#Son Gohan | {IC}
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sonchiildren · 4 months ago
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"...I mean, some of my deepest fears have already come to pass, but I guess the newest one is not being able to protect this timeline or the people I care about here."
Could he? Especially after he failed the last time? He'd be lying if those thoughts hadn't swam through his head over and over, constantly barraged with them day in and day out. Losing his new home? The family and friends he had here? Again? Gods, just the idea cause an icy dread to grip at his heart.
No, he can't lose them all again. Not again. NEVER again.
"I can't...not again...I'll fight as hard as I have to and get as strong as I need to to make sure it NEVER comes to pass. I will NOT fail this time."
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"I mean, sounds a little cliché I guess, but not being strong enough to protect my family and friends. Letting them down when they need me the most and disappointing them."
While he could admit that he wasn't a fighter — he never liked fighting, it was his least favorite thing in the world. The pounding of his heart in his ears, the tension in his muscles, the taste and smell of blood, the vibrations of each impact. He hated it. Yet, he knew he had so much potential and so much power he hadn't explored yet...he couldn't waste that by being passive.
Even if he hated it, he wasn't about to ignore when he needed to step in and fight. Not when others needed him. It's why he trained when he could and kept it up. He had to for those he loved.
"I'm...not a fighter, but that doesn't mean I won't step-up when my friends and family need me to. I have to be strong enough to protect them."
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"...Mommy and Daddy not wanting me anymore."
It was a thought she had so many times. She absolutely loved and adored her adopted family — she loved her parents so much and her siblings were her best friends in the whole wide world. They were the ONLY family she had ever known after all, so the thought that one day she'd do something to make them give her away or not want her anymore? It frightened her.
As silly as it was, she couldn't help think that sometimes. Would they ever not want her? Was she too much trouble for them? Frown forming and looking upset.
"I...don't want to lose my family ever...not my mommy or daddy or brothers, I don't want to lose them."
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jadesongwriters · 8 months ago
Say my name one last time
'cause I need it Say my name one last time 'cause I need it
I want to hear you
I want to understand you
I want to get to know you
I want to feel your soul too
You say my name one last time 'cause I need it
But how does my heart burn?
See the fire in your eyes
I understand you
I understand you
If we can return in time
You may also remember
You may also remember
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fuckjose69 · 2 years ago
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night world 🌎 🌌
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dragonblobsuper · 8 months ago
Ever since getting over there a little friction Chichi has been stuffing Vidal on a daily basis and won't be long until she's the biggest woman on the planet of this right.
Dino stakes homemade ice cream sundaes and everything in between
Poor Videl has been a victim of the hospitality and tenderness of Ox King's daughter ever since she decided to officialize her relationship with Gohan.
What began as just mere snacks when she visited and casual invitations to have a nice lunch with the saiyan-human hybrid family, slowly became on literal stuffing sessions and a constant taste testing Videl had to do, even when Chi-Chi's meals were already delicious.
Ever since Videl came across with the Son family, her waistline went from an average healthy gal's figure to slowly blimping up into one waddling pile of lard, constantly huffing and puffing from taking a few steps, her lumps and rolls of pure packed up fat bouncing and jiggling around no matter what sort of movement she did, even to the point that the bare act of speaking made her largely obese cheeks and extra padded jowls ripple and bounce.
Of course that the extra-extra plus sized wife of the Saiyan of pure heart would see this as something positive, and as a huge motivation to continue having her invited at her home to make sure no calories and pounds were lost in vain.
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elisajdb · 10 months ago
A Day at the Park
It was the first sunny day in East City in two weeks. The beautiful Spring sun brought out everyone eager to escape cabin fever. For Goku, Chi-Chi, and their three-year-old son, Gohan, it was their third day of vacation where they could truly explore the city.
It was Chi-Chi’s idea for the family to vacation in East City and Goku agreed. As much as he loved Mount Paozu, Goku didn’t mind getting out of the mountains for a few days. They spent the first two rainy days indoors visiting a science museum which bored Goku but fascinated Chi-Chi and Gohan, an aquarium which everyone enjoyed and an indoor play center Goku adored with Gohan while Chi-Chi took pictures of the two she loved most in the world.
After spending the day at a zoo and shrine, Goku, Chi-Chi and Gohan stopped by a park where they participated in a performance theater before playing with Gohan on the swings, tree house playsets, playhouses and slides with Goku gaining popularity with other kids in the park. When Goku pushed Gohan highly on a swing, other children asked to be pushed so they could go as high. When Goku spun Gohan on the Merry-Go-Round, many kids jumped on so they could spin fast, too.
Chi-Chi stayed back loving her husband and son play together, took pictures and chatted with Moms who were enjoying the break and happy to let Goku take on playing with their children.
After a couple of hours of playtime, Chi-Chi thought her husband and son deserved a break. She ventured to the ice cream cart and ordered ice cream for her family.
“Goku! Gohan! Ice cream!” Chi-Chi called out to her husband and son. Goku turned away to catch his wife signaling them. He slowed the Merry-Go-Round so he can Gohan could go. The children whined. They were having so much fun and didn’t want it to stop but Goku promised to be back after ice cream time with his family.
Gohan saw his Mommy by the ice cream cart and took off running. “Ice cream!” Gohan held his hands out to his mother eager for the sweet treats in her hands.
Goku took his time walking to his family. He laughed at his boy. He was a quiet and shy child but bursts of speed broke out of him sometimes. It was proof to Goku that Gohan had power in him.
One day I’ll see it.  
Chi-Chi handed Gohan his two-scoop vanilla and chocolate ice cream cone and Goku a three-scoop vanilla ice cream cone. Gohan did a happy wiggle while his tail bounced as the sweet and cool cream touched his tongue.  
“Do you like your ice cream, Gohan?”
Gohan answered with a big lick. “It’s good, Mommy. Thank you.”
“Anything for my sweet baby. Gohan, do you wanna pick out a bench so you, me and Daddy can eat ice cream together?”
“Mm-hmm.” The three-year-old looked around and saw a bench not far from them. “That one!” Gohan pointed and proudly led his family to it. It was a good spot, too. It was under a big tree to provide them shade while they looked at the ducks swimming in the pond.
Gohan reached the bench first. Carefully holding his cone, Gohan climbed onto the bench. He resumed licking his ice cream when a shadow appeared over him. Gohan looked up to see a freckled boy of eight staring down at him.
The child looked angry but Gohan wasn’t bothered. He licked his ice cream and sweetly said, “Hi!”
“Hey.” There was no sweetness in his voice. “This is my seat.”
Gohan looked around confused. “But no one was sitting here.” He checked the bench again for a name. He has a cup with his name on it at home. Daddy has one, too. Gohan knew if your name is on something it’s yours but he didn’t see a name on the bench. “Where is your name?”
“Are you getting smart with me?” the child got angrier.
Gohan licked his ice cream again. “My Mommy tells me I’m smart.”
The child glared at Gohan. Who did this toddler think he is getting smart with a grown kid like him? “You sat here before I could but it’s mine. I get my Dad once a week and we always sit here for ice cream.”
“Mommy told me to pick a bench for us to sit on.”
“Oh,” the child understood and had a bit of sympathy for Gohan. “You live with your Mom? Me, too.”
“I live with my Mommy and Daddy.”  Gohan licked his ice cream. “We went to the zoo today. Daddy played with me on the swings and slides. We had fun with the other kids, too.”
The boy did see a big man playing with other kids on the Merry-Ro-Round. They were having fun while his Dad only sat with him on the bench for cheap ice cream. He didn’t play with him on the swings and slides like other kids’ Dads. He didn’t play with him like this kid’s Dad. He didn’t live with him and his Mom like this kid’s Dad.
“Ya bragging you got both parents at home!” The child slapped the ice cream out of Gohan’s hands. “Let them buy you another ice cream while I take my bench!”
Shocked, Gohan looked down at his broken ice cream. The two scoops and cone were getting devoured by ants. His lower lip quivered. Mommy got him that ice cream. Why did the child hit him? Why was he mean to him? He was a good boy. Mommy told him so. Gohan looked up at the child with glistening eyes. His sadness made the kid laugh. It was a cruel and mean laugh.
“Hey!” Chi-Chi approached the child. She stood back to watch how this will play out but seeing her baby boy hurt forced Chi-Chi to step in. “That wasn’t nice, little boy. You do not hit children. Apologize to my son.”
“No!” the child stuck his tongue out. “You can’t do anything or my Daddy will beat you up.”
Chi-Chi’s right eyebrow sharply rose. “Beat me up? Your Dad?” She looked around at the men trying to decipher which one of them had a spoiled child. She heard the conversation between Gohan and this child. He comes here for ice cream with his Dad. He was a divorced man. Chi-Chi looked around separating the couples from the single men until she spotted a man approaching with two ice cream bowls. He was tall with a round stomach and thick arms. He looked dirty with his dingy mechanic shirt and oiled-covered cap. “Is that your Daddy?” Chi-Chi went to the approaching man. “Hello.”
“Sorry, Lady,” the man brushed past Chi-Chi to his son. “I have a kid. I ain’t trying to be a father to another.”
Another? As if she would want him. “I’m a married woman and my son has a father. I wanted to talk to you about your son. He knocked the ice cream out of my son’s hands. My son did not deserve that.”
“So what?” the father handed his ice cream to his son. “Your boy shouldn’t be sitting on our bench. This is the bench my son and I sit on when we come here. My son was protecting his territory.”
“Territory?” This isn't your home, jerk! “This is a public park. Everyone is free to sit anywhere they want. This bench was empty and I told my son to pick a spot for him, me and his Daddy.”
The man sat down next to his son. He pushed Gohan with his hip, ushering the little boy to get off. Sniffling, Gohan went to his Daddy who looked on to see his wife handle the situation.
“So, it’s your fault your boy lost his ice cream.”
Chi-Chi clenched her fists upon seeing how this man rudely pushed her son off the bench. The audacity! “No. It’s your fault for raising a spoiled, entitled and rude child. Your son can’t buy my son his ice cream but you can.”
The man laughed. If this woman thought she would get him to reimburse ice cream for her wimpy son
. “And it’s your fault for raising a crybaby.  Well
.” The man noticed Goku. He sized up Goku’s slim frame and scoffed. He could take him if it came to blows but he knew it wouldn’t. The crybaby’s father was shorter than him. He looked at his arms. They weren’t too small or too big. He could take him. “You and that beanpole husband.”
“My husband is not a beanpole! You will stop insulting my husband and son.”
“‘You will stop insulting my husband and son’,” he mimicked Chi-Chi. She was an annoying one. The man handed his bowl to his son and stood up to Chi-Chi. He looked down at her expecting his extra eight inches in height and wider frame to intimidate the slender woman. “Your son overstepped taking my bench. You can get all Momma Bear on me and try to trigger your wimpy husband to set me straight but let me stop you before your embarrass yourself.”
Ah, so she was slow, too. He had to break it down to her. “I know your type. Loudmouth women who send their husbands to a fight they can’t win because they can’t shut up. If you don’t want me to break your husband in half and embarrass him in front of your crybaby son, I suggest you leave right now.”
A scoff escaped from Chi-Chi’s lips. Now he was insulting her. “I don’t need my husband to step in for me. I can handle you on my own.”
The father laughed loud and boisterous. What did this petite woman think she could do against a guy like him? “What are you gonna do?” He laughed in Chi-Chi’s face. “Bet you never had anyone put you in your place.” He looked at Goku who watched them while finishing his ice cream. Wimpy husband cares more about his ice cream than protecting his woman. “I know he hasn’t. Women like you need a good, hard----” he was startled as Chi-Chi grabbed the collar of his shirt.
“Listen,” he warned Chi-Chi, “I’m not above hitting a woman to put her in her place so you----” he didn’t finish his words for Chi-Chi lifted him off his feet and flung him hard where he soared out of the park like a flying baseball.
He would’ve gone past the park’s parking lot if not for the oak tree catching him.
Onlookers stared in shock while Goku whistled at Chi-Chi’s arm. “Your arm’s gotten better. If it wasn’t for that tree, he would’ve gone for half a mile.”  
Chi-Chi dusted her hands proud of her throw. It was good she thought smugly. “There are some benefits to marrying the world’s strongest man.”
“Yup.” Goku would’ve tried to not manhandle the guy if he had to step in but he couldn’t argue against Chi-Chi’s approach. “Guess he won’t be coming back to the park.”
“He shouldn’t return until he and his child learn some manners.”
“Speaking of the kid,” Goku looked at the shaking kid. He had never seen anyone do that to his Dad. His Dad was always the one who put his hands on others and left them crying. To see this small woman do it, frightened him and sent him running.
As the child ran off to his Dad, Goku exhaled, “Guess that takes care of that.”
Goku knelt to his son who still clutched his pants leg sniffling. It was good Mommy took care of the mean Dad but his ice cream was gone. “Gohan,” Goku gently patted Gohan’s head. “Daddy will buy you another ice cream since Mommy kick that guy’s butt.”
“Yay!” Gohan jumped into his Daddy’s arms.
Goku stood with Gohan in his arms and went back to the ice cream cart with Chi-Chi. Everyone in line for ice cream saw what happened and parted like the Red Sea for Goku and Chi-Chi. This quickly brought them to the front of the line to a trembling ice cream man.
“Hi!” Goku grinned. “Can we get three ice cream, Sir? Gohan, what do you want?”
Gohan pointed to a picture of a chocolate and vanilla ice cream cone. “That one.”
“I want three scoops on a cone. I want a white, blue and pink cone. Chi-Chi, what do you want?”
Chi-Chi looked at the pictures on the cart. “I’ll take a single cone of lavender ice cream.”
The ice cream man quickly prepared the ice cream.
“How much?” Goku asked.
The total was seven zeni but he felt if he charged them, he would be tossed out of the park next. “Buddy, you can have these on the house.” When Goku didn’t appear to understand, he elaborated. “It’s free!”
“Free?” Goku thought that was so nice of the man. “Thanks. You’re nice.”
“Here you go,” the ice cream man shakily handed the ice cream to Goku who passed it to Chi-Chi and Gohan.
Chi-Chi licked her ice cream. “What do you say, Gohan?”
Gohan smiled with smeared vanilla and chocolate on his lips. “Thank you, Daddy.”
“And?” Chi-Chi gently prodded her son.
Gohan bowed at the ice cream man. “Thank you, Mr. Ice Cream Man.”
The people in line parted again to allow the Son Family to walk away and settle on the empty bench. Normalcy resumed as children and parents played around them. A happy father, mother and son sat on the bench, licked ice cream and enjoyed the warm spring day around them.
“Thank you, Mommy,” Gohan added as he forgot to thank his Mommy for handling the bully kid and his Dad.
“You’re welcome.” Chi-Chi licked her ice cream. “See, Gohan. It pays to have martial arts parents. Me and Daddy can fight the bad guys and bullies while you fight with your strong mind.”
“You got that right.” Goku licked his ice cream. “Mommy and Daddy will always protect you, Gohan.”
“That’s right,” Chi-Chi agreed. “We’re gonna protect you because you are meant for great things and it’s not fighting, Gohan. With your mind, you will change the world.”
Gohan nodded and licked his ice cream. His tail and feet wiggled as he thought of his mother’s words. Mommy always told him he is special. She told him he is very smart and always encouraged his learning. It made him happy to think Mommy thought he will change the world.
But how will I do that?
Thirty Years Later
Son Gohan stood on stage nervous. It wasn’t the first time he was on stage to receive an award. He wasn’t a novice to public events or speaking. He was Valedictorian of his graduating high school and college class but today was extremely important. It was so random for that day at the park to come to mind but as Gohan saw his proud Mom, Dad, brother, wife and daughter, and mentor, Piccolo, Gohan realized it wasn’t random for his mother’s words that day put him on the path to this special day.  

 so today, we honor the youngest to receive this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Son Gohan. Please step forward and receive your Nobel Prize from the King.”
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raptorbox · 2 months ago
partner project [ao3 link]
Fandom: Dragon Ball Ship: Vegeta/Bulma Rating: G Word Count: 500 Drabble Count: 2/100 Tags: Pre-Relationship, High School AU
Bulma really, really doesn't want to make this phone call.
Bulma stares mournfully at the yellowed plastic of the phone on the wall. Maybe if she’s lucky, the ancient thing will be broken and there will be no way for her to make a call to the last number she ever wanted to be in possession of. She already had the blessing of Goku conking out early, so why not?
The phone rings. She groans and picks up. “Hello, Son residence?”
“Oh, wrong numb—”
Bulma hangs up. She should really try harder to convince Goku’s grandfather to let her gift him a new phone with caller identity..that or she could install one as a surprise, free of charge, courtesy of the Capsule Corporation.
She takes a deep breath. “You can do this, Bulma
if you don’t, then you won’t get that Range Rover next week!”
Bulma glowers down at paper in her hand; the handwriting is neat with clearly defined numbers—it’s proper handwriting, trained and practiced but wielded by someone who doesn’t match it at all. 
Bulma takes the receiver off the hook and tucks it between her ear and shoulder. She keys in the number on the large, clunky buttons and prays when the dial tone starts. 
(Don’t pick up, don’t pick up, please don’t pick up!)
A click, then, “Who are you? This is a private line, I demand to know!”
“What, the little prince doesn’t have caller ID?” Bulma snaps.
Vegeta scoffs on the other side. “Oh, it’s you. Your last name isn’t Son, explain yourself!”
“I’m babysitting, you doofus! I’m only calling you because of that stupid project.”
“What about it?” Vegeta, amazingly but unsurprisingly, is equally as abrasive over the phone as he is at school.
“We have to work together, you know. It’ll be obvious if one of us does everything.”
Vegeta snorts and Bulma takes the receiver into her hand so she can squeeze something as tight as she wants to wring Vegeta’s neck.
“Listen!” Bulma shouts, then flinches—right, Goku. She lowers her voice into a harsh whisper, “Listen, I’ll do the research, you do the writing, we never speak again. Deal?”
“Why do I have to do the writing?”
“Because your handwriting is really nice, okay?” Bulma admits.
“Hmph. Fine.”
Bulma takes the lack of pushback as a win. “We need to talk about the topic before Monday, though, so it’s you, me, and the rubric at my place tomorrow around three, got it?”
“Who said you could decide?!” Vegeta barks back.
“I did! So show up! Daddy will let you into the house if you ask nicely.”
Bulma hangs up, groans into her hands, and sets her eyes on the freezer where her special ice cream—a bonus on top of her hourly pay—from Gohan awaits her. 
“Stupid Vegeta
The phone rings. Bulma glares at it but answers. “Hello, Son residen—”
“How dare you hang up on me! I am—”
Bulma hangs up. It’s official, she’s installing a phone with caller ID next time she’s babysitting.
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duhragonball · 2 years ago
Dragon Ball Super 052
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For fuck’s sake, Trunks...
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There’s too many characters in this thing.  Bulma is refurbishing the time machine for the assault on Goku Black, but she’s also got the Pilaf gang doing gofer work in the lab.  Also, her dad is helping, and Kid Trunks is around too.  Well, maybe the problem isn’t that there’s too many characters.  It’s that this montage of working on the time machine could have just been edited down to a few seconds, or cut altogether.
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Seriously, the way they keep cramming Pilaf scenes into this arc, you’d think Emperor Pilaf’s agent negotiated some sort of amazing contract with Toei.  He doesn’t have any technical skills, and seems to leave all the manual labor to Mai and Shu, but he still hangs around anyway, making insipid comments about everything.  He’s kind of like the Zamasu Saga’s answer to Giru from GT. 
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And I guess that makes Kid Trunks like GT Pan, because he has zero impact on the plot, and he keeps hanging around anyway in a desperate bid to be taken seriously.  He goes with Mai to fetch some doohickey in “Lab 2″, which is an empty storage room with a pile of stuff in one corner, and he just pulls out random objects hoping she’ll be impressed with how he found what they needed.  Then he finds a hacksaw and some cable and ties it around his chest like Future Trunks’ sword.  That just looks dangerous. 
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Meanwhile, Future Trunks doesn’t have much to do while he’s waiting for Bulma to finish his ride.  She tells him it’s going well, but it’ll take a full day to manufacture enough fuel for the trip.  Trunks is amazed because it took Future Bulma a year to make the same fuel, but this Bulma has the advantage of working with the full resources of Capsule Corp.  Trunks is just fortunate that this version of Bulma recently discovered how to make this fuel.  It was the stuff she had Monaka help her with in Episode 44.
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So Trunks goes outside, where Piccolo and Krillin have been tasked with repairing the grounds after the fight with Goku Black.  He asks about Gohan and they tell him he’s left the world of fighting behind.  That... doesn’t make sense, because Gohan begged Piccolo to whip him into shape after the whole Golden Frieza thing.  They were training together in the Universe 6 arc, and the only reason they stopped was so Piccolo could participate in the tournament. 
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Anyway, Trunks tells Krillin and Piccolo the story of how the Gohan in his world trained him before he died, which is weird because you would think they’d know all of this.  Well, maybe not Kirllin, but Piccolo should definitely know, because he overheard Trunks telling Goku about it when they first met.  The point is that Trunks regrets not thanking Gohan when he last saw him after the Cell Games, and Krillin suggests that he go visit Gohan at the university where he... works?  Studies?  Interns?  I have no idea what Gohan’s status is in this.  Is he a student or part of the faculty?
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Anyway, Trunks eats soft-serve ice cream with Gohan and he can’t believe it.
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He meets Gohan’s family and can’t believe it.
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Pan mugs him and he can’t believe it.
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And as they sit down for dinner, Trunks realizes that this could have been his life in his own timeline.  He had saved the world from the androids and Cell, and they were rebuilding.  If Goku Black hadn’t shown up, then he could have been having this idyllic life with Bulma and Mai and that cat from episode 47. 
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Note to self, I need to commission some art of a scene like this, but with Xeno Trunks instead of Blunks, and Luffa in Mai’s seat, kind of slouching all badass, maybe eating a lobster in one hand like it’s a burger.
I say this because this is the sort of thing I envision for Future Trunks and Future Bulma in the Time Patrol continuity.  I’ve been writing a fic about that for a while now, and they don’t get featured as much as I’d like, but I enjoy writing scenes where Bulma comes to Toki Toki City to check on the equipment, and she gets to spend time with her son and meet his rowdy ancestor.  Maybe this is why I hate the Zamasu Saga so much.  It’s precisely because Goku Black ruined this sort of happy life for these characters, and a story where that happens is the exact opposite of the sort of thing I wanted to see. 
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So Trunks thanks them for the meal and heads home, feeling refreshed.  Seeing Gohan living the dream has reminded him of what he’s fighting for, and it proves that he can succeed.  The thing Trunks needs to understand is that all this peaceful stuff he finds in this world is thanks to him.  Beerus and Whis can scold him for meddling with history, but fuck ‘em.  In this world, Gohan got to live!  He has a wife and baby daughter!  And two arms!  Even if Trunks rolls snake-eyes for the rest of his life, no one can take away what he’s done for this world. 
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When he gets back to Capsule Corp, he asks where Goku is, and they tell him he went with Beerus and Whis to Universe 10.  Wait what?   Yeah, when Goku Black fought the real Goku, Whis thought Black’s energy seemed familiar, and it reminded him of a guy he knows in Universe 10, so they’re going to check it out.
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And then we get a glimpse at this shithead.  I’m pretty sure this is the first and last time we get to see Zamasu keeping his mouth shut, so enjoy it while you can.
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son-tatso · 9 months ago
BouTEAque Time [Tatso & Tater]
son-tatso Tatso a Saiyan Time Patroller was sent to a certain era to investigate a distortion, though he was stuck, unable to find any leads beyond the where and when it was last detected. He supposed he should wait around to see if it happens again, so found himself exploring this time's West City to pass the time.
“Oh, BouTEAque? Haha that’s good!” he laughed at the punny coffee shop name he walked past it, getting interested enough for him to go in to check it out.
“Hello! I like the name of the shop, is there anything you would recommend?” Tatso asked the nearest staff member. He had a striking resemblance to a teenage Gohan and Goten due to his hair, though he hoped he could pass himself as a normal human civilian with spiky hair, having changed from his Sayan armour to more normal clothes before entering the city so he could blend in. // for Tater
@dragvnsovl answered:
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As soon as she heard a customer entering, Tater gave an automatic greeting in a cheerful tone, tossing a friendly smile in their direction. "Welcome!"
She finished up cleaning a table before turning towards the newcomer when he gave his question, folding the rag in her hand and placing it on the table's surface with a hum of thought. "Recommendations..? Oh, there's quite a few. We have a particularly large selection of teas and coffees with different flavors. Our confections and pastries are also popular, especially the pies and cakes. I'm fond of the carrot cake, myself." Perhaps a bit on the nose considering her long bunny ears that twitched curiously.
She paid no mind to his hair, having seen her fair share of interesting customers. Lifting a hand up, she tapped a finger against her chin in contemplation. "Though, since the weather has been hot lately, perhaps something refreshing like a lemon and mint iced green tea? Our chocolate banana semifreddo has been a hit so maybe you would enjoy that?"
“Yes,” Tatso confirmed, listening to Tater carefully, mentally noting down her recommendations. He wasn’t exactly hungry, just more thirsty if anything. “You’re right, it is actually quite hot today. So I’ll have a large lemon and mint iced green tea please.”
Deciding on the order, he looked around the place while waiting. It seemed friendly and lively enough, and he doubted the food and drinks were bad either, it was likely he would come back again for a pick-me-up at some point later.
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unmeisenshi · 1 year ago
BIOS (Living muses)
NAME: Solaris (VA: Roger Craig Smith - Kyle Crane) TITLE: “The Ray of Light and Hope” AGE: 5084 (appears age 60) HEIGHT: 5'10" SPECIES: Charizard BIRTHDAY: 09/26 GENDER: Non-Binary SEXUALITY: Gay FIGHT STYLE: Multiple styles (Zui Quan (Drunken Boxing), Sumo, Hellfire style) WEAPON: None ABILITY: Tough Claw STATUS: Living
Solaris grew up in Flora, and was bullied constantly for his appearance, for being the son of a famous rescue worker named Flare. After his mother killed herself, the bullying intensified, and pushed Solaris to slit his wrists in an attempt to take his own life. After recovering from the attempt, Zane appeared in the 3rd Gaea, and the two started Team Destiny.
Solaris is the new Creation God, taking over Zappa's (Arceus') position after they received their power. In defeating LaPlante, Solaris recreated the universe, though it took many attempts. The world they made was in their own vision - a world that was peaceful, free of strife and major conflict. When the Charizard isn't working at the Caravan, they are flying about the world to help those that are in need of help.
NAME: Florence (VA: Jeanne Tirado - Android 21 (Lab Coat)) TITLE: “Princess of Dark Shadows” AGE: 2083 (appears age 59) HEIGHT: 3'5" SPECIES: Umbreon BIRTHDAY: 08/28 GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Choy Li Fut WEAPON: None ABILITY: Inner Focus STATUS: Living
Florence joined Team Destiny at a young age, after running away from her abusive father. Generally anxious due to her past, she found safety with Zane and Solaris. Her happiness would fade when she was killed by Abominae, her trained shadow beast. After she was revived, her normally sassy attitude had all but disappeared.
Florence has gained a renewed sense of purpose since returning home. With her father now completely eradicated, along with the third Gaea, the Umbreon has had a huge weight lifted off of her shoulders. She doesn't need to keep looking behind her back. She is less anxious. The slate has been wiped clean for her, and she can relax and enjoy life. In addition to helping Team Singularity with keeping the world safe, Florence continues to teach at a prestigious university, and is even on her way to receiving a doctorate degree in Mythology.
NAME: Beck (VA: Kyle Hebert - Adult Gohan) TITLE: "The All-Round Ice Gator" AGE: 2085 (appears age 61) HEIGHT: 5'6'' SPECIES: Feraligatr (Shiny), Human (Former) BIRTHDAY: 07/08 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Asexual Homo-Romantic FIGHT STYLE: Bajiquan WEAPON: Ice weapons ABILITY: Sheer Force STATUS: Living
A former human of the 1st Gaea, and currently married to Misha. He arrived in the 3rd Gaea after Zappa saved his soul from near death. He is Zane's best friend, and always kept Zane grounded when they needed it. Beck was gravely injured, which took him out of rescue work for several years.
Beck was not around during the LaPlante crisis, and still remembers the moment the world came to an end, and seeing the beauty of the world destroyed. When he was revived by Solaris, the Feraligatr decided to make the most of his second chance at life. After marrying Misha, Beck decided to return to school, and has earned a degree in architecture, a topic that he was very interested in back when he was human. Beck works part time at Misha's coffee shop, the Aurora Veil Cafe, and full time as an architect for a construction company, as well as helping when he can for Team Singularity.
NAME: Morello (VA: Troy Baker - Kanji Tatsumi) TITLE: “Predecessor of Powerful Lightning” AGE: 2089 (appears age 65) HEIGHT: 6'2" SPECIES: Lycanroc (Dusk) BIRTHDAY: 05/30 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Gay FIGHT STYLE: Capoeira WEAPON: None (uses Zane’s Thunderseal to control lightning) ABILITY: Tough Claws STATUS: Living
Morello originates from the Grass Continent, having survived a tragic accident that ended in him having to chew through his leg to escape. He traveled to Flora afterwards, where he traveled with Knopps, another Lycanroc that bullied Morello due to his sexual preference. After escaping the nomadic pack he traveled with, he ended up at Team Destiny's doorstep, where he joined the team.
Morello lives a simple life in the 4th Gaea. In addition to helping Team Singularity, he runs a trinket and plushie shop, Dusk Trinkets and Wares. In the time between the creation of Solaris' ideal world and present day, Morello honed his crafting, and can sell items he himself forged, from toys to basic utensils and plates. He has gained popularity with many hospitals and children, as he regularly donates toys to sick children and kids in need. When around others, he is silly and goofy, and he will not be afraid to show that side of himself.
NAME: Misha (VA: Justin Cook - Eijiro Kiroshima) TITLE: "Bitter Cold Aurora Ray" AGE: 2086 (appears age 62) HEIGHT: 6' SPECIES: Ninetales (Alolan) BIRTHDAY: 10/31 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Gay FIGHT STYLE: Hung Gar WEAPON: None ABILITY: Snow Cloak STATUS: Living
Misha grew up in Flora, and was always the center of attention for being inversely colored to how Alolan Vulpix usually are. The attention would always overwhelm him, with many attempting to use him. After a nasty breakup, Misha was left for dead in the woods, at least until Team Destiny rescued him and took him in. He is the owner of a combination coffee shop and library, called the Aurora Veil Cafe.
Much like Beck, Misha is making the most of his second chance at life. He rebuilt the Aurora Veil Cafe with Beck's help, and has graduated from school. He is following in Isaak's footsteps, and teaches magic and gives regular talks and seminars about history. His main focus will always be on his coffee shop, which he runs daily. He has added new treats, like muffins and donuts, as well as new flavors and styles of coffee. He is usually quiet, and keeps to himself, but if he sees a Pokemon in need of warmth, he will provide it.
NAME: Remi (VA: Erika Harlacher - Ann Takamaki) TITLE: “Benevolent Blood Sucking Vampire” AGE: 2082 (appears age 58) HEIGHT: 4’ SPECIES: Floatzel BIRTHDAY: 04/25 GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Lesbian FIGHT STYLE: Tai Chi WEAPON: None ABILITY: Swift Swim STATUS: Living
Remi grew up in the care of Team Destiny, after her egg was left on their doorstep by her parents. She lived very happily with the team, and is always friendly to anyone she meets. She has three pairs of scars on each side of her ribs, due to an attack she received from Knopps, Morello's old pack leader.
Remi has taken her interest in medicine very seriously, especially after Avett's unfortunate death. She has had plenty of time on her hands to harness her craft, and is currently the lead developer of the world's medicines. She gained worldwide fame after a serious disease began spreading, and she was the first to produce a vaccine. In addition to her time creating medicines and helping sick Pokemon, Remi also helps Team Singularity, both in keeping the world safe and in providing some on-the-spot healing during missions. Although she is very smart, considered one of the smartest in the new Gaea, she is very gullible and naive, and often falls for simple tricks that others would never fall for.
NAME: Noel (VA: Elizabeth Maxwell - Sae Niijima) TITLE: “All-Seeing Aura Samurai” AGE: 2079 (appears age 55) HEIGHT: 5’ SPECIES: Hybrid (Lucario/Zoroark) BIRTHDAY: 05/04 GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Iaijutsu WEAPON: Chuten (Aura-strengthening katana) ABILITY: Steadfast STATUS: Living
Born to Aura and Vance, Noel shares the two Lucario's strengths and weaknesses. She has the mental fortitude and bushido upbringing of Vance, but she is blind, and can only see via her aura sight. She wears a bandana across her eyes, to hide the large scar she received from Deoxys when the Clairvoyant Disease spread to the old Pokemon Gods.
Noel's sole purpose in the new Gaea is to help Team Singularity. Now being fused with Aurelio, her Zoroark genes gave her not just the large mane the species is known for, but also their stealth. She effortlessly cuts through any enemies. Thanks to the branch from the old Tree of Life still wrapped around her katana, she can call on her father Vance as a shadow double, and can effectively see colors and all surroundings with her aura sight despite being blind. She is very serious around those she does not know, but under the hard exterior is a gentle soul that only seeks to protect, and to cut free those that are restrained by life's struggles.
NAME: Adiemus/Audie (VA: Xander Mobus - Ren Amamiya/P5 Protagonist) TITLE: “The Empath that Feels your Dream” AGE: 2078 (appears age 54) HEIGHT: 6'1" SPECIES: Espeon BIRTHDAY: 05/30 GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Gay FIGHT STYLE: Wing Chun WEAPON: None ABILITY: Magic Bounce STATUS: Living
Born to Joseph and Florence, Audie is a gentle but broken soul who only wants to keep his family safe, having had to kill his mother after she was possessed by Abominae. He is very emotionally charged, and can be seen as short tempered and fragile because of it.
Audie has taken after his uncle Bellum, and is currently honing his blacksmithing skills. Audie creates weapons and armor, both practical and prop, as well as glass items like vases and art. He is married to Kiske, and the two continue to raise their daughter Kita. Being the child of Joseph, Audie has incredible physical and magical strength. He is able to use Psychic and Lightning magics, and is known to be able to lift several tons at once.
NAME: Phoebe (VA: Kate Higgins - Sakura Haruno) TITLE: “Wild Steadfast Storm” AGE: 2075 (appears 51 due to Gear Cells) SPECIES: Lycanroc (Midday Forme) HEIGHT: 5'11" GENDER: Female BIRTHDAY: 05/12 SEXUALITY: Lesbian FIGHT STYLE: Silat WEAPON: Bo Staff ABILITY: Lightning Rod STATUS: Living
The daughter of Zane and Morello, shown by her having a Marowak’s skull mask attached to her head.  Due to her half Gear nature, she aged rapidly, and was fully grown at age 3.  Zane’s lightning abilities passed down to her, and she has honed them into her own unique style that isn’t a copy of her late father’s.  She is a very powerful lightning user, with Zane on record stating that hers was even more powerful than their own. She has Zane's serious nature, as well as Morello's goofy nature.
Phoebe spends most of her time assisting Team Singularity, but helps to run a restaurant along with Cadenza, called the Crescendo, which serves a combination of Florian delicacies as well as dishes from Cadenza's home. The restaurant has proven popular, with several locations around the world.
NAME: Cadenza (VA: Anna Graves - Naoto Shirogane) TITLE: “The Goddess of Thunder” AGE: 2083 (appears age 59) SPECIES: Zeraora HEIGHT: 6’ GENDER: Female BIRTHDAY: 01/31 SEXUALITY: Bi FIGHT STYLE: Jeet Kun Do WEAPON: None ABILITY: Volt Absorb STATUS: Living
Coming from a futuristic dimension, Cadenza was unwillingly thrown into Flora by a high-ranking official from her world. After being saved by Xan and Urie from the Tree of Souls, she learned that her parents died at the hands of the same person that caused her situation.  Zane would father her, being her guardian for 16 years before the Marowak’s death.
Now married to Phoebe, the two run the Crescendo, their restaurant business. Cadenza also helps out Team Singularity, although not as regularly as Phoebe, as she wants to focus more on the restaurant. Cadenza has used the extra time to learn how to cook, taking inspiration from Urie, and can cook nearly anything. She refuses to touch seafood, due to not particularly liking it, and because she is afraid of not preparing seafood correctly.
NAME: Kiske (VA:Lucien Dodge - Sin Kiske) TITLE: “The Hair-Raising Hellraiser” AGE: 2080 (appears age 56) SPECIES: Hybrid (Cinderace/Greninja) HEIGHT: 5’ GENDER: Non-Binary SEXUALITY: Gay BIRTHDAY: 01/24 FIGHT STYLE: Tae Kwon Do WEAPON: None ABILITY: Libero STATUS: Living
The older of two children born from a Greninja and Cinderace.  Their parents died in Lotus Tower when they were young, and them and their brother were taken in by Ben, who trained them. He is very steadfast, and always sees a job through to the end. He is able to create kunai made of both water and fire thanks to his heritage.
Having merged with his brother Nobuo, Kiske is more distant and less extroverted than he once was. He assists Team Singularity, but chooses more often to spend time with Kita, their daughter.
NAME: Ann (VA: Erin Fitzgerald - Chie Satonaka) TITLE: "Kind-Hearted Dream Chaser" AGE: 2059 (appears age 35) SPECIES: Hybrid (Charizard/Typhlosion (Hisuian) HEIGHT: 5'7" GENDER: Female SEXUALITY: Bi BIRTHDAY: 02/04 FIGHT STYLE: Hellfire WEAPON: None ABILITY: Flash Fire STATUS: Living
Ann is born to Karie and Solaris, and has inherited genes from both of her fathers. She is a Charizard with blue flames, and dark blue fur along her back. She also inherited the flame vents along her neck from Karie.
Ann is kind and gentle, much like Solaris and Karie, and wants to follow her dreams and keep people safe from harm. She has also inherited the strength from her fathers, and uses it to help Team Singularity keep Flora and all of Infinity safe from harm.
NAME: Louis (VA: David Vincent - Jin Kisaragi) TITLE: " AGE: 2059 (appears age 35) SPECIES: Marowak HEIGHT: 5'9" GENDER: Male SEXUALITY: Gay BIRTHDAY: 12/13 FIGHT STYLE: Iaijutsu WEAPON: Yukianesa ABILITY: Lightning Rod STATUS: Living
Louis is the reincarnation of Zane, as he has a piece of Zane within his soul. He has a mastery over ice and lightning, having learned some of Zane's techniques over the years. He has white fur all over, and looks similar to an Alolan Vulpix. Louis has many of the same mannerisms and sense of justice that Zane had, and he carries it with pride. He can be boneheaded like Zane, but he doesn't stop until his job is complete.
NAME: Kitajoh/Kita AGE: 4 SPECIES: Hybrid (Eevee/Scorbunny) GENDER: Female BIRTHDAY: 12/10 ABILITY: Libero
Kita is the daughter of Kiske and Audie. While Solaris had the chance to age Kita up, they would rather she stay young so her parents can see her grow up. She is an Eevee through and through, but with white fur and red striping similar to a Scorbunny. She already is beginning to learn how to control her fire, though it may take her a while due to her rather short attention span. If you were to meet Kita, be prepared for a raucous and energetic child that will talk your ear off if given the opportunity.
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cc-gohan · 2 months ago
Blog Bingo 2025 [Son Gohan]
// muse specific one expanded from here
// ships and bonds
Gohan x Videl
Gohan x OC
Gohan & Piccolo or Goku
Gohan & Goten or Trunks
Gohan & OC // blog related IC events
Cell Games
Gohan’s Birthday
Gohan Day
Goku/Piccolo Day
TBA // What Ifs & AUs
Gohan continues his training
No Saiyaman (just Golden Fighter)
TBA // Drabbles (to finish)
Cell Games
vs. Dabura
vs. Super Buu (Gotenks Absorbed)
vs. Beerus
vs. (Perfect) Cell Max // RP blog related
continue/finish last year’s threads
update tags and info
update (public) thread tracking
expand on AUs (and their tags)
new Gohan blog promo
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sonchiildren · 4 months ago
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*Internal screaming and panic*
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risingsouls · 2 years ago
Goku gives his boy a slap on the back while his other hand presents a cake. It seems hand-made, a solid attempt and even having ‘happy birthday, Gohan’ written in icing on the top. “Here, son! Happy birthday.”
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Gohan's Brithday! || Open!
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The clap on his back surprised him from his research on rare beetle species, but pulling his nose from his book to find the source was less surprising. It wasn't the first time his father popped in and caught him off guard like that.
" Hm? Dad? " A whiff of sweetness wafted into his nostrils, and his eyes followed it down to the source. A cake, one obviously made my his dad. Nothing fancy and a little crude, but Gohan found his father's efforts more than endearing.
" Heh, I kind of forgot today was my birthday, " he admitted with a small laugh as he took the cake. " You didn't have to go through all this trouble, but I do appreciate it. Thanks, dad. "
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fusionmix · 9 days ago
video game ice hockey is kind of like Dragon Ball Z actually. I am Son Gohan in the Saiyan arc. I get sent to the penalty box (space capsule), fly out to make one incredible body check I cannot replicate on purpose (my latent power emerging), and the rest of the time I slam into walls (DOOOOODGE) and fail to connect on critical chances in the offensive zone (whatever shit was going on in the middle of the Nappa fight). I scored a goal with my ass by complete accident (squashing Vegeta). We lost 6-2.
the main difference is that Son Gohan wasn't a 6'3" 207lb two-way defenseman playing for the Kamloops Blazers.
what if. I play a sports game. on the ps3 emulator I got exclusively for Demon's Souls. It's so convenient that the last Good EA hockey game is on PS3 and is also the one where most of my favourite guys are in their prime and I can make an overpowered expansion team out of them :)
Ah hold up, it's got that neat mode where you can make a guy and play as him. NHL Legacy is Dragon Ball Xenoverse for sports. Alec Martinez is going to teach me the makankosappo
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lemusegallery · 3 years ago
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"As long as Dad and Piccolo are good and they share the day without troubles it's all good for me. The better part is that afterwards come both my Day and B-day as well."
Cue an innocent grin from Gohan.
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multiverse-in-archive · 4 years ago
10. one muse who is usually antagonistic finds the other muse crying and ends up trying to comfort them
He's trying! He's been trying so hard, but Kami, he'd reached his limits!
Gohan gripped his dark locks in tight fists as his eyes welled up in burning tears.
Just one thing after another! First this jerk shows up and tries to steal his dad, kidnapping him and holding him for randsom and ending with his dad dying. Then a couple of brutes show up and kill nearly all of their firends, then when they leave Earth to try to bring them back, they meet monster after coldblooded monster, and Krillin and their new friend Dede die because of the cruelest of those monsters, and dad is gone again for another couple of years. Then when he finally gets back, they find themselves on a time limit until another pair of killers comes for them and wHY CAN'T EVERYTHING JUST BE OKAY!?
He was so caught up in his own thoughts, he didn't realize he wasn't alone until he this new pressense right next to him. He looked up, letting out a startled yelp and fell sideways when he met sight with none other than Vegeta himself. And for a second there his mind painted a picture of a cruel grin that'd left more of an impression than he cared to admit. And it was suddenly hard to breathe.
Then his mind returned to reality, and the smirk was no longer there. Rather it was... he wasn't sure what it was, the prince's expression was unreadable.
"Wha... Wh-Whadarya..."
He couldn't finish the question he was trying to ask, still having trouble catching his breath. Realizing tears were flowing freely, he hurriedly wiped at them.
He... He was supposed to be solo training out here, not....
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miss-ari · 4 years ago
i love all iterations of spiderman stop pitting my angel sons against each other Q_Q
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