#why did you think I would react any better to blackmail
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pearls-gone-wild · 1 month ago
"Submit your resume. We will parse it and autofill the application for you! But all the formatting will be gone and also everything is in the wrong order and we're going to be really confused about your degrees!"
*tries to set the online application website on fire with the force of her mind*
*realizes she could have done that if only she'd taken the coding classes her mom wanted her to*
"Submit your resume. Now fill it all in manually."
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loveundrwrld · 1 year ago
yandere alphabet- yandere femboy
template i used can be found here
(cws: blackmail, violence mention, very unhealthy relationship dynamic, stalking)
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
he can be very smothering with his affection, very touchy and clingy. he likes to hug your arm or hold your hand, rest his head on you, and cover your face with light kisses. but, with his verbal affection- he’s more sugary sweet than he is passionate or intense.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
mischa is not the violent type, nor is he really able to fight anyone... sorry reader, but he's not willing at all to get his hands dirty. both since he wouldn't know how to fight, but also since he thinks of himself as being better than people who use violence on others. he thinks of himself as a normal person, who doesn't need to lower himself to such things... despite everything else that he does. he’d also be deeply unnerved and scared in any situation in which physical violence is involved, for both your sake and his own.
in the right circumstances though, he may blackmail someone, manipulate someone, or lie to ruins someone’s reputation… but that’s mostly if he feels threatened by a romantic rival.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
mischa is a little sadistic in the emotional sense, but he's more likely to tease you or to poke at your issues while pretending to be innocent. he’s more trying to get a reaction out of you than to actually hurt your feelings though.
he has a general sense of when he’s gone way too far in his teasing of you, and he’ll ease up on that sort of thing for a bit if so. and, naturally, turn up the affection towards you to distract and comfort you.
generally speaking, he’s very clingy, needy, and affectionate- he spends a lot of time around you. just about as much as he can get away with, really.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
yes- kissing and cuddling. he'd be pouty if his darling refused his affection, and would try to act upset so that you would feel bad enough to let him kiss you. he can be pushy and insistent on getting you to lower your boundaries… like allowing him to sleep in the same room as you, or letting him sit in you lap.
he’ll also make sure that you say things like “i love you” or call him pet names from time to time. after all, he does that to you, so why not return the favor?
he isn’t pushy about sex though, that for him is something he can easily do without. 
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
since part of his ideal relationship is to essentially act a certain role 24/7… he is not vulnerable to you in any real way, not at all.
even though he loves to put on crocodile tears and feign being hurt or insulted by things, he's actually not going to tell you about his real fears and insecurities. it may seem strange to you that he seems so open with some things, but also seems strangely cagey about others. 
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
if you physically attacked him, he'd be shocked and would probably be very offended. he doesn't see himself as being an actual threat to you, so this would be a betrayal in his eyes.
but if you just stood up for yourself verbally- he’d just pretend that you were being cruel or mean to him, in the hopes that you’ll think that you were overreacting. but, secretly he is pleasantly surprised and amused that you did- he finds it fun to mess around with you, seeing how long it takes for you to decide that enough is enough.
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
seeing how you react to him, and how much he can push your boundaries before you react is very much a game to him. he's amused by seeing you squirm and sigh when you're overwhelmed.
seeing you try to spend less time with him or avoid him does upset him a little though. he does genuinely want to spend as much time as possible with you, after all.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
a darling who doesn’t do anything he asks, and is evasive, avoidant, and emotionally distant to him would also cause him to reach a certain reaction from him… where he feels he needs to step up what he’s doing to get any sort of fun out his darling. this is where he gets more emotionally sadistic, and risks angering you to just get a response out of you. maybe he should text your ex strange things, or maybe he’ll secretly let people know about some of the stuff you have that you thought was well hidden in his room… 
and, of course, he’ll be there for you while you’re scared, anxious, and confused… 
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
he definitely wants to be married, to keep his darling by his side forever. he wants his darling to do a lot of the ‘hard parts’ of life for him, and let him live a very spoiled and pampered life. so, probably both cooking and cleaning, as well as things like taxes or yardwork…
although he would love to essentially be a cutesy trophy husband, he does know that to have the lifestyle he wants he’ll likely have to settle for both you and him having jobs. sadly </3
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
he does get jealous, both of platonic relationships (you getting attention in general) as well as any romantic partners... past or present.
if you had a longterm partner while you met him- he’d be very quick to try and ruin your relationship, and possibly try to decimate your partners reputation. he may pretend that your partner hit him to make you want to break up with them, or something similar.
when he gets jealous he doesn’t lash out in the typical way, but he lets out his frustration in strange ways. he’ll be a little passive aggressive when talking about the other person with you, subtly digging on them. “hm… they sure do chew very loudly, don’t they? that’d be very annoying to hear that on dates, wouldn’t it? just thinking.”
he’ll also be teasing you more, making you do all these favors for him to see you fret over him… it helps make him feel less stressed. after spending some time with you he can calm down. though, he’ll still try to manipulate situations so that you won’t spend so much time with that person anymore.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
he acts like a clingy and loving, but ditzy and sensitive boyfriend to you. he wants all of his strange behavior to come off as him being “needy” or something similar. it’s not that he’s breaking your boundaries, it’s that he’s sad and needs comfort.
essentially, he likes being seen as cute and innocent with people, and that extends to you too. 
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
generally using you for amusement and attention at first, just like he does with everyone else. then, he’ll essentially just… casually show up around you or text you more often. it’s less that he’s trying to convince you to date him, since he has a big ego and believes that you are lucky to have him. he just knows that forcing you to date him too soon could end up in you getting freaked out and ghosting him or something.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
yes, mischa is the type of yandere to fake his personality (see:kisses above.) he’s a manipulator and quite a bit selfish, but he acts cutesy and nice with others. 
the way he acts with his darling is just a more intense and focused version of how he used to treat everyone around him. to an extent he still acts that way around everyone too, he just pays significantly less attention to other people.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
he’d never admit to it being why he does it, but loudly crying around other people works well for this purpose. it gets his darling to be more nervous of repeating the same behavior in the future, while also guilt-tripping them…
also, while he wouldn't normally go to such extremes, see: hell above.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
much like with tanner he generally lets you do whatever you want, but is just... also there with you. or he drags you to wherever he wants you to go, but the only thing stopping you from leaving is social etiquette (and if you’d feel bad for him for being “upset” that you did that.)
he's not necessarily strict, but he is very manipulative. he doesn't really need to force you to not be around your close friends... he takes up so much attention and energy from you that you don't have time for most other people. and he can just convince you in other ways to spend less time with them.
if you are more of a naïve and/or a people pleasing type, he's very likely to successfully get his way in what he wants.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
he thinks of you being unwilling or resistant as amusing, basically. he isn’t the type to get all that angry at you, at worst he’ll be passive aggressive. but he does get impatient when he feels that he isn’t getting your full attention, so he’s quick to become more blatant with his efforts to manipulate you. 
and, he becomes less patient when he starts to feel jealous. he thinks of everyone else as ‘unworthy’ of your attention and thinks of himself as ‘worthy’ of it… it makes him irritated as he feels slighted from you not recognizing this like he does.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
he does actually love you, so this would be very hard for him.
if you died, he'd be in shock. he'd be depressed for a long time... he had never even thought that this was a possibility. he'd have a lot of difficulty pretending to be cheery and playful, and may never get over the loss.
if you escaped (as in, moved to a new city or something without warning) he’d scramble to try to follow their lead and try to find you. but, he doesn’t have a ton of resources and connections, so it would be very difficult for him. he would try very hard for a long time, though, as he does genuinely want you by his side again.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
despite doing things that are definitely illegal, mischa doesn’t think of himself as being a “criminal” and thinks of himself as being above such a thing. to him, stalking is only technically illegal, so he thinks of himself as being a normal person.
instead of abducting his darling in the typical sense, he’d rather just cling to them under more ‘normal’ circumstances. the closest extreme that i think he’d go to is showing up in your house and not leaving. he would feel pretty guilty if you're clearly terrified of him after that… after all, even if he messes with you his goal is never to make you think you are in any genuine danger. he'd just be more sweet and giving towards you for a while, hoping that will help you calm down and acclimate to the situation a bit.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
mischa grew up in a good family who loved him, but he did have some issues growing up.
his family immigrated from germany when he was relatively young. his parents became more busy with their jobs and had difficulties acclimating to the culture and language, which both often distracted them from spending time with him. he at the time also felt isolated from those around him, and wanted to cling more to his parents as a result. he's used to acting out for attention and getting rewarded for it, as his tired parents just wanted to give him what he wanted whenever he threw a tantrum.
he's never really faced any consequences for his actions and knows that he likely won't, so to him... if he wants you, why not have you?
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
i think he'd be unnerved at a true breakdown, screaming or anything similar would make him feel a bit guilty and reflect on his actions. did he really do so much to make you snap like that? he'd be more cautious for a while, and may tread lightly around you for a bit. he'll keep a careful eye on you to assess why you’re having such a breakdown.
if it's just crying, he does feel a little guilty, but he’s much less worried. if anything, he sees this as an opportunity for him. he sees that as an opportunity to cuddle them and pretend to be the typical loving caring boyfriend- he's thinking this will likely make you feel more attached to him. 
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
it's not necessarily a moral thing, but as i said in blood above, he's not really going to hurt anyone physically, much less kill them. he also won't abduct the reader in the typical sense.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
mischa is short and physically weak, so it's not hard at all to intimidate him.
also, see: regret above… you aren’t being abducted and tied down, so in theory you do have the freedom to do whatever you want. if you are able to avoid him for a bit, you do have a lot of options available to you.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
nope! he's not the type to hurt his darling... not physically, at least. 
however, he can have some sadistic tendencies when it comes to teasing you or putting them in a situation that scares or bothers you (such as trying to trick a darling who's afraid of spiders into letting one crawl on them, sending the darling notes to make them know that they have a stalker to get them scared and paranoid... etc)
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
he doesn’t show it in the typical way as many yanderes would, but he does put you on a pedestal in his head. after all, he sees everyone around him as being ‘below’ you and being ‘unworthy’ of your time and attention.
he does smother you with high praise and compliments, and its coming from a real place as he really does find his darling attractive, sweet, kind, charming, etc.
but a significant reason for him doing so is for his own sake- he knows that his affections towards you, both verbally and physically, are going to make you more likely to fall for him. he’s definitely putting a concerted effort into winning you over… he’s certain that it will happen eventually, he just wants it to happen sooner rather than later.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
depends on what "snap" means in this context, since his behavior doesn't really suddenly escalate. he starts off strong and then there's a quick escalation, but there's no real point of him 'snapping' into something extreme.
but, if this just means 'general yandere behavior and manipulation'... it's not a very long time at all. once he realizes he's jealous of others getting your attention, he fairly quickly realizes how he's feeling and tries to get you to be around him more often. this probably takes a few weeks or so. then, he slowly escalates over a few months or so as he tries to see just how far he can take things. 
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
although he's not violent or extreme like the typical yandere, you are likely going to be mentally exhausted by his antics and being around him all the time. i think that in general he is the type of yandere that would very much wear you down over time until you get to a breaking point. 
so, you wouldn't break in the typical way this word is used for yandere stories- but you would very likely have an emotional breakdown after a while.
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holnnetd · 3 months ago
Omg omg omg, how does Konig react when he sees a bunny hybrid in comparison???
Now that got me thinking.
How would König react to Hare!Reader next to a bunny hybrid?
(To be absolutely honest, I don't know. So this is badly written, sorry not sorry😊 please make specific requests or I will disappear for 5 months with no other idea about what to write 😞)
"Sht." He held his hand up to silence any noise you might have made. You both stood before the old, wooden door, his hand clutching onto the rifle, tightening his grip before checking the handle, confirming that the metal is twistable.
With a deafening silence, he pushed the handle and charged in, rifle at eye level, making sure no one was hidden in the room in the complete darkness. In case there stood someone with a knife, ready to plunge it into his very biteable neck. Good for him, no one threatening was there. You followed, covering his back in case of any surprise attack.
Not that you'd want him to stay unscarred, but your pay would be cut if he went and started complaining to the commander about you not doing your job "correctly".
A breathless whimper comes out from the dark corner and you avert your eyes to look at the source of fear. Ah. The hostage. God, the whole objective of this mission was a hostage rescue. Some rich assholes kid got taken as blackmail.
"Found the hostage." He murmured, talking into his radio. "The threat is neutralised. No known threats nearby." His voice rings out, ensuring we are safe for the time being. Really, it wasn't hard to find this hideout. The guys were just broke blokes, probably working for some mafia.
You glance at the not so kid like kid.
... That's a young adult, not that much of a kid.
It's a... ah... it's hard to pinpoint their gender.
The rich bastard said something about daughter and money. And some thing else, you are sure. But what it was? That's the better question.
König stares at the hybrid with light confusion. Ah yes, not only has he never met a bunny hybrid but he doesn't know what an androgynous person is.
Fucking old school. Keep up with the times my man. Its the 21st century, guys wear dresses and women peg their boyfriends with 10 inch straps. A girlish-boy or boyish-girl should be least of his concerns.
"Jesus." You huffed out, freeing your hands from any weapon and walked closer to the hostage. A rabbit hybrid. Short black ears, large beaded eyes and fairly frail with a decent amount of squish. That's a cute face though.
"Hello." You greet them, smiling. They seem to be quite confused, as one is. To be honest the kidnappers must have been so shit even their hostage wasn't scared, rather confused. "We're here to rescue." You add, glancing back at the overly silent behemoth behind you for confirmation.
He seems to be deep in thought, staring between the hostage and teammate. "... That's what?" He blurts out offhandedly, not knowing any manners.
"That's... the hostage. A person. Which is addressed by who, not what."
"Ah, yes, yes. Of course. I mean the breed." Bitch, really? Did wolfs raise you? Scratch that, even they have more respect.
It's still an ongoing discussion as to what hybrid types should be called. Breeds or races. It's... subjective, but damn... Read the room.
"They are a rabbit." You clarify. But he doesn't seem satisfied with that answer.
"...But you don't look the same." He retorts gruffly, GENUINELY confused why a rabbit isn't the same as a hare.
Of fucking course. He never learns, does he?
Ahem. Right. Lets pretend the hostage never saw the abuse you unleashed upon the huge man after that stupid comment.
"Can... can we go?" They ask slowly, staring at the huge man trying to shield himself from the fists flying his way.
"Ah, yes." He gruffs, feeling that the hits you laid on him might end up with a bruise on his already scarred skin.
"So, you two are related? Do your 'periods' sync up?" A humourless joke came out of his mouth and I'm pretty sure that might be the last joke he has ever voiced.
"Okay, now you crossed the line." Is all he hears before his nose was broken. Once more.
He has only himself to blame.
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sochilll · 7 months ago
OKAY here we go my official A Good Girl's Guide to Murder the series review. It is very long.
Short spoiler free version: they flattened down most of the characters, made Andie much more palatable, and removed a lot of Pip's detective work. Overall it's not a very good murder mystery or adaptation, but I think it's a fun show on its own.
Okay now let's get into it.
(Extreme spoilers for both the show and the books below)
They character assassinated my girl!!! They removed like all her defining traits!!! Where were the spreadsheets!!! Where were the backups and the secret backups and the third email back ups!!!!
Overall I think Emma Myers was a fantastic Pip. Her line deliveries were great and she definitely fit the way I'd imagined Pip in the books. The gripes I have are with the script. For example: the first interaction with Ravi. Yes that scene is supposed to be awkward and tense but she didn't even tell him she thought Sal was innocent! That's the reason he agrees to help her! Also I think the following him part was much weirder than just going to his house
Will get into this more below but Pip is barely doing any detective work....
Okay the decision to stop the project.... WHY. In the book she stops because her dog gets killed and she's terrified that the blackmailer will hurt her family. Or that they'll go after Ravi. Because THAT'S the essence of Pippa Fitz-Amobi! She is loyal! She cares about her friends and family more than anything. She ONLY stops because she's worried about them. When it's only HER life getting threatened she keeps it a secret so no one tries to stop her. And then also, Ravi forgives her because he figures out what happened to Barney and realizes the position she was in. In the show she just.... thinks Sal did it now? And Becca said she was selfish??? It makes Pip a lot more self centered that THOSE are the things that make her give up. And then also makes no sense why Ravi would immediately forgive her OR why she would continue after Barney gets killed later on??? Have a slight doubt and give up but your dog gets murdered and you don't bat an eye? Truly don't understand the thought process between changing the order of those two beats.
Why would Pip cut open the rabbits???? If it was Andie's drug stash she'd obviously have a way to get in without cutting it open and sewing it shut every time. Come on Pip is not that dumb 😭
Overall Pip is a lot less careful in the show. (Where are the gloves when they break into the Bell's??) They're constantly almost getting caught and giggling which gives the whole thing a much lighter tone. Maybe that's what they're going for but in the books you feel like Pip is actually in danger and it doesn't translate here. On that note: after the first note, Pip barely reacts to the threats at all. I LOVED the scene of her coming home from camping and seeing the note on the table but they just never brought that tension back.
Why did they give Pip a weird memory of Andie??? It (again) makes the whole thing more about Pip than Sal. Now it's about Pip's guilt because she told Sal where Andie was. It's supposed to be about Sal! The whole motive for her to research this is that Sal was kind to her. That she couldn't believe he'd do it. And that there were inconsistencies in the case. The show turns her motives into "he couldn't have done it because then I'm at fault too." Her obsession is supposed to come from knowing the truth, not making herself feel better.
Pip "I'd do anything for you" moment with Cara I WEEP!!!!! They are best friends!!!!!
Ravi was simply not goofy enough ! He had a few really good moments but I missed so many of his little jokes
I know it's much harder without Pip's internal narration, but I feel like the show loses so much of Ravi's (and his parents') isolation. There's the brief scene of the graffiti at the beginning and the part where he won't go to the calamity with her (and even then Pip has to spell it out). But in the book the Singh's loneliness and isolation is so apparent. Ravi says they aren't even allowed to grieve because of what everyone thinks of Sal. It's fucking devastating and it just did not come through in the show
And the previous point manifests in Ravi taking a bit to trust her. He doesn't just hand over Sal's phone on day ONE!! And he never shows her his bedroom! There's a really good scene in the book where Pip steps into Andie's room and it's been perfectly preserved and she realizes the Singh's must have a room just like it. But that doesn't work when Ravi already showed her Sal's room.
Also Ravi would simply never sign off on "I'm gonna publicly challenge the blackmailer that murdered my dog to see if he tries to kill me" hello???? #notmyravi
Ravi just going "lol peace out" at the end HUH??? Also sorry but him finding the marshmallow and getting all sentimental was so dumb bro. Why did you add in this conflict just to solve it like THAT?
They also downplayed a lot of the racial elements. They give Ravi the one line about a brown guy breaking into a rich white guy's house (which is taken much more seriously in the book) but they remove Stanley Forbes and with him, the way Sal was treated by the media. Race is one of the main factors in the way the case was handled (also my theory that it's based on an actual case handled similarly comes from those very discussions). But they don't really acknowledge the fact that Sal's race was a factor in how the case was handled and the vitriol his family faced after in the show at all. (And then they added in the white savior line which was so....). Stanley openly states he thinks Sal is guilty because he's Indian and the show really doesn't touch on that aspect outside of Ravi's throwaway line.
Pip and Ravi
Oooooh the Pip and Ravi of it all.... I do care them
As much as I didn't like the initial interaction I did very much enjoy Pip showing up drunk in her cunty little star outfit that was so cute (also Ravi's mom being like "from a galaxy far far away?" Was so fucking funny)
SARGE!!!!!!! 💕💓💘❤️💞💝💗
He made her a nonalcoholic cocktail!!! And named it after her!!!!!
The romantic tension was very good. The bunny fluff in her hair... waaaaaahhhhg
Sobbing that Pip is so clearly standing on something when they kiss lmao
I like that we got to see the first kiss, very cute. But I am sad they removed the project presentation and the forehead thing ;_;
Andie and Sal
OKAY let's talk about Andie
I really didn't like starting on her. It gives away WAY too much - even though they never actually went through the alleged timeline and murder that Sal was assumed guilty for but still the head wound is such a huge clue to give as the opening scene.
Overall, I don't like how much presence Andie has. The whole thing is that the town is haunted by her absence, that it turns out people didn't really know her at all. And all that is kind of negated when she's showing up in flashbacks every five seconds. It doesn't feel like she's gone or mysterious.
Same with Sal, he's sort of supposed to be contained to the memories Pip has of him being nice to her and Ravi's grief for his brother. But he's also a mystery. The whole thing is that they don't really KNOW that Sal didn't kill Andie. There are times where he does look guilty. But again the flashbacks (especially the weirdly manipulated versions) kinda of ruin that. It's just so heavy handed on the "he's guilty or maybe not" front.
On that note I also don't like the ending they gave Sal and Andie. Sal never knew about her plan. They were fighting when they died and that sucks but it's true. They weren't having this epic love story. And either way, they're both dead, we shouldn't know what happened in that room. We shouldn't get to see it esp since it's Pip's POV and there's no way she'd ever know
Also curious why they decided to make Sal attack the cops??? The ONE thing Pip knows about him is that he's nice. The one thing every single person says is that he's exceptionally kind. In the book his interview is suspicious but he never gets violent. He's kind and they took that away from him and I don't fuck with it!!!
The Andie and Becca interaction..... whyyyyy did they do that? Andie blows her off. That's why Becca gets mad. Becca never knew she was planning to leave or about the head injury. All she knew was that she told her big sister she was assaulted and her sister didn't care. Andie said she should be grateful. That's why Becca got mad and shoved her. Becca was not overreacting or acting with intent to kill. If Andie hadn't already had a head injury she wouldn't have died from her sister shoving her. They changed it to make Andie nicer? I guess? Which brings me to...
Andie doesn't need to be a saint for her death to be tragic. They made all these changes to made her nicer (breaking it off w Elliot once she started dating Sal, the fake added scene of her and Sal planning to run away, her telling Becca the truth, no mention from her friends of how cruel she was to them) they softened her and contradicted the point the book was making. In the book Andie is put on a pedestal and Pip has to uncover that she was mean to her friends and horrible to her sister and cheated on Sal and blackmailed people and sold date rape drugs. But she was also abused and scared and wanted to protect her sister. Pip realizes Andie was real and complicated and nasty sometimes but her death was STILL a tragedy. It still matters who killed her. The movie sanitized that message right out and made her a way flatter character in the process ("You have cast her as your beautiful victim and willfully overlook the layers of her character, because they don't comfortably fit your narrative"!!!!!!)
The Pacing and Detective Work
On one hand I understand they have to cut things down for the show. But also did they??? The book isn't that long and they had like 5 hours. But most of my gripes aren't from stuff that got cut but stuff that was changed for no discernible reason
Everything happens so quickly (when Naomi dropped the alibi thing in episode ONE I was taken aback). Things are revealed so fast and yet Pip is like... so slow to put things together. Dan isn't even a suspect until the second to last episode. She never really suspects Max at all. Howie isn't even mentioned after their one conversation. She never considers any of the Wards. She's not really doing any detective work or making connections she's just waiting to find out a new piece of information. Which leads into the worst part:
Pip doesn't actually solve anything???? People just keep telling her stuff! She doesn't break into Naomi's FB and find out about Sal's alibi being real by studying the pictures, Naomi just gives her Max's secret insta and tells her the truth. She doesn't break into a guy's phone to get Howie's number, some guy just walks her over to him. She doesn't follow and blackmail Howie she just gives him $60 and he tells her shit??? She doesn't put in a request to view the transcript of Sal's interview, Dan just fucking shows it to her (also why is it on his phone????) All of her agency is gone. The only thing she does do is break into the Bell's house and even that was way less thorough than in the book
Elliot Ward and the Ending
I HATE how Elliot wasn't even a suspect. It pissed me off cause it was just for a shock value twist. I think it's a fuck you to the audience when the murder mystery ends with "it was this guy you had no idea was involved at all!" And they went out of their way to remove all the connections to him (the photo of Andie was found in his room, he lied about knowing her, she was openly at him) so they could pull a gotcha on the audience. It's cheap!!!
They also made Elliot a lot more sinister in the show. Not that he was a great guy in the book obv. But in the book he genuinely deluded himself into thinking he had Andie in the attic. Making her a conscious woman who knows she's been kidnapped + Elliot knowing before he even spoke to her that she wasn't Andie + him locking Pip in the attic too just makes him way less sympathetic. In the book he is a man who, yes, took advantage of his position as a teacher with a minor, but also who hurt her accidentally and tortured himself over that for years. He was driven so insane by guilt that he convinced himself he'd found her and she was still alive. Removing that flattens him completely to bad evil guy.
He also is relieved in the book when Pip confronts him because he wants it to be over. In the show he was much more whiny and tries to stop her
Also I don't like that him talking about Sal's death is relayed through a flashback from Isla. It's so distanced. He should be telling Pip.
They also way downplayed Elliot's relationship with Pip. She describes him as a tertiary father figure. He's always around and very involved with his daughters + Pip. But in the show he's in like 2 scenes which again makes the reveal less gut-wrenching for Pip.
Also the reveal with Becca was so.... Idk. In the book she comes off much more sad and like she's genuinely sorry she has to ("has to") kill Pip. More guilt ridden as well. She thought she caused the head injury. She thought everyone, including her parents, would think she killed Andie on purpose and she was scared. And she was scared that Pip would tell everyone that. And also BECCA DOESNT ACTUALLY DO IT. In the book she lets up. She can't kill Pip. That moment didn't happen in the show and it's such an important Becca moment esp considering book 2. In the show she came off much more criminal mastermind
Also small note but Pip thinking "she knows where to put you where they'll never find you" as Becca chokes her hits way harder than Becca going "that's where I put Andie. And where I have to put you" (paraphrasing I don't remember the exact line)
Random Details
Why did they hire a 9 year old to play like freshman year Pip 😭 she's supposed to be in high school with Andie in the flashback right? Why does she look SO small? Just style Emma Myers differently! (Also the way she interacts with Sal reads super young but if she's supposed to be that young why is she at the high school!)
Stop showing the Andie crying flashback stop it oh my god. They show it like 3 times just in one episode. STOP IT! Even if it was a good or important flashback you are overusing that fucking clip please
Why did they make Ant a popular dude instead of their friend?? My only guess is just simply so they'd have to hire less actors for the main group but I would've said to combine Zack and Connor. Ant's turning on Pip in book 2 (if they're even gonna renew it) hurts because he's her friend. And obv Connor has a whole thing going on in the second one but Zack is kinda the extra. I'm just confused on that choice
Why is the calamity party 1. A rave and 2. In a series of underground caves and tunnels?????? Hello??? Also how do they have electricity and overhead lights down there what's going on
Jesse? Cool as hell babey!!!! Lets go lesbians!!!! I actually love that they made her more of a character and she rescues Pip twice that's so fun I adore her
They replaced Chloe Burch with Nat da Silva. Not sure about that in general bc Nat's arc is sort of antithetical to being friends with Andie but I do get that Chloe and Emma aren't different enough to warrant devoting time to them separately when Nat is already there. But again, in the book they were never friends. Andie hated her (also Nat is supposed to have chopped all her hair off and have dark grungy makeup and an ankle monitor how dare you take this from me)
WHAT was up with the drama with Pip's dad??? Leave Victor out of this what was the point!! All u did was further erase her closeness with her family which is her wHOLE THING!!!
Second dad comment: they talk about her dead dad WAY more in the show than the book what was the reason for that? You cut the blackmailing of a drug dealer for that???
Actually laughing out loud at Pip slamming the breaks from 90 kph and literally not moving at all what the hell who filmed this
Pip *filming the most "I'm being held at gunpoint" ass video ever*: I was just joking yesterday. Do not ask me about this again.
They didn't act out the murder to see if it could've happened in the time frame :/
Also they just changed Jason Bell's job?? Why?
Overall the list of suspects is abysmal. One of the things I love about the book is how many suspects and trails there are so you can be finding stuff out along with Pip. It's not immediately obvious but it's also not out of left field. Pip has like 7 suspects in the book and she follows up on all of them. I get how that would take up a lot of time but in the show she seemingly had 0 suspects??? She never really thought it was anyone and didn't follow up any interviews with investigations. It didn't feel like you could've even made any predictions from the show because there were no leads.
Okay that's all go read A Good Girl's Guide to Murder and all subsequent books! <33333
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koaly-ty · 1 year ago
Different Princess (Episode Reacts)
Spoilers for Different Princess from episode 21 to 23. It appears that there is still more to go......
Ep 21
is he making fireworks for her?
those bangs so cute (heart eyes)
new robes agaaaiiinn oolala
omnious person? people guess where you are going to end up when someone gets tired of your little attitude
the pale pink washes him out completely, bro get your brother to color match for you
too sweet too sweet too sweet aaaaghhhhh
well done you managed to pour water all over the romantic date he planned
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh feelings for youuu
what good news? (confusion)
princess you r the best (laughs) tease away might open her eyes to the truth, your brother will thank you
man so very happy proud touched by his intelligent wife working hard to help him
Ep 22
ah hah the plot thickens, empress u r also in this? (disapproving finger wagging)
oh boy what is mummy's boy upto?
he's got u all figured out (smirked)
spontaneous combustion…and he's dead, how can u tell what powder from a burnt corpse??
well he's got confirmation, and he's angry or upset? (cant tell)
people are hypocrites welcome to reality, nice drop (grins), also u need some color in that face, the upset seems to have brought some,
look at that cutey smile at the trust he has
oh wow heartless too much (raises eyebrow)
local man has made new year resolutions and intends to stick to them
new thought: tiny so you can carry
wow parental blackmail, u do realise where you are gonna end up, u should be glad ur daughter is competent
yeaaaaah she already has a guy in mind
ji chu= the most eligible husband material (facepalms)
new robes? wardrobe's expanding
an army in exchange for marriage, wont it look like treason?
Ah hah local man refuses, too in love with his wife
run away run away he knows u heard this is embarrassing (hides face)
arrow to the heart, his dialogue is just (clench fist mr darcy)
well it wasnt a slap (shrugs)
Ep 23
local lady holds twig for emotional support, and they are in matching colors outfits exact same white over red over white (internal screaming and dancing, couple outfits, me such a sucker for that shit)
insurance!!!!!!! (dies laughing, start a business)
Date night (sings happily)and romantic dialogue (thumbs up, two thumbs up go ji chu!!!!) fireworks and he has eyes only for you (swoons happily in this romantic cheese)
ah hopeless boy is here (shakes head sadly)
he's working up to say something, well he's done something (dies screaming happily)
father,pumpkin? why pumpkin?? her bed tantrums lol
he so soft, how you villain…..?
yaoyao i think you look better in some darker colors rather than these pastels
yes and play traitor and murderer in their husband's house
u tried to marry me off to my bestie's husband……….confusion face, indignation!
she told his mother about him, and she proposed marrying her to prince three
the princess is having such a good time, me happy for her, she best girl
this kid is asking for death, such a brat who taught him this (shock face)
his voice so soft to the kid
bro u are never going to get a more peaceful confrontation about the fact u have a kid, she's not going anywhere she's not even gonna divorce u over this or give you any shit she's just accepted she's a stepmom now and she's just like hit me, how many are there (rofl)
(face in hands breathes deeply, i've passed away) who who who gave him those lines i cant tell if they need an award or to go yeet them off a cliff for the second hand embarrassment they are inflicting on us poor viewers
local man trying to induce jealousy in wife, bro she wrote you what do you mean? every thought of yours were her thoughts
bro looks alone
whats with the hesitation
that red dress from certain angles the front top inside looks nude
this brat is a flatterer
look who's moved on (stares judgementally)
why do you sound like you are announcing a funeral, did u think she would be upset you are getting married, bro u r the only one waiting here she's living her best life
yeah look who's moved on, u lying lier, stop looking so transparently delighted that she might be upset at losing you, this is just pathetic i can read you and i suck at understanding expressions
hah u r the least of her concerns, in fact u dont exist, yaoyao is her fav, how does that feel bro (smirks)
lady i get you are caught up in your head that this is your story brought to life but how do u not see his upset disappointed face
and u, how dare you lead yaoyao on like this (angry hissing)
he's still alive (shocked pikachu face)
his heart is gonna give out…..gone for good….?….?….?
murder bestie you are still watching for that ungrateful friend of urs (eyes filling with happy tears)
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SO's Bookclub : The Name of the Game was Murder
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Title: The Name of the Game was Murder Author: Joan Lowery Nixon Genre: YA Mystery
Goodreads Summary :
Novelist Augustus Trevor has written a manuscript that reveals the darkest secrets of his guests. Whoever can solve Trevor's clues can have his story removed from the book. But when Trevor is bludgeoned to death, the survivors (along with the reader) are challenged to find both the manuscript and the murderer.
Okay - back to finishing up reading all of Joan Lowery Nixon's canon YA mysteries. (Because I'm close to the end on these.)
So - this particular book holds a special place in my heart. It was my favorite JLN and quite possibly the first one I bought (if it wasn't On The Other Side of Dark - which, who knows, maybe I bought them together). This is the one that I reread the most -- though upon reread, I had shockingly little memory of what it was about.
And I may have to argue this is the best one that I've read so far.
Interestingly, the thing about this book is that, other than our plucky heroine, there really aren't any of our normal JLN tropes here. No one is from Texas, no matriarch with overlaying Christian values, and no love interest. And while I can tell it's of the same ilk as the rest of Nixon's novels, it does stand out at being a smidge better writing than the rest of the novels.
I'm not sure, though, that it's necessarily good? Just better than what's come before it.
The story is one part Agatha Christie, one part Clue, and one part Westing Game (which -- I can see why I was initially drawn in by this one.) However -- all three of the above are much better in quality, and this almost feels generically mundane in comparison.
Sam comes to a secluded island off the coast of California in hopes that her famous uncle (through marriage) will give her writing tips. It's kind of hysterical that a fifteen year old thinks she can bounce in on a nastier GRR Martin and expect to be given the time of day, but this is also a book where Sam is the only one smart enough to even figure out what is going on.
Sam isn't so bad -- especially when compared to most of the other heroines of these books. She's still a bit altruistic at times, and I find it a little hard to believe that she's the smartest person in the room at all times. But there's nothing egregiously bad about her. I think she's a blank enough slate that the reader could probably put themselves in her shoes without too much trouble.
Her uncle, Augustus Trevor, is a complete asshole -- including to his wife Thea (Sam's aunt being her only friend and ally on the island) and is writing a manuscript that he's using to essentially blackmail famous people. He also put a scandalous story in about his own wife. I realize you're supposed to not be upset about this guy's death but honestly, he is a huge creep - and you have to wonder how and why Trevor and Thea were ever married in the first place.
The famous people are a collection of stereotypes usually found in these kinds of things. A fragile, aging movie star. A Danielle Steele type novelist. A fashion designer (whom I was worried would be gay coded - but even though he was the most vicious of the guests, was not at all painted as queer). An older football star. And a senator (whose politics some what remind me of today's politics.) They aren't all that interesting, tbh, and react to things in the exact manner you'd expect. But mostly they're idiots there because the story needs them to be.
The foundation for the mystery is intriguing enough, but maybe now that I'm older and have read so many more (better) mysteries, it feels stale and standard. The clues given you might be able to figure out if you're very clever - but feel like they're stretching. And I wish the backstories of everyone weren't info-dumped a few chapters from the end.
The ending was as abrupt as usual - and while the book mostly hints at who did it, I wish there had been just a little more to go on. And I wish there had a bit more closure.
Just wanted to make a final note about the atmosphere and setting of the book. Now that we're in the 90s, it doesn't have that same dated feeling as the earlier books did. But I have to add there's a hilarious sequence where everyone argues about how little they know and use computers.
Anyway -- I won't be surprised if I walk away with this being her best book. I think I may like A Deadly Game of Magic a little more due to the creepy atmosphere - but this is probably the best written. I suppose that's as close as a recommendation you're going to get for one of these books.
Rating : 3.75 Stars
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aonemanarmy · 4 months ago
The look of surprise in Vincent's eyes didn't escape Sephiroth's notice, although he didn't understand why the gunman would react in that particular manner. Emotions had always been a difficult thing for the madman to comprehend beyond their most rudimentary form, which left all forms of expression he might've expressed largely flat and off-putting. It was unnecessary though, because from as far back as he could remember he'd always been told that emotions were things meant for humans, not things.
Not him.
Perhaps that was why he lacked the capacity to understand Vincent's line of reasoning. Sephiroth knew Shinra and what they were capable of and while he was intelligent enough to realize not every paper pusher or bean counter might've committed atrocities directly, the metaphorical blood was still on their hands because at the end of the day they had a choice. None of Shinra's countless employees were forced to do the corporation's bidding, but they had chosen to do so of their own volition and they could've resigned at any time. They didn't though, and that was what made them different.
So it was laughable that the ex-Turk would suggest they didn't have a choice. There were other jobs to be done in the world not related to the company, but they had taken the easy way out at every turn heedless of who or what may have suffered because of it. Sephiroth wasn't the slightest bit surprised as it was in human nature to avoid hardship, but it was nonetheless disappointing.
“Here I had thought that Shinra employees chose to sign their own contracts.” He said dryly, his expression remaining as immovable as stone as he spoke. “I had not thought that Shinra forced them to work while compensating them with paychecks out of the kindness of their heart. It is really quite touching the stark difference then between the two of us.”
Sephiroth had never been given a choice. If he had been ordered to do a task then he did that task regardless if he wanted to or not and if he refused all that awaited him was further pain and suffering with no compensation whatsoever even when he complied. He had been caged like a beast, allowed nothing of his own that the company didn't grant him and which they would gleefully take away should he disobey. As such, he didn't have a single item to his name that they didn't own, not even his own freedom...until now.
“As a Turk I had thought that killing was part of your position, so what difference does it make? Do you think yourself merciful sparing other killers who would hold no hesitation in doing the same thing to you?”
While not a part of the Turks Sephiroth knew of the department and what Shinra used them for. They were corporate muscle, used for all of the underhanded and less than palatable jobs that needed to be done. In that vein it wasn't uncommon for their organization to delve into everything from bodyguard work, blackmail, and threats to extreme causes involving beatings, torture, and even assassinations. The Turks were criminals in everything but name and they hid it all behind the veneer of pressed suits and corporate smiles.
It disgusted him.
“Besides, I had thought after all that has been said and done that you already had plenty of blood on your hands. So what does any more matter?”
The not so subtle jab made at him didn't even sway Sephiroth in the slightest. It wasn't the first time that humans had thought themselves to be above him and it certainly wouldn't be the last. The difference was that he knew that he was different and he had never lied to himself about that fact or tried to dress it up as anything else than what it was. Thanks to Jenova he now knew that he was the rightful inheritor of the Planet, its savior, and he would fulfill that destiny whether the humans fought the inevitable or not.
“I am aware of what your kind think of me.” There was no emotion in his voice as he held the ex-Turk's gaze, his own unwavering as it bore into Vincent. “You like to think that you are better, when in reality I am the monster that you have created.”
'After all, where were you back then?'
'Where were you when I needed you most?'
'You were never there.'
'Now like all the rest of them you blame me for it all.'
The accusatory thoughts flowed unbidden through his maddened mind, their words like jagged glass that ripped and tore at what small shreds of sanity Sephiroth had left. It was an avenue of thought he usually avoided just for that reason, even if he wasn't consciously aware of that fact. All because it opened up an old wound that had never truly healed, one that stemmed all the way back from the young and broken boy that he had been all those long years ago and that still cried out for mercy in the depths of his fractured psyche.
Sephiroth shrugged, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as he lifted his gaze skyward, noticing the break in the clouds. “Where were your fears back all those years ago? Why did you not end me back then when it would actually have counted?”
The night wore on, and as the two made there way up the mountains through the snow, morning had begun to break, eventually casting a light glow over the land. However, it didn't give off its usual warmth. Even the sun's warmth was in competition with the impending terror that was wading through the snow and towards the Whirling Maze. Even the planet itself seemed to tremble the closer Sephiroth and Vincent approached their destination. It seemed all but certain the planet would meet its demise. Vincent could feel the planet's pulse grow stronger, tugging at his chest as if begging him not to move further. But if he were to spare the lives of those he cared about, he had no choice but to follow the planet's most feared enemy, knowing he was also now an accomplice.
All the while, neither of them spoke a word even though both were hyper aware of one another's presence. One was tirelessly hastening towards his goal with reckless abandon, while the other was feeling the weight of every footstep getting heavier, and more blood stained the closer their destination became. Vincent's mind was trying to puzzle the pieces together, contemplating what all would befall Cloud and the others once they did meet up.
No matter how one could spin it, the fact that Vincent was now serving as a protector of Cloud's and the planet's worst enemy, not to mention his friend's murderer... it spelled betrayal on a level that would have put Cait Sith aka Reeve to shame. If the entire party turned against him, so be it. Perhaps it would be better in the long run for their sake. Vincent had sworn to never get close to anyone again. But here he was worrying about the bond he had with his friends, especially Cloud-- the fragility of life, friendship, and forgiveness. If things went exactly the way Sephiroth and Jenova intended, Vincent would lose them all, including Lucrecia. Even if they managed to defeat Sephiroth and Jenova, the planet was already on the verge of death. Sephiroth was merely enabling and hastening the inevitable. And once the planet had had enough, he would still be left alone, and Lucrecia's spirit would be lost to the abyss along with every other soul Vincent had ever cared about. So why was he going through with this...?
At this time, the snow had all but vanished, being exchanged for some more harsh winds that threatened to cast off any and all over the depths of the canyon. No sane individual would cross such a dangerous path. The essence of death was growing stronger from within the caverns of the Maze, indicating to Vincent that several had made this place their resting place. He could already tell it would soon become a tomb for countless hooded figures, should they dare to venture further in pursuit of Sephiroth.
Vincent's thoughts were diverted once he heard Sephiroth's voice, guiding his attention to the large edifices and winding path before them. Though he had never ventured into this place before, Sephiroth’s words told him everything he needed to know when it came to how close their destination was. The sinking feeling was more keen than ever.
Vincent watched as Sephiroth turned towards him, crimson and mako colors clashing in a brief moment of mild confusion. The question wasn't exactly surprising. But the genuine curiosity got Vincent's attention more than the question itself. Why did Sephiroth care? Was this just a ploy to pull out any weakness from the gunslinger? Or was Sephiroth actually curious about what made Vincent a sympathizer instead of a cold-blooded murderer?
For a moment, Vincent stared at Sephiroth, a hint of surprise in his eyes before he decided to answer. "Not all who bear the mark of Shinra are mindless killers. Humans aren't that simple." Vincent began, looking off the side to look at the canyons around them, or perhaps he was sparing himself Sephiroth's gaze. "Sometimes... they don't have a choice when it comes to committing atrocities. Just like when you didn't have a choice to become what you are today." Perhaps Sephiroth could understand that much, but even then, Vincent knew it would have been ludicrace to hope for Sephiroth to have any sympathy for humans at this point.
"If I didn't spare them, then it would be easier to take the lives of many more." In essence, he would become numb to killing. He furrowed his brow and shut his eyes for a moment, keeping some thoughts to himself, the wind tossing his hair and cloak in a chilling breeze.
A moment later, he lifted his head and allowed their eyes to join once again, a slight hint of determination in his gaze. "...and should I fail to quell the beast inside, I would become no different... than you."
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metize · 4 years ago
Rating: Explicit Warnings: Rape/Non-Con Relationships: Yagami Light/Reader Additional Tags: Reader-Insert, Praise Kink, Yagami Light is Kira, L is reader's brother, but no one's supposed to know, Possessive Behavior, Unhealthy Relationships, Blackmail, Coercion, Sexual Coercion, Oral Sex, Rough Oral Sex, 'good girl's, AFAB reader - Freeform, Misogyny, Workplace Sex, Desk Sex, Penis In Vagina Sex, Vaginal Sex, this is filthy, I'm so sorry, Manipulation, Top Yagami Light, Jealousy
A/N: Filth! Absolute dirt! I'm the Trash Man! I come out, I throw trash all over AO3, and then I start eating garbage! Enjoy.
"You seem to get along very well with L."
You could practically feel your heart stop when Light said that. You felt so stupid, of course, this guy would figure it out. You tried your best to look unfazed while you panicked on the inside. The black-haired detective and you were trying to keep it a secret from the task force that you were siblings. You cursed Ryuzaki internally, he had been acting kind of protective towards you and it was bound to raise suspicion.
“You think so? I’ve just been trying to be on good terms with everyone.” You deflected.
The investigation room was empty save for the two of you, there was a single monitor showing the news broadcast reporting on the most recent Kira murder. You focused back on the files you were sorting through. Your older brother never cared much for organizing and that drove you mad. You glanced in Light’s direction again, he was staring at you, his gaze sent shivers down your spine, you just forced an awkward smile.
"Did you let him fuck you yet?" He deadpanned.
"W-What the fuck? Of course not!" You answered abruptly. You were offended that Light would even ask something like that. The crude way he said it too, made you blush in embarrassment. You found it weird he'd say something like that, usually Light was nothing short of a gentleman when addressing you.
"Don't get coy all of a sudden. Just admit you two are fucking already." He sounded annoyed now. He got up and got closer to your desk, his eyes never leaving yours. You sometimes felt intimidated in his presence, now in the middle of the night, alone with him towering over you, this feeling increased tenfold.
"T-that's disgusting! Why are you even saying that? We're just… we're just friends, coworkers who get along, whatever!" You started to crack under the pressure.
Light brows furrowed for a second and then his eyes widened in revelation. A grin formed on his face and he burst into laughter like he had finally gotten the punchline to a joke. His laughter was scary, loud and almost maniacal.  You didn't know how to react exactly so you looked at him nervously and confused.
Did he believe you? Did he find the misunderstanding funny? Was that it? You hoped that was it. You offered a weak smile as his laughter died down.
"I was so caught up in this… obsession… this feeling of jealousy… ah. It was obvious all along. You're siblings. Siblings!" He shook his head smiling "This is pathetic. You're becoming such a nuisance with your distraction."
He figured it out, of course it had only been a matter of time. But that realization took way too long for his liking. He was blinded by the rage of the idea of L having you and he didn't stop to consider any other possibilities.
"Excuse me? I didn't-" You got up and started to retort his rude comment.
"Shut the fuck up." And you did so out of shock. Light wasn't like this normally, he was relatively courteous and nice. Why was he so… brutish all of a sudden? He smiled at your obedience. "Good girl."
The praise felt so dirty, you frowned at him. Being infantilized was something you were used to dealing with in the workplace, being surrounded by older men. But Light was pretty much your age, what was he thinking?
You didn't have time to wonder because the man grabbed your collar and pulled you into a kiss.
You tried to push him away instinctively and ask what the fuck he was doing, but Light grabbed your wrists. He held them so tightly it almost marked your skin. Your lips were still closed so he bit them to make you part them. He kissed you aggressively as if he was punishing you for something. his tongue entered your mouth deepening the kiss and claiming your mouth for himself.
He tasted like coffee and sin.
"God, and I thought fucking L's girlfriend was a good idea, this is way better." He sounded extremely amused. "I wonder how is he going to react when he finds out I fucked his pretty little sister?"
Ryuzaki had always had a bad feeling about Light, he mentioned you should be careful around him, you knew all that and here you were. You thought he was being overprotective, to be fair Light wasn't the first guy L had a bad feeling about.
Light's hand was now caressing your hair, smiling content with your current predicament and very proud of himself.
"We… w-we can't." You tried to come up with an excuse. "We work together, so it would be-"
"I am Kira."
You heart stopped when you heard those words. Everything started connections in your head, every lead, every tip, every death. You still had many questions, some things didn't make sense, but as you stood there looking at that man's face it was clear that he wasn't joking.
"W-why are you… telling me this?" You tried to back away slowly. You could hear your heartbeat drumming in your ears.
"Because I feel like keeping you to myself." He smiled sinisterly, every step back you took he stepped forward to approach you again "I was contemplating killing you after pounding your cunt, but I told myself I deserved a little treat."
Hearing him talking about murdering you in cold blood activated your flight instinct immediately. You turned away and rushed towards the door, but as soon as you tried to twist the doorknob and open the door, it was locked. You twisted the knob again and again, desperately trying to unlock it with sheer willpower.
“Stop that, you’re smarter than this.” You heard his voice right against your ear, his hands now grabbing your waist and caressing you through the fabric of your blouse. “There’s only one way you leave this room” he placed a kiss on your neck and you shivered despite yourself “with my cum leaking down your thighs” he grabbed your throat suddenly “and invisibly leashed to me, like a good little pet.”
You were shaking, incredibly aware of Light's bulge pressing against your ass, one hand toying with the hem of your shirt and the other still holding your neck possessively.
"Are we clear, pet?"
You felt his grip tighten a bit so you just quickly nodded your head. It showed to be the wrong answer, because you were punished with a sharp swat to your ass.
"Use your damn words, there's a reason I chose not to gag you." He grabbed your face, forcing you to make eye contact with him. "Say 'Yes, master'."
He was a sick fuck. You wanted to scream at him and call him exactly that. You wanted to push him away and go home already. But god damn it, you wanted to survive this.
"Yes… m-master."
He smiled at your obedience and his grin made you sick to your stomach. He placed a kiss on your temple and pat your hair gently.
"There you go, good girl. That wasn't so hard, was it?" He turned you around quickly and pushed your back against the door. His mouth was on yours again, his hands slipped under your shirt and you shivered feeling his cold touch on your skin. The fabric was restraining his hands so he grew frustrated and started to undress you at once.
"Y-you don't… have to do this, Light. I promise I won't tell anyone, just let me go and-"
"Don't waste your breath. You'll need it when I get to choke you properly…" he answered simply, amused by your perseverance, all the while looking forward to breaking it. "I want to fuck you, so I'm going to do it. I have the whole world in my hands and it's not a little pet that's going to deny me what I want. Understood?"
He tossed your shirt on the floor and started pulling your pencil skirt up. He glared at you for not answering and you promptly spoke up.
He smirked. You felt his fingers trace your slit over your panties, you shuddered and instinctively tried to move away.
"Don't fucking move." His other hand grabbed your waist holding you in place. His tone was harsh and you were so fucking scared.
"I'm sure you are… Good girl, at least you have manners." He chuckled at that. "Not that your decency matters, look how wet you are for your master…"
He stroked the wet fabric to emphasize his point and you tried to hold back a moan, but it was useless. It felt good, of course it felt good. Light was a hot guy, he obviously knew his way around someone's body and you were only human. His lips captured yours again and he kept playing with your clothed sex as you made out. You could swear you were going insane, the pleasure of his hands on you was intoxicating and his mouth on yours had you gasping for air.
"Get on your knees. Now."
You needed to survive this, you needed to be useful to him. The way he ordered you around did excite you but you needed to stay focused. You were not supposed to feel good, you were supposed to find a way out of this situation.
For now that meant kneeling before Light as he pulled out his cock for you.
You gulped as you eyed him, of course Light Yagami had a big dick, you had to have suspected it. But now you had to give him head and you knew very well he wasn't going to go easy on you. He saw your hesitation and scoffed in amusement.
"Go ahead pet, you want to prove to me you're worth keeping around don't you?" He smiled devilishly at you.
"Yes, master." You murmured and licked your lips. You could do this. And, in a weird way, you kind of wanted to do this, you wanted him to praise you more, to call you a good girl again… you repressed the thought. This is disgusting, Light is disgusting and a murderer. You were strong you won’t fall for his games.
You grabbed his cock by its base and started to gently suck the tip. You looked up at him before taking the whole shaft into your mouth. You sucked him off to the best of your, limited, abilities, trying to get him deeper with each bob of your head. Maybe if he came in your mouth he wouldn’t touch you further, maybe he’d let you go.
Your hopeful thoughts are interrupted by the man’s hand grabbing your hair forcefully, you looked at him and he was grinning like the maniac he was.
“Sit still, let me use your throat a little bit.” His voice was unshaken. You felt a bit annoyed he didn’t seem phased by your efforts. You didn’t have time to dwindle on that feeling because Light was grabbing your face and fucking your mouth as soon as he finished his phrase.
His pace was unrelenting and you felt your spit dribbling down your chin, you tried to breathe in small intervals and you could see him laugh at your predicament. You felt rage but he slowed down his thrusts and started petting your head. Like a kid. Like a pet.
“That’s a good girl, such an obedient little pet…” he breathed and pulled out “Bend over your desk for me.”
Fuck. You were out of breath, you could only nod and do as he said. You didn’t even think of disobeying his order, he praised you again, you were doing a good job… You got up and rested your torso on the desk. He was going to fuck you. Light was Kira and he was blackmailing you into submission. This was an absolute nightmare. So why the fuck were you so turned on?
“You know where you belong, don’t you, pet?” You felt his presence behind you and he pulled down your panties. “Not above anyone, not next to your brother… Not even by my side.” He pulled your hair and you yelped despite yourself “You belong under me.”
He entered you forcefully and you couldn’t help but moan loudly at the intrusion, he didn’t prepare you with his fingers, he didn’t touch you properly at all, it hurt and he knew. But he didn’t give a fuck.
“You should be grateful to your master, whore.” His hand reached around your neck his grip making you gasp. “Tell me you can be obedient.”
“I can!” You cried and you felt his other hand reach between your legs to press your sensitive bud.
“You think you can be useful? Do you think you deserve to live to serve your master?” His thrusts were getting harsher and he groaned “Do you?!”
“Yes, master, please, master!” You begged. To cum, to live, anything. Light held your life in his hands and you were so scared, but so turned on.
“You better....” He grunted and kept on rubbing your clit “I fucking own you. I’m going to cum inside you, going to make you my breeding bitch.”
Oh no. That wasn’t good. That was a bad idea.
“N-no… please not inside” You heard him laugh at your resistance.
“Then tell me… tell me his name.” His name? Fuck. Ryuzaki.
You couldn’t tell him his name. Was he going to kill you if you didn’t? You couldn’t do it. You sobbed and grasped his arm in fear.
“No, I can’t, I can’t!” You cried out shaking your head. The pleasure was overwhelming and you came on his fingers screaming. “I can’t! Ah!”
You saw stars, Light never stopped pounding you as he laughed maniacally at your desperation.
“Know your fucking place… useless cunt.... Fuck-” His laughter died down and he pulled you closer as he came inside you.
You felt his spent dripping down your pussy, you trembled both from the orgasm and from fear of what came next. Light pulled out and turned you around, smiling amused at your scared face.
“Don’t worry, pet, of course I wasn’t counting on a dumb slut like you telling me this information…” He pat your head and you stood there with tears rolling down your face “You’re beneath me, I don’t need you, I don’t need your help. I’ll find out eventually.” He chuckled and wiped away your tears “But I do know your name. So you better behave.” He kissed your forehead. “Won’t you, pet?”
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mr-voorhees-husband · 3 years ago
More Yandere headcanons for Tssm Mysterio, please.
Oh. Oh YES.
Of course anon, my beloved, I will be GLAD to.
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Warnings: Yandere (obv), slight non-con, kidnapping, nsfw mentions (NO RAPE), toxic relationships
Reader - Gender Neutral, knows about the sinister eleven
So, first of all, he’s definitely an Impulsive Yandere. Tssm!Mysterio doesn't think it through before he decides to kidnap you. He’s also a bit delusional and self-indulgent. He’s caught off guard if you don’t immediately go to him like a moth to a flame, hell, he might even cry if you react badly enough.
Quentin treats you amazingly, though. Even if he’s a bit impulsive, he has enough brain to prepare them a proper room in his safe house, away from the Sinister Eleven. The room itself is luxurious, fit for royalty, which he believes you to be. (Now that you're dating the great Mysterio, of course you're royalty)
While he believes himself to be a gentleman, as said earlier, he is extremely impulsive. Without thinking he’ll pull you into a hug, grab you, sometimes even lift up your shirt. He doesn't mean anything by it, he promises, he just gets so excited that he actually has you he doesn't think about it.
Speaking of excitement, he would never do anything else without your consent. Maybe the occasional kiss, but anything past that he needs your explicit consent. He’s delusional, but even boyfriends wait for consent. (at least the good kind do)
He's not very jealous, Quentin believes completely and wholeheartedly he’s the best of the best. He thinks you can't get any better than him, not that you couldn't land someone else, but he knows you’re not stupid enough to fall for someone less than him.
The only person he might be jealous of would be the Spider, only because he’s worried you’d fall for the hero. So when he does get a hold of you, it becomes a lot less ‘beat the bug’ and a lot more ‘rip the bug’s heart out’. Quentin can't have anyone stealing you away, even if you don't want to go with the bug.
Murder is rare with him, but not unheard of. Though, usually he’d just talk Rhino or Shocker into doing his dirty work. He has more than enough blackmail on the rest of the eleven that he might as well be the leader. The only time he’d get his hands dirty himself is if the person seriously hurt you, either an abuser, rapist, etc.
Speaking of blackmail, as his darling, you get to know everything. Maybe one day he’ll let you talk to the eleven again, but until then, you're his confidant. From what the eleven of them did that morning, to the argument they had that ended in Ox almost killing Goblin.
Quentin doesn't like holding you captive though, even if he does it for so long. I feel like it’d take him at least a couple months before he lets you go out, especially if you fought him in the beginning. The first taste of freedom you’d get would be when he takes you to the Sinister Eleven’s base, and even then he keeps you in an iron grip the entire time. Most of the group is happy to see you after so long, the only one who’d be a bit concerned, or suspicious, I feel like would be Mason and Flint.
Quentin is quick to dissuade their worries though, after all, he’s a wonderful boyfriend, why would he ever harm you. Mason for the most part believes him, but Flint is a bit unsure. He’s the one that you’d have to go to if you wanted to get out. While any of the Eleven would try to help, he’d probably be the only one able to actually help.
Trying to escape never goes well. Quentin throws tantrums if something goes wrong, and this is no exception. When you try to escape, the punishments are swift and on the edge of being torturous. If you actually escape, he’d tear apart the city to find you. It's almost scary how tunnel vision he gets. When he reaches you, and you're screaming at him to stop, to leave you alone. He doesn't understand it.
After all, you love him. Don't you?
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guesswho873 · 3 years ago
Summery: jschatt wants tommy to betray pogtopia, and leaves the job to dream, so he have to convince tommy one way or other.
Note: I added a little bit of my au in this too, so if something feels off the lore, it's maybe cuz it's my au, or my dumbas* forgot that part of the lore.
Ok! thx you for reading this, now you can start reading this.
"what the fuck you want?!" tommy asked, he was just walking around pogtopia when he ran into a masked man with a wicked smile who replied to the angry teen, "oh! heyyyyyy, my old friiiiend.... i came here for a.... "faver" you see.."
tommy raised a eyebrow to the green man. "ohhhhh... nothing just a small favour....!" dream said chuckling,
tommy frowned and asked "and what the fuck would that be?" and dream sighed and said " now, now tommy you don't want to get on that tone!." dream said and reached out for his sword.
tommy took a step back and dream took a step forward. "now you better do what i fucking say or else this place is gonna get bloodly" dream said slightly pulling his sword out.
tommy was in fear, there was no one in site and he don't think anyone is gonna hear him, and sure he had his weapons but it was almost broken only can swing a few times, so he nodded but still he knew what dream had in mind is not good.
"betray them." that's all dream said in a serious voice. and tommy cringed at hearing it. "the fuck?" tommy said.
"TOMMY!!" dream shouted and tommy flinched. how did he got him self into this??. ugh he should have listen to wilbur when he said not to walk around the forest this late at night, but as always he didn't listen to him, and now he is stuck in this situation.
"FUCKING.Betray.them...."dream demanded him, " N-No!!!! what the fu-fuck??!" tommy tried to sound intimate but the fear in his voice was clear, this all was so sudden, why dream would care if he betray pogtopia, it's not like he is on manberg side, right? or is he, if he is, then why?, why would be on jschatt side, that doesn't make any sence?, cuz he thought he helped them to get some loot, was they wrong? what's happening?
tommy had so many question that can't be answered, atleast not now. "oh? so you want to do this in a hard way huh?" dream came forward slowly and rubbed his sword in his plams and continued "so, you want to get killed this soon?, tortured? oh trust me you WILL suffer, like for example drain all your blood when your still alive, or maybe tie you up and i hit those eyes of yours with my arrows? and enjoy your screams?" dream placed his sword, the tip reacting tommy's neck "how does that sounds?" dream asked with a sadist grin that tommy can't see but hear.
"do it." tommy looked down, "wha-...." dream asked shocked lower his sword a little.
"i said GO THE FUCK HEAD AND DO. IT" tommy looked directy on the mask and took a step forward and continued "I am not going to even fucking think of betraying them, NEVER. so go ahead and do as you wish i DON'T CARE, YOU PRICK!" tommy shouted holding the sword's end, and blood came down from it. which even got dream off gaurd.
"fine" dream took away the sword from tommy's hand and swung it, tommy closed his eyes tightly, he thought about wilbur phill,techno,tubbo everyone he loved.... at his last moment of his life, ready for the sword to tear open his neck.
but it didn't.....?
tommy slowly opened his eyes to see dream just staring at him, like he is in some thought like, he is not sure if he want to do this or not.
on dream's head, he didn't know what to do, he didn't think tommy would actually accept it! he said that just to intimate him cuz he didn't actually want to hurt him, actually he didn't even want to blackmail tommy into betraying pogtopia, jschatt wanted him to do it.
of course he refused at first, diefnitely not cuz he didn't want to hurt tommy but, cuz well.... he hate to say it, but he wanted pogtopia to win, he helped them too, but then jschatt said something that made him think otherwise.
"if you do this, i will show you something that no man in this server has ever seen...." with a smirk. and that got dream curious, sure he could just be lying but something, like the way he said it, dream know he wasn't lying, but what could it be..... something no man in this server has seen? not even him?
dream was snapped out of his thought when he heard a laugh, it was tommy.
"ptt- i know it, you all just talk!!!" another laugh "oMg like 'i gonna drAin your bLOod' ooooohhhhh! omg i am SOO scared!" tommy mocked him, and dream was unable to do anything but lower his sword and frown.
"pls call me when you ACTUALLY gonna do something, i will be waiting, you little btich!" tommy smirked and turned around.
"you trust him?" tommy head a silent but chilling voice say that, tommy felt chills go down his spine, as he trun and ask..
"what?" tommy asked in a very low tone.
"DO you really trust him?" dream asked again a bit annoyed.
"i-i mean,of course?!!" tommy said trying to sound confident but failed.
"*scoff* how pathetic" dream scoffed, if he can't hurt tommy, he will do something he is very good at, manipulation.
"excuse me?" tommy asked confused.
"of course, you are here ready to give up your life, while wilbur is there using you" dream said.
"usi- huh?! stop talking shit!" tommy said.
dream did a small laugh "poor tommy, who is still a child, don't know anything about the outside world...."
"okey, how are you ganna defeat jschatt exactly? by killing him?…, HA! pogtopia is really lacking some loot AND members, and jschatt has a full control over a city, that YOU created." dream said scoffing.
"well we will get soon?" tommy said and dream again just giggled, he walked closer to toomy, tommy tried to move backwards, but dream started to walk around him.
"nononono! you silly!" dream got closer to tommy's ear and said "wilbur will probably destory, everything. and leave you in dust." tommy flinched amd turned back at him "n-no that's not- no, i-it's not! we both care about eachother you h-headless creep!" tommy even forgot how to insult.
"care? CARE!? pttth- he brainwashed you real good, huh? tommy, there is no fucking care here, he just want you so he could use you!, how? you may ask, to get access to your dearest friend, tubbo. and he got it" dream said tilting his head to the side and smile.
tommy took a step back " why tubbo? " tommy asked a sweat dripping down his neck.
"gosh! should i really have to explain everything?" dream rolled his eyes and continued "
"he needed tubbo to spy on jschatt, and how would he do that? by you, you and tubbo are really close friends, and he knows tubbo wouldn't say no to you even putting his own life in risk, so now you understand?" dream said placing his hand on his hips.
seeing this tommy also put his hands on his hips and tried to act cool."ha! that's where you're wrong! jshatt now knows that tubbo was the spy, so he k-kil- umm-uhh kicked him out! so if what you are saying is 'right' then wilbur would have thrown me out of his life! but you see i still on his side!"
dream again rolled his eyes "don't you see it tommy?, after the tuboo's death that literally happen in front of your eyes, in YOUR country, what he did? nothing. absolutely Nothing! and after that he didn't even cared about it, no one did, you only did, and he probably said that was so stupid of you!" dream sighed and continued.
'and after that as you said he didn't need you anymore, but he was still in war with manbrug, and kicking you out is a bad choice cuz you know everything tommy, so if he kicks you then he knows you will go to jschatt and tell everything, about him, his weakness,his plans etc, and that's why nowadays he is not completely honest with you." dream said the last part with a low voice.
"w-wh-hat! no.. no he-" dream cut him off.
"he is been talking to me, and getting me to help him, and he wanted me to give him many explosives and tnt etc, and said he would not be scared to do something bizarre" dream said.
"what!?, THE FUCK!?" tommy said, hearing this dream chuckled.
"yes, and i could go on and on about how we talked, and meet but i'll save that" dream said. and tommy went completely silent, he was thinking about something, he was shaking his head putting his hand on his hair.
"so if you are done with that, then will yo-" before dream could finish, tommy leapt forward and grabbed him by his coller and said "now you listen, you little green shit, i KNOW you are saying all this bs to manipulate me, but that fucking not gonna happen, but i am afraid that i don't have any proof to deny what you said, THAT'S THE ONLY THING STOPPING ME FROM RIPPING YOUR HEART RIGHT NOW!" tommy said in a fit of range.
dream could see tommy's anger in his eyes, the were really red and a tears fell down as he said that and he was breathing really fast.
after that tommy left his coller and turned around and was gonna leave when dream grabbed him from behind and wrapped his arms around tommy's neck and put a napkin on his mouth and nose.
tommy squirmed and kicked but he was too weak now, his vision was getting darker and darker and he finally blacked out.
an hour later.....
tommy's eyes twitched and he slowly opened his eyes.he was somewhere.....he don't know, but he do know that it was dark....very dark. there was a small tube light on the ceiling and he was tied.. in chains. his hands were chained to the wall behind him they were tied above his head. he tried to pull it down but no luck.
hearing the sounds of chains a wooden door in the room that tommy was in opened, a evil grin face mask wearing man walked in.
"weeeelll.. weeellll look who finally-" dream tried to say but tommy cut him off.
"first of all, which kidnapping movie you saw and decided to lock me here?" tommy asked cooly with a eyebrow raised.
"all of them"
"k,fair enough"
"anyway... why did you kidnap me!?" tommy asked.
"well obviously, to make you do what i say" dream said.
"that not gonna happen so, fuck off" tommy said and dream chuckled.
"tommy i kidnapped you, and tied you, i can do ANYTHING! to you~~" dream said with a grin.
"ok ,but is this your house? no wait you don't have one, who did you pay for to get this?, cuz i gotta tell ya, he ripped you!" tommy did a joke the dream did not like.
dream grabbed his sword "don't joke around!!" dream said.
"woah!, woah ok, clam down buddy, your blood pressure is gonna go high" tommy said.
dream sighed "i don't think you realise how much trouble you are in right now, do you?"dream asked.
"so what now? i am gonna go to my naugthy cornor? oh wait i can't!" tommy shook his hands to show dream that he can't move. dream got closer to him. tommy cringed at it.
"fine, i will leave you here for some time, for you to realise just how much helpless you are, and i will decide what torture method should i use on you, kid" then he left the room.
as soon as dream left the room tommy's smirk faded, he started to stuggle and tried really hard to get out of the chains, but it just wouldn't come off,tommy groaned 'i think he will get tired and leave me if i kept acting cocky like that, but i don't know how much longer i can act like this! will he really torture me till i accept? how would he torture me?' tommy thought.
suddenly he remembered what dream said "drain all your blood when you are still alive.. or.." "AHH-" tommy screamed out of his thoughts and was breathing so fast.
'nononononono' he NEED to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible,. he started to stuggle again.
while that was going on that room, dream didn't know what the heck he was gonna do, as he thought earlier he didn't want to hurt tommy, but at the same time he can't let him go...... dream also groaned... then suddenly a idea popped up on his head... 'if i can't decide i will ask someone else...." of course it was sapnap, and he texted him, this is how it went (green is dream and orange is sapnap).
"i kidnapped tommy..."
"that's your reaction?"
"then how am i supposed to react?"
"wait YOU kidnapped him, then why do YOU need help?"
"yeah, i want to torture him but how?"
"oh, makes sence, you don't have your sword?"
"i do, why?"
"NO! i don't really want to hurt him....you know then the whole pogtopia will be after me'
"oh..... wait you said you kidnapped tommy, right?"
"dude........ he is a child, treat him like one then!"
"idk any kids torture method.."
"oh! i know one!! i am sure you will love it!"
"you knew a kid torture method? what's wrong with you?"
"you're saying that?...."
"fair enough, ok what is it? and why would i love it...?"
and seeing what sapnap said dream smirked "oh, this is gonna be good."
after what it felt like forever dream entered the room and saw tommy...
the floor was scratched like he has been kicking for too long, and he was breathing so hard and his hand gave up and laying on the chains.
"aw! guess you tried some stupid shits!" dream said.
"j........just leave me.......alone..." tommy said kinda tired.
"hmmm? so you changed your mind?" dream asked.
"bitch, no" tommy said looking up at him.
dream sighed and said"you poor thing..." and started to walk towards tommy.
tommy wanted to move back, but there was two things 1: he was chained and 2:there was a wall."no! no NO! sTaY BAck! WHAT ARE YOu thinking of doing!?" tommy panicked.
but dream calmly took a piece of cloth and tied tommy's eyes blinding him.
tommy tried to stop him by shaking his head and curssing at him. but dream didn't listen
now tommy can't even see, he even felt more helpless, great now he can't even prepare for what dream is gonna do.
"What are you FUCKING gonna do to me!?!"tommy asked in fear.
"many things, that will make you betray them!" dream said and smirked.
tommy flinched, he did expect dream to be so close to him "LEAVE ME ALONE OR YOU WILL SUFFER!!" tommy tried to scare him but no luck.
"you know what? since your are a little curious thing..? i will kinda tell you what i am going to do..~~" dream said.
tommy thought all the torture methods, like 'omfg he is going to beat me to death?, will he cut of my body parts one by one? is he gonna smash my head into the wall? god...' tommy was preparing for the worst-
"are you ticklish~~?" dream's voice was heard on tommy's left ear and there was a small poke at his side,to which he flinched.
tommy snapped out of his thoughts so fast to that question, he almost wanted to burst out laughing, at first, but the more he thought about it he more he realised he was fucked.
"your silence is answering yes to the question tommy!~~" dream said in a teasing tone and slowly he drew circles on his side
tommy bit his tongue trying not to giggle 'what kinda sick joke is this?' tommy thought but he knew dream isn't joking around, and he knew he is gonna brake but not this fast.
"come on tommy!, it's rude to not answer someone.!!"dream said, knowing damm well tommy gonna brake.
"nhoho *ahem*no!?" tommy acted like he was clearing his throat to hide his giggles, but dream had sharp ears.
"oh! was that a giggle i heard? awww!is this poor child ticklish?" dream said.
tommy shook his head and to the dream put to fingers to poke.
tommy was so close to just burst out giggling, but he can't, and dream got bored , so he spiced it up by both of the sides at the same time.
tommy squeaked with his mouth closed (yeah idk how that works)and shook his head.
"ohh come on tommy i know you can't keep this up~~" dream said teasingly, "just laugh~~ like you always do, like the idiot that you are!!" dream said.
tommy so wanted the wall above them to crush dream, or atleast him, anything to avoid him laughing.
and dream's hands moved up, and that's when it happened, tommy's child like laughter came pouring down.
"ptth- HAHAHAhahahaAhah nohohohohohoho! fuhahahahack!! hahahahahahha" tommy so regretted laughing but he couldn't help it. 'now he even knows that i am ticklish! fuck... he is so gonna keep this long now!!' tommy thought.
"ha!! i told you!! all that serious act is gone now huh? hmmmm? aw! is the one and only tommy is so ticklish?!" dream teased him, and moving to a rib to another.
"Ah-HahahHahahhaHAHAhahah, suhahahahut uhahahap yohohohou lihihitlehe- HAHhahaHhaah" tommy tried to threaten him, but it failed badly.
"you know, you really looked like a 5 year old who wanted to puke" dream said.
it has not been a min, but tommy already wanted this to end, this is bad if this continues for a long time, then tommy might just even change his mind.
"hahHHahhAHAHhaha!,fuhahahHAHckhahaihihng sHOhohoHoOlp thhihihihHAHAis hahaha!!" tommy again said, but he knews it's just uesless.
"only if you change your goddamm mind!!" dream said, suddenly dream tickled tommy's armpits, and tommy squeaked at the change of place.it was even more bad when be can't see.
"AH-PTT-HAHAHAHAHhahahahahaHAHAhaha! shhihihiHIIHHIHIt hahahahahahHAhhaHHa dREHEHEHEeam!Hahahah!"tommy tried to say something.
"yes?" dream asked like nothing is wrong.
"FAHAHahahhaauhahachahahk yoHOHOHhohohohou!!"tommy blurred it out and dream frowned.
"tommy!! I CAN DO THIS TILL YOU VOMIT BLOOD!, So.. fucking do what I say, when i am acting nice!" dream not even slowing down for a bit.
tommy flinched,"HAHAHAhahahahHahahahHHah! noHOHOnohohho! hahahahahahahah!" tommy need to get out, but that's seemed impossible, he did so much squirming and tried to get his hands down,the chian didn't give up.
"tommy, i am LOSING my patients right now! you better agree or this gonna get worse" dream warned.
'god no!' tommy thought, not only cuz obviously he won't betray wilbur, but if they ever find out the reason for him to betray his OWN brothers and friends, and join the other side, is by tickling,TICKLING! oh hell no, he much rather kill himself.
So tommy just shook his head, "fine,you asked for it!" and the tickling stopped for a sec, then dream blowed a raspberry on his stomach.
dream stopped with the raspberries, but still ticked tommy's stomach with his hands, ruthlessly scratching on it,but tommy's laugh slightly went down, but he was still laughing like crazy.
"HAHAHhahahahahHhaahhHAHA!! *snort* HAHAHHAHAHHAhhahahah SHOHOHOhohohp! PLhehehHEHEheehhes! HahahahaHHhahaHAAHHAHAHAhahah!!" Tommy started to beg, his face starting to get heated.
"Aw! Isn't that cute?, but too bad I am not here for that!, so, come on tommy!, don't you want this to stop?, or do you want this to go on? Hmmmmmm~~ do you really want tickles? But it tickles so much, isn't it? Tickle, tickle, tickle ~~" dream teased tommy.
And tommy wanted to throw up, but somehow it made the tickles far worse.
seeing tommy was laughing so hard, dream kinda felt bad for him, so kinda slowed down, but to his surprise, tommy laughed even harder.
Dream was confused, he thought tickling hard only will make laugh harder, and slowing down means the laugh will also slow down, but tommy was doing the complete opposite? Did he actually lost his mind?
So like a curious cat that he is, dream pulled up tommy's shirt to reveal his stomach, and lightly scratched on it. And dream was delighted to see tommy lose his shit.
"Awww! Light tickles work better on you!? Now that's a good news to me!! Not rough on this too? God you are just a softie" dream smirked,when he saw tommy's blush darkened.
"you know what to do~~" dream said in a teasing voice.
"NHOHOHOHOHOOHHO! ANHHIHIHIHIYING BUHAHAHAHT THAHAHAHAHAHAHT PLEHEHEHSE!!" Tommy said, thinking maybe, just maybe dream will leave him alone.
"Nope!" Dream said and chuckled in a evil way. And put his fingers in a motin like he was zooming on a picture in a phone, but with all his fingers in the belly and directly on the bellybutton, and scratching up and down in between.
After hearing this, again the ticking stopped, but tommy wasn't complaining, he was gasping for air greedily, when he heard the door open, tommy thought dream left and was about to sigh in relief, when the door snapped open and he heard the voice.
"I'm back!!" Dream said again being close to him.
"No!.......pls I-i can't take a-an-anymore pl-plea-please!!!" Tommy said, he said this in so many different ways, but the answer was always the same.
"No! I already told you!" Dream said.
Tommy tried to move back so badly "NO! Pls!pls! It was soo b-bad! Pls!!" Tommy said and dream smirked.
"Oh! Don't worry I will make it worse!" Dream said.
And tommy felt something soft his sides, which was even more sensitive than before for some reason, and tommy squeaked.
"Wtf is that!?!!" Tommy panicked, 'oh god, oh god,no pls don't be-'
"Feathers!! So many infact!" Dream said holding bunch of feathers in both of his hands, but only using one hand,for now.
And tommy was back to laughing.
Dream eventually put the other hand also in action.
"Come on tommy! I am not fucking around!" Dream said.
The squirming and kicking tommy was back.
If that wasn't bad dream used one hand full of feathers in his stomach, the other hand to tickle tommy's armpits.
"Ohhh! I can already see the death message 'tommy was embarrassingly ticked to death' wow, already people don't respect you, if they knew this... Yeah no one is going to take you seriously!" Dream said.
'Oh, my fucking god...' Tommy just imagined that, if they EVER see that, they will NEVER let him live it down, oh god especially his wilbur and techno. Nope he much rather get swallowed by a monster.
"Then accept what I said!!" Dream said again for the 69th time, but tommy was so stubborn, he shook his head.
Dream was getting annoyed, he blowed a raspberry on the bellybutton with the feathers and hand tickling, and tommy was howling in laughter.
This was going for 15 mins straight, when dream got bored, while tommy was a MESS there were tears rolling down his cheeks.
"Let's try something new.....!" Dream said, but tommy didn't react he was to tired and was still giggling, he was focused on breathing, when he felt two hands on his hips.
"OH FUCK- AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEHEHSEHEHE NAHAHAHAHT THEHEHEHEHRE! " tommy was already back to losing his shit, but dream didn't even do what he wanted to do completely.
He lowered his head down still squeezing tommy's poor hips, and nibbled on his bare belly. And tommy SCREAMMED. He almost saw heaven(or hell)
This was going for another 15 mins and tommy felt like his throat was gonna get ripped, he was like shit, he thought this was it. It was torture, he-
"TOMMY?!" the two men or 1 man and a child, heard a british man say that from kinda close but far, dream got up and frowned, he looked down at tommy "you got lucky this time" and left.
Tommy on the other hand went completely limp, his head was down, his hands were just hanging by the chains, but he was still giggling.
"TOMMY!, WHERE ARE YOU?!!" Wilbur said, but tommy didn't have the energy to answer.
Finally tommy felt the wall nearby brake, "Omfg! Are you ok tommy?" Wilbur's worried voice can be heard.
"Ye........s?" Tommy said while wilbur broke the chains "WE FOUND HIM, HE MUST ME NEAR!" A voice behinde him can be heard. It was techno.
After the chains broke tommy's hands hands wrapped around his stomach.
" you go help them to find him, I will take care of him"wilbur said and techno nodded and left.
Wilbur helped tommy up "you ok tommy?, god you look like shit! What the fuck did that baster do to you?!" Wilbur asked. But tommy just replied.
"I........need....some rest...." And wilbur nodded, oh you better know wilbur is gonna-
Wilbur saw the feathers, one of dream's mask (he has a lot of them) and the way tommy was breathless,he understood what happened.
'Oh, that green shit is gonna pay for this...' Wilbur thought, but that has to wait cuz right now all he wanted to do is get tommy to the base.
But that won't be that long....
HOLY COW! It's been forever since I posted!! Thx you for waiting!! I am so sorry for that!! This fic was so long, and I didn't have the motivation to write. But anyways....
Hope you like this!.
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sheigarche · 2 years ago
I confess that I didn't understand your question very well at first... because Leon is an established character for years and we know how he is in current times and what happened to get him there (trauma, being blackmailed by the government, being used, betrayed and more trauma) and I think that would be enough to "know" a character.
BUT if you're wanting to know about his background to write about it and such, (or to have a better base to write him) I understand and did a little research.
There's a bit of information and interviews here and there that you can latch on to.
Like these:
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Interview with RE2 Remake composer.
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Interview with OG RE2 devs.
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Interview with Nick Apostolides.
And even information from comics and books. Some saying that he was inspired by a cop who saved him when he was a kid to become a cop as well. Others that he came from a police family. Or he was a very skilled student in the academy, etc... And I know if we dig hard enough we can find more little things like this.
You can put it all together and fit the pieces of the puzzle however you want.
My personal headcanon is:
Leon's mother died at his birth and he was raised by his single father (this explains his compassion for Kendo and his daughter)
His father was an honest cop who died reacting to a robbery in a store, maybe with Leon there as well (this explains being inspired by a cop who saved him and coming from a police family)
As a teenager, he lives with his grandparents who were religious people although he is not became religious himself (this explains his willingness to help, seeing the good in people and his choices of cursing "jesus christ", "god damn", etc)
He was a privileged pretty white boy who had a good life in the high school bubble and didn't Have to deal with bullying, drugs and stuff (this explains why he was so naive about the real world, people, life and drama)
He was a great student at the police academy and decided to move to Raccoon city because of the mysterious - never solved - murders that happened in july and he wanted to be the one who solved it (book). And because of an epidemic and lockdown (OG re3) he was asked to delay his move to the city, but when he heard the news about the riot that was happening (re3 remake) he decided to go anyway because they could use more people (and this explains why he was late and wasn't in Raccoon City when shit hit the fan)
The rest of the story we already know. I hope this can help at least a little bit 🥰
And sorry for any mistakes or misspellings through the translation. English is not my first language...
Questions for the fanfic writers about Leon S. Kennedy's lack of background story: How do you deal with it?
I've been haunted by this problem for MONTHS and I needed to spit it out. I feel like Tumblr is a better place for long text and reasoned discussion, and most importantly: fanfic writers.
It's long and I sincerely look forward to your opinions. Even though I only draw Cleon, I didn't mention any ship in this post so I won't add ship-related tags here; if you're gonna list examples based on your ship, please respect each other.
So hear me out:
The best part and the worst part about Leon S. Kennedy is that HE DOESN'T HAVE A BACKGROUND STORY and a CONSISTENT characteristic development...and it's driving me insane.
The benefit of it is that I can shape his past into whoever I want to fit my stories. But it brings out a bigger problem: the development is solely depending on my understanding & knowledge of character design. He's pretty much a blank sheet of paper, except he's extremely famous, and I don't want to stray too far away from the canon info that we've got on him(and get "canceled" for OOC).
(I don't actually write stories into fics, but I DO write short scripts for my art when they are intended to be a series. I guess the prep work to start anything is the same: write it down in words, then expand the idea.)
I love AUs and I'm more interested in sci-fi/fantasy than modern/zombie-apocalypse kinda thing. But when I wanted to dig deep into their backgrounds, to start world-building, there's NOTHING for me. It's so frustrating.
For example, I'm currently working on a Monster Hunter AU based on the RE4R DLC Hero Outfit, which basically is the whole RE gang running around in the woods hunting supernatural creatures. (Not just CAPCOM's MH series but with the general mythical creatures, werewolves .etc)
And they have a Hunter's Guild, different tribes and clans, you know the drill. Since the setting was in a fantasy world, their surnames have caused me great pain from the start.
The easiest one is Redfield. It can be interpreted as "fertile land" or "battleground", and from these I immediately have quite a few visual ideas of how they'd look like, and what they'd do for a living. Chambers, Valentine, and Oliveira are "OK", but the surname Kennedy doesn't fit in ANYWHERE.
(Yes, I googled. It's Irish; but let's be honest, our first impression was a certain American political family.)
Then I read this article that shares a similar concern: Is Resident Evil 4’s Leon S. Kennedy Italian? An investigation
It pretty much sums up the most common FANDOM theories of Leon's background info. But all of them are still just, headcanons.
The more I try to dig in, the lack of this crucial element--a character's canon background story--is really blocking me to create things I enjoy. Even though I've been drawing him for almost 50 pieces of fan art, I still don't know what he's actually like. I can only imagine his personality by referencing other fictional characters/actors whom I think share a resemblance. (I have a soft spot for Keanu Reeves, Faramir from TLOR, and Sanji from One Piece. But that's another story for another time.)
Of course, I'm aware of the fact that, instead of spending this huge amount of time to rewrite a fictional character I don't own, I can create my own OCs and build everything from scratch. But that's not the point. I only started playing video games in 2019 when I bought a Nintendo Switch; and my first-ever, modern game experience was Zelda: Breath of the Wild.
The whole game-wise fandom and RE series are pretty new to me. But I've been in fandoms of books/movies/TV shows for over a decade. It shocked me that Resident Evil, this world-popular series has almost 30 years of history but non of the main characters have a consistent background that follows through the in-game timeline. There're huge gaps between the games even if we add all of the movies in it. How did that work? How do you get to know them? How do you get attached enough to write your own fan story?
In conclusion, I don't think I like Leon S. Kennedy, cuz he remains a mystery. Instead, I just combine all of the good qualities of other characters I like, create my version of Leon Kennedy, and hopefully pray that when he reappears in a new RE work, I didn't do him wrong.
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yandereloversblog · 3 years ago
How about Yanderes! Glamrock Freddy and Sun/Moon with a reader, who notices the way their animatronic friends act differently around them. And she decides to quit her job without telling the yanderes. Will there be persecution, how would they react???
𝔾𝕝𝕒𝕞𝕣𝕠𝕔𝕜 𝔽𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕕𝕪 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝔻𝕒𝕪𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝔸𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕟𝕕𝕒𝕟𝕥𝕤 -> 𝔻𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕤𝕦𝕕𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕝𝕪 𝕢𝕦𝕚𝕥𝕤
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>Fandom: Five Nights At Freddy's: Security Breach
>Characters: Glamrock Freddy, Sundrop, Moondrop
>Warnings: Yandere behaviour, Murder, Unhealthy and Toxic mindset, Stalking, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Kidnapping, Drugging
>Type Of Content: Reaction
•I am not good at writing escape plans and all the big stuff so bear with me- also I assume all 3 of them are yanderes at the same time for you correct? Please say yes or I'm gonna die from embarrassment
•I didn't have much idea for these because escape plans? I do not know but I'm just testing the waters XD
-> You weren't stupid -you liked to think you weren't- so it didn't take long for you to notice the strange behaviour of the animatronics you worked with.
-> Although Freddy was really nice and always tended to your needs, it became overbearing, it was like he wanted to control and know your every move, because to him you didn't know any better. What was frustrating is how Freddy expected you to be okay with his behaviour no matter what "What do you mean superstar? I'm just trying to help you, your saftey comes first."
-> Sun was the same, but in his case he wanted every second of your attention to be on him, you barely got any work done when you had to work with Sun, not to mention how he acted like it should be normal for you to always look and pay attention to him "Sunshine! Come with me! You've payed enough attention to those papers so look at me now!"
-> In contrast to Sun, Moon didn't want your attention on him but his attention was on you instead, everytime lights went out you could guess Moon was somewhere watching over you, and when you interacted with him, he didn't try to hide it and even taunted you for it "What's wrong Starlight? Is our behaviour putting you off? Don't worry, it's for your own good~ I'm sure you'll understand one day~"
-> "Alright. I'll quit." You decided one day, already had choosen a good place in the next city where you could stay at and secured a job at a family member's shop, all you had to do was for everything to be finished without any of the animatronics knowing about it.
-> Although you tried to remain the same at work, your behaviour was different, the closer the date for your move came, the happier you got. Freddy and Sun were glad for you, Moon was the only one who might've noticed that it was weird, but he didn't put his finger on you quitting.
-> So when you did, you left one heartbroken animatronic, an angry one and an amused one behind.
-> Freddy would be devastated. You quit!? Someone made you do it, definitely. Were you getting blackmailed or held against your will? He might try going against his protocol and hack in to any system he could to find you.
-> Sun is panicking, he's screaming when he's finally off work, blaming literally anything that moves and coming off with terrible scenarios that could have happened to you- were you dying!? Was that why you quit!? So you wouldn't make him sad!? Why wouldn't you tell him!?
-> Moon on the other hand is trying to calm him down and once he's in control he'll finally realize what happened, you had been planning this? You naughty little thing... He'll probably do the same as Freddy and try to sneak into anything so he could get any clue on where you were.
-> Now Freddy and the sun and moon duo definitely didn't like each other before but luckily for the three, only Sunny is against them working together "How dare someone else go after [Y/N]-" "Quiet down." Moon sees it as a faster way to get you back and Freddy just wants to ensure your saftey -of course he'll take you from them once he sees you-
-> At most it will take a month for them to find you, although Sun will be more erratic he'll TRY his best to remain calm infront of the kids and once lights go out and the Pizzaplex closes, Moon and Freddy will try to sneak out and find as much information as they could on you, with most likely violent methods.
-> You'd be living your life, your guard lowered until you're found by one of them who got a secret lead:
-> If Freddy finds you first you're going to pass out. He'll probably hug you so tightly with worry and concern "[Y/N], I was so worried! I'm sure you must've been scared out here." I think Freddy will know -And deny- that you left on your own, he's going to keep you so close you won't be able to choke a word out or do anything "But it's alright now, I've come here to save you, my superstar." And once you're taken back, you're never coming back out.
-> Even if Freddy will convince himself that it wasn't your fault and you didn't leave on your own, he's going to keep an eye out on you, making sure to know your every move, that that those pesky daycare attendants never find you, Sunny will soon crack when he doesn't find you and get himself and moon decommissioned if he causes another accident. Freddy will make sure there are no threats in the Mega Pizzaplex to keep you safe, and make sure you never want to leave.
-> You're always kept on a tight shift from where you move to when, although Freddy still acts sweet -If you're being nice- he will never truly trust you again, he'll find it suspecious you staying in one corner for too long, if he has enough time he might switch the places where you stay, it might be risky if you get adapted to one environment that was ways of escaping "Superstar what are you doing? You know you're not allowed there."
-> If it was Sun you'll immediatly get your legs broken from how excited he got, he squeezed you too much "Heh~ did you have fun playing outside without me? How mean of you, sunshine but it's alright! I know just how to get rulebreakers to behave." He'll hug you, making sure you learn your lesson that running away is never a good thing. You'll be dragged back to the Pizzaplex and a very special room Sun and Moon designed.
-> Sun will finally be back to normal and have you by his side, he doesn't know what to do with Freddy and doesn't care, maybe work to decommission him or cause a problem on Freddy's system but Sun is too annoyed to think straight. So he'll mostly spend his time with you, making sure to teach you all the rules you need to know once you come back.
-> If you try fighting back, Sun might accidentally -or not- break another bone on you, or hurt you in worse ways, of course he'll apologize but he'll never truly mean it, in his mind it's completely deserved from what you did and from leaving them. He'll never let it go and is deeply hurt by it so his emotions are going to be haywire even after you're back, he might not even make you feel better, just leave you in agonizing pain and save you last minute "Dewdrop just give up, I'm not going to help you feel better until you say you love me!"
-> If Moon found you first he won't catch you immediatly. He'll taunt you in the middle of the night, sneak into your room and do the most before revealing yourself "You like being naughty, huh starlight, how much FUN we'll have once we go back~" He's going to make sure you're awake for every little thing he says, to from how he'll punish you to what you'll end up doing in that little room of theirs that they made for you.
-> He'll forcefeed you the moon candies to make you go to sleep so he can deal with Freddy, maybe do something to get his casing on another endo skeleton and if not just replace him with Monty as the Gator always wanted.
-> Once Moon gets some alone time with you, he'll keep you close to him, not in the clingy or protective way, he's always with you if he doesn't have work, and when he does you've been forced to sleep. He might snap one day and let out all that anger and frustration on you, Moon likes to think of himself as very composed, but he can be worse than Sun when it comes to punishments "Oh, looks like I made a mess out of you~ don't worry starlight, you won't die. I won't let you escape from me that easily~"
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lavenoon · 2 years ago
Okay okay, so this ask is completely self-indulgent and also for New Horizons writing...
But I need to know, when Eclipse eventually introduces Neon to his brothers... How would the two of them react to meeting Neon? I can only imagine this would be a planned meeting too, and hopefully done during a time Eclipse's relationship with them is a *bit* better.
So... If you don't mind... May I has details? How might they react/get on? Do you think the boys would like Neon? What's their feelings on them?
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i am nervous, good morning
I think by that point they'll have heard enough about Neon to already feel like they know them (at least somewhat). There would be some polite awkwardness - let's imagine it's Sun and Moon coming to visit!
Arriving late in the evening and Moon is trying very hard to not frown at seeing Neon still up and going, not even close to getting to bed. But it's fine, it's fine, he doesn't know their schedule and he's supposed to get to know them now! Would have an easier time slipping into a more comfortable lighthearted conversation, sneaking in little teases and hoping to make Neon laugh by telling embarrassing stories about Eclipse. Just the nice ones! Like how right after getting his body, both Sun and Moon had to often drag him along after he wandered off to follow a butterfly or another insect, late night (low battery) talks of "Why can't we see shrimp colors. We're already animatronics, why did we have to be limited to human adjacent vision?" "The humans haven't figured out how to access shrimp colors yet, Eclipse." "Why?" "???", or how he once got a piece of plastic from a fidget toy stuck in his face plate and unfortunately got stuck with it upside down - wait, he still has the photos somewhere, give him a second -
Will accept embarrassing stories about himself with some grace before just deciding to rag on Sun together, because there are simply so many and Sun isn't here to defend himself and also Moon is a menace. Surprised perhaps by how many stories Neon already knows, but loves to counter them with even funnier bits!
Sun is a little more awkward, simply because he thinks (once again) that things have to be proper, he's meeting his little brother's partner for the first time and has to leave a good impression! Internally screeching at Moon (who dips right back into rest mode) when he learns that his "good first impression" has been ruined by humiliating stories! Gives off slight kicked puppy vibes as he assures Neon he's really not always like that - not even usually! Slightly relieved when Neon doesn't seem too put off, maybe even reassures him that they like him better as a dork. His pride complains a little, but he would accept it on account of "at least they like me". Would help Eclipse with cooking for Neon without being asked, asking about their preferences in passing and if they've tried certain meals - if any answer is "no", he immediately offers to make it for them. He's good at that, and it's a good way to earn brownie points! Will show Eclipse, too, and the screeching of "NOT THAT HOT!!!" or "THAT'S NOT HOW OVENS WORK" is an entertainment show in and of itself
Would also (somewhat petulantly) agree that the perfect revenge on Moon would be to share equally as embarrassing stories, and Neon can rub their little pizza hands together and earn even more blackmail material for their future family <3
Both of them have that nervousness - once they get along better with Eclipse and Neon isn't as defensive about how they treated him (which, while justified, would not be nice bonding) they'd only worry about being liked because they already know Neon from what Eclipse told them, and they like them but what if they don't like the boys?
Neither of them would do well with having their mistakes pointed out to them - they know they messed up with Eclipse, they're trying to do better, but any mention of that would probably make them feel bad and withdraw. Best to leave that off the table during that first visit, even if there'll be some awkward stumbles trying to avoid it - they'll appreciate that, actually. Them not being the only ones fumbling, and not getting reprimanded for something they're already working to fix
There's really no need for Neon to worry - they're good for Eclipse, and Eclipse loves them to bits, so Sun and Moon have already adopted them into the family before they ever meet <3
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animeyanderelover · 3 years ago
Hi! So, I don’t really know how to do this, so I’m sorry if this isn’t the right way. But could I request prompt 139 for Killua?
You did it perfectly right. Killua is Aged Up in here.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, obsessiveness, threatening, blackmailing, mentions of stalking
Prompt 139: "I have everything they don't have, but you still choose them? Why?! Choose me! Love me!"
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Thick silence was engulfing you as you were staring with a stunned expression on your face at the white-haired boy in front of you, blinking several time as if to ensure that he was real. You were pretty sure that this was no dream yet it felt a bit like one. If it was a good or a bad one, you weren't entirely sure about that.
"P-Pardon me?! What did you just say?", you stuttered out, not even trying to hide the quite obvious shock in your voice as well the incredulity. You noted with surprise that your voice sounded high-pitched and louder than usual. You hadn't expected to lose your head over something like this. And to be frank, you hadn't expected this to happen at all either.
"What are you? Deaf? Why do I have to repeat myself?", Killua instantly complained back to you, pale cheeks glowing from embarrassment. With crossed arms he was sitting next to you on the couch, eyes hushing nervously around the room as if trying to fix his gaze on something that wasn't you in order to stop the heat warming up his face.
He had always been an inexperienced guy in reagards of human interactions, his family was to blame for this one. And if you wouldn't have been stuck in this unexpected scenario in hich you had no idea how to react, you probably would have loved. Only that right now you didn't feel like laughing at all.
"Idiot, I said that I love you. And don't make me repeat myself again.", he mumbled after a moment of silence, not facing you to hide the blush on his face.
Ah, you hadn't misunderstood anything. Knowing this still didn't help you to believe it any better. Actually it still felt like it was not real and yet it was. Killua had just confessed his feelings to you, something you were not prepared for nor had you seen it coming. Thinking back on it you had never seen any signs, it had just been so normal for him to always be embarrassed and kind of mean when you had shown him any sort of kindness or had teased him. But looking at it now he had acted strange those past few days, probably because he had tried to come up how to tell you that he loved you.
You wondered when exactly he had started falling in love with you, he must have been in love for a longer time already. Killua didn't trust people easily and it was even more difficult when it came to the topic love so that was why you could assume that he must have had feelings in his heart for you for a rather long time now.
You were able to feel his blue eyes stealing glances at you every few seconds, his body seemed to be slightly tensed up as anticipation and nervousness was visible through his body. But in comparison to you he probably seemed to everyone else like the relaxed one. Your palms had turned sweaty and you kept playing with the fabric of your sweater. You had started to hunch over with this body of yours that had started to get more and more rigid as your mouth suddenly started to feel very dry.
What kind of cliché story was this right now? You were sure you had read it in stories, seen it in books and had witnessed it yourself all the time before. But being in this position yourself, you finally understood how hard this was. So far you had always assumed that it couldn't be that terrible to reject someone who you saw as a friend. They were still your friends so why all the worries? Only now you understood how much weight this put on someone's shoulder and you could clearly imagine how the awkwardness would only increase after this, how hurt Killua would be.
"I-I feel very flattered to hear this from you Killua...", you started, unable to look up and meet his face, still focusing on your fingers nervously pulling at your sweater. But from the corner of your eyes you saw how he shifted his body slighty towards yours, feeling his piercing gaze hovering over your cowering form. It had something very intimidating about this all that made you nervously gather salvia in your mouth and swallow it with jittery nerves.
"...b-but I'm afraid that I only see you as a good friend of mine."
When you finally mustered the bravery to look up, putting on an awkward and fake smile, you swore that this felt like the end of your friendship with him. Was this how everyone else must have felt? The feeling of losing someone precious and important to you? Seeing all the good moments flashing through your mind? You felt pity for Killua and yourself right now, wanting to desperately say something to comfort his freshly broken heart. But you couldn't think of anything, furthermore even believing that there wasn't really anything you could say to help him right now.
So you just sat there, fiddling nervously with your long sleeves as the awkwardness only gre thicker and thicker until it felt like breathing became a bit harder and you swore the tension could be cut with a knife. Not only that, but you were all too aware of the dull and sharp glare Killua was giving you right now, something that was barely bearable.
"Hanging out with you as fun though so I hope we can continue-"
You flinched visibly as Killua suddenly slammed his palms on the small table in front of the couch as he stood up, his gaze lowered to the ground and his white hair covering his face a bit so you couldn't clearly see the look on his face. Yet you could imagine all too clearly what it must look like, something that made you shiver a bit.
Not a single word was uttered as Killua silently left your house, leaving a shocked, scared and extremely guilty-feeling you behind. You swallowed some words of cold comfort, fearing it would only furthermore agitate him. Only after minutes of sitting in burning silence did you manage to sit straight up, looking worriedly in the direction where your friend had run off too.
"Such a wonderful day.", you whispered with bitter sarcasm in your voice as your vision blurred a bit due to tears pricking the corner of your eyes.
"Hey (y/n)! Earth to (y/n)! Is something wrong?"
When you turned around, you jerked a bit away upon seeing your friend's face so close to yours, a concerned look on her face.
"Ahh, well...I just thought for a moment that..."
You trailed quickly off as you turned your head back once again, scanning the crowd in the mall for a tall and white-haired boy. Yet you couldn't find anyone and that made you wonder whether you were just starting to get paranoid or Killua was really around watching you. He was an assassin after all, stalking someone would be a child's play for him. Because for a moment you could have sworn that you had seen him, the white hair and the pale skin was unmistakable. But you had already lost sight of him, if he had been even here to begin with.
"Is it because of that Killua again?", another friend of yours asked as she swung her arm around your shoulder. Your face instantly dropped as you heard his name, the uneasy and guilty emotions in your stomach stirring up once again. It had been nearly a week since the rejection and since then he hadn't showed up, ignoring all your calls and messages.
The first day you had only been laying around at home, mourning over the sudden distancing and worrying yourself up due to him not answering any of your attempts to reach him. It was only at the second day that your two best friends had suddenly showed up in front of your door and had kept you company so you wouldn't stress yourself out too much over this all after you had cried yourself out in front of them. Sincce then they had tried everything to help you thinking not every minute about your friend and as much as you had complained, secretly you were glad that they were doing this for you.
"Must be tough on you, having to reject him and hurting his feelings like this. But I'm sure he'll eventually come back, he probably just needs time to digest this all.", your other friend replied as he ruffled your hair in an encouraging manner.
"Hmm.", you replied, not sounding very convinced. It was only when your female friend suddenly pulled a bit on your cheek that you got rid of that gloomy expression on your face, giving her a slightly annoyed glare as you rubbed your cheek protectively.
Raising her hands in defense, she replied in a sheepish tone: "Please don't glare at me like this, I just wanted you to remove that sad-looking face of yours. It doesn't suit your pretty face at all. I don't like seeing you sad."
"It's not like I can just pretend to be okay.", you fired lightly back, though you understood that she had only meant well just now. "We don't expect you to be okay, it'll probably keep your thoughts busy for a long while. We just want to guarantee that you don't drown in self-pity. That's why we took you here.", she answered back before grabbing your wrists and pulling you slightly with her. "Come on, let's have some fun! I won't stop until I made you laugh at least ten times today!"
When you arrived later that evening at home, you felt exhausted and yet happy. You had been more or less forced to buy the one or another thing, clearly evident by the bags you were carrying. You had still been rather parsimonious with your money. As you were kicking your shoes off, you thought back on today, silently appreciating the effort your two besties put in so you wouldn't feel too deep into grieving and being sad. Obviously the pain wouldn't get away easily, but being reminded that you still had someone to go too and who would listen to you if it would come to the worst was a bit comforting.
There were no messages or missed calls from Killua as you pulled out your phone and checked if you had received any notifications. It made your shoulders slump a bit, the nasty feeling of worry nagging at your core.
"Killua...where are you?", you sighed as you slid your phone back at your pocket before processing to grab all the bags and put them in your phone, too lazy to put the new clothes in the wardrobe. But as your were about to grab the results of your shopping tour, you felt a slight vibration coming from your phone, informing you that you had received a notification.
You pulled your phone out hastily, feeling ashamed that every time you had gotten a notification those past few days, you had been hoping that it was something from Killua. This time it wasn't anything and in the back of your mind you felt pathetic when noticing that your heart made a nervous jump as you turned on your screen, your Home Screen showing you that someone had sent you a message.
“I’m here.”
That was the whole content of the small mail, but somehow those three small words made your heart shortly skip a beat as you got only the smallest tad startled. The message was from Killua and you would have liked to be happy, but something felt off about this right now. He had just answered your question you had just spoken out a few seconds ago.
“Killua?”, you called out, slowly walking deeper into your house as you kept looking around, an uneasy feeling settling into your stomach.
And then sudden you found him, sitting on the couch where all the drama had begun and checking something on his phone. Your steps stopped the moment you saw him, realizing that he had just broken into your house. You weren’t surprised that he had managed to do so, you knew of his amazing abilities. What surprised you was that he showed up all of a sudden after nearly one week of completely disappearing.
“So you’ve finally arrived as well. How was your day with your friends?”, he asked in a monotone voice, putting down the small electronic device.
“I think you already know, don’t you? You’ve watched me today and the days before, haven’t you?”, you just asked without answering his question, surprised as you heard those words flowing over your lips.
He didn’t answer but you knew that you were right, it was just a hunch of yours. Instead he stood up with a certain grace he had on him as an assassin before he literally appeared before you in the mere blink of an eye, causing you to jump back at first.
“You seemed to be having a lot of fun with them those past few days. It’s not like I don’t appreciate that they care for you so much, but I feel like I’ve been put lower than them in your mind.”
It was a very bold and impolite accusation of his and you were just about to open your mouth to defend your friends and telling him that he meant a lot to you as well before Killua’s next words made your mind go a bit blank.
“You probably think that even if I wouldn’t want to be your friend anymore, you’d still have those two, don’t you? They’ve known you since you were small whilst you’ve only known me for two years now, crossing out the first one where we only were close acquaintances makes it even only one year. So I guess if you had to choose, I wouldn’t hold the same worth in your heart as them.”
This was literally what you had thought a few minutes ago and you nearly bit your tongue as you quickly slammed your mouth shut, staring with a non-believing and shocked expression in your eyes at him. But the worst was that you didn’t answer, even tried to imagine this situation for a while.
You heard a scoff from Killua as he received his answer through your disability to say anything back, a slightly hurt look reflecting in his eyes.
“I don’t believe this. You really did just consider this in your head, didn’t you?”
“It isn’t like this. I just, you know, kinda…”
You spoke more hushed and hushed until you turned completely silent, admitting in your mind that he was in a way right. You had considered such a possibility just now.
“Say (y/n)…”, Killua started as he leaned closer to you, getting a bit too close for your taste.
“Can those two protect you like I do? Take care of you like I do? Get you things you want like I do? Love you like I do? They can’t, can they?”
Your heartbeat only increased as you were forced into his blue orbs, feeling like you were staring straight into an ocean of madness and twisted love.
“Get away from me!”, you suddenly yelled, almost starting to feel sick when gazing into his eyes which seemed to expose a far more ugly side he had hidden so far and which had been awakened when you had rejected him.
But before you could attempt to push him or try to run away, you already felt his hands keeping a firm grip on your shoulder, keeping you in place.
"I have everything they don't have, but you still choose them?"
There was pure disbelief in his voice and it was mirrored perfectly on his face as well. Distraught would be a good term to use if you would have wanted to describe how he looked right now.
"Why?! Choose me! Love me! I want to be someone important to you in your life as well! I want to be the most important person in your life actually! So why did you toss my feelings aside like this?!"
There was such a unbelievable betrayed look on his face that you had never seen on him before. One that hurt you in your heart as well since Killua was a friend of yours. And that hurt. Knowing that he wanted more and yet you could only see him as a friend.
"K-Killua...I know that you're hurt right now. But I've already told you before...I only see you as a-"
"Don't say that! Don't say that I am just a friend of yours! I want to be more than that! I want you!"
He was panting a bit, eyes looking empty yet appearing to be drowning in emotions swirling like a storm inside of him. Rendered speechless, you just stood there silently, once again cowardly looking away to not hurt him more than he was already. You had given him your answer and nothing would change that.
"Please...I don't want to do this to you. I don't want to be like my brother.", he pleaded silently as he pulled you closer to him with ease, a confused and disturbed fog over his eyes as if he was debatting something right now. And you had a nasty feeling that it was nothing good.
"Killua, what do you mean when you say that you don't want to be like your brother?"
The silent look he gave you spoke more than a million words could have and it was like the answer was lying somewhere deep in there yet perfectly readable to you. It was like everything around you just turned cold all of a sudden.
"You won't change your mind about me, you just don't see me that way. But that doesn't matter, I'll make that way for you. Trust me, I'll treat you good."
His grip only tightened on you as he pulled your frozen form closer to embrace you in his arms.
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ghostfacetheballfondler · 1 year ago
hi, i appreciate you asking people with npd about our own experiences
i'll put some kinda messy stuff i wrote under a read more.
if you have any other questions about my experiences, feel free to ask
how i act:
i try to act polite, kind, friendly, sociable to people who i want to care about me. i want everyone everyone to love me, really. so i do a lot to make sure people do.
i'm pretty charming. i unintentionally flirt with people(but then when i realize i'm doing it, i don't stop because i want people to fall in love with me)
to people i don't know at all/don't like? i act cold to them. i don't want them in my life so why would i interact with them?
to my friends, i get possessive over them. i used to manipulate my friends into handing me personal mental health information and write down my observations to try to encapsulate their entire essence so i would know everything about them. because i viewed them kinda like fictional characters for my entertainment. i would also use it as blackmail to make them do whatever i wanted, if it ever came to that point.
if someone didn't want to tell me that info, i'd get *really* upset (privately though).
i don't do that anymore, and i deleted my documents i had written down.
now, i'm still very possessive over certain friends. i pride myself on being a great listener, who's easy to talk to. and since a lot of my closest friends know about my npd, i can straight up ask them for praise or to know how they perceive me.
for a former friend, i would ask him to actually worship me at times too. i'm a little shy of asking my current friends for that though, lol. cuz it can easily make me delusional and i know some people don't wanna deal with that stuff.
the whole me being open about my npd and not masking much online doesn't mean i don't manipulate my friends for supply. there have been times where i've taken advantage of some friends going through hard times to both get praise and to know how they perceive me. i won't lie and say i feel sorry or guilty over it though. it was just a thing i did.
how i think:
one of my deepest fear is that i'm nothing special. that i'm easily replaced by anyone else. that i don't matter.
i get possessive about how i look. my haircut and my clothing style is an intrinsic part of my identity.
if i see someone with a similar haircut/clothes, i go into defensive mode, and despise them on the inside. i'll act kinda rude to them if i'm forced to interact. or maybe i'll have better control and be nice. but if they don't react to my kindness in the way i want, that just solidifies that they're a terrible person trying to steal my identity.
this is similar to how i interact with some people who aren't threatening my sense of identity. if i compliment someone and they don't act grateful enough, i hate them.
i fit myself into communities to feel special, but then at the same time, purposely outcast myself partially from those communities to feel more unique. "i'm not like *those* people, i'm more special. i do x and they do y" or "i'm the only person in this community who doesn't relate to this, which means i'm better than them all" kinds of thinking.
morality to me, isn't real. its a tool to use to get whatever you want. i only believe in morality when it proves beneficial to me. i also have trouble grasping certain positions based on morals too sometimes. this is also partially an autism thing too.
i'm a huge hypocrite lol. which is very funny because i think its fine for only me to be a hypocrite.
how i cope:
i cope by. well. trying to keep my toxic emotions on the inside or let them out in an environment where they can't hurt anyone. doesn't always work lol. but it works most of the time, so its fine.
i'm beginning to unmask some of my npd symptoms in public too, mostly my need for praise. people are actually pretty accommodating for this, so its really good
when a narc crash is coming on, i try to trick my brain so i don't go through one. i start ranting about something/someone i hate, and the inferiority i feel will turn into superiority over the thing i used.
Hey, NPD people!
Can someone explaine narcisisstic personality disorder in neutral way??
Because when I look on the internet for informations, I only find how people with narcissism are toxic and manipulating and evil and I should stay away from them.
But I know this is not true.
All I want is to understand
How people with it act, think, and all, how you deal with it
I will be thankfull for any information!!
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leorawright · 3 years ago
Hallo! Can you do the mercs with s/o whos gender fluid reader? And What would they say/react if someone says somthing mean about there s/o's gender
- super coolio gender fluid anon
Awww that's a cool concept (also you do you boo I support you)
Warnings: mentions of crimes
Mercs with genderfluid s/o
He'll throw hands with anyone who insults your gender
If it's a mistake he'll let them off with a warning but if the purposefully insult it or you... yikes
He will fight them right then and there
No one insults you without having to deal with Scout
He can also run circles around them so he always wins
He's very respectful to whatever pronouns you feel like using that day
He might mess up a couple times a day but he doesn't mean to
If anyone insults you or specifically you pronouns it could go one of two ways
One is that he makes the give him 100 push-ups and run 5 laps around the building or
Option 2 involves a crime
Your pick
He's so chill with whatever pronouns you use
I think he identifies as he/they so he'll use whatever you what
If anyone insults you he will challenge them to a drinking battle
He will win
He will then record them saying the stupidest stuff for blackmail if he needs it later
They identify as Non-binary so they're also chill with what pronouns you use
After all its not like because you're one gender you can't watch Disney movies with them!
If someone insults you they'll calmly explain that's not what pronouns you use before walking away with you
Later that night Pyro may commit an act of arson so be prepared to run
He doesn't care
He still respect them but he doesn't see why some people make it a big deal
Your not a part of their life why are they in yours?
That doesn't mean he won't do something about it
He knows he's intimidating and he'll use that to his advantage
He'll scare whoever insulted you away
Oh nah they did not insult you
He drinks his LGBTQ+ respect juice so when someone insults you they're going down
He may be short but he's a short TEXAN ENGINEER they better run
He can be very scary when he wants to be and when someone insults you it's time to be scary
Respects you so much
Especially for saying it in public
But when someone has the nerve to insult you they had better pray
Medic will act his most insane when explaining to them that they need to respect you
Later in his fridge he suddenly has a new heart in there oh wow 😯
Also identifies as he/they so whatever you want him to call you he's down
If someone insults you Sniper had a new name on the top of his list
The next week you see a sign for who it was funeral and Snipers avoiding eye contact
What else was he supposed to do they didn't even apologize😤
He respects you and makes sure anyone who is anyone respects you
So if anyone who's anyone disrespected you they will become nobody
He'll take down their life like it was story he was writing and decided he didn't like
You are his wonderful significant other and no one has any position to insult you about what makes you comfortable
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