#━━ ❛❛  //  REGULUS BLACK ! ¦ threads . 「 ft. bellatrix black ! 」
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impcrios · 2 months ago
where : mask-making workshop .
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regulus had never been much of a crafts person, but he had always loved samhain, so he found himself here regardles, he looks over to his cousin and smirks at his shit attempts at a mask and says, "tell me, cousin, do this look threatening?" he had never been good at crafts but he did try his best.
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impcrios · 2 months ago
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sometimes it felt like the only one that understand the value of family duty and keeping the old ways pure was bellatrix. she had been a comfort amongst so much chaos in their family. they could relate to each other on each having a sibling leave. defect. bellatrix was his strongest confidante and one of his favourite cousins. they both loved power and would do anything to get it. he knew that the dark lord must have favoured bellatrix the way that he favoured regulus. it was hard not to preen under the attention and all the promises. he might not have trusted the dark lord fully, well, who could you ever trust fully? his thoughts flicker to sirius. he sometimes wanted to ask bellatrix how she felt with andromeda being gone, if she felt anything towards it at all. but regulus could never talk about sirius to anyone. his brother would be his greatest downfall, it was his weakness, and regulus black was never weak. "fine, i imagine. though i hear narcissa is giving him a hard time about their engagement." but that was just how narcissa was. when they were younger it would always be them together, causing mischief in silence, both a little defiant but in separate ways. "it'll be a good match, our families combining." "we could get a drink, or perhaps look at the market stalls. i know it's early but yuletide will sneak up on us before we know it and i always like to be prepared." his father, he was sure, would host a yuletide event at grimmauld place, salazar knows the house would expand itself to the ever growing guests from the pureblood community. "but i do agree. family get togethers are a rare occurrence now. it's funny how you and i both work in the same ministry but never seem to pass each other." regulus' time in the unspeakables department was often pouring over knowledge, and often in the dark.
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"as if there were any doubt." ⎯ a scoff and flick of her fingers traces her own jaw, rounding the sharp edge, like a knife, perfect for housing the devastatingly silver tongue in its confines. for every ounce of regal blood that pounded through each of their veins, there was a pride in their intensity, and their sharpness and she expected nothing less from the youngest son of walburga and orion. everything imbued in them was purposeful; divine. even down to the starlight that made up each name. held with a purpose and a need to carry the legacy of the last moniker. she notes it takes him quite a moment to speak and she wonders, just for a second, what it is he's biting back. when no unruly confession falls from complying lips, she decides to not pursue that fleeting moment of observation and instead nods briefly. ⎯ "i have yet to see my dear sister, but i am pleased she's here...as for lucius, how is he?" ⎯ friendly with lucius would have been too expansive of the truth, but bellatrix had a feeling the malfoys would become only much more important as time went on, best to start a façade early on, even in just the presence of regulus. at the notion of a new idea, she sets idling fingers away from a scrap of leather she had been debating on maskering with and spine stiffened, shoulders squaring with a curiosity that she hadn't felt once since she arrived at this blasted festival. ⎯ "anything in mind? i'm not sure i quite remember everything planned here but don't let that stop any brilliant ideas for what comes next. rare these days we get to spend even several moments of time together."
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impcrios · 2 months ago
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"us blacks have perfect bone structure, or so i've been told." the blacks were all sharp lines and hard edges, you know they were all related walking into the room. he misses the family get togethers the most, while intense because of all of them being intense people, for a moment it could feel like maybe once upon a time they all loved each other, where there were no defections and betrayals. i saw sirius, he almost says, but he doesn't think he's ready for the questions of what it means to see sirius again. they would always be passing each other in the night where it was a safe place to love each other. "it's been fine. i got drinks with lucius, rode a thestral with cissa, and now i'm making masks with you." he looks at his cousin with a smirk. "we could always change our plans and do something else. i'm sure i've squeezed whatever creativity out of me on this."
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"oh, quite the opposite in fact. a face of an angel, you have. this one." ⎯ a quick nudge of her shoulder aiming for his let him know that while her words were teasing, she hardly meant them. while yes, the black family came with a certain beauty fully realized and nearly unmatched pumping through their pureblood veins, she knew just how unassumingly intimidating regulus could be. as could she. a curse to have such a deep secret hidden away from the world. fingers traipsed over the lines of his crudely created mask and she wondered in that moment if they were thinking of the same thing ⎯ the incredible potential a mask could bring...in due time. he brings her out of her thoughts with his question and she raises shoulders in an exhale of breath, half-hearted shrug in response. ⎯ "i find myself...longing for a more eventful roster of festive activities..and yet, none can be found." she doesn't elaborate, and she doesn't feel the need to. head turns to face him and chin drops to the palm of her hand. -⎯ "and you, dear cousin? is this all you've ever dreamt of and more?"
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impcrios · 2 months ago
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he had laughed, shaking his head and looking down at his ugly mask. in comparison, there were truly masks that were terrifying. one that he hoped to wear one day. or so he thinks. "are you saying my face is scary? pretty bold thing to say when we share dna, bella." he smirks and then smiles. "alright, the brows need some work." he grabs his wand and tries to fix his mess. "how are you enjoying samhain?"
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there was little highlight left in terms of this festival for bellatrix once she had exhausted the cursed artifact exhibition, yet upon seeing regulus seated and so convincingly focused, she couldn't help herself but wander closer, just to get a peek at whatever brilliance he was bound to astonish himself with. however, when he questioned her, corners of her lips upturned and dark brows raised in a mock of surprise. ⎯ "more threatening than this right here? most certainly." pretending to reach out with fingers as if to pinch his cheek, she waited just a beat before dropping her hand and flourishing up beside him, dropping to the table with all the rushed elegance of an impatient kneazle. ⎯ "perhaps though, if i may? i'd say the brow here is all wrong. more terrified than terrifying, you see?"
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