daffodil221 · 1 month
1. RIDDLE — Would you like to play a game?
2a. YES — What’s McGucket’s favorite soda?
2b. NO — Your loss…
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daffodil221 · 1 month
So, a list of stuff I’ve found on Stanford Pines’ computer.
- ‘Bill Cipher’ gives you the Sesame Street Jazzy Triangle video
- ‘Stan Pines’ gives you brass knuckles on Ebay
- ‘Weird’ gives you a video of Weird Al stuck in the computer, yelling at Bill
- ‘Dipper’ gives a note to Dipper ordering him to look into the sun in order to read solar ink in the book
- ‘Mason’ shows a slip of paper with Dipper talking about anagrams
- ‘Mabel’ activates stickers and glow-in-the-dark stars around the desk until a message pops up that says ‘lab now fully mabelized’
- ‘Fiddleford’ gives the link to the Cotton Eye Joe music video
- ‘Soos’ gives a few pages of Soos writing about the Book of Bill
- ‘Gravity Falls’ will give you the message: ‘never heard of it’
- ‘TJ Eckleburg’ will give the message: ‘never mention that name again’
- ‘Triangle’ gives one thing: ‘)’
- ‘Weirdmageddon’ gives a Gravity Falls Gossiper article about the event
- ‘Book of Bill’ gives the message: ‘hide it under shirt during pledge of allegiance’
- ‘Sixer’ shows an X-Ray of Stanford’s hand, along with a medical report
- ‘Tad Strange’ shows a video of bread being cut to jazzy music
- ‘Journal 3’ gives a message that says: ‘the journal for me’
- ‘Giffany’ gives a message saying: ‘input deleted. AI antiviral activated’
- ‘Gideon’ gives a link to sweat-resistant bolo ties
- ‘Waddles’ sends you to pigplacementnetwork.com
- ‘Pacifica’ shows a note from Pacifica saying she won’t make a deal with Bill
- ‘Dippy Fresh’ shows an r/nostalgia image of Burger King’s Kid’s Club
- ‘Wendy’ gives a note from Wendy to the book, a sly little trick
- ‘Divorce’ will give a logo to a restaurant? called O’Sadley’s
- ‘Mystery’ gives a ?
- ‘Riddle’ responds with: ‘would you like to play a game?’
- ‘One Eyed King’ shows a video of a black-and-white swirl as Bill tries to mind control his audience, mocking their free will
- ‘Hey Nerd’ gives you an image of an advertisement screen displaying a Galaxy, a Magazine, a Hand, a Sponge, and Cologne, some of which are Bill-themed
- ‘Lies’ shows an image of a ‘Game of Life’ parody board game, followed by a brief spiel about the history of nerds that is wrapped up by the message: ‘Lie until you aren’t lying anymore’
- ‘Dorito’ has a dorito fly slowly towards the screen before a Bill jumpscare
- ‘EVEN HIS LIES ARE LIES’ gives an excerpt of a therapy session/interview with Bill, regarding Stanford
- ‘MYSTERY SHACK’ googles the Confusion Hill tourist attraction in Mendocino County, California, USA
- ‘SORRY’ shows an image of Fiddleford and Stanford in college, covered in post-it notes
- ‘CURSED’ shows an anti-triangle pamphlet, warning kids about the shape
- ‘VALLIS CINERIS’ shows a video of a triangle demon with a bow tie and propellor hat being held by two other triangular silhouettes, with a text-to-speech voice asking ‘why did you do it?’
- ‘AXOLOTL’ will respond with: ‘you ask alotl questions’
- ‘PORTAL’ will respond with: ‘portal.exe has been deleted — i bet you could build one’
- ‘ALEX HIRSCH’ googles ‘flannel’ for you
- ‘DISNEY’ will respond with ‘rat.gif censored for your protection’
- ‘THEORY’ gives a video of MatPat, who says ‘Hello internet, this time, you’re on your own. Good luck.’
- ‘SEASON 3’ gives Season 2, ‘SEASON 2’ gives Season 1, and ‘SEASON 1’ gives Season -1: Antigravity Falls
- ‘TITANS BLOOD’ responds with: ‘hoot hoot. password please’
- ‘GOD’ shows an axolotl swimming in front of a Bill statue
(will update) (i’m putting the big ones at the end i guess)
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daffodil221 · 1 month
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girl we blanchin
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daffodil221 · 10 months
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