#why can't his team or louis just see it !!!
people on twitter dragging him for demand tho because he’s not selling these venues and ngl i feel low-key scared that he won’t sell it and is going to play in empty venues :( i hate the fact that bmg and matt vines don’t have a plan at all to fucking promote louis and his tour. they had so many opportunities ffs, make written all over your face a single and PROMOTE IT, release a fucking documentary and use it to promote his tour, they ‘promoted’ tour along with the album but they didn’t promote the album at all as well 😭 they thought the fans will buy the tickets as always and when it didn’t happen they choose to promote it or whatever they’re doing in the simplest way. it’s embarrassing for them and i can’t even describe how much i hate them. instead of doing these shitty interviews about how louis’ fans are 14 yo maybe they should’ve done with the promotion and stuff better lol fuck them. also i bet louis thinks he was too ambitious with this tour and it makes me so :(
the fans did buy the tickets! I'm sure once all the dates are out and u count the tickets sold they won't be less than what he sold for ltwt the problem is that if u make a bigger tour u HAVE to EXPAND your fanbase, you can't rely on the existing one bc well.. the math just doesn't make sense! and Matt vines is so fucking stupid for saying he doesn't care about radioplay and charts bc bitch that's the only way people van actually listen to his music and become fans !! if u don't make the fanbase grow how can u expect to make the tour grow !! it's DUMB! I'm sure the latam leg will sell easily once the dates are out but Europe and North America are I think around 60% /70% sold rn (which doesn't mean empty venues but considering how little he's charging and how much more everything costs after the pandemic that could very possibly be a problem in terms of covering the costs imo)
i really hope that louis doesn't start blaming himself for this bc it.is not his fault tbh, he isn't a manager or a tour organizer or a marketing expert, he should blame the people who he pays for that and who are clearly not doing their jobs ! and I hope he realizes that this can't go on !
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dianawinchester03 · 3 months
Season 2, Episode 7 - The Usual Suspects
Series Masterlist
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Third Person POV
Baltimore, Maryland
In a quant police station in Baltimore, Detective Peter Sheridan is on the phone with a fellow officer, waking to the fax machine with a cup of coffee in his hands. "Under what name?" He asks. "Oh, yeah. That's my favorite so far" He chuckles, resting down his coffee before taking out the paper the fax was printing.
"Possible ID's in three states that we know of....." His eyes widen as a smirk spreads on his face, "I gotta call you back" He says to the fellow officer in the phone before he sends his squad out.
A swarm of officers in protective gear, armed with automatic weapons storm the City Centre Motor Hotel. They made their way across the second floor.
Meanwhile, at the police station. "Well.." Sheridan begins as he enters the interrogation room, sitting across from the unknown subject. "...first I thought you were just stepping up your game. Credit card fraud, breaking and entering. Now, this one puzzled me. Grave desecration" Sheridan chuckles, holding up the paper to the suspect.
"But still, these are a long way from murder. Then we get fax from St. Louis. Where you're suspected of torturing and murdering a young woman" Sheridan adds. "However no one could prove anything, of course because, supposedly, you died there..." He snarked, giving the unsub a once over.
Back at the motel, the swat team rammed the door in using the battering ram. Breaking in the door, "Hands where I can see them!" A swat member yells at the man and woman inside of the motel room, who put up their hands in surrender, now revealed to be Sam Winchester and Y/N L/N. Diana Ballard aims her gun at them, taking the lead as she walked forward. "Going somewhere, Sam and Y/N??" Diana says smugly as they gulp fearfully, sharing a look of panic.
Back at the station, "But I gotta tell you something. You look pretty healthy to me" Sheridan quips to the suspect. "So now we know Karen Giles wasn't the first person you murdered..." Sheridan got up in the suspects face, "But I guarantee you, she's the last" Sheridan adds smugly before walking out of the room. The unsub is revealed to be Dean Winchester, a smirk across his handsome face as he watches the cocky detective leave the interrogation room.
Later that evening after capturing y/n and Sam. Detective Ballard entered the interrogation room Y/N and Sam were being held in, offering her a small smile. Sam has his hands on his hips, holting in his nervous pacing of the room. A file was tucked between Ballard's arm crease and two cups of coffee in her hands as she closed the door. "Thought you two might be thirsty" Ballard said, offering them the cups, resting them on the table.
Y/N cocked her eyebrow suspiciously, leaning back into her chair. She crossed arms crossed over her chest, "Okay, so you're the good cop" Y/N mocks, kicking up one foot ontop of the table along with the other, a cocky grin on her face, "Where's the bad cop?" She adds with snark, "Oh, he's with Dean" Ballard smirks, dropping the nice act. "Okay. And you're holding us, why?" Sam scoffs, leaning on the table.
"Well, Deans being held on suspicion of murder." Ballard begins, y/n's heart drops hearing this. "And you two? We'll see" Ballard adds, peeling off her latex gloves. "Murder?" Y/N and Sam gasp as Y/N takes her feet off of the table. Leaning forward, both hunters putting on an Oscar winning performance but at the same time they're majorly confused. "You guys sound genuinely surprised. Or are you that good actors?" Ballard jokes.
"Who's he supposed to have murdered?" Y/N shakes her head in disbelief, fueling the act. "We'll get around to that." Ballard simply says. "Well you can't just hold us here without formal charges" Sam defends in an offended tone as he leaned off of the table. "Well, actually, we can for 48 hours. But you, being a pre-law student, would know that" Ballard counters in a smug tone, getting closer to Sam who's face drops before turning to y/n.
"And you, y/n. A varisty cheerleader for a couple months in Sioux Falls High. You made the honor roll but never seemed to go to college" Ballard lists of some of y/n's accomplishments as the Hunter clenches her jaw. "I know all about you Sam and Y/N" Ballard smirks before opening her folder with their files. "You're both 23 years old, no jobs, no home addresses" Ballard lists off as she paces the room.
Sam and Y/N frozen in place. "Your mothers died when you were babies. Both of your fathers whereabouts are unknown. Seems like you've got mirrored lives if I'm being honest" Ballard continues, muttering the last part to herself. Y/N rolls her eyes in annoyance as Ballard continues, turning to Sam. "And there's the case of your brother, Dean. Whose demise was- well...just a little bit exaggerated" She says ironically.
"Feel free to jump in whenever you like" She glares at them. The two hunters share a look, not daring to answer. Sam leaned back on the table crossing his arms while Y/N leaned back in her chair, doing the same. "Shy? No problem. I'll keep going" Ballard smirks. "Your families moved around a lot when you were kids. Despite that, Sam, you were a straight-A students. Sam got into Stanford with a full-ride while Y/N disappeared from the face of the earth. Until now."
Ballard continues to site out their documented lives to them. "Then about a year ago, there was a fire at Sam's apartment. One fatality, Jessica Moore, your girlfriend." Ballard adds, turning to Sam. His heart was beating out of his chest at the mention of his late girlfriend, Y/N shot Sam a sympathetic look, "After she died, you fell off the grid. Left behind everything" Ballard presses.
"You got a point here, lady?!" Y/N snaps, pounding the table with her fist. Ballard just smirks in return, "I needed some time off. To deal." Sam responds to Ballard in a low tone. "So I'm taking a road trip with my brother and my childhood best friend." Sam adds. "How's that going for you all?" Ballard asks ironically. "Great" Y/N huffs, before chuckling. "I mean...we saw the second largest ball of twine in the continental U.S." She smiles widely.
"Yeah. That was awesome" Sam chuckles agreeing, going along with her lie, pulling a chair before straddling it. Ballard's smirk drops, "We ran Deans fingerprints through AFIS" Ballard says. "Okay?" Y/N and Sam question in unison. "Got over a dozen possible hits" Ballard informs them in a threatening tone. Leaning her palms on the table.
"Possible hit. Which makes them useless" Sam points out matter-of-factly. "But makes you wonder. What are we gonna find if we run either of you fingerprints?" Ballard counter in a similar tone. Sam and Y/N share a look before chuckling in a cocky tone, "Yeah. Well, you be sure to let us know, alright?" She says in an amused tone, banging her fist on the table as Sam snickers.
"May I?" Sam asks politely, pointing to the coffee cup. "Please" Ballard shrugs. "Great" Sam mutters, picking up one coffee cup, handing it to y/n before taking up his own. Y/N accepts, muttering a, "Thank you, Sammy" Both sniffing the coffee before simultaneously sipping on it. Diana Ballard then sits on the ledge of the table before getting closer to the two, "Sam, Y/N. You two seem like good kids" She begins.
"It's not your fault Deans your brother. We can't pick our family." She says to Sam. "And it's not your fault he's so handsome that he's got you wrapped around his finger- hell, I would want a slice of that pie if I was 10 years younger" She mocks fanning herself as she chuckled. Y/N's angry gaze snaps over to her, clenching her jaw as her eye twitched. Sams eyebrow shot up at this as both him and Y/N slightly side eye glare at her.
"Right now, detectives in St. Louis are exhuming a corpse. They're trying to figure out how Dean faked his own death after torturing all those young women" Ballard informed them. But they didn't dare look her in the eye. "Dean's a bad guy." Ballard presses. "You don't know anything about him!" Y/N snaps, gritting her teeth at Ballard, the way she was talking about him as if she knew him was grinding her gears.
If it didn't mean getting hauled off to prison for tackling a cop, she would've had Ballard on the ground with a wave of her hand. "His life is over, sweetie. Neither of yours have to be" Ballard says in an enticing tone. Sam scoffs as Y/N rolls her eyes, "You want me and y/n to turn against my own brother?" Sam scoffs in disbelief. "No" Ballard shakes her head, getting up from the table.
"We already caught him cold. Red-handed at the Karen Giles murder scene" Ballard says, both Sam and Y/N's eyes flicker over to her as she walked back to the other side of the table. "We just need you two to fill in some missing pieces" She adds. "Now it makes sense why we're being interrogated together. At first I thought it was because of how crummy this place is" Y/N scoffs with distaste at the beat up station.
Ballard rolls her eyes at her snark as Sam bites back a smile, "Why would we do that?" Sam asks her. Ballard pulls out a chair and takes a seat across from them, "Because I can talk to the DA. Make a deal for you guys. You two can get on with your lives. Deans as good as gone" Ballard offers. The two share a knowing look before Sam says,
"Our dads and Tony Giles were old friends. My dad and Tony were in the service together" Sam begins in a fake sad voice, y/n understands where he's getting at. "We've known them since we were kids, you know? So we came as soon as we heard about his death" She adds, fueling to the lie in a feigned sad tone.
Flashback to a couple days:
In an unknown town, Sam approaches the table at the cafe where Y/N and Dean were sat at on the patio. Three coffee cups in hand as Dean reads the newspaper with the article of Anthony Giles' death, a pen in his mouth while y/n is on her laptop canvassing the internet for a case, a cigarette tucked between her lips. "There you go" Sam says to them, handing each of them their coffees as he takes a seat next to Y/N, who mutters a grateful, "Thank you" before sipping and going back to her laptop.
"Anthony Giles" Dean begins, folding the newspaper. "Who's Anthony Giles?" Sam asks as Dean slides them the newspaper. "A Baltimore lawyer. Working late at his office, check it out" Dean tells them, popping the cap off of his coffee while Y/N takes a drag from her cigarette as Sam reads. "Blah blah blah. His throat was slit but the room was clean. Huh, no DNA. No prints" Sam mutters, raising an eyebrow at that.
"Keep reading, it gets better" Dean tells them. "Security cameras failed to capture footage of the assailant" Y/N reads out loud, looking over at Dean with a knowing expression as she taps the ash from her cigarette into the ashtray. "So I'm thinking either somebody tampered with the tapes-" Dean begins. "Or it's an invisible killer" Y/N finishes his sentence. "My favorite kind" Dean clicks his tongue, flashing her a wink.
She chuckles, rolling her eyes as she takes a drag. "What do you think, Scully? You wanna check it out?" Dean asks Sam before turning to y/n. "What about you, Cigarette Smoking Man?" He flashes her a cheekily smile as she narrows her eyes at him, blowing out the smoke from the corner of her mouth. "I'm not Scully. You're Scully" Sam huffs in annoyance. Tossing him the newspaper.
"No, I'm Mulder. You're a red headed woman" He retorts to Sam. "And I'm your possible father?" Y/N whips up, cocking an eyebrow. Deans face drops now realizing what he said as Sam and Y/N burst out laughing. "Come to Daddy, babyboy" Y/N mocks as Dean rolls his eyes. "Shut up" He grumbles childishly.
Present Time:
"So...it would've kind of hard for Dean to kill Tony. Considering we weren't in town at the time" Y/N scoffs after telling a vague version of them finding out that Anthony Giles was killed. "So tell me, what happened next" Ballard asks. "Okay, uh, that's when we went to see Karen" Sam begins before thinking a bit. "She was barely holding it together. We just wanted to be there for her, you know?" He says in a fake sad tone.
"Insurance" Karen tearfully sighs, shaking her head as she looks at the papers. Sam, Dean and Y/N were dressed in their formal wear, disguised as insurance agents. All currently in Karen Giles' dining room. The second Y/N entered that house, she got that chill at the back of her neck but it was its usual hair raising feeling. It was more dark, hallow...the best way to explain it. It was quite depressing and she felt it churn at her stomach.
"I totally forgot about the insurance" The clearly grief stricken widow sobs, "We're very sorry to bother you right now ma'am, but the company is required to conduct its own investigation" Y/N says sympathetically. "You understand?" Y/N adds softly. Karen nods rapidly, wiping away tears from her eyes. "Sure" She sniffles, tucking away a lock of her hair.
"Okay, If you could just tell us anything you remember about the night your husband died" Sam says softly. Karen takes a deep breath before beginning, "Tony and I were supposed to have dinner. He called and said that he was having computer troubles and...that he had to work late" Karen explains. They all listen intently as Sam and Y/N nod, giving Karen a pitiful look, their eyebrows furrowed.
"That was it" Karen finishes. Deans eyes shift over to Y/N, "Do you have any idea who could have done this to him?" She asks gently. "No. No. It's like I told the police. I have no idea" Karen sobs, sniffling as she shakes her head. "Did Tony mention anything....unusual to you in the days before his death?" Dean chimes in, Karen looks confused by this question. "Unusual? Like what?" Karen asks confused.
"Yeah, like strange" Dean smiles, his tone enticing. Sam and Y/N's eyebrows raised at his tone, both internally rolling their eyes at Deans lack of subtlety. "Strange?" Karen shakes her head, still confused. "You know, Karen, weird. Weird noises...uh...visions, anything like that?" Dean presses. Y/N clears her throat harshly, "Ahem", shooting Dean a warning look to be a little more subtle before.
His face drops before clearing his throat when he noticed y/n's serious look. Her eyes and Sam's eyes flicker over to Karen with a sympathetic look before glancing back over to dean with widened exasperated eyes as Dean looks down like guiltily like a child.
Walk him like a dog sis.
"Uh, he had a nightmare the day before he died, but-" Karen tells them. They all share a look, "What kind of nightmare?" Sam asks. "Uh...he said that he woke up in the middle of the night. And there was a woman standing at the foot of the bed..." Karen explains, sniffling. Dean looks over at Sam and Y/N with a smug face saying, 'I told you so', before turning back to Karen.
"...and then he blinked, she was gone. I mean, it was just a nightmare" Karen explained, confused as to why they would ask this. Dean chuckles lightly, passing it off as he cleared his throat, "Did he say what she looked like?" Dean asks. Karen's eyes widen, now absolutely confused, "What the hell difference does it make what she looked like?" She asks, her eyebrows furrowed.
Deans face drops, now realizing he pushed a bit too much. All three hunters panicked a bit, "Uh- it's just our company is very thorough, ma'am" Y/N pipes in, resting a comforting hand on Karen's gently. "And we just want to make this process as painless and easy as possible" She adds with a small smile. Karen sighs, taking the bait. Her eyes flickered down to Y/N's hand on hers before taking a deep breath.
Dean shoots y/n an impressed look. "He said she was pale and had dark red eyes" Karen tells them, sobbing lightly.
Present Time:
"So I gave Karen a hug. And told her to call us if she needed anything" Sam finishes their story, twisting the truth to fit. "And, that was it. End of story" Y/N adds. She was leaned back in her chair, her arms crossed as Sam straddles her, leaning forward. Ballard tapped her finger on the table impatiently, not convinced by their story whatsoever. "Sam, Y/N. I am trying to help you guys here. But you have got to be honest with me!" Ballard exclaims frustrated, getting up from her chair.
"Now, we have an eyewitness. Someone saw two men and a woman. Fitting your descriptions and Dean's, breaking into Giles' office!" Ballard informs them in a threatening tone. "Okay, look! Karen called us later, said that there was stuff she wanted from Tony's office but the police weren't letting her in" Y/N defends with the first lie that came to her mind, fluidly selling their story.
"Like a picture of the two of them in Paris, and some other stuff" She adds, "Look, it was wrong to enter a crime scene but she gave us the key!" Sam adds defensively, coming to aid y/n's lie.
Y/N was on her knees, expertly picking the lock to Anthony Giles' office. She opened it quickly and quietly as the boys shined their lights into the dark room. She handed Dean the Bobby pin she used to pick the lock as they walked in and Sam closed the door behind them, shining his light on the bloodstained floor. "Hey" He drew the attention of his brother and best friend to the ground,
"Anthony Giles' body was found right about here" Sam points out. "Throat slit so deep, part of his spinal cord was visible" Y/N quotes from the article she read of Giles' murder. Dean whistles lowly at that, "What do you guys think? Vengeful spirit? Underline, vengeful?" Dean questions with humor before turning to y/n. "You getting any tinglies with your ESP thing?" Dean asks her with a wide smirk, wiggling his fingers.
Y/N rolls her eyes, "Not at this very moment, but if something were here. It would've left some kind of aura. I'm not getting that here" Y/N tells him, "Back at the Giles' house though. It was red hot" She adds, "You could be right. I mean, we did see that woman at the foot of his bed" Sam agrees as he walks over to Anthony's desk. "It wasn't like anything I've felt before though. It was more heavy, dark, depressing, you know?" She adds truthfully.
"Maybe it's got to do with you learning to control your powers. Or maybe it's growing?" Dean suggest with a shrug. Y/N took a seat on the chair as Sam pulls a chair from the other side, taking a seat next to her. "Yeah, maybe" Y/N sighs. Dean notices a paper on the table with a weird text on it, his eyebrow's furrowed before handing it to Y/N, "Hey, take a look at this" He says, she takes it, reading it over as Sam peers over her shoulder.
"Dana Shulps?" Sam questions, written on the paper was 'danashulps' over and over with no spaces. "What's that? A name?" Y/N asks. "I don't know, but it's everywhere" Dean responds, picking up another set of papers with the same text in it. He turns it to them as Sam shines his light on the paper in Deans hands, "Well, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" Dean snorts, chuckling at his comment.
Sam's light shines on the table when he moves it, his and y/n's eyebrows raised when they noticed what looked like a scribble in on the glass table. Y/N and Dean shared a look before she leaned down and let her hot breath glaze over the table. The scribbled in revealed to be 'Dana Shulps' written in with probably Anthony's finger and dust. Y/N scoffs as the boys mouths fall agape. "Wow. I'd say we've officially crossed over into weird" She snorts.
"Maybe Giles knew her" Dean suggest. "Maybe it's the name of our pale, red eyes mystery girl" Sam suggests pulling out his laptop before opening it on the table. Y/N started to try to break the code to Giles' desktop as Dean got some files from the drawer, "Well, let's see what we can see" Dean smirks, slapping the files down on the table.
Hours have passed of doing research, currently still in Giles' office. Dean slams the drawer shut harshly in frustration. Sam and Y/N's heads snap over to Dean, "There's not a single mention of a Dana Shulps anywhere. There's not a D. Shulps. Or any other kind of freaking Shulps!" Dean growls irritated, leaning on the wall. "Great" Sam mutters as Y/N sighs.
Typing away on the desktop, "What do you guys got?" Dean asks. "Nothing" They respond in unison. "No Dana Shulps has ever lived or died in Baltimore in the last 50 years at least" Sam tells him, equally frustrated. "So, what now?" Dean huffs. "Well, I think I'm pretty close to cracking Giles' password. Maybe there's something in his personal files, you know?" Y/N tells them, leaning back in her chair.
"By close, you mean...?" Dean asks for a time limit. "Thirty minutes maybe" Y/N spitballs, shrugging. Dean checks his wristwatch before huffing, "Awesome" He grumbles, slouching his shoulder before moving over to the chair across from the desk the two were sat at. "So I guess I just get to, uh, hang out" Dean feigns a smile before sinking into the seat.
"Sooooo, awesome" He grumbles childishly. Watching in impatience as Y/N types away on the laptop and Sam is still nose deep into looking for a Dana Shulps. Dean begins clicking his tongue in boredom, causing Sam and Y/N's eyes to snap over to him as he creases his lips while puffing up his cheeks, making a squelching farting noise with his mouth. "Dean!" "Dude, seriously!" Y/N and Sam exclaim in annoyance at the same time.
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"What?!" Dean huffs back childishly. "Oh for the love of-" Y/N groans, massaging her temples. "Go into my duffel bag, you'll see there's a chocolate bar. I bought it for moments exactly like this." Y/N instructs him firmly, pointing to her bag before slouching back into her chair as she continued to type away on the desktop, trying to break the code.
Deans eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas, quickly rushing over to the bag. He dug into it and fished out the chocolate bar, tearing up open and instantly digging into it. Sam snorted as his brother practically swallowed the chocolate, "Thanks princess" Dean thanks her with a mouthful of chocolate. "You're welcome, charming" She muttered back, flashing him a sweet smile before turning back to the desktop.
"Alright, I'm gonna go talk to Karen, see if she knows anything about this Dana Shulps, huh?" Dean suggests as he stuffed the paper from the bar into his pocket, swallowing the last of the candy. "Great, be safe" Y/N tells him, "Ditto, keep doing sparkys" Dean flashes her a wink before walking out of the room.
Present Time:
"Then Dean went back to Karen's place to check up on her" Sam finishes his story after twisting around it, "I mean, you know? She had been pretty upset earlier" Y/N sighs. "So why didn't you two go with him?" Ballard asks, her eyes narrowed at them. They both shrugged, "We just went back to the motel." Sam shakes his head before a thought pops in to Y/N's.
"How'd you know we were there, by the way?" Y/N asks, cocking her eyebrow as she leans back into her chair. Ballard inches towards them, her heels clinking on the ground, "We found the motel matchbook on Dean when we arrested him" Ballard informs them harshly, showing them the bagged matchbook on the table. "Let's quit fooling around. You two were with Dean the whole time in Baltimore, why separate now?" Ballard presses as she dashes the matchbook on the table, leaning down.
"Because he left, to go murder Karen" Ballard answers the question for them. "He didn't kill anyone" Sam says calmly. Ballard slams her palm on the desk in frustration. "I heard the 911 call! Karen was terrified! She said someone was in the house!" Ballard yells at them. The two hunters don't react, simply raising their eyebrows at her failed attempt of being intimidating.
"You know you suck at being scary, maybe get a face tat. It'll give you some brownie points for badass" Y/N quips up, an amused grin on her face. Sam had to hold back a snicker by her comeback as Ballard groans in frustration.
Karen is sat on her couch watching the news, mourning the loss of her husband. She reaches over to grab a tissue from the box on her coffee table. She gasps in fear when she catches a glimpse of a shadow. Karen pauses, quickly taking off her glasses to wipe her eyes. She shakes her head, realizing she's probably just hallucinating from trauma.
She places her glasses back onto her face as she sniffles. Karen lets out a scream of terror when she saw a pale woman with dark red eyes, exactly like her husband described before his death by the window. Karen quickly turns to lamp next to her on, breaking eye contact with the spirit for a split second, only to look back to see no one.
Still shaken, Karen gets up from her couch, whimpering and shaking with fear. She slowly makes her way to her stairs, peering from the corner while looking around for anyone or anything. She felt a chill behind her and spun back around with a loud gasp only to see no one there. She quickly ascended her stairs, rushing into her office before locking the door behind her.
Karen immediately grabs the landline on her desk, dialing in 911. "Emergency Services" A woman on the other line answers almost immediately. "Hello?...I-i think I saw somebody in my house" Karen whispers fearfully, her words stuttered as she spoke. "What is your address, ma'am?" The responser asks. "It's 421 Clinton Avenue." Karen informs her, shaking but the line drops dead.
"Please can you- Hello-?" Karen's heart drops when she hears the line go dead. That's when the lights started flickering in her room and the printer started whirring, a paper began to slide out of the receiver, printing a name over and over. Karen watched in fear as the page printed 'Dana Shulps'. She backed up to the closet door, before quickly opening it.
Karen got out her flashlight from the back of the closet, turning it on. She shined it behind her, only to be met with the pale woman with dark red eyes and a slit throat, Karen's eyes widened, her mouth dropped as she let out the most gut wrenching scream she possibly could.
Not too long after Karen's encounter, Dean Winchester approaches her door, pulling the door knocker before rapping on the door. "Karen, you in there?" Dean calls out to Karen. He doesn't get an answer after a few seconds so he looks around to insure no one would witness the crime he's about to commit before pulling out a bobby pin he stole from y/n.
Dean expertly picked the lock, slowly opening the creaking door before closing it behind him. He took a look around the dark house, reaching onto the wall to flick the light switch but it wouldn't come on. As if the fuse blew but Dean knew better than that. Dean made his way around the house, lastly wounding up in Karen's office only to stumble upon her freshly deceased body.
Her blood pooled and soaked into the carpeted ground from the inch deep slashed made against her throat. "Oh, God" Dean mutters, his stomach churning. His eyes flickered over to the printer, pulling it out of the receiver to take a look. He rolls his eyes when he see, 'Dana Shulps' printed over and over on it. "Seriously, what the hell?" He groans in frustration, as he takes in Karen's corpse.
Now noticing the purple grip marks around her wrists. He takes a step closer, kneeling down to examine her body. He gently but respectfully to the deceased, lifted her limp wrist to get a better look but the cocking of a gun behind him caught his attention. His head snaps back in. A flash, "Freeze. Stay on your knees" A woman officer behind him orders him firmly, her male partner and her both aiming their guns at the elder Winchester.
Deans eyes widen, his heart thumping out of his chest. "Hands where I can see them. Now!" The female officer yells as Dean breathes heavily, raising his hands in surrender. "Cuff him" The officer orders her partner who does so. Roughly handcuffing Dean, a wrongly accused man. His jaw clenches, now internally panicking because he knew they'd go after Sammy and y/n/n now that they'd found him.
Present Time:
Detective Peter Sheridan was sat in the observation room where Dean was being held, handcuffed to the table as Ballard enters. Unbeknownst to Dean who couldn't see them through the one-way mirror, "You getting anywhere with him?" Ballard asks Sheridan as she closes the door, taking a seat on the table.
"No. Just a lot of wise-ass remarks. You?" Sheridan responds, sipping his coffee. "Same with y/n. Girls got a mouth on her" Ballard huffs, rolling her eyes. "But their story matches Deans to the last detail." Ballard tells him, Sheridan nods, getting up from us chair. "Yeah? Well, these guys are good, I'll give them that" Sheridan comments while he picks up his jacket before opening the door for Ballard to exit first, walking behind her.
"If we don't get Sam and Y/N to flip, we have nothing but a lot of circumstantial evidence" Ballard says in frustration as they walk through the station. "We got Dean at the crime scene with blood on his hands" Sheridan points out. "Juries have convicted for less" He assures her. "Yeah, but, I mean, where's the murder weapon?" Ballard asks the pending question.
"What's the motive. You talk about reasonable doubt- " She continues but Sheridan cuts her off. "Diana...do you have reasonable doubt" He says in a low husky tone, resting his thumb on her chin, caressing her bottom lip before quickly pulling his hand away when he saw a fellow officer walk in. Ballard throat goes dry, her heart thumping of of her chest. Her eyes darting to his lips,
"If we keep leaning on them, one of them will tumble. And don't forget about St. Louis. I'm telling you, this Dean guy is our guy" Sheridan tells her confidently but she wasn't too sure, he rested his hand on the small of her back as they began walking again. "I know Tony Giles was a friend of yours." Ballard says softly. "Yeah, he was. He was a good friend" Sheridan nods. "Look and I know you wanna clean this mess up quick. But come on, Tony knew a lot of criminal types, maybe we just-" Ballard suggest but he cuts her off again.
"Criminal types? He was a defense lawyer for Gods sakes. Of course he knew criminal types" Sheridan scoffs. Ballard sighed, "Okay, alright. Let's get back at them" She shakes her head. "Nah, you know what? Let them stew in their juices for a bit." Sheridan suggested, as they reached a corner. He looked around making sure there was no one around.
"Come here" He beckoned her closer with the wiggle of a crooked finger and a smirk. Ballard smiled before leaning in to kiss her boyfriend, a blush prominent on her face when their lips disconnected before brushing his cheek lightly with her hand. Then turning to walk off towards her desk in the bullpen.
Meanwhile, Dean was in his holding room. His hands clasped infront of him, his eyes closed as he tried to figure out what in the flying fuck was Dana Shulps. "Dana Shulps. Dana Shulps. Dana Shulps. Dana- Dana Shulps" He chanted to himself, his mind swirling with possibilities until a thought crossed his mind.
Back in Sam and Y/N's holding room, Y/N's face was buried in her hands, her elbows pressed against the cold metal table bored out of her mind. Sam's pacing came to a stop, he then sank in the chair next to her. Taking up Ballard's pen, he began to write Dana Shulps on the Manila folder. "What are you-?" Y/N goes to ask, holting her question when she realized what he was doing.
In Dean's room, his eyes opened, "Maybe it's not a name. Maybe it's not a name" He muttered to himself, raising his eyebrows.
Y/N looked on as Sam contemplated, "Anagram maybe?" She suggested, Sams eyebrows furrowed. "Maybe." He sighs, shrugging before he began to try other ways on the folder.
Deans broken from his train of thought when the sound of someone knocking on the door startled him. The door creaked open and entered a middle aged man dressed in a suit and tie, carrying a briefcase. "Mr. Winchester?" The man questioned. "Yeah" Dean confirmed. "I'm Jeff Krause. I'm with the public defenders office" The man introduces himself kindly, locking the door behind him.
Deans eyebrows furrowed, "I'm your lawyer" Jeff smiles. Dean snorts, "Oh, thank God. I'm saved" He muttered sarcastically as Jeff took a seat. "Hey, can I, uh, steal a pen from you, some paper?" Dean asks the man casually. "Sure" Jeff nods kindly before reaching into his jacket and taking out a pen, then into his briefcase, taking out a notepad before sliding both items over to Dean.
"Well, the police haven't found a weapon yet, so that's good" Jeff begins as Dean writes 'Dana Shulps' on the paper. "But, uh, they got your prints...and literally, blood on your hands. And, with your police record...uh..." Jeff explains only to see Dean was not paying attention, still writing away on the pad. "Mr. Winchester, what are you doing?" Jeff asks him.
"I think it's an anagram" Dean responds, focused on the case. "A what?" Jeff asks confused. "An anagram. Sam letters, different words" Dean explains as he writes out possibilities on the notepad. Jeff cocks his eyebrow, beyond confused. "Uh, could you do me a favor? See if you recognize any of these words. You know? Local names, places, anything like that?" Dean asks him, turning the notepad to him.
Jeff is taken back by this, "Do you understand how serious these charges are?" Jeff exaggerates the severity. Dean chuckles, rattling the hands that are cuffed to the table, "I'm handcuffed to a table. Yeah, I get it" Dean says plainly before pointing to the notepad. "Humor me. Take a quick look" He requests Jeff who sighs, doing as Dean says. Taking a good look at the list of names.
"Well..." He scratches off three letters from one of the names. "S-U-P. I don't know about that but..." He begins as he scratches off the S-U-P in the word: Supash Land. "Ashland is a street name. It's not far from here" Jeff tells him as he turns the pad back to him. "Street?" Dean question as he tears the paper out from the pad.
Jeff gives Dean a weird look but decides to change the subject, "Let's start with where is it were the night that Anthony Giles died" Jeff began, "Can you get in to see my brother and my gi- friend" Dean asks, clearing his throat from the slight slip of tongue. "Mr. Winchester...you could be facing the death penalty here" Jeff warns him, thinking Dean didn't understand the severity of the situation.
"Hey, thanks for the law review, Matlock." Dean quips looking up from the notepad. Jeff's face drops as Dean rips out a paper with something written on it, "But, if you wanna help me..." He folded the paper before handing it to Jeff. "I need you to see my brother and my friend" his tone dead serious.
Diana Ballard was at her desk, doing up the report of Sam and Y/N's arrest on her laptop. When suddenly her laptop randomly started writing 'Dana Shulps' over and over in her report. Ballard's eyes widened, confusion setting in. She pressed her finger to the erase button, attempting to delete it but the computer wouldn't budge. When she blinked, the report went back to its original form. Ballard was utterly confused, convinced she was going mad.
Meanwhile, in Sam and Y/N's holding room, Jeff brought the note Dean left for them.
'Hilts- it's a Street. Ashland - McQueen'
The note read, Sam and Y/N shared a look when they saw the reference from the movie 'The Great Escape' in the note Dean signed. Of course the bastard would use a Movie reference. Y/N thought to herself. "I hope that was meaningful. But I'd like to discuss your cases now" Jeff said to them firmly. Sam shrugged, "Sure thing, Matlock" Y/N gestured for Jeff to take a seat. Jeff scoffed at the irony.
"You two are just perfect for each other, aren't you?" Jeff chuckled at the reference because Dean called him Matlock too. Y/N and Sam grimaced, assuming Jeff was talking about them. Internally gagging at the thought. "Gross" Sam and Y/N muttered in unison, groaning in disgust. "No, not- nevermind" Jeff goes to explain but shook his head, taking a seat.
"Now, as you two know" He began, going into his briefcase, taking out a pen before clicking it. "The DA might be interested in-" Jeff is cut off by a knock at the door. "We need you. With the other one" Ballard informs Jeff upon entrance.
Dean was still sat in the holding room, handcuffed to the table as an officer set up a video camera across from him on the other side of the table, Sheridan besides the officer. Ballard entered with Jeff Krause. "Counselor, your boy decided to confess" Sheridan informed him, his hands on his hips. Jeff's eyes widen, "Mr. Winchester. I'd advice against that strongly" Jeff leans down, pleading with Dean.
"Talk directly into the camera. Start by stating your name for the record" Sheridan instructed him as Ballard stood behind him, arms folded across her chest. Dean nodded before clasping his hands infront of his, clearing his throat before beginning. "My name is Dean Winchester" Dean starts, a light sly smirk making its way onto his handsome face.
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"I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach and frisky women" He smiled smugly, his mind going to y/n for a second at the last part before dropping the act. "And I did not kill anyone. But I know who did" He continued, glancing up at Ballard and Sheridan who have annoyance plastered on their faces.
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"Or rather, what did. Of course, it can't be for sure because our investigation was interrupted" He smugly added before looking back into the camera. "But our working theory is that we're looking for a some kind of...vengeful spirit" His words right there and then would earn him a smack to the back of the head by y/n, if she were here and a lecture about 'Not being subtle'. But in this case, it was sorta acceptable.
Pin drop silence fell in the room, "Excuse me?" Ballard piped in, bamboozled by his words. Dean just smirked, "You know, Casper the bloodthirsty ghost?" He quipped, looking back up at Ballard with a smug smile. "Tony Giles saw it. And I'll bet you cash money, Karen did too" Deans smirk widens. "But see the interesting thing is the word it leaves behind. For some reason, it's trying to tell us something. But communicating across the veil, it ain't easy" Dean continues. Sheridan rolls his eyes in pure frustration, turning to Ballard.
"You know, sometimes the spirits, they, uh, they get things jumbled. You remember red rum? Same concept. You know, it's, uh....could be word fragments..." Dean explains as the entire room looked at him as if he were crazy. Which, any human who didn't know about the supernatural would. "Other times..." He rests into his jacket, pulling out a paper from his pocket.
He opens it and flashes it to the camera, the paper being the one he wrote all of the possibilities from the 'Dana Shulps' clue they got from Karen and Tony's printers. "...it's anagram. See at first we thought this was a name, Dana Shulps" Ballard's mouth fell agape when he said that, her mind going back to the malfunction on her laptop. In utter disbelief at this.
"But now, we think it's a street, Ashland. Whatever's going on...I'm betting it started there" Dean finished, flashing the camera his classic shit-eating, panty dropping grin. "You arrogant bastard. Tony and Karen were too people. You're making jokes!" Sheridan growled. "I'm not joking, Ponch" Deans smile widens, Sheridan then moves around the table, leaning down to shout in Deans face.
"You murdered them in cold blood, just like that girl in St. Louis!" Sheridan shouts. Deans smile doesn't drop, instead he turns back to the camera, "Oh, yeah. That wasn't me either." He chuckles. "That was a shapeshifter creature that only looked like me" Dean simply smiles. Telling the truth that sounded like utter bullshit. Sheridan snapped, "Get up!" He screams, grabbing Dean by his neck.
He spun Dean around and slams the elder Winchester into the wall as everyone in the room backs away. Pure rage on his face, "Pete, that is enough!" Ballard yells at him as Sheridan had Dean pressed against the wall, his hands gripping his shirt collar. His breath was hot and heavy with fury, "You asked for the truth" Dean shrugged nonchalantly. Sheridan huffed before loosing his grip.
"Lock his ass up" He ordered the deputy. Leaving the room with Ballard. The deputy then grabs Dean by his wrist, before turning him around, slamming him back into the wall. Deans cheek hits the cold barrier as the officer reaches behind his belt to take out the handcuffs. Dean winces lightly from the pinch of the cuffs tightening around his wrists, a satisfied smirk plastered on his face.
Ballard and Sheridan head on over to Sam and Y/N's holding room, only to enter a now empty room. The window shutters were broken from the inside of the two story building. "What the hell! Where are they?!" Sheridan growls, rushing over to the window, nothing but a busy street and no sign of Sam or y/n.
Ballard notices a paper on the table, she picks it up to see the note Dean wrote for Sam and Y/N. She shook her head, slightly impressed by it. "What'd they do? The fire escape's way over— What?" Sheridan begins but when he turns to see Ballard with a with the note in her hand he asks. "These three" Ballard scoffs, handing Sheridan the note. "Hilts and McQueen? What is this?" Sheridan also confused.
"Hilts is Steve McQueens character in The Great Escape" Ballard informs Sheridan, earning a huff of frustration from how these three hillbilly dressed, country folk could possibly outsmart a station filled with officers. Much-less, him. His ego was deflating by the second.
Ballard entered the bathroom, attempting to turn on the light switch but it just sparked, the room staying dark. She groaned in frustration before walking over to the faucet. She reached down to turn it on but water started spewing out without her touching it. Her mouth fell agape as the water steamed up and all the other faucets besides her started spewing hot water.
Ballard's gaze turns to the fogged mirror in-front of her, the squeaking of a finger pressed up against the fogged glass, writing in 'Dana Shulps' in all capital letters. There was no one in the bathroom besides Ballard, her heart was thumping out of her chest. She quickly wiped away the words on the mirror, only to be met with the same pale, dark red eyes women staring right at her.
Ballard gasps fearfully, turning around to confirm there was the woman behind her. The ghost tries to speak to her but the slit in her throat made it difficult as the woman desperately attempted to communicate with Ballard but blood spewed out of the gash on her throat. Leaving her terrified and speechless.
Ballard opens the door to Deans holding room, her stoic eyes meeting Deans bored expression. Locking the door behind her, "Can we make this quick? I'm a little tired" Dean groans, rubbing his forehead with his pointer and ring finger. "It's been a long day, you know? With your partner assaulting me and all" He snarks. "I wanna know more about that stuff you were talking about earlier." Ballard says, trying to ease her heavy breathing.
"Time Life. Mysteries of the Unknown. Look it up" Dean sassed while rubbing his sore wrists. Ballard made her way to the other side of the table across room Dean., "Let's pretend for the moment you're not entirely insane" She began, taking a deep breath as Dean pumped his eyebrows smugly. "What would one of these things be going here?" She asks. "A vengeful spirit?" Dean asks knowing the answer.
Ballard does give him one so he just nods, "Well they're created by violent deaths. And then they come back for a reason, usually a nasty one. Like revenge on the people that hurt them" Dean explains. "And, uh, these....spirits. They're capable of killing people?" Ballard asks, rubbing the back of her neck. The same spot Karen Giles was slashed on.
Dean smirks at her hesitation but it quickly drops when his eyes land on her wrists, purple grip marks around them, identical to the ones on Karen's wrists. "Where did you get that?" He asks Ballard. She gasps, taking her hand off from her neck, pulling up her sleeve lightly. "I don't know. It wasn't there before" She tells in a shaken tone. Realization dawns on Dean, "You've seen it, haven't you?" He asks Ballard in a knowing tone.
Her eyes widen, "The spirit" He adds. "How did you know?" Ballard gasps. "Because Karen had the same bruised on her wrists. I'm willing to bet that if you look at Giles' autopsy photos, he's got them too. It's got something to do with this spirit. I don't know what" Dean informs her as she shook with disbelief. Ballard turnt to the mirror in the room, her face flushed with contempt.
She's convinced she's going insane, bonkers, mad. All the names in the book. She was telling herself she's no better than Dean. "I know. You think you're going crazy" Dean voices her thoughts. "But let's skip that part, shall we?" He snarks. "Because the last two people who saw this thing died pretty soon after. You hear me?" Dean says to her firmly. Ballard turns back to face Dean. "You gonna I'm gonna die" Ballard mumbles.
Dean nods as if it's obvious, "You need to go to Sam and Y/N. They'll help" Dean assures her. "You're giving your brother and your girlfriend up?" Ballard blinks, taken back by how serious this much be is Dean was willing to fold. He puts up a finger, "1. She's not my girlfriend." Dean states. "2. Go to the first motel listed in the yellow pages. Look for Jim Rockford and/or Beth Davenport. It's how we all find each other when we're separated" Dean instructs her.
"And you can arrest them if you want. Or you can let them save your life" He says firmly.
Sam and Y/N were back in their motel room, Sam was sat at the table, in front of his laptop, sifting through the stack of crime scene photos while Y/N paced the room nervously. Her fingers trembled slightly each time she brought it to her lips, taking a deep drag before exhaling a plume of smoke. The ash from the burning end falls to the ground, so engulfed in her own thoughts of Dean behind those bars, worried beyond words from the dictionary could describe.
She was on her sixth cigarette since they've gotten back, the second she lit the third one, she earned a concerned look from her best friend. "He'll be fine, y/n/n. He's Dean" Sam assures her gently, tapping the bottom of the papers on the table. "That's exactly what I'm worried about" She sighs, shaking her head. Sam also sighs, knowing where she's getting at. Dean may be strong but the bastard's got a smart mouth they gets him in trouble 99% of the time.
He's already being held for murder, she had every right to be worried. A knocking at the door startles both of them. The two hunters shared a look while y/n felt a joy in her heart, assuming it was Dean she rushed over to open it. Her heart only sank when she twisted the doorknob, pulling it open, revealing it to be none other than Detective Ballard.
Sam shot up from his chair as y/n gulps visibly, but Ballards expression told them that she wasn't there to detain them.
Ballard explained to them what happened, showing Sam and y/n her wrist. The two eyes widen as y/n gently takes Ballard's hands in hers. "May I?" She asks for consent. Ballard nods as y/n examines her wrists. "These showed up after you saw it?" Sam asks her. Ballard nods, "Yeah, I-I guess" She stutters. "Alright hun. You're gonna have to tell us exactly what you saw. Can you do that?" Y/N says gently.
Ballard takes a shallow breath before nodding, "You know, I must be losing my mind" She shakes her head, stepping away from the two. "You're fugitives. I should be arresting y'all." She stresses. Sam and Y/N share an exasperated look, "Alright, well. You know what? You can arrest us later, alright? After you live through this." Y/N sasses. "But right now, you gotta talk to us. Okay?" Sam adds calmly, taking on the chair he was on earlier.
Ballard hesitantly, tears in her eyes but nods obliging. "Okay, great. Now, the spirit, what did it look like?" Y/N asks, leaning against the table, arms crossed over her chest. "She was uh...really pale. And her throat was cut. And her eyes, they were like this deep dark red." Ballard explains as the two nod and listen intently. "It appeared like she was trying to talk to me, but she couldn't" Ballard's breath quickens.
"It was just a lot of blood" She exaggerates, clearly shaken from the experience. She takes a seat on the bed across from them. Sam and Y/N share a look before Sam turns to his laptop, "You know what? Here, I've been researching every girl who's ever died or gone missing from Ashland Street."  Sam tells her, gathering the crime scene photos. She gets up and moves over to the table they were at, freezing upon seeing what they had in their possession.
"How did you get those? Those are from crime scene and booking photos" Ballard firmly asks. Smirks crept onto Sam and Y/N's faces. "You have you job. We got ours" Y/N sasses with a nonchalant shrug. Sam agrees from handing Ballard the photos, "Here, I need you to look through these, tell me if you recognize anyone" Sam instructs her. She flashes him a glare before taking them and settling on the bed.
She goes through the photos, shaking her head with each one until landing on a very familiar mugshot of a woman, her heart dropped when she instantly recognized the woman. "This is her. I'm sure of it." She says confidently as she hands y/n the photo. Sam peered over y/n's shoulder to get a proper look, "Claire Becket, 28 years old. Disappeared about eight or nine months ago" Y/N reads off from the mugshot.
Sam begins to type her name into the police database to get an information on her, "But I don't even know her. Why would she come after me?" Ballard asks confused, "Well, before her death. She was arrested twice for dealing heroin" Sam informs her. "You ever work narcotics?" Y/N asks Ballard. "Yeah. Pete and I did. Before Homicide" Ballard nods, Sam holds up the picture of Claire Beckett.
"You ever bust her?" He asks. "Not that I remember" Ballard shakes her head. Sam and Y/N sighed, as he read the report. "It says she was last seen entering 2911 Ashland Street. Police searched the place, didn't find anything" Sam reads off from the report before handing y/n the photo again. "Guess we gotta go check it out ourselves. See if we can find her body" Y/N mumbles.
Sam nods in agreement before getting up, "What?" Ballard huffs as Y/N hands Sam his jacket, "Well, we gotta salt and burn her bones. It's the only way to put her to rest" Sam explains to Ballard who's eyes are wide. "Of course it is" Ballard mutters, earning a amused chuckles from the two hunters.
Sirens in the empty street wailed from the distance on 2911 Ashland Street. Sam, Y/N and Ballard were canvassing the building, armed with flashlights and their trusty firearms. Dean's army green duffel was slung over Y/N's shoulder. Packed filled with salt, accelerant, lighters, matches and basically anything to take down any known monster or spirit.
The room was not only dark was filled with metal shelves with tons of junk on them. Clearly abandoned, "So what exactly are we looking for?" Ballard asks. "We'll let you know when we find it" Sam remarks in a low tone. Y/N could feel the heaviness in the place, it was light a weight was crushing her chest. "She's here alright" Y/N tells Sam in a low tone, making sure Ballard doesn't hear at risk of scaring her.
Sam nods in response as y/n shines her light on a staircase. The two share a look before making their way over to the creaky stairs. Sam went first and y/n followed behind as Ballard stayed downstairs. She continued to search the room, her heart beating out of her chest when she heard a clattering object across the room.
She scanned the place but froze in fear, a loud gasp left her throat when Claire's spirit came into view. She disapparated and apparated again infront of Ballard in a flash, attempting to speak again but she choked on her blood. "Sam! Y/N!" Ballard calls out for them fearfully as Claire reaches out to her, she backs away shaking with fear as Sam and Y/N came rushing down the stairs. "Sam! Y/N!"
"Hey! We're here, what is it?? What happened?" Sam asks her out of breath from running. "Claire" Ballard gasps out shaken. "Where?" Y/N asks, flashing her light around the room. "She was here" Ballard breathes heavily. "Did she attack you?" Sam asks, scanning her body for any marks. "No. No, she was just, like reaching out to me" Ballard shakes her head. "She was over there by the window" She points out.
Ballard moves closer to the window that was blocked by the shelf. "Hey. Help me move this" She asks Sam and y/n. They nod as they help her move the large shelf. Ballard's eyes widen in recognition when she sees a back to front printed in word on the window, her mouth agape. "Our little mystery word" She mutters, pained. Sam and Y/N look over at her confused until realization dawns on them.
They turn to see the words on the window that was hit directly from the light, shining through onto the wall behind them. Spelling 'Ashland Sup'. Y/N's mouth fell agape along with Sam's, "Now the extra letters make sense" She mutters, sharing a look with Sam. Y/N reaches forward slowly, stepping forward to the wall. Her arm stretched out. "What is she doing?" Ballard asks. "Checking to see if she can sense the spirit" Sam informs Ballard.
"She can do that? How?" Ballard asks confused. "Uh...we'll explain after" Sam smiles sheepishly. Y/N's hand presses against the wall, she gasps loudly when the weight on her chest pressed in deeper, rush of energy running through the palm of her hands, reaching the soles of her feet. It wasn't like anything she'd felt before, something wasn't adding up but something was in that wall, she knew that for sure.
"There's something in there. There has to be" Y/N tells them, quickly taking her hand off the wall. Sam then fishes out his EMF meter from his jacket upon y/n's reaction. Powering it on, "What is that?" Ballard asks. "Well, spirits and certain remains give off electro magnetic frequencies. It's basically a device of what y/n has built into her head" Sam explains, with a shrug.
"Gee, thanks Sammy" Y/N mutters sarcastically, rolling her eyes, earning a cheeky smile from Sam. "So if Claire's body was here. Y/N and that EMF meter could indicate that?" Ballard asks. "Yeah, well that's the theory" Sam nods. He then inches the EMF meter closer to the wall, it instantly goes insane, lighting up bright red. Ballard's eyes widen.
Y/N tosses Deans duffel on the floor before digging out a hatchet and a rocksalt gun. The two begin to hammer into the wall with their weapons, drawing them back at least a half dozen times before finally busting through the bricked all. Y/N turns on her flashlight and shines it into the opening they made. "Yeah, yeah. There's definitely something in there" Y/N confirms as Ballard's breathing quickened.
"You know, this is bothering me" Sam grumbles as he and y/n use their elbows to finish breaking apart the wall. "Well, you guys are digging up a corpse" Ballard points out. "No, not that. That's pretty par from the course, actually" Y/N chuckles. "Then what?" Ballard asks curiously. "It's just...I mean, no vengeful spirit we've ever tussled with wanted to be wasted. So why the hell would Claire lead us to her remains?" Sam thinks out loud.
Y/N didn't think about that prior, "You've got a point. It doesn't make any sense" She agrees as they bang their elbows into the wall. It finally gave and broke inwards. Both grunting heavily as they pulled out the large blanket with ropes tying it closed on either side, it seemed to have a human corpse wrapped in it. Y/N felt her chest grow heavier as they held it, the exact feeling she got when she touched that wall was soaring through her.
Sam and Y/N grunted as they gently placed it on the ground, Y/N then pulls out her new butterfly knife Dean bought for her from her combat boots. Flicking it open, she begins to cut away at the rope. Sam then unwraps the blanket after she does this, revealing the skeletal remains of Claire Beckett. The blonde hair was a dead giveaway that this was the spirit remains they were looking for.
Their hearts dropped painfully, feeling pity for the poor woman. Ballard held up her wrists when she saw that Claire had ropes tied around her wrists. "Her wrists. Yeah, they'd be bruised just like yours" Y/N says, realizing the same thing as Ballard. What caught her eyes was an extremely familiar necklace that was around Claire's neck, Ballard took it between her fingers examining it.
Her mouth fell agape once again, tears pricking at her eyes. Sam and Y/N noticed this, "That necklace mean something to you?" Sam asks as Ballard glared at the necklace, feeling utterly and completely betrayed. "I've seen it before. It's rare. It was custom made over on Carson Street" Ballard tells them, taking a deep breath as they take a look at the unique pendant. Sam and Y/N looked at her confused as to why Ballard knew that.
She then reached into her blouse to pull out an identical pendant, "I have one just like it. Pete gave it to me" Ballard informs them. It was their turn to go agape, both their jaws on the ground. Y/N gets up from the ground, "Now this all makes perfect sense. As to why the aura didn't feel the same compared to actual vengeful spirits" Y/N says in realization as Sam gets up. "I'm sorry?" Ballard shakes her head confused.
"Yeah, you see, Claire is not a vengeful spirit. She's a death omen" Sam tells her. "Excuse me?" Ballard questions baffled, getting up from the ground also. "Claire's not killing anyone. She's trying to warn them" Y/N explains to Ballard. "You see, sometime spirits, they don't want vengeance, they want Justice. Which is why she led up here in the first place. She wants up to know who her killer is" Sam adds as Ballard paces the room, her hands on her hips.
Ballard gets where the two hunters are hinting at, her face dropping at the assumption, "No offense detective, but how much do you know about your partner?" Y/N asks respectfully. "Oh, my god" Ballard gasps, thought crossing her mind. "What?" Sam and Y/N ask in unison. "About a year ago, some heroin went missing from lockup. Obviously, it was a cop but we never found out who did it" Ballard explains to them, taking a step forward.
Their eyebrows furrowed until they put the pieces together, "But whoever did it would need someone to fence their product." Ballard adds. "Somebody like a heroin dealer" Sam chimes in. Ballard turns to them, "Somebody like Claire" Y/N injects, the three sharing a look. A striking pain coursed through y/n's head out of the sudden, it shot from one temple to the other.
She screamed, falling to her knees. "Y/n/n?! What's wrong?!" Sam gasped, dropping besides her, trying to hold her up. Ballard is taken back by this when she sees Y/N's eyes glass over to a full white, realization dawns on Sam about what is happening. "What is happening?" She asks Sams panicked, "She's having a vision." Sam tells her.
"A what?!" Ballard yells as y/n holds her head, screaming. "Lady, you just saw a ghost. Is it that hard to believe that she's psychic?!" Sam snaps, cradling his best friend in his arms who's still screaming in pain, praying for it to be over soon.
"Pee break? So soon? You know, you might wanna get your prostate checked" Dean quips up, Sheridan rolls his eyes before turning the vehicle off and getting out. "Son of a bitch" Dean muttered to himself after Sheridan got out, his funny act dropping.
Sheridan then opens the back of the truck, "Hey, I'm cool in the van. You go do what you gotta do-" Dean quips again but Sheridan cuts him off by grabbing him roughly and pulling him out of the truck, tossing him into the ground like trash. "You're a cocky son of a bitch" Sheridan smirked as Dean glared at him from the ground.
"You think those people in St. Louis are gonna buy that crap you're peddling?" Sheridan snorts. "Here's the thing. You're not gonna make it to St. Louis. You're gonna die, trying to escape." Sheridan smirks before unclipping his gun from his holster. "Wait, wait!" Dean shouts pleadingly, putting his hands up in surrender as Sheridan's smirk rises.
"Let's talk about this. You don't wanna do something you're gonna regret" Dean tries to reason. Sheridan turns off the safety, "Or maybe you do" Dean mumbles shakily, squeezing his eyes shut. Sheridan pressed the trigger. The bullet went through through the middle of Deans forehead and out the back of his head from the short distance of the shot.
Dean Winchester dropped dead to the floor of the dark woods, a proud smirk on the detectives face who just murdered a man in cold blood. He dusted his hands before making a lap around Deans corpse before making his way back to the van, whistling as he strolled casually. He restarted the ignition, getting ready to call in to make his fake claim and a sick thought crossed his mind.
He put the van in reverse before he rode the van over Dean's corpse, the sick sound Winchester's bones crushing and blood from his body soaking into the ground as he rolled over him slowly, just for good measure.
Y/N gasped loudly, tears pricking at her eyes when she finally came to. She opens her eyes to see Ballard kneeling infront of her and Sam cradling her. "No! NOOOOO!!" Y/N bellows, her scream sent waves through the room, the building shook from top to bottom as if it were an earthquake. "What happened? What did you see?" Sam asks her concerned. Ballard was shaken from what she just witnessed. If not, more shaken from this than the death omen.
Y/N shot up from the ground, "That bastard is gonna kill, Dean. We need to go. Now!" She instructs them, hysterical with tears, her heart pained inside out from what she just saw. Sam's heart dropped, following her order.
Meanwhile, Dean was being held in the back of a prisoner transport vehicle, driven by the now-revealed-to-be-crooked cop, Detective Peter Sheridan. "So I'm being extradited to St. Louis, huh?" Dean quips from the back through the little gritted window, Sheridan doesn't answer, "And you just decided to transfer me yourself, 800 miles at 2 in the morning?" He adds suspiciously.
Sheridan doesn't answer once more, the air in the vehicle was tense. "This can't be good" Dean mumbles.
Sam, Y/N and Ballard were in the squad car, both Sam and Y/N in the back as Ballard made a phone call. "Alright, thanks" She said into the phone before hanging up. "What is it?" Sam asks nervously. "Pete just left the precinct. With Dean" She tells them. "What?!" They both exclaim. "He said the prisoner had to be transferred, and he just took him. Dispatch has been calling but he won't answer the radio" Ballard adds.
"Oh god. Oh god" Y/N's breathing quickens, her heart racing as the vision played over and over in her head. She placed her hand over her mouth, bouncing her knee as her nerves rose by the second. "Radio? He took a county vehicle?" Sam asks, trying to remain calm. "Yeah" Ballard nods. "Well then it should have a LoJack. You just gotta get it turned on" Sam tells her, a bit of hope rising in their chests.
Back to Dean and Sheridan, the detective took a detour into a empty stretch, parking the vehicle. "Pee break? So soon? You know, you might wanna get your prostate checked" Dean quips up, Sheridan rolls his eyes before turning the vehicle off and getting out. "Son of a bitch" Dean muttered to himself after Sheridan got out, his funny act dropping.
Sheridan then opens the back of the truck, "Hey, I'm cool in the van. You go do what you gotta do-" Dean quips again but Sheridan cuts him off by grabbing him roughly and pulling him out of the truck, tossing him into the ground like trash. "You're a cocky son of a bitch" Sheridan smirked as Dean glared at him from the ground.
"You think those people in St. Louis are gonna buy that crap you're peddling?" Sheridan snorts. "Here's the thing. You're not gonna make it to St. Louis. You're gonna die, trying to escape." Sheridan smirks before unclipping his gun from his holster. "Wait, wait!" Dean shouts pleadingly, putting his hands up in surrender as Sheridan's smirk rises.
"Let's talk about this. You don't wanna do something you're gonna regret" Dean tries to reason. Sheridan turns off the safety, "Or maybe you do" Dean mumbles shakily, squeezing his eyes shut. "Pete!" Ballard shouted from the distance, aiming her hun at her partner. They made it just in the nick of time, Dean breathed out in relief when he saw his family.
Y/N did too when she saw Dean was still alive, "Diana?!" Sheridan yelled when he saw his partner, aiming his gun at the two younger hunters instead. "How'd you find me?" He asks, re-aiming his gun at Dean who looks nervously between the two cops. "I know about Claire" Ballard glares at him. "I don't know what you're talking about" Sheridan denied. "Why are you doing this?" Ballard asks calmly.
"I didn't do anything, Diana" Sheridan lies. "It's a little late for that, Peter" Ballard huffs, "It wasn't my fault. Claire was gonna turn me in. I had no choice" Sheridan lamely defended, earning an eyeroll from Y/N as Sam gulped fearfully. "And Tony? Karen?" Ballard presses. "Same thing! Tony scrubbed the money. Then he got skittish and then he wanted to come clean. I'm sure he told Karen everything" Sheridan confesses.
"It was a mess. I had to clean it up. I just panicked." He stresses. "How many more people are gonna die over this?" Ballard asks, "There's a way out. This Dean kids a fucking gift. We can pin the whole thing on him. Okay? No trial, nothing, just one more dead scumbag" Sheridan says enticingly. Y/N's blood boiled when he called Dream a scumbag. "Hey!" Dean gasped offended, Sheridan cocks his gun as him again.
Putting his hands up in surrender, "Put the gun down you murderous son of a bitch!" Y/N finally snapped, enraged. "Nah, I don't think so. I'm sure you're fast, sexy. But I'm pretty sure I'm faster" Sheridan smirked. Y/N's jaw clenched, her eyes narrowed at him. "You wanna bet asshole!?" She growled, taking a step forward. Her eyes glasses over white once again, then with a tilt of her head.
She sent him barreling into the van, flying through the air. Sheridan landed back first into the side of the van, grunting as Sam rushed over to unchain his brother along with Y/N. "Please, Diana. I still love you" Sheridan pleaded with Ballard. She inches towards him, "Yeah, why don't you buy me another necklace, you ass!" Ballard yells. But Sheridan tackles her to the floor, rushing to pick up his gun.
Y/N attempted to summon it to her hands but Sheridan picked it up, gripping it tightly. "I don't know what you are you freak! But this ends here!" Sheridan yells. Moving over to shoot Ballard, his gun always already aimed at her but all of their eyes widen when they saw Claire's spirit behind Sheridan. Claire moaned, growling at Sheridan almost animalistic.
He couldn't believe his eyes. First Y/N l sent him off his ass without allaying a finger on him and now he was seeing the spirit of his ex lover who he murdered in cold blood. A shot went ringing out through the woods, a hole peering in Sheridan chest. It was revealed that Ballard was the one who shot him from behind.
The sun had come up and Ballard was kneeled besides the corpse of her former lover, "You doing alright, hun?" Y/N asks her as she made her way over to them. "Not really" Ballard responded honestly. "The death omen, Claire. What happens to her now?" Ballard asks. "It should be over. She should be at rest" Sam informs her. "So, uh, what now officer?" Dean asks her, pumping his eyebrows.
"Pete did confess to me, he screwed up all of your cases royally. I'd say there's a good chance that we can get your cases dismissed" She tells them. "You could take care of that for us?" Sam sighs in relief. "I hope so. But the St. Louis murder charges? That's another story" Ballard shakes her head. "I-I can't help you" She sighs as the three panicked, worried.
"Unless....I just happened to turn my back and you walked away. I could tell them the suspects escaped" Ballard smirks. Dean and Y/N chuckled, "Wait, are you sure?" Sam asks hesitantly. "Yes, she's sure Sam" Dean chimes in. "No, it's just you could lose your job over something like that" Sam says warily as Dean and Y/N shakes their heads.
"The nice lady is giving us an out, Sam. When someone does that, you take it" Y/N nudges him. Ballard chuckles, "Look, I just want you guys out there doing what you do best. Trust me, I'll sleep better at night" Ballard assures them. "Listen, you need to watch your backs. They're gonna be looking for the three of you now. Get out of here, I gotta radio this in" She ushers them out.
She goes to turn away but Dean stops her, "Uh, hey. Wouldn't happen to know where my car is by chance?" She tells him. Dean nods, a mischievous look on his face but Ballard points a firm finger at him, "Don't even think about it" She narrows her eyes at him, his face dropping. "It's okay, it's alright. Don't worry, we'll, uh, we'll just improvise, we're pretty good at that" Sam chuckles, assuring her as Y/N snorts from the way Dean cutely pouted.
"Yeah, I've noticed" Ballard sasses ironically, flashing y/n a wink. They all share one last smile before the three hunters turn to walk off. "Nice lady" Sam remarks. "Yeah, for a cop. Does she look familiar to you?" Dean asks them. Y/N shrugged while Sam shook his head, "No, why?" Sam questioned. "I don't know. Anyway, you two hungry?" Dean asks. "No" Sam responded.
"I am. I don't know man, for some reason I could really go for some pea soup right now" Y/N chimed in, earning a chuckle from Dean. "Someone's watching too much late night motel horror marathons" He chuckles, nudging her slightly. She smiled back, a glint of sadness in her eyes.
"You alright, sweetheart? What's wrong?" Dean asks her gently and concerned, noticing the look in her eyes. "Nothing" She smiles tightly, shaking her head, her heart aching as she thought about the vision from earlier she had of Dean being brutally murdered. "I'm just glad you're okay" She wraps her arm around his waist, laying her head on his shoulder as they walked.
Dean felt his mouth pull into a lop-sided grin after hearing her words, wrapping his arm around her shoulder as they walked together. He'd be lying if he'd said he didn't enjoy having her cling to him. He knew something was up. He could tell in the tone of her voice, the look in her eyes, how she avoided meeting his gaze...
Sam watches the two with a knowing look on his face from a few steps back. A soft smile on the younger Winchesters face, he knew that vision probably fucked with y/n beyond explanation, having had a vision of Dean dying himself which he shared with her last year when they met Max Miller. Y/N didn't even want to describe what happened in it, but he saw how much it terrified her.
Dean decided not to press, not wanting to push her talk about anything she wasn't comfortable with just yet. She'd tell him eventually, whenever she was ready. He was just grateful that y/n was leaning against him as they walked. His heart pace quickening along with hers. For a moment, walking back to the impound lot seemed less of a chore as Dean soaked in the feeling of having her against him like this.
He turned to look down at her, unable to stop himself from getting lost in her features. He studied the way the sunlight hit her face, her lashes casting a shadow on her cheeks, how her lips parted softly as she drew in a breath. As his gaze fell to her lips, he felt the urge to lean in, to capture her lips in his and lose himself in the feeling of her. He drew in a breath, tearing his attention away from her lips before he could do something he'd regret.
Plus, his brother was right behind them.
Y/N's heart seemed to skip a beat, her breath catching in her throat as she lifted her head to find herself under the scrutiny of his gaze. He was looking at her with such intensity, like she was the only thing on his mind in the moment. Her cheeks flushed warmly under his stare.
God, get it together. She groaned internally.
Sam couldn't help but roll his eyes, taking in the sight of the two as he walked behind them. He noticed the tender moment, watching from behind as his brother's eyes remained fixated on her. There was no doubt, the two clearly had feelings for one another. But neither had the courage to admit the truth.
The two of them were so painfully oblivious to their feelings. He just wanted to smack the pair of them in the back of their heads, tell them to knock some sense into themselves and just tell each other how they felt!
Authors Note: Hiii!! So.......I did a thing....👀. I made a TikTok (which is something I promised myself I wouldn't do but I was like screw it. YOLO) As the series goes along, I'm gonna be posting memes as a way to calm down when the trio is pissing me off😂😂😂
It's funny because I started writing this as an escape from reality (which I love, don't get me wrong. It brings me SO much joy) and now I'm posting memes of them to escape their FUCKING OBLIVIOUS IDICOY🤦🏽‍♀️
If you're into it, go follow me @diana.winchester03 (@dianawinchester03 was TAKEN and I wanted to fight a bitch but such as life sigh)
It was also really weird writing about a character with the same name as me😂😂😂the amount times I accidentally typed ‘Diana’ instead of Y/N was embarrassing😭😭😭So I just called her Ballard through the story.
Taglist: @hjgdhghoe @rach5ive @tiggytaylor @star-yawnznn @quarterhorse19
@deangirl96 @bitchykittenconnoisseur @globetrotter28
@mrsjjkwinchester @swimmingmakeratheltedreamer
Otherwise, I hope you sweeties enjoyed❤️This chapter is unedited but I will be editing it soon.
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blouisparadise · 5 months
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Upon request, today we have the fifth part to our college/university rec list. If you'd like to check out the first several parts, you can find part one here, part two here, part three here, and part four here. Please be sure to like and reblog this post to help spread the word. Happy reading!
1) I Can't Get You Off My Mind (I Still Crave It) | Mature | 4,531 words
"You're an idiot," It was Lya's time to interrupt. "Why would you want another guy when you already have yours? Don't you ever get tired of those silly games?" "It is different!," Louis defended himself again, mouth open. "How come it is different?," Lya asked again. "I love Harry," it was easy like breathing. "He's the love of my life, I'm going to marry him," Louis looked around, until his eyes looked with Harry's, glossy and vibrant. "That guy was just a hook."
2) Azaleas Where Your Face Should Be | Explicit | 5,626 words
Note: This fic is locked and can only be read by AO3 users.
Harry and Louis having some sexy time and some sappy time and sometimes both at the same time.
3) Spaces Between Us, Hold All Our Secrets | Not Rated | 6,441 words
The thing about Harry is, is that he is the most wonderful guy you´ll ever meet. He is kind, compliments you on things you are usually insecure about, which shows he truly pays attention to who you are as a person. And he befriends everyone. Except Louis.
4) Cut Me Up, Kiss Me Harder | Mature | 9,431 words
A group of friends, a slightly drunk alternate version of spin the bottle, and the universe having a wicked sense of humour may just be enough to bring one bratty omega and a tired-of-said-omega’s-bullshit alpha closer than they’ve ever been. In more ways than one.
5) Hook You Up (Charm You Down) | Explicit | 9,600 words
Swiftly, Harry raises his right hand to his head. Bringing two ringed fingers up, he touches the brown hat sitting on his head, tipping it with a raise of eyebrows in the direction of Peter Pan. He punctuates the whole action with his signature smirk. The reaction is almost immediate. Like Harry hoped it’d be. Though he expected the grin he received, he can’t say he directly expected the man to come forward his way. But he surely isn’t going to complain. “Captain! Fancy seeing you there,” Peter Pan says when he reaches Harry’s space. And wow. Seeing it from up close, Niall was right. Face of an angel, totally Harry’s type and all that. 
6) The One Who Stays And The One Leaving You | Mature | 10,315 words
Fuck. He had just slept with none other than Harry Styles.
7) Behind Closed Doors | Explicit | 10,332 words
“You should ask that whoever he’s currently fucking.” Liam’s eyes grow wide. “No.” His tone is unbelieving, just like Louis’ would’ve been if you had told him what turn today would take. “Yes.” “How do you know?” Louis’ room mate’s eyes barely leave him as he tries to untie his shoes without looking. “Went to his dorm earlier, found a sock on his door handle. He’s such an arsehole.”
8) Sunshine On My Mind | Explicit | 12,704 words
Seeing Harry as an actual professor will never get old to Louis as his eyes soak him in. The casual attire of a student-teacher is gone and now Harry’s got on a button up under a sweater vest that both have stripes on it because someone with a face like Harry’s can actually pull that off. His beige trousers ride up high on his waist, loose and wide around the legs like he’s been preferring lately. By the time Louis’ done taking all of him in, he’s got a smile stretched wide across his face, cheekbones feeling like they’re about to burst just from happiness alone. “Hello Professor Styles."
9) You Know It Ain’t Fiction, Just a Natural Fact | Not Rated | 13,312 words
Harry is the golden boy of the college football's team, Louis is their professors' golden student and they definitely don't have anything in common. Falling in love would be dumb.
10) Kiss Me Once, Kiss Me Twice | Mature | 13,487 words
“You’re a fucking brat, you know that,” Harry muttered through clenched teeth, bones already burning with the pure desire and hatred mixing in his body. It was an intoxicating rush of adrenaline and something else that probably came with fucking Louis Tomlinson. He squeezed his neck just a little tighter. “I can’t stand it.” Their lips were brushing against each other, just moving with the ragged movements of their mouths and harsh breathing. “You’re a lying piece of shit dickhead,” Louis muttered right back. That was all he did, challenge and nag. He loved to have the last word and Harry let him because he used all his energy to fuck him mindless.
11) Wake Me Up With It | Mature | 13,699 words
“Oh god, I sound like a rapist now.” Louis gave a soft, sympathetic giggle, shifting on top of him, and that was when he noticed he was hard, as well. “No, Haz. You fucking me while I'm still asleep and waking up to a dick in my arse? That sounds fucking hot.” “I’d, like, discuss it before. Like get consent for it before.” “Obviously,” Louis rolled his eyes, staring up at Harry with a sad expression. “I’d let you do that to me, Harry.” “What?” Harry blinked, sure the world was ending by those words he never thought he’d ever hear in his life. The words sounded muffled to him, like he was swimming.
12) I Couldn't Face A Life Without Your Lights | Mature | 15,549 words
Louis and Harry are college students who haven't been the same in the past two years.
13) Give My Heart A Holiday | Not Rated | 17,222 words
AU where Louis and someone else both like Harry but Harry obviously likes Louis and is oblivious to the other person with scenes like Harry’s sitting with his legs on the coffee table and the other person wants to walk across and Harry doesn’t see them, so they have to say excuse me, but when Louis wants to cross he doesn’t even have to say anything because Harry sits up, puts his feet down, and gives his undivided attention to Louis.
14) There’s A Hole In My Heart (And It’s Got Your Name On It) | Explicit | 19,508 words
The four scream from the stands as the team huddles together, pulling their helmets and gloves off and slapping each other's backs as they celebrate their win. Louis had stolen a pom-pom from Mal earlier and he shakes it vigorously. His breath hitches when Harry looks up and their eyes meet. The hockey player smirks at him but looks away quickly. “Did he just-” “No.” Louis quickly stops Jade from even finishing that sentence because he’s about to lose his damn mind
15) Kiss And Tell (Me A Lie) | Explicit | 19,827 words
It takes three friends, a video game, and an arse tattoo for Harry to realize the truth.
16) Lovin’ Online | Not Rated | 27,627 words
“Huh?” Harry asks, muffled by his forearm. He feels lips on his face and the tip of Louis’ nose against his ear when Louis repeats himself. Brain sluggish with sleep, it takes a moment for him to process the words, but his eyes snap open, and he’s met with darkness. He's got to be dreaming, there’s no way Louis just said what he thinks he said. “What did you say?” He can see the vague shrug from Louis before he turns around to toss the towel with the pile of their discarded clothes. “Did you say…” he starts slowly, automatically slinging his arm around Louis as he gets back into bed and throws the blankets over them. “That we should make a sex tape?” Louis asks rather nonchalantly for such a big proposition. He cuddles easily into the warm body and confirms, “Yes, I did.”
17) Science & Faith | Mature | 36,442 words
Louis Tomlinson is a science major who's dedicated his life to proving that love doesn't actually exist. Harry's the philosophy major determined to prove him wrong.
18) You Could Be The One That I Love | Explicit | 39,797 words
“Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Niall waved off. “Now, let’s talk man to man to man. You two have had a crush on each other since uni. Now’s your chance to finally get something going. I could see the sparks and connection and attraction back then and I can still see it now, God damn it! You’re just denying fate at this point.” He looked impassioned, his blue eyes wide and imploring. Louis shook his head again and chuckled. “You can’t just snap your finger and expect us to, like, get it on.” “I’m not,” he reasoned. “I’m merely telling you to do something about it.”
19) Sink Into Your Sunlight | Explicit | 79,562 words
Louis hadn’t forgotten about Harry as much as he tried. It wasn’t due to the strange nature of their meeting, more so the magnetic pull he somehow had on Louis. He couldn’t fathom why this complete stranger stayed in his mind as much as he tried to stop it. Any time his phone sounded his heart skipped a beat at the thought of it possibly being Harry. In all honesty, it made him feel sort of pathetic. Gay guy falls for straight guy, what a cliche he had become.
20) Nothing Quite Hits Like You | Explicit | 81,098 words
For many centuries, Inferis Lamia had been a college strictly for higher magic alphas, where most rulers of the Underworld had reached their Divine Enlightenment to become the alphas they were now. However, that year, for the first time since it was founded many centuries ago, the academy would welcome omegas from the Underworld, giving them the same opportunities alphas had, the same education.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
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nalyra-dreaming · 5 months
Oh I love these:
Jacob Anderson
On Sam Reid's performance as dream Lestat: "I noticed after we did a few scenes together with that dynamic, I would just notice Sam copying me. I would have to be like, 'OK, he's studying the way that I stand or the way that I say things. It's the story. It's what's supposed to be happening.' But occasionally I was like, 'I don't do that!' Now I've seen the season, and I'm like, 'It's genius.' I'm looking forward to seeing what Sam says about playing Louis, essentially. It's Lestat as Louis remembers him, filtered through the things that Louis doesn't want to say, and can't say. And maybe the things that Louis is embarrassed or ashamed about, Lestat just says it."
Sam Reid
On Lestat and Armand's relationship: "They have a very, very, very messy relationship. I think a big part of why Lestat didn't want to go back to France, in Season 1, when they were in New Orleans, is because he doesn't want to run into Armand. He doesn't want to see Armand. He's got a very, very complex relationship with him. It's not like he's like, "Ugh, Armand!" [Disgusted noise] It's like, "Ugh." [Exasperated noise] He's not twisty, turny, thinking about Armand every single day or whatever. He's like, "Ugh, I just would rather… Yeah, I don't want him around." But when he does the flick of his wrist when he thinks about Armand, he's also flicking a huge chunk of his life away."
Delainey Hayles
On Louis and Claudia's relationship: "The book became like my Bible in a way, where I was able to look back and look at how Anne Rice describes Claudia. And I was taking into consideration that it's been her and Louis for a very long time. As a child, you absorb your surroundings. Claudia has spent a lot of time with Louis over the past couple of years. So I think, in a way, his empathy kind of rubs off on her."
Assad Zaman
On the show's memory theme: "I personally think often we equate — if the memory's a little bit inaccurate, then the feeling isn't real. [But] if you think back to our childhood, we elaborate on the stories in our heads so much, and often the tiniest things, moments that meant a lot to us become bigger as we remember them. Time slows down or speeds up, and people become larger or smaller in our heads depending on how they made us feel in that time. I think [there's] a lot of that this season — when we go into Paris, I think that's where the performative nature comes into it. We get to really embrace those emotions. The love between Louis and Armand, the romance, is one of the most beautiful parts of it, the way it starts."
Eric Bogosian
On his experience working on the show: "To be working on such complex material and be asked to do things that I haven't done before, and to be working with such amazing creative team — I mean... I've been around. I'm not speaking from, like, this is my second show or my third show. This is like, my 35th show, or 60th, or something. So when I say that Rolin [Jones] is amazing, Hannah [Moscovitch] is amazing — that's our writing team — and that Jacob and Assad are amazing — these guys are very generous. And I think a lot about [how] when you go into deep work as an actor, you have to feel safe. I have definitely not been safe [in the past], especially with men. Men can be real jerks on set, and the audience can't see it, because we have to do our job. But if you're with a bully star, it's hard to go to where you need to go to. And Jacob, who's mainly who I'm working with, he's a very loving guy. Maybe people don't want to know this about him. Maybe I'm only supposed to say things like, 'In real life he's actually a vampire,' but in real life, he's actually a real, very sweet man. Very human."
Ben Daniels
On Santiago's approach to the theater: "It's like people trolling on Twitter. It's like, they're hidden behind the screen, but his screen is the fact that he's pretending to be a human. And he sort of is getting those mortals by the scruff of the neck and saying, 'Look at yourselves. Look how ridiculous and pathetic you are.' But they lap it up because they think it's a show."
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statementlou · 2 months
did he or did he not lose fans then?
I will answer this because this anon actually brings a concrete question to the table rather than just "hurhur but you're a larrie??" (tell me you can't actually refute any of our points…). Anyway this post shows the decrease in Louis instagram followers between the screenshots taken directly after the release of Faith in the Future in Nov '22, when he changed his bio to promote that album and the tour tickets, and now, when he changed it again to mention the current release. But I'm putting that response under a cut because I'm tired of the actual POINT of all this nonsense getting lost in a sea of made up things people insist are important:
There is no rational argument you can make to say that Louis has less fans now than he did 2, 4, or 6 years ago. You don't need a spreadsheet of details you need to USE YOUR EYES! He has gone from filling theaters to filling arenas and stadiums. His second album made a higher chart position than his first album. His festival has doubled in size EVERY year of its existence. And for that matter: his insta post engagement numbers remain about the same (despite the fact that older posts should have way MORE likes due to having been there longer, even aside from follower counts.) SO WHO FUCKING CARES ABOUT HIS INSTA FOLLOWER NUMBER???? Serious question: what does the word "fans" mean if these things aren't what matters? ALL of this quibbling about what he should do to make things better and people can't even see that THINGS AREN'T BAD.
Anyway to address the specific question- (con't......)
NO- HE DID NOT LOSE FANS. HE LOST SOME INSTA FOLLOWERS. THESE ARE NOT THE SAME THING. As I said above, literally what does it mean to lose fans if that number change coincides with him having higher sales, more audience members, and higher engagement than ever before? Whatever he lost ISN'T FANS. I wouldn't be surprised if a significant factor was something like a bot purge, but also yes: I'm sure a lot of casuals followed him around the time of his big album release and later unfollowed him. That's extremely normal because that's how casual engagement works, and why the definition of fan really matters. Louis and his team understand this and have referenced it repeatedly, talking about how lucky he is to have *us* specifically, to have the kind of dedicated fanbase he has, to have the KIND of fans he does who will allow him to do what HE wants. @dogsliampaynedoesntinstagram named the issue of depth vs breadth with regard to fans a long time ago, and pointed out why having DEPTH is so much more important. It's like this- artists who are on top 40 radio have more numbers on things like insta follows, and for a time on sales and tickets. But those aren't FANS- they're people with a casual interest. And as soon as that person isn't being forced in their ears 10x a day, those people lose interest and stop supporting them, stop buying stuff and unfollow, and those artists end up doing the 'opener on the jingle ball' circuit rather than their own tours. One Direction as a whole, and Louis maybe most of all or near to at this point, have something MUCH MORE VALUABLE than that- DEPTH FANS. Louis has fans who will support him even if he takes years to release music, or stops parading around with a pretend girlfriend to stay in the headlines at least once a month, or completely changes his image and genre, and that is UNHEARD OF. It's ASTONISHING and worth SO MUCH MORE. And they get that! THAT is why he always bragging about us, why industry people he works with are always so agog about us, why he will do anything for US- not for randos. He is also growing his breadth- and it's OBVIOUSLY WORKING whatever his follower counts are, but that is always going to be secondary to doing things for THE FANDOM because that is his sustainable business model. That is what keeps him onstage and reaching number one. And not coincidentally, the things they do are also working to grow that- much more valuable- commodity. So the fact that that's exactly what these chuckleheads complain about- that he does things that are just fandom facing or serving rather than everything being aimed at recruiting casual fans- does nothing but betray how completely they, unlike Louis and his team, misunderstand the actual drivers of his (actual, existing, happening) success. Luckily for Louis, he and his team rely on their own data harvesting (they do a LOT of it) and growth metrics (they're off the charts) rather than the smug assumptions of random (mostly quite new to this) fans and the few bitter people leading the complaining about everything Louis does.
#louis promo#all this nonsense about this tag or that tag or this or that number is so getting lost in the trees#when the forest is RIGHT HERE: WHAT THEY ARE DOING IS WORKING#so for now#I'm pretty done with this discussion unless someone actually engages meaningfully with the content of anything I'm saying#rather than just repeating the same things- but he needs to tag more! or the even more boring-#but you're a larry! if you send me a bitchy response that doesnt actually address any points I've made#I will assume it is because I'm right and you have no rebuttal other than to act like a preschooler because deep down you know it#honestly the discourse around this makes me feel a little sad and scared about the state of literacy and reading comprehension#and just general analytical thinking#but I hope its just that no one over 15 spends their time sending hate anons about fandom#if I'm wrong please come engage in actual conversation! but otherwise... let's just... not#blah blah blah#anyway there's a reason Louis is always so afraid no one will be there for him and that he started out solo era playing those radio fests..#because we are IMPROBABLE we are UNBELIEVABLE we are NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN EXPECT OR COUNT ON#and making nurturing and maintaining that his number one priority ALWAYS is extremely correct and smart#actually#I was originally going to be like here are when there were bot purges here are other artists that have seen numbers go down etc#but then I was like WAIT WHO CARES. You're letting these people dictate the conversation... but the premise is stupid#it DOESNT MATTER#depth v breadth
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skepticalarrie · 1 month
Hi! How are you? Lately (and for years now) I've seen loads of hate towards the Harry/Louis fandom and especially towards Larries (I'm pretty new to the fandom as it is, but 've been around since early 1d days so I'm pretty much involved in tumblr and stuff) and I thought WHY literally WHY is people like this to us? Besides, It is not like we are believing in some weird crazy theory. I actually wanted to scream seeing the amount of hate (especially on twitter and tiktok)!
Anyways, I wanted to share this lil everyone else in the room can see it experience: my mom used to be really cLoSe (if you know what I mean....) to someone pretty big in the acting industry and you won't believe how many things famous people do that the gp never finds out about - and not necessarily bad things, but affairs and stuff like that happens A LOT! so i showed her larry stuff and told her the story as we know it but immediately said "they never confirmed" to see her reaction and she looked at me like it was obvious and said "if their team or they themselves don't want to be discovered, you will never know" (i do believe that in 1d they wanted people to know, now I think they are still together but I'm not so sure they want people to know like they used to). so I asked what did she think while we were watching the 1dday little things live where Harry serenades Louis and she said "It's kind of obvious that he (Harry) loves the other one. I don't know if it's the song that is just soft or they're just on their 20s, but it's like watching him rip his heart out on live. That's pretty romantic." and I was like god. i have to share this with someone so i logged on tumblr again and here i am. as always, everyone else in the room can see it😌😌
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up! I think anyone who has a broader understanding of the industry—whether because they've been in it, had contact with people in it or studied it—finds it easier to see through the this surface-level appearances and narratives the media feeds us. Honestly, I can't help but think that people who dismiss Larry as "some weird crazy theory" (because MOST people do) are just being super naive.
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murfpersonalblog · 5 months
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Carol Cutshall better get an Emmy this year, I ain't playin!
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"Cutshall and her team had to embrace a new reality, one initially devoid of the first season’s material pleasures..... Free of their maker, an austere Louis and Claudia flee New Orleans for Europe in search of a coven of vampires to call their own. There they find themselves in the ravaged wasteland of World War II, where sorrow pollutes even the blood they drink."
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"It was such a drastic change going into season two. We went from the height of glamour, which we last saw during a Mardi Gras party, to the polar opposite in the premiere. When you look at Louis and Claudia in their shearling coats in Romania and the amount of mud and blood on them, those looks are built for surviving and searching and starting over."
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This what I meant when I talked about AMC intensifying the horror for show!Claudia vs book!Claudia. They're starting over, runaway slaves free at last from Massa Lestat's domestic terrorism; following the Drinking Gourd north to the promised land of milk & honey--but their exodus isn't some glorious adventure--it's Hell on Earth!
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I adore the juxtaposition Carol makes between the obscene opulence of Mardi Gras NOLA vs the Grimm realities of war-torn Europe. Book!Lou&Claud traveled across Europe in a lavish carriage Claudia picked out, and had the luxury of taking their fancy coffins with them in it.
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NGL I was hoping Carol would talk about these outfits in particular:
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AMC's Lou & Claud look like they've been sleeping underground/in a battlefield, dressed in animal skins/furs--not the fancy furs PETA jumps folks for, but nasty Caveman Couture rags. And I can't help but think about the furs they wore in the film, looking rich AF, even as Lou complained about how sad he was. 🙄😒
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So I am SO IN LOVE with AMC sending Louis & Claudia to WWII Europe. They're in Ploiești/Romania in 1941--in the book they're in 1800s Varna/Germany. Romania was a major ally for the Nazis in WWII, and the LAST place Claud should be--let alone Louis (a gay Black African American man)--let alone because Romania was bombed TF up in the early 1940s.
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They're running slow AF like regular humans--no super vamp speed at their disposal to flee from the bombs--cuz they've been STARVING. They're eating the dead like a bunch of ghoulish necrophages (come through, Witcher 3 folklore!).
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Like, in the film the big idea was that drinking dead blood could kill a vampire. But in TVL & Blood Communion we know that's not the case when Lestat drinks the corpses Armand gave him, and when Lestat gives the Vampire Court Rhoshamandes' corpse--it's not deadly, but it's not great, either. Drinking blood should be PEAK sensory pleasure; but this just shows what they've been reduced to.
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So to see Louis & Claudia tearing into pieces of the dead to suck up what's left is like cannibalism at its rawest, basest & most primitive--straight out of a dystopian zombie apocalypse. There's no transcendent power in the dead like what Maharet & Lestat described. Lou & Claud are scavengers in a battlefield, fighting for scraps just to survive and endure, but not really live.
And I feel so much worse for Claudia, cuz she LITERALLY didn't ask for this mess! Unlike Louis--and unlike book/film!Claudia--she was Born into Darkness w/out her awareness or consent. AMC puts this poor girl through HELL. The things she's seen & experienced made her "built for survival;" but she's also "built like a bird," and just as ignorant about vampires & the Old World as Louis--though they're both bookish intellectuals who THINK they're ready for Europe.
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So they have no effing idea, cuz Lestat never told them WHY Europe was such bad news. They're blind and completely in the dark!
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And then they FINALLY arrive in Paris--a breath of fresh air after the war.
But glamour returns to their lives as the pair forge ahead in Paris.... Seduced by their habit of living loudly and proudly — at least at night — Louis relaxes into his post-Lestat life, taking up photography and exploring his sexuality in subtle ways. “The look I landed on for him was that of artists and café society, and French workwear with a little bit of a blue-collar look,” Cutshall says. “It’s not the finery that we are used to for Louis, but his fastidiousness in how he wears it — tucked and belted — is still there.” There is a visual hierarchy among these old-world vampires. Louis wears the costume of the common man, placing him below the coven’s creative director, Armand, the so-called love of his life"
The "visual hierarchy" of Louis being "placed BELOW" the Old World vampires had me vibrating in my seat, especially wrt Armand, the biggest baddest boogeyman vs fledgling vampires in the books.
"We want to break away from the disguise he had in season one, because he is the mega predator,” Cutshall says. “He's not threatened by anyone. So, in everything he does and wears, he can be like an animal who is not afraid to lie on their back and bare their belly."
Which is precisely what I said about Lestat in his Mardi Gras dress & his Matador pajamas. Cuz Lou & Claud are constantly put on the exact same level--at the BOTTOM of the food chain & the gendered/social hierarchies of vampire covens in both NOLA & Europe.
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But what's interesting's that AMC diversified the Theatre--there's Black & Asian vampires, not the all-white coven from the books.
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The Theatre has truly become a microcosm of the entire world, highlighting just how sheltered Lou & Claud were in the New World. The history of America is very black and white--or rather: white versus black. After the Native Americans were wiped out, American racism molded & shaped centuries of slavery & oppression specifically designed to keep Black people at the bottom of barrel, even when they were "freed/emancipated." But in the Old World, power & conquest was continental--Africa & Asia & Europe were ALL major superpowers at one time or another, kicking each other's arses. Race & racism still plays a huge part in European imperialism, OF COURSE, but WWII showed how white folk are just as prone to killing & oppressing each other, let alone anyone else. 😂 Louis & Claudia's problems w/ Lestat are radically different from their problems w/ Armand (now a brown Asian, as Russia & Ukraine are also globalized; dispelling the myth about Russians only ever being white people).
But Santiago's an altogether different beast--but eerily familiar.
"Her thirst for attention is surpassed only by Santiago, the extravagant emcee of the theater troupe. For Santiago’s big onstage entrance in episode two, Cutshall took inspiration from performers like Peter O’Toole and Laurence Olivier. “I started with Fred Astaire, but with a bit of a bondage twist for Santiago’s curtain look,” she says. “Who were the top dogs of the time that he would want to emulate? You can feel him striving for that."
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What is fundamentally wrong with Santiago (and Lestat) is that he's a HUGE showboat, desperate for attention & validity, specifically from LOUIS, a vampire older than Santiago, attractive & new & interesting, who's approval he actually wanted & expected. But Louis's too mature/smart for Santiago, and immediately clocked him as a clown and a BUFFOON.
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AMC dyed Santiago's hair blonde on purpose, ISTG, cuz the parallels w/ Lestat are hilarious. Armand's the coven master & creative director, but Santiago's the emcee & "show pony," just like Lelio!Lestat was back in the day. Les' pony on meth meme is SO apt!
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And just like Lestat pulled the rug under Armand at Les Innocents, taking on a leadership role for the Children of Satan and ushering in their new era as vampires who'd join society via the Theatre, Santiago usurps Armand's position as the ringleader against Claudia & Louis. Even though Armand wanted all that to happen, he's more passive than Les & Santiago, far more active & dominant despite being significantly weaker & younger in the Blood than Armand. Wolf Killer Lestat and "top dog" Santiago are cut from the same cloth, down to the pinstripes--which Carol already said were supposed to symbolize cage/jail bars--"back in your cage, sweetheart."
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CAROL! I desire you CARNALLY! ❤️
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teeswrites · 4 months
LN- All roads lead to you
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Omg, the next one is the last already! I think you all will want to kill me cause of the end heheheh
No spoilers, tho. Enjoy the current chapter :)
Disclaimer: it contains smut!!
Chapter 7: Suzuka
October, 8th, 2022 (classification day)
Suzuka International Racing Course, Suzuka, Mie, Japan.
She had her eyes on the shots that were taken "It looks so good" "Thanks" she smiled at Louis "I'm in love with these lens" "I see it. You're in love with the model as well" she blushed "I'm not" "Really? Cause he seems to be the star of your photoshoot" she put the camera down "Was it too obvious" "Just if someone watched you from very close" "Good" "Anyway, I can't wait to reveal them" "Yeah, me too!" Louis smiled "I will meet up with Damian, see you in Amsterdam?" "Yeah, will be there in a couple of days" "Great! Good to see you again" he held her hand between his like a sandwich "Lovely to see you too, Lou" he gave her a quick hug "Take care of those babies" she grinned "As my own life" "Oh, dear Lord, I rather you look after the photos as it was the drivers's life" he joked making she laugh "Oh, shut up" he smiled "Bye bye, sweetheart" "Bye, Louis" and he left.
She turned to her camera and decided to give one more look at her photographs. "The model" Louis teased her about was, of course, the papaya team driver: Lando Norris. She smiled at the photos of him, out of the McLaren, wearing his suit and helmet, inside his car waiting for the green light, crossing the black and white flag... "How can someone be so cute?" she asked herself, almost forgetting she was angry with him. She was about to give herself some lecturing when felt a warmth on her back. She knew who it was. The black and orange on the arms of the jack around her shoulders and the smell of male deodorant denounced the species standing behind her. His low, soft voice with the characteristic British accent on her ear confirmed what was already known "Someone is very focused" "It's impossible to concentrate when you're around" "Really?" she felt the smile growing on his face without needing to look at him "Yeah. My heart can't find a normal pace and I blame you only" he chuckled "You have a very good looking model" "Yes, I do" "Thanks, fangirl" he kissed her cheek, she blushed.
"How are you?" "Could be better" "Why?" "Could be away from you" She turned to the side, getting rid of his arms to look at his face, he was not happy with her comment "You're not happy to see me?" "Why would I be?" "Because you lo..." she cut him "Why would I be happy to see a liar?" he frowned "Because he'd like to take you out" She arched an eyebrow "Again with this subject?" "Yes, have dinner in Tokyo with me tonight" She kept silent "Pretty please?" he pouted. She kept her mouth shut "Come on, I'm trying to make things right" "I still don't like what you did to me" "What exactly?" "Do you really want me to list?" "NO! Please don't do that" he took a deep breath "What can I do to you agree with going out with me again?" 'undo the past and not be an asshole in the first place' she thought. "I don't want to have dinner with you" he looked at his feet, he deserved that, maybe he should leave her alone:
'I'm not committing the same mistake again'.
His own words echoed in his head, then looked at her "What do you want to do with me instead?" "Nothing" "Don't be so harsh" she sighed "I want to see the Sakuras" "The cherry blossoms?" "Yes" "I don't know where to find cherry blossoms in Tokyo this time of the year" he thought for a second "But I can solve that" "I don't want to see them with you" "That's not my problem, we're going together" she blinked "You are very cheeky, aren't you" "You only noticed now?" she chuckled. He smiled, he made her express happiness "So?" "Text me where and when" he smiled again, even fully "Okay! Great" "Do you still have my number?" "Guess, so. How about you?" he grabbed his phone to check "No" she lied, she still had. He called her. Damn. "Save it again, then. You're going to need it from now" "I can do it later" "Why?" "Cause I want to" he smiled, cheekily "You still have my number, don't you?" "No, I don't" "So let me see your phone" "What?! No!" "Let me see it" he stepped forward, bodies apart only for her camera hanged on her neck. She froze. He stretched his arm, sliding his hand from her back to her lowback till reached her phone in the back pocket of her jeans maintaining eye contact the whole time. She wanted to pull him away from her. "Who the fuck does he think he's? With witch right he thinks he can do that?" she thought, without being able to move, as he was a hypnosis trick. The phone call had already ended, he looked at the iPhone screen:
'Lando 🧡
Missed call'
"Aww, an orange heart" She took her phone from his hand, aggressively and stepped back "Give me that back!" he giggled "You're so cute" "Stop!" "Will add a heart on yours as well" "No need to" "But I..." "I must go now, Lando" "Wait!" he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his torso, giving her a tight hug. She let them enjoy it for a few moments before pulling away from him and walking away "I text you" but he got no answer "Where the fuck will I find cherry blossoms in Tokyo in freaking autumn?" he unlocked his phone and started to search for it.
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
He was waiting outside her hotel, where he told her he was going to pick up her.
"My hotel?" she asked when he called her 4 hours after their meeting at the circuit "Yes, I'm a gentleman. I'll pick you up at your place... Or at least your temporary place" she giggled "Fine. I text you the address" "Great! Hum... how long do you take to get ready?" "Be here at 6:30" "18:30, right?" "Yes, dork" "Okay"
At that moment it was 6:28 PM and his heart was skipping beat after beat like that was their first date ever. 1 more minute passed and his stomach started to squirm, he felt like the teenage boy he was a few years later, getting excessively nervous only to think about being near to a beautiful girl. He looked at his watch again it was 6:30 PM already, would she be late? He took a deep breath and when he was about to exhale, he felt a soft touch on his shoulder. When he turned, he found a pretty lady wearing light ripped jeans, a white tank top with red hearts on it, slip-on checkered Vans, a twilight green sweatshirt, and a bright coming out from her aura. "Very punctual, lady" "Yes, I am" "How can you look breathtaking even wearing those clothes?" "What's wrong with them?" "Nothing, they just..." he took a second to appreciate the girl in front of him "Are not fancy for a date" She looked at him, wearing the same pieces of clothes she was: jeans, a t-shirt, casual sneakers, and a hoodie. "Hypocrite" he grinned "And this is not a date, we're just going to see the Sakuras" "Well, for me this's a date. A second first date" she raised an eyebrow, then chuckled "Alright. Shall we go?" "Yes, sure. Oh!" he cleaned his throat "This is for you" he took a single red rose from behind his back. She smiled and grabbed it "Thank you" he smiled back and offered his arm to her, but she refused "I still don't trust you, Mr. Norris".
They were at Shinjuku Gyoen, a beautiful park in Tokyo in Shinjuku near Shibuya. As they walked in the park, they talked about twilight "So, you are a twilight fangirl?" "Yes, I am" "Are you a vampire or werewolf girl?" "I like Edward" "Which of them is Edward?" "Robert Pattinson" he looked clueless "Vampire" "Really?" "Yes, I like the pale, emo, mysterious guys" "Do you think I would be a vampire or a werewolf?" she inspected him, surgically "Probably the vampire" "Why are you offending me?" "You asked me! Why? Do you think you could be a werewolf?" "Perfectly!" he said incredulously "Okay" "Okay?" "If you think so" "You're being mean" she closed her eyes to laugh and when she opened them, she almost cried. When she opened her eyes, she saw a corridor of Sakuras, all lighted up. There were Sakura projections on the grass, near the trees themselves. She uncrossed her arms "Wow..." she mumbled "This... this is..." he smiled "This is so damn beautiful!" "How..." she looked at him "How did you find it? I mean, I thought I wouldn't be able to see Sakuras this time of the year but... you freaking made it" "These are winter cherry blossoms" he paused to think "Fuyu..." he struggled with the Japanese word a little "Fuyuzakura. Which means winter Sakura. They have white petals, but the pink lights emulate the original ones" "Amazing" her eyes had a bright that he didn't know if it was from the reflection of the lights or if she was actually emotional about it. "This has been my dream since I was 8, and I saw it in Memoirs of a Geisha with my brother" "Seeing the cherry blossoms?" "Yes" "So I am making your dream come true?" "Apparently, yes" she said nonchalantly while they walked through the park. "Hum... Don't you think is weird that it's so empty here? I mean, it's such a beautiful place" "Well, that might be because I paid them..." "You what!?!" "This is a festival that happens mid-November. It's called, hum... NAKED festival. But it's October and we are here now, so I paid them for doing this" he gestured "Exclusively for tonight..." She was holding the air and she didn't even try to "You... Paid?" "Yes, you wanted to see the cherry blossoms" "How... how much money you have paid? It must have been a lot" she covered her face with her hands "Omg! I wanted to annoy you but now I'm so embarrassed!". He smiled, she was so cute "Hey" he took her hands off her face "It doesn't matter. You wanted to see the cherry blossoms, I made it happen" she looked into his eyes "I don't know what to say" "So don't say anything. Just enjoy" he smiled and she smiled back "Okay".
Shijuku, Tokyo, Japan.
They walked back to Shibuya in silence "Thanks" "Hum?" "For the Sakuras" "It was nothing" she nodded. "So. Heard it's your birthday soon" he started. She smirked, then looked at him "I wonder how you know so much about me. Cause I don't tell you about myself unless you ask, and you don't ask much" he gulped "I have no idea what you are talking about" "You always say Charles told you, but I don't think he actually does it" he looked at her "Don't you trust me?" "Well..." she moved her gaze forward "Trust more on him than on you. That's for sure" he chuckled looking forward as well "So how it's to almost be 25?" she locked her gaze on his and crossed her arms, then made a long pause before she started to talk again, like she was looking for clues in his eyes "Are you googling me?" he laughed "You're googling me!" She accused him while he continued to laugh "He is googling me, everybody!" she said to a group of people passing by them on the street "How did you get to this conclusion?" "No one knows I'm actually 24. When people ask me how old I am I always ask them 'how old do you think I am?' and when they guess, I say 'something in this range' but never really tell the truth. I think not even Lewis knows my real age. Plus I haven't ever told you about it" "Fine. It's a valid hypothesis" "Not a hypothesis, a conclusion" "Hypothesis, cause I'm not admitting anything" "Of course you're not". She kept silent for a few seconds before saying "Coward" "Hey!" she smiled "Yeah, my birthday is next week by the way" "What are you planning?" "Probably going out to dinner with a few friends" "That sounds good" "Yeah, don't want anything too big" "You and your friends only?" she raised an eyebrow "Are you inviting yourself to my birthday dinner?" "I said nothing" she laughed "If you want to be invited be a man and ask, bro" "I'm not going to ask if I can go to your birthday dinner!" "Okay" "Okay, then" silence again "But can I?" she smirked "I'll think about it, Landoboy" "Don't call me Landoboy" "Fine" she looked at her right and saw an ice cream shop "Look!" she pointed "What's it?" "Ice cream" "Wanna have it?" "Yes! But wouldn't that be bad for your diet?" "It can be our secret" she giggled "Alright".
"What flavor do you want?" she hummed "Passion fruit! In the cone, please" she said like a child. He smiled "Passion fruit in the cone it's, then" "What about you?" he thought a bit "Same as yours" she smiled, reminiscing at the night they met when he asked her what she was drinking and picked the same as hers. "There you go, lady" "Thanks". She moaned at the taste of the passion fruit on her tongue "Do you like it" she nodded affirmatively "I really like it" he giggled "Why is it called passion fruit?" she asked "I don't know" "Do you feel passionate when you eat it?" he swallowed the ice cream and hesitantly answered "I... do feel passionate right now" she smiled "Me too" she stepped closer to him and touched his hand "Hey, Lando" "Yes?" "Can you kiss me right now?" he smiled "Yes, I can" then with one hand, held her jaw and approached his lips to hers till they touched. It was a soft kiss, to remind their lips how it was, that small peck in London at her front door wasn't enough. While his lips were busy being happy, his mind wished he could blame a yellow, sour, calming fruit for his feelings. When they parted, she sucked her bottom lip to extract any flavors of him which had been left on it. "Would you like to visit my hotel room?" she asked "You are asking me to..." he cut himself before she changed her mind "Yes, of course, I'm going anywhere with you tonight" "Will you?" "Yeah" "Anywhere?" "Anywhere" "I like that" "I know you do" she smiled "Okay, let's go" she extended her hand to him, he took it and enlaced their fingers while they walked in Shibuya streets.
Shibuya, Tokyo, Japan
Hotel Sulata, Room 304
The night finished with them laying shoulder to shoulder at this hotel bed. Talking. Only talking. "So my father, who basically raised me, said I was too young for that. And then I went to Amsterdam to spend a few days with my mother, I asked her if I could, and she said it was fine so I did it" "Did your father find out?" "Of course he did" "What happened?" "He couldn't do anything. Except grounding me" he chuckled "Seems he wasn't too angry with you. I mean, he just grounded you" "He was angry but mostly disappointed..." she paused "At that time I thought 'f it! I always obeyed my parents, never drank, smoked, tried drugs, dated, and haven't become pregnant..." he laughed "I just wanted a damn butterfly tattoo it wasn't anything satanic, you know? So I just passed through his rules" "Do you regret the tattoo?" "Not the tattoo, but the way I got it. I love my tattoos, all of them, but now I'm older, I hate the fact I disrespected my father to have this one, so..." "Don't feel like that, it's past" "I know" she cleaned her throat "How about you? Any tattoos?" "Nah" "Boring" "Where are your tattoos?" "Ribs, back, right buttcheck, and clavicle" he widened his eyes "And you won't let me see them?" "Not without an exchange" "I grant a wish of yours" "Anything?" "Anything" "Fine" she knelt on the mattress and stripped down her clothes, slowly, teasingly, first the white tank top, then brushing her fingers down the ripped jeans, not touching her underwear. His eyes didn't leave her any second. She showed him 3 butterflies on the clavicle, a dragon on the back, a rose on the ribs, and a 'bite me' on the glute.
"You are so hot. Fuck" he said in a low tone, almost with a heavy, hard breath. She blushed, smiling shyly "Thanks" "What about your wish?". She moved closer, and placed one hand under his t-shirt, feeling the heat of his body warm her to her core down. He shivered with her touch and he could feel his blood flowing to his too. His hands reached hers, caressing her fingers over the fabric. Her gaze found his and he knew already that she wanted the same things he wanted to happen. She whispered in his ear in a sexy tone "Do what my bum says" she was referring to the 'bite me' tattoo which, in her defense, was made when she was drunk. He smirked and soon, his fingers pushed his t-shirt and ripped it away from his body. She swallowed hardly "So handsome" she thought. "Stop eating me with your eyes" she looked at his face "Guess I will start hitting the gym too" he laughed "You have this body without hitting the gym?" "I do pilates" " It works very well" she smiled, directing her attention back to his chest. He brushed his fingertips over the ink "I could bite every centimeter of you" he bit her cheek, softly. She laughed "It's so good to listen to your laugh". They smiled at each other before Lando grabbed her thighs and laid her on the mattress "Especially if it's because of me" then he dipped down to kiss her. They stood there making out for a few minutes before she felt something against her belly, she slid her hand down to confirm her suspect. He moaned with her act getting even harder, then stopped kissing her "Heya! Come back here!" she demanded but he didn't respond, just knelt on the mattress and unzipped his black jeans, ripping them off his body, she could see even better the boner through his white underwear. He hadn't said anything since she caressed his cock, and since then felt like his energy switched to a controlling, possessive, rough man. And she was right, cause he grabbed her by the waist and turned her to face the mattress, he caressed her round bum before biting it as she asked for it, and she giggled. He pushed down to whisper in her ear "You taste delicious, now I'm going to shag you, if that's okay by you" "Shag me?" she giggled, he rolled his eyes "Fuck you, is that better?" "Yes. And please, do it" she pleaded, and as soon as she consented to him he pressed his penis between her legs. She moaned, as much needy as he was. He pushed up and unclipped her bra, she turned to face him, freeing herself of the bra. He dipped down to suck her nipples causing her to moan again, then he stopped and lifted his body to look into her eyes and said in an authoritarian tone "I want you to suck me" She wined "Wasn't you going to shag me?" she said mocking the British slang "I'll but I want to have this image of you craved in my mental drive forever before" she smirked and teased him "Kinky" before she stepped out of bed and knelt on the floor. He stood before her, she looked up and their gaze met. Something was telling her he wasn't going to blink not even once during the blowjob. She placed her hands on his hamstrings and started to run it upward till the hem of his underwear to strip him. She gulped when she was face to face with his penis, she had already seen it before but had not been so close to it, she wrapped one hand around it and slid it up and down a few times, she could feel his body reacting even tho nothing left his lips "Why men can't moan more frequently? It would make things even hotter" she asked "Want me to moan for you?" "It would be nice" he chuckled "Will think about it". Then, she licked the tip, one lick at a time, slowly, teasingly, intending to make him go crazy with that. It was working, cause he grabbed her hair and was about to force into her mouth, but she didn't let him "I'll do it my way" he loosened the grip on her hair, letting things go how she wanted to. She rubbed the tip with her thumb, then put it into her mouth, still slowly, he moaned.
She made some effort to put it all into her mouth, she almost made it. Then she started to move forward and backward at a rhythmic pace, when it hits her throat, she grabbed his ass and squeezed it, he gripped her hair again, clearly suppressing his pleasure sounds.
It came to a point where he couldn't take it anymore, he obligated himself to speak and tell her to stop, she looked up at him and cleaned her mouth with the back of her hand. She could tell he was burning in luxury at that moment "Stand up" he demanded, and she obeyed "You know how much damage it caused on my brain?" "You seem to be enjoying it" "More than that" she smirked. He switched places with her and threw her on the mattress, climbing it till he was on top of her "Are you ready for me, princess?" She nodded, almost in desperation, he was torturing her with the wait and was receiving pleasure, while she was only turning even horny, not fair at all. "Good" he aligned himself and filled her with him. He enlaced their fingers, not allowing her to take much control.
They could feel the electromagnetism between their bodies so strong they could almost literally make sparkles. He started to thrust. First, the tip only, put in and out, making her go crazy like she had done with him before "Lando..." She mumbled "Please" he smirked, sweet revenge. "Hold on, baby" he watched her contort herself of neediness, hearing her sweet moans filling his ears, then thrust deeply, giving her what they both needed. She wrapped her legs around his torso, so he could go even deeper but honestly, if he thrusted even deeper, he would pierce her cervix and end up in her uterus. The feeling of her around him and her moans, made it almost impossible for him to suppress his owns so when it came out, he kissed her. Even so, he moaned during the kiss which made her smile, the effect they had on each other was breathtaking.
Involuntarily, she contracted around his length. Pure bliss to both of them. He felt astonished, it felt like a soft hug from a fluffy thing. She noted and contracted intentionally, causing him to cum not too much after her act. The feeling of him filling her drove her to a third contraction, an involuntary one, blasting into her own orgasm.
When he took himself out of her, he laid on her side and that time had no pillow talk, he just pulled her body close, dried some sweat from her forehead, and pressed her against his chest, holding her tight. How could he ever let her go?
It was a little past 10 PM when he decided to jump off the bed and hit a convenience store he had seen earlier. He needed something to drink, juice was a good call "Which flavor she would like? Maybe she rather iced tea" he remembered of Woking "She drank iced tea that day. But which one is tea?" while he was talking to himself, struggling with the Japanese, and staring at the options in the fridge, he heard a few giggles, it came from two Japanese girls. He looked at them, one had pink locks and tons of glitter on her face, and the other one had green clips on her hair which matched with her skirt. Both were very cute, and they seemed to know who he was, f1 driver privilege.
The girls decided to approach and in bad english, the one with pink hair asked him "Excuse me, are you, Lando Norris?" "Yes, I am" they giggled between each other "Shouldn't you be sleeping for tomorrow's race?" "Maybe, but I am thirsty" "You are so cute" "Hey, you are girls! Tell me something, which of these would you pick?" they looked at where he pointed "Green grape" "Orange". Good. They helped a lot. "Which one someone who likes passionfruit would like?" "Probably something sour" "Like lemon". Godamn, that girl really liked green! Then he had an epiphany "Pink lemonade! Which one is pink lemonade?" he kept struggling with the hiragana "I got you" "Get an apple one too, please" the pink-haired lady reached to the bottles, and when she was giving them to Lando, their fingers touched. He looked at her "You know..." her hand moved to his chest, rubbing it up and down "...We've already heard about your reputation. We also heard you are single now. We are single too. Both of us" he gulped, thinking about what he could do with the duo, at the same time. Then, he remembered the girl he left sleeping in the hotel room. So, he stepped back and cleaned his throat "Sorry ladies, but the only 2 things I'm taking with me from this store are the juice bottles. Thanks for the help, and have a good night. Bye bye" he ran to the cashier "SIGN MY BOOBS!" the girl who was in green shouted, receiving a poke from her friend. The owner of the store looked with a deadly look at the girls, Lando suppressed his laugh and as soon as his card was approved, he left.
During his way back that scene kept replaying in his head. He sighed, he was a single man, and if he wanted to flirt, he could. He entered the room. She was still sleeping while he slipped over the night. He chuckled "Deja vu" then walked toward the bed, leaned forward, and kissed her forehead. She woke up "You are awake" he said "So do you" she rubbed her eyes "What's going on?" "I went out. To buy us juice" she smiled "If you wanted to slip away, I would only notice by the morning" "But I'm here" "Thankfully" he smiled "Is everything okay?" "Yes, why wouldn't it be?" "I don't know, you seem shocked" she sat on the bed and opened her juice "I... when I was in the store, two girls came hit on me" "Really?" "Yes, but I turned them down" "That's good"
"Guess so, but I..." he paused "I just... felt weird" she nodded and leaned to kiss his cheek "I'm proud of you. You'll get used to it" "Yeah, probably yeah" she sipped her juice "I must go back to my hotel, have 5.807 kilometers to go through tomorrow" "Very specific... But, yeah, sure! Go get rest" he leaned to peck her lips "See you tomorrow?" "If my wishes come true" he winked "Good! Bye, Lando" "Bye bye" he grabbed his juice and left room 304, full of doubts in his mind 'What if I don't want to get used to it?'.
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cbrownjc · 3 months
As an older fan, I’m starting to get some major Sherlock-vibes from the show, in the sense that fans are coming up with all these big-brained theories to explain weak writing that we have to have faith will come to fruition in some future season. Why make the change to Lestat saving Louis? Why is Louis seemingly stronger than Armand?  Why have the Loustat reunion, only for Louis to leave and challenge the entire vampire world (despite the fact that he’s apparently in a better place mentally-speaking)? Why publish under Daniel’s name, when that would clearly paint a target on his back, especially now that he’s a vampire? What’s going on with Daniel’s eyes?
The whole “spite” thing seems like a clear mis-direct, but with only like 8-ish episodes a season and Dubai-era Devil’s Minion being 100% subtext so far, I don’t think the writing team can do DM justice. All the inconsistencies seem like they’re being written off because it’s the unreliable narrator show, when they’re actually just plot holes.
Like…I 100% think the writing team forgot makers can’t telepathically talk to their fledglings, and that’s why they had to add in the throwaway line of Lestat actually whispering to Louis in 1x02. There was no hidden reason we were meant to find, it was just inconsistent internal logic justified because Louis can’t remember anything correctly.
IDK. I don’t want to be a downer, but a lot of my hype for the show just kinda fizzled out with the finale. I'm still gonna watch S3, but I think I'm just gonna wait til the whole thing comes out this time.
So I never watched Sherlock nor was every in that fandom, though I did hear about some things after the fact. So I can't compare it to that fandom. But I can compare things to another book series that was being adapted fandom I was in which was Game of Thrones. And I think wrt things we are at least nowhere near that level of things and theorising. Yet.
Maybe because, unlike ASOIAF all the VC books are written and done. So that's a plus.
And see, the thing is? I can actually see a lot of methods to the madness of some of the things you've listed. Especially given the nature of how the story in the show is told through POVs. Where the issue comes into it is not ever knowing if what you are seeing is true, false, or just an interpretation of the truth -- as in Louis' POV of the play-trial rehearsal.
And I'd really like to know if how they ended this season is how they plan to end every season when a full book has been adapted? Something that wraps up the main character arc and story, but just leaves a host of other questions that, if we weren't getting a Season 3, would have never been answered. And who knows if they will all be answered in Season 3? As far as Devil's Minion goes, or Armand himself, I'm not expecting it to be now, given that Season 3 is The Vampire Lestat adaptation and Armand is a straight-up villain/antagonist in that book and Daniel doesn't appear in it at all, so anything we get with him will be extra anyway.
Now, as to whether Rolin Jones and the writers have a plan, Rolin says he pitched an 8-Season (or so) Arc to AMC before he was given the show to run. So at the moment? That is the only solid thing we have to go on right now wrt if there actually IS a play or not for the show.
But see (and oh boy, please forgive me as am I about to go into a big digression here), plotting a TV show is much harder to do than a book or a movie. TV writing is way more organic given that unforeseen circumstances can occur that you've never planned for when you go into a new season of TV production. Such as the studio asking you to split the first book you're adapting into 2 seasons instead of one, leaving you with only a month to rewrite the scripts. Or, a writer's strike and then an actors' strike a few weeks later, delaying production for months. Both of which happened to IWTV wrt Season 1 and then Season 2.
So organic things beyond the show's control are why it is much harder to plan out every little detail of a TV show in advance over multiple seasons. Take another AMC show, Breaking Bad. It's known that Season 2 of that show was intricately plotted out in advance but then, after that, the writers plotted and wrote the rest of the show as things came along for the remaining seasons, with no grand design to it -- even though the creator of the show, Vince Gilligan, knew way in advance how the show was going to end. And the show was able to get there, to that ending, without having a meticulous plan over seasons on how to do so.
I mean, the character of Jesse on Breaking Bad was originally supposed to die at the end of the first season. But instead, he lived through the whole damn thing. That was not planned at all.
And I think that might very well be the situation we have going here wrt IWTV. I think there are larger things they already know in advance about the show -- which books out of all of them will adapted into full stories vs which will only get references. Which characters in the show will make it into the show as full characters vs which characters will either be cut or combined with other existing characters (as Sam Ried revealed in his interview with Autumn Brown that that is going to happen -- that some characters will be combined with others). And what end point they want each of the main four characters -- Louis, Lestat, Armadn, and Daniel -- to be at when they get to at least Season 8. (If not Season 10, which is what AMC wants, 10 seasons). I think those are things Rolin and the writers very much know.
But I don't think the show has every single little detail plotted out for every little thing wrt how they are going to get to certain things. Not super far in advance at any rate.
I do think they'll purposefully put in seeds for later -- that they very much know they are going to need later -- though I think at most they do it one season ahead if it's a little thing. I very much do think that is what the things from episodes 1x02 and 1x03 very much were, since Season 1 and 2 were supposed to just be one season originally. Or the fight in 1x05 only being shown from Claudia's POV. I think that was also deliberate and they are very much planning on visiting it once again in Season 3, as they did in Season 2.
But I also think there are some things the show has not plotted way in advance and only figured out when they are writing that particular episode. Or maybe just decided to do that season as they were writing it, and not before then. Just like how almost every other TV show works, even ones that might very well know the ending they are working toward.
So I in no way think the show has figured and plotted out every single moment and beat of Armand and Daniel's relationship. Why? Not only because much of it happened in the past -- which yes I very much still think it did -- which covers 12 years of time, but because if you look at this clip, Rolin Jones kind of hints that they haven't plotted it out completely point for point even though there are some things they've thought and figured out:
video credit: Rei Gorrei on Twitter
So as far as Devil's Minion goes, I think Rolin and Co -- mostly Rolin -- has an endpoint for it in mind. But how they get to that endpoint is probably not planned out to the letter, super far in advance. And something they very likely just come up with as they are writing that particular season. At most? I'd say they've put things in this season that will be relevant next season and that's it.
So, I'm not going to say they can't do it justice. Not yet. I frankly don't have enough data to call that in a yes or no fashion since we haven't seen anything adapted from it aside from the 3-4 days Daniel spent in a cage, which is just the very start of how Devil's Minion begins. Basically one or two paragraphs. That's all they've really adapted when it comes to it at the moment.
And hey, it's okay if you feel down about all of this. If it helps, I'd say try and take a pragmatic approach to the show season by season, and if you feel it's better to binge it than watch it episode by episode for a time, that's good too. This is going to be a long journey after all.
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chubbycelebs · 10 months
The Weight of Fame (part 3)
As the months went by, the pounds kept adding up. Harry had really gone from fit, toned and in shape to now a mound of lard. His abs had stretched into a belly, now extended so far over his crotch, it was impossible for him to see his own dick. His chest and thighs grew thicker and bigger, pushing the seams of his clothes. But even though Harry now has a huge hairy body, he loved it. The feeling of a tight stomach after stuffing his belly all day, clothes he used to love bursting off his jiggly belly. There wasn't anything that Harry missed about being skinny, because being fat was so much better.
One morning as Harry put on a shirt, not even bothering to button it up already knowing his belly would bust the buttons off, he became intreigued by his weight. He hadn't actually stepped on the scales since putting all this weight on. He knew in his peak he was about 150lbs but he was wondering how much he had gained since those days.
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Harry pulled the scales out and stood and looked at them for a while. Did he want to put a number on his weight gain? Did he really want to know just how big he had gotten or would that make him self concious of his huge size. As Harry rubbed his gut, he decided to give his fat friend Louis a call.
Since their last long phone call, the two had kept in contact over messages. Harry Loved talking to Louis, not even about getting fat but just everyday things. In fact when he thought about it, the two had hardly bought up the fact they both had stuffed their bellies fat. Harry decided to call Louis over his concerns about his big gut. He pressed to face time and after a few seconds of waiting, he answered.
Harry on his screen, even though he was not showing off his belly, still looked very chubby, his cheeks and double chin were becoming very prominate. On the other hand however, Louis looked how he did when they were in the band. Harry thought that he must have gained mostly in the belly and not in the face.
"You're alright Harry!" Louis said smiling, very happy to see his chubby friend on screen again.
"Yeah I'm great thank you! I've been eating pretty well" Harry said with a chuckle, pointing the camera at his belly, giving his gut a shake. Louis laughed at this and blushed slightly but then his face dropped slightly. "Whats up?"
Louis looked down at this body and then pointed the camera down. Harry did not see a big bulbous stomach like his, instead Louis body had gone back to how it was back in the band. "I had to lose it all Harry. My PR team said that if I was to be fat when I release my album, I'll lose my sex appeal and this album can't flop. I'm sorry Harry." Harry didn't know what to say. Now every member of One Direction had released music apart from him and he was still a fat slob. "I'll probably gain it back one day Harry, don't worry. I enjoyed being fat like I said, I just need this to go well." Harry understood but couldn't help but be disappointed with the outcome. He hung up the phone and plopped him self on the sofa, eating a tub of ice cream. Harry sat there filling his belly up bigger and wondered if this would last. Can he really stay this big? Would he have to lose it like Louis did?
As he began to spiral he then thought, why is he worrying about that now? He is still not close to the album being done, he still doesn't need to see anyone in public yet, and he still had a few months left before his PR team would ask for his first solo project plans. In the moment Harry decided to give in, and get as big as he could. He didn't know if this could last a few months or years but he knew he wanted to get as huge as possible. And so Harry did just that.
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Harry walked to the mirror and looked at himself the next morning. His unshaven face and long hair showed how little he cared for his appearance. He then lifted his shirt up to reveal his big hair belly. He stood and looked at his fat body in the mirror, still finding it hard to believe that he was really this big. He placed his hands on his gut, gave it a violent shake and said "Lets get you nice and big" with a final big slap as he went to the kitchen.
For the next few months Harry spent every waking moment filling his lard covered body with greasy fattening food. He was expanding from every direction, unstoppable endlessly stuffing his gut. And he loved it. The feeling of his body pushing further outwards, the constant jiggling and movement of the fat. If he could get bigger faster he would because he loved this feeling so much.
In between the stuffing and playing with him self, Harry was inspired to keep playing new music and descovering his sound. It seemed that the more he expanded the easier it was for him to make new music. It took the pressure off him when he sat down at the piano and could feel his belly pressed against it.
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Harry had now grown out of his clothes apart from his grey sweats. Everyday he'd walk around just in his underwear or jogging bottoms if it was cold. His fat covered body kept the rest of his body warm. Its huge size made sure to keep his privates covered as well.
As the final month of his break began to come to a close, he was also finishing up his album and all the songs he wanted on it. He called his manager and arranged a meeting for the last week of the month. Harry didn't even think to warn his manager of his change in appearance. He had significantly changed since he was last seen by anyone. He had truly never even thought to get this big let alone actually get to this size. He was most defenatly obese if not morbidly. But Harry loved it. He felt so relaxed and happy with his body and comfortable with his lifestyle. This however was all about to change.
Sorry that this next part has taken so long to come out. I've been very busy over the last week or so but I hope to get this story done this week. I hope you guys are still enjoying this story and where it is going. The story will be taking a different turn in the next part so I hope you enjoy that. Thank you!
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twopoppies · 1 year
I'm sending this to you because I think there's less of a chance of me being eaten alive but I'm a little confused with Louis' reaction. He has every right to set boundaries but I wish he would communicate that before it escalates and then he just starts flipping people off and looking at them like they're trash. I don't care what anyone says he and the fans (even on tumblr) were 100% encouraging the ripping of his clothes. Now I hated it but it was clear him and his team thought it was funny - this was clear with them posting the ripped tanks on social media. Louis is completely in his right to decide he doesn't like it anymore but I don't understand why he can't just use his words. Now all of a sudden the fans at barricade are being treated like shit and called out when they're only doing what the fans have been doing this whole time and people online have been amping up. Tbh I'm mostly annoyed at the reaction on tumblr when all I've been seeing are comments about the tanks not surviving barricade when he comes out on stage. Now they're outraged?? Like you were all for it when it looked like Louis was having fun and now fans are the scum of the earth for pissing off Louis?
Hi, sweetheart. I think there have always been two camps when it comes to barricade. There were those who loved it and thought Louis was enjoying it and thought it was sexy when his shirts were ripped. And others who felt it gave off a distinctly out of control vibe that was really triggering for some people. But those of us who didn’t like it were accused of being party poopers. 🙄
Regardless of what we personally felt, Louis definitely looked like he was enjoying it, even when his shirts were getting ripped. He even spoke about it in a joking way.
The problem is, as with everything in this fandom, you give an inch and pretty soon someone is going to up the ante and try to take a mile.
Clearly it seems he’s no longer enjoying it. But it’s something that he’s not communicating well to his fans. I know some people are saying it’s stalkers at the front row and they don’t care, others think it could be over-zealous fans who don’t know that he’s asked people to stop ripping his clothes, but whatever it is, he’s the only one who can make people stop. And he can do that with a simple statement during the show before he goes down there.
The shame of it is, it’s been a part of his show that was really special for fans (and Louis). Hopefully he can get it back under control so he doesn’t have to stop doing it.
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cantquitu · 6 months
This will come as a shock to many, but I regret to inform you that Harry Styles has one again launched a stealth attack on Louis Tomlinson. Vicious, petty, unprovoked... it bears all the hallmarks of a Styles assault.
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As you know, only the most unhinged discerning Louis Tomlinson fans are equipped to identify and track Harry Styles' vindictive strategies. We are grateful for their service as without them, the wider world would never know what he's capable of. However, I will do my best to give clarity and context to this latest offense. And what an egregious offense!!
This very week, Harry Styles joined the England football team at a London venue for a party thrown by James Corden to celebrate Declan Rice's 50th cap for England. 
A couple of blurry pap photos show him leaving early in the night, while a ton of star players like Jordan Henderson, Jude Bellingham and James Maddison partied on until 4am. You know where this is going, right?
Who else is English, likes football, and supports the England team?  
Okay, okay, roughly 50 million people...but bear with me. One of them is LOUIS TOMLINSON! 
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Need I say more?
This was clearly an attempt by Harry Styles to gain Louis' attention and RUB IT IN HIS FACE! Partying with the England team, which Louis would no doubt love to do??!! Unhinged behaviour from Styles!!
As one of Seasurfacefullofclouds1's anons so astutely put it, 
"This man goes out of his way to befriend and be around people that Louis has vocally showed so much support of over the years or called his "idols". I personally believe something did happen between them on a romantic level years ago and Harry's toxic ass either never got over it or holds some kind of twisted resentment over it...It's abusive and manipulative". 
They then poignantly ask, "Why can't Larries see this?" Why, indeed.
Some may wonder, when else has Harry gone out of his way to befriend Louis' idols?  Two words:
Five years ago, Liam Gallagher revealed that he and Harry were both working on their albums at RAK Studios at the same time, and hung out a few times. Harry even bought him fish! Seabass!
Harry clearly went to great lengths to orchestrate this in advance, because he KNEW that Louis was about to enter his Liam Gallagher cos-play era. He befriended Gallagher before Louis had even debuted his temporary new accent, changed his walk to match LG's, or started saying  "youknowworrimean?" at least 17 times per sentence.
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And it goes further than that! Gallagher shared in the press that he lives in the same area as Harry, and frequents the local pub right next to Harry's house. In 2019 Liam was at the pub having lunch with Andrew Wyatt and asked Harry to join and HE ACCEPTED. There's even photographic evidence courtesy of Wyatt and some fans!
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From this I can only deduce one thing, and it's a chilling thought...
In 2012, when Harry Styles was buying his home, he bought one in Hampstead right next to that pub. Was he playing the long game, waiting seven years for Liam Gallagher to invite him for a pint in the hope it would gain future Louis Tomlinson's attention? After all, that's the kind of petty, obsessed demon he is.
SEVEN YEARS. Reflect on that.
Sea herself puts it best when she says,  "Imagine your divorced dad keeping track of your divorced mom's friends, throwing parties for these friends, befriending them, buying them ££thousands in gifts and favors, inviting paps to take photos and write gossip columns.
Yes, just imagine!
How long will Harry's crazed and creepy attention-seeking spree go on for? Will Louis finally crack and give him the response he so obviously craves? HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH??!
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daisyblog · 1 year
Ed Sheeran Concert
When We Were Young Masterlist Summary: Louis and YN finally make the first move.
"Tommo you're overthinking this" Liam spoke as the Yorkshire boy paced back and forth, in front of the sofa where the four other boys were currently sitting.
"I'm fookin' nervous..what if I mess this up..it's my only chance" Louis argued.
"Lou, what are you nervous about..she's already agreed to go with you" Harry questioned as his eyes followed Louis as he continued to pace.
"'cause she thinks we're going as friends-".
"Well be bold and just make a move" Niall shrugged, almost like it was the most obvious thing to do, making Louis stop and look at him.
"Yeh..thanks smart arse why didn't I think of that" Louis sarcastically said.
"He's got a point" Zayn spoke up for the first time.
"Lads..I can't just make a move..it's not that fookin' easy" the four boys sat silently looking at Louis "Whot...why are you all looking at me like tha'?".
"'cause it is that easy Lou" Harry answered.
Louis signed, getting frustrated and regretting asking the boys over to his and Harry's flat for help. Louis had asked YN the previous day if she wanted to go to Ed Sheeran's concert with him in Manchester tomorrow night as the band had a couple of days off.
The band had just finished an interview and were waiting in a room backstage for their team to finish what they were doing. YN was talking to Louise and the boys were sat on the chairs in the corner of the room.
"Go and ask her Lou" Harry encouraged, nudging his arm.
"I'll ask her later" Louis tried to avoid talking to YN at that very moment.
"No..do it now because you'll chicken out" Liam said.
"Fine" Louis snapped at the boys nagging him.
As Louis walked over to where YN is talking, he took a deep breath, preparing himself to be rejected. He fluffed his hair with his hands, making the boys snicker and giggle from where they watched their nervous friend. YN had finished her conversation and turned around as Louis approached her, making her bump into him.
"Oh sorry Lou" YN gently smiled up at his slightly taller frame.
"Sorry love" Louis nervously said "Um..I..uh".
"Everything okay?" YN asked with a giggle watching the boy stutter.
Louis opened and closed his mouth a few times, making Niall cover his mouth to avoid his loud laugh coming out. "Uh..I..I wanted to..ask you something".
"Yeah..sure of course you can babe" YN smiled up at him.
"I'm going to Manchester..to see Ed..Ed Sheeran..and..do you..I wanted to ask if..you know.." YN smiled encouraging Louis to continue "If you wanted to come with me..to the concert?".
"Oh Lou...I'd love to" YN leaned up to wrap her arms around his shoulders as she leaned her head on his shoulder, making him do the same. From where he stood he could see the other boys high-five each other and give Louis a thumbs up, making him roll his eyes at their childishness.
"How is it easy?...I end up stuttering every time it's just us and looking like an idiot" Louis argued as he sat down on the chair opposite.
"Start off slow..it's gonna be a busy crowd so hold her hand and play it off like you don't want to lose her or something" Liam suggested.
"I say just go for it...you're already her cuddle buddy" Niall teased, making Zayn flick his ear.
"Lou...don't listen to these two idiots..just go and enjoy yourself..you'll know in the moment if something feels right or not...don't think too much about it" Harry spoke sense to his best mate.
"I agree with Harry man..you'll just know..you can't plan stuff like that" Zayn agreed.
As planned Louis had picked YN up to drive up to Manchester ahead of the concert. Music playing from the radio, YN would sing along now again when the pair weren't chatting.
"Are you sure your Mum doesn't mind me staying the night too..I can book into a hotel or something still?" YN spoke. As Manchester wasn't too far away from Doncaster, Louis' hometown, he wanted to make most the time off and see his family too.
"Love..for the millionth time she doesn't mind...in fact it was her idea so stop worrying" Louis reassured her "Plus...my sisters are so excited to see you..my Mum too..I think they love you more than me" Louis joked.
"I doubt that..you're a proper Mummy's boy" YN teased him.
"I am" Louis agreed nodding his head.
"I think it's cute" YN complimented as she turned to look at Louis in the driving seat. Was he blushing?
"You're cute" Louis spoke without thinking, making his eyes widen, secretly hoping she didn't hear him.
As they both entered the venue where the concert was being held, they both stuck to the back of the crowd trying to blend in. They had taken the risk of going without security, a couple of fans had noticed them and asked for photos which they happily took. The fans respected the pair's privacy and went back to their original spot and only glancing at them now and again. Louis had realised that this was not the place to make his move with so many watching eyes. But it didn't stop him from admiring her from where he stood, YN was carefree, lived every moment as if it was her last and didn't care who watched her.
As Ed sings 'The A Team', YN can't help but sing along and as notices Louis standing there just watching. She entwines their hands and lifted them up in the air, nudging him to join her singing.
She's in the Class A Team
Stuck in her daydream
Been this way since eighteen
In that moment, he knew he was in too deep and had fallen for his bandmate.
It was around 11:30pm when Louis and YN arrived at his Mum's house in Doncaster, meaning his younger sisters were asleep. He knew his Mum was awake as she had text him earlier in the evening to say she would wait up for them. Hearing his car pull up in the driveway, his Mum stood by the front door waiting to see her son and, his bandmate.
Louis pulled his Mum into a tight embrace "I've missed you my baby boy", YN couldn't help but smile at the loving moment. "You too my love" Jay spoke to YN whilst pulling her in for a motherly hug.
"Thank you so much letting me stay" YN thanked her.
"You don't need to thank me darlin'" Jay spoke sweetly "C'mon in you both come". As the three walked into the lounge, Jay added "Plus the girls are so excited to see you..so prepare yourself for the chaos in the morning"
"I feel like they're growing and changing every time I see them" Louis commented "The photo of the twins you sent me the other day…they look so much older"
"They are..they're like stroppy teenagers already" Jay joked.
"Alfie's the same" YN began "I feel like he's going to be off to uni before I know it"
After catching up with Louis' Mum, the three decide it was time to call it a night before their early wake-up call from his younger siblings in the morning. Louis was staying in his childhood bedroom and YN was in the guest room, further down the hallway. After an hour of tossing and turning, not being able to sleep, Louis decided to go downstairs and get a glass of water to drink. As he entered the kitchen, he was startled to see YN standing against the counter sipping on what looked like tea.
"Hey" Louis spoke into the dimly lit room, making YN jump.
"Fucking 'ell Lou..you scared me" YN tried to whisper, so she didn't wake the others.
"Sorry love" Lou chuckled, walking over to where she stood so he could make a cup of tea for himself. "Can't sleep?"
"No..I don't know why..I hope it was okay to make myself some tea..it usually helps"
"O'course it is love" Louis reassured her before pouring the hot water into his own mug.
"Why are you awake anyway?" she asked him.
"Dunno...just thinking"
You "Nothing" he shrugged.
He turned to look at the girl next to him, even when she was wearing her unmatching pyjamas, hair in its natural state and a bare face, she was still beautiful in his eyes. "I..um..I need to tell you something" Louis spoke softly, "I..I..I don't know how to te-"
Louis wasn't sure if he was dreaming or if it was all in his head but time stood still when YN leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. It was so soft and gentle, he could have missed it. As she quickly pulls away, she whispers a quiet 'sorry' and looks away from his gaze. Taking her face in his hands, he places his lips back onto hers. Whilst the kiss is still gentle, their movements are a little more rushed. YN's hand find their way to grip his t-shirt, one of Louis' hands is placed on the back of her neck keeping her close, whilst the other one has moved down and is pulling at her hip. After a few minutes lost in the moment and each other, they pull apart, unable to hide their smiles.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that" Louis admits as he leans his forehead on hers.
"Me too" YN leans up and leaves a peck on his lips. Now she's had a taste, she can't get enough.
"C'mon lets go and cuddle"
Louis woke to the sound of voices and movement downstairs, letting him know his sisters were awake. He looked to his side and YN was fast asleep, her hands tucked under her chin. Wanting to let her sleep, he placed a gentle peck on her head and got out of bed, putting on his t-shirt and shorts. As he walked through the door to the kitchen, he could smell breakfast cooking and was immediately greeted by his four sisters.
"Morning Kiddos" Louis messed up Daisy and Pheobe's hair.
"Where's YN?" Lottie eagerly asked.
"Aw thanks Lot...never mind about me..I see who's your favourite" Louis teased "She's still sleeping"
Once her had made a fuss of his younger siblings, he wrapped his arm around his Mum's shoulder as she was buttering some toast "Morning Mum"
"Good morning my darlin" Jay greeted him, with a little smirk.
"Whot?" Louis looked at his Mum suspiciously.
"Aw nothing" Her smirk still present.
"Mum..whot is it?"
"Did you sleep okay?"
"Uh..yeh?" Louis said, almost asking a question.
"Any midnight kisses?" Jay teased.
Louis closed his eyes and cringed with embarrassment "Muuum"
"Hey..it was the last thing I expected to see when I came down for some water" Jay spoke as she passed the twins their toast "But..I can't say I'm surprised either...you couldn't hide your feelings if you tried"
Interrupting the conversation, YN appeared at the door "Morning" causing the girls to run and hug her, Jay looked on and smiled at the scene. As Louis caught YN's gaze, he sent her a little smirk and wink, a blush coating her cheeks. Maybe it was that easy!
Tag List: (let me know if you would like to be added) @peterholland04
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sadaveniren · 2 years
When it's all laid out like that I don't see how this kind of life is preferable to just...being out. Obviously being out would come with it's own set of challenges but I would imagine it would be more worth it than whatever the fuck this is. What saddens me is that it's pretty clear that Harry and Louis have been conditioned to believe certain things and have become somewhat brainwashed by the industry and the powerful people within it. During the 1d days I had faith that they didn't necessarily believe everything they were being told. I truly think the Harry and Louis from that time period would be in a lot of ways amazed at their lives and all their success but also deeply disappointed with certain things and maybe even themselves.
I get how and why you feel that way, I've been openly and loudly queer since I was fourteen during the early 00s. I have a lot of complex thoughts on the closet BUT I'll bring you back to one of the very first points I made yesterday and that's that I understand and respect queer people closeting themselves, and that includes even when it's not the choice I would make.
Louis has who and what knows going on in his life. He has parts of it that we in fandom will never and should never know about. His decision to stay closeted is his and while we can say "hey it would just be easier to be out" that's not our call to make. That's not our decision and frankly I don't think he should take us into consideration at all.
I also want to make something very clear, I don't believe Louis is closeted in his personal life. I think we have a lot of evidence to show that Louis' team, band, friends, and family all know about him being gay. Taking it one step further, I think we have a lot of evidence to show they know about him and Harry being together as well. I think the same is true for Harry too, before people come for me. I think when they are out living their personal lives away from fame they are able to "live their truth" and be "out". I think ultimately Louis (and Harry) have chosen to not come out publicly for whatever reason they might have, and it's a very, very good chance they are both making moves right now so that way their private lives are completely separate from their public personas.
I believe it was Ian McKellen who once talked about how when you're famous and gay you never stop coming out. You have to come out every single time you meet someone new. And that can be exhausting. I know even in my much smaller life - again I'm someone who has been loudly and proudly queer for twenty years at this point - I'm always coming out. But there's also a flip side to being out and being famous that I don't think a lot of queer people consider and that's... strangers know you're gay before they even meet you. I obviously can't speak for every queer person ever but if I really start to think about that reality... this idea that someone I don't know knows I'm gay, and can approach me and just say "hey I know you, you're gay" that's absolutely TERRIFYING. Why? Because the world is still INCREDIBLY homophobic and I don't know who has what motives.
You say "Obviously being out would come with it's own set of challenges but I would imagine it would be more worth it than whatever the fuck this is." but have we as a fandom ever talked about what being openly gay and famous at the level we're talking about truly means? And I don't mean purely monetary and all the brand deals or movie options Harry might miss. I'm talking about what it means to live as someone of Harry or Louis' level of fame and be openly gay.
There are some countries they just won't really be allowed to visit anymore because the countries have laws against gay people, or they might not bother to travel to anymore because it's just not safe for them. There are countries that might ban their music. Inherently anything they put out will be politicized, regardless of what it is. Anything they do will be politicized as well, probably to a level of disgusting people in fandom who aren't deep into queer history are prepared for. I'm not trying to be US or western centric here with my thoughts even though they are western artists, I'm trying to think globally, because they both enjoy being global artists.
I get it, I do. BG is shitty and has sucked the joy out of fandom for a lot of people. Homophobia is the worst. But it's unfortunately very real and still very alive and so queer people have to play by those rules sometimes and if they choose not to fight that battle publicly I don't necessarily blame them. At the end of the day you don't have to come out to anyone you don't feel safe with even if you're "out" to your friends and family and living your best gay life. In the case of Harry and Louis or other closeted celebs they don't feel safe telling the world they're gay. Can't really blame someone there.
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layce2015 · 1 year
Supernatural (Dean Winchester x Female!Reader)
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The Usual Suspects
*3rd Person POV*
Baltimore, Maryland
"Under what name? Oh, yeah, that's my favorite so far. Possible ID's in three states that we know of." Sheridan asked as he was on his cellphone. Then he pulls a paper from the fax machine and stares at it. "I gotta call you back." He said as he hangs up.
Meanwhile, a SWAT team approaches a motel room from the outside. 
Back at the station, Sherdian enters an interrogation room then sits down across from Dean Winchester. "Well, first I thought you were just stepping up your game. Credit card fraud, breaking and entering, and this one...puzzled me. Grave desecration. But still these are a long way from murder. Then we get a fax from St. Louis. Where you're suspected of torturing and murdering a young woman. However, no one could prove anything, of course, because supposedly you died there." He said.
Back at the motel, The SWAT team breaks open a 2nd-floor door with a battering ram. Inside, Sam stops, holding his hands up. Diana Ballard advances on Sam, her gun forward. "Going somewhere, Sam?" She asked him as Sam looks at her, nervously. "Now...where's (y/n)?" She asked and Sam shrugs.
"But I gotta tell you something. You look pretty healthy to me." Sheridan said as he looks at Dean. "So now we know Karen Giles wasn't the first person you murdered. But I guarantee you she's the last." He said as he stands for a moment then he walks out.
Early the next morning, Ballard enters another interrogation room, where Sam is pacing by the window. She places a coffee cup on the table. "Thought you might be thirsty." She said and Sam looks at her. "Okay, so you're the good cop. Where's the bad cop?" He asked. "Oh, he's with your brother." Ballard said.
"Okay. And you're holding us why?" Sam asked her. "Well, he's being held on suspicion of murder. And you, we'll see." She said and Sam leans forward, shocked. "Murder?!" He exclaims, shocked. "You sound genuinely surprised. Or are you that good of an actor?" Ballard asked.
"Who was he supposed to have murdered?!" Sam asked her. "We'll get around to that." She said and Sam scoffs. "Well, you can't just hold us here without formal charges!" He shouts. "Well actually, we can, for forty eight hours, but you being a pre-law student, would know that. I know all about you, Sam." She said then she reads from a file.
"You're twenty three years old, no job, no home address. Your mother died when you were a baby, your father's whereabouts are unknown. And then there's the case of your brother Dean. Whose demise was, well, just a little bit exaggerated. Feel free to jump in whenever you like." She said and Sam leans against the wall, folding his arms.
"Shy? No problem. I'll keep going. Your family moved around a lot when you were a kid. Despite that, you were a straight-A student. Got into Stanford with a full ride. Then about a year ago there was a fire in your apartment. One fatality. Jessica Moore, your girlfriend. After she died, you fell off the grid. Left behind everything." She said as she closes the file.
"I needed some time off. To deal. So I'm taking a road trip with my brother and an old family friend." Sam said. "How's that going for you?" Ballard asked. "Great. I mean...we saw the second largest ball of twine in the continental US. Awesome." Sam said and he pulls a chair up to the table and straddles it. 
"We ran Dean's fingerprints through AFIS." Ballard said. "Okay." Sam said. "Got over a dozen possible hits." She said. "Possible hits. Which makes them worthless." Sam points out. "But it makes you wonder. What are we gonna find when we run your prints?" She asked him. "And once we find (y/n), we'll run her prints as well."
"Yeah, well." Sam said and he pounds his fist on the table sarcastically. "You be sure to let me know, all right." He said then he points at the cup. "May I?" He asked her. "Please." She said. "Great." He said and he sniffs the cup and sips it as she leans over him, intently.
"Sam, you seem like a good kid. It's not your fault Dean's your brother. We can't pick our family. Right now detectives in St. Louis are exhuming a corpse. They're trying to figure out how your brother faked his own death. After torturing all those young women. Dean's a bad guy. His life is over. Yours doesn't have to be." She said as Sam looks at her, incredulous.
"You want me to turn against my own brother?" Sam asked her. "No. We already caught him cold. Red-handed at the Karen Giles murder scene. We just need you to fill in some missing pieces. And maybe tell us where (y/n) is." Ballard said.
"Why would I do that?" Sam asked her. "Because I can talk to the DA. Make a deal for you. You can get on with your life. Dean's as good as gone. (Y/n)'s, I'm not too sure about her but that's why we need to find her." Ballard said. SM thinks for a moment, looking distraught, then begins speaking quietly.
"My dad, (y/n)'s dad and Tony Giles were old friends. They were in the service together. We've known him since we were kids, you know? So we came as soon as we heard about his death." Sam starts to explain.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Dean and I were sitting at a cafe table, he was reading a newspaper and I just look out at the streets. Sam then approaches with a drink carrier, holding three cups of coffee and sets it down.
As he sits, Dean hands over the paper. "There you go." Sam said as he hands us our dinks then takes a chair from another table and pulls it up to our table. "Anthony Giles." Dean said.
"Who's Anthony Giles?" Sam asked him. "He's a Baltimore lawyer. Working late in his office, check it out." Dean said and Sam takes the paper and I lean over to read it as well. "Uh...throat was slit, room was clean. Huh. No DNA, no prints." I read and Dean nods.
"Keep reading, it gets better." He said, encouraging. "Security cameras failed to capture footage of the assailant." Sam said. "So I'm thinking either somebody tampered with the tapes --" Dean said and I talk over him. "Or it's an invisible killer." I said and Dean nods. "My favorite kind. What do you think, guys? You wanna check it out?" He asked us and we nodded.
*3rd Person POV*
Present Day
"Woulda been kinda hard for Dean to kill Tony, considering we weren't in town at the time." Sam said to Ballard. "So tell me what happened next." She said, questionable. "Okay, uh, that's when we went to see Karen. She was barely holding it together. We just wanted to be there for her. You know?" He explains.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Karen, a young woman with dark hair and dark-framed glasses, is sitting in her home, on the verge of tears. She's looks at us, as we were dressed as insurance company employees. "Insurance. I totally forgot about the insurance." She said. "We're very sorry to bother you right now, but the company is required to conduct its own investigation. You understand." Sam said to her. "Sure." She said.
"Okay. Um. If you could just tell us anything you remember about the night your husband died." I said to her. "Uh, Tony and I were just supposed to have dinner. He called and said he was having computer troubles and that, that he had to work late. That was it." Karen said.
"Do you have any idea who could have done this to him?" Sam asked her. "No. No, it's like I told the police, I, I have no idea." She said. "Did Tony mention anything, you know, unusual to you? In the days before his death?" Dean asked her.
"Unusual..." she said, confused. "Yeah, like strange?" Dean asked and she shakes her head. "Strange?" She said. "You know, Karen, weird? Weird noises, uh, visions, anything like that?" He asked her and Sam clears his throat and gives Dean a look. Karen turns to Sam, who turns on his concerned-face again, as I shoot Dean a look as Karen glances down.
"He had a nightmare the day before he died." She said. "What kind of a nightmare?" Sam asked her. "Uh, he said that he woke up in the middle of the night and there was a woman standing at the foot of the bed, he blinked and she was gone, I mean, it was just a nightmare." Karen said, shrugging.
"Did he say what she looked like?" Dean asked her. "What the hell difference does it make what she looked like?" She asked, annoyed. "Uh, it's just, our, our company's very thorough." Dean said. "He said she was pale, and she had dark red eyes." She replied.
*3rd Person POV*
Present Day
"So I gave Karen a hug, told her to call me if she needed anything...and that was it. End of story." Sam explained to Ballard, who lowers her head and sighs. "Sam, I am trying to help you here. But you have got to be honest with me. Now we have an eyewitness. Someone who saw two men and a woman fitting you, your brother and (y/n)'s description breaking into Giles' office." She said.
"Okay, look, Karen called us later, said that there was some stuff that she wanted from Tony's office, but the police weren't letting her in -- like, a picture of the two of them in Paris, and some other stuff. Look, it was wrong to enter a crime scene, but she gave us the key!" Sam explained.
*(y/n)'s POV*
I pick the lock on Giles office and the three of us enter, ducking under the police tape. Sam shines his flashlight on a pool of blood on the floor. "Hey. Anthony Giles' body was found right about here." Sam said as I read a file. "Throat slit so deep part of his spinal cord was visible." I said and Dean whistles.
"What do you think? Vengeful spirit? Underlining vengeful?" Dean asked us. "Yeah, maybe. I mean he did see that woman at the foot of his bed." I said as Dean picks up a sheet of paper lying on the desk. "Take a look at this." He said amd Sam takes the paper, which contained small-font printing of the word "danashulps" repeated over and over to fill the page.
"Dana Shulps. A name?" Sam asked as I find another paper.  "I dunno, but it's everywhere." I said and Dean grins. "Well, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy." He said and I roll my eyes.
Sam shines his flashlight down on the glass table in front of him, pausing. He breathes on the glass, revealing the same letters "DANASHULPS" impressed in the surface. "Wow. I'd say we've officially crossed over into weird." Sam said. "Maybe Giles knew her." Dean said, shrugging. "Or maybe it's the name of our pale red-eyed mystery girl." I said to him. "Well. Let's see what we can see." Dean said.
Later, we become frustrated, having found nothing after searching through all accessible paper and computer files in the office. Sam and I are on our desktop computers. "There's not a single mention of a Dana Shulps anywhere. There's not a D. Shulps. Or any other kind of friggin' Shulps." Dean said, frustrated.
"Great." Sam mutters as I shake my head. "What have you guys got?" Dean asked. "Nothing." I said, raising my hands up then dropping them. "Same here. No Dana Shulps has ever lived or died in Baltimore in the last fifty years at least." Sam said. "So what now?" Dean asked.
"Well, I think I'm pretty close to cracking Giles' password. Maybe there's something in his personal files, you know?" said Sam. "By close you mean..." Dean said. "Thirty minutes, maybe?" Sam said, shrugging, and Dean glances at his watch. "Awesome. So I guess I just get to, uh, hang out." He said then he goes to sit on the bed while Sam and I work on the computer.
Then Dean starts making clicking and mouth-fart noises, which annoyed me and Sam as well. "Dude, seriously." Sam exclaims as I look over at him. "All right, I'm gonna go talk to Karen again, see if she knows anything about this Dana Shulps, huh?" Dean said. "Great." I said as Dean gets up.
"Keep going, Sparky." Dean said and he leaves while I shake my head.
*3rd Person POV*
Present Day
"Then Dean went back to Karen's place to check up on her. I mean, you know, she had been pretty upset earlier." Sam explained. "So why didn't you or (y/n) go with him?" Ballard asked him. "I just went back to the motel. And then (y/n) went to go pick hs ho something to eat." Sam said then he thinks for a moment.
"How'd you know we were there, by the way?" He asked. "We found the motel matchbook on your brother when we arrested him. Let's quit fooling around. Now you were with your brother the whole time you were in Baltimore. Why separate now? Because your brother left you and (y/n). To go murder Karen." Ballard said and Sam shakes his head.
"He didn't kill anyone." Sam said, firmly, then Ballard hits the table. "I heard the 9-1-1 call! Karen was terrified. She said someone was in the house." She yells at Sam.
Dean arrives at Karen's and knocks on the door. "Karen, you in there?" He called out but no response he looks around, then picks the lock and enters. He tries the light by the door, but it doesn't work.
He goes further into the house, up the stairs and into the bedroom. He pushes open the door and sees Karen lying on the floor in a pool of her own blood, her throat is slit deeply. He sees the pages from the printer and frowns. 
"Seriously, what the hell?" He asked as he kneels down by Karen's body, noticing bruises on her wrists. He takes one wrist in his hand.
"Freeze." A voice ordered. 
Behind Dean, two cops have their guns trained on him. "Stay on your knees. Hands where I can see them. Now!" The officer said and he complies. "Cuff him." The officer said and her partner goes and cuffs Dean.
Present Day
Sherdian is sitting in an observation room from which he can see Dean, handcuffed to a table. Ballard enters. "You getting anywhere with him?" She asked him. "No. Just a lot of wise-ass remarks. You?" He asked. "Sam's story matches Dean's to the last detail." Ballard said.
"Hmm. Yeah, well, these guys are good. I'll give 'em that. We just need to find that (y/n) girl. She's the missing piece. Have you heard if they found her?" Sheridan asked her and she shakes her head. "If we don't get Sam to flip we have nothing but a lot of circumstantial evidence. Or if we don't find (y/n)...." Ballard said.
"Hey. We've got Dean at the crime scene with blood on his hands. Juries have convicted for less." Sheridan said to her. "Yeah, but, I mean, where's the murder weapon? What's the motive? You talk about reasonable doubt." Ballard said, doubtful. "Diana." Sheridan said and he touches her face after he turns to her. "Do you have reasonable doubt? We keep leaning on these guys, one of them will tumble. And don't forget about St. Louis. I'm telling you. This Dean guy is our guy." He said, firmly.
"I know Tony Giles was a friend of yours." Ballard said and Sheridan's jaw sets. "Yeah. He was, he was a good friend." He said, firmly. "Look, and I know you want to clean this mess up quick. But come on, Tony knew a lot of criminal types, I mean, maybe we're just..." she said, shrugging, but he shakes his head.
"Criminal types? He was a defense lawyer, for godsakes, of course he knew criminal types." He said and Ballard sighs. "All right, let's get back at 'em." She said. "No, you know what? Let 'em stew in their juices for a bit. Come here." He said and he leans in and kisses her. 
Dean, still handcuffed to the table, is muttering to himself, thinking. "Dana Shulps, Dana Shulps, Dana Shulps Dana, Dana Shulps..." he mutters while in Sam's interrogation room, he pulls a pad of paper and a pen to him and writes "DANA SHULPS" in block letters, frowning in thought. 
"Maybe it's not a name. Maybe it's not a name." Dean mutters to himself. "Anagram, maybe?" Sam whispers and he writes "ANDA SH..." underneath the first line, then continues. 
Head down, Dean continues to mutter to himself until there's a knock on the door; he looks up. A smiling middle-aged man pokes his head in. "Mr. Winchester?" He said. "Yeah." Dean said. "I'm Jeffrey Kraus. I'm with the public defender's office. I'm your lawyer." Krause introduced. "Oh. Thank God. I'm saved." Dean said, deadpanned, as Kraus sits down.
"Hey, could I, uh, steal a pen from you? Some paper?" He asked. "Sure." Jesus said and he hands over the items and Dean starts scribbling. "Uh, well, the police haven't found a weapon yet. So that's good. But, uh, they got your prints. And literally blood on your hands. And with your police record, uh..." Kraus said but he sees that Dean is ignoring him.
"Mr. Winchester? What are you doing?" He asked. "I think it's an anagram." Dean replies and Kraus looks at him, confused. "A what?" He asked. "An anagram. Same letters, different words." Dean said as the pad of paper now reads:
"Uh, do me a favor? See if you recognize any of these words, you know, local names, places, anything like that?" Dean asked Kraus as he pushes the paper to him. "Do you understand how serious these charges are?" Kraus asked. "I'm handcuffed to a table. Yeah, I get it. Humor me. Take a quick look." Dean said to him.
Kraus pulls the pad over to him and looks it over. "Well, S-U-P, I don't know about that, but Ashland is a street name. Not far from here." He said. "A street." Dean said then he takes the pad back, tears off a sheet of paper and starts writing again.
"Let's start with where you were the night Anthony Giles died." Kraus said then Dean turns to him. "Can you get in to see my brother?" He asked. "Mr. Winchester, you could be facing the death penalty here." Kraus said, warningly. "Hey, thanks for the law review, Matlock. But. If you want to help me..." Dean said then he holds up the folded note he's just finished. "I need you to see my brother." He said.
Sam looks at the note Dean sent him, which reads:
"I hope that's meaningful. But I'd like to discuss your case now." Kraus said and Sam gestures to the chair. "Sure thing, Matlock." He said and Kraus rolls his eyes. "You two really are brothers, aren't you?" He mutters as he sits down. "Now. As you know, the DA might be interested in..." he said when there was a knock on the door, which was quickly followed by Ballard, who addresses Kraus.
"We need you. With the other one." She said to him, firmly.
Several others have crowded into the observation room outside where Dean is being held; across from his seat a digital camera has been set up. Ballard and Kraus enter.  "Counselor? Your boy decided to confess." Sheridan said and Kraus turns to Dean.
"Mr. Winchester? I'd advise against that strongly." He said but Dean ignores him. "Talk directly into the camera, first stating your name for the record." Sheridan said to Dean, who clears his throat and leans forward, looking into the camera.
"My name is Dean Winchester. I'm an Aquarius. I enjoy sunsets, long walks on the beach, and frisky women. And I did not kill anyone. But I know who did. Or rather what did. Of course it can't be for sure, because our investigation was interrupted. But our working theory was that we're looking for some kind of vengeful spirit." He said and Ballard looks at him, confused.
"Excuse me?" She said as Dean continues. "You know, Casper the bloodthirsty ghost?" He asked while in the observation room, the spectators start laughing. "Tony Giles saw it. I'll bet you cash money Karen did too. But see, the interesting thing is the word it leaves behind. For some reason it's trying to tell us something. But communicating across the veil, it ain't easy. You know, sometimes the spirits, they, they get things jumbled. You remember REDRUM. Same concept. You know, it's, uh, maybe word fragments... other times, it's anagrams. See, at first we thought this was a name, Dana Shulps. But now we think it's a street. Ashland. Whatever's going on, I'll bet you it started there." Dean said then he spreads his hands and smiles.
"You arrogant bastard. Tony and Karen were good people, and you're making jokes." Sheridan said, angrily. "I'm not joking, Ponch." Dean said. "You murdered them in cold blood just like that girl in St. Louis." Sheridan growled. "Oh, yeah. That wasn't me either. That was a shape-shifter creature that only looked like me." Dean replied as he smiles at the camera.
Sherdian loses his temper and hauls Dean up by the collar, slamming him against the wall. "Pete, that is enough!" Ballard yells.
"You asked for the truth." Dean said as Sheridan glares at him then let's him go. "Lock his ass up." He orders as another cop takes over, shoving Dean face-first against the wall and handcuffing him.
Sherdian and Ballard return to the other room only to find Sam gone; the coffee and the note are still on the table. "What the hell? Where is he?" Sheridan asked as he goes to the window, which is open, and looks out. 
Ballard sees the note on the table and picks it up. "What'd he do? The fire escape's way over there. I bet that (y/n) girl came in and...what?" Sheridan said as he looks at Ballard.
"These two guys." She said and she hands him the note. "Hilts and McQueen?" He said, confused. "Hilts is Steve McQueen's character in the Great Escape." Ballard explains and Sheridan growls as he crumbles the paper in his hand.
Ballard enters the bathroom and the lights flicker. She sighs. As she approaches the sink, it turns on by itself. She recoils then all the faucets start pouring out hot water, steam rising.
In the fogging mirror the letters DANASHULPS are formed; Ballard scrubs them away to reveal a ghost. Her throat is slit deeply, her eyes deep red. She struggles to talk while Ballard is too shocked to speak.
Dean was handcuffed to another table as Ballard enters, nervous. Then she shuts the door. "Can we make this quick? I'm a little tired, it's been a long day, you know, with your partner assaulting me and all." Dean grumbles as Ballard looks over at him. "I want to know more about that stuff you were talking about earlier." She said and Dean looks up at her.
"Time Life. Mysteries of the Unknown. Look it up." He said. "Let's pretend for the moment you're not entirely insane." She said and Dean hums at this. "What would one of these things be doing here?" She asked. "A vengeful spirit? Well, they're created by violent deaths. And then they come back for a reason, usually a nasty one. Like revenge on the people that hurt 'em." Dean explains.
"And uh, these, they're capable of killing people?" She asked as she rubs her neck. Dean then notices something on her wrist. "Where did you get that?" He asked her. She pulls up her sleeves to reveal deep bruises. "I don't know. It, it wasn't there before." She said, scared and confused.
"You've seen it, haven't you? The spirit?" Dean asked and she looks back at him. "How did you know?" She asked. "Because Karen had the same bruises on her wrists. And I'm willing to bet that if you look at Giles' autopsy photos he's got 'em too, it's got something to do with this spirit, I...I don't know what." Dean said and Ballard turns away, looking into the mirror. "I know. You think you're going crazy. But let's skip that part, shall we? Because the last two people who saw this thing? Died, pretty soon after. You hear me?" He said to her.
"You think I'm going to die." She said. "You need to go to Sam and (y/n). They'll help." Dean said and Ballard turns to him. "You're giving your brother and your friend up." She said. "Go to the first motel listed in the yellow pages. Look for Jim Rockford or Olivia Benson- it's how we find each other when we're separated. Now you can arrest them if you want. Or you can let them save your life." Dean said as the two stare at each other.
*(y/n)'s POV*
Sam and I were sitting at a motel desk, going through the files of the case. Ever since the cops came and arrested Sam and Dean, I had been hiding among the town which I can tell you it was really hard. I had even went into the impound lot and found the Impala and snuck it out of the lot.
At one point, I saw Sam running along the street and I stopped him and told him to hop in. He got in and we went into a different hotel and tried to figure this case out.
Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. I looked over at Sam then I get up, slowly, and open it to find a woman, wearing a formal suit, standing there, looking scared but also surprised. "(Y/n), I presume." She said to me. "And you must be Officer Ballard." I said and she nods. "You here to arrest us?" I asked her as Sam comes up next to me. She shakes her head and shrugs and I nod and let her in.
After she explained herself, she shows us her wrists. "These showed up after you saw it?" Sam asked her. "Yeah, I guess." She said. "All right. You're going to have to tell us exactly what you saw." I said to her, firmly. "You know, I must be losing my mind. You're a fugitive." She said as she points at Sam then she turns to me. "You're a person of interest. I should be arresting you two." She said.
"All right. Well, you know what? You can arrest us later, all right? After you live through this. But right now you've gotta talk to us. Okay?" Sam said and she nods. "Okay, great. Now, this spirit. What did it look like?" I asked her. "She was, um, really pale, and her throat was cut, and her eyes, they were like, this deep dark red? It appeared like she was trying to talk to me. But she couldn't. It was just...a lot of blood." She explains.
"You know what? Here. We've been researching every girl that's ever died or gone missing from Ashland Street." Sam said as we lead her over to a table, where Sam gathers up a stack of crime scene photos. "How'd you get those? Those are from crime scenes, and booking photos." Ballard said, shocked.
"You have your job, we have ours. Here. I need you to look through these, tell us if you recognize anyone." Sam said and Ballard sits and flips through the stack. On the third photo, a young woman's booking photo, she stops. "This is her. I'm sure of it." She said and I look at the photo.
"Claire Becker? Twenty eight years old, disappeared about eight or nine months ago." I told her and she looks at us, confused. "But I don't even know her. I mean, why would she come after me?" She asked. "Well, before her death, she was arrested twice. For dealing heroin." I explain as Sam and I look at her.
"You ever work narcotics?" Sam asked her. "Yeah, Pete and I did. Before Homicide." She said and I hold up Claire's picture. "You ever bust her?" Sam asked her and she shakes her head. "Not that I remember." She said. "It says that she was last seen entering 2911 Ashland Street. Police searched the place, didn't find anything. Guess we gotta check it out ourselves. See if we can find her body." I said and she shakes her head.
"What?" She asked. "Well, we gotta salt and burn her bones. It's the only way to put her spirit to rest." Sam said and Ballard looks at us, disbelief. "Of course it is." She said and I chuckled as we start to head out.
We make it to Ashland Street and lead Ballard into a dark and creepy Warehouse. "So what exactly are we looking for?" Ballard asked us. "We'll let you know when we find it." Sam said and we split up. I checked up a flight of stairs for a few moments when I heard Ballard shout. "Sam? (Y/n)? Guys!"
I run down the stairs and meet up with Sam as we go over to Ballard. "Hey! Hey, we're here." Sam said to her as we come up to her as she looks ahead of herself in fear. "What is it? What happened?" I asked her. "Claire..." she said.
"Where?" Sam asked her. "She, she was here." Ballard said as she points in front of her. "Did she attack you?" I asked her. "No. No, she was just like, reaching out to me. She was over there by the window." She said and she points at the window, which is blocked by a shelving unit.
"Here, help me move this, Sam." I said to Sam and he nods and we shove the shelves aside, revealing the window. It is labeled from the outside: Ashland Supplies.
"Our little mystery word." Ballard said as we turn to see a shadow on the opposite wall, casting the words into clear reflection. "Now the extra letters make sense." Sam said and he pulls out his EMF reader and approaches the opposite wall.
"What is that?" Ballard asked. "Spirits and certain remains give off electromagnetic frequencies." I explained to her. "So if Claire's body was here, that would indicate that?" She asked. "Yeah. Well, that's the theory." Sam said and the EMF reader purrs as he waves it over the brick wall. He turns to us.
Sam and I start breaking through the wall with a couple of sledgehammers while Ballard stood back out of harm's way. When we knock out a sizable hole, I poke my flashlight inside and look. "Yeah. Yeah, there's definitely something in there." I said and we start breaking through the wall with our elbows and fists.
"You know? This is bothering me." Sam said. "Well, you two are digging up a corpse." Ballard said and I chuckled. "No, not that. That's, uh, that's pretty par for the course, actually." Sam said, smiling. "Then what?" Ballard asked. "It's just, I mean, no vengeful spirit we've ever tussled with wanted to be wasted, so why the hell would Claire lead us to her remains? It doesn't make any sense." Sam said as we break open most of the wall.
Together, we pulled out a shroud-wrapped body and place it on the ground. I pull out a pocket knife and cut the ropes holding the shroud together, uncovering Claire's body. Ballard holds out her wrists to see that they matched the way the ties were around Claire's wrist. "Her wrists. Yeah, they'd be bruised just like yours?" Sam said when Ballard kneels down and notices a necklace on the corpse and touches it cautiously.
"That necklace mean something to you?" I asked her. "I've seen it before. It's rare. It was custom made over on Carson street." She said as she reaches into her neckline and pulls out the same necklace. "I have one just like it. Pete gave it to me." She said and my jaw drops a bit.
"Now this all makes perfect sense." I said as Sam nods. "I'm sorry?" She asked. "Yeah. You see, Claire is not a vengeful spirit, she's a death omen." Sam said to her.
"Excuse me?" Ballard said, confused. "Claire's not killing anyone. She's trying to warn them. You see, sometimes spirits, they don't want vengeance, they want justice. Which is why she led us here in the first place. She wants us to know who her killer is." I explain then Sam stares at her.
"Detective, how much do you know about your partner?" He asked. She thinks for a moment before a look of realization comes over her face. "Oh my God." She whispers.
"What?" Sam and I asked her. "About a year ago, some heroin went missing from lockup. Obviously it was a cop. We never found out who did it. But whoever did it would need someone to fence their product." She said. "Someone like a heroin dealer. Somebody like Claire." I said and she looks at us shocked.
I drive the Impala as I follow Sam and Ballard to this forest area. Sam had called me and told me they were looking for Pete as he had taken Dean and was gonna transfer him to a different prison, by himself. Which means he was planning something.
We get out of the cars and run into the woods to see Pete had Dean down on the ground, his gun aimed at him. "Or maybe you do." He said once he cocks his gun.
"Pete! Put the gun down." Ballard ordered as she holds her gun up at him and Sam and I come up to her. "Diana? How'd you find me?" Pete asked her, shocked. "I know about Claire." Ballard said. "I don't know what you're talking about." He said, acting dumb.
"Put the gun down!" Ballard ordered.  Oh, I don't think so. You're fast. I'm pretty sure I'm faster." Pete said as he continues to aim the gun at Dean, who looks over at me and Sam.
"Why are you doing this?" Ballard asked him. "I didn't do anything, Diana." Pete said. "It's a little late for that." Ballard said and Pete stares at her before he let's out a sigh.  It wasn't my fault. Claire was trying to turn me in, I had no choice." He said.
"And Tony? Karen?" Ballard asked him. "Same thing! Tony scrubbed the money, he got skittish, and then he wanted to come clean. I'm sure he told Karen everything." Pete exclaims as Dean glances at us, as I give him how do we get out of this look. Dean shakes his head and I rolled my eyes at this.
"It was a mess; I had to clean it up. I just panicked." Pete said. "How many more people are gonna die over this, Pete?" Ballard asked. "There's a way out. This Dean kid's a friggin' gift. We could pin the whole thing on him. Right? No trial, nothing. Just, just one more dead scumbag." Pete said and Dean looks up at him. "Hey!" He said, offended, as he starts to stand up but Pete raises the gun and Dean backs off.
"No one will question it. Diana, please. I still love you." Pete said to Ballard, who starts to lower her gun. "Thank you. Thank you." He said, appreciatevly. As he turns back to Dean, Ballard brings her gun up and fires, hitting Pete in the stomach. He goes down and Dean rolls out of the way. 
"Then why don't you buy me another necklace, you ass?" Ballard asked, angrily. Pete tackles her legs, knocking her down and she loses her gun. Sam and I try to go for it, but Pete gets there first. "Don't do it! Don't do it!" He warns us but then a gunshot goes off. Pete falls down, revealing Ballard shot him in the back.
After uncuffing Dean, Ballard was kneeling by the body of her late partner. She gets up and approaches us as we were standing nearby. "You doin' all right?" I asked her. "Not really. The death omen Claire. What happens to her now?" She asked her. "Should be over. She should be at rest." Sam said to her.
"So, uh. What now, officer?" Dean asked her. "Pete did confess to me. He screwed up your cases royally. I'd say that there's a good chance that we could get your cases dismissed." She said to us. "You'd take care of that for us?" Sam asked, shocked. "I hope so. But the St. Louis murder charges? That's another story. I can't help you. Unless...I just happened to turn my back, and you walked away. I could just tell them that the suspects escaped." She said.
"Wait, are you sure?" I asked her. "Yeah, she's sure, (y/n)." Dean said. "No, it's just, I mean, you could lose your job over something like that." I said to Ballard as she looks down. "Look, I just want you guys out there doing what you do best. Trust me, I'll sleep better at night." She said and she turns to go. "Listen, you need to watch your back. They're gonna be looking for both of you right now. Get out of here. I gotta radio this in." She said and the boys and I share a look.
"Oh, uh, do you know where my car is?" Dean asked but I placed a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry, I got her, the car is just down the road." I said to him and he smiles at me. "How did you manage to get it out of the impound?" Ballard asked as she turns to me, curiously.
I smiled at her. "I've got my ways." I said and I look at the boys and gestures for us to leave and we walk off down the road. "Nice lady." Sam said. "Yeah, for a cop. Did she look familiar to you?" Dean asked us. "No, why?" Sam and I said as Sam shoves Dean, playfully.
"I don't know. Anyway, are you guys hungry?" Dean asked us. "No." Sam said as I shake my head. "For some reason I could really go for some pea soup." Dean said and I laugh as we get into the car and I hand the keys to Dean and we take off.
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Little script of a fake interview with Louis (I can only dream of this happening)
Interviewer (I) Louis (L)
I: So Louis, if I remember correctly you're here to talk about someone very special in your life?
L: I am, yes (cue his triangle smile)
I: And who might that be?
L: That would be Mr Harry Styles...um...my husband
I: So the rumours are true then?
L: Yep, yep, all true, all true
I: And how long have you been together?
L: We've been on and off for about 13...yeah 13 years now
I: 13 years? So since you guys met each other?
L: Basically, yeah, yeah.
I: May I ask why you kept it a secret?
L: Um...it was tough back then, you know, being- being *out* and our team thought it'd be best if we kept it on the down low for a bit, you know, just tease the relationship to see how it was received.
I: Quite well, I'd say by the state of Twitter
L: Yeah, yeah, the fans seemed to really like us, but, uh, our management kept coming up with, um, reasons for us not to be out yet, you know what I mean. And, uh, it got to a point where we couldn't interact with each other at all. It was, quite hard at times for us to be together and then not be together, if you know what I mean, but we pushed through, we pushed through.
I: And the girlfriends?
L: Ah, the girlfriends. Um, well speaking for me, I obviously can't speak for Harry, it seemed to be the best option at the time. So I was free to be with him in private and we could be together, and me having a "girlfriend" sort of put out the idea that I was taken, and for management they were pushing that I was straight.
I: And, there have been rumours that you stayed with Simon and that lot to protect Harry after the band split up. Is that true?
L: Uh, yeah yeah thats unfortunately true. Um, they wanted to sign Harry on as a solo artist but I could see, you know, that he wanted to be free and to be able to express himself, which obviously he has been able to and I'm proud of him for that. So I made a deal with the management that I'd sign with them instead if they let Harry go.
I: And, if you had the chance to do things differently regarding management and Harry, would you?
L: Uh no, no, I wouldn't. I seen how he's come into himself away from management and he's been the happiest I've seen him for a while now. I wouldn't trade that for anything.
Harry's interview
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