#why is it the USA one that tricks me?
alanaartdream · 1 year
From my experiences with getting dolls from Amazon I can safely say that if you don’t wanna end up with a bootleg doll or squishmallows don’t buy from USA Amazon unless you know how to tell what’s fake or not you’re gonna get scammed with a bootleg you can’t do anything with bar maybe giving it to charity/ goodwill because you don’t want to be the a$$ who puts more trash into landfills when we should try to recycle and hopefully NOT buy bootlegs
Not that every thing on Amazon is scam but dam didn’t think USA Amazon would fool me this badly
But on a lighter note
At least I know icy fortune day match box dolls
Yun Lai food shop bjd dolls / beemai dolls
And Penny’s box bjd dolls are all legit dolls
(Probably not kinda dolls Den of angels likes but they’re still good dolls just don’t bring them to den of angels)
But stick to legitimate doll websites like Jane’s dolls or check out Kika goods for the Penny’s box and Yun Lai food shop bjd dolls
They’re honest get you some great little dolls and not give you a knock off (I am not a fan of knock offs )
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oorevitcejda · 1 month
in the past i would have gotten married for benefits and fun but now i have such a tediously balanced life that the only way im getting married is if my bff announces hes trans or the usa gets ubi
#or you know. someone goes through the 7 deadly exs that is my fucking existence to trick me into falling in love with you-#-over the course of the next 5+ years as we get to know each other and slowly fall in genuine love bc i hit the worst sexuality jackpot#again. its fine to be demisexual/asexual and i Am aromantic. but i do like sex and i cant have that satistyingly without love/connection#bc im demi. but i want romantic love before i have sex. but i want sex. but not without connection. bc that would be unsatisfying#its like when you want a specific food from a place you visited once. theres substitutes but damn is it not the same#honestly yeah thats a great metaphor for me#so im in the midwest/plains. flat middle. its hard to get fresh seafood here without a lot of money/energy#the best ramen ive ever had was in japan. i can look for ramen around here all i want its never going to be blackdoor.#maybe ill find one i like just as much but it will never be blackdoor. why?#in the metaphor its bc its a one-man operation by a local man who sources his ingredients locally and fresh from the sea across the street#wait irl its bc*^^^^^^^#in the metaphor its bc ive has this fresh lovingly crafted and handed down legacy of this person but they dont exist anymore#so i need to find a new ramen with the ingredients/options at home.#idk im awake too early and h*rny but like. keep clicking yaknow#minors dni#ti talks#but if the usa gets ubi then fuck it im getting married once a week as long as my meds are paid idc
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stormblessed95 · 4 days
You know I will say, that if they aren't together or are bffs with no boundaries, they still have a more beautiful love than anyone I have ever seen. The respect they show each other, the care, attention and devotion is truly remarkable for such young men. I think that is why I am so drawn to them, because I have never seen anything like it. And it isn't forced either, for example when JM asks JK if he is happy in Jeju, and when JK says yes, and JM says that is all that matters, he means it. I truly think it makes him happy to see JK happy, but that is not a one-way street - JK loves to make JM smile, and laugh, to ensure he is safe, he cares about him, does things for him like picking up his shoes, carrying his bags and cooking for him. It is so balanced and so natural to them. It’s stunning to see it for such a long period of time in the show, and the consistency of it over three 'seasons', and three places. I know we have seen their bond before over years, it is why most of us are here, because we see something in it, but seeing it for a prolonged period has been even more eye opening to me, it really is on display. It is absolutely the main character of the show. Its both the big and small things - like JK cooking in ep5 and JM staying around him in the kitchen, even napping and JK leaning over the counter to check on him. It is JK giving JM the medicine in the cabin, building the stone tower and praying over it for good health. It is JK driving in Japan because JM is hesitant. It is JM looking so fondly at JK when he is doing his bottle tricks. JK ordering for them in the USA. Both choosing activities, restaurants and snacks they know the other would like. It is JM setting up their snacks after showering in ep6. JM setting the temp in the bedroom in ep7 and instead of changing it, JK goes out to the living area as not to disturb JM. It is JK falling when he was doing well snowboarding, so he didn't crash into JM, JM seeing that he fell and stopping himself. It is with absolutely no hesitation how they both said they were not worried about enlisting together, and that they were so sure that they would not fight, I don’t know many friends who would be sure of this. I am honestly in awe of them, and the balance they have between the fun and the serious, the nurture they give to their relationship, and the care and love they show each other. Long may it last, because finding someone like that, your person, is absolutely worth fighting for.
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allaboutnayeli · 7 months
i'm your biggest fan [j.shaw x morgan!child!reader]
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prompt: after jaedyn's great performance at the game against argentina, you become her biggest fan.
author notes: been trying to get back to writing more and finally got some inspiration. i have been wanting to write a child!reader fic forever, blame @/woso-dreamzzz because im in love with her child!reader fics so bad. this is me trying to make myself feel better after that shit ass usa vs mexico game 🤗 so enjoy! P.S. the reader is like around five in this.
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you're standing on the pitch after the usa vs argentina, happily following around your soccer aunts. this game was one of the best lately. your throat was dry from all the shouting and cheering you have been doing. especially when your mother scored a banger in the nineteenth minute. of course you weren't only cheering only for your mommy, getting loud for all your soccer aunts too. like blondie lindsey and tiny rose. that doesn't mean you haven't been focusing your attention on the new girls though; they are officially your soccer cousins now since they are all too young to be aunties in your opinion.
one new girl in particular has caught your attention. the way she has been performing so strongly throughout the whole match has you obsessed with her. not that you understand soccer tactics or anything, but even a five year old knows good play when they see it. you screamed her name the loudest (right after your mommy's of course); jaedyn. not only was jaedyn the cool new girl who your mommy says is going to the next big thing for the team, but she also wears the number above your mommy's new one. you honestly hated the new number because your mommy is number thirteen, not seven but you can't seem to understand whatever rule your mom told you about because it's too much for your brain so you don't think about it. the only good thing that came out of the change is the fact your mommy's cubby is next to jaedyn's.
the moment you spot the girl in the question as you follow around lynn, who just stopped to talk to crystal about the game, you slip off to where jaedyn is which wasn't a hard task. just having to go through a few legs with some quick "hi!"s in-between.
finally you make it to where jaedyn is sipping on her water bottle. she looks so cool even when just standing around. it seems jaedyn doesn't spot you, so you just do the ol' tug them by the shorts trick and her eyes look down at you.
"oh? hey mini morgan," her smile is like the sun to you. her tone sounds so chill and cool that you try to copy her. "hi big shaw!" you say. your words coming out way less cool than hers but it was worth the effort. the american player lets out a short laugh, ruffling your hair that's in pigtails. making it a bit messy, but you don't really mind. it's jaedyn doing it so why would you?
"big shaw? i'm the only shaw around here, so shouldn't it be shaw the first?" you nod at her words already. "okay, shaw the first, can you teach me how to shoot a banger?" you ask. looking up at her with high exceptions already. the way you say your words make her laugh loudly which confuses you. why is cool girl jaedyn laughing? is it because she thinks you can't score a banger too? or maybe she's like a magician and can't reveal her secrets.
you lean more towards the magician theory, saying, "i promise i won't tell anyone about it! so you can keep your shooting superpower hidden." jaedyn just shakes her head before crouching down to your height. "you don't have to keep it a secret. i think everyone already knows," she whispers, "but yeah i'll teach you. just make sure to ask your mommy." you let a excited gasp as you whip your head around. looking for your mom across the pitch. your expert alex morgan finding eyes locate her easily. turning your head back to look at jaedyn with a smile. you hold out your pinky finger, "pinky promise?"
"pinky promise," jaedyn accepts your declaration of confirmation as she locks her pinky finger with yours. "thanks shaw the first!" you shout at her after pulling away. already running quickly to go ask your mommy to let jaedyn to teach you how to score bangers. hopefully she doesn't question why didn't you just ask her since you wouldn't want to break it your mommy that jaedyn is just cooler. your mommy is still one of the coolest though.
you almost bump into the legs of naomi on your way to your mommy, but dodge quickly with your great dodging skills. naomi even said you might be a defender in the making once. the loud voice of yours can be heard to everyone around you as you finally reach your mommy.
"can big shaw teach me how to score bangers, please!" you shout out happily. your mommy just chuckles before patting the top of your head, "of course, baby."
and that was possibly the path to you being a future forward. all thanks to big shaw.
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answersfromzestual · 10 months
Improved Blog Directory - Find what you need
Educational Article on the Phalloplasty Surgical Procedure -self written
Beginning testosterone, testosterone hormone therapy - Article on HRT
How to choose clothing/shoe sizes during transition - clothing on smaller feet and frames
Formal Wear - how to dress formally during transition.
Need to speak to someone? Do you need help with your legal name change? Please click here. Translifeline.org
USA Safe States for Trans-People (Constantly Updated by the website Owner)
What to Update After Legal Name Change
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Testosterone - storage, travel, and injection advice
Facial Hair Information- Tips and Tricks on How to Shave (HRT)
Frequently Asked Questions about Phalloplasty - My [personal] Experiences
How can one ejaculate after phalloplasty procedure? -ask answered.
Common Phalloplasty Misconceptions- Article
Male Mannerisms- help to know male gestures, wording, and attitude- (ask)
Testosterone Experiences That Caught Me Off Guard - (Ask)
Safe Binding and Packing - Articles Purchase Sites Also
Staying Stealth During Surgeries, Explaing Scarring - advice (ask)
Top Surgery (both ftm & mtf), procedures, and approximate costs.
Can I have top surgery and be overweight?
Keyhole Top Surgery Procdure- Outline and what qualifies you as a potential candidate
Finding a Top Surgeron in North America
So You Just Had Surgery (Top)- Advice on the best way to heal after surgery/ minimize scarring.
Is more time on the operating table really better? Operating time and infection information.
Metoidioplasty FAQ
My arm and upper thigh after about a decade after phalloplasty.
My Personal Surgeon and Their Clinic
Interview with Dr. Chen about Bottom Surgery
Penile/ Phalloplasty Erectile Devices
Expectations- Personal Advice on Setting Expectations
Urethra lengthening Procedure Information- Self written article.
Importance of Uriologist
Phalloplasty Website - Includes Parents Guide
Urethra Lengthening Procedure
General Surgical Risks
Plus Sized Surgery Risks
List of Phalloplasty Surgerons in the USA
Vaginal-Perservering Phalloplasty Procedure
Graft SiteCare for Forearm -Free Flap Phalloplasty
What Happens if Erectile Device Breaks?
Image of My Phalloplasty (wearing underwear) Educational Purposes Only
Phalloplasty Procedure Outline by GRS Montreal - (Link to Webpage)
First Ever Phalloplasty Procedure - Surgeon
Michael Dillon- Trans Pioneer (First phalloplasty patient)
How to Find Proper Sources of Information in a World of False Information/ Online Safety
Why certain terms can be hurtful. Please respect my/others views.
Tattooing over your forearm skin graft -ask
Testosterone and Hair Loss Information
If there are any other posts/ other topics I should add to this directory, please send me an ask. I will never post your username without your expressed consent in the ask.
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daffodil221 · 1 month
So, a list of stuff I’ve found on Stanford Pines’ computer.
- ‘Bill Cipher’ gives you the Sesame Street Jazzy Triangle video
- ‘Stan Pines’ gives you brass knuckles on Ebay
- ‘Weird’ gives you a video of Weird Al stuck in the computer, yelling at Bill
- ‘Dipper’ gives a note to Dipper ordering him to look into the sun in order to read solar ink in the book
- ‘Mason’ shows a slip of paper with Dipper talking about anagrams
- ‘Mabel’ activates stickers and glow-in-the-dark stars around the desk until a message pops up that says ‘lab now fully mabelized’
- ‘Fiddleford’ gives the link to the Cotton Eye Joe music video
- ‘Soos’ gives a few pages of Soos writing about the Book of Bill
- ‘Gravity Falls’ will give you the message: ‘never heard of it’
- ‘TJ Eckleburg’ will give the message: ‘never mention that name again’
- ‘Triangle’ gives one thing: ‘)’
- ‘Weirdmageddon’ gives a Gravity Falls Gossiper article about the event
- ‘Book of Bill’ gives the message: ‘hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance’
- ‘Sixer’ shows an X-Ray of Stanford’s hand, along with a medical report
- ‘Tad Strange’ shows a video of bread being cut to jazzy music
- ‘Journal 3’ gives a message that says: ‘the journal for me’
- ‘Giffany’ gives a message saying: ‘input deleted. AI antiviral activated’
- ‘Gideon’ gives a link to sweat-resistant bolo ties
- ‘Waddles’ sends you to pigplacementnetwork.com
- ‘Pacifica’ shows a note from Pacifica saying she won’t make a deal with Bill
- ‘Dippy Fresh’ shows an r/nostalgia image of Burger King’s Kid’s Club
- ‘Wendy’ gives a note from Wendy to the book, a sly little trick
- ‘Divorce’ will give a logo to a restaurant? called O’Sadley’s
- ‘Mystery’ gives a ?
- ‘Riddle’ responds with: ‘would you like to play a game?’
- ‘One Eyed King’ shows a video of a black-and-white swirl as Bill tries to mind control his audience, mocking their free will
- ‘Hey Nerd’ gives you an image of an advertisement screen displaying a Galaxy, a Magazine, a Hand, a Sponge, and Cologne, some of which are Bill-themed
- ‘Lies’ shows an image of a ‘Game of Life’ parody board game, followed by a brief spiel about the history of nerds that is wrapped up by the message: ‘Lie until you aren’t lying anymore’
- ‘Dorito’ has a dorito fly slowly towards the screen before a Bill jumpscare
- ‘EVEN HIS LIES ARE LIES’ gives an excerpt of a therapy session/interview with Bill, regarding Stanford
- ‘MYSTERY SHACK’ googles the Confusion Hill tourist attraction in Mendocino County, California, USA
- ‘SORRY’ shows an image of Fiddleford and Stanford in college, covered in post-it notes
- ‘CURSED’ shows an anti-triangle pamphlet, warning kids about the shape
- ‘VALLIS CINERIS’ shows a video of a triangle demon with a bow tie and propellor hat being held by two other triangular silhouettes, with a text-to-speech voice asking ‘why did you do it?’
- ‘AXOLOTL’ will respond with: ‘you ask alotl questions’
- ‘PORTAL’ will respond with: ‘portal.exe has been deleted — i bet you could build one’
- ‘ALEX HIRSCH’ googles ‘flannel’ for you
- ‘DISNEY’ will respond with ‘rat.gif censored for your protection’
- ‘THEORY’ gives a video of MatPat, who says ‘Hello internet, this time, you’re on your own. Good luck.’
- ‘SEASON 3’ gives Season 2, ‘SEASON 2’ gives Season 1, and ‘SEASON 1’ gives Season -1: Antigravity Falls
- ‘TITANS BLOOD’ responds with: ‘hoot hoot. password please’
- ‘GOD’ shows an axolotl swimming in front of a Bill statue
(will update) (i’m putting the big ones at the end i guess)
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aspartame-parent · 4 months
Random X-Men Headcanons!
Me and my friend have compiled a lot of headcanons for the X-Men (mainly formulated from jokes) so I wanted to put some here! A few of these are headcanons, most are jokes lol
Kurt listens to really peppy music when he's upset, the main one being the Beach Boys. Just imagine him, poor little German boy, singing Surfin' USA tiredly, trying to turn his mood around.
Erik listens to girly pop music, mainly Katy Perry and Ke$ha. Why? Because it's funny. Let him be girly pop.
Scott tells a lot of jokes but he's deadpan so people can never really tell. Like sometimes he'll just say some insane shit, plain faced, and see how the others react.
Dancing headcanons! Remy is a very good dancer, being particularly prolific in swing dancing. Logan somewhat refuses to dance, but he can line dance. Morph doesn't know how to dance, but they act like they can, dancing like a drunk white girl. Scott and Jean like to dance in private, but Scott gets nervous to dance in front of others. Ororo can bust that shit down.
Scott tries not to laugh when he, or someone else, is doing a bit. Like he tries not to break as he jokes along, to the point where he has to stop talking to not smile, biting inside of his mouth.
Furthermore! He also has a loud laugh, and people get a little caught off guard when they hear it. Me and my friend have described his laugh as a goose honk sound.
Kurt gaslights for fun, and he can get everybody pretty good, except Scott and Jean. You may think "oh because Jean's a telepath, right?" No, because--
Scott and Jean gaslight each other for fun, and they formulate these fake, big arguments, just as a bit. So, they're very familiar with gaslighting tactics, being they lie to each other as a joke, so when Kurt tries to, they immediately meet him-- A little too well, because Kurt is used to just messing with people.
Scott will occasionally freak people out by lowering his glasses (keeping his eyes closed of course). Like someone says "Hey, take a look at that." and he'll lower his glasses and go "Where?!" as a joke.
Everyone loves Kurt. Like, everyone. If Kurt doesn't like someone, everyone has a distaste for them as well.
Jean refers to her own psychic abilities as her "Jedi Mind Tricks"
This one isn't really a headcanon, just a running gag me and my friend do, but something bad will happen, or something inconvenient, and Remy will go "Don't worry.", insistently. Like a loud explosion can go off, and Remy will just say "Don't Worry." Occasionally this will be lengthened to "Don't what? Worry!"
We don't call Leech by his name. We call him Gneep Gnorp. That's it.
Kurt and Remy are super close (as pseudo brother in laws) and they hang out a lot, also doing that guy thing where they flirt with each other as a joke.
No one likes Emma. That's it.
Scott is autistic.
Warren is well manicured. He always has his hair just as he likes it, his wings always preened, his clothes always ironed. He'll a snazzy lookin' fella.
Rogue is a great singer. This barely a headcanon, her voice actress literally put out a song "Mojo Man (Ode to Remy LeBeau)", go listen to it.
Kurt's very coy and playful. Like, "Staaahhppp, hehe!" He also laughs at his own jokes all the time, like he cracks himself up.
Music headcanons! Here's just a few of the ones we made-- Scott likes dad rock obviously, mainly soft rock and folk rock (The Beatles, Hall & Oates, The Beach Boys, CSNY), Logan likes harder rock (Metallica, Alice Cooper, Motley Crue, Iron Maiden), Morph likes new wave and glam rock (Oingo Boingo, David Bowie, Talking Heads, Tears For Fears), Remy likes a fun mix of jazz, country, and soul, with a little rock sprinkled in (Johnny Cash, Ray Charles, Billie Holiday, Queen), Jubilee likes a lot of pop, pop-rock, that sorta thing (Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, ABBA, Wham!)
Kurt has a lil hyperfixation on pirates and ships-- this is kinda canon in the comics. But he loves talking about pirate history and ships and misconceptions.
I'm sure there's a bunch of ones I can't remember but there ya go lol
thanks to @the-death-defying-night-crawler for being funny and making these with me lol
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esmedelacroix · 8 months
10 days til' Christmas
figureskater!reader and hockeyplayer!gojo satoru's complicated relationship ⋆꙳•̩̩͙❅̩̩͙‧͙ ‧͙̩̩͙❆ ͙͛ ˚₊⋆
cw: miscommunication trope(Im sorry i know its annoying but like just read)
Blue robin eggs, the sky, ice, oceans, jeans, pools, Uranus, smithsonite, opal, moonstones, and waterfalls. A list of all the things that are blue that could never do me any harm. But his eyes, they captivate they attract then they destroy and demolish.
On multiple occasions, I have been called the best figure skater of my time. I have broken records in multiple countries for the most turns, the first triple axel landed, first this and that. It felt good. Hell, it felt great.
But the truth is, I am a nervous wreck. Spinning is my specialty I do it so well and no one knows how. They say it seems like I never get dizzy.
But there is one thing I need that is always there to help me do what I do. Any dancer knows that the key to a good round of spins is a spot. Something you can focus on and keep looking at repeatedly so that you don't get dizzy.
When I spin I look for blue. Calming and beautiful but harsh and unpredictable. I look for him. Those eyes scream at me for attention. I turn so well because when I look away, my body forces me to look right back. But I could never tell him that. He hates me.
. . .
I'm the best hockey player because I practice more than the average player. I am the best because I worked too hard not to be. It is not an opinion it is fact. Most coaches will tell you that teamwork is key and I agree 100%. But, they lie when they say one singular person can't beat a full team of players because I can. That's—how good I am.
I stopped playing hockey because I loved it, years ago. I probably fell out of love with the sport when I was like 13. Now I play hockey because I love someone.
She's always there. Before I hit the ice she's out there destroying it while looking the most beautiful. We hockey players always complain about the figure skaters ruining our ice before we practice but truthfully I don't mind that she's the one ruining it. I wouldn't even mind if she ruined me.
She's already done a lot of damage to me, why not just finish me off and kill all my hopes of ever being in love again. I don't have to be in the rink two hours before practice and go over 'game strategies' when I'm really watching her skate. But I do it anyway because she has a way of pulling me in and then pushing me out. I love it.
I love her. I love seeing her. I love every second I'm in the same rink as her. I love how my mind plays games with me and tricks me into thinking that when she spins she looking straight into my eyes. Because I would rather think that than think about how much she hates me.
. . .
"Darling, you won't know if you don't try," your mom urged.
You let out a long sigh and just got into the car. Your mom was a figure skater on her way to stardom before she tore her ACL and could never compete again.
Anyone who didn't know you and your mom's relationship would assume she was trying to live vicariously through you. Truthfully she was against you doing figure skating, after you decided you wanted to follow in her footsteps and figure skate as well.
You had watched a recording of her last competition. She did pair skating and she was in a last-leg competition to compete for Team USA in the Olympics. When she did her throw triple axel it looked beautiful in the air and the landing was swift. But she started making pained faces and soon enough she fell and couldn’t move her leg.
She had attempted to skate through an injury to her ACL and in the 30 seconds she skated after tearing it, she did irreversible damage to her leg. She was used to performing through pain but she said she had never felt such pain in her whole life. That's what made you want to start skating. The fact that your mother was so devoted to her sport that she could skate through one of the most painful injuries. That sparked your interest, you believed skating could make you strong. And it did but it also made you love.
You were hesitant to go to the figure skating lessons that you begged your parents to take you to because you were nervous. You loved to skate but you couldn't shake the feeling of prying eyes on you when you spun.
Since you were six years old you would go to the rink an hour earlier and practice until you got it right. The hockey boys usually had their practices after yours. So they waited to practice while watching you skate.
You had private lessons ever since you started making a multitude of qualifiers when you were in middle school. So, some of the hockey boys would be going over their game plans while you skated alone and some would just watch.
They didn't like you. Or one of them especially didn't like you. Gojo Satoru. Only the hottest guy in junior year. You had made enemies with him when the two of you were a lot younger. It didn't help that your parents were the best of friends and thought the two of you were close.
Every day you prayed the incident was just a dream and you were going to wake up and go to practice and maybe bump into Gojo and meet him again for the first time under better circumstances.
. . .
You were extremely late for your lessons. You had gone from your middle school promotional courses to tutoring then straight to the rink, no rest. You were running on three hours of sleep as a 13-year-old. As you sprinted down the halls nothing was on your mind but how you were about to apologize to your trainers. The boy's hockey team had a game on the main rink so you had to go to a side rink.
Without looking where you were going immediately slide out to ice. You were deaf and blind to the screaming boys and crowd and the lights shone in your eyes as a member of the opposing team was skating at you with the puck in his possession at full speed.
Wrong rink, wrong time, wrong position. You begged the ice to swallow you and consume you. Your legs were stone and your mind was cluttered. All you could hear was Gojo pleading for you to move out of the way so you wouldn't get hurt while racing towards you.
. . .
The drive to the rink was silent as you let thoughts of how you would possibly make it through practice today run wild. He would be there watching you with those eyes of his.
He had been away for a week at a tournament and you weren't taking it very well. His absence was kryptonite to your performance.
When the blades of your shoes hit the frigid ice you felt his eyes on you. In that moment your body burned like a furnace. No matter how cold his eyes were they had a way of setting you on fire.
The smell of dirty hockey equipment invaded your nose then all your senses. You took position and as your music started you allowed it to carry you across the ice. Once it was time for you to turn you hit every. Single. One. Your spot was blue. Your spot was him. It was good he was back.
Once your piece ended you received some applause from your coaches and some of the hockey boys. All the praise was worth nothing because you could have sworn he was watching you. So when you looked at him to see his arms crossed and gaze directed somewhere else, your heart sunk a little. He was completely unbothered by you, and you hated it.
. . .
I was afraid that if I looked at her after her beautiful performance I might’ve cried. She made her new choreography look unreal. I hadn't seen her in what felt like a lifetime. I missed our little glances that I would always hallucinate were longing, knowing glances.
I missed the 40 seconds in passing that we would talk to each other as I got on the ice and she left the ice. I missed the dinners that our parents would force us to have together. Where we would have a civil conversation 'for our parents' sakes'(I truthfully looked forward to those dinners).
I looked forward to the hug I would give her. My arms wrapped around her cold body. My hands would graze her smaller cold ones. She would be fresh out of the shower after an evening session, and her hair would smell like her fruity shampoo and her sweet honey-scented conditioner. When she walked by me quick enough, the smells would waft and invade my nose and numb my senses.
Even when I looked away from her trying not to look in her direction, my mind wouldn't shut up about her.
. . .
I hated how his lack of attention towards me bothered me so much. I hated how no matter how hard I tried, I could never hate him as much as he probably hated me. Today would be different. You wouldn't bother him today. As you skated off the ice you ignored him and skated right off. It took everything in you not to look back at him.
. . .
You stood unable to move as if your skates were frozen into the ice. Then everything went completely dark and all you could hear was the screams of your parents. You felt someone pushing you to the ground then everything went black.
. . .
next part → 8 days til' christmas
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earthstellar · 1 year
A List of Transformers Halloween Episodes Currently Officially Available on YouTube! (With Some Important Notes on Transmutate)
Since the Hasbro official YouTube channels have put up a ton of various Transformers media, including Halloween specials from multiple TF shows, I figured I'd link them here for Spooky Season hype! :)
Some of these episodes are not explicitly Halloween Specials, but are rather episodes known to give off a creepy/horror vibe.
I have not included any episodes from Energon, Armada, etc. because I can't seem to find them on YouTube at the moment.
Each spooky episode has been listed in chronological order of release!
That having been said, enjoy! <3
Transformers Halloween Episodes
Transformers G1 - Dweller in the Depths (Season 3 Episode 18)
Beast Wars - Call of the Wild (Season 1 Episode 19) (this one's not technically on a Hasbro channel but IDK,it's a 4K remaster which I think was made by fans, not 100% sure)
Transformers Animated - Along Came a Spider (Season 1 Episode 9) (this one's not technically on a Hasbro channel either, IDK how it's still up)
Transformers Prime - Thirst (Season 3 Episode 8)
Rescue Bots - Feed the Beast (Season 2 Episode 9)
Rescue Bots Academy - Trick or Treat (Season 1 Episode 26)
Important Note: Beast Wars, Ableism in Horror Media, and Transmutate
Some people find the Transmutate episode to be the scariest episode of Beast Wars. At the time, most fans would have agreed with that.
However, this always felt somewhat uncomfortable to me due to the fact that the perceived horror in that episode comes from a combination of the animation/character design, some less-than-great implications of the plot/resolution to the episode, and the fact that she is suggested to be developmentally disabled as being a source of "horror", so especially as a disabled person myself, I don't want to feed into that.
It feels ableist to me (although at the time in the 90s it was very progressive to include disabled characters in anything at all, I find the way it was done in Beast Wars with Transmutate to be somewhat uncomfortable especially in retrospect), to the degree that I'm not including that episode on this list despite the fact that it is infamous for being "scary".
Generally, there is a common problem of depictions of disability in horror themed media being used as a source of fear or shock value to a presumed-abled audience, which is often ableist in that the disability (or features/traits commonly associated with various disabilities) are treated as a source of repulsion or cause of terror in and of themselves, which needless to say, is in poor taste at best and outright offensive at worst.
This issue is part of why I'm a bit wary of Transmutate being included in any Transformers horror lists, as she is heavily implied to have multiple disabilities, and at the very least, some traits associated with certain disabilities are used to intentionally make her character seem strange and othered in comparison to the main cast, which feels a little... Hmmm.
Additional Context: Disability Rights and The Impact on Media Inclusivity
Now, to be fair, Transmutate is by far not the worst depiction of a disabled character in 90s media. Not by a long shot.
And it is important to remember that it was around the start of the 90s that more shows started to make an effort to include disabled characters at all--
--In the USA, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was only introduced and passed as civil rights law in 1990, and Transformers as a whole has historically attempted to include disabled characters (including Chip Chase in G1, back in the 80s) long before it was normal or expected in any way to have a disabled character as part of any show's main cast (especially on a recurring basis).
So generally, Transformers has been very progressive about including disability and disabled characters in various TF shows and media, but the bar historically was set unfortunately low across the board, and any attempts at disability inclusion in any television media at all are relatively recent when you take into consideration how long TV has been around and how few disabled characters there are in TV media.
Transmutate is a very interesting and unique case, and should be viewed with the contextual knowledge that disabled people only gained basic rights in the USA eight years prior to the premiere of the episode.
Most shows did not have openly disabled staff on their production teams, including writers or artists, but as there was still a fear of being fired for disclosing disabilities well into the 90s (remember, the ADA was brand new), we'll likely never know how many disabled people worked in media production or animation at the time. I don't know if any of the staff working on Beast Wars may have been disabled, or familiar with any of the disability traits they either intentionally or unintentionally gave Transmutate.
And it's worth remembering that abled fans used to be absolutely fucking awful in general whenever a disabled character was included in anything.
One 90s show that did have disabled staff working on the inclusion of a disabled character was Extreme Ghostbusters, which introduced Garrett Miller, a wheelchair user and Ghostbuster. This was met with unholy, vitriolic, highly vocal backlash from abled fans, which was generally a fucking nightmare to witness as a disabled fan. I can only imagine how the disabled staff members felt.
Keep in mind, the Extreme Ghostbusters backlash happened in 1997. Beast Wars came out in 1996, but the Transmutate episode was in production and aired in 1998 -- AFTER the introduction of Garrett and the associated ableist shitstorm.
So I honestly give Beast Wars credit for even daring to include a character like Transmutate who is suggested to have both physical and cognitive disabilities-- Especially because depictions of cognitive disability/developmental disability/etc. in media are still so fucking rare, and including a character like this in your show could get you absolutely shit on by your audience. Because oh my god, abled fans were unbelievably awful about this kind of thing at the time.
Back in the day, abled audiences used to get really, really fucking angry if disabled characters were introduced. All sorts of awful ableist shit. So it's worth knowing that this is part of why a lot of disabled characters in the 90s were only featured in one-off episodes, typically killed off to reassure the ableist fans that they wouldn't have to see that character return again.
If that makes you mad, good, because it sucked. I was a disabled kid in the 90s watching all this shit at the time. It was not great.
I don't know if any fear of the type of backlash that Extreme Ghostbusters got was part of the decision making with the Transmutate character or episode, but it wouldn't surprise me--
--Of course, that assumes that the Beast Wars crew were aware of the implications of certain choices they made with the design and character traits they gave Transmutate, and I don't know, the 90s were a rough time for disability awareness. I'm not sure if they fully realised how that episode or character might come across when viewed through a disability-aware lens.
I don't think the Beast Wars crew were being malicious at all-- In fact, the opposite!
The inclusion of a disabled character at all in any way was still very innovative at the time (it should not have been so rare, but it was), and when I watched the episode when it originally aired, I remembered thinking it was a really good and emotional depiction of a disabled character.
I still think this, personally, because disability awareness did not really exist in the 90s unless you yourself were disabled (or had a friend/family member who was). I didn't expect any show to do it right, and at least Beast Wars did it with compassion and a clear attempt to make Transmutate a likable (if potentially unsettling) character deserving of friendship and compassion (although the compassion may come across as purely pity, which is also not necessarily great).
I have to say, I personally love Transmutate. I could relate to a lot of aspects of their character and experience with struggling to understand or effectively communicate with the others, in particular; I'm Autistic, and I've heard similar praise of the character from some other Autistic fans.
In the 90s, any representation at all was considered good representation, for the most part, and this is partially because we were so fucking hungry for representation in general and there was a real vibe that since the ADA got passed, maybe we could actually get some legit representation. Holy shit! And Beast Wars did a pretty good job, all things considered.
But the potentially ableist implications are there, especially when most people still seem to agree that Transmutate is "scary" to them-- You have to look at WHY people think this character is scary.
For some people, this is because of the character's design purely because it was so starkly different from all the other main cast designs. For some it's the animation which comes across as particularly creepy, which that's a little more understandable as the entire show can sometimes fall into the uncanny valley a bit. And that's all totally fine!
But for other people, it's the character's mannerisms and physical differences which inherently provide the horror for them, and that's what I find potentially ableist in the context of everything I've said above.
I have no idea how modern audiences would perceive Transmutate, but I do find a lot of the comments on the Chris McFeely Transmutate episode of Transformers: The Basics to be very interesting. Most are very positive-- Which is good! :)
I will make a separate post about Transmutate at some point in the future, as I do want to give the episode and character their due spotlight and a more thorough analysis at some point.
But anyway, I just wanted to explain my reasoning here, because I know someone will eventually mention Transmutate as being the famously "terrifying" episode of Beast Wars, and I don't think it's actually a horror themed episode. I think it just freaked people out, for various reasons, but I hope you can see why that might come across as... possibly not good.
So, Why "Call of the Wild"? What Makes It Not Ableist?
I think Call of the Wild provides more of a tension-based fear which is felt by the characters themselves, centred around the actual challenge of the episode and the concept of forced loss of identity (going feral), which is a less ableist horror plot all around.
Despite Transmutate's reputation for being "the scariest Beast Wars episode", I think that Call of the Wild is a more appropriate choice for a horror media list. It contains actual horror tropes, and touches on a real world common fear (loss of identity) as a primary theme of the episode.
While a sense of lost identity or loss of self-control (emotional regulation, etc.) are also part of some real world disabilities, in the context in which these tropes are used in Call of the Wild, it is not ableist because it does not resemble any of these real world conditions. It is depicted in a way that is unique to their situation, and is dependent on having a beast alt-mode-- Things that cannot be replicated in real life.
Whereas with Transmutate, real world people can and do have developmental disabilities or similar conditions. Neurodivergent people are certainly real (I myself am one, lol), and some of Transmutate's character traits which are intended to make her come across as "odd" and potentially "disturbing" closely resemble these real world traits.
Therefore, Transmutate's traits being depicted or described as "creepy" can potentially harm real world people, as there is a resemblance to real neurodivergent and otherwise disabled traits that actual human beings have, and which have been used against people in discriminatory ways both historically and in the modern day.
Using these traits as a way to other Transmutate and set them apart in a seemingly intentionally unsettling way can be hurtful to watch if you yourself have those traits, whereas depicting beastformers going feral is not potentially harmful to real human beings.
TL;DR Conclusion: oh god this post got long
Simply put, Call of the Wild plays on real fears in a purely fictional manner.
Transmutate, on the other hand, can be interpreted as potentially ableist due to the episode's use of real world traits associated with various disabilities as a way to single out the character in a way that can come across as scary and repulsive, which can be hurtful for some people who have some of these traits in real life.
Transmutate was handled better than most media involving disabled characters at the time the episode originally aired, as mentioned previously, but still.
Personally I love Transmutate, possibly because I saw it during it's original airing back when media was, let's say, less than inclusive and TV media was still struggling very much with trying to figure out how to handle disability without fucking it up completely. I identified with Transmutate, and I still love the character to this day.
But especially as a disabled person myself, I can see how it is hit or miss with other disabled fans-- Particularly those of us who lived through a lot of the 90s era ableist ignorance/90s backlash against disabled characters in general--And I don't want to ruin anyone's Halloween by bringing up shitty memories or negative real world experiences. <3
Therefore, to avoid any potential bad vibes, I have chosen Call of the Wild as the spooky season episode of choice for Beast Wars!
This turned into a very long post-- Thank you to anyone who stuck around and actually read any of this!!! <3
If you enjoy Transformers Halloween content, if you might be interested, please feel free to check out my Terror Transformed Halloween Event! :)
It's 2:30 AM now, I'm going to bed!!!
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velvetvexations · 1 month
That person is a waste of your time, they're one of the people pushing the conspiracy theory that tumblr invented the Russian disinformation stuff in order to just ban black people, like I'm still here and so are my fellow black people who aren't Russians pretending to be from the USA, like they're so afraid of taking an L on that they were tricked by apparently Yevgeny Prigozhin's pet project that they apparently would rather think tumblr is so powerful as to infiltrate the world media to give them reasons to ban like.. less than 100 people.
Tumblr bans people all the time and doesn't say why.
Also like she sounds like she's taking nazi phrenology on, like lmao what the fuck is this sort of measurehead bullshit where Russians are apparently an oppressed people of colour?
It is important to make clear (as that previous anon reminded me) that there are ethnic minorities in Russia who aren't "white", but yeah, based on context I'm pretty sure she's just repeating the claims that white Russians specifically are the people Neo-Nazis hate most.
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angelthefirst1 · 6 months
TOWL 106
Talking spoilers, if you don't want to know, keep moving...
Seeing spoilers saying she's not in 106 made me start thinking about Meridian and why the time zone may matter.
A thought occurred to me that Leah, a representation of Beth, was from Meridian, so the viewing time may indeed matter in regards to Beth's appearance.
Could they add a coda to standard AMC Central time viewing?
The Daryl and Carol sneak peak of The book of Carol is only available on standard AMC after the show parish tonight (think Father Gabriel's parish, and Emily is with Seth in France)
Daryl and Carol are also representations of Beth and Daryl, so maybe AMC have a trick up their sleeves, and we just need to believe a little bit longer.
If they saved DD2 content, especially for one time zone, and didn't allow it on AMC plus. We could still see something.
The main Meridian is (Green)wich time, so it could well be that Central daylight time -5 in the USA is a representation of that "centre."or nexus.
The X or nexus crossover of the eclipse will centre over central daylight time.
It would fit perfectly if they had a coda during the viewing of 106 CDT-5 that they don't show in the other time zones.
Also, repeating history but reverse when Rick got a beautiful reunion with his children in 501, we see Daryl so disappointed because he doesn't get a Beth reunion...
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This reunion with Rick happens in the daylight, whereas Daryl gets the clue to Beth that same night in the dark.
Not giving up till the fat lady sings.
AMC plus might not have given us everything yet.
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To be confronted with a blank page is not very nice. But Hemingway, a great American writer, taught me the finest trick when you are doing a long book, which is, he simply said in his own words, “When you are going good, stop writing.” And that means that if everything’s going well and you know exactly where the end of the chapter’s going to go and you know just what the people are going to do, you don’t go on writing and writing until you come to the end of it, because when you do, then you say, well, where am I going to go next? And you get up and you walk away and you don’t want to come back because you don’t know where you want to go. But if you stop when you are going good, as Hemingway said…then you know what you are going to say next. You make yourself stop, put your pencil down and everything, and you walk away. And you can’t wait to get back because you know what you want to say next and that’s lovely and you have to try and do that. Every time, every day all the way through the year. If you stop when you are stuck, then you are in trouble!”
- Roald Dahl
No one can uncover the circumstances behind why this picture of Roald Dahl and Ernest Hemingway was taken, other than it was in London during the Second World War. Hemingway found himself in Europe from June-December 1944 in his capacity as a war journalist.
Roald Dahl was commissioned into the Royal Air Force and was a frontline fighter pilot showing tremendous courage and bravery and who eventually rose to the rank of wing commander. His flying days came to a premature end after a crash landing that nearly cost him his life. Between 1939-1941 Dahl was the assistant air attache in Washington DC and moved around in those diplomatic and political circles hoping to get some inside information and intelligence on America’s intentions and plans with regarding the war in Europe. Bored by his work he fell into the murky world of intelligence and became part of a Brirish spy ring called ‘The Irregulars’ which included the future James Bond author Ian Fleming. His spy work chiefly consisted of mobilising American opinion. This was at a time when Britain stood alone against the expected Nazi invasion and Britain was hoping to the USA would enter the conflict and thus tilt the balance.
When this photo was taken Dahl was a mere 28 years old and Hemingway was 45 years old. The picture doesn’t really do justice to how tall both men were with Hemingway being 6 feet tall but towered over by Dahl’s 6’6” wiry frame. Clearly Hemingway was already a celebrated author with The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, and For Whom the Bell Tolls already published. Dahl, by contrast, hadn’t written anything significant yet - like his friend and colleague Ian Fleming - other than his children’s book, The Gremlins, in 1943.
It’s speculative to imagine that Dahl, the inventive intelligence officer and aspiring author, somehow contrived a meeting with the old lion, hoping to get some writing tips.
Photo: Roald Dahl and Ernest Hemingway in London during 1944.
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a-new-vers · 8 months
Woke up today to find out Halsey has set the stage for a new hunt for fans to go on. In true Halsey fashion, it's cryptic with a distinct visual style we can probably expect from this era.
So let's explore, shall we?
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A Lil' Timeline:
Halsey played the 27th at Lollapalooza India. During their set before they began to play Gasoline, a visual on screen displayed a URL: FOR MY LAST TRICK (click to go to the site).
Click HERE to see a video of when it was displayed at the concert.
The Website:
The theme behind the website seems to be opening a miscellaneous stick/patch packet.
The first thing is prompting the user to "pull to open" as in a tag to swipe off. You can see the collection of patches behind the plastic wrap. Once you finally open the package, all the patches will disperse.
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This is where the Internet sleuthing begins, people. 24 unique patches (technically 25, but I'll get into that later) with different meanings. Let's get into it.
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1 - SNA Flight Tag
So really obscure, but googling Air California flight tag brought me to this used bookstore site. In any case, the thing to notice is the date it is attributed with, 1968.
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2 - Vintage Blotter Art
According to this blog (which is the only place I could find the image), this is a vintage blotter from 1994. Blotter art is an "...art form printed on perforated sheets of absorbent blotting paper infused with liquid LSD."
3 - Blythe Dolls
I believe this doll is a Blythe doll. Image reverse search does not come up with an exact result, but from the details you can make out, the dolls eyes are quite clear. Which looks a lot like Blythe Dolls, a doll brand that came out in 1972. Their gimmick was that the eyes could move left to right.
4 - Witch Halsey
Unsure, but it would seem it's Halsey as a witch. The aesthetics are similar to IICHLIWP (H4).
If the main theme here is the 70s, there’s the movie Season of the Witch that came out in 1973, February 14th. It’s apparently commentary on traditional American suburban lifestyle through the perspective of a housewife who does not like her place in life. She meets a witch and progressively gets into the occult.
5, 18, 19, 23 - Outside of USA
5: It's hard to tell what most of the words are, but the text "Pagado" (Spanish for "paid") is on the piece of paper. . The particular location might be Palenque, a Mexican city. Relevant date: June 25th, 1977.
18: Belleville. Based on a real winter carnival programme. Belleville is a a city in Ontario, Canada. Relevant date: 1971.
19: “We smokers all want to be non-smokers too” or something along these lines. I'm trusting online translation for this (German to English). Unable to find when this was made.
23: “For Us.” French. The image search doesn’t result anything. Unable to find when this was made.
6 - Peril is My Pay
Based off of a detective book involving traveling. The font is the exact same as one of the book covers. It was published in 1960s.
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7 - I have something to tell you
A sign up. I assume it has to do with being updated on any album news.
Looking through the inspect tab you can see the information is being sent to “Sony Fan Music.” It does take note of which country you are in and your address.
8 , 9 - Round visuals
I think these are visuals to give grasp to the 70s theme. It’s reminiscent of 60’s/70’s clothing/aesthetic.
10 - Michigan license plate.
1971 comes up in the plate. Michigan has come up in HFK (H2), on Bad At Love. I doubt this has anything to do about the “boy back in Michigan” but perhaps traveling back throughout her albums.
11 - Ghost
Jan 27th 2014, interesting date to put since this is the date this is all happening, just a decade after.
I've seen some people say this is meant to be the anniversary for Ghost, the song. Although it came out in 2014, its release date was in July, and it originally came out on sound cloud on February 3rd. So unsure why Jan 27th is there. EDIT: I have been made aware that Jan 27th 2014 was its international release date! I am but a fool.
The text can be in response to the lyric “Where did you go?” and the themes on the song of someone leaving. IDK, this could also be a meta thing. If a theme here is traveling and visiting locations/people, then perhaps one thing you won't find if the ghost?
Additionally, this follows the theme of revisiting her previous albums.
12 - Cannel 17
WPHL-TV is a television station in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, serving as the local outlet for The CW Television Network. The logos here are form the 60’s/70’s.
13 - Master Mystifier
Or, alternatively, Harry Houdini. The date I do not believe has any relevance here but perhaps the idea of magic.
I came about the google search “Houdini’s Last Trick” where his last trick is widely asked about. It would seem to be an inspiration for the name of the website. So potentially Halsey will lean into magic, tricks, and deception.
14 - Calling Cards
Text on card: “Compliments - May I See (C) You (U) Home? If not, please return this card.”
“May I See You Home” seemed to be a common phrase for calling cards. They were handed out to ask people out. Again, the font and images are similar to H4 aesthetic. These were used in the 18th and 19th century.
15 - B&W Hair
Oh, I actually no idea.
16 - Candy
The closest I could get to finding what this meant is when this font was used for the book Candy by Maxwell Kenton, published in 1958.
As wiki describes the plot "Candy Christian, aged eighteen, is an extremely pretty and desirable but naïve young woman, who finds herself in a variety of farcical sexual situations as a result of her desire to help others. The men in her life, regardless of age or relationship, wish only to possess her."
17 - Southern-Belle
Clearly the saying southern belle. A girl born form the south, typically with certain attributes. The saying came from the idea that “... a girl who was expected to grow up into a lady. She was supposed to be fragile and flirtatious while also sexually innocent. She was beautiful but risky to touch, like porcelain.”
https://historyengine.richmond.edu/episodes/view/2259#:~:text=Course%3A,risky to touch%2C like porcelain
20 - Rabbit
I couldn’t find anything that looks the same, but I assume it has to do with Alice and Wonderland. Concerning dates, the book was published in the 1800s, while the arguably most famous iteration (the animated movie) came out in the 50s.
However, this can relate to the potential theme of magic and deception and girl/womanhood. But I’m also inclined to think the rabbit might have nothing to do with Wonderland and might be something else all together.
21 - K-Mart
Wiki comes in handy here. As described, “Satisfaction Always icon seen on Kmart branded packaging until the mid-to-late 70s, adapted from a hanging sign displayed in every early Kmart store.” So 70’s themed.
22 - Eye, Eye, Eye, and Eye
The eyes. Girl IDK, they’re eyes. They kind of remind me of the biblically accurate angels and the eyes they have. Although, I doubt that's what they're meant to be.
24 - Cigarette
People seem to think this relates more to Badlands, and I’m inclined to agree.
Here are overall themes that seem to be present within the collection.
- Travelling
- Magic
- 60s-70s
- Eyes
- Books
- A Feminist Lens
- Past albums
A Tangent on Web Dev:
I just kinda wanted to point out the cool coding stuff they've done. When the patches are still in the plastic bag, they're always randomized in which order they're in (you have to refresh to notice this). They also disperse in a randomized order. I thought maybe the way they disperse could be a trail of sorts, like a map. But it seems totally random. I still find it cool how they've done that, every time in a different location, as if you open the package they come out uniquely for each person.
Oh and about the 25 patch, it seems the first patch in your packet appears twice when you open it. Idk if the number 25 matters or if this was done by accident. But the 25th patch is a duplicate, and never one in particular, just which ever is the first in your shuffle.
The End
For now.
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cult1970 · 9 months
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What is the diaboys favorite alcohol/ cocktail
Yahooooo new scenario! This time I’m gonna include everyone but not Carla and Shin ( because I still didn’t play their stories so I don’t know how they would react 😢)
Shu likes the classics ;)
I feel that he would go with a cosmopolitan, classy but not too much, when he goes to a bar ( very rare) his first drink would be this.
But I sometimes when he feels a little bit more sparking he would get sparkling wine ( I just know that he know sooo much about wine)
Reiji he’s a whiskey man, I just know that in his free time he tries every type of whiskey possible .
Has a book that talks only about whiskeys and how to prepare them correctly.
But if he has to drink a cocktail he would choose a whiskey based cocktail, like an “Old fashion” cocktail.
Ayato, he drinks everything, like EVERYTHING, if you give him a beer he would say yes if you give him 6 shots of tequila he will just say “ I want some more, give me 10”, and everyone would look at him as if he’s crazy.
But now that I think he’s a tequila guy, he just want to get drunk, doesn’t care about the taste of the alcohol itself.
Raito is a little bitch, so he would choose something sooo sweet like Mai tai.
He’s such a coloured cocktail guy, the more coloured the better.
Oh and super fan of fruity cocktails too, he just wants something fresh and sweet, that’s why every time he tries to make a cocktail he uses Malibu.
Now, Kanato likes sweet stuff and I have the perfect alcohol for him, it’s called Amaretto, is an Italian liquor ( and my favorite ☺️ I love sweet stuff too).
He would use this liquor everywhere even on some cookies or cakes.
He’s gonna go crazy if he can’t find Amaretto in the mansion ( he’s addicted, because me too 😛)
Subaru likes beer, simple but not that much because he likes very specific beer.
Sometimes he will fly all to Germany just to go to the Oktoberfest, he feels at home there, with all kinds of beers.
Ruki is the most red wine person ever, he only drinks red wine.
He likes the strong taste of it and has a whole place where he stores his old ass bottles, plus he has sooo many books about wine.
One time when he went to Europe in winter he discovered that some countries make hot red wine, that was a life change experience for him.
Kou likes soju, he likes to do the tricks, and he likes the sweetness of the flavoured soju bottles.
But I think he likes even caipirinha, the sourness of the drink, I think he would do the cutest face when he drinks it ( like those babies that eat for the first time lemon).
Yuma for me he’s our Russian king, vodka.
All he drinks is vodka but not the vodka that you buy at the supermarket, he would make it in his house.
Or when he goes to Russia he would buy Russian vodka ( that is sooo different from European/ USA vodka)
But nobody outside of him wants to drink it (other than Azusa) because it’s too strong.
Fun fact: one time Kou tried and after 3 shots he got super drunk that he puked everywhere,
While Yuma was laughing his ass off.
Ok so as I said before Azusa is the only one that drinks yumas vodka because he LOVES Bloody Mary, he just loves to put sooo much Tabasco inside that one time when he was drinking it he was crying.
After that Ruki hide the Tabasco from him, but Azusa always knows where to find it .
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stem-sister-scuffle · 8 months
Professor Aurea Juniper (Pokémon) vs Asami Sato (The Legend Of Korra)
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Professor Aurea Juniper is a Pokémon Zoologist/Researcher!
Asami Sato is an Inventor, Mechanical Enginner and Architect!
Why you should vote for each contestant:
Professor Aurea Juniper:
"she is the first pokemon professor to be a woman in a mainline game and she is 100% more well put-together than any of the male professors that came before or after her and she keeps helping save the world. or at least the pokemon usa. pokemerica."
"We NEED to support the first female professor <3."
"Because I’m love her, your honor. Also, she was the very first female pokemon professor, which is super cool."
"First female Pokémon professor and she deserves the world <3"
"Juniper is the first female Pokemon Professor in the Pokemon games.
She's very involved in the plot of Black and White. She gifts the protagonist and their childhood friends their Pokemon. She also regularly calls them to give them tips and tricks throughout their journey. She shows up a few times to also give the protagonist useful items. She even meets the protagonist before they go off to Victor Road to challenge the last gauntlet of bosses.
Juniper is friends with another professor, Fennel. She helps Fennel with her own research by recommending the player go to visit Fennel to search for Dream Mist.
Juniper later takes Bianca under her wing when Bianca decides to quite Pokemon battling, instead having an interest in doing Pokemon research. Bianca becomes Juniper's research assistant in Black 2 and White 2.
She's a girlboss and one of the more interesting Professors in the Pokemon franchise
The creator of Pokemon Ken Sugimori requested to change Juniper into a woman when early concepts had her as a mn. Sugimori also considers Juniper to be a New Yorker type; in his words, ""a real career woman""."
"She encourages other women in STEM, specifically Bianca from Pokemon who becomes her research assistant. Think she's pretty. Sorry I'm just gay"
Asami Sato:
"According to her wiki page: Asami is considered a "genius technologist and inventor". A practical thinker and highly capable engineer, she is able to repair and construct vehicles with limited resources, such as when she improvised a makeshift sand-sailer using materials from a destroyed airship.Her skill in engineering extends to major projects, as she was involved in developing the Future Industries airship. Asami is also a skilled Pai Sho player, proving herself to be a good methodical strategist and can pick locks with her hair pins, able to free Tenzin through this method in the Northern Air Temple. Due to her mother's influence and her time at Future Industries, Asami is a capable architect, capable of designing large amounts of houses in a short period of time. She enjoys working as engineer, architect, and inventor.” She’s bisexual, dating the most powerful woman in their world and she fought her evil CEO dad and won"
"She is beautiful"
"I'm gonna be real i should be taking a map right now not submitting STEM girlies but trust me she's made some cool shit. also she's pretty. and canonically bisexual"
"She's pretty and bi. Her eyes i could stare into for hours."
"She fights with a glove charged with electricity. She has a fucking raw moment where she accepts a glove from her dad and then turns around and shocks him with it to free her friends because her dad is causing horrors. Also has the great line of “I know these roads better than you - I built some of them”. Also she makes a flying robot suit. Being a femme bi woman in STEM >>>>>"
"She is literally a GENIUS and has saved her friends time and time again with her intelligence! She is also the only one in her group without supernatural abilities and uses her engineering skills to make weapons to help her in fights!! She is canonically bisexual!!"
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okayto · 4 months
Mini-Review: Polygon Unraveled
A video series that explores the dangers of taking video game lore and logic too seriously.
Or as others online put it:
A series of viral videos for the gaming website Polygon in which he slowly goes insane while talking about video games.
Brian David Gilbert tries to unravel game lore without losing his grip on reality.
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Several years ago, this guy who somehow managed to exude cryptid vibes despite appearing to be the walking embodiment of an excel spreadsheet kept coming across my dash. I gleaned enough info to determine he was a YouTuber and promptly scrolled on.
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A couple years later...I'll be honest, I have no idea how I actually came to watch any of this. At some point, someone on tumblr tricked me into watching a completely different channel, which showed me that there is, in fact, entertaining content on YT despite a preponderance of talking heads and intensely parasocial fandoms, and the Almighty Algorithm recommended me a a video with a title I couldn't ignore, probably The Perfect PokéRap.
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Host Brian David Gilbert is to all appearances an unassuming besuited nerd with high charisma and an even higher ability to subject himself to mental torments in the form of reading in real life all 333 books in the video game Skyrim, calculating how much money in OSHA fines Mario would owe, and interviewing his mother as part of a mathematical process to determine the Game of the Year...during which she kindly says, "This is a lot of research into things that really have very little meaning."
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"A lot of research into things that really have very little meaning" would be a great and accurate tagline. Unraveled tricks you into thinking it's about video game-associated nerdery, but actually refers to Gilbert's mental state.
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At any rate, it's easy to see why this garnered attention: it's funny and full of the specific pedantry that fandoms enjoy, taking canon details seriously to their ridiculous conclusions.
The subject is video games, but I haven't play the majority of titles/series/franchises featured and enjoyed it all, so it should be accessible and enjoyable to people who similarly haven't. Clips and brief descriptions of games/gameplay/stories are included when necessary, which for me gave all the context I needed.
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Because listen: you do not need to be familiar with any Legend of Zelda games to enjoy the hilarity of Gilbert and a non-gamer coworker trying to recreate 78 recipes from Breath of the Wild using only ingredients listed in the game (that is: very few ingredients). I don't need to know anything about Hideo Kojima or the games he creates (and to this day, I do not) to understand the humor of his character names, because Gilbert explains that particular brand of peculiarity in the course of generating an 11-page form that will help him generate his own similarly-kooky names. There are a minimum of three different song/musical interludes throughout this series that are enjoyable and impressive.
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Final comments: Highly recommend. It's accessible and fun even with a very small amount of video game knowledge (the small amount I have via pop culture osmosis) and witty; Gilbert has a talent for spouting great one-liners that contribute to the preponderance of gifs on this website.
Subtitle availability: English captions (not auto-generated) are available!
Where to watch (USA, as of May 2024): A playlist (X) on Polygon's (@Polygon) Youtube channel contains all episodes. Polygon's channel contains literally thousands of other videos, so I recommend using the playlist regardless of whether you watch them all or just a few.
Start watching with: My best recommendation is starting from the beginning using the playlist, with Solving the Zelda Timeline in 15 Minutes, because individual videos are great but it's also fun to watch Gilbert increasingly, well, unravel. But if you want a few videos to sample, I'd start with any of these:
Every Sonic game is blasphemous
The Perfect PokeRap (live convention panel; trust me it's worth watching instead of the PokeRap-only video)
We made all 78 Breath of the Wild recipes in one day
Calculate your pet's HP with my 100% legitimate formula
I used The Sims to perfect my apartment
Status/Frequency: There are 28 videos total, most of which are 15-20 minutes long with only a handful of outliers. The series was released from 2018 to the end of 2020, when he left the company to pursue other projects.
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