#why do i always do this
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toffeesbabbles · 6 months ago
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compilation of color doodles im slamming together into one post
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msphoenixfromdaflames · 19 days ago
Me: Oh I will watch Severance and I'm not gonna fall for the main character, he doesn't seem like my type
Me now every damn time I see any Mark related post:
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avalawliet · 7 months ago
i always screamed about 'My boy breaks his favourite toys' being literally written for lawlight but now I'm destroyed by its original lyric even more.
'He was my best friend, and that was the worst part'
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sunny1sdead · 2 months ago
I’m convinced all my friends actually secretly don’t like me.
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snarky-magpie · 8 months ago
Me: This new story I'm working on will be short. This time, for real.
The narrator: The story was not, in fact, short.
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nereidprinc3ss · 7 months ago
guys breakup sex wip is getting REAAAALLL philosophical i hope yall have brushed up on your albert camus recently
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yourqueenb · 1 year ago
So I finally took the player survey. It took me a while to complete because I ended up writing a lot more than I intended to 💀 But I wanna comment on a few things that stood out to me here…
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I found this question in particular interesting because global traits were not something I had ever considered, but they could potentially mitigate the issues they have with the constant rigid, innocent, and socially/intellectually inept MCs. At least we could pick how we want to play our MCs, right? However, I find the 3 example traits they were able to come up with concerning, especially given that the majority of their players are women and the fact that we’ve been asking them to give us MCs outside of those boxes. Anyway, I’m curious to know what everybody else put for this. I think I selected 2 or 3, can’t remember which.
I also wanna know what everybody put for the questions under number 9 because to me a lot of them seemed to be related to changing the app’s interface or adding monetizable features. And things like that aren’t really important at all imo. (Or at least not as important as the story development and gameplay changes they need to make). I actually like the interface the way it is and would rather they not clutter it with all of the extras they mentioned.
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I was also gonna put what I wrote in the additional feedback box here in case anyone was interested, but some of it got deleted from the original draft of this post. So I’ll just put a few of the major points I touched on below:
“Additionally, we should have the option to opt in or opt out of the appearance of hookups, ending stories in romantic relationships, and romancing certain characters, especially if a book is not classified as erotica or does not have a content warning. Unwanted sexual propositions and descriptions of sexually charged situations can be uncomfortable or even triggering to read, even if the characters aren’t real! For example, the “I’m in a dark mood” scene with Ethan in Open Heart book 3 and the hookup options in Laws of Attraction book 1. Players who have little to no romance points with one character and the majority or all of their romance points with another should not be getting propositioned by or receiving romantic dialogue and narration from/about the former so late in a series. And either less sexually charged lead ins before scenes or the choice to opt in to hookups outside of the main romance(s) from the beginning should be incorporated into the stories. Additionally, if choice is going to be taken away by only offering one LI option, we should at least have the choice to be single by the end of the book. Not all romances have to end in relationships!”
“Outside of romances with love interests, there needs to be a lot more care and development given to MCs. Players spend the most time with and are in the heads of the main characters; yet, it often feels like they’re the least important parts of the stories and experience the least growth. We also rarely see MCs with character trait combinations outside of innocent, incompetent, and new to their field/interest or (occasionally) mildly competent, brash, and uncouth. There should be more diversity in set traits, the choices we can make to shape our characters, and dialogue options/how our characters can react in certain situations. In game personality tests (like in TE and PM) or some kind of point system might help with this issue as well.”
“Lastly, if you don’t listen to any other feedback, please (for the love of all that is holy) retire the new MC body sprites that appear in Unbridled, Hot Shot, Guarded, etc. With flat torsos and legs and disproportionate arms/oversized heads in comparison to the lower bodies, they are very unflattering and unsettling to look at. And what makes them worse are the ghastly pale, sickly looking skin tones. Skin coloring is something you guys never mastered as the Black MCs (with the exception of 1 or 2) have always appeared ashy and as if they were given white/gray undertones - not to mention the minimal hairstyle options and straight roots on textured styles - which is quite irritating and offensive. However, now all of the MCs have skin tone issues in certain books. So players are only left with options that are painful to look at and difficult to enjoy customizing and playing as. MCs with richer skin tones, more flattering hairstyles options, curvier body types, fuller lips/noses, and more unique facial features in general would make gameplay a much more enjoyable and immersive experience.”
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artguy123456789 · 1 year ago
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After watching this movie, this bitch wormed his way into my cosplans. Why? I couldn’t tell you.
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ogorodami · 9 months ago
That's a lot more hair than he deserves
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And since I can’t freaking help myself, here are some headcanons about "the lunarites" as I call them:
1. The markings on his face are natural. They reflect age, blood relations (relatives have similar patterns), and are what remains of an ancient defense mechanism (back in the ooga booga days). This will have an explanation when I put together a coherent post about Starlet.
2. Lunarites can see in the dark, hence the cat-like pupils. The creator of the 1997 adaptation actually mentioned that if he were to make DotM again the Little Earth would be completely sunless with its cities in a permanent state of nightlife (which sounds like a fcking nightmare to me if I'm being honest).
They do resemble regular people but in an uncanny way, like there’s something very off about them. Think how humans would have looked if they were obligate carnivores (which lunarites aren't btw, but more about that in Starlet's post).
3. There is no concept of parenthood in the lunar society: the closest thing would be rich lunarites grooming their heirs to pass their wealth on to so it doesn't get snatched by their "friends" or, gasp, poor people.
Kids aren't born out of love nor are they loved, they either just happen or happen for a specific reason. And it's not like lunarites neglect their own children out of malice. It's just not in their nature to give a crap about them and family institution doesn't exist.
4. While most children are raised by the system from infancy, some are born into communities where bringing kids up is part of the culture. The upbringing in question only means that these children start apprenticeships in local crafts at a very young age and then few lucky ones get shipped off to some factory usually owned by a fellow countryman. Oh, and it's not abuse, it's called "networking opportunities" duh
5. Mr. Squids here benefits from this system since he himself comes from Grabenberg, a coastal city with a very tight-knit community. Grabenberg is known for its seamsters, so basically a breeding ground of skilled workers for Squids’ textile empire.
6. Grabenbergians are traditionally named after marine life. Starlet is also one. As far as she or anyone on the Moon is concerned, the only "stars" in nature are those underwater things without spines. Except this girlie is anything but spineless
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 23 days ago
oh no…. i think i may have accidentally come up with a new au today that’s too yummy not to dive into….
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its-ampoule · 1 year ago
in classic fanfic fashion a once short dadstarion fic has now been planned into a 16 chapter or so carry on
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ohrightgaypeople · 2 years ago
such a simple sentence; such a simple couple of chapters.
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but 422 rly came to emphasize to us why the events on the present were so bad; why they're hurting so much. it's not like we didn't already know - like everything we've been shown in the development and growth of their relationship, but man...
man, does the simple reminder of how far they came and what they were striving for.
tldr.: when we go back to the future, is these small simple moments we've now been taught that are going to make it hurt more.
translation: @19daysmanhua
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waffle-time-god · 20 days ago
My mutuals always know when I get into a new piece of media because I physically can’t stop myself from just typing the tag in and reblogging literally everything
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thewardenisonthecase · 29 days ago
me, playing inquisition: ok i'm not going to do the whole dialogue wheel for this companion right away. I gotta sparse it or else, I'm not gonna have new things to ask for a long time
me, five minutes later: *asks solas all possible questions and now has nothing new to ask for a long ass time*
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astersventaccount · 1 month ago
I feel. Very stupid
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winwintea · 1 month ago
so i may have just written more jisung angst.
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