#who tf...... im so sorry this is probably so obvious im just.
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obsidianpen Ā· 2 months ago
No I think u misunderstood what I was saying or maybe I didnā€™t write it properly. I was going off the anon who asked about u having time to write while u r a mom. As I had said with my comment, Iā€™m not suggesting any of this is the case with u, but from my own personal life and just witnessing women I love in my life, I think a lot of women are convinced to quit their jobs bc ā€œthats what a woman should doā€. My literal goal is to be a stay at home mom so btw Iā€™m not dishing the job I think itā€™s the hardest job in the world. Maybe itā€™s that town I grew up in but for me personally, I see a lot of woman dedicate so much to their children and never get any time to themselves. My momā€™s four kids are grown now so thatā€™s what I was saying with we always encourage her to go back to art because sheā€™s so talented and she loves it sm.
Iā€™m just saying moms are the hardest working ppl and all of my sibilings hope my mom has time to do what sheā€™s loves.
im sorry, i did misunderstand you!! I hope she gets back to her art too ā¤ļø
as a side thought - yknow thereā€™s all the conversation about falling birth rates in many countries currently and I was listening to a podcast about it, and it was these two dudes talking and turns out the biggest reason for low birth rates, even in countries where they have excellent maternity leave and healthcare and all that, is that women are preferring to be single and childless by choice because the men arenā€™t up to their standards. Which, you know, fair. Single childless women are some of the happiest! BUT I found the whole episode so funny because these two older guys were taking about what a disaster it was going to cause in some places in a few generations because the age ratio will be SO skewed (valid concern) and theyā€™re going on and on like, how do we make the men better? How do we raise the standard of men so that women will be willing to date them and procreate and stuff (Iā€™m paraphrasing, and poorly, lmao)? When to ME the much more obvious and effective solution would be not to try and improve the quality of All Men (whatever tf that would look like) and instead make it way easier for women to have kids without them if they wantā€¦ and that can start by putting them on payroll! Everyone loves to say that being a mom is ā€˜the hardest and most important job in the worldā€™, so yeah, treat it like that! Give new mamas a salary so they can raise the next generation for a few years without stressing out or needing to rely on someone elseā€™s paycheck! Thatā€™s an incentive that might actually make an impact, imo.
SO sorry that has nothing to do with yours asks. Probably also super flawed thinking on my part, just rambling my thoughts as the world burns
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angelwolf985 Ā· 1 year ago
finished watching supernatural s1-15 in 3 months! here are my opinions on the finale!
(warning: probably unintelligible, and very ranty) (+ obvious spoiler warning)
episode 18 was fuckin emaculate. genuinly. it was amazing. the one thing i didnt like about it was how it jumped about, same with 19.( i dont blame them for it tho, it makes sense with the story, i just didnt really love it.) 19 was good for the most part and served as a decent ending but was missing castiel and eileen (mention + presence) which sucked but what can you expect yk,,
episode 20. i have. so many issues with episode 20. WHY DID THEY EVEN????? LIKE TWO MENTIONS OF CAS, NO MENTION OF EILEEN, DEAN FUCKING DIEING, SAMS WIG, ???HEAVEN BEING LACKLUSTER???? it was so. just disappointing. cuz it could've been great. the end part of 20 was the only good part (jared and jensen signing off of the show). the show should've ended on 19 tbh. thats how im seeing it anyway. in my mind thats where it ended, but like, with cas and eileen back.
what i really disliked:
deans death. im pretty sure everyone hated that. and the whole like thing of him dying was really,, sorta,, weird? like; why did it go on so long?? did it happen bc he doesnt have god given plot armor anymore or was it just cuz?did jack see it? how did he feel about it? did he care or did he be all omniscient because he became god?? how did he survive that long? logistically? there was a fucking rusty rebar thing IN HIS SPINE (or like RIGHT NEXT TO IT??). WOULD THAT NOT?? PARALYZE?? OR WORSE???. and, im sorry, but i hated the forehead touch. it felt weird man. i get that they were close but,, not that close? even when they were more unhealthily codependent they wouldn't have done that. i think so anyway. i dunno. also. DEAN HAS SHOWN MULTIPLE TIMES AND IM SURE THE WRITERS WERE OVERTLY AWARE THAT DEAN DID NOT WANT TO DIE ON THE JOB. HE WANTED TO RETIRE WITH SAM AND CAS. ALWAYS WANTED THAT. he often said shit like "we're gonna die on the job, draw the short stick, thats just how it is, how its gonna end for us." (mixing quotes from the top of my head so, not exact) which he clearly thought would happen because pessimism but he NEVER wanted that. for HIMSELF or SAM. dean dying in this episode IS A CRITICAL DISSERVICE TO HIS CHARACTER.
sams mystery wife and (non mystery) child. BLURRY FACE WIFE. WHY IS SHE. WHY. also- how did he recover (seemingly) so quickly? i mean- if he really believed dean was gone FOREVER. when death hasnt meant forever in forever, how would he be so okay? idk. also, idk why, but sam having a kid seems very bizzare. could just be me. also. where tf is eileen. is she the blurry face wife? why would they do that if yes? (could be a load or reasons, either way they couldve like, said it was eileen, if it was supposed to,, idk,,,)
one or two mentions of castiel. did the writers just forget his CHARACTER IMPORTANCE?!?!? HES SO IMPORTANT TO THE STORY??? HE GRIPPED DEAN TIGHT AND RAISED HIM FROM PERDITION. HE LOVED DEAN. DEAN (INARGUABLY) LOVED HIM BACK. he (castiel) deserved SO. much better. my friend who has watched spn since she was a baby AGREES WITH ME. i GRRR I GRR I GRRR!!!! cas not being in this episode is such an aggravating disservice to his character. he deserved more. the fans deserved more.
alright im done ranting now. may add more on later. im gonna go rewatch the show and read fix it fics.
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cheese-water Ā· 2 years ago
This is going to be chronological order OG only chronicle o tweets on Twitter or x or whatever the heck is up w/ that.
It is set in 1900s ish july. It mentions a ā€˜Sheā€™ im assuming is a therapist of some sort. The writer most likely is mentally ill or something and is told to write thoughts down to help.Ā 
Bro has trauma wtf when did this happen?? Glances, phrases, remarks, notes. Do not understand situation is better shown than told probably some type of trauma honestly. Family and dog: you know they are already fucking dead though, come on you know ainā€™t no way they survive this. Will not forget bad things bad things probably life changing is worst way possible or something.
J maybe therapist?? Then bizarre dream tf is up with this kids mind tho-?? AND IT MEANS CYCLE?? like timeloop cycle, history repeating cycle, which we talking about??
Oh yeah shitty manager. Iā€™ve been analyzing these and Iā€™ve read that at least 20 times. 20 times of a fictional character complaining about their fictional boss tf is my life?
Spoopi dream and oh hey same hall and doors each time and the other dream meant cycle thatā€™s just lovely!1!!1Ā 
The XXXX might be Mary and Mary might be the actual expert/therapist person? It implies Mary is the one who suggested person to write(?)
ā€œWhy canā€™t I be in control of everythingā€ DAMN WRITER OK RELATABLE K THATS FINE OK also please throw the vcr out the window especially if itā€™s more than a 1 story building, please.
Happy birthday :DD ayyy fucked ver of happy birthday thatā€™s cooool and we trust J :] oh yeah shit work place for like the 5th time dear god
ok therory also summarize things:
Writer(which is going to be referred to as 0), most likely (knowing Ranboo) is traumatized, and is getting some form of therapy. His therapist (I HOPE IS) Mary suggested he should write his thought down to help. At first 0 hated it, but overtime it did help a lot. A friend J told 0 to write is absolutely obscure dreams down. 0 does as 0 trusts J quite a bit even lets J read the journal entries. J is into supernatural and ā€œcrazyā€ things (same) and tells 0 that 0(bro idk pronouns im sorry) is reliving things that 0 might have repressed or something possibly trauma. 0 works at a very bad place with a horrible manager. 2 more spooky dreams later and oh, 0 still complaining about job. Creepy birthday song and wow Iā€™m done with thing more than a month long project. this was so long and a lot of stuff was very cut down omg Iā€™m tired Iā€™m going to sleep buh bye
P.S hi started school uh yeah hope your doing well :]
We love J for actually listening to 0ā€™s dreams. Theyā€™re a real one fr. That being said, knowing Ranboo, Iā€™m fully expecting J to be the one who traumatized and/or killed 0ā€™s family in the end. Another Hetch situation yā€™know? Really though, what friend would look at your dream journal and say, "Oh yeah, thatā€™s prolly some repressed trauma for you," like? Iā€™ve had my fair share of strange dreams, but my immediate thoughts donā€™t go to deep-rooted trauma (I wouldnā€™t know itā€™s literally repressed, I guess?).
*intermission for me to read the tweets since I found a good twit front end on github a few weeks back B)*
Ohā€¦ oh no. Here we go again. If I had a nickel for every time Ranboo created a character who had to write their thoughts in a journal to cope with their repressed traumas and memory issues, Iā€™d have two nickels. Which isnā€™t a lot, but itā€™s weird that it happened twice. No, but really, this post solidified it for me:
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The obvious is, "I dont think ill be forgetting those." Clearly, this is an important list of things to remember, and judging by the constant work reminders, Zero (I have to give them some sort of name) uses this journal as a way to help/cope with their forgetfulness and itā€™s been working so far.
Whatā€™s listed in the Good Things list is strange. Most notably the second one, "My dog." ????Ā My dog?????Ā Who the hell in a supposedly personal journal doesnā€™t call their dog by their name? If itā€™s for the reader's sake, that doesnā€™t make sense either. It couldā€™ve been a classic dog name (Ć  la Spot, Rover, etc.) or, even better, have the name written after my dog: My dog Lola or My dog Winston. I may be overthinking this, but itā€™s such a strange detail to include with the introduction of Zeroā€™s memory issues in the exact same post. Because all that implies is that Zeroā€™s memory has already been degrading, with or without their knowledge.
Also, I'm not sure how or why we were even getting chronicle 0 in the first place. Is it like some sort of time paradox relating to Zeroā€™s dreams? My best theory is that someone in 2023 (right now) found the journal and is literally chronicling/recording it online for others. This would explain the redacted words in the tweets, since they wouldnā€™t be if they were posted by Zero's thoughts themselves. And it gives new meaning to the random "?" posts. Maybe the page scanner couldnā€™t translate what was written down? Or was there nothing written there at all?
All Iā€™m sure of is that whatever was on those "?" pages, those are the pages Jay has been writing on. Which quick aside, WTF JAY!? Why theĀ hellĀ are you writing in someone elseā€™s therapy journal when youĀ knowĀ they have memory problems? Who do you think Zero will assume wrote that down? Their nameless dog? NO ZERO MUST OF CAUSE ITS THEIRS. I donā€™t care if Zero trusts you because you're their childhood best friend or partner or whatever, but to me, youā€™re extremely misguided at best and suspicious and manipulative at worst. Anyway, assuming the "?" pages are Jay's, either their handwriting is less legible than Zeroā€™s (or at least visually distinct enough that whoeverā€™s tweeting these out can tell the difference from other pages or entries), or theyā€™re some sort of drawing. Of what Iā€™m not sure.
But back to the why: Someone found Zeroā€™s journal and began posting pages of it because either they find it fascinating and unnerving (the reasonable solution) or (the flimsier, weirder solution) the account is the beginnings of an autobiographical journal-book about Zero if they actually did or experienced something notable in their future (for example, the style of Anne Frankā€™s journals). Imagine Showfall, or *insert Gen 0 capitalistic conglomerate here* publishing "The Story of Chronicle 0: How The Founder Found Their Way." It would be if Disney got ahold of Waltā€™s childhood diaries and sold them as a collectorā€™s item. Itā€™s so strange and wrong to do, but we all know itā€™d make bank. Plus, it feeds into the intrusive/changing perception theme from Gen 1 if Ranboo wants to continue that thread. Once again, grain of salt, spitballing, yadda yadda, this is getting interesting, and I havenā€™t even touched the dreams yet lmao.
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luminecho Ā· 3 years ago
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hqwkeyes Ā· 2 years ago
one other thing i have been absolutely dying to address: THE ROOKIE WINTER FINALE
if u haven't seen it and want to, don't look below the cut bc SPOILERS
hi. hello. fuck.
okay first a bit of backtracking: it really took ashley tim's back surgery to realize that they weren't gonna work? not the whole "my coworker knows my boyfriend better than i do" thing? or all of the other obvious things like how she's a lifeguard and he hates the beach?? no??
also super fucked of her to dump him literally as soon as he woke up after a potentially life-altering surgery but that was a given i guess...
so it's been super obvious for these first 7 episodes prior to the finale that tim and lucy's relationship has changed quite a bit since the whole undercover op thing but girl i did NOT expect this so soon
okay so in these last two episodes, what the hell made chris think he and lucy should buy a HOUSE together? like sure he was thinking about tamara too, which is sweet because it shows that he really cares about lucy and her relationship with tamara. but also he was super pushy about the whole house thing in the first place. like he kept calling her about it while she was at work after she asked if they could talk about it later that night?
and also, he surely saw the news where she literally witnessed a woman get blown up, so why did he think it was okay to call her to push the whole "buying a house together" thing on her AGAIN, and without mentioning the case at all? and how was he not noticing how cold and closed off she was being? if anyone i care about was acting like that toward me, i wouldn't just brush it off like that, but maybe that's just me??
then ofc there's the whole tim getting fucking whiplash from how fast he turned his head to ask about lucy moving in with chris. the communication between those two in those episodes was absolutely incredible, especially in episode 8 like god damn. he showed just how much he cares for her in the way he was trying so hard to be there for her. like was he probably going tf through it bc he had to ask her if she loved someone else? yeah.
and omg when she said "he's just not" and looked at tim like GIRL turn this car around and find chris so u can break this off immediately bc EVERYONE knows who you want šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
side note but sgt. grey and aaron were mvps in that episode, pushing those two together.
anyway, the communication was impeccable, and i CANNOT BELIEVE TIMOTHY FINALLY STARTED MAKING SOME DAMN MOVES OF HIS OWN like holy shittt mr. rule-follower wants to risk it all to be with her?? and she was the one who was like "idk if its worth the risk"??? role reversal fr. but no they're so cute, all confessing their feelings for each other
i do not condone cheating of any kind and emotional cheating is tricky and a slippery slope, but i do respect lucy for wanting to properly end things with chris before going out with tim (ofc)
my heart breaks for chris but like bestie how can you be so utterly blind?
the way tim was legit fake smiling at him icbbbbb
and the way lucy broke up with chris the way tim said to... like girl šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
but they were all sweet and smiley and cute and the writers and directors know exactly what they were doing ending the episode with that scene.
all i have to say is they better not fuck this up i stg.
anyway, super lengthy rant over im sorryyyy
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not-me-simping-for-blasty Ā· 4 years ago
another helping of living w/ bakugou thoughts:
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pls i am so sorry, i feel like i bombard yā€™all with these constantly, but u donā€™t understand, he literally lives in my brain full time
- if youā€™re rolling your sleeves up, to wash your hands before dinner, heā€™ll whack your hands away and do it himself. very muchĀ ā€œyouā€™re takinā€™ too long, idiot. i wanna eat already. let me do it.ā€,, donā€™t be fooled tho, you could do it in 2.5 seconds and heā€™d still open his mouth. bc it has absolutely nothing to do with u and everything to do with him wanting to be close to you
-ik he watches the mha equivalent of the history channel. i just know it. dude is a grandpa at heart, n im so confident he would 100% sit down and watch a 3 hr docu on like, old weaponry or some nerdy shit
-bakugou is annoyingly arrogant, but only about things that donā€™t matter. like, heā€™ll fully sit in front of you and tell you heā€™s stronger/faster/smarter in passing conversation,, but when he does actually impressive shit??? the man clams up. absolutely clams up the second you praise him, trying to brush off whatever ridiculous feat he just pulled to protect u with aĀ ā€œItā€™s not that big a deal, shut up about it already, dumbass.ā€Ā 
- pls mans is an absolute simp. u ask him to do something and heā€™s on his feet in a second. ofc heā€™s complaining but heā€™s also then following that up by doing things you didnā€™t even ask him to do. fan behavior honestly.
-when youā€™ve had a bad day, heā€™ll make u food and throw blankets in the dryer for u. donā€™t expect much verbal comforting from him, bc obviously, but heā€™s pretty good with actions. you always feel a little warmer after heā€™s wrapped you in a blanket n fed you something ungodly spicy
- i have absolutely no basis for this but ik he secretly watches kids movies. like, if itā€™s animated then heā€™s there. ofc no one is allowed to find out about thisĀ ā€˜embarrassingā€™ behavior tho, except maybe you. maybe. if you accidentally happen to see it bc heā€™d never tell u himself.
- heā€™s a beast to wake up in the morning, but heā€™s a lot more easy to convince if u pet his hair. or rub his back/shoulders. maybe even kiss his neck. look, u cannot tell me that he doesnā€™t want to be absolutely coddled in the morning- especially when he can get away with it so easily.Ā 
-bakugou always pulls ur legs into his lap if u sit down next to him. pls heā€™s so weird, heā€™ll just like, tap his fingers on ur calves absentmindedly while heā€™s watching tv
-he probably created a playlist of songs ur ā€˜allowedā€™ to play around him. meaning, itā€™s only the songs on ur phone that he likes šŸ™„
-bakugou always takes his work phone calls outside. like if his phone rings heā€™ll just stand up n walk tf out the door to take it. even if itā€™s cold. u ask him once about it n he just ā€œWork stays at work. This is my fuckinā€™ home. Now shut up about it already.ā€
-youā€™ve never once seen this man wearing socks around the house. donā€™t ask me, i cannot explain this whatsoever, but i just kno this man walks around constantly barefoot šŸ¤¢šŸ¤® unfortunately.
-heā€™s like, the most functional person ever in almost every aspect, but the stuff katsuki is bad at?? pls he is hopelessly bad. like, lets say art stuff. omg he just doesnt have the patience for it, okay, so say goodbye to any dreamļæ¼s of cute lil coupleā€™s crafts. like, heā€™ll sit there while u do yours, but his will look like utter shit
- during the week, katsuki is either at work, training, or at home. pls, he works so hard during the day that i highly doubt heā€™s anything but an absolute homebody during the work week.
- bakugou gets pissy if u re-arrange any of the furniture on a whim. pls he likes comfort and familiarity n if he stubs his toe on the stupid coffee table one more fucking time, heā€™s going to scream
-its a rare occurance,, especially bc of the crazy hours he works,, but bakugou rlly likes making dinner for u to come home to. he just likes to feel like heā€™s taking care of u tbh
-he still goes to bed at like 8:30. or thats what u think, but rlly he just goes to sit in your room and have some time to himself for a bit. as much as he loves u, he prob still needs some alone time to recharge
-bakugou takes meticulous care of any plants u have in the house. like heā€™ll water them on a strict-ass schedule, n preen them when necessary. pls the way heā€™ll curse them out if they even dare to wilt under his care?? very much ā€œWhat the hell, you bitch? ā€˜m doinā€™ everything fuckinā€™ perfect! Grow already!ā€
-katsuki is such a little bitch when heā€™s sick. heā€™ll be running like a 103 temp, brain literally melting, and still trying to get up and work out. the only way u can get him to chill the hell out is if u take a nap with him. ofc that means u always get sick too,, but hey- lil sacrifices right??
-he never lets you get the door. like, if thereā€™s a knock n neither of u knows who it could be,, pls heā€™s on his feet so fast. waving u away n looking thru the keyhole w/ sm suspicion
-he has his spot on the couch, n u will not find him sitting anywhere else. like, thatā€™s his spot. u better pray for anybody who mistakenly takes it
-bakugou doesnā€™t like dirt or grime, so he wonā€™t allow you or himself, to sit on your bed with clothes that have been outside. like, even if youā€™re just sitting on top of the covers, heā€™s gonna throw a fit and demand you change your clothes first bcĀ ā€œNo way in hell am I gonna let your dumbass dirty up my bed.ā€
-katsuki rlly likes when it storms outside. heā€™ll go sit in front of the window and watch the rain, sipping on a warm drink while he waits for more thunder.Ā 
-living with bakugou is incredibly frustrating, bc heā€™ll just show up with new skills all of the goddamn time. like youā€™ll be like, ā€œhmm iā€™d love to remodel the bathroom somedayā€,, and the very next weekend bakugou is meticulously re-tiling the bathroom floor by hand, probably also painting the walls in a new color, maybe even installing a new sink just to spruce it up. n then heā€™ll just present the entirely new, upgraded room with such weird nonchalance that it pisses u off. pls and if you watch him while he does these little projects,Ā with all the weird precision and skill he suddenly gains?? pls youā€™re sure he must be possessed by the ghost of a craftsman
- when he hangs out with the bakusquad, heā€™ll drag you along every time. he expects you to sit with him the entire time and act as a social buffer?? basically, someoneā€™ll ask him a question, one he deems stupid and therefore not worth answering, and bakugou will just look at you expectantly. heā€™ll just stare at you blankly, hardly even blinking until you pick up the slack and answer for him. you call him out on this many times, but it doesnā€™t matter. it doesnā€™t change anything. he does this over and over and over again
-bakugou gets really unsettled when you guys fight. like, he canā€™t sleep and heā€™s snapping at everybody, and is somehow more aggressive than usual. he always wants to just make up already, but the pride in the way wonā€™t allow it
-heā€™s a weird stickler about intended furniture functionality?? like, the table is for eating, and the couch is for watching tv, and then only way youā€™re gonna get him to mix the two is if you ask him rlly rlly nicely
-finally- i have no basis for this one, but ik it in my heart: bakugou has a very intense fight with your thermostat nearly every single day. he swears up and down that it never ā€˜behavesā€™ for him, but every time you check it, itā€™s working perfectly fine
ahahhaa sorry yā€™all for the super random spam today,, but here were are back to our regularly scheduled bakugou programming,,,, bc idk if itā€™s obvious ur honor, but i love him
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wench-and-jezebel Ā· 2 years ago
Dark Angel Reaction: FLUSHED
Jezebel (@typicalopposite) reacts [with occasional asides by Wench (@scripted-downfall)]
Iā€¦ I donā€™t even know what to say to that.Ā  Sheā€™s soā€¦ boo hooo.Ā  Idk
Gotta blaze
Next scene: fire
Bitch, he clearly already made it. just eat
Iā€™m sorry. Some drunk slaps me, and I could kill him with my pinky?Ā  Well. Ya, he wouldnā€™t be slapping any more
Jesus hell, her smile tho ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø Between her and Maze Iā€™ve done began questioning my damn sexuality ā˜ ļøā˜ ļø
Also.Ā  The cliche ā€œIā€™m okā€ until the whole ā€œstay with meā€ line then *poof* sleep.Ā  Thatā€™s not how seizures work maā€™am.
The hell selfish af! Just stole the money!Ā  [THIS IS WHERE I STARTED GETTING ANNOYED BTW]Ā  Is this how she acts here on out?Ā  [Yes]Ā  Ew
[Okay, so now weā€™ve got a running total of: her random one-day boyfriend and Normal who know that she doesnā€™t sleep; like half the random population who have seen her magical strength; and who-knows-how-many thugs whoā€™ve seen her blur + some other combination of Manticore powers.Ā  Yeah, sheā€™s reallllll subtle.]
Bitch flung him out like a tooth pick
Intervention.Ā  Gotta love it.
ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøĀ  Bruh tell them you have seizures you dumbo.Ā  Like tf
That damn magic knife again
[Oh, and nowā€¦ a random hospital orderly, too.]
Well damn.Ā  What a douucheeeeeeĀ Ā 
Wait, her actual name is original Cindy?Ā  [Or itā€™s at least the main name she goes by.Ā  Or O.C.]
WAIT.Ā  wait who is he?Ā  The one that told her to clean herself up. [The actor?] Yeah. [I'll send the IMDB page later.] Okay.
[Getting arrested is going to go amazingly well given that sheā€™s from.Ā  You know.Ā  Manticore.Ā  The secret place sheā€™s not supposed to reveal sheā€™s from.]
Coppppsss šŸ˜¤
Dead feet
THANK UOU!! JESUS FUCK!!!Ā  like šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤
ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøĀ  They put men and women together lolĀ  Wot.Ā Ā 
WOT.Ā  ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøĀ  Cannibalism?
Oh my ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø Cops in heels.Ā  Sounds kinky
ā€“ ā€“ ā€“
Midpoint Judgement: So Maxs attitude is like so fucking annoying in this one.Ā  But also I half kinda sorta feel bad for her cause ya know seizures.Ā  BUT SHE COULD HAVE JUST TOLD THEM.Ā  INSTEAD OF ROBBING THEM.Ā  AND GETTING THEM KICKED OUT.Ā  Like, talk about selfish!!Ā  [You know how weā€™ve been talking about how Max had been bodysnatched by a nicer person in the first episodes?Ā  This is the Max that most of the rest of the series deals with.] Ew.
ā€“ ā€“ ā€“
She looks so tiny.Ā  Next to him, and holding that big ass jar
Does he get dead?Ā  [Uhā€¦ donā€™t think so?]
Uh oh.Ā  They saw the barcode
Wait, howā€™s Logan driving?Ā  [Uh.Ā  Um.Ā  I.Ā  Donā€™t actually know.Ā  No clue, honestly. That. Huh.]
ā€œSheā€™s a good girl.ā€Ā  Boy, hush
Umm!Ā  Ummm?Ā  I love OC
Oh noooo sob story
Oh shit. Oh no.Ā  ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø
[I continue to be unclear on how he was driving.]Ā  THANK YOU
They say you've got a thing for her cause itā€™s obvious.Ā  You dummy
IM HER HOME GIRL TOO!Ā  IM deaddddd! [I love him.]
Oh shit.Ā 
Oh.Ā  Itā€™s a flash back, but still.Ā Ā 
Awww.Ā  Iā€™m not supposed to like her, dammitĀ  *insert ā€œIā€™m softā€ gif*
Bruh.Ā  Mennnnnn
Poor new girl is like: tf you talking about?
Ohhhhhh creeeeeeeeep ewwww
Whaaaat the feckkkk I didnā€™t sign up for this
Ewww heā€™s a creep too.Ā  Gross.
Lintlickerrrrrr *insert ā€œYou lint-lickerā€ gif*Ā  [No, literally.Ā  Thereā€™s a lint-licker gif.Ā  Okay, then, the world is stranger even than I knew.]
Poor girl ā˜¹ļøā˜¹ļø
Oh man. *starts typing* [ā€œSix-inch, black, patent-leather pumps in your futureā€ scene?]Ā  šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Yes: the intensity
Oh shit.Ā  Her face.Ā  That was lowkey creepy af.
Kill ā€˜em.
Her.Ā  Fecking.Ā  Attitude.Ā  Ew.
Should have let her kill him
Well shit she got got
And now heā€™s got got
ā€œI broke your lock.Ā  Sorry.ā€Ā  Wot.Ā  Wot.Ā  WOT.
WAIT.Ā  WAITTTTT.Ā  DID HE.Ā  IS SHE.Ā  MAAM.Ā  IS OC.Ā  [SPEAK, MAā€™AM.Ā  IS OC WHAT?!]Ā  WENCH.Ā  DID HE SHOOT HER.Ā  [NO.]Ā  Ok šŸ™‚Ā  [Maā€™am.] *innocently* What???
I love OC.
[Max is still smiling.Ā  What tf is going on.]Ā  *Simultaneously* Oh, better attitude
She probably wouldnā€™t
Thatā€™s one way to say it.Ā  [Oh, look, SHEā€™S SPILLING SECRETS AGAIN.]Ā  She did thoĀ  ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø
šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Ā  Yesss Logan!Ā  Respect
šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚Ā  I love it.Ā  Take that, Walter!
ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøĀ  And a pony.Ā  I love it
Why donā€™t I hate this show?Ā  Hmph.Ā  Hmph I say Wench.Ā  [You havenā€™t even seen Jackles yet.]
Wow.Ā  That, Max.Ā  That was low.Ā  ā€œYou gonna just sit thereā€ BITCH THATS ALL HE CAN DO
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raspberryslut Ā· 3 years ago
Maybe donā€™t use the word f*ggot? what tf is wrong with you...
hi. so just out of curiosity i searched my own blog and the only time i have used this word recently was in regards to a silly gerard way video (and honestly, probably the only time i personally have ever done so on this blog). in my opinion, in this post, i think its obvious i am saying this as a funny way of expressing my shock and love and exasperation at the pagentry of a celebrity--who has gone out of their way to align and ally themselves w lgbt and queer ppl--doing something thats uhh pretty significantly flamboyant and campy. i can understand how this can be misconstrued.
i am gay. i id as a lesbian. im not cis. i am a queer person. i need this to be clear here. i understand that there has been discussion of who can "reclaim" slurs in the past but it is not discussion i am taking part in here because it is irrelevant. i understand what youre saying when you say "dont use this word" ; youre saying dont be mean and callous towards people who you do not share experiences with, when you have not experienced the same level of animosity and aggression that they have and can experience. i acknowledge that i maybe i havent experienced ALL of the same things that people who have been called fag or queer or any other of the number of slurs that exist for gay men, effeminate men, men who dare to embrace a little bit of femininity.
at the same time gay history and culture are not something to shrink away from. gay people have called themselves """slurs""" as long as those slurs have been used against them by aggressors. and i am not using it in a negative connotation in that post, i am using it because i am happy someone who i look up to a little bit is doing something fucking hysterical and funny and it is bringing me--a lesbian, some unknown and confusing flavor of trans--joy and euphoria at seeing someone else bend gender norms and embrace parts of femininity i have struggled with.
there are people out there who are using this word as a slur, and using it demeaningly and as an aggressor in situations that are dangerous for people like me. i am not one of these people. there are so many more people to be worried about than a single blogger on a social media platform who used the word 'faggotry' on a post that did not get circulated widely.
in the same vein tho i understand what youre saying. and im sorry if me using it did upset you or trigger an upsetting memory, sincerely. that isnt something to be taken lightly. ill think a little harder in the future before i say things.
now considering the fact that i posted that. oh idk like a week ago, im pretty sure you dont follow me, which means you were probably looking thru the notes of that post. at a certain point i cant be responsible for what people who dont follow me end up seeing. i know this is the internet and everything lives forever but you are beholden to curate your own experience a little bit.
if you are following me tho, i mean. id suggest unfollowing. i do subscribe to a theory of uh. idk radical queer and lgbt liberation and strength and pride? im not afraid to rb and interact with people who toss around words deemed as slurs. if you dont want to be faced with that, because it triggers or upsets you, itd be in your best interest and safety to unfollow. thats understandable and honestly! i want you to do whats best for you. i want you to have an enjoyable internet/escape from the horrors of irl. truly!
i know this seems like a lot of words for someone who has like idk maybe 100 active followers. i know this isnt that serious. but it kinda is that serious to me! so again, sorry! but also im not apologetic about being like, a whole gay person who is very much in love with gay culture and strength.
also. i mean its gerard way if u think they havent heard and embraced much worse idek were even doing here at this point.
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daegalfangirl Ā· 3 years ago
2021 tumblr moots/personal recap for daegalfangirl/kvydence/puppyjwoo of whatever the user was cus i forgot
stole this idea from charlie šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°
i started off on tumblr by creating a new blog, with what could potentially be my writing blog. i was super scared to go into it because english is not my first language and my writing drafts are always sloppy and messily written. the first person i interacted with and decided to become moots with was actually @bluejaem and idek how tf i found her so don't ask but i think she had like 30 followers at this time I DONT REMEMBER IM NOT SURE. but this is kind of why i value aditi as one of my most memorable moots. however along the way i was able to make more friends from a discord server that @junjungsunwoo made that kind of will lead up into me listing the most significant moots of this year... SO UHM LET ME BEGIN.
@treasuretaeil - MY LOVE MY NUMBER #1 FAV FOREVER. you will forever remain as my #1 moot words cannot describe how much i love you and miss you and wish the absolute best for you. i really don't know where the attachment to you came from LMFBSZ but you are literally the sweetest most welcoming person ever and it broke my heart to know you were struggling maintaining yourself on this platform but i'm glad your off now to focus on yourself. i will continue to cherish our memories from before and hold a place for you in my heart. I LOVE U!!!! šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’—šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“
@bluejaem - ummmm this was obvious hello and you have so many notifs (the fame or whatevašŸ˜ž) im gonna drop an ask and ANNOY YOU into reading this cus i know ur probably not gonna notice this on ur own šŸ˜’šŸ˜’šŸ˜’ OK. well u were one of my very first moots and i treasure you like so much i think you're like my 2nd or 3rd follower ever on tumblr which makes me SO happy to know you since the start of my writing blog on tumblr. i remember sending you asks and talking about how i was gonna open up my blog and i ended up just becoming extremely inconsistent since the timings were never quite... right. BUT LET ME PUT THE FOCUS BACK ON U šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„° you are literally like the kindest girl ever and my heart goes out to you and seeing you grow so much makes me so happy for you and i just love how genuine you are and your blatant love for jaemin is the cutest thing ever i have never seen anyone with as much of a jaemin craze as you (except one of my irl friends who is also PSYCHO for this man) also i swear i remember one time like in my first couple asks i sent to you i was like "i love your writings we should be moots" or whatever tf i managed to type out but ummmmmm.... it's time i confess i have never read like a single one of your works LMFQIGXISGX IM SO SORRY i just wanted friends OBROWHXOSB anyways... i see posts of urs sometimes and im just like "ooh i'll read that later" and rfhen i never do SO. ANYWAYS. UHM we will move on from that... anyways idk how to conclude this but i hope you hit many more milestones next year because you 100% deserve it
@jaxminskale - girl idek wtf happened to you... you seriously just went inactive out of nowhere and you might never ever read this... but that's okayā˜ŗļø i always really liked you in that discord server rbh you were one of my favs you reminded me a lot of one of my old bffs from when i moved away so i felt that pull from your personality. THATS LOWK KIND OF WEIRD THOUFH. but we'll move on from that... you were so good to get along with like the female chenle nickname was 100% CORRECT. anywyas i hope you're doing good and taking care of yourself. šŸ˜ŠšŸ˜Š
@junjungsunwoo - A LITERAL ANGEL AHHHHDFWHZSH. you are the sweetest person ever yena you have the kindest heart and i will literally fight anyone who says otherwise. you are probably my #1 kindest moot and i will forever cherish you as that. you were definitely memorable to me as well even though i doubt i may be for you since i was uhmmmmm VERY INCONSISTEN T when it came to my activity. i don't know what to add but i love you and your sweet angelic personality please never change it. i've seen you at a low point and i've seen you at your high points and i hope i communicate with you more going into 2022 šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—
@trippy-dejun - WHERE THE HELL DID U COME FROM. iDK WHY THAT SOUNDED SO RUDE BUT I GENUINELY HAVE NO IDEA WHEN I MET U. however i still love u and you mean a lot to me. everytime i come back for like 5 minutes (only to go inactive for another few months) you're always so welcoming and smother me with love it's like cute annoying grandma vibes wirhout the annoying because i love the affection but this is the only time i'm admitting to it. U RLLY DO GIVE ME MORHER VIBES THOUGH... but i think ur my age or maybe a teeny bit younger BUT THIS SHOULD NOT BE FAKEN AS AN INSULT like you're crazy as hell so maybe like crazy nice animal mom. PERFECT DESCRIPTION IDCCCC anyways i lOVE U and hope ur doing amazing. maybe i'll drop by on discord and say something in the server to yall and smother you guys with love for a change. šŸ˜Š Sike (to the smother part i'll drop by LORD im not that bad of a friend/moot)
@taemin-jaemin - i also have no idea when we met i just remember seeing you and thinking who is that but never confronting it and i just saw you and yena in the same light as like two twins OR SOMETHING WOXHWU IDK like you're such an angel so sweet and everything even though we don't interact as frequently as id like i hope that you're doing well and take a break from the collabs THIS GOES FOR U TOO @junjungsunwoo LORD. y'all need to take a break seriously like take a nap... drink some water... JK but i genuinely do wish the best for u sarah i hope we have more chances to interact more going into 2022.
@kpopsnowball - your personality was always too perfect for me to believe it. we stopped interacting but that didn't make me forget you. you always stood out to me as someone memorable for your sweet and caring attitude. you are such a genuine friend and have the kindest soul ever and i wish no one ever takes advantage of that because you really do deserve the best. i didn't want to make this one really long for you i just wanted to give you something short to appreciate you.
@jaeminscoffee - tbh we no longer interact either but you were also very memorable to me because of how we would interact. you were the only moot where i had lengthy conversations with in my tumblr messages and it was just so fun i always smiled reading your messages. although we no longer talk i do cherish the conversations we had and hope that you have an amazing new year!!!!šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“šŸ’“
@renchinworld - YOU!! YES YOU!! hi u might not remember me since i've only sent an ask once (or twice?) and we've only messaged just a TEENY bit, but you are someone id like to interact with more. i don't rlly actively seek to interact with any of my new moots but YOU i feel a pull towards you. you seem very similar to me and it makes me wanna be friends with u so bad LMFAOOO but i really hope that we do get to interact more coming into the new year and i'll be sure to drop by and read your AMAZING works bc i will never forget that fic that i actually did forget the name of like i have vague memory of the title but i'm not guessing it because i'm not trying to embarrass myself. ANYWAYS moving on... i will try my best for us to have more frequent interactions! just you watch šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“šŸ˜“
i wrote this all in the night it's 3:20am currently and i am feeling absolutely exhausted but i wanted to finish this and post it no rereading FUCK the grammar mistakes idc these are my raw genuine feelings i get so emotional in the night so there y'all have my love my feelings towards y'all. in conclusion I LOVE ALL OF YOU!!! Thank you for making my first year on tumblr as amazing as it was. šŸ˜Š
and that's a wrappppppppppppp bai
@symoneismeh SYMONE I AM SO SORRY šŸ˜­ I DONT KNOW HOW YOU SLIPPED OFF MY MIND WHEN YOU CONTRIBUTED SO MUCH TO ME ON TUMBLR THIS YEAR. okay omfg firstly i am actually SO sorry for that idk how i forgot šŸ˜­ but just like yena i think you are an absolute angel with the kindest soul. i was blessed to have the opportunity to meet you and become moots with you because you genuinely are such an amazing person and my days become brighter when i talk to you. thank you for all you've done with me this past year and i hope we can interact more in 2022. I LOVE U SO SOSOSOSO MUCH AND IM SO SORRY šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—šŸ’—
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toukenramblings Ā· 4 years ago
Dating Headcanons: Buzen Gou, Matsui Gou, Samidare Gou
There isnā€™t enough fanart of Samidare, this is a crime. How dare.
Anyway itā€™s about time I finally got to this! Iā€™m really nervous about writing for the Gou boys and I wonā€™t lie that I looked to @sword-brainrotā€‹ā€˜s headcanons for Buzen and Matsui for help and I do hope that Iā€™m not like...ripping anything off. Iā€™m sorry if I am! Iā€™ll do my best though!
Warnings: Blood since ya know...Matsui is Matsui.
Buzen Gou
Bu-chan no doubt is a man who is very ticklish. Heā€™s already pretty physically affectionate with you before the relationship, giving you sideways hugs when asked and as you two grow to be more comfy with each other, it leads to lil tickle fights. No im not say that you two during confessed during the tickle fight tf
But if you are also a morning person and often see Buzen running, he will happily ask of you to join him! You two will do all kinds of exercise routines together and sure heā€™ll slow down to accommodate your pace until itā€™s him at a brisk jog and you are at a full run because hOLY HELL ARE HIS LEGS GOOD.Ā Ā 
Buzen wonā€™t notice his feelings for you for a while, not until someone comments on it. Most likely will be his brothers though, who will notice that he will often slows down to a grinding halt when around you during his runs, sometimes just walking by your side in a comfortable silence instead of dashing on ahead.
Buzen will hesitate to confess, but if he did, it will be something along the lines of: ā€œSlowing down is rather difficult for me. But itā€™s wonderful to do so. Just being by your side, existing in the same space, taking in the sights around us. Itā€™s beautiful. But my heart...ā€ he would place a hand on his chest, right over that organ, ā€œIs always running faster than I could ever catch up with whenever Iā€™m with you. I think...I think Iā€™m in love with you.ā€
The minute you return his affections, this man is over the moon! He is ecstatic! He wraps you in his arms, presses kisses to your face, all of the love he had been storing away finally coming to surface. All of the kisses, all of the hugs, all of the hand holding!
Daily runs with you are still going to be a thing. Now though they turn into morning and evening rituals. In the morning you two go on a brisk jog to start the day and in the evening you two will go on a small walk in the forest, holding hands and talking about your day before stopping back at your rooms and giving each other a lil peck of a kiss before you two go to bed.
There is no doubt that Buzen is an early riser and he can cookā€¦kind of. Itā€™s probably simple things like toast and butter for the carbs and nothing too complicated. Itā€™s decent and itā€™s obvious that he cares. But Buzen does begin packing snacks for his runs, a lil energy bar for him and you!
There are times when Buzen wants to slow down, thatā€™s when heā€™ll seek you out. Wherever you are, he will find you with a gentle smile pressed upon his lips, wrapping his arms around you and inhaling your scent. Will put his head in your lap or make you put your head in his lap. Whatever works! Lap pillows all around. Buzen will want you to slow down as well, take in the time you two share. Who knows when it will end, huh? Donā€™t be surprised for Buzen to whisk you away when youā€™re stressed and have too much to do. Heā€™ll take you out for a lil walk to clear your head, holding hands all the time.
The rest of his siblings are not so subtly screaming about wedding bells behind both of your backs.
Ā Cuddle bear? Cuddle bear. Ā In public his PDA is rather sporadic, depending on how he feels. Donā€™t think that he doesnā€™t love you or anything, but it ebbs and flows with how he feels at the time. Sometimes heā€™ll wrap an arm around you, a cheek kiss, holding hands, and sometimes itā€™ll be silence and then all of a sudden a random kiss outta nowhere in front of his brothers. Of course he is very respectful of your space too, and most of the time itā€™s just hand holding and hand kisses.
Back to the ticklish Buzen, Buzen is rather ticklish so he will almost scream if you have cold hands against his warmer skin. It will turn into a tickling match if you try to tickle him though. So tickle him at your own will.
Oh dude he loves picking you up randomly, princess carries are his specialty. Piggy back rides, whatever! He just wants an excuse you carry you!!!! Just to be close to you!!
Buzen adores homemade things, and will most likely have something of yours to hold on to during missions. It gives him a bit of a sense of home, because itā€™s not a physical place, you are his home. If you made him something to take on to missions heā€™ll cherish it with all of his heart. In turn, this extends to you as well. He is pretty good with his hands, can sew and knit a little bit as he picked it up probably from the other swords around the citadel. Will make small little trinkets for you and the best thing he can do is a scarf. A ratherā€¦messy scarf but warm none the less.
Yeah Buzen will sometimes take off his shirt during his runs just to tease you, winking his eye as you flush.
Will also adore horseback riding with you!!! Horses are fast after all and he probs raced against one but like, just hanging on to him intimately as you two have a day to yourselves?? Best.
Matsui Gou
Itā€¦takes a long time to get a relationship with Matsui. Itā€™s slow, full of ups and downs, pains and sorrows yet happiness. Matsui doesnā€™t speak of his feelings often and doesnā€™t show them. On the outside it is a calm sort of faƧade, keeping you at an armā€™s length. He does not dare to let you into his mind, oh so full of blood and sin. Even the idea of being near you scares him.
One day you had wiped his nose clean from the crimson that dripped from it, and Matsui was almost ready to faint at the close proximity. Heart hammering in his chest. A part of him wants to run, and he almost does. At the edge of his chair, muscles screaming at him to flee. But there is another part of him that justā€¦wants to be closer. He kept those feelings silent and dormant for so long, hesitant to let anyone in. Why would he when all he is good at is being a weapon? To spill the blood of the enemy? It hurts to be around you, it almost makes him cry.
Ā Itā€™s going to take a long time before he even tries to open up to you, and when you do confess, Matsui almost thinks itā€™s some kind of cruel joke. Itā€™s not that he doubts you, itā€™s fate that is just so cruel to him. Why would you love him? Who set you up to this? Was it his brothers? Matsui will ask for time for his answer, mulling over it for quite a while, going on expeditions to be away from you in order to get his head sorted out.
When he does return your affections and confession, his hands will shake, never daring to look at you and whispering something that is oh so faint, ā€œIā€¦you know as well as I do that I do not deserve you, master. I am a weapon, we all are. In hindsight, it is forbidden to enter a relationship with us. We are killers, we ruin the lives of people. Butā€¦I do not want to leave your side. I want to stay with youā€¦if you will have me?ā€ and there may be tears pricking at the edge of his eyes. Hug him, give him a kiss, PLEASE.
Matsui is the most selfless of lovers. He knows heartbreak can happen in a relationship and will not mind if you leave him, even if the thought terrifies him. He is oh so willing to do anything and everything for you! In his own little ways of course. It might just be as simple as waking you up in the morning or helping you sort paperwork or just existing by your side. As long as he can be with you and breathe the same air as you, he is happy.
Matsui is not the biggest on PDA. If he does want it/if you want to initiate it, thereā€™s always some sort of ask. ā€œMay I hold your hand?ā€ ā€œMay I kiss you?ā€ ā€œMay I sit beside you?ā€ Matsui is a man that respects boundaries and has some of his own. It will take a while for him to become comfy with the idea of a relationship and PDA. He is trying his best after all, and sometime he is a little distant. It doesnā€™t mean he doesnā€™t care for you, heā€™s just having trouble sorting out why the hell you love him so much?????
Ā Like Buzen, Matsui also has a fondness for little homemade things. If you make him something, Matsui might start sobbing right then and there. You care about him so much? He doesnā€™t understand it! Hug him please, rub his back and soothe him. Matsui does enjoy shopping and will most likely find some kind of item at a store for you to hang on to while heā€™s away! During missions he will not let this little trinket of yours leave his side ā€“ Gods save the one who breaks it/steals it.
Be very patient as you are patching up Matsui. He may flinch at your touch every now and then before melting into it, cheeks flushed and sometimes trying to not show you how it affects him like this. He will also hold your hand during his repairs.
Ā If you have some sort of skincare routine or into fashion, expect Matsui to watch you in utter awe. He will pick up some magazines about such things and will accompany you will you shop. You two will have a shopping date together and itā€™s sweet! He loves pampering you and being pampered in return! He isnā€™t a wasteful spender though, having a bit of a budget. But sometimes he canā€™t help it spending a lilll bit over it just to spoil you though!
Getting him spontaneous gifts makes him bury his face in his hands, trying to hide his flushing face and nosebleed. Kiss his cheek and take care of him during this time, sweetie! Heā€™ll appreciate it!
Matsui also values nutrition so donā€™t be surprised if you see him and Kuwana in the kitchen or Matsui with any other sword that knows how to cook. Matsui can cook, kind of, but he will want to watch your health. He makes rather simple healthy meals whenever he can, giving them to you. Reads all about human nutrition and knows exactly what to make/ask for from Kuwana to help give you a boost in energy or to fulfill your hunger.
The day Matsui holds your hand out of his own volition in public is a sweet one, his cheeks flushed and fingers lacing with yours, squeezing it tightly as though you will disappear. Reward him with a kiss and watch the blood drip from his nose from pure excitementā€¦and maybe pass the fuck out.
Itā€™s no secret that Matsui is a very private person. He wonā€™t talk much about his life and itā€™ll take a long time for you to get past the hints or the lil self-depreciating jabs he makes at himself. All he asks is that you are there for him, be an ear for him to talk to.
Matsui is also the kind of person who leaves behind little notes for you while youā€™re busy to cheer you up. Simple little things signed by him with a lil snack or something, left outside of your office when he knows youā€™re swamped with work. He is almost sporadic with these sorts of instances.
Matsui has nightmares a lot and loves it when you run a hand through his hair, lulling him to sleep. Itā€™s one of the few times he can sleep properly.
Samidare Gou
Samidare is nothing short of loyal. He is a ā€˜dogā€™ after all, and his loyalty towards you will never waver. Heā€™s not Hasebe levels but more so of a quiet observer. There are times when he is there watching over you in silence, like a ninja yes, but then there are times when you surprise him by calling him out. He will jolt and ask what it is you will need but will slowly come to seek out your presence. It brings him a sense of comfort, and who knows, he kinda looks like a puppy trailing after you after all.
Itā€™s probably someone (be it his brothers or someone else close to you) that notices Samidareā€™s habits. The way he lights up whenever you are around, one could almost see the slowly-hurried wagging of an invisible tail behind him. Ā They will confront him about this and Samidare almost has a lightbulb form over his head. He will stop for a moment, sitting down, head in his hands as he ponders over this new revelation. You do make him happy after all and again he does follow you around like a puppyā€¦but itā€™s almost different? His heart races when heā€™s around you, for the better. He wants to hide in the shadows but does not, to bask in your light.
And then one day you suddenly start noticing these little poems at your office desk, in an envelope with a wax seal of no oneā€™s crest, as though someone had used your personal belongings to make it. You can see that your drawers had been slightly rummaged through and you were ready to see who the hell it was but when you open the letter itā€™s a haiku??? Of love??? Who the hell?????? And then the letters will not stop coming over the next few days.
You immediately begin to file down the suspects: Kasen, Izuminokami, Mitsutada? Who else could be into poetry like this? Of course there is someone around the citadel who canā€™t keep his damn mouth shut and you eventually pry the information out of them. So you immediately go and make your own poem to confess back and dash over to Samidare. When he sees that you figured him out, his cheeks go full red and there is a mumble under his breath, you can see his hands shaki- is that another letter in his hands? ā€œYesā€¦I did indeed make those letters for you. I do not know if youā€¦will return my feelings but, I wanted to tell you that you are important to me. There are not enough poems in the world to tell you how I feel orā€¦or wellā€¦do forgive me if you do not return my feelings.ā€ And then you pass your own poem to him, his face practically goes even redder as he reads it. Pull him into a kiss right then and there, do it, do it for me. Make him flush even more red, make him pass the fuck out.
Samidare is rather neutral with PDA. He wonā€™t mind it in front of others but will absolutely go red if you initiate it. He wonā€™t initiate it often unless you two are in private. Only then will he turn into a big ol cuddle bug.
Head pats. He almost preens whenever you give him a head pat. He will lean into every touch you grace him with, whining and whimpering whenever you leave him. Samidare is also very much into neck and shoulder kisses, so donā€™t be surprised if he comes up behind you silently (you can always tell its him though, no one else closes in on you like that with such gentleness) and gives you kisses on your skin when you two are alone.
Samidare adores spending time with you, so you two make it almost a habit of going for a daily walk in the forest or out in the city/town. He adores exploring and finding new places to spend his time with, and since becoming your romantic partner, the enjoyment has only tripled! He just has to hold your hand during these times too!
Murakumo may be a bit jealous of how close Samidare is with you, but when he sees how happy you make Samidare, he relents. He knows that you would never hurt him and besides, all of the Gou family approves of the relationship! As long as Samidare is happy, Murokumo will be happy! Will be subtly planning your wedding when you two arenā€™t looking.
Samidare does get a bit jealous at times as well. He isnā€™t the type to be angry or anything, and heā€™s a bit of a sulky person when heā€™s jealous, like a big ol puppy. Heā€™ll try not to show it though. Itā€™s kind of obvious when you two are along and he just clings to you like no tomorrow.
Samidare is also rather quiet, and is more than willing to sneak up on you. Though after you two got into a relationship, he has become much more in tune with you if youā€™re a jumpy sort of person. He doesnā€™t want to alarm you! So when he is going to sneak up on you to give you a hug, heā€™ll normally whisper in a calm voice, ā€œIā€™m here.ā€ And wait for you to come to him. You can just lean back into his embrace and heā€™ll catch you!
If you think Hasebe or Tomoe are super in tune with your schedule, you havenā€™t met Samidare. Samidare always seems to know the right time to pop into your study and get your mind off of things. Heā€™ll find his way into your office through door or window, with a snack in tow or just a hug.
Lap pillows. Oh man he loves laying his head on your lap and letting you run your fingers through is purple hair. Dude itā€™s the bEST. He falls asleep right then and there. If you ask for a lap pillow, Samidare will happily return the favor! Also will switch up being the spoon in bed. Big spoon? Little spoon? Who cares?! As long as you two are together, hugging it out, comfortable in each otherā€™s presence, he is happy!
There is no doubt that this man is protective of you. The citadel is fine, everyone is able to kick some ass and none will dispute your authority but outside of the citadel? With strangers???? No fam, you are going to stay safe and protected, heā€™ll fight the world for you.
Also adores puppies! He loves animals and if you take him to like an animal cafĆ© or the zoo, youā€™ll lose him within the first few steps into the damn place. Of course heā€™ll always come running back to you. No worries! Heā€™ll find his way back!
Donā€™t think the poems are going to stop when you two are beginning to date. Oh no! In fact every morning you wake up with a poem. It could be one already written by a famous poet, or one that Samidare makes up on the fly, inspiration coming from just gazing at you. He will also deliver poems to you to cheer you up. In fact, the poem you wrote your confession on is always kept in his pocket whenever heā€™s out on a mission or something. Itā€™s his good luck charm! You could have an entire little album of poems heā€™s written for you at this rate.
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sonybees Ā· 4 years ago
me rewatching dead poets society instead of doing my assignments
iā€™m not sure if anyone would even care about this but i am really bored soo here we go
neil looks so down when heā€™s with his father stopdjejdkfjnr
poor todd got forced to stand up i would get pissed eujehd
the best preparatory school? lmfao ok.
poor kids being forced to go there
i still donā€™t know what a stiff means is that even what he said?
attractive pieces of sht leaning on a door frame help
ā€œkeen.ā€ HA
why does meeks kind of sound like me when i meet someone new
ā€œhe flatters me.ā€ LOLSJNDKSHSJJSKSJDC
ā€œi thought youā€™d gOne.ā€
freaking hell stfu tom
iā€™ve always thought this who calls their father ā€œsirā€ ???
they all look so confused like same
their smiles are so cute awwjdnejsnjd
ā€œturn cold and die.ā€ damn that took a turn fast
caaaaaarpeeeee dieeeeeem @siezethedaypoets (sorry! sjjejs)
ā€œthat means you daLtoNā€ the way he says it lfmaosjjd
i thought he was gonna do history he pulled out his chem book dhjshdbd
take a breath knox damn
them just not at all understanding math is a mood
too bad :/
ā€œvery funny, dalton.ā€ hehehhehehejjdjdjfjrkdn ccmv mf
oh shit
ahh one of my fav scenes, charlie basically eating that ball of paper
i hate looking at this itā€™s so awkward like hello mr. mccallister
what will your verse be?
ā€œno, keating.ā€ LMFAO YES GO KEATING
is that stick? on the end of the table?
ā€œdonā€™t come please.ā€
ā€œno shIt, sherlock.ā€ HA I LOVE THIS GUY
ā€œpittsie, cmon!ā€ ā€œhis grades are hurting, charlie.ā€ i literally just love this conversation
ā€œiā€™ll try anything once.ā€ ā€œexcept sex!ā€ ā€œha ha ha.ā€ HSJWJJSND ANOTHER ONE OF MY FAV CONVOS
ā€œCHARLIE @tellmewhytheyswoonā€ SORRY I HAD TO LMFAO
this is so chaotic and messy damn
the treatshsjdj
theyā€™re loud asf
i wonder whoā€™s who while they were running with the hoods
OH CRAP THE SUN IS OUT WHAT that isnā€™t in the movie sorry
i could never take note of the minutes when something happens how will he do that
ā€œare you a man or an amoeba?ā€ iā€™m sorry lol what the hell do you mean sjdjiend
ā€œwhy do i stand up here? anybody?ā€ ā€œ@tofeeltallerā€ HA I LOVE DOING THIS IM SORRY
i would cry if i found out that i had to make a poem AND read it aloud in front of everyone
poor todd thougsjwhidfj
i wanna marry todd. lmfao where did that come from
i canā€™t hear the audio hellloooooojdjwksbdken
AWW we got some anderperry content here
lol i wanna wear their sweaters
:/// TODD
ā€œno.ā€ ā€œno? what do you mean no?ā€ ā€œno.ā€ *smirks* HAJDJDJWKNS
the birds are so pretty
nice outfit knox
ā€œsounds to me like youā€™re daunted.ā€ JSJS
i bet toddā€™s poem is actually great
ā€œthe cat sat on the mat.ā€ DNDIDHJDJDJDHS i love how keating still said it wasnā€™t all bad though
lmfao toddā€™s just hating every second of this
ā€œsweaty toothed madmanā€ i can see that too whatsbjdjdjsn
when keating pushed their foreheads together wtf aww father son love typa thing thatā€™s so cutejjedujsidj
wtf this seems so fun
ā€œyour parents collect pipes? oh thatā€™s really interesting.ā€ LFMAOOAJSJD I LOVE PITTS
poetrusic by charlie dalton
laughing crying mumbling tumbling
the little kind of aggressive hair ruffle awwjendn
ā€œexercising my right not to walk.ā€ smartass
itā€™s toddā€™s birthday and no one greeted him excpet neil stfukqbxqbcdbkrw
the first unmanned flying desk set yes yes
merlin knox you are DRUNK
well youā€™re in deep trouble now
ā€œitā€™s God. he says we should have girls at welton.ā€ as much as i love this scene what the hell were you thinking my man
i donā€™t get how this was legal back then. wtf is it gonna do? youā€™re just hurting the kids bro
the pain in his eyes stop
ā€œ@dangitneil the nameā€™s nuwanda.ā€ pain brokqdb jdjf
the pic of keatingā€™s wife/gf aww
neil youā€™re gonna make me cry stop
that is so odd why are their lockers like connected from the left side isnā€™t it usually from the right?
that piece of bread
chris is gorgeous omg
the snow in her hair stop marry me
ā€œyou are SO infuriatingā€
i hate how iā€™m just completely forgetting whatā€™s gonna happen in like 10 minutes
ā€œheā€™s really good.ā€ AW YES HE IS FUCSHWMDMD
wait the holding hands is kinda cute thoughsjdnd
bro mr perry is making me want to kill someone maybe him
damnit you idiot i hate you sm let your son live you bastard
sigh sigh sigh sigh sigh sobs sobs sobs
merlin neil
damn everything
ā€œitā€™s beautiful.ā€ NOFNEJWGHSGEMWGE NEED WH
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol
charlie just sitting down not singing i hate this
i probably shouldā€™ve just stopped watching yk but i didnā€™t but thatā€™s okay i think
i got so pissed the first time they said that they were gonna ask questions like??? did mr perry did no at all realize that it was his fault?
sigh cameron you arenā€™t always that bad but in this scene i loathe you
i hate how it went from a happy dark academia movie to this cmon
toddā€™s dad is so mean shut up he was just asking a question
it feels so sad in the room i hate it
the empty chairs pls no
keatingā€™s little chuckle man i miss their smiles
and weā€™re done. damn okay
thanks for reading ig fjdbshsbjwhdjsj
anyways iā€™m tired goodnight or morning or wtvr thanks! and sorry <3
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angeltrapz Ā· 4 years ago
oosdkk dude im sorry ur mood dropped too.. i hope u feel better soon <3 but like i wld love 2 hear more abt ur thoughts on Art in general bc Boy Is He Interesting, and also a lil more abt Daniel coming out as nonbinary to his dad (whether he knows Eric is trans or not at that moment skjdfhdskf)! + if ur feelin it just more abt Mallick in general ESP cuz we agree that Brit doesn't make it thru V
djhfjdks thank u sm <3
okay Art first. I genuinely wonder abt him so much, something in specific I think abt is that aside frm Amanda (+ Eric, obviously, but talkin abt disciples) Art is one of the only trap victims EVER 2 be tested twice and itā€™s like... whatā€™s that abt? Why? as uā€™ve said b4 it rly depends on how you personally view his character: whether heā€™s a disciple or not. fr me, both options are equally plausible, n honestly I donā€™t rly confine myself to either; it sorta depends on what Iā€™m feeling/writing. if weā€™re talking abt art being a disciple, then the Spinecutter not going off (one of my BIGGEST questions) makes total sense, as Hoffmanā€™s side of the trap was never set up to work either, + Jigsaw disciples have a history (aside from Lawrence) of appearing as victims in other tests/traps. if he were not just another pawn and was in fact a disciple himself, then the Spinecutter was never meant to go off - it was there just to make Eric think it COULD go off/make it look convincing to outsiders. which brings me to ANOTHER question: what does Art know abt Eric? does he know anything? what does he think of Eric?
(lil side note: if Art is a disciple, then I kinda wonder if itā€™s a lil bit of a Hoffman + Lawrence situation where Hoffman didnā€™t know abt Art either? just bc he looks so shocked when he sees Artā€™s face fully fr the first time... that couldā€™ve just been acting on Hoffmanā€™s part but IDK. food fr thought)
personally, I feel like Art probably does know a lil bit abt Eric - at the very least, heā€™d know tht Eric had been previously tested + failed by Johnā€™s rules, but then I feel that he wld also know Eric didnā€™t rly have a chance in his second test. that is why Art trying so fucking hard to keep Eric alive is interesting 2 me: what is his motivation 2 do that? like heā€™s been told Ericā€™s basically just there to get Rigg to participate, he doesnā€™t have any personal obligation or anything like that. sure, the aim is to keep Eric alive + see if Rigg can pass his ā€œtest,ā€ but nobody said anything about grabbing a man you barely know around his ankles to keep him frm hanging himself w a noose made of chains. nobody said anything abt speaking to him so softly, not even raising your voice beyond saying ā€œhey,ā€ and asking him do you understand? when you tell him to keep still and prevent him frm killing his counterpart (which, if Art is a disciple, he knows it wonā€™t, but he still speaks to Eric so softly, so compassionately, doesnā€™t he?)
nobody said anything abt grabbing him around the waist and steadying him again after being punched by said man. but Art does that. he stabilizes Ericā€™s feet on the ice as best he can and he keeps his hips straight and he basically says ā€œlook, weā€™re all stuck here, you need to keep it together ā€˜til that clock counts down if you want us to live, but Iā€™m giving you a choice,ā€ and he presses the gun w the single bullet into Ericā€™s hands and tells him itā€™s up to him. nobody said Art had to care but he does, I think, and itā€™s just like. he really didnā€™t have to keep Eric alive over the course of Riggā€™s test. he didnā€™t. but he did and I just,, where does it come from? why does he care? this is even going beyond the fact that weā€™ve talked abt them being together after their test in a scenario where they both survive - I just think that Art at his core is a very stubborn but very compassionate person, whether he wants 2 be or not. like he HAS to know that kind of involvement cld prove to be extremely detrimental but he cares. I feel like that says a lot abt him (even if he does call Eric an asshole a couple times while doing it,,).
plus I also just. I think his reason for being tested (as it seems to be in most cases) is extremely flimsy. he was doing his job. heā€™s a LAWYER. often times it has nothing 2 do w personal feelings; theyā€™re there to do their job and sometimes, unfortunately, that is defending possibly reprehensible people (in cases like Rexā€™s & Ivanā€™s). + John was already upset w him regarding their argument abt the urban renewal group so like it just feels So Very Petty, yā€™know?? even in the scenario where he IS a disciple, testing him twice seems entirely like John having a personal vendetta against him. Amanda is the only other person to be tested twice aside from Eric, so like. what. is that abt Mr. Kramer.
like Iā€™ve said b4 in dms one could argue that Art is grey morally, bc we never rly see anything of him outside of flashbacks + acting as a test controller in IV, esp given that he... rly doesnā€™t seem too bothered abt it all? which is fair. but I also feel like the concern he shows towards Eric is smth to be considered as well.
+ YESS NONBINARY DANIEL I know Iā€™ve mentioned it b4 but for reference, I read Daniel as masc nonbinary (he/they)! so I feel like Daniel wld b pretty comfortable w his identity, heā€™s never rly had a reason not to be (itā€™s rly anyoneā€™s guess here tho bc we never see Eric + Daniel + Kate... as a family unit, for obvious reasons), so I feel like heā€™s vry chill abt it? and in the scenario where Eric survives n is dating Adam, I feel like Daniel wld talk 2 him abt it first (Adam is an adult they quickly come to trust + heā€™s vocal abt being trans himself so thereā€™s that added layer of understanding - other than his mom maybe Adam might b the first person they come out 2). theyā€™re just kinda like ā€œso I wanna tell my dad Iā€™m nonbinary but like Iā€™ve literally never thought abt coming out what do I doā€ and Adamā€™s just like. Aha. bc he knows Eric is Also Trans so like, he doesnā€™t tell Daniel that bc itā€™s not his info to share, but heā€™s definitely like ā€œoh itā€™ll totally be fine. trust me you have no reason to worryā€ so Danielā€™s just like Okay. I Got This
+ I know I mentioned this in dms but Daniel wld absolutely wear those floral ripped hem skirts over jeans, so I feel like on one of his visits to his dadā€™s, he just. wears that combined w a completely random niche graphic tee he bought when shopping w Adam (I adore this hc n I am Holding Onto It) n is just like. not super open abt it bc he doesnā€™t know what to expect? he just kinda waits fr Eric to comment on it but when he doesnā€™t, Daniel gets nervous n is like ā€œdo I look okay?ā€ and Ericā€™s rly chill abt it, like ā€œyeah! it looks vry cool, vry alternative.ā€ n like Daniel is relieved, of course, but also heā€™s just like God Pls Say Something so he just comes out w it like ā€œokay this is not working. Iā€™m nonbinary.ā€
and heā€™s COMPLETELY SHOCKED when Eric is just like ā€œoh why didnā€™t u say so? do u have a different name u wanna go by? is Daniel still okay?ā€ bc he wasnā€™t sure how much Eric knew, so heā€™s just like ā€œuh no Daniel is still good, he/they pronouns thoughā€ and Ericā€™s just like alright cool but internally Danielā€™s just like ??????
n THAT is when Eric asks him 2 come sit out on th front steps w him n is just like. ā€œI donā€™t think I ever told u this but Iā€™m trans. I transitioned during training in my early 20sā€ n Daniel is nodding while internally heā€™s like Adam Iā€™m gonna throttle u. he worked himself up fr NOTHING. he just kinda laughs abt it and Eric is like ā€œare u good?ā€ ā€˜cause heā€™s a lil worried but then Daniel just smiles and is like ā€œyeah Iā€™m fine! just realizing I had nothing 2 be worried abtā€ and itā€™s a rly good moment fr them. they sit out there together talking abt their experiences for quite a while n at some point Adam steps outside 2 find them deep in conversation + he just smiles n goes back inside bc he cares abt them both so much and seeing them talk like that makes him so šŸ’žšŸ’ž (Eric is SO PROUD u can see it on his face)
ohhh gosh Mallick,,, I spend a lot of time thinking abt him actually. heā€™s just one of those characters I feel vry connected to (me šŸ¤ Mallick: Ambiguous Disorder šŸ’•) n one I got surprisingly attached to? hello (he IS one of my f/os)
I feel like Mallick is a very lonely person at his core. the way he sort of clings to Brit (w out the whole like. adrenaline of being in very very real danger w ppl trying to kill u SEVERAL TIMES) somewhat confirms this fr me. this is someone who has no reason to look out fr him, no reason to keep protecting him when their fellow captives hit him over th head w a club or attempt to push him into a bathtub to ELECTROCUTE him, but she keeps doing it and heā€™s just. in awe of it a little bit? ā€˜cause she could just let Charles knock him tf out or let Luba push him in but she fights for him, some1 she has no obligation to n met fr the first time literally when they woke up.
the moment they share b4 they stick their arms into the saws to activate the 10 Pints of Sacrifice is so very vulnerable and maybe even a little tender. yes he calls her a monster, yes she calls him one back, neither of them deny it. itā€™s an admission and an acceptance. theyā€™re monsters, sure, fine, okay. but they are monsters and they are in this together. Brit tells Mallick itā€™s okay when he says he canā€™t do this alone. she says okay, okay, itā€™s okay, weā€™ll go together. and they help each other secure their tourniquets and they stick their hands in together bc itā€™s the two of them, literally hand in hand, fighting for their lives n for each other n theyā€™re in so so much pain but they are doing it TOGETHER. I lose it thinking abt it!!! they even have a head bonk moment!!! I very much feel like it has some cinematic parallels to Adam & Lawrenceā€™s moment in SAW 2004!!!!
+ as u mentioned, we both share the thought that Brit likely died since she wasnā€™t present at Bobbyā€™s meetings, and. I want to touch on how fucking despondent and lost Mallick looks when we see him again in 3D. lights on but no oneā€™s home. I feel like for Mallick, losing Brit was losing the first chance at a real connection heā€™s had in god knows how long - and for him, thatā€™s just very shattering. heā€™s been thru hell, heā€™s watched three people die right in front of him, he sawed his ARM IN HALF, n the person he went through all of that with didnā€™t make it. but he did. and I feel like for Mallick thatā€™s just like... he doesnā€™t understand it. but he feels even lonelier than he ever has b4 because the One Person who was there w him thru it all, the one person who could ever possibly understand what happened that night, is gone.
the Mallick we see in V would NEVER sit down n willingly listen to Bobby Dagenā€™s bullshit abt loving yr scars n taking pride in the fact u survived. he wld hate that man with a passion n I am very much sure of this. the fact that heā€™s sitting in that chair looking numb and glassy-eyed and silent? Mallick is trying to find some1 to connect to, find a place where maybe he belongs. trying to fill that hole that losing Brit made. why else wld he be sitting there, listening to someone he would ordinarily tell to shove his self-love bullshit up his ass? heā€™s lost. heā€™s just trying to keep his head above water and find a way to shore even though everything in him is fighting not to. heā€™s adrift without her.
+ ALTERNATIVELY, bc the reality of that is just. crushing n maybe not where I needed 2 go, in the scenario where Brit survived + just doesnā€™t want to put up w Bobbyā€™s bullshit, I imagine them to actually move in together after a lil bit of time getting 2 know each other better w out the pressure of ā€œoh god weā€™re gonna die.ā€ she kinda helps him build up a sense of self-worth bc GOD itā€™s practically non-existent n thinking abt possible reasons why makes me sad. sheā€™s definitely just like ā€œno, you do deserve to be cared for and you deserve help when you need it, you deserve good things n to be happy.ā€ she just kinds shuts it down while still making sure to talk 2 him abt WHY he feels that way (sheā€™s not dismissing, but sheā€™s trying to nip it in th bud) n Mallick is just like. huh. bc no oneā€™s really done that fr him before. but it rly does end up helping in the long run, even if it is a very slow pace toward actually getting 2 a place where he recognizes his own worth + realizes he deserves all the things he wants Brit 2 have too. theyā€™re there for each other thru thick n thin and if they made it thru their game, they can make it thru anything.
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macklives Ā· 5 years ago
hi. so..... its been a while huh? feels kinda weird making a message on here, after what??? a month of not posting at fucking all??
and idk how to say that im sorry for taking so long, especially with kallie kinda sticking with me pretty much the whole time i was away. so we both kinda went AFK on everybody. and by god, this has also been the longest gap between updates. so yeah... i feel you all are owed an explanation.Ā 
id like to give a short summary of what went down in my life recently. not so much as an excuse for my disappearance, but bearing in mind, i can't just come back suddenly without a notice as to why it took so long, and then start discussing homestuck theories as if nothing happened, that would be ...weird and off putting. im known as one to talk a lot in a post, so i think its expected. buckle up kiddos, this may be a long one, which you dont have to necessarily read, but im simply putting it out there for you all in case any of you may have been worried or confused.Ā 
ALSO, keep in mind im alright with sharing this information because i needed some time to get over it in order to accept it, and being able to say this stuff means im pretty much ready to move on and go back to what it was like before (which for someone who has trouble focussing, can get quite fucking hard). so here's the last few months in a nutshell:
i got my wisdom teeth pulled so i was both in pain and numb for a week and a half after being drugged up with, idk, the IV they use to knock you tf out and that needle to numb your teeth?? and having those bad boys outta my mouth so that was a fun time. fuck that shit.
uhhh on the more upsetting side of things, a friend of mine recently passed away, but i took some time to recover from that. i didnt want to bum everybody out by liveblogging while in that state, nor did i feel like it was right to make jokes at that time (for obvious reasons) so i took some time off. and while i do still care for that person, after a while you have to come to terms that your life can't evolve around grief, and you have to move on eventually. its been a month and im doing way better than i was in the first week. so you dont have to worry really.. i even heard about the messages friends wrote on discord and let me tell you that i appreciate every response, i love all of them, i love all of you guys, but if any of you worry about me as of today, just know im doing perfectly fine and thats behind me now. so yeah, thats the worst of the news..
on less distressing matters, i changed up my job! i used to be a waitress at a restaurant to get that not so mucho money cash flowing, and now i got a full time placement as an intern (sort of full-time. full-time with student conditions). which in hindsight, to some may not sound like its any helpful, but considering im in my final year of college and i have to explore new places to get experience, id rather go where its needed so i reach that specific goal in mind. and you have to start somewhere, so this is where ill start heading. though i do still have to graduate which will take a lot of stress out of me eventually but it hasnt yet caught up lol... yikes to when that fuse blows in the future.Ā 
and finally, the most frustrating part of the month, idk who it was specifically, the company or the landlord, but eh details arent that important, anyways, the landlord and/or its agency messed up with our rental situation and lost a lot of our info so i had to spend a lot of time trying to get that back while also filling out tax returns bc those were finally put out. so yeah, we kinda just have to wait for a notice, though i personally think everything will be fine. weā€™re considering moving out eventually, but thats probably gonna have to wait a bit longer. while weā€™re still angry, the landlord respected that it was out of line and apologised while making it up to us, so that was fair enough.
so YEAH, you can pretty much say its been one hell of a fucking month, and i had barely any time to liveblog let alone be in contact with friends that i kinda missed so fucking much????... i basically didnt want to bring anybody down with me (emotionally or mentally), so i decided to at least give you all a warning that i wouldnt be on for a while, hence the last update a few weeks prior, and to take a break for myself to figure out my situation, to rest, and to try and get healthier despite that wisdom fuck week, which nobody warned me wisdom teeth removals were ABSOLUTE HELL
but... im glad to be back, im not sure ill get back into the rhythm of how things used to be, meaning, posting almost every day....that would have to wait a bit unfortunately. however, i think it would be best if i made a sort of schedule for myself. maybe a liveblog twice a week, starting the next. it would help out a lot. i hope to start off with that at least, and not push myself too hard for hours anymore nor the stress of needing to post daily. i loved it, dont get me wrong, but sometimes it took a lot out of me since i know it takes a lot of my time. that being said, i will be on discord, maybe tomorrow? and probably be more active on there from now on, since everything is sorta cleared in my life and there's no more hectic commotion 24/7. the only thing at this rate stopping me from being active is having family over in the next couple weeks. but otherwise, yeah, its good to be back and im again sorry for my absence once more.
mackenzie <33
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velveteencurtains Ā· 4 years ago
evermore first impressions!
willow - GIRL EUEJDNSKJDJEJD LOST IN YOUR CURRENT LIKE A PRICELESS WIINE!!!!! TAKE MY HAND!!! WRECK MY PLANS!!! THATS MY MAN!!!!!! girl this is so fcuking GOOD! gonna be 100% honest the 1 is a better album opening but this is so fucking good you guys. life was a willow and it bent right to your wind!!! ID COME BACK STRONGER THAN A 90ā€™S TREND???? EVERY BAIT AND SWITCH WAS A WORK OF ART??? SHES SICK SHES REALLY SICK I SWEAR. the way she sings ā€œthatā€™s my man!ā€ yes maā€™am yes maā€™am!!!!!! the parallel between ā€œI knew you stepping on the last trainā€ and then ā€œyou know my train could take you homeā€ SHES SICK YOUR HONOR SHES SICK
champagne problems - okay we love a piano opener. iā€™m so conflicted on what i think this song is gonna be about. MORE TRAIN LYRICS GIRLIE. this really is this is me tryingā€™s older, sadder sister. ā€œour group of friends/donā€™t think weā€™ll say that word againā€ MAā€™AM??? SHE WOULD HAVE MADE SUCH A LOVELY BRIDE SUCH A SHAME SHES FUCKED IN THE HEAD??????? IM LOSIJG MY FUCKIJG MIND. taylor and joe wrote this together? we love a couple with shared mental illnesses
gold rushĀ - jack antonoff do not let me down. GIRL THE HARMONIES AT THE VERY BEGINNING JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE. okay I can definitely see what they meant by this song being about being lost in a daydream, the juxtaposition between the chorus and the verses is AMAZING. this is just gorgeousā€™s older sister huh???? ā€œocean blue eyes/looking in mine/i feel like i might sink and drown and dieā€ and ā€œeyes like sinking/ships on waters/so inviting/i almost jump inā€
tolerate it - jesus christ iā€™m not emotionally ready for this. STOP THIS IS THE PRELUDE TO BETTER MAN. LIKE BETTER MAN IS AFTER SHES ALREADY LEFT BUT THIS IS BEFORE WHEN SHES STUCK AND KNOW SHE DESERVES BETTER BUT SHE JUST TAKES IT IM GONNA CRYYYYYYYYYYY. okay but iā€™m imagining the babe music video and that whole of like the doting housewife who gave up everything for her husband and does everything to make him happy but he just does not appreciate it at all and he doesnā€™t see how much his indifference hurts her. @taylorswift mv now. honestly? loved that but as a track 5 itā€™s pretty weak
happinessĀ - okay miss happiness youā€™ve got a lot to live up to but letā€™s do this. NOT THE MIRRORBALL PARALLEL ā€œi was dancing when the music stoppedā€ and ā€œwhen no one is around, my dear/youā€™ll find me on my tallest top toes/spinning in my highest heels, loveā€ NOT THE IDEA OF CHANGING YOURSELF JUST TO KEEP SOMEONE BY YOUR SIDE IM GONNA SOB taylor please stop this i cant emotionally handle any of this. girl this is the prelude to tolerate it which is the prelude to better man
dorothea - okay so sevenā€™s older sister? so dorothea and whoever this singer is were besties when they were teens and then dorothea moved away and now the singer misses her former best friend and also first love and also theyā€™re lesbians yeah itā€™s gay itā€™s so gay. taylor iā€™m literally begging you from the bottom of my fucking soul please give us a music video with two girls please miss swift i ask of you this one (1) thing
coney island - see i thought this was gonna be sevenā€™s older sister when the tracklist was announced so now idk what to expect! JESUS OKAY I KNOW IT SAYS ā€œfeat. The Nationalā€ IN THE TITLE BUT I FORGOT AND I GOT SCARED BY HIS VOICE. NOT A FUCKIJG CAR ACCIDENT TAYLOR IM REALLY SORRY I RRALIZE YOU ARE YOUR OWN PERSON AND I NEED TO STOP CONNECTING YOU TO HARRY BUT REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. okay anyway hereā€™s my theory hear me out: This is dorotheaā€™s husband whoā€™s confused why his high school sweetheart wife doesnā€™t love him anymore and why sheā€™s now hanging out with her old high school best friend again damn thatā€™s weird theyā€™re like really super close thatā€™s super odd. anyway thatā€™s just a theory I actually donā€™t really know what this songs about! miss swift is too smart for me
cowboy like me - letā€™s yee and letā€™s haw ladies and gents. WHOS SINGING????? WHOS SINGING WITH HER???? taylor shut up for a second lemme hear who tf this is. AM I CRAZY OR IS THIS JOE???? iā€™m probably dumb. but am i? why can i not at all remember what joeā€™s voice sounds like rn. is that joe??? im so confused. maybe iā€™m super dumb and itā€™s really obvious and iā€™m just fucking stupid. itā€™s probably not joe itā€™s probably some country legend that everyone else knows bc they grew up yeeing and hawing and iā€™m but a wee city slicker but iā€™m gonna hold onto this stupid theory that itā€™s joe singing with her until someone proves me wrong later. also this song is fucking gorgeous whereā€™s my cowboy hat not wearing one while listening to this song makes me feel sacrelige. okay wait tay and aaron wrote this one is it aaron? iā€™m sorry taylor i donā€™t listen to the national you can hate me if you want
long story short - god the production on this slaps!!!!! and the idea of being hurt before and then finding your love and being all about them and not even caring abt what happened before!!!!! god iā€™m gonna cry iā€™m gonna cry. NO MORE KEEPING SCORE NOW I JUST KEEP YOU WARM?????? taylor really said ā€œoh youā€™re not in love and iā€™m gonna make you feel like SHIT ABOUT ITā€ taylor pls a petition to let us say ā€œBITCHā€ after the last line so itā€™s ā€œi survived...bitch!ā€ okay pls and thank you
marjorie - oh is this about taylorā€™s grandma :(((( i knew she used her name but this feels like itā€™s really all about her. babey. this is so sweet. taylor i love you
closure - okay the opening??? slaps! literally! okay the production of this is interesting! okay iā€™m like trying to figure out who this is about....who cares this is so good. oh my god the distortion??? it just underlines the anger of it all so perfectly and i love
evermore - exile hive letā€™s GOOOO. please be an exile pt 2 pls be an exile pt 2. so odd to me because, as a whole, this actually feels like a way more happy and optimistic album than folklore did, yet the title comes from the line ā€œi had a feeling so peculiar/that this pain would be for/evermoreā€. OKAY BON IVERRRRRR. the violence of the dog days? thatā€™s my next instagram caption thanks taylor. NOT A DUET SECTION AGAIN LIKE IN EXILE TAYLOR PLEASE I CANT HANDLE THISSSSSSS. ā€œwe always walked a very thin lineā€ AND ā€œis there a line that we could just go cross?ā€ THE PARALELLELLLLRJSNDBBD. Iā€™m gonna die for this I really think. okay so she ends it on this pain wouldnā€™t last evermore so thatā€™s good
overall? this is a masterpiece. miss swift has done it again. folklore aoty 2021 and evermore aoty 2022. no body, no crime is really THAT BITCH. i need a mv miss swift! okay bye gonna go cry over this
update: after listening all night i feel like i need to point out that iā€™m stupid and thought este was the mistress and the singer was the wife when in fact ESTE is the wife in no body, no crime. SO addendum to my theory: este and dorothea were besties in hs then dorothea left and got married and so did este but esteā€™s hubby cheated so then esteā€™s friend murders him and sheā€™s cool w it, then dorothea and her husband move back home and este and dorothea reconnect and realize their long hidden feelings for one another, dorothea leaves her husband and she and este run away together
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whatamievendoingherern Ā· 4 years ago
Cat: Lil floof and if you squint, angst
Agender! Reader was nervous about their internship with Thirteen already, but throw in the sparky porcupine? Anxiety maxed out. But surprisingly, he just isnā€™t as explosive as usual. (Reader has a fire related quirk)
Y/N remembered when they first decided to try out for cross country.
It was the summer before 8th grade when they vowed to make themself into a person they could like. Their sister had given them a ride to the school, theyā€™d retied their sneakers about fifteen times on the way, and theyā€™d practically had a death grip on that poor plastic water bottle.
Theyā€™d been so nervous that they refused to get out of the car. They remembered knowing absolutely nobody on the team, feeling so socially inept because they hadn't talked to anybody all summer. It wasn't until their sister reassured them that they finally found themself unlocking the door.
That's what they thought internships were gonna be like.
But rather than the hellish experience their middle school self endured, it was quite different.
They chose to intern with Thirteen to learn how to use their quirk in rescue scenarios. Thirteen, who theyā€™d recently learned went by xe/xyr pronouns, was a pretty nice person, who took their wall of awkwardness and formality into consideration.
Y/N was finally letting the wall drip down a bit, allowing Thirteen to see their real personality. And the acceptance was nice.
That's why they didn't really mind it when Thirteen said xe needed to drop by Best Jeanist's agency. Something to do with the author and plot lines.
So they followed Thirteen through the building, politely smiling at the passersby they happened to make eye contact with. The two stopped at a door in the building, pushing it open, and just like that feeling of finding someone you know in your home town, Y/N felt like theyā€™d been smacked with frying pan.
Bakugo and Y/N made eye contact from both sides of the room, a silence as his hair sprung back to its normal state.
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If the rest of the Bakusqud were here, Y/N probably would've been able to sneak in a laugh under Mina, Sero, and Kaminariā€™s cackling, but alas that was not the case. And despite the self destructive ramblings of Y/Nā€™s rather common mental breakdowns, they valued their life.
Best Jeanist sighed as though this weren't the first time this occurred, flicking his comb into his pocket. "Thirteen." He said in greeting. "What brings you here?"
"I just need to do some touch ups on the paperwork for the collab takedown we did last week. Turns out the villains quirk wasn't energy mutation." Xe replied, while Y/N suddenly begun to wish they had Hagakure's quirk instead as Bakugoā€™s eyes burned into their skull.
"Is that your intern?"
Uh oh.
"Yep," Thirteen said, pushing Y/N forward much to their dismay. "Theyā€™ve got quite the quirk."
Best Jeanist hummed in response, having been there in the stadium. He remembered sending them an invite to intern with him after the festival, but he supposed they were searching for something specific.
"You two are in the same class right?" Best Jeanist asked. Y/N stiffened as he acknowledged Bakugo's presence. Without waiting for a response, he carried on, "You two stay here. Thirteen, the reports in my office."
And despite every cell in their body yelling at the two to stay, the door closed behind the two leaving both Bakugo and Y/N in immediate discomfort.
Y/N looked around the room at anything and everything except for Bakugo. They spotted a chair, the only other one in the room placed right across from the blonde porcupine.
With an internal groan, they shuffled over to the chair, sitting uncomfortably still as they pulled out their phone. They stared at the screen, pretending to be doing something while attempting to negotiate a ceasefire with the whatever deity above was listening.
Whatever I did to deserve this, I am so sorry. It'll never happen again, bro, just get me tf outta here rn before my soul skrrt skrrts from my body-
Oh no, now their nose was itchy. The temptation was there, but the risk of drawing attention was even greater. Were they gonna sneeze? Were there tissues in here? Jeez did hearts always beat so loudly? And what is up with the whole breathing thing? It sounds like there's gonna be a whole goddamn tornado-
"Hey. Depressed FlambƩ."
Y/N hesitantly looked up from their screen, wondering if they placed their funeral plans in an obvious enough location. Top left drawer of their dresser, beneath their will. Dang they forgot to write if they wanted red camellias or white camellias. Surely class 1-A would know they were a red camellias type of lad. And they had to change the song from "Thriller" to "E-Girls Are Ruining My Life", ya know, get with the times-
"I know you're avoiding me. Your damn phone isn't even on." Bakugo's brash voice said, and they suddenly felt like dropping an anvil on their head.
Y/N gave a smile that may as well have said, "I've been caught" and tucked the phone into their pockets where their hands could fidget out of view.
Depressed FlambƩ, Y/N pondered.
They hadn't thought they had a nickname, they figured since they had barely interacted with him all year that they were in the clear.
Guess not.
Their thoughts and the room stayed radio silent for a bit before they hesitantly spoke up, "Trying out a new hair style?"
"Mention it to the rest of 1-A and Iā€™ll kill you!" He barked defensively, huffing when he saw them flinch almost unnoticeably. "He won't let me patrol with him until I 'reform my appearance' or some bullshit like that."
Y/N nodded, though they didn't really see much difference. He was intimidating either way, one just made him look a little more idiotic. "Some bullshit sounds about right." Y/N replied, trying to let themself relax.
Bakugo seemed content with their response, and once again the two fell into silence. And just like a hand reaching out, they felt their voice wanting to come out, to keep talking, but maybe he didn't want to. Maybe it'd be better to take the chance and have no regrets later? But what if he just told them to shut up? They probably would never get over that. It was probably best if they-
"How's your internship?" Bakugo asked, clearly uncomfortable with asking the question. He wasn't even making eye contact which was supposed to be Y/Nā€™s thing.
By the author's grace, was this the power of those behind the divine fourth wall?
"It's good!" Y/N said, a little too quickly for their liking.
Stupid social anxiety.
"Um, Thirteen's trying to teach me how to use my quirk in rescues." They added slowing their words, before their voice lowered into a murmur. "I just kind of wish I knew that they don't really teach fighting techniques."
"Well why don't you teach yourself?" He asked.
Why do you have such good hearing, they thought. "I mean I tried a while ago, but I wouldnā€™t know where to start."
"Is the phone you were using to avoid me just for show or can you actually use it? Just look some up or walk yourself to a library."
They really thought it would be like that first day at cross country. Like everyone would be looking at them, judging them, ostracizing them. But it was all their head, just as it was then, just as it was now.
There was a gap of (you guessed it) silence, but this time it was less awkward, more...comfortable.
"It's too bad, Best Jeanist, isn't what you thought he would be." Y/N said.
He hummed in response.
"It seems more like he's trying to change you than train you." They thought aloud.
"It's annoying. I wish he'd finish this damn haircut, so I can skip to the fun part, and kick somebodyā€™s ass."
Y/N snorted audibly. "If it's about getting it to stay, I think I can help."
Bakugo raised an eyebrow, which before may have had them thinking they were on his kill list, but now not so much. "You do hair?"
"I mean, I take care of mine almost every morning, and I'm pretty good with gel at this point so why not?" They shrugged.
"Hurry up then, I don't want to have to do this for any longer than I have to."
"Your hair is surprisingly soft."
"Shut up, FlambƩ!"
"Seriously, what conditioner do you use?"
"Thanks for stopping by Thirteen, it's been nice." Best Jeanist said, as the two stepped out of his office.
Thirteen replied. "No problem. See you around."
The two turned to the other duo and though neither visibly shown it, the surprise remained present.
"Did you do his hair?" Thirteen asked in mild confusion.
Best Jeanist was past the point of mere confusion, he was borderline baffled. "You fixed it?!"
Y/N tucked away a comb granted by the author, "Magic."
"Are we gonna patrol now or what?" Bakugo asked, a grin tugging at his lips.
Even though it looked borderline evil, Y/N was still pretty proud they made him smile. Even if he looked like he was about commit a homicide.
A/N Feel free to hit me up via anything if you have any requests. Whether itā€™s headcanons, scenarios, or different pronouns lemme know! I really like writing these and wanna make everybody feel āœØcomfyāœØšŸ’•
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celestianstars Ā· 5 years ago
Some guy who runs a porn blog entirely sexualizing (and dehumanizing) black women just told me to shut up because I commented on a post about Bey being better then Jay Z and said it was a truth of the universe. Like how obvious can you make it that you only think of black women (and probably women in general) as sex toys. Ugh.
I really wanna beat tf out of men like that like itā€™s sO plainly obvious that they have zero respect for women at all and sexualizing black women especially im like ??? This isnā€™t cute itā€™s gross like stop šŸ˜· heā€™s actual trash!
Iā€™m sorry you had to come across that kinda of person cause first off you were right lmao like Jay Z who? Donā€™t know that person!
But yeah itā€™s real real clear to see whoā€™s really down for us black women when you start defending us and thereā€™s those weirdos who come out of the woodwork to say otherwise ugh
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