#why is rayllum so god
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raayllum · 1 year
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And now, you’re back. That’s kind of good, and it’s kind of bad. 
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weepynymph · 2 years
How are my girlies who didn’t read ‘through the moon’ doing?
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bisexualenbyblueberry · 2 months
My Favourite Details This Season
Callum pacing and tossing the cube in episode 1 he's just like me fr
"I heard you were up here losing your mind ;)"
"Lots of books, I like books :D"
"I HAVE AN IDEA" "So,,,, what's your idea-" *runs out of room*
"I HAVE A SECRET PLAN" with the most dramatic stage whisper I've ever heard
Pyrrah stretching like a cat
Literally every interaction Soren and Corvus have. The party conversation. "Maybe it's edible" "NO, and PLEASE don't find out" and then Corvus having to tell him to spit it out. "You’re a man of mystery, Corvus ;)))" and "You clearly didn’t learn anything at camp 🙄🙄🙄" “It’s not great.” “Yeah I tried. “Okay” “It’s the effort”. Soren’s head falling onto Corvus’ chest
Janai being so damn tall. I swear to god this woman grows like a foot every season. What is happening to her. Why is she like that
"Wake up kids!" When they arrive at the frozen sea
"It’s literally frozen in time 😮" "it’s literally frozen in ice, it’s figuratively frozen in time"
"The frozen ship, so sad😔"
Rayla sitting on the table reading a book imagining the characters she’s so silly
“Is Rayla crying?? I’M COMING RAYLA 😡😡😡”
“Rayla! I’m here!” *door slams in his face*
"NO PUNCHING THE BOAT" and Callum's facial expression and pose afterwards 😭
Sneezles and Stella being buddies
“Your breath is warm” “Oh…sorry”
The way they SITTT (Karim in his throne, Janai after trying to burn the tree, Soren against the wall in the first meeting, Miyana on the rocks in the second episode, Ezran on his bed, Janai near the tree, Rayla lying on her bed and on the table)
Terry's glasses making their heavily anticipated return
"And this is Rayla- wait, did you want to do your own intro?"
"Welcome to the starscraper 😌" "WELCOME?! YOU NEARLY KILLED US" "Nearly, but the fates seem to have another path in mind for you" "The FATES?! What does that even... is that even an apology?!"
"Okay, you both seem on the nice side, so not to be rude... as if somehow this is ruder than throwing people out from a great height🙄🙄🙄..."
“Wait, is everyone else wearing blindfolds too?” “That is a joke.” “Yeah it was funny 😡”
Astrid saying Callum has greasy hair
“Where’d you get that comically large block of ice”
Callum trying and failing to use Rayla’s blade and almost cutting his fingers off
“How do I insult a star spider? 😆 Ezran would know what to do- ow OW HEY”
Astrid’s little trans speech your honor I love her
"This orb.... is a giant peice of candy 😐"
Jack De Sena's voice acting in Kosmo's hallucination?? Hello?? Poured out his heart and soul all for a hypothetical
Wind elk :)))))
The awkward giggles when they're about to kiss that first time
The entire “fiscal exercices” conversation 
Leola. Just everything about Leola she's just like me fr
Feel free to add on because I certainly will. This list is like 50% unfinished
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 2 months
Rayllum Month 2024! (6/13)
i'm sorry that i couldn't always be your teenage dream
July 11th - Dream/Nightmare
Callum was dreaming again, and it wasn’t even a good one. It wasn’t even original. It was the same old shit he thought he’d worked through, but apparently “shoving into an itty-bitty box in the corner of his mind” didn’t count as “working through.”
Not being fast enough to catch Rayla as she fell, mangled body caught in a thorny bramble or never to surface again from the watery depths. Holding her as the life left her body because of something Aaravos had used him to do. Ezran’s blood blending into his shirt and Callum not having a clue he was dead until he found what should have been his pulse point and smelled the metallic scent of blood, Soren and Corvus’s necks slit as they died defending him. All because of him, because of the things he’d done for Rayla, because he just couldn’t live without her, that had led to a continent-wide bloodbath.
At least he’d finally stopped dreaming about what had happened back on the Sea Legs. But emotional pain was arguably a million times worse than physical. But, hey; options to pick from, Soren would’ve said in an attempt to cheer him up but ending up doing nothing of the sort. How had his life come to this, pain in every aspect of the word?
Callum wasn’t sure at what point he woke up, when the horrors his brain so loved to produce stopped being from his subconscious and started to come from how he tortured himself. 
Gradually, the world fading into focus but doing nothing to calm his racing heart, things became visible: His very first drawing of Rayla pinned up on his bulletin board across the room, a maroon tapestry patterned with swirling gold, teal covers over his too-hot body. Feeling and hearing came back next, and he dimly registered a hand stroking his hair, another loosely settled on his middle. Familiar callouses, familiar temperature, familiar body shape– Rayla without a doubt.
Callum clung onto that, onto that certainty that she was here, holding him and murmuring things into his hair that he couldn’t make out but at least sounded vaguely soothing.
“Ray-” His tongue felt heavy, like he didn’t deserve to say her name. Callum didn’t let himself finish her name or even start to say it again, simply desperately grasped the hand around his waist.
“I’m here. You’re okay,” the elf soothed, squeezing his hand tight. “Everything’s okay. You’re safe, I’m safe, Ez is safe. You have nothing to immediately worry about, I promise.”
Callum nodded, trying to let– make himself believe it with those two blasted Dark Mages out there, that damn elf in the mirror. The prison so close it would be nothing for Aaravos to just- take hold of him again and set himself free. Gods, he might be sick.
He gripped her tightly, trying to calm his racing heart by focusing on the feeling of Rayla’s hands on him, her sweet voice humming some old calming tune.
“Not that I’m complaining,” he said eventually, mouth dry, “but why are you in my bed?”
He could hear the almost unnoticeable catch in her voice, loud as thunder to his trained ears, practically see her eyes drop down as she replied so softly, “I heard you crying out and stuff. I didn’t want to wake you up, just… thought you could maybe use a hug.”
He pulled her hand around his waist, nestling further back into her, and felt her smile into his hair. "You thought right."
Read more on AO3!
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oh-hootsifer · 1 month
hi haven’t made a post in a while. but just watched tdp season 6, and OH MY GOD I have things to talk about!!!
first, I can’t believe the ship didn’t burn!!! SO SO HAPPY that they’re back together and made up and Rayla is Callums literal light that fills his darkness
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So my friends and I were mostly talking about the possibility of more than seven seasons (specifically 8, maybe more!).
One of the things that could prove it, besides this image with phase 3 is the pillars with the staves on top of the Starscraper (which as of now I haven’t seen any posts about it.
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It seems to me that there is: purple, green, dark blue, red, yellow, empty (the one that K’ppar had and gave to Viren), green, and light-blue green.
Assuming that each represent an arcanum, it doesn’t totally make sense. These are just strange, and don’t match up. It might just be a perception or an angle error on my part, but to me it seems like some of them change. I already looked at the all the scenes with the pillars multiple times, but if anyone want to help me out I’d appreciate it!
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But if I’m right about the colors, then the arcanum’s don’t correspond. If the empty is dark, the purple is stars, the dark blue is ocean, the red or yellow is sun, the light green-blue is moon (or sky I guess), and one of the green is earth… that’s still not eight pillars. And there is definitely eight.
And, there are too many green staves. Even if one of them is supposed to be bluer, there’s also the possibility that if sun is yellow, what is the red one? And vice versa.
Dunno if I’m totally off on a limb here, but it’s quite interesting. We also never get a shot with all the colors.
In conclusion, my friends and I think there’s going to be an eighth arcanum, and an eighth season (solely based off these pillars). It’s most likely green. But we thought the magic could be Time or Blood or something. Not sure. But this season was so good!!!
Glad Karims plan didn’t work, surprised about how Terry and Claudia’s relationship went, I thought Terry was going to actually leave her or betray her or something. Her haircut isn’t the greatest. They fixed the cello playing problem. Damian!!! JANAYAS WEDDING!! Loved Stella and Sneezles: the ultimate Rayllum shippers. The Lord of the Rings reference was funny The mushpals were super cute, we got SO much Rayllum content and that’s amazing. Virens sacrifice was a very good thing for him to do (was scared that he was going to use Soren’s heart)… And Leola and Aaravos’ story was a needed addition. We know why he’s fucked up now. So much love and family this season! I feel like I missed something, but oh well.
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Teaser thoughts
I had to do adulting (leave for a suddenly rescheduled appt) 20 mins after the trailer dropped this morning, so I'm only now starting to get my thoughts settled but omg I have to write this stuff down or how will I know what I think
here we go
Rayllum flying together. Is it cute, romantic, or is it some twist where they're going somewhere for horrible reasons in a hurry and they can't even take the Shadowpaw. Where is the Shadowpaw why are they fl-
Does Ethari have his Shadowpaw back is that why they have to fly
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Love the bisexual vibes here ngl
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Starscraper is over land. It's not a deep thought shhh
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The search for Zubeia. I'm curious why Ezran has let two of his best Crownguard leave his side. Surely this will have no consequences!
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Janaya kiss with Amaya on her tippy toes. Janai has her crown on here. I feel that's relevant for uhh later. I hope this is real and not a dream Janai is having - those have not been going well for her.
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This one makes me sad. The picture is torn, but then mended, and I love that. But it's set up like you'd see at a funeral.
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Is this one super early on in episode 1 maybe? It could be the same night as the end of S5. That feels more likely than Terry catching up to Claudia later on... specifically in her allowing him close after what we got in the other trailer. Aahhh
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This one has so much in it, I can't! It's got star bug stuff which I'm extremely here for, let the gods be gooey. It's got the whole quasar diamond crown right there. It's got Rayllum having a close moment. and it's posed like they're at the altar in a chapel getting married. Also the star is upside down in the stained glass window, so whatever theme is going on it's being consistent there.
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This is one of my favorites: Ezran out on his own castle bridge defending it. Ye Olde Narrative of Strength got to him! Opeli looking worried has me worried - she's usually so certain and swift. This could be Viren trying to come home like a half drowned rat - will they let him in? Don't make me think of the men of Númenor right now, do not.
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Battle couple battle couple! Rayla and Callum teaming up again! (she's the dark blob kicking free in the upper left) I love when a couple fights together. gonna be super normal about that.
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This top down view of the Starscraper is a little dizzying, ngl. With Callum and Rayla tiny at the bottom, three floors down, these flying, circling elves give me shark vibes. What if they're not nice. like at all.
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Why was Stella falling!? what are the Celestials doing, are they helping or are they trying thievery? Is this just a big mob of seagulls here
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Janai is losing control of her emotions, she's furious and sad. She's setting fire to the Sun Seed tree. We know the Seed was stolen, but maybe this is her finding out, early on. It's less angsty if it's early, you know how things always get Worse during the course of a TDP season lmfao. If it's later on, maybe the fact that she isn't wearing her crown is... important.
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Rayla in the frozen ship. Why's it burning, what's she there for? why did she go alone? This gives me some Banther Lodge infiltration vibes ngl.
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Okay I am all about this altercation. Viren shoving Kpp'Ar to the floor in fury. are they arguing about Soren? dark magic? both? neither? What's the logo stand for, what's the I for in IK? Does he have a show called It's Kpp'Ar and they're just on set? lmfao the real reason there are gears everywhere is to change the rooms around isn't it. Kpp'Ar just got sick of those extra 29 steps to the kitchen.
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Few things are scarier than a True Believer getting everything he wants. this shot of Karim being so filled with elation cannot be saying good things for Janai's prospects. He's got all kinds of cool Sunfire stuff on, too, including a crown, and his old tin ring from his mother. Those things were confiscated when he was exiled, which means he must not be exiled anymore. He could be king, having displaced Janai somehow, and he's fulfilling his intentions to his people by bringing back the glory of the Sunfire elves by healing their injured archdragon. Or so he hopes, anyway! We'll see if it works.
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Sol Regem has come out of his cave and he's got that Power Dragon Wingspread going on. Looks like he's been convinced to take a swing for uhhh big dragon things! I wonder how far his power will reach... and his bitterness. We might get a new Dragon King that makes Avizandum look soft.
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It's so interesting to me what we did not get to see in the teaser, too. There's no Aaravos, no Aanya, no Runaan or Ethari, no Kim'dael. If we get another trailer before July 26, maybe they'll be in there! Or maybe we'll just have to white knuckle it until release day.
Hold on tight! S6 is coming!
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thorne-antics · 1 year
So... my thoughts on season 5!!
Episode 1: Domina Profundis
- so I'm assuming Callum and Rayla talked after the events of Escape From Umber Tor because I expected them to be still a little awkward but they're not, it looks like they're friends again and that makes me so happy!!
- why does Rayla need to take off the nails on the painting in front of the secret passageway? Can't Stella just make a portal to the other side of it?
- okay I hate Karim but did the sunfire elf guard really have to take his ring? I think Janai would've let him keep it. And the guard was like "it belongs to Queen Janai now" and then proceeded to drop it on the ground. Wtf bro
- Opeli telling Callum why Rayla was arrested and Callum being like "okay, so what?" will never not be funny to me
- Callum really said "it's okay she just got too silly"
Episode 2: Old Wounds
- their little conversation about trust... they're healing their relationship YIPPEE
- domina profundis looks so fucking cool I wish we saw more of her
- I now expect to see Barius invent a new pastry every season from here on out.
- watching Soren, Ezran and Corvus laughing about shit jokes did give me slight secondhand embarrassment but surprisingly it was kind of funny. Definitely an upgrade from the god-awful fart jokes in season 4
- THIS IS ONLY EPISODE 2 AND ALREADY THEY'RE GOING HAM WITH THE RAYLLUM CONTENT. THEY SPENT THE NIGHT AT A COZY INN TOGETHER. AND THE BANTER BETWEEN THEM AFTERWARDS IS SO CUTE. ugh yes s5ep2 "Old Wounds" my beloved (Actually I love the whole first 4 episodes but we'll get to that later)
- "I know dark magic created this place, but it's a bridge between our two worlds, and now here we are, crossing it together" I'm screaming.
- the banther chase was so cool! I love the battle duo dynamic Rayla and Callum have going on, and the way the banther was animated looked awesome. (Also I find it hilarious how when Rayla's arrow hit the Banther, it literally got right back up but it was like "actually, fuck this" and just dipped)
- Viren's dream sequence with baby Soren ripped my heart out
Episode 3: Nightmares And Revelations
- Ezran literally befriended the entire dragon population except Sol Regem, Rex Igneous, and the archdragon of stars (if there is one) (no moon archdragon I'm pretty sure? Because the last one was Luna Tenebris and she died) and I love that for him
- Callum's reaction to finding out Amaya and Janai are engaged was priceless. I was so excitedly waiting to see that and it was everything I'd hoped for.
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They really said "Wanna do something foolish?" "Do you even have to ask?"
Episode 4: The Great Bookery
- Kazi you nerd I love you
- Amaya being the best aunt!!
- "I would do anything for you" oh. my. god.
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"Rayla, I was wrong. I waited too long. I hope you know--" "I know." UHM, I DON'T? WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT? (I'm guessing this is them saying "I love you" without saying it but I NEED TO KNOW FOR CERTAIN)
- The only reason Amaya and Corvus survived is because they hid in the book drop and Amaya thought to do that because Kazi pointed it out earlier so basically Kazi saved their lives. Good job Kazi.
- question: how the fuck did a fall from that height NOT kill Corvus? I'm glad he's not dead but HOW?
Episode 5: Archmage Akiyu
- "Oh no... You're making me the deciding vote, aren't you" Imao 😭
- Terry is such a good boyfriend.
- everyone's faces when the giant birds swoop down at them
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- Callum fistbumping Rayla... I will cherish this forever.
- Rayla asking Callum to push her into the water because she doesn't have the courage to jump in herself, Callum holding her hand as they dive in together instead... oh I'm sick. He's so patient and sweet and gentle with her I'm gonna cry
- the sheer amount of rayllum hand touches we're getting this season is incredibly satisfying
- Tidebound Tina/Archmage Akiyu is so silly. I like her a normal amount
Episode 6: Bait And Switch
- let Soren have the best lavender essential oils in all of Scumport he deserves it
- when Ezran goes to see Finnegrin and Callum stays outside and he says "it's fine I'll just get to know my new friend here" and Elmer says they aren't friends, Callum lets out this little giggle and it's the cutest thing. FOR WHAT? LITERALLY FOR WHAT
- I'm conflicted about Claudia fighting the dragon. I mean, slay, but also... I'm scared 😃
Episode 7: Sea Legs
- I need to know what Bait said when he grunted and Ezran said "that's not very nice, Bait"
- "baby mage" Nyx I'm gonna have to stop you right there because I will not tolerate this falsehood and this slander towards my boy Callum
- I love how when the baby glow toad fell overboard, Nyx was like "I'll get it" and Callum was like "no I'll get it" and then there's Soren, who hollers "SORENBALL!" and just yeets himself in.
- Callum carrying the episode with his sky magic ugh yes (partially Soren too, for saving the baby glow toad, and Villads bc of course he's a great captain and the squad couldn't do this without him, but Callum is slaying I'm so proud of him)
- Amaya finding out Kim'Dael took Janai may have broken my heart just a little
Episode 8: Finnegrin's Wake
- please excuse my excessive use of "fuck"
- they hurt my boy ☹️
- "I'm not gonna help you murder the archdragon of the ocean" "Murder? When you put it like that you make me sound like a bloodthirsty fiend" YOU LITERALLY ARE 💀
- Rayla screaming at Finnegrin to let Callum go when she sees that Callum got beat up... the pre-s5 speculation fanfic writers are probably losing their shit rn
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I have never seen anyone more angry at any point in the entirety of this show than Callum is in this scene. He's been angry before, but rarely, and when he does, he remains level-headed. But then Finnegrin starts torturing Rayla, and that's what sets him off. And seeing a character like him, who's always been so sweet and gentle and kind, going absolutely fucking feral because someone hurt his loved one, is so satisfying to me. He loves her so much, the worst thing to him is seeing her suffering. I'm going insane over this.
- remember when he told Rayla "I'd do anything for you"? Yeah... (I'm totally writing a fanfic about this)
- if you couldn't tell, I fucking love Callum (this is probably the hundredth time I've said this)
Episode 9: Infantis Sanguine
- Callum looks so pretty here. He always looks pretty but MY GOD
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- I'm gonna cry. The way he looks at Rayla like "Hey it's okay I'm right here with you :)" has me in a chokehold
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- Rayla getting scared about being underwater and swimming back up to the surface and Callum immediately going after her to see if she was okay... no one fucking touch me
- I had no problem with Claudia at the start of the underwater fight but then she threatened Ezran and I was like "sweetie I can't defend you anymore"
- bruh they couldn't talk underwater anyway so what the fuck was the point of threatening Ezran to make him talk?
- I know it's a fantasy cartoon and the logic doesn't matter but RAYLA SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO SHOOT THOSE ARROWS SO PERFECTLY WHILE UNDERWATER.
- Aaravos has been in ONE EPISODE this season and nearly every speaking line he has is so sus
- I always hated Viren because him manipulating and gaslighting his kids reminded me of my dad who I haven't spoken to for 3 years now, and I've had to accept that he's never going to change, but I'm glad Viren has changed and I'm proud of him
- so... Viren dead? Viren not dead? Fuck if I know! Find out in 8 months!
okay, my final ranking of all the seasons so far: this one comes out on top, then below it is season 3, then season 2, and at the bottom, season 1 and 4 are tied. And I'm so excited for season 6. Thank you and goodnight.
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corvikari · 2 months
So I watched The Dragon Prince Season 6 all in one day. Here are my brief thoughts, I’ll do a series of longer posts throughout this weekend and into this week detailing my in depth thoughts but for now it’s just a quick post
Things I liked
-Zubeia not being dead
-LEOLA. JUST LEOLA. Sweet baby child you’re so precious-
-Soren getting serious when he needs to be and showing that he’s actually a good character underneath comic relief
-Sorvus shipping bait
-Karim’s plan going horribly wrong and blowing up in his face
-Stella being an agent of chaos
-Backstory for Callums dad
-Magefam backstory
-Claudia’s prosthetic leg
-Katolis backstory
Things I wasn’t particularly happy about/Didnt sit right with me
-Them bringing back Viren a second time only to basically do nothing that entire time, we already got his feelings of wanting to change before he died out in season 4 why do we need to go through it again?
-Ezran stepping up to say “Viren doesn’t deserve mercy”. I was proud of the guy for being assertive but it came out of nowhere and felt targeted only towards Viren and no one else
-Rayllum just getting completely back together out of nowhere, like absolutely NO apology (except for one little sorry that got cut off, how is that an apology exactly?) anywhere then they’re back to kissing? Felt like they were rushing trying to get them back together just to be a finale/final season couple.
-They gave Claudia the conflict of doing dark magic only for her to turn right around and act like it didn’t happen. I understand that it was because of Viren and with him being dead and all but still I would have just preferred her being set in her ways, don’t bait us into thinking she’s going to be redeemed when she obviously isn’t.
-The celestial elves not telling the truth about the pearl eventually. Like you knew it wasn’t real maybe i dunno that’s a little important??
-The conflict of Rayla choosing who to save was over REALLY quick, like yeah she chose before she dove into the moon pool but all we get is two lines of her telling us that she is deciding who to pick (if it was that many lines even, like not even a visual cue?)
-pacing was still all over for me (and has been since season 4) certain things felt too rushed whereas for others it felt like it was going so slow
Wow this was a lot. Even though it doesn’t seem brief it is Lol. I will make posts eventually detailing individual episodes or plot points (once I rewatch the season) to better organize my thoughts to one topic or episode. Hope you all have a great weekend, God bless!!
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zuppizup · 11 months
how many wips you currently got?
A lot…? Most of them are random notes in badly filed documents though.
I guess the ones I’ve been actively working on this month…
And They Were Zoom-mates… silly modern AU that got completely out of control. 225k series for some reason. One chapter left when my brain applies itself to editing.
Purgatory - early canon divergence. Back from mini-hiatus. Currently at chapter 39. Hoping to finish by chapter 50… bit I’m side eyeing that projection.
Tio-verse multi-chapter - unpublished WIP. Projecting ~10 chapters and approximately 50% complete.
Dark Alternative - Dark magic AU. Rayllum childhood friends to lovers. ~20+ chapters (projected, likely more) Currently 50k WIP doc
Out Of Time sequel - God… like… I wanna but I don’t. They were finally happy in that ‘verse. And yet… Six uber sad chapters. Currently 10k written. I can tell it wouldn’t take much to finish but the guilts get me.
Snake Boi Callum fic - failing to adhere to a 500 word limit to the prompts so ~4K at present. Aiming to publish for that event.
Bloodythirsty follow up - no idea why, but liked this AU and wanted more. Probably half done. Have in my head to post for Halloween. Maybe an M/E rated additional chapter because vampire are hot.
I have a lot of other half baked ideas (Finnegrin’s Wake from both Rayla and Callum’s POV, one-sided Sorayla fic, super random regency fic) that get picked up every now and then, but the ones above are the ones most likely to see competition/AO3 at all.
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bittrlys · 1 year
Viren and Harrow scene
CRAB SHIP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Young Viren
Viren selfcest (<- stream of consciousness note that I stand by, he needs to learn to love himself)
Aaravos and Viren had a baby <3 (I like that this twist about the child to save him only works for people who weren't already joking about this being their lovechild all last season)
The heavyhanded diaogue is lol but its nice to see Viren's internal journey ("DAD I'M FOLLOWING IN YOUR FOOTSTEPS" guys you really could have just shown that. But I guess Viren is literal even with his metaphors. I forgive him.)
Viren zoned the fuck out half the season still the best part of the show. But like I love the sense of crushing realization and weight of his thoughts. King of thinking <3
Nice to see Claudia also getting to do cool complicated things
Viren and Claudia literally carry the dramatic weight of the series on their shoulders -tm my friend
I appreciate that Terry continues to be down to clown
This blood elf assassin is hot ♥
I like the water elf design the coral horns are cool (and he looks like a Critical Role character)
I always love pirate towns so that's cool! And some brief actual intense stakes with the pirate captain.
Aaravos. FULL STOP. Like 10 lines of dialogue and he served with them all!
"If you see Claudia again tell her I said ..... hi" hahaa
The Rayllum (what was Callum even apologizing for?? Rayla just genuinely does not seem to like him.)
Janai immediately pivots in her belief because only villains are allowed to stick by their reasonable positions which oppose the desires of the main characters
Again, what changed Tidebound Tina's perspective and made her help them??? Characters will truly just change perspectives in a second if they're meant to be 'good' and not defy the main characters
Ezran is so entitled. Rayla is like oh this boat is a bad idea he's immediately like "WE NEED THAT ONE!" and then proceeds to get them all nearly murdered by pirates for some tadpoles and does not apologize at all.
That being said it seems the show just isn't that interested in Ezran or Rayla
Would it have killed them to include a scene showing why Rayla decides to show up and save the day in finale? She has no arc.
I understand the conclusion that Callum came to with ocean magic but I don't believe his process of getting there.
Can Janai do her damn job all she's ever shown doing is hanging out in her pyjamas pining and being in love. Tied with Zubeia who just hangs about talking about her husband and son all day.
STOP WITH THIS DIVINE RIGHT OF KINGS SHIT (why would the Archdragon of the Ocean give a damn about a human ruler? But like Oh! We Have To Respect A King!)
They show up to the library with only FIVE HOURS TO SUNSET instead of idk camping outside the city until the next dawn and coming in then. And then leave directly at sunset instead of giving themselves like an hour of wiggle room. Unreal!
They can't even let these entitled main characters even THINK Amaya died for their arrogance Like they can't even feel guilt about it for five seconds.
What's the point of having a deus ex machina dragon you insert in every scene to save their asses (god I need Zubeia dead) if she's just going to stand there and do literally nothing while Amaya is attacked. Rewatch that scene camera never cuts to Zubeia's face to even show her idk considering it? Being unable to help? Just get rid of this dragon already she weakens the plot to an absurd degree.
Zubeia surviving. Full stop.
Thunder killed off this group of elves for the crime of uhhhh doing weird blood rituals? Moonshadow elves (Thunder's personal hit squad) do blood rituals. Thunder just loves massacring any group of people who defy his tyranny.
It's surreal that Xadians NEVER comment on the humans in their midst like the show will not draw attention to the fact that humans are othered + marginalized. It perpetually feels like the writers are backtracking on lore they previously established because they don't want to make Xadians look bad.
Like I can believe a criminal port is full of all elements but this happens elsewhere in Xadia. Even the Archdragon of Ocean doesn't address the fact that Ezran is a human.
But it's not like the differences between humans and Xadians aren't noted because humans (like Amaya) still have to constantly grovel for Xadian approval + forgiveness. Like for WHAT. Should Amaya have to apologize to Rayla anymore than Rayla should apologize for coming to assassinate a 10-year-old Ezran in season 1?
for fucking tadpoles?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Callum, Rayla, and Ezran are UNSYMPATHETIC protagonists they literally will never face any consequences for any of their actions. Nothing really goes wrong for them -- they're always saved from trouble and they get everything ultimately handed them. They are supremely privileged, entitled people. Meanwhile Viren and Claudia go through 19 layers of hell just trying to get 1 thing done.
Overall I'd say it was better than season 4! 👍👍👍
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raayllum · 2 months
Sometimes I think about the gap between the thematic perception of a theme/character versus how they themselves perceive the same thing. There's not too many gaps routinely like this in TDP except for antagonists — Karim comes to mind most notably, in how he earnestly believes he's doing the right thing with no pretense while becoming increasingly hypocritical — nor are all these gaps negative, per se.
But I think about it in regards to Rayllum a lot.
For example, in their actual relationship, they're pretty healthy. Rayla in particular has struggled with open and honest communication, but they're getting there, and we see that Callum has given her an unconditional, rather than an ultimatum base, upon which for her and both of them to build upon. They can teach really good lessons about taking time for yourself so you don't yell at your partner, that you have to work on yourself and a relationship won't fix your problems, that approaching things together is good and that you should support one another, etc etc.
However, thematically — identity wise — they are codependent to a super intense degree, wrapped up and incredibly dependent on the other person's construction of their sense of self (Rayla struggling to be a good person when she's reeling in the S4 fallout, because what does she have to show for it? Callum trying in 4x07 to push them both into their worst roles if the worst comes for him). And this codependency as well as intense desire to protect one another can cause them to make dangerous or self destructive choices in the name of love (or both), like Rayla leaving to protect him and luring Sol Regem away, or Callum doing dark magic and jumping off the Pinnacle.
Thereby, playing with this push and pull, how they exist and perceive themselves vs how they exist in the narrative (and may be seen as other characters) is well, a lot of fun.
This is also true for the "Rayla as Callum's method of destruction and salvation" theme that's been running through every season of the show, with Rayla being the lynchpin to burn down his old life / understandings of self and trust, and usher in new ones.
Callum doesn't see his relationship with Rayla as anything negative, ultimately; she's loving and brave and she saves people, she saved him, and he saves her right back. He'd do anything not to lose her, because that's the Right Thing to do to him, even if it's not automatically 'the right thing' for the rest of the world's safety.
But we know, thanks to their pattern (1x03, 1x04, 2x07, 3x09, general S4, 4x07, general S5, 5x04, 5x08) that it's something that can and has routinely gotten him into trouble in the past, particularly in S2 and S5.
We also know that Rayla fundamentally doesn't see anything wrong with Callum, either. "It doesn't matter" that he did dark magic before (2x07) and it likely won't ultimately matter to her again. She has so much faith and trust in him and his ability to do the impossible that the idea of Aaravos possessing him again in an awful way is downright hard for her to fathom. To her / in her mind, Callum is sweet and nice (even on the rare instances he yells at her), caring and loving and compassionate. And he is all those things, but even when one another's worst traits come out, both have a tendency to forgive and accept.
Now, part of this is because they have a mutual basis, for lack of a better word, of lines the other would never cross that are all conveniently the lines the other could never forgive (Rayla putting Ez at risk on a whim, Callum killing Stella for dark magic ingredients) which just perpetuates this cycle of support, forgiveness, and unconditionality.
Because unconditional love is great — until it's not.
And I think this blend of "they are actively healthy and actively working on being healthier" mixed with the "oh God quarantine them and their codependent shit together elsewhere for the good of society" is why they 1) have the range that they do and 2) the subsequent appeal that they do.
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ruii-cha · 1 year
rayllum + taylor swift
in honour of both speak now taylor's version and tdp s5 and that cute asf rayllum moment in the trailer, a list of lyrics from 4 speak now songs that match rayllum in my mind:
made for them. the whole song. 'do you remember we were sitting there by the water / you put your arm around me for the first time' midnight oasis from season three. The Scene.
'i was a flight risk with a fear of falling / wondering why we bother with love if it never lasts' rayla. that's all. season four and also poor girl's family situation.
'you made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter' runaan's not really careless but like i'm JUST SAYING
'you are the best thing that's ever been mine' speaks for itself. 'what we had was something special' 'you are the best thing i ever had' RAYLAAAAAA
ok i could do a whole essay on that song by itself but like
go listen it's Them
2. sparks fly
'drop everything now, keep me in the pouring rain / kiss me on the sidewalk, take away my pain' ahem. if this isn't rayla to callum. i don't know what is. he dropped everything to help her return zym to xadia, they had that heartfelt moment in the rain with the lightning strike-
'get me with those green eyes, baby, as the lights go down' self explanatory.
'gimme something that'll haunt me when you're not around' CALLUM. SEASON FOUR. NEED I SAY MORE?
'i'm on my guard with the rest of the world / but with you, i know it's no good' season four. callum asks /rayla/ for help with the whole 'if i'm possessed' thing and rayla lets down her guard to talk to him while he's asleep.
3. long live
'you held your head like a hero / on a history book page' 'it was the end of a decade / but the start of an age' end of season three. the way they hold hands and look so proud and zubeia looks at them like 'god damn how long was i asleep'
'long live the walls we crashed through / all the kingdom lights shine just for me and you' they crashed through the boundaries between humans and elves, katolis and xadia, and duren and katolis came through for them in the s3 battle.
'long live all the mountains we moved / i had the time of my life fighting dragons with you' not dragons, but like, they definitely had a very amazing journey and rAYLA SAYS HE WAS THE BEST THING IN HER LIFE OKAY I'M NOT OVER IT
'bring on all the pretenders, one day / we will be remembered' them against the world... they'll be remembered as the human mage and the last dragonguard... my heart...
4. back to december
or, rayla @ callum after season 4 i'm right and you know it. i don't even need to explain these lyrics.
'so this is me swallowing my pride / standing in front of you saying i'm sorry for that night' episode two.
'it turns out freedom ain't nothing but missing you / wishing i'd realised what i had when you were mine'
'when your birthday passed and i didn't call' (eyes callum)
okay this one just makes me sad
i couldn't think of a 5th... if you can add it. pls. look i was listening to speak now taylor's version over and over again and then i realised it was Them
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tylerdashart · 2 years
(spoilers for TDP season 4)
OKAY. so i dont really do these kinda posts but id like to say a few things about season 4 cus ive seen some things and the fandom making theories, i just like to write about my own thoughts. ive watched s4 only one time due to not having netflix so i dont really remember many scenes.
"season 5 when?" are you good?? the season 4 just dropped 3 days ago! Im serious when i say ive seen multiple people already posting this question mostly on YT comments or Insta. also the fact that they're not artists OR a fic author makes sense honestly. they have no idea how animation works.
"rayla's acting weird" this is what frustrats me the most. NO she's not... ok maybe a little. but like. come the fuck on, she was gone for 2 years. ofc she's not the same person we saw in season 3. people change. plus, personally, i dont see any difference on her except this one time when callum asked her to...kill him. yes rayla acted a lot calm in that scene- not just that scene really. she was so calm most of the time, but i can see why? she's trying to get callum warm up to her, she's giving him space, she's being gentle as much as she can cus she knows how much she hurt him. she's grown up, she's not the same hot-headed, irritated elf anymore. and we all know how she hides her feelings. Im pretty sure she's gotten used to it, or managed to cope her feelings well so that she can stay calm. lastly about rayla, all i have to say is people change, so does rayla. and no she's not fake at all.
firstly, if rayla's acting weird, what about Viren being supportive with Terry? isnt that weirder? he didnt even treat his own son better, but he's supporting a trans fella? sus.... secondly, what about opeli being so chill about Ez going with Zubia. in that case most of the characters in s4 were out of character. and that's okay cus it's been 2 fucking years!
personally i think the "Zubia in Katolis" scene was a bit rushed. they couldve done it better but Im not saying it was bad at all tho! i loved the scene with the whole callum doing magic thing and the dragon sized jelly tart? xD
"why is rayla back?" why not really. she realized it was useless to find viren and came back home? she realized she wanted to see her mage? "we had something so special. but I became so obsessed with revenge, i.. risked losing the best thing ive ever had... you" she CLEARLY missed him yall. ofc she came back.
"where's the rayllum kiss" Im glad we didnt get a rayllum kiss. I know this is a cartoon show but at least the animators made it similar to how an in-real-life relationship works. people dont just go "you were gone for two years but its okay, i forgive you, lets kiss". Callum needs time to get used to being around rayla again. he's happy but also angry, he needs to see how hard rayla's trying to win callum's trust back. it was so clear that callum got a bit comfortable with rayla again in the last few episodes, especially the last one. That hug was enough sign for us to know they're gonna be okay and that they're still deeply in love.
Stella isNT EVIL YALL. leave my poor baby girl alone >:c
the fart joke was......nuhuh. idk if it's just me but it was gross. i dont wanna remember how much i cringed.
claudia was a bit- no fuck it- she was too much this season. especially in that scene where she tricked rayla with pebbles. god that hurt so much.
Lastly, Season 4 was amazing!! i loved season 4, and all the new things we saw. the arc is building up, it's so interesting, im so excited for season 5.
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a-very-sparkly-nerd · 2 months
Rayllum Month 2024! (9/13)
what a mesmerizing, paralyzing, messed-up little thrill
July 17th - A Prince and His Princess
Hey! Nine (9) days left to season 6 and nine (9) prompts into Rayllum Month (9 is my favorite number 😁). This one was somewhat inspired by the amazing @zuppizup / zuppi on ao3 and their fic, Rumour Has It. You by no means have to read it to understand this, but I totally recommend it; it's a perfect balance of hysterical and introspective and explorative and I crack up every time!
They hadn’t even made it a day back in Katolis before Opeli was pulling Callum and Rayla aside, into her office and closing the door at an ungodly hour of the morning.
“Why are we here?” Rayla groaned, rubbing her eyes and slumping into the chair Callum pulled out for her, keeping his hand on the small of her back as he seated himself in the one beside her.
Opeli slowly, meaningfully, drew open a desk drawer and dropped the paper she pulled out in front of them, pinching the bridge of her nose. “You two…” She paced with her hands behind her back and muttering something, likely a prayer for strength so she wouldn’t commit high treason. “Would you like to tell me why there is a newspaper from several weeks ago about the two of you sharing a room in Xadia? Unaccompanied?”
“We don’t need a chaperone,” Rayla scoffed. “It’s not a big deal.”
“Lady Rayla, I understand and respect that Moonshadow hierarchies are not like ours, but it shouldn’t take a comprehensive knowledge of politics to understand why this is, in fact, a big deal,” Opeli sighed, slowly seating herself across from them. She didn’t say anything else, instead folding her hands in front of her expectantly.
“Maybe I just don’t care,” Rayla muttered, and jerked her head over to Callum. “Maybe he doesn’t care. I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but you have to admit that the amount people care about it is a little crazy.”
Callum took the newspaper as an out so he wouldn’t have to be in the middle of the two bullheaded women. “What the hell is this? ‘Prince Callum of Katolis and…’ Excuse me, ‘an elf consort spotted escaping into Xadia for some alone time?’ What the actual fuck?”
“Language, Prince Callum,” she chided, almost mindlessly.
Rayla raised an eyebrow, and she was just a little too cocky, playing a little too much into the “I don’t give a fuck” attitude for her to actually not give even a little, itty-bitty fuck. “Ooh, do you hear that, Callum? We’re consorting. Forbidden and fancy. Absolutely scandalous.”
“It is a scandal,” Opeli snapped. “That we have to deal with. Just… Gods, please, if I have any new little members of the royal family to worry about, tell me now. I will handle it.”
Read more on AO3!
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Here’s a jumbled mess of my thoughts and questions after watching season 4
This is a long list buckle in:
When Callum asked Rayla to kill him. Oh. Oh god.
Nothing was resolved this season. We're so fucked for season 5. Like, this is very much the season 1 of arc 2. Season 2 fulfilled a lot of what season 1 set up in arc 1, and I think season 4 is the same.
Why was Rayla acting so strange all season? Like there is so much there to suggest she’s not herself.
What's with the weird butterfly guy, like yeah he lead Claudia and the gang to the map but there's going to be more there.
Callum possession.
No really the Callum possession was the worst (affectionate) part of the whole season I’m still freaking out
We never got a Rayllum I love you. Next season’s gonna hurt!
Stella is a fucking weirdo I still do NOT trust her. (Thanks for saving bait and Rayla’s fake rock parents though.)
 How did terry and Claudia meet. Very excited to get an explanation if that’s in the cards!
Gonna go on a big rant about our 3 human mages
*Ahem.* VIREN AND CLAUDIA NEVER SAW CALLUM DO MAGIC WITH THE SKY ARCANUM. AUGH. I’M WAITING FOR IT TO HAPPEN. THE “Callum mastered the Sky Arcanum” reveal for those two is going to be SO FUCKING CRAZY
THEY SET SO MUCH SHIT UP FOR A CLAUDIA AND CALLUM CONFRONTATION NEXT SEASON. I'M SO SCARED. Like she's the one who keeps going on about Humanity having nothing and Elves and Dragons considering them to be filthy animals, BUT THAT'S NOT TRUE. Also the way she looked at his sleeping form. The “Not anymore.” at them being friends. Lol. We’re screwed guys.
Now that Callum and Rayla have reconciled I am fully confident he's gonna master the moon Arcanum next season, since those two things have been thematically connected. I'm screaming.
LIKE EVERY INTRO AFTER THAT WAS A SCARY GAME OF “Is it going to be Viren, or will it be Callum?”
Fuck that cube
Viren, that dumb motherfucker. Can’t believe he has like, “a will to live” again UGH
Very interested to learn about the 7 Xadian cakes.
Every time they foreshadowed “Callum becoming Aaravos puppet” was wild man. I am not ready.
Speaking of, Callum really wasn’t okay with that all season lol. Again. He asked Rayla to kill him like WOW. “What if I’m on the path to darkness?” Buddy you should have destroyed the cube.
Or, maybe not. You’re gonna need to use it as leverage later probably.
Actually the fact that he was crying over the possession. Over Rayla? All of it?
So glad Soren is part of the Dragang.
Episodes 3 and 4 were FUCKING AMAZING HOLY SHIT.
Can not believe they stabbed both Ibis and Claudia on screen. Like really I shouldn’t have been surprised with the way season 3 was, but I think it was fair to be surprised at the blood spilling out of Ibis’ mouth.
i DESPERATELY want to know why Rayla came back. Miss “I left because I love you and want to protect you against everything. I love you so much. We may never see each other again”. Like lol. There is more there. The Rayla I know would have crumpled from guilt the moment Callum was a little bit angry towards her. She has exactly ZERO self-worth. I am terrified of what those 2 years did to her.
The fact that she called searching for Viren “revenge” felt strange too. Especially after reading the “Dear Callum” short story.
Somehow, I trust Stella less than the weird star butterfly abomination. Like I really do not trust that cuddle monkey.
Karim. Lol.
The way Soren screamed after seeing his father. God.
The Soren and Claudia reunion was kinda sweet. Fucked up. But the way Soren protected Claudia from falling hurt me.
Terry this season was a DELIGHT. I think a lot of his appeal for me comes from the fact that he’s Claudia’s partner. There’s something so wrong with him. And he’s also a dork. The dualism.
When the looking glass shattered. FUCKING SCARY DUDE
Really loved the world building on moon opals and other magic stones.
Buddy you should have destroyed the cube.
The drakewood was neat!
2 of the funniest jokes in the season were back to back and all happened in episode 7. The whole “speaking in the dark” bit. Zym putting a hand on a grieving Ezran’s shoulder. Comedy.
Is it okay for me to have a crush on a dragon.
Really Zubeia has the prettiest voice.
buddy you should have destroyed the cube.
Thank you Rayla for NOT choosing to go after Viren again. Don’t leave your boys. Callum needs you.
Janai this season was so sweet.
Karim. Lol. Eat shit.
Rex Ignus was cooler than I thought he’d be. Still a fucking loser though lol
Callum did so many cool spells this season I’m so proud of him.
Buddy. You. Should. Have. Destroyed. The. Cube.
Terry’s magic form was SO NEAT.
I hope we get to met the water arch-dragon next. She looked SUPER pretty
I wonder what other pieces of Aaravos’ whereabouts the other arch-dragon’s have.
“I’m going to do something more human. I’m just going to stab him.” (Not word for word but you know the joke)
Queen Aditi was very pretty and I am excited to learn what happened to her
Also the Orphan Queen! What a gal! The Katolis custom of “only orphans may ascend to the thrown” makes a lot more sense now! Fuck whoever that other bitch was that was manipulated by aaravos.
Corvus playing the fucking cello. Like girl what? You’re a multi-classing ranger and bard?
The Soren and Zubeia dynamic was so fucking good. Please dragon smash boy SAY the good words now, they light the hearts of other people (those people being dragon queens)
I miss Corvus (And lowkey ship Sorvus)
Soren and his new friend dragon :)
TLDR; I love tdp
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