xbellaxlestrangex · 5 hours
where: firefly festival (near midnight) who: @iramcibus
Bellatrix Lestrange found the whole event pointless, determined to find Rabastan and excuse herself for the night. Mingling amongst those that did not clearly deserve her presence waned at her. It was the sudden change in the air that held her attention, an aura that she knew well, finding herself gravitating in that direction.
Under the cover of complete darkness, she twirled in a circle. "I feel you, my love," a softness in her tone that only he knew. She felt the rapid beating of her heart and the adrenaline racing through her veins. "You have returned home." The corners of her mouth twist into a smile, waiting for him to appear in front of her.
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xbellaxlestrangex · 5 hours
Bellatrix had caught sight of the witch that seemed to be there to meet with a certain wizard, hearing her rant on about him, piquing her intrigue and quickly dismissing her attendance. A mood struck the eldest Black sister, at heart, and she sauntered into the pub, her menacing gaze fixating on the blond. There were few that held dear to her darken heart.
"I think you should stay, Malfoy," a coldness to her tone, amusement written on her features. "I must admit, I may be the reason this chair is not filled with the one you desire." Nails drum atop the wooden table. "Will you not share a drink with your sister to be?" Bella was displeased with him, curious to hear his side.
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Where: The Leaky Cauldron When: UTP Who: Open to all
He'd had better days; let's put it that way. In the span of only a few hours, Lucius had received a howler in the post from a bloody Squib, and his meeting with the Head of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes had been cancelled due to the woman having an apparent 'urgent matter' to intend to. Likely a polite way to back out of handling affairs with the Malfoy family, if you asked him.
That was why he was even in The Leaky Cauldron in the first place. It wasn't exactly a spot he regulated often, if at all. Now here he was, stood up by a woman that wasn't even his betrothed. He shook his head, pulling the Firewhisky glass toward him a bit on the table. He could just return home, or maybe drop by Black Manor to see Narcissa. It'd been a few days since he brought her flowers, after all. This was Diagon Alley, and if there was still a florist open, it'd be there. While reaching for the galleons in his robe pocket, he heard the chair on the other side of the table pull out. "Though this table was clearly taken," he fought the urge to roll his eyes, "I was just leaving." He finally glanced up at the invader, meeting a certain someone's gaze.
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xbellaxlestrangex · 3 days
"I would hate to," Pen answered evenly, without a hint of irony to their tone, far from humiliated by the fact that they would do anything to make their things happy. "She's mine, so her happiness is important. It makes no difference to me that i'm here... I also came to meet Rabastan," they noted just for the record. "He has something to give me." "I understand that, yes. Which is why I wonder why you would show up to mingle."
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xbellaxlestrangex · 3 days
There was not much to say about Druella Black, and that is where Bellatrix kept it. A respect was there, but the woman was mad; perhaps she had more in common with her than she cared to admit. Her head turns in their direction at the mention of a certain other. "My dear brother is around here." A pause. "We did arrive together." It had been the two of them since the night they lost both of them.
"What do they say, appearances are everything." She mused. "We must have them believe that we have ridden ourselves of the cause." Bellatrix would never, she felt it even stronger now than she did then.
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"I would hate to," Pen answered evenly, without a hint of irony to their tone, far from humiliated by the fact that they would do anything to make their things happy. "She's mine, so her happiness is important. It makes no difference to me that i'm here... I also came to meet Rabastan," they noted just for the record. "He has something to give me." "I understand that, yes. Which is why I wonder why you would show up to mingle."
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xbellaxlestrangex · 3 days
Bellatrix felt the betrayal ripple through her. An outing at a public festival seemed rather scandalous, considering there were more important matters to deal with. Days and nights spent on ways to locate what was lost to her and paperwork for the other. It was a promise made that led her here.
"You had me at force, dear Rabastan." She had perfected how to make those bend to her will. A delightful sight it was to witness. A hum spills from her lips, her strides meeting his as they sauntered forward. "I feel the ministry needs to pay for my hardship lately." It was them who cost her her husband.
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He and Bellatrix had arrived together, having spent yet another day attempting to assist Rodolphus and locate Rhysand. Rabastan's dedication to these efforts was unshakeable, yet even his steadfast determination was wavering, dampened by rising frustration and a craving to do more. So he'd decided to attend this festival, and had persuaded his sister-in-law to join him with the promise of making it worth her while.
"We shall force it to satisfy our inclinations, Bella." The words were stated bluntly; a steadfast oath to his ill intentions. Turning his eyes away from the petite witch, he gestured for them to walk and they moved towards the entrance. "Who displeases you most: mudbloods, traitors or the Ministry? It is about time to indulge in some retribution. Discreetly, of course."
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xbellaxlestrangex · 3 days
"I have high expectations, Alecto Carrow." A dryness to her tone. Bellatrix took pride in her abilities and her talents, that when she took the chance of guiding another, they would live up to her standards. There was much for the redhead to learn, and even at the sight of their appearance, she would judge. "Add it to my list of disappointments for the night." She indulged in the drink, Alecto correct, that it did seem rather lacking in quality. "I might mention tone as well, I am not your friend." A beat. "I am your mentor, and I do require a certain level of respect."
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To be honest, she was slightly regretting coming into this tent. She should have known better. Alecto had quite a picky taste when it came to alcohol, believing that her bar sold the best. But it meant that when she went to events, she often was disappointed. She was currently holding a glass of red wine, and she wasn't very impressed.
Hearing a familiar voice next to her, she turned slightly, so that she could look at her mentor. "Aren't you always disappointed Bella?" She asked, deciding to bring a little sass to the conversation. "The alcohol is also pretty shit. By the way."
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xbellaxlestrangex · 3 days
Something felt different standing next to Pen, an essence that seemed to have disappeared and that put Bellatrix on edge. Alert and present to her surroundings. "We would hate to disappoint mother." She kept a levelled tone. If only she cared what others thought about her, perhaps she would have been inclined to play a little nicer. "Come Pen, you should know how I feel when it comes to mingling." Especially with those that were beneath her.
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"Neither do I... But mum insisted I should come. So, to make her happy..." they lifted a hand in a graceful sweeping gesture of their fingers out before them, indicating where they were. Their head tipped slightly, finding her comment at the end curious. They understood all too well what Bellatrix believed in. "What do your beliefs have to do with attending a festival...?"
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xbellaxlestrangex · 4 days
Bella had seen her cousin, lurking from the shadows, debating on the mischief that could be managed without drawing too much attention of her way. Strides were taken from her confinement, halting behind the boy before he turned to look at who was there, a flower in his hand. Her head cants, deadpanning at him. "Do I look like the type that wishes for a flower in my hair, Sirius?" Disgust laced in her words, disturbed about the idea of having that filthy thing tucked in her tresses.
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He had already hit the body paint tent, as well as the drink tent.... a few times. The glowing beer was just going down so much better than normal, and he hummed while he walked, the slight buzz making him feel warm and happy. Sirius stooped to pick a flower from the edge of the meadow, turning slightly to offer it to the person walking beside him. "A flower for your hair." He offered with a wink.
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xbellaxlestrangex · 7 days
Being here was about keeping appearances. She was not ashamed of what they thought about her, perhaps she came to instil a little fear amongst those present, remind them of who she was. Mostly, she was here to keep her dear brother company. It had been the two of them for so long. "I have no desire to place myself around those that do not deserve to be in my presence Pen," she stated factually. "Yet, here I am. What we do for that we believe in."
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"Not particularly," Pen answered softly, blank as they ever were. They hadn't seen any of their people yet and that was often the biggest factor in their enjoyment of any space or event. They turned their head just enough so they could glance down at Bellatrix while they spoke, willing to put a bit more effort into conversation with her than with others. The fact they had worked together as Death Eaters, and that Voldemort had trusted Bellatrix so completely, earned her a certain level of respect. "You don't seem thrilled to be here, either."
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xbellaxlestrangex · 7 days
where: a tent serving alcohol who: @ofxalectox
A few drinks would help dull the annoyance of those around her. The dire need to remind them of their place, which was beneath her feet, and yet, she was subjected to hiding. How she fathomed the idea of keeping to the shadows. It was only a matter of time until this would be theirs.
A head full of red hair caught her attention, turning to face the witch it belonged to. Hues glance over the others attire, judging in true Bellatrix fashion. "I'm slightly disappointed." She murmurs, collecting her drink from the bartender.
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xbellaxlestrangex · 7 days
where: just outside the firefly festival who: @amissavis
Bellatrix had watched the witch, it was hard to miss her in that dress, but waited for the right opportunity before she followed her. This was their game, and she would not pass an opportunity where she could remind Emmeline of their betrayal.
Waiting until they were alone, she steps out of the shadows, behind the other. "One would think you'd like to blend in more, considering all." She muses.
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xbellaxlestrangex · 7 days
where: firefly festival (entrance) who: @r-lestrxnge
It was about making an appearance, and perhaps causing a little mayhem, and with the right company beside her, she knew they could manage perfectly fine.
Her arm slid between his, head canting at the entrance knowing what awaited on the other side. "Dear brother, do you think this little event will be well worth our time?" She sighs, knowing that their work had been successful with Rhysand, that it was only a matter of time until they were all back together. "I will be disappointed if we do not have a little fun." Bellatrix glances up at Rabastan, a faint mischievous smirk twisted on her lips.
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xbellaxlestrangex · 7 days
where: firefly festival (shadows of one of the tents) who: @rblcck
Bellatrix was enjoying her drink in hand in the peace of the shadows, observing those amongst the crowd, devious thoughts bombarding her mind on how to end all their miserable lives; how dare the halfbloods and muggleborns interact with them. Taking a small sip, she sighs, turning her head to the other tent, looking into the shadows.
"Are you going to continue to stand there like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs, Regulus?" She could sense him, and the disgust was evident in her tone with his traitorous ways.
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xbellaxlestrangex · 7 days
where: firefly festival, wandering the grounds who: @pen-kneeling
Bellatrix hated these events, surrounding herself amongst those that did not deserve to breathe the same air as her. Her nose twitched, keeping the stoic expression written on her features, she turned catching a body at her side, and the bright dress almost causing her to shield her eyes.
"I take it you are rather enjoying yourself?" A coldness to her tone.
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xbellaxlestrangex · 8 days
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Firefly Festival - Bellatrix Lestrange
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xbellaxlestrangex · 11 days
where: para bellum who: @amissavis
Bellatrix slipped in with the last customer, stealing to the shadows, observant to activities around her. She was bidding her time, a little late night entertainment seemed on the cards for the witch.
Betrayal played heavily in her mind. Once crossed, there was no going back, an instant enemy in her eyes. It was unfortunate that the one tending to lock up for the night became one.
A few moments passed before she pushed her shoulders away from the wall, heels clicking on wooden floors. The pad of her finger runs against one of the shelves, collecting dust, rubbing it between her forefinger and thumb.
"I'm disappointed in you Emmeline," she clucks her tongue, moving around to face the witch. "Here I thought you would keep a clean shop." A sinister smile twists on her lips, a twinkle of malicious intent in her eyes.
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xbellaxlestrangex · 11 days
Bellatrix meandered around the alley, no real intent on where she was going until she caught sight of a mope of familiar blonde hair. A little sister time would never hurt anyone. She could find Rabastan later to inform him of what information she had found out.
Heels strut gracefully over the cobblestone, purposely bumping her shoulder into her sisters, the expression written on their features something she wished to stir a little. A wicked smile etched on her lips at the way Narcissa snapped. She was proud of the tone and snark.
"I think we both know our mother has never said such slander. She'd expect the crowd to part like the sea for her." She clucks her tongue with a devious sparkle in her eyes. "What has your knickers in a knot? Lucius not send his daily love note?"
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Location: Diagon Alley, mid-afternoon Narcissa and Open
When things got stressful Narcissa's first response was always to go shopping. There was something therapeutic about buying new dresses or dress robes, new stationary, or home decor. Her mother had been driving her crazy with all of her ideas for the wedding. Narcissa often thought that her mother forgot that she was the one getting married, not the other way around. Druella meant well but her opinions were unneeded. Didn't she realize that if Narcissa wanted her opinion then she would ask for it?
Nevertheless, she had told her mother she had some shopping to do, alone, and Druella had left her to it. She had sent some of her dresses back with the house elves and was having a leisurely stroll through the cobblestone streets when someone bumped into her.
"Hasn't your mother ever told you to watch where you're going?" She snapped.
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