#why do we have the empire state building and lady liberty in the back
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If you think my afonso is going to wear a basic ass, boring ass, bland ass Tux- YOURE WRONG.
Not with his Vivienne Westwood watch, fuck no!
#twstaddict17#afonso beaver (2nd most cutie to ever patootie)#choices loa#laws of attraction#choices laws of attraction#also were in BOSTON where my 2 dearest mc's Taisia (openheart) & Carlos (hearts on fire) are#why do we have the empire state building and lady liberty in the back
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‘Caught In 🕸 Web’
This is my first chapter for this story, I hope you guys really like it. It’s my first time writing for the ATSV. So please, let me know if y’all are interested for more, or see something I need to correct. My inbox, messages, and taglist is open for y’all! Enjoy!🤟🏼🕸
Warnings: nothing really heavy yet, just some good information about my two OC’s. But all chapters will have their own warnings as things progress.
‘My Story’📰
Chapter 1
In a particular universe of 2055, settles this story in New York City, that has its very own special features in it. Like the Statue of Liberty- no. Oh Time Square that’s around the corner- another no. Empire State Building- it’s nice but yeah.. no. What makes this NYC ‘The’ NYC is having the damn privilege of owning a Peter C. Parker- other known as Spider-Man (but no one knows that the nerdy guy that is a sweet roommate and crazy assistant of the assistant of the CEO for ‘Stark Industries’ is the ‘Strong, Red ‘n Blue suited hero that makes swinging off the skyscrapers look hotter that Brad Pitt) so yeah. *takes deep breath and sips ‘chai tea’* Anyways... this universe also possesses a certain woman with terrible ‘I have no family’ issues, crazy boss who bought her knee pads, and a secret admirer. Everyone called her ‘CEO’s Sidechick’ or the famous one ‘Bosses Pet’. But her name is actually Carla Ferrari. While the spider universe... had actually deemed her as Spider-Woman, or how a certain spider pal will call her that everyone picks up on- Spider-Lady. Yeahhh... I know- shut up.
Carla Ferrari’s POV
So let’s do this one time. My name, is Carla Ferrari- and no I’m not related to any Ferrari bloodline and shit. My Pa was Italian and my Ma was American.. that’s why I have the Italian last name. (Though I’d kill for one of those hot rides but yeah) So I’m a 22 yr. old personal assistant for the CEO of ‘Stark Industries’. Is it an exciting life? Not exactly, I have no background that’s exciting either- that’s for sure.
Quick back up story- I was orphaned after a large city catastrophe killed my parents *timeskip*
Then I lived all my life in homes here and there, never got adopted because I worked terribly with people and never got used to the term family *timeskip*
After that I got too old to stay at shelter homes for girls once I turned ‘Magnificent 18’ so I was given the boot and a nice paycheck that can barely cover 3 full days at a Motel 6 or 1 day at the most expensive hotel in New York City *timeskip*
So to survive I worked at the most expensive diner in Manhattan for 6 months until a certain rich bastard decided to spill his wine all over my white uniform, then suggested that a great apology would be for him to offer me a good job. Anyways, they say my charm is what got me under the wing of who is now my boss, the CEO of ‘Stark Industries’ but I have to say it’s my stealth, patience, and great mathematical skills that has me managing all his business purchases- oh and also how I methodically get everything done.
*timeskip to present*
“Shoot! B.P.!! (Aka Bosses Pet) I forgot to pick up Stark’s coffee at Starbucks on my way here!! Can you get it?? He’ll be happy to see you crawling in with it anyways-“
I flared my nose while slamming my file on the table wishing Leslie’s head was the table, I scoffed lightly while glaring,
“Why do you all keep saying things like- ‘crawling’ or ‘cat walking’ my way to boss’ office?-“
Leslie flipped her damaged and dry sweet potato colored looking hair as she squeaked while using bunny ears on certain words,
“Maybe it’s cause he got you ‘knee pads’!? Like yeah we get he’s the boss and your his personal assistant but damn don’t bring your ‘50 Shades of Stark’ here!”
She giggled like a hyena and mocked my disgusted face, which I expressed because after their latest Boss died, Tony Stark, they brought in his closest cousin who looked like the deceased version of him, and he was now my boss. But if Tony was still around... maybe I’d try to make that 50 shades shit happen.. but yeah not with Martin Stark. Ew.
Anyways I only took up her offer because I needed some fresh air after being stuck up on the 50th floor for 11 hours writing down appointments and managing Stark’s purchases that went through the roof for every girl he laid eyes on, trying to gain ‘Great Star Reviews’ for his business but more like he was gaining more ‘absent-fathered children’ as he was a playboy and irresponsible of course. Now I stood up and straightened my black checkered pants as I sighed lightly,
“Fine.. I’ll go get it.”
“What a good girl. Ha! Bet you hear that often-“
“Yeah well at least I’m not left dry and hanging all the time and called ‘Dusty Leslie’.”
Sending a cheeky wink I was walking away with a proud smirk and a held high chin. I heard her scoff in hurt as I of course stabbed her altered ego. I obviously overheard the gossip desk ladies chat about that she hadn’t been laid in a long while, so yeah... that’s why you don’t share your secrets and personal issues with people that are snakes in disguise, Dusty Leslie.
As you see, my life is sorta hectic, I quite practically live for my boss so I can get paid by making his life easier. All he has to do, is show up, eat, take a crap, mess with women, and sleep- repeat. And to be honest I’m a little jelly at the fact he never works, yet wears clothes that cost 10 times more than all the money I’ve ever spent and worked for combined! And I’m the one running back and forth, making appointments, fixing his vendettas at bars he likes to pick fights at, feed him breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between when he calls for it. And what ticks me off- is that half the time he won’t even eat it, he’ll leave it there for later (which turns to never) or complain saying he wasn’t hungry anymore because he didn’t like something about it.
So what would I do? Take it back saying sweet and professional things like, ‘I’m so sorry about the inconvenience sir let me fix it for you.’ ‘Let’s get you something else.’ Or the most used line- ‘Yes sir, I’ll call them and email a bad review for you.’
Ugh!! I hated doing that. These cooks did everything right, Martin was just a spoiled asshole that thought the world should revolve around him and run his way. (By the way I never wrote bad reviews I just said I would, so he wouldn’t bother them or me about it again.) And the food he left untouched, I’d take to Uncle Joey, the guy at the corner of the street who played with his little wooden drums all day for spare change. Seeing his smile made my day mostly sense he was eating fine cuisine 99% of the time.
Anyways, now I’m taking my 10 minute break to run to Starbucks to get his coffee, and in the meanwhile get something for myself, I haven’t eaten sense yesterday at lunch time- and it’s already 12:34pm today. The fresh air did me some good to relieve some tension, as I finally made it out of the tall hell house I called work or my job. What also lifted my spirits was this happy sight. It felt good to see happy and calm people around me, they all walked around and lived as if they knew nothing could hurt or touch them. And to be honest once again, they could. You know why? Spider-Man.
He made that possible, he helped in ways no one else could, from big things to small things, he gave up his time and life for the city, and so far it has paid off well. I admire the man much, he has inspired me to take what little time I have to make someone smile, or help where I could.
My best friend, assistant, and roommate, Peter C. Parker, always harmlessly made fun of how I lived to be like Spider-Man. Peter was a great guy by the way, and no matter how much he denied it when I told him, he had a big heart like Spider-Man. Always helping where he could and being a sunshine in my world. When my boyfriend wouldn’t be the nicest or leave me hanging after he promised he’d wait after work, Peter would invite me to the movies or do something that got the tears and pouts off my face. It was nice to have someone like him around, humble as heck with his heart on his sleeve, I wouldn’t trade my best friend for anything in the world.
He kept me on my feet and happy, reminding me of the good things in life even on the cloudy days. And like right now, in ‘all of a sudden’ moments when my boss and boyfriend Nelson would call unexpectedly at once, I could count on him to adapt to change and help me to the perfect ‘T’. Unlike my boss who went crazy if one thing went wrong or not his way. I could only let out a deep breath as I debated for a moment on who to answer first.
‘If I pick up Nelson’s he might just ask me out again and chat about his new modeling job, then my boss will be pissed for missing his call and might deducted $25 from my paycheck for every minute I don’t answer him. Or I could pick up boss’ call and hear him yell some kind of thing he wants me to do and make Nelson upset again for not picking up his call. Shit!! Ugh I hate this so bad.’
I declined Nelson’s call and texted a quick ‘sorry, give me a minute’ and picked up my boss’ call and mustered a fake, happy voice with professionalism.
‘I really hate this man- but I need my job. Sorry Nelson.’
“Yes, Mr.Stark?”
Peter C. (Carlos) Parker’s POV
Let’s do this one last time- I’m Peter Carlos Parker. As 20 yr old, I’m New York’s one and only Spider-Man, and did I love my life? So far I did. I’ve had bumps and bruises on the way, crazy lifesaving stories and sad ones too that match the scars I’ve grown to earn every time. No but honestly my life is manageable but still crazy, let me just tell you what happened today so you’ll see why I say so. So, I just got back into my jeans and white button down with the stupid crooked tie after I as Spider-Man handed over a dumb, bank thief to the cops. Yes, he tried to threaten everyone behind and in front of the counters, but thankfully I was there to take out $20 to get lunch at the hotdog stand outside of work. Anyways with that said, quickly I took him down after some arguing about how unprepared and wild his ‘stealing’ was.
“Sir! You realize they are going to track down your information with the ID you just gave the kind banker lady?”
I kid you not, he handed over his ID to the lady, claiming he was old enough to demand money- like what an idiot! He should’ve come in without the mask while he was at it right? Oh and if it wasn’t bad enough already, there was a large hole on the side of his makeshift bag. Like yeah Pinky you’re going to come out inanely rich for sure with that bag, let me know if we can go to Disneyland when you’re out- like c’mon!! But yeah, he went on to argue with me of course.
“She doesn’t know it’s me Spider-Man! I’m wearing a mask- like you, can’t you see!? I just need her to know that I’m old enough to do this!”
He angrily pointed at his paper bag mask, that he drew dark angry eyebrows on, trying to show me that indeed it was good. Oh and I could clearly tell his gun was a small nerf gun spray painted black. He’d definitely make it on the wall of ‘Stupids Hall of Fame’ As much as I would’ve liked to keep the debate going (because I knew I was going to win in the end) I knew my Boss- aka my best friend Carly was going to need my assistance soon, so I cut it short with some webbing. With a crack to my knuckles, I sighed,
“Alright, can’t wait to see your face on the news, but buy me a PS5 first.”
In seconds he was webbed up by the door.
I heard sighs of relief and a couple cheering while others cussed out the poor dummy. I then waved my hands calmly as I pointed out.
“You all are safe now, just called NYPD. Keep safe- I swinging out.”
With a peace sign given to a little kid by me I then disappeared. (I actually webbed away to the back, then walked out to the front watching the cops take my guy away. And he had his paper mask off by this point. But at least we all knew he was old enough to rob a bank, and that his name was Chad Robins.
-End of flashback.
I smiled with peace knowing he wasn’t going to be around for a while, scaring kids and the old ladies who are working hard to buy their little ones Christmas gifts. Up ahead I saw my favorite hotdog stand, I could smell the hot bacon-wrapped wieners from here
‘Talk about my heightened spider senses right!?’
But then something else caught my attention when I heard my name being called out.
“Oh Peter!! Thank God I found you! Listen here’s $20. Get something to eat for yourself and get the triple chocolate mocha with 3 teaspoons of vanilla and 1 pinch of pumpkin spice with lactose free whip cream and some cinnamon sprinkled on top?”
I fixed my glasses after they almost slipped off my nose from me speedily scribbling down the crazy coffee order. That was of course Carly, (Carla Ferrari) who told me all of this. Not that I minded though, I was her personal helper. She requested for one after work got a little to much for her, but her boss wasn’t happy about having that happen, so I was paid through her paycheck. (What a stingy and evil boss huh? Oh and I’d always beg her to not pay me much, but she always gave up half of her paycheck anyways without hesitation or a problem)
When we first met I had just gotten out of college looking for a job, something easy to start with while I looked for a job that suited my passion for chemical engineering. And at the same time she was looking for help, so we made a deal to become roommates while I worked for her, sense the job was not too much, but for now it worked perfectly fine, and she was a great roommate too. Soon we of course became the best of friends, she gave me so much smart advice about the world and now dating tips. (Especially after I told her about my deep interests in the sweet florist Mary Jane- I’ll tell y’all about her later) Carly also had a great listening ear and healing words, even on her worst nights she made great company. Anyways, I took the $20 from her after she personally grabbed my hand and stuff the dollar bill in there and said,
“Use this money Peter, not yours. And get lunch- you haven’t eaten, I know you haven’t.”
I reluctantly took it as I sighed an excuse,
“But you haven’t either-“
She mindlessly fixed my tie as she interrupted,
“Don’t worry about me honey, worry about yourself. Now get please, boss needs me in his office, I just got off the phone with him before I saw you.”
I squeezed my pinky with hers, it was our ‘good luck’ ‘good bye’ and ‘good day’ sign.
But this time, I felt an electric shock run through me from where we touched, and I felt waves surround me for a split second before it stopped completely. I know she felt it too for her eyes went wide, but she shook it off as quickly as it had happened.
Then she sent me a small smile and a wink before running in her high heels back to the office. I chuckled with confusion as I looked at my black shoes thinking,
‘Everyday I admire women more.. I could never run in heels.. I wonder what that was by the way… it felt weird. But with a sense of familiarity?’
For now I shook it off as she did. Taking a moment I was looking up and around at the lively city I could only breathe in and out calmly, the people looked happy, peaceful, and it all appeared to be still for now. It’s been about a couple of months ever sense I fought a life-threatening villain, KingPin. But thankfully we’ve been ok for now, if not almost too perfect.
Miguel O’Hara’s POV
Bueno, Lets do this, one last time, my name is Mig-
“Miggggyyyy! Omg you’ve been eyeballing’ 2055 universe for the past 2 weeks already?! You got some interest on Peter C. Parker- it’s ok you can tell me!!”
‘Ay coño… another time I’ll introduce myself.’
Running a hand down my face I argued lazily,
“No Lyla I don’t. I’m straight-“
“Are you? Look at your hunched over posture, certainly it’s not straight-
“That doesn’t determine my sexuality though!-“
“It could-“
“Lyla. No. I’m just.. just checking something out. So please.”
Sometimes Greta Lee aka Lyla can get on my nerves with her ideas, I mean, who would’ve that an AI would be so stubborn and determined on certain ideas? Like her only job is to gather up information about tech or any universal catastrophes. Yet here she is trying to decipher what my sex is by the way I’m standing. Que dolor de cabeza. But I was being honest about this... this universe 2055 that’s been on my watch for the past few days.
Something about it has intrigued my mind and drawn my attention to it strongly, unlike any other universe. I don’t have spider senses perhaps, but I do have suspicions and a gut that tells me things. So I considered checking it out, passing by in person to see if I perhaps caught something off that I could probably call P.C.P. (Peter Carlos Parker) on. I’ve never personally met him before or even thought of intruding into his place or giving him more as far as letting him into the multiverse, he handled what he had very well so far on his own. It was his universe anyways, and to be honest he did his absolute best at guarding it and protecting it. His every breath was spent on saving the city and a change during a blink of his eye wouldn’t go unnoticed, he’d sense and act upon it. He was what I called, ‘Gentle-Spider’. His heart for the community was larger than New York itself.
Yes, he had his typical hero side that was rough and sharp, effortlessly taking down who needed to be put down, but after that? He’d walk the old ladies across the street, have late night dinners with random joes who were alone and homeless, play with the neighborhood kids, he even taught a few teenagers how to parallel park. All this I have witnessed and couldn’t admire him more.
His only job as a Spider-Man was to defend the city from villains and anomaly’s... but P.C.P.? He made the city a brighter place day and night, 24/7, he gave New York his heart and every breath he took was spent on them. His regular life though, behind the mask, he was the same, caring and kind. Just more quiet and a bit shy. The only one I saw him communicate well with was his roommate. She was just as kind. I never really looked into her, all I knew was that she made him breakfast everyday and wore high heels 99% of the time- oh and he’d call her Carly.
I don’t think she knew about Peter’s secret life, only because she had a crazy schedule herself, she was the main and personal assistant of CEO Martin Stark. So yeah, her life was basically a mess and busy. But I’ve seen her a few times around too, doing careless acts to protect people. Careless why? She thought of others before herself. Ella me asusta a veces.
She literally almost gone run over the other day just because she tried to retrieve a baby doll that a little girl dropped as her mother carried her across the street. To save the homeless guy’s kitten she went down to the tracks of the subway to get its paw unstuck from when it fell, and seconds before that damn thing made her a tortilla, she was able to get out with the kitten clinging onto her for life. She’s also convinced people to not jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. Supongo que sé más sobre su vida de lo que pensaba.
Anyways she had a busy life too, but when she had a few seconds to spare, she gave it to others. I guess she looked up to Spider-Man a lot, and chose to be like him, a good person. But today, I saw and caught something that was off, and electric and dimensional shock went through both of them. And according to canon, he’s the only Spider-Man, and she was only supposed to be like his best friend. That’s it. So what was that all about? It looked all too familiar from our last incident with Miles Morales.. I just hoped it wasn’t the same or much worse, if not unfixable. And why did it make me feel- nervous?
Spanish translations
1- Que dolor de cabeza. - What a headache.
2- Ella me asusta a veces.- She scares me sometimes.
3- Supongo que sé más sobre su vida de lo que pensaba. - I guess I know more about her life than I thought I did.
#miguel o’hara#miguel o'hara#miguel o'hara x reader#miguel spiderman#atsv miguel#atsv fic#atsv x you#atsv x reader#miguel x reader#miguel o’hara x oc#spidersona#caught in a web#Spider-Lady#miguel x you#miles morales#gwen stacy#peter parker#spiderman across the spiderverse
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Couple Secretly Shares Both Sides of their Love Story
⇢ Featuring: AKAASHI Keiji x you
⇢ Inspired by: Both Sides series by Jubilee
⇢ Genre: fluff
⇢ Warning: none
⇢ wc: 1,137
✎ Preview: You and your husband are invited to film a YouTube video about your relationship. The catch? You’ll each be asked different questions about your relationship and answer them while the other is wearing noise cancelling headphones.
✎ Matsukawa ver.
Please have a seat. Anything you guys want to say to each other before we give Akaashi his noise cancelling headphones?
You: I'm excited!
Akaashi: same, I don’t really know what to expect though
You: I mean we just answer questions about each other, didn’t you watch the previous couple’s video that I sent you? It was the middle blocker from Aoba Johsai and his wife.
Akaashi: Oops, I think I added it to queue but forgot to actually watch it
You: (playfully roll your eyes at your husband) You always do this. Don’t worry babe, just go with the flow.
First things first! How did you and Akaashi meet?
We technically met in high school. Like we’ve seen each other in the hallways and stuff but we didn’t “officially” meet until college. And the only reason we started to talk to each other was because one time I was rushing to class I accidentally bumped into him and spilled my pumpkin spice latte on him.
Then what happened?
(you stifle a laughter as you look at your husband sitting across from you, Akaashi looks at you curiously) I quickly apologized but he could tell I wasn’t being sincere. AND the only reason why I didn’t sound sincere, although I was apologetic, was because I was too preoccupied with my pumpkin latte. That was the first time I got it, so I was really excited to try it. You know Starbucks ain’t cheap right? hahahaha
He was a little mad actually, because he had just gotten that shirt. But my baby is a patient man, plus after he got a good look at my adorable face, he decided to use the chance to ask me out. He asked for my number, using some lame excuse about buying him another shirt. He’ll probably tell you he was genuinely looking for reparation for his shirt. BUT I know it’s because he wanted to ask me out.
So how did you guys end up dating?
We ended up shopping for a new shirt for him and he wouldn’t even let me pay, but I did treat us to dinner that night. We went on a few more dates and each date allowed us to really get to know each other better and realize how similar we are. We always joke that if we had gotten to know each other better in high school, we’d definitely be high school sweethearts.
Does he have any pet peeves that drive you crazy?
(you glare at your husband, who didn’t even notice because he was looking down at his feet, trying hard to not fall asleep) oh yes, for some reason, this man refuses to turn his phone to vibration at night and his ringtone is “country road”. And you know who likes to call him late at night? His best friend Bokuto. So many nights were spent as I was about to fall asleep, suddenly country road comes blasting out of nowhere.
What about something about him that you love?
oh man this one is hard because he’s really lovable. If I had to choose, I’d say his thoughtfulness. We rarely fight because of that. He’s so good at knowing how I feel all the time. It’s like he can read my mind sometimes.
What is one thing you feel like you don’t tell him enough?
(you look at Akaashi, who’s studying you, a small smile playing on his lips) Thank you. I feel like I don’t express my gratitude for him enough. I was in a bad place before I met him and he pieced me back together. He’s one of the biggest reason I’m here today doing what I love with the full support of the love of my life. (you turn to him) Thank you darling
Akaashi smiles at you as he slips off his headphones and hands them to you.
So I heard you guys went out on your first date because she spilled coffee on you?
Well it wasn’t coffee that she spilt on me, it was pumpkin spice latte and I will always remember because I ended up smelling like warm cinnamon the rest of the day PLUS my new shirt got ruined because of her. But you’re right, that incident was responsible for our first date.
What was your impression of her?
My first impression was clumsy and rude. This girl comes running out of nowhere, spills some Starbucks on my new shirt and doesn’t even sound genuinely sorry (Akaashi looks at you and laughs). But then I caught a glimpse of her face and I let it go hahahaha
What was going through your mind when you asked her out?
Well I asked for her number, using some excuse about buying me a new shirt. I mean, I did really want to get a new shirt, but honestly, I just wanted to hangout with her.
She did mention how the shirt was only an excuse for you to ask her out
(Akaashi looks at you with an amused smile -- you looked back at him curiously) Yeah, my wife knows me well
What is your favorite memory together?
(Akaashi brings one hand up to his head, running through his black hair) Oh man, this is really hard. Would it be too cheesy to say every moment is a favorite memory? (he laughs and ponders for a moment) If I really really really had to choose, I’d say the time she got sick and was a little high off her medicine.
What happend?
She was running a high fever and as the medicine brought down her temperature, she started to hallucinate (Akaashi laughs at the memory). It was so funny because she started pretending like we were in New York City, which was the first leg of our honeymoon. She would run around the room, taking pictures of random objects and yell at me saying, “babe look at all these New York things!”. She also stood on the chair and pretended to be the Statue of Liberty. But my favorite part was when she thought we were on top of the Empire State Building and kissed me and told me how much she loved me. (Akaashi smiles at you) I got sick a few days later, but it was worth it
What is your favorite thing about your relationship?
She’s my rock, my home. She’s like the eternal ray of sunshine in my life.
That wraps up our interview for today! Last but not least, any last words you guys want to say to each other?
Akaashi: I’ll love you forever...
You: Sid
Akaashi: what? who is Sid?
You (laughing at your husband’s confused expression): that’s why I tell you to be on Tiktok more. But I love you too forever and ever
Taglist: @aonenthusiast, @mango-smoothies, @sukunas-lady, @donutwithinadonut, @akaashiwife, @elianetsantana, @kellyyween, @crapimahuman, @sakusasonlywife, @rintarouschuupets
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© ceci-chan 2021 all rights reserved. Please do not copy / repost my work on other platforms.
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niagara falls
TW: past thoughts of suicide, drinking, car accident (not involving reader), pining (lmk if i missed anything plz)
Summary - spencer explodes on reader after coming to a realization, and reader decides to take a much needed vacation - away from him.
WC - 5,305
"i don't understand why you're like this!" spencer shouted as he slung his satchel off his shoulder and onto the couch. "why do you even care?!"
"why do i care?!" you scoffed. "you seriously aren't asking me that, spencer," you rolled your eyes in disbelief. "because i care about you. that's why i care. i'm so sorry my caring about you is an inconvenience," you sarcastically apologized, throwing your hands up in frustration as he sat down on the couch with his head laying in his hands.
"you're just so overbearing sometimes, y/n. i can't handle it right now!" he yelled, finally pulling his head up to meet your gaze only to find your eyes welling up with tears. "are you seriously crying right now?" he chuckled as he rolled his eyes once again.
"spencer please... just tell me why you're so upset right now. i want to help you," you pleaded, trying to calm yourself down as you sat on his couch beside him, placing a hand gently on his knee.
"well maybe i don't want your help! i never asked you to help me!" he slung your hand off his knee as he rose to his feet once again.
"why won't you let me help you? i'm your friend, spence. i want to help you... please," you admitted as a year slipped down your cheek.
"i don't want your help! i don't want you here! i don't want to be near you! i wish you died when the unsub took you. i should've let him just finish the fucking job!" he yelled, running a hand through his hair as he turned away from you. "i mean it seemed like you wanted to die anyways because of your carelessness. your stupidity! so why don't you do just that?" he walked into his kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water.
you stayed silent, unaware of what to do with what he just admitted. your best friend just said he wished you had died. he wished you had been killed.
you didn't know what to do, but you knew you didn't want to stay with him for one more second. you were done trying to help him through whatever was going on.
so you got up and left. you walked out of his door and slowly made your way to the car, still trying to process what just happened.
spencer looked up when he heard his door softly shut. he grabbed his water and walked into the living room, only to find you not there anymore.
then he finally processed what he had said, himself. he said he wished you had died. he told you he wanted you dead.
he went to his room, not bothering with anything else at that point, and laid down on his bed. spencer felt guilty about what he had said, but he was sure you wouldn't want to see him.
but you would've done anything to see him. you waited inside your car, outside of his building for nearly half an hour just hoping he'd come down.
you wanted him to apologize, or to say he didn't mean it, anything that would suggest he didn't mean what he had said.
but he didn't come down.
you even saw as his lights turned off in his apartment, signaling his sleep, before you decided to drive off.
which leads to you now.
you were at a bar after calling penelope and emily, jj wasn't able to make it because of will and the kids. you were still in your work clothes, but managed to clean up the makeup that had began to streak down your face.
when the two girls got there, you had already been through a couple drinks within the past twenty minutes waiting for them, in spite of your knowledge of you being a lightweight.
"y/n!" you heard penelope greet you accompanied by the tell tale sound of her heels clicking against the floor. "my pumpkin pie what happened?!" she said as she approached you, gently placing a hand on your shoulder as she took a seat beside you.
"are you alright, y/n?" emily asked as she approached the chair on the opposite side of you.
"i'm... yup," you giggled as you turned to face emily. "is that unsub still in custody? maybe he still wants to have his go with me," you asked before busting out in laughter.
"what? y/n why...?" emily questioned, looking past you and making eye contact with penelope, silently asking if she understood what you meant. "why would you say that?" she asked softly, taking her coat off in preparation for the rest of the night.
"welllll, pretty lady, apparently spencer should've just let him finish the job when he took me," you giggled, leaning in closer to emily. "at this point i think spencer might want to finish the job himself!" you whisper shouted, penelope still able to hear your comment as you busted out in laughter once again.
"what'd boy wonder say?" penelope asked, scooting her chair closer to yours and emily's in hopes of hearing you better.
"he said 'i wish you died when the unsub took you. i should've let him finish the fucking job!'" you said with a smile on your face, the giggles still popping out of your mouth every so often.
penny and emily shared a knowing look as they glanced at each other. emily raised her eyebrows in suspicion as penelope rubbed her lips together with furrowed brows.
"i think you guys forget," you hiccuped, "i'm a profiler, silly gooses. i knoowww that look you guys are giving each other," you slammed your hands down on the table. "he meant what he said. he wants me dead," you frowned, the giggling finally ceasing as you took in the harshness of the situation. "maybe i should be, you guys."
"no! no, no, no," penny insisted, placing a hand on your shoulder to turn you towards her. she took note of the tears in your eyes once again. "he doesn't want you dead, y/n. he lost it when he found out the unsub took you."
"garcia's right. he could barely think straight for longer than 15 seconds when you disappeared," emily confirmed. "he cares about you, don't forget that."
"you should've seen him tonight, em," you turned to face emily, taking another sip of your drink before penny took it from you despite your protests. "he told me he didn't want to be near me and that he didn't want my help," you sniffled, wiping the tears from your eyes before they fell. "i just wanted him to be okay..."
"i know you did sweetie," penny consoled as she rubbed a hand on your back.
you leaned forward and rested your head on emily's shoulder as she wrapped her arms around you. penny continued to rub your back as sobs racked through your body. eventually, your sobs slowed and you were able to sit back up and wipe your tears.
he knew about your struggle with depression in the past. he knew that there was a point in your life when you didn't even want your life. he had to know the weight of his words as he said them.
and that hurt worse than the fact that he said them.
the fact that he knew how much they'd hurt you.
"i think i just need a break from him for a while," you sniffled as you used a napkin to wipe your tear stained cheeks.
you and spencer had spent practically every free night you had together. whether you went to his place or him yours, you spent whatever free time you had together.
you would watch those foreign films together, where he would whisper the translations in your ear. he would try to teach you to be better at chess. you would attempt to teach him to be a better cook. each of you loved spending time together.
so spencer saying that to you, knowing your backstory and your history, hurt more than you'd care to admit.
"are you sure?" emily asked concerned.
"he meant it, em. it was like he hated me. i don't... i don't want to see him again. at least not for a while," you frowned at the admission, picking at your nails in your lap.
"maybe that's for the best. a little break?" penelope agreed. "you still have a lot of vacation time, y'know," she suggested, nudging your shoulder slightly.
"yea. i think i might take a vacation for a month or two. visit my family, see some sights," you shrugged.
you and spencer had been looking through catalogues together at different sights you'd like to see together. those were the only places you'd thought about seeing, so you'd probably just visit them alone, try to make your own memories without him tainting them.
"that sounds fun, y/n. it's a good idea," she gently scratched your back.
"just uhm... don't tell spencer, please," you asked as you placed a twenty on the counter of the bar.
"whatever you want, sugar," penelope agreed, helping you stand to your feet. "we carpooled here, so i'll just drive you home, okay?" penelope suggested as you nodded in agreement.
"you can stay the night. you don't need to be out this late, pen," you practically demanded.
"yes ma'am," penny laughed at your care for others, even when you felt horrible.
you've always been the person that's there for everyone, even spencer.
when they each went through their own trouble or needed help you were there for them.
especially spencer.
and now after you had your own traumatic experience where you thought you would die yourself, spencer wasn't there for you. instead, he added to the hurt and pain.
penelope drove you home, you fell asleep on the way. she slept in your guest bedroom and helped you when you had to throw up in the middle of the night.
you had never been more grateful to not have worn the next day. you called hotch to let him know of your plans of vacation for a couple months, which he allowed.
he thought it was an excellent decision for you to take a vacation. you'd always worked hard on everything you did. paperwork or a case, you did your best. so he knew this break would really help you to relax.
so, you planned everything out. you got a plane ticket to see your family, and you would drive everywhere from there on out with a rental car.
you would see the statue of liberty, the empire state building, acadia national park, walters art gallery, the national aquarium, and so many other places you and spencer had looked through together.
part of you felt guilty for doing this without him, but you figured since he wanted you dead he could just go see the places by himself. he'd probably enjoy them even more without you, anyway.
you had decided to turn your phone off, not wanting to be bothered by the nuisance of social media, but you left your work phone on in case of an emergency. you had gotten a video camera in hopes of recording your journey.
you sent postcards at every location you went to. you even sent them pictures of you and your family together, smiles in every single one of them.
your mom and step dad were overjoyed to see you. they could tell there was something that pushed you for this vacation other than just needing a break from work, but they didn't push since they were just excited to see you.
you videoed them upon your arrival, them hugging you tightly and your dogs jumping on you.
the sights were absolutely stunning. you couldn't believe how amazing the views were. they were more incredible than you could imagine.
part of you couldn't stop thinking about spencer and how much you missed him. you had wanted to see these places together, but you figured he never wanted to see you again.
so at each spot, you made a separate video dedicated to spencer. you told him how part of you wished he was there to tell you his facts he had about the places. you told him how you wished he actually wanted to be there with you, but understood that he needed his own space.
as happy as you seemed in those pictures and at those sights, when you got back to your hotels you would break down.
you didn't understand how spencer could be so cruel to you after you trying to be the best friend you could be.
now you had one more week of vacation and you only had one more sight to see, the one you were the most excited about.
the day spencer blew up on you, he couldn't get over how rude his words had been. he decided to leave you be the next few days, letting you both cool off from the blowup that had ensued.
the day he had gone back to work, he got you your favorite muffin, coffee, and flowers. he placed them on your desk waited for you to walk through the doors so he could beg for your forgiveness.
but you didn't show up.
he went into hotch's office in hopes of finding answers, only to be told that you had requested time off.
he was riddled with guilt from the new information. you had practically fled because of his words.
he didn't talk to anyone the rest of the day. he just finished his paperwork quickly and went home.
when he saw the postcards you had sent emily, jj, derek, penelope, rossi, and hotch, he felt part of his heart break.
all of the places you went were the places he wanted to take you.
he wanted to tell you the fun facts about those places that he researched just to see your smile. he wanted to hold your hand as you looked out on new york as you stood in the empire state building. he wanted those experiences with you.
and there you were experiencing them without him. enjoying them like you had never discussed them with him yourself.
and you never even sent him a postcard.
during all of this, spencer had received the cold shoulder from practically everyone. they had stopped asking him out after cases, and didn't talk to him unless it had to do with the cases they were on.
"morgan! can you at least tell me why everyone's treating me like this?" spencer begged him to reveal the truth for what felt like the millionth time.
"reid. you're telling me you seriously don't know why everyone's mad at you?" he scoffed. "you're a profiler. figure it out," he demanded as he turned to walk back to his desk, unaware that the shaggy haired man had followed him.
"i've tried. please, just tell me," he asked, his eyes welling with tears.
"because of what you told her, reid," morgan sighed, finally looking at the man standing beside him. "you told her you wanted her dead. we all know her past struggles, and you still told her you wished she was dead. that was so beyond low, reid," morgan informed the man.
spencer stood there, taking in the information.
he didn't realize that nobody knew why he had said that. nobody knew why he pushed you away.
"sh-she really believes that?" spencer asked, watching morgan nod. "i don't want her dead. i need her. i've always needed her. i'll always need her," he shook his head in frustration, running his hand through his hair. "i-i said that because i realized how much i needed her. i realized how much i love her and it terrified me. i was just scared of those feelings, morgan. sh-she can't go. i can't lose her, derek," spencer cried, tears streaming down his face as he admitted his feelings for the first time out loud.
"well you sure have a funny way of showing it, reid," morgan rolled his eyes before sighing in compliance. "if you really love her, show her that. she's traveling alone right now, thinking you hate her and thinking that you don't want her in the world right now," morgan shook his head as he stood up to hand some files in to hotch.
"i know. b-but what should i do?" the boy genius wondered.
"go to her, dumbass. let her know how you feel and how much of a dumbass you are," morgan said as he walked off to hand his files in.
spencer ran to penelope's lair in hopes to track where you were.
"garcia!" spencer said upon entrance.
"reid. what do you want?" she asked in a monotoned voice.
"garcia, please just listen to me. you have to hear my side of the story, please," he begged. she turned around in her chair to face spencer, raising her eyebrows to entice him to finish the story. "i love her," he ripped the band-aid off. "i'm in love with her, and i only realized it when i thought i might lose her forever. and that feeling... it-it terrified me. so, i pushed her away. i couldn't... i couldn't go on knowing that she didn't feel the same, so i ruined our friendship."
"spencer..." penelope sighed, bringing her hand up to her forehead in an attempt to not explode on the man in front of her. "she was absolutely devastated. she went to the bar that night and... she drank. you know that she never drinks, spencer. not since her dad was in that car accident. she was distraught because you knew her past. you knew and you still yelled that at her..." penelope looked at the tears in his eyes, realizing how much he truly felt for you. "but i guess i can help you. although i promised her i wouldn't tell you anything!" she chastised. spencer ran over and hugged her tightly.
"oh thank you so much, garcia! thank you!!" he exclaimed excitedly. "i'm gonna go tell hotch i need a week off to visit her!" he said before running out of garcia's office.
penelope had gotten the information he needed from tracking your work phone, and gave it to him. spencer was approved to leave abruptly by hotch, him being understanding of the direct of the situation.
truth be told, hotch had a suspicion reid was the reason you left. he had noticed the tension between the two of you after they got you back from the unsub, and just came to a conclusion after you asked for time off.
so of course he let spencer have time off. he hoped he would try to fix things between the two of you. hotch was a bit worried you might leave the into if things weren't resolved, so whatever would keep you with them would work.
spencer figured you'd choose to go to the place you were most excited about last. you always wanted that kind of flare, the buildup to the most beautiful sight you'd see. when penelope told him where you were after tracking your phone, he wasn't surprised in the slightest.
he ordered the first ticket to upstate new york, and reserved a room at the hotel he found you had been staying at after garcia tracked your credit card purchases.
"morgan, i just finished packing," spencer said while on the phone with his friend, putting his suitcase into the back of a cab so he could get to the airport.
"good. don't forget to have flare, reid. women love that stuff," morgan chuckled.
"not y/n, morgan. she wouldn't want that attention," spencer practically scoffed at him while shutting the trunk, now stepping into the back of the cab.
"right, right. my bad," he raised his hands in defense in spite of spencer not being able to see him.
"aright, i've got to go now," spencer announced.
"let me know how it goes, alright?" morgan requested, still feeling a little eager at the entire situation going down.
"of course," spencer accepted. "bye."
spencer sighed as he gave the cab driver the address of the airport. he wasn't sure about him confessing his feelings for you, but that's the only way to show you how sorry he was, and how he didn't mean a word he had said to you.
he hated the past three weeks without you. without your gentle touch, melodious laughter piercing his ears at one of his crummy jokes. without the sight of your beautiful smile, or the way your voice sounded while mindlessly singing as you attempted to teach him how to cook.
he found himself watching videos he had of you and him together, scrolling through your pictures.
some were silly, goofy pictures you had taken of the two of you. some of the pictures were of you and him in formal wear at rossi's, him looking at you in your dress like you're the most beautiful thing he's ever seen... mostly because you are. some are of you asleep on his couch cuddled into his chest and gripping onto him in the midst of your dream, your smile signified that it was a good dream, at that.
he didn't know when he fell in love. all he knew was that he had fallen. hard. he didn't even care enough to figure out when the exact moment was, and he might as well have not tried.
he fell in love with you over time.
because over time you would reveal a little bit more of yourself to him that he found himself admiring. at first it was the way you secretly had a crush on james t. kirk. then it was that you snort when you truly laugh... something you were insecure about but he found even more adorable.
then it was about your dad.
it was about the car accident that ensued after a drunk driver slammed into him.
then he understood why you were so protective over the team when they went out together. you never drank, and always drove the girls and morgan home when they drank too much. you took the responsibility because you couldn't stand the thought of losing them like you had your own father years ago.
his death is what made you question everything, including your own existence. you didn't understand why he was gone, and left you behind.
on the anniversary of his death, you and spencer had gone to his grave to mourn him. he held you while you cried, and helped you eat the picnic you had brought with you.
so no, there wasn't a specific moment where he could pinpoint where he fell in love with you. this was merely because there's so much love he has for you that he's pretty sure he'll never stop falling in love.
once the plane landed in new york, he took a cab to the hotel you were both staying at and got everything ready. he remembered everything you were doing that day, and decided to surprise you at the one place he knew you were going to love the most.
niagara falls.
he got dressed in jeans and a white button up shirt. he put a brown sweater vest overtop the button up, and wore his black converse and satchel.
he had stopped by to get your favorite flowers. he got a mixture because he knows how you hate only being able to have one favorite - marigolds, daisies, asters, lilies, white tulips, and lilacs. you love the mixture of the colors together.
he planned to stop by your room and give you the flowers, begging for your forgiveness and admit his undying love for you. no problem.
then the time came.
his palms were sweaty, he could practically tell his voice would crack upon his admission to you. worst case scenario, you say you hate his guts and never want to see him, transfer out of the team, and he never sees you again. that's something he can't let happen.
best case scenario, you return his feelings and let him see this one last place with you as a truce. he gets to tell you the facts he learned just for this experience, and you live happily ever after.
he really hopes it's best case scenario.
meanwhile, you were looking through your suitcase. you had realized the last sweater you brought with you was spencer's, you just didn't realize it upon packing. you felt the tears pricking the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill over.
you could throw the sweater away, and just wear one of your other shirts. or you could bask in his scent one last time before christening your life from him.
that decision had to wait, because there was a knock on your door.
you threw a robe over your shirtless body, and ran to open the door. your face fell upon seeing who was there. you were confused, shocked that you saw the man you thought hated your guts at your door, with flowers nonetheless.
"s-spencer?" you questioned, squinting your eyes as if he was someone else.
"h-hi, y/n," spencer swallowed. your eyes widened upon this revelation before you scoffed and swiftly slammed the door shut.
you ran to get the sweater on and over your head, but spencer had thought you were shutting him out. he thought you were turning him away before he even had a chance to express his feelings.
"please let me explain, y/n!" he exclaimed, banging on the door before you swiftly opened it again.
"yeesh, smartypants," you joked as you used to, a small smile playing on your lips. "i was just putting a shirt on," you said before moving out of the doorway, signaling him to come inside.
"i uhm... i got these for you," he handed you the flowers after you shut the door behind you.
"thank you," you pulled your lips into a tight lipped smile before sighing. "why are you here?" you bit your bottom lip softly, trying to refrain yourself from crying just at the sight of seeing him.
you sat down on the edge of the bed, patting beside you for him to sit down. you began twiddling your fingers in your lap, avoiding his gaze.
"i'm about to say something, and then i'll explain something," he said slowly, forgetting every single word he had practiced before coming into your room, seeing your face in person, viewing your smile, noticing you still wearing his sweater... giving him a glimmer of hope. "when you got caught by the unsub... i broke. i broke like i never have before, and i didn't know why," he sighed. "until i did," he reached his hand over to grab yours gently. "i'm in love with you."
your face shot up, finally looking him in the eyes, confusion displayed in yours.
"i've been falling in love with you for... who know how long. all i know is that i thought i had lost you, and crumpled without you. i can't do anything without you. i can't live without you. i need you," he said, tears filling his on eyes as you placed a hand on top of his.
"so w-why'd you tell me that..." you trailed off, your eyes gazing downward in fear.
"because," he used his free hand to grasp your chin softly, pulling it up to meet his eyes, "i was terrified," he moved his hand to cup your cheek. "i was scared about our friendship being ruined because i loved you, and because i was scared i pushed you away. i know that's no excuse, and nothing can excuse what i said to you. ever. but i'll spend every second of my life trying to make it up to you. please... just say you'll let me make it up to you," tears were now streaming steadily down his face.
"spencer," you took you hands out of his, leaving his hand on your knee, and wiped his face with both of them.
you leaned in slowly, looking him in the eyes to see if he understood what you were about to do. he met you somewhere in the middle, connecting your lips together in a frenzy of sentiment, longing, and passion. it was build up of every emotion the two of you have been harboring for as long as either of you could remember.
his hand on your face remained there, pulling you into him a little more. his other went slightly higher on your knee, now meeting your thigh and giving it a gentle squeeze as your hands moved to the back of his neck.
when you opened your mouth for his tongue to enter, it met yours tentatively, slowly exploring every crevice, you doing the same. neither of you fought for dominance, allowing there to be certain kind of harmony to the moment the both of you have been dreaming of for so long.
you slowly pulled back, being sure to look in his eyes to see nothing but admiration and endearment in them.
"i love you too, spencer," you grinned softly. "but that doesn't mean i can just forget what you said..." you said before he wrapped you in his arms.
"i absolutely understand, of course," he sniffled. his hands were wrapped around your waist, pulling your body impossibly closer to his. "don't leave, please," he begged as you embraced him by his neck, pulling his face down into the crevice in your neck.
"never again," you complied, feeling his smile against the skin on your neck, a slight chuckle leaving your lips at the sentiment. your hands found their way to his hair, running them though the locks gently. "wait!" you said as you jolted off of the bed to stand up. "how did you know where i was?"
"well..." spencer stood up and made his way back to you. "garcia helped a bit, and i realized that out of all of the places we talked about visiting, you haven't been to your favorite one yet. and because you're you, you saved the best for last," he finished as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer to him.
"penelope!!" you huffed, your arms locking behind his neck. "i swore her to secrecy an you broke her!" you exclaimed. "oh well, she lasted longer than i expected," you shrugged before leaning in to give spencer another kiss.
"yea, i had to confess my love for you to her first so she'd tell me," he whispered before leaning in with you slowly, you pulling back a bit at what he revealed.
"how many people know?" you questioned, playing with the hair on his neck and brows furrowed.
"well derek knows, garcia knows, i'm pretty sure hotch has a suspicion, so at this point most likely everyone on the team," he bent down to begin kissing your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
"oh?" you asked as he mumbled a 'mmhmm' against your skin.
you're breathing slowed down as he began to suck on the soft spot on your neck, a warm feeling rushing straight to your core you tugged gently on his curls, a soft moan leaving the both of your lips.
"spencer..." you quietly called. "i have to be there in two and a half hours," you trailed off, your hand now running through the top of his hair, all the way down, feeling the softness of his locks between your fingers.
end of part 1 ;)
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Book Four: War (Gladiolus x Reader) Chapter Fifteen
When morning came, Gladio and (Y/n) left their room and headed to the lobby. There, they found Ignis and Prompto chatting while Noctis was fast asleep in one of the cushy chairs.
The blonde was the first to spot the couple and pointed at them. "Y-You two..."
The shield eyes the marksman in confusion. "What about us?"
"Did the dirty!"
(Y/n)'s mouth open and closed in shock. She wasn't sure whether to laugh or be annoyed at his accusation. She decided to set the record straight instead. "Not sure where you got that idea, but we didn't do the "dirty"."
Prompto blinked in surprise. "Th-Then what was with all the noises?"
She grinned. "That was the sound of Gladio losing every round we played. He wouldn't give up until he won, but he gave in after the twentieth round of blackjack."
Gladio threw his arm around the girl's shoulders, pulling her into his side. "Little lady's one helluva blackjack player."
Noctis suddenly awoke from his nap when someone accidentally bumped into the chair. Seeing everyone was gathered, he got to his feet with a yawn. "We ready to head to the first secretary's estate?"
"Yes, let's," Ignis said.
They left the Leville and made their way to Camelia's estate. They took a few wrong turns due to Noctis' poor sense of direction, but they eventually arrived at their destination. The raven-haired boy addressed the guard on duty and headed into the estate, forced to leave behind everyone else.
While the four of them waited patiently for the negotiations to end, Prompto began pacing back and forth. He was becoming impatient and couldn't bear the silence between him and his friends.
Suddenly, the blonde screamed out in fright when someone appeared in front of him. He jumped back, nearly tripping over himself in the process. He placed a hand over his racing heart. "You were right, big guy. They're everywhere!"
(Y/n) greeted her sable-haired sister. "Haven't seen you in a while, Death. Looking as pale as usual."
Death snorted at War's humor. "Nice to see your sense of humor is still intact, Sis."
"Now I've finally met them all," Gladio spoke up.
The two Horsemen glanced at the shield before back at each other. "Anyway, I did some scouting of Altissia," Death said with a serious expression. "I had a small run-in with the high commander."
The redhead sighed. "Please tell me he doesn't have the dullahan's head..."
Death purses her lips slightly. "That...would be a lie."
"I did manage to eavesdrop and learn what he plans to do with the head. He plans on using it to cooperate with the dullahan, hoping it will do his bidding during the rite."
"That sounds...really bad," Prompto said.
"Altissia will be a slaughterhouse if that damned monster shows up," War stated.
"Which is why Pestilence, Famine, and myself have already begun evacuation details. We've also taken the liberty of setting up a few traps around the city," Death explained.
"What does the high commander hope to achieve by utilizing such a creature?" Ignis asked.
"To prevent Noctis from gaining the Tidemother's favor. Ravus will most likely cut a deal with the dullahan."
"What kinda deal?" Prompto inquired.
"If the dullahan manages to kill Noctis, Ravus will reward it by returning its head."
"I need to find that head," (Y/n) said. "It's somewhere in the city. I hope I can find it before the rite."
"Need a hand?" Gladio offered.
"Death and I can handle this."
"Well then, ready to start looking?" Death pondered.
"Yeah. Let's go."
The two Horsemen vanish. They reappeared on the opposite end of Altissia. Death looked around the now empty area. "This is where I spotted the high commander with the head."
War sniffed the air. She grimaced when receiving a whiff of the dullahan's head. "Well, the head was definitely here. It's starting to rot..." She turned to face her sister. "Any idea on which way Ravus went?"
"No idea," she nonchalantly replied. "Let's look around."
Death and War examine the area closely. They searched for any inkling that would lead them in the right direction. However, they couldn't find a single clue. (Y/n) gritted her teeth, clenching her fists. "There's nothing here. This place is a dead end."
"I'll check the southern part of the city. You search the western part." Without waiting for a response, Death vanished. War made her way down the street, noticing it was getting busier and busier. She scanned the crowd, sniffing the air. It was a mixture of flowers, fresh bread, and the one odor she was hoping to detect-rotting flesh. It was much stronger than earlier.
Pushing through the people and muttering small apologies as she did so, she did her best to follow the foul scent. She ran up and down streets in haste, hoping her search would be short and she'd be able to annihilate the dullahan before it could be used by the empire.
Eventually, War followed the scent to an alleyway. It was strong, but she couldn't tell from which direction the odor was coming from. She frantically looked around, huffing in annoyance. Continuing to search, she managed to enter another alleyway. This one was far from the main streets and was dark. The buildings blocked any sunlight that could possibly illuminate the area. Checking the darkest corners, she found the remains of a magitek trooper. (Y/n) kicked it in the side, making sure it was lifeless. When it didn't move, she kneeled down and examined the hollow machine.
Analyzing the damage to the machine's exterior, War realized the rotting odor was emanating from it. Her nose wrinkled at the horrid stench. "Guess this magitek handled the head..."
Just then, Death reappeared. She kneeled next to her sister, eyes focused on the dead machine. "What an awful stench..."
"Pretty sure it still doesn't compare to the wendigos."
"True. Those things smell like rotting corpses that were left out in the sun."
"That's...really specific," War mumbled.
The sable-haired girl clapped her hands together and immediately changed the subject. "Anyway, I think I found something. Follow me."
(Y/n) followed Death through the streets of Altissia. They eventually reached a less populated area where people were few and far between. Heading to the waterway, they stopped at the edge. War easily saw what her sister wanted her to see. There was a dead body of a young woman splayed out on the ground. Blood seeped from the wound on her chest, her wide eyes void of life. The redhead gasped in shock. She recognized the pattern of the wound. "The dullahan's already here?"
"This area is off-limits to civilians. It's being guarded by a small force of imperials already in the city," Death explained. "And that horrid stench is everywhere."
(Y/n) could only think of one possibility. "The high commander must've sectioned off this area of Altissia as a location to deal with the dullahan. As a pre-payment, he handed over a civilian to the monster. That would explain the body and the putrid odor."
"But how is the dullahan here without any of us sensing it?"
"That, I'm not sure."
War held up her hand, but Death stopped her. "What're you doing?"
"Burning the body. If someone else were to find it, the entire city might panic before the rite thinking there's a killer loose on the streets. The entire rite might be cancelled if the first secretary learned of the corpse."
Death released her sister's hand and let her burn the body. The corpse was soon a small pile of ash, but the smell of burning flesh added to the rotting odor veiling the area. "Now it really stinks..."
All of a sudden, War sensed someone behind them. Turning around, she saw Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis. "What're you all doing here?"
"Pestilence informed us of your location," Ignis replied.
"So, what's going on?" Prompto wondered, glancing between the two Horsemen.
Death took it upon herself to share the gruesome nature of their finds. She even shared War's theory. Noctis couldn't believe what she was saying. "You really think the empire would just hand someone over to that thing?"
"They destroyed your home," War remarked. "You really think killing one more person is impossible?"
"Good point..."
Just then, (Y/n) noticed a red dot travel across the prince's body before settling on his forehead. Realizing what it was, she acted quickly and pushed him out of the way. The sound of a rifle being fired was the last she heard before a severe pain surged through her head and she collapsed.
Death, seeing the bullet pierce War's head, turned around to search for the sniper. When she found them, she disappeared and teleported to their location. Noctis was still in shock, staring at (Y/n)'s lifeless body.
"Get Noct out of here," Gladio demanded, looking at Ignis.
Ignis escorted Noctis back to the Leville. Prompto placed a hand over his mouth when he inaudibly gasped. "W-Was that...?"
"An assassin," Gladio answered as he fell to his knees beside the Horseman. He carefully placed a hand on her cheek, turning her face towards him. Seeing her lifeless (e/c) eyes and the bullet hole in her forehead, he gritted his teeth in anger.
The blonde was clearly still in shock from the sudden attempt on Noctis' life. "If (Y/n) hadn't done that..."
"Noct would be dead, I know," the shield hissed. His eyes were focused on the bullet hole in the girl's forehead. When seeing no signs of healing, his thoughts raced back to the time she appeared in Malmalam Thicket severely wounded. The feeling of losing her again blossomed inside him.
As Gladio went to search his pockets for a potion, Death returned. She kneeled beside her sister's body, analyzing the wound. When catching sight of the shield's worried expression, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "There's nothing to worry about. The brain is a little tricky to heal and it'll take some time for her wound to mend. Luckily, War is the quickest healer out of all of us."
"How long will it take?" The brute asked.
"Roughly an hour."
Gladio gently scooped (Y/n) up into his arms and carried her back to the Leville with Prompto by his side. Death left, leaving her sister in their capable hands.
Back at the hotel, Gladio placed the girl on the bed in their room. Prompto, Noctis, and Ignis joined him a few minutes later. The shield explained to the prince and his advisor what Death told him. Seeing as they had no other place to be, the group decided to wait for (Y/n) to heal.
After an hour of waiting, the boys heard War groan. Gladio, who was sitting in the chair beside her bed, moved to sit on the bed. He combed a hand through her scarlet locks as life returned to her (e/c) eyes. "Welcome back, firecracker. How you feelin'?"
She pushed her body up and propped it against the headboard. "My head hurts..."
"I wonder why," he teased.
(Y/n) was tempted to push him off the bed, but she refrained from doing so. Looking away from Gladio, she gazed at the other boys. "Is everyone else okay?"
Prompto nodded with a small smile. "Yeah. We're great!"
"Hey, uh..." Noctis rubbed the back of his neck. "Thanks for that, (Y/n). It's not even your job to protect me."
"It might not be my job, but I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if I didn't do something knowing I could." That's when she noticed her sister was missing. "Where's Death?"
"She took it upon herself to deal with the assassin," Ignis said.
War focused her gaze on Noctis. "If I were you, I wouldn't leave the hotel. Who knows how many assassins the empire has planted throughout Altissia."
"Good thing we don't plan on heading out again," the prince replied.
"Does this mean we're ordering room service?" Prompto asked with a gleam in his cerulean eyes.
"It appears so," the strategist answered.
"Speaking of food..." The blonde patted his stomach. "I'm kinda hungry now."
Ignis, Prompto, and Noctis left the room, leaving Gladio and (Y/n) by themselves. The girl slumped down on the bed, grabbing one of the pillows and using it to cover her face. "Damn... This headache is awful..." Her voice was muffled by the pillow.
Gladio had heard her complaint. "Anything I can do to help?"
With the pillow still over her face, she patted the empty spot beside her. That simple gesture was enough for him to understand. With a small smirk, he climbed onto the bed and laid down beside her. Before he could reach out and touch her, he received a pillow to the face. The moment he grabbed it and tossed it aside, (Y/n) straddled his waist. She placed her hands on his lower abdomen, which took him by surprise when he felt how cold her hands were. "Damn, your hands are freezing."
"Yeah, well, I was dead a few minute ago," she stated. "Moving past my irregular body temperature... You told me in the nightmare to keep on living and make up for all I've done. How am I doing so far?"
"Let's see..." Gladio counted the number of people she's saved and how many times. "You're doing pretty damn good so far. You get bonus points for saving Prince Charmless today since he's my responsibility."
"It'll take more time to make up for all my mistakes..." she sighed.
"Now it's my turn to ask a question." Gladio placed his hands on her hips, squeezing them gently. "Why the hell didn't you have your own shield when you were queen?"
"Gaius wasn't only my advisor. He was supposed to be my shield as well. It's ironic the person who was supposed to protect me wound up killing me. Probably makes a nice, twist-ending for a book." She leaned down closer, her face a couple of inches from his. "Tell me, Gladio. If you were my shield instead of Gaius, what do you think would've happened?"
"I'd make sure bastards like Gaius never could get near you. You wouldn't have to worry about manipulation and betrayal."
"Vanaheim's future would've been brighter if you were there for me instead of Gaius," she mumbled under her breath. "Noctis is lucky to have a man such as yourself as his shield, and that brings me to the next subject."
He arched a brow. "And what's that?"
"Whatever happens during the rite tomorrow, you do everything you can to protect Noctis."
"You think I can't protect you and him?"
"It's not that, but he should be your main priority. He is more important than me. But from your eyes, I can tell he already is. Good."
Gladio gripped her hips tighter and flipped their position. War was unfazed by his actions and continued to stare into his amber eyes. A few second passed before Gladio spoke up. "You make it sound like something's gonna happen to you tomorrow."
"None of us know what's going to happen tomorrow. I'm a pessimist. I'm already preparing for the worst."
"Then we better make this night count," he grinned before slamming his lips against hers, kissing her passionately.
It was a brief kiss due to (Y/n) pulling away a few seconds in. She looked around the room in puzzlement. "Do you hear that?"
He wasn't sure what she was talking about. "Hear what?"
A wicked grin manifested on her face. "The sound of me kicking your ass in blackjack."
"Maybe we should "do the dirty" instead."
"Only if you can beat me in blackjack."
"I'm definitely gonna win."
"We'll see about that..."
#ffxv#ffxv x reader#final fantasy xv#final fantasy xv x reader#gladiolus amicitia#gladiolus x reader#gladio x reader
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I rewrote Endgame (AKA Endgame but with Squirrel Girl and Loki)
Hey everyone, so since I think we can all agree Endgame could have used more Loki (and more Stucky!), I wrote some scenes that I think should have been added in. I included Doreen Green (aka Squirrel Girl) because she’s an amazing character and I would love to see her in the MCU! Also, in the comics, she’s a really good friend of Loki’s (and I think we can all agree MCU Loki could use a friend.) For a bit of context, I have a headcanon that the girls Thor got a picture with in Ragnarok were Doreen and her best friend/roommate Nancy, and Doreen was actually plotting to get close to Loki so her pet squirrel Tippy-Toe could plant a tracking device on him and make sure he didn’t get into any trouble while he was on Earth. Some of the scenes during the final battle are meant to be interspersed throughout the sequence, and aren’t really in any particular order. They’re just events that I thought would be cool if they actually happened. Since Endgame didn’t have a post-credits scene, I also added one for good measure! :)
(Also, I didn’t write a scene for it, but let’s just all agree that Steve and Bucky get married and retire to raise goats in Wakanda!)
Natasha, Bruce, Steve, Scott, and Rhodey are in a meeting room. Natasha paces back and forth.
We still have a lot we need to get done before we try anything else. Rhodey, have those robbers on 22nd street been identified?
Yeah, just a couple of cheap scumbags. I'm sure the cops can handle them.
Okay... And the subway hijackers?
Nat, calm down. Okoye's got it covered.
Well, there's still that attack on Times Square. I don't know about you guys, but I'm not about to let some asshole terrorists try to blackmail the entire district into giving them money or whatever the hell they want-
Bruce flips on a monitor that projects an image on the wall.
Actually... it looks like someone got there before you.
Everyone turns to look at the screen. Natasha and Steve give each other an impressed and amused look, while Rhodey and Scott look at each other in confusion. On the screen, we see a group of men in black armor knocked unconscious and tied together. Next to them is a sign that reads "We got our butts kicked by the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl!!! :)"
We see a pair of boots walking down the street. Behind them trails a gray squirrel with a pink ribbon tied around her neck. The squirrel hops onto the shoulder of her companion, Doreen, who gives her a smile. We cut to her crouching in an abandoned building and typing on a computer screen, which shows surveillance footage of robbers sneaking around. We see the robbers loading their guns and tying up hostages in an alleyway. One of the robbers suddenly notices that his partner is staring at something. He pushes his partner on the shoulder.
Hey, what-
The robbers turn to see what the man is staring at. In the corner are a group of squirrels poised to strike. They slowly turn around and see Squirrel Girl, dressed in full gear and high-tech goggles standing with her arms folded. She smirks.
We then cut to Squirrel Girl attacking the robbers. Despite her small stature, she easily overpowers them. One of the men points a rifle at her, but she grabs it and points it upwards as it fires and kicks him aside. Another man throws a knife at her, but she grabs it with her tail and tosses it away. She then unleashes her knuckle spikes to cut through the mans armor.
We then cut to Doreen untying the victims, with the robbers knocked out beside them. She takes a purse out of one of the robbers' hands and hands it to one of the hostages.
Here ya go!
She walks off with her squirrel army as the hostages look on in awe.
Doreen steps out of a stall, where she has changed into a waitress's outfit. She stuffs her gear and clothing into a bag and tidies herself up a little in the mirror. Just as she's about to leave, she notices her tail is sticking out of her dress a little, so she tucks it in.
Doreen is waiting for a train. She looks around solemnly. There is hardly anyone at the station even though it's midday. Sighing, pulls her purse strap tighter on her shoulder.
Doreen rushes through the diner kitchen where her boss is waiting for her.
Hey, right on time. How you doin', kid?
Oh, I'm fine. Still no luck on the roommate search, though.
Oh, that's a bummer.
How's the dining room looking? Did we make it to half-capacity this time?
Eh, not exactly, but...
(He chuckles as he opens the door to the dining room.)
You've got a hell of a first customer.
Doreen's eyes widen when she sees Steve, wearing a baseball cap, sitting at a table by the window. He gives her a friendly wave.
We cut to Doreen sitting across from Steve at the table.
Can I just say, I... I am such a huge fan! Like, even before you came out of the ice, I literally had posters of you all over my wall!
Oh, wait, that's creepy, isn't it?
Steve shrugs.
Anyway, I... I never thought you guys would find me. I-I mean, I hoped you would, 'cause you guys are awesome and all, but I just didn't think it would be this soon and... okay, I'll shut up now.
So, how exactly does one get squirrel powers, anyway?
Honestly? I have no idea. I was born like this. My DNA is just... different. The doctors told my parents they have a name for people like me. They call us mutants.
Mutants? So there are more people with altered DNA?
Supposedly. I mean, I've never met one before.
They could be hiding it. You do.
That's true. My parents always told me I had to keep my mutation hidden. They didn't want people to be afraid of me. I didn't want to feel different but... I was always afraid to get close to people.
So no one else knows?
My best friend Nancy did, but she... you know... the snap.
How many did you lose?
Everyone. My parents. My family. Nancy. Even Mr. Lieberman...
Who's Mr. Lieberman?
My pet squirrel.
But after Thanos, when things started getting bad... I don't know. I couldn't just sit back and do nothing, you know?
Why did you come looking for me?
Steve takes a deep breath.
We think we may have found a way to bring them back.
All of them?
There's no guarantees, but... we have to at least give this a shot. There's a lot we'll have to fill you in on, though.
I'm not sure how much help I can be. I mean, I doubt most people would be proud to say they were saved by a giant squirrel.
I think, when it comes down to it, most people in trouble would be grateful to have anyone.
Doreen smiles and shrugs.
Look, I don't know what your folks told you about your abilities. I'm sure they were just trying to protect you. But what you can do? That's a gift. And it's nothing to be ashamed of. And with this plan we have... well, we're gonna need all the help we can get. So, what do you say? Are you in?
Doreen pauses for a moment, then smiles.
Steve grins. Suddenly, the boss enters the dining room again.
Hey, Doreen, I'm not paying you to fangirl!
Uh, I... sorry...
(She abruptly stands up and takes out her notepad.)
Um... Can I... get you anything?
You know, my buddy and I used to eat at this diner when we were kids. I was surprised it's still open.
Yeah. Do you guys still have the best burgers in New York?
I'll let you be the judge of that.
She gives him a wink and heads into the kitchen.
Steve leads Tony into the compound, where Doreen is working on a holographic screen.
Tony, meet Ms. Doreen Green. Mutant and computer science student at Empire State University.
Uh, former student, actually. I kind of left after the whole world... went to shit.
(She shakes Tony's hand.)
Hi, it's such an honor to meet you! I hope you don't mind, some of your computers systems were a bit outdated so I took the liberty of fixing them for you. Also, I recalibrated the data retrieval and processing systems, so those should be up to speed now.
(to Steve)
I thought you said she just talked to squirrels.
Doreen is showing the photo of her and Nancy with Thor on her phone to Thor.
Yes, I... I do remember this photo, Lady Doreen. I'm very sorry about your friend.
Well, that's why we're here, isn't it? I really hope Nancy can meet you again when this is all over. She's a huge fan! She named her cat "Mewnir" after your old hammer and even wrote these fan-fiction comics where you were a cat! It was called "Cat Thor"!
Thor raises an eyebrow and smiles.
Thor, clean up your beer cans! This place reeks!
Thor rolls his eyes and leaves. Doreen catches Tony walking around and rushes up to him.
Hey, Tony, could I ask you something?
You already did.
Doreen rolls her eyes.
I was thinking of bringing your Binarily Augmented Retro-Framing device with us when we go to 2012 New York.
You mean BARF?
You seriously need to get a better name for that.
Eh, it sticks in the head better. Why do you want to bring it?
I was thinking of using it on Loki. I didn't want to bring it up in front of Thor, since I figured it's kind of a sore subject for him, but if his brother knows anything about the infinity stones, it could tell us how to use them-
Absolutely not.
What? Why? Come on, Loki was sent by Thanos to come here, he must know something that could help us!
Our job is to get the stones and get out. That's it. We're not taking unnecessary risks by messing with people in the past.
I can handle it! Just give me the device! I'll be in and out like that!
I'm sorry, kid, my answer is no.
Doreen sighs.
(She holds up her pet squirrel, Tippy-Toe.)
But can we at least make a time travel suit for Tippy?
Doreen is snooping around the tower while the Avengers keep an eye on their past selves. She notices Hydra agents disguised as SHIELD agents walking around.
How did you not know those guys were Hydra? I mean, they just look evil!
Wait, those guys are Nazis? Can I punch them?!
No! Stay focused!
Suddenly, a robotic voice is heard from inside Doreen's utility belt.
Binarily augmented retro-framing system activated.
Oh shit.
She frantically reaches in her pocket to try and shut it off.
What was that?
Uh, nothing.
That sounded like your BARF-tech, Tony.
Uh, I'm sorry, did you steal my BARF-tech?
No, I borrowed it.
I'm pretty sure "borrowing" implies that you asked.
I'm gonna give it back!
You better. You break it, you bought it, fuzzy.
Loki collapses to the ground from the impact of the Hulk's rampage. Doreen rushes to the scene and freezes when she sees the tesseract lying near him.
Oh no...
She dives on the ground to grab it at the same time as Loki. They look up and face each other, mystified when they realized they are both holding onto the tesseract. With a flash of blue, they disappear together.
Doreen slowly opens her eyes, groaning in pain. She lifts herself up and takes in her surroundings. The ground appears to be covered in a deep violet soil and the night sky is pitch black. Aside from a few bare trees in the distance, the place seems empty. Doreen clutches her time device on her wrists and speaks into it.
Hello? Is anyone there? Tony? Steve? Can anyone hear me?
She waits a moment. There is silence on the other end.
Ugh, great.
Suddenly, we see Tippy-Toe in a small time-travel suit rushing towards her and jumping in her arms. Doreen gives her a few gentle strokes on the back.
Hey, buddy.
Tippy-Toe gives a few squeaks.
No, I have no idea where we are.
She stands up and looks around, freezing when she notices what appears to be a crater in the distance. She runs up to it and sees Loki lying in a large hole in the ground, with the tesseract beside him. His body is bleeding and covered in bruises.
Holy shit...
She rushes down the crater to Loki's body and checks him for a pulse.
He's still breathing...
(She takes a bandage out of her utility belt and tosses it to Tippy-Toe.)
Tippy, stop the bleeding while I get the machine set up.
Tippy-Toe squeaks in protest.
Because I said so, now help me out here a little!
Tippy-Toe begrudgingly takes the bandage in her mouth and begins bandaging Loki's head.
Thank you.
(She starts setting up Tony's device.)
Actually... It's a good thing he's unconscious. It'll make this a lot easier.
She turns to look at the tesseract lying on the ground and hesitantly picks it up.
Um... I'll just... take that.
She puts it in a pocket in her utility belt.
We cut to Doreen scrolling through a holographic screen. The device has been set up, with the necessary parts attached to Loki's head.
Here we go...
She presses a button and a flash of blue transforms the area into a spaceship dungeon. Behind her, Doreen hears someone gasping in pain. She turns around to see 2011 Loki being held up by what appears to be an electrical current. His face is pale and sweaty, and his eyes are sunken. Doreen slowly approaches him.
As if momentarily forgetting she is in a simulation, she starts to reach out to touch his face. Suddenly, we hear a door open behind her. Nebula, Gamora, and Thanos enter. Startled, Doreen backs away as they approach Loki.
We found him in the void. He was just floating listlessly.
The fallen king of Asgard...
He presses a button on the wall that shuts off the electric current, causing Loki to collapse to the floor. He lets out a weak wail of pain. Thanos and his daughters step closer to him as he slowly lifts up his head to look at them.
K-kill me... P-please...
Nebula clicks her knife open, unleashing a large blade.
Shall we oblige him, father?
(He lifts Loki up.)
Perhaps there is some merit in keeping him alive. He is a boy... Lost... afraid... But I sense ambition in him... A lust for power... He may serve us well if he sees what we can offer him in return.
N-no... I... Th-there is nothing... you can offer me... Wh-whatever this is... I want no part of it.
After a pause, Thanos slowly unveils the mind stone scepter with magic in his hand. Wide-eyed, Doreen slowly starts to back away as she looks on.
Then again... A little persuasion can't hurt from time to time...
He presses the scepter to Loki's head, causing the mind stone to glow. Loki screams in agony as its power overwhelms him. Doreen gasps and covers her mouth in horror. With a sinister grin, Thanos presses the scepter harder, causing Loki's screams to grow louder. Mortified, Doreen frantically slams the off button on the device, causing the simulation to disappear. As she takes deep breaths, trying to collect herself, we see Loki's body disappear in a flash of green, as the real Loki appears behind her, untouched and unscarred. He was never really injured.
I don't know if anyone's ever told you this...
Doreen gasps and whirls around.
...but it's quite rude to look into someone else's mind without their permission.
I... I-I'm sorry, I just thought maybe Thanos told you something about the stones-
Unfortunately, he did not. Thanos only ever told me what he felt I needed to know.
Doreen slowly backs away as he stalks towards her.
I know you have the tesseract in your possession.
Doreen's hand instinctively goes to the pocket in her utility belt.
I'm afraid I can't let you leave with that.
As Tippy-Toe jumps on her shoulder, Doreen grabs her time device.
Sorry to disappoint you.
She tries pressing a button on the device to send her back to the present, but nothing happens. As she repeatedly tries pressing the button, she sees a shimmer of green surrounding the device. Suddenly, Loki strikes her from behind. They fight, with Doreen struggling to overpower him. A dagger emerges in Loki's hand and he stabs her shoulder. Doreen screams and grabs his hand before he can strike again. Before Loki's strength can overwhelm her, Doreen unleashes her knuckle spikes and cuts his face, making a gash on his cheek. Loki recoils and raises his hand to the cut in shock. Eyes wide, Doreen backs away and tries to run, but Loki knocks her onto the ground, sending the tesseract flying.
Doreen and Loki continue to fight. At one point, Tippy-Toe jumps onto Loki's face, blocking his vision. As Loki fumbles with the squirrel, Doreen rushes for the tesseract. She dives on the ground, but when she tries to grab it, her hand goes right through it in a green shimmer. Her face falls. It was just another illusion. As she lies on the ground, Loki approaches her, towering over her with a triumphant grin. He has the tesseract in his hand, chuckling darkly.
This is who the mighty Avengers sent to stop me? Pathetic.
He kicks Doreen in the face and turns to leave.
If you bring that to Thanos, you're dead. He'll kill you.
Loki pauses and turns around, visibly amused by her comment.
Is that so? And pray tell, why would he do that?
Why wouldn't he? You're just a pawn to him. You really think Thanos gives a damn about you? About what you want? He's using you! And you know it!
Loki's smile fades and his jaw tightens.
You don't know the first thing about it. It's merely a transaction. I give Thanos the tesseract, he gives me my throne. That's all there is to it.
Doreen picks herself up and tries to approach him, but he blocks her with a green magic shield.
Loki, listen to me, please! The tesseract is one of the infinity stones. If Thanos gets all six, he's going to wipe out half of all life in the universe! Trillions would die, including people on Asgard, and you'd barely even have a kingdom left to rule! Is that what you want?!
Loki freezes in shock.
How would you know that?
Because I was there when it happened.
Doreen is trying to make a fire with a few bundles of wood she gathered as Loki paces around, visibly troubled.
So, Asgard is destroyed... and half the people are dead... Assuming, of course, I am to believe this story of yours.
Oh, I'm sorry, who's the god of lies here?
She gives a little cheer as the wood pile lights up in flames. Loki stops his pacing to look at her.
You don't know anything about this planet, do you?
Gee, how could you tell?
Well, for one thing, you're burning netmook wood, which emits a toxic fume when set ablaze...
Oh, God!
She frantically kicks dirt onto the fire, extinguishing it.
Why did you even come here, anyway?
It's one of the most remote places in the galaxy. It won't stop Thanos' army from finding me... but it'll at least buy me some time.
(He grins.)
And, actually, I was joking about the netmook wood... It's completely harmless.
Doreen scowls at him.
With a wave of Loki's hand, a green fire appears on the wood pile. Doreen sits down to warm her hands. A green shimmer appears on her face, and she touches her cheek, where a cut has disappeared.
Loki sits down beside her.
How is Thor?
Miserable. He's changed... a lot.
He really misses you. You were the only family he had left.
Loki looks down solemnly for a moment, then glances at Doreen.
You know, I don't recall most mortals having a tail.
Doreen lets out a light laugh.
They don't. I was born different. I've had to hide it my whole life... well, at least until now.
I... suppose I understand what that's like. I'm actually not Asgardian. I was born a Frost Giant. But I didn't know until I was much older. Of course, then I knew everyone would fear me for what I was...
I thought that if I could be an Avenger, I could at least make the most out of being different. I looked up to them for years... I thought if I could prove myself to them, maybe I wouldn't have to be afraid anymore. But I was so stupid! I should've known I wasn't cut out for this... I stole Tony's tech for nothing and now I've messed up their entire plan... I couldn't even face you without getting my ass kicked!
Loki clears his throat awkwardly.
Well, um... you were quite an impressive fighter... for a mortal, that is. I-I didn't really mean what I said earlier, I was just trying to intimidate you... Of course, your stance could use work, and your techniques are a bit sloppy-
Wait, are you trying to make me feel better?
What? Well, I-
Because that's... actually really sweet. I mean, you completely suck at it, but...
Loki rolls his eyes and stands up to leave.
No, no, no, I'm just kidding! Sorry, I... It was just a joke. Thanks, really.
Loki smiles a little and sits back down.
In all seriousness, you are stronger than you believe. Having faith in yourself is the most powerful weapon you can possess.
Doreen smiles and nods.
Loki, I... about what Thanos... what he did to you... I had no idea. I'm so sorry you had to go through that.
Loki turns away, his expression solemn.
Why didn't you tell anyone?
Loki lets out a bitter laugh.
You honestly think anyone would believe me if I had?
Doreen's face falls. Suddenly, Tippy-Toe starts angrily squeaking at him.
Oh, uh, this is Tippy-Toe. Sorry, she kind of hates you 'cause she said your Chitauri army blew up her stash of acorns back in New York...
I know. She's expressing her anger with rather foul language.
You speak squirrelese?
I have the power of all-speak. It allows me to understand all languages in the universe.
Doreen looks impressed.
Does it... feel better to be open with your identity now?
I don't know. It's... weird, definitely, but... I think in a good way. I'm just not used to it. My dad was always so strict about keeping it a secret. I love him and I miss him, but he could be really hard on me sometimes. I guess... he just wanted to keep me safe.
My birth father abandoned me and left me to die because he thought I was too small.
Wow. What a dick.
(After a pause, she stands up.)
Loki, I know this is a lot to process, but I really can't leave here without the tesseract.
Loki stands up as well.
Doreen, I am sorry, truly I am, but I can't give it to you. I know your future is in peril, but I have my own future to think about. The tesseract is the only bargaining chip I have against Thanos. If he truly is as ruthless as you say, giving it to him might be the only way to convince him to spare my life.
I could bring it back! After we're done with it in the future, I could bring it here to this exact spot in time. It would be like it never left!
Loki scoffs and starts to object, but Doreen interrupts him.
And because I know you think I'm going to double-cross you... Tippy?
Tippy-Toe's ears perk up.
You stay here with Loki until I come back, okay?
Tippy-Toe lets out a few squeaks in protest, but reluctantly hops to Loki's side.
Now I have to keep my promise!
Even so, this is beyond risky. What if you don't make it back?
You told me to have faith in myself. Now I'm asking you to have a little faith in me.
Loki looks down and shakes his head.
I would be the biggest fool in the nine realms to leave my fate in the hands of a mortal...
Doreen's face falls. After a moment, Loki extends his hand, where the tesseract appears. He places it in Doreen's hands.
Then again... I've been a fool for so long now... One more time couldn't hurt.
Doreen looks down at the tesseract in her hands in disbelief. When she meets Loki's eyes again, he gives her a small nod. Ecstatic, she grins and gives him a kiss on the cheek. Shocked, he recoils back slightly.
Oh, Loki, thank you! I won't let you down, I promise!
Suddenly, Loki freezes. He makes a strangled, choking sound as his face contorts in terror.
Loki collapses on the ground and starts convulsing, gasping for air.
Loki?! What's happening?!
She grabs him and turns his face towards hers.
(in a strangled voice)
Horrified, Doreen looks up to see THE OTHER materializing onto the planet.
We cut to The Other stalking toward Loki, clenching his fist, making Loki's choke harder. Doreen is nowhere to be seen. Loki lets out an agonized groan.
You fool... You really thought you could run from us? I told you there would be no escape.
(He glances at the tesseract, which is lying beside Loki.)
Now, you will give Him what is rightfully His...
The Other reaches to collect the tesseract, only to have it disappear in a green shimmer. It was just an illusion. Furious, The Other looks up to see Loki giving him a weak grin.
You knave! Where is the tesseract?!
We cut to Doreen and Tippy-Toe running away. Doreen crouches behind a purple rock and starts to set the time-travel device for the present. As she is about to press the button to go home, she glances back at Loki, who is screaming in agony as The Other shocks him with his scepter. She bites her lip in contemplation.
We cut to The Other brutally torturing Loki with his scepter.
Tell me where it is!
I would rather die.
As you wish...
The Other strengthens his choke on Loki, watching as the life starts to drain out of his eyes. Suddenly, a surge of blue power blasts The Other out of the way. Gasping for air, Loki rolls over to see what happened. His eyes widen. Doreen is holding the tesseract, her body glowing with a blue haze. She is wielding its power. As The Other moves to attack, she strikes again. Loki and Doreen begin fighting him together, Loki with his magic, and Doreen with her powers and the tesseract. Eventually, Doreen is caught in a standoff with The Other. They are both grasping the tesseract, trying to take it from the other. A few cracks start to form on the cube. Doreen's eyes widen. Suddenly, the cube bursts, sending Doreen and The Other flying. Loki rushes over to Doreen, helping her up.
Are you alright?
Doreen looks up, her face falling at what she sees. The Other is lying dead on the ground, with smoke rising from his body. Beside him, the tesseract has shattered into hundreds of pieces.
No, no, no, no...
She desperately tries to scramble up as many pieces as she can, but it is no use. Defeated, she collapses back onto the ground.
What were you thinking?! I told you to go!
I couldn't!
Why?! Your world was at stake, you should've left when you had the chance-
I wasn't just gonna let you die!
Loki freezes. After a pause, he slowly sinks to kneel beside her as she cries.
What have I done...? This is all my fault... The Avengers... Everything they've done, I've just wasted... I'm a failure...
Doreen, look at me.
Doreen glances at him with teary eyes.
You are no failure. What you did... I've never seen anyone wield the tesseract like that. You unlocked its power. It chose you.
Why? I... I don't understand...
You don't have to.
Doreen sniffles and wipes her eyes.
At least... with the tesseract destroyed... your future is safe. Thanos can never collect all of the stones now.
Loki looks down with guilt.
What about your future?
Doreen looks down.
We'll... we'll be okay. I guess... we'll just have to move on.
They both stand.
I... I'd... better go.
(Tippy-Toe hops on her shoulder again.)
What will you do?
I suppose I'll have to stay here until the bifrost is rebuilt. After that... well, my father will most likely imprison me for my crimes.
Please tell them the truth about what happened to you. Even if your father doesn't believe you... I'm sure Thor will. Someone has to.
Loki nods slowly.
Doreen adjusts her time travel device on her wrist and glances at Loki one last time. They exchange a sad look. Suddenly, Doreen hugs him.
Goodbye, Loki.
She and Tippy-Toe disappear. Loki is left looking over the area where they were for a moment. As he starts to walk away, he suddenly notices the tesseract shards beginning to rise...
The Avengers all return from their time travel journeys... all except for Natasha. Doreen immediately rushes towards Tony.
Tony, I'm so sorry, I couldn't get the tesseract back, I really tried-
Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down, kid. We got the tesseract.
Doreen freezes.
You did?!
Tony nods and taps his briefcase.
Oh, thank God...
Everyone freezes when they notice Clint standing without Nat.
Clint? Where's Nat?
Clint collapses to his knees.
As Tony is working on the gauntlet, a hand suddenly places the BARF-tech device on his desk. Tony raises an eyebrow to see Doreen standing there with her head down. He picks up the device to examine it.
I'm sorry I stole your tech. I was just trying to prove that I could do something useful. I know that's really stupid and immature, and I totally get it if you want me to leave. I can pack my stuff up now-
Do you know how long it took my guys to program this thing to work on an unconscious brain?
Two months. It took them two months to do what you did in two minutes.
Doreen freezes.
You know, I took a look at your records from Empire State. You were one impressive student. Top of your class. Why'd you leave?
I... I don't know. I guess... after Thanos, I just didn't really see the point anymore.
Tony thinks for a moment.
I actually had to put the augmented reality department on hold for a little bit. We had some issues with the guy that was running it a couple years back, and higher-ups were complaining about costs, but since I don't have to worry about that anymore... I want you to hang onto this.
Are you serious?
Totally serious. Tinker around with it a little, see what you can do. We could use a new face handling the department.
He extends his hand for Doreen to take it.
I... oh my God, I-
He pulls his hand away before she can take it.
On one condition: Whatever happens today, whether we win or lose, you go back to school. Get your degree. Get your shit together. Because you've got a brilliant mind and I don't want to see that go to waste, you understand me?
Doreen grins.
You sure?
You promise?
Uh huh.
He hands her the device and heads out.
And next time you steal one of my gadgets, be sure to return it on time or I'm gonna start charging late fees!
Doreen grins.
After the explosion that destroyed the Avengers Compound, Doreen wakes up underground, surrounded by a pile of rubble. She sits up and sees her high-tech goggles have been crushed.
She tosses them and tries to stand up, letting out a cry of pain. Her leg has a huge gash in it. Working quickly, she takes out a bandage roll from her utility belt and patches up her leg. Suddenly, she sees something glowing from underneath a pile of rubble. She stands up and cleans the object off. It is Tony's gauntlet.
Oh my God...
She scoops it in her arms, trying to make her way out of the maze of ruins. She suddenly bumps into Clint.
Oof! Oh... hey, are you okay?
Clint dusts himself off.
Yeah, I'm fine. What the hell happened?
I think someone followed us from the past.
Clint glances at the gauntlet in Doreen's arms.
Well, whoever they are, we need to make sure they don't get their hands on that. Did you see where-
They suddenly hear a low growling sound in the distance. Clint readies his bow, aiming at the sound. Through the dim emergency light of the tunnels, they can see the outlines of Thanos' monsters creeping towards them. Doreen whistles and hands him the gauntlet.
Here. Take this. We'll deal with them.
Yeah! I called for backup!
Suddenly, a giant group of squirrels squeezes through the cracks in the rubble, ready to fight. Clint takes the gauntlet and flees. Doreen and her army rush towards the monsters and begin fighting.
We cut to another part of the ruins, where Rocket is scrambling to make his way out. Water is pooling into the area, threatening to drown him.
Hey! Can anyone hear me?! I need help! Get me out of here!
We see Scott, in his microscopic form, in another area.
I hear you! Just give me a second!
I don't have a second!
Scott starts running.
I'm trying to get to you, buddy, but I don't know how long it's going to take! I don't think it's safe to expand here...
Ooh! I can help with that! Hey, Monkey Joe, could you give the nice man a lift?
Monkey who?!
He sees a squirrel barreling towards him.
Monkey Joe tosses Scott onto his back and starts running towards Rocket. Once he reaches him, Scott is able to get them both to safety.
We cut to Doreen and the squirrels fighting the monsters. Tippy-Toe tries to attack one, but it rips it off its face and tosses it aside.
She pounces on it and begins beating it with her fists, emphasizing each word with a punch.
We cut to Rocket holding a grenade.
I got it. This'll blast those creepy suckers outta the sky.
He presses a button, activating the grenade, and drops it down into the ruins.
Isn't Doreen still down there?
We cut to Doreen fighting the monsters. Suddenly, she notices all of the squirrels are disappearing into the cracks.
Huh? Hey, where are you guys all going?
(She freezes when she sees the grenade by her feet.)
As the explosion rocks the tunnels, Scott and Rocket wince. They suddenly see Doreen crawling out of the ruins. She is panting and covered in soot.
Would you guys mind giving me a heads-up before you send in the grenade next time?
Rocket and Scott give her a sheepish grin.
Everyone who was dusted is emerging from the portals. Dr. Strange looks around at all of the people gathered.
Is that everyone?
What, you wanted more?
Wait, hang on.
He forms another portal where present-day Loki falls onto the ground. Loki dusts himself off and scowls at Stephen.
Do you have to do that every time?!
Stephen shrugs. Thor freezes when he sees his brother standing before him. Loki's face falls as Thor begins to walk toward him slowly, his expression dark and unreadable. Loki starts to back away.
Look, I realize this is becoming something of a tradition between us, but I swear it was all for the best. If you would just give me a moment to explain, I'm sure you would understand that my death was in Asgard's best interest and I had no other alternative but to-
He freezes when he see's Thor's new physique... or lack thereof.
What... the hell... happened to YOOOOUUU-
Thor squeezes him with a bone-crushing hug. When he lets go, there are tears in his eyes.
It's good to have you back, Loki.
Loki smiles, his own eyes beginning to well up.
It's good to see you too, brother.
How have you come back?
Well... I was resting in the afterlife, when I received a visit from my past self. He told me of a very special mortal who saved his life and granted him the tesseract, which allowed him to travel through time. It also gave me the power to restore my body and return my soul to the land of the living.
He winks at Doreen, who blushes and grins.
Still... it was a shame to leave. It was wonderful to see mother again. Valhalla is also quite lovely this time of year...
Wait... I thought the tesseract was destroyed!
Loki smirks and conjures up the tesseract in his hand. Doreen's jaw drops.
(She laughs.)
You really are an asshole, you know that?
They hear someone clear their throat behind them. Tony, Steve, Bruce, and Clint look at them with a stern, distrustful glance.
What is he doing here?
I've come here to aid you in your fight against Thanos.
Yeah, last time you were here, you were working for Thanos.
That wasn't his choice. Tony, I saw what happened to him. Thanos tortured him. He forced him into it.
I know I am far from blameless for what has happened. But I have a score to settle with Thanos too. And I want to help my people, same as all of you.
Why should we trust you now?
I've got red in my ledger... I'd like to wipe it out.
Clint's eyes widen. After a moment, a hint of a smile grows on his face.
We cut to Thor lifting Doreen up with a crushing hug.
Thank you for bringing my brother back, Lady Doreen!
(She awkwardly pats him on the back.)
Yep, I love you too, big guy...
An assortment of scenes during the battle (in no particular order)
During the scene where all of the female Avengers team up, Loki starts to join them, but Doreen stops him.
Hey! Um, excuse me? Ladies first!
Loki shifts into LADY LOKI.
Is this better?
Doreen smirks.
You're hilarious.
We cut to Loki and Doreen fighting together. A monster sends a rock tumbling towards them and appears to crush them. Suddenly, a hand taps the monster on the shoulder from behind. The monster turns around and a green shimmer reveals the real Loki and Doreen. Doreen punches the monster, sending him flying. Doreen and Loki smirk and share a fist bump.
We cut to Thor and Loki fighting together.
We should do get help-
Don't even think about it.
We cut to Clint, who is fighting off some of the monsters. As they begin to gang up on him, they start to overwhelm him. He collapses to the ground, trying to push them off of him. Just as one is about to slit his throat, it is stabbed from behind. The rest are magicked away. The stabbed monster collapses and we see Loki standing behind it. Clint stares at him in awe.
Don't mention it.
We cut to Dr. Strange, Wanda, and Loki standing together. The camera pans around the trio as they charge up their magic.
God, these things are everywhere...
What, you've never fought a demonic horde before? Thor and I used to do it every week. It's a been our favorite past time since we were children!
Good for you. You don't need to brag.
Will both of you shut up?
As she flies off, Stephen and Loki raise an eyebrow at each other.
We cut to Wanda as she uses her magic to lift Thanos up, along with several rocks. Doreen jumps onto the rocks to leap onto Thanos’ shoulder, unleashing her knuckle spikes and digging them into his face. Thanos screams, overwhelmed by the two women attacking him. Using the stones, he eventually manages to send Doreen and Wanda flying. As he turns away, we see that Doreen has gouged his eye out. Wanda uses her magic to clear a pile of rocks off of Doreen.
Oof! Thanks
(She extends her hand to Wanda.)
Oh! Hi! I’m Doreen!
Wanda smiles.
After Tony's death, all the Avengers begin to kneel. Loki is standing by Doreen and Thor's side, both of whom are crying. After hesitating, Loki kneels beside them, looking at Tony's body solemnly.
At Tony's funeral, we see Nancy hugging Doreen, who is crying. Later, Doreen approaches Loki, who is standing alone on the porch.
He turns around at the sound of her voice.
I... wanted to say thank you.
Whatever for?
For believing in me. When I didn't believe in myself.
Well, I guess that wasn't you, you, it was the past you, but... whatever, it still counts.
Loki smiles.
No, my dear, it is I who should be thanking you. You showed me unconditional kindness when no one else did.
(He gives a small bow.)
My most sincere gratitude, Lady Doreen. I owe you my life. I don't know how I could ever repay you.
Tippy-Toe crawls on his shoulder and squeaks at him.
You could start by giving Tippy those acorns you owe her. You know... whenever you get the chance.
I will... certainly make a note of that.
He gives Tippy-Toe a few awkward pets.
So, now what? Are you gonna try and take over New Asgard?
Loki laughs.
I think Asgard has had enough of my rule. No, I believe I'll accompany my brother on whatever ridiculous journeys he has planned. We do have a lot of catching up to do, after all. Also...
(He conjures the tesseract in his hand.)
I believe this will allow me to travel to some... entertaining places in time. I trust you won't tell anyone?
Well, I don't know, that depends. Are you gonna kill anybody?
Loki laughs.
I will try to avoid it.
Doreen shrugs.
Eh, good enough for me.
What about you? What will you do?
Well, I made a promise to Tony that I'd go back to school, so that's what I'm gonna do. Besides, I couldn't let Nancy finish her senior year of college alone.
They turn to Nancy, who is enthusiastically showing Thor her "Cat Thor" comics in the distance.
And this is Cat Thor's mighty hammer, Mewnir, which he uses to defeat the evil Laufur, leader of the bad dogs!
She's a big fan.
Loki chuckles.
How did the past you know to find you in Valhalla?
He didn't. He had a little help... with this.
(He tosses the tracking device she placed on him to her.)
A word of advice: Next time you want to track someone, do tell Tippy-Toe to be more subtle about it.
Doreen grins sheepishly.
Of course, I expected all of you to enact your little time-travel experiment three days earlier, but better late than never, I suppose...
Doreen freezes.
You knew what was going to happen...
But of course! Why do you think I got myself killed by Thanos in the first place? My plan was risky, but at least if I died, Thanos wouldn't be able to stop me.
(Slowly understanding)
Thanos couldn't kill you if you were already dead... But... but how did you know I would get my hands on the tesseract? And use its power and everything? And...
My gift of foresight may not be as strong as my mother's, but...
(He winks at her.)
I know a special mortal when I see one.
Doreen blushes.
Oh! I almost forgot!
She hands him a golden locket with an imprint of his helmet.
I made this for you. I wanted to apologize for, you know... stalking you without your permission. This locket lets me see where you are if you're ever in trouble. If you need me at all, I'll be there.
I know it's not much, but... I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate everything you've done for me.
So... your way of apologizing to me for tracking my location is... tracking my location again?
I can only see it if you want me to!
(She pulls out a matching locket.)
I have one too, see? Just press this button here, and I can see where you are, anywhere in the galaxy.
She presses the button and a holographic screen of their location appears on both of their lockets.
I also put your little horns on it, 'cause I thought it'd be cute!
Loki smiles as she shuts the lockets off.
I'll keep it with me. I promise.
Well... I guess I'll see you around. Bye, Loki.
Goodbye, Doreen.
She heads off, leaving Loki to admire his new gift. Suddenly, she runs back and hugs him, catching him off-guard. After a moment of confusion, he smiles and returns the hug.
Post-Credits Scene
Doreen and Morgan are sitting in Morgan's room, where they are talking to Thor, Loki, and the Guardians of the Galaxy through a holographic screen. Thor is swigging a glass of whiskey as they talk.
See, this is why I'm the best nanny. Like, who else is gonna let you facetime with people thousands of light years away?
Enough stalling. We must resume our game.
Right. Whose turn is it?
I believe it is Loki's turn!
Okay, Loki, truth or dare?
Hmm... Truth.
Oh, please, you're incapable of telling the truth.
I am not!
Okay... is it true that you did it with a horse?
Because I read in a Norse mythology book that you did it with a horse and then gave birth to a horse with eight legs, and... I don't know, that just seems super weird, like even for you.
Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy snicker.
What did he do with a horse?
Uh... I'll tell you when you're older.
Drax turns to Loki.
I am impressed, my friend. I did not know that equestrian women were your type.
They're not! Those rubbish Midgardian books are full of lies!
I don't know, brother, you always seemed fond of the horses in the royal stables growing up...
Is that why you did it with a horse?
I didn't do anything with a horse!
Okay, okay, guys, let him be. I'm just teasing. Whose turn is it next?
I think it's your turn, Doreen. Truth or dare?
Hmm... I'll do a dare. Let's let Morgan decide! Morgan, what should I do?
Morgan whispers in her ear, and Doreen grins devilishly.
Ooh, yes! Okay, hang on a second.
She disappears into the next room. Suddenly, we see a flash of blue from the other room.
Doreen time travels to 2011 Asgard, where Thor is confronting Loki at the bifrost.
Why have you done this?!
To prove to father that I am a worthy son! When he wakes, I will have saved his life. I will have destroyed that race of monsters, and I will be true heir to the throne-
Suddenly, they are both hit with Valkyrie's obedience disks, which electrocute them both and cause them to collapse on the ground. Doreen, in her time-travel suit, steps over them.
Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt your little, uh, family drama over here. Do you mind if I borrow that really quick?
She scoops Loki's helmet off his head as he and Thor give her confused, exasperated looks as they convulse on the ground. She fumbles with the helmet, trying to place it on her head.
Oh my God, how do you wear this thing?
She manages to clumsily place it lopsided on her head.
Well, uh, thanks for that. I hope you can both resolve your issues in a peaceful, non-violent manner.
(She looks at Thor.)
Nice look, by the way. Really rocking the, uh, blonde eyebrows. Anyways, I got places to be, so I'll see ya!
(She starts to press her time-travel device on her wrist, but freezes.)
Ooh! I almost forgot!
With a flash of blue, Doreen rushes back into Morgan's room wearing Loki's helmet and holding Mjolnir. Everyone stares at her, jaws dropped and eyes widened.
Okay, I did it!
(She swings the hammer around.)
You know, this bad boy actually isn't as heavy as I thought it would be. I do have to return this stuff soon, though. I kind of left 2011 Thor and Loki electrocuted on the ground, and they'll probably be mad about that.
Anyway, whose turn is it next?
Frozen stock still, everyone continues to stare at her. Thor drops his whiskey glass on the ground.
#endgame#endgame rewrite#endgame but with loki and squirrel girl#loki#the avengers#marvel#mcu#thor#tony stark#iron man#steve rogers#captain america#bruce banner#hulk#natasha romanov#black widow#scott lang#ant man#wanda maximoff#scarlet witch#hawkeye#clint barton#morgan stark#i'm not saying marvel should hire me but that is what i'm saying#squirrel girl#doreen green
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the man hasnt even started the stream yet and his chat is spammin “technolate” truly the best and most supportive fans
i have to make my own fences like a loser
“tommy is this your credit card? let me read the numbers aloud tommy”
“they keep dying on my thorns”
then fucking remove your armour mr technoblade??????????? you have the option to remove your armour
i know you have trust issues and that the last time you removed your armour tommy tried to kill you but like
you can remove your armour, find someplace else for your zombie villagers to be in, and then put the armour back on
you have options mr blade
you can make unenchanted armour for the purposes of moving your damn zomvillagers out the way if you really dont wanna be armourless
you have the materials
you have the opportunities
fucking seize them
mr blade: “my sleep schedule is terrible”
my dumb ass, waking up at 10pm on a monday after falling asleep on a 6am the same monday, after not sleeping for 2 days on sunday and saturday: “damn right your sleep schedule is terrible”
i have good self-awareness
mr blade: “im not stalling”
proceeds to stall:
• “happy new year! i forgot that happened”
• reads donations
• begins to try and cure his zombie villagers
• makes fun of skeppys “clickbait” title (it is clickbait by the way. the video is not structured like an actual manhunt vid. totally not a technosimp but techno was a fantastic hunter in the skeppy v techno manhunt. yep. techno was v fair about the entire thing go watch it if you havent hes great and skeppy was also there /lh)
• talks about chess
• talks about the Gifted Child™ Syndrome without ever saying the words Gifted Child™ Syndrome
(hes a fucking athena kid. im fucking TELLING YALL HES AN ATHENA KID and if i have to fucking write a goddamn academically cited paper to prove it with actual fucking receipts i goddamn will)
• even when tommy came on stream, techno immediately proceeded to discuss the Kings Fianchetto opening
• “i dont know what kind of science textbooks youve been reading, but youve spent too much money on them. those are trash. those are TRASH”
exactly mr blade. exactly. see? athena kid. hes smart. he went to college. he knows the score. mmmhmmm. yup. checks out mr. blade
• types “You’re talking sounds” -tommyinnit (genius)
• into the mc chat
• “Tommy, you’re talking words, but the only universal language: is sounds”
Techno fucking lists out languages that do not have sounds like: sign language, written language, braille
and then fucking thomathy “tommyinnit” minecraft hits us with “and russian”
and for a good few minutes, mr blade and associate tommyinnit talk about crimes and the fbi and using it to farm views. big brain moved here today
(and then tommys alexa turned blue when he said fbi and then they both freaked out it was great)
new york-ian
mr blade and tommyinnit just IMMEDIATELY trying to pander to new yorkers once they realise the population size. they out here fucking complimenting the statue of liberty (even tho its in new jersey), the empire state building, the bronx, queens, fucking SPIDERMAN
if they arent brothers
why they have this energy
prime to tommyinnit
sub to technoblade
my heart
i love these two terrorists so much
(for legal reasons, i am obligated to say that they are video game terrorists please and thank you)
tommy, about music he wanna sing: its from nintendo
mr blade: nintendo copyrights EVERYTHING tommy they got like SUPER COPYRIGHT
tommy: well, technoblade, every last one of my videos uses nintendo music
mr blade: DUDE YOURE GOING TO DIE. nintendo will KILL you
“new york is not canon in the dream smp universe”
mr technoblade over here just fucking ruining every new yorkers day huh
yall hear that? new york is non canon
you want cock to join the revolution
tommy out here trying to be intimidating but hes stuttering, knocking himself off of things...
its great
its great
i love their dynamic
im spawning the wither, somebody get me my sword
techno “one-liner” blade ladies and gentlemen
techno using the wither to vandalise lmanberg is very poggers of him
amazing mr blade
tommy is such a delight in this stream
“i dont know this man”
“why would you bring this near me im WEAK im FRAIL im LIKE AN OLD LADY”
thank you mr innit
if i had gotten this stream live yall bet your asses i would be chanting “blood for the blood god” with chat
chat is feral
chat is amazing
thank you chat for being the chaotic fucking bastards yall always are
“lookit muh muscles. BITCH”
i love him
so last stream, techno and tommy waterboarded a hostage who died by a spider immediately after he was released
THIS stream, techno and tommy waterboard an orphan fox until he cries
good times
fundy drowned
i just remembered
these two fuckers legit said “what if i waterboard my nephew to the point where he drowns”
i find it really funny that techno is the one fanon portrays to be this remorseless out of control entity when the entire time during the fundy waterboard torture, techno is the one holding tommy back and saying that hes going to far
and last time, techno is the one chiding philza when philza just casually murders and slaughters his way around the map
techno has more of a moral compass than fandom gives him credit for
where is my "techno is actually the moral compass of the sbi” fanfic
the only dirt we have on dream is his dirt shack amiright? eyyyy hes homeless
so funny
“useless, annoying, loud, british. you know. the worst combination” techno says
then he fucking makes tommy weapons, gives tommy the helmet, makes tommy weapons and tools and armour...
“i will not rest until that entire country has been completely obliterated for what it did to me and phil, tommy”
mr blade please
tommy what the fuck
what the fuck
what wait tahgjkjxbglsjbnouafsfv
“you could actually be, dare i say it, a friend” TECHNO
“technoblade ill join you”
“this bodes poorly for the eventual sbi meetup”
shut up
shut the fuck up
i cant handle this
i can handle the dream sapnap meetup conspiracy
but i CANNOT handle the sbi meetup conspiracy
techno please shut up
i cant
dont do me dirty like this man
you know how tommy keeps saying that hes weak and shit but like
he fought in wars
he has fucking armour, weapons, potions, gapples
he can hold his own in a fight
do you think tommy keeps calling himself weak bc DREAM calls him weak? like. his self-confidence and belief in his abilities is just eroded by dream so tommy thinks hes weak even if he isnt?
“we have sand at home”
at home
at home
techno literally out here singlehandedly giving me serotonin
beak on
bless you
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
one of us
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Notes from the Winter Solstice Meeting

Phew! Just back from the winter solstice meeting on Mount Olympus. I promised you a report. I don’t have any solid news yet, sorry, but I did petition the gods directly, so we’ll see what happens! The transcript of my talk with the Olympians is below.
Notes from Winter Solstice Meeting 2019,
Mount Olympus
600th Floor, Empire State Building
New York City
We see an aging mortal writer in the midst of a great chamber. He is dwarfed by a semicircle of giant thrones inhabited by the Olympian deities.
Rick Riordan: Thank you for seeing me, O great Olympians.
Zeus: We understand you want . . . (checks notes) a reboot. What is wrong with your present boots?
RR: No, Lord Zeus, a reboot adaptation of my books about Percy Jackson.
Zeus: I knew that. Percy . . . Yes, he’s a good lad. Those movies, though –
Ares: Oh, gods! No. Just NO. I wanted to KILL somebody.
Hermes: To be fair, Ares, you always want to kill someone.
Athena: Mr. Riordan, we already rained fire and pestilence upon that studio.
RR: Yes, Lady Athena, and I appreciate that.
Athena: The particular division that made those horrendous adaptations has been dismantled. And the remainder of the company has been . . . (dramatic pause) acquired. (Glances at Zeus) Which corporate hydra did we send to devour it? Starbucks? Amazon?
Hephaestus: (grumpily) Disney. I made a very competitive bid with Hephaestus-TV, but I was rejected! Bah!
Athena: I remember now. The hydra of the Mouse God. A powerful force indeed! At any rate, Mr. Riordan, after your first movie experience, didn’t you swear on the River Styx that you would never go to Hollywood again?
RR: I may have made some rash statements to that effect.
Hades: We take oaths on the River Styx very seriously, Riordan. Don’t make me claim your soul before its time!
RR: No, Lord Hades. Of course not. I just thought . . . well, honestly, I’d be happy to just write books and ignore Hollywood forever, but my fans really, REALLY want me to try again, seeing as there are so many new opportunities now that Disney has acquired the rights –”
Artemis: I loved Frozen. Oh, gods. Elsa is Hunter Squad goals!!!
Ares: I preferred Mulan. The new live action version looks lit — like nuclear bomb lit.
Aphrodite: You are all silly. The Little Mermaid is the best. (sighs)
Poseidon: For once, I agree with you. (clears throat). But we’re getting off track. Riordan needs to appease his fans. That is something we gods can understand. What would you have us do, mortal writer person? A hurricane against Los Angeles? A tsunami? This is, after all, my son Percy’s reputation we’re talking about!
RR: No, Lord Poseidon, nothing so dramatic. The executives I have talked to so far have been interested. I think they’ve listened to me. But there are many people that must give their input. Many executives to speak with.
Hermes: True. The servants of the Mouse God are myriad.
RR: Right now, they are considering my words, and talking, and pondering.
Athena: That is wise. Such actions must be carefully considered.
Hermes: Ugh, but pondering, though. That could take months. Years. Decades.
RR: (sighs) True, Lord Hermes. It is a very long process. That’s why I was hoping you gods could give me your blessing. Perhaps send some good omens our way? Really, any support could help.
Zeus: (stroking his beard) We could get a hashtag trending on social media.
RR: Actually, my fans already did that, without me even asking. It shot to #1 worldwide on Twitter.
Demeter: (busily sorting different kinds of cereal in a large bowl) You could spend more time meeting with people in Hollywood.
RR: I have already done that. I’ve gone to L.A. twice this fall, each time for a full week of meetings.
Artemis: (winces) That is a lot of time in L.A.
Athena: Perhaps we could show Disney how beloved these books are. We could grant you tremendous success and years on the bestseller lists.
Hermes: (waves his hand impatiently) Guys, Riordan’s already got huge success. Those Percy books have been on the bestseller list for ten solid years. That should be a strong enough message!
Ares: Well, I suppose that leaves us no choice but a full frontal assault. I will summon the war chariots!
RR: That’s not necessary, Lord Ares! Just your blessings are all I ask. May I continue to negotiate and push for a new adaptation? Will you favor my efforts?
Absolutely! Those books have brought me incredible publicity. Er, I mean, they’ve brought all of us incredible publicity.
Ares: Hmm. I didn’t come across as a very nice guy.
Athena: Anyway, what would this new adaptation look like, Riordan?
RR: I have some very specific ideas, but it’s too early to say. We have to wait to see what the minions of the Mouse God are willing to consider. The most important thing is to do a faithful adaptation that makes the fans of my books happy. They’ve been waiting for over ten years, and I really don’t want to let them down.
Hermes: Yes, fine, but what’s our cut?
RR: Your cut? Um, well . . . you get lots of publicity. New readers hearing about you, learning your names and your deeds. I’ll even burn a sandwich in your honor.
Hermes: Peanut butter?
RR: Sure.
Hermes: You are a shrewd negotiator, Riordan. I will support you.
Zeus: Would you be willing to take some notes on the script, though? For one thing, I should be played by Brad Pitt.
Ares: No, I’m Brad Pitt!
Demeter: (looks up from her large bowl of cereal) No, Brad Pitt is mine! (blinks) Wait, what are we talking about?
Hera: (glances up from her Good Housekeeping magazine) Go back to sorting your Frosted Flakes, Sister. (narrows her eyes at Riordan) I always come off looking like the villain in your books, Riordan. Why is that? Why should I support you?
RR: Ah. Well, Lady Hera –
Zeus: Don’t be touchy, my dear. He took artistic liberties, that’s all.
Hera: Hmmm.
Zeus: Speaking of artistic liberties, what if – hear me out – what if we made Percy Jackson a teenaged vampire?
Poseidon: Never! But I think the story would work well if we made all the characters be in their early twenties. And we turned it into a sort of spy thriller meets romantic comedy.
Athena: Or perhaps you could just let the author do what his millions of fans want and be faithful to the source material.
Zeus: Well . . . I suppose you’re the goddess of wisdom for a reason.
Athena: Also, I want to be played by Brie Larson.
Hermes: Dibs on Benedict Cumberbatch.
Hades: I want Stan Lee to have a cameo.
Zeus: Stan Lee is dead; may the gods rest his soul.
Hades: You’re talking to the Lord of the Underworld, here.
RR: (under his breath) Suddenly an animated adaptation isn’t sounding so bad.
Aphrodite: I just want to know when the casting calls are.
RR: (confused) My lady?
Aphrodite: Well, I know I don’t have any acting experience, but I look perfect for the role of Aphrodite and my friends all tell me I’m very dramatic.
Artemis: You are Aphrodite, you nitwit.
Aphrodite: Don’t be rude! I just want an audition.
RR: Uh . . . okay. So then do I have your permission to keep pressing for a new adaptation?
Muttering and whispering among the gods.
Zeus: Very well, mortal writer person, but even with the gods on your side, this will be a difficult struggle, and it may be a long time before you get a clear answer. Unlike the Olympians, Hollywood does not work during the winter holidays. Everyone is out of the office until after New Year’s.
RR: Yes, Lord Zeus. But I must keep trying. For the fans! For the children!
Hera: (rolling her eyes) You’re as dramatic as Aphrodite. By the way, I expect my part to be played by Elizabeth Taylor.
RR: But she’s – (catches a warning look and a shake of the head from Zeus.) – I’ll see what I can do, Lady Hera.
Zeus: Excellent! Now if you’ll excuse us, Riordan. We have other business to attend to. These climate disasters aren’t going to create themselves.
Riordan exits, bowing and scraping.
Zoom out from Mount Olympus to an aerial view of Manhattan.
Fade to black.
#rick riordan#pjo#percy jackon and the olympians#olympus#new york#empire state building#gods of olympus#hades#poseidon#zeus#hera#demeter#athena#ares#hermes#artemis#aphrodite#hepheastus#winter solstice#bestsellers#Disney#live adaption#animated adaption#It's Happening!#Finally!
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Rita Gam: “My friend Grace Kelly”
A style icon who favoured old sweaters, the Hollywood star-turned-princess was full of paradoxes, friend and fellow actress Rita Gam tells Nick Miller.
By Nick Miller (March 11, 2012)
'THEY used to have stories. Today we don't have stories as good as that,'' says Rita Gam, 84-year-old star from Hollywood's golden age, sitting upright and respectable in her New York apartment as she remembers past roles. ''Even though some of them were B pictures they were terrific - nice stories, interesting.''
There would be a girl, well-bred but independent, glamorous, beautiful, stylish, make-up and clothes just so, admired, feisty. There would be complications, arguments, wit and danger and romance, and then the frame misty as she falls into the arms of a moustached older man, or a prince, then a wedding, a happy-ever-after or a tragic twist.
(Above: Rita Gam and Grace Kelly in 1956)
But I'm not there to hear that story. I'm there to talk to Gam about her close friend, Grace Kelly. We're inside a 100-year-old block in midtown, with an ornate facade, a concierge and that old New York attitude, in an apartment decorated with movie posters from Hollywood's prime.
It must be frustrating for such a successful film, TV and stage actress to be constantly interviewed about her best friend. But Gam only once looks at the absence of a watch on her wrist, saying: ''I've got another five minutes of talking about Grace in me and that's it.''
(Above: Rita Gam at 84)
I show her a book, Grace Kelly: Style Icon, published to accompany an exhibition curated by London's V&A museum and soon to open in Bendigo.
''Oh, this is very Grace,'' she says of the cover, from a 1955 Cosmopolitan shoot at the height of Kelly's movie career.
But when she flicks through the pages, her eyes are drawn to a casual Kelly on the streets of Manhattan, the Empire State Building over her shoulder, her clothes smart but demure.
''That's what she wore a lot,'' Gam says. ''Skirts and shirts. She was not much of a 'lunch girl', who would go to lunch and dress up.''
(Above: Gam [back row, third from left] at the wedding of Kelly and Prince Rainer of Monaco in 1956)
This is Grace Kelly: Style Icon (it says so on the cover). Adored by the public, sought-after by designers. Still the touchstone reference for the Oscars red carpet; the woman who bridged the golden age of movies and the modern era - the first modern celebrity, a Princess Diana-come-January Jones.
But talking to Gam, a more complex version of Kelly emerges. ''She was not a fashionista in any way,'' Gam insists. ''You've got to separate what was created by the studio system, which was a make-believe image of a goddess.''
(Above: Rainer and Kelly with children Caroline and Albert at Princess Stephanie's christening in 1965)
The Kelly that Gam knew exploited, then transcended - but never embodied - the public role that the Hollywood machine decreed for the leading ladies it owned.
Her life was a dance between image and reality, PR confections and real-life fairytales. Yes, she did marry a prince; but their first meeting was a contrived magazine publicity stunt. Yes, she was a fashion icon, but her private dress sense was conservative and her palace closets were packed with old sweaters.
KELLY and Gam met in New York in the early '50s as hard-working young TV actors and models. Pittsburgh-born Gam was married to a young director, Sidney Lumet, and Grace was the daughter of a well-to-do Philadelphia family (her father an Olympic medal-winning rower and construction millionaire), determined to make her own life in the performing arts, and succeeding at it.
They met on the sound stage of a show called Danger. ''She was playing some villainess or other - she was very cute,'' Gam recalls. ''We were introduced by Sidney. He said, 'Oh Rita, this is Grace. Grace Kelly, this is Rita.' 'How do you do?' ''
It was not a movie-star moment. ''She was a very nice girl - she could have been a kindergarten teacher. She had scrubbed clean, sympathetic looks. It's just when the camera hit her she became absolute magic.''
Others noticed, too. John Ford cast her in her first movie role after seeing a screen test and exclaiming: ''This dame has breeding, quality and class … I want to make a colour test of her - I'll bet she'll knock us on our ass!''
Gam and Kelly signed with MGM and became close friends when Gam moved to Los Angeles a year or so later. She had been put up at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
''I was very uncomfortable [there],'' she says. ''I was a woman alone, and if I sat in the lobby I would get hit on, and I was lonely. I would be calling New York and Sidney all of the time.''
At the suggestion of her agent, she called Kelly, who was on the cusp of fame as Rear Window, her second movie with Alfred Hitchcock, was finishing filming. Kelly was lonely too, having left behind in New York her on-and-off paramour, European designer Oleg Cassini.
''I called Grace and she said, 'Oh come for tea today', which I did. She was living with Prudy Wise, her secretary, a girl from the south. It was just a one-bedroom Hollywood apartment in the Hollywood flats. I don't know, we were just having tea and she said, 'Well, why don't you move in with us? Three is as good as two is as good as one.'
''So we did, I moved into her flat and it was rather fun, it was like we were sorority girls.''
In those days, Hollywood was ''a party town'' and ''pretty wide open'', Gam says, in suggestive but decorous tones. ''We would get hit on by industry wolves.
''I remember once, [Kelly] had a little gold Chevrolet, a couple of years older than was current, and [an acquaintance] said, 'Oh we'll send a car for you'. His name was Charlie Feldman, he was a big agent, and I said, 'Grace they're going to send a car for us'. I was on the telephone, and she said: 'No, tell them we'll drive ourselves.' I said: 'Oh, OK.'
''Well of course she was smart, we were in control of our destiny. We left that 'party' of four - two gentlemen, Charlie and his South American friend - and drove safely home down the Hollywood hills. [Kelly] was really much more wise than I was.''
It's a recurring theme as Gam remembers Kelly - a smart girl becoming a smart businesswoman who saw through the Hollywood machine and was fearless about imposing her own demands on it - in fashion as much as anything else.
''Basically, she was suburban in her tastes,'' Gam remembers. ''[Even as a princess] she had closets full of old tweed skirts that she hadn't worn in years, and many many blouses that had long since seen their day, and tonnes of sweaters that were well-washed and well-worn.
''She didn't have any particular style sense, I don't think. I think she addressed that as an actress. She didn't read a lot about fashion. [She relied on] not friends but professionals.''
Kelly befriended and relied on the studios' top designers. But she kept one eye on the result. In her first leading role (Dial M for Murder), even as she was learning how to act on film, she overruled Hitchcock on a costume decision, telling him that if her character got up in the middle of the night to answer the phone, she wouldn't bother putting a big velvet robe over her nightgown. She also had a fight with the make-up man who she thought was putting too much rouge on her. ''After that, I had his confidence as far as wardrobe was concerned, and he gave me a very great deal of liberty in what I wore in his next two pictures,'' Kelly said.
If style means anything, it's not what you wear, it's how you wear it. ''The subtlety of Grace's sexuality - her elegant sexiness - appealed to me,'' Hitchcock told his biographer. ''Grace conveyed much more sex than the average movie sexpot. With Grace you had to find it out, you had to discover it. Everybody wants a new leading lady but there aren't many of them around. There are a lot of leading women, but not enough leading ladies.''
Of their first meeting, Cassini later wrote: ''I saw her only in profile. I saw the utter perfection of her nose, the long elegant neck, the silky diaphanous blonde hair. She wore a black velvet two-piece, very demure, with a full skirt and a little white Peter Pan collar.
''Later, when she stood, I saw that she had a pleasing figure, tall, about five-foot-eight, good broad shoulders, subtle curves and long legs - a very aristocratic girl, not the sort you simply called for a date.''
The Hollywood system marketed her as the antithesis of Marilyn Monroe, whom Fox had recently discovered, feeding magazines lines that drew Grace as the all-American dream, a fine but approachable noblewoman who men wanted but women would also want to be: respectable, white-gloved, fine-bred and pretty. When Marilyn Monroe was asked what she wore to bed she replied ''Chanel No 5''. When Grace was asked, she replied: ''I think it's nobody's business what I wear to bed.'' Article after article punned on her first name.
Grace found it all amusing. But she told her biographer that this ''respectable'' image of Hollywood felt unreal, when the reality too often was ''full of men and women whose lives were confused and full of pain. To outsiders it looked like a glamorous life, but really it was not.'' After her Academy Award for best actress (tellingly, for her role in The Country Girl, in which she played ''a woman who had been married 10 years and lost interest in clothes, herself, everything'') she turned down most of the roles she was offered. The pressure and grind of Hollywood left her exhausted and disillusioned.
But she was also setting the mould for the modern movie star, taking control of her own PR from the studio. For Photoplay magazine she invited a photographer to take unprecedented candid shots of her and her sister on holiday in the Caribbean, in casual clothes and away from the studio's platoon of retouchers. The photographer Howell Conant wrote: ''You trusted Grace's beauty, you knew it wasn't built from clothes and make-up … [it was] natural, unpretentious.''
And then came her prince. Paris Match magazine set up a photo shoot of her with Prince Rainier of Monaco, as a promotion for its Cannes coverage. Gam recalls that the dress Kelly wore for the occasion she considers her biggest fashion faux pas. ''She would make jokes about it.''
Months later, Rainier arrived in New York. ''She called me, and she said, 'Come up for drinks on Thursday, I want you meet my prince.' I thought she meant her newest boyfriend and indeed it was her prince,'' Gam remembers. ''When I first met him … I wasn't blown over - you know, it wasn't Clark Gable, he was just a nice guy. He wasn't handsome, he was short and dumpy - [but] he was fun, he was well-educated, he had a good, funny British sense of humour, and he was intelligent, so I mean, what's not to like? And rich.''
''She was romantic, she would go with somebody for a long time and she was looking for the perfect person. And she fell in love with Rainier and that was that. She just allowed the romance of the times to sweep her away.''
This was the ultimate fairytale - the lavish royal wedding, the palace life in Monaco, dressed by designers.
And then there was the reality. More than 1600 reporters and photographers (more than covered World War II) turned the wedding into a mob scene. ''After the honeymoon she [and] Rainier slept for two days. It was exhausting and it took [them] a long time to recover from it,'' Gam, who was a bridesmaid, remembers.
''She didn't have a clue [what she was in for],'' says Gam of what followed for Kelly. The royal family forbade her from making any more films, which devastated Kelly. But Kelly was resourceful, playing the new role of princess in the same way as she had approached her movie career.
She switched from Hollywood's designers to the cream of the European fashion houses, and took to the kind of roles that princesses perform - benefits and balls, and patron of the arts.
''I don't think Grace changed from the minute I met her to the day she died,'' Gam says. ''She had an extraordinary PR sense and she had a strong sense of who she was and what she wanted to say. She allowed herself to be used by the talented fashion people of the time. And she enjoyed it. [But] I certainly don't think of clothes [when I think of her]. I think of friendship, I think of a loyal good friend, and somebody with a lovely voice and lovely face.
''You know, I see her very clearly, even though it's 35-odd years since she's gone.'' (Kelly died in a car crash in 1982.) ''She had a very strong presence … Everyone should have a friend like that.''
Grace Kelly encapsulated the latter part of Hollywood's golden age. At least, that's the legend, that's what people say. ''And well they should,'' says Gam. After all, it's a good story.
Grace Kelly: Style Icon is curated and organised by the V&A Museum, London, and the Grimaldi Forum Monaco. The exhibition will run from today to June 17 at the Bendigo Art Gallery.
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Had a voice: chapter 2
Summary: For two years you had let him dictate your every move. Dictate your time, your friends, your work. Everything, literally. And for the life of you, you could not understand why you’d done so.
Now, here you were. In a beautiful but still strange city that had never become your own. And you were all alone. It was time to take back your life.
A/N: This story will follow the reader, which in this case means that Bucky does not show up immediately. Slow burn we’ll call it.
Words: 1935
Ship: BuckyXreader (although not yet)
Warnings: none (Vague mentions of past trauma, does that count?)
Masterlist Story Masterlist ***
“So, where would you like to go?” Wanda asked you, as she picked you up from the hostel.
“Not really sure. What do you think I have to see?” you asked, feeling a little silly, but hoping you were masking it properly. Up until her text, half an hour earlier, you had completely forgotten about agreeing to explore New York with Wanda. Therefore you had done none of your intended research on things you wanted to see. Usually you were prepared for things. You'd do research, make lists and now you just didn't know what to do without it.
As soon as she had texted, you remembered her late night promise to show you the city. And you remembered setting a time and date. However, the week had been busy and you had completely forgotten. You hadn't had much time off since you started working at the theatre and this week, you felt it. On Wednesday you had not been on the roster and you just slept, all day long. Apparently you had needed it.
Today, Saturday, was your first weekend off, since you started working at the theatre about a month ago. And Wanda had promised, baring any emergencies with her job, that she would show you around.
You had not seen or spoken to Wanda since that night in the bar. Apparently she had gone on a mission, she had called it, but it was all hush hush. And you didn't like to pry. You also hated to admit that you had no idea what her job was. She had been very interested in you and you felt like you failed in returning that gesture.
“Let's cover the basics first.” Wanda said with a smile and she grabbed your hand, pulling you with her towards Broadway. There she stopped to talk to a vendor and as soon as he pointed her in a direction she pulled you with her again.
Not much further, she stopped and you stood next to her confused. Wanda had a twinkle in her eyes that didn't seem to bode well. She appeared to be up to something mischievous and you didn't know her well enough to know what to expect.
“Here we are” she said with a bright smile, looking up at the big red bus before them.
“You wanted me to see this bus?” you asked incredulous.
“No we're getting on it silly. Let me buy us some tickets.” Wanda said before walking over to a salesman. A few minutes later she came back with a 48 hour bus ticket for the hop on hop off bus.
“It includes a night tour, which it really good. So I hope you don't have plans tonight?” Wanda chuckled a little giddy.
“Nope, no plans” you said, not bothering to mention the fact that you know only her in this city. Or, more precisely, her and your ex. Now he was not likely to spend an evening with you.
Wanda grabbed your hand and pulled you aboard the bus. You followed her to the upper deck and she took a seat near the back, you following her suit.
As the bus began moving and many people started plugging in their earplugs, Wanda began telling you about everything you were seeing. She had little historic snippets to add to all the iconic buildings and streets and also mentioned things that you should explore at another time.
She mentioned going into the empire state building and enjoying the view from the top. And the cruise that would give a wonderful view of Manhattan from the water.
She also made you promise that you would take a bike ride with her through central park and you explore Brooklyn together at a later date. She mentioned she had some great people to do a guided tour there.
“How long have you been in New York?” you asked Wanda as you both got out of the bus at the exit for Ellis Island and the statue of Liberty. This was one thing she really wanted to show you today. She had mentioned being a history buff and seeing as you were one too, this was a must see.
“It's been a few years now” Wanda said a little vague.
“Where are you from?” you asked her and she looked a little confused, before seemingly shaking it off.
“Sokovia” she replied and your eyes grew big.
“I'm sorry. I...I didn't to bring up bad memories” you said quickly and looked down at your hands.
“You really have no idea who I am do you?” she suddenly asked with a small chuckle and you just shook your head confused.
“I'm Wanda Maximoff” She began and the name did spark some recognition you, “the scarlet witch” Wanda added and suddenly it all fell into place.
“You're an avenger...” you stated, feeling stupid now. You should have recognised her before. Somehow you simply didn't match the happy girl you met, with the powerful avenger you had heard about in the news. For a few minutes you stood in silence, as you waited in line for tickets to the boat.
“Wait, so I met the hulk?” you suddenly exclaimed and Wanda could not help but laugh.
“Yes, you did” she replied.
“He seemed so calm, collected,” you muttered and again Wanda laughed.
“He is, most of the time” she winked at you, before turning towards the lady in the sales booth and buying two tickets.
As you switched one cue for the next you fired questions at Wanda about who she is, who she was and how she became an avenger. She patiently answered all of it. Explaining that she and her brother had wanted to stop the avengers at first. And how Clint had helped her see the light. She mentioned an anger that consumed her and you had trouble understanding that this happy, kind woman could have been such an angry girl.
“When did you get your powers?” you suddenly asked and Wanda grew more quiet.
“Let's call that a collection of misguided actions, which led to this end result” she said and you just nodded, accepting that this was something Wanda was not willing to speak off. You had been surprised by how candid she had been so far. After all, you barely knew each other.
“Why did you ask me to join you at the bar?” you then asked and she looked taken aback.
“Should I not have?” she wondered, eyeing you curiously.
“No, it's just...you don't know me” you said meekly.
“Well, I was trying to change that” Wanda said kindly.
“Yes, but why?” you wondered again. It just seemed so outlandish. You weren't usually the kind of person that attracted people at first glance. Which wasn't a bad thing necessarily. You had always done just fine, making friends. At least before you met Daniel. You just didn't shine or sparkle or...well you didn't draw people in like some do.
“I don't know, I just, get a feeling with people sometimes.” Wanda explained with a shrug.
“A feeling?” you frowned.
“Yes, something told me you were worth getting to know” she said with a kind smile, which you returned. As strange as it seemed to you, it was really nice. And you surely were grateful.
As you got on the boat a little later, the serious atmosphere had vanished and you were back to being tourists. Which consisted of enjoying the view, taking selfies and discussing everything you wanted to see next.
When you got off the boat you quickly collected the audio tours and began walking around the Statue of liberty. You unfortunately could not go in the statue and visit the top. Access was restricted, but it did not quell your enjoyment of it all.
After a good 45 minutes, you walked back towards the dock and took a boat to Ellis Island. Here you spend a lot of time reading up on the history of the place. Both deeply impressed by the personal stories that were broadcasted in some rooms.
After Ellis Island you went back to the bus and enjoyed going around the entire downtown line, before stepping out near the empire state building. There you bought tickets to go up and you enjoyed letting the wind sweep your hair wildly around your faces. For some reason, being up so high felt freeing, even though the balcony was practically a cage.
For the past hour or so much of the conversation had been about things like movie-stars and celebrity gossip. Silly things to laugh about. You had been laughing so hard at one of Wanda's impressions that your side hurt, when the look on her face showed she wanted to ask you something more serious.
You just raised an eyebrow in an unspoken question, signalling it was safe to ask. Worst case, you did not like the question and you would inform her of that. Best case, her question was not at all serious or deeply personal. With your luck though, it probably was.
“Besides Daniel, why did you leave home?” she asked softy. By now you had left the building and were strolling along the street.
“I...I'm not sure really,” you began timidly, “I guess there wasn't much left for me to stay”.
“Why not?”
“Both my parents had died by then and many of my friends had left for college and never came back.” you said shrugging.
“I'm sorry. How did they die?” Wanda asked softly placing a hand on your arm.
“My dad, he died years before. He was an army captain, stationed in Irak.” you said, not really sure if you wanted to elaborate on that. Wanda didn't push the subject any further. She just watched you with a sympathetic look in her eyes.
“Mom, she...well I don't think she ever really recovered from that. And then she got sick in my last year of college.”
“Wow, I'm sorry” Wanda said softly. She was no stranger to heart ache, and she genuinely felt for you.
“It's...thanks.” you mumbled, looking down to the ground.
“What did you do?” Wanda then asked, feeling that there was more to the story, that would help her understand you better.
“I dropped out to take care of her. Met Daniel around that time. He was visiting someone in town and we hit it off quickly. He was really sweet at first.” you said smiling ruefully.
“Until you moved here?” She then asked, treading carefully.
“I don't think he ever really meant to stop being nice. It's just so different, going from long distance to living together. And his character is pretty dominant. Which I am not” you explained simply. He had hurt you, more than you thought possible. However, you did not think that he truly meant to be this cruel. Not to say his behaviour deserved much praise. He wasn't winning any awards for it.
“No you are not.” Wanda said with a smile and you sighed. No you were not. You had been docile almost. Which did not help you or your relationship. But that was all over now.
“Did you ever go back to school?” She then asked, changing the subject.
Chapter 3
Tags: @slender–spirit
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What are the best things to do for free in New York?
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What are the best things to do for free in New York?

Sure, you could–drop a bunch of coin to go to the top of the Empire State Building, eat at the fanciest restaurants or walk around on the grounds of the Statue of Liberty. But what if we told you that you could take a boat ride right past Lady Liberty without spending a dime? It’s a possibility and thousands of New Yorkers who ride the Staten Island Ferry do it every day.
New York is chock full of free gems like these ones, but to find them, the secret is connecting with a local who knows all the tricks. Luckily for you, we’re spilling our beans and dishing up the best free spots to enjoy in New York City.
From long, luxurious walks through the city’s parks, including the elevated High Line, to the weird, wacky and wonderful sights at Coney Island, this list curates the best of New York’s offerings into a tidy little package.–
So, no matter how small – or non-existent- your budget is, you’re still capable of having a great time in the Big Apple. Now, without further ado, allow us to present to you the 10Best list of New York City’s free things to do.–

Photo courtesy of Luna Park
Coney Island is home to New York’s alternative side. From the yearly mermaid parade to the nationally televised hot dog eating contest, this beachy outreach of the city feels a million miles away. If you can’t make it for an event (though you really should try!), you’ll still find plenty to do once you arrive. Take your chances on a ride at the amusement park, Luna Park, or if you’re able to drop a few bucks, gain admittance into the Coney Island Circus Sideshow. We won’t ruin the surprises but this freak show will have you scratching your head – or in some cases, hiding your eyes.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: Coney Island is grimy, weird and unforgettable experience. For free.
Andrea’s expert tip: Check the schedule and try to go when an annual event, such as the summertime Mermaid Parade, is in full swing.
Read more about Coney Island →

Serving as New York’s seat of the archbishop, this gothic-style building has distinct American features while maintaining a European feel in the heart of Midtown Manhattan. New York architect James Renwick, also known for designing “The Castle” (the Smithsonian Institute in Washington, DC), completed work on the church in 1879. Renwick also designed the New York Public Library and the former facade of the New York Stock Exchange. The largest church in New York, St. Patrick’s seats over 2,000. New Yorkers consider the cathedral’s steps a good, scenic meeting spot. Download the Cathedral Tour App in advance for a self-guided audio tour narrated by Cardinal Timothy Dolan and rector Msgr. Robert Ritchie.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: Arguably one of the most stunning cathedrals in the country, the free daily tours put this at the top of the list.
Courtney’s expert tip: Get there early to snag a spot in the free 10 AM tour group.
Read more about St. Patrick’s Cathedral →

Even if going to a library isn’t on your list of “must see” attractions back home, be sure to make an exception for the New York Public Library. This system holds one of the world’s largest and most comprehensive collections. Books, periodicals, maps, videos, musical scores and other electronically formatted items make up the more than 52 million items currently being held here. Special collections include art and architecture, print, photography, rare books, manuscripts and archives. The library also hosts special events, exhibits, instruction and classes (adult literacy, Internet workshops, etc.). In addition, free tours are offered Monday – Saturday at 11 AM and 2 PM, and at 2 PM Sundays.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: The New York Public Library is a stunning example of architecture and free for all to wander.
Courtney’s expert tip: The lions out front are named Patience and Fortitude.
Read more about New York Public Library →

Socrates Sculpture Park was founded in 1986 to provide artists with the opportunities and the space to exhibit large-scale sculptures and multi-media presentations. In this unique outdoor environment, trees are dwarfed by the results of creative expression. Prior to 1986, the location was an illegal dumpsite until artist Mark di Suvero transformed it into an open studio, allowing the space to be expanded from there. During the summer, crowds gather for everything from kite flying events to circus performances. Free yoga classes are designed for every level and there’s even an eight-week outdoor cinema program that celebrates the cultural diversity of Queens.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: Free yoga classes, outdoor cinema and art exhibitions make Socrates Sculpture Park the place to go for summer entertainment.
Courtney’s expert tip: Sunswick Creek is next door and offers free science classes for kids and kayaking for all.
Read more about Socrates Sculpture Park →

Spanning from the South Street Seaport to Brooklyn Heights, the famous Brooklyn Bridge has ushered New Yorkers across the East River since 1883. A must-see for any visitor to the Big Apple, the best way to experience the bridge is to take the 30-plus minute, 3,455-foot expedition and walk it. The view of Manhattan is incredible, suddenly making it easy to understand why decades of poets and painters have been fascinated by it. The great Walt Whitman even described the view from the bridge as the “most effective medicine my soul has yet partaken.” For best results, we’d recommend going in the early morning during the summer months to miss the crowds.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: The Brooklyn Bridge is an iconic landmark seen in countless movies and shows.
Maria’s expert tip: It’s a must, but think twice before going on a cold and rainy day. The whipping winds can ruin a good time.
Read more about Brooklyn Bridge →

Said to be “Manhattan’s only remaining great gateway,” Grand Central Terminal (not “station” as it is often mistakenly called) is a magnificent example of art meeting functionality. The Beaux Arts facade that stretches along 42nd Street features a beautiful clock and crowning statues of Minerva, Mercury and Hercules. Inside the terminal, a vast blue ceiling twinkles with fiber optic lighting depicting the zodiac constellations, while one level below, sixty railroad tracks transport over 500,000 commuters a day. Since the building’s revitalization, Grand Central has enticed visitors and locals alike, with quick bites and delicacies located in the Grand Central Market, fine cuisine in the Dining Concourse and free arts events in Vanderbilt Hall.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: It’s grandiose, but Grand Central Terminal is also filled with small wonders if you know where to look.
Courtney’s expert tip: Fun fact: check out the NW corner of the ceiling. See that patch of black? That’s the color the entire ceiling (due to smoking) before they cleaned it.
Read more about Grand Central Terminal →

For nearly a century, the brightest lights, the biggest music, the longest parties and all the star power you could ask for have stemmed off a street called Broadway. At one time not so long ago, this area was a haven for decadence. Seedy sex shops and peep shows infested the area until a successful revitalization effort and the arrival of tenants like David Letterman paved the way for a new Times Square. Now, it’s one of the most influential theater districts in the world. Times Square also hosts the largest New Year’s Eve celebration in the country. Half a million people flock to the square every year to bid the old year goodbye and to welcome in the New Year, New York party style.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: It’s a must when you’re visiting New York. And unlike the person who pays the electric bill, it’s free for you.
Andrea’s expert tip: Go at night. There’s something much more magical about seeing it all lit up.
Read more about Times Square →

Leaving Manhattan, you gaze at the most enduring symbol of the city, the Statue of Liberty, ahead on the right and the sleek Verrazano-Narrows Bridge dominating the left. Then you realize that skyscrapers are assuming postcard dimensions of grandeur behind you. It is New York, even America, at its best, a truly thrilling experience. The magnificence of the Brooklyn Bridge soon completes the view behind you on the right. And best of all, it’s free! Once at the terminal on the Staten Island side, grab a departing boat (or stay for dinner), then enjoy the dramatic view in reverse. Hint: avoid the newer, faster craft with no outside deck.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: It’s the best way to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island for free.
Andrea’s expert tip: On the other side, check out Enoteca Maria, a casual joint that features different nonnas from around the world cooking in the kitchen.
Read more about Staten Island Ferry →

Eight hundred acres of green space in the middle of Manhattan sounds like a fable. And yet, that’s exactly what Central Park is, which is why you’ll find joggers, nature lovers and bikers getting their fix of greenery every day. In the winter, visitors can lace up their skates for a twirl at Wollman Rink, while summer favorites include the Central Park Zoo and the Friedsam Memorial Carousel. For lazier days, catch some rays with the sunbathers in Sheep Meadow or on the Great Lawn and if you stay after the sun goes down, you may be serenaded by one of the many live performances that occur here, including some by The Metropolitan Opera and the New York Philharmonic. There’s no better place in the city to escape the city, making Central Park an oasis amongst the chaos right outside.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: Central Park is as iconic as it gets. There’s perhaps no better way to spend a free afternoon.
Andrea’s expert tip: Don’t try to make your plans here hard and fast. You’ll likely get lost in the park – instead of stressing out, embrace it.
Read more about Central Park →

A true lesson in urban renewal, the High Line is built on an abandoned railroad line elevated above Manhattan’s west side. Running from Gansevoort Street in the Meatpacking District to Midtown’s W. 34th Street, the High Line has quickly claimed its place in the hearts of New Yorkers and visitors. Dotted along the grated overpass are food stalls, restaurant pop-ups and magnificent overlooks. To do it best, go on a Tuesday and amble along until you find Terroir, a wine bar near 15th Street. Grab a glass of vino at dusk, and then make your way a couple blocks south to hook up with the Amateur Astronomers Association stargazers who’ve set up telescopes and offer explanations of what’s going on in the sky.
Recommended for Free Things to Do because: It’s the perfect place to feel like you’re still in the action but away from the madness below.
Andrea’s expert tip: If you’re able to swing it, go during the week and avoid the weekend crowds.
Read more about The High Line →
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Marcello smiled. “I can’t wait to meet more of your friends,” he said honestly. He took Levi’s hand and brushed his lips against the back of his hand. “And truly, I would love to go to the party if you want to. Ezra did say your sister used to show up to them all the time?” He asked, looking at Levi. “But he said she hasn’t in ages so it’s unlikely she will this time. But it’s totally up to you, my love.”
Marcello smiled when Levi pushed his hair back.
“Why don’t we do something touristy that you have never done even though you live here,” he suggested. Marcello knew locals didn’t often partake in whatever tourist attractions drew millions of people a year wherever they lived. “Empire State building? Tour Rockefeller center?” He wasn’t sure if Levi had ever been to those places, particularly in recent years. “I’d suggest Lady Liberty but it’s kind of late in the day for that, yeah?”
Marcello looked between Levi’s eyes. He didn’t want to get into his anxieties and fears right then, but he appreciated Levi was willing to adapt to make things easier.
“Thank you,” Marcello said, blushing. He gave Ezra a hug in return. “See you.” He watched as he left. When Levi sat beside him again, he leaned into him slightly and let his hand fall into his lap.
“He’s cool,” Marcello said. “So cute. Very sweet.” He took a sip of his lemonade and yawned, stretching before he wrapped his arms around Levi from the side.
“Let’s go,” he said.
“I’m glad you like him,” Levi said, holding him in close. He pressed a kiss against the top of his head and then another on his forehead, releasing a slow breath. “Where do you want to go?”
He brushed Marcello’s hair back from his eyes, taking him in, just wanting to pour so much adoration into him. He would ask him about the party and all that later, but right now, he just wanted to focus on him.
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Lana Del Rey - Flaunt Interview
Lana Del Rey is… happy?
“I think I was feeling happy that I was present, and not afraid in a way that I couldn’t enjoy my everyday things,” the musician says of the new record’s title, sat in blue jeans, cross-legged on the floor of a Chateau Marmont hotel suite, enjoying French fries and a Diet Coke on a balmy, breezy Friday afternoon. “I’m the kind of person that really loves those things. Like when I drive, I love every road, and I can’t believe that I’m in L.A. I love the architecture, grabbing a coffee, striking up conversation with the people I encounter. And I hate when I can’t enjoy the little things because in the back of my head I have concerns or preoccupations. So for me, it was that sort of lust for life. It was kind of just about happiness.”
“The record has fewer dimensions,” she remarks. “But they’re more beautiful than in the past. I had no idea that would make it easier to talk about.” Has this ease with discussing the content perhaps coincided with a sort of softening, or openness toward her in the arenas of public or journalistic reception? “I feel that,” she says thoughtfully. “And it’s helped me be more open as well. Because it’s hard to talk about your innermost feelings if you feel the reception will be cold. And I hung back for a while. I did a handful of interviews, but not many in the last few years. But also I was writing and writing, and digging through stuff, and not writing things as easy to digest or discuss. It still comes from me, but as I’ve evened out as a person, I don’t have as much I don’t want to say. I feel comfortable.”
“Da-vid La-Chapelle. Whoa. Da-vid La-Chapelle,” Del Rey says breathily, “I just couldn’t believe it,” Del Rey says. “Because I always make things really hard to work, because I don’t want to talk that much. So I had defiantly said to someone, ‘Don’t ask me unless David LaChapelle is shooting it.’ And then I get a call from Stephen Huvane [a partner in Slate PR], and he’s like ‘David LaChapelle is shooting it and you’re going to do it.’ So when I got to his studio, which is like a few blocks from my house, I was blown away. He’s amazing. And he thinks big picture, and different picture, and textures, and he doesn’t want to do a simple portrait right now because that’s not where he is in his life. And I’m the same way. I don’t want to make a pop record if I’m feeling more acoustic, for instance. And so he’s very true to his own space. There’s not that many people that I would follow into the unknown, so to speak, but with him, I would probably do most of what he suggested.”
David LaChapelle - “I have had a relationship with Flaunt for a long time. Lana’s a down-to-earth person. I like her writing. I saw her show at the Hollywood Bowl, and really liked the music, and that inspired the concept and ideas for the photos. Lana was interested in the artistic angle, not a promotional angle, which I really liked. Much more interested in creating art than promoting something.”
Notably, there is a track on Lust for Life, recorded with Sean Lennon, a layered and playful number that explores, among other things, John Lennon and Yoko Ono – a canonical deity of lust and artistry if ever there was – that sees Del Rey refreshingly step outside her own paradigm. “I felt like it belonged to someone else,” she says of the single, “Tomorrow Never Came.” “And I never feel that, because I like to keep everything for myself. I thought it might be strange for Sean to sing a song about John and Yoko as well. But I think the fact that I sing, ‘Isn’t life crazy now that I’m singing with Sean.’ It points to the fact that we’re both aware. I didn’t want it to come out exploitative in any fashion. Not that it would. Still, I wanted to be as careful as possible. I wanted it to come across layered with this sort of meta narrative mixed in. In a way it’s a song about a song.”
I speak over the phone to Lennon, currently in New York, who originally received a very simple version of the song from Del Rey with only her vocals, guitar, and an organ. “To me,” he shares, “Ninety-nine percent of what is magical about that song was already contained in her original vocal performance. I felt like it was my job to simply highlight and accentuate what was already there in her voice and melody, and in her lyrics. Everything I played was merely ornamental, like tailoring a ballroom gown on an already stunning woman: the only way to mess up is if you take away from or disguise the beauty that is already there.”
Considering the lineage in the song and their first collaboration together, I ask Lennon what he learned from the experience. “She has exceptional taste,” he remarks. “I told her that working on her song was a valuable lesson since I often modulate and take unintuitive chordal and melodic twists and turns, and she reminded me that you can be perhaps even more compelling if the melodies and chords feel natural and intuitive, not contrived or disorienting as in my music. Anyway I’ll never forget when she called me after I sent her what I did and her first words were ‘It’s perfect!’ I almost cried with joy because I honestly don’t think anyone has ever said that to me about anything I’ve ever done. It was a very good feeling.”
Beyond the meta-awareness of the lyrics and rich instrumentation [Lennon added “acoustic six- and 12-string guitar, electric guitar, lap steel, upright bass, vibraphone, harpsichord, orchestra bells, drums, and Mellotron strings, and shaker”], a particularly resonant lyric repeats itself a handful of times: You weren’t in the spot you said to wait. I ask Del Rey if there are running themes of stasis or waiting elsewhere on the record. “I think that’s why I felt that of anything on the record, that wasn’t my song,” she considers. “I didn’t feel like I was waiting for anything. It’s really not about anything personally, except that I love the sonics of it; the filters. I try to be as careful as I can that I’ll want to sing stuff on stage that I write. And that song will be an easy one to do because it doesn’t pull at any heartstrings or anything. And I know it’s special to Sean as well, because he’s his dad’s biggest fan. And so I like that, in a small way, they had a moment, in whatever surreal way that could happen.”
Accordingly, you have my personal favorite track on the record, “God Bless America,” an unbridled spanker of a song that’s title refrain is followed by, “And all the beautiful women in it”—that’s instantly echoing through your melon and one in which Del Rey remarks, “Yeah, I went there.” She describes the song, of which Mawson shared earlier his reluctance to release as a single, given the tendency of Del Rey to net the mentioned public polarization, “It has some strong messaging,” she says nodding. “Some iconography, with Lady Liberty, fire escapes and the streets, and I do get a little New York feel when I listen back to it.” I tell her the song feels grandiose in production, anthemic in verse… very New York in fact, a sparkling pile of empire and accomplishment. And while New York (and its banks) have churned out the free world leader and a boys club not so concerned about everyone therein being blessed, moreover the “beautiful women in it”—reminding us that grandiosity has its pitfalls—“God Bless America” could easily ascend the ladder as a 2017 rally cry.
I ask her if she feels the appropriative nature of the song title may stir any pots of sorts.”Well, it’s the God word,” she says measuredly. “But the phrase has wider meaning. It’s more of a sentiment. When I wrote it I didn’t feel like it was confined to a traditional portrait of the Lord, as some sects might see it. It was more like, ‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’ She further explains the genesis, “When all the Women’s Marches were happening, I had already written this song, because I had been hearing a lot of things online. And I have a sister, and a lot of girlfriends, who had a lot of concerns about things that were being said in the media by some of our leaders. And I saw an instant reaction from women, and I was like, ‘Wow. There is no confusing how women are feeling about the state of the nation.’ And so without really trying to, I felt compelled to just write a song and say we are all concerned. And it really made me think about my relationship with women. And I felt proud of myself, because I do love the women in my life. And I take care of them, and I ask them what they think about music, and guys, and problems, and I thought it was so cool that I’m really right there in the same boat with them. And sometimes I’m not. Sometimes I feel like I’ve got my finger right on the pulse of what’s going on, and then some of my music comes out and it’s like, ‘Fuck, that was a miss. Fuck, that’s not what people feel, at all. But with this, I was right there with everyone.”
Considering the caution from management around the track, I ask Del Rey if the potentiality for rib kicks, or what have you, is particular to her, not just someone famous. Does she feel she’s been on the receiving end of a sort of media lust? A presumptive, dutiful debunking of myths? “Perhaps,” Del Rey considers. “Or the journalists don’t have enough going on personally andthey feel like their contribution to current culture is myth building. It’s either one. It’s a broad mix. And I’ll definitely take accountability for how my energy has informed a lot of not true stories. But 50% of that has just been someone’s personal agenda.” Still, despite the pricks and pokes over time, Del Rey does feel the media is incredibly important and worth fighting for at the moment. “That’s why I do love journalists,” she says, “when they’re not assholes, because writers are critical thinkers. They’re people who think it’s important to have conversation, and conversation can lead to change.”
I’d agree: the fundamental purpose of media is to present the facts and propel conversation. That, of course, has been tossed into the bullshit blender of late; a corrupted election, orchestrated intel leaks, and in turn media’s brandishing “the enemy of the people” by the venal and orange President Trump, has the press in a pretty gobsmacked, beleaguered position. So ass over heels that even the governing party’s own Fox News mascot, Bill O’Reilly, has finally been ousted for sexually pawing and verbally gnawing on women whom his employers have considerably paid off over the years to keep hush. It’s a mess out there, right or left or between. “I feel like this election jolted almost everyone who was floating around, feeling weird, whatever… right into the current moment,” Del Rey says. “I know several people that had a sort of drifter mentality that are now in the thick of it, considering things, and considering their own contributions, and what matters. I’ve known what matters to me for a long time, so I was already kind of there, but I didn’t really see it going this negatively. I feel like we’re in a bit of a Hitchcockian experience, and you’re in a scenario, and every day you wake up and you can’t believe the things being said and done are real. And I think some people are questioning if this shit is actually happening, like especially with the North Korea issues, which are really the scariest because you’re talking about nuclear annihilation.”
“The world is in an extraordinarily tenuous place. And while it could be said, certainly for the sake of this piece, the earliest seedlings of civilization were wrought with lust for power, we are, it seems, at somewhat of a tipping point. On the topic of the Women’s March, I share a video of the protests in Caracas, Venezuela, where some two million people were marching that morning against President Nicolás Maduro, dozens of whom were reported killed by police or government backing loyalists.” I remark that the collectivist, community-making nature of protest could perhaps only be likened to the power of song. Is there anything on the record that explores this swell of community-making here and around the world at present? She considers. “Well, I have a song that’s quite aware about the collective worry, about whether this is the end of an era. It’s called “When the world was at war we kept dancing.” But I actually went back and forth about keeping it on the record, because I didn’t want it there if it would make people feel worse instead of better. It’s not apathetic. The tone of the production is very dark, and doesn’t lead to a fucking happy feeling. And the question it poses: Is this the end of America, of an era? Are we running out of time with this person at the helm of a ship? Will it crash? In my mind, the lyrics were a reminder not to shut down or shut off, or just don’t talk about things. It was more like stay vigilant and keep dancing. Stay awake.”
Given the pace and intensity of the environment in our surrounds of which the artist speaks, I point out that there are still moments on the record that feel lonely, or lost in expectancy, far from active. I cite a lyric: “We get all dressed up to go nowhere in particular.” Del Rey shares that she’d had a phone call with a friend earlier that day, about their personal lives, their music, and she states that he too raised that when talking about artistic stall as a demonstration of stasis. She disagreed with him. “It wasn’t about stasis. I meant that you don’t need to have anything to do to get dressed up and feel special.”
We live in a culture where pressure and precedent abound, one in which women are constantly challenged with not feeling special based on their body, their skin color, their age, their social position, their follower count. Does she agree? “It’s more like we just don’t have as much cultural practice at taking the time to appreciate ourselves for who we really are,” she says. “We spend a lot of time when the nation was founding building government, money, and then getting the education system down, so it’s not like some cultures where you take time to mediate, et cetera, on your own dreams, wishes, self worth. I think it’s not enough practice. It’s not like they teach you that in school. But I think that that’s changing too. That’s actually a lot of what the record is about. Even in “God Bless America”… ‘Take me as I am, don’t see me for what I’m not… Only you can save me tonight.’ It’s about seeing people: what they’re actually doing. Who they actually are.”
In that sense, Del Rey is championing the same values as her influential predecessors, few and far as they may be, or as bamboozled by the power systems in which they thrived. Consider “Beautiful People,” where she trades verses and coalesces on the chorus with the one and only Stevie Nicks, of whom I refer to as a bonafide badass. “I didn’t know what to except or that I could even ask her, Del Rey remarks. “When I went through ideas of women that could really add something to the record, she was the one we kept coming back to. ‘Bonafide badass’ is a great phrase for her. She’s really real. And she’s still fucking touring, which baffles me. There are so few women doing that. You’ve got Courtney Love, who works, sings, tours… there’s not that many women who were making music in the ’70s or ’80s who still make music. It really is pretty crazy.”
“I know a couple of people who love to write,” she says as we’re collecting ourselves to leave the hotel room, “and love to rhyme, love melodies, and I do too. But to me it’s so much more than that. It feels like a life’s work and it feels like it’s really important just to me, so I put a lot of time into it.”
We’ve been speaking for a little over an hour. I return to a conversation we’d briefly shared on the photo shoot regards this, Flaunt’s music issue, and its theme (“heartbreak”), determined before we’d secured Del Rey as our cover subject. She’d been briefed on this by her publicity team and was admittedly wary about aligning. Again, that embodiment dilemma. Appropriation? Role playing? “Everything I’ve done in the last two years,” she says with confidence, “I would never say anything that wasn’t true. Even in the music. That’s why I was nervous about me being on the cover, and in big font “The Heartbreak Issue” because the thing is, I don’t feel heartbroken. So I didn’t want to continue a narrative that didn’t apply to me. Because the only person who truly cares about whether I continue that narrative, or any, is me. So I have to do my due diligence. And it doesn’t always work, but I’ll be damned if I don’t fucking try.”
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“God Bless America,” an unbridled spanker of a song that’s title refrain is followed by, “And all the beautiful women in it”—that’s instantly echoing through your melon and one in which Del Rey remarks, “Yeah, I went there.” She describes the song, of which Mawson shared earlier his reluctance to release as a single, given the tendency of Del Rey to net the mentioned public polarization, “It has some strong messaging,” she says nodding. “Some iconography, with Lady Liberty, fire escapes and the streets, and I do get a little New York feel when I listen back to it.” I tell her the song feels grandiose in production, anthemic in verse… very New York in fact, a sparkling pile of empire and accomplishment. And while New York (and its banks) have churned out the free world leader and a boys club not so concerned about everyone therein being blessed, moreover the “beautiful women in it”—reminding us that grandiosity has its pitfalls—“God Bless America” could easily ascend the ladder as a 2017 rally cry. I ask her if she feels the appropriative nature of the song title may stir any pots of sorts.”Well, it’s the God word,” she says measuredly. “But the phrase has wider meaning. It’s more of a sentiment. When I wrote it I didn’t feel like it was confined to a traditional portrait of the Lord, as some sects might see it. It was more like, ‘Fucking God bless us all and let’s hope we make it through this.’ She further explains the genesis, “When all the Women’s Marches were happening, I had already written this song, because I had been hearing a lot of things online. And I have a sister, and a lot of girlfriends, who had a lot of concerns about things that were being said in the media by some of our leaders. And I saw an instant reaction from women, and I was like, ‘Wow. There is no confusing how women are feeling about the state of the nation.’ And so without really trying to, I felt compelled to just write a song and say we are all concerned. And it really made me think about my relationship with women. And I felt proud of myself, because I do love the women in my life. And I take care of them, and I ask them what they think about music, and guys, and problems, and I thought it was so cool that I’m really right there in the same boat with them. And sometimes I’m not. Sometimes I feel like I’ve got my finger right on the pulse of what’s going on, and then some of my music comes out and it’s like, ‘Fuck, that was a miss. Fuck, that’s not what people feel, at all. But with this, I was right there with everyone.” Considering the caution from management around the track, I ask Del Rey if the potentiality for rib kicks, or what have you, is particular to her, not just someone famous. Does she feel she’s been on the receiving end of a sort of media lust? A presumptive, dutiful debunking of myths? “Perhaps,” Del Rey considers. “Or the journalists don’t have enough going on personally andthey feel like their contribution to current culture is myth building. It’s either one. It’s a broad mix. And I’ll definitely take accountability for how my energy has informed a lot of not true stories. But 50% of that has just been someone’s personal agenda.” Still, despite the pricks and pokes over time, Del Rey does feel the media is incredibly important and worth fighting for at the moment. “That’s why I do love journalists,” she says, “when they’re not assholes, because writers are critical thinkers. They’re people who think it’s important to have conversation, and conversation can lead to change.
Lana interviewed for Flaunt Magazine, 2017
#Lana Del Rey#interview#2017#flaunt magazine#god bless america#lust for life#lana#LDR#del rey#elizabeth grant
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Putting "acceptable" limits on depravity in the name of compromise and "reality" is how fascism eventually triumphs. Or so said Professor Yvonne De Carlo of 'Miss Yvonne's Academy for Wayward Hussies' also known as 'The Frankfurt School' -- a place of higher learning for delinquent, pregnant scholars. "Your new president is merely proof that the depraved nature of power is given license by tolerating all but its excesses" said Professor De Carlo as she powdered her ample cleavage in full view of the astonished, pinafore-clad undergrads gathered for her lecture on the 'Dialectic of Fascism and French Manicures Made Easy-Peasy'.
"You want to know what brought Trump to power? Hint: It wasn't a sudden, inexplicable, sewage-strewn wave of raw hatred poised to strike down public schools, libraries and national parks at the behest of a braying, stupid mob of "privileged" former factory workers. It wasn't merely insanity wrought by decades of institutional neglect or unchecked greed -- although that was a big part of it. It was *nice* people willing to accept certain 'realities' to ensure their place at the proverbial table remained a pristine space of individually apportioned, locally sourced food; a place where rhetorical restraint replaced actual political solutions to any given problem.
You chose 'safe' over actual justice -- meaning someone else's kid will take a police bullet to the chest so that we can all read heavily redacted versions of Mark Twain in the peace and comfort of a colorful ball pit of higher learning like our own Frankfurt School, which I should mention was only made possible by a generous corporate donation from a multi-national purveyor of processed pork by-products with vaguely German origins. At the end of it, you'll all be awarded a certificate declaring you free from venereal diseases, and the skills necessary to lower live poultry into a vat of ammonia in a subsidiary facility owned by our trustees. At your age, I was performing burlesque numbers on the mean streets of my Canadian homeland at the behest of my stage mother. But I'll tell you all about that later in the term when we cover 'Hoochie-Coochie Cave Dancing of the Early Ottoman Empire - as Explained by a scantily-clad Miss Yvonne Waving a Jewel-Encrusted Saber'. Consider that your 'trigger warning'. Now let's proceed:
It was enough that we embraced Caitlyn Jenner and applauded Meryl Streep giving the phone book version of the Gettysburg Address to her wealthy patrons -- I could give a better soliloquy while swallowing a sword and balancing a cobra on my head, but I digress . . . It was enough to sprout a 'dad boner' over Pussy Riot to declare ourselves -- "punk rock", even as we devised ways to make earth's human and animal life redundant during brainstorming meetings that took place in an indoor ergonomic playground that served wheat grass martinis on tap. My dear friend Frederick Marcuse who took me under his bosom . . . or was that the other way around . . . argued that the technocratic efficiency of advanced, industrial societies had rendered it 'one-dimensional', and as such, resistant to all critiques of it. Our "aversion to introspection" according to Adorno -- another generous benefactor to the Frankfurt School -- renders left-opposition to Trump little more than an elite-led, sour grape authoritarianism that is unable to contemplate its own role in a paradigmatic shift towards a more 'unprincipled' and unpredictable variety of global aggression. If you don't believe him, just ask a white feminist how writing 'rape culture' on her boobs in sharpie will 'shame the patriarchy', and this will give you some idea about why I start every afternoon coughing up a ball of mentholated phlegm into my cornflakes.
Let me tell you what brought us to this precise moment of imminent planetary collapse: It was "nice" people with library cards and rescue pets accepting the kind of compromises that result in bulldozing homes in the occupied territories of Palestine, imprisoning whistle blowers, putting indigenous land everywhere under threat, and even sodomizing a half dead Pan-African leader while he lay dying in a drainpipe.
It's the 'realists' who sign off on nearly $40 billion in military 'aid' to Israel so that it can build more settlements in defiance of International law, and the similarly counterproductive reasoning that blames Russian hackers for the DNC's corrupt maneuvering to install its preferred Wall Street-friendly candidate in defiance of roughly half the voting population. The same folks who cry foul the loudest when an asshole takes his rightful place on the golden, Imperial throne after they have spent years polishing it for him, and expanding its powers to flush away civil liberties and environmental protections. Now all of a sudden that reclining, ermine-trimmed commode in the Oval Office is a "hot seat". Back in the day when I was bumping and grinding on the Paramount lot for chump change, Charlton would grab me by the pussy and . . . well, never mind that now. Let's just say that my jungle cat put up a fierce resistance that left a permanent scar on his manhood and not a single scratch on my lady mandibles. Not sure where any of this is going, but anyhoo . . .
It's the 'nice' -- meaning the technocratically-minded gatekeepers of the 'left', who perform the linguistic feats necessary to justify, say, the involuntary sacrifice of dozens of dead Bedouin wedding celebrants in Yemen to maintain cordial relations with a despotic petrostate that helps prop up a neighboring Apartheid regime equally ill-disposed towards its benefactor. 'This is why we can't have nice things like brutalist revolving restaurants atop Manhattan office towers', they will remind you. Ingrates like you always second-guessing the stuff we do to prevent maniacs from seizing power here at home'. The nice among us, whom we used to call 'Good Germans', prefer that you don't bring 'false equivalency' into reasoned discussion about state-sponsored murder, and focus on the positive . . . like . . . um . . . 'At least under Trump, my sad face selfies will have all the political urgency of Guernica'.
It's the "nice" that refused to hold Obama's feet to the fire, giving him carte blanche to capitulate wholly to the more clamorous and opportunistic voices of his inner circle without ever troubling his conscience. The guy was so cool he could grant clemency to Chelsea Manning AND bomb a failed state into further oblivion all in the same week. "Nice" folks would never venture into the treacherous waters of condemning or even criticizing your country's first black president for reasons entirely to do with the sort of career-minded, self-preservation that says "Bummer about Leonard Peltier, but Michelle Obama sure rawked that Zac Posen dress on the cover of Vogue!"
When someone *reaches across the aisle*, it's usually to grasp at the last straws of power allotted to them by whichever democratically elected fascist regime happens to control Congress. Or it's a hands-y director trying to cop a feel on a red-eye flight from LA. Yes, Otto Preminger, I'm talking to YOU!
To make a long-winded lecture only as long as it takes to dry one's nails after the second coat of Revlon's 'Dead Roses on a Dusky Tomb': Trump didn't win in spite of your 'reasoned' acceptance of the outgoing president's expanded powers, but because you were willing to rationalize its unsavory aspects long enough to ensure its unchecked and unbridled form reached its inevitable conclusion".
Professor De Carlo then flounced out of the lecture hall with the scent of Shalimar, and two or three shirtless Cabana boys trailing behind her discarded veils. "I'm off to powder my you know what. Class -- and I mean the particular one that conflates legal weed smoking with political resistance - dismissed"!
by Jennifer Matsui
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Excerpt #2
He had raised her to be a mercenary, because he saw reason to. But it saddened him that she did not regard him as warmly as he had anticipated. He couldn’t understand why she wouldn’t be grateful to him. But when he tried to think of why she was not, his head grew fuzzy, his fists balled, and his breathing labored.
He did not own her, as he owned the other children of his facilities. Hugo was a philanthropist, retired General of Machievallia, and he made his money from being the Director of a privatized foster care fronted facility, “Brigg’s Home,” as it was known to the public. Few children, usually white went on to be adopted. Most of the others received job training in the form of Neo plantation style field work, such as picking fruit, lumbering, and dock work. On the back end, Briggs Facility was a state of the art training facility for special ops of the Machievallian army as well as Hugo’s private army, Panthera. Pathera was led by Sumeria Latham, Demeter Vaughn, and Cheyennah Paulo, the top graduates of the Jungle Gauntlet. The gauntlet was organized by Hugo and his deputy director Marisol Rivera. Children and adults were recruited either from the front in or from juvenile detention centers, rural areas, poor cities, and prisons by Hugo, Marisol, and their officers.
They are lured in by the promise of freedom and money if they survived the gauntlet. Sumeria, Demeter and Cheyennah were the only survivors.
Sumeria looked up to stare at Hugo as he observed her. She did not smile at him, but kept her gaze on him until he nodded goodbye.
Turning her eyes to the various sparring sessions, Sumeria crossed her arms. Her mind was hazy as of late. She usually slept one day and stayed up the next. Her dreams were never pleasant and so she avoided them. Strangely enough, it took a lot to exhaust her. She gave a cursory glance to her subordinates. They were a mixture of mercenaries, and loyalist Machievallian soldiers with childlike dreams of the homeland.
“They’re going to die.” Sumeria looked to her right to see Demeter. The blonde stood in a lab coat, with a cup of coffee in her hand.
“You think so?” Sumeria asked. Demeter snorted.
“You don’t have to do that, you know?” She said. Sumeria was confused.
“Do what?” Demeter, smiled then paused to sip her beverage.
“I know you don’t care whether they die. You probably want them too.” Her voice was soft.
“Hmm.” Sumeria responded. Without saying goodbye, she left the gym and went towards her barracks. She was tired.
Various officers, and low ranking soldiers stepped out of her way when they saw her. She ignored them altogether. They did it out of fear. But whether they did it because she was the Commander or because she was the the only Negro to ever be a Commander after the the Great Crusade, she did not know.
She could call White peoples reactions to her many things, ‘peculiar, ridiculous, perverted..”. But from her childhood to now, she knew already about their oddities, empty customs and rituals.
The Great Crusade brought about massive restrictions to the ‘freedom’ enjoyed by Negroes, then called Black Machievallians. They were not forced to inherit again the status of a slave fated to toll fields of cotton, rice, indigo, or tobacco. They secured slight gains in voting rights, education, and civil liberties. And for a time, a sizable middle class of Black Machievallians emerged, though they were dwarfed by the much larger class of poor who were still bound to their former plantation towns in the southern hinterlands of Machievallia. Black Machievallians enjoyed a small window of ‘opprotunity’ that seemed to cut off their heads as they neared it.
Sumeria, surmised that the Great Crusade was unavoidable given the distorted attitudes of Whites and Blacks regarding Machievallia’s founding, its principle, and the status of Blackness in the empire. That distortion she proposed, had everything to do with the right to be ignorant and the demand of ignorance. The foundations of a wealthy empire meant nothing to those who saw an opportunity to get rich. The foundations however, are the real laws that govern a country, the customs then allow for the law to take whatever form.
“There is no wisdom for fools.” She muttered to herself walking down the corridor towards her barracks.
Tonight is the night of the annual General’s Ball. Commander Latham, though reluctant, attends.
Demeter and Cheyennah are in attendance as well. The three women scan the room, looking for any suspicious persons. The General’s Ball is a diplomatic affair, with powerful figures from all over the world. The powerful countries to the East, West, and South are in attendance. The decorations are lavish and carefully placed. Several chandeliers hang from the ceilings. A soft piano accompanies the mood of the room.
There are sculptures of gold, silver, colonial and modern flags of Machievallia in the center of the room. At the front of the room, there is a stage, and at least a hundred tables with guests and waiting staff. Guests laugh and mingle with one another. The ball is an important affair for the country of Machievallia.
Demeter smiles pleasantly at guests as she makes her way towards Sumeria who is standing against a wall. There is an air surrounding the Commander that draws attention to her. She stands proud, aloof, and untouchable.
“A personality made in Bronze.” Demeter said to her. Sumeria looks past her towards curious gleaming eyes.
“They always seem hungry.” Sumeria said, taking the glass of wine from Demeter.
“Deprived of any real human interaction, more likely….they look at us like we are a different species.” Demeter smirks while taking a sip of her drink.
She looks at Sumeria, who has no discernible expression on her face. When she first met Sumeria, ten years ago, she assumed the girl was stupid. She took everything seriously, could not detect sarcasm nor could she understand others too well. Demeter wasn’t even sure if Sumeria knew she hated her at first.
“Commander?” Demeter says as she notices Sumeria’s attention is elsewhere.
She follows her line of sight to see her staring at Marisol Rivera. Sumeria knew Marisol longer than the others. She knew about Marisol’s disagreement with her appointment as Commander. Sumeria did not understand why she disagreed. She is uniquely qualified to be Commander and constantly produces favorable results. Hugo saw her worth. But Marisol was hesitant. There is always a caution in her eyes wherever Sumeria is concerned.
The room suddenly roars with applauses as a white man with a pinched looking face gets on stage surrounded by military officials. Sumeria recognizes him as Senator Drum, one of Hugo’s supporters and friends. She remembered him from her childhood. She never figured out what he said to Hugo that got him uninvited from his home, indefinitely. But she supposed his love of children had something to do with it. He mentioned when they met, how much a beauty she was. That was the first and last thing he said to her.
“Greetings, my fellows and lovely ladies.” The guests applauded and there were clinks of cocktail classes. The waiters stood to the back, silent and stoic in white and black suits, holding trays of cheese and meat.
“It is a glorious night! It is always great to share the presence of our great General Hugo Ezekiel Blackwell.”
“And some of our famous troops are here. Tonight under Hugo’s orders is a celebration of the accomplishments of our heroes!”
He looks so much older, now, she thought. Turning her eyes away, she made her way towards the hallway. She was not a hero and neither were the ‘troops’.
Demeter and Cheyennah will be fine, she thought. The hallway was empty save for a few of the wait staff, heading to and from the kitchen.
“You look like you could use a smoke?” A woman’s voice called out to her. Sumeria glanced down at the short, portly woman with almond colored skin and big brown eyes.
She was not a waiter but one of the janitors of the building. She had a big smile on her face.
When Sumeria did not respond right away, the woman looked down at the floor.
“Oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bother you ma’am.” She murmured. Sumeria smiled briefly before shaking her head.
“No, I am not bothered. Not in the slightest. I don’t smoke though and it was the first time I was asked.” She said.
The woman’s eyes were bright once more, her mouth formed a quizzical ‘O’ shape for a moment, then she let out a shrill laugh.
“Well, I just spoke out of turn, still. Asking you if you smoke out the blue.” She laughed at herself.
“No, you did not. You were being friendly.” Sumeria said calmly.
“Well, you got to be one of the only big shots to tell me I was being friendly, instead of rude.”
“Big shot?” Sumeria question.
“My sight isn’t too good from far away but now that I’m up close, you got these medals on you and stuff. So I figured you was somebody up there. I remember a long time ago, when it was more of us up top, but the way things is..” She stopped and then looked like she was about to apologize again. Sumeria raised her hand.
“There is no need to apologize or fear consequences from a friendly conversation. I am not that important of a person.” She smiled.
“You just about, the sweetest thing I’ve ever met.”
“I may not smoke but I could use some air.” Smiling at each other, the two made their way to the package drop off area of the building which was near a one lane road that curved around the building.
Goldie, the woman’s name, was about sixty two and from what Sumeria could tell, very lonely. Her daughter was killed about a year ago by a young well to do white man she worked for as a maid. Goldie suspected it was because her daughter refused him sex but the police claimed she was killed by an ex-boyfriend, save for the fact that she didn’t have one.
“She was just the prettiest thing, you ever did see. When the ‘strictions came, she was forced out of her school, Thaddell University. I never thought white folks hated niggers so much. She was the first in our family to make it out of Belview. And they took that from us. My nephew was a truck driver and now he work on Hillman Farm, down there in Bontemps.” Sumeria recalled when Hugo would take her to visit Bontemps many shops and restaurants. He briefly mentioned that the town’s founder, the Bontemps’ were cousins of his and that they managed to recover the plantations after emancipation.
“My condolences, Goldie.” Sumeria said, noticing the woman was a little teary eyed. She blew out some smoke and smiled with closed eyes and gapped teeth. Her cheeks were tinged red and she scratched her short cropped hair.
“Thank you, baby. Thank you for listening.”
-excerpt of The Known World from The Long War (novel) by Indrinka-Sun
#original fiction#original work#black characters#black fiction#black scifi#excerpt from a book i'll never finish#mine
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