#who doesnt love my little pony?
granhairdo · 8 months
i always cosplay classic lit characters at cons, so there's been situations like me in a book accurate eponine cosplay looking crusty af waiting to get some my little pony merch or something
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carouselunique · 5 months
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They had a bit of a chance encounter on a day where Blueblood was dealing with something that was very difficult and was so caught up in his emotions he didn’t even care that he was in the garden getting grass stans on his coat and Ditzy, with her natural impulse to cheer ponies up, didn’t even notice or care that she was flying into the palace gardens when she saw someone sat in the rain.
At first he was definitely going to call the castle guards to come apprehend this strange filly with the odd eyes who was intruding when this was the last moment he’d want to entertain any desperate debutantes, however she surprised him by not fawning or anything, not even caring about his status, just putting one of her fluffy wings up and asking if he needed somepony to lend an ear.
“Don’t let my eyes fool you, my ears work just fine!”
She was incredibly disarming and while he didn’t reveal everything about why he was upset, he found himself talking about his feelings to her. And she made such cheerful remarks, and was very comforting. In the end, he felt better and she came to check on him the next day, even sharing a blueberry muffin with him. He remarked that he’d never seen her around before, and that he wouldn’t mind terribly seeing her more often.
The rest, as they say, is history.
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anxiously-sidequesting · 10 months
You know what I love more than just heroes and villains going up against each other is when the hero and villain have a certain respect and acknowledgement to the other, have a special relationship or connection with the other, or just a general interest that's between just THOSE TWO GUYS and not anybody else Grandfather Spider Morganthe Schismist Soldier Duncan Grimwater
Like I could easily see the YW teaming up with almost any of those people (see: only GFS and Morganthe the other two are crazy) not out of maliciousness or because they switched sides but because they're just compatible with them in ways where it just makes sense. Like for example the YW fighting back-to-back with Morganthe or having in depth magical discussions with her because we understand her on a level no one else does. Like in a crazy season finale where the Savior of the Spiral would not even Dream of Ever Working With Those Ruffians but when they have to they're like so magical (no pun intended) together because they just click. Like in the original Teen Titans where Deathstroke and Robin were like fighting in Hell together and they were on the SAME WAVELENGTH despite being bitter enemies THAT'S THE SHIT I LIKE. I think maybe that's the reason why I resonate more with these guys than Malistaire because imo it's just so much more interesting and emotional when we get two people on opposite sides of the morale scale able to come together and work so fluently. This is also me saying I want a Schismist Soldier and YW Roommate Sitcom.
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Okay. Okay deep breaths. Time for some cool and collected comentary. Okay.
Putting it under the cut so ppl can avoid spoilers :)
Huskerdust my beloved
Vox was great. I love him he's so fucking cool-
If Vox wasn't already a Tumblr sexyman he's definitely gonna be one now. He's so fucking Onceler coded it's insane.
Velvette was amazing too. It's so funny that she's British lmao I was not expecting that
Velvette is also very Anne Boelyne(like from SIX not from Real Life) coded it's wild. Her part in that song with Carmila was giving so much Don't Lose Your Head
I swear I'll stop comparing them to other characters I SWEAR
Okay but me and my brother are working on a Hazbin Hotel swap AU where we swap the main cast with the overlords and in that AU we swapped Husk and Vox. The Husk used to be an overlord reveal is gonna make that AU soooooo much easier lmao
ADAM IS REALLY GOOD I promised I would stop comparing to other characters but he was giving SO MUCH Hades from Disney's Hercules like its insane
I think we should let Alex Brightman sing rocj and roll more often that song was such a fucking BANGER
SPEAKING OF THE SONGS- oh my god I love the soundtrack so fucking much-
Stayed Gone was a lil less hype then I was expecting but thats okay cuz it was still a banger and I loved the visuals
That song battle between Carmilla and Velvette????? Oh my god??????
Carmilla and Vaggie's song was also amazing but I think I know why they didn't have Stephanie Beatriz sing her own song in Elena of Avalor y'know, girl cannot hold a character voice while singing
LOSER WAS SO FUCKING GOOD- I love Huskerdust so much. I love Keith David so much. Blake Roman is such a phenomenal Angel Dust.
SPEAKING OF all the voice actors are amazing. Blake Roman, Brightman as Pentious and Joel Perez were the ones I was the most worried abt but I loved all their preformances so much it was fucking fantastic
Valentino can go die in a fucking hole <3
The other Vees are cool and fun to watch but I hope Valentino fucking dies
Okay to be fair he's also fun to watch when he's not in the same room as Angel Dust but tHAT DOESNT SUPERSEID MY HATRED FUCK 👏 THAT 👏 GUY 👏👏👏👏
Speaking of the Vees tho I do love their dynamic
My favorite episode was probably Radio Killed the Video Star bcuz of mY BOYS PENTIOUS AND VOX!!!!!!!!
And the most painful episode to watch was- no surprise- Masquerade
That episode was a fucking rollercoaster Jesus fucking Christ...
Those scenes with Angel and Valentino where so fucking visceral... like. Who the fuck wrote that. Who are you. Are you okay. Do you need help-
Tho I'm not sure abt how they're handling the ah- more serious bits of Angel's character. It is WAYYYYYY to early to tell and I think Loser wasn't like. Trying to downplay the situation. But the writers better have been careful moving foreward bcuz I can def see a world where Angel's arc goes very wrong very fast-
Also while we're criticizing: wasn't a fan of the pacing. Especially in episode two. Like I can look past it, but the way they breeze past some plot points kinda bugged me
Otherwise it was sooooooo fucking good man oh my god
The gag where Niffty just fucking stopped thinking every time the camera turned on was so fucking good
Niffty in general was really fuckin funny
Alastor was a lot less prominent of a character then I thought he would be but tbh I think that's for the best. He's like Discord from My Little Pony, fun in small doses but if you don't set perameters for how often he appears and when he's willing to help it kinda breaks the show
Chaggie is adorable and I love them <3
I think this show does a really good job balancing the focus on the whole cast! These first 4 episodes seem to be pretty Charlie, Angel and kind of Vaggie heavy but everybody still gets their fair share of attention!
I love comedy. I love musicals. I love drama. I love silly characters. I LOVE ANIMATION!!!!!!!
It's like the South Park movie but longer and better animated and IVE BEEN WAITING FOUR FUCKING YEARS-
Just. So excited overall. Can't wait to see where it goes. May make more posts abt my thoughts in tbe future.
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kobrafangs · 2 months
i've been compiling a bunch of maze runner headcannons over the past few weeks, and i decided to share what i have so far :) fyi most of these are ivytrio centered heheh ^_^ enjoy!!!
- newt would be a big oatmeal fan. he'd have it every day and put cubed fruits and maple syrup in it too. thomas prefers a plain toast with butter and always teases newt for "being an old coot"
- minho is rlly extra and likes to make these fancy pancakes that frypan taught him how to make
- newt would be addicted peach tea. every morning he goes to the convenience store and he buys a bottle before class
- newt loves bracelets and he made a matching pair for him and thomas :] (minho, newt, & thomas also have separate matching bracelets!)
- newt does poetry & art. he carries around a little sketchbook in his satchel where he jots random thoughts and sketches. his muse is thomas <3
- newt likes musicals & claymation/stop motion movies (his fav is dear evan hanson or kubo and the 2 strings) & thomas likes action movies (his favs are starwars or the spiderman movies)
- their fav movie to watch together is fantastic mr fox or coraline
- thomas and minho are both on their school's track team
- thomas downloaded duolingo as a joke but now he feels guilty if he misses even a single day so he has a daily streak of 479
- thomas almost threw up crying watching end game (he forced newt to watch it with him as well)
- thomas prefers calling/face timing over texting and he will do everything in his power to call
- he's also like the least coherent texter of all time He always has like 90 spelling errors in a 4 word text
- newt doesnt like calls but is also the driest texter of all time
- minho sends those corny Good Morning! gifs with a sunset in the background and glitter and flowers on it
- minho studies hard, passes his classes
- newt barely studies, passes his classes (hes just smart)
- thomas doesnt study whatsoever, passes his classes somehow
- minho has legible, normal-but-a-bit-wonky handwriting
- newt has a slanted cursive scrawl
- everything thomas writes is illegible
- minho has the dirtiest mind known to mankind
- when frustrated, minho gets really sassy, thomas gets snappy and fidgety, and newt just goes silent
- minho would go on 5 am runs and post a picture of him on his instagram story all sweaty and smiling and put the dumbest caption of all time on it
- thomas cannot eat unless he puts on a show
- minho scrolls on his phone and texts people while he eats
- newt raw dogs every meal No stimulation whatsoever. pure silence
- thomas is extremely ticklish. like hellishly ticklish. he will literally scream like hes getting stabbed and kick his feet if he gets tickled
- ivy trio stays up until like 3 am playing horror games. thomas is the one who always screams bloody murder at literally any noise, minho keeps yelling at thomas to shut up, and newt is the only one actually playing the game. they also love roblox
- minho and thomas play dress to impress and they get way too invested in it
- newt & sonya braid daisies in each other's hair
- thomas likes having his hair played with
- thomas likes chewing gum, specifically bubble gum because hes actually 8 years old and likes to blow bubbles
- newt looooovessss libraries he'd literally live in one if he could
- minho unironically says "where my hug at" to thomas and newt
- newt is usually the little spoon but he knows thomas likes it too so sometimes he insists on being the big spoon just so thomas is happy
- sun thomas, moon newt, comet minho
- thomas isn't allowed to play fnaf anymore because the last time he did he got jump-scared so hard he threw his phone against the wall so hard it made a hole
- thomas's favourite pony is pinkie pie, newt's is applejack, minho's is rainbow dash
- newt has a fear of heights so thomas and minho always have to beg for him to go to an amusement park with them
- danny gonzalez thomas, drew gooden newt, kurtis conner minho
- minho always quotes random tiktok audios that nobody gets so at one point he just started making up really specific ones that catered to whatever situation they're in and then proceed to gaslight newt and thomas into believing they're real
- dog thomas, cat newt, otter minho
- newtmas' favourite date was an aquarium date. thomas is absolutely captivated by all the fish and newt is so enamoured
- newt would probably like manga (he really enjoyed saiki k, chainsaw man, and sxf)... its his guilty pleasure
- on minho's aforementioned morning runs, he BLASTS pop music thru his headphones. because of this he's literally almost deaf. he always goes "huh" "what?" "say again?" whenever talking to anybody but it especially makes newt so frustrated
- also. minho would love charli xcx SORRY I DONT MAKE THE RULES!!!! he really likes pop music because it gets him pumped up and energized
- when thomas is focused, his speech gets really curt and he kinda shuts the world out because hes so tunnel visioned. as a result people think hes just really rude and a pain to work with
- only newt can work with him effortlessly because they don't need words to communicate. a slight nose scrunch? thomas knows he made a mistake. quirk of the brow? newt nods his head to show his approval. thomas taps his fingers against the table? newt can tell he's frustrated. their relationship can be tacit but understood by one another which is why they work so well with each other
- thomas LOOOOOVES karaoke he literally will not hesitate to belt his heart out
- when thomas blushes, he blushes HARD. he gets really red in the face and gets super embarrassed and newt likes to tease him for it
- when drunk, thomas gets really chatty, newt becomes clingy, and minho turns into a whole nother person he gets SO rowdy and loud and crazy. life of the party kinda guy
and thats all for now hehe !! ^_^ hope these were entertaining enough :p
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gigisnetwork · 2 months
NERDIFYING UR DEMIGODS 🗣️🗣️ (things I think they’d enjoy :3)
- Batman - in fact, the whole DC universe (he would collect figures + comics)
- The Maze Runner (he’s read all the books and watched all the movies and has a crush on thomas) (maybe newt too)
- Gravity Falls (insane lore, enough said) (also he’s the one who introduced it to Hazel) (They see themselves as Mabel n Dipper) (also went ballistic over the Book of Bill)
- Song of Achilles (LOVES madeleine miller) (Bonds over her books w annabeth i don’t make the rules 🤷🤷)
- POKÉMON (YOU DONT UNDERSTAND ITS SIMILAR TO MYTHOMAGIC I KNOW IT) (also had a HUUUGGEE hyperfixation on pokémon go) (collects cards (ofc) and plushies too)
- My Little Pony (hazel got him into it) (thinks it’s super cute) (collects plushies of them)
- Fallout (Thinks it’s sick and loves dystopian stuff) (frank introduced it to him 😇😇) (sometimes like redesigns things so they look like they’re from Fallout) (like MrsFallout on yt)
- AGGTM (you can’t tell me she wouldn’t love pipravi)
- The Hunger Games (shes read all the books and absolutely LOVES katniss) (also she definitely sees her n percy in peeniss)
- Murder Most Unladylike (idk she seems like the kinda girl to be into murder mysteries n stuff) (also i just think it’s fitting for annabeth)
- Circe (again LOVES madeleine miller) (hasn’t read medusa yet, i don’t think she would) (hubris + she isn’t fond of medusa AT ALL) (bonds over her work w nico 😇😇)
- The Sims (SHE THINKS ITS SO FUN) (she absolutely loves character customisation, and interior design n stuff) (has so much custom content it’s insane)
- Minecraft (Again, loves designing things) (makes the most intricate builds EVER) (super skilled like it’s actually insane how she makes her builds) (usually plays on creative but absolutely has a hardcore world she’s been working on for YEARS)
- Bee and Puppycat (she loves how pretty the show is) (also she kinda sees herself in Bee)
- Steven Universe (Again, pretty art) (also, the lore goes crazy and has pretty good music ‼️)
- Gravity Falls (again, pretty art n insane lore) (also she went BALLISTIC over the Book of Bill) (She and Nico see themselves as Mabel n Dipper)
- Dolls (haunted/creepy dolls, cute dolls, ball jointed dolls, figures, you name it) (she’d try and communicate w the haunted dolls w nicos help) (its actually pretty fun to her)
- My Little Pony (it’s cutesy) (also she likes the message it gives ^^) (has a ponysona) (LOVES EQUESTIRA GIRLS YOU CANT CHANGE MY MIND) (AND THE NEW GEN TOO)
- Animal Crossing (she likes all the versions but mainly plays new horizons bcus she thinks it’s like the best) (loves the character designs, and being able to basically make her own island)
- Spider-man / The Spider-verse - actually, the entire marvel universe (He thinks it’s sick) (also ABSOLUTELY relates to peter parker and miles morales) (only really got into it bcus of the movies, before starting to collect comics)
- One Direction (no one knows this) (was absolutely HEARTBROKEN when they broke up)
- The Hunger Games (annabeth got him into it) (but he only watched the movies, got half-way into the first book before being like “i can’t do this anymore” and watched the movies) (RELATES TO KATNISS 🗣️🗣️)
- SEGA/Mainly Sonic (he thinks it super silly) (also sonic boom was incredibly funny to him) (CONSTANTLY quotes him too) (has every single game w him in it)
- POKEMOONN 🗣️🗣️ (he introduced it to nico) (they both play in both mythomagic and pokémon tournaments, when they can find some) (they also love playing them together) (he has all the games)
- Unpacking (thinks it’s super relaxing and absolutely loves the visuals) (also loves how it tells a story, ykwim ???) (introduced it to hazel) (really, he’s the one who introduced hazel to all the video games that she likes)
- Resident Evil (people are like incredibly surprised when they find out he’s into that game) (he really likes the lore/story, thinks it’s super sick)
- The Last of Us (again, people were super surprised he was into this game) (he likes shooter games) (also thinks ellie and joel’s dynamic was super sweet) (has a love/hate relationship with the hbo series) (100% thinks dystopian stuff is sick)
- Yu-Gi-Oh (another card game) (idk i feel like he would really be into it) (this definitely came before pokémon to him) (he’s known this before mythomagic) (the OG 🗣️🗣️)
- Fallout (he introduced it to nico) (again, game mechanics are sick and loves the lore 🗣️🗣️) (sure, he’s the one who liked it first but he isn’t as big of a fan of it as nico)
(will update when i think of more 🗣️🗣️)
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
hi boo, as promised, my dodge mason thoughts :))) i was cooking up a storm lol (its very long, apologies)
dodge mason… the cowboy that you are. i need this man more than anything. something about that man just makes me wanna be a sweet innocent christian country girl lol. this is much more cheesy and cutesy than my previous submissions, he just makes my knees weak fr (but also i need him desperately)
im attaching this (hopefully it works) cuz its exactly how i picture him here
alright, picture me this, youve just moved with your dad to this nowhere town in texas. you know no one here, theres nothing to do, youve already graduated high school before the move. its just summer, in a strange place, full of strange people.
maybe youre kind of a farmers daughter type? youve moved onto a ranch, your dad is really into rodeos and he gets you your very own horse. but hell if you know how to ride a horse that big. youd only ever ridden ponies when you were little. its sweet of your dad though, at least now you have a friend to pass the time with.
on one particularly hot day your dad decides that you should go into town a grab a cool drink and enjoy some shade. you settle on the cute looking diner, very fitting for a town like this. if you happen to notice the cute boy behind the counter you dont say anything about it. just steal a couple glances at him, maybe blush a little pink when ordering your shirley temple with an extra cherry. (tihi)
if he notices how pretty your flowy little sundress hugs your waist or sits on top of your thighs while sitting in the booth, he doesnt say anything either. he simply makes a mental note to find out your name, he's sure youre new, he wouldve remembered you if youd gone to the school senior year.
some time later he meets your dad at one of his rodeos (competitions? idk, i am not a country girl yall). spots him in the crowd, sees his opportunity to find out your name. they get to chatting, your dads all too happy to talk about you, his pride and joy. he happens to mention that youre wanting to learn to ride your new horse. dodge happens to offer his assistance. how can he resist an opportunity like that? theres truly nothing he would love more than teach you how to ride... a horse, of course :)))
when your dad had told you hed found a cowboy to teach you how to ride, you had expected another one of your dads friends. already made peace with the fact that it would be slightly awkward but ultimately worth it. but then he shows up, the boy from the diner. a cowboy, huh? definitely not what you were expecting. but hes wearing the boots and the hat, he certainly looks the part. hopefully he can play it too. (also i need him to call me darling and tip his hat, i need to have it)
you try your best to get to know him while he's teaching you, but he's not big on answering questions, instead redirecting them back to you. he does laugh, a beautiful, intoxicating sound, when you make a joke about his name being very fitting. dodging all your questions. (legit giggling to myself rn) he tries to tell you about the town, but he doesnt know much more than you, except this weird game he's heard people are playing over the summer...
he asks a surprising amount of questions about your life, you had pegged him as the quiet, stoic type when you first saw him at the diner. but this charming cowboy whos teaching you how to bond with your horse - because apparently its important for her to trust you before you start riding her - is a totally different story. when you invite him in for some fresh lemonade, hes chatting away with your dad about rodeos and all the places nearby he needs to visit. it wasnt at all what you had expected from him.
he starts spending a lot of time around the farm, teaching you to ride your horse, your dad inviting him to come for dinner, or really any excuse he can find to drop by. hes totally enamoured with you, he even feels a little guilty about it. youre so innocent and pure-hearted, he really has no business flirting with you the way he is. hes sure you cant even tell most of the time, that same sweet smile on your lips every time he speaks. totally unaware of the way his gaze lingers, eyes wandering, glued to your ass when youre wearing those damned blue jeans.
it takes you a long time to learn how to ride your horse, but eventually you get good at it. the day you finally succeed at riding around the farm without his help, you both dread that it might be the last time he comes by. but the next time he shows up on a horse of his own. tells you that he wants to show you more of the area, he takes you around, you talk for hours. simply just enjoying each others company.
the time after that you're already waiting for him outside, that morning you had gotten up earlier than usual, just to spend extra time picking your outfit, styling your hair, blushing your cheeks. this continues for a while. your dad starts to notice, youre acting like a little schoolgirl around him. dodge can tell, hes basking in it, he loves it. his compliments become more frequent and more intentional.
eventually your dad insists on bringing you to one of the rodeos, youre hesitant, youd rather not end up trapped in a long conversation with one of his old friends. but when you realize that dodge will be there, competing, you immediately agree to go. youve never seen him in his element like that. you make sure to wear his favorite dress of yours and style your hair just the way he compliments it the most.
its not like youre together, but you want him to know that youre there for him. to see him. and oh he knows. the second he sees you, he knows. ugh he can barely contain himself. youre standing right there, dressed up just for him, watching him in awe as he hang on tight to the rowdy horse.
need him to come out all sweaty and running high on adrenaline. picking you up and spinning you around, his pretty little thing, all dressed up for him, special for him. i need him to be so caught up in the moment that he put his hat on your head, kissing your cheek. luckily your dad had left with some buddies, because everyone at the rodeo knows what it means to wear a cowboys hat, everyone but you. you dont realize that hes staking his claim on you, making it clear to anyone who looks at you that you're his. not that you would have minded that part if youd known.
i need someone to make comment/joke about the cowboy hat rule, and dodge teaching you to ride, to which you enthusiastically, but oh so very cluelessly, mention that yes, hes been trying teaching you for a while now. but that youre only just starting to it right, something about it all being in the hips. i need you to look up at him confused when he just drags you away, mumbling something about that guy being an ass and promising to explain later...
what the fuck do yall know about my man dodge mason. my man my man my man. i havent stopped thinking about him since that fancam... i need to be the innocent farmers daughter who gets corrupted by the handsome mysterious cowboy, such a clique, but i need it anyway!!!!!
This is soooo so sweet too like :(( he’s literally the only thing that makes Carp bearable :((
Just thinking about like having your first kiss with him like maybe a cute little picnic you set up in a little clearing hidden away from prying eyes 🥺
It’s all innocent and sweet— you made little sandwiches, and cut up fruits, and made him a pie. Little glass bottles of lemonade. It’s all so sweet, like you’d copied it off of an old movie.
And you’re talking his ear off and he’s so fine with that— he’s more of a listener anyway. Besides, you look so pretty with your hair in braids, a little sundress, glowing from the sheen of sweat on your skin.
He interrupts you mid sentence with a kiss, nearly knocking his teeth into yours. Your eyes stay wide for a moment, but you melt into him like butter. Its so chaste and sweet, but you end up on his lap and his tongue is in your mouth and his hands are palming your ass 🥰
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pumpkinsy0 · 2 months
can we please get protective/possessive/jealous curly hcs
i damn near burnt the apartment down while answering this ask and cooking my rice i hope this is to ur liking
•pony HAS to be within curlys sights, if not hes just gonna go off wondering where the hell pony is
•curlys such an attention seeker for pony, hes always wanting pony to acknowledge his presence SOMEHOW
•i touched on this a bit in my fic, but curly will catch pony staring at cherry and he feels a taddd but jealous and annoyed bc he doesnt know wtf they got goin on
•he loves when pony writes or draws him, he thinks its corny of fucking course, but its about HIM, so the cool points r upped a bit
•if ponys talking to someone curly doesnt like, bryon and mark im looking at u, curly pretty audibly grumbles, “why even waste ur time w em”
•he also says “this guy botherin u or somethin?” which i think is like the 60s version of “is this guy bothering u, queen???”😭😭
•curly loves calling pony “my *insert whatever pet name here*”, yes he also likes when ponys a little feisty about it
•when curly plans his lil schemes he makes sure pony has “an escape route”, a way pony wont get into shit over what he did
•curly has a habit of pushing pony behind him when theyre outnumbered
•i say we all deserve at least one instance where curly threatened someone who was staring at pony a liiilllll too long for his liking
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the-s1lly-corner · 6 months
omg I saw the Hazbin Hotel w/ a reader who watches silly cartoons, could I get that but for Vox? I feel like it fits him well as the head TV honcho, he could probably get you access to whatever show or movie you'd like :3
Vox x reader who likes watching kids cartoons
Speed writing a bunch of stuff to try to build the queue back up wish me luck SOBS admins been slacking on his writing these past few days
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Now he wouldn't exactly make fun of you for it.. but hes not going to be too thrilled if you try to destroy him from his work or meetings to make hm watch a show with you
Hes more open to watching with you when he has free time but hes not going to be.. too invested...
Do not try to play your shows on his tv head hes going to get so mad... no matter how funny it was
If we're borrowing from the original post, and bringing in a show like.. say my little pony...
Its been a while since I've seen the show but I feel like he'd love the flimflam brothers and trixie
Touching on the access thing, despite not being too into the shows you like all that much he will do everything in his power to make sure you're satisfied
Sure he might threaten some people if he catches wind of your favorite show getting canned, and suuuuure he might go a little far with it.. but hey whatever makes his partner happy
Doesnt act interested when the plot gets good but whenever theres something big or shocking happening his antennae releases static
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dullgecko · 27 days
What I think the Bad kid’s favorite shows/movies were as kids (obviously the fantasy variations of these shows, also some of these may just be American shows)
Fig: Power puff girls and My little pony. Fig still loves these shows, during freshman year when she was still a trying to be edgy she would have denied it.
Adaine: Wasn’t allowed to watch tv, but she did read the Frog and Toad books front to cover over and over again. She had to hide them at a certain point because she was “too old” for them.
Riz: Scooby-doo, he’d have it whenever it on, He knew the exact hours it aired. He’d solve the mystery himself before the show was over but he still loved them. Sklonda got him a dvd compilation as a gift one day and then he’d just watch it over and over.
Kristen: Also wasn’t allowed to watch movies (unless they were religious), but once she got to watch Winnie the Pooh and she fell in love with the character. (I 100% picked this because of Ally’s Pooh push).
Gorgug: Wonderpets, he was just fascinated with the way it was animated. His parents made him little metal figures of all of the character that he keeps on his shelf.
Fabian: Peter Pan, he loved the book, though he didn’t like how they portrayed the pirates. “His papa wasn’t evil.” When he watched movie came out he wanted to watch it over and over again. There was times where Cathilda might as well dragged him to bed.
Fig: 100% All her school books were covered in stickers and drawings from her favorite kids cartoons. She had shirts and purses and hairclips and all kinds of pink and frilly accesories with the characters on them that she was STILL wearing right up until her horns started coming in. Now that she's mellowed out a bit you might catch her with an occasional hair-clip or tshirt that doesnt really match her aesthetic anymore but somehow doesnt look out of place with her other clothes.
Adaine: Still loves her books and the bad kids bought her a new set after her house burned down, plus some more they thought she'd like along the same vein. Girls nights are usually spent introducing Adaine to all the sugary sweet childrens television she missed as a kid and she gets really into it. Kristen also gets to broaden her cartoon knowledge this way so its killing two birds with one stone.
Kristen: Tried to introduce her friends to some of her favorite cartoons as a kid but only got a couple episodes in before they were all horrifed about how culty it was and never tried to watch them again (she honestly did not remember them being this bad). Fig has made it her mission to educate the other two bad girls on the joys of childrens media and every two weeks they spend a night not sleeping and binging entire seasons of cartoons.
Riz: Loved Scooby doo but, inexplicably, hates police procedural shows (aka Law and Order) because they're so unrealistic and have dumb twists 90% of the time. He loves crime documentaries with a passion but his mom has to watch them first because if he watched one and they didnt reveal the killer at the end he would not stop trying to investigate it himself to solve the mystery. She had to flat out had to ban him from watching documentaries on cold cases because obviously they dont know who commited the crime in those instances and it hooks into his brain too strongly. He's solved at least two since sophomore year (evidence and tips were sent anonymously to the authorities and arrests were made) but it screwed with his already messed up sleep schedule to the point where he made himself physically sick and Sklonda had to put her foot down.
Gorgug: Didnt really watch all that much television as a kid but used to watch a lot of gnomish cartoons when he did, or shows with talking animals (there tends to be a big overlap in this regard). He preferred playing outside and would take the cartoon figurines his parents made for him on his own made up adventures.
Fabian: Peter pan, Hook and The Princess Bride were basically on repeat in Fabians house when he was growing up. He knows that Peter Pan and Hook were portraying pirates as bad but reasoned they must just be mean pirates unlike his Papa. His Papa defeated all the bad ones and got rid of the Pirate King after all. The pirates in all those shows were still undeniably cool though to his child mind.
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ask2pame · 6 months
regarding your rant on frances design: TELL ME ABOUT IT. tbh i think all the designs peaked with beautiful world, and everything after that was just...discount budget versions of whoever theyre supposed to be. the beautiful world designs are GORGEOUS on their own, but compared to world stars? theres no contest. some designs i do like, like england looks nice, if not a little too polished, and portugal is really cute, but everyone else just got twinkified and butchered. and i love a twink! i do! but they look like they could be swapped out with my little pony designs and it wouldnt make a difference. france to me will always be a blonde with a ponytail, a little unkempt, with chest hair and stubble and flamboyantly manly with a touch of tragedy. thats france to me. not whatever waif they cooked up in the more recent series
// ok ok i can't tell if u mean like ''oOOOh tell me about it' as a phrase or u actually are inviting me to tell you about it but i'm going to take it as permission to ramble <3 but im putting it under the cut so i dont spam
okok so UR SO RIGHT i think the new designs are so OFF... like it kinda lost the plot. the characters are all weirdly polished?
ok im just gonna run down the characters i have a lot of thoughts about CUZ my god
ENGLAND!!! its gotta be beautiful world
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cuz the early seasons england gets his crankiness on point but this design fits just how cranky and posh(?) he is, like he dresses like an old man and wears outdated 'punk' fashion, he drinks tea like an old lady.. it fits hes cute and expressive.
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this england isLOSING hair where did his EYEBROWS GO!!!! thats HIS WHOLE FUCKING CHARACTER but also i really dislike the change from him going from a dirty blond to a bleach blond... doesnt work...
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i want my man to look like he has a nicotine addiction, rugged and smug as shit. i think they leaned too hard on the 'tsundere' trope for him cuz hes not puffy cheeks with pouty lips hes an old man with a laundry list of war crimes
ok. this one is a little hard cuz romano is good in ever season but he has these little minor changes that drive me CRAZY but my favorite will always be the earlier seasons
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this ver of romano was a NASTY bitch he just showed up to be an asshole and i love it so much , i love his hair being dark brown with brown eyes ok , at the minimum his design fit his voice...
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for beautiful world i think hes cute but i really don't ? like his eyes being green? like i dont know it just never felt right to me:( i like him having brown eyes
and later his design leans into the prev but when u look at him u don't see that one guy who REALLY doesn't wanna be here hes . too soft?
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and the newer romano does have the bad attitude but now he's suffering from the 'progressively becoming a ginger' syndrome that a lot of hws characters have now
my pick for him is all over the place bc i think his new design is SO FUCKING CUTE like i wanna bite him and crocodile death roll him but i think he is SUFFERING from cuteness.... hes so . soft?
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earlier seasons of russia showed up just to say some morbid shit and be brutal as fuck but he could also lean into being cute, thats his whole gimmick, cute but scary. his current design is cute with no threat.
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i think beautiful world had that balance between cute and scary, he was cute and say mean shit like before and was ready to throw down any time america showed up, thats his whole deal. and you know at the bare minimum he's supposed to be fucking BIG and world stars makes him look like a fucking twink
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beautiful world was WORKING to make spain look good, he was ugly . he was boring. and then he walked in with a new tan and a warm hair color and the cutest smile (tho its hard to find pics of spain in these seasons cuz hes younger in a lot of them) and then it's just
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what the hell happened here. i feel like im going insane but did his skin tone get ashy? like it looks more grey. and i know saying spain is 'tan' is generous but what the fuck happened. why did all his colors dull, why is his hair so . boring. where did the body mass go, where did the attitude go... world stars spain is very 'head empty' and not in a good way ....
one of the most overlooked characters but i love him
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i think my favorite ver of him is still his original cuz i preferred him with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and he's side part... it was so cute... and they swapped it for a middle part .... </3
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like he was so cute ;; plus i preferred him as this kinda irritable older know it all character, like he was groaning and huffing and did NOT want to be there. but then he kind of got? infantalized(?) i think they wanted him to be cute but idk if china is considered one of the ancient nations by its own rules, then can we tone down the :333 factor on him a bit
like just comparing but this might be me raise hands at hima for this characterization. what did you do to my boy
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like do u see it. am i crazy
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these bitches
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these 4 just suffer from success in their OG and the beautiful world just made them way better (except i miss italy's darker hair </3) and then they just got handed bad animation in world stars
ok thats all i have time for rn BUT YEAH
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lolotheparagon · 3 months
Who were your favorite characters from G3/G4 mlp and why?
Wisteria - i love a good garden horse who's also a big socialist and hates the idea of being royalty cos she misses being with her friends
Minty - the goofiest lovable horse in the entire franchise that always delivered G3's most iconic moments (you broke santa? scene comes to mind) and its offensive she was never brought back for G4
Pinkie Pie - I honestly prefer this version over G4 Pinkie, cos seeing a level-headed, snarky yet still upbeat Pinkie, its a lot more fun and interesting to see than a wacky, emotionally unstable mess that is G4 Pinkie
Kimono - I really wish she was in G3 a lot more, cos the idea of a village hermit pony (not because she hates everyone but because shes very introverted) who occasionly helps the ponies with problems or give advice or just be someone to confide in is a great idea
Lily Lightly - her special about learning to love your weird wonderful self is such an important, sweet lesson cos even grown ass adults struggle to embrace being cringe. And her horn glowing makes her passion for lights that much more interesting cos its like she's sharing her love of lights to make everyone glow like she does. What a pioneer, she invented electric lights for these horses
Rarity - I love how much of a rambunctious little goober Rarity is, especially for a princess in training. Like she doesnt care that she never fell off a waterfall, she immediately wants to do it again. She loves to rollerskate, play around in the mud and wants to play with a caterpillar rather than study, like a real kid would do. But she does actually take her princess lessons seriously and grows into a more responsible person, without losing her fun-loving self.
Scootaloo - out of all the G3 ponies, Scoots stands out for being a little ankle biter but has a good heart. She can be selfish, impulsive and stubborn, again G3 really knows how to write kid characters
Sweetie Belle - the epitome of no thoughts, head empty and I love her for it. She's so baby and happy, that telling a white lie is a foreign concept to her
Cheerilee - I like her more neurotic and shy version than her teacher counterpart in G4, I also like that her dynamic with Scootaloo isnt toxic, unlike a lot of sibling relationships in media, the two are not only similar in age but also share the same stubbornness, but the two are quick to apologise to each other and its clear they still love each other, despite their differences.
Twilight Sparkle - as much as I hate how much she became a vector for the writers spewing friendship, I love how Twilight became a great protagonist growing from an asocial student to the princess of friendship, being the straight mare to everyone's antics. Although her perfectionism and fanaticism have become flanderised over the years
Fluttershy - talk about a glow up, she went from an insufferable uwu wallflower to an introverted, yet snarky and self-confident pony who has retained all her lessons of self-assertion and yet still being the sweet, shy horse we all know. Also shy quiet characters having dry wit and has calm indignation when something ticks them off is just peak character writing
Rarity - this horse made me love ultra feminine characters, i remember hating Rarity when I started watching cos I knew she would be just the stereotypical diva bitch character that reminded me of all the girls i had to deal with in school at the time (me having insecurities about my femininty didnt help), but damn i couldnt be more wrong, cos she's a wonderfully sassy yet kind and passionate character. Her love of fashion and creating is infectious and while her friends are wildly different to her, she tries her best to make something she knows they will all like and isnt afraid to get her hooves dirty to help others
Discord - the most uniquely designed and characterised character. As someone who starts off a chaotically evil villain to a chaotic good reformed ally cos the shy horse reached out to him, its no surprise he became so popular in both the show and fandom. And to this day, his redemption is the most well-executed example ive seen cos of how tentative it was. I love how incredibly devoted he is to Fluttershy and will kill anyone who harms her. I just wish he had more scenes with the rest of the mane 6, I would've loved more Pinkie and Discord pulling pranks together.
Maud Pie - you will never find another pony in the entirety of MLP like Maud. Stoic, blunt and very literal in her choice of words, expressionless yet becomes instantly emotional and caring when her loved ones are hurt or in danger. Like whoever wrote her, I love you cos she's the most refreshing character ive seen. I love characters who look like eternally on autopilot yet will spring into action like a bat out of hell if the people they love are hurt.
Sunset Shimmer - The fact Sunset Shimmer didnt become a protagonist in her own right in Equestria Girls cos WE HAVE TO HAVE A TWILIGHT in every MLP G4 universe is a crying shame. She was saved from being a boring high school girl villain obsessed with power and thats it to a strong-willed, passionate, devoted friend who will fight tooth and nail to make her friends happy. I love how EQG reforms a bully without forcing Sunset to lose her edge and fiery temper cos that was always the biggest problem kids shows fall into when redeeming bullies. That scene were Sunset yells at Sci-Twi for unintentionally causing a lot of damage to Canterlot High and putting her friends in danger was palpable.
Princess Cadance - one of the most level headed characters in the show and honestly does a much better job at being a mentor to Twilight than Celestia. Also her relationship with Shining Armor is peak power couple. I love how despite being more powerful than he is, Cadance never treats him as someone beneath her. She's just great and I hate teenage me for calling her a bland Barbie horse.
Trixie - Trixie is the prime example of designated bitch cos the show tries desperately hard to make her look like a villain when all she did was put on a magic show and boast about her magic. Even when she gets redeemed, she was treated with more scorn and derision than DISCORD (who did a lot worse than Trixie) and becomes friends with a pony who one time SOLD HER HOUSE WITHOUT HER PERMISSION TO A RANDO JUST BECAUSE THEY HAD AN ARGUMENT THAT THE WAGON WAS TOO SMALL FOR BOTH OF THEM TO SLEEP IN. JESUS this show treated her like shit. its a damn shame cos Trixie's self-confidence and sarcasm made her a delight and underneath all her theatrics, she really does care for people and that wouldve been interesting to discuss if the show didnt constantly harp on her being arrogant COS HOW DARE SHE
Spike - Ive really grown to like Spike looking back, while Twilight has become more erractic and insane as time went on, Spike has become the straight man. I love how unphased he is about liking traditionally girly things and is comfortable with being a dragon who likes pony things. Of course bronies lambasted him for being selfish and mean or impulsive at times, cos how dare a kid character acts like a kid. I also like how overly excited he is about wanting to help others, from Twilight to Applejack to Rarity. I just really wish the writers dropped the whole crush he had on Rarity, cos the show got REALLY WEIRD with it.
Sunburst - what a delightfully nerdy horse. From hyperfixating on ancient pony lore and artifacts to being precise about a right answer percentage in a town trivia contest, he's hilarious and way too good of a character to be saddled with Starlight Glimmer of all people. He shouldve been Trixie's best friend if we're being honest.
Sorry for late reply!
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astralcat · 1 year
media i think op characters would like (maybe modern au??)
luffy: spongebob squarepants. it just feels natural
zoro: anything with swords or samurai
nami: enjoyed icarly and victorious as a kid, still does now
usopp: spongebob. he watches with luffy and is like "THERE IT IS THERE IT IS" at the meme scenes. luffy isnt bothered since ace does that too
sanji: sorry but hes a huge theater kid. he has probably dragged zoro's unenthusiastic ass to MULTIPLE broadway shows. his favorite musicals are the ones with ✨️women's wrongs✨️ such as heathers and six: the musical (nami enjoys those types of musicals too)
chopper: my little pony: friendship is magic. his favorite is fluttershy and he relates to twilight sparkle. sorry but i refuse to believe he is an ipad kid. he does play animal jam tho
robin: got introduced to warrior cats by sabo and is HOOKED. she does have some things to say about the overly black and white morality of the series though
franky: top gear
brook: anything on old musicians like queen and the who
jinbe: watches spongebob with luffy and usopp
ace: loved watching the amazing world of gumball as a kid with luffy and sabo, and the three still love the show. he used to play call of duty as a kid and would just devolve into feral screeching and insults whenever he lost, which was a lot of times (he doesnt like to talk about it now) he does still continue to play minecraft. also liked diary of a wimpy kid when he was young and didnt pick up that greg was not supposed to be a role model
sabo: HOO BOY do i have a lot of favorite media hcs for this man. he grew up playing neopets (his favorite is shoyru) and was introduced to digimon through the neoboards, and he still likes both to this day. he introduced warrior cats to robin, but personally likes wings of fire more. he's also into fairy tail and sonic the hedgehog, but is more of a casual fan of both. he plays d&d with ace, luffy and lately robin and law. he was also on deviantart when he was younger, and would regularly upload his fanart there.
law: IM SORRY but he would be a massive homestuck. he also likes undertale and deltarune, and mlp:fim (although if you mention that last one to anyone he'll slit your throat)
momonosuke: kin'emon just gives him a tablet so that he won't bother him. consequence: momonosuke is addicted to skibidi toilet
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class-1b-bull · 1 year
hello! heard your drafts were empty, here’s a suggestion!
personal nitpicks you have about the characterization of class 1B/or just the characters in itself in any aspect?
also more of an ask instead of a prompt, but how often/do you do more full length fics? haven’t fully looked through your backlog yet xp
- 🎭
Not proofread we die like men
My personal thoughts/nitpicks for each character.
Awase - Honestly I have nothing to nitpick about his character itself (other than his lack of style) but I dont like how the fandom doesn't acknowledge how hard he has worked to become a pro (he litterally almost died for momo during the summer camp attack)
Sen - i have nothing to nitpick exsept I wish we could see his love for photography a little bit in the show instead of just having horikoshi saying he likes photography yk
Kamakiri - i dont like how he doesnt have a cannon backstory or cannon reasoning for being as loud and brash as he is. Bakugou and Monoma have their reasons for being dicks so I wanna know his.
Kuroiro - i have nothing to nitpick because he is perfect. (Seriously tho, i love his design, character, personality and quirk and it all fits him so well. I just wish we could see more of him)
Kendo - im not sure what it is about her character but theres something there I dont really like. I cant tell what it is tho so I cant nitpick it rip. Its been bothering me since ive first started bnha.
Kodai - my only nit pick with her is I have a hard time writing for her sometimes but thats about it. Shes kinda boring and she has no hard set personality traits so i struggled to wrjte her in the past
Komori - the only thing I have to say for her is we dont see her as much as we should in the show but that could be said about all of class 1B.
Shiozaki - i actually didnt like her when I started this blog and was originally gonna exclude her from the blog because she made me uncomfortable but the more i have written for her the more she grew on me so now I dont mind her.
Shishida - hes kinda boring to me but I like the memes that make him seem like the class dog instead of just a student yk? I saw someone say hes scared of a hairdryer before lmao. Not rlly a nitpick but idc
Shoda - hes kinda basic to me all around. His cannon personality, likes, quirk, ect. Its all just kinda bland in comparison to most of the characters in the show (especially since this show prides itself on unique characters)
Pony - i dont like how she stabbed ojiro in season 5 or 6 I forgot which one. But yea thats about it. Shes pretty fun for me to write sometimes especially when I talk about her being American. But yea all i really have to nitpick is her stabbing ojiro
Tsubaraba - his quirk and personality is more on the unique side when it comes to this show (considering most of the side characters are the quiet/shy type.) But his design isnt anything special. The only way I can tell kosei apart from a random background character is his eyes. If his back is turned I have no idea who he is lmao
Tetsutetsu - in my heart those things around his eyes is a mask. I dont care that the author said they're eyelashes, its a mask. (Same thing with tokoyami having hair and not feathers...)
Tokage - shes cool and all but she is so fucking hard to write (especially since im trying to not dumb the characters down to one or two specific details) but her entire wiki is just 'emotional girl that likes dinosaurs, she kinda smart too' yk?
Manga - i love him and there is nothing to nitpick because he is perfect. He has one of the more unique personalities and quirks out of everyone in the show (in my opinion) and it fits him very well.
Honenuki - i dont like his design all that much. I like the mutation and his quirk is ok in my opinion but I dont like most other parts of his physical design.
Bondo - i like him but ive struggled to write for him a lot of the time because hes kinda boring and lacks any unique personality traits. Talking to him would be like talking to a wall but idc i live him anyways.
Monoma - his reasoning for being a dick to all of class 1-A is better than bakugous reason for being a dick but people excuse bakugous behavior but not monomas for some reason. Not really a nitpick on him but oh well.
Reiko - all I have to say about her is her personality is a little hard for me to write sometimes. Maybe because i dont know as much about her as I do some of the other students but she lacks emotion sometimes.
Rin - he is called the martial arts hero so where tf is the martial arts? I wanna see rin do martial arts in the way weve seen uraraka do martial arts but we dont get that >:( also there is so little content for him it actually drives me insane.
And to answer the fanfiction question-
I have yet to do any actual fanfiction simply because I dont think I would be good at it. I have creative ideas and i can put it into words until a certain point but I am unable to drag things out properly and put proper care into longer writings due to impatience and my lack of confidencein my longer writings. I might think about writing short oneshots for charachters in the future but for now I will stick with headcanons :P
Anyways my life is slowly being consumed by sun haven.
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evilmagician430 · 11 months
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boyfriends but awesome (and instead of a webtoon its an independent webcomic)
design notes and 3ds flipnote concept art below the cut
general notes abt their designs and what the comic would be like in my head:
>they dont have names in this version cause i think that was one of the good things they did originally. i imagine they refer to eachother as "that one" "the other guy" etc like the dhmis guys when talking about eachother.
>they are not in a defined romantic relationship with eachother because i think thats more interesting, the polyamory aspect would be kept (im not polyamorous btw so im not gonna try to write an established polycule) but its more vague in that they all kind of have a thing for eachother but also hate eachother and want to rip eachothers guts out. and theyre all roommates and bffs. if you asked them what they were the answer you would get would be "friends who are boys". they are the height of male friendship, hate, love, etc.
>instead of focusing on sexualizing them in strange ways and doing boring moe shit it would lean into the comedy aspect BUT NO MEMES OR LATE 2010S SLANG !! this was something i could not fucking stand when reading the original (if you couldnt tell by now i did used to read boyfriends. it was a regrettable time and in redesigning and overhauling them i hope to make something good out of this wasted period of my life) like even when it was current boyfriends always made memes feel.. out of place. like as soon as they said it it wasnt cool anymore. it was the unfunniest shit ever
>i wanted the characters to look less WHITE and also more distinct from eachother and also less young cause in the original its like the same twink 3 times in different haircolors and their Chad. said chad is the best character only by way of not being annoying. so yeah i'll be more specific later but none of them are white and i gave them all different eye and nose shapes and distinct physical traits and bodies etc.
>mostly i just did this cause the "nerd" and "goth" ones piss me off so bad like thats not real. thats not a nerd thats just a nondescript waify femboy with glasses. thats not a goth, thats a tiktok eboy. and i felt bad for jock being trapped in this comic. and the prep one i feel nothing towards hes the most accurate to gay preps irl because they really are that annoying. but i tried to make him a little interesting atleast. anyways
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nerd - black, brony, always aggressively corrects the others when they state an incorrect fact, really into playstation eyetoy and obscure playstation games. insanely autistic. usually pissed off if hes not indulging himself in something he likes (yaoi, games, ponies, figures, etc). i just wanted to overhaul him completely to make him almost nothing like refrainbow's nerd because nerd type characters are always the ones i tend to see myself in and are my favorites but reading the webtoon that guy just pissed me off fr.
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jock - 2nd gen chinese american, one of the things i liked in the original actually was when they sexualized the jock (probably cause hes the only one who doesnt look 14 in that comic) and his big tits. hes a very genuinely kind guy, not the brightest, has a voracious appetite, he also still bakes cause thats cute i think.
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prep - he looks different here because i was originally going to make him white but i decided to make him a light/medium skintone black guy (he just wears a blonde wig and contacts). when companies make their pride month merchandise and advertisements this is the exact person they imagine in their head who is going to buy these products. hes a million percent one of those swifties who thinks taylor swift is secretly a lesbian. trust fund kid btw obviously. his only redeeming quality is that hes good at makeup. jokes in the comic are usually made at his expense.
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goth - 1st gen latino american, specifically peruvian because i am a self serving motherfucker. hes a really big numetal fan and listens to like 2000s evil wolf amv music in addition to legitimate gothic. his face changed a little too between this and the final design. his outfit completely changed but its only because i realized everyone else was dressed for relatively warm weather so it wouldnt make sense for him to be wearing multiple layers of black. if i do cold weather outfits for them id def reuse this look for him. hes still trans but i think all of them are in my version. also they dont use labels for their sexual/rom orientation. except prep hes homosexual gay.
congratulations for reaching the end of this incomprehensible bullshit 👍 hope someone enjoys this but idrc if its just for me either
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sumbreon · 3 months
more book thoughts
the shops back up you can now buy these books
ive not read anymore yet, using it to bribe myself into doing laundry but ive been stewing on things. this will be even less coherent cause im just gonna throw my thoughts out here as they come to me unlike before where we had a mild focus
what is machas plan here? turning up as félix to fuck with islin about cypress like what was the intent there because i doubt it had the intended effect with islin going 'it should be me courting you félix!' which also islin my man... ya coulda!!! oh no i just remembered hesper signed the fuckin courting card or whatever with a little paw print really good! the whole thing with cypress is really good too honestly. the pacing for after félix gives bowman (françois) the ultimatum was so good it felt like so long not being in félixs pov and seeing it from bowmans i was absolutely losing it like let me into that little bastards head again what the fuck is going on??? to then finally get his pov again and just... i dont think that could have been done any better it fuckin killed me. anyway macha clearly still wanting to fuck with félixs boys but tamer than in the first book but what for? im also both dreading and looking forward to whenever they and félix meet like its your bosses new little guy vs its the fucker who tried to kill your friends (maybe? dont know for sure that macha intended for anyone to die but they definitely could have/almost did!) so fucking with islin by being félix and fucking with bowman by attacking rangers as a viper tbh even less clear on how that ones meant to a work out whats gained from turning the rangers against the viper? whats esks relationship with the rangers? cain made a comment to bowman after the whole graveyard incident and what did you mean by that man? whats your damn deal macha?
also every bowman chapter is accompanied by the mild apprehension of 'there was a warning for intentional misgendering its probably gonna be against bowman' who the fucks gonna do that to my boy? and i love that esks general response to bowman having to avoid saying hes the supposedly dead mercier girl is why is this even an issue. esk continues to not be helpful! but i am delighted by bowman and esk throughout this book so far me everytime its bowman time:
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to be clear im having a good time, bowman less so. still makes me laugh that esk referred to félix as 'the pony'. and i loved that little scene on the train with félix and esk about félixs body and i think esk was maybe already aware? when the supposed viper attacked the rangers esk says a powerful black horse could maybe do that and says félix couldnt do that being so young a black horse? wonder just how much of esk not being helpful is being a bit of an ass and if any of its lingering effects from being stuck in that trophy room? god that was a horrifying scene and from what we see of tua it affected the weapons badly, esk wasnt there as long but it was still there
senca... girl whats your angle here? what sort of game is this to you? what are you getting out of it? i believe her when she tells esk that shes on the boys's side but im still not 100% trusting her
just how many times has léa threatened to cut bowmans dick off? enough that félix didnt let her finish the suggestion. and i keep thinking about léa telling félix about bowman not counting it as cheating with félix specifically like could you boys make this any more complicated? how the hell is félix meant to deal with that info? also made me think of that post where a girl had been having gay sex with her friend for like a decade and was like sex with her doesnt count and it ended with her saying to her boyfriend if it was cheating shes cheating on her friend with him then and not the other way around (i might try and find that post again. ill probably fail)
okay laundry done i might come back and add more or i might not
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