#why is phoenix getting arrested you might ask
metaphorical-goblin · 3 months
How about #2 with nrmt
His head shoots up, his shoulders strain from the officer’s grasp. “Miles!” He screams it, tugging against his cuffs, as he watches Miles fly down the courthouse stairs, Gumshoe’s coat wrapped around his shoulders and billowing all around him. Miles nearly crashes into him, sending them both careening against the squad car (and they would have, if this blonde jackass wasn’t holding on to Phoenix like he was actually going to try and run away). The man’s grip on his shoulders tightens, even as Miles’ hands scrabble for purchase on his suit jacket.
“Oh, God,” he whispers, knotting his fingers in Phoenix’s hair. “Oh God, oh God, I thought you died.” It stings, the way he pulls, but it’s good because he’s here and he knows Miles is alive, knows his fingers are real and his arms are real and that this is all real. “I thought you were dead.” His voice shakes with every trembling breath, and Phoenix just wants to scoop him up and carry him home.
“Edgeworth.” The cop’s voice is tense, terse, but somehow almost regretful. 
Miles doesn’t remove his arms. “A moment, Lang,” he spits, hot and furious, his nails digging into Phoenix’s back like claws. “Give me a single damn moment.”
And he sighs, irritated, but he relents. Phoenix feels his cuffed hands fall slack behind him, and he leans against Miles, legs trembling. “Miles,” he croaks, voice weak. He nudges Miles’ head aside as gently as he can and dips his head, pressing a single, soft kiss to his lips, no longer than a heartbeat or two. Miles draws back, silent, simply staring at him, mouth ever-so-slightly open. 
Phoenix leans forward, then, pressing their clammy foreheads together. “I thought I lost you,” he says, lips barely moving. 
That body, in his office—Miles’ office—wearing his coat, slumped over his desk.
His fingerprints were all over the scene. The victim’s blood, all over his hands.
Who could blame him?
There’re fingers curled around the nape of his neck, again, fingers curled in the front of his shirt, and Miles is kissing him, hard, first a gentle press of the lips and then a nip, a bite, an invasion of tongue as he drinks Phoenix down. Phoenix runs his tongue along Miles’ lower lip, groans at the way Miles goes limp against him, at the way he presses their bodies impossibly closer—
It’s all over before he can even open his eyes. “Edgeworth, come on.” The cop—Lang, apparently—interrupts, eyes averted but his hand now firmly clasped between Phoenix’s shoulder blades.
Miles pulls away, pupils blown, hands fisted in the front of Phoenix’s shirt. “I’ll figure this out,” he whispers. “I’ll— Gumshoe’s here, we’ll investigate right now, we’ll figure this whole thing out, and you’ll be out of there before they can even finish checking you in, I promise.”
“Don’t you dare go back in there, Miles. It’s not safe, who knows what—”
One hand lays soft on his cheek; the other tightens on his shoulder, gripping to the point of painful. 
“I’ll figure it out,” Miles says again, pulling his other hand close to his chest. “I’ll take care of everything. I promise.”
His back hits the ancient seats of the police cruiser, the door slams behind him, and all he can do is watch in horror as Miles stands on the sidewalk, coat billowing in the wind. The flames swallowing the prosecutors’ office lick ever higher, and the sound of approaching fire department sirens are Phoenix’s only comfort as Miles turns and marches himself back up those marble stairs as the sea of fleeing people parted around him.
Feel free to ask for another prompt from this list!
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hypostatic-oath · 11 months
Hiii! Welcome back!!! After reading your recent post, i had a thought about what if the isekai'd Overseer was founded wandering around Fontaine when the Traveler had yet to reach said nation. Do Focalors still trying to arrest and judge the Overseer, or do they belong to the category of the divine that she knows not to make an enemy of?
Hiii! Thank you so much, for the welcome and for the ask :D
Oh, I like this one. I'n usually afraid of writing characters before I have read all their lore (not me struggling with the locked voicelines for Neuvillette oof), but I think that Furina has provided the answer already - she is very much ready to put the Overseer on trial, and to make a big show out of it too. Why? Because of what happens with the Traveler, of course!
When the Traveler arrives in Fontaine, they are already known far and wide - Furina herself recognizes them and comes to "greet" them personally, albeit in her own way. I'd say that SAGAU Furina definitely knows that the Traveller is the First Vessel. There is no way she doesn't, either by means of being an Archon, or simply by word of mouth or the Steambird, in the same way she'd heard other things about the Traveler.
And what does she do as soon as we step foot in Fontaine?
Yep. An isekai'd Overseer would very much need to get their Phoenix Wright impersonation ready. I do believe she doesn't have ill intent, or that she actually wants to sentence the Overseer - it's more of a mixture of "hey, look at me!" and "I'm acknowledging your importance by coming here personally and making a fuss". One should feel honored, really. Furina likes entertainment, and I do believe that her theatrical worldview and the outlook of a lot of Overseers out there (guilty as charged) are rather similar - for us as players, the world of Teyvat really is a stage where a story plays out - better yet, it's a story wherein we can control the main character to make the story go further and interact with the characters! Of course, the difference lies in the fact that for an Overseer, the world of Teyvat really is just a game... while for Furina it's still her reality, no matter how many theatrical elements she adds to it.
As for whether she'd recognize the Overseer as a divine being she shouldn't make an enemy of... depends entirely on the way the Overseer interacts with her. We've seen her mask slip when the Traveler accepts her challenge ("Fighting gods? I've got a resume"). We've seen her take a step back in other occasions, too. But it all depends on whether the Overseer chooses to indulge her. The more drama-loving you are, the more you indulge in the theatrics, the further she'll go! After all, she's just found a kindred spirit. She's very excited if you play along! But if you're a no-nonsense Overseer with no time for her antics... she might just call in Neuvillette to accompany her the next time she needs to speak with you. Or she'll avoid the meeting altogether - forgive her, she's nervous.
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Cradle To Grave: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Summary: Your experience in prison isn't what you thought it would be. You're feeling everything and you don't know if you'll be okay when you finally come out of it. Meanwhile, the team notices a change in Spencer as he tries his best not to miss you too much.
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Season Five Masterlist
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there are any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them.
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When the other half of the team arrives in Phoenix, Derek hands JJ a list he's been working on.
"JJ, I need you to call these fertility specialists and get them over here for interviews."
"Whoa," she whistles as she looks at the long list.
"Yeah, I know. Hotch wants to focus on the prenatal drugs the unsubs are giving the victims. He thinks we can build a new suspect pool, and he wants it done yesterday."
"There are two pages of names here. Shouldn't we narrow it down?"
"Just do it, JJ, okay?" She raises her eyebrows at him and he sighs guilty. "I'm sorry."
"Is everything okay?"
"Hotch has been on me ever since we got here, and for the life of me, I can't figure out why."
"I might know. The night before Hotch picked this case, Chief Strauss stopped by the BAU. They were behind closed doors, but it seemed like it got a little tense."
"I can understand. The Bureau's been on him for a while. He must have known this was gonna happen."
"Except now, they're making him justify every decision. For Hotch, that's hell. Don't worry, I'll start calling."
She goes down the list and manages to get one of them to come down to the station and talk to her and Rossi. She is more than willing to help if it means helping children from dangerous situations. JJ quickly explains the situation they're in so she's not confused when Rossi starts the questioning.
"Dr. Dekeyser, we don't think she's getting these prenatal drugs as a patient. I think she's writing the Scrips for herself."
"Then she wouldn't be very knowledgeable about what she's doing. Some of these drugs have serious side effects. There are dozens of meds I would prescribe before these, all of them more effective."
"Why would she use these ones?"
"My guess is these are the ones she had access to. Fertility drugs are a cocktail, and you keep remixing the cocktail until you get pregnant. The information is out there on the internet. She found the right one."
"So, the woman was prescribed these drugs for some other illness and figured out that they helped carry a baby to term?"
"Then the real question is, what other diseases do these drugs treat?" JJ asks Rossi.
Derek walks past Rossi, JJ, and the doctor into the office Hotch has claimed his own. He has a piece of paper in his hands that Hotch knows about.
"What's this?"
"It's a tactical arrest plan. I'd like you to write it up for this case."
"You want me to write up how we apprehend these unsubs without risking the lives of the children?"
"Hotch, I've led dozens of tactical assault teams. You've never made me write up one of these before."
"That's because I always do it for you after each case."
"You know what? I'm sorry Strauss is coming down on you."
"This isn't about Strauss."
"Really? I disagree. Look, I understand that you're under the gun, but I gotta say it. I'm really not all that surprised. I've watched you walk away from a bunch of cops gunning down unsubs in D.C. You walked in unprotected to a hostage situation in Louisville. You're not even helping Y/N out of prison. One of our own. Of course, the Bureau's worried about you. Man, I'm worried about you, but just because you're the one who's under the magnifying glass, that doesn't mean I can't do my job."
"Morgan, there's a big part of your job that I do for you because I don't need you worried about paperwork and politics. I need you in the field, focused, and catching the next unsub. I can't do that anymore. I know it doesn't seem like I'm helping Y/N, but my hands are tied. You of all people would know I'd fight for her in an instant if I could. If the situation was different, you know I'd do that. I don't have to justify my orders to you, and you do have to follow them."
"I've always followed your orders when they made sense."
"Well, if you have a problem with this one, tell me now."
Derek scoffs and shakes his head knowing this is a battle he can't fight.
"You're the boss."
JJ waits until the pissing match is over, and she sticks her head inside the office.
"Garcia needs to talk to us."
They both follow her outside where everyone else is.
"Okay, so the gold star of the day goes to Agent David Rossi and his short list of one disease These prenatal drugs also treat breast cancer. Progesterone and Tamoxifen slow the spread, Metoclopramide and Domperidone are anti-nausea."
"Yeah, I took those," JJ chuckles.
"If this woman has breast cancer, would she be able to get pregnant?" Hotch asks.
"She could but she'd have to be dedicated."
"How dedicated?"
"She's have to go off chemotherapy. She'd be in a lot of pain, but she'll try anyway. Her whole life is children. That's her goal."
"When was Monica abducted?"
"Five years ago," Penelope answers Hotch.
"How many breast cancer patients in Arizona got pregnant five to six years ago?"
"Let me see. Not a lot. Seven."
"How many of those patients are married to a man with a history of sexual violence?"
"Just one. Robert and Linda Reimann. Jeeze, she lost her baby eight months into her pregnancy. She had to go through labor anyway."
"There's our stressor."
"Garcia, was the baby a boy?"
"Yeah. They even named him--Michael."
"There has to be a name on the death certificate. Doctors encourage bonding between mothers and stillborns," JJ says. Everyone looks at her in confusion about how she knows so much about this topic. "I volunteer with a new mom counseling group. They say it helps them cope with feelings of loss."
"Thos one can't cope, so she's recreating them."
Penelope gets their address but the team can't go in right away. The property is huge and they need a game plan before they go in. Derek has SWAT with him, and he's explaining the game plan by using a map of the property.
"Okay, Commander, this is the unsub's property and house. Now, five years ago when the wife lost their child, the husband started paying for home renovations with his credit card. A new shower, toilet, tile, and mesh fencing which he did not put up in his backyard."
"He was building his dungeon," Hotch says.
"No permits were filed for additional building on the property, so the entrance must be inside the house."
"How many doors are there to cover?" the Commander asks.
"Two. One in the front and one in the back."
"Do we have arrest warrants?"
"They were faxed over twenty minutes ago."
"Morgan, what's your plan?" Hotch asks.
"I think we should do a soft entry and see if we can get the kids out before the parents even know what's happening."
"Would you be in the door first?"
"Do you have another idea?"
"Send Prentiss and JJ in first. Children are more likely to trust a woman, and we need that presence."
"We don't know how many kids are in the house. I mean, the parents could take a hostage," the commander says.
"If we go in hot, that would definitely happen. Hotch is right. This is the way."
JJ and Emily get ready and sneak into the house from the front door. There isn't any movement inside once they enter, but the more they make their way through, they can hear the TV on inside the living room. There is a small child who is watching cartoons, and he looks at JJ and Emily in shock when he hears them.
"Hi, it's okay. We're the police. We're the good guys. Can you come outside with me?"
The child gets off the couch and grabs JJ's hand. She looks at Emily as they pass by her.
"Hotch, we got one accounted for," Emily says into her hidden microphone, "but there could still be more in the basement."
Derek, Hotch, and SWAT march inside quietly with their guns raised. They swiftly move through the house but pause when a toilet flushes down the hall. A man walks out of the bathroom not expecting ten guns in his face. Derek immediately grabs him and pins him to the wall.
"Where is your wife?"
"In the nursery."
Derek passes the man to Hotch who puts him in handcuffs while Rossi and Derek move to the nursery at the back end of the house. There is a sickly woman sitting in a rocking chair with her back turned to the window. There is a baby boy in her arms, and she is looking down at him with love. She hears the two agents come in but doesn't look at them.
"I knew this would end. I always knew you'd come to our door and take this away."
"Ma'am, why don't you give me the baby? We can talk about it."
"Why would I want to do that?" she asks and looks at him.
"What you've been doing is wrong. You must know that."
"This is all I have left. Do you understand? My husband hates me. There's nobody here that can help me with him, with this, with any of it. He's all I have."
Derek puts his gun away so she knows he's not a threat even though Rossi still has his out.
"Linda, please. I need you to think about the baby right now. You're suffering from stage four breast cancer. You've given your medication to the women who have been locked up downstairs. You don't have a lot of time left. I know you want somebody who will always remember you, don't you?" She doesn't answer him. "The baby's name is Michael, right?"
"Yeah," she whispers.
"Michael will remember you. He's gonna know that you helped bring him into the world. That's a part of him now, and he will always ask about you, long after you're gone."
"Do you really believe that?" she asks with tears in her eyes.
"I do."
"I would have been a wonderful mother."
"Then prove it. Let him go."
Linda softly cries and hands over the child to Derek. Both parents are taken away into custody while the two girls in the basement are saved. The one who gave birth is crying over the loss of her son but quickly turns that loss into tears of joy. She is reunited with her child just like the older boy whom JJ took away is reunited with his grandparents, Monica's mom and dad. She had another child, and they kept the boy.
Now that Hotch is back in Virginia, he makes a quick stop at the Virginia Correctional Center for Women in Goochland. Spencer wanted to come but he buried him in paperwork so that he could talk to you privately. When you heard Hotch was waiting for you in the visiting area, you were excited to see someone you know and love. The visiting area is protected by a thick sheet of glass separating two chairs so that the only form of communication is through the phones on both sides of the glass.
Hotch is already sitting there when you walk into the visiting room, and you pick up the phone when you sit across from him. He can tell you've been crying with how puffy and red your eyes are.
"How are you doing?" he asks gently.
"Is Spencer here with you?"
You're about to tell him how you really feel. This place is killing you from the inside out. Everyone's pain and suffering is drowning you. You go to bed in tears and have nightmares so you're up constantly throughout the night. You're so tired. You just want to go home. If you tell Hotch this, he'll feel more guilty about not doing more to help you, and you can't feel that right now. Instead, you force a smile on your face.
"I'm fine. This place isn't so bad."
"Look, I know the others will want to come here and talk to you, so I figure it's best if you hear this from me. Chief Strauss asked me to step down as Unit Chief." Okay, you weren't expecting that. "Derek is taking the place of me right now as a sort of trial run to see how he does. I wanted it to be you."
"I've noticed your leadership skills improving. I sent letters to the board explaining how if I were to ever leave, I'd want you to replace me."
It breaks your heart to know you can't be there to help the team.
"Derek will do a great job. He is a good choice. I'm sorry you have to step down."
"Don't be. I understand their concerns about me. Listen, I'm doing everything I can to try and help you. Local police doesn't want our help, and Straus threatened anyone's job if they tried to work on your case. I don't know what else to do."
Hotch looks so defeated because he's stressing about you. You place your hand on the glass and tap on it once.
"Hotch, don't worry about me. Please. I will be fine here. I even made a friend with my cellmate. Your resources are better spent somewhere else. I believe I will get out. My trial is in a few months. My lawyer is working on a defense. My dad knows him. I'm in good hands. Please don't worry about me."
"It's hard not to."
"I know. Listen, can you do me a favor?"
"Keep Spencer away from here. I don't want him to see me like this. I don't want him to picture this when he thinks of me."
"I'll do my best," Hotch nods.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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gaybae1021 · 10 months
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Day 12: Is this love?
Aka, a Garrance lore dump!
Garroth was assigned to help Laurance get acquainted with Phoenix Drop during his recovery from the nether. Aph thought it would be good for Laurance to have someone else to talk to aside from her and Zoey, and thought him and Garroth would get along due to their shared guard experience.
Laurance is pretty down during their first few meetings, but he starts to perk up as his health improves, and he grows more trusting of Garroth guiding him through the village. It doesn’t take long for Laurance to start flirting with him, though Garroth writes it off as him just being friendly, even as he’s lowkey reciprocating the advances.
During one of their “totally platonic outings” Laurance opens up about his past: He was born in O’Khasis, and had no memories of his birth parents because they were arrested when he was a baby. He spent a few years in an O’Khasis orphanage, but quickly transitioned to living on the streets, experiencing first-hand the struggles and cruelty O’Khasis hid from the rest of the region. It’s why he’s so slow to trust; after having no one to rely on but himself for so many years, it’s difficult to be so reliant on others while he adjusts to blindness.
Garroth, while not revealing everything (for obvious reasons), also opens up; he had run away from home because he didn’t like the person his family was pushing him to be, and he’s still struggling to be his own person.
When Garroth drops him back off at his home, Laurance kisses him on the cheek before going inside.
(Old art, didn’t feel like redrawing the scene)
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Garroth.exe has stopped working.
Garroth avoids Laurance the next few days. He feels awful about it, but he can’t pin down how he’s feeling, and he feels talking to Laurance would just make it more confusing. Eventually, he gets frustrated enough to go and talk with Aphra:
G: I need to ask you a question.
A: Sure? Go for it.
G: Hypothetically, if someone kissed you, and afterwards you felt like you were gonna throw up, what does that mean?
A: …like throw up from disgust, anxiety, or butterflies?
Garroth shrugs.
A: Irene help us. Come inside.
It takes a long conversation with some input from Zoey (Aroace Aph is somewhat limited in the advice she can give), but they eventually get to the root of the issue:
G: I didn’t have a say in anything growing up. Everyone just told me what to do, told me what I wanted, and I went along with it. I thought I was finally getting better, but it’s like I’m still waiting for an approval that doesn’t exist anymore! I’m so confused, I can’t even tell what I want.
A: Well, that might be a good thing to tell Laurance. It’s okay to be confused, but it’s not okay to just ignore him while you work through this. You should let him know how you’re feeling, even if you’re not sure the feelings match.
Garroth goes home to think a bit more before leaving to find Laurance. When he opens his door, Laurance is already standing there, about to knock.
L: I just wanted to say sorry for the other day. I feel like I crossed a boundary, I should have asked before trying that.
He talks faster, clearly flustered.
L: I thought we were on the same page, but I guess I’ve never done this without being able to see so maybe I misjudged how comfortable you were, and either way I’ve really liked talking to you and I don’t want things to be awkward so if you just want to pretend it never happened I’d be fine with that-
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G: Please? For real? I need to know.
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thetheaterfam · 2 months
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it was a bright and sunny day at the moon theater and as rosita was going over some lines with buster for a new show coming up the theater doors flung open, rosita looked up to see amelia
hey sweetie rosita said as her and buster approached the fox, oh...uh hey rosita amelia said nervously pulling at the coat she was wearing, are you ok amelia why are you wearing a coat it's boiling out there buster asked counsorn lacing his voice
i...I'm fine amelia replied looking away from rosita and buster trying to get away from anymore conversations but buster and rosita did not believe amelia when she said that she was fine
amelia take off your coat rosita urged firmly, why amelia asked trying to hide the aeration in her voice, because we know something's wrong no one in there right mind is going to were a coat in 100 degree weather rosita said
f...fine you want me to take off the coat
amelia slowly unzipped the coat and pulled it off revealing a bloody bandage around her forearm, there....are you happy now amelia asked tears welling up in her eyes
the sight broke both rosita and buster's hearts into a million pieces
a...amelia what happened buster asked walking up to amelia to examine her arm, i...I got into a fight with someone amelia replied wiping away her tears, with who sweetie rosita asked wondering who would do this to amelia
he was someone I arrested a couple years back he recently got out of prison and...well... amelia couldn't even think about it without getting shivers up her spine
oh sweetie why didn't you call us rosita asked worry lacing her voice, i...I called judy and nick and they took him back to prison, I didn't want to call you guys because I didn't want to worry anyone amelia replied wincing in pain when rosita touched her wound
amelia we need totake you to the hospital buster said, no I'm fine I don't need to go to the hospital amelia said
well will you let me clean it dear rosita asked, fine amelia said, rosita sat amelia down at a nearby table and told buster to go get the med kit from the bathroom, this might sting a little sweetie rosita said as she put warm water on a cloth ready to clean the wound
yeah yeah just get it over with amelia joked
ok I hope you guys enjoy 😁 this was an art trade with @phoenix-the-mistfit-fire-bird
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skitters into your inbox like a bug Have you got any more fun thoughts about mr Phoenix Wright from the Ace attorney series of video games, tumlbr user and trusted mutual Simcardiac-Arrested?
saw this ask yesterday and then passed out but i assure you the phoenix autism is still here. i think what fascinates me about phoenix the most (and also why i love him the most) is just how much he genuinely cares. and look, when he was younger it might've been naive and trusting care, easy to manipulate, but even as he gets hurt and goes through things and grows older and wiser he still cares so fucking much. about everyone. about everything. the reason he becomes a lawyer at all is because he sees edgeworth hurting, and phoenix cares so much he can't NOT try and help his childhood friend. when his mentor dies and he's lost and confused he still takes her little sister under his wing because he just cares, and later on he runs across a burning bridge for her and gets hurt but he does it because he cares about maya. he fights for his clients not because he's keeping a win streak but because he cares about them and he cares about justice and he cares about the court system even if it is messed up. he cares enough to try fixing it. when he loses his job and his life crumbles around him he adopts an orphaned girl on a whim because he can't bear to leave her, he can't bear to not care. i love nick so much because at this core he is just a very caring person. he might not care about himself that much, and he might put on a front of being objective and professional and whatever, but like. at his heart? at the whole center of his character? what makes phoenix really phoenix? he cares. and he trusts. and he helps. and sometimes it is his downfall, sometimes he really is just being naive, sometimes he really is just trying too hard. but he cares.
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cryz-a-lot · 1 year
OK I know it’s been done before 1,000 times but LEGALLY BLONDE ACE ATTORNEY AU (also I haven’t seen the movie just the musical and yes I know timeline wise it makes no sense)
Ima rephrase ig each song if you could call it that
Omigod you guys: Maya, Pearl and Emma helps Phoniex get prepared to purpose to Dahlia
Serious: Dahlia breaks up with Phoniex and no one potentially dies
What you want: Phoenix finds out Edgeworth got into Harvard law school and is determined to meet Edgeworth again for love. He drops out of art school to try and get into Harvard. Emma helps Phoenix get all the books and stuff he needs to study. Maya and Pearl helps convince Harvard to accept Phoenix.
The Harvard Variations: Phoenix finds what class Edgeworth is in
Blood in the water: Professor fey explains how she would have 3 new interns from that class. Mia asks Phoenix to summarize the SL-9 case Phoenix cannot because he didn’t read it. Franziska suggests that she kicks Phoenix out of her class. Phoenix leaves afterwards from embarrassment.
Positive: Pearl suggest Phoenix try’s to fight Franziska. But Phoenix said she’s scary. Ema suggests Phoenix try’s to ignore Franziska. Franziska and Edgeworth leaves. Phoenix is positive that he can be serious and hopefully win Edgeworth’s love.
Irland/Irland (Reprise): Maya tells Phoenix about how her mother disappearances after DL-6 incident and her Aunt Morgan’s arrest for trying to kill her. She tells Phoenix not to worry about Edgeworth and he could easily win him over
Serious (reprise): Edgeworth and Phoenix talk about how they were friends in elementary school. Phoenix asks him why he left, Edgeworth just walks away
Chip on my shoulder: Phoenix explains to Mia how he followed Edgeworth to Harvard and how Edgeworth refuses to talk to him. Mia tells Phoenix about her childhood and why she is so determined. She tells him he needs to actually focus and study. Mia helps throw out some stuff he doesn’t need and study. As thanksgiving and Christmas pass they still are working together. Edgeworth asks Phoenix if he’s seen Franziska and Phoenix has a bi panic. Mia realizes that the reason he isn’t focusing is because of Edgeworth. During a lecture Phoenix proves Edgeworth’s point wrong and won a mock trial.
So much better: Phoenix changed his entire career for Edgeworth but it’s starting it think it might be a bad idea. But it turns out Mia picked Franziska, Edgeworth and Phoenix for her 3 interns and He realizes that he’s actually good at law and it’s successful with it.
Whipped into shape: Franziska teaches Phoenix how to “whip” your client/witness “into shape”. While also Mia tells the 3 of them that they need to trust their client but the odds are very stacked against them.
Take it like a man: Maya and Franziska get Phoenix ready for his first trail/give him a glow up to win over Edgeworth
Bend and snap: Maya, Pearl and Ema try and teach Phoenix how to flirt but fail miserably
There! Right There!: Before the trial starts Phoenix is running late and Maya and Gumshoe debate if Edgeworth is gay or not and the argument ends up involving the whole court room. Larry figured it by asking “and what is your first name again?” “Miles” “and your boyfriends name?” “Wright” Franziska finally says something about how freaking gay Edgeworth is for Phoenix.
Legally Blonde: After almost losing his very first case to Manfred Von Karma Phoenix try’s talking to Edgeworth about the case and how Manfred might have forged evidence but that spirals into an argument with Edgeworth about him not talking to Phoenix during and after the trial. Phoenix tells Edgeworth that he’s going to drop out and locks himself in his dorm. Edgeworth finally try’s to tell Phoenix something but he’s not listening (Yk what I mean if you’d listen to the song)
Legally Blonde (Remix): Franziska and Maya convinces Phoenix not to drop out and try and win the trial. Phoenix ends up winning the trial
Find My Why/Finale: Phoenix tells Edgeworth that the only reason he came to Harvard was to meet him again but now he realized that Phoenix is going to go on being a lawyer with or without Edgeworth. Phoenix gets his law degree
Yes I know it sound like I just spouted out random nonsense but it make a tiny bit of sense for my 2 brain cells. I didn’t mean that to get emo a lil but at the end but idk. I might write a fan-fiction with this idea but I’ve never written fanfic before.
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madebymandyla · 1 year
Baddie SMP Starters 4
the one with a lot of murder
"There's a menacing sign on my door."
"I don't want to hit you because I might kill you. Might also set you on fire."
"I think it was a prank on yourself. You looked like an idiot."
"That's always your excuse, that you're being attacked by phantoms."
"That's actually defamation, so. . ."
"Why does she say her own name like a Pokemon?"
"Me and my dog are going for a walk if anyone would like to join us."
"Part of my unfinished business is haunting [name]."
"It means a lot that he forgave me on your behalf."
"Finally, some fucking peace and quiet."
"You've gotta die to be reborn as a beautiful phoenix."
"If it wasn't for you dying, we wouldn't have half of the adventures we've had."
"Everything's hot, including Butterfree."
"We're gonna be shagging with my daddy tonight."
"Do you wanna live in one of those low-grade apartments or do you wanna live in a luxury high rise?
"I hear everything, but I'm not really understanding anything you're saying."
"You're on for lunch tomorrow, right? At the place?"
"This is the most suspicious behavior I have ever seen."
"I'm civilian arresting this guy."
"We've got no choice but to drown him."
"Your dick is out, you're pointing a bow and arrow at me, and you're getting mad at me?"
"You have an arrow in your butt, by the way."
"I'm pretty dumb when it comes to movies, so sometimes I miss what they're about."
"There's blood coming out of my eyes all of a sudden."
"If you're a chicken, you have to tell us."
"There's a sad, naked sheep in here."
"You should try eating it. It's really tasty."
"You're kind of ruining my whole fucking vibe right now."
"I would kill to live with your father."
"Let's just go kill a family of goats or something."
"I'll bring the purple drink, you bring yourself."
"The second everyone leaves the room, you're fucking dead."
"I can't help but shake to this."
"If you kill my cat, I will end you."
"You asked a question, I used my endless knowledge to fucking answer it."
"I guess we're a band of mourning fellows now."
"I'm pretty sure I can survive this fall."
"I was unjustly slain in my prime by someone I thought was my friend."
"Speak much, loser?"
"I kinda feel partially responsible for egging you on."
"That's some nice stuff. You could build some things with it."
"I actually have a really poor memory, so thank you for reminding me."
"I wouldn't call it a murder weapon."
"It's against my religion to eat things pretty much any time."
"She's either vomiting or becoming a zombie right now."
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julialouisdreyfest · 1 month
Mr. Dad Interview
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Mr. Dad is a band from Minot, North Dakota. They are very good. They stopped playing for a while but like the phoenix of Arizona, they are rising from the desert of not playing shows to play shows again. One of those shows is Dreyfest, and we are very grateful for this. They answered some questions that we asked them as well. They also mentioned that "The following interview may or may not be a product of AI technology."... Read on!
Q: Who is Mr. Dad?
A: Mr. Dad is an American indie rock band from Minot, North Dakota, known for their blend of alternative and indie rock influences. Their music often features introspective lyrics and dynamic arrangements. The band has gained a following for their energetic performances and distinctive sound.
Q: Why is Mr. Dad?
A: The band Mr. Dad takes its name from the title of a book written by Dan Brown. The name evokes a sense of familial or personal reflection, aligning with the band's introspective and emotive musical style. The choice of name might also hint at themes explored in their music, such as personal identity, relationships, and emotional experiences.
Q: How is Mr. Dad?
A: He’s on Lipitor, using Rogane, curving his drinking habits and has acquired a gym membership. His joints are stiff, but he is losing weight. He will be a huge piece of shit for many years to come. Spry, focused and “fat-fit”.
Q: Last time I saw Mr. Dad, Barack Obama was president - what’s happened in the eight, politically inconsequential years since then?
A: Over the past eight years, from 2016 to 2024, the world has seen significant developments:
Pandemic: The COVID-19 pandemic profoundly impacted global health, economies, and daily life, leading to widespread disruptions and a major shift towards remote work and digital interaction.
Political Changes: Various countries experienced political upheaval, with significant elections, leadership changes, and shifts in policy. Notable events include Brexit and the presidency of Donald Trump, followed by Joe Biden's administration in the U.S.
Technological Progress: Rapid advancements in technology, including AI, renewable energy, and digital innovation, have transformed industries and daily life.
Social Movements: Increased focus on social justice issues, including racial equality, gender rights, and climate change activism, has shaped public discourse and policy.
Geopolitical Tensions: Ongoing conflicts and rising geopolitical tensions, such as the Russia-Ukraine war, have contributed to global instability.
These years have been marked by significant challenges and changes, shaping the current global landscape.
Zach thought he was gonna just get through his Vanity Plate interview without talking about the bombshell revelation that he is indeed a tech on the iconic 80s Australian rock band Men at Work - what the heck’s that like??? Zach says “It is pretty cool.” Any Men at Work shows at the All Seasons Arena coming up soon? Zach says “He doesn’t think so, but he will ask.”
Q: What’s the Minot scene like these days - all I remember is Hamms and some guy named Duffy…?
A: It’s about the same, you can actually still buy Hamms at the store! And that guy named Duffy? Doug Burgum is his name now.
Q: I am unapologetically going to ask a question I never ask b/c it’s so annoying…but what are your guy’s influences musically?
A: Bob Seger and the Last Heard. Just to maybe get some people a sense of the kind of shenanigans they’ll get into? But he is drunk and getting arrested for public indecency.
Q: My grandparents met at the North Dakota State Hospital Psychiatric Ward in Jamestown, North Dakota, and my favorite baseball player of all time, Darin Erstad, is also from Jamestown. That said, I have always thought about moving to Jamestown, half as a goof, half as a fulfillment of my destiny. Is this a bad idea?
A: Yes, but let’s weigh the positives versus the negatives. Here are some fun facts about Jamestown, North Dakota:
World's Largest Buffalo: Jamestown is home to the World's Largest Buffalo Monument, a 26-foot-tall, 60-ton statue that has become a popular tourist attraction.
Bison Symbol: The National Buffalo Museum in Jamestown houses a live bison herd, and its mascot, named "Buffy," is a significant symbol of the city's history and culture.
Pioneer Days: The city celebrates its pioneer heritage with the annual "Pioneer Days" festival, which includes reenactments, parades, and a variety of historical displays.
Unusual Neighbor: Just outside Jamestown is a small town called "Lakeside" that has only a few residents, making it one of the smallest incorporated places in the area.
Film Location: Parts of the 2008 film "The Longest Yard" were shot in Jamestown, adding a bit of Hollywood flair to this small North Dakota city.
Community Spirit: Jamestown has a strong community spirit and hosts various local events throughout the year, including the annual "Jamestown Civic Center Car Show" and local farmers' markets.
St. James Basilica: The St. James Basilica, a historic church in Jamestown, is known for its beautiful architecture and stained glass windows, making it a notable landmark in the city. The negative would be that Jamestown North Dakota is located in Jamestown North Dakota. Your Grandparents met at the mental institution and I presume, got the treatment they needed and promptly left? And baseball also no longer lives in Jamestown, North Dakota, as it is not conducive to sport, merriment or life.
Q: Other than the Blue Rider, what is the best dive bar in Minot?
A: Olive Garden all day, all night.
Q: What’s the maddest you’ve ever gotten at your job?
A: Sometimes I get so mad I think I could just quit! But nothing beyond the average existential dread of toiling away everyday for nothing meaningful. I wish I was a race car. I’d drive the less formulate [sic] to Olive Garden whenever they wanted. At Texas Road House, you can ask for bread and they will give it to you, even if you aren’t eating there. That’s not where I work, where I work I ask for bread and they give me shit.  When I was 17 I worked at Burger King. My first day there my Juggalo coworkers handcuffed me to some storage racking in the back room and blew marriuana [sic] smoke into my face. I don’t think I was mad though; I think I was surprised that work was like that. “Welcome to the working week!” Am I right?! I mean like punching bags of frozen fries in the walk-in freezer at Wendy's when you're 17…not that I would know anything about that.
Q: Favorite 80s horror movie?
A: Evil Dead 2
Q: Favorite 70s dad rock album?
A: Comus “To Keep From Crying”
Q: Favorite video game from childhood?
A: 007 The World Is Not Enough.
Q: What are Mr. Dad’s plans for the future?
A: A corporate fast food tie-in perhaps? Retirement and that sweet RV life.
Q: What can we expect for Friday’s set on August 9th at Craft Local at 9:45 PM MST 2024?
A: You can expect us to try our very best. Thank you for this opportunity to share our music with your community once again.
No, thank YOU, Dad, for sharing your music with our community once again. See them at Craft Local at 9:45 on Friday!
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briamichellewrites · 3 months
Bradford was spending time with Mike at his place. It was a nice break from Phoenix. Since he was spending time with Bria, he asked him about her. She was not doing well. Since he was not allowed to gossip, he hesitated about telling him about her and Jason. He had to promise to keep it a secret and he couldn’t tell her that he knew. I promise. He then told him everything. Bradford thought he was gay. That’s what he thought, too.
But, they were going behind his back and sleeping together. Who else knew about it? Phoenix and Linsey. She took her to the emergency room because she was experiencing heavy bleeding. They did multiple tests before they concluded her miscarriage. She was going through grief times ten. What was she doing? Was she hurting herself or self-medicating?
“She’s very angry at herself. The last time I saw her, I brought her to an emergency therapy appointment. She wanted to be arrested because she wanted to destroy things. I’ve seen her angry but this was something else. It scared me. Her therapist talked to her about her anger and where it was coming from. She explained it as a loss of control. They talked about what she could do instead of destroying things, like writing music or going swimming.”
Wow. How far along was her pregnancy? She just found out, so she was a few weeks. Jason invited her to Cambridge because he wanted to see her. He was going to stay at her place and watch her animals for her. It would take a long time before she could move on. Did Renè know? He didn’t think so. That was something he would talk to her about.
He was her manager, so he thought he should know. She was going back and forth on whether she loved him or not. He didn’t think she did. They talked about what love was. He told her that if she was truly in love, she wouldn’t question it. She would just know. He wasn’t going to keep her away from him. This was something she needed to learn by herself. He would be there to guide and support her but he wasn’t going to tell her what to do.
Yikes. That sounded tough. He encouraged him to do something for himself.
“Yeah, I will. I’m going to get a dog because the house is too quiet.”
“That’s a great idea. What about a girlfriend?”
“That’s another thing. I told Bria a white lie. I said I’m okay with being single and I don’t need a girlfriend right now.”
“What are you afraid of? How she’ll react when she finds out you’re dating someone?”
“Yeah. I’m worried about her feeling abandoned. I know that she will likely go to Phoenix and Linsey. Maybe you, too. I don’t know why I’m so scared about this.”
Talk to her. If she became angry with him, have her come to him. He couldn’t hold himself back. Loneliness was not healthy. He needed to do something for himself because he was so selfless. She might get angry with him or she might not. But he would never know until he talked to her. He would do that when she got home.
Bria was visiting Jason in Cambridge. He invited her to visit since he couldn’t fly home. She found a hotel nearby and made a reservation because she didn’t want to interfere with his studies. Mike initially didn’t want her flying there because of her miscarriage. After she got the okay from her doctor, he allowed her to go. It had been seventy-two hours since her miscarriage and nobody was expecting her to “get over it.” How could she?
It could take a long time before she was ready to move on. Maybe even a year or two. Jason welcomed her into the house he was renting and he introduced her to his roommates. It was nice to meet them. All of her stuff was in her hotel room. They went into his bedroom and closed the door. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her.
“I had to see you”, she whispered through her tears.
“I know. I had to see you too. Where’s your animals?”
“Mike is watching them. I thought my birth control was working…”, her voice trailed off.
“Shh. It’s okay. I’m going to take you out to dinner. I want you to see Cambridge while you’re here.”
He kissed her forehead. She wiped her tears before excusing herself to the bathroom. He sat down on the bed and sighed. It wasn’t okay. He had so much anger but not towards her. It wasn’t her fault. His anger was part of his grief. He was angry at the situation. His mother, Donna encouraged him to go to grief counseling. Mike also thought it was a good idea.
He could talk to someone who understood what he was going through. His studies would get worse if he was distracted by grief. Yeah, he would look into it. For now, he was focused on Bria. She was the only woman he would ever love. He thought about his sexuality and he considered coming out as bisexual. Then, he decided it didn’t matter. He wasn’t attracted to other women, just her. The only person who needed to know his sexuality was himself.
Everyone else was on a need-to-know basis. She came back after washing her face. Once she was ready, they walked out to the local restaurants. Grafton Street Bar. It was an inexpensive restaurant not too far from where he lived. It had appetizers and entrees with drinks. She got a raspberry cocktail while he got a beer.
“Are you going to make sure I don’t get drunk again”, she joked.
“I’ll take care of you if you get drunk.”
“I missed my college years, so I’m making up for it.”
She got a house steak with a side order of fries. It was delicious! She dipped her fries into the barbecue sauce. His friends noticed he was there, so he said hello to them and introduced her as a friend from home. Even though she was not in the mood to hang out, she was polite to them because she wasn’t raised to be rude. They left after a few minutes, so they could continue eating.
Since Mike needed a break from stress, he invited Phoenix, Linsey, and Bella over for dinner. Phoenix was in a good mood. His moods were stabilized, though he was always monitoring them. Before they came over, he moved the alcohol into a high shelf that could only be accessed with a chair. He didn’t want him trying to sneak alcohol out. Bella and the dogs sniffed each other out. Buddy and Missy were happy to have another dog to play with.
Bella looked at her humans for reassurance. Phoenix got up and went over to her. He got down to her level and scratched her head. It’s okay. They wanted to play with her. Missy wagged her tail. Yeah! Let’s play! Buddy went over and grabbed a toy for her. He dropped it at her feet.
She sniffed it before sitting down and chewing on it. Thank you! She was very welcome! Missy praised her brother for sharing his toys. Yeah. Yeah. They went to the other toys while Bella followed behind them in curiosity. Missy told her that she could play with them! That made her happy! Thank you! They all sat down together. Phoenix called her a good girl before coming back to everyone.
“Phoenix, you’re adorable”, Mike joked.
He laughed.
“Getting a dog was the best decision we’ve ever made. One of them. He is so much happier. It’s incredible”, Linsey said.
Mike was so impressed at how well he was doing! Good for you! How was his sobriety? It was great! I haven’t had an urge to drink in months. He was meeting with his therapist and Jeff once a week, while also exercising regularly and going to church. Bradford came over a few days ago and helped him with chores and getting groceries. He was proud of his progress! Thank you! He was proud of himself!
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon
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eirian-houpe · 2 years
TMI Tuesday
Happy Tuesday!
Okay, full disclosure - I’m scheduling this so that I can make sure it gets out on time - like in the morning not at six o’clock at night.  I probably could have written something Monday evening, but honestly, I was too damned tired to string words together sensibly.  Maybe later today, right?
Posted this week:
Not a damn thing.
On the cards for this week:.
Not Yours To Keep - Chapter 8
While grieving the loss of the fourteenth Cleon, the younger brother he loved as a son, Day seeks distraction in the company of a new concubine from the Gossamer Court. No one could have predicted the events that follow - nor the way in which Cleon XIII decides to deal with the situation.
No Saving Throw - Chapter 2
Eddie saves Chrissy not once, but twice - doesn’t seem to matter to his reputation nor to the threat of arrest, Carver and his cronies see to that. This is an angst ridden reworking of Stranger Things season 4 (and maybe beyond) if Chrissy had lived - for @deliriumsdelight7
Laer o Faen - Chapter 27
A near fatal encounter with the Serpents of the North leaves Greenwood the Great’s queen with but one choice, one that cost her own life, but she makes a promise to her beloved King, born of a love that has already lasted through more than an age of Middle Earth, and remains the only hope to warm a heart fallen behind a wall of despair. (Mingled Movie/book canon, the span of the entire story takes in events from the 1st - 4th Ages of Middle Earth.)
Ask suggestions
Ask something about any of my fics (full list is below the cut). If you want specifics from some fics that are already outlined, you can ask about:
Disparate Pathways, Chapters 46 through 57 All Our Past Mistakes, Chapters 11 through 44 Lover’s Leap Series, Stories 15 through 31 Time’s Curse, Chapters 4 through 10 Laer o Faen, Chapter 27 & 28 Stargate: Atlantis, Harms Way or any of the 20 fics in the series.
Ask something of any of my characters in general or you can get really specific if you like - for example you might want to ask Gold from Pawn Shop a question about a chapter, a thought, a feeling… (the world is your oyster really)
Ask about my process as a writer, what makes me tick,, or even ask about me personally. Almost nothing is off limits.
Also, if you want to see a specific character or fic featured in Three Things Thursday, or Saturday Secret, feel free to send in prompts, if no one does, then either the choice will be random or they just won’t happen at all. I made an analogy for why that might be in a different post about a car stuck in the mud with spinning wheels. Those wheels are still spinning!
Please remember: if you read a fic you enjoyed on AO3 or on Tumblr (not just mine), please take the time to comment and/or leave kudos, and to reach out on TMI Tuesday. It means a lot to the writers and artists.
You can find all my fics currently on AO3 here, and there is a full list under this cut.
Storybrooke’s Best Kept Secret - Rumbelle
Darkness In Hyperion Heights - Woven Beauty au
Seven Tastes - Rumbelle
Tuesday - Rushbelle AU
The Language of Flowers Series - Rumbelle
Disparate Pathways - Rumbelle AU
Scattered - Rumbelle AU
All Our Past Mistakes - Rumbelle AU
What the Actual Fuck! - Sutherelle
Breathe - Rushbelle
The Lover’s Leap Series - Rumbelle
Awakening - Rumbelle
War Is Coming To Storybrooke - Rumbelle
Given No Choice - Rush
Thoughts On A Happy Ending Series - Rumbelle
Darker Hearts Series - Wish!Rumbelle
Modern Wonders - a OUAT/Alice crossover
Time’s Curse - Rumbelle
The Pawn Shop On Main Street - Rumbelle
The Mansion On the Edge of Town - Rumbelle with a side of Jefferson
Cobra: In Your Prayers - Cobra/FatWS/UC:Undercover et al
To See Series - Rumbelle
Nobody Knew (Bingo) - Rumbelle
Secret of the Seas - Rumbelle AU
Butterfly and Phoenix - ST:DSC
Laer o Faen - Tolkien
Ship’s Rats - ST: DCS
I Amar Boe Men Heb - Tolkien
Coming Down - Halt and Catch Fire
Armor of Ice - Halt and Catch Fire
Duath i-Achas Eriol - Tolkien
Balance of Terror - Sleeper Cell
What To Believe - UC: Undercover
If: In The End - UC Undercover
Precious - The Mummy Series
Forbidden - The Mummy Series
Power Is - The Mummy Series
Angel of the Heart - The Mummy Series
Star of the Morning - The Mummy Series
Not Yours To Keep - Foundation (TV)
No Saving Throw - Stranger Things
Here are fics that haven’t yet been started, but are in the Muse’s bucket.
The Miner’s Day Festival - Rumbelle
Aftermath - Rumbelle (with a side of madness)
Saving The Dark One (WT) A twist on a twist of Rumplestiltskin.
Brought To You By The Color… (Red)
(In)consistent equation
The Boston Storybrooke Line
Breaking the Waves (Movie AU)
ILP (or IEP) for Rumple.
One Last Wish
In Service to My Son
Playground Games
Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed
“Only Remembered For What We Have Done.”
Librarian: UC
Exquisite Harmonies
0 notes
chibi-tsukiko · 2 years
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Character Sheets Part 8 of 8:
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Perfect aesthetic board made by @littleturtle95
Full Name: Ishida Tetsui
Gender and Sexuality: Male, Pansexual
Pronouns: He/Him
Ethnicity/Species: both a Child of the Light & a Child of the Damned
Birthplace/ Birthdate: On the shores near the Holy City /December 1st
Guilty Pleasures: Being cared for and being picked up
Phobias: Having no where to belong/ending up alone
What They Would Be Famous For: Can you be famous for the amount of times you self-sacrifice?
What They Would Get Arrested For: Most likely, he's taking the fall for someone else.
OC You Ship Them With: Ryuji
OC Most Likely To Murder Them: LOL everyone has tried to kill this poor boy at some point so...
Favorite Movie/Book Genre: Fantasy
Least Favorite Movie/Book Cliche: Love Triangles (especially when used as a way to "spice things up" or add “drama”)
Talents and/or Powers: Ishida has a vast knowledge of magic. He can cast a variety of spells and is versed in many forms of alchemy as well. He is able to call upon Holy Light since he is part of the Light and can also tap into dark demonic magic since he is also of the Damned. While hand-to-hand combat isn't his style, Ishida is also a trained fighter in jiu jitsu arts. And when needed, he uses two twin Kujal blades as his weapons.
Why Someone Might Love Them: Ishida's empathetic and compassionate nature make him very warm and inviting. His heart bleeds for everyone. He is always putting others needs before his own and if you ask for his help, he'll agree without a second thought. Even in his darkest moments, Ishida remains honest and kind. You will always have a safe place with him. You will never be alone.
Why Someone Might Hate Them: To some, Ishida can seem condescending because of his endless knowledge and experience. He's sarcastic, flirtatious, and will push your buttons. Others may dislike him because he's always eager to sacrifice himself for the sake of others. (He also teases Takashi a lot so...Takashi stans may not like him for that).
How They Change: Ishida's changes are small and gradual. They have less to do with his personality (which stays the same) and more to do with his sense of belonging. He begins the story still struggling to find his place in the world, constantly trying to slap on a different label in the hopes that it will be the one that fits. Despite knowing who he is, and what destiny foretells him, he continues to run from it. Desperate to be someone else. Because of this, his identity crisis only intensifies. However, towards the end, he begins to see that he belongs with this family he's found, and only he can define who he is.
Why You Love Them: Ishida's loneliness and feelings of not having a sense of belonging are struggles I personally relate to. He makes sure he is always there for others, being/doing whatever they need him to be/do. He carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, blaming himself for a lot of his own trauma. Ishida is always doing everything he can to help others heal and become truer/freer versions of themselves, but he doesn't realize that sometimes, in doing that, he's hindering his own healing process. And while that can be seen as a character flaw, I find it to be mostly admirable. To want so desperately to find a safe space and to heal, but not hesitating to put that aside for the sake of creating a safe space/helping another person. Ishida has been through so much loss and hurt and betrayal, it could have turned him callous, but it didn't. Through all of his struggles, Ishida remains compassionate and empathetic. In the face of tragedy and cruelty, he chooses to be kind. And that's a strength not many people have.
Tag list : @littleturtle95 @phoenix-and-dragon @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @clumsyowl-in-a-fandom @radisv @raziyekroos @magnus-the-maqnificent @spotsandclawsthings @sassybookworm2020 @shadowhuntingdemigod @elettralightwood @high-warlock-of-brooklyn
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pigeonwhumps · 2 years
Find the Word tag game
Thanks for the tag @verkja! I was tagged to find Hollow, Smooth, Glass, and Push. I couldn't find hollow unfortunately but I found the rest (and they're long snippets lol). All from different series too!
CWs: fingore, handcuffs
And Sam kicks out.
They swipe the legs out from under the officer and he falls backwards, already unbalanced from leaning in to hear them. Then they stand, letting the handcuffs fall away, and quick as a flash they drag the officer across the floor, securing his wrist to a table leg. He watches, eyes stunned and scared, as they crouch down in front of him.
"Now. Where the fuck is my friend?"
"I– I can't say."
Sam takes the officer's hand and holds up a finger. "Lucky this room's soundproofed then, isn't it?" And they bend it back until there's an audible snap.
The man's howls echo around the interrogation room. Sam rolls their eyes as they wait for them to die away. They don't have time for this.
"I'll ask you again. Where. Is. Lucan?" When the officer shakes his head, panting for breath, Sam holds up another finger. His eyes widen. "No, please. Please don't. I don't know, I swear."
"Then how do we find out?"
"I– I need to radio the- the front desk."
Sam reaches into the officer's pocket and pulls out a walkie-talkie. "Here. Do it. And if they suspect anything, you can choose which finger goes next."
The officer swallows and presses a button on the walkie-talkie, sending it crackling to life. "Officer Walker here. I need some information on the destination of the faerie we picked up a few hours ago."
"Why do you need to know that?"
Sam squeezes Walker's finger in warning and he gulps, pained tears streaming down his face. "Figured it might speed up Johnson's confession if he knew he wasn't seeing him again.
The voice chuckles. "Good plan. I'll get back to you once I've found it." The walkie-talkie crackles out.
"Smooth liar," says Sam approvingly. That'll make things so much easier.
Walker whimpers and Sam snorts derisively. "Oh come on. It's not like I've broken your kneecaps. Raped you. Maimed you. I'm not you, after all. Pull yourself together."
"I– I've never done any of those things," he whispers.
"You've arrested people and knowingly handed them to those who do, that's as close as makes no difference."
CWs: minor whumpee, mentioned beating, non-con alcohol consumption
When Mrs Leach had returned the next morning she'd found them unconscious in a pile of uncleared rubbish, mess everywhere, a cut on their cheek from broken glass, and beaten them to a pulp for it.
Well. They don't remember being found. But they can still feel the clammy hand over their face, pinching their nose so he could pour the beer in, then clamping their mouth shut and not allowing them to breathe until they'd swallowed. They can still feel the burn of alcohol down their throat. The horrible queasiness and lack of control over themself and the pounding headache. The humiliation. They didn't think they'd ever be grateful for Mrs Leach.
They clutch their dad close, trying to dispel the memories still clinging to them. And their dad holds them just as tightly, running a hand through their hair.
"Iť's alright, Rowan, you're safe. Easy, kid, you're alright now. You're safe, I promise." He keeps up the litany of reassurances until Rowan can pull away, leaning against him instead, breathing in the crisp wintery air.
"Not a problem. You want to go inside or stay out here for a bit?"
"I'm- I'm okay. We can go back."
Their dad nods, getting to his feet and pulling Rowan up with them, keeping an arm around their shoulders that they're incredibly grateful for.
Everyone looks around as they re-enter the living room, and Rowan shrinks a little against their dad.
CWs: mentioned beating, possessions destruction, plushie abuse
Aaron's fuming as he makes his way up to Phoenix's team's quarters.
They jumped them. They fucking jumped them. Phoenix hasn't said as much, but between the jumpiness and not wanting to be left alone and the goddamn bootprint-shaped bruise on the small of their back it's obvious.
All those bruises, all over Phoenix's body. Aaron doesn't understand why they'd do it, not the night before Phoenix is due to leave. One last piece of fun?
Shaking their head, they push open the door to Phoenix's room. It's a mess. And not a Phoenix-mess, he'd recognise that anywhere after the amount they've made at his place, this is someone else's. They pick their way carefully through the scattered belongings, some of them dirty and torn, until they reach the wardrobe and pulls out a black camping rucksack. At least that's not damaged. They pull all the clothes remaining in the wardrobe and stuff them into the bag, then turn to survey the rest of the room.
There's no point trying to save the fairy lights, which have been ripped down and stamped on. He picks up the books he thinks he can save, most of which have missing pages or covers, but some are torn completely. There's no saving them.
Then they change their mind and pack those in anyway. Maybe Phoenix can fix them. Or they might want them anyway, even if they can't.
He strips the bed and covers, piling the colourful bedspread that was a gift from Kai into the bag as well as the massive fluffy blanket. The polaroids of the three of them they slip into a secure pocket.
Then they turn to the last remaining item, arm and foot torn off, stuffing pooling onto the mattress underneath. Mr Frosty. The only thing Phoenix has from when they were little, already repaired several times in his long life.
It's Aaron's turn to repair him this time.
He picks up the large plushy snowman and packs him away carefully, then gathers as much stuffing and loose plushy fabric as he can find, tucking it into another pocket.
That's everything then. There's a few pieces of clothing that would be impossible to repair, and the fairy lights of course, but other than that... Phoenix's life, packed into one not-quite-full rucksack. He shoulders it and turns to leave.
Abbie's standing in the doorway, arms folded, a smirk on her face.
I'm tagging @hold-him-down @whumpsday @quietly-by-myself @whither-wander-whump and anyone else who wants to take part! Your words are Box, Food, Hill, and Shine.
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wolfeyedwitch · 2 years
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19 | Part 20 | Part 21 | Part 22
Phoenix tilted her head a bit, she hadn't realize it was a important matter, but think about it the uncertainty might be scary in Poppet's situation.
"Let's started with the why, I brought you here because I was curious, you were there, dying alone, and I wanted to know why. I know now, so I'm not really curious anymore," Phoenix said nonchalantly, "And what I'm going to do... I don't really know, but since I brought you here I'll have to find out, right? figure out in what I can use you... Tell me, Poppet, what can you do?"
CW: panic attacks, Bailey's crappy headspace, minor suicidal ideation
Despair and fear welled up in Bailey as Phoenix spoke. They were wrong; she was just like Slipknot. Just another person wanting to use them. Bailey was tired of being a tool, a toy, an obedient dog. But if they weren't useful, what was the point of them?
Who would bother to keep something useless around?
Their breath hitched in their throat, which felt no larger than a straw. Why was it so hard to breathe?
This? Asking them what they were good for? This was a test, and they were going to fail. All the things they could do were things they didn't want to do. Images flashed through their mind: Slipknot training them on how to use a gun, how to throw a punch, how to dodge and block. Teaching them fine control of their powers—by making it so they couldn't use their hands, leaving their powers as their only option. The training sessions where Bailey learned to fight against unfair odds, and the ones where Bailey learned to fight through pain and not show weakness.
Images of Icarus, broken and bloody and begging from what they did to him.
"I don't—" they started, words catching in their throat. They were backing up, trying to get away from her. Trying to get away from this new villain who wanted to put them on a fucking leash.
Around them, everything was shaking. Of course; the last time they'd panicked around Phoenix, they'd been too weak and drained to use their powers. Now, with some food and sleep, they had enough reserves to draw on when they fucked up and let their powers get out of control.
"I- I can't, not again, please, I don't want to, please don't make me," they babbled, barely knowing if what they said made sense. "Please, please, just let me go, I won't tell anyone, I won't tell them anything, I just—"
They had backed up far enough that they hit the wall. They leaned against it, the movement turning into a slide down to the floor as their knees gave up on them. Traitors.
"You should have left me, why didn't you just leave me there!" they said, becoming more and more hysterical. "I'd either have died like I was supposed to, on the streets like a common fucking mongrel, or I'd have made it to the heroes and been arrested so I could be useful without hurting anyone!"
They sobbed, burying their face in their knees.
Either option would have been better than this.
@neverthelass @cupcakes-and-pain @badluck990 @whumpsday
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Billy Is Alive - Meta Index (Pre-S4)
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Our assertion that Billy is alive will take some heavy lifting to prove. So here’s a handy-dandy index to help you keep track of our posts. Topics without hyperlinks are in the works, but haven't been posted yet.
Be warned - potentially MASSIVE spoilers lurk herein!
Note (June 25, 2022) - all of the posts listed here were written before S4 dropped. That means a lot of them are out of date. A new index is coming soon!
📣 Before We Begin 📣
Frequently Asked Questions
This Blog Is A Ship-Friendly Space
Where Do Sarah And I Get Our Crazy Ideas?
Why Haven't We Seen Dacre On Set?
⭐ Billy Is A Main Character In Stranger Things ⭐
ST Asks You To Sympathize With Billy Hargrove
Billy Is Not A ‘B’ Character In ST - He’s A Main Character
Billy Is As Important To ST As Hopper And El - A Study Of Intro Shots
Arrested Development: Billy Might Be An "Adult," But He's Still Growing Up (placeholder post)
🌊 Billy Will Return From The Ocean 🌊
The First Rule of Analyzing ST: The Upside Down Is Symbolized By Water
The Lifeguard And The Rip Current: Our First Big Hint That Billy Is Alive
The Demogorgon Is Billy’s Dark Reflection
Billy Is Going To Find The Byers
S1 E3 vs S4 E3 - A Parallel In The Making
Billy Is The Phoenix - He'll Rise From The Ashes
Billy Will Return From The Upside Down On His Own (He Won't Be Rescued)
"Surfer Boy Delivered Hot To Your Door"
Hints That Billy's Return Will Mimic The Demogorgon's First Scene In S1
The Hawkins Yearbook Code: More Evidence For Billy's Return
🦁 Billy Is A Mythological Figure 🦁
Billy Is A Christ Figure
Billy Is A Christ Figure Pt 2: The Sauna As The Garden Of Gethsemane
Billy Is The God-King Who Dies And Lives Again (Katabasis + Anabasis Pt 1)
Billy Is The Three Brother-Gods of Greek Mythology (Katabasis + Anabasis Pt 2) (placeholder post)
Mythological Tradition Demands Billy's Return (Katabasis + Anabasis Pt 3) (placeholder post) (placeholder post #2)
S3 Is Billy's Superhero Origin Story
Billy Is The Aragorn Of ST
True Courage: Billy Is The Cowardly Lion From The Wizard Of Oz
🪞 Mirror Russia 🪞
If Billy Is Alive, Where Is He?
The Star Trek Connection: Proof For Mirror Russia (And Mirror Billy)
God Playing Dice: How D&D Is A Metaphor For The ST Multiverse
Vecna, the multiverse, and achieving undeath
ST Puzzle Tales: Billy Mayfield?
ST Puzzle Tales: they keep changing his name??
They keep calling him Billy Mayfield and I am about to die
"Just imagine the real Billy crawling out of the Upside Down in California while the false Billy, animated by the Mind Flayer's lingering corruption, bursts out of a grave in Hawkins."
⚡ Billy's Future Arc ⚡
Billy Is A Gatekeeper - Or Rather, "Keymaster" - For The Upside Down
Billy Will Come Back As A Guide For The Others
Billy Is Not A Racist, He Just Wants To Protect His Loved Ones (Childhood Wounds Pt 1)
sidenote: even if Billy's racist, you're allowed to like him because...
Healing The Wound: Billy Will Save Max From Neil (Childhood Wounds Pt 2)
A Monster For The Monster-Killer: Neil As An Alcoholic In S4 (Childhood Wounds Pt 3)
Billy's Story Is About Recovering Lost Innocence (Billy's Sexuality: An Overview)
👥 Billy + Other Characters 👥
🌈 Eleven
ST Is Jungian, And Billy Is The Shadow
Mirror Images: Billy and El Are Reflections Of Each Other
Billy took El's powers?
The rainbow bridge
The phone booth: in S3, El hears Billy's call for help
🧟 Will
Zombie Boys: Billy And Will Are The Boys Who Came Back To Life
Why did Billy throw off the Mind Flayer's control when Will didn't?
How did the Mind Flayer force Billy to do such terrible things when it didn't force Will? / (a note on victim blaming)
Happy birthday, William(s) 🥳🧁🍰
An important Billy/Will parallel
🦸 El and Will
Billy's theme song is called "William"
Little gods: Billy, El, and Will from a theological perspective
Billy, El, and Will as reflections of each other
The "Two Man Rule" and opening gates: foreshadowing of Billy and El? Or Will and El?
How similar will Billy, El, and Will's storylines be?
🌻 Billy's Mother [potential MASSIVE spoilers]
S4 "Welcome to California" teaser ⭐
More musings on the S4 teaser
"Stop lying to me! You saw him again, didn't you?"
The Creels 🏰🥀🐇
Current theory: Vecna is Billy's [redacted] ⭐
���️ Eddie Munson [potential MASSIVE spoilers]
Billy's Doppelganger: A Back Door Into Understanding ST (Dark Reflections Pt 1)
The Road To Eddie Munson: How I Predicted His Character In ST (Dark Reflections Pt 2)
The Lion And The Ninja: Eddie Munson Is Billy's Future Rival (Dark Reflections Pt 3) (placeholder thread)
Final Standoffs: Billy vs Eddie, Hopper vs Brenner, El vs Kali (Dark Reflections Pt 4) (placeholder post)
"I Am Hell's Master..." ⭐
👤 Others
The American And The Survivor: Billy and Hopper
Playing The Monster: Billy and Kali
✍️ Answered Asks ✍️
Billy, Hopper, and Mike as Dorothy's companions in Wizard of Oz
Billy and the undead army
ST writers' Twitter account says weird things about Billy
What's the deal with Billy's clone?
Dacre and the Duffers are lying in interviews
Max feels guilt over Billy's death; Billy and El believe themselves to be monsters
Is Billy Number Twelve?
Dacre's IMDb credit for S4
Billy has too much thematic significance to be a side character / the Duffers made Billy a sex symbol on purpose
Billy's "redemptive death" makes no sense
Meaning of Billy's tattoo in S3?
Dacre's "coming soon" post on IG
The creepy Surfer Boy Pizza shirt
Runaway Max: was Billy dissociating in the dead-cat-on-fire scene?
Why didn't the Mind Flayer absorb Billy?
The light blinking in front of Hopper's cabin in the S4 teaser
The significance of "Dear Billy" ⭐
Max is listening to an album that's all about Billy coming back ⭐
Billy is Kas the Bloody-Handed from D&D
🍿 The Duffers' Movie List 🍿
Why Eric Draven From The Crow Is Billy
Billy Is Paralleled With Neo From The Matrix
Billy Is Prince Adam/The Beast From Beauty And The Beast
🕵️‍♂️ Other Observations 🕵️‍♂️
The S4 posters hint at Billy's return ⭐
Billy's birthday ⭐
"Roads? Where we're going, we don't need roads." (a note on travel in S4)
Billy didn't want to serve the Mind Flayer
Billy's wardrobe colors are very American *cough cough*
ST may be using ring composition
The Source of the Mind Flayer/Upside Down? (comic book cover art)
✨ Miscellaneous ✨
"I can't tell you for sure I won't return, so you'll have to wait and find out." --Dacre
"A single soul dwelling in two bodies..." (deleted tweet from Dacre)
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strangeinvader9 · 2 years
The Wedding
I was chilling on the deck of the Moby Dick with Ace and Marco, having a normal conversation when an idea occurred to me. “Hey, Ace, Marco. I think it's about time Law and I tied the knot, you think I could ask Pops to help out with that?” “Why not ask one of the girls to help out? Like Nami or Robin?” Marco asked. “Ew. And have it turn out all girly and traditional? No thanks.” “What's wrong with a traditional wedding, yoi?” That question was met with a snort from me and a look from Ace. “Bro, you clearly don't know Jewel,” he said. “She hates-” “Despises.” I corrected. “Right. Despises all the traditional wedding stuff like church, dresses, the stress to make sure every tiny detail is absolutely perfect and of course the occasional mental breakdown of it all.” “Why not elope?” Marco asked. I grinned and wrapped an arm around each of their shoulders. “And have two of my favorite fire users miss it? Absolutely not! I want my whole family there.” “What about your blood brother?” Ace questioned. “Eh. His crew might try to arrest someone.” “Shouldn't you include Garp and Dragon too, yoi? You did say whole family and they're part of it you know. Being related to Luffy and all.” Marco pointed out. “Tsk. Dammit, you're right,” I grumbled, releasing their shoulders. OK, fine, we'll invite the three of them. Family only though. No friends or this thing will be too big.” “What about having two weddings?” Ace questioned. “What do you mean two weddings, yoi? Didn't you just say that Jewel hates typical wedding stuff?” “I know what you're thinking, Ace, but absolutely not. Already this is going to be bigger than I want.” I argued. “How?” “Not including bride and groom? The Heart Pirates makes four (I'm counting known crew Members including Whitebeard cuz he has such a big ass crew) plus the Strawhats makes thirteen, plus the Red Haired pirates makes eighteen, plus Mihawk makes  nineteen, plus your crew makes, twenty-five, plus Sabo and Dragon makes  twenty seven, and plus Garp makes twenty-eight. Oh. And my blood brother which makes twenty nine. That's almost thirty people, at max, I'd be comfortable around fifteen.” “Why not just invite everyone you verbally call family, yoi?” “I don't verbally call Silver brother but he's related. No, I'll just get over my discomfort and invite family. Friends can find out on their own.” “Who do you consider friends besides your family, yoi?” “Kid, Killer and Doflamingo. Not so much Heat and Wire because I don't really know either of them. Maybe Buggy and Crocodile.” Ace frowned before placing a hand on my shoulder, causing me to look at him. “Jewel, you know what Doflamingo did to your fiancé, don't you?” he asked seriously. I sighed looking away. “Yeah. And trust me, I hate every fiber of his being for it, but I'm not one to hold grudges. So long as he doesn't do anything to hurt my family, he can do whatever he wants. I don't hold who you are against you unless I have good reason to. Besides, Doffy kinda has this charm to him that I can't resist.” “If charm is why you like Doflamingo so much, what made you fall for Trafalgar, yoi?” “Ah-ah-ah! You'll have to wait for the wedding for that one. Now, I'm going to go talk to Pops, ask if he'll help.” “You mean you're going to try to talk to Pops and squeak out your request,” Marco teased. “Bite me, Phoenix.” “Maybe later, Golden.” I still wasn't used to being called that, even though it's been a few months since I escaped Sabaody. Most of the time I was referred to by my name, Jewel, or my original epithet, Crimson. The Golden One was new and as I said, I'm not used to it. Heading over to Pops, I noticed two of his sons were chilling around next to him. “Izo, Jozu, could you give me a moment alone with Pops?” I requested. Jozu politely left without a word, though Izo sent a smirk my way. I scowled in his direction and motioned him off. Once they were gone, Whitebeard turned to me. “What can I do for you my child?” he asked. “Well, I need a favor and since you're so knowledgeable, I thought you'd be the best person to ask,” I explained before informing him of my request. After a moment of thought he agreed to help with some adjustments. Agreeing, I was told events would happen in a month and it was to be a surprise. A month later, I sat in a dressing room of the castle we were using for the wedding. I understood wanting a beautiful venue to hold the wedding, but why here of all places? The problem wasn't location exactly, it was residence. Somehow, Whitebeard had convinced Doflamingo to let Law and I have the wedding in the gardens of his castle on Dressrosa. Well, it is technically what I asked for, I thought with a sigh. My real issue is what's with this stupid dress? I specifically denied any allowance of femininity period. This must have been one of the adjustments Pops requested. A knock sounded at the door, taking me from my thoughts. “Yes?” I called. “It's time to start the ceremony, are you ready?” Shanks’ voice responded. “No. I'm not going out in this vile thing.” “Aw come on Jewel. Surely it's not that bad.” “Uncle Shanks, I despise anything feminine which is why I banned anything with femininity.” “So, you banned yourself?” Growling, I stood up, marched over to the door and yanked it open. “And exactly what part of me is feminine?” I snapped. Shakes grinned widely but it somehow looked different than his typical grin. “You look beautiful, Jewel! Your name totally suits you right now,” he complimented. I flushed bright red and fiddled my dress. I was wearing a strapless, dark blue dress with black mesh fabric over lacing it.“You really think so?” I questioned nervously. His grin softened into a plain warm smile. Then he took my hand and twirled me around to get the full view of my dress. “Stunning. You really are a Jewel today.” “Uncle Mihawk, what are you doing back here?” I asked. “Since Akagami and I both wanted to walk you down the aisle in place of your father, Whitebeard allowed us both to do it instead of choosing,” he explained. “Oh. That was nice of him. Why aren't you two in suits?” “It was arranged that only the bride and groom were to wear formal clothing. The rest of us were allowed to wear casual but nice clothes. Semi-casual.” I pouted. “No fair. I wanna wear semi casual!” “Not allowed, you're the bride,” Mihawk pointed out. “I know, I know. Can we get this over with?” “Eager to get married?” “More like out of this dress but that too.” “Save that for the honeymoon.” “Shanks, shut up.” Linking arms with both bad ass uncles, I headed out to the gardens. Reaching said gardens, I was completely awestruck by the sight. There were thousands if not millions of flowers of different varieties, colors, shapes and sizes. It was more beautiful than anything I'd ever seen before. “Look ahead,” Shanks suggested. I did as he said and felt my blood run cold. There, standing at the altar, was Law. And by god did he look fine. He wore black slacks and a button up dark gray shirt with a blue tie that matched my dress. His hair was combed but it still had that messy look I loved. He still had the goatee, sideburns and earrings, but what seemed to make him look so astonishing, was the genuine smile he wore and the happy shine  it gave his silvery eyes. Slowly, nervously I began to back away, shaking my head. “No. No. I can't do this, I can't! Take me back, I can't do this,” I cried. “Jewel?” Shanks questioned. “I can't, I'm sorry. Please take me back.” He and Mihawk shared a look before taking me back inside and sitting me in a conveniently located chair. Then, Mihawk knelt in front of me with his hands on my shoulders. “Jewel, look at me,” he instructed. I looked into golden eyes and felt a small sense of comfort. “Now, what's gotten into you?” “I..I can't go through with this. I can't marry Law,” I responded. “Why not? You were so excited a minute ago.” I looked down at that. “Yeah, I was. Until I saw him. He's so amazing and wonderful and he deserves so much better than me.” Sighing, Shanks grabbed my arm and helped me to my feet. “Come here a minute, little niece,” he said. I followed him to a window and looked out. “Look over at Law. What do you see?” “He looks worried. Like he wants to come find me.” ���And do you know why?” “He's… afraid I don't want to go through with this.” “Exactly. That's because he loves you, Jewel. He wants you by his side from now until you both die. You Jewel and nobody else. Did you see that smile when you came out?” “It was the happiest I'd seen him in a while.” “That was because he saw his wife. Not future wife, current wife. The way you saw him just now? That overwhelming attraction? He sees that in you everyday. Now, can you go back out there, put that smile back on his face and start a happy future with the surgeon of death?” I gave a firm nod, my confidence coming back full force. “Let's go make a surgeon happy.” With that said, Shanks, Mihawk and I returned to the garden and continued down the aisle. I swore I literally saw the weight of worry roll off of Laws shoulders when I grinned my usual goofy grin at him. “What was that all about?” he asked once I reached the altar. “Panic attack. I'm fine though, Uncle Shanks helped me out of it.” I answered. “Panic attack? Are you having second thoughts?” “Eh, I kind of was.” “Was it something I did?” “No! God, no, you're fine! Can we talk about this after the wedding?” “I'd like to know why you were having second thoughts before hand so I know you won't regret this.” “I….actually have one regret. But it's not about this. I mean it is, but….” I sighed and ran a hand through my hair, messing it up. Nami groaned from behind me. “I worked forever on that! Your hair's a mess to work with!” she complained. “Not the time, Nami. Anyway, Law, the only regret I have is that you have to spend the rest of your life with me instead of someone more worth your time.” “Jewel-ya, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you and without you by my side-actually, I'll let you hear that during the vows.” “Then you actually want to go through with it?” “Of course I do.” “OK then!” We fell silent as the officiant began the ceremony. I honestly tuned him out until I heard “I understand the bride and groom have written their own vows?” We both agreed. “Jewel-ya, you go first.” Law suggested. “Alright. Well then, Trafalgar Law, I've known you for about four years now and I couldn't be happier. I know it hasn't always been the easiest relationship, especially with me being so hardheaded and reckless, but you've stuck with me through it all and I'm glad. Law if it weren't for you,  I’d’ve been dead years ago; mainly due to suicide. But I'm not and I have you to thank. With this ring, I promise to be there for you in sickness and in health, for better or worse, for richer or poorer till death do us part. Not a day will go by that I won't be glad that you found me and that I fell in love with you.” Once I finished, I swore the smile on Law's face could not have been any bigger. It was so genuine, that it honestly made him look like the  innocent kid he once was. “Phoenix Jewels, you have got to be the most stubborn, hardheaded, irritating, reckless clutz I've ever met and that's saying something. I could list the things about you that irritate me, but now isn't the time. Today is the day I claim you as my wife with this ring until the day we both die. With you by my side, I feel as though even if I don't find the one piece, I can still become the king of pirates. This is the happiest day of my life and the only ones that could top it would be the birth of our future children.” “And now, by the power vested in me, I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.” “Don't mind if I do.” Smirking widely, Law leaned down and kissed me with every emotion he could possibly convey. I happily returned the kiss. Today was the day I finally found my eternal happiness and I absolutely loved it. TIME SKIP AFTER RECEPTION I plopped down on my bed, utterly exhausted. I never thought that a wedding that was kinda just a family gathering would be so draining. Maybe it was just my nerves from having met Dragon for the first time. Mini flashback “So you're the famous Jewel Sabo is always going on about.” Turning my head at the new voice, I came face to face with none other than Monkey D. Dragon, leader of the revolutionary army. Although he was admittedly more intimidating in person, he still seemed more approachable than others I'd met. “Mister Dragon! Hello, it's nice  to finally meet you. And yes, I am indeed Jewel,” I greeted with a small bow of formality. “Er, well, I was Jewel anyway.” “Was Jewel?” “Yes. You see, Jewel was my last name; Phoenix Jewels. However, since I took Law's last name in the marriage, I'm now Phoenix Trafalgar. So I suppose I'm Trafalgar now. Or Phoenix.” “Your name matters not, young one. I will still refer to you as Jewel since that is who you are. Your name may change as often as you wish, but to those who know you, you will always be Jewel.” FLASHBACK END As scary as he seemed with that tattoo over half his face, he still came across as one of the nicest rebels I'd ever met. “So, Jewel-ya, was it everything you dreamed?” Law asked, breaking my thoughts. “No. Actually it was nothing like I dreamed,” I replied. He frowned at that. “Oh no?” “Mm-mm. There were far more people than I'd ever imagined, I never wanted to wear a dress since I hate the damn things, the venue was far more beautiful than I had ever dreamed of and the groom was  far, far more handsome than I had ever even dared to hope for.” “Well, isn't that a good thing?” “I could've done with fewer people, no dress and a venue not as grand, but in the end, I like the way everything turned out.” “Really?” “Of course! My husband is one of the most awesome people I could've ever met. And he chose to be with me. He didn't even have to be bribed into doing it!” Law smiled and pulled me into a kiss. “And my wife is one of the most loving people I ever met. I'd be lost without her and I'm glad she decided to be with me forever,” he said. I smiled in return. “I love you, Trafalgar Law; my handsome and loving husband.” “I love you too, Phoenix Jewels; my beautiful and amazing wife. Sleep well tonight for tomorrow, we have our own personal celebration.” “Shouldn't we do that tonight?” “I'd love to, but I'm afraid I'd wear you out more than you already are. I want you at your best so you can share in the passion instead of just enduring mine.” I giggled and pulled him into a loving hug. “OK Law. Sleep well, I love you.” “I love you too, Jewel-San.” “San? But I thought that was only reserved for you know who?” “No, it's reserved for people with a very special place in my heart. As my wife, that includes you.” Grinning, I tackled him into the biggest bear hug I could possibly give. “I swear I love you more and more as this day progresses.” “I will always love you Jewel-San. Always.”
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