inside the product and we will immediately refund your entire purchase price, with no questions asked.
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supplimentsforhealth · 3 years ago
We are talking about long-term health for women, and the secret ingredient to achieving this goal is none but protein powder.
In the words of strength and conditioning specialist Marie Spano,
“Women may benefit more from protein powder than men do.”
Time constraints, eating on the run, physical and mental stress, and health issues can suck up your nutrients, especially protein. That’s where the best protein powder for women can be helpful. Protein powders are pretty convenient. You just have to mix it into a shake or smoothie. Protein powders can be mixed in baked products. Hence, you can enjoy delicious high-protein foods and drinks.
Protein is the building block of the human body. So everyone, irrespective of their gender or age, needs protein. That means women need protein just as much as men do.
The best protein powder for women helps in maintaining all important functions of the body. Protein manages the task of every cell, tissue, and muscle. Protein is present in every single cell in the body. It is essential for repairing cells and producing new cells. Protein also manages the structure and regulation of all tissues and organs. Next, protein helps to generate energy for healthy muscle contractions.
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Lesson learned: protein is the foundational nutrient. It is the chief manager, catering to every task of our body.
Dietary protein is mostly found in animal products and poultry along with vegetables and legumes. Since maintain protein balanced diet is not easy, hence women must take protein supplements. Older women should take protein powder, for their natural absorption power is low. Protein powders when turned into shakes ensure appropriate protein levels in your body.
Women are often under the misinterpretation that protein powders will make them fat. Protein, ladies, help in both weight gain and weight loss. It depends upon your lifestyle, activities, and health needs to determine how much protein you need. Yes, the best protein powder for women
boosts muscles, but healthy muscles. There are so many other functions that protein performs. It maintains radiant skin, strong bones, and helps the body to recover faster from injury. In fact, because of satiety power, protein keeps you full for a long time. Protein renders energy all day long. Consuming protein-rich snacks/ drinks in between meals will fuel your body to work smoothly for the rest of the day. As the expert, Spano says,
“When cutting calories, a female needs more protein than if she is consuming enough calories to maintain her weight. Weight loss includes fat, muscle, and a tiny bit of bone. Of course, you want to lose more fat and less muscle. To do this, you’ll need to increase the amount of protein you consume to spare muscle-tissue losses.”
The best protein powder for women comes with a stack of benefits such as:
Protein for weight control-
Protein controls your weight, as in it helps you lose the extra kilos. Protein improves body composition and initiates healthy weight loss. Protein supplementation must be taken regularly if you have an imbalanced diet. Women who struggle to daily consume dairy products, lean meats, poultry, seafood, and legumes, should take protein powder to cover up. The same goes for vegetarians. Also substituting your junk food with protein products will save you excessive calorie increase. For effective results, consume protein throughout the day in small quantities. It will help in weight control.
Protein for lean muscle growth-
The best protein for women is brilliant for muscle growth. Protein helps in building lean muscle tissues. Protein increases the body’s ability to burn fat. More protein means more muscle tissue. Hence, the higher will be the metabolic rate. More lean muscle tissue will also increase metabolism and enhance fat-burning abilities. Protein also aids the body’s conversion of food into energy. Healthy muscles will make the body sends calories to be burned instead of storing them in fat cells. Protein not only builds lean muscle tissue but also keeps the process of running optimally. The reason is that protein is made up of amino acids. Amino acids, in return, help to repair muscles for the long run. Also, exercising, doing high activities, or lifting weights will rust your muscles. You will face muscles fatigue, and micro-tears will develop in your muscles. Protein, especially amino acids help to repair the tears. They strengthen your muscles.
Protein for hair, skin, and nails-
The best protein powder for women is good for skin, hair, and nails. It boosts collagen, a protein that makes up 70% of our skin’s composition. Collagen is present in the connective tissues that maintain joint mobility. Collagen controls premature wrinkles. Since collagen declines in the body with age, it is important to consume it via protein supplements. Collagen is an essential nutrient for women. A low level of collagen quickly shows signs of age. Physical beauty will come to you if you maintain protein levels. Protein will reduce puffy skin under the eyes and also maintain strong and smooth nail beds. Protein also maintains good hair by providing keratin. Protein gives shiny, strong, and healthy-looking hair.
Protein for bone health-
Next, the best protein powder for women helps maintain healthy bones. Studies say that amongst 10 million Americans with osteoporosis, 80% are women. Every one in two women over age 50 is prone to bone weakness. For proper bone health taking the protein is as important as taking calcium and Vitamin D. Protein also helps to keep the bones strong. High-protein diets increase bone mineral density levels. It also reduces bone loss rates. Protein is seen as a major component of bone tissue and helps maintain bones.
Protein powder is convenient and delicious-
Lastly, the best protein powder for women is super convenient and delicious. Along with ease and taste, it also gives nutrition and is cheaper. Women's protein powder is manufactured wisely and organically. It is suitable for both vegans and non-vegans. Protein powders are easy to afford. They come in varieties of flavours, so just blend them in milk, water, or juice and hike up the nutrition of your drink. Protein powders do not play with taste. There are numerous flavours in the market to select from.
Thus, protein powders for women have enough benefits to consider them as a mandatory addition to your diet. From the taste, convenience, affordability to maintaining numerous body functions protein has all essential qualities.
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