#regulus ;; threads
mando-of-esverr · 5 months
Bacta & Hitchhikers || Hoovedrycal
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reesespenisbutercups · 7 months
lord i hate tiktok marauders fans learn what fandom is pleeeaaase😭😭😭😭
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battle-scvrs · 20 days
Regulus rarely escaped the ministry on his lunch break, instead choosing to eat lunch at his desk so he could return to his work quickly. However, today had been difficult and so Regulus had made an escape into the fresh air that Diagon Alley afforded. The bustling crowds down the street weren't enough to put Regulus off buying a sugar quill from the sweet shop, a childhood favourite that still satisfied his sweet tooth more than anything else. He was chewing slowly on the quill and meandering towards Flourish and Blotts, quite content to spend the rest of his lunch break amongst the towering shelves until he found something new to take home and read. Feeling quite at peace, Regulus found himself wondering why he didn't pop out more regularly...until his eyes unwittingly fell upon his cousin, and his niece. Stopping dead in his tracks, Regulus couldn't drag his eyes away from the small toddler clinging to Andromeda's side. He should turn and go, should make known his disgust, he should curse them for being blood traitors....and yet he did nothing. "Andromeda," he said almost involuntarily, his voice so small and quiet that she may not have heard it at all. @tonksxandromeda
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thefvrious · 4 months
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@atrickrtreat sent 🎲 and got -> a tentative kiss.
It had been a few days since he had seen her last, and they hadn't left things on the greatest terms. They were having trouble seeing eye-to-eye, but Regulus hoped beyond hope that they would be able to resolve this rift that was growing between them. That's why he was hesitant before leaning in to kiss her in greeting. "Are we okay?"
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warfollows · 2 months
WHO: Bellatrix Lestrange & Regulus Black ( @inferidrowned ) WHERE: Grimmuald Place WHEN: Afternoon
The family expectations had always included keeping eyes on the younger kids, and even now, with them grown enough to keep themselves in order -- she couldn't turn it off. Did that mean she had to drop in on them without warning? Probably not... but was that going to stop her? Absolutely not. She'd show up as much as she needed to if he didn't fancy leaving his metaphorical four walls.
The pop of apparition echoed around the home, and if she had to gamble, he knew she was there, but she didn't set out looking for him. Instead, she moves with her arms full of bags into the dining area. She begins unpacking the chaos, unsure of what exactly she's got packed away. "Oi, Reg. I've come to bring you all the good snacks that the house elves made. Get your arse down here."
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xbellaxlestrangex · 3 months
where: firefly festival (shadows of one of the tents) who: @rblcck
Bellatrix was enjoying her drink in hand in the peace of the shadows, observing those amongst the crowd, devious thoughts bombarding her mind on how to end all their miserable lives; how dare the halfbloods and muggleborns interact with them. Taking a small sip, she sighs, turning her head to the other tent, looking into the shadows.
"Are you going to continue to stand there like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs, Regulus?" She could sense him, and the disgust was evident in her tone with his traitorous ways.
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nxcturnals · 1 year
open to — anyone & everyone
he liked the ministry hotel more than he really should have. it's ornate edges and the aura of the place, all pomp and circumstances. it was the beating heart of their world, at least in London, the place where the rules and regulations of the Sacred Twenty-Eight culmunated in their power. Regulus liked the order of the place, the way that everything was perfectly aligned and perfectly organised behind the artful decor and the neutral-faced staff.
it should have been sad that they all had to gather there for this — but Regulus couldn't actually bring himself to be sad for an old man that was practically ancient. all that Flamel ever did was flood the streets with liquid euphoria, and Regulus had never even let himself try it out of fear that he would love it too much. he didn't much care that Flamel had died, and he cared even less if someone had decided to kill him. at least a good old fashioned murder might inject some excitement into his life.
he considered the memorial a waste of time, but the Black Family always had to put their best foot forward: so of course, Regulus is there. perfectly dressed, face perfectly schooled. "well, he had a good life." Regulus muses, voice a little dull in a way that betrays his boredom.
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deaith · 4 months
typically, the feeding process for gyryth is extremely painful for their quarry. the only instance in which it does not hurt - or does not hurt as much - is one where the gyryth is feeding meticulously, deliberately only taking a portion rather than goring the magic from a willing individual. additionally, the harder one clings to and fights to keep their magic and blood, the more unpleasant the overall feeding is going to be.
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rxxlestrange · 6 months
Starter for: @pxint-it-blxck At: Regulus's house, Godric's Hollow
It wasn't every day that the dead returned to life. Some might view such an anomaly as miraculous. But Rabastan would have preferred this corpse remained buried in the ground with the rest of the worms. He'd once valued Regulus, pitied him almost, after the unfortunate departures of his cousin and his brother from the House of Black. He had even seen Regulus's potential and had taken the time to instruct him. It was an unusually generous act, and not one that he particularly enjoyed. But Rabastan was devoted to the cause; the Dark Lord had commanded it and Rabastan had obeyed.
So Regulus's betrayal had a personal flavour. It stuck in his throat, sour and distasteful, along with the fact that Regulus had been instrumental in ending the war. Rabastan did not forgive easily. Vengeance against one's enemies was a natural justice, a consequence of their committed acts. Therefore it was inevitable that he would seek Regulus and hold him accountable. It was correct that Regulus should pay for his treachery.
Finding him was not difficult. Currently, Rabastan waited, seated comfortably in the dark of Regulus's home, a glass of half-drunk whisky balanced casually in his grip. Growing shadows filled the room, a streak of moonlight casting a pale glow across the floor. Somewhere in the house, a clock ticked. Outside was nothing but the sound of whistling wind, persistently permeating the silence. When Regulus finally appeared, Rabastan remained where he was. There was nothing aggressive in his demeanour; only calm anticipation.
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"Hello, Regulus," he said, as though it were just another night - as though it was not unusual to find him alive, one year after his funeral. "You look remarkably well. I must say, it was easy to break the security on this house." A pause. The tone shifted, his voice cooling, words sharp. "I'd taught you better than that."
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fcrox · 2 months
who: @thelionshrt where: malfoy wedding, royal botanic garden when: after the ceremony
The ceremony had been beautiful. Honestly, it was everything she had ever envisioned an event like this could have been. Every now and then throughout the whole thing she'd glanced toward Regulus, curious to see his reaction yet been unable to make out much. If there was one thing that could be said, it was that the guest list was length and the witch not seated too far in the front to make out much beyond what was important. Still, it had been stunning.
Before long the event had ended, moving on into the reception afterwards. Perhaps the better part of the two, simply because it was a most wonderful mix of celebration and well wishes. At some point her attention had drifted, instead focusing on finding Regulus. His involvement in the wedding party had, at times, put them at entirely different ends of the ceremony and celebration. Now that it was time to mingle things seemed easier, and before long the witch had spotted him.
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"It was a rather beautiful ceremony, wasn't it?" Estelle turned toward the other once she'd caught. "Apart from that person behind me. It was a bit distracting to have someone humming the whole time. Ruined the musical arrangement. Who hums at a wedding!"
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corvusalas · 6 months
who: @pxint-it-blxck where: st.mungo's
Life at St.Mungo's had almost become normal over the past few months. Here and there a case would stick out but the amount of war-based injuries was going down. There was nothing that could have ever allowed her to remotely feel at ease the way she had before hell broke loose, but it certainly was a step in the right direction.
Selma had been in the middle of sorting her equipment when the knock of one of the medi-assistants announced that one of the few, yet increasing number of appointments she took had arrived. The former Ravenclaw wasted no time, letting them know to send them in without delay before her attention drifted to the chart on her desk.
No matter how she twisted and turned things, there were things she felt like she was missing. Whether it be information or knowledge; one leading to the other. Selma was nothing if not determined, almost burning with a need to help the patient in question live life the way he deserved. Quick flick of the wand and the quill began to take notes on a pad on her desk. That would do for now.
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Selma finally turned to face him, feeling in part almost rude for having taken her time before giving the other the attention they deserved. "Mr Black, welcome." The blonde managed a polite smile as she reached for the chart. Whatever little information had been given, it always seemed to make more sense to ask the person in question directly. "We'll move over there in a moment," she paused, pointing toward some of the equipment. "but I do have some questions regarding some things before we get started on that. If you don't mind?"
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drysauce · 9 months
lack of gacha luck (pun intended) strikes again 😔
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younggodsx · 10 months
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( @ofregulusblack — )
she descends the stairs in the entrance hall of the school with steady footsteps, hand on the bannister — it was old, dark wood, original to the house. this was the manor in which their grandparents had lived, once upon a time, before they died. she had kept many of the original features when she established a school there — except for the artifacts that were likely to curse someone, or make the students of less-than-pure blood uncomfortable. her brow raises when she reaches the hall and sees who awaits her there.
"cousin," she greets, slightly stilted. "when they told me that i had a visitor, i didn't expect it to be you." that was the truth. she hasn't seen regulus for some time now. they had started walking down different paths — he was a fanatic of the dark lord, she knew that much. but she was also his cousin, and... he had always been her favourite, if she was being honest with herself. she adored little regulus from the very moment that he was born. black's put each other first, and narcissa has always loved her family above all else, no matter what side of the war they are on. "i've heard that the english aurors are working themselves into quite a tizzy, looking for you. may i ask what brings you to my doors?"
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battle-scvrs · 20 days
The owl that he had sent to Alecto earlier in the day had returned without a reply, but Regulus had taken the silence as a yes rather than a no and had prepared enough dinner for two. If Alecto didn't show up then he would simply have enough leftovers to take for lunch to work, but it was rare that Alecto didn't answer a summons from him. At least this time he was offering dinner, rather than an ongoing crisis. If his mother could see him, she would look down her nose at Regulus cooking the 'muggle' way rather than using a house elf, but he found that the methodical nature of it soothed his mind. Two of the artefacts that Regulus had been experimenting on at work were on the sideboard, surrounded by protective enchantments. Alcott had been sniffing around his work too much, and Regulus didn't trust that these artefacts wouldn't go missing if they were left at work. His wards alerted him to Alecto's presence just as Regulus was removing dinner from the oven, and with a small grin, he shouted "I'm in the kitchen." @alectocarrowx
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thefvrious · 1 year
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@blumhouses said -> “for someone who doesn’t like to feel things, you sure feel a lot of it out loud.”
Regulus frowned at the comment, eyeing Catherine as if trying to figure out if there was some hidden meaning beneath her words. "What does that mean? Would you prefer that I keep what I'm feeling inside?"
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letoiledechue · 1 year
Sirius & @regal-hearted Location: Alleyway by the Ministry, the day after the attack
Dogging his brother’s steps in the literal sense hadn’t been part of the plan, with Padfoot making an appearance by the entrance of the Ministry and loyally remaining there until Regulus left for lunch. Predictable as always, there was no silencing the bark of a laugh that escaped upon realizing the suspected routine was still the same. He kept a distance, only shifting once certain there were no eyes on him, and it was just him and Regulus in the alleyway.
“Good to see you’re alive and scar-free,” Sirius announced and fell into step beside Regulus, taking the liberty of looping his arm around his brother’s for good measure. “A pity the wolf couldn’t have gone after Malfoy’s stupid face.”
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