#why is hand washing so goddamn hard for people to figure out
arctic-hands · 7 months
I wish contact tracing was still a thing AND they were tracing every major contagious disease rn. Would love to scream in the left ear of the rotten pig who didn't wash their hands and gave me norovirus
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solarmorrigan · 9 months
For the angst prompt if you’re still doing it:
“Don’t listen to them. Don’t you EVER listen to them.”
Hello! I'm afraid this one might not have come out quite as seriously as the others (might be channeling all my Serious Angst Energy into my ongoing fic at the moment), but hopefully it's enjoyable, anyway??
[No warnings except maybe some unkind self-directed internal dialogue from Steve]
“Y’know,” Eddie drawls, looking Steve up and down where he’s standing in the doorway, silhouetted by the light of the front hall, “correct me if I’m wrong, but you don’t look especially busy.”
Steve, caught out in a lie, clearly having been sitting around at home in his sweats when he’d specifically told Eddie that he couldn’t come over tonight because he was busy, does the only thing he can think of: he keeps lying.
“I am,” he says.
“Uh huh.” The way Eddie draws the hum of his agreement out says that he doesn’t believe Steve in the slightest. “And what, if I may ask, are you busy with, dressed in loungewear and sitting at home?”
Scrambling, Steve reaches for the first excuse that comes to mind, something he’d heard his mother say to someone over the phone years ago, when he was still a kid and she’d still made excuses to get out of social engagements and stay home with him.
“I’m washing my hair.”
Eddie bites down on a laugh so quickly and so visibly, Steve is surprised his teeth don’t go right through his lip.
“Are you?” Eddie asks, voice gone high and tight with mirth.
“Yep,” Steve answers.
“Well, damn, I don’t know why you didn’t invite me along to help,” Eddie says, grinning at Steve. “I feel like I’ve proven my skill in that arena before.”
Steve stares at Eddie, mouth working, feeling slow and useless and out of ideas. “Uh…”
With a sigh, Eddie lets his smile drop. “Look, can I come inside?”
The jig is up, so Steve just nods and steps aside to let Eddie in.
“What are you even doing here?” Steve asks as he leads the way back to the living room, where he’d been sitting on the couch and moping.
“Steve, I knew you weren’t busy tonight. You’re kind of a terrible liar,” Eddie says.
And that isn’t strictly true; Steve is a great liar – as long as he doesn’t feel guilty about it. He’s never been good at lying to people he loves.
They sit down; Steve shoves the magazines he’d been pretending he would actually be able to focus on out of the way (more proof of his pathetic attempt at a lie), and Eddie—ever blunt, ever direct—jumps right in.
“So I kind of feel like you’ve been avoiding me lately.”
Steve winces. “Not avoiding you, I’ve just been… limiting my time with you.”
Eddie looks stricken, and Steve would like to die, actually. Why did he phrase it that way?
“Did… I do something, or say something, or, like–”
“No!” Steve rushes to reassure him. “No, no, not at all, it’s nothing you did, you’re amazing, it’s not you, it’s…”
Eddie cocks an eyebrow at him. “It’s not me, it’s you?”
“I mean…” Steve sighs, running a hand through his hair. “Kind of, yeah.”
For a long moment, Eddie sits, brows furrowed, staring at Steve. Steve fights the urge to squirm under the intensity of his gaze.
“I’m trying super hard to figure out what’s going on right now, but I’m kind of coming up blank,” Eddie finally admits. “Are we… Are we breaking up?”
“No!” Steve blurts again, reaching this time for Eddie’s hands, as if he can keep Eddie from realizing what a goddamn idiot he is and leaving if he just holds on tightly enough. “Shit, no, that’s – I’m completely fucking this up, that’s the opposite of what I want to happen, that’s why I’ve been limiting my time with you.”
Though Eddie’s hands have turned in Steve’s grip, automatically holding onto him, he stares at Steve as though he’s lost his mind, which is fair. “Okay,” Eddie says slowly, “I admit you have a little more experience with relationships than I do, but isn’t the point to spend as much time as possible with the person you’re dating? Because you like them?”
“It’s… Usually, I guess, yeah.” Steve shrugs, suddenly wishing maybe that he hadn’t taken Eddie’s hands, because now he can’t get away, can’t duck out from under those dark, searching eyes. He settles for staring down at their joined hands as he speaks. “It’s just – I can be… kind of a lot? I like someone and I just kind of slam my foot on the gas and don’t look back and that’s too much, I know, so I’ve been trying not to, like, overwhelm you, because I really, really don’t want you to get sick of me, and–”
“Who the hell told you that?” Eddie cuts in sharply.
Steve’s eyes snap back up, finding Eddie looking so thoroughly offended that he’s not sure what to make of it. “Told me what?”
“That you’re too much,” Eddie presses, his hands going tighter around Steve’s.
“Uh,” Steve says, uncertain of what kind of answer Eddie’s looking for. The fact that Steve goes all-in too quickly is just common knowledge; the fact that it overwhelms and annoys people is kind of a general consensus.
Eddie shakes his head. “Never mind, it doesn’t even matter. Don’t listen to them. Don’t you ever listen to them,” he says, low and intense. “You’re not going to overwhelm me, Steve. I can’t get enough of you. I don’t think I’ll ever have enough of you, but the only way I’m gonna know for sure is if I get to have you around as often as possible for as long as you can stand me.”
The words, for a moment, don’t make any sense. No one has ever wanted Steve around that much; no one’s ever met him where he is in terms of hunger for companionship.
“You… want me around that often?” he asks, eyes flicking from Eddie’s face to their hands and back again.
“I want you around all the goddamn time. I want you when I wake up and when I go to sleep and when I’m having breakfast and when I’m doing shit around the house and when I’m playing a show and when I’m watching TV,” Eddie rattles off. “I’m not even exaggerating, it’s honestly kind of a problem.”
“A problem?” Steve asks, brows coming together in concern.
“It’s a problem because you’ve been limiting your time, thinking that I’m going to get tired of you.” Eddie disentangles their hands and reaches up to cup Steve’s jaw, palms soft and a little sweaty from their combined grip, but gentle—almost reverent—against his skin. “Sweetheart, I am never going to get tired of you.”
From anyone else, that would be hard to believe, but the way Eddie looks at him, dead-on and so fucking sincere, Steve can’t help but take the promise in with a hopeful flutter in his chest. He leans forward, pressing his mouth to Eddie’s, keeping the kiss chaste and slow before he pulls back to murmur, “Promise?”
“Promise,” Eddie answers immediately. “I promise, I promise, I promise.”
He tugs Steve forward after that, pushing and pulling him until he’s managed to lay out across the length of the couch and has situated Steve over him, lying on his chest like a weighted blanket. He sighs and wraps his arms around Steve, like he still wants to pull him closer.
“Perfect,” he says.
“Yeah?” Steve asks, balancing his chin Eddie’s sternum so he can smile up at him.
“Mhm,” Eddie hums. “Now I just have to figure out how to keep you this close all the time.”
“Might be kinda tough,” Steve says, fighting to keep his smile from growing to ridiculous proportions.
“Eh.” Eddie shrugs, ducking down to press a kiss to Steve’s forehead. “I’m willing to take the time to figure it out.���
And somehow, Steve thinks that might be the most romantic thing anyone’s ever said to him.
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lesinquietes · 1 year
P-possessive Reiner smut for your consumption, kind patron? 🥺
Tw; domestic dubcon yandere smut // Yandere!Reiner x reader
“Hey sweetheart. I missed you today.”
Reiner is a kind boyfriend when you two are out and about. Your home life is calm, too. It consists of him going to work and you staying at home. The life of a warrior isn’t easy, so your duty is to ensure he can keep a peaceful mind on his off time.
Although initially intimidated, by now, you’ve fallen into your tasks. You cook. You clean. You do his laundry, washing his blood-stained and ripped clothes so he doesn’t have to relive his battles. And he appreciates the work you do. He likes coming home to a kept house. On occasion, he even helps you with the chores — if he’s not too exhausted.
“Hey… lemme help with those.”
When you find yourself with little to do, you sit by the window with a book. As soon as you moved in, he bought you a whole shelf full of them. He likes it when you exercise your brain. Being cooped up all the time can’t be good for you. He wishes that he could let you out for a bit of fresh air — that he could trust you to be safe on your own. He can’t, though; not with the state of Marley. Your existence here is tranquil, especially when compared to the lives of others Eldians. He wants to keep you protected.
But that’s the downside of Reiner. He’s too goddamn possessive. You grew up in Marley all your life. You were good and keeping your head down and hovering beneath the radar. Since Reiner took you as his, you understand there are more challenges to your survival. There are people here who want to hurt your boyfriend and his colleagues; you’re positive they would harm you to get to him if they had to. You don’t think that doesn’t mean you should have to compromise your way of being.
“Please don’t be upset with me, baby. I’m doing this for you — for us. I couldn’t keep living if something happened to you.”
The hulking blonde does take you out of the house on occasion. It’s usually when you’ve cried and begged for long enough, or dropped the “u” word — unhappy. He gets frantic when he hears that. He knows you don’t have the capacity to leave; nonetheless, he doesn’t want you to feel forced to be with him, either. He wants your organic love, even though it was never natural to begin with. You two were newly acquainted when the government announced his request and had you move in.
When he brings you into the public sphere, people understandably stare. It’s not necessarily because they’re attracted to you; it could also be due to you being a novelty appearance. Unfortunately, he doesn’t see it like that. He inevitably sees it as others trying to steal what’s his.
“Keep close to me. Less stares that way. And don’t leave my arm. I don’t trust those fuckers by the store.”
Everyone is a threat to his happiness. He’s never at ease. He’s constantly on edge from having to defend you from opponents that don’t exist. You feel his fist tighten around your smaller hand when he stops to chat with a colleague and they gawk at you for a bit too long. Porco is a fine example of this. You suppose he only does it to get under Reiner’s skin, but he tends to make you uncomfortable with his prying eyes, too. The blonde actively tries to avoid the shorter male when he brings you around these days.
And no matter how many times you tell your possessive boyfriend that you’re not a trophy to be won, or goods to be accumulated, he reacts the same way.
“You know I don’t mean it like that, sweetheart. You’re just so fucking special to me.”
That’s why he fucks you so hard when you two get home, pent up and frustrated that people have the audacity to ogle his piece of heaven. He’s a soldier, for fuck’s safe; he puts his life on the line for these bastards, and they dare trace their hungry glares up and down your figure. He wants to teach them a thing or two, and he fucking hates it. He shouldn’t be so brazen with his protectiveness — you shouldn’t make him want to maim everyone who looks at you.
His teeth sink into your flesh, leaving marks on your neck, shoulders, and breasts. It doesn’t matter how light or dark your skin is, he finds a way to leave the deepest, darkest blemishes on your body. Subtle, perhaps; but not to those exploring what you have to offer. The next time he takes you out, he’ll make you wear outfits that show them off. With his arm around your waist, keeping you glued firmly to his side, there’s no room for ambiguity. You’re very much his, and that will never change.
“Want you forever honey… oh fuck… wanna stay inside you forever.”
You claw his back as he slides deeper into your hole. He doesn’t slow his pace. He doesn’t retreat to a shallower length. He continues to pound you until you’re begging him to have mercy. And he does; he does! It just takes him a moment to process what you said.
He doesn’t intend to harm you, he merely gets lost in his mind sometimes, when he’s super stressed. You understand, right? Of course you do. He kisses and licks on you until it makes sense, until you recognize that he loves you, until you know — without a shadow of a doubt — how much you mean to him. Even if you had concerns prior to him making you cum, you don’t after.
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violettavonviolet · 27 days
Tim Drake fic recs
All fics are finished and absolutely amazing. The word count goes up as you scroll. This rec list is entirely platonic but do check tags for triggers!
Janet Drake Is Alive And That's Officially Everyone's Problem (But Mostly Tim.)
They still hadn't looked at each other. It was starting to get a bit creepy.
"So you are satisfied, living like this?" She asked, with the slightest twitch of displeasure.
Quickly, Drake's eyes flashed over each of them, and he nodded. "Enough."
"Are you necessary?" She followed immediately, something dangerous in her tone, and there was the quickest flash of fear in Drake's eyes.
"Enough." He repeated firmly. She scoffed, but didn't say anything.
1.5k Janet centric teen
Wash Your Mouth Out
Tim shows his worry in a different way than most.
2.3k tim & damian teen
Shutter Bug
How could i not notice the stutter? Jason snorts.
3k gen batfam
A Worthy Father
Jack Drake forces his son to give up being Robin. He could never have predicted the consequences of parenting a Robin-less Tim Drake. He may never sleep again and Bruce Wayne certainly has no sympathy for him.
3.7k teen Jack & Tim
A Recipe for Disaster
Calypso_Rambles, JUBE514
“You’re crying.”
That’s the Red Hood, standing in the doorway into the hall, a hulking figure filling the frame, head tilted in question and hands on a gun that’s pointed to the floor. He looks uncertain, head tilted to the side like a goddamn bird.
“What?” Tim asks, because Tim is confused– he knows this is Jason Todd, kinda hard to miss with the red helmet and when the dude tried to blow up Dick and Bruce about a week earlier in the same outfit, but what the actual fuck is he doing in San Francisco–
“You’re crying.” Red Hood repeats, forgoing a one handed grip on his weapon to gesture to his– well– his everything.
Tim moves his hand up to his cheeks because he is definitely not crying over something as stupid as his dinn–
Maybe he is.
Tim and Jason make food, drink and talk about parents. Jason was meant to kill this kid, but plans have a way of being derailed.
6k teen Tim & Jason
Doctor, Except for Everything, I Am Perfectly Fine
Alfred and Bruce decide they have to update the kids' medical information. If the others aren't a fan if this, then Tim is even worse. Guess who's missing his spleen?
6.9k gen humor
A Cure For Starvation
Tim has always had problems with people touching him. 
Jason also has problems with people touching him.
They try to work it out.
7k gen jason& tim
Little bird
Tim knew he was fucked if only for the way that his brain was chanting Jason, like a litany. So he definitely didn’t need to hear the cold, mechanical chuckle or the chillingly delighted 'lucky me' to know that this was not good.
He took a second to look down at his coffee mournfully. 
Then, he threw it at Hood’s helmet and bolted down the Tower corridor. 
Or: Tim is supposed to be at Gotham Academy for a parent-teacher conference. Hood has other plans (Titans Tower AU).
8k teen Jason & Tim
lost treasure
“Dad, I don’t want to do this.”
“It doesn’t matter what you want. This is why we brought you here,” Jack hisses. “So we can get paid.”
Or: When a cozy night out with his parents turns into a night of captivity and torture, Tim is forced to seek protection from his worst nightmare - the Red Hood.
9k angst teen Jason & Tim
wither on the shore
Tim freezes, gaze still locked on Jack’s prone, silent form sprawled out on the floor, and pulls the phone back to look at the number.
It’s kind of funny, he thinks hazily. Of course he would accidentally kill his dad and then mistakenly call Jason, of all people.
9.6k angst teen Jason&Tim
Boom, Boom, Pow!
If anyone asked the Batfamily which Robin had the funniest ’joining the family’ story? Well, everyone would start with, “Well it seemed like Jason had the spot taken for good after having the audacity to try and jack the Batmobile’s tires and hit Bruce with his tire iron.” And then they’d say, “But then tiny Tim decided to try and steal the whole thing.”
Or: When Tim is 11 he figures it’s not hurting anyone if he. Ya know. Takes a picture in the Batmobile. But then the power goes to his head and all of a sudden he’s hacking the Batmobile and tearing through Gotham on a rescue mission.
11k feral tim teen
Street Lights would Guide you (and flicker in my shadow)
There was a lonely kid, hanging upside down off a fire escape looking at the world through a long range camera lens. 
13k angst teen
buried hope
“You’re a sorry sight,” Jason says, and forces a water bottle in Tim’s shaking hand.
“Had a bad day,” Tim gasps, shakily trying to twist the cap off.
Jason snorts. “I’d say.”
Tim’s too busy draining the bottle to glare at Jason.
tim spends another birthday alone and makes bad decisions.
11k teen angst
Into the Deep Dark Night
Timothy Jackson Drake drowns in Gotham Bay with not a bang, but a whimper. 
Luckily...or not, Gotham isn't quite ready to give him up yet. 
“Spirits of children and women drowned, my child. They live in the ponds that glisten like tar. The Rusalka."
14.8k angst teen
I’m Pretty Sure Tim Steals Clothes: An Elaboration In The Form Of A Long Fic
Basically what it says on the tin.
““How many shirts do you have of Superboy’s, again?” Jason asked, his brows furrowed.
“I stole fifteen before Clark told me to stop,” Tim said. “I did not stop. Those aren’t even all of them, I have more upstairs.”
“How many Superboy shirts is too many Superboy shirts?” Jason pondered.
“I’m approaching the thousands,” Tim admitted. “I’m admittedly not the best person to pose such a question to.””
15k core four angst gen
Prince and Pauper
When Tim first proposes his plan, Jason calls him batshit insane.
"Why?" Tim asks stubbornly. “It’ll be a win-win situation – I get a new life without some guardian tying me down, and you get a new life where you can eat food every day and live in a big house. You’ll probably have to go to school, but that’s the only downside I can think of. That, and pretending to be me, of course."
In the wake of Jack and Janet Drake's untimely death, Bruce sets out to search for their missing son, determined to adopt him. After a long, arduous search, he finally brings home a new addition to his family.
He fails to realise that the new kid living in Wayne Manor is not Tim Drake.
16k Tim & Jason & dick gen
You put Tim in box? You BOX him like dog?? Oh! Jail for Jason! Jail for one thousand years~
Jason tries a kinder method of getting Tim to give up Robin. It goes even worse than his original idea.
17k jason & tim teen
falling without caution
Jason is twenty, decidedly less into murder, trying to avoid developing agoraphobia, and putting together some pieces into a life. 
Tim is sixteen, riding the edge of burnout, and in a show of his truly baffling survival instincts, decides Jason is friend shaped.
17k child soldiers angst mature
 Grin and Bear It (I got blood on your carpet)
When Jack Drake’s business trip gets canceled, he is forced to stay at home while the legal kinks get worked out. He’s not used to having a teenager underfoot, so it’s only rational that he’s a little snappish around Tim. At least, that’s what Tim tells himself each time his dad’s idea of discipline gets harsher.
Bruce had told him to take a break from Robin in order to spend some time at home with his dad, and Tim can’t say no to that. He knows Bruce is probably glad to be rid of him for a short while.
And he can handle discipline. This is a Tim Drake problem, not a Robin problem anyway. There’s no need for Bruce to know anything.
Things get a little muddled when an injured Jason Todd crawls through his bedroom window.
18k not rated
The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne
Tim is an independent, clever, and super mature eleven-year-old. Unfortunately, his dopey neighbor, Bruce, can’t seem to understand that.
When he decides to disappear on a “solo camping trip” and run away to Canada, he figures it’s the perfect plan that will make everybody happy. He didn’t expect the Waynes would tag along with him and ruin everything.
A six-chaptered tale filled with identity shenanigans, s’mores, soon-to-be-brothers, and a kid who is in desperate need of a new family.
25k gen
Dangerous and Noble Things
Timothy Drake was abducted by Ra's al Ghul.
Four years later, somebody notices.
45k angst
Let's be Brothers
Jason was not the biggest fan of Tim, but it was clear that he didn’t hate him anymore. And if he didn’t hate him anymore, Tim could get him to love him. Right?
By his own carefully determined calculations, Tim could achieve this goal in 90 days or less. Day one started tomorrow morning with a surprise breakfast donut and an invitation to go watch the birds.
Or that time Tim was determined to be brothers and Jason was determined to be resistant and confused.
46k tim & jason gen humor 
Ain't No Compass, Ain't No Map
CPS Agent, pointing at Tim Drake: We need to take him with us
Red Hood: He's fine where he is
CPS: He's a minor
Hood: Timbo, you a minor?
Tim: Can't prove it
CPS: I mean, I can. There are records –
Tim, who has just finishing hacking CPS to remove his own file: Oh really, tell me more about these records
A CPS agent gets sent to investigate a tip that Tim Drake has been abandoned by his parents and is living with the Red Hood. The CPS agent leaves with no Tim Drake, a date with Red Hood's lieutenant, and an intern who's promising to fix the IT systems at his office. 
It's a weird day for Theo.
51k humor teen
Into the Brighter Night
When an unknown enemy threatens Robin, Gotham's vigilantes come together to keep him safe. 
Unfortunately, they're protecting the wrong Robin. 
Or: Tim Drake plans his own rescue. Things get complicated.
160k core four gen
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
Why should I bother healing? I mean what awaits past the pain and sorrow? Feeling lightly better? I can just chase dopamine till I'll die and still have a good enough life
I feel like I know who this is, we have an unfinished conversation, don't we?? I still have your last reply and the start of my post in my drafts, waiting for me to find words that would help. If it's not you, I hope that user sees this, as well.
Friendo, don't let your current dumb feelings and silly brain get in your way of your future
Extreme positivity ahead
Fuck around on this post and find out
-the kids these days, probably
On a very serious note, I think we've all been there, where it just feels so goddamn pointless and you're so tired. Trauma survives long after the events that caused it, digging its claws into every aspect of your life-- even the parts that seemed unrelated and safe.
I can't give you the best advice because I don't know your full situation-- age, living arrangements, financial situations, education, all of that changes the conversation, but I'm going to try to give you a general bit of hope
Age and time helps
Even mental illness tends to improve with age.
As you get older, the brain naturally settles into a (generally) calmer, happier state. I promise you, with all the sincerity and genuineness in the world, even if you did nothing, in five years you'll still feel better than you do right now.
Yes, even dissociative disorders. (PDF)
Don't be so hard on yourself.
This won't apply to everyone, obviously there is a problem with mental health in aging populations, but... don't think that's the norm, or something to be expected, and you've already taken the biggest step by noting your mental health struggles early on. One of the biggest reasons that there is a problem in seniors is because there was very little early detection, and talking about mental health was seen as taboo. You're halfway there.
And as you experience more happiness and things just feel calmer, making positive changes becomes easier, especially as more opportunities open to you every year. So.
Looking back, I think my biggest mistake was looking at myself as I was, and looking at where I wanted to be-- or, more often, what I thought everyone else was. Happy, composed, financially successful, intelligent, popular.
And good god, I felt lazy. I wasn't chronically fatigued, I was lazy, I convinced myself.
Eventually, I started looking at smaller parts of my life and tried to make tiny, easy improvements, rather than anything big.
And with each tiny improvement, and with each year, I started to feel like it was worth it. And like I deserved to have a life I was happy with, whether that met anyone else's expectations or not.
Look, I don't know what kind of crack my grandmother was on, but I couldn't keep a house like that. She had six kids and a job back in the 60s, and even at nearing 85 she would still get on her hands and knees and wash the floor. That place was always immaculate.
And that's just unrealistic. And unnecessary.
My mother was the polar opposite, and I grew up in a hoarding situation.
When I finally got out on my own, it took a while to figure it out, but I settled somewhere in the middle. The idea of keeping the house as clean as my grandmother made me want to actually off myself. I am not exaggerating. The idea was daunting and terrified me. I would rather lay down and give up than find the energy.
But the closer I got to my mother's situation, the more I hated myself, because look at how gross I was.
Here's the truth:
Fuck. Everyone.
Seriously. I swear to god, one day, a lightbulb is just going to go off, and you'll realize that you never should have cared in the first place what other people thought or expected.
My home is crowded but cozy. I no longer look around feeling overwhelmed and disgusted with myself. I do what I can and I celebrate every little step.
It's my home and I'm happy with it, and that is the only thing that matters.
Life is like my house. Live it only for yourself, and do what you can. Celebrate all of the things you do, regardless how small.
Even if you did nothing, it's still going to get better.
Imagine how much EXTRA better you can make it if you just take it in tiny, tiny steps.
Like exponential growth of better.
Feeling just slightly better today makes tomorrow feel better, and the day after that, and the day after that.
Plus, think of all the (insert animal you love) that'll you'll see.
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gimme your top 5 hot takes about YA genre
Only 5? Let's see if I can narrow it down haha.
5. Love Triangles
They've been around a while, but truly only popularised by the likes of Twitlight and the Hunger Games. Almost any YA story trying to copy off of either of these will be guaranteed to have a love triangle.
Will they have any of the depth and symbolism and thought put into the THG triangle? Fuck no! The only thing happening here is a case of "oh no! However could I possibly choose between my two love interests uWu".
They're shallow, dull excuses to plump out the story and to set the shippers aflame. Most of the love triangles could be solved because everyone has two hands OR the fate of the relationship rests entirely on how hot both parties are, not chemistry or compatibility or any frame of logic.
Love triangles can fuck right off.
4. There's Like. No 'Good' Adults
You know how it goes. 'I'm a spunky teenager and what I say goes! Fuck you adults with 20+ years experience!' And then the adults get #owned by this badass teen that's 16 with 30 years work experience even though they only learned their skill/secret society/heritage/powers etc last week 🙄
The only good adults are dead, preferably before the story even starts, if not, sterile, unemotional death within the first 20 pages works just fine.
Everyone else is bad. Or dumb. Or useless. Or evil. Like? We get it you don't want any adults around, jeez.
This isn't a hard workaround! There's many many many ways to shunt aside your adults without making them all incompetent, evil or dead.
like I get it, being a young adult means sometimes you want to disobey authority. and what better wishfulfillment than bland white girl #39776× telling some adult (who may even be right!) to go shove it up their ass. It's not even used as like a study of hubris or the character and their development. It's a simple 'fuck you authority figure' and then they wash their hands of it.
Like bestie, young people need more experienced and older people, role models and safety nets and sounding boards and teachers alike! Why you gotta make every fictional adult evil? As if getting older makes you inevitably turn bad? Where is the camaraderie between generations? Where are the healthy relationships between young and old people? Why expect evil as if it's the default when we could simply lift our standards?
3. "Strong" Female Characters
It seems like no author who's heard the phrase knows what it means!
It means we end up with female characters who can kill a bear bare handed but have all the personality and drive of three day old dishwater. No! No no no no no!
A strong female character doesn't need to be strong! What she does need is a personality. Impact on the plot. Drive, decision making abilities. She makes the plot move, the plot doesn't have to drag her around like a limp noodle.
But no. These "writers" are incapable of understanding that 'strong female character' is a goddamn FIGURE OF SPEECH and then work in a field where understanding metaphors and literary devices is really really important. It's the kind of brain fuckery where say, a pet store employee doesn't know what a dog is. HOW. How does it happen?? These people need to go back to like Grade 5 english and literacy skills lessons. Bloody hell.
2. The Almost Constant Racism
YA racism is so *shakes fist* it's not even limited to the writing.
White authors are out here "writing" what essentially amounts to tropes cobbled together with tape and chewing gum, the same kind of shallow, bland plots that are a staple of fanfiction from my 14 year old self. And then you have all these amazing works of fiction rejected because the author is a poc or the characters are "too diverse".
This isn't even scratching the surface of how racist a lot of YA gets. Like, the majority of characters are white, the main character is 99% guaranteed to be white, their love interest/s will either be white or they'll be fetishised until the cows come home. Any characters of colour will either be relegated to 2 dimensional secondary character or will be killed off with little fanfare, depending on the overall mood of the story.
The Wasted Potential
YA could so, so easily be the stepping stone for young readers transitioning out of children's fiction. Like, there's a lot of literature taught to people in high school that is simply beyond their ability to comprehend, but is still important to learn!
Much of classic lit, and literature that's important to study, is simply just. Too much. I know I didn't really understand a lot of what I learned in literature and I was one of the best students in my class. It's hard. Genuinely it's hard.
You know what would make it easier? A midpoint. Writing with similar depth and care and craftsmanship, but written for a younger, less experienced and developed audience.
The likes of Animal Farm and the Hunger Games come to mind because they are both clear cut allegories that, with a little research and help, are easy enough to understand and analyse. Like, can you imagine what kind of stories we'd get if even HALF these trope collàge booktok YA books were written with the same kind of skill as any classic author? The same kind of conviction and power in their stories?
Instead of classics that are beyond the comprehensive range of teenagers that just make them hate reading and leave them confused and upset. What kind of lessons could these kids be learning, if there were high quality works written for them and their level of development? Like, they could be learning and developing their skills as writers and analysts because they wouldn't constantly have to have it pointed out to them what x metaphor means or why abc is important.
Idk. I just think it'd be good for students to have a medium specifically for their age group instead of being expected to comprehend the entirety of War and Peace.
anyway, these are my main thots on YA as a general genre. I have mixed feelings about it, as it was incredibly important for my development as a reader and writer and analyst but also :) most of it is shit :) as in like 99% of it is shit :) and we deserve better as readers.
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kitkatcadillac · 1 year
i have such a hard time knowing where i stand with my gender labels and stuff.
im not a woman. i dont get attracted to women. im woman adjacent sometimes i guess. im not a man either, and im definitely not attracted to men. i like people more similar to me. so id argue even though im nonbinary arguably across the whole board, im like... homosexual. right???
at the same time i fuck around with myself in my brain all the time. id squeeze someones skull into a fine dust if they ever called me a lesbian, but i joke around at myself im a dyke on the inside all the time. except im this skinny little freak that wears mens clothes but has a fair face and long hair that hasnt seen a pair of scissors in years. i fixed the washing machine and sanded the rust off my brakes and rotors with my own hands and recoated them. i wear high heels like a runway model. i laugh that im a girltwink but not a girl or a twink. ill kill you if you call me a girl. twink is tolerable but you get like one. i wear baggy clothes and working jeans, and tuck my shirt in to see my body strikes just like my brothers did when he was younger and a twig, a lot like my dads did when he was younger and a twig, but my face is like a carbon copy of my moms and i feel weird about it. she never got to find out i wasnt just a fruit, i was the whole goddamn tree. but whose rejection, acceptance or guidance matters when you dont have any goddamn parents as an adult and youre the only queer in the family!!!!
not even out tho so everyone thinks im a lesbian. and its whatever. its easier to just let that sit that way. im not like, Queers For Dummies(tm) tutorial fag for everyone in my family, where i have to go through bit by bit and explain what everything means and why they should shut their stupid mouths and suck on some soap instead of wondering why Gays Have To Be Everywhere Now or something.
hhdjfkg frustrating. frustrating. liminal queer space in an already confusing queer space and between in and out where my small joys are putting on my silly little label hats and then eventually going oh, god, but thats crumbs of an existential crisis, isnt it??? insane
i have a hard time... figuring out my labels and stuff. i do. i do
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indigoh4ze · 3 years
party || rafe cameron
warning- SMUT // vaginal fingering, eating out, vaginal penetration, mentions of intoxication
rafe cameron x fem!reader
a/n- so this is my first time writing for outer banks, im terrible at writing actual interactions so im sorry its so bad at first lmao. also disclaimer: rafe in this fic is nothing like he is canon, so his characterization is off. enjoy :)
also feel free to request for any outer banks characters i write for
turn on notifs here - @slvt4fakerealities-library - to be notified when i post a new fic
join taglist (add yourself to the outer banks section)
the lights were blazing, different colors zapping throughout the room as you made your way over to the couch. your head was slightly fuzzy from the intoxication, but you managed.
since the couch was empty, you took the chance to sprawl your whole body out on it, head on one arm and feet dangling off the other. you watched as everyone danced and made out and filled their bodies with even more toxins. soon, you found yourself just dazing up at the ceiling, lips opening and closing slightly as you lip-synced in a whispering tone to the loud music.
after what felt like hours, but could’ve only been a few minutes, you felt something nudge your thigh. without moving your neck, you let your eyes flash down to find the source of the movement.
hovering over you was rafe cameron. his dirty blonde hair framed his face messily, a single cross earring dangling from his left ear, a red solo cup in his hand as his free hand poked at your thigh.
“what?” you slurred, now moving up on your elbows and blinking back the haziness.
“i wanna sit,” he said, taking a sip from the cup. even in this state it wasn’t hard to notice how good the boy looked, tilting his head back and gulping down the liquid, eyes never leaving your own.
you groaned, pulling your knees to your chest and allowing rafe to throw himself onto the cushion. you were now facing his side, as his hands gripped your legs and pulled them back to their original position, except now they laid over his leg. giving him a curious look, you laid the side of your face on the back cushion and fidgeted with the bracelet around your wrist.
“shouldn’t you be like- getting shit faced or something.” rafe snickered at your words, sending you a glare before looking back down to his cup, which he was also mindlessly playing with.
“sorry, did i interrupt your little..nap?” he teased with a hint of amusement, referring to the previous state you were in, and you scoffed in return, mind clearing a bit more and making room for annoyance.
“whatever.” and then, you were pulling your legs off him and standing up, albeit wobbly as you almost fell to the side, caught by rafe’s firm grip around your arm.
“you good?”
“‘m fine,” you dismissed the boy, confused as to why he was even talking to you in the first place.
the truth was, you never liked him, he was rude and careless and selfish and way too much to put up with. but you couldn’t deny the attraction you felt towards the boy, and the tension that was always evident when the two of you were together.
but you always just pushed those thoughts aside, because even the thought of anything happening made your mind whirl with a plethora of emotions, not good ones by any means.
but then, you also couldn’t deny the recurring fantasies of things that could happen. could but wont, because he’s rafe cameron, and not even you’re desperate enough to be one of his bitches.
“hey?” a light tug of your arm pulled you back to the present, and you turned to see rafe at your side, cup forgotten as one of his hands molded around your waist and the other wrapped around your bicep to steady you.
“i’m really fine-.” you pulled away from him, and right as you did so, you felt someone back up on you, pushing you towards rafe and into his chest as a cold liquid spread from the lower half of your head and down your back.
you gasped in surprise, suddenly awake and alert as you sharply turned to see a boy standing there, cup tilted and empty as all its contents spilt on your back. he mumbled a quick apology, then took off laughing with his friends about something they said that probably wasn’t even funny.
“you sure about that?” rafe inquired, eyebrow raised in amusement as you stepped away from him, this time more cautiously. “c’mon, we’ll clean you up.”
although you wanted to say no and tell him to fuck off because you could handle it yourself, you were too exhausted from the long night to put up much protest other than a dramatic groan. then, you nodded, and rafe led you away from the crowd of people with a tug of your wrist.
now, you found yourself in a bedroom, rafes bedroom, waiting expectantly as you stood in front of the boy.
“what now?” you ask, palming your eyes and yawning, looking back at rafe with glossy eyes now, which were sending waves of tingles through the boys stomach.
“take a shower,” he implied, as if it was obvious. you scrunched your brows as he pointed to the bathroom on the other side of the room.
“i don’t have any spare clothes.”
“i’ll find you something to wear,” rafe shrugged, “go on,” he urged you to the bathroom, and you followed obediently, not having it in you to put up any sort of fight or ask questions.
“i’ll be right back,” rafe said from the room as you closed the bathroom door, only to hear the door to the bedroom close as well, meaning rafe left.
your mind was filled with the thought that he just ditched you, which was a possibility, but you ignored that thought and slipped your shirt over your head. once all the articles of clothing were thrown onto the cold tile floor, along with your shoes which sat messily in the corner, you lift a foot into the tub, stepping in.
immediately, you played with the oddly fancy knobs and managed to turn them on, warm water rushing through the shower head as your tilted your head back into it. the odd colored drink washed away from your hair, falling onto the floor of the tub and down the drain smoothly. you searched for soap, quickly cleaning up and scrubbing your hair twice for good measure. the smell of the soap reminded you of rafe, not surprising considering it was literally his own soap, you told yourself, annoyed by your current thoughts.
the feeling of the slightly cold water hitting your skin was enough to wake you up fully, but you were too lost in the blissful feeling of the water to pay much attention to your surroundings.
that was until you heard the door to the bathroom open, and you peaked your head through the curtain to find rafe, setting a towel on the counter, along with a shirt and a pair of shorts.
“who’s are those?” you questioned, making rafe jump as he realized you were watching him.
“sarah, i just took some from her,” he shrugged, and now you were even more confused.
first, he started talking to you randomly. then he’s helping you stand. then he’s taking you to his room..so you can shower. then he’s getting clothes for you to wear? how much did you have to drink? you started to ask yourself, questioning if this was all you just being wasted.
but it wasn’t, you felt pretty much fine. so there had to be something you were missing.
“just hurry up and change, i’ll be in the other room.” without another glance towards you, rafe left the bathroom, leaving you standing there, wet hair dripping forward from the way you had tilted your head to peek through. you went back to getting the soap out of your hair, rushing a bit more now.
meanwhile, rafe was in his room, just outside the bathroom, sitting on his bed with his head in his hands. what the fuck am i doing? was his only thought.
he was honestly just confused as you were. it started when he saw you laying on the couch, mouth agape as your eyes sketched shapes on the ceiling. you just being there was tempting enough, but after that he just had to make his way over to you.
the two of you hadn’t had many conversations in the past, at least no genuine ones. most were just bickering, to be honest. but, just as you thought, the tension was undeniable. the feelings weren’t one sided, that was for sure.
when he caught you from falling over, you had leaned into his warmth and something almost turned in his stomach, which was quite nauseating on his side. it was annoying how fucking worked up he got around you. his mind would spin with options of what to do with you. did he want to just kiss you, fuck you or annoy you to death? he had no idea, but it was overwhelming, to say the least.
so when he invited you to his room to clean up, he wasn’t really thinking about it, because everything was happening at once. he even searched his sisters room for goddamn clothes for you.
interrupting his inner monologue, a door opened and out came your figure, except you weren’t wearing the clothes he had given you. no, you were just in your towel, actually. your skin looked slightly damp still, but your hair had been fluffed out and dried a bit from the towel.
“what are you- where are the clothes i gave you?” rafe asked, standing hesitatingly.
“dunno, wasn’t my style i guess,” you shrugged, looking around his room casually, taking in the very rafe feel it gave.
rafe just scoffed, messing his hair up and stepping closer. “well, you can’t really go out in a towel now, can you?”
this reminded you that there was still a party going on, although it was muffled and a bit quieter as people began to call it a night.
“then i won’t go out.” you stepped closer, looking up at rafe with an expression of uncertainty, trying to identify the look behind his eyes, figure out what the fuck he was up to. but you saw nothing. if anything, there were just a bit of nervousness hidden there.
“and what exactly do you plan on doing, then? since your obviously so wise.” now his guarded demeanor was back up, though he had taken a step closer so your heavy breaths were hitting each other perfectly, hands close to grazing one another’s.
“i don’t know.” then, another reminder flashed in your mind, and you looked back at rafe, “wait, why are you even here? isn’t this like- your party?”
“well, technically topper wanted a party, i wanted to go to bed and sleep for a year.” you chucked at this, figuring he had already gotten fucked up today and didn’t feel like another party. then, taking a risk, you leaned in just a bit, and rafe didn’t pull back. actually, he pushed forward, bringing his large hands to wheel around your waist, setting fire through your veins.
it was as if both of you snapped at the same time, first eyeing each others lips, then pushing forward and taking said lips between your own. the kiss was hungry and long waited, immense relief flushing through you, which took you both by surprise.
not even a few minutes of this passed by before rafe was tugging at the towel, still clinging around your naked body, droplets of water probably wetting his floor.
before letting the fabric reveal your body, rafe looked at you, pulling away for a moment and looking over your features, silently asking permission. a quick nod was all it took for the material to be ripped off and throw to the side, rafe spinning you both around until the backs of your knees hit the bed and you fell back onto the mattress.
rafe looked over you with a smirk, eyes skimming over each and every detail of your body as if savoring it. a lick of his lips was all it took for your thighs to rub together, anticipation becoming too much as you waited for him.
this obviously pissed him off, because now his hands were tearing your legs apart, exposing your bare cunt inch by inch. “don’t even try to cover this up, got it?”
his voice was demanding, and luring, enough to make you nod, eyes softening in obedience, resulting in a snicker from rafe.
he leaned back in, delving down to leave kisses along your collar bone and suck on the flesh until bruises built against your skin, making you whimper and grab his dirty blond tressed with your fingers.
the sound of your whimpers made rafe go crazy, but he tamed the need inside him long enough to work his way down your stomach, placing teasing kisses down your inner thighs, but not once touching the spot you needed the most attention in.
“please, rafe,” you pleaded, not sure where it came from but gong with it once you saw the way he looked up at you, lust blown eyes and parted lips, waiting to be against your cunt.
“please what, hm? tell me what you want me to do, baby,” rafe cooed, fingers clenching around the inside of your thighs so he could push them apart and kiss your inner thighs, resulting in your back arching and hips begging upwards.
“n-need your mouth.” your face blushed with embarrassment of having to speak the words, but rafe just tsked, one hand moving upwards as he used his thumb to draw circles around your cunt, only passing your folds, earning a cry from you.
“i need more than that, doll.”
“fuck! please, j-just need your mouth on me, rafe, need to feel your mouth on my pussy, please!”
it seems that was acceptable for rafe, his thumb pausing just above your clit, then dragging down, finally grazing over the sensitive bud and stimulating it perfectly. your hips jerked at the sensation, but you grew accustomed to the feeling once he began working in small circles.
soon, his mouth was on your cunt, tracing paths over your folds and rubbing at the nub with a flat tongue, constantly sending shivers through you as you moaned with pleasure. his hands stayed at your side, ring clad finger’s cold against your flesh as his tongue dug inside you and began fucking your hole with no remorse.
the shapes and letters his warm tongue carved into you were almost too much, and when you reached down to rake your fingers through his hair, you fought the urge to push his head down and allow him to bury himself completely between your thighs.
“f-fuck! rafe, oh god, feels so good,” you sobbed, voice becoming louder as he hummed into you, a smirk on his lips, no doubt, from seeing you fall apart for him.
rafe pulled away within a second, licking his lip and keeping his eyes on your cunt, calculating his next move. you watched as he did so, suddenly feeling exposed as he raked his eyes over the slick coating your folds and your clit throbbing painfully through them. you squirmed at the emptiness, about to squeeze your thighs together, but you were too late as rafe brought a hand up, middle and forefinger pushing through your folds and embedding themselves within your walls.
a loud gasp escaped your lips as he did so, and you bit down painfully on the cushion of them as his fingers pumped in and out of you with nonstop speed. rafe looked up at you, his own lips parted beautifully as he watched moans flow easily out of your mouth.
“you like that, baby?” came his husky voice, only intensifying your already great pleasure that ran through your body. you nodded at his inquiry, not able to form coherent thoughts under his gaze. and that was when his fingers made a hook and pressed against your most sensitive part, making you squirm.
his smirk became bigger, and his fingers fucked you harder, a desperate attempt to ruin you right there. then he was leaning down, still pumping his fingers, and began to lick your clit with fervor, flicking the bud and sucking without resistance until your thighs were clenching around his head and you were a complete moaning mess.
“oh fuck- i’m g-gonna come rafe, pleaseplease,” you begged pathetically, having no time to be embarrassed as he hummed, nodding his head while still sucking on your clit, and permitted you to let go.
the orgasm took over in a huge wave, which came surprisingly fast, and the only thing on your mind was the bubbling in your stomach that was finally freed. moans and gasps fell from your lips as you wet his tongue and fingers, and rafe didn’t let a drop go to waste as he lapped up your slick, helping to prolong your orgasm.
hands reaching for his hair in dazed motions, eyes closed and lips parted, you mumbled, “t-too much, rafe,” which was the boys que to give you a final kiss on your clit, then remove his head and fingers from your cunt.
now, rafe stared up at you, swiping a ring clad thumb over his bottom lip, which was glistening with your arousal. his thumb then moved to enter your mouth, and you dutifully took in the digit, sucking with starry eyes, and whimpering when he removed it from your grasp.
rafe rose to his full height, still in his shirt and pants, which were no doubt keeping his hard dick from standing tall. suddenly, you felt that flush arise to your cheeks from your being nude, and you bit your lip and reached a hand out to grapple at his shirt. he took this as a sign to pull the material over his head, then going in for his buckle as well. the sound of the metal clinking as he loosened it from its straps was enough to send you into a spiral of anticipation, eyeing his clothed prick impatiently.
rafe had that smirk plastered to his face still, throwing his belt aside and then his pants, making sure not to go too fast as he tormented you.
you let out a whine as he hooked his fingers around his boxers, not pulling them down fully but revealing his v line. “rafe,” you pouted, and he decided to be nice and let them fall down, now unclothed as he kicked off his shoes and settled ontop of you, marking your chest and neck immediately.
sighing with content, you held him close and let his lips suck on your flesh, until the arousal was too much and he began to grind against you, slowly. your cunt was already becoming slick again as he rubbed against your thigh.
rafe lift himself up to his knees, pumping his cock, the point of his tongue poking out from the side of his mouth in concentration. the image of your breasts on display for him, and your lips parted and chest thumping was enough to make the boy cum on the spot.
he raised a brow at you, making sure you were still okay, and once getting a quick nod, he pressed the head of his cock against your folds. in the next second, he was thrusting into you, earning a loud gasp from you, which he covered with a hand on your mouth.
“shh, ‘m gonna fuck you good, okay? just lay there and look pretty,” he teased, but you nodded, wanting nothing more than to do as he said.
the thrusts started out mild, but soon quickened tempo, hips stuttering against yours as he wrapped a hand around your leg and pulled it over his shoulder. this allowed a better angle, and you moaned with him as he repeatedly pounded into your already sensitive cunt.
you slid a hand down your bouncing breasts and stomach, then to your throbbing clit, soothing it with your gentle fingers before rafe slapped them away, as if saying “mine.”
his own hand went around your propped up leg to thumb at your clit, whilst the other made a path over your hips and breasts, fondling with the mound of flesh and pinching your nipple.
the overstimulation was rushing through you violently, his thrusts becoming sloppy, orgasm at the brink. you watched his head fly back, eyes rolling and mouth a gape, hypnotized by how pretty he looked even when he was fucking you.
“rafe,” you repeatedly mumbled, forming no other words in your clouded mind.
“hm? does it feel good? d’you like the way i fuck you, pretty girl?”
“y-yeah, so good,” you hummed, your own head rolling back onto the pillow, hips thrusting up to meet his and satisfy the hunger that once again boiled in your core.
“i’m gonna cum on your tits, are you gonna be good for me?” he said just as your orgasm was about to wash you away, and you nodded fast, once again wanting to be the best you could for him.
then, you came, waves of pleasure splashing through you before he pulled out, still thumbing your sensitive bundle of nerves, using his free hand to fist his cock which hovered over your breasts.
you held your tits in two shaky hands, squeezing them together and massaging them while rafe came, painting your breasts and stomach until he had milked out every last drop he could. he mumbled yes’s and fuck’s, along with your name until his high died down.
breathing harshly, you set ur sight to the ceiling, deep intakes of air causing the ends of rafe’s lips to turn upwards slightly. he leaned down to place one last kiss on your flushed cheek before letting himself fall onto the mattress beside you.
“let’s clean you up,” rafe said, turning to look at you, “the party’s not over yet.”
uhhhh yeah idk how i feel ab this i hope it wasn't terrible ig. reblogs appreciated :)
@o-rion-sta-r @saggyb1lls @rylynn-m @dobbysockcollection @arcaneslut @arianagreyy @el-imaskingforyourlefthand
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Kid!MC/Teen!MC Needs someone to go to Parent Teacher Interviews for Them and Guess Who’s Available?
The brothers being bad babysitters/dad figures is something I love very much, I bet you all could already tell that considering the Fic/Headcanon series I have going on. I would just like you all to know that Asmo’s section is based on a true story. Anyhoo~ onto the Headcanons!
Why? Why Him? (Lucifer)
Is MC really dumb, or are they just a kid? No one knows.
Obviously MC asked Lucifer, the only competent one in the house, the most professional, hard-working, controlled-
MC got their things together and gave Lucifer the run down on their teacher(s) before Lucifer got too absorbed in extolling his own virtues in an intense internal monologue.
News flash Lucifer, this isn’t a Shakespeare play, you can’t have a dramatic monologue or soliloquy about how great you think you are
At the actual meeting, if MC is in there, no, MC is not actually in there. Lucifer will speak to the teacher as if MC isn’t there. As someone whose not a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down kind of person, Lucifer expects the teacher to behave the same and not spare MC’s feelings.
Feelings do not deserve to be spared if MC is being a nuisance. No fake-kid/little sibling of his gets to be the class idiot!
If MC’s doing very well academically, he expects to be pointed at projects or tests they’ve done and the grade on it. It really makes him proud to see MC doing well.
Even if they’re not the best academically, if they’re not failing and they’re doing well in other aspects of school, he’s proud.
If MC really struggles in a school environment and just hates it there but they’re still keeping their head above water, they get a head pat of approval.
On the drive home, if MC came with him to the parent teacher interviews and everything went well, he just happens to turn onto the street that has a Baskin Robin’s or something of that caliber.
If they didn’t go, he picks something up on the way back.
No fun treats if MC is being a disruptive little heathen in class, no kid under Lucifer’s care is going to be the class Mammon. Not on his watch.
MC was busily stuffed their face with the treats that were gifted to them. Lucifer had to hold himself back from rolling his eyes at the kid’s blatant disregard for basic table manners when it came to sweets.
“Is everything the teacher said true?” Lucifer asked, MC looked up at him with a smile.
“Good, good.” Lucifer held out his hand and patted them on the head. “You’re doing well. Keep it up.”
“Geez,” MC mumbled as they continued to stuff their face. “Can you get anymore affectionate?”
“Don’t be sarcastic, MC. It’s uncouth.” Lucifer said sternly. “Besides, I’ll have you know that many people enjoy my headpats. I’m quite affectionate.”
“Really now? Name one person.”
Lucifer opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He and MC stared each other down, one pair of eyes much more nervous than the other. Spoiler, MC was still calmly eating their treat as they maintained eye contact.
“If you’re reaching for Cerberus, you’ve already lost.”
…his pride was under attack. Right in front of his desert…
“You’re grounded.”
“Worth it.”
*Rides by on a Skateboard* School is for NERDS (Mammon)
Pff! Stupid human! He’s not goin’ to some lame parent teacher conference-
Wait! What’s with that face?! Ugh… fine. MC’s gone and forced his hand with those damn puppy dog eyes…
Mammon does not dress up for this event, he dresses like he would every day, maybe throw on some designer stuff to let all the parents and teachers know he’s hot shit.
If MC goes with him, he pulls up in his beloved car and takes up two parking spaces (pure evil.). Every parent present already hates him, but at least the other kids there are impressed with MC’s sweet ride. MC would have gained some street cred if Mammon hadn’t managed to trip up the stairs to the classroom in front of everyone.
He’ll act way to casual with the teacher, turning the parent chair backwards and sitting down so he can lean on the seat.
Mammon gets bored crazy quickly while the teacher lists and explains all the stuff the class is learning, so his eyes begin to wander to any and all displays in the classroom. Projects, annoying posters, class pet, anything is more interesting than this teacher’s explanation.
When MC finally becomes the main topic of the interview, he’s all ears. MC’s doing great in school academically? Ha! Nerd! Maybe giving MC a playful noogie and interrupting the whole interview wasn’t a good idea, but whatever.
If MC’s failing anything, or just isn’t that gifted when it comes to grades, it’s very much a “Aw man me too” from Mammon.
This teacher is speaking with the Great Mammon, the first demon in RAD’s history to fail three semesters in a row. If this teacher thinks bad grades will phase him, they’re dead wrong.
Grades don’t mean anythin’ about smarts anyway! I mean, look at him! He’s a fuckin’ genius but he can’t get through a history test without sobbing even though he LIVED THROUGH MOST OF IT.
MC gets treats no matter what’s up in class. Though, if MC didn’t go with him, he’s likely to forget and just order something for the two of them when he gets back home.
“Goddamn teachers and their rambling!” Mammon whined, grabbing a slice of pizza from the open box on his coffee table. “You owe me, MC! Ya really do!”
“Yeah yeah yeah.” MC said, they leaned over and rolled a pizza slice into a pizza-scroll then proceeded to eat it like a veggie roll. “How do you think I feel, listening to them every day? You know how long it takes to get to the actual class material?”
“Five years?”
“Ugh! Five years if I’m lucky! I swear, I know more about my teacher’s grievances with like… five of my classmates than I do about trigonometry, and guess which one’s on the test next week?”
Mammon winced in sympathy, then remembered he was supposed to be whining and went back to it. “School’s shit and a waste of money, ya should drop out as soon as you can and help me run my new business.”
“You mean your pyramid scheme?”
“It’s not a pyramid scheme, MC! It’s legit! It’s a multi-tiered marketing-”
“It’s a pyramid scheme.”
Everyone else must have been sick or something for MC to have asked Levi. He’d flat out refuse to go otherwise.
So, Levi couldn’t exactly go to the interview in his usual “I haven’t left my room or changed clothes in eight weeks” look. With the help of MC, he was able to find his military uniform at the back of his closet.
Asmo nearly fainted when he saw Levi in the uniform, not because “oooo, a man in uniform~”, it was because the outfit was so crumpled and wrinkled that it made it physically painful to look at. No time to iron and wash, the conference was in an hour!
Levi (and MC if they went with) rolled up to the school in a less than impressive ride, but one look at the uniform and all the other people present went “yep, time to be respectful (tm)”
For the first time in his life Levi was more intimidating than Lucifer! And he wasn’t even trying!
When the teacher starts explaining the course material, Levi spaces off in horror as he realizes he remembers literally nothing from school (AND HE’S STILL IN SCHOOL!) all that’s running through his head is “A squared + B squared = C squared” and “the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell”.
The actual interview was the least interesting part of the trip, the real stuff happened when Levi passed by some art on display in the hallway and something caught his eye-
Those colours… that hair… that adorable smile..!
Levi immediately started fawning over the art class fanart and by sheer coincidence, one of the kids walking through the hallway happened to notice.
The kid asked MC if their… parent and or guardian liked anime. MC responded with “obviously.” Levi then asked the kid if they drew his adorable Ruri-chan. The kid said no, and that they drew the My Hero Academia fanart a few rows down.
Levi was absolutely floored that there were two anime fans in one class, then his entire world shattered when MC explained there was more anime art inside the art room and other classrooms.
H-hang on… did that mean that… a lot of people here… liked anime..?
Levi needed a while to process. No snacks on the way home…
Levi and MC were sat in the back of their Uber, Levi, the Avatar of Envy himself, was having his entire sense of reality warped. S-so much anime fanart… in a school of all places..! What did this mean for the future of anime?!
“Levi. Stop.” MC sighed. “If this were an anime, the camera angle would be doing that thing where it’s right on the bridge of your nose and dramatic music plays in the background.”
“S-so many kids in your class like a-anime huh..?” Levi stuttered, weakly trying to smile. “Must be nice..?”
“Oh, that’s just my class. The other classes and grades have their fans too.”
“Oh… really?”
“Levi,” MC stopped looking out the window and looked at the otaku that was having a full scale silent mental breakdown. “Anime isn’t even a niche interest anymore. It’s a pretty casual thing to watch now. At least a third of my class watches- Levi?”
“Levi?” MC waved their hand in front of their spaced out demon’s face. “Leviiiii? Okay he’s dead.”
The Know it All (Satan)
Ah, a smart choice, MC. Satan would be glad to help further their education. He’ll do everything in his power to make sure that the human’s brain is fed all that sweet sweet knowledge.
Satan can’t dress himself normally, MC had to coax him into a suit jacket, but he still only wore one sleeve.
MC was coming along to the interviews whether they wanted to or not, it’s important to hear what they need to improve on from the teacher themselves after all.
The two arrived pretty early, so Satan asked MC for a tour of the school. It was pretty tame until they reached the library. Satan was horrified at the state of some of the books…
Their spines lined with duct tape… pages missing and torn… someone apparently used a taco as a book mark…
The first thing Satan does when it’s time for his interview is demand the teacher take better care of the library, even though they’re not the librarian. MC tries to explain this, but Satan is too distraught to listen to reason.
He enjoyed hearing about the course material, but he made it known if MC thinks the assignments are too easy that they need to be given more challenging work. THEIR BRAIN NEEDS TO BE STIMULATED DAMN IT.
It was up to MC to either agree with Satan and nod to the teacher, or make frantic eye contact with them to try and communicate “NO DON’T PLEASE”.
Similar to (ugh) Lucifer, as long as MC is doing their best, he’s happy for them.
…but if they are in any way in the running for valedictorian he is HELPING THEM WIN.
He decided to stop at a cafe or bookstore to let MC pick out a “congrats on surviving your pitiful school” present after the interviews.
MC gleefully perused the shelves of the bookstore, there were so many books too look at…
“I’ll buy you as many books as you’d like, MC, just,” Satan shuddered slightly. “Promise me you won’t treat them like those poor library books…”
MC put their hand over their heart. “I swear on the duct taped book spines that I will never treat a book like that.”
“Good… good…” Satan breathed a sigh of relief and went back to looking at his book about cats.
“Are you… reading a Warrior Cats book..?” MC asked tentatively.
“Yes, why?”
“Satan, put that back.”
“I Will Seduce the Teacher For the Sake of Your Grades, Don’t Worry.” (Asmodeus)
Oh MC dear! He’d be delighted to go! Just let him get ready~
Asmo may not be the best choice, but he was at least going to be the best dressed person at that conference. (And MC just had to come too so all the other parents could be jealous of how well coordinated their outfits are)
He teased MC a little by saying he was going to flirt with their teacher to make sure they passed the class, but he was just kidding! …but he made sure to ask if their teacher was cute, he needed to know!
While waiting for his turn, Asmo flirts with some of the single parents, if he doesn’t see a wedding ring, they’re fair game.
Once his time slot arrived, MC realized that Asmo is one of those “my child has done and will do nothing wrong ever” types. This may have ended up working in MC’s favour if they were a class nuisance.
If MC is doing very well in sports, clubs, grades, anything, Asmo is fawning over them and gushing to the teacher about how great, smart and adorable they are.
Asmo surprisingly does not exactly flirt with the teacher, he was just teasing MC after all. But um… if MC’s teacher just happens to be cute and young, he may turn up the charm, just a little. Enough to make the teacher giggle and make MC cover their face in embarrassment.
After the interviews Asmo will probably schedule a nice day out for the two of them, shopping, a movie, mani pedis, something fun!
The real weird stuff happens in the months after the interviews… if Asmo did lightly flirt with the teacher, MC gets quite a few questions about their guardian. Questions that ask if Asmo is single in not as many words…
Oh lord, MC’s teacher developed a crush on Asmo.
Nail painting night was supposed to be a fun occasion, but MC was hopping mad and embarrassed. Asmo didn’t seem to notice as he continued to paint the little human’s nails.
“And then I told Phenex to get lost. The nerve of that little monster, right MC?” When MC didn’t reply, Asmo looked up and tilted his head. “MC?”
MC’s angry face would have been much more threatening if they weren’t just so adorable, but it was getting the message across.
“Asmo.” MC’s glare deepened. “My teacher wants to know if you’re single.”
Asmo blinked a few times, before he hit his tongue to keep from laughing. “Really now~. I knew they’d be madly in love with me-”
Oh My Demon King is That a BAKE SALE?! (Beel)
Of course Beel said yes! He’d gladly go to MC’s parent teacher interview!
He even put on a nice outfit :D he ended up looking a bit like a secret serviceman guarding MC, the tiny president.
Beel stopped for McDonald’s on the way there, all the other kids were so jealous of MC when they stepped out of the car eating fries.
But a little something something caught Beel’s eye when he and MC walked into the school… was that a… bake sale?
MC quickly explained that the bake sale was fundraiser for their class trip that year and the snacks weren’t complimentary. He had to pay.
And pay Beel did. He cleared out the entire table. MC’s grade’s overnight trip was going to be decadent as hell. That was no longer a crowd funded thing, that trip was privately funded by a tall buff ginger secret service member and this tiny in comparison child.
Kids are incredibly blunt, just like Beel, so when a random kindergarten kid wandered over, looked up at Beel, and very knowingly said “you’re very tall”. Beel was like “yeah”. The kid then said “what’s it like being that tall?”
Beel’s response to this kid’s question was to pick them up and hold them for a few seconds before placing them back down. For just a few moments this kid knew what it like to be over 6’4. Of course, more kids swarmed in and asked to be picked up.
Sure it was cute, but Beel now has an army of kids ranging from kindergarteners to third graders.
Finally, the conference actually began. Beel snacked the entire time and dutifully listened to everything the teacher had to say.
After the interviews are over, he checks with MC to make sure everything the teacher said was true and that they weren’t lying. If all was well, the two made their exit.
They stopped at Wendy’s on the way home.
“I’m so full…” MC groaned, Beel held up a massive cookie.
“So I can eat this?”
“No. Gimme that.” MC took a very defeated bite out of it. “My stomach says no but my mouth says yes…”
“I don’t want you to get a stomachache, MC,” Beel said worriedly. “No more snacks.”
“It’s a little late for that. It’s past nine and I’m still eating, there’s no way I’m getting to sleep at a reasonable hour.”
“Oh…” Beel mumbled. “I may have not completely thought this through.”
“*Snore* Huh? Wha? MC’s Grades? Uh… Fuck…” (Belphie)
MC must be failing a class or something because why on earth would they pick Belphie otherwise.
They ask him to go while he’s delirious from just waking up from a nap, he sort of half nods and mumbles some gibberish before going back to sleep.
MC had to basically carry his ass to the school. Belphie drooled all over them in the waiting room, and when it was their time to go into the interview, Belphie had to be manually put into the chair and slapped awake.
He barely listens, he just sits and nods along with whatever the teacher is saying. The teacher could say MC brought an alligator to school and he’d just go “uh huh…” “mmmph… yep…” “really now?” then yawn.
The only thing that could possibly get Belphie to be interested is if MC is studying space. If they are, than boy howdy is Belphie suddenly interested in their education.
Other than that? *snore*
If MC is in fact failing or doing poorly, MC’s teacher asks to see another one of MC’s guardians at a later date. Their plan failed miserably.
MC drags Belphie out of the school and yells at him for not helping them. Belphie, still sleep delirious, tries to press the snooze button. MC does not have a snooze button.
“Belphie!” MC shouted, shaking the Avatar of Sloth awake. The House of Lamentation’s resident bastard was somehow sleeping standing up outside. “HOW COULD YOU?!”
“Eh?” Belphie half-snorted and looked around confused. “What’d I do? Where are we?”
“At my school! You said that you’d go to my parent teacher interviews!”
“…MC I don’t think I’d pass well for you.”
“Sheesh,” Belphie murmured while he rubbed the remaining sleep from his eyes. “You humans are so noisy.”
MC looked up at their dearest demon friend, and gave him their best glare. “I’m going to take all your fancy temperature changing pillows and switch them with normal pillows you traitorous bastard.”
811 notes · View notes
Take me home.
Summary: You ran away from Ambrose after everything pieced together.
Genre: Angst, SFW, comfort at the end
Male reader. He/him used.
A/N: This is purely self indulgent (and based off a moment in my life) since I'm not having the best if days. Ignore the bad writing it's very lazy and I didn't really try. Just needed to write something out.
The yells Bo shouted out came dead upon your ears as you ran as fast as your legs could go. With the added adrenaline of the moment, you ran faster than ever before. You could almost hear the way Bo scrambled to put his boots on and ring up Lester who would be on the road at this time.
Salty tears fell down from your eyes as you almost slipped on the wet stones of the washed in entrance of Ambrose. The ghost town you had called home for a good year. The brothers you called home.
So why were you running?
A group of visitors had visited this time, and you had watched as Bo killed them off. Vincent taking the dead bodies and dragging them down to the basement to become new figures for their town.
That's when it all came together. The figures weren't just wax. They were actual people. The skeletons that held up the wax weren't the metal wires most people used but actually human skeletons that had decayed over time from being there.
So you had ran for it due to the panic and shock.
Your shoes brought clouds of dust up into the air as you ran on the dirt road, knowing Bo had gotten Lester to get you instead since he had lost you.
As sad as it was, you didn't even want to see Lester. Knowing he also knew all that was happening, helped lead people to their death make a sour taste form in your mouth.
It wasn't long before your feet were hitting actual pavement now and that's when you realized just how far you had gotten from Ambrose. Knowing the brothers wouldn't find you anytime soon, you dropped to your knees on the pavement and sobbed.
From the moment Bo had seen the panicked and fearful look in your eyes, he had dialed up Lester and put his boots on to chase after you. "Shit- WAIT UP!! GET BACK 'ERE I AIN'T GONNA HURT YA I PROMISE!!" He had yelled out, a desperate tone in his voice as you slowly ran out of sight.
"Bo? Th' hell happenin' over there??" Lester had spoke through the phone, the rattle of bones from his truck coming to halt. He had probably gotten home. "Y/n ran away. Found out what we did to th' town and took a run fo' it like a goddamn cat."
He was panting, out if breath from the running as the sound of an engine turning back on rang through his ears. Vincent was now making his way over to his twin, rapidly signing and asking what the fuck was going on.
"Take yer damn truck and find him."
He said, no longer a request but a demand as his felt his heartbeat in his ears and hung up. With just that sentence Vincent was panicking and asking just where the hell you were and what had happened.
"Y/n's gone Vince. He ran for it after seein' all th' dead bodies from today's group." He told his brother, a hand running from his forehead to his mouth as he bowed his head down and shook his head. "How th' hell we gonna 'xplain this shit when Y/n's back..?"
Lester drove almost dangerously along the road he was oh so familiar with as his eyes darted along the sides. Yet after hours of looking, it had gotten dark and he had parked his truck in the entrance of the ghost town.
He stormed along the road, barging into his brother's home with nothing but rage filling his head. "Did you find him?" Vincent signed, responded to a cap being thrown quite hard at his masked face.
Bo stood with a scowl to yell at his younger brother but was stopped as well.
"If y'all two hadn't brought him to this damn town this wouldn't 'ave happened ya hear?! This 's all YOUR FAULT!!" He screamed out, his voice cracking when he raised it towards the end. And in the moment, neither of the twins could recognize their baby brother anymore.
"Les-" Bo had started, placing a hand on Lester's shoulder only to be harshly shoved away and hit against the wall. Sometimes they would forget this man was also one of them.
"No you listen here, if your dumbass knew how to be nice to someone and act as if you actually cared, Y/n wouldn't 'ave ran away. You got cocky Bo. That damn ego of yours always gets in the way." His words were low and filled with venom as he slipped his cap back on.
Lester hadn't even registered the tears slipping down his face as he walked out the door and slammed it so hard the paintings on the wall shook violently.
He wasn't coming back here anytime soon. Not without you at least.
So off he went again, this time tossing his phone into the glove box as he went back up the roads to search for you. He spent 'til the morning hours looking for you. He had gone well past Ambrose and the town he lived in before he found you.
His heart both swelled and broke once he spotted you, his truck coming to a screechy stop as he tripped out the door and ran towards you. You were too tired to run away and simply let the man knock you over as he sobbed into your shoulder.
After a minute of registering who this was and what was happening, you could only do the same in return as you cried in each other's arms.
"I thought you were gone... I-I thought I had lost ya Y/n..." Lester stammered out, pulling back to cup your face as he sniffled and scanned your face. You looked exhausted and tired. He had to bring you back home.
"..Take me home Les..." You told him tiredly, smiling at him lazily as your foreheads pressed together gently.
So that's what he did, he picked you up in your arms and muttered soft, loving words as he sat you in the passenger side of his truck.
The ride back was silent, only the jangle of his bone decor against the metal truck ringing through your ears as the familiar road home came into your eyes.
You would apologize to Bo and Vincent another day, but today you two just wanted to stay home and hold each other close for as long as time allowed.
148 notes · View notes
kiridarling · 3 years
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request | Can I have royalty au (soon to be king bakugou) (and soon to be queen reader) , katsuki and reader are supposed to be getting married (not to eachother) but they end up sneaking around and doing IT with eachother so top!kats , exhibition , begging , dumbification and spanking THANK YOU💞💞
this lovely request was submitted for the kissing booth event (the rest of the drabbles come out soon, ahem :)) so, if this was your request, um...hAHA whoops.
katsuki bakugou | f!reader, royalty!au, infidelity, nondescript!fiancés, angst (gasp), fingering, exhibitionism, dumbification + more! minors dni!
— 3.7k words
“C'mon, princess...can I make you feel good once last time?
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You're getting married.
No more ignorance is bliss, no more I didn't know any better—this is when you put all your childish antics to the side and fucking woman up, now in charge of the safety of your kingdom and its inhabitants and whatnot. So yes, you must snuff all your adolescent tendencies, and that includes sleeping with the Crowned Prince of the neighboring kingdom behind your fiancé's backs.
But, boys are stubborn. And stupid.
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Ding ding ding!
"Excuse me, Everyone!" Your fiancé announces to the crowd in your dining room as he stumbles to his feet, spoon clinking against his glass. He nearly trips, but no one sees except yourself. "I would like to make a toast."
You frown. This wasn't a part of the rehearsal dinner.
"First of all, I would like to thank you all for being able to be with us tonight," he says, shoving the glass higher in the air. As red wine splashes over the rim, you think to remind him that isn't a toast, it's the beginning of a speech, but your comments have rarely deterred the man in the past. "As you’re all aware, this marriage is vital. Not only for our kingdom, but for the neighboring kingdom as well."
Your fiancé regards the Bakugou’s with a lift of his chalice. In the coming weeks, two arranged marriages will melt the four most influential kingdoms into two, and your fiancé and his family had the genius to throw a massive Gala to celebrate it. You wouldn’t be surprised if they got off to the idea of stretching themselves so thin their hair falls out at age thirty; they won’t even allow you to choose the type of dress for your wedding.
"I would also like to thank my lovely, lovely wife, for just being so... lovely.” Your fiancé chuckles, accompanied by an uncomfortable massage to your shoulder. The guests find amusement in how whipped he is as he gazes your way expectantly, conceivably wishing to see you swoon at the compliment. All you give him is a blank face. His elation falters.
"You know, when I first met this woman, I knew she was going to be the love of my life," your fiancé shakes your glare off. You purposely block out the rest of his story in favor of folding and unfolding your napkin again, puffing under your breath at the cheesy comment.
"Sap," you grunt to yourself, obviously. You don't expect anyone to hear, but there's a snort to your right. Your eyes lift from your lap—and straight into Katsuki's smug blood red ones. He winks at you from across the table and your eyes roll at that, though there's a small smile playing on your face that's impossible to hide.
"Isn't that right [Y/N]!...[Y/N]?"
You blink yourself back to life, eyes reluctantly leaving Katuski's hypnotic ones for the pair that make you nauseous, "Oh—u-um, yep!"
The place bursts in laughter and there's even a little smile dancing on Katsuki's face. He catches you staring so your eyes divert to your lap, but his remain a physical force against you for the rest of the night.
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*selene — the greek goddess of the moon
The balcony is much nicer than the ballroom.
For one, it's the farthest place you could have gone from the commotion, all the way on the opposite side of the castle. It's a solid five-minute walk when you aren't in heels and a heavy petticoat, but it provides a lovely view of your front yard, subjecting you to watch the early-sleepers leave in their carriages to call it a night. Meanwhile, *Selene watches you from her telescope the moon with a sigh and a sad smile, because she's the only one who knows how completely and utterly alone you will be.
You glare at her—the goddess doesn't waver.
It's no secret that Gala’s like these get overwhelming—especially when you're the center of attention. You see Lord Shinsou (Earl) stuff the eager Lord Kaminari (Baron) into his silver-plated carriage before looking around to ensure no one saw, and blanche upon seeing your figure stood on the balcony. You salute so he knows his secret is safe with you, and relief washes over his face before he too hops into the carriage. What a scandal, you giggle.
Plenty of couples resign home after that; it makes you uneasy. You're unsure as to why, but you have the ever-increasing urge to nip at your fingernails until you don't have them anymore, and jamming the sharpest point of your heel into the concrete seems like the only proper way to release enough kinetic energy before you explode.
"He loves me."
He does, embarrassingly so—so what's the issue?
There isn't an issue; there shouldn't be. He reminds you how pretty you are and you compliment his influence. Neither of you are marrying down. You look good together. The kingdom's future power couple if you will, where you two supposedly mold the great future in your peculiarly young hands. There isn't an issue. You're the one for him, and he's the one for you.
The balcony door whines open. You don't turn around, praying whoever it is will see that it's occupied and turn the other cheek. Yet, the stomp of whoever's boots only grow louder until you’re adjacent to a shadow of a being, his chin lifted towards the stars. You catch a glimpse of blond hair, though dyed a pale white by the silver moon, and you two stand in a strangely comfortable silence, watching carriages roll out of your driveway.
The silence doesn’t last for long, though. It never does.
"D’ya always go disappearing like that?"
You frown. "What?"
"I don't fuckin' know," Katsuki grumbles—he has yet to look at you. Seems like Selene captures more than one person's attention tonight. "Blinked and you were gone."
Your frown only deepens, and you return your attention to the courtyard. "I didn't know you were paying attention."
The ash-blond presses his forearms against the railing for support. "I wasn't. He was."
"Said he wants you to come back, so," Katsuki clicks his tongue, carmine red eyes finally flicking your way through the darkness. You don’t dare look at him. “You run off often, or what?"
"Tell him I'll come back in a second," you sigh, balancing your face in your hand. Katsuki says nothing, but he doesn't leave, and you hate that you don't mind.
Until he points towards a couple crossing the lawn and says, "Oi, that's the Duke from my fiancé's kingdom. Fucker tried to poison my dad for the throne—straightened him out real quick.”
"Why are you talking to me?" You snap like a cornered animal. Katsuki lifts an eyebrow.
"What? I can't have a goddamn conversation?"
"I—" your chest rises and falls with a reason to why he can't, but you can only come up with one—and you don't want to think about it.
"Listen. I don't like these things either, alright?" He huffs defensively, so defensively that you have to take a step back. "If I have the opportunity to get some fresh air, I'm gonna fuckin' take it."
You shrug, supposing it makes you one and the same. The wind blows, not harsh, but harsh enough to ruffle your gown, and make the gold jewelry decorating Katsuki's tunic jingle.
“So. I guess this is it, ain’t it?”
You sigh, “Katsuki, you know we—“
"Yeah yeah, that's all you fuckin' say," he growls bitterly, and you blink in a poor attempt to find where the animosity came from. His face twists in an ugly way as he sits his hands on his hips, nose scrunched to mockingly pitch his voice that doesn't sound like yours at all. "We can't, we shouldn't—"
"Because we shouldn't!" You nearly shout, and Katsuki jumps from how quickly you raise your voice. "Because—because if we get caught, we're fucked. And I can't go to sleep terrified that I'll wake up to an exposé tomorrow morning and get beheaded by the afternoon. So...please. Just stop."
Katsuki clicks his tongue.
"You don't love that asshole."
Your throat feels tight—much too tight to be comfortable, and your chest rises and falls with disbelief as you search for the words before you can talk again, eyes never dropping from the stars. You've had this conversation, fuck, you have it too often; often enough to know that he would say those exact words, and enough to know precisely what you'll say in response.
"I love him, Katsuki."
"No, no you fuckin' don't," the ash-blond chucks a laugh and it's nothing short of acrid, his words eating away at your skin more than you'd like them to. You sigh, resting your forearms on the railing too.
"I'm not having this conversation with you."
"Always gotta be so goddamn emotionally unavailable, huh?" He growls, glare set on the mountains presented in front of you. You feel his suit jacket hit your freezing shoulders, unaware of the cool temperatures until you feel the cloth brush against goosebumps. It’s your turn to laugh bitterly.
“Careful. People might think we’re getting married to each other.”
“One day you’ll let me fuckin’ live,” he grunts, and your eyes meet for the first time. His usual red is dyed a deep purple by the moonlight, their usual hardness traded for something much softer. “Can’t even give you a jacket when you’re shivering like a goddamn leaf in the wind.”
You give him a look of utter exhaustion because you’re tired—tired of all this running around and hiding, the secrecy. It eats at your insides like a caterpillar does a leaf, knowing that you go to sleep every night to a man who’ll barely touch you, but at the same time, feeling guilty that you don’t need nor want him to.
“Why are you here?”
Katsuki clicks his tongue. His warm body settles behind yours, close enough to feel the warmth but not close enough to feel him. “You looked lonely.”
“I thought my fiancé told you to get me?” You ask, raising a suspicious eyebrow. Katsuki rolls his eyes, his arms settling on both sides of yours.
“He did. But I didn’t refuse the damn request either.”
“You saw my loneliness all the way from the ballroom. What an eyesight,” you scoff. Katsuki’s eyes narrow, but it’s clear he’s fighting a grin because you’re a little shit who loves giving him a hard time. The ash-blond’s chest rises and falls, and he bites the inside of his cheek.
“You know what I mean.”
You snort, tilting your head to the right. You suppose you do.
“And I’m marrying a bitch,” he adds to his list of grievances, his hands finding yours to gently play with your fingers. You nod in agreement. A bitch she is.
“And...I’m really going to fuckin’ miss you.”
It might as well pass for nothing but a breath, eyes trained on your held hands. His chest suspends like he has more to say, but his teeth tear at the inside of his cheek before he can. “I—fuck, I get it, okay? I’m a selfish asshole—“
“This doesn’t have to do wit—“
“And I really, really need to get my fuckin’ priorities straight. I mean, they are, just not in the way they should be.”
“Hey,” you chastise, shaking his hands for his attention. “You can’t control who you love, okay?"
Katsuki grumbles at that but you refuse, turning around to look him in the eyes.
"And neither can I.”
You let go of his hands in favor of pulling him down via his cheeks and giving him a big fat kiss on the lips. It’s peckish and brief, but it’s sweet and gets your point across. It's comfortable.
“The hell was that for?” Katsuki asks once you pull away. Though you see him struggle to hide a grin, eyes squinting more than they should.
“Easy,” you say, stepping forwards (as if there’s any space for that), “You looked lonely.”
Katsuki snorts, dropping his head, “Bastard.”
“And I’m being married off to an asshole,” you lament, pulling his face so close to the point you’re sure the strain on his back has got to be anything but sexy. He accommodates anyways—Katsuki always has; and night seems to suspend along with his baited breath as he waits for the next line, eyes shining with a painful hope you’re about to confirm.
“And I’m really, really going to miss you,” you say, shaking your head at how utterly true that statement is. Fuck.
The vulnerability slowly fades from his eyes at that, and Katsuki hums, clammy hands finding their rightful place around your hips.
“You shouldn’t call him an asshole, you know,” he says, face inching so close you can smell the champagne on his breath. “He means well.”
“I didn’t know you cared,” you quip back, raising an eyebrow. Katsuki shrugs, and you don’t realize he’s backing you up until your back kisses the cool railing.
“Well. I can’t help but feel a little bad,” he says cheekily as he inches closer, “‘Cause I make you feel so good, don’t I, Princess? Last time I checked, better than he ever could.”
You scoff at his audacity though it’s all good-natured, eyes preferring the moon over his heated gaze as he turns you around to face the courtyard.
“Ah, ah,” he tuts, redirecting your attention using a finger on your jaw, “Eyes on me, Princess. You look really fuckin’ pretty under the stars, y’know.”
You snort at the compliment, rolling your eyes.
“‘M serious. A fuckin’ goddess,” he growls, leaving wet kisses up the column of your neck. Your breath hitches as he reaches your sweet spot and sucks, and you’re swatting him away before he can leave a mark.
“I sai—“
“One last time, Princess,” he bargains lowly as his hot hands slide their way from your waist to your breasts, taking their sweet time. Katsuki hooks his chin on your shoulder. “Lemme—Can I make you feel good one last time?”
You’re nodding with a whimper before you can berate yourself for being so fucking easy, the thought of not being able to indulge yourself with this, with him, any longer tosses any and all resistance out the window.
“Good,” Katsuki hums, tweaking your nipples through the bodice. “‘M gonna pay you back for being so good to me, yeah? For puttin' up with all my shit."
You scoff, mouth dropping to tell him you weren't putting up with his shit, but then a warm hand lands on your thigh—somehow, he's found a way under your dress. The hand slides up inner thigh and you feel Katsuki's chest shudder against your back as he finally reaches where you need him most.
"Shhh, you don't want them to hear us, do you?" He grunts, pulling your panties to the side. You shiver from the change in temperature, watching another Duke and Duchess of half-drunkenly stumble into their carriages for the night, before there's a crack of a whip and hooves beat towards the exit. It's only a reminder of how painfully exposed you two are—one glance towards the balcony and any onlooker would know exactly what's happening. You hate it.
You hate that you don't.
"Atta girl," Katsuki purrs, groaning as he inserts a finger. You shiver, the weight of his being practically trapping you against the railing. "Always so fuckin' tight. I swear that asshole never fucks you right."
Katsuki's never been an impatient man and fills you with a second finger awfully fast, chuckling when you bite into the meat of your palm to hold back a whimper. His hips start to grind against the puff of your dress and he groans as quietly as he can, carelessly shoving down the sleeve of his suit jacket to bite into your shoulder.
You let out a broken moan much too loud for this time of night and it prompts Katsuki's free hand to stuff an equal amount of fingers into your mouth. "Y'know, something tells me you wanna get caught. You want the whole world to know how much you fuckin' hate that bastard, huh?"
You choke as Katsuki slides in a third digit next to the second, the slap of his palm against your pussy becoming nothing but obscene as your slick accentuates the sound. His hips speed up against your ass and that's enough friction to have the ash-blond groaning, along with the spit that drips down his forearm.
"So dirty for me, Princess," his hips stutter when you push back, tongue laving over the bite mark you'll probably have to conceal in the morning. Asshole. "You wanna cum like this, don't you? You're gonna cum all over my fingers in front of the entire royal court. Dumb little girl, can't even keep her mouth shut to keep us from gettin' caught."
You jam your heel into the balcony concrete so hard you positive it cracks before you're coming all over Katsuki's fingers, nearly choking on the ones in your mouth as you release the loudest broken moan you have that night. Katsuki's hips stutter against you and you're positive he's filling his boxers from the airy moan that follows, and his hand goes limp in your mouth before it slides out completely.
Your chests balloon in unison, his body draped over yours, and as you two catch your breath under the moonlight, you can’t help but think how much you’re going to miss this.
"Run away with me."
"I—" he does this. He always does this. He makes you feel on top of the world, acting like everything's fine, and then he pulls this shit on you. You look everywhere but him, nearly scoffing in disbelief. "Katsuki—"
"C'mon, Princess," Katsuki scrambles to flip you by the waist until your back is flush against the railing again and he’s cradling both your hands in his semi-damp ones. There’s a look in his eyes you don’t like, and it makes your chest burn. "Across the sea, people are movin’ over there and I—I know someone there, okay? Someone we could stay with, maybe help us get back on our feet an-and I found a fuckin’ ferry guy to take us across, and I can even pay him a little extra, o-or you, or—"
"Katsuki," you give him a sad smile, squeezing his hands tight. There's hope, too much hope in his eyes and it's fucking blinding. "Running away? I—this is—we have an obligation, we can't jus—"
"It'll be fine," he insists, stepping forwards and squeezing you back twice as hard. You sigh."I—the two kingdoms can merge or whatever the fuck they wanna do and then we'll be—"
"I—fuck Princess, I don't beg but goddammit, I'll do whatever you fuckin' want, get on my knees, I ca—"
"You really want to know what I want?"
Katsuki freezes. It's the first time you've ever seen some semblance of emotion in him that isn't anger or lust, with carmine red irises swimming in unshed tears—and fuck, you hate the sight. You want to shoot yourself in the fucking foot for what you’re about to do, but it’s for the best. It always is.
"Love her."
Katsuki looks at you, and his face drops, chest shuddering.
"I can't."
You drop his hands in favor of holding his face, thumbing at the hot tears running as they fall. God, Katsuki’s pretty—too pretty for his own good and he doesn’t even know it. His unsteady hands find themselves massaging your ribs and your foreheads knock together. "You need to try. Love her as much as you love me, yeah?"
"'S fuckin' impossible," Katsuki says with a wet snort, shaking his head with eyebrows raised. You giggle, throat impossibly tight.
"Almost, then? For me."
Katsuki’s red eyes stare at you through the darkness. You have half a mind to look the other way, but you figure you owe him this if nothing else, and as he lovingly absorbs your being under the moonlight for the last time, you really wish you could take your words back.
"I'll...fuck. Fine. I'll try." Katsuki resigns with a shrug, shaking his head. You two sniffle in unison and you suppress the strange urge to pinch him. "'M not gonna try to get over you, though. Sorry, not sorry."
You roll your eyes at that but it's all good-natured, followed by a choke you struggle to hide as his arms coil around your waist, "Then I won't either."
A genuine grin spreads across his face, and it’s borderline giddy—and a stark contrast against the waterworks. "She finally fuckin' admits it."
"Figured it was about time," you give him a wobbly smile before your eyes flicker to his, red blurring from being so close. Selene looks upon both of you with a reminiscent sigh.
"I love you, Katsuki Bakugou."
Katsuki sniffs before he laughs; it's wet, and near bitter, and he pulls you so close your face nearly shoves into his chest. "Fuck. Fuck, you're an asshole, you know that?"
"This is when you say it back," you bargain, squishing his cheeks. Katsuki presses his forehead deeper into yours.
"I love you too, Asshole."
He speaks with a softness you've never heard and it's like a gunshot to the heart, and as his lips inch closer to yours as your hands slide to thumb at his ears. One last kiss wouldn't hurt, would it?
Until there's a whistle and the click of footsteps. You and Katsuki jump a mile apart.
"Oh, [Y/N]! You're still out here in the cold?" Your fiancé asks with a raised eyebrow, but it seems like that's only an afterthought as he turns to Katsuki to say, "Your wife’s found the alcohol."
"Great," the ash-blond groans, understanding the translation—your fiancé is piss drunk in the ballroom.
"I do recommend you take her home. She's making quite a mess of the eclairs. And her face."
Katsuki heads inside without giving you a second glance, and your fiancé gives him a solid pat on the way in before turning to you halfway through the doorway, "Are you coming inside, Darling?"
"In a moment," you say with a smile. Your hand never leaves the railing. "Just getting some fresh air."
"Alrighty, then. I'll be in the bedroom. Waiting~" he winks, and with that, he's spinning on his heel, and you're alone with the moon again.
You watch Katsuki guide his inebriated fiancé into the carriage lovingly, with a smile on his face that isn't quite the one he wears with you but close enough, whispering whatever pleases her at the time with a chaste kiss on the cheek. You feel comfort in knowing that he has someone to love and someone to be loved by. He doesn't look your way—not once.
It's not until they drive away that you realize you still have his suit jacket draped over your shoulders. You don't doubt he did that on purpose, either.
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little things
Rating: Gen
Genre: Hurt/Comfort, SoftBoi!Rodrick, Insecure!Reader
Ship: Rodrick Heffley x Reader
Warnings: Body Image, Eating Disorders / Body Dysmorphia, Insecurity 
A/N: this is. SO shmoopy and cheesy lmaoooo but this was an anon request and i live to please :) enjoy!
You dragged yourself through your front door, kicking off your shoes in the foyer. The house was dark - your parents were probably asleep already.
You had just spent the day with Rodrick at Six Flags, and you were exhausted from spending all day in the hot sun, running around with your boyfriend like children. You smiled to yourself thinking about the events of the day, the thrill of the rollercoasters you went on.
You clutched the teddy bear Rodrick had won you close to your chest as you slowly ascended the stairs, trying not to make too much noise.
You entered your room and tenderly placed the bear on the bed, giving it a little kiss on the head as you did so before starting your night routine. Change into pajamas, brush teeth, wash face. As you were putting on your final face cream, your phone vibrated on the bathroom counter. You knew who it was from the specific rhythm of the vibration - two short bursts, like a heartbeat.
Rodrick had sent pictures of you two from today - a lot of selfies, but also a couple of far away shots that Rodrick had harassed people into taking for you. People rarely were able to say no to Rodrick once he had gotten an idea into his head - even if that idea was wrapping himself around a street lamp like a stripper for a good picture.
You finally, blissfully laid down in bed, letting out a giant groan as you cracked your back. You browsed the photos, feeling your heart-rate pick up as you gazed at Rodrick in the pictures. He looked so cute today - he had been wearing cut off black jeans, black high-top vans, and a loose button down Hawaiian shirt, half-way unbuttoned to show off his tanned chest and the multiple layers of silver necklaces he was wearing. His nails were painted black, but his eyes were free of makeup, simply accented by his naturally long eye-lashes and the smile-lines around his eyes.
After admiring Rodrick, you turned your gaze to yourself in the pictures. You felt your heart sink into your stomach. When you had left the house this morning, you had felt pretty confident in your outfit - just ripped jean shorts and a crop-top with converse. But as you looked closer, you couldn’t stop thinking about how unsatisfied you felt with the way you looked in the pictures.
As you continued to scroll through, the more faults you found in your appearance. Your thighs being squeezed by your shorts, which didn’t feel too tight but apparently were not as flattering as you thought. In one picture, you were sitting down on a bench, your legs over Rodrick’s lap, but you couldn’t stop staring at the roll of your stomach that came over the waistband of your shorts. You felt tears pricking your eyes, but you stubbornly refused to cry. You spent a long time trying to feel confident in yourself - you weren’t going to let that hard work be ruined by a few unflattering photos.
However, you couldn’t stop thinking about the way your body looked in those pictures. You got up to stand in front of your full length mirror, looking at the reflection critically. You were craning your neck to look at your butt when you heard a soft tap-tap-tap at the window. You jumped about 2 feet in the air before you realized it was just Rodrick, grinning from outside the window and placing a wet kiss on the glass, making you laugh. He made a grossed-out expression when he realized the glass was not as clean as he thought it was, wiping his tongue on the back of his hand.
“I swear to God, you’re like a toddler. Didn’t your mom ever tell you not to lick random surfaces?” you asked as you opened the window to let him in. He folded himself gracefully through the window, all long limbs and messy hair. You felt both comforted and electrified in his presence.
“Since when have I ever listened to any authority figure?” Rodrick asked, grinning wolfishly and leaning down to kiss you softly, juxtaposing his rebellious tone. For someone with such a seemingly hard exterior, Rodrick was always very gentle and sweet with you. It was one of the things you loved most about him - he seemed to hate everyone but you. It made you feel special and appreciated. 
As he pulled back from the kiss, he frowned, stroking his thumb over your cheek. “Have you been crying? Your eyes are red,” he said, making a pouty face. You shrugged, turning away and shaking your head.
“No, just allergies probably.”
Rodrick scoffed, “Sure, allergies. You’re a bad liar, you know that?”
You refused to look at him, instead going to your record player and flipping through the vinyls you had stacked in a black milk-crate. “I’m not a bad liar,” you said half-heartedly, not really able to come up with any other excuse.
“You totally are, you avoided eye contact and everything. Seriously, what's wrong? Do you not like the bear?” Rodrick asked. You felt his arms wrap around your waist, his chest pressed against your back, his nose tucked into the crook of your neck. You felt yourself smile despite your bad mood.
“No, I love the bear. I named him Sasha Bear-on Cohen. Get it?” you said, turning your head to place a kiss on his cheek.
“Ahh, a-very nice,” Rodrick replied in his best Borat impression. You giggled. He gave you a squeeze, hands warm on your waist, but the sensation made you self-conscious about your body again, and you wiggled away. You couldn’t understand how Rodrick could bear to touch you. You had no idea why he was attracted to you in the first place. It made tears spring to your eyes again, and you sniffled.
“Y/n”, Rodrick said softly, looking genuinely concerned. “I know you. You don’t get sad for no reason - unless you’re on your period, or you start thinking too much about the Mars Curiosity Rover.”
You sighed, but you knew he had a point. It took you a minute to get your thoughts into words before you spoke.
“I just... I know its silly. But those pictures - you look like a Hot Topic wet dream and I look... I don’t know. I just don’t like the way I look. And most of the time I don’t let it bother me - at least, I try - but I hate having my picture taken because whenever I see them, all I can see is the things I hate about myself. So. Yeah.”
You feel the tears making steady rivers down your cheeks, and your voice shakes as you speak. Rodrick listens attentively, sitting on the foot of your bed. He pats the space next to him, and you sit down. His hand rests on your leg - not constraining you or placating you with a hug, just letting you know he’s there.
“Y/n, I don’t know how to tell you this without sounding like a giant cheese-ball, but... holy fuck. You are so beautiful. I - every time I look at you all I can think is goddamn, I can’t believe she’s into a loser like me. And don’t argue, it’s just a fact,” he says quickly as you try to defend him from his own self-deprecation. 
“I’m not good with words... I’m more of a man of action, y’know?” he says, raising his eyebrows suggestively. You smack him on the arm, but his silly expression still makes you smile.
“But, I can still tell you - and don’t repeat this to anyone ever because I’ll never live it down - you give me butterflies. Every time. No matter if you’re in pajamas or a ballgown. You make me feel like a stack of pancakes with warm butter and syrup,” he pauses as you laugh, his warm brown eyes gazing into yours. “Just... I don’t even know what I’m saying at this point. You make my bones feel funny. That’s how beautiful you are.”
Rodrick finally wraps his arms around you. You let yourself be folded into the embrace, feeling content and more than a little overwhelmed by his confession.
“Thank you,” you murmur, unable to find any other words at the moment. You want to say all of that back to him, ten-fold. You want to tell him he makes you feel like flashing concert lights and Fourth of July fireworks. But your mouth can’t make the words, so you just wrap your arms around him tighter.
“Do you want me to spend the night?” he asks, pressing a kiss to your temple. You simply nod, already moving up the bed and pulling back the covers as Rodrick goes to turn out the lights.
In the dark of the room, only illuminated by the street-lamp outside your house, Rodrick looks very alien - all long lines and lean angles. It makes your heart-rate kick up again, and you feel a blush form on your cheeks. It’s not as though this is the first time you’ve slept in the same bed, or even been intimate, but this feels... different. 
Rodrick tucks himself in next to you on your bed - it’s a queen size, so it fits both of you well enough that you could sleep together not touching if you wanted to. But Rodrick is a big cuddler at heart, even if he would deny it to his grave. He wraps his arms around your waist as you lay your head on his chest, already being lulled to sleep by the steady rhythm of his heartbeat.
You feel like it’s important to tell him before you both lose the tenderness of the moment, so you finally open your mouth to speak.
“I’m so lucky. I know you think you’re... a loser, or whatever but, Rodrick. You aren’t. You are so beyond cool, and brave, and courageous. Thinking about you makes my head spin. And whenever I see you... I’m home.” You trail off, feeling awkward, but Rodrick simply tightens his arms around you, stroking your back with his fingers.
“If I knew we were getting this sentimental I wouldn’t have brought lube... and maybe a few tissues,” he snickers, and you pinch his nipple, causing him to squeal.
“Bitch,” he teases back, and you sigh softly, feeling your body and mind relax. You had almost completely forgotten about the pictures - and at this point, you didn’t really care. The pictures didn’t speak. The only voice telling you that you weren’t beautiful was the one inside your head, and it could definitely be a bitch sometimes.
You could’ve imagined it, but as your brain was finally shutting down, you could’ve sworn you heard Rodrick start to sing, “you are my sunshine... my only sunshine...”
“you make me happy... when skies are gray...”
“you’ll never know, dear, how much i love you...”
“please don’t take my sunshine away...”
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erwinsvow · 3 years
𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞.
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summary: he wasn't always alone. in fact, there was a time when levi had you.
warnings: angst, fluff, mentions/description of injury and patching up, levi needs sleep
author's note: been in the works for a while because i couldn't figure out what i wanted to do, but this takes place after levi & zeke's conversation and there will be an angsty part two, i hope everyone likes it! it doesn't really make much sense but bear with me :)
listening to: don't let me go
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“I bet you’re not popular with the ladies. Don’t act like you know about someone’s feelings.”
He pauses, feeling his heart skip a beat.
“I know. And I was… popular enough.”
He lets his mind take him back, back a time before everything in the world was so messed up. When he knew what his responsibilities were, and when there were clear orders to follow. He can’t seem to recall when everything went straight to shit. It feels like it’s been a long time coming.
He knew he was screwed years ago, when he was trying to stitch up the deep gash on his shoulder by himself, sitting in his quarters with a bowl of warm water and bloody bandages. You had been helping the others, a traumatized recruit with a concussion and broken leg, courtesy of the fifteen meter that had overwhelmed him.
There were a few others too, especially a familiar face that seemingly always needed your assistance after a mission. He wondered just how many times the boy—because that’s all he is, a boy, and that’s all you are, a girl—could get away with the same old ruse.
Regardless, he wouldn’t be visiting you tonight. Never mind that the cut he’s trying to nurse by himself is nearly impossible to properly reach, and that he feels dizzy from consistent bleeding and lack of energy in his body. The alcohol he ingested to calm his nerves doesn’t really do anything, either, since there isn’t nearly enough of the stuff in his room to actually have an impact.
He’s going to crash soon, he knows, and even though sleep always evades him, he just wanted to get this wrapped up and lay down without making a bloody mess everywhere. He releases a deep breath he didn’t know he was holding. The very thought of you is enough to tense up every muscle in his body, and the idea of you being alone with that idiotic, improper recruit makes his fist tighten around the needle. Sewing himself up tonight is a lost cause. He finally decides a bandage, no matter how bloody it might become, will have to do.
He stands up, slowly because he doesn’t want to pass out from a head rush, when there’s a knock on the door. He groans a little too loudly at the sound of it. He doesn’t feel like talking to anyone tonight, especially in this condition, wearing a torn scrap of a shirt and blood trapped underneath his nails.
“Who is it?” he calls out harshly, wondering if maybe they’ll just leave if he sounds scary. The other scouts knew he didn’t like to be bothered, and wouldn’t have come unless there was an emergency. If it was Hange she would have barged in already, and he would have recognized Erwin’s heavy footsteps from down the hall. No, he knows who it is. He just wishes that he’s wrong.
“It- It’s me. Petra said you were hurt earlier and that it looked bad. I just wanted to make sure it was okay…” Your soft, hesitant voice trails off, and he knows how much courage it took for you to knock on his door.
What he doesn’t know is that there was no way you were falling asleep tonight without making sure Levi was okay, no matter how angry he would get at you for bothering him at night.
You’re bracing for that reaction when the door opens, but when your wide eyes meet his tired grey ones, you feel yourself melt and all the words in your head disappear. There’s only one fragment of a thought left, the fact that Levi’s bleeding, and a lot, at that. You don’t even wait for his permission to step inside, suddenly energized by anger and mumbling to yourself as you set down your supplies and rummage through them.
“What exactly do you think you’re doing?” he questions quietly. He tries to line his voice with steel like he always does, but the facade is fading with every passing minute.
“I have to clean out your wound, captain, before something festers. If you had told me about this, say, right when we got back, it would have been fine by now, but now I have to rush because you’re too proud to ask for help-” You still and silence yourself.
It was out of line to enter without permission, but this is something else all together. Caring too much is one thing, you know, but insubordination is not tolerated, especially not by Levi.
You pick up a clean needle and thin silk thread that you need to patch up the wound, while searching for the jar of boiled water you need to clean it out first. Alcohol would work too, and you can smell it in the air, but you can’t find the words to ask for it.
Levi’s hands are unusually still, you know because you always notice them, and it’s a stark contrast to the way you’re shaking right now. It’s strange, because you stitched up a handful of others earlier today, and you were completely fine. Even Gunther, who you had always thought was handsome and could make you blush with an off-hand smile, never incited this kind of reaction from you.
You’re silently praying that Levi doesn’t comment on the tremor, but since you’re about to dig a sharp point into his shoulder to tie the skin back together, it would be idiotic if he didn’t say something. You turn to look at him, but it feels like he’s not even there.
His head is hanging down, propped up by the single functional arm, as the other one continues to bleed. You know it’s painful and that he should be saying something, something that makes you stutter and stumble over your words like he always makes you, but he’s just silent.
“Well, get on with it then. If that’s really why you came here this late.” His voice makes you tremble even harder.
There’s so much you try hard at. You try to be the best soldier you can be, even though both you and your superiors know you weren’t meant for this. Sometimes you can fool your fellow soldiers, and the handful of people you can call your friends, and with a few years under your belt, it seems like it’s getting easier to live this life. But you know deep down that it’s not. The one person who always sees right through it is Levi, though.
It’s part of the reason why you’re such a damn mess around him, because there’s no reason to present a false veneer if he knows the truth. You’re not a real soldier, not a real fighter, and you’re more useful as a medic stitching people up than anything else.
And yet, it’s always him who saves you. Him, who makes sure that any threat in between you and the scout you’re trying to rescue from the brink of death is eliminated. Him, that keeps one eye on the target and one eye on your back just in case. And every time, every goddamn time you need to be rescued, he rescues you.
But now, with his head hanging low and any semblance of not knowing why he always saves you gone, it feels your chance to repay him has finally arrived. The shaking stops when you go to sit down near him. Maybe it’s the sudden rush of energy in your body, but you find yourself unbuttoning his shirt to remove whatever remains of the cloth.
His body tenses further, but he doesn’t stop you, and he doesn’t say anything. You’re as gentle and careful as you can be, and once you’re successful, you drop the mangled shirt on the floor. Taking the water, you pour it over the wound as Levi releases a soft hiss at the feeling, for which you’re apologizing before you can even realize the words have left your mouth. He doesn’t say anything, but his shoulder relaxing encourages you to keep going.
You take your time, trying to clean off all the blood you can. You think he’ll protest when you pick up his hands, and wash those too, but he doesn’t. It’s not until you run your own hand over his softly, squeezing the top of it because you don’t have any words to express the thoughts going through your mind, that he finally speaks up.
“Thank you.”
It’s so quiet, you could swear that you had imagined it. He doesn’t look up to meet your eyes like you wish he would, but a smile forces its way onto your face regardless. You focus on the hard part now; stitching up your captain and making sure your work doesn’t leave him with any scars. You focus on your technique, fingers working nimbly and mind focused on this, and for a short time, it doesn’t feel like you’re with your captain, your superior. It just feels like being there with Levi.
All the while, his brain is working overtime to figure out why you’re like this. Why you’re treating him so carefully and gently, when you have no reason to. He doesn’t pick favorites, and even if he did, you wouldn’t be anywhere near that list. You’re not the fastest, you’re not the most lethal, and in fact, he could count on one hand your titan kills and assists. You help people. You save people. But most of the time, you’re just recovering a half-dead soldier so that their body can be buried at home and not forced to remain out there, alone. You’re just there so that parents can have a grave to mourn at, instead of an empty tomb.
He doesn’t treat you better than anyone else, and most of the time assigns you more cleaning duties than the others. You always take it and never complain, something else that he always wonders about. He had come to the conclusion it was because he’s saved your life countless times, and the fact that he isn’t going to let up soon. So you take everything he gives you with a polite smile. And for some goddamn reason, he can’t get that smile out of his head, no matter how hard he tries. You don’t even know how you make him feel; like he’s special and that he deserves these attentions.
A particularly painful turn of the needle makes him flinch, and brings him back to reality. You’re apologizing again, murmuring how you’re almost done, but he doesn’t want you to leave yet. He lets his mind flicker over how you’re always apologizing, and how much he just wants to tell you that you don’t have to, not for anything. Not for having to come and save you, not for stitching him up, not for trying to fix him.
You let out a sharp breath once you finish, getting back up to fetch a dressing, but his hand grabs yours before you can get too far. Levi looks up, grey eyes full of an emotion you can’t exactly pinpoint, one you have never seen before from him.
“Will you stay a little longer?” And just like that, everything in the world seems to fall into place.
“Of course. Let me just wrap it up, first. I’ll stay as long as you want.” You’re surprised at yourself for finding the words so quickly, because your heart has never pounded so fast in your life. You fumble around, trying to find the right thing, hands shaking again, and you can’t seem to get them to stop.
You go back to Levi, wrapping the cloth around his shoulder and securing it around his arm, suddenly hyper aware of the feel of his skin. It’s softer than you had imagined it would be. Both of you sit in the silence for a while, your hand finding a place over his and rubbing soft circles on his knuckles with your thumb.
You want to say something, anything, but there aren’t any words that seem right. His fingers deftly work their way around yours, and you honestly wonder if he can hear your heartbeat or the blood rushing to your cheeks. It’s past midnight now, and you have a feeling dawn will be approaching before long.
“You should really sleep now. It won’t get better until you rest a little.” You’re speaking because his actions gave you a little bit of confidence, but he interprets it wrong almost immediately.
“Of course. You’d like to go now?”
“N-no! No, I just thought that, that you would be tired now. I can go if you want, I-”
“I don’t get much sleep anyways.” He doesn’t even mean to sound so dejected, but it comes out before he can stop himself. He’s spent too, too many nights laying awake, sleep ever-evading him, wondering how it might be to sleep besides you. Would he get some rest? Would he be able to close his eyes and not open them an hour later with a pounding chest? He can’t remember the last time he was able to fall asleep, and stay asleep. You don’t make any movement to get away, and he notices your hand twitch and wonders why.
You have to fight yourself internally to keep your hand down, and not wrap your arms around your captain as you process his words. Your heart feels strangely heavy at the thought of Levi laying awake, all alone, exhausted but unable to succumb to the ease of rest. He’s on guard, all the time, every minute of every day, and half the time he’s expending his energy on saving you.
You’re not confident, like some of the others. You never have been. But in this moment, you feel something rushing into your body and coursing through your veins, something close to confidence but slightly different. The feeling makes you release Levi’s hand and shed your sweater, and crawl into his bed. It’s almost exactly as you expected, and not nearly as soft or warm as your own. But you think about Levi sleeping soundly beside you, him peaceful and content, and it doesn’t matter how comfortable his bed is. You just want him to fall asleep.
He looks at you with a mix of emotions, surprise being mixed in with them. He hadn’t been expecting that, but it doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate it.
You’re sitting under the covers now, waiting expectedly for something. A part of you fears that this wasn’t what he meant, or wanted, but your racing heart calms down a little at the sight of him coming in to get settled beside you. He releases a sigh when his shoulder hits the mattress, at ease finally, and so exhausted that every muscle in his body is about to give out.
He sleeps on his back, you note, before shifting your gaze to the ceiling quickly. You certainly don’t want him to notice that you’re staring, or that you keep fingering the soft sheets between your fingers to remind yourself this is real and really happening.
“Stop fidgeting.” His voice is quiet, and even, and stills you instantly. You finally lift your head to look at him, letting out a breath at how he looks. Eyes closed, almost peaceful, laying on his back with his hand resting right near you.
You’re not sure if it’s the confidence from earlier, or something new entirely, but you adjust the sheets to cover him more, pulling them and letting them rest on his chest. He doesn’t open his eyes, but you notice the way he jerks a little at the motion.
“Sorry, Levi,” you whisper, trying to remain as quiet as possible. You lay your hand on top of his, intertwining your fingers and letting your own eyes close. You can hear his every breath, the scent of his skin taking over and clouding your mind as every sense slowly focused on one thing; him. “Let’s sleep now.”
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Vampire Chris and jake get stranded in the middle of nowhere one night. Maybe a car crash or something. As they walk back the sun starts to rise.
CW: Car crash, bruising, seatbelt burn, vampire whumpee, caretaker turned whumpee
The moment of the crash is gone.
He opens his eyes to the aftermath.
Jake blinks, the world spinning, and his head drops back against the headrest of the driver's seat. The world is still lurching, sickeningly, in circles around him. Something is ticking, the engine maybe, slowly cooling down and shit, at least it's not on fire.
The air bag has a smear of terrible vibrant red against its pillowy white as it slowly deflates, and all he can do is stare at it until he realizes the blood must be his own.
One hand comes up to touch at his forehead, and his fingers come away wet and red, too. What he'd thought was sweat is a head wound, bleeding down one side, tickling his cheekbone and jaw. It stings, a little.
The pain seems distant, somehow, like it's being held at arm's length. As if he's looking at his pain from a distance further than he can close.
"Ch-... Chris, you okay, buddy?" He turns, and the passenger seat is empty. The air bag deployed on that side, but there's no blood.
The door is standing open, dome light still on. It takes a long few moments of staring before he can understand that the door is open because Chris forced it open, closed his hands on the metal and squeezed until it bent beneath his strength and let him out.
Jake's body aches as he shifts forwards, fumbling to unbuckle his seatbelt. All the pain is filtering into his senses, piece by piece as if he can only understand a wound once he sees it.
He can't remember the crash.
They were at a four-way stop, listening to some of the terrible pop music Chris loves about the modern world, and Jake had pulled through. They were laughing at some lyric that Jake had had to explain, that had made the little vampire boy flush a little at the definition.
Then there were headlights blinding him, overtaking everything. Chris had yelled something and Jake had yelled something and then-
The moment is gone.
So is the entire back half of his car.
He turns around with a hiss to stare right out a giant gaping hole where his backseat should be into the cool, clear night.
Parts of his car are strewn haphazardly across the road and the grassy ditch he's come to a stop in. As he looks, he can see the frame of a door, crumbled metal that must be his trunk, a tire. Another tire. The bumper on the ground. Glass and metal everywhere.
The stop signs at the fourway are all standing totally untouched, except for one bent at a hard angle, leaning like a man fighting a strong wind.
The sweater he'd been wearing when he got in the car - removed and tossed carelessly in the backseat to pick up later - is hanging off the bent stop sign.
It's fucking spotlessly clean still.
He blinks.
Blinks some more.
What the fuck?
He'd driven Chris up into the hills to go star-gazing, making the most of Chris's bubbly energy that only comes out at night and his classes being canceled tomorrow because of some issue with the campus water supply. This is countryside up here, with houses miles and miles apart. Remnants of old orchards and homesteads, still kept by the descendants of the men and women who traveled out here. Nobody drives out this way this late. It could be morning before someone finds him.
His phone. He can call for help.
Jake looks around, but his phone is nowhere to be seen. He digs around the footwell, what he can touch of it, and there's nothing. Nothing nothing nothing.
His windshield is shattered, open to the outside, and he wonders if his phone flew out of it. It was on the dash, wasn't it? On Chris's side...
It could be anywhere in the grass, and he's a fucking moron who keeps his phone on silent or vibrate 24 hours a day. He'll never hear it out here.
First things first, then.
He settles for trying to open his door.
It's been crunched, just a little. Enough that it won't swing out, and he has to throw his shoulder against it, grunting in pain, again and again until finally it nudges just enough for him to fall onto shattered tiny squares of safety glass on the ground. A water bottle is lying there. It's Dasani.
He hates Dasani water, but it'd been free at the gas station they'd stopped at if he bought a bag of chips, so...
Oh, right. His car is full of fucking gasoline.
He groans, scrambling away from the vehicle, trying to remember what a safe distance will be if his car catches on fire or fucking explodes in the middle of the night. At least if it explodes it'll get someone's attention, right?
Shit, he's going to throw up.
Jake lays there, waiting for his stomach to settle, and then crawls again. He makes it up to the road, to the rough asphalt and the gravel that lines the side. The little pebbles sting his palms, rub dirt and dust into the cuts, but he ignores it.
He makes it to the road, twenty feet or so from his car, and then... then he just lays down.
"Chris..." He can barely think. Where has the little vampire gone? Why isn't he here, creeping out of the treeline to ask if Jake's all right? Did he run? Maybe he has Jake's phone. Maybe there was no signal and he's gone to try and find some, to make a call.
Fuck, it hurts to think.
Even just taking a deep breath hurts - something's wrong with his ribs. Bruised or broken. When he pulls his shirt up, he can see the seatbelt burn starting to deepen in color, a diagonal stripe from shoulder to hip written in bright red darkening to burgundy bruising, soon to turn purple and black. If he hadn't been wearing a heavy shirt it'd have torn his skin open. One side of his neck is rubbed raw, he can tell when he touches it and has to pull his fingers away at the spike of pain.
There are spots of dark on his pale shirt, blood seeping through or dripping from his forehead.
But, shit. It could be worse. Looking at the back half of his car, it seems like a goddamn miracle that it isn't.
Jake pulls his legs under him and tries to stand up.
His right leg just won't fucking do it.
Rather than take his weight, it buckles with a spike of pain so bad Jake cries out and collapses back onto the road.
As if it were a dam breaking, all the adrenaline holding off the worst of the pain seems to wear away at once.
Everything hurts, suddenly, a sickening wash of pain breaking against him like he's nothing but a shell to be worn to sand. He aches when he breathes, when he doesn't. A cough makes him whimper as his ribs creak and crack. His head throbs, his hands sting, his leg is swelling even as he looks at it, a broken bone. Definitely a broken bone.
"Jesus Christ," He groans, rolling onto his side, his face pressing into gravel and safety glass.
Nat won't notice they're not home until morning.
No one's going to know he's out here until after sunrise, until he's not up to get ready for class and Chris isn't curled up in the closet to sleep in his nest of blankets and pillows. No one's going to know what happened, and where the everloving fuck did his phone go?
Time passes. He doesn't know how much.
Maybe Chris figured they can't protect him and took the fuck off. Maybe he's going to find somewhere new to crash, some new people to care for him. Maybe he's hunting.
Who the fuck knows?
He comes and goes, in and out of consciousness.
He can't stand, and sort of scooting and crawling around does nothing to help him figure out where his cell phone has gone. No one else drives by on this mostly-abandoned country road, and it was a stroke of seriously bad luck the asshole who hit them and ran was there at all.
Asshole was probably drunk, driving back from the bar, trying to use the backroads to avoid the goddamn cops.
Bad. Fucking. Luck.
Jake wonders if the asshole will even remember hitting his car in the morning, or if he'll wake up and discover the front of his vehicle all fucked up and have no idea how it happened.
He thinks he might pass clean out for a while.
That can't be good.
His head hurts worse when he wakes up.
He raises his head slowly at the sound of a distant rumble, an ancient truck engine coming closer. It takes more effort than he ever imagined just to get himself up to sitting, ready to wave down whoever it is - whatever fucking angel is on this road at what has to be 3 or 4 in the morning by now.
"Please," He whispers, dry lips scraping against each other. "Please, please don't run m'over... please..."
Headlights wash over the scene of the crash, fading everything to nearly black-and-white. Jake raises a hand to shield his eyes, blinking rapidly, as the blue-and-white Ford comes to an idling stop.
A door swings open with a creak and then slams shut again, boots crunching on the glass and debris on the road. Jake raises his eyes to see an old man in worn jeans and a grayish t-shirt staring down at him. "Well, I'll be damned," The man says, his voice low, a little rough around the edges. His hair's dark, but speckled with silver that's visible even in the night air. "You all right, son?"
Jake slowly looks back at his wrecked, ruined car, then back up at the man. "I'm pretty clearly not," He answers, then winces at his rudeness. "Sorry. I mean... no."
"That's all right. We all of us get a little more honest when we're bleeding from the skull. I'm gonna bet you aren't a natural brunette and I'm looking at a big old ton of blood there. What happened?"
"Guy ran the stop sign, hit me... drove off."
"Well, damn. What're you doin' up this way this late at night?"
"Would you... y'believe me if I said... star-gazin'?"
The man chuckles, but it's a low sound, and he moves closer. He pulls a heavy old cell phone out of his pocket - one of those goddamn flip phones that never dies or gets destroyed. It's like Captain Fucking America. Jake has to hold back a half-hysterical laugh.
"Hm, I might. It happens from time to time. Y'didn't come with a young lady, did you?" The man looks over the scene of the crash, searching for more people.
"No, no... just... jus'... I'm just here." He thinks of Chris, the open passenger door, the total lack of a vampire nearby. Is he hiding in the woods? If he's seen, or found out, he'll be hauled back off to be locked up somewhere, milked for venom for pharmaceutical drugs, treated like an animal. They can't admit he was here, he can't be seen. He must be hiding.
That's it.
Chris must just be hiding...
"Please, man, I-I can't find my phone to call for help-"
"I got you, son. I'll make the call. Likely your phone's just buried in the grass somewhere, we'll figure it out. You stay put right where you are, you don't want to move around and make any of it worse."
"Yes, sir." Jake stays where he is while the old man makes the call to 911, feeding him details when he asks, staring off into space when he doesn't.
They can pick Chris up when he and Nat come to get his stuff from the wreck tomorrow. They'll get him then. It'll be fine.
It'll be fine.
The old man hangs up and heads back to his truck, pulling out a battered old first aid kit. "You're lucky I believe in ghosts, you know."
"What? Why? Am I dead?" Jake looks down at his hands. They're scratched and bleeding, and he's pretty sure dead people don't bleed like that.
"No, son, no. But I wouldn't be out here if I didn't."
Jake blinks. "I... I don't follow."
"Well, had a little ghost show up at my bedroom window and refuse to shut up until I drove out here. Redheaded boy. Kept calling for a medic. Felt like I was back in the war for a minute before I realized it was him."
"Which... which war?"
The man fixes him with a stare as he crouches, old knees cracking as he does, in front of Jake. He opens the box and takes out some gauze and adhesive, antibiotic cream, something else Jake doesn't recognize. "You need medics in every kind of war there is, son. It doesn't matter which one. I've fought in two. But this boy called for a medic like he's seen the need for 'em before and didn't have time to save someone. Some kind of old ghost walkin' these roads saw you and made sure I knew."
Jake exhales, almost a laugh, and feels tears burn hot in his eyes. He realizes he's going to cry from sheer relief and exhaustion and pain, and he's not sure he can stop.
A ghost in the window means...
Chris left and ran for help.
"Thank you," he whispers, and he's not really talking to the old man at all.
@mylifeisonthebookshelf @insaneinthepaingame @keeper-of-all-the-random-things @burtlederp @finder-of-rings @astrobly @newandfiguringitout @pretty-face-breaker @endless-whump @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @doveotions @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @downriver914 @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband @what-a-whump
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onecanonlife · 3 years
Wilbur wakes up one morning to find white in his hair. This is—irritating, for several reasons, but that's all it is. An annoyance. A distraction.
There's nothing deeper at work here. There's nothing wrong at all.
(Or, the stresses of the presidency give Wilbur a white streak of hair earlier in canon, and somehow, this serves as the cry for help he can never bring himself to make.)
(word count: 5,039)
(second part) (third part) (fourth part)
Part One
He first notices it because he chances a glance in the mirror. Not something he does often, these days, because he dislikes looking at his appearance for longer than necessary. The mirror only tends to show him his flaws and imperfections: the bags under his eyes that he can never quite hide, the way his cheekbones jut out in too-telling prominence, the way his uniform never seems to fit right lately, and not just because he almost never finds the time or energy to give it a proper wash.
So, he doesn’t look in the mirror beyond a cursory glance in the mornings as he’s dragging himself out of bed, just long enough to be sure that his veneer of professionalism is holding, because frankly, he has nothing if he doesn’t have that. No one’s called him on his slowly slipping standards just yet, and he intends to keep it that way. He is president, after all; he must lead by example, and if the nation is to be a success then he must be as well. Or at least, his citizens must believe that he is.
But this morning, his gaze lingers just ever-so-slightly longer than he normally allows. And then, his vision catches on—something. He thinks he must be mistaken, and he hasn’t the time to figure it out, really, but he can’t help but lean in closer, searching his own reflection. What he sees makes dread beat out a two-timed rhythm in his chest.
There is white in his hair.
Not much. Just a few strands. But it’s strange enough to catch his attention. There has never been white in his hair before. He can’t imagine what caused it. He’s not that old. But nevertheless, the white is present, and it’s not so obvious that someone would catch it on a first glance, probably, but it stands out enough against the dark brown of the rest of his hair that it’s not inconceivable that someone might spot it. Spot it, and then ask questions. Questions that he would not want to answer, if only because it would be ridiculous for someone to be grilling him about his hair of all things.
He doesn’t want to deal with it. That’s the only reason why he’s bothered, surely.
He’s going to be late to a meeting if he dallies for too much longer. So his gaze flicks about his room—which is fairly bare, fairly utilitarian; decorating’s been the last thing on his mind in recent weeks, and it would be a waste of time that he could be devoting to bettering his nation—and lands on a sword leaning against the wall. One that he’s barely touched recently, and that he hardly knows how to use, and certainly not well at that, but if he’s looking for a quick solution, it will serve. So he crosses the room, snatches it up, and returns to the mirror.
With one hand, he picks out the white strands. With the other, he uses the sword to slice them off. Crude, and he’s certain he gets a few brown strands as well, but it’s effective, and that’s what’s important.
It only takes a few minutes more after that to prepare himself. He emerges from his room confident, his head held high, a president ready to take on the challenges of the day. Never mind that he barely slept last night. Never mind that he’s stopped eating regularly, grabbing a bite only when his schedule allows him. Never mind that he’s been feeling jumpy of late, more anxious, that he’s taken to tracking the whereabouts of everyone around him at all times, if only to know that they’re safe. Never mind any of that. He is the president, and sacrifices must be made.
He is, after all, only as good as the country he builds.
The incident slips his mind in the following weeks. It’s simply not important when there are so many other things to accomplish; infrastructure and food and an economy and all the other intricacies that go into running a nation, that lead to endless stacks of paperwork for him and hopefully, prosperity for his people. All the other intricacies that, as it turns out, he has no idea how to handle, but he’s trying.
Because it’s all worth it, if it’s for them.
But one night, he’s tugging off his hat, shucking off his coat, tears already pricking at his eyes for no other reason than the feeling of being terribly, desperately overwhelmed, and he happens to glance at that hated mirror. Rather than alighting on any of the other aspects of his physicality that annoy him—most recently, it’s the fact that he always feels that he’s not standing straight enough, and that other people are judging him for his lack of professionalism—he focuses on his hair.
There’s white in it. Again.
And more of it, this time. Not too much, still, but definitely more. Enough that someone else might actually notice. He’s not sure how he didn’t, up to this point. He strides over to the glass, already tugging at his hair hard enough to hurt, and sure enough, there they are. Strands of snow white hair. Like he’s bleached them, except—he takes one and rubs it between his fingers—without the brittle quality that often-bleached hair tends to take on.
He doesn’t understand why this is happening. He can’t feel anything about it other than annoyance, because this is just one more thing to deal with, one more thing to add to the pile. And it’s made worse because it’s practically a vanity project; sure, he doesn’t want people bothering him about it, but logically, he knows that hair shouldn’t be such a big deal to him. It’s only that professionalism is important, and he already feels like he’s not doing enough in that area. Not enough to garner the respect that a good president should command, at any rate. So he needs to keep this under control.
Somehow, the thought of doing anything about it tonight is too much. Exhaustion pulls at him like anchors tied to his legs, even though he knows his sleep will be broken and fitful, as it usually is of late. He breathes in and out, slowly and deliberately, hoping to attain some measure of calm, but it doesn’t work, only makes him more aware of the tears readying themselves to fall.
It’s a disgusting display of weakness, truly. He only allows himself this because there is no one else here to see it, no one else to realize just how weak a man their president truly is. He can break down in private, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the rest of his duties. There was even a time when crying into his pillow made him feel better, if only a little, made him feel as if he was getting rid of all the emotions and incessant whispers of failure that always build up in him over the course of a day. But those times are long gone. And yet, the tears still flow.
Here, alone, in the privacy of his chambers, he can never manage to stop them. He lacks willpower.
Weakness. It’s pathetic. He knows it is.
But if he has to be weak here in order to successfully pretend at strength for everyone else, then he will put up with the self-loathing that he can’t seem to shake, and he’ll let himself cry. It’s not as if anyone will ever know about it. No one will be able to judge—except for himself, that is, but dealing with his own judgments is nothing new. In a way, it’s what keeps him going, his self-criticisms. They keep him sharp, doing what needs doing; he can always trust himself to tell himself the truth, after all, even if he can trust no one else.
He casts one more glance at his hair, disgust flooding him. He’ll trim it out in the morning, same as before. For the moment, he crosses his bare floor to his bed, slumping into it. Almost immediately, his eyes begin stinging with more intensity, and the first of the tears roll down his cheeks. He turns his face, burying it in his pillow as emotions well up in him, too many at once, washing over him and drowning him, because it’s all so much and this is the only way he can deal with them, because he has to be strong. Has to have himself together.
It truly is pathetic, how much trouble he’s having with handling this. He should be able to do better, and yet, here he is. He can’t help but wonder what they would all think if they knew. Surely, they would consider him unfit to lead them, and the trouble is, they might even be right. But that would destroy him, he thinks, if they were to believe him unworthy of their trust, of their love.
And sometimes, he wonders what Phil would say if he could see him now. But he always shies away from that. And besides, Phil doesn’t need to know. He’ll keep sending letters that emphasize the good, and Phil will be happy, and Phil will be proud of him, and—he needs to stop thinking about this.
Morning comes too soon, but he forces himself out of bed, as per usual. Cuts the white hairs until there’s no sign they were there at all, and hopes that will be the end of it.
The problem is, that’s not the end of it. The white hairs keep appearing, and at an increasing frequency as time goes on. It starts to be that he can’t go more than a day or two without checking for them, lest they become noticeable to literally everyone else around him.
The most troublesome thing about it, though, is that he simply doesn’t have the time to deal with it. He doesn’t have time to painstakingly comb through his hair every morning, not when there’s so many more important things he could be doing, so many tasks to accomplish, ideas to form and sign off on, an entire goddamn nation to keep afloat. He doesn’t have the time, and it’s wearing on him already, so he needs a different solution.
He considers hair dye. He could get his hands on some fairly easily, and likely surreptitiously. No one would have to know. But the trouble with hair dye would lie in finding the right color; if no one has noticed the white hairs cropping up until now, they certainly would notice if he came into the office with his hair an entirely different shade of brown. And that would make it obvious that he’s hiding something; no one dyes their hair a different shade of its original color unless they’re trying to cover something up.
Possibly, through trial and error, he could make a dye that matches his hair color exactly, or at least, close enough that the difference is imperceptible. But there’s the time issue again. He can’t waste his efforts on experimenting with hair dye when he’s meant to be trying to better the lives of his citizens, to build up a prosperous, glorious country. What kind of president would that make him? He’s already well aware that he’s not a very good one; he doesn’t need to make matters worse.
So, hair dye is impractical. He’ll revisit the idea if he truly gets desperate. But the situation as it is is untenable. He’s been having difficulty getting out of bed at all in the morning, recently, a combination of exhaustion and a strange, pervasive apathy serving to keep him under his covers long past when he should have been preparing for the day ahead, even though staying in bed longer doesn’t seem to help him catch up on sleep at all. Why he finds himself wanting to lie there, doing absolutely nothing other than staring at the ceiling for hours on end, he has no idea. He doesn’t let himself, of course, or at least, not for more than an hour or two just after dawn, but the fact remains that the temptation is there, and growing stronger every day. He can’t be spending ages on his hair every morning. It’s not feasible.
But that leaves only one real solution. And that’s to leave the white hairs as they are, and simply try to hide them. The more he considers it, the more he believes it’s the only real avenue worth pursuing. He could probably manage; his hat is a part of his uniform anyway. He rarely takes it off outside of his bedroom. So, all it will take is an extra moment of styling to make sure that all of the white has been pushed up under it. And perhaps checking a few times during the day to be sure that nothing has come loose, but that should take seconds at most. He can spare a few seconds, probably.
At the very least, it will take less time than what he’s been doing. That’s the goal here, really.
He hates that this is something that he’s having to put any amount of thought into at all. But he’s reached a decision, and the next morning, he gives it a shot. Arranges his hair so that more of it lies hidden under his hat than usual, and sets out for the day.
No one comments on it. Not this day, nor the next day, nor the next. He supposes he could consider that a success.
It does mean, of course, that the amount of white in his hair only increases as time goes by, until his hair is streaked with it. But if he’s careful, if he continues to be cautious with it, no one will know about it but him, and he can dislike it in the privacy of his own quarters. Just as he dislikes everything else.
On the rare occasions that he has any time to himself before retiring for the night, an instance that becomes more and more seldom as the days and weeks pass on, he often finds his feet carrying him to Niki’s. There is a safety here that is difficult to find anywhere else, even in his own quarters. Perhaps especially in his own quarters, because there is nothing warm, nothing personal about his room. Here, though, there is the scent of baking bread and cookies, a heat that gets trapped under his skin and chases the chill away, and there is, of course, Niki herself.
He finds it hard to lend too much trust to anyone these days, but Niki is an exception to that.
So, here he comes, and here he stays, when he has an hour or two to spare. He comes here, and they talk, about little things, unimportant things, about how her days have been or the latest prank that Fundy has performed—and it’s nice to hear about Fundy. He barely sees his boy, busy as he is, and it’s good to hear that he’s doing well, that he’s still the upbeat, rambunctious lad he knows and loves.
They talk about these things, and they talk about other things, and sometimes, they talk about nothing at all. Sometimes, talking is asking too much, and Niki always seems to see it, and she kneads dough and lets him sit in front of her and watch. He likes watching. The motions are repetitive, soothing. If he had the time, he might ask if he could join in; he thinks he might enjoy it, even if he’s never had a deft hand in the kitchen. But he never has the time, of course, so he just watches, for whatever time he can spare.
Today is one of those days. It’s nearing nightfall, but for once, he’s cleared his desk of a majority of his paperwork, so here he is, slumped against Niki’s counter, letting his cheek rest on the cold stone as she pats down the space in front of her with flour, rolls out her dough with a rolling pin. Cookies, then, rather than bread. He likes watching this, too, likes watching as she spreads out the dough again and again, cutting out more shapes until all the dough is gone, used up, in the oven and baking.
He likes being here in general. He could be doing other things—he told Fundy he’d take him fishing soon, for instance, but soon keeps on being put off, and he feels terrible about it, but the job has to come first. His country has to come first. Or, there’s a new redstone gimmick that Tubbo worked out that he wanted to show him, but that can probably wait for a bit. Or, Tommy wanted to watch a movie with him, he thinks, but he never has time during the day, and by the time night comes, he’s far too exhausted, so he comes here, instead. Comes to see Niki, where, somehow, the weight of all the expectations placed on him seems to lighten, if only for a little while.
He always ends up being horribly unprofessional here, in this bakery. Always ends up messing up his uniform, taking off his coat, getting a smudge of something on his face, not sitting straight enough, not keeping his shoulders set, slumping in general, a whole list of faults. But it’s harder to care when it’s Niki in front of him. Because she’s always glad to see him, and she’s one of the few people from whom he can believe that the sentiment is the truth.
But that is always, and this is now: Niki’s making cookies, the last batch of the day, and he’s watching, head resting against the table. He almost feels like he could fall asleep like this, which would be a miracle in of itself. He wouldn’t let himself, of course; a bit of unprofessionalism is one thing, but falling asleep where anyone could see him, where anyone could get to him, that is quite another.
He wonders if he should tell her any of the things he’s been thinking about. About his own ineffectiveness, about how all his work seems to amount to very little actually being done. About how he’s sure everyone is losing faith in him, and he can’t even blame them, because he’s losing faith in himself. About how in the end, he has no idea what he’s doing, and he was a fool to think that he did. About power and its nature, and who has it and who doesn’t, and about how his words might not amount to very much at all, actually.
Probably not. He’s not sure she would understand. And he shouldn’t burden her with his troubled mind.
So he just watches, and lets himself drift a little.
“Rough day today?” Niki asks, working her rolling pin, smoothing out all the clumps.
“No worse than usual,” he says. “It’s just tiring.”
Niki hums. He likes when she does that. From someone else, it might sound dismissive, but when she does it, it means the opposite, means she’s considering all of your words, giving them due thought.
“I’ve noticed you’ve been tired a lot, lately,” she says. She sets the rolling pin to the side, picking up a cookie cutter. It’s leaf-shaped. For autumn, he assumes. Outside, the trees are beginning to change colors, though the shift to reds and oranges and yellows won’t really get going for a few more weeks. It’s that hazy, indistinct time of year when it’s not still summer and not yet fall, too hot for one and too cool for the other.
Not that he’s been paying that much attention. It’s been a while since he was outside for any significant length of time. Or rather, for a reason other than approving construction or checking on borders or something of the like. For a reason not presidentially important.
“It’s a tiring job,” he says. “Who would’ve thought? I’m alright, though. It’s well within the bounds of what I can handle.”
“Have you been getting enough sleep?” she asks. She presses the cutter into the dough. Lifts it. Pushes the shape out of the cutter and onto her baking sheet. Repeats.
He laughs, quietly. “I don’t need you to mother hen me, Niki,” he says, and without looking up, she reaches across the counter and swats him on the arm.
“I am not mother henning,” she says. “I’m being your friend. Your eyebags could hold second, smaller eyebags in them.”
“What, you don’t think I’m gorgeous?” he asks wryly, and she snorts.
“I’m sure someone out there would,” she says. “Tiredness has to be considered hot somewhere.”
“Mm. I think I’m hot. Very sexy.”
“You would think so.” She’s got enough cookies on the sheet for a batch, now. The next step is to put the sheet on a pan and put the pan in the oven, and that’s exactly what she does. It pleases him that he has the steps memorized. “I’m serious, though, if you have too much work to do, give some to your cabinet. I’m sure Tommy or Tubbo would love to help out more. Or Fundy.”
“Fundy’s too young.” It’s a bit of a longstanding argument between them. He tries not to let it get to him.
“And the other two aren’t?” She returns from the oven, an eyebrow raised, and then goes for another baking sheet. She’s still got dough left to roll out. One more batch will do it, he thinks. “You—oh, wait a moment.”
He watches bemusedly as she leaves the counter again and crosses to her sink, washing off her hands and then dampening a dishtowel. He’s not sure what she’s doing; it doesn’t make sense to wash up when she still has another batch to make. Her hands will just get dirty again. But now she’s walking back over, towel extended toward him and—now she’s rubbing it on his head. He blinks as a corner of the towel flops over his eye.
“Sorry, I got a lot of flour in your hair,” she says. “I’ll get it, hang on.”
And then, her motions slow, and then stop.
“It’s not coming out,” she says slowly. “Wilbur, did you dye your hair?”
The question doesn’t make any sense at all, at first. Because no, of course he hasn’t dyed his hair. Part of the whole problem is that he doesn’t have time to dye his hair. Not properly. Not in a way that no one would notice.
And then his brain realizes that that’s not what she’s asking about at all. Realizes that he’s been lying with his cheek resting against the counter for the past half hour, face parallel with the surface it’s resting on. Realizes that his hat has long passed the point of being merely askew and is now barely touching his head at all. Realizes that his hair is splayed out for anyone to look at.
He shoots upright, grabbing his hat and slamming it down on his head. Too late, of course; the damage has been done. Niki jerks back at the suddenness of his motion. Her damp towel drips a bit.
“No,” he says instinctively, and then curses himself, because—because hair dye would work as an excuse, wouldn’t it? A reason for why it’s like that? It might get her to not push further, and he’s not even sure why it’s so important to him that she doesn’t, because it’s Niki of all people, and Niki won’t use this against him later. Probably. Hopefully. Most likely. Maybe it’s just that he doesn’t want her to worry, because he knows that she will, even though it’s not a big deal at all and her efforts would be better expended on other problems, other people.
Fuck, wait, it’s been too long since he said something. Can he still change his answer without arousing suspicion?
“Yes,” he says, and internally cringes. It was definitely too late for that, because Niki’s just staring at him now, eyes wide. “Um, yeah, I thought it’d be fun. And then it went a bit wonky, so I’ve been covering it up. It doesn’t look very nice, does it?”
Is this what he’s been reduced to? Lying to one of his closest friends?
Gods, he’s pathetic.
“It looks fine,” Niki says, in that soft tone of voice she uses when she either doesn’t know what’s going on or doesn’t know how to proceed without scaring someone off. Like she’s talking to a frightened animal. “Wil, are you—are you really alright?”
“Of course,” he says. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
Her mouth works for a second.
“Wilbur,” she says, just that, and something in his chest turns hot, wrenches all around, squeezes, and for a brief, panicked second, he thinks he’s having a heart attack. But no, he can feel his heart pounding. A bit faster than it should be, if anything, but strong. His vision blurs, too, but he blinks hard, and everything comes back into focus. Which might be a mistake, because if anything, Niki looks even more distressed.
“Wil, please, you can talk to me if something’s wrong,” she says, and he laughs, shaking his head and standing. His stool scrapes against the floor, loud and grating to his ears.
“There’s nothing wrong, Niki,” he says. “You don’t need to worry so much. Though I have realized, I do have a bit more work to do tonight, so I should probably get back to it.” He smiles at her, though she doesn’t smile back. “But it was very good to talk to you. I’ll see you soon, okay?”
He’s already leaving. His chest feels tight again. Tight and hot. For absolutely no reason at all, because even if Niki did ask him more questions, it’s just hair, for crying out loud. It’s hardly the end of the world.
But he needed out of there. He doesn’t quite understand why.
His parting words were not a lie. He does have a bit more work to do. There is always a bit more work to do. The work never ends. He can’t actually remember the last time he didn’t have work to do. Before getting independence, surely. Back when he still felt entirely sure that he could do this, that he could build a country, that peace through words was a sustainable option, that he could look at the mess of things that need to be done to form an effective nation and actually accomplish them.
He tries not to think about that.
But instead of to his office, his feet carry him back to his room. To his blank walls and floor, his few pieces of furniture, his few sets of the same uniform. He really does need to get around to washing them. His gaze falls on his sword, next, still leaning against the wall, and then his guitar, propped up in the corner. There’s a layer of dust collecting on it. He should clean it off. That’s not good for the wood or the strings, and he’s sure it’s terribly out of tune. How long has it been since the last time he played?
There’s no time for music, nowadays. Not when other things need to take priority. He’s got a country to run; he can’t be wasting his time. He can’t afford to.
But rather than do anything productive, he winds up in front of the mirror. He takes off his hat, though it’s almost unnecessary; his hair sticks out from under it every which way, after how he shoved it on so carelessly. He hopes no one was watching him as he returned here.
There is a broad white streak in his hair. Right in the front, right where people tend to look. He tugs at it, and his scalp stings. He’s not sure what else he was expecting.
He definitely can’t cut it out now. It’s far past that point; people will definitely notice if he goes about with a whole chunk of hair missing. And they’ll also still notice if he dyes it, so that problem remains.
He just needs to be more careful, that’s all. The thing with Niki was a foible. An error on his part, a lapse in judgment. He’ll take more care from now on to ensure it doesn’t happen again.
He lets out a shaky breath, and then, he blinks and finds himself kneeling on the floor, still in front of the mirror. He looks at himself, and then immediately looks away, because he can’t stand what he sees. It’s not just the white streak, though that’s awful enough on his own; it’s all the inadequacies stacked together, all the imperfections that he can’t help but pick out, all the screaming signs that seem to point directly toward his own incompetency.
It’s a wonder no one else has seen it yet.
Tears burn his eyes, and he can’t seem to blink them away. They go rolling down his cheeks, and he watches their progress in his reflection as best he can. His breathing hitches, and a small gasp escapes him, and he can’t have that, can’t make too much noise, so he stuffs a fist in his mouth.
He’s fine. The fit will pass, and he’ll be fine. He’ll spend the next three or four hours in bed staring at the ceiling, wishing he could fall asleep, and then, at last, he will, and he’ll wake up in the morning feeling more tired than ever, and he’ll drag himself out of bed because he has to, because he’s got responsibilities that he can’t shirk, even if he can’t fulfill any of them well enough. And he’ll be fine, because he can’t afford to not be, because he’s got a country on his shoulders and that means he needs to keep standing.
He’ll be fine. He is fine.
He is.
He is.
He still can’t bring himself to look in the mirror. The next morning, he covers it with a sheet, and tells himself that it’s not a defeat.
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knightmareaceblue · 3 years
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Trigger warning: Sven's mental state still isn't great. There is mention of the suicidal thoughts from last chapter, so please proceed with caution.
Sven would like to say that, after delivering the shards of Henry’s soul to Frisk, that he’d gone straight back to the Toppat tent. Marched inside, apologized for his overnight absence, hugged his best friend and his boss… father figure… guy, and just had one big happy reunion where he reaffirmed his desire to stay with the Toppats forever. That would have been a nice conclusion to his journey of self-discovery, right?
Except the real Sven was a goddamned coward, and had spent the last few hours skipping rocks over a pond in the monsters’ side of the camp.
He sighed as he tossed another rock. This wasn’t a particularly productive use of his time. He wasn’t even thinking about what to say when he apologized to the chiefs, or how to respond to Burt’s confession without ruining their relationship forever… he was just. Sitting there. Throwing rocks at the water. Doing nothing. It made him feel pathetic and lazy.
With his building frustration, Sven tightened his grip on the stone in his hand and threw it with far more force than previously. Instead of skipping across the water, the stone hit it with a heavy plop and sunk to the bottom, which made Sven all the more frustrated. He furrowed his brow and huffed, but the annoyance was quickly washed away when the water began to slush around, growing upward before cascading back down into the pond, and then Sven was staring, wide-eyed, at a giant octopus monster with beautiful eyes. Oh. Oh wow, he was not prepared for this.
And then it started speaking to him. “Well hey there friend!” It chimed bubbly. “Now, I’m no expert on human customs… but isn’t it considered rude to hit people in the head with rocks?”
Oh Jesus. “Um, sorry. I didn’t know anyone was down there.” Sven awkwardly rubbed his arm, not quite sure how to respond. In retrospect, it was a little weird that the government would just dig a random pond into their containment camp. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
Smiling, the octopus monster waved its tentacle arms dramatically. “Oh no! I’m perfectly fine! It’s just a little bruise. It’s not like I’m… confined in a small cage, wondering when I’m going to see the ocean, totally isolated from all the action and only hearing about it through the gossip of nearby monsters…” As the octopus spoke, its eye twitched. Then it stared down at Sven and switched its tone. “BUT I’m fine! Totally completely fine! So, uh, what’s your deal?”
Oh boy, and wasn’t that an unintentionally loaded question if Sven ever heard one. He sighed and dropped down to a sitting position. “I’m just trying to get myself together. There’s a lot going on.” That was putting it lightly. “And I have no idea how I’m supposed to go forward. Or… if I even can.” Without quite knowing why, Sven let his worries fall from his lips without consideration for the poor monster he was subjecting to his verbal vomit. “I mean, I ruined everything. I almost killed everyone I care about, and everyone’s just acting like everything’s normal, but it’s not! And…” And this was the part Sven was really having a hard time coming to terms with. “After everything I did, I don’t deserve to be happy with them. But it would make them unhappy if I wasn’t with them, and I’m just… so confused!”
When Sven looked up again, the octopus monster was blinking down at him with a blank, clearly stunned expression. “Gee.” It said aloud. “That’s certainly some heavy baggage you’re toting.”
“Tell me about it.” Sven murmured.
“Well…” One of the octopus’ tentacles rose out of the water to scratch its head. “Why don’t you just… talk to them? If they’re your friends, don’t you think you can trust them with how your feeling?”
“I’m not going to burden them anymore with my problems.” Sven responded back. “I-I can’t…”
The octopus gave him a funny look. “Okay… but you’re not burdening them. You’re communicating to find the best path forward for all of you. And if you keep what you’re feeling bottled up inside, you’re just going to end up burdening them anyways. So… what’s the point of keeping it secret?”
When put like that… Sven hadn’t thought of him keeping his feelings from the others a bad thing. Like, if they knew what he was going through, they’d feel obligated to help him, and he couldn’t bear to burden them more than he already had. The issue with this line of thinking was that they wanted to help him, and that they’d go out of their way for him regardless of what Sven himself did. Even if he didn’t deserve it, they still cared about him for whatever reason. If Sven was going to repay his debt to them – if he was going to be better for them – then he couldn’t keep things bottled up until…
Sven shivered and buried those thoughts. He would not let last night’s episode repeat itself.
“I think you’re right.” Sven smiled up at the octopus. “Thank you, Mx…”
The thing blushed like an anime school girl and waved one of its tentacles dismissively at Sven. “Oh, no need to be so formal! Just call me Onionsan!”
You know what? At this point Sven wasn’t even surprised. “Thank you, Onionsan. You were very helpful.”
“I was?!” Onionsan the Octopus exclaimed, its eyes sparkling with wonder. “Oh, sure, it was no trouble! I’m just happy to help anyone who comes talk to me! Like the ambassador, or the queen, or the ambassador but red, or… well, I guess that’s pretty much it.” For just a second it looked downcast, but then immediately Onionsan pumped itself up with enthusiasm again. “But everyone’s super busy with surface stuff! I’m sure they’ll come see me soon! Haha… ha…”
The pond was not very large, so Sven was capable of reaching across and tentatively patting one of the tentacles. It felt… slimy. It was kind of gross, but Sven swallowed the disgust with a smile and dipped his hand into the water before pulling it back.
Before they left the camp, he’d come back and say goodbye.
“Chief?” Sven called as he entered the tent the Toppats had been staying in. “Right Hand Man? Burt?”
Of all the possibilities he’d considered, them being out had somehow eluded him. Or so it seemed at first. Not a minute later, a lump underneath the blanket on the chiefs’ bed shifted and stirred, and like a butterfly escaping its cocoon, Chief Reginald emerged from the tangled pile of bedding. His tired eyes blinked blearily up at Sven before his lagging brain finally caught up, and they widened immediately. The Chief scrambled to his feet, tripping in his haste, and before Sven knew it he was moving, arms outstretched, and the Chief had fallen into his embrace.
“You didn’t go…” The Chief sounded so relieved as he used Sven’s sturdy figure to support himself and pull himself up. “You stayed with us.”
“I actually did go up the mountain…” Sven confessed. His chest felt tight as spoke the words aloud. “I gathered all the pieces of Henry’s soul, scattered all over the mountain. I know he and that Charles guy were responsible for destroying the space station,” and killing so many Toppats in the process, all but ending their organization, “but Henry SAVED the Right Hand Man, and he took the brunt of the consequences that should’ve been mine, and I… I owed him. Personally. I hope you’re not…” Sven trailed off as his boss’ hands came up to his face, rubbing soothing circles into Sven’s skin before pulling the subordinate down to gently press their foreheads together. The act was so tender Sven couldn’t help the wave of calm that washed over him.
“Not the mountain… the Void…” Chief Reginald whispered, and despite his state Sven could hear dread and fear in his voice. “If you went back there... you couldn’t just return to us… we wouldn’t be able to find you. Wouldn’t be able to SAVE you.”
Sven felt his heart sink. All along, the Chief had been worried about…
“I’m so sorry, sir.” He immediately apologized. The Chief would have known what he’d done, if he’d suddenly disappeared, and that was enough to put ice cold dread in Sven’s heart. “I promise, I’ll never scare you like that again.”
In return, Chief Reginald offered Sven a fragile smile before pulling him into a tender hug. The warmth that enveloped Sven’s soul was sweet and soothing, and Sven felt so selfish relishing in it after everything he’d done. His eyes welled with tears at the sheer force of KINDNESS that was coming at him, and he held his breath and focused on not crying, not crying, this was a happy moment, he couldn’t just start crying. Then the Chief’s voice, so calm despite his fragile state, reached Sven’s ear. “Hush… it’s okay… my child. I’m… proud… of you.”
Sven’s breath hitched, and tears poured down his cheeks. He couldn’t get them to stop, and helpless sobs began to escape his lips even as he tried to choke them down. All the while Chief Reginald just continued to hold him, rubbing soothing circles into his back as he did. Even though it was likely only a few minutes, it felt like an eternity before the tears came to a stop. When they did Sven pulled back, rubbing at his eyes. He felt empty in a good way, like crying had flushed all the bad things out of his system. Of course he knew that wasn’t true, he’d probably feel bad again really quickly, but for now Sven felt… okay. Not great, but okay.
It would do for now.
“Thank you, sir.” Sven smiled weakly as he pulled away. “I’m sorry for worrying you, I just- I wasn’t thinking right. I’ll be more careful.”
The Chief smiled at him, a glint of green in his gray and cyan eyes. “Nice day?”
That… was a question, right? “Um, yeah.” Sven agreed. “It’s warm, but since it rained the other day its not muggy at all. I was out there all morning.” And technically all night, but no need to make the Chief worry any more than he already had.
The Chief hummed, his eyes following his own fingers as he threaded them together and twiddled them. “May I… see?”
It took Sven a second to realize what his boss was asking of him. “Do you, uh, want to go for a walk?” Chief Reginald nodded, a glint of excitement shining in his eyes. He seemed genuinely content, and Sven couldn’t help but smile back. It would probably be a good idea to wait until the Right Hand Man returned, but Sven offered his arm for the Chief to take anyways. “Okay, then. Let’s take a quick stroll around.”
As the Chief’s hands came to grip Sven’s arm, a little weak but still familiar, he mumbled, almost inaudibly, “Good lad.” Sven felt his chest fill to bursting.
Even like this, the Chief always seemed to know just what he needed.
The two Toppats weaved through the encampment as they walked, soldiers and monsters alike stopping to stare at them with suspicion or hostility. Their scalding eyes made Sven’s stomach flip, but the Chief’s hands on his arm kept the nerves at bay just enough that he could resist the urge to bolt. For his part, Chief Reginald seemed to be enjoying their walk. He smiled at the passing monsters and stopped to examine every plant. His attention span was much shorter than it had been previously, but the Chief was just as OBSERVANT as he’d always been.
All of a sudden, the Chief pulled on his arm and ground them both to a halt. Sven turned his head to ask  what they were stopping for, only to be met by a gloved finger being shoved in his face and a light shushing sound, which only raised more questions. Sven peered over at his mentor quizzically; his eyes were almost luminous with cyan light, narrowed in focus. But there was nothing in the direction of his gaze…
“You wait, and you listen.”
These words, all of a sudden, came back to Sven. He took in a breath and held it, then closed his eye and focused on his sense of hearing. It took a moment, but then, to his left, he heard familiar voices.
“-always use someone like you in the clan, Flower Boy. God knows yer more intelligent than half the whole clan combined.”
“Ha! That’s tempting, but… I think I’m gonna give this whole ‘family’ thing one last try. Frisk is trying really hard, and Chara’s being civil, and mom and dad have forgiven me… the feelings aren’t quite there yet, but I want to give it at least one more chance, you know?”
“Yeah, I get ya. You’ve done a lot fer us, kid. I don’t know if I can ever repay you for everything.”
“Ah, don’t worry about it. You remember that electricity spell I taught you? It’s not powerful, but it should be more than enough to keep your magic cell phone charged. So we can stay in contact.”
“I remember, don’t worry. It’s gonna be weird goin’ without you after everything. I’ll miss you.”
“Aw, don’t get sappy on me, Big Guy. We’ll still be in contact and everything.”
“Yeah…” A sigh. “Good luck, Flower Boy. If you ever need it, you’ll always have a place with us.”
“Thanks, Big Guy. Good luck to you, too.”
Sven heard the familiar sound of Flowey burrowing away, and not a minute later the Right Hand Man rounded the corner. His eyes widened, and Sven wondered if he was more surprised to see his husband or Sven himself. Did he… know what Sven had intended to do when he disappeared?
Before Sven could think of a response, the Right Hand Man marched right up to them and immediately brought up his hand to caress his husband’s cheek. His voice was gentle and sweet as he whispered, “Hey, love. How are ya feelin’?”
Chief Reginald made a humming sound, nuzzling into his Right Hand’s palm. “Better. Nice day.”
“It is.” The Right Hand agreed. As he allowed his husband to melt into the warmth of his comforting hold, the Right Hand turned his attention to Sven. He didn’t look mad, more annoyed, but Sven flinched involuntarily. “You. I gave ya one order, ta not leave camp, and wot do ya go an’ do?”
Sven couldn’t quite summon the BRAVERY to look his leader in the eyes as he mumbled, “S-sorry…”
“Lucky fer you,” The Right Hand spoke with a sigh, “Yer little stunt with ‘Enry paid off. Put the General in such a good mood that our meeting went smoother ‘an the Norwegian Emerald heist.”
That news got Sven to look up. “It worked? Henry’s alive?” He asked cautiously. The Right Hand nodded to the affirmative, and Sven felt something warm his soul. There was no love lost between the Toppats and those government dogs, but it was nice to feel like he’d done somebody some good. Then he asked the question he had been silently dreading, “So what’s going to happen to us?”
“Let’s find Curtis, then I’ll fill you all in. It’s actually not as bad as we feared.” The Right Hand made a ‘come hither’ gesture with his hand, and Sven and the Chief followed after him as they went off in search of Burt. As they spoke, the Right Hand Man peered back at him. The man had always been hard to read, with stern disapproval more or less being his default expression. So the attempted casualness of his tone caught Sven off guard a little. “So you, uh… you brought back ‘Enry’s soul?”
“Yeah.” Sven confirmed. His free hand subconsciously went up to his Bad Eye, brushing against the soft fabric of his eye-patch. He wasn’t used to it, so it kind of irritated his skin, but Sven vastly preferred the itching to the eye itself.
The man took a step back, walking side by side with Sven and his husband instead of leading them. A gleam of interest sparkled in his eye. “’Ow’d ya do it?”
“I… well…” He hadn’t thought it possible, but the itching around his Bad Eye began to get worse. Sven resisted the urge to dig his nails into his flesh and scratch until the source of the itch was a bloody pulp. “This replacement eye Gaster… er, made for me… it has the ability to see into the Void. I used it to find the faded pieces of Henry’s soul. That’s how I was able to collect them all.” Sven suddenly felt his fingers tense and his nails begin to dig in, and he willed his hand to stop.
Fortunately, the Right Hand Man had been too thoroughly distracted by his words to notice his distress. In fact, he’d almost say the Right Hand Man looked excited. “So… do you think you could find the missing parts of Reg’s soul, too?”
Oh. Sven hadn’t considered that. The thought of continuing to use his Bad Eye made him sick to his stomach, but if there was a chance they could restore the Chief’s soul then he’d gladly remove his eye-patch right then and there. But he was hesitant to immediately answer to the affirmative. “If we had a general area I could maybe find them.” Sven confirmed, “but it only took a few hours for Henry’s soul to spread all over Mount Ebott. They were literally all over the place. After a few days? I have no clue how we’d track down what remains of the Chief’s soul. If we could do that, then I could see them, and your DETERMINATION could probably bring them back…”
“We’d still need KINDNESS to re-attach it to Reg,” The Right Hand murmured, stroking his chin thoughtfully as he walked. “Or at least, that’s what the General said. As fer tracking it down… ‘at sounds like a PATIENCE kinda thing ta me. Well, Reg? Ya got any ideas?”
They both turned to their leader, who was gazing off into the distance. Following his eyes, Sven could see that the Chief had been following the flight path of a nearby bluebird, and the subordinate sighed good-naturedly. At his husband’s call, Chief Reginald turned to him. “Huh? Um…? Were you talking… to me…?”
The Right Hand Man quickly shook his head. “Eh, don’ worry about it right now, love. We’ll get ta workin’ on ‘at later.”’
Chief Reginald hummed, but didn’t offer much of a response. Instead the three continued to walk together, one of the chief’s hands using Reginald’s arm to keep himself balanced, and the other holding his husband’s hand. The three of them took it slow, one step at a time. The Right Hand Man’s eyes continually darted around their surroundings, as if waiting for another threat to come around the corner and take his life from him again. They had to avoid the more crowded areas, and the ones with little shade, as the Chief’s senses easily got overwhelmed. Sven couldn’t quite stop himself from flinching as they passed too close to random people in their way, unable to shake the feeling of being Judged. But then Chief Reginald would call their attention with a random observation to distract them. The Right Hand’s glare deterred people from coming too close. And though he couldn’t do much to return the favour, Sven’s sense of INTEGRITY kept them from blindly stumbling into areas too discordant or dangerous for the chiefs to handle.
Togetherness had always been a great strength of the Toppats. With all of them together, Sven felt like maybe this path wasn’t so impossible, after all.
They found Burt hanging around one end of the camp, sitting on the ground with his hat tilted so nobody could see his face. Seeing him so despondent made Sven’s stomach drop. He knew that this was because of him, because he’d left the camp and worried everybody. First he looked over at the Right Hand Man and, after getting a short nod of approval, made sure the Chief was secure with the Right Hand before slowly approaching Burt.
“Hey.” He greeted softly, and Burt’s head snapped up to stare at him, surprise evident in his wide-eyed stare.
The communication specialist was on his feet in the blink of an eye, moving faster than Sven had ever seen him before, and suddenly they were standing face to face. Those purple eyes swirled with mixed emotions; sadness, anger, relief. “You…” Burt muttered, and it was hard to place an emotion to his voice. “Where the hell did you go? Do you realize how scared I was when the chiefs couldn’t find you?!”
Sven swallowed back his guilt. “I’m sorry. There was something important that I had to do.”
“And you couldn’t have bothered to tell me?” Burt asked incredulously.
Considering his original plan, of course Sven couldn’t tell Burt. He’d have tried to stop him, and gotten all worried. But he got worried anyways. Sven sighed and tried his best to smile for his friend. “I’m sorry. I won’t do that to you again.”
“Damn right ya won’t.” The Right Hand Man interrupted. “We won’t give ya the chance to pull that again. Now c’mon, kids. Let’s head back to our tent, I’ll fill ya in on the plan from this point forward.”
The two chiefs, hand in hand, turned and began to walk, and Sven and Burt both trailed behind. After a moment of walking Burt looked Sven directly in his eye, which made Sven’s heart jump. From fear or something else, he couldn’t quite be sure. “You really scared me.” Burt mumbled, and from this close Sven could finally see the dark circles under his eyes. Had Burt stayed up all night looking for him?
He immediately apologized again. “I know, I’m sorry.”
“What were you even doing?” Burt asked.
Ooh, how to explain? How could he tell Burt that he had almost…? “I…” Sven bit his lip. “I had to pay my debt… to Henry.”
“To Henry?” Burt repeated incredulously. “And that’s all you were doing?”
Sven took one last glance ahead, towards the chiefs walking side by side, before dropping his head and whispering so only Burt could hear him. “No…” He confessed. “That’s not everything. I just… I couldn’t…” Tears began building again in Sven’s eyes, and he hastily wiped at them. He couldn’t bring himself to say it. “I’m so sorry… I thought it would make things better.”
Burt was no dummy, and the mildly annoyed expression on his face was immediately replaced with alarm and concern. “You… shit.” His eyes traced over Sven’s entire body, as if searching for injuries. When he found nothing Burt brought his hand up to support his tired head. “I- fuck, why didn’t you come talk to me?”
“I felt like I couldn’t.” Sven confessed. It still felt like he was pushing his burdens onto others, but Sven ignored that feeling for now. He recalled Onionsan’s advice and tried to push away the guilt. “I felt like, after everything that happened, I didn’t deserve to live with you all. Everything that had happened was my fault, and everyone was just brushing it off and pretending I didn’t let Gaster control me and almost ruin everything, but I… couldn’t. I couldn’t shake the feeling that I should be punished for what happened, and if I stayed with you I’d only hurt you. I didn’t realize I was just running away.” At least, not until he’d run into Rupert and Dave. He needed to thank them. They’d stopped Sven from making a terrible mistake, one that could have cost both the government and the Toppats. “I’m sorry.”
“Stop apologizing.” Burt insisted immediately. “God, don’t ever apologize for how you feel, okay? Listen, I… I didn’t mean to make you feel like I was brushing you off. But you’ve been through so much, and I was afraid to push you.” Burt shrugged and hugged himself. He looked so small, and so sad, and Sven crossed and tucked in his arms so he wouldn’t just reach over to hug Burt. It wouldn’t be appropriate right now. “Shit, what happened scared me so much. I thought I’d lost you. I thought you hated me. I thought I’d FAILED, and that they were going to have to…” Burt sniffed and wiped his eyes. “I was so set on making sure you knew it wasn’t your fault, but I didn’t think about how you were actually feeling. I should’ve let you talk.”
“I’m not sure that would have helped.” Sven confessed. “I couldn’t see a future for myself. I felt like, after everything that happened, I didn’t deserve to be happy. I still kind of don’t, but now I feel like, I owe you and the chiefs so much, and I can’t just leave you. At least, not until I’ve made it up to you.”
Hearing this from Sven just made Burt look sad, and Sven wondered if maybe he should have kept that to himself. Then Burt reached over, and tenderly took Sven’s hand in his own. Burt’s hands were kind of cool to the touch, and soft. They felt nice. “I want you to stay here. With us. With me.” Burt kept his eyes trained on Sven the entire time, but now it didn’t feel intimidating or judging at all. “We’ll- We’ll work through this, okay? We’ll help each other, for real this time. No more going it alone, okay? Promise me that.”
It felt irresponsible, but Sven whispered, “I promise. I won’t go it alone again.”
“Good.” Burt smiled a weak, watery smile. “I-I love you, okay? I don’t want you to- I don’t want anything to happen to you. We’ll figure this out together, I promise.”
Those familiar, scary words. I love you. Sven swallowed and nodded, but couldn’t stop the way his cheeks reddened as he thought about it. He wanted to say it back. He wanted to finally be able to hold the person he cared about more than anyone else. But it felt so selfish… how could he expect Burt to be in a relationship with such a broken, miserable person? The person who killed him? Sven tried to speak, but his words kept catching in his throat, chocking him and making his eyes water.
Burt’s other hand came up to stroke Sven’s cheek, sweet and gentle. It made Sven flinch, but Burt didn’t back down. “Hey, you don’t have to respond right now. It’s okay if you still haven’t figured it out. One foot in front of the other for now, okay?”
Just one foot in front of the other. Sven nodded and they walked together silently, hand in hand.
When they reached their tent, Sven took a seat on the cot and Burt sat to one side of him. The Chief then took a seat to his other side, effectively sandwiching him. From the way the Chief leaned on him, and the way Burt continued to clutch his hand like a lifeline, Sven wondered if they were worried he’d run if they weren’t literally all over him. It made Sven’s stomach churn. After what happened with Gaster, and what they all knew he’d intended to do when he ran off, it made sense that they didn’t trust him, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.
The Right Hand Man sighed and pinched his brow, psyching himself up for the conversation to come before beginning. “Okay… so. As you’re aware, everyone ‘ere was an active participant in the battle against Gaster.” Against Sven too, though Sven wisely kept this thought to himself. “An’ Sven ‘ere SAVED ‘Enry, which was apparently pretty important to a lotta people. But we’re also high ranking members of the Toppat Clan. We’re well known criminals. They can’t just give us a pardon an’ offer us jobs like they did fer Henry. Instead, the General ‘ad a different deal for us.
“’E’s offered ta report us officially dead, an’ issue the four of us new identities.” Sven blinked. That… hadn’t been what he’d expected. The Right Hand Man then removed his hat and from it produced a folded piece of paper, which Sven recognized as one of the deeds to Terrance Suave’s many estates. “This ‘ere is a deed to a beach house in California. Not bad. Two bedrooms, two bathrooms, no neighbors for miles… the perfect place fer us ta go an’ focus on healing. Now, you two are free to do as you wish. But Reg an’ I are takin’ that deal an’ unofficially retirin’ from the Clan. We’ll still offer advice to other members, but we won’ be participating in any thievery from this point forward.” Though he sounded resolute, the Right Hand Man sighed and looked off to the side. To Sven, at least, it was clear he was going to miss life as an active criminal. “It’s fer the best. Even if Reg’s soul entirely recovers, he’s suffered a lotta trauma, and Doctor Alphys warned of a potential relapse if ‘is soul went through a big enough shock. I can’t risk that. So we’re going to just focus on ‘is recovery fer now.”
“And us?” Burt asked.
“The deal’s been extended to both of you too.” The Right Hand Man confirmed. Sven could hardly believe it. After everything, they were just offering him a free pass? “You don’ ‘ave ta take it. You could return to the clan, if ya wished. Don’ know whot’ll ‘appen to ya after that, though.”
Burt shook his head. “No, I don’t think that’s a good idea. I burned a lot of bridges with the stunt I pulled to come on this trip. And Sven…” Those purple eyes gazing into Sven’s own were pleading. “I know I can’t choose for you. But being leader of the clan put you under a lot of stress, and I don’t think you need that. Come with us.”
Sven swallowed. He’d been a Toppat since he was young, it was a core part of his identity. But something Burt told him back in the caves suddenly echoed in Sven’s ears. Even if they couldn’t be Toppats anymore, they’d forge a new identity, together. Sven took a deep breath. He loved the clan, they were like family to him. But in his current state, there was no way he could be a productive member anymore. Maybe in the future, but right now, Sven’s mind felt like mush. He’d only be a detriment. And… he owed Burt, and the Chief. He needed to be there for them.
So Sven nodded. “Okay. If you’ll have me, I’ll come to.”
“You’ll ‘ave ta share a room.” The Right Hand Man told them. “But I don’ think that’ll be a problem fer the both of ya.”
“But what about the government? I stole people’s souls, aren’t I going to jail for that?” Asked Sven. He wanted to make absolutely certain coming with them wouldn’t screw them over.
The Right Hand Man shook his head to the negative. “Nah. Believe it or not, Frisk an’ Chara came in durin’ the meetin’ an’ testified on yer behalf. Apparently somethin’ similar happened in another timeline…? I didn’t ‘ave all the context, but they convinced the General you weren’t at fault.” Oh. Sven knew exactly what they were talking about. Gaster’s knowledge of the previous timeline had been used to lash out and hurt Frisk. Sven felt awful for them. They were a child, and they’d gone through the exact same pain Sven had. Maybe someday in the future he’d have a change to talk to them about it. “It ‘elped that the General was already grateful fer your part in SAVIN’ ‘Enry.”
That made sense. But there was one other question burning in Sven’s mind. “And what about the rest of the clan?”
“’At’s… a bit more complicated.” The Right Hand Man pulled the brim of his hat down over his face. “They didn’t ‘elp SAVE the world, so the General can’t really offer ‘em anything. But after everything that went down with the station, ‘e’s tired of fightin’. So ‘e told me, ‘We won’ be actively persuin’ ya, but if we catch a Toppat so much as jaywalkin’, ‘ey’ll be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law’.”
“Don’t bug us, and we won’t bug you.” Burt summarized, and the Right Hand Man nodded. “It probably helps that the monsters will be keeping him busy.”
It almost felt too good to be true. The Right Hand Man seemed to genuinely believe in the General’s promise, but Sven couldn’t quite shake the feeling that something would ruin this. That he would ruin this. Sven tried to shake it off. It wasn’t that this wasn’t a good option for them. It was probably the best option available. And he’d find a way to ruin it for them like he always did.
Sven shook his head. No, no, that was just his doubt talking. He should trust in the Right Hand Man… he should, he just… he didn’t deserve this MERCY. Sven would never deserve this MERCY.
Learning to live with this would be tough. Even now Sven found dread crawling over his thoughts like disease ridden bugs, infecting his mind with doubt and fear and the kinds of thoughts he knew would make Burt worried. But he owed it to his teacher, to his boss, to his best friend, to try and help them with their own happy endings. They wanted him around, and for the moment that was enough to stay. For his honour as a Toppat, as the Chief’s student, as Burt’s best friend… he would make this up to them somehow.
Sven was filled with INTEGRITY.
They were set to leave tomorrow morning. The Right Hand Man divided their tasks fairly amongst them; he and the Chief were going to have a brief discussion with the General concerning the logistics of their journey to California, and then visit Doctor Alphys for one last check-up and review of Chief Reginald’s treatment plan. Burt and Sven, in the meanwhile, were tasked with packing their belongings and preparing them for transportation. Sven’s stuff was already all packed up, so he took care of the chiefs’ belongings. It was a little surprising that the Right Hand was trusting him with this task, but the look he’d given Sven had made his intentions clear: This was a chance to earn the boss’ trust back. One of many he was sure would be coming in the future. It filled his chest to bursting with happiness.
Despite that, tension was thick in the air as he worked. Sven’s mind was racing as he carefully folded and packed the Chief’s clothing. Burt was right there, right behind him. They were working in silence for now, but Sven couldn’t stop thinking about those words.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
Burt deserved a proper answer, and soon. But Sven’s emotions were bouncing all over the place. He knew this would make Burt happy, but he didn’t think he could be a good boyfriend. A part of him still felt like he should be dead. Burt didn’t deserve that burden. But turning Burt down, especially when he felt the same way, made Sven feel sick to his stomach.
“Hey, you okay?” Burt asked, his eyes going from the shirt to Sven’s face, “You’ve been folding that same shirt for like, ten minutes. It’s, uh, kinda overfolded, dude.”
Sven blinked at the wrinkled shirt his hands were just messing with. Oops. He quickly and clumsily folded it and shoved it into Chief Reginald’s bag. “I’m, umm…” No way Burt would buy that he was fine, not after everything. But maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea to let Burt know where he was? Just to keep him in the loop. “Burt, listen. I… I love you.” Burt suddenly stood straight, his eyes following Sven’s mouth. He didn’t look happy to hear that, exactly. More anxious. Sven swallowed and continued. “You’re my best friend, and I think you’re really, really cute, and just amazing…”
Sven trailed off. It felt like the words were choking him, and he took a second to just breath through it. Burt stared stoically at him, and then continued, “But…?”
Hearing that broke Sven’s heart a little. He sounded tired, and it was Sven’s fault. He knew that. “I… a good relationship isn’t just two people hooking up. It’s time and effort and communication. It’s blending your lives together in perfect sync, a partnership with complete trust and transparency. It’s a lot of hard work, and Burt, I don’t think I’m capable of that right now. My thoughts are all over the place, and whenever I’m not busy my thoughts spiral and I start thinking about how I’m garbage, and don’t deserve forgiveness or life or-!”
Sven sniffed, and only then realized he’d begun to cry. As he wiped the tears from his face he heard footsteps come up behind him, and carefully, as if treating an injured wild dog, began to slowly comb his fingers through Sven’s hair. It was then that Sven remembered that Frisk still had his hat. He’d have to get that back before they left.
Once he’d calmed down, Sven took a calming breath and said, “I want to be with you, but I’m a mess. A-and I don’t know if I’m going to get better, or how long that would take, and… I’m not going to ask you to wait for me.” Sven couldn’t bring himself to look at Burt as he said this. “You deserve a partner who’s capable of returning your effort, one-hundred percent, and I’m not, Burt. I’m… sick.”
Behind Sven, Burt exhaled loudly, and not a few seconds later a violet light drew Sven’s attention back to his dear friend. The soul he had revealed shone like amethyst, and was twice as pretty in Sven’s blatantly biased opinion. A part of Sven wanted to touch it. Another part of him was a horrified mess, recalling the panic and fear that had poured from Dave’s soul when he’d taken it. Immediately Sven pulled his shaking arms into his body, as closely as he could, and just watched as Burt gently cradled his own soul.
“Do you remember what ‘purple’ means?” asked Burt. At some point he had taken off his hat, showing off his brilliant violet eyes.
As if Sven could forget. “PERSEVERANCE.” He answered immediately.
“Right. And you know what PERSEVERANCE is?” Burt asked, gently moving his hands to Sven’s shoulders to guide him to a sit. He didn’t wait long for a response before answering himself. “It’s continuing to go on. Taking life’s changes, changing myself, and moving forward.” Sven felt like he was in a trance, with Burt’s fingers rubbing soothing circles into his skin. He only barely noticed when Burt removed Sven’s eye-patch, exposing his Bad Eye. “Surviving. Adapting. Sven, we can get through this. I know we can, you’re so much stronger than you think you are. And even if you don’t think you deserve it, or are worth it, or whatever stupid garbage your poor brain is feeding you… I do. I always have, and I always will.” Burt leaned down and pressed his face close to Sven’s, so close that all it would take was the slightest movement on Sven’s part for their lips to meet. His heart skipped a beat. “Take as much time as you need. I’ll be right here with you.”
Sven smiled and leaned forward to press their lips together; a small taste, for both of them, of what would come. Barely more than a peck, but it still sent a pleasant shiver down Sven’s spine. He’d never thought, in a million years, that anyone would ever want to be this close to him. “I’m not ready yet.” He explained. “But I will be. Someday.”
And for them, ‘someday’ was good enough.
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They're not okay.
But they will be. Someday.
This ending may strike some as more 'bittersweet' then happy, but I disagree. Sven and Reginald are both getting the support and time they need to heal, and they have their loved ones at their side. They survived, and now they're rebuilding. That sounds like a happy ending to me.
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