#whoever does this i'll be your no. 1 fan for life. FOR LIFE.
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jilyandbambi · 9 months ago
#omg now i’m imagining the ‘you’re wrong about’ ep about the yellowjackets crash#i need to hear sarah marshall defending shauna shipman#‘today i’m joined by blair braverman to talk about probably the third largest media storm of the 90s after oj and monika lewinsky’#‘shauna shipman had the audacity to have sex as a teen girl and then not die about it so tabloids HAD to destroy her life’#yj @jewberry-scone
yeah, if 6 teenage girls and 1 teenage boy had emerged from the Canadian wilderness after 19 months with a 1 year old baby in tow, there would've been no escaping the media hellstorm. They would've been on 20/20 within 3 months. One group interview and a few candids of Shauna holding the baby would've been the price they'd all have had to pay in order to be left tf alone because while in 2023 society pretends to care about trauma, PTSD, and teens' mental health, this was the 90s--when Nicole Brown Simpson was blamed for her own murder, Lorena Bobbit was a late-night punchline, R. Kelly marrying 15 y/o Aalyiah was an open secret, grown men were calling into radio stations to speculate on 16 y/o Britney Spears' virginity, and Monica Lewinsky was doxxed and getting death threats for sucking off Bill Clinton.
What I'm saying is:
Seven teens (the girls + Travis) surviving against the odds for 19 months is the epilogue to a tragedy with enough unanswered questions to keep true crime nerds speculating & reporters digging.
But them being found with an infant? Had it come out that one of the girls was pregnant and gave birth during the ordeal? That's mainstream tabloid fodder. The kind that not even "papers of repute" would turn their noses up at. Barbara Walters, Lesley Stahl, and Mike Wallace would be beating each other and TMZ down to get the first interview, the first photo of the baby. NBC would've backed a U-Haul full of money onto the Shipman's, the Martinez', and the Sadecki's front yard (because speculation as to who the actual father really was would be kept going until it came directly from the source). Did she know she was pregnant when she got on the plane? Who else knew? What was it like giving birth? Did any of the other girls get pregnant? How many of the girls did Travis do it with? Weren't any of them afraid of the same thing happening to them? Did doing it help them cope?
And it wouldn't just be the media. Doctors, child development specialists, psychologists, sociologists, and academics would be calling non-stop to get Shauna and the baby to participate in clinical trials and studies.
The only way they'd have been left alone is if they'd done a televised interview and ended it by pleading to be allowed to go on with their lives in peace
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salvieslovenotes · 2 months ago
Patience, darling (pt. 1)
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vi x reader, 18+ themes!!
Semi-famous Vi who has you on a live with her for the first time and... isn't very good at waiting
Vi sort of assumed that once the rush of getting together had calmed down, her yearning for you would lessen a little. That you wouldn't always be all over each other. But the longer she's with you, she's starting to think maybe... that won't be the case.
You've been going out for some years now, and still even the briefest peck sends heat prickling down Vi's spine.
Normally she'll just pull you close without a second thought. She discovers it's worse—much worse—when she has to wait...
Mechanic Vi who has a super dedicated following for doing little "how to fix this in your car" videos for girls, and also for the photos she posts of her on her motorbike, which always go viral. She often does lives where she just chats to whoever's watching as she works, or cooks dinner or cleans up her workspace.
Her fans all know about your relationship, as she'll use any excuse to gush about you. Because you often work late, she's on live a lot as she's making dinner for when you get back, and her followers are always asking about you. It's gotten to the point where her followers collectivly refer to you as "Cupcake," a nickname she jokingly called you one time.
But... they've never seen you in any of her lives. Although she talks about you all the time, you're pretty private about your personal life, and so there's never anything identifying in her posts. Sometimes a photo that cuts off at the shoulders of a mystery girl leant up against her bike, Vi's hands wrapped snugly around your waist. You're also never in her "how to" videos, apart from an occasional quiet laugh or comment off camera, and you don't have any socials of your own.
Her fans are always begging to see you, and Vi always just smiles a little, saying coyly, 'Well, we'll see...'
One time she's reading through the comments, saying some out loud. It's a casual live today, she's just eating and chilling out, waiting for you to finish work.
'When's Cupcake coming home...' Vi reads aloud. She checks her watch. 'Any minute now,' she tells the chat, standing to take her plate to the sink then returning to the table where her phone's propped up against a jug of flowers—you love flowers, there are always some in the flat.
'Oh, you wanna meet her?' she asks, reading another question. Smiling a bit, she lifts a shoulder. 'Well, maybe I'll ask her when she gets back.' She gives the camera a wink. 'We'll see.'
A few minutes later there's the sound of the front door, then your heels clicking down the hall.
'Hey,' Vi turns to you with a smile as you enter the living room, a shopping bag over one arm and all your work bags over the other. You're still dressed for the office, a neat blouse and skirt.
'You on live?' you ask, toeing off your shoes and dropping your bags on a chair.
'Uh-huh.' Vi's looking at you in a way that tells you instantly she wants a kiss, but if she's on live you're not going to disturb her now. She holds out a hand to you. 'Wanna come say hi?'
'Say hi?'
Vi nods, hand still outstretched. She raises a questioning eyebrow, giving you the option of saying no if you're not comfortable with the idea. When you lift a shoulder in a little shrug, showing you're not fussed, a small smile tugs at Vi's lips. The chat is going crazy, comments coming in one after the other, as Vi turns back to the camera to say cheekily, 'She's a little shy.'
You roll your eyes, walking over to her. Standing beside her, the camera is angled so that your torso is cut off, and the chat can't properly see you yet. Vi looks up at you, her hand settling on your waist. For a moment you forget about the camera and everyone watching, reaching out to brush her hair back.
'Work okay?' Vi asks softly. It's been a long day and she's missed you, and it takes everything in her not to wrap her arms tight around your waist and tug you close.
Vi smiles a little. 'Mhm?'
You hum again, unable to help smiling back. 'You?'
'Mhm,' Vi echoes. The way you're looking at her, teasing and playful, is enough to get her heart racing, and her eyes stray to your lips. She's about to tug you down before suddenly remembering the camera and turns back, clearing her throat, cheeks slightly red. The chat is rioting.
We're third wheeling so bad
crying in single
The comments make her snort with laughter, and she tugs gently on your waist, encouraging you to lean down.
'Budge up,' you say, nudging her knees for her to move a little and allow you to squeeze into the chair with her, but Vi only grins broadly, spreading her legs wider.
Rolling your eyes fondly, you lean down so the camera can see your face.
'I say move and she spreads her legs,' you tell everyone, before reaching out for another chair to drag it next to Vi. You've barely stretched out your hand when she makes a wounded noise.
'What are you doing?'
Turning, you find her staring up at you, looking ridiculously hurt.
'Uh, getting a chair?' you say, amused.
Vi makes a vague gesture at her lap. 'What, I'm not good enough?'
You can't help but laugh at her affronted pout, sliding into her lap and wrapping an arm around her neck. One strong hand instantly settles your waist, her other hand resting lightly on your thigh. Leaning towards the camera, you smile, giving a little wave.
'Hi everyone...' you pause to peer at the comments. 'She's so pretty,' you read aloud. 'Oh, I know!' you turn to face Vi, cupping her face and leaning down to press your nose briefly against hers. Vi's looking up at you, face tilted to meet yours, and there's only one word for her expression.
'She's the prettiest,' you smile, leaning back and giving Vi a very quick kiss on the tip of her nose that makes her laugh softly, the hand on your waist tightening a little. 'My pretty girl.'
'I think they were talking about you,' says Vi, tucking you more firmly against her and resting her chin on your shoulder. 'But thanks, love.'
Leaning forwards to read the comments again, you gasp in faked shock.
'Babe! They're all calling you a massive bottom.' You pretend to frown at the camera. 'How dare you!'
Turning to face Vi, there's a teasing smile playing at her lips as you cover her ears with your palms until she huffs a laugh.
'Don't listen to them,' you say, then, tucking a knuckle beneath her chin to keep her looking up at you, you lift a hand to your face so the camera can't see what you're saying as you mouth, 'you fuck me so good. '
You mean it to be playful, a little joke, but Vi's eyes instantly darken as the words leave your lips, her gaze dropping to your mouth as she visibly swallows, her jaw tightening. The hand she had resting loosly on your waist suddenly digs in, her nails scrunching the fabric of your office skirt.
You laugh softly, fond, knowing exactly what's on her mind.
'Patience,' you singsong. 'Not in front of the children, love.'
this love will find me when
😭 😭😭 😭 😭 😭😭
Reading out the chat again, you can't help but laugh.
'Kiss?' you ask, turning to give Vi a kiss on the cheek. She rolls her eyes playfully, but her cheeks are flushed, the hand on your waist still gripping tightly.
You turn back to the camera, biting back a grin—you know just what you're doing and hell if you don't enjoy Vi's reaction to you. But then she leans up, her warm breath ghosting over your neck so you can't help but shiver, quickly lifting a hand almost on reflex to cover the camera because you know what Vi's like when she wants you, you know exactly how her control slips.
All she does, however, is brush her lips over the shell of your ear as she whispers, 'Fuck, princess, you just gonna tease me all night?'
There's a slight strain in her voice, and you know she's more worked up than she's letting on. Still, you're pretty sure you're both just teasing, just putting on a bit of a show for the live, so, confident that she won't do anything more... risky, you let your hand drop away from the camera, laughing as you reply softly, 'We'll see.'
guys they kissed i was the chair
im giggling STOP
The comment makes you laugh. 'Yeah, I feel that,' you agree. Behind you, Vi drops her forehead onto your shoulder with a soft, bitten-off groan. 'Right!' you grin, 'we'll be pg from now on.'
You start chatting to everyone, asking people where they're from, answering their questions about your work. Vi is unusually quiet, chin resting on your shoulder and hand never leaving your waist. At some point she turns her face a little so you can feel her breath on your neck. Shallow and quicker than normal.
'You all good?' you ask her without turning your head, running a soothing hand along her arm as you look at her in the camera.
She gives you a small smile as she nods, but there's something tight about her expression.
'Sure?' you double check, before continuing with your conversation with the chat when she nods again.
Almost absently, the hand she had resting on your thigh twitches a little, and she starts lightly tracing a finger along your skin, teasingly brushing under the edge of your skirt. It sends a spark of heat dancing up your spine, and you grin again, sure you know what she's doing, what game she's playing.
Well, two can play at that game.
But, not breaking off your conversation with the chat, when you reach back to thread your fingers through her hair, tugging slightly, Vi makes a choked off sound near your ear, her fingers squeezing reflexively on your thigh as if she wasn't the one trailing a finger under your skirt a moment ago.
Glancing at her in the camera, she's got her teeth sunk into her lower lip, eyes trained on the back of your neck, exposed where your hair is twisted up for the office. You squint— it's hard to see properly in the camera, but her cheeks are definitely flushed.
Suddenly you're... not so sure this is a game at all.
cupcake i think you broke vi
vi blink three times if u need us to go
she's down so bad whelp
'You all need to, like, go out in the sun or something,' you laugh, but a moment later you feel Vi shift a little beneath you where you're still sitting in her lap. The tiniest cant of her hips upwards and an accompanying quiet whine in your ear and oh—
This isn't a game. She needs you.
You genuinely thought all the teasing was for the live, but you know very certainly now that it's not just for show anymore. Right now, she's desparate for you. For a second you let your mind wander, wondering if she's wet enough that she's soaked through her boyshorts, your mouth going dry as Vi drops her head on your shoulder again, fingers tightening reflexively on your thigh.
Clearing your throat, you give the chat a bright smile.
'Right! So we have to make dinner now and ya know...' you give them a wink, 'things to see, lots to do—'
*people to do
queen you're gonna fuck don't lie to us
crying in single
lol you be fucking frrrr
😭 😭 so happy for you guys 😭 😭 100% happy and not jealous at all
sleeping on the highway xoxo
lmao same
'Hey, no sleeping on highways,' you smile. 'Okay, well bye everyone! I had a lovely time meeting you all.'
You say a few more quick goodbyes as the chat sends love and kisses, and the second you press the end button Vi lets out a funny, strangled noise.
'Fuck,' she hisses, pulling her head up from your shoulder, 'fuck fuck fuck—'
Laughing softly, you turn to face her and oh—
She's absolutely wrecked.
A flush is creeping down her neck, her bright blue irises almost entirely swallowed by pupil and eyes heavy-lidded in want, her lips bitten and swollen. The sight sends an aching wave of heat through you.
'Oh hey,' you say gently, turning so you're straddling her as both her hands come to grip your waist and she looks up at you, the expression on her face nothing short of pleading.
'Fuck, princess you can't do that,' she says, voice shaky. 'You can't—can't tease like that it's not fair, fuck—'
Closing her eyes, her head tips back a little as you press a thumb against her lower lip. Leaning forward, you brush your own lips over her neck, allowing your tongue to flick against her pulse point. At the movement Vi lets out a ragged sort of moan, a full body shiver going right through her as she bites off another curse.
'I'm sorry,' you whisper against her throat. You're trying to feel bad about it, you really are, but honestly? Knowing that you do this to her makes you feel nothing short of a goddess.
Kissing a line down to Vi's collarbones, taking a moment to appreciate the fact that her chest is heaving just from this brief moment of contact, you draw back, allowing your eyes to flick up. 'Let me make it up to you? I'll take care of you baby.'
pt 2 will be posted soon xo
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starkeyslibrary · 3 months ago
That's So True
Inspired by That's so True by Gracie Abrams
pairing: you x drew starkey
a/n: i just realized that i've never formally introduced myself on here! my bad, my name is rhodee, 21 years old, living in europe and currently studying law. i love writing imagines that'll hopefully make you laugh, swoon or cry (sorry not sorry) a little too hard <3
stick around if you’re into dreamy characters, plot twists, or just want to scream about Drew with me!
hope i'll get to know so many of y'all on here!! okay that's all, enjoy <3
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The night Drew had left for the premiere, you told yourself it was just another event, like all the others. You even tried to convince yourself you didn't mind staying home, avoiding the chaos of the red carpet. It's his night, you thought, forcing a smile as he kissed you goodbye, his cologne lingering in the air long after the door closed.
But as the hours stretched on, the gnawing sense of isolation grew. It wasn't just tonight - it had been building for months. Drew's career was skyrocketing, and with every interview, press tour and glamorous event, it felt like he was slipping further away from you. He'd promised that things would calm down after this movie, that he'd have more time. But those promises were always vague, like a finish line that kept moving further out of reach.
The photos hit social media just before midnight. Drew, looking devastatingly handsome in his suit, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with his co-star, Odessa A’ Zion. The fan comments flooded in, gushing about how perfect they looked together, how the chemistry was undeniable.
You slammed your laptop shut. It wasn't jealousy - not exactly. You trusted him, but trust didn't erase the ache of feeling invisible.
The sound of Drew's keys jingling at the door pulled you from your spiralling thoughts. The clock on the wall read 1:47 a.m. You hadn't realized how late it had gotten. The door opened, and Drew stepped inside, his movements slow and careful, like he didn't want to disturb you. He probably thought you were asleep.
"Hey," you called out, your voice sharp in the quiet apartment. You couldn't hide the edge of frustration.
He paused, caught off guard, then gave a tired smile. "Hey, babe. Didn't think you'd still be up."
"Well, I am," you said, standing from the couch. "Thought you said you'd be home hours ago."
"The afterparty ran late," he explained, shrugging off his jacket. "I texted you."
"That's not the point, Drew," you snapped, your tone harsher than you intended. “This isn’t just about tonight. Do you even realize how little I see you anymore?”
His brows furrowed, and he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s my job, you know how crazy things get during press tour. This isn’t new.”
“That doesn’t make it easier,” you shot back. “You’re always out there, Drew. With her, with them – whoever. And I’m just .... here. Alone. Waiting for whatever scraps of time you have left.”
Drew exhaled sharply, clearly tired, and not in the mood for an argument. “This again?” he muttered, his tone clipped. “I can’t keep apologizing for doing my job.”
You flinched at his words. “I’m not asking you to apologize for working. I’m asking you to make me feel like I matter.”
“You do matter,” he said, raising his voice slightly. “But you’re acting like I can just drop everything. This is how it is y/n. This is how it’s always been.”
“No, it hasn’t,” you countered. “It’s different now. You’re different. You barely talk to me anymore. Half the time, I don’t even know what’s going on in your life. But everyone else does. The fans, the press – they all get pieces of you that I don’t.”
“That’s not true,” Drew said, shaking his head. “You’re making this a bigger deal than it is.”
Your eyes burned with unshed tears. “You don’t get it, do you? You don’t see how lonely this is for me. You’re so caught up in your world that you don’t even notice.”
Drew’s frustration boiled over. “What do you want me to do, y/n? Quit? Stop taking jobs? Would that make you happy?”
His words felt like a slap, and the tears you’d been holding back finally spilled over. “I want you to fight for this ��� for us. But instead, you’re treating me like a burden.”
Drew froze, his anger dissipating as he saw the pain in your expression. “Y/N,” he started, his tone softer, “You’re not a burden. I love you. You know that.”
“Do I?” you whispered. “Because it doesn’t feel like it anymore.”
The silence that followed was suffocating. Drew looked at you, his face a mix of regret and helplessness. “I don’t know what to say,” he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Then don’t say anything,” you said, retreating to the bedroom before your emotions could completely overwhelm you.
You shut the door behind you, leaning against it as sobs wracked your body. You hated this – hated feeling like you were losing him. But you didn’t know how to bridge the growing distance between you.
Drew stood in the living room, staring at the closed door. He felt like the worst person in the world. He wanted to fix it; to make you understand how much you meant to him. But he was so tired – tired of the constant pull between his career and personal life, tired of feeling like he was failing at both.
He sat on the couch, his head in his hands. The apartment felt unbearably quiet without you. The fight replayed in his mind, your words cutting deeper with each pass. I want you to fight for this – for us.
He realized then how distant he’d been, how much he’d taken your support for granted. You’d been his anchor through everything, and he’d been too caught up in his own world to see how much you were struggling.
When you woke up, the sun was streaming through the curtains, but the weight in your chest hadn’t lifted. You found Drew in the kitchen, already dressed and nursing a cup of coffee. His face lit up when he saw you, but it quickly fell when he noticed your guarded expression.
“Morning,” he said softly, hesitant.
You nodded, not trusting your voice.
“I, uh, I thought about what you said last night,” he began, setting his coffee down. “And you’re right. I haven’t been fair to you.”
You looked at him, surprised. “Drew – “
“Let me finish,” he interrupted gently. “I’ve been so focused on my career that I forgot what matters most – you. Us. I don’t want you to feel like you’re not part of my life, because you are. You’re everything to me, Y/N. And I know I haven’t shown that enough.”
Tears filled your eyes, and this time, you didn’t fight them. “I just... I miss you, Drew. I miss us.”
He crossed the room in a few strides, pulling you into his arms. “I miss us, too,” he said, his voice breaking. “And I’m going to do better. I promise.”
For the first time in weeks, you felt a glimmer of hope. The road ahead wouldn’t be easy, but for the first time, it felt like you were on the same page.
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littlemissmaples · 10 months ago
PAC || Have you met the one? + Advice
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Pile 1 = Bear
Pile 2 = Candy
Pile 3 = Flower
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
• Pile 1
Have you met the one?
Of course you have! But I feel like you have only ever seen them in your dreams. It's possible that this is someone that you know of although you haven't met them yet. I dont believe this is a celebrity, so I'm sorry if you were hoping it was (but that may be the fhace doe some of you).
I feel like in order for you to meet the one you need to become more organized, you need to let go of the things that no longer serve you, specially in the long run. This is a divine connection that can happen at any time but you will only end up making this journey far more troubling for yourself (perhaps you're impatient and meeting the wrong people often) if you do not, and I mean this with love, get it together.
I believe in you, hang in there. You know what to do 🌸
• Pile 2
Have you met the one?
I don't know why I wanna make the joke "have you met the two, the three and the four" lmao, you may be black or perhaps african, if not dont worry take what applies, you remind me of a friend. There's an energy here of "fun-ness" for some of you this is your future spouse coming in, he's a funny man. I'm not getting a more fem-presenting energy here. There's a chance he's the one who's black or of african descent (Asian for some of you). I don't believe that any of you have met this person yet but he's really excited to meet you, some of you are likely to meet him very soon, like very very soon, he wants to say that he's "tall, dark & handsome" and that he "writes music", perhaps he plays an acoustic guitar even, haha, he also says he smells good, there's so much he wants to say here. Perhaps I'll do a future spouse reading next after this one. But if you need me to summarize this.
Yes, you have met the one, you have either met them already/recently or you're about to meet them very soon or in a surprising way (I feel like they're right in front of you but you just dont see them, haha, you'll notice each other soon enough. For some of you this will bet at the mall, at work, bank or like a public space where you're busy with something.)
I'm not getting any advice for this Pile. All I'm getting is messages from whoever's fs this is. He says "get ready, sexy." Lmao he is a riot.
• Pile 3
Have you met the one?
No unfortunately you have not, the reason I say "unfortunately" is because I feel like for some of you you have recently gone through a break up. You thought they were the one, but they're not. For some of you I'm getting that this person's friend is the one or perhaps someone who was (or is) friends with you. Some of you have soulmates that are friend but you confuse this for romantic love. I'm also getting for some of you that you pursue romantic love only to find that you're stuck in toxic places. I'm sorry you've had to go through this but you're not alone, and things will look up for you, but you have to give up on this search first, you're more likely to meet the one if you stop seeking shiny things in dark spaces, the entire world shines for you, everything is light by sunlight and I know that makes it harder for you to figure out what's good for you if "he's the one" and all this when everything outside shines so much. But this doesnt mean you gave to go to such cold spaces to find something warm. Maybe you dont have to be warm, maybe the temperature outside is enough. What I'm saying sounds cryptic but this is how I'm getting these messages. Stop seeking love outside of yourself, I promise that you'll find it, but you dont have to go to odd places to bump into it. Sometimes the most precious things are found in the most regular places. Learn to love the mundane things in life, I know the slow-paced-ness of it all fan be kinda frustrating but slowing down is not what you need to do, just let yourself be and what how everything flows to you. Some of you live in New York, idk why I'm seeing the park, but there's a chance you'll be finding yourself in the right place at the right time, meeting this perfect someone, after following a string of events that lead you to this "sunny place." (I kept hearing "sunshine state" I looked it up and I got Florida, someone might be from Florida, some of you might move to Florida or perhaps be meeting the one in Florida or maybe the one IS from florida, haha. Either way there's something here about Florida. ((California & Arizona too for some. Take what applies, my love 💛)) )
Do not be so hard on yourself, you're very strict with how you are. Perhaps you need a routine that's more simple on you, take a walk outside but dont expect anything insane, just take the time to move about at your own pace and see what catches your eye. Follow your instinct. Drink something nice at a nice place. For some of you I'm getting a cafe, maybe you like matcha. Either way, take it easy today. You deserve a break, your mind is too heavy. Some of you might be autistic or perhaps you're in your head often, whatever it is, please let your mind rest, you think too hard, you'll be okay if you take a break for a day. Things dont have to be so complex. (I know this has nothing to do with "the one" but I feel like being kinder to yourself can really help speed that up.)
Take care, y'all 🌤✌
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possessedopossum · 3 months ago
Why do people love to project their family issues into fictional women so much? [I need to bitch about the way fandom treats Caterina]
I've seen so happen to Leandra. You yell one (1) time at your child on screen and you're the worst mother in Thedas. Obviously women need to learn how to turn their emotions off when they have children and you can't express your negative feelings even if your other child had died a terrible violent death on your eyes 5 minutes ago. Btw you can't explain such feelings in a calmer "healthier" way either bc that would mean therapy speech and that the game has bad writing. No feelings for mothers, okay? They're robots.
Leandra haters walked so Caterina Dellamorte haters could run. While I get it that Caterina isn't beating child abuse allegations, Caterina's image in fan fiction is truly something else.
Since WHEN she is homophobic??? Since when she is racist??? Is there a transphobic line from her I somehow missed? Did she misgender Rook somewhere?
Caterina is a character of questionable morality and yet fandom insists on her being way worse than she already is. Please I beg you pay attention to the source material. She isn't 100% evil. Not only Teia makes it out alive after calling Caterina "nonna", we also learn that Caterina is secretly very fond of Teia. I wonder why.
Caterina doesn't beat the shit out of Lucanis and Illario just because she is an evil abusive control freak. She does so because that's what crow training is. She does so to ensure her last surviving family members continue to stay alive. She isn't throwing her fucking flip flops at Lucanis for bringing home a bad grade on his math assignment. Or just because she had a bad day at work.
If I had to judge her parenting skills, I would be more concerned with Caterina's favoritism and her treatment of Illario. The harshness of crow training has nothing to do with Caterina's personality. She isn't even the worst crow trainer. Whoever trained Zevran, Taliesin and Rinna didn't even care if they live or die. Caterina cared. Mistreatment of Illario is however 100% Caterina's fault.
I would also be concerned with the reasons of her favoritism. Is Lucanis actually better than Illario or is he somebody Caterina can project her grief for her dead daughter into? Her favorite daughter being Lucanis' mother seems too much to be a coincidence. And it paints Caterina in somewhat sympathetic light anyway. You can't grieve for somebody if you have never loved them in the first place.
I don't understand writing Caterina as a terrible (grand)mother-in-law for Rook who romanced Lucanis. There are zero cases of her being rude to Rook. She looked reasonable but stern enough to be the first talon in eight little talons. Ofc she's still hard to deal with and there may be conflicts but there are literally no reasons to believe she is a bigot. Boiling it all down to petty fights between her and Rook for who gets Lucanis looks pathetic. He is ~35, for fuck's sake. And she is what, at least 70? Caterina wouldn't have 8 grandchildren if she was so possessive. Rook is also a god-killer which is a great PR move for house Dellamorte, having not one but two god-killers.
The desire of some rookanis shippers to strip Lucanis of almost everything he is looks so off to me. Death IS his calling. He IS aware that his family isn't exactly perfect, he doesn't need Rook to tell him that. Why is it so hard to understand that people may love something and understand all its flaws at the same time?
The petty envy from some Rooks screams "pls somebody help me I'm very insecure when it comes to relationships and splitting affection" without characters' authors recognizing the envy for that it is. Why do you want Rook to be the center of Lucanis' life so bad? Why do you want to strip him of his love for his family, profession, his friendship with Neve? What will be left of him if you do so?
I'll wait some months before opening ao3 again. It did give me a thousand yard stare. Would like to hope that at least the mischaracterization will go away eventually...
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sakuraharuno156 · 1 year ago
"…So you claim Hinata had no consideration for life of anyone other than Naruto... and then use a screenshot from the manga of her literally showing consideration for the wellbeing of someone who isn't Naruto."
Considering how things went after Neji vs Naruto, chances are that things changed in the Hyuuga family for those other than just Neji. Even if not, Hinata risking her life =/= a lack of consideration for anyone's life other than Naruto's, despite consequences. Or are you saying you’ve never done anything without carefully considering every single possible consequence first?
But hey… "Tell me you didn’t read my ask properly without telling me you didn’t read my ask properly".
"Or are you saying you've never done anything without carefully considering every single possible consequence first?"
First of all, sure, everyone did, but not necessarily when the consequences are:
1) you will just get in a way of a battle and be a great inconvenience instead of helping
(of which she was aware of)
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2) getting your guard punished/possibly killed
3) you hurting the person you are supposed to "help" (I'm not gonna repeat myself, you can read it here)
4) you dying for no reason
5) if you somehow don't get killed, you becoming a burden to medics who could devote their time to people who did help or got hurt by ricochet of the attack.
Second of all, you are putting it in a way that implies that Hinata did that only once, and you are wrong.
At some point of someone consistently doing the same thing you have to admit they either do that maliciously or that they are plain stupid.
I'm just gonna bring a few examples (that I talked about before over and over, but I'll do that again, especially for you)
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Shimamaru: almost died
Hinata: "But I want to stay beside Naruto too"
Does she care? No. Naruto-kun. That's all she cares about.
But maybe that's because they weren't too close, because who cares about a person from your class that is your comrade in war, he's not Naruto-kun.
How about her own teammate BEING CARRIED OUT BY MEDICS?
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The oiment Hinata has is more important for Naruto-kun, who is completely fine.
Who cares about Kiba, he is just being taken by medical team, but he can be an afterthought, they are just teammates after all.
How about her family?
Neji, who will be punished for hurting her (because, as you recognize YOURSELF, it's before Naruto vs Neji fight, so the punishment WILL BE THERE), who asked her TIME AND TIME again to just give up. Why will he do that, huh? Maybe because he had known what happened TO HIS FATHER FOR JUST THINKING ABOUT HER IN A BAD WAY.
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Anyway, how about making Neji hurt her, then provoking him by RUBBING IT IN HIS FACE THAT HE IS BELLOW HER?
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Neji just said (again) that she should give up and stop the suffering, she just casually mentions that he is "lost and suffering" because he's not in the main family.
(And before you say it was nice of her, NEJI AND THEREFORE MANGA showed us he didn't appreciate it, and the guard also saw that Neji was provoked and WAS ABOUT TO CHARGE AT HER FOR THAT COMMENT)
But ok, maybe they weren't close enough of a family, so it was acceptable to provoke him and get him to be punished, because you know...
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Naruto-kun is watching, so...
How about closer family? How about her own sister?
(Now, I don't like to quote the movies because I prefer to base my opinion on canon manga only, but you, Hinata Fans, love it, so let's go)
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(Credit to whoever made it, I can't find the original)
Hanabi was just kidnapped, but Hinatas mind is occupied, because well... Naruto-kun 🥺
Let's look at the person who took care of her for her whole life, her guard, her family, let's look at Ko:
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Oh wait, we have already seen it.
It doesn't matter who it is, if it's her comrade, friend, teammate, cousin, sister, guard. If that person is not Naruto-kun, their life or well being is irrelevant to Hinata.
She cares about Naruto, that's it. Nothing else and noone else matters.
Do you understand?
So back to the beginning:
At some point of someone consistently doing the same thing you have to either admit they do that maliciously or that they are plain stupid and when it comes to LIFE OF OTHER PEOPLE I'll say that it either way makes you a bad person 🤷‍♀️
So, in conclusion:
I did read your ask, I just assumed (and that is my mistake, I apologize) that if you are protecting Hinata, you shoud know first thing about her, but not only you didn't read the manga, you didn't even read the parts that had Hinata in it.
So, please, first read at LEAST chapters that have Hinata in them, before you speak (It's not a lot, she is a background character after all) or I'm not gonna answer to you again, because I'm tired of repeating myself for a 1000th time.
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illarian-rambling · 4 months ago
Thanks for the tag @spideronthesun!
OC Deep Dive Tag
Rules: Answer the questions for your oc
In honor of getting the first arc of Starbreaker finished, let's take a look at everyone's favorite fearless captain, Faalgun Falani!
What uncommon/common fear do they have?
Being a Flying City native, Faalgun hasn't been around much in the way of nature or natural spaces. He's not a fan of bugs, trees, or any animal bigger than he is, which is not a high bar. He's also pretty afraid of large bodies of water, as he can't swim.
Do they have any pet peeves?
People who can't follow orders - so he's obviously having a field day with his new crew. Faalgun is a military brat through and through. He doesn't believe in respecting authority for authority's sake, but he also believes that in moments of crisis, it's best to just listen to whoever's barking orders. He just can't wrap his head around people who are defiant on principal (cough, cough, Nyda).
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
Aboard the Starbreaker, he doesn't have a bedroom, but back on the Flying City, you could find many music recordings, some old awards from back in flight training, and, later on, lots of payday loan receipts.
What do they notice first in a person?
If they were born on a planet or in space. There's a notable difference between the way people from both places move - and sometimes, how they act.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
Probably about a six? He's tough, but he's no supersoldier.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight, all the way. This isn't always the best move, since he's all of three and a half feet tall, but Faalgun lives for the thrill of an adrenaline rush, and he'll take on anything or anyone if it means that thrill gets to last longer.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
Faalgun was raised in an orphanage, actually. So far as he knows, his parents just didn't have the means to support a child. Despite that, he had a really good childhood. He was especially close with the orphanage's nurse, who took the shy, runty boy under his wing whenever the other kids got a bit too rowdy. As an adult, he would regularly return with donations.
What animal represents them best?
Yes, I know he's a little lizard guy, but I think a hunting dog is the best fit for him. Loyal, unyielding, focused, lives for the chase - but not immune to being pulled off course by other more exciting scents.
What is a smell that they dislike?
The cheap incense used in casinos. It brings back bad memories. Also, anything to do with animals, since he's just not used to it.
Have they broken any bones?
Probably? I'll say he broke a few fingers getting into fights in flight school. Most notably, a broken neck is what killed him.
How would a stranger likely describe them?
"Aw, look at that little guy in the pilot's uniform! His scales are such a pretty blue, and that little ruff of fur looks so soft. And look how his horns stick up from his hat - how adorable! Those big yellow eyes look so tense, though. What does such a cutie have to be worried about?" (As a note, Faalgun hates being talked about like this, but it is an unfortunate fact that he is indeed a 3'5" dragon man with little whiskers that twitch when he's mad. Too bad literally nothing else about him is cute.)
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
He doesn't sleep now that he's dead, but in life, he was a morning bird after many years of practice.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
A flavor he loves is fried chicken. Meat is a delicacy on the Flying City, reserved only for brief stays over any of the planets they visit. Faalgun would go out and party with his friends during landings, where he'd eat lots of fried meats. A flavor he hates is the shitty canned meals he subsisted on once all his money started going to his gambling habit.
Do they have any hobbies?
Not that he'd ever do this in front of someone, but Faalgun really loves to sing. He frequently sings to keep himself occupied while piloting the Starbreaker. Speaking of, piloting is more of a career, but he loves it nonetheless. He could tell you countless facts about different voidskiffs and how they handle.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
He'd be confused at how anyone found out his birthday at first, then grateful for the effort put in. He'd stay and talk with people for much longer than he normally would before retreating to the nearest open space, as he is very much not a party person.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Not usually. He's pretty spartan when it comes to style.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
It's passably neat.
What are the two emotions they feel the most?
Shame and the excitement of adrenaline.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
Sailcloth - not to wear, but because of what it represents. Other than that, put a gun up to this man's head, and he couldn't name you a single fabric.
What kind of accent do they have?
According to the accent map of Illaros in its original form as a dnd setting, he should have a NYC accent. It's probably pretty faint, though.
I'll tag @tragedycoded @cee-grice @inkednotebook @mysticstarlightduck @cataclysmic-writer and anyone else who wants to play :)
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myths-tournaments · 1 year ago
Awful Characters Round 1 Part 2 (3/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
One of my fave characters of all time! Also a prolific liar. Almost every single thing this man says is a lie. He lies, manipulates, murders, and feels very little remorse, all in the name of “protecting” the magical Island where he and his people live. Ben is fueled almost exclusively by bitterness, stemming from an entire childhood’s worth of abuse from his alcoholic father, who blamed Ben for his mother’s death in childbirth (Ben did eventually kill his father, along with the whole community he grew up in). Additionally, Ben is desperate to have some great destiny or higher purpose, and his bitterness toward the fact that he’s just an “ordinary” man and jealousy toward the man who DOES have a higher purpose drives Ben to commit various acts of cruelty and murder. Ben does act as a villain for most of the story (save for the last season, in which he’s more of an anti-villain and eventually an anti-hero), but he has two redeeming qualities: his love for the Island and his love for his adopted daughter, Alex. The latter is complicated by the fact that he kidnapped Alex as a baby from her biological mother, a woman stranded alone on the Island. However, when forced to choose between protecting the Island and saving Alex’s life, Ben ultimately chooses the island and deeply regrets this decision for the rest of his life. He’s eventually forced to reckon with his many, many mistakes and undergoes something of a redemption arc, but he spends enough of the show establishing himself as a villain that I can easily see the good denizens of Twitter attacking his fans.
Her number one hobby is ruining every person's that she knows life. Her second hobby is being soooo slutty about it despite looking like a literal wet rat. Her third hobby is having an extremely unhealthy relationship with her twin. Her other hobbies include cannibalism, wearing a maid outfit, being extremely convinced she is the main character, the badboy sexy love interest and the villain. 'Why', you may ask. Well, the answer is, for shits and giggles #justgirlythings i, aswell as literally everybody else in the fandom have gone through the pipeline from hating her to desperately wanting to fuck her. expect for i still fucking hope she dies and doesn't come back for good. (that would literally solve all of everybody's problems) as god intended (EXPECT FOR. one of her hobbies literally is gaslighting god) She is fucking horrible i will love her until i die and even after that
parks and recs jean ralphio voice she's the woooorst!! The moment she learns she has to kill someone to become a Lyctor (aka a more special necromancer), she doesn't hesitate to kill and cannibalize the guy who has been her cavalier since childhood… cavalier who she also totally bullied as kids, she was allowed to choose one guest for her and her twin sister's birthday party each year, and she would always pick whoever she thought her cavalier didn't want to see there! While other characters are shown to regret the process of becoming a Lyctor (which involves someone close to them dying)/were forced into it because of circumstances, Ianthe has absolutely no regrets, she believes she did what she had to do
The author once said of Ianthe: "I don't think she's been nice to anyone, if she has I'll go back and change it." She killed and ate the soul of someone she has known all her life so that she could become a necromantic saint and tormented him plenty before that. General negging, ganging up against him, always inviting people he didn't like to their birthday parties. She doesn't regret killing him. I think she is repulsed by the idea that his digested soul is affecting hers. She helped her crush lobotomise herself so she would be in Ianthe's debt, and later lied and said she didn't see the corpse of a woman her crush killed under her bed (why did she do that? I do not know). She has a bone arm because her original arm was cut off, she hated the replacement so her crush cut THAT off and grew her a new one out of just bones. She had it gilded and only after that did she decide to help her crush deal with the person who had been repeatedly trying to kill her. She wants so badly to be the main character but people keep interrupting her villain monologues.
she has her own content warning tag pollrunner's note: this is the most compelling propaganda I've ever seen for a character, thank you for submitting
She's such a bitch to everyone all the time, she causes nothing but problems, she tries to do a villain speech but fumbles it because her tummy hurt, she is the awfulgirl of all time
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thalwhore · 2 years ago
1, 8 and 18 for all your ocs as you see fit ;)
For ALL of them? I have *checks notes* 15 CURRENT main tes ocs. I'll just uh- go with whoever I think of ig.
1. What is their birthsign and does it have any large significance to who they are?
I mean, people usually decide on their tes ocs birthsigns because of the buffs they give right? There's nothing else to that as far as I know- that being said, one of my main skyrim ocs is an elf called Mannima. An Altmer-Dunmer mage who's blind and wants to sacrifice enough souls to bring Mannimarco back from Coldharbour. (Is he still there by the 4th era? I'm a bit rusty on Manni lore), his birthsign is The Apprentice, which imo is very thematic.
Mannima grew up on Summerset and his father was a dominion soldier, but due to his blindness and mixed heritage, he was often bullied and ostracised by his peers, considered a lesser mer and was even attacked before he left when he was around 8 years old. I think it's very fitting that since he's been using magic all his life (he casts detect life on and off to be aware of his surroundings), that he should have the Apprentice birthsign. And the additional weakness to magic is kinda funny because he had to leave Summerset, arguably one of the most well known magic hubs on Tamriel.
8. What is their combat style?
Just gonna run through all my main game ones (non eso) real quick for this.
Mannima: Destruction magic, with an emphasis on aoe attacks, followed by raising those he killed to fight alongside him (he's a bit of a glass canon)
Zan'Ari: Good old Skyrim stealth archer.
Eira: She perfers unarmed but as that's not a skill tree in Skyrim, she settles for one-handed and shield. Perfers blunt weapons tho, like maces.
Eimtru Lichen-Shoal: A non-stealth archer, also is a big fan of coating his arrows in poisons. (He grew up in Blackwood so he's never adhered to the Green Pact)
Sorvathis: Destruction mage with an emphasis on fire, I'm also planning to remake him on eso as a necromancer who dual weilds. (In Morrowind I'm gonna have him be my Nerevarine,,,as soon as I play again.)
18. What's their favourite armour?
Ji is a big fan of the claw dance acolyte style in eso! He grew up in Black Marsh so he never got to learn any of the traditional Khajiit fighting styles, but since returning to Elsewhere and spending time in Anequina, he's done his best to learn what he can.
His daughter, Ahjara is quite fond of her mages guild robes (tho eventually I'll have her wear the psyjic ones once I get them)
Tanivela, a former member of House Redoran, doesn't really wear armour as she's a stealth based nightblade (for game purposes she wears light and medium tho), she mainly wears purple clothing, and perfers to keep her chest exposed in order to show the beetle tattoo on it. While she's from a great house and therefore worships the tribunal, she also has a great reverance for Mephala.
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clash-of-the-wizards · 2 years ago
Okay, this is absolutely bonkers. I already have OVER 100 submissions, creeping up on 200, in just over 24 hours. SO I'm making an executive decision. Sorry. I'm allowed to do that.
This now gives you guys approximately 38 hours to throw your wizards at me and hope you get in! Best of luck to all of you, by the way, I'm getting some REALLY fun submissions. Keep them coming!
This allows mod Hermann (me) 36 hours to sort out all of the competitors, discuss with their dad about what does and does not fit the qualifications, gather numbers, and figure out if I need to throw together any losers brackets or short-term polls to determine final slots or battles between fandoms
If a poll does need to be thrown together to sort out a battle between a fandom or a tie in votes, that poll will be open for 24 hours. Whoever wins will be included in the bracket
There will only be one wizard per fandom allowed to be entered in the final 32-person bracket
Remember, if I'm late posting, I'm a human with a life! It will be posted, I promise
Each poll will be opened for 24 hours
There will be a 36-hour period between the end of a poll, and the opening of the next round. This allows mod Hermann (me) time to sort out contestants, confer with their dad about whatever the hell he has to say (he is your co-mod after all), and create the next bracket and poster images
Is this, by chance, your first post about the clash of the wizards? Want to participate and submit a wizard? Then make sure you check out THIS POST to learn all the rules, and get access to the form you can submit your wizards through.
I use a plethora of hashtags throughout my posts. Let me lay those out for you so you can sort out the important stuff
#clash of the wizards is for all things dedicated to this competition. Wanna post something about it? Throw that tag at it. I also sometimes use #wizard showdown
#clash of the wizards announcements is for posts like this-- important stuff about the competition and the way its gonna work
#clash of the wizards general is for the funny stuff, like random announcements or twosies shoutouts
#wizard propaganda is when I post about or reblog a post about one specific nomination. Wanna post propaganda about why someone should vote your wizard? Tag #wizard propaganda ! I'll probably reblog it too! And if you tag me in it, I definitely will!
#clash of the wizards polls is where all of the polls will be stored, no matter how dire their results may be! Looking for a poll? Check in there!
#mod hermann loves their dad is a much less important, less official tag, just used to talk about stuff my dad is saying about the competition, since he's helping me co-manage it from his study
And another reminder, have fun! So many of you guys have taken to digging into those NICHE ass sources and are full on infodumping to me in the forms, and you guys have no idea how much I appreciate it. Hell, you've given me a months-long read/watch list just by participating! I picked up The Color of Magic from my local library just this afternoon because of you Discworld fans and that fucking pathetic ass man Rincewind! I'm so so so glad you're all invested in this, and you should be proud to be invested in this too! It's obvious we're bringing a community together, and I love it! Thank you!
Now, enough sappy and business stuff
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willowfolksong · 3 years ago
Hi guys! ~ This is my first entry for the #Miyatober2021. I'll be posting the rest of my works here too, and you can also find them on my AO3 profile!
Willow 🍂
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🍂 - Atsumu Miya x Reader
🍁 - SFW
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Atsumu used to believe that loving someone would be like walking through a storm without an umbrella— fighting the wind and watching for the lightnings over his head, always trying not to fly away.
Atsumu used to think that love was difficult. A constant roller coaster of emotions that would have him one day at the top, and then would be plumming him into the void the next.
A fight.
An explosion.
Atsumu used to believe that falling in love was like being only one point away from winning a match, excitement running high, and the screams of the fans in the stands flooding his ears. It would be his turn to serve, and the entire team would turn to look at him, and his heart would threaten to escape his chest as he jumped and hit the ball.
For Atsumu, love was supposed to be burning red.
Until he met you.
Atsumu always wakes up first. Even on his days off, his routine as a volleyball player prevents him from sleeping past 9 am. So, since you decided to move in together, whenever he opens his eyes, you're still sleeping next to him.
Atsumu has always believed that you look adorable when you sleep, even on the days he finds you with your mouth slightly open and a trickle of drool pooling on your pillow. Even when your hair looks like a bird's nest fell on your head. Not being used to waking up next to anyone — you're the first one he decides to spend the night with, the first one he asks to be his girlfriend, the first girl he shares an appartment with. You've always been his first— Atsumu believes that anything you do is adorable.
There's something different this morning tho, when Atsumu opens his eyes, stretches his arms above his head and turns to look at you.
You're glowing , is his first thought.
The morning light envelops you in a soft golden glow, filtering through the curtains that you both forgot to close during the night. You have both hands under your pillow and one leg tangled between his, and your eyelashes flutter over your cheeks when Atsumu leans over you, mesmerized by the light. It's early, much earlier than when he gets up on the weekends. It's only dawn, and now Atsumu can't stop looking at you.
You're beautiful, he thinks as he sits up slowly, leaning his back against the head of the bed, careful not to wake you up. The leg that you had over one of his slides between the sheets, and although you frown, you do nothing but get a little closer to Atsumu, and continue sleeping. He chuckles, and tucks a lock of hair behind your ear.
Here, with you, in the apartment you both share, in the light of a new day, Atsumu realizes three important things.
1- With you, he feels more at peace than he has ever felt before.
2- You're beautiful, and he's hopelessly in love with you.
3- He doesn't  wants to look at someone other than you for the rest of his life.
So Atsumu does what anyone would in his place, after waking up with the love of his life:
He calls his brother.
Osamu answers on the third ring, and Atsumu slowly gets out of bed and tiptoes out into the living room, the phone pressed firmly to his ear.
"Give me one good reason why you're callin' me at this ungodly hour" says Osamu's sleepy voice.
Atsumu runs a hand through his still tousled hair and sighs "I'm in love"
A pause.
Osamu clicks his tongue, and Atsumu can hear him move between the sheets "I sincerely hope that whoever you're in love with is your girlfriend, because I like her more than you and if ya two fight, I'm gonna be takin' her side"
"I'm just warnin' ya, stupid 'Tsumu"
Atsumu snorts and flops on the couch, sitting right on top of the tv remote, which instantly flicks on to the movie channel you two were watching until late the night before. A loud scene of a shooting fight echoes throughout the apartment, before Atsumu rushes down to turn down the volume, cursing.
"Hey, did ya call me to ignore me?"
"Sorry, sorry" with the volume turned down, Atsumu falls back on the couch "She's still asleep. I can't make any noise."
"Once again, I hope you're talking about ..."
"Of course I'm talking about my girlfriend, you idiot!"
Osamu chuckles "So you called me to tell me that you're in love with your girlfriend of four years? That's all?" Atsumu groans, and Osamu's chuckle becomes a full laugh "I mean, I knew sha had ya whipped already, but I didn't think it was that bad"
Atsumu pauses to look through the slightly open door of your room. You've turned around, and now he can only see your back. He kind of really wants to go back to bed and cuddle now.
"I don't mean just in love" he tells Osamu "I mean really in love " he stops for a few seconds, waiting for Osamu to say something, but his brother stays silent "Like, in love in love "
"Oh" Osamu finally says "I get ya know"
Atsumu likes to think that he and Osamu have a bond that goes far beyond the fact that they're  twins. They were born twins, but becoming friends was their choice, one they made for themselves, without nature's intervention. Atsumu really likes to think that both he and Osamu understand each other so well, mainly thanks to everything they've experienced together both inside and outside the court, than because of the simple fact of looking identical. He's not surprised when Osamu clears his throat on the other end, and tells him exactly what he was thinking.
"So ... are ya goin' to pop the big question now or what?"
Atsumu takes a deep breath and looks towards the bedroom again. In his eyes, you're still shining, even when the sun is already high enough in the sky. "Yeah ... yeah, I think so" he replies "I mean, I can't imagine wakin' up next to someone else"
"Yeah, yeah. Don't get all sappy on me now" Osamu deadpans, but there's a slight amused undertone on his voice, and when he speaks again, he sounds almost excited "So, what? Gonna go ring huntin' soon then?"
Atsumu grins. He stands up and bites his thumb, suddenly feeling really nervous. He doesn't know if it's butterflies or a stampede of horses, but there's definitely something going on his stomach. "Yeah! And it has to be the best ring in the whole world. It has to be freakin' perfect."
Osamu whistles "Well, ya can afford that now that you're playin' for the MSBY Jackals for sure"
"Are ya goin' to help me buy it?" Atsumu asks, and hears his brother sighing tiredly on the other end.
"Do I have a choice?"
"Not really"
"Fine" Atsumu laughs, still not believing that he's doing this, but at the same time completely sure that there was always going to end up like this. Maybe he's known since he met you, and finally realized what love really looked like.
"Oh and 'Samu" he says before hanging up "Ya should really hurry up if ya want to win our bet. Seems like I'm goin' straight to that happy life we talked about"
Osamu chuckles and doesn't says anything else, and Atsumu is left standing in the middle of the living room, smiling absentmindedly to the phone and thinking about asking all his teammates to join him and his brother in the hunt for the perfect ring.
You find him like that when you come out of the bedroom a couple of minutes later, wrapped in one of the blankets and with no shoes on.
He huffs when you hug him from behind, burying your face in his back and yawning loudly. "Mornin' babe. Slept well?"
"What are you doing standing along in the middle of our living room?"
Atsumu turns around then, enveloping you in a big bear hug and peppering kisses all over your hair. You laugh and tickle his sides, and he leans back to look intently into your eyes without letting you go.
"Babe" he says, and brushes the tip of his nose against yours "Did ya know I really love ya?"
Atsumu used to believe that love would be burning red.
But now he knows it's golden.
Like daylight.
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just-some-random-blogger · 4 years ago
Stray Kids Bang Chan x Idol!Reader Summary: You're known as the gym rat in your group, and quite frankly, you only have two moods: shredding or chilling. This was why when you're not asleep in between schedules, you're spotted with a male idol you happened to meet in the gym you were at that day. It's a known fact though, that you and Bang Chan are gym buddies and each other's spotter. Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Internet toxicity, sasaengs, vulgar language, sexism, misogyny, pining, fluff, mentions of Pentagon because why not <3, etc.
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A/N: Girl, i shouldn't do this but I did. It's so funny to me someone requested this cause I have recently become an exercise junkie lol. Also, if you can't tell, there is a pov shift after the cut so yeah. I also wanted to keep the reader gender neutral but I want to write about how psychotically different people treat male and female idols because that stuff aint it. It's most definitely not what anon was expecting me to write but I hope they enjoy it nonetheless.
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There's compilation in YT with growing parts centered around you flexing your physical fitness and prowess. It ranges from you affectionally touring your fans, which really meant the cameraman, through the gym, introducing your trainer, and doing your routine on camera, to your group (and others) both fawning and bragging about how strong and how hot you are.
CLIP #1: A scene from an interview of your group in Japan, struggling to talk about how you can do 40 straight push ups.
There was a male interviewer in a suit you could all faintly recognize was talking about your recent Instagram post of a gym mirror selfie.
One of your youngest members smirked and in broken Japanese, cutely said, "Wah, she does 100 push ups! Everyday, every night."
You snap your head to the maknae and raise your brows, "nani?" You begin to shake your hands in protest and begin to explain your truth, "absolutely not 100. Maybe around 40, but nooooo, not 100."
The interviewer and your group comically react in awe. The man in the suit urges, "can you show us?"
You give a face, "Excuse me, but I'm not getting paid to do that in this miniskirt."
Everyone, including the film crew, break into laughter.
CLIP #2: A scene from a variety show where you had to prove you were, in fact, yourself, by doing a shortened version of your exercise routine.
One of the hosts of the show asks, "Wait, do you honestly do all of this in your workout? Like you can do all of it?"
The list of your exercises were written on a colourful cardboard, held by the one who just spoke. It was a range of exercises in 10 sets, from jumping jacks to sit ups, to vague sounding exercises like crab pinches and robot arms.
You purse your lips at the last question asked of you, not really liking the tone in which it was asked. You answer quickly and nod proudly, "I actually do more, cause when I get in the zone and I'm already really sweaty, I feel like I should keep going until my whole body burns." You chuckle.
The older hosts, tilt their head and mutter lowly under their breath something along the lines of, "I'd rather die."
You finally do the routine, quickly, continuously, earning impressed reactions from everyone.
"That's hot," one of the hosts note.
"Ya, for some reason it looks easy to do."
The hosts begin to clamour at that statement, and force whoever said to do the exact thing you did. Clearly, they don't work out as much as you do and cannot even get halfway through it without stopping.
You break out into a breathless laugh in amusement of the comical attempt but then protest, explaining how bad it is to force yourself to do more than you can
CLIP #3: Pentagon, Hongseok especially, fawns over how fit you are
Trailing a conversation about how your group is close with Pentagon because your companies are situated closely to each other and you wind up eating together a lot, there is an anecdote about how there was a jar no one could open, no one but you, that is.
The interviewer asks no one in particular, "wah, none of you could open the jar? Really? Or did you all just pretend so she could open it?"
There is a chorus of answers concluding with, "no really, she was the only one that was able to open it."
The story is backed up by how the jar had a really small lid and some hands were too big. Then came an explanation how you were recently into the new rock climbing machine in your gym.
Hongseok speaks up, "I was invited to go to rock climbing in, like, an actual rock climbing place and I was honestly so surprised when she began to climb. She said she never actually tried rock climbing on a wall, but it seemed like she had been doing it for years."
Shinwon agrees, "Right, right. I was also really curious about what they did that day," he points to Hongseok, "that I joined them one time. I never felt so out of shape in my life. I just stayed back and filmed everything."
Pentagon laughs, and then agrees that you were exceptionally fast and just super fit in all honesty.
The interviewer catches Hongseok's expression then suddenly asks, "do you like a woman like that?"
"Yeah, I like my women strong."
Then came a lot of teasing remarks from Pentagon, and a plethora of complaints from delusional fans who did not want Hongseok to ever breathe in your direction again.
With all that's been said about that, in all the parts of this series floating around in the internet, one thing remained, there was a slightly larger population of impressed fans than the still large portion of antifans who wanted nothing to do with it and only came around to hate.
It's hard not to think about it, but even the slightest back handed compliment can sometimes linger in one's mind.
And right now, as much as I kept my mind on my counting as I finished my set high knees, I couldn't help but think of how much backlash I got from posting a post workout photo with my midriff exposed.
Apparently that was not only enough to merit hate for being both a whore and an attention whore, but people baselessly began to hate on my groupmates simply for being associated with me.
It's kind of sad really, how, say Wonho, can post a fairly exposed photo of himself and get so much praise for it, and yet I couldn't even do anything remotely close to that.
And I don't even mean to come at Wonho, we all know he's a beast at the gym and should be able to show as much of his hard work as he is comfortable in showing, but why can't I?
"Hey trooper. I thought you said you were only doing 80 counts?" a voice cracks me out of my train of thought.
I turn to whom spoke and chuckle at myself as I stop my leg raises, "ah yeah, I got lost in thought, and your really good song."
I pull on my earphones and give a lopside smile, "I love working out to God's Menu."
He gives a soft, "he he, thanks."
"No need for a thank you when I'm only giving my honest opinion, Chan."
"Yeah, well still, it makes my kokoro go doki-doki," he sniggers, crossing his arms and flashing a dimpled smile. I raise my upper lip and reel back, "EWWW!"
I playfully shove him. He acts hurt, "this is violence against children."
"Chan, you're literally older than me."
"That doesn't mean I'm not a child at heart."
"You mean, it doesn't mean you're not a drama queen."
"Hey, I have no interest in having a throne, my only interest is," he leans in and whispers, "you."
I feel my soul leave my body as he snorts to himself and runs away. I regurgitate in surprise, "YA!"
"You better do your next set properly," Chan says heading off to a cable row machine, "I'm always watching."
I try to ignore the blood rushing up your neck, "creep."
He shrugs, "rather that or have you get injured, sweet heart."
Yeah, Chan has saved me from a lot of injuries I could have had. It was a bad habit. It stemmed from the same thing that made me mess up my count a while ago, my overthinking.
Sometimes I thought of rather harmless things, but sometimes I began to fixate on the hate I received for simply being. I do a lot to get my mind to realize that they hated me simply because they could and because it was easy. Exercising helped tremendously, especially when I had someone fun to work out with, especially when I was with Chan. He just... made me feel safe, y'know.
But when the news of us being work out buddies surfaced, a lot of sasaengs came for me. Of course, a lot of Stays and my own fans were really kind about, speaking out that we were our own people and exercising together did not mean anything in particular really.
But some really went for it, and made it a hobby to comment on everything I was in that I was a slut for 'working out' with different men every day."
I let out a breath as I finish my routine. I catch my breath and go for a swig of my water. I take a moment then sit down by the mirror, which was near where Chan was currently working out.
"You're doing it again."
I turn from where I was blankly staring at turn to Chan who gave me a soft look, "you good?"
I release a sigh then purse my lips, "maybe."
He pouts, "what happened?"
I shrug and stand from where I sat, "you know, the usual."
Chan then comes up to me and takes my water bottle from me, "you know, no matter how much people say you don't need water to live, you can never change the fact that you are extremely dependent on water to live."
I look at him and half- heartedly point, "are you calling me thirsty?"
He begrudgingly groans and releases a chuckle. He calls my name out in a scolding tone. I feel myself relax, "I know what you're getting at Chan."
He nods, "good. I'll always be here to remind you of that."
I smile and feel an urge to hug him, "if you weren't so sweaty, I would totally hug you right now."
Chan then gives me a look then does not hesitate to crush me into his arms. I groan and whine in protest. He chuckles, "you literally just said you wanted a hug!"
Chan huffs and gives a wounded look, "hmp. You better spot me while I lift or else I'm unfriending you."
"Hmm... I think I'll be good without you as a friend."
I half expect Chan to whine about it, but he instead smirks, "ahhhh, you must want me to be your boyfriends so badly huh."
I- I mean...
CLIP #4: A crack edit of Chan when he gets asked about his gym relationship with me in Chan's Room.
He was looking through the questions and suddenly chuckles, his ears noticeably began to redden. Cue a zoom in of his face and his red ears. Cue a clip of Cardi B saying, "that's suspicious."
He says my name then continues, "am I close with her? Yeah. I would say I'm close with her-- and her whole group actually."
Captioned: Nice save, Chris.
"The kids and I are close with her group," he says, clearing his throat.
A clip of him clearing his throat is repeated about ten times.
Chan adjust the beanie he was wearing as he thinks of what he was going to say next, "we actually do work out together a lot because she's under a trainer that works with my trainer."
Captioned: Sure, Chan. That's the only reason, right?
Chan catches another question, "Is she a beast in the gym like Hongseok says?" He breaks into a laugh. He then rubs his cheek and grits his teeth.
A clip of someone saying, "Oh he's jealous," flashes on screen.
"Yeah," Chan finally says, "she's got a really high stamina."
Cue the clip, WHAT DID HE SAY?
Chan continues, "she can go between exercises without stopping. she doesn't even take that much time to catch her breath. In fact, she sings while exercising sometimes, which helps make her vocals stable."
Captioned: Queen Tingz.
The next thing that happens is Chan breaks into a laugh and begins to chuckle. He says, "Sorry I saw a funny comment."
Then came these comments:
They are dating period. prove me wrong. you cant
Chan literally blushes over anything, buT HE TURNED INTO A TOMATO WHEN HE TALKED ABOUT HER BYE
if you hate on your faves loving each other, you most definitely need Jesus (:
Yeah... it's not been confirmed to this day.
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toujoursmiraculous · 4 years ago
Thoughts and Reaction to ROCKETEAR!
It's a long post, but when are these ever really short? xD Seeing Carapace first made me so excited. I've been sad we haven't had much of him in the show. And then I saw that it seemed like Ladynoir was doing pretty good as they only had Carapace helping them this time. More S2 & S3 like. So I was like cool, cool, this is great. But what the heck scientist WHY ARE YOU BRINGING TYRANNOSAURUS REX'S BACK! Obviously she's going to be something big later on, she's too nicely animated not to be back. Not to mention Bob Roth's plans. Anyone else both intrigued but also scared at what that could do later? Big upcoming plot point, I think.
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I screamed awwww because this is everything. I've wanted a LB/Carapace and Marinette/Nino friendship bond in this show since season 1. This scene made me incredibly happy! I'm a huge Nino fan, for those that don't know, so you can imagine how much I love this episode. Even though sad Nino.
"Alya, everyone has to believe that you will never use the Miraculous again!" End of episode: So anyway... So what I'm seeing here is, Alya's not fond of the idea of being just a spy, not being in on the action. Even though it's Ladybug's plan. Chat Noir isn't fond of what's going on right now either, where he thinks what's going on is all Ladybug's plans. Alya makes the decision to not do what Ladybug wants and tells Nino she's still Rena Rouge. So what's Chat Noir going to do to go against her? Because that's coming up on the horizon. Despite everything being easier for Marinette since everything's not just on her shoulders now, she's still been unable to play video games with her dad, and we know how much she loves doing that. :c That's really sad she doesn't even have time for her family anymore. DJWifi over here being all adorable. "You don't love me anymore!" Me: *Chat Blanc flashbacks* Alya suggests her new content could be Chat Noir edits and Marinette's like YES DO THOSE. Then those edits helped push Nino into thinking she was into Chat. Big oops. Not gonna lie, the rewind freaked me out for a moment. Last time I saw that was Chat Blanc so I thought something big was up. But nope, it's just like that scene in Puppeteer 2. Ugh poor Nino! He knows something's bothering Alya, but she won't say what it is and her behavior's too off from how she normally is. Poor guy. x.x Grumpy Nino that Carapace doesn't get attention and then they wrote his girlfriend with Chat Noir. I remember when Alya was grumpy for a bit about Rena Rouge not getting a party to celebrate her. Movie Ladybug telling Movie Chat Noir that he's better with Movie Rena Rouge. Is this a reference to the episode in Avatar, The Ember Island Players? Getting strong vibes when Play Aang and Play Katara were like, we're just friends nothing more and it's great! Play Katara was extremely into Play Zuko. I can see why Ladybug dismissed the movie (or was it the previous one since it's been awhile? Maybe?) because Rena Rouge and Chat Noir???? The writers (of the movie) just wanted to be different because everyone can see Ladynoir, unless they're blind. Alya and Nino are Andre's favorite couple. YES THANK YOU. I mean they're not my favorite because Love Square. BUT they're my second favorite next to them. Those kids are super adorable but definitely that kid playing Chat wasn't doing Nino any favors. First picture Alya shows. Chat with a heart tail. Yeah that's not doing her any favors lol. Nino: UGH CHAT NOIR'S COMING IN BETWEEN ME AND MY GIRLFRIEND. I KNOW, I'LL CALL MY BEST FRIEND TO VENT TO ABOUT IT. Best Friend Chat Noir: Best Friend Chat Noir: Welp maybe I should see what's up. Maybe I went a little to hard on the cat charm and she's fallen in love with me. Me: Oh oof here we go. Also can I ask, if anyone knows, who animated this episode? The fluidity is great and it looks really pretty. But it doesn't quite look like SAMG's work either. Whoever did it, I love it. S2 Chat Noir: You're not replacing me with a turtle, are you? :c S4 Nino: Who would want a reckless turtle as a partner? BOYS STOP. But yeah this whole scene had me laughing so hard XD Very dramatic and I love it. Nino's hilarious even when he's worried and sad! I would've absolutely loved to have heard this in English with the old English voice of Nino, but the new one worries me on whether or not he'll do a good job sounding like Nino and less high-pitched and whiny. :/ New York Nino was great but S4 Nino....x.x THE TRANSITION BETWEEN HIS INNER MONOLOGUE AND SPEAKING REGULARLY AGAIN 😂😂😂😂 Brilliant! It doesn't really feel like Miraculous Ladybug this episode, and I love it. Not that I don't love the show as usual but wow this is great. Okay, I want to point out that Chat Noir
probably was more worried about it than he would've been otherwise because of what happened with Marinette in Weredad. It probably made him more cautious about this sort of thing.
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LOL Chat's sulking because Alya's laughing at the idea of being interested in him. 😂😂 I know that's a blow to one's ego and all, and he's dealt with this kind of thing a lot so I do feel bad for him, but that is his best friend's girlfriend and he definitely doesn't want her to like him. Alya: With him it's not just ❤️it's *makes massive hand gesture indicating she loves him deeply* SO SO SO CUTE OKAY ALL THIS DJWIFI 😭 Alya: And I don't even know your secret identity! I would never fall in love with someone I don't know. Chat Noir, literally fell in love with Ladybug, whose identity he doesn't know. Well Alya, I wonder if you saying that matters for later somehow.... o.O Nino running away crying is honestly one of the things that hurts me most in the entire show. Ugh. Adrien over here being all, I'm having a good day. I'm happy and smiling and it's great. And then it wasn't. Adrien, if Nino let him and didn't interrupt, would've told him about how Alya really doesn't love Chat Noir, and that would've seriously led up to his identity being exposed since Nino was watching and filmed them. o.o Did you notice how he was going to tell him about it? S4, the basement is where it's at. Adrien: Uhh, when did you arrange all this? Nino: *pounds fist on desk* I ASK THE QUESTIONS! 😂 So like. Why is Nino interrogating Adrien when he's after Chat Noir? He doesn't know they're the same person. XD He's looking at him like Adrien has info he's keeping or something omg.
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Also again this animation is so nice. Adrien, feeling uncomfortable and so turns the music off. Nino, wanting his dramatic music on while he interrogates Adrien, turns it back on. Adrien, feeling even more irritated and uncomfortable, wants the music OFF and turns it off. Nino, turns the music back on. This may be a reference to something, I don't know, but lolol it's so funny. This episode is both super hilarious and super angsty! Honestly they've done such a good job in my opinion. Nino: I'm talking about something that I shouldn't tell you! ...but I'm going to tell you anyway! Alya's Rena Rouge and I'm Carapace! Okay but the way Adrien went from shock to utter anger, knocked his chair back and grabbed Nino's shoulders like "Tell me the truth. You two know about each other?" Aw man, my poor sunshine boy. A lot of the stuff bothering Adrien is all circumstantial, none of it is to purposefully keep him in the dark. And yet from his perspective, that's how it looks. "I thought secret identities must be protected at all times! If that was the truth, you would never tell me this!" Alright so three things. If he's referring to him saying that Nino and Alya know about each other, that was situational and important info for him to know now that this is out. It wasn't important to know before this. The time it happened was dire and was really no time to get around it. If he's talking about Nino telling him the secrets, well yeah that's not supposed to happen and Nino broke that trust. But also, I get the feeling pretty strongly at this point Adrien's going to be breaking some rules too and one of which is he's going to tell Nino who he is. Adrien's being too emotional in this scene to not be involved in it all, I'm wondering if that's going to be questioned later by Nino. He's acting like he knows too much to be a random viewer of the heroes like the rest of Paris. Also Adrien's best friend just totally dissed Chat Noir and went off about how he throws himself at Ladybug whenever he sees her with roses and love confessions. 😂😂😂 This is just too funny! "But he's always rejected because Ladybug finds him annoying! And she's completely right!" Omg Nino, that's not the reason anymore, shush! "And then Rena Rouge appears and he goes *tickles under Adrien's chin* hey pretty lady! You look elegant and you have great perfume." OMG does Chat Noir actually say and do stuff like that to Rena Rouge or is he just exaggerating here XD "If I could I would shut his mouth forever!" Yeah Nino, say what you really think about your best friend in the entire world. Yikes poor Adrien though. I never imagined he'd hear all these bad things about himself from his best friend directly like that. :/ That's a major misunderstanding of him. Which kind of pushes me more towards the "he's going to tell Nino" theory. Sad Adrien transformation DDDX Alya: *explained everything about why Chat Noir went over to her house in the middle of the night* Marinette *facepalm* Ugh that Chat Noir... Well at least there will be no misunderstandings there! xD "Chat Noir, you stole Alya from me! I will steal your life from you." Good lord man calm down. You can't just kill a man! Fanon: Chat Noir gets attacked by a guy over Marinette. Canon: Chat Noir gets attacked by a guy over Alya. Time to go back to the basement! lol Nino's music's still playing xD And the video is left with it paused on Chat Noir hugging Alya. Marinette looked a bit sad, but it was probably more about the situation being a mess rather than being sad he'd hug her. Meanwhile, Chat Noir's fighting Nino and would rather get beaten up by him than fight. x.x "I can't believe that I doubted you." "I can't believe I chose to do anything but be with you!" She wiped away akumatized Nino's tear just like how Ladybug wiped away akumatized Chat Noir's. ALL THE PARALLELS 😭😭😭 But that hug is so sweet!! Nino broke off the akumatization just like Alya did :o Dang, I wonder if that means something later too. "Love and secrets do not go well together, Ladybug. And I'm sure you have a lot of
them!" Secrets = from Chat Noir. Love = for Chat Noir. Yeah even Shadow Moth knows at this point. xP Thanks for that foreshadowing. Nino's charm is my favorite charm so far! It's my favorite shade of blue. Chat Noir: Everybody has doubts sometimes...even me." Ladybug: Is everything okay, Chat Noir? Chat: Oh yes...pound it!
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So um. The placemet of Adrien's poster in between Chat Noir, Ladybug, and just with this entire situation feels very strange. Very intentional. But no clue exactly what that could mean..... Nino and Alya are happy over there watching those two, like they're waiting for them to figure things out or something. But really, Adrien should've talked to Ladybug when he could still do so calmly and be reasonable. I doubt that's going to be the case later on. And honestly Ladybug doesn't even know what's going on. Every episode we've seen really either has them working together or she's unable to be Ladybug when he's unable to be Chat Noir most of the time. I've said it before but these two really need to communicate. Nino and Alya are like a less adorably romantic version of what they'd be. "But they're a couple and they know their secret identities, so why does that rule exist for us but they can know?" Very simple. Because they were temporary holders and the Miraculous they had, Hawk Moth hasn't made it his life's mission to obtain, unlike them, who are permanent holders and Hawk Moth's been after them fiercely to make a Wish that could destroy everything. But. The fact he's asking this, and Marinette's Chat Blanc nightmare, really points in the direction that he's going to eventually find out that while she's thought about telling him all along, Chat Blanc's kept her from doing so.
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Okay, so while it looks like he's staring up at the moon, if you notice, it really is just one of the pink bubbles.
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Now, they could be making it seem like it's the moon though to give it a double meaning. But poor Kitty, he's feeling so awful right now over in that dark corner Dx Nino felt bad for only two episodes? and it got resolved, so hopefully this all won't last too much longer for him! Marinette had a few shaky episodes so hopefully he'll have a few before it gets resolved. But somehow I think that may be wishful thinking. This episode was so amazing, honestly. Wonderful writing, made me laugh a lot, aw a lot, and hurt a lot. It focused on the core 4 characters which I've wanted more of for a long time. The animation was beautiful. And it just felt so different in such a good way. Chat Noir's having a hard time right now, and I know there's a lot of anger and hate about it going around. But please, think of this as him hitting a rough spot in the road to a much better and brighter future. He's going to end up okay, he'll understand it all someday. And that day's honestly not that far for him if you think about it.
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kawasiki-jo · 3 years ago
And Yet Again, We’re Fucked ✨
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- Sorry but this chapter's post won't have fanart cause I'm wrestling with my CSP software to save all my art. I am not winning.
I'll try having it fixed by the next post just so I don't lose my mind. But until then, please bear with me. - Joanna.
I want to preface this part of the rant by addressing a few things that I’ve been asked on tumblr about the posts - 
1. This was never really meant to be a full fanfic, it was originally a 3k comment that I had sent on one of the fan pages i followed. The reason I uploaded it was because Instagram had a really short word limit and most of the comment was cut off, resulting in me having to individually send the whole thing to whoever wanted to read the full comment. It wasn’t necessarily proper in any way, hence i referred to it as a rant and not a ff. the second part of the rant was meant to be a mere skeleton of how i envisioned Macau and Chay getting their lives tangled up in each other’s. which brings up the next answer.
2. The lack of detail is, or well was, intentional. Just so the reader could imagine at their own pace, add details to whatever part they wanted. It was also meant to depict the underlining derivativity of actual affection and honesty shown to the second family siblings. Everyone already knows Vegas’ side of the story by now, but I didn’t want Macau to be left out. the novel does give his perspective some reading time, but I wasn’t fully satisfied with the dept it portrayed.  
3. Hence, all the posts are from Macau's perspective - so far. I felt the need to focus on him, since the series as well as the novel already provided for Chay’s POV. It allows me to create some sort of a time line that runs parallel to the series. 
4. In this rant, Macau isn’t very integrated into the dramatic events that happen in the series - in the sense he has no knowledge about some of the stuff that happens with the main family. seeing as I am portraying him as the one always left in the dark, don’t be surprised when I don’t mention a lot of events that pertain to the other couples of the series. it’s pretty understandable. But all the main events will be covered, don’t worry.   
5. Do I hate Kim? Yes, I absolutely fucking do. I detest him, very much. the fact that he does what he does, just cause he can, without considering anyone's feelings, irks me to no end. No one asked him to do an entire flog background check, no one even consented to that. He just goes about digging up a past that no one wanted to know. Porsche and Chay seemed to be at peace with their parents death, initially until Porsche’s entire world is flipped upside down and he realizes that he can’t fucking deal with everything changing. But the fact that Kim decided he’d ignore that and ‘find out what really happened’ pisses me off. even Korn knew not to break the siblings bubble until he was forced to. Kim disregarded Chay’s peace just so he can do what? Know everything and then what? Just remember, denial may be tough and annoying to watch, but sometimes it’s what’s preventing a person from becoming the worst they can be. I have so much more to say. But I’m already wasting so much of your time. So I’ll leave this with one last note. Jeff bringing Kim to life, makes me hate Kim so much more. (I absolutely appreciate Jeff, he did an amazing job in making me want to smack the shit outta Kim)
4. There now is a plan to make this a full fanfic, because i’m apparently the easiest person to coerce. But there’s still a bit of internal discussion on how i plan on making it a ff when i’ve already set out the first few chapters of the storyline for you guys. If y’all are still up for it, I don’t actually mind. 
As I see it, there's a few ways to go about it:
   a. would be to start all over with dept and details.
   b. would be to continue, but start the details from the next post.
   c. would be to continue with just a skeleton, and then maybe write a whole ff.
   d. would be to just write the skeleton.
I’m open to whatever.
I’m not evil enough to just post a half-hearted QnA so I’ll get on to the rant.
Macau should just leave it alone. he really really really should.
But a few days later, when he opens his Instagram the first post is from Chay’s account. it’s shaky as if the phone was moved just before the camera could click, but noticeably a picture of Kim, who’s playing the guitar.
But what Macau notices, even more, is the background. it’s Chay’s house. Macau is sure of it. A 100%. shaky image and all.
He tells his brother he’s going to the Skate park again, but this time Vegas tells him to take some bodyguards with him. Macau wants to argue, but he’s aware of the situation right now. He knows what happened to his second eldest cousin (referring to the lost-in-the-woods,-but-it’s-not-Kristoff-singing-it scenes) and that the main family suspect them first. 
He nods and is taken to the park, but half an hour later Vegas gets a call from Macau’s head bodyguard that he’s run away. Vegas sadly sighs as he tells them he’ll go collect him.
Escaping the guards was a piece of cake according to Macau. He’s done it a couple of times, but his main problem would be the amount of time he has until his brother comes for him. Judging from how loud his father was in the morning, Macau guesses that Vegas is in the warehouse near the east river by now. 
20 minutes, give or take.
He sits himself down at the same milk stall he had visited before, waiting - for what he isn’t sure, but he does it. 
10 minutes and he’s restless, knees relentlessly trying to keep his feet grounded. He has no idea if they’re still home, or if Kim has left or anything really. He’s wasting his time again.   
The 20 minutes go by and he sees nothing. He doesn’t know what he was hoping for, but he feels slightly crushed. 
His brother is feeling generous, he thinks. Giving him more than 30 minutes to waste away his time. When Vegas finally arrives he gets into the car without a word. Not sparing another glance at that stupid white gate. 
They get home and Vegas stops him from getting out of the car. He reminds him that he doesn’t need to keep an eye on Chay anymore, that he’s already done with his task.
Macau wills himself to resign, for the sake of his sanity brother. He feels bad that he’s also wasting Vegas’ time. He didn’t miss the budding red bruise on his brother’s left cheek. he shouldn’t be troubling his brother like this, Vegas has so much of work to do. 
He unfollows Chay.
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It’s the last two weeks of school, Macau can’t wait to finally be free from that hell hole. He has successfully managed to avoid Chay, actively leaving when the boy is anywhere within his peripheral. if he did manage to do the same in his mental realm, he leaves no comment. Not that Chay noticed. 
He’s forced himself into a steady rhythm, chastises himself when he catches his mind reminding him of anything related to Chay. He had dramatically gone and packed up all the one piece manga he got after seeing Chay read one volume. He had also gone the extra mile and told his bodyguards to drop and collect him from the west-end school gate. it’s an extra eight minutes walk to his class, but it’s the path furthest from the music room and Chay’s class, so he does it. grumpily.
In an awful turn of events though, which Macau will surely argue is the universe’s way of fucking him over, yet again. he happens to overhear Chay confessing his love to someone, when he’s on his way to the school gate. his immediate reaction is to duck and hide behind the pillar.
He’s filled with a sudden feeling of unwanted hurt as his heart is pounding away in his ears. he’s going to town on the straps of his bag, surprisingly not ripping them out of the seams, with the force he’s crushing scrunching them in. 
He can’t bring himself to look, or move, or even breathe for that matter.   
He hears it once, then twice, then thrice, and surely he can’t be going mental enough for his own mind to replay Chay’s words again and again. 
He peeks, just to prove his sanity. 
And then he’s left confused. 
Chay is the only person there. 
Just when he thinks he’s actually fallen off the edge into hallucinations, he hears the confession again. But this time he can see that Chay is reading from a piece of paper. Or was it to?   
Macau’s been through a lot and judging from his recent plummet into insanity, he’d reckon that to was not so unbelievable. 
He’s thrown out of his mental crusade by Chay’s frustrated groans. he watches Chay pace in circles as he animatedly ruffles his hair out in frustration. It’s absolutely fucking adorable Macau’s heart is now beating rent-free in his mouth. 
Takes him of while of staring watching to understand that Chay is rehearsing . Chay is rehearsing his love confession. Chay is rehearsing his love confession to Kim. 
When his brain catches up to the realization, it’s a blow right to his gut. he feels the bile rise as he’s trying to get himself to calm down. he’s trying to reason with himself that he has no need to be affected by this. no reason whatsoever. 
His reasoning is weak solid and absolute bullshit true, he can’t afford to waste his time. this has already taken up so much of his youthful final school year. it also shouldn’t fucking matter to him. Chay is no-one. Chay was just the task he was given. Chay doesn’t even care about him
He crumbles to the floor, knees to his chest. hoping that at least they will hold him from completely coming apart.
Thankfully, his moment is ruined by the sudden blare of a phone ringing. he’s startled, but Chay’s sweet voice cuts through the tone quickly. 
From what he overhears, Chay isn’t talking to Kim. it’s a relief, but it’s short lived. He hears Chay enquire if ‘he’ is in the studio today.
The answer must be yes, because when he checks, Chay’s face lights up with the biggest smile Macau has ever seen on him. that stings.
Chay thanks the person on the other end before scrambling to collect his bag and guitar case. He rushes through the hallway, making Macau frantically fling his body into the bushes to narrowly escape being seen.
When he can no longer hear the resonance of running echo through the hallway, he takes out his own phone and texts his brother to send him all the addresses of Kim’s recording studios
Macau in this post is the epitome of ‘faking-it-and-hoping-i-don’t-crash-and-burn- till-i-make-it’.
also talk about organ displacement, poor Macau has had his heart take a paid vacation to smack the shit outta his braincells.
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Also I'm aware this is short as well, and most of it was just me wasting your time. But I didn't want to give a full post (or whatever this was) without knowing if y'all wanted a full ff.
Let me know what you want, so I can continue.
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icegoddessrukia · 3 years ago
I forgot if I asked this before, but can you rank the voices of the New Directions boys + Shue and include your favorite performances of each of them?
I think you did ask me at one point but it's a really good question and fun to analyze so I'll give it another go. To be totally honest I don't find the male characters in Glee or their talent half as interesting as the girls overall, so it's more difficult to analyze for me and I'm not as invested in them. For most of the guys I just feel "meh" about them. I'll be leaving out the Season 4/Season 6 newbies because I don't know them that well and wasn't impressed with the Season 4 newbies.
1.) Schue
He just has the best overall vocals/performances imo. Maybe it's because Morrison was trained in how to perform in Broadway shows but he just brings it every time. My favourite performance by him, despite the subject matter, is Don't Stand So Close To Me/Young Girl. I also love Endless Love, Tell Me Something Good, In Your Eyes (amazing!!) and Getting Married Today.
2.) Artie Abrams
Artie's an amazing singer and it's very evident whenever he has a solo, he just completely slays on every solo he is given because of his control/projection/power. He outshines virtually every other boy. I like his vocals in Lean On Me, PYT, For The Longest Time (he saved this song tbh it would have sucked otherwise), Black or White, and Control.
3.) Finn
I really enjoy Finn's vocals a lot and it's remarkable how well Cory did despite never really singing in public before. He has this old timey/80s rock type of voice. He doesn't get talked about a lot but imo Finn's vocals are very nice and he does both the deep and falsetto vocals really well. My favourite performances are I Can't Fight This Feeling, Dammit Janet, With You I'm Born Again (super underrated vocals) Paradise By the Dashboard Light (his best EVER performance imo basically the performance of his life), Jessie's Girl, and More Than a Woman.
Everyone else there is just mediocre to not that great imo.
4.) Joe and Rory. I can't decide which I like better. They're both great additions to the cast and I wish the writers had done more with them. Rory really did a spectacular job especially on "Home." Joe does probably the best background vocals I've heard on this show in Night Fever, Cherish, and Saving All My Love For You.
5.) Sam and Blaine. Blaine is better than Sam overall but ultimately they're both kinda "Disney Prince" voices for me. They're sweet, pleasant and they do a good job but they're just...average. I like Blaine's first performance of Teenage Dream, One Hand One Heart, and Tonight. I feel like we've heard a million Sam songs but still don't have a clear idea of what his voice type is. He seems to get overshadowed in every duet he has even with worse singers, maybe because his voice is not as distinctive. I'll go with Summer Nights for Sam because it's his cutest and in some ways more charming than the Travolta version.
6.) Kurt. It's not that Kurt is a bad singer and he does have probably one of the best vocal ranges on the show but this is a subjective ranking. I like his ability to go really low on Give Up The Funk, Being Alive, and the season 5 performance of Don't Stop Believing yet also be known for his countertenor vocals. Ultimately, it annoyed me how whoever was coaching him seemed to encourage him to go shrill and super high on every song. Not to mention his music genres were often kind of niche and not really my thing personally. Being Alive and Not The Boy Next Door are his best performances imo.
7.) Puck and Mike. Overall, I do like Mike's vocals better than Puck's but they so rarely allowed Mike to get solos so we didn't really get to know what he is capable of. I liked his vocals on ABC. I'm not a fan of Puck's voice although he does often blend well with others. Homeward Bound, I'm The Only One and Just Give Me a Reason are my faves for Puck.
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palaugranetes · 4 years ago
Ronald: I agree with @Iñaki on this.
Carlitos: Shocker!
Pedri: Night night! See you guys soon!
Oscar: ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
31 March 2021
JC:Do you guys know how lucky we are being this far from Geri for le Poisson d'Avril???
Carlitos: The what now?
JC: Poisson d'Avril
Carlitos: My French is rusty bro, that means?
Riqui: By Rusty you mean non-existent right?
Carlitos: Tais-toi petit idiot
Riqui: You google translating that does not negate my statement genius.
Carlitos: FOR YOUR INFORMATION PETIT, I did not google it.
Riqui: Sure.. I believe you
Carlitos: I DID NOT.. I asked Nyom
Riqui: 🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
JC: Are you two done?
Riqui: Never
Carlitos: Yes, what were you saying Bro?
JC: Poisson d'Avril is April fool
Carlitos: HOW!!??!!
JC: It is
Riqui: Jan don't tire yourself.
JC: Hahahahaha
Carlitos: Doesn't poisson mean fish?
JC: Yes
Carlitos: April Fish?!?!
JC: It's a whole story
Carlitos: Blague d'Avril..
Carlitos: Tromperie d'Avril
Riqui: PROU!!
JC: I'll tell you on PM
Carlitos: Okay
Riqui: You were saying @JC?
JC: Right, we are lucky no?
Carlitos: Life finds a way.. or rather, if he wants to, Gerard Finds a way.
Riqui: Very true
Carlitos: But I feel if he was going to do something he would have done it on Dia dels Innocents.
Riqui: Possible, but one can never be too careful
Carlitos: You are oddly calm..
Carlitos: What are you up to?
Riqui: Nothing. I'm just saying
Carlitos: AhA
Riqui: Juro!
Carlitos: I SAID OKAY
JC: So he can still do damage
Carlitos: 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Riqui: 🙂
Ansu: OMG!!
Carlitos: Yes bro, we were literally just talking about that
Ansu: Oh.. where was I?
Riqui: In space clearly.
Ansu: Right...
Dembz: Are you okay broski?
Ansu: I think so. I took a nap earlier and I feel like I wiokeoup in aanothred demtoiodn
Dembz: I was with you up until like
Ansu: up until like what?
Ansu: HUH???
Dembz: "Ansu: I think so. I took a nap early and I feel like I wiokeoup in aanothred demtoiodn" WHAT DID YOU MEAN AFTER LIKE?!
Dembz: I give up someone else deal with him
Pedri: You took a nap and what?
Ansu: It feels like I woke up in another demention
Frenkie: Yikes.. that has happened to me before @Ansu I know that feeling.
Pedri: How are you today bud?
Frenkie: I'm alright.
Francisco: Did you get some sleep? A little R&R?
Frenkie: I did
Francisco: 🧐🧐🧐🧐
Frenkie: I did, I promise. I slept 8 hours two days ago and 6 hours last night
Ronald: Why six?
Frenkie: I had to go .. and after that I couldn't sleep anymore. So I studied for a bit.
Ronald: Studied??
Frenkie: Yes Català
Riqui: 🥺🥰🥺🥰🥺🥰
Frenkie: 💜
Riqui: But you are feeling better?
Frenkie: Yes
Pedri: If you say so.
Ansu: It's March 31st right?
Arnau: Yes?
Ansu: Okay
Arnau: Weird
Iñaki: 😂
Sergiño: Why does Jordi insist on replying with memes?!
Pedri: 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Riqui: Jordi for you.
Dembz: Just what Grizou needed an enabler
Ilaix: And the Dad jokes are the worst.. idk whether to laugh or cry
Ilaix: @Carlitos where are your dad jokes?
Oscar: Please don't
Ilaix: I wanna hear his dad jokes
Oscar: No you don't
Ilaix: I do
Ansu: No you do not
Carlitos: Imagine if you walked into a bar and there was a long line of people waiting to take a swing at you.
Carlitos: That's the punch line.
Riqui: Look what you did now
Carlitos: Why did the stadium get so hot after the game?
Ilaix: Idk, why?
Carlitos: Because all the fans left.
Ilaix: GOSH
Ansu: Which dimension doesn't have Carles telling jokes in it? I would like to go there.
Carlitos: I don't play football because I enjoy the sport. I'm just doing it for kicks!
Ronald: Shoot me.
Arnau: Okay we get it Carles.. Please stop
Ilaix: I regret asking
Iñaki: 😵😵😵
Carlitos: Five out of four people admit they're bad with fractions!
Dembz: This is the bad place
Carlitos: Ilaix asked 😌
Sergiño: Some questions never require answers. THAT WAS ONE OF THEM
Carlitos: Ask and you shall receive.
Ilaix: Thanks I hated them I would like to give them back.
Carlitos: No returns. No refunds.
Ilaix: 😫😫
1 April 2021
Pedri: Guys
Pedri: Nevermind
Riqui: ??
Pedri: I'll tell you ON Pm
Riqui: Okay
JC: 🤨🤨🤨
JC: What was that about?
Iñaki: 🤷🏼‍♂️
Oscar: Who the hell knows
Unknown number joined via invitation link
Frenkie: Hello??
Francisco: Hiya!
JC: ????
Pedri: Hi there
Ronald: Who is this now?
Ilaix: 🤷🏿‍♂️
JC: I don't like this! Identify yourself!
Dembz: Let them breathe fréro..
Riqui: Um.. who is here?
Carlitos: You are the admin idiot!
Riqui: But I never gave the link to anyone other than Leo!
Carlitos: FUDGE
Carlitos: FUCJ*
Carlitos: FUCKING FUCK*****
Pedri: He wouldn't though
Frenkie: Yeah I think so too
JC: WE ARE EXPOESD NOW! This is all your fault @Carlitos
Riqui: TO LEO!!!
Pedri: Guys.. I'm sure there is an explanation
Sergiño: Agreed
Sergiño: but also.. this is still sus
Unknown number joined via invitation link
Sergiño: Okay.. now you can panic
Frenkie: 🧐
Oscar: Um.. who?
Riqui: Who is this??
Ronald: 2 new people??
Arnau: Who?
Ronald: Idk I just got here
Ansu: Oh dang
Riqui: We should stop talking.. maybe they would speak then
Ansu: Okay logical?
Arnau: That clearly worked.
Riqui: 🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️
Unknown number: Hello idiots
Riqui: Calm down
Ansu: *Runs*
Ansu: I wish I can irl
Pedri: Soon
Ansu: 💜
JC: i cannot..
Unknown number: Hello morons
JC left
Arnau: 😵
Unknown number: Wow that really was easy
Unknown number: Yes it was
Iñaki: So it really is 2 people
Ronald: hm
Oscar: Jordi and Geri?
Unknown number: HAHAHAHAHAHA
Ansu: 😠😠😠
Riqui added JC
Unknown number: 😈😈😈
Iñaki: It's 23:00 and no one is talking.
Iñaki: It is both peaceful and unsettling.
Frenkie: Very
Arnau: Thanks??
2 April 2021
Unknown number: Alex😜😜
Unknown number: Konrad 😎😎
Ronald: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Unknown number: It was Riqui's idea
JC: 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Unknown number: And Pedri and Fran
Ansu: GASPS!!!!!!!
Arnau: YOU SNEAKY SOBs!!!!!
Francisco: 😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇😇
Frenkie: I'm actually impressed
JC: I hate you three
Pedri: Hahaha it was April fool's!
Iñaki: I knew I smelt something fishy
Dembz: WOW
Dembz: 😂😂 good one
Riqui: 😉😉😉
Arnau: Who was the mastermind behind this?
Pedri: Fran
Francisco: Hahahahahaha
Unknown number: Okay.. See ya
Ansu: Bye whoever that was
Unknown number left
Unknown number: That was Konrad..
Unknown number: Ciao for now
Riqui: Adeu!
Pedri: ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
Unkown number left
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Riqui: HAHAHA I wonder what that message he sent to Leo was 😂😂😂
Pedri: OMG Hahaha poor Antoine
Francisco: I wonder if we all send Leo a message who he will reply to first.
Ronald: NO
Arnau: Fran you've been hanging out with Riqui way too much
Dembz: HAHAHAHAHAHA He does talk a lot! Can you blame him
Riqui: I wouldn't but sure
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Riqui: HAHAHAHAHA that's because he is always here Clem
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Ansu: I remember that hahaha I was very confused at first
Frenkie: That was nothing.. I almost sent something to the main one that was meant for this GC!!!
Ansu: OMG
Frenkie: Yeah, close call hahaha
Oscar: Whenever he is asked if he can be considered *insert particular position*
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Frenkie: 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Dembz: 😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑😑
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Ansu: Your bestie
Dembz: EX BESTIE. FRIENDSHIP WITH ANTOINE ENDED. Sergiño is now my best friend
Dembz: 😂😂
Sergiño: 🤜🏽🤙🏽
Dembz: 👊🏾🤙🏾
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Oscar: He really went for you neck huh
Dembz: RIGHT?!
Dembz: He's not lying
Pedri: Yes 😂😂😂😂😂
Carlitos: MEAN!!!
Francisco: HAHAHA
Carlitos: I hate you guys
Riqui: Love you too rizos
Carlitos: 💙fuck off
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