#why is there a type of gay person you hate?
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moraymoth Ā· 2 days ago
jorkfolfe hinted and tw for mean parent.
Ā Felix Wolfe really, really wants Blackburn in his gang, of course, probably because he knows heā€™s been going against Edward - however, what if there was more for it? This isnā€™t canon or anything, this is headcanons as a heads-up. I donā€™t mind if you disagree either.
James, of course, denies each and every time when Felix offers that odd thing and makes a scene; as said, James openly goes against Ed.
Ā So, what if, in the past - James and Felix used to be extremely close. Say throughout elementary up until 7th or 8th grade? They knew everything about each other, even if one was more melodramatic they would have got along and SOMEWHAT evened each others personalities out and James was relatively content and comfortable with this whole thing compared to how extreme or angry they act now.Ā 
Ā So Iā€™d say, like, middle school crushes type shit. You know?? That leads into a small idea I have of Jamesā€™ family. I call James Jameson for this exact reason as well. Mr Blackburn, a short mean old man with a raspy voice and a flat expression. Iā€™d say heā€™s homophobic, extremely homophobic - and with the two of them being middle school crushes and Mr Blackburn finding this out would make things absolutely horrible.
Ā Ā Basically a, ā€˜if youre gay iā€™ll kill the both of you and you arenā€™t my son if you donā€™t follow in MY tracksā€™. Again, when I say Mr Blackburns short I mean like 5ā€™0 short.Ā 
Ā In return, James got so scared to the point he began to distance himself from Felix and get pretty pissed and angry overtime mainly at himself for doing something like that - which makes Felix more hopeless in his eyes, which since he was already acting out a bit in the past it gradually got even more extreme. Should probably throw in there, I feel like Felix and James are both seniors.
Ā Felix wants to befriend James again, and I can heavily think that he may already have an inverted letterman waiting for him somewhere on hand or in a bag or in his car. Since Felix would technically know where James lives(I see the idea here where only Felix knows since James may not bring the Basketball team over at all due to his fuckass dad and hes afraid for them) so Felix will stop by with gift baskets, in which James will only keep one or two things or throw the whole goddamn thing away as much as he wants to see that boy. Felix would also beg Jamesā€™ parents to see him and talk to him again, which thatā€™s actually pretty crazy to think about but what more do you expect from Felix? Either Demand and Beg or just demand it straightout with the door being shut completely on him.
Ā The Jameson name comes from the idea thatā€™s his government name, and being called Jameson triggers something in his brain where heā€™s like donā€™t EVER call me that. Itā€™s why everyone calls him James, or such as the basketball team may not know about the name all that much. The reason he hates it is because of his Dad naming him that. Jameson also means ā€œSon of Jamesā€ (Could be funny if his dads name was Jayson or James too but.)
Ā James has a hard time showing his care, obviously, and itā€™s probably affected him up in the basketball team as well since his home life (i.e mainly his dadā€¦).
Ā I also feel like Jamesā€™ family does magic shit or have demonic connections, more so than the Wolfes, mainly with the dark arts. They use blood to their advantage when doing it, since instead of a spellbook like Lous family or Felix using papers for it, or it being a supernatural powers - they can use the blood to make any spell although on the darker side of things with a few chants. If they do end up using books, it is written by the person who knows those things (Such as James having his own written one, called The Book of Shadows in a particular language and all the spells hand made by him) In which, that would be why Mr Blackburn and Mr Wolfe may have been close in the past as well (just not gay) to where their sons would have met, only for them to be torn apart by the same people who introduced them to eachother. (James would have done magic too then.)Ā 
Ā James, on the dark magic end, used to do it as well. However, since then, he has not done it since he feels like it hurts people around him (such as something bad always happens after he does it and he regrets it heavily)
Ā James does not want to be like his dad at all, but heā€™s following in his steps because heā€™s afraid for the people around him, itā€™s why he shut Felix out. He didnā€™t want him to get harmed, nor did he want to think being gay was good (because of the thoughts Mr Blackburn injected into him.)
Jameson also has horribly bad anger, that much is obvious in IBVS all together - but this can be added on here. He bottles his anger up to a point he hurts anyone in his vicinity because he doesnā€™t know how to contain it or handle it at all. This leads into him accidentally punching one of his friends - regretting it and storming off out of fear theyā€™ll hate him.Ā 
Ā This could add into Felix wanting Ed to fuck off thinking heā€™s also causing grief upon JamesĀ 
in which, he is unknowingly actually doing that with this whole change thing < will lead upon later
So, to that one poem in Jamesā€™ redesigned reference sheet, to Felix, James is a star that got flew way too close (got caught) and now he feels he has to save him and all. ^ Relates to a song on the Jorkfolfe List (this post may also help you guys learn more about such songs on the jorkfolfe list.) Mr Blackburn has also cursed Mr Lopez to the point he has almost died, however Ms Lopez can keep him stable. Louis and Laurel are afr to scared to enter that room since they donā€™t want to see their father ill (heā€™s no longer on his death bed, just extremely sickly). ^ Mr Lopez is a really really good dad. Heā€™s just sickly and his kids are scared to see their parent hurt.
Anything related to Felix that James may have was all mainly thrown away by Mr Blackburn while James was begging him not to do that at all. So, He had to hide very few things from his dad that he wanted to keep (a photo of him and felix hidden in a spot in his closet around 6th grade). A play on skeletons in his closet. Jameson also, as said, wouldnā€™t use Jameson in the basketball team at all. This gives Felixs reason a bit more depth and a bit more to James refusing to go with Felix, in which, in the end he may actually head off to his side any way.
A key point in one of the servers I was describing this to, was, ā€˜A fight between Xavier Jackson and Mr Blackburn would be greatā€™.
I feel like Jamesā€™ family also leans into the more gothic side of things, which would be a crazy change from the more normal looking parents (i.e antonio, janet, william, etc). His house probably has a spiked metal fence around it tucked deep into the darkest area of foxfield as well. Probably also a dead tree in their yard? ^ Jamesā€™ room is likely similar, but I feel like he would have a lot of skulls that are real, or bones for that matter. Which would be extremely fun if anyone woul draw it (probably me if i do do that) where his room has shelves and stuff with plenty of skulls, and of course those volumes of dark spells tucked into it.
Ā He is greatly afraid of change, because heā€™s already had to make so much change between him and Felix so he doesnā€™t want to see himself forgotten by the basketball team nor have to distance himself. Since Edward may have helped him in some shape or form, which is highly likely that everyone in Edwards group has helped James in some way. When the group changes, even if itā€™s very little, he starts to grow a sudden dislike because of the worries he has stored away. However, it does rock back and forth in his head due to Mr Blackburns actions and how they have always affected him and his relationships. Whether for better or for worse the changing is, heā€™s scared. He thinks Isaac is going to change Edward(and his attitude makes him unbelievably mad), he thinks heā€™s going to lose Ed who will stop being friends with him just as he did with Felix (not because he likes ed unless you, the reader, portray it such as,) because of Isaac. Itā€™s not just Jamesā€™ interalized homophobia, itā€™s more than that.
If he does move onto Felixs side, he would have to fight his interalized homophobia further (I see felix being an absolute freak and kind of a flirt and it makes him EXTREMELY pissed off), but the even bigger change will drive him even more insane because of Felixs group (mainly evil justinā€¦ if you read his sheet, heā€™s EXTREMELY clingy.) and they could possibly bring out more bad then good in James (not ethan because ethan either switched sides and if he stayed is far too anxiety ridden or nervous to do so. Also hes probably the sweetest out of all of them.)
Ā A song I wanted to do with these two were,Ā 
Tim, I wish you were born a girl by of Monteral Ā  Which i still really want to do but it would be more exciting to do it with a surprise.
Ā Speaking with that member more, you know who you are, James definitely sucks at communication horribly and probably doesnā€™t want anyone to know whats going on with his dad at home. The day James cut Felix off was, he said (which is why people keep drawing it), ā€˜Felixā€¦ I wish you were born a girl.ā€™ Before up and leaving that other boy there where he tried to tell him he had to leave in which Felix watched the other leave, saying- ā€˜jameson- waitā€“ā€™ before James disappeared into the background. Of course Felix may still try and interact, but we know James would either avoid or lash out.
Ā One line that person said was, ā€˜not mr blackburn trying to mold james into him in the worst wayā€™ James may really really want to go back to Felix, but he doesnā€™t want Felix (or himself) hurt in the process.Ā 
Ā The scars upon James in the redesign is NOT from his father though, because James seems like the angry and blinded by rage type - he has had plenty of fights over things with other people at school. They would of course scab, in which James would pick at them either way making the other jocks try and stop him from picking at them however they still end up in scars.
Ā I wouldnā€™t think Mr Blackburn would put his hands on him (maybe a bit, but not oftenā€¦ probably a quick smack across the face or using a spatula. We donā€™t talk about the spatula part though getting his with a spatula hurts REALLY BAD.) but mainly yell and freak out on him, to the point he hits a wall or the table and freaks out further - in which James wouldnā€™t flinch anymore at it because heā€™s grown numb to it. If he does hurt him in a smaller fit of rage, heā€™s either grabbing him by the ear or yanking his earring which is why heā€™s missing one.
Heā€™s likely attacked teachers too.
James has nothing but taking it out on the people around him, or buildings. He has a lot of rings on his hands I feel like, and he would punch the walls of the outdoor of a building until theyre bleeding and bruised.
Ā He hurts his friends too, but he regrets it heavily and doesnā€™t think before he does it - and he blames himself even after months have passed.
Obviously, his friends would understand this and would reassure him but it doesnā€™t make it okay because they did infact get hurt and he knows that.
Ā When James gets really upset or mad, the one who can probably hold him still and comfort him best is Cody - for one, because heā€™s basically the basketball players tank and can keep him still, and for two Cody is basically a big teddy bear (like ethan possibly is to the packe, who can calm Felix in perhaps the same manner?)
Ā Justin would have invited everyone to the group, except Louis inviting James. So basically it would go, in my eyes, Justin invited, Justin has been friends with Louis since they were little so Louis is invited, then Louis invites James, then Justin invites Cody. There. Thatā€™s how it goes in my opinion (and headcanons). I really like this idea in my head too Iā€™ve teased on a few times. James takes care of crows and ravens, having fed them a lot. Itā€™s probably one of his soft spots too. They tend to stick around him a lot because they know they can trust him. I saw this one thing of this crow waiting everyday for this little kid to get home from school, only let him pet it, and would always check on him. Which I find absolutely adorable in all manners. So, in my brain, it went, aww James would actually be really cute with birds similar to that.
Ā Some of these crows are blind, missing a limb such as a leg or a wing or maybe is deaf. He treats them.
The two I have in my head have names and personalities. The crow would be called Pestilence, a female crow who is extremely noisy and chaotic. She tends to curse, due to picking up on Jamesā€™ constant swear words. She also torments people around James if she feels like it, but her favorite spot to hide or sleep is in Jamesā€™ letterman hood. She likes to mock people around her, and she loves making noise when she gets gifts for James even if itā€™s as simple as a piece of wood. When Felix is around with James and shes there, sheā€™ll stick her beak in his ear or peck his face and then laugh about it. James relies on her to speak about the way he is feeling sometimes, but sometimes she leaves for some time since sheā€™s still technically a wild bird.
Ā The raven would be called Bionic, with a hand-made little leg though flimsy. Sheā€™s also pretty chaotic, but is a lot softer around the edges. Her favorite part is to sing songs that James may listen to - and she likes saying, ā€˜boop boopā€™. She also rests on his head, cleaning his hair even if he doesnā€™t need it. ^
May possibly update said post if I feel like it.
possible doodled designs below.
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needed mentions : @moldieecheese (since you love jameson), @qhostpi22 (you wished to be tagged), @jamesblackburnn1fan @over-dvse
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frnkieroismydaddy Ā· 1 year ago
Twinks are just effeminate and pretty gay dudes. They can be fat and old and disabled and all the fucking rest. There's nothing wrong with being a twink and acting like there is, is fucked up
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bixels Ā· 1 year ago
Always an experience watching the leftism leave FNAF fans when someone mentions that Scott Cawthon financially backed fascist politicians.
The switch from posting hardline leftist tweets about boycotts and signal boosts and critical takedowns of politicians and celebrities to ā€˜ohhh, well. everyone makes mistakes. who can blame him, listen he. he donated money to gay charities too. that makes it ok! a millionaire in his forties is allowed to have political beliefs. does it even matter? just let it go!ā€™ is whiplash inducing. The antivaxxer celebrities have got to go, but this one horror dev who quietly handed wads of cash to antivax lawmakers? Heā€™s chill, he can stay.
The charity thing is so funny too because suddenly utilitarian positive-negative point counting is the way to go. Maybe an abacus would help calculate the net good of donating to the Trevor Project minus donating thousands of dollars to Mitch McConnell and Donald Trump. -10 points if I push a kid in a lake but +11 points if I help an old lady across the street, so Iā€™m chill. You canā€™t judge me. Hey, maybe. Just donā€™t push a kid in the lake period. How fucking low is the bar when weā€™re excusing maxing out the possible dollar amount of donations to Mitch fucking McConnell. That should be like. Default youā€™re a bad person.
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moe-broey Ā· 8 months ago
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GOD I would HATE to be stuck at a family dinner with them šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I would NOT fucking survive, the vibes alone would do 1000 points poison damage to me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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#I SAID I WOULDN'T DOCUMEBT THE WHOLE THING. BUT COME ON#gustav hits alfonse with the 'and' šŸ˜šŸ¤Ø and if i were him i would be internally exploding instantly.#HENRIETTE HITS ALFONSE W THE 'he missed you soooooo much šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜ŠšŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡šŸ˜‡' and BY GOD. IF I WERE ALFONSE#i would SHATTER. LIKE GLASS. INSTANTLY. WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUTā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø#my BITCHASS FUCKING BAD WHO'S BEEN SILENT TREATMENTINF ME FOR GOD KNOWS HOW LONG#BC I HAD THE AUDACITY TO MAKE A CHOICE?????????? BC I DARED HAVE AUTONOMY????????? FREE WILL???????#ohhhh my god and sharena. SHARENA. DARLING. BELOVED. DEAR. how have you not SNAPPED#girl if i were you this would be my villain origin story.#i mean. if. moe is anything to go by.#gooooddddddddddddd.#HELP THE TYPO IN MY TAGS.... OF 'BAD' INSTEAD OF 'DAD'....... freudian slip. but am i wrong#GOOODDDDD BUT. HAVING. EYES. THAT KNOW. EVERYTHING. THAT HAS HAPPENED SINCE#INSANE!!!!!! INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bc i DO ACTUALLY BELIEVE HENRIETTE NOW??? WHEN SHE SAYS THAT ABOUT GUSTAV?!?????#SHE'S. the ONLY person in the goddamn fucking WORLD. who would know this. who would be able to read this. what the FUCK#but like THAT STILL DOESN'T MAKE HIM ANY BETTER...... gooooddddddd I HATE IT. HATE IT#when the love IS there it's just fucking stupid bc nobody here is normal. about anything. making an endlessly complicated situation#type of shit that has made it so i never believe that anyone genuinely likes me. type of shit that makes me never believe an 'i love you'#UNLESS. if it's from my sisters i trust them w my entire heart. but holy shit it actually took them directly stating it#AS. AN ADULT. AT THIS TIME. for me to actually believe it. and fully actually accept it.#HELP AND ALSO... EVERY TIME GUSTAV CALLS ALFPNSE 'Son.' IT'S.. SO FUNNY TO ME IDK WHY#i just read it in that one voice/cadence. of that katamari post. my gay ass son who i hate. HELP#i need to find that again hold on#but first#fe alfonse#sharena#fe henriette#fe gustav#book 3 replaying#feh
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velvetbunniie-archive Ā· 1 year ago
the reason evangeline survived jacksā€™s kiss is because sheā€™s a lesbian w an insane comphet crush atm, thus making her immune bc sheā€™ll ā€œnever truly love himā€ (ā€˜cause sheā€™s, you know, 0% attracted to men), and in a month, sheā€™s going to come out of the closet and theyā€™re going to have an immensely awkward breakup. aaaaand send post.
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victory-cookies Ā· 9 months ago
bro why am I still in the closet. I am in my twenties and my parents are chill. why have I chosen this path
#now itā€™s just gonna be embarrassing like they almost certainly know but Iā€™ve never admitted it to them#so itā€™s gonna be really weird when itā€™s like haha yeah Iā€™m gay! sorry for not telling you for like. six years#and then Iā€™m also like. they can understand me being bi for sure#but genderfluid when Iā€™m mostly fem-presenting? (as much as Iā€™d like to be more transmasc. alas. I am not)#I feel like theyā€™d struggle with that more#so do I come out in stages? do I do the sexuality and let the gender marinate for a few more years?#bc then I run into the same thing. why did you not tell us for six years#I. I hate to say that what prompted this thought was hearing the sonic dub ā€˜woah heā€™s bisexual I didnā€™t know thatā€™#like. woah. he is bisexual. he being me#but again idk if they can wrap their middle aged brains around the he part tbh. or the they.#itā€™s also a fun game of when my sister will come out#before I do? After I do? Do we do it together? if I do it does that put pressure on her?#bc she. I feel like they know about me. All my friends are gay and trans and Iā€™m a little too woke and I think I just give off some vibes#whereas my sister is the type of popular girl fem that doesnā€™t set off a straight personā€™s gaydar. yknow#and she has had multiple vocal crushes on guys and. well letā€™s just say my parents know mostly about her and boys#I know sheā€™s smooched a few girls at parties and has had a few crushes here and there but somehow those never come up with the parents#so outwardly she just seems. very straight. and she is not#so if I come out does that set her up for an awkward thing? where she either has to also sit in the closet#and then have it be weird when she comes out in the future#or has to immediately jump on it so that they just have it all out in the open#idk. I should have just told them I was gay when I was in high school. would have made life easier I think#alas. this is my life
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snekdood Ā· 2 years ago
if me not being fake nice all the time is the reason ppl generally avoid me then whatever. id rather not walk around with a liar as a face.
#omigosh janet thats so good thats happening for you !!!!!!!! my many exclamation points dont totally make it seem like im joking#being fake nice means you can never be direct which means all communication is passive aggressive.#and i really dont have time for that shit#im like very done with passive aggressive people. if youve got afucking issue fucking say it you bitchmade motherfucker#its why i cant be around Certain types of gays.#like its all drama LITERALLY just bc no one can be direct with one another. lmao.#and it looks so fucking solvalbe to me all the time and no one ever wants to hear it like dawg#you HAVE to communicate your issues w people otherwise it builds up into reset=ntment.#but then the problem w these types of gay friend groups is since no one is direct- when you're the first to be direct they decide its you#being an asshole when its like... im literally saying the thing you're too much of a bitch to say to the person..... stfu...#anyways im over the catty bitches sorry.#me when i think never speaking up about wanting food will get me fed#and then being passive aggressive in secret group chats about it#when i couldve fuckin said something.#its the reason these friend groups fall apart ALLLLL the time.#a. bc usually they're the type of friend groups that just really loooove finding people within it to secretly hate and slowly ostracize#till they leave. but also because if any of them actually DO learn how to communicate-#they're all gonna realize they actually fucking hate eachother and only hangout bc theyre the only queer ppl you know in your town#that actually tolerates you.#so you'd rather hang out with these miserable ass ppl you dont even really like than be alone.#and personally i cant bring myself to do that.#i really do think id rather be alone than be around ppl i dont like or relate to in any way.
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cheyisagirlkisser Ā· 3 months ago
ćƒ»ć‚œć‚œGamer Ellie Headcannons 惻ļ¼Ž
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āœ§.* Gamer Ellie wears those plaid boxer-shorts around the house adorned with some random t-shirt she often sleeps in. When she's out and about, she loves her classic flannel or white wife-beaters, sports bra peeking out of the fabric when she moves just ever so slightly. Converse and doc-martins all the way. You'll beg her not to wear it in public, but Ellie's got this one black Call of Duty t-shirt that is she is obsessed with.
āœ§.* Gamer Ellie ismore introverted than anything. She likes staying inside with you and watching movies with you rather than going on restaurant dates. Speaking of movies, gamer Ellie would be more into comedy and sci-fi than anything. I've mentioned in previous headcannons Ellie would be a huge Jurassic park fan, but some other movie / shows she'd be begging you to watch with her are Airplane, Star Trek, and Pulp Fiction. Anything with action or on her level of dumb humor, and Star Trek for when she's geeking out. It's her guilty pleasure.
āœ§.* Gamer Ellie's favorite type of physical touch is having your fingers running through her hair. She likes to feels your touch in such a light, vulnerable way. Sometimes when she's playing a game, you'll approach her from behind and massage her scalp with your sweet touch. "Babe, you're distracting me!" She'll complain with a dramatic but playful groan, but her freckled face will melt like ice on a hot day from your touch.
āœ§.* Gamer Ellie isn't good at multi-tasking. She loves having you all up in her lap while her fingers are punching keys, but she always seems to lose when you're touching her, let alone near her. Why? Her thoughts are filled with the night before when the two of you were about to fall asleep, giggling in bed about some video on your phone, and specifically she's thinking about when you forgot all about sleep and had a late-night make-out session with some 90's movie tuned out on the television. It's so hard to remember to reload her virtual AR when all she's feeling is the way your warm fingers slid down her back and how your breathing turned into soft pants when she got all greedy and latched her filthy mouth onto your neck. Still, she'd never tell you to get off of her lap so she could focus. You were worth every aggravating respawn.
āœ§.* Gamer Ellie, in bed, isn't some huge dommy-mommy or whatever you're thinking. She's really touchy, sure. But she's honestly just your average lesbian who is absolutely obsessed with her girl, and she blanks at time. You'll be on top of her, and she's got this cave-woman aura going where she's just staring at your pretty face, focused on chasing your lips for a kiss. Her hands are awkwardly perched on her sides because she forgets how to even touch you: you're such a fucking goddess, and she's kind of a loser. You're a savior, though; guiding her hands to your waist with a sweet, patient smile. Ellie will get the cue and her fingers will spread across your waist to the top of your hips, and she remembers how desperate she is. (This one was inspired by me with my gf, you're so real gamer Ellie)
āœ§.* Gamer Ellie is also a switch! If you want her to be the top, she'll do it, but like I said she's going to be all cute and embarrassed about it. She'll be eating you out and her thoughts will be going at 100 miles per hour: "Am I doing this right?" "She's moaning Ellie, stop overthinking it." And sometimes the only thought she can really be having is "I love pussy." Cute. When she's bottom, which is most of the time, she isn't really all submissive and whiney but more like, defensively flustered like how she got with Dina when Dina threatened to bite her on the couch. Gay panic type of bottom. She does get pretty loud when you use a vibrator on her, though. That's a personal favorite in the bedroom.
āœ§.* Gamer Ellie did have a Fortnite phase. She hates talking about it but she spent like an ungodly amount on the stupidest skins. She used to make you watch her play at first, and then it was you having to create a whole Epic account so you could be her duo. Ellie's favorite season? Chapter two season seven. Why? Aliens. She got the battle pass and unlocked the alien skins, too. A little after she got super obsessed with it, like yelling at some 12 year old boy telling him his mother wishes she swallowed him, she moved on to a game that wasn't making her yell at at her screen. You were thankful.
āœ§.* Gamer Ellie is a huge night owl. While your sleep schedule is pretty average, she will blink and it'll be four in the morning. She'll groan and pop her back before stripping down to underwear and a t-shirt and then crash on your shared bed, making you stir from your rest. She sleepily curls her body into yours, peppering the warmest smooches wherever(probably with her eyes closed or half-way, at least) and muttering out apologies for waking you in the most ethereal voice known to woman-kind (it's raspy and the one she uses during sex when she's attempting to be a good top).
A/N: Thank you everyone for over 500 followers! I hope to post some longer fics this week or at least some more arcane fics. I promised some Jinx content, hopefully that'll be soon. Love you all.
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neptxn3 Ā· 11 months ago
Astrology Observations II
ļ½”:ļ¾Ÿą«® Ė¶Ė† ļ»Œ Ė†Ė¶ įƒ ļ¾Ÿ:ļ½”
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Disclaimer, these are observations I have made through personal experience and thorough research, observations also vary depending on other natal placements involved
doesnā€™t resonate ā‰  untrueĀ 
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ā™… Virgos tend to represent the trad wife far more than people assume taurus does, and thatā€™s because Virgos ability to uphold their life (at least on the outside) tend to attract men who want a wife that can keep them on track
Some Virgo women tend to also attract gay men unfortunatelyĀ šŸ˜­, again I think Virgos just seem like the perfect trad Wife and it will attract closeted men like flies. This isnā€™t to say all your partners will be closeted but the ones who are overly aggressive on your role in the relationship might be.
ā™… Gemini moon children develop QUICKLY. These are usually the kids who weird you out with their extensive knowledge and self awareness that seemingly comes out of nowhere. The mercury influence allows them to digest many topics which in turn has Gemini moon children mentally developing at a faster pace than their peers
Iā€™ve also observed Gemini moons are those annoying kids in your class that are a lot smarter and a bit condescending to others intelligence, not because thatā€™s just the way they are, but their mercurial moon needs constant stimulation, and with a combination of their rapid growth youā€™ll see them climbing academic ranks which in turn can make them dislike school if they are not progressing at a speed they like.Ā 
ā™… Scorpio moons have a tendency to see the worst in every situation/person which can be a nasty habit, but this isnā€™t out of judgment, rather they donā€™t like to give people the benefit of the doubt. They donā€™t like to be screwed over and their best bet is to think of the worst scenario possible.Ā 
ā™… Aquarius Venus who are flaky in relationships and constantly cheat will eventually have karma handed back to them, usually in the form of being in their mid 40ā€™s still single.
Aquarius Venus flaky reputation does stem from the fact that it is a Saturn influenced placement, as well as being fixed. Itā€™s not that they hate any type of restriction to their freedom but rather to what extent you restrict them to. They can and will jump quickly into relationships but if they see any glimpse of possessive or controlling attributes they will leave. Again because itā€™s fixed and Saturn influenced Aquarius Venus knows once it settles down thatā€™s it, theyā€™re not going anywhere, thatā€™s why theyā€™re so scattered to find the right person who fits their criteria.Ā 
ā™… Moon/Sun harshly aspecting Neptune is the embodiment of ā€œI hate my Mom/Dad, but I love her/him tooā€. Neptune harshly aspecting these planets can cause a huge wall of misunderstanding between parent and child, but Neptune blurs the lines so deep that the individual sees them ā€œthrough rose colored glassesā€ and if incapable of harboring hate. I would even say there could be nights where these people will look back and remember their past relationships (Neptune = Dreams)
ā™… 10h placements can sometimes struggle maintaining relationships due to the very contradicting nature of the Midheaven and ascendant. Usually people will perceive them to be very different from who they actually are.
This is also why they struggle with their self esteem (the natural square to the ascendant). Sometimes they feel like they need to keep up an image to satisfy others and that isnā€™t someone who they truly areĀ šŸ„²
In synastry this also points to partners trying to change who they are/make choices for them because they think itā€™s ā€œfor the bestā€ or ā€œwhatā€™s good for themā€.Ā 
ā™… Every Virgo rising Iā€™ve met always gives me a small lesson on why astrology isnā€™t real but follow up with a ā€œbut can you read my chart I want to see if itā€™s trueĀ šŸ‘€ā€. I truly believe itā€™s the 12h Leo which makes them secretly a little self centered (hence the interest for things like astrology to attempt and figure themselves out) but the mercurial ascendant will always make them skepticalĀ šŸ˜­
ā™… Saturn conjunct Jupiter natives is a dangerous fire sometimes. Iā€™ve noticed if they havenā€™t learned to balance this aspect in their chart, the people around them can suffer their warm and cold attitude. Itā€™s almost as if one second you could be hysterically laughing in class together, and the next second they immediately stop and ask you to be serious and finish your work. WHERE DID THE VIBE GOOO?? The key here is moderation in whichever sign/house this is in
ā™… Whoever said Neptune in hard aspect to Venus needs to practice saying positive affirmations (especially to Venus related topics) to themselves in the mirror was SO correct. Neptune indeed does reflect lies to you and reaffirming yourself in the mirror breaks that spell. I donā€™t think Iā€™ve felt so beautiful since I started doing this.Ā 
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jenscx Ā· 4 months ago
KISS ME MORE ā€” ning yizhuo
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tldr: my (22f) gay roommateā€™s (21f) dating life makes me feel weird. sheā€™s one of my best friends but now iā€™m wondering if i could be homophobic.
tags fluff, crack, jealousy, non-idol au, roommates, based off that one reddit story, short fic, dialogue heavy, mentions of jmj, hi yunjin! tw for oblivious ning, pacingā€™s weird kinda
wordcount 5.2k
šŸŽ™ļø authorā€™s note: happy birthday ning! late fic ikā€¦ but iā€™ve been busy (iā€™m sorry šŸ˜ž) hope our dearest main vocal stays happy for the rest of her life! canā€™t imagine aespa without her šŸ¤ happy reading~
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r/relationships posted by
u/throwawaylizard 16 hours ago.
TLDR: my (22f) gay roommateā€™s (21f) dating life makes me feel weird. sheā€™s one of my best friends but now iā€™m wondering if i could be homophobic.
i am currently roommates with this girl, A. we've been staying together ever since we graduated and weā€™re very close. sometimes weā€™ll even jokingly flirt with each other but she knows iā€™m straight and she has never made me uncomfortable before. iā€™m a foreigner and A has definitely helped me grow accustomed to the culture here. i owe it all to her. which is why iā€™m confused about my feelings right now.
iā€™ve never thought of myself to be discriminatory towards anyone and i always welcomed those different from me, regardless of their sexual orientation. however, recently my roommate has come out to me. i supported her and didnā€™t think much of it after. but hereā€™s where the problem starts. she came back with a girl a few days ago that i recognise from our extended friend group. i have nothing against gay people but when i saw the girl, i just felt so upset. at first i thought it was because i was in a bad mood and all i wanted was to cuddle with A, but afterwards, A would progressively get more touchy with that girl (lets call her Y). every time i would see them, i just felt bad. i wanted to puke at the sight.
i caught them making out on the couch once and i got so pissed off. i think it was because of a rough day but basically when my roommate started to apologise, i just blew her off. Y seemed embarrassed too. i felt really bad afterwards since A was really hurt by my action. she asked me why i was so angry and i just lied saying that something at work made me upset. i donā€™t want to tell her that it was because seeing her with a girl that i was annoyed.
there was another incident where she brought Y to our weekly game night. all my friends seemed fine with her, except for me. one of my friends, letā€™s call her M, had to pull me aside to ask what was wrong with me. in that moment, i realised that i was only hurting A and Y by being a jerk. iā€™m normally a polite person but that day i was being unnecessarily rude to someone i didnā€™t even know. i chalked it up as wanting only the best for A since sheā€™s a year younger than me and wanting to protect her. she doesnā€™t really date anyone and sheā€™s very quiet. am i being unreasonable? i really donā€™t want to be homophobic. i told M all about my feelings of homophobia and she told me that she was dating a girl too. i didnā€™t know why she brought it up but then she asked if i felt any disgust towards her for being gay. i said no and that her sexual orientation would never change our friendship.
so she asked why do i only feel that way towards A? and i want to extend that question to everyone here too. can someone help? do you have any experience with something like this? i donā€™t want to lose A as a friend. sheā€™s one of my best friends and i canā€™t see myself not standing beside her in the future. weā€™ve been through a lot together and i donā€™t want this to be the reason why we end our friendship. sheā€™s never once complained about my dating life and it feels hypocritical to do the same to hers. but i just feel queasy whenever she brings up other girls. like i want to bash my head against the wall type.
do i have selective homophobia? can someone help?
ā‡§ 157 | ā‡© | 89 comments
u/betterthingz01 | 12h
op i hate to break this to youā€¦ but i think you might be in love with your roommate.
u/throwawaylizard | 12h
can you elaborate? please!!!
u/flatearther | 11h
Are u sure u donā€™t have a crush on A? Or that u are straight?
u/throwawaylizard | 10h
uhm well iā€™m straightā€¦ so i donā€™t think i have a crush on A but if i was into girls, iā€™d definitely fall in love with her!! sheā€™s really sweet and caring.
u/flatearther | 10h
Oh šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
u/mingmingz | 7h
how do you feel if your roommate brought back a different girl? maybe you just donā€™t like Y as a person?
u/throwawaylizard | 7h
she used to bring other girls around too i think they were just friends though. i felt the same way but just seeing her kiss Y makes me want to throw up :((
u/blueskies444 | 5h
have u tried talking to ur roommate? i think communication is the best solution here
u/throwawaylizard | 4h
i talked to her a few days ago, asking her if she could stop bringing Y to our hangouts or apartment because it feels weird. our friend group only really consisted of five people and as bad as it sounds, Y just felt like an intruder. she kinda looked at me weird before agreeing. but then she asked if i would be fine if she went to Yā€™s apartment instead and obviously i said it wasnā€™t any of my business. A got a little upset and we havenā€™t been talking recentlyā€¦
u/blueskies444 | 4h
iā€™m gonna be real w u for a sec and say that A is most definitely trying to get u jealous
u/throwawaylizard | 3h
why would she do that?
u/blueskies444 | 2h
yeahhh iā€™m not the one who should tell u why
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ā€œning yizhuo, why am i getting messages from jimin unnie saying that she found your reddit post?ā€ minjeongā€™s voice shrills out behind yizhuo. the girl shrinks, shivers running down her spine at the thought of anyone finding out about her post. she had resorted to reddit for help after much consideration and even aeri had said that reddit was surprisingly helpful at times.
ā€œthatā€™s not me! youā€™ve got the wrong person!ā€
minjeong rolls her eyes and tosses her phone onto yizhuoā€™s desk, ā€œthatā€™s literally you. ddongie would be upset to know that heā€™s a throwaway lizard.ā€
yizhuo instantly protests, ā€œthat just means that it isnā€™t my main account! i didnā€™t want people to find my real account.ā€
ā€œoh, so you are throwaway lizard?ā€
she cowers at minjeongā€™s intense gaze, knowing that her little slip up just cost her whole facade.
ā€œwell the comments were helpful!ā€
ā€œdid you not reread what you typed out?ā€
minjeongā€™s genuine tone makes yizhuo hesitate.
ā€œyeah? did i make a lot of spelling mistakesā€¦?ā€
ā€œno! did you not realise?ā€ minjeong asks again. yizhuo huffs, swerving back around in her chair, ā€œrealise what? that iā€™m a bad friend? y/n hasnā€™t talked to me in days.ā€
just as she said in her reddit post, you havenā€™t spoken a word to her ever since that day she confronted you. yizhuo doesnā€™t think she was super mean with her words but the way you had reacted made it seemed like she killed your whole family.
she had only said, ā€œhey, can you stop bringing yunjin over?ā€ and her mere words had launched a full-blown argument where you had insinuated that yizhuo was jealous that you had someone to rely on.
it couldnā€™t have been further from the truth! yizhuo would never be upset about your happiness. any semblance of bitterness had lessened when she saw how bright your smile was or how much you were laughing when yunjin would tell a joke.
(she didnā€™t find it funny but at least you laughed. yunjin was the epitome of dad jokes. she was not funny.)
ā€œshe really hasnā€™t? wow, sheā€™s determined,ā€ minjeong chuckles.
yizhuo rolls her eyes and turns her attention back to her sketchbook. a few scrawned out designs, nothing much. just to take her mind off this situation for now. the pencil drawings somehow only manages to ensure that her brain constantly thinks about you though. how you encouraged her to enrol in a fashion course and how you were certain that yizhuo would become the biggest designer ever known.
she would giggle at your claims and humour you. now all that was left was your silence.
ā€œwhy would she be determined to ignore me?ā€ yizhuo asks, sighing, ā€œi was upset but now it just seems like she thinks i donā€™t want her to be happy.ā€
minjeong raises an eyebrow, ā€œwhat did the comments say? did they help?ā€
yizhuo huffs just thinking about the reddit comments. none of them really helped her to identify her feelings. just stating that she was gay and in love. both wrong!
ā€œthey said iā€™m in love with y/n and iā€™m jealous of yunjin,ā€ she answers coolly, trying not to get too worked up over the false accusations.
minjeong winces, ā€œdo you think theyā€™re right?ā€
yizhuo furrows her eyebrows.
ā€œno?! iā€™m not gay!ā€
ā€œbut do you like y/n?ā€
ā€œno! sheā€™s just a very good friend!ā€
the brunette sighs, ā€œthatā€™s what they all say.ā€
yizhuo couldnā€™t be in love with you. no way. you were really just a good friend. one of her closest. she adored you greatly and wanted the best for you.
ā€œso why are you so upset?ā€ minjeong asks.
ā€œi donā€™t know! thatā€™s why iā€™m asking reddit! but now i just look like an idiot,ā€ yizhuo groans, wanting to pull her hair out of frustration, which truly shows how irritated she was. she would never harm her hair.
ā€œyizhuo, have you ever considered that youā€™re not as straight as you thought?ā€
yizhuo turns back to face minjeong, whoā€™s sitting on her bed. she thinks back to all the times youā€™ve hung out with her. the lingering touches of comfort. the warmth she felt whenever you spoke.
she just wants her friend back. and she doesnā€™t know why sheā€™s acting so unreasonable. could minjeong have a point? what if yizhuoā€¦
ā€œoh my gosh! iā€™m jealous since sheā€™s out and gayā€”ā€
minjeong lights up, squealing, ā€œyes!ā€
ā€œand iā€™m just a straight girl without any confidence! iā€™m jealous of her confidence!ā€
minjeong deflates almost instantly.
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yizhuo knows sheā€™s right, so she immediately hatches a plan to talk to you. one comment said communication was vital in preserving this friendship, so yizhuo jumped into action. she knew you had your shifts at night and yizhuo could catch you off-guard right after. your work usually ended late and yizhuo always dozed off on the couch waiting for you. recently that routine has been broken, of course, but thatā€™s when youā€™re most susceptible to vulnerability. yizhuo needed space to be honest and truthful.
thus, she waits patiently in the living room. yizhuoā€™s not really sure how long your shift lasts but she normally hears your keys jingle at midnight, so maybe then?
she waits an hour. then another. and then another. she spends the time scrolling on instagram, a frown forming on her face when yunjin appears on her feed.
then, finally, she hears the door creaking. jumping up from her lying position, yizhuo sits upright, focused.
ā€œoh,ā€ is your first word to her. not ā€˜hiā€™, or ā€˜helloā€™, just an acknowledgment.
yizhuo blinks at the sight of you in your work attire. but she quickly shoves the thought of how attractive you looked into the back of her mind.
ā€œhey,ā€ she winces at her own unfamiliar tone, ā€œcan we talk?ā€
you stare at her in shock before reluctantly nodding.
ā€œyeah, sure.ā€
she pats the space next to her and clears her throat as you sit down.
ā€œi know iā€™ve kind of been a jerk lately especially to you and yunjin, but i just want to say that iā€™m sorry.ā€
surprise flickers in your eyes, ā€œoh.ā€
ā€œi talked to minjeong unnie and it really cleared things up. i realised that i was upset because it felt like we werenā€™t as close as before. knowing that someone like yunjin could come replace me. i was jealous that you had someone while i didnā€™t. it felt like you were moving on without me, so i got a bit angry. iā€™m really sorry for the way i treated you and yunjin.ā€
(their first interaction really went poorly. yizhuo had came home, ready for a long movie night, just to find a random girl (well, not really random) sprawled out on her couch.
ā€œiā€™m home,ā€ yizhuo calls out, carefully approaching the body. long and lanky is the first thing she notices. and the bright red hair. yizhuo dyed her hair red before, it stained her pillowcase cover. she wonders if this girlā€™s pillowcase covers are stained with red dye too.
ā€œhey, how was your day?ā€ you ask, laying beside the girl, ā€œsorry, this is yunjin. we just finished a gym session together with aeri unnie. minjeong unnie knows her.ā€
no wonder why you were barely dressed. yizhuo scrunches her nose at the sight of yunjinā€™s arm wrapped around your bare torso. she nods and asks quietly, ā€œwhy is she here?ā€
you laugh, ā€œi was bragging about my post-gym lunch and she said she wanted to try.ā€
yizhuoā€™s never tried your cooking before. she feels a little out of place now.
ā€œah, okay,ā€ she replies dryly, not bothering to keep her volume down, ā€œis she going to be here all day?ā€
yunjin wakes up at the commotion, a little disoriented as she shifts.
ā€œoh, shit. sorry, y/nnie,ā€ yunjin yawns, sitting up, ā€œsorry ning, i accidentally fell asleep.ā€
ā€œitā€™s yizhuo. only my friends call me ning,ā€ she spits out. you send her a scalding look that makes her want to retract her words, ā€œwhatever. sorry. see you guys later.ā€
at night, just before you leave for your shift, you reprimand her, saying that she was extremely rude to someone she didnā€™t even know. yizhuo had tuned out most of your scolding, not wanting to hear you defend yunjin.)
yizhuo swallows harshly, squeezing her eyes shut, ā€œi just need you to know iā€™m not praying for your downfall or anything. i want the best for you, especially since you feel like my younger sister.ā€
as soon as she finishes her little speech, she opens her eyes to your flabbergasted expression. eyebrows furrowed with your mouth agape.
ā€œuhmā€¦ can you forgive me?ā€
yizhuo really needs you to forgive her. she doesnā€™t know what she would do if you decided that this was the breaking point for your friendship. she would respect your decision but still, it wouldnā€™t be nice. who would want that? and if you decided to end the friendship, what would happen with the apartment? yizhuo really likes being roommates with you. it would suck to have to find another roommate as meticulous as you.
ā€œwellā€” uhm, of course,ā€ you stutter, ā€œi gotta go shower. sorry.ā€
ā€œoh, okay.ā€
just as youā€™re about to get up, yizhuo reaches for your hand, ā€œweā€™re okay, right?ā€
she watches your throat bobble before rasping out, ā€œyes. weā€™re fine.ā€
wow! yizhuo mentally pats herself on the back.
that was so easy. it felt like a whole weight got lifted off her chest. yizhuo smiles to herself and enters her own room, proud.
(meanwhile, in your own room, you vent to yunjin, bewildered by yizhuoā€™s obliviousness.
ā€œshe said iā€™m like a sister! her absolute gall! and she said itā€™s because sheā€™s upset she doesnā€™t have someone like me! your whole jealousy tactic didnā€™t do shit!ā€
ā€œgirl, calm down. i didnā€™t know you liked the dumb ones. who knew she was so stupid?ā€)
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you stare at yizhuo, whoā€™s trying her best not to show any disdain for the way yunjinā€™s arm was slung over your shoulder. she must either be extremely self-repressed or just stupid. probably both. unless she didnā€™t actually like you. that thought, you didnā€™t dare to entertain. the once confident and bold girl had turned into this timid and shy kitten.
ā€œtake a shot if youā€™ve kissed someone in this room before!ā€ aeri reads out the card before gulping down her drink. minjeong and jimin do the same and so do a few others. when yunjin shakes you ever so slightly, you take the initiative to swallow down the burning sensation. yizhuoā€™s glare narrows before she turns away entirely.
subtly grinning at her act of jealousy, you hum happily. thereā€™s an outcry of people asking who aeri kissed and the attention shifts away. most people in your extended friend group had assumed you and yunjin to be dating. the only people who knew the truth were minjeong and aeri. jimin was kept in the dark since well, truthfully, she couldnā€™t keep a secret from yizhuo.
ā€œtake a shot if you ever kissed someone of the same gender.ā€
thereā€™s more people drinking this time. you drink yours after a refill and so does yunjin. your eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets when yizhuo drinks as well. wasnā€™t she straight?
ā€œwho did you kiss?!ā€ jimin screeches.
yizhuo wipes her lips, glistening with alcohol, ā€œa friend. it was a dare in high school.ā€
you listen with rapt attention as aeri eggs on, ā€œwas it good? are girls better than guys?ā€
ā€œwell, it was definitely less sloppy,ā€ yizhuo shrugs, giggling. her blush has worsened under the lighting and you can tell sheā€™s at least tipsy now. the redness was currently spreading throughout her cheekbones and neck. you would coo at the adorable sight of her pouting and playing with the soju bottle if she wasnā€™t the stupidest girl on earth. you noticed how yizhuo drank every time yunjin squeezed your shoulder or you leaned into her touch. was she seriously still so thick?
ā€œtake a shot if you ever crushed on someone in this room,ā€ aeri groans, downing her glass again. you drink yours and others follow. it wasnā€™t unexpected. you were seventy percent sure that most of the guys had crushed on jimin before, at least for a second. or maybe hanbin. he was cute too. that, you could admit.
ā€œaeriā€¦ why are all the questions about dating?!ā€ jimin whines, flopping onto the carpeted floor. minjeong winces before exclaiming, ā€œi think sheā€™s drunk now. letā€™s call it a night, okay?ā€
you agree. yizhuo looks seconds away from passing out as well and despite your recent gym endeavours, you do not want to carry a twenty four year old woman back home. yunjin taps your side and slyly tilts her head towards yizhuo, whoā€™s leaning against the couch.
ā€œgo save your princess, romeo,ā€ she whispers and stands to help minjeong clean up.
after all the bottles had been cleared, you crouched to yizhuoā€™s eye level, ā€œning, letā€™s go. itā€™s time to go home.ā€
her eyelids flutter open and she blinks at you wearily, ā€œhome?ā€
you nod, standing to wrap her arm over your shoulder to steady her. finally on her two feet, you bid goodbye to everyone and make your way home, albeit slowly.
every minute or so, yizhuo would jolt and nearly topple over. right as you reach your place, she leans over to the sidewalk drain and gags. you let go instantly and take out your phone to record her. next time she wants to get drunk, youā€™ll just show her the video. let her reflect.
ā€œyizhuo, hurry up, i wanna shower,ā€ you complain, dragging the hem of her shirt.
ā€œuhm, you have to get up.ā€
yizhuo nods again, wobbling as she stands. you grip her wrist and pull her into the apartment lobby. her body weighs heavily onto yours in the lift and you huff at the stench of alcohol.
ā€œyou smell bad,ā€ you sigh.
ā€œreally?ā€ yizhuo giggles, ā€œyou donā€™t like it?ā€ the elevator dings.
she turns around to rest her head on your shoulder.
ā€œi shouldnā€™t have gotten so drunkā€¦ā€
ā€œno kidding. cā€™mon you big baby.ā€
finally, after much effort, you manage to get yizhuo onto the couch. youā€™re heaving and panting at the end but at least sheā€™s comfortable.
ā€œplease never get this drunk again,ā€ you groan, flopping onto the couch.
yizhuo moans, ā€œnot my fault.ā€
ā€œyeah? whoā€™s fault is it then?ā€
she flips herself around, facing the ceiling, ā€œy-yours.ā€
ā€œhow is it my fault?ā€
ā€œyou and yunjinā€¦ā€ she slurs out and your heart leaps.
ā€œhow is it our fault?ā€
ā€œyou keep touching each other,ā€ yizhuo inhales sharply before mumbling, ā€œi hate itā€¦ā€
grinning, you pat her back.
ā€œyeah. itā€™s my fault. sorry baby.ā€
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r/relationships posted by
u/throwawaylizard 4 hours ago.
UPDATE: my (22f) gay roommateā€™s (21f) dating life makes me feel weird. sheā€™s one of my best friends but now iā€™m wondering if i could be homophobic.
hi guys! so i know some of you all have been asking for an update and here it is. thereā€™s really nothing much that has changed? weā€™re back to normal, mostly. A doesnā€™t bring Y around as much anymore which honestly, should make me feel guilty but i donā€™t. we had a talk and i think it went rather well. i told her i felt like i was left behind and she forgave me for being so shitty.
it feels like this was just a hurdle in our friendship and weā€™re closer than ever. sheā€™s become really touchy with me and i appreciate that things are back to normal. sheā€™s been initiating talks and hangout sessions which boosts my mood immensely. iā€™m really happy with the progress we made. weā€™ve even started cooking together and it feels awesome. Y had tasted her cooking before and i didnā€™t. so it felt like this hole in my heart had been patched up. our movie nights have become solely ours and everythingā€™s great. sheā€™s the sweetest girl i know and the most caring, so i really do feel happy that i have my best friend and roommate back. our cold war was doing a toll on my mental and physical health but a simple conversation had cleared the air so easily.
sometimes when she brings up Y since she still hangs out with her, i do feel a little upset. she told me they arenā€™t dating, just good friends. but other than that, weā€™re cool. thanks for all the comments! iā€™m glad iā€™m not homophobic :D
ā‡§ 178 | ā‡© | 102 comments
u/imissher | 3h
op you canā€™t be seriousā€¦
u/throwawaylizard | 3h
? whatā€™s wrong
u/imissher | 2h
it feels as if you havenā€™t really solved this ā€˜homophobiaā€™ issue. just put it off to the side.
u/throwawaylizard | 2h
u/mingzmingz | 2h
well iā€™m glad? as long as you guys are happy ig. idk whatā€™s up with gay people
u/throwawaylizard | 2h
thank you! iā€™m not gay though.
u/japansfinest | 1h
u/throwawaylizard | 1h
u/japansfinest | 1h
u/1800hotnfun | 1h
i strive to live as blissfully ignorant as you, op
u/throwawaylizard | 1h
not very sure if this is a compliment.
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things had reverted back to normal. yizhuo was happy again and it seemed like everything was fine.
so how did she get here?
yizhuo had simply gone out to get groceries for your dinner together and when she arrived home, hands full of plastic bags, she heard the tail of your conversation over the phone.
ā€œi donā€™t think sheā€™s picking up my hints, yun,ā€ you say in hushed whispers, ā€œmaybe she really is straight. or she just doesnā€™t like me.ā€
despite yizhuoā€™s moral compass, she decides to listen in on your conversation. sheā€™s never heard of you liking someone before, or being so insecure. what girl wouldnā€™t like you back? and you liked a straight girl too?
she canā€™t hear yunjinā€™s reply but you let out an exasperated sigh, ā€œmaybe she thinks iā€™m just being a really good friend. i thought she would have already realised i liked her by now. your whole jealousy plan didnā€™t work either. i mean, it did but not really.ā€
yizhuo slowly twists the door knob before loudly announcing, ā€œiā€™m home!ā€
she hopes that by now, you would have ended the call so she wouldnā€™t have to interact with yunjin at all.
ā€œoh,ā€ she catches the anxiety in your voice, ā€œdid you get everything?ā€
ā€œyup. there was a sale on apples, so i got those too,ā€ yizhuo says, a little too cheerfully, but she wants to cover up any nervousness. as she places the bags on the kitchen counter, you stand up to help unpack everything.
while you start to arrange all the groceries, yizhuo thinks about your words. liking someone. a girl. a straight girl who was potentially oblivious to your advances?
yizhuo scrunches her nose.
ā€œhey, did you get healthier milk? the one with less sugar added.ā€
as you twirl around to ask, yizhuoā€™s heart gets caught in her throat.
she was the straight oblivious girl.
ā€œuhā€” yeah. i got both,ā€ she gestures awkwardly to the pile of bags. you nod and go back to sorting everything out. god, she needs a breather. trudging to the couch, she sighs as the softness envelops her. she couldnā€™t wrap her head around thisā€” you liked her? potentially? definitely?
yizhuo spends the next few minutes having an existential crisis. she was straight! the straight girl that you liked! and that whole jealousy thing with yunjin! you planned that! she canā€™t believe it. all her nights were spent debating whether she was homophobic or not and it was all a rouse to get her jealous? well, was she jealous? minjeong had seemed intent on getting her to admit that, which she did. but maybe it was because she was jealous of yunjin.
not for taking up your time.
but for being able to touch you and hold you in ways she canā€™t.
holy shit. sheā€™s not as straight as she once thought.
and she has a huge crush on her roommate.
how could she let reddit comments be right?!
yizhuo stares blankly at the ceiling. you call out from the kitchen, ā€œdo you want white or red wine?ā€
she stands up from the couch, resolute in her decision now.
no wonder you had looked so offended after she sister zoned you! yizhuo would hate it too if all she was to you was an unnie. she wantedā€” no, needed to be your everything.
ā€œyizhuo?ā€ you ask again, examining the two bottles of wine.
yizhuo almost sprints into the kitchen. the sight of you with your hair up, the cute lace white apron wrapped around your waist, and your focused expression. it has her drooling. everything was so domestic.
how hasnā€™t yizhuo noticed this sooner?
ā€œwhite wine please,ā€ she answers when youā€™re within arms reach.
ā€œare we drinking the whole bottle?ā€
she stretches out her arms to engulf your body in hers and reads the label on the wine bottle over your shoulder. taking gratification in the way your body shudders, yizhuo hides a pleased smirk.
ā€œhm, should we?ā€ she whispers hotly beside your ear. you shiver before muttering, ā€œmaybe. is tonight a special occasion?ā€
ā€œi mean, it could be,ā€ yizhuo grins, ā€œyou were promoted recently, right?ā€
tonight was one of your day-offs, and you came back recently, boasting about the extra time off you got from being promoted. of course that was celebrated with a simple get together with friends. but yizhuo didnā€™t get her own special celebration with you.
ā€œyeah? okay, weā€™ll drink it all then.ā€
yizhuo smiles into your hair. sheā€™s never felt happier. knowing that her inner frustrations had been settled finally. you were just trying to get her jealous. a good attempt nonetheless, it worked incredibly well. but now sheā€™s certain of her own feelings.
ā€œyou smell nice,ā€ she blurts out.
ā€œi used your shampoo. ran out of mine.ā€
ā€œmhm. smells good.ā€
yizhuo spots the hint of satisfaction on your face.
ā€œare you complimenting yourself right now?ā€
ā€œi have really good taste,ā€ she states.
you roll your eyes playfully before detaching her arms but she just slithers them back into place.
ā€œning, i have to cook.ā€
ā€œhold on,ā€ she mumbles, ā€œi think we can celebrate another thing.ā€
sensing your confusion, she continues brazenly, ā€œwe can celebrate our first night as a couple, right?ā€
ā€œiā€™m sorry for being so oblivious this whole time. i got so pissy because i was jealous. apparently, iā€™m not straight. or i just like you, i donā€™t know yet. all i know is that i envision myself by your side,ā€ yizhuo explains, ā€œeverytime you mentioned yunjin i got upset and itā€™s because i thought you guys were dating. thatā€™s why i didnā€™t like any of the girls you brought home either. iā€™m sorry for saying youā€™re like my sister. i like you a lot. not in a straight girl way.ā€
she hears you gasp and she canā€™t bring herself to continue without your reaction. yizhuoā€™s been through so much struggle with coming to terms with her identity and feelings and now she wants to get it all out.
ā€œare you serious?ā€ you ask without facing her. she chuckles at the redness at the tips of your ears.
ā€œyeah. sorry for being a jerk. it was because i like you.ā€
ā€œning yizhuoā€” iā€¦ wait, let go of me for a minute. i wanna look at you.ā€
reluctantly, she does so.
you look so pretty under the kitchen light, yizhuo thinks.
ā€œuhm, where do i even start?ā€ you chuckle awkwardly, ā€œi really thought you were into me when we first met and when you said you were straightā€¦ i think my heart died a little! but itā€™s okay, since youā€™ve been such a great friend to me. i must admit that yunjin did volunteer to be my plot device to make you jealous. i was hurt when you were being rude, so iā€™m happy you apologised. i like you too. a lot.ā€
yizhuo grins, heart beating wildly against her chest.
ā€œcan you say that again?ā€
ā€œi like you a lot, yizhuo. canā€™t believe you called me a sister though.ā€
ā€œi said i was sorry!ā€
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r/relationships posted by
u/throwawaylizard 7 hours ago.
LAST UPDATE: my (22f) gay roommateā€™s (21f) dating life makes me feel weird. sheā€™s one of my best friends but now iā€™m wondering if i could be homophobic.
hello! iā€™m glad to announce that this situation has finally been settled with a happy ending. i would like to give you guys a proper explanation and ending for all the help you provided.
first of all, yes, iā€™m not straight. or maybe i just like A. i havenā€™t explored that part yet but also, iā€™m in love with my roommate. i was jealous of all the girls she brought over and i wanted to be the one holding her and making her laugh.
second of all, you guys were right. she was using Y to make me jealous and it worked. so maybe sheā€™s the real mastermind.
and lastly, weā€™re finally dating. weā€™ve been taking things slow for now since this is all new to me but A has been incredibly sweet and supportive (as she always is). itā€™s just a new experience but iā€™m willing to do anything as long as A is by my side.
thank you all for the help and comments!
it turns out i donā€™t have any problems with A kissing girls if itā€™s me sheā€™s kissing.
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earlysunshines Ā· 5 months ago
oh say it ditto
danielle marsh x fem!reader
synopsis: you have to help out at the elementary school for service hours and of course youā€™re paired with the girl youā€™ve literally been in love with since middle school.
warnings: literally none. just fluff. so cute. they're so cute. i need to be put behind bars for this. it's so... cute. what. ; loser!!!!!!yn i fear ; anything else not mentioned ; not proofread ; i'm so giddy. they're so cute. i hate couples. i cnat breathe theyre so gay and in love.
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danielle marsh is perfect. sheā€™s smart, kind, and easily the most beautiful person youā€™ve ever seen. people always say sheā€™s too good to be true, like a disney princess pulled right out of a movie, the kind of person who seems flawless in every way.
but to you? that description feels like an understatementā€”an understatement times ten.
there is not a single metaphor that could ever capture the way her presence lights up a room, or the way her smileā€”bright and contagiousā€”makes your heart do flips. sheā€™s beyond comparison, beyond words. youā€™ve known her since middle school, and in all that time despite barely having time with her, the feeling has only grown. sheā€™s the type of person thatā€™s just barely out of reach, so youā€™ve learned to cope with it.
which is exactly why, when your teacher had pulled you two aside after class, announcing that youā€™d be paired with her for your volunteer hours at the local elementary school, your stomach practically dropped to your shoes. sheā€™s the type of person thatā€™s just barely out of reach, so youā€™ve learned to cope with it. but now? sheā€™s just within reach.Ā 
ā€œsome others filled out the form, but i only needed the two of you since itā€™s for a smaller group.ā€ mr. jeong explained. ā€œand you two are the perfect candidates. thank you for your interest in this, my wife is really glad that weā€™re able to send the two of you over to help outā€”she works at the school.ā€
you clutch the strap of your bag a little tighter, trying to stay visibly and mentally composed. danielle is beside you smiling at your physics teacher, and then you catch her smiling at you from the corner of your eye. turning a bit, you shoot a small grin, then excuse yourself out.
just your luck, but maybe youā€™ll survive. this could turn out great for you!
as you walk down the hall, you feel someone tap on your shoulder. turning around, itā€™s her.Ā 
danielle is behind you smiling. ā€œsee you monday!ā€ she says with that honeyed voice of hers.
knowing yourself, maybe it wonā€™t turn out so great. you might be doomed considering how much of a loser you are compared to miss sunshine.
you arrive at the elementary school the following monday, heart pounding as you push open the heavy doors to the small classroom where the after-school program is being held. a group of kids are already gathered, some working on crafts, others running around, their laughter filling the air. but none of it matters because standing near the teacher's desk, helping a kid tie their shoe, is danielle.
she looks up just as you step in, her eyes lighting up with recognition. "hey! looks like weā€™re partners in crime for the next few weeks," she says with a smile so genuine it makes you dizzy. ā€œiā€™m glad youā€™re here.ā€
you force a grin, trying to play it cool. "yeah. um, and likewise.ā€
the teacher quickly assigns you both to work with a small group of students on some arts and crafts. you watch as danielle sits down with the kids, her voice soft and encouraging as she helps them cut out construction paper shapes. you, meanwhile, sit on the opposite side of the table, trying not to focus too much on the fact that you're mere feet away from the girl whoā€™s had your heart for as long as you can remember.
as the session goes on, you find yourself slowly relaxing. the kids are lively and fun, and danielle's easygoing nature makes everything feel less intimidating (though the only thing that really made everything seem like that was her). sheā€™s chatting with the students, laughing when they show her their goofy creations, and every now and then, she glances your way, offering you a smile that makes your heart skip a beat.
"how are you so good with them?" you ask her while cleaning up the table, genuinely curious.
danielle shrugs, her eyes twinkling. "i donā€™t know, iā€™m just fond of kids. theyā€™re honest, you know? and they donā€™t care if you mess up or say the wrong thing."
you smiled, nodding, but her words hit closer to home than she realized. if only you could believe thatā€”if only you could let yourself stop overthinking everything when it came to her.
ā€œlike you could ever do that,ā€ you mutter under your breath. danielle catches it, but doesnā€™t comment on it. ā€œi guess youā€™re right. i didnā€™t think of it that way.ā€ you say at a normal volume, and danielle doesnā€™t have a hard time catching that.
as the afternoon starts to wind down, one of the kids tugs on your sleeve, showing you his glitter-covered drawing of what appears to be a dinosaur. "do you like it?" he ask, his eyes wide with anticipation.
you glance at danielle, whoā€™s watching you with a curious expression, and suddenly, it feels like this moment matters more than anything. you take the drawing, smile at the kid, and say, "i think itā€™s awesome."
out of the corner of your eye, you catch danielle beaming at you, and for a second, it feels like maybeā€”just maybeā€”this whole thing wonā€™t be as hard as you thought.
as the kids rushed out of the room, their laughter echoing down the hallways, you found yourself lingering behind, picking up scraps of paper and wiping glitter off the tables. danielle was still there too, helping the teacher gather leftover supplies. the room felt quieter now, just the two of you in the aftermath of the chaos, and for a moment, you both moved in comfortable silence, the air between you lighter than it had been earlier.
"itā€™s been a while, huh?" danielle says softly, her voice breaking the quiet as she stacked a few cups of markers on the shelf. you glanced over at her, heart suddenly racing again, because it was trueā€”you hadnā€™t really spoken to her much since middle school, despite always being around. besides, she had been taking different courses than you, so there werenā€™t many shared classes. even if their were, you two had your respective groups, and danielle was quite popular compared to you, so you stayed out the picture while admiring from afar.
"yeah," you nod, tossing some crumpled-up paper into the trash bin, smiling when you make it. "guess weā€™ve both been pretty busy."
she smiles. that same soft, almost shy smile that always made your chest tighten. "swim has been taking up your time, huh?ā€
ā€œoh, yeah, haha.ā€
ā€œiā€™ve seen you around at your practices, youā€™re really good!ā€
ā€œy-you have?ā€ your eyes widen with surprise, gaze staying on her as she throws something away.Ā 
ā€œmy friend hyein is on the team, you know her?ā€
ā€œah,ā€ the underclassmen that tried to drown you (in a playful way, because thatā€™s playful to hyein. allegedly so). ā€œyeah.ā€ you giggle thinking about your swimmate. ā€œsheā€™s veryā€¦ fun.ā€
ā€œsheā€™s always up to something.ā€ danielle giggles.
quiet fills the air as you two continue cleaning. danielle is stacking chairs, and youā€™re lifting each stack over to the edge of the classroom. neither of you say anything for a while, mindful of the other in a semi-awkward silence as you help the janitors out.Ā 
danielle breaks the silence again.
ā€œi didnā€™t realize how much i missed seeing you around until today," she admits, her words gentle but carrying more weight than you expected. sheā€™s looking at you, standing maybe ten tiles away and her eyes are stuck on yours. you feel like youā€™re being mushed into the ground.
you blinked, caught off guard by her honesty, and suddenly, you werenā€™t sure how to respond. so you just smiled back, hoping it didnā€™t look too awkward. "yeahā€¦ same here, actually."
the silence stretched once again as you both continued cleaning up, but this time, it wasnā€™t uncomfortable. it felt like something was shifting between you two, the years of distance slowly fading away, replaced by an old familiarity that had never really gone away.
once most of the mess was cleaned up, you found yourselves standing near the door, neither of you in any real hurry to leave. danielle looked down at her phone for a moment, then back up at you. "hey, do you drive?" she asks, her voice a little hesitant.
you nod. "yeah, i do. why?"
"i was thinking... we should probably carpool for this," she said, motioning to the classroom. "since weā€™re both gonna be volunteering here for the next few weeks, might as well make it easier on ourselves, right?"
the idea of seeing her more often, spending more time together, made your heart skip a beat. "yeah, that sounds like a good plan," you agree, trying to sound casual. "i can pick you up if you want?"
her eyes brighten at that, and for a moment, you could swear there was a bit of relief in her expression. "thatā€™d be great."
you pull out your phone, opening up your contacts, and as you handed it over to her, your fingers brushed hers. it was a small, brief touch, but goosebumps were poking at the inside of your shirt after. even the hairs on your arm started to stand noticeably. danielle didnā€™t seem to noticeā€”or maybe she didā€”but either way, she calmly typed in her number and handed the phone back to you with a smile.
"there," she says, her voice light. "now you have no excuse not to keep in touch."
you laugh, feeling your heart swell. "no excuses," you promise, and as you both left the classroom together, you couldnā€™t help but feel like something had shifted between you twoā€”the connection that had always been there but was finally starting to come into focus.
swim practice took up most of your days, which you didnā€™t mind. most of your friends were on the team anyway, so it just gave you an excuse to hang out when you werenā€™t practicing for your respective races.
it always went like this: ten minutes of warmupsā€”light stretches and a couple of easy laps to get your muscles moving. then came fifteen minutes of drills, laps back and forth with barely any rest in between, focusing on your form, speed, and turns. the coach would shout instructions from the edge of the pool, calling out corrections or praise when you hit the perfect stroke. after that, youā€™d usually break into smaller groups, each focusing on different parts of the race. whether it was freestyle, butterfly, or backstroke, youā€™d put everything into perfecting your techniqueā€”freestyle was your forteā€”until your muscles burned and your lungs screamed for air.
finally, after what felt like an eternity, practice would wrap up with a cooldown: slow laps, easy strokes, and a few more stretches. additionally, there would be playful banter, and hyein would always find a way to bother you since she was also focused on freestyle. you two were inevitably always together, she was like the younger relative that would pester you any chance you got.Ā 
your body always felt heavy afterward, but in a good way. exhausted and accomplished.
youā€™re dripping wet as you pull yourself out of the pool, every step feeling heavier than the last. practice mightā€™ve ended, but the exhaustion clung to you as you made your way to the locker room, the sound of splashing water and your teammatesā€™ chatter filling the space around you.
you change quickly, glad to get out of your damp swimsuit, and run a towel through your hair as best you could. it still dripped slightly when you finally stepped out of the locker room, feeling refreshed but undeniably drained.
and then you see her.
danielle stands just outside the entrance, her presence so unexpected that you almost stumble in surprise. you should be used to this, maybe, considering you saw her yesterday. your heart jumps to your throat, tiredness vanishing in an instant. she leans casually against the wall, scrolling through her phone, but when she notices you, her eyes lit up, a small smile tugging at her lips.
"hey!" she calls out, pushing off the wall and stepping closer. "fancy seeing you here." she says sarcastically.
your heart pounds, suddenly hyper-aware of the way your hair was probably sticking out at odd angles, still damp and messy. "h-hi," you stammer, mentally kicking yourself for sounding so awkward. "whatā€”what are you doing here?"
danielle tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, looking a little sheepish. "iā€™m actually waiting for hyein.." she glances away, then back at you with a small, hesitant smile. "but, um, i wanted to see you too. just to say hi."
your heart practically stops at that. she wanted to see you. you feel your cheeks start to burn, or maybe they were always a little warm, you took a hot shower earlier and that would make a lot of sense, but also danielle isā€”
you scramble to find somethingā€”anythingā€”to say that wouldnā€™t make you seem like a complete idiot. "oh, uh, really? thatā€™sā€¦ nice. i mean, itā€™s great. iā€”itā€™s good to see you, too. again. we saw each other yesterday."
ā€œwhy yes, we did.ā€ danielle laughs softly, her eyes crinkling in that way that always made your stomach flip. "youā€™re cuteā€” and funny."
you blink, completely caught off guard. your brain was short-circuiting. did she really just say that? were you more cute or funny? was the cute just thrown in there? you think for a bit, you make people laugh easily andā€” you need to stop thinking.
"oh, um, thank you? you too." you respond. she laughs again, shaking her head.
"iā€™m just teasing," she says, though there was something almostā€¦ nervous in her gaze as she looked at you. like she wasnā€™t sure if sheā€™d overstepped. "but really, itā€™s nice running into you like this. you look different to how you did yesterday."Ā 
you glance down at yourself, still dressed in loose sweats and hoodie, hair a mess. "different good orā€¦?"
"definitely good," she confirms, her smile widening. "you lookā€¦ relaxed. it suits you."
relaxed, right. you canā€™t help but chuckle.
before you can come up with a response that didnā€™t sound completely ridiculous, someone calls your name. you turn to see wonbin waving at you from the other end of the hall where the boys locker room is, sohee trailing behind him. it "hey! you done?" he asks, his voice carrying over the distance.
you blink, glancing back at danielle, and she gives you a small, understanding nod. "you should go," she murmurs softly. "donā€™t want to keep your friends waiting."
"yeah, um, i guess iā€™ll see you next week" you hate how reluctant you sound.
danielleā€™s smile softens up, something almost wistful in her eyes. "yeah, canā€™t wait to get glitter all over my hands again." she says jokingly. she waves as you turn to join wonbin and sohee, her gaze lingering on you a moment longer. "bye, y/n!"
"bye," you called back, lifting a hand in a half-wave.
you turn away, walking towards your friends, but couldnā€™t resist glancing over your shoulder one last time. danielle still stands there, watching you leave, and when she catches you looking, she flashes another quick grin, eyes crinkling and teeth showing. your heart does a flip against your chest.
wonbin nudges your shoulder when you reach them, smirking knowingly. "danielle marsh?" he questions as if it werenā€™t the obvious, drawing her name out teasingly. "whatā€™s up with that?"
"nothing is up. get your head out the gutter," you mutter, shoving him lightly, but you couldnā€™t stop the grin that tugged at your lips. "we were just talking."
sohee snorts. "right. just talking. sure."
ā€œwe literally had a brief conversation, i hope you guys inhale water.ā€
they both laugh as you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore the warmth spreading through your chest. even as you head out with them, thoughts of buying a sandwich swirling around.
you couldnā€™t shake the feeling that something had shifted between you and danielleā€”that maybe, just maybe, your friendship was returning with ease.
the next week youā€™re with danielle again. this time sheā€™s heading towards your car, getting in your car, sitting in the passengers seat in your car, and clicking her seatbelt in next to you.
ā€œhey.ā€ she greets, smiling.
ā€œhi.ā€ you respond nervously. you check the time, youā€™re very early but youā€™re not sure if you can even drive properly with the prettiest girl in the school next to you. ā€œready to go?ā€
ā€œokay!ā€ you respond with the same energy, making her giggle. you just made danielle marsh giggle.Ā 
accompanied by you is the sound of music playing in the middle of the silenceā€”a little too loudlyā€”before you glance at her nervously. you apologize, but she shakes her head in your peripheral, putting her hand on the side of your upper arm as she does so. you clench your jaw, forcing a smile as you turn the corner.
she puts a hand over her stomach. ā€œhey, can we stop by and grab a snack? thereā€™s a little convenience store on the way there i always pass by.ā€
ā€œyeah, of course.ā€Ā 
you pull into the small convenience storeā€™s parking lot, your heart still racing from the brief moment earlier when danielle had laughed at your overly energetic response. you had to focus on driving, but her presence beside you was making it impossible to think straight.
(youā€™re not that good at doing anythingā€¦ straightā€¦.)
ā€œiā€™ll be quick,ā€ she says with a smile, unbuckling her seatbelt and stepping out of the car.
ā€œwho said iā€™m not coming with?ā€ you reply, ā€œiā€™m not just gonna let you in by yourself.ā€
ā€œwow,ā€ she smirks, ā€œwhat a gentle-lady.ā€
you follow her inside, letting her lead the way. itā€™s a cozy little store, shelves stocked with snacks, drinks, and everything in between. danielle heads straight to the snacks aisle while you find yourself wandering toward the drinks, hoping to calm your nerves. you scan the selection, pretending to be interested in a row of teas when you feel a sudden gaze on you.
turning slightly, you catch danielle staring at you from across the aisle. her eyes are soft, almost thoughtful, as if sheā€™s studying every little movement you make. your heart skips a beat, and for a moment, you freeze, unsure of what to do with yourself.
ā€œuhā€”ā€ you clear your throat, lifting a tea bottle. ā€œthis one any good?ā€
danielle blinks, snapping out of her thoughts, a shy smile spreading across her face. ā€œoh, yeah! itā€™s really good. you should try it.ā€
you nod, trying to play it cool as you glance at the label, but you can still feel her gaze lingering on you. thereā€™s something electric in the air between you twoā€”unspoken, but undeniably thereā€”something that wasnā€™t there before.Ā 
the second time you and danielle help out at the elementary school, the day is warmer, and the kids are outside, running around with boundless energy. youā€™re supervising the chaos, but also playing along with the kidsā€”throwing a frisbee, helping them climb the jungle gym, and laughing as they chase after you.
danielle stands nearby, watching with an amused smile. itā€™s been a short amount of time since the last time you volunteered together, and she realizes how much sheā€™s missed your presence. sheā€™s always known you were sweet, but seeing you like thisā€”so good with the kids, laughing and having fun, so personally and naturallyā€”makes something inside her chest tighten.
it had been a while since sheā€™d last seen you, not including the first volunteer hours, but just in general since middle school. sure, you had that one class freshman year, and gym during sophomore year, but that wasnā€™t really much.
between your current classes and different social circles, the chances to bump into you had become rare. but the moment you stepped into the classroom that day, something in her stirred. she couldnā€™t help but notice how much youā€™d changed since the last time she saw you. she was able to observe you fully: taller, more confident, but still with that same sweetness in your eyes that had made her stomach flutter before the transition into high school. additionally, you looked goodā€”better than she rememberedā€”and that realization had her heart skipping a beat.
she tries to focus on her own task, playing hopscotch with a few of the younger kids, but her eyes keep drifting back to you. youā€™re crouching down to tie a little girlā€™s shoelaces, smiling up at her in that easy, charming way you do. danielleā€™s heart races as she thinks about how effortlessly kind you are, how even the small things you do make her feel warm inside.
as you finish helping the girl, you catch danielleā€™s gazeā€”not for the first time that day. your eyes meet, and for a split second, neither of you looks away. she quickly glances down, a soft blush creeping up her cheeks. she canā€™t help but think how much youā€™ve changed since middle schoolā€”how youā€™ve grown into someone whoā€™s not just good-looking but incredibly thoughtful, too.
you jog over to where sheā€™s standing, slightly out of breath but grinning. ā€œhaving fun?ā€
ā€œyeah,ā€ she replies, her voice a little softer than usual. ā€œyou seem like youā€™re having fun, too.ā€
ā€œcanā€™t help it,ā€ you shrug, glancing at the kids. ā€œtheyā€™re pretty contagious.ā€
danielle laughs, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. the way you talk to her, so casually and effortlessly, makes her more nervous than she should be. youā€™ve always been easy to talk to, but now it feels differentā€”like thereā€™s something more beneath the surface.
as the afternoon goes on, the kids' energy only seems to increase. you end up sitting on the grass, surrounded by a group of them, laughing as one of the younger boys insists on ā€œfixingā€ your hair. his tiny fingers tug gently at the strands, doing his best to style it into something creativeā€”mostly a messy combination of pigtails. you wince occasionally, but you let him continue, his determination too adorable to resist.Ā 
danielle watches from a few feet away, trying not to laugh too obviously. sheā€™s been watching you all day, and she canā€™t help but feel charmed by how good-natured you are, even in moments like this. thereā€™s something so endearing about the way you donā€™t take yourself too seriously, how you just go with the flow and let these kids have fun with you. she canā€™t help but sneak a picture, forā€¦ the memories of course.
ā€œyou lookā€¦ really good,ā€ she says, teasingly, as she approaches.Ā 
you glance up, one eyebrow raised, trying to look at your reflection in the window nearby. ā€œoh yeah? should i make this my new look?ā€
danielle grins, sitting down beside you. ā€œi think it could be a trend. maybe youā€™ll make it on the cover of vogue.ā€
ā€œright, 'styled by six-year-olds' is definitely going to get me scouted. maybe iā€™ll even be dressed head to toe in likeā€¦ i donā€™t knowā€” celine or something luxury.ā€ you chuckle, letting the boy keep working on your hair. "iā€™ll give you credit for the idea when i get famous.ā€
danielle laughs, the sound light and soft, and her heart beats dangerously hard. youā€™re never trying too hard yet still manage to make people feel good just by being yourself. itā€™s been like this since middle school, but now, it feels more intense, like every small interaction with you is enough to make her stomach twist in turnā€”in the good way of course.Ā 
ā€œdo you ever get tired of being everyoneā€™s favorite?ā€ she asks, playfully nudging you with her shoulder.
you blink, looking genuinely confused. ā€œme? everyoneā€™s favorite? what are you talking about?ā€
ā€œyou,ā€ danielle says, smiling. ā€œyouā€™re soā€¦ easy to like. look at these kidsā€”theyā€™re obsessed with you. i donā€™t think iā€™ve ever seen someone win over a bunch of first-graders that fast.ā€
you shrug, looking a little bashful. ā€œtheyā€™re fun and young, thatā€™s all.ā€
the kid working on your hair finishes and steps back to admire his masterpiece. ā€œdone!ā€ he announces proudly.
danielle bursts into laughter when she sees the final resultā€”your hair is sticking out in all directions, a combination of tiny pigtails and knots. you make a dramatic face, pulling a mock-serious expression. ā€œsoā€¦ how do i look?ā€
ā€œlike a work of art,ā€ she teases, leaning closer to inspect the chaos. ā€œmona lisa is jealous.ā€
you canā€™t help but laugh along with her, feeling the warmth of the moment. even though youā€™re clueless about how much sheā€™s been thinking about you, about how every little thing you do makes her heart skip, the playful energy between you two is unmistakable. thereā€™s something so natural about being with her like this, so comfortable. it feels right, just like how it was back then.
as the kids run off back toward the adults, you and danielle stay sitting side by side in the grass, the conversation flowing easily as she fixes your hair. itā€™s like no time has passed since middle school, but at the same time, thereā€™s a new layer to your dynamic.
ā€œyou know, i always liked you a lot in middle school.ā€ danielle says suddenly, accidentally pulling out a strand of your hair with the hairtie. you wince, but not at the feeling of your hair being pulled out. ā€œsorry about that.ā€
ā€œyou liked me?ā€
ā€œi mean, who wouldnā€™t?ā€ danielle shrugs. ā€œeveryone wanted to be your friend, of course i wanted to be yours too!ā€
that kind of ā€˜likeā€™---the platonic kind.
ā€œoh,ā€ you mumble, ā€œright, thanks. i liked you a lot too, um, like, you know, as a friend.ā€ youā€™re lying right in front of her face, well, kind of.Ā 
you thought she was just someone sweet and gorgeous, a great friend for maybe two weeks max. she started getting more touchy and affectionate, throwing compliments and making your cheeks flush a little too much. all of it confused you at the ripe age of thirteen, and then the points connected: you had a crush on her.
the moment you realized you liked her was burned into your memory, a core memory that never left. it wasnā€™t some grand gesture, not some dramatic revelation. it was just the two of you, sitting under the sun after finishing fitness exams early, finding a quiet spot in the grass to relax. you remember her finding a tiny flower in the grass, something you hadnā€™t even noticed, and without hesitation, she tucked it behind your ear, smiling as she called you wonderful and sweet, like it was the easiest thing in the worldā€”like it was true.
her eyes had lit up, like you were something to be admired, like you were a constellation that sheā€™d stumbled upon. your heart raced in that moment, faster than it ever had during any of the laps youā€™d run earlier. she just smiled at you, oblivious to the storm sheā€™d created inside of you, and thatā€™s when it hit you: nothing was going to be the same again.
from that day on, thirteen-year-old you couldnā€™t stop crushing on danielle marsh. it became a constant, something that wove itself into your everyday life, even when you barely saw her. every stolen glance, every random smile she threw your way, things you were sure meant nothing to her, but they were everything to you.
years passed, and even though you both grew older, matured in so many ways, the feelings stayed the same. maybe you were still young, still figuring out your place in the world, but one thing you knew for sureā€”you were undeniably, hopelessly in love with danielle marsh, and you always would be as long as she existed anywhere near you.
ā€œi know itā€™s a little late, but i hope we can be friends like that again.ā€ danielle admits, breaking you out of your memory. ā€œi canā€™t help being so enamored by the person you are now.ā€
ā€œwoah.ā€ you accidentally say, turning away from her and laughing. ā€œsorry, i justā€” that was really sweet it um, caught me off guard. thank you danielle.ā€
ā€œyou can call me dani, just like you used to.ā€
her eyes narrow just a bit as her head tilts. sheā€™s hugging her knees to her chest and staring at you while the sun starts to shine golden rays. you blink a few times, tilting your head the same way, and then she smiles again out of nowhere.
ā€œseems like theyā€™re ready to clean up. we should help.ā€
ā€œfor sure.ā€ you say quietly, not budging. ā€œiā€™ll go when you go.ā€
danielle giggles, ā€œalright.ā€
after your second day at the elementary school, you and danielle somehow ended up walking to class together. it wasnā€™t planned, not exactly, but after bumping into each other the next morning, the conversation flowed so naturally that it just made sense to keep talking as you both headed in the same direction.Ā 
danielle walked beside you, glancing at you every now and then as you talked about anything and everythingā€”how tiring the kids could be, your classes, random stuff like favorite snacks or the latest movie you wanted to see. you two were passing time, walking in loops around the first floor of the school since the bell would ring in fifteen minutes. every time you said something that made her laugh, her eyes sparkled just a little more, and it wasnā€™t lost on you how easy it felt to be around her.Ā 
eventually, you reached her class as your time together shortened. you stopped and turned to face her, giving a small wave. ā€œiā€™ll see you around?ā€ you asked, a smile tugging at your lips.Ā 
ā€œyeah, definitely,ā€ she said, her cheeks flushing the slightest bit. she gave a little wave back, her smile soft and warm. ā€œthanks for walking with me.ā€
ā€œno problem,ā€ you said, trying to play it cool despite how fast your heart was racing. you turned, heading off to your own class, but you couldnā€™t help glancing back once, catching her still watching you.Ā 
what you didnā€™t see was danielle running into minji and hanni a few minutes later. the two of them were standing near the classroom and got there a few seconds after danielle, noticing immediately how flustered she seemed as they approached her at her desk.
ā€œwas that y/n you just waved goodbye to?ā€ minji asked, her eyebrow raised.Ā 
ā€œyeah, weā€™ve been, uh, talking again. like friends! of courseā€¦ā€ danielle said, her voice soft, a blush creeping up her neck as she tried to hide her smile.
hanni grinned, catching on instantly. ā€œgetting close again, huh?ā€ she teased, nudging danielleā€™s arm playfully.Ā 
danielleā€™s cheeks turned a little more pink, and she couldnā€™t stop the smile that spread across her face. ā€œsomething like that,ā€
minji smirked. ā€œyou look way too happy about it.ā€
danielle looked down, biting her lip to stop from grinning. ā€œitā€™s nothing,ā€ she muttered, but even she couldnā€™t believe her own words.
because, really, it felt like everything.
later that day you head toward the locker room after a tiring swim practice. sohee is teasing you for messing up during a lap, and hyein continues to add on. you manage to shake sohee off after splitting ways, but hyein is still poking at you.
you shower quickly, dry yourself, and change into your usual hoodie and sweats before waving to your teammates who arenā€™t done packing up.
once you open the door, you immediately catch danielle leaning against the wall. she looks up as soon as you step out, her features lighting up.
ā€œhey!ā€ she greets.
ā€œhi.ā€ you respond as you walk up to her. ā€œwaiting for hyein?ā€
ā€œum, yeah.ā€ danielle is lying again, this canā€™t be a good habit. maybe it lying isnā€™t so bad if itā€™s to see someone as wonderful as you, danielle thinks. ā€œhow was practice?ā€
ā€œi was kinda slow today, but it was fun.ā€ you sigh, ā€œhow has your day been?ā€
ā€œtiring as well,ā€ she huffs. ā€œbut iā€™m really caught up with schoolwork and the student council meeting was really short.ā€
ā€œthatā€™s lovely.ā€ you catch sohee and wonbin in the corner of your eye and purse your lips. ā€œthose idiots,ā€ your eyes turn towards them and danielle briefly glances at the idiots in question, ā€œare hungry. theyā€™re like vacuumsā€¦ i swear.ā€
ā€œi understand, my friends are like that too.ā€ danielle snickers, directing her attention back to you. ā€œhey, i was also wondering if youā€™d um, like to walk together in the morning? like we can walk or you can eat breakfast. it doesnā€™t matter. iā€™m just saying iā€™d like to be with you tomorrow morning.ā€
you freeze, parting your mouth to say something, but everything is caught up in your throat.
your brain stops functioning for a moment as you try to process quite literally everything. you manage to respond a few seconds later, ā€œyes!ā€ the eagerness makes you cringe, you cough. ā€œyes, i mean. iā€™d also like to be with you! u-uhm, in the morning, obviously. yeah. we can do whatever youā€™d like, just say the words and iā€™m uh, iā€™m down.ā€
her lips turn up and you swear the universe just slapped you in the face. ā€œgreat,ā€ she says, ā€œiā€™ll see you tomorrow. you should go feed your friends.ā€
ā€œyeah, theyā€¦ eatā€”a lot. sorry, yeah, iā€™ll get going. see you!ā€
ā€œsee you y/n!ā€ she waves, and you wave back, walking towards two idiots trying to hold laughter and snarky remarks.
youā€™re helping out the kids as they all tend to their artwork. this time everyone has watercolor, which is a little less messy than your first rodeo at the school. you sit at the table with five children, all of them eager to earn criticism and compliments from their work.
ā€œy/n! y/n! how do you like mine? itā€™s good right? do you like it?ā€ one girl says, holding up the paper to your face with her little hands.
you chuckle, moving back a bit to get a better view of the work. itā€™s (what you assume) a scene from the country side; different shades of green line the bottom of the page to imitate grass, and there are different colored flowers peeking out getting shined on by the sun from above.
ā€œitā€™s gorgeous annie.ā€ you assure, ā€œbut i think those flowers are a little lonely without bees.ā€
the girl brings her paper back and turns it around to inspect. she squints her eyes, biting her lip before nearly slamming it on the ground and beginning to color again. ā€œyouā€™re right! i shouldā€™ve done thatā€¦ also piggies and cows andā€¦ the flowers need friends.ā€
ā€œyouā€™re very creative, i love it!ā€ you beam, patting her shoulder. she turns and smiles at you.
danielleā€™s palm holds her chin as she watches the interaction from a table away, grinning without knowing. her smile only grows when you give suggestions to another kid, and then sheā€™s breaking away after a child tugs at her hair subtly.
ā€œmiss danielle, why are you staring at y/n so much?ā€ the boy asks shyly.Ā 
ā€œo-oh.ā€ danielleā€™s cheeks start to tingle with heat. ā€œsorry, did you want me to check your work out?ā€
ā€œwhy are you staring at y/n?ā€ he asks again, tilting his head at her.Ā 
ā€œitā€™s nothing, really. i was just umā€¦ daydreaming.ā€
ā€œabout y/n?ā€ kids are getting clever these days, though thankfully they lack the snarkiness. ā€œis that why youā€™re staring at her?ā€
ā€œum, no.ā€ um, yes. danielle is lying to a child. ā€œi just, sheā€™sā€“ she happens to be in my vision. um, letā€™s see your artwork!ā€
the kid shrugs, pushing the paper over to danielle who is in awe of how well done it is. this kid isnā€™t just smart, heā€™s remarkably talented too.Ā 
now itā€™s your turn to look over at danielle, whoā€™s tending to kids. you admire her for a bit, a small smile creeping up to your lips before you return to your own tasks.
the three of themā€”hanni, minji, and danielleā€”were huddled on the floor of minjiā€™s room, surrounded by blankets and snacks. theyā€™d been talking about everything and nothing for the past hour, the usual mix of gossip, random stories, and playful teasing filling the room as they have their monthly sleepover.
but as the conversation died down, danielle found her mind wandering back to the past few daysā€”the past monthā€”specifically to you. it had been happening more and more lately. volunteering with you at the elementary school had brought back feelings she thought sheā€™d outgrown, but being around you so often was starting to get to her. all the walks to class were getting to her, the shared glances and grins, really just the awareness of you existing was making her think hard.
ā€œare you okay, dani?ā€ hanni asked, noticing the way danielle had fallen quiet, her face a little red.
minji narrowed her eyes playfully. ā€œyeah, youā€™ve been acting weird all night. whatā€™s going on?ā€
danielle sat up straighter, nervously picking at the hem of her oversized sweater. ā€œumā€¦ okay, iā€™m probably just overthinking this, butā€”ā€ she hesitated, biting her lip before blurting out, ā€œi think i still like y/n.ā€
both hanni and minji exchanged looks, and then hanni grinned. ā€œstill? dani, i didnā€™t even know you ever stopped.ā€
ā€œyou never stopped,ā€ minji added with a teasing smirk. ā€œyouā€™re just aware of it now because you two interact. i still remember how often youā€™d mention her back then when we were underclassmen. it wasnā€™t much, but i thought you always had eyes for her.ā€
ā€œugh.ā€ danielle groaned, covering her face with her hands. ā€œbut like, itā€™s different now. weā€™ve been spending time together at the volunteering thing, even after that, andā€”ā€ she paused, her voice softening, ā€œsheā€™s just soā€¦ sweet. and cute. like, even when sheā€™s not trying, sheā€™s justā€¦ ugh, i donā€™t know.ā€
hanni grinned, sitting up and leaning toward her. ā€œoh my god, are you gushing?ā€
danielle peeked out from behind her hands, her face red. ā€œno,ā€ she muttered, but even she couldnā€™t stop herself from smiling. ā€œokay, maybe a little. yeah.ā€
ā€œwhatā€™s she been doing thatā€™s got you all flustered?ā€ minji asked, genuinely curious now.
danielle sighed, her heart racing just thinking about it. ā€œitā€™s likeā€¦ little things, you know? like, she always makes sure iā€™m okay when weā€™re with the kids, and sheā€™s so patient with them. and then there was this one time where a kid was playing with her hair, trying to style it, and she just let them do whatever they wanted without even complaining.ā€ danielle laughed softly. ā€œshe just looked so cute and clueless, and i couldnā€™t stop staring. and sheā€™s so, so sweet. she walks me to class and asks how iā€™m doing and we do gas station runs before or after volunteering and sheā€™s soā€¦ crush worthy. i donā€™t know!ā€
hanni and minji exchanged knowing looks again.
ā€œand like, weā€™ve barely talked since middle school, but now itā€™s likeā€¦ i donā€™t know. it feels like nothingā€™s changed, but everything has? i justā€”ā€ danielle paused, suddenly feeling vulnerable. ā€œiā€™m starting to realize how much i like her again. we grew up kind of distant and it feels like thereā€™s so much more to her that has me falling deeper than i ever had.ā€
minji smiled softly. ā€œsounds like youā€™ve got it bad, dani.ā€
danielle groaned, lying back on the floor and covering her face again. ā€œwhy is this happening?ā€
hanni laughed, poking her side. ā€œbecause y/nā€™s cute, and you canā€™t handle it.ā€
ā€œexactly,ā€ minji agreed, her teasing grin in full force.
danielle sighed, letting her friendsā€™ teasing wash over her as she tried to calm her racing heart. it was hopeless. sheā€™d never stopped liking you, and now that you were back in her life, it was like everything was coming back all at once.
ā€œwhat do i even do?ā€ danielle muttered, staring up at the ceiling.
hanni grinned, nudging her. ā€œeasy. tell her.ā€
danielle blushed harder, shaking her head. ā€œno way. iā€™ll justā€¦ iā€™ll wait.ā€
minji snorted. ā€œyeah, good luck with that.ā€
that same night, youā€™re playing basketball with sohee at the court near your houses. sohee moved across the street from you right before high school started, and ever since that you two have been best friends. heā€™s someone you trust and love with your whole heart, but simultaneously a leech stuck to your side.
the night was cool, the court illuminated by the soft, dim glow of the overhead lights. you and sohee had been at it for a while, your usual one-on-one basketball game to unwind. except tonight, something was off. sohee was easily scoring on you, his movements quick and smooth while yours were sluggish and distracted. you missed shots youā€™d normally make without a second thought, and every time you tried to focus, your mind drifted back to danielle.
ā€œy/n,ā€ sohee called, catching the ball after your latest missed shot. ā€œwhat is going on with you? youā€™re way off.ā€
you wiped the sweat from your brow, feeling the frustration rising. ā€œnothing, iā€™m justā€¦ tired,ā€ you muttered, but even you didnā€™t believe that excuse. sohee didnā€™t either.
he dribbled the ball lazily, walking toward you. ā€œtired? no way. youā€™ve been off this whole game. iā€™ve scored more points in the last ten minutes than i usually do in an hour.ā€ he nudged your shoulder with his elbow, his eyes narrowing playfully. ā€œwhatā€™s going on?ā€
you hesitated, biting the inside of your cheek. it wasnā€™t like you to talk about stuff like this, especially with sohee, but the thoughts swirling around your head were starting to get overwhelming. you couldnā€™t deny it anymore.
with a sigh, you sat down on the edge of the court, sohee plopping down beside you. ā€œitā€™sā€¦ danielle,ā€ you finally admitted, your voice quieter than you intended.
sohee blinked, raising an eyebrow. ā€œdanielle?ā€ he repeated, leaning back on his hands. ā€œokayā€¦ go on.ā€
Ā you put your head in your hands, suddenly feeling vulnerable. ā€œi donā€™t know. like, weā€™ve been hanging out more because of the volunteering stuff, andā€¦ i donā€™t know. i canā€™t stop thinking about her. like, at all. and itā€™s messing me up. before it was just a small, lingering crush. itā€™s so, so bad now.ā€
soheeā€™s expression softened, a knowing smile tugging at his lips. ā€œso youā€™ve been crushing on her hard, huh?ā€
you groaned, leaning your head back and staring up at the night sky. ā€œyeah, i guess you could say that.ā€ it felt like an understatementā€”it was an understatement. ā€œbut itā€™s more than that. i feel likeā€¦ every time weā€™re together, iā€™m losing my mind. like, i donā€™t know what to do with myself. iā€™m always trying to act normal, but sheā€™s so sweet and adorable and cute and iā€”ā€ you stopped yourself, feeling embarrassed by how much you were rambling. ā€œjesus, i sound like an idiot. donā€™t look at meā€”itā€™s bad.ā€
sohee chuckled, shaking his head. ā€œhonestly, from what youā€™ve told me, it sounds like she probably likes you too.ā€
your heart skipped a beat at his words, but you shook your head. ā€œno way. sheā€™s justā€¦ being nice. thatā€™s how she is.ā€
ā€œnah,ā€ sohee stood up, tossing the ball back and forth between his hands. ā€œyou donā€™t see it, but iā€™ve seen you guys together. and besides, people donā€™t just act like that for no reason. the way you described her, sheā€™s gotta be into you.ā€
you raised an eyebrow, skeptical. ā€œyou think?ā€
sohee shrugged. ā€œi mean, you wonā€™t know until you ask her. but from where iā€™m standing, sheā€™s been giving you all the signs. you are the only one who doesnā€™t catch her smiling at you, even looking at you. she has to be losing it just as much.ā€
you sat there for a moment, letting his words sink in. maybe he was right. maybe danielle did like you, but it was hard to believe, especially when you felt so off balance around her. still, the idea of it made your heart race in a way that wasnā€™t entirely unpleasant.
ā€œyouā€™re overthinking it,ā€ sohee said, tossing the ball to you. ā€œjustā€¦ be yourself. she clearly likes who you are, whether you realize it or not.ā€
you caught the ball, your grip tightening around it as you glanced at him. ā€œand if youā€™re wrong?ā€
he laughed, shrugging. ā€œthen youā€™ll live, you always make it. but honestly, i donā€™t think i am.ā€
you exhaled slowly, standing up and bouncing the ball a couple of times. ā€œyeah, maybe.ā€
sohee grinned, motioning for you to start the game again. ā€œcome on, letā€™s finish this. iā€™m not letting you off easy just because you want marsh.ā€
you laughed, feeling a little lighter as you dribbled the ball and faced him. ā€œiā€™m gonna beat your assā€”maybe stick to swimming.ā€
the next time you and danielle volunteer at the elementary school, the kids are in full creative mode, diving headfirst into arts and crafts. you watch as their tiny hands work with paper, markers, and glue sticks, their faces lit up with excitement. you and danielle sit side by side at a low table, helping them cut shapes and fold paper, but soon enough, the kids start getting ideas of their own.
"weā€™re gonna make you guys princesses!" one of the little girls announces with a grin, holding up some colored paper.
"yeah, princesses need crowns," another chimes in, already working on what looks like a very lopsided paper tiara.
danielle laughs softly, her cheeks turning a light shade of pink. "oh, wow. weā€™re honored, huh?" she says, glancing at you, her smile wide but a little flustered.
you nod, trying to play it cool even though the idea of you both as ā€˜princessesā€™ is making your head spin. "i guess weā€™re royalty for the day."
soon enough, you and danielle each have paper crowns placed carefully on your heads, the kids squealing in delight at their creations. you catch a glimpse of danielle out of the corner of your eye, and even though the crown is crooked and made of construction paper, she looks... perfect. she always does. she looks even better than any princess from the movies.
"okay, now you need to get married!" one of the boys shouts, bouncing on his feet as he holds out paper rings he made from scraps of old coloring sheets.
both you and danielle freeze for a second, the word ā€˜marriedā€™ hanging in the air like itā€™s some forbidden territory. you and danielle: married. but the kids donā€™t give you much time to process because suddenly, two of them grab your hands, pulling you up from your seats.
"come on! princesses have to get married!" they insist, giggling wildly.
danielle glances at you, her eyes wide, but sheā€™s smiling, clearly trying to suppress how flustered she is. "uh, i guess we donā€™t really have a choice here," she says softly, her voice slightly shaky but still playful.
"nope, none at all," you respond, trying to sound as casual as possible, even though your heart is practically beating out of your chest. you reach out and take the paper ring they offer, pretending itā€™s all part of the fun as you slip it onto danielleā€™s finger. ā€œbut i donā€™t mind you as the princess.ā€ you whisper.
danielleā€™s cheeks flush as she does the same, her fingers lightly brushing against yours as she slides the paper ring onto your hand. for a second, the whole room seems to blur, and itā€™s just the two of you standing there, awkwardly exchanging paper rings with a bunch of kids cheering you on.
"you may now... be married!" one of the kids declares, causing an eruption of giggles all around you.
you and danielle exchange a quick look, both of you clearly trying not to burst into laughter, but also kind ofā€¦ lost in the moment. her smile is soft and shy, and you canā€™t help but feel the warmth spreading through your chest like always.
"well, that was... something," danielle murmurs, her voice quieter as she glances down at the ring now wrapped around your finger.
"yeah," you manage to say, your own voice barely steady. "guess weā€™re officially paper royalty now."
ā€œi suppose so ā€˜your highness.ā€™ā€
both of you laugh, but itā€™s the kind of laughter that lingersā€”nervous, sweet, and a little unsure of what it all means. you sit back down, the kids going off to make more crafts, but the paper rings stay on your fingers. neither of you make a move to take them off, both pretending like everything is fine, even though the butterflies in your stomach are telling you otherwise.
it was a typical friday after swim practice. you were tired but in a good mood, feeling the pleasant ache in your muscles as you pulled your hoodie over your head and adjusted your sweatpants. as you walked out of the locker room, your hair still damp, you see danielle waiting outside, leaning against the wall with her phone in her hand.
she looked up when you stepped out, and the smile that spread across her face was like a breath of fresh air. ā€œhey,ā€ she greeted, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
you smiled back. ā€œhey. waiting for hyein?ā€ it was your automatic assumption since danielle usually hung out with her after school, and you were trying to play it cool, despite the sudden spike in your pulse.
danielle shook her head, biting her lip as if she was a little nervous. ā€œno, actually. i was wonderingā€¦ if you wanted to grab a bite with me? i mean, if you're free? if youā€™re going to grab dinner with sohee and wonbin thoughā€”i understand.ā€
for a second, you just stared at her, completely thrown off. danielle marsh, standing there, casually asking you to hang out. it felt surreal. she was looking at you expectantly, her eyes bright and hopeful, and it took everything in you to not freeze up completely.
ā€œjust us?ā€
ā€œwho else would be coming? i wanted toā€¦ spend time with you.ā€ danielle fidgets with her fingers.
ā€œuh, yeah, sure!ā€ you finally managed to respond, hoping you didnā€™t sound too eager, but internally you were freaking out.
from the corner of your eye, you spotted sohee and wonbin leaning against the vending machine nearby, watching the whole thing unfold. sohee gave you a sly smirk, while wonbin raised his eyebrows in playful encouragement, clearly trying to get you to go along with it. they didnā€™t say a word, but their teasing looks were enough.
you ignored them, focusing back on danielle, who was smiling wider now that youā€™d agreed. ā€œgreat!ā€ she said, looking genuinely happy. ā€œthereā€™s this place nearby that makes really good sandwiches. hyein loves to eat there after practice.ā€
ā€œsounds perfect,ā€ you replied, unable to stop the grin spreading across your face as the two of you made your way toward the parking lot.
as you walked side by side, you couldn't help but sneak glances at her, wondering how the universe had aligned for this to happen. danielle, who had been so distant for years, was suddenly in your life again, and now you were about to grab sandwiches together.
you reached your car, and as danielle slid into the passenger seat, you tried to act normal. after all, this insā€™t the first time danielle has been in your car. she clicked her seatbelt and looked over at you with a soft expression, and for a moment, everything felt easy.
you turned on the engine, glancing at her with a smile of your own. ā€œletā€™s go get those sandwiches.ā€
you noticed one of the kids, a little boy named max, slumped over at his desk, his tiny hand still clutching a crayon while his head rested on his arm. he was fast asleep, the exhaustion from the day finally catching up to him. you smiled to yourself, gently lifting the crayon from his hand and setting it down before carefully scooping him up in your arms.
max stirred slightly but didnā€™t wake, his small body curling into you instinctively. you carried him across the room, making sure your steps were light and quiet, and set him down gently on a blanket in the corner. once you made sure he was comfortable, you knelt beside him, adjusting the blanket around him so he wouldnā€™t get cold.
as you stood up, brushing off your hands, you felt a pair of eyes on you. turning around, you caught danielle watching the whole scene, her gaze soft and warm. before you could say anything, she spoke, her voice quiet but filled with admiration.
"you're really sweet, you know that?" she said, almost like the words slipped out without her meaning to.
your face heated up instantly, a deep blush spreading across your cheeks. you rubbed the back of your neck, trying to play it off. "thank you," you mumbled, avoiding her gaze because the way she was looking at you made your heart race even more.
but danielle wasnā€™t letting it go that easily. she smiled at you, that same smile that always made your insides twist in the best way. "no, i mean it. youā€™re just... really good with them. itā€™s nice to see. youā€™re so sweet and so like, cute. sorry."
you blinked, caught off guard by the sincerity in her voice. "uh, thanks. i just... i donā€™t know." you tried to brush it off again, but you could feel her eyes still on you, and it made you flustered beyond words.
danielle tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, her cheeks a little pink now too. she quickly looked away, biting her lip like she couldnā€™t believe sheā€™d just said that, and you swore you saw the smallest hint of nervousness in her expression.
you both stood there for a second in the quiet classroom, neither of you sure what to say next. but something unspoken passed between you, something warm and sweet, and even though neither of you acknowledged it out loud, it hung in the air like a gentle breeze.
maybe she didnā€™t just see you as a friend after all.
after leaving the elementary school, you and danielle decided to grab some smoothies, neither of you really wanting the day to end just yet. after picking up your drinks, you drove to a nearby park, parking in a spot that had a perfect view of the sunset. the sky was painted with soft pinks and oranges, fading into a deep blue as the sun dipped lower on the horizon.
sitting side by side in the car, both of you sipped on your smoothies, the air between you comfortable yet charged with something unspoken. danielle was flipping through her phone, looking for something to watch, and eventually settled on a short movie you both had heard about. you propped your phone up on the dashboard, the two of you leaning back in your seats, the glow from the screen illuminating your faces.
the movie played on, but your mind wasnā€™t completely on it. not really. it was hard to focus when danielle was sitting so close, her laugh quiet but making your heart race every time. you could feel the warmth of her next to you, and each little shift she made only reminded you of how much you liked her.
as the movie reached its peak, the two characters on screen began to confess their feelings for each other. it was a sweet, heartwarming moment, and as you watched, you couldnā€™t help but feel the growing urge to say something. the way they looked at each other, the vulnerability, the raw emotionā€”everything felt so familiar.
you glanced over at danielle, who was also watching the scene intently. her hand rested on her lap, fingers lightly tapping to some rhythm only she could hear. your heart pounded in your chest, and before you could stop yourself, you opened your mouth to speak, but thenā€”
ā€œi like you.ā€
the words tumbled out at the exact same time. both of you froze, eyes wide as you turned to face each other. danielleā€™s hand smacks over her mouth at the same tiem as you. for a second, it was like the world had stopped, the air between you electric, charged with a mix of surprise and relief.Ā 
danielleā€™s eyes blinked in shock, and then she laughed softly, her cheeks turning pink as she ducked her head slightly. "what? you, you like me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
you nodded, feeling equally flustered but relieved. you turn toward your wheel and put your hands over your face as you lean against it. ā€œyeah,ā€ you mumble against your skin.Ā 
there was a beat of silence, the tension dissolving into something lighter, something sweet. you both smiled at each other, the nervousness fading as the reality of the moment settled in.
"i thought it was just me," she admitted shyly.
"same," you replied, grinning despite the butterflies in your stomach. "but... i'm glad i wasnā€™t." you lean back in your seat, unable to look at her.
danielle let out a little laugh, and for a moment, everything felt right. you werenā€™t just friends anymore, not after this. and as the last light of the sunset faded, the two of you sat there in the quiet of the car, your hands slowly finding each other in the space between you. it felt like something had shiftedā€”something youā€™d both been waiting for.
she looks at you, her eyes still wide, her smile soft but curious. "how long?" she asks quietly, her voice barely above a whisper. the question hung in the air, and you could feel the weight of it.
you swallowed, feeling the heat rise to your face. "uh... since middle school," you admitted, glancing down at your hands nervously. "it was after we finished the fitness testing... remember? you put a flower in my hair while i was sweaty and tired and gross."
danielleā€™s eyes lit up with recognition, a soft giggle escaping her lips. "wait, really? you liked me then?" she asked, her smile growing as she leaned in a little closer, clearly caught up in the moment.Ā 
"yeah," you nodded, feeling the giddiness rise in your chest. "i remember being so embarrassed because i thought i looked terrible, but you just smiled at me like... like it didnā€™t matter."
danielle blushed deeply, covering her mouth with her hand as she giggled. "oh my god, i didnā€™t know! and now i feel even worse because... iā€™ve liked you since middle school too."
your heart nearly stopped at her words, your eyes widening in surprise. "wait, what? since when?"
"remember that science project we did together?" danielle asked, her cheeks still flushed. "you finished most of it because i was sick for half the week... and you didnā€™t complain once. you just did it and made sure i didnā€™t feel bad about it. you even emailed me to drink water and take care of myself. how could i not like you."
"yeah," danielle smiled, a little shy now. "i think thatā€™s when i realized you were really special."
both of you were blushing now, giggling nervously in between your confessions, like you couldnā€™t quite believe what was happening. it was surreal, this moment youā€™d both been unknowingly waiting for since you were kids. and now here you were, sitting in your car, finally on the same page after all these years.
"i canā€™t believe weā€™ve both been... waiting this long," you said, still grinning like an idiot. you smack your forehead with your palm.
"me neither," danielle agreed, her voice soft as her gaze lingered on yours. her smile grew, her eyes sparkling with that familiar light youā€™d always admired. "but iā€™m really glad we know now."
"yeah," you whispered, feeling your heart swell as you looked at her. "me too."
silence settled between you two after the giddy confessions, but it wasnā€™t awkward. it felt... comfortable. like a new kind of peace, where everything was finally out in the open. danielle fiddled with her smoothie cup, glancing at you every now and then with a soft smile, while you kept sneaking looks at her as you drove, your heart doing little flips each time you caught her eyes.
the drive to her house felt shorter than usual, and before you knew it, you were pulling up in front of her place. you turned the engine off, the soft hum of the car dying down as you both sat in the lingering quiet. you wanted to say something, anything to keep her here just a little longer, but your mind was blankā€”except for the thought of how much you didnā€™t want this moment to end.
danielle turned to you, her eyes warm and sparkling under the dim glow of the streetlight. "thanks for today," she said quietly, her voice gentle, but there was something more behind it, something unspoken that hung between you.
you felt your heart race again. "no problem, anytime."
danielle looks like she wants to say something. she looks at you with an uncertain expression, biting her lip to hold back something.
ā€œi want to kiss you so bad right now danielle.ā€ you admit quickly, almost out of breath. ā€œyou look so cute right now i kind of want to get run over because of how adorable you look. like, oh my god.ā€
ā€œno, yeah, i feel the same. can weā€” can i kiss you? oh my god, iā€™ve never done this before.ā€
you giggle, ā€œme neither.ā€
there was a brief pause, and before you could stop yourself, you leaned inā€”just slightly. it was almost instinctual, like the air between you both had been pulling you closer this entire time. danielle noticed, her breath hitching softly as her eyes flickered to your lips, and in the next heartbeat, she closed the distance.
the kiss was soft, tentativeā€”both of you so nervous, yet so eager. her lips were warm and gentle against yours. danielleā€™s hand slid into your hair, ruffling it up a bit more and sending shivers down your spine. you couldnā€™t help but melt into her touch. your own hands trembled as you cupped her cheek, everything feeling new and exciting, yet strangely right.
when you finally pulled apart, both of you were blushing so hard, it was almost embarrassing. you could barely look at each other without grinning like idiots, your hearts pounding in unison. danielle let out a soft laugh, her cheeks bright pink as she quickly glanced at the door.
"um... iā€™llā€”iā€™ll see you tomorrow?" she stammered, clearly flustered, but there was a giddy, breathless smile on her face that made your own heart stutter.
"yeah, tomorrow," you managed to say, your voice shaky from the rush of emotions. you were still trying to process what had just happened, your lips tingling from the kiss as you watched her open the door to leave. ā€œone more?ā€
danielle laughs, then gives you a brief kiss before pulling away and avoiding your gaze from nervousness.
she waves a quick goodbye before disappearing into her house, but not without one last smile that made your heart swell all over again. you sat there for a moment longer, your face burning as you replayed everything in your head. the kiss, the confession, her soft touchā€”it all felt like a dream, one you were still floating in.
and for a moment, all the nerves, all the unspoken feelingsā€”everything just melted away, leaving behind a feel of tranquility between you both. you werenā€™t just two people holding onto a crush anymore. you were finally something more, and it felt like everything had just fallen perfectly into place.
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kick-a-long Ā· 6 months ago
Stuff like this is why I get so pissed off at accusations of genocide and apartheid.
Why would a genocidal country pause a war to vaccinate at least 90% of Gaza kids against polio as soon as the first case of a two year old paralyzed by type 2 poliovirus is confirmed? If they wanted gazans wiped off the earth they would keep the war going and vaccinate Israeli kids and citizens. If they wanted them dead they would never vaccinate ā€œthe enemy.ā€ Russia wouldnā€™t do that.
I see you dickheads in the comments, ā€œitā€™s for optics! Plus they must be worried about Jews getting it from them! Thatā€™s the only reason they want to vaccinate anyone. Plus vaccines are poison even checked by the WHO! They probably have autism in them!ā€
If itā€™s an apartheid why would Palestinians have access to the same places and bodies of water as Israelis? And if they donā€™t why would Israel vaccinate. The Regan administration didnā€™t respond to the HIV outbreak in the 80s because they hated gays and drug users and wanted them sick, spreading it, and most importantly dead. During peace time to their own citizens.
All Israel would have to do is ignore the outbreak.
Vaccines work. Polio is one of the most devastating diseases a kid can get. Thereā€™s no medication that can stop the damage once you get the virus. Lil kids die from diarrhea, are paralyzed for life and if theyā€™re immune system doesnā€™t stop the paralysis at their legs it climbs up their bodies and once it hits their diaphragm (the muscle that lets you breath right under your rip cage) kids as young as a few months old to their teens will die from lack of air. Both are the absolute worst and most painful ways a person can die. Waking nightmare delusions from dehydration and low oxygen on top of the physical pain.
Nazis infected Jews with this shit intentionally to study how polio affects children. Israel is stopping in the middle of a war to end the polio outbreak when they are still trying to rescue kids so young they have spent the majority of their lives on earth in Hamas captivity. And after only one kid was confirmed with polio type 2, the one that causes paralysis.
How can it be a genocide or an apartheid when they are literally helping safeguard Palestines next generation of kids?
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ronanlynchdefender Ā· 8 months ago
The political stances of The Raven Cycle characters are so fascinating to me. You got Blue over here who is very much a progressive activist in the making. She recognizes things like misogyny and is not afraid to call those things out even when it concerns her closest friends. Because of that, I definitely see her as the type of activist who would be in the front lines at protests whether that be at the Capitol, college campuses, at the border, or as is the case in the dreamer trilogy, tied to a tree. She is the type of person who demands change in our current system and would demand it loudly and through acts of protest or civil disobedience.
Then you have Adam who displays no strong desire to change the system and whose only desire is to rise up in that system. He wants to climb the social ladder and assimilate to those of higher social status which is partially why he envies Gansey so much in the beginning because Gansey was born into it. Adam still tries to do this in the dreamer trilogy by essentially pretending to be a Gansey-like figure while at Harvard despite hating it. Eventually, Adam gives up on trying to belong within this higher social class and "climbing the ladder" but then strangely enough becomes a fed, which means just integrating into another form of hierarchy and power structure. And I feel like a more interesting arc would've been rejecting being a part of these societal systems altogether.
Which I suppose now leads us to Ronan who is a literal anarchist. He actually rejects all societal systems and rules and it permeates every aspect of his life. But actually, I shouldn't say all because there is one societal institution which he does enjoy partaking in: religion. With the exception of his catholicism, he does not engage in any other societal institution: education, law, politics. He hates it, in fact, It is antithetical to his being which is what makes his characterization so perfect because of course a gay farmer god would hate oppressive rules and structures (except for religion). That's not even mentioning that he is a canonical ecoterrorist that cost the US government a billion dollars. But what is really interesting about his character (and where his and Blue's political stances differ) is that because he rejects these systems he has no interest or stake in changing them. He'd sooner tear down the system than try to reform it.
And then thereā€™s Gansey who doesn't seem to engage in politics and would rather spend his days reading his little Welsh books and going on his fun adventures. Of course, he is able to do this largely because he has the privilege to not worry about politics or social class. It seems that Blue's influence changes this as they are both chaining themselves to trees in protest during the dreamer trilogy. Other than that, I don't really have a lot to say about Gansey and his politics. But I find it very interesting that Maggie has created this close-knit group of characters with such varying relationships to how they view politics and social structures. I tried to draw out a 2-axis grid to show their differences, but I don't know if it really works because I feel like Gansey kinda screws it up but nevertheless I like how they each represent different ends of a spectrum sort of.
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mrs-monaghan Ā· 4 months ago
Iā€™ve seen a lot of talk about how JK loves Jimin in the show, many have pointed out all the things he says and does for Jimin. But what does Jimin do for JK? How did we see him love Jk in the show because Iā€™m struggling to see it and hate that.
You mean apart from claiming him?
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Coz anon, letting the world know a person is yours kinda goes to show Jimin loves the hell out of JK... hard enough to announce to everyone, but okay. If u want us to look at a few instances then we shall...
I gotta say though, not seeing how Jimin loves JK is wild. But, let's proceed.
I personally still can't get over Jimin waxing himself for JK. Its giving, amazing boyfriend who knows what his man likes šŸ˜
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I'm sorry but that is so gay
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Alright anon. To really start us off, is the reason why AYS exists in the first place.
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We saw JK missing Jimin here and Jimin missing JK here. So Jimin doing this did not surprise me at all. I mean, we all remember he's it done before in 2019, so he's a grand gestures type of boyfriend. Wbk šŸ˜šŸ„ŗ I mean, man did say he would travel to the moon for JK. Literally.
So yeah, that's Jimin for ya. The guy who you can't seem to see just how much he loves JK šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Moving on... so they decided to play RPS
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Jimin wins and what does he do?
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That's right. The rule of the game is to pick what you want first and eat that. But no, Mimi knows his baby loves to eat so even though he won, he finds out first what JK wants.
They play again, Jimin wins and once again,
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He offers JK first.
Makes you wonder what the point of this game is atp šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ but Jimin will always put his man first and that's on fax. Cue editors pointing it out for you anon;
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Still you missed it... smh.
When he allowed a probably tired JK to rest on his shoulder.
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How cute was that? It reminded me of this:
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Jimin doesn't love JK you say? Let's continue ā˜ŗ
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JK is special. We've known this for years. Jimin has always given JK that special treatment and has never even tried to hide it.
This post would feel incomplete if we didn't talk about their none existent hyung/dongsaeng dynamic.
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Not me going into bedroom territory and cackling at the fact that JK probably loves to rile up top Jimin. šŸ¤­šŸ¤­
Ahem. Moving on swiftly šŸ˜Œ to this other sweet moment.
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i.e Jimin giving up his seat for JK.
And you who is reading this saying that aint a big deal... umm, I beg to differ??? They were filming something that was gonna be viewed by millions so of course one wants to look their best. And JK knew this which is why he asked Jimin about his best side in the first place. So yeah, this was a very sweet thing Jimin did for JK.
Jimin is a really nice person. You know? Like, Jikook aside, this dude is the real deal.
Jimin supporting JK's music. Standing next to you especially šŸ˜‚ but I also loved when he sang hate you. That was awesome. And don't forget SEVEN too.
Last but definitely not least (due to maximum image space) Right in the beginning anon, the show opens with Jimin being super worried about JK's voice.
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Jimin is not even subtle with how he treats and loves and dotes on JK.
I'm struggling to see it and I hate that.
Anon I can't believe you. Struggling? With Jimin of all people? Just for that I'll be coming back with a part 2. Hope these moments ring some bells for ya
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loverboyfae Ā· 10 months ago
i notice frequently this rhetoric of white people mocking other white people for their political involvement/racial politics/sjw behavior (outdated term i know but i have been seeing this attitude for a long time) that amounts to creating basically an anti-strawman? in essence itā€™s like. there are these white people getting up in arms about racial issues that no person of color actually cares about. no real person of color cares about racist jokes, thatā€™s just sensitive white people. no real people of color (pre-2020) are advocating THAT strongly against the police, thatā€™s just sensitive white people. as a result, i donā€™t have to do anything about these issues because theyā€™re all being entirely made up by white savior types who all of us hate. (side note: I also used to see this rhetoric with a LOT of other issues like how sjw girls are campaigning against homophobia towards gay men that gay men donā€™t care about, or for trans people that trans people donā€™t care about, or for disabled people etc., but i feel like it only really still survives in racial politics)
i think about this often, but iā€™m especially thinking about an experience i had recently that made it so actually visible to me how much of a lie it is. my campus had an encampment and there was a lot of social media presence saying how everyone there was just rich and privileged white people who could afford to play pretend at protesting and have never had to be scared of the cops in their lives. and i saw how, while there was still a majority of white people because thatā€™s the make up of my school, there was a HIGH percentage of students of color, of Black students, of Muslim students; way higher than i have seen in just a headcount of my classes. and they were bringing with them writings from authors of color and learnings from histories of other protests which they had also been arrested at. i knew people there personally who i know are not just well off kids who can afford whatever happens to them. people WERE making sacrifices doing stuff that can enact change that helps palestinians. there were palestinians there!!!
idk. itā€™s just very common and very suspect rhetoric and it boggles me that people still use it. tldr: if someone is taking you that an issue affecting marginalized people is only being advocated about by those who are not, question why they only hear it from the people not being harmed before you dismiss the issue. people may not feel safe around them, or they may be willfully manipulating the facts
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iminyourwallsbabe Ā· 2 months ago
More Arcane Incorrect Quotes because they're funny
Silco: Say "Hi, Sevika"
Powder: Hi Sevika
Sevika: Who's god damn white baby is that?
Ambessa: Guards! Impregnate that man!
Somebody: Did you know Vi was gay before she came out?
Ekko: Yeah I was one of the first people she told. I kinda knew, because she likes pop tarts without the frosting on them so I knew something was weird
Vi: I miss my wife, Loris. I miss her a lot
Jinx: Top 10 reasons why Jinx is sorry, number 5 will surprise you
Jinx: I can't see the end of the horizon- SILCO????
Caitlyn: That person that called the police is a hero in my book
Ekko: Your book has 4 pages in large font
Jayce: Dear period cramps, LEAVE HER ALONE!!!! I'm sorry you had to hear that, ladies. I just get so passionate about feminism
Silco: The worst drug to crave is wanting to be loved
Sevika: Idk shimmer is pretty fucking bad
Viktor: Bro you are so fucking annoying keep this up and I'll kiss you on the lips
Jinx: Lord, take me and whoever's reading this. We ready šŸ™šŸ½ā™„ļø
Sevika: Why is my boss's kid playing among us like she's not already the imposter #adopted
Viktor: I will miss our talks...
Sky: I know what you are
Caitlyn: Fuck touching grass I need to touch boobs
Jayce: Just found out about classism... damn that shit sucks
Ekko: Me and my girl don't argue, she bashes my head in with a rock and I walk it off like a man
Ambessa: Exuding sex appeal and not letting a single man touch me is my brand
Jinx: You don't even have to match my freak you just have to think whatever's wrong with me is fascinating and perhaps even sexual
Mel: What's your skin type?
Jayce: Handsome
Caitlyn: I need PATHETIC WOMEN. Fail women who can't do things right. LOSERS that get drunk and hit the curb.
Jinx: "you think you're smarter than Jayce Talis?" I know I'm smarter than Jayce Talis. I'm also funnier and hotter. Hope that helps
Jayce: He was anemic and I was his iron man
Viktor: No, babe, this isn't it
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